HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-19, Page 130TH YEAR, NO. 29.
r Fresh, pnr'e and reliable Seeds of Thanks.
Rev. Mr. Th nne who so ably
Rall kinds ut T. A, dltlls', I D d. edited the Arthur Ente rise for fifteen.IR1Y1eStOWnDOMINION L Mr. and M. James Smith OY Glen,TUe death o Mr. T. H. Manuel oc- 'Wood bees are the order of the da
We regret a hear that T. J, Ma• ctnnan kindlyremembered the Ad. carred at his residence here on Thure- months, has sold the paper and intends around here this week, y BANK OF HAMILTON
guise fa till very ill. n intended to vance this week, by wending a large day last shortly after• his arrival borne to re-enter the Presbyterian ministry in
go to Fergus hospital on shat of basket of choice apples. Thanks, front the North West.jillie leaves a the course of a few months. Miss Mina McKelvey left last then
but was prevented by an attack of �/ day for Harriaton to visit her brother W I N G I'IAIvi.
widow and family to mourn his de- Wm. Walsh Lorne and other friends,
. Capital (pard up) $2,940,000 henrorrtfage of the lungs, oil Monday Openings, Y Rev, of Brampton,
(and undtvid• evening, In the meantime ]lie brother The willinere of town have dated mise. The funeral took place on Sun- Grand Chaplain of the Orange Order Mrs, McCosh and son of Pine River Capitalpaid up 32,000,000. Reserve, =1,600,09
Reserve ad profits) $3260 day day to Wingham cemetery, for British America, preached in Wing- are at present visiting at her father's, J. TURNBULL, General Manager.
has his business in charge. their olte Mrs.
for Friday, March 27th. ham St, Paul's church on Tueada Mr. John Strachan. President -John Stuart
On Thursday last, , Mrs. H, M except Mra. Ales, who, to avoid the F EL
�' Vice -A tl,Ramsay
Tudhope attended the wedding of her confusion and crush, has chosen Ingham Football team organized evening of last week. Mr, Rob and sister Jessie Strachan Caetiter-d. Turnbu
Farmers Notes discounted. April 3rd and 4th. for the season on Erida spent last Sunday in Gorrie visiting DIHNOTORS:-John Proctor Wm, Gibson,
brother, Dir. F. E. Thornton to Misr y evening last, Rev. Dr. Ross of Walkerton preached their cousin Mr. Cameron who return- Geo, Roach, A. T. Wood, A. B. Lee (Toronto)
Drafts sold on all points in, Can' Lena Little of East Oxford. The '"Tr want to buy, several houses in The following officers were elected :- two practical sermons in Wingbarn ed to the West the following Tuesday, Savings Bank hours 10 to s; Saturdays l0 to 1
ada, the United Stites and Europe, newly -married couple are on their the vicinity of the Stove foundry. Ilon, Pres. -A. H. Musgrove; Pres.- Methodist church on Sunday last. He
Apply to T. J. Maguire, Real Estate Dr. Irwin; Vice -Pres. -A. Crawford; is a pleasing, earnest speaker, and his Ethel r. Bnd last IIWednesday mtor eent to the oreesstallowedanand putedonreceived.
0thN vemInt-
tour and spent a few days with Agent,and slat May each
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Dir. and Mrs, Tudhopn, of town, Sec.=meas.-Garfield VanStone ; Man- discourses were enjoyed by all. At the formers mother who is very ill with year, and added to principal
upwarerel eel added oto epolts of 30th andone T Sarnia. aging Committee - Elmer Moore, close of the evening sermon, he gang a Pneumonia, She is reported to be rateapoliinte eRteits also received at current
and 31st December each year. p yeafJsellina ourinhou ahold necessities. ee ��' D. Pringle formerly of Wing. Fred. Rush Sen., Wes, Allenby, The solo that was appreciated. somewhat better. Drafts on Great Britain and the United
g States bought and sold.
Did you make as much? Try our lines. Tram, has removed from Georgetown boys report bright prospects for the Mr. Sam Snell had a very successful >1! L. DIOICINSON, Solicitor.
Alwa a selling. The congregations of Erskine wood bee last Friday afternoon
A. E. GIIiSON,1VIanager � 1,. VVI'ite G. Dlruahull & to Sarnia, where he has charge of a coming season. Wingham will enter y get_
Co., ondon, Ont. largo tannery, Ila likes Sarnia, but Intermediate and Junior teaXdis
be Dungannon, and St, Andrews, Port ting A0 cords cut. The following Mon- W. CORBOULD Agent
R. Vanstono, Solicitor say" -"there's no In Albert, have 'extended a hearty and day evening all were invited hack to a Travellers are notified that the Bank of
The attempt to run jt co-Operativeplace like Wing- Western Football Association. social bo and report a splendid time• RamiltonanditsBranchesissueCircularnote-
Ilam,+' , unanimous call to the Rev. Chas. M. P P P of the National Provincial Bank of England
pork -packing factory at Palmerston, Dont fail to see the eleg ay Rntlierford. Mr. Rutherford has been We thank Mr. Snell for thus enter- Ltd.) which can be cashed without charge or
Unt„ p p P inful Accident. tainfn the oiinrouble in any part of the world
did not rove a pronounced sac at the millinery Opening at 141rs. g y g people,
FS"� + supplying for a year, and during his-�
cess the net loos on 10 month' bus! Green's.. Friday, March'L7th.
c �0r Un Thursday last, Mr. E. H. Kaiser ministry both congregations have made $t. Helens.
,otal Mems ' nese amounting to $42,737. The reenitA met with an accident in one of the Hicks' Forecasts. marked advancement. Social evening, -Between forty and
� w' it is said, was not due to mismanage- factories that nearly destroyed his The storms on and about March « »
Y Y its enjoyed the , very people of this vpleasant g at HOWAI)DS
meat, but to the fact that the farmers Y young P P r'
See Halsey Park's advt, not only wanted dividends, but de- right ,and. Ile was working g s lire the 13th will barely subside storm
before the All kinds of fish at the "Star Res- rile eence of . E. Gordon on tri
shaper, -and by some means his hand entrance to reactionary Storm condi- tanrant "
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. sired to sell their hogs at the highest came in contact with the knife. The tions due 21st and 22nd. This is at the day last. The early part of the even- EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL
i A• O. F. "At Home" this eveningin market rice as well, in was spent in listeningto a uni ue
P sad result was that the thumb was centre of the Vernal equinox, and WANTED -Servant girl -Apply to of songs, speeches andgin.
tiro Town Ball. , Mrs. T. H. Ross. programme g • P ca err
The ectrotic Topic says: -The lar- split and pieces taken off the Rnger•s.-many equinoctial Squalls, with mac, struntental music, nearly everyone with Acidulated Glycerine
Four weeks from Sunday next will gest elm tree known of in these parts Besides being very painful, the acct unpleasant weather may safely be The kind of shoes you like to wear taking some part, after which all
be Easter Sunday. was cut down on the premises of Geo, ' dent is all the more serious because counted on. In all central, western, and buy -at W. J, Greer's. spent some time at ping-pong, char -
Donald, lot 8 PI ades and other games. For Coughs and Colds
Monte Cristo Ou Monday evening ympton, lust week. the hand can never be the same as and northern aertionw, mingled rain, See J. Buckley's window display A most delicious lunch was then en -
next, Ladies free. The tree measured six feet six inches before, snow and raw depleting winds will for bargains in pipes,
joyed by all, after which all joined
C. J. McIlwain has moved on to his inside the bark, and made thirty cords We are going out of the tobacco and render it exceedingly hard and try- Millinery Opening at Mrs. Green's, hands in "Auld Lang Syne" voting
farm near Lakelet. of stove wood. It took Ma Brooks cigar lines, and will give bargains in ing on unsheltered live stock. The March27th. A car
dtul invitation to all. Dar. and the Misses Gordon as excel -
W. J, Duff, Bluevale, offers a fine and his son it day to cut it down, and these lines to clean them out. -J, last general storm period is covered, lent entertainers.
Buckley Star Restaurant". Ladies free on Monday evening to Contains 60 per cent. Pure Norwegian
a good week to work it up. One limb also, by a Mercury perturbation. The Monte Cristo. Plan at Douglass' drug Mr. W. R. Farrier disposed of a very Cod Liver Oil ; contains 10 per cent.
faint for sato ; see advt, pretty driver, to Mrs, R. K, Miller last
Rowland & Young Comedy Co. will made a log fourteen feet long and two Call Extended. Moon is on the celestial equator on store, P y + Pure Glycerine. A wonderful flesh
be here all next week. and a half feet in diameter. ,'The congregation of All Saints the lith and at its new on the 28th. As week.
Mr. Thos. Todd's teams have been eachuweek�hille taking;
today and
Mrs. (Dr.) Snell of Essex is visiting HOFsEs FOR SALE. -Three desirable Church, London, has, through the we approach these days it will turn g; notice the
roperties for sale in Wingham; must Churchwardens, extended a call to phenomenally warm for the season, NOTE AND COMMENT. here, to boat timber from their mill increase in weight. Only costa about
her mother, Mrs. (Rev.) Hobbs. lie sold, as owner is leaving town.- Rev. War. Lowe of Wingham to be the barometer will fall to low and to Goderich. half the price o! other Emulsions.
Geo. Elliott of Sault Ste, Marie is Apply to A. Cosens. come their Rector, Mr. Lowe is high- dangerous readings, anywhere from -The protest against the election of spent Miss Miller of Luckirow
visiting relatives in this vicinity. McI�a Liberal O P y at her home here. 25 & 50 cents a Bottle.
Application is being made by Clarke; ly esteemed by the people of Wing- Friday the 2f)th to Monday the 30th, it y ( ) f North Grey has
Get our job prices on cigars -J Cowan, Bartlet & Bartlet, barristers of ham and will be wise to keg an a on the ath. been dismissed by the judges, because C. A. Tebbutt spent Saturday and
Beckley, "Star Restaurant." popular with his congrega- P y' g of a technicality, Sunday in Wingham. ...FOR SALE BY...
Windsor, for the incorporation of a tion, who would deeply regret his re- eying storm indications. Very warm, y, and he is safe in his
J. J. Elliott, V, S. is ill; his many company to construct and operate a inoval. The Advance is humid weather, with greatly de res- seat unless appeal is taken. School. boys are taking quite an
P Y P pleased to g Y P interest in foot -ball lately. Always ��T ii10 �/1UgIBBON
friends hope for speedy. recovery. line of railway between Hamilton and know at Mr. Lowe has decided to sed barometer, will presage violence " " kick the ball boys. L g
Seldom do we have a Spring when Collingwood. The company asks au- remain in Wingbam.' St. Paul has and danger, especially in all central to -Un Wednesday after five moats'
IF" the high water subsides with so little thority in its chatter to operate its prospered under his pastoral care in all southern parts of the country, Late delay, judgment was given in the East East: Wawanosh. Druggist and Optician.
damage. line by steam, electric or other motive itadepartments, snow and sleet storms will be most Middlesex election case, The petition Mr. John Kechnie left last week for
New Seeds, the very best are the Power., to amalgamate with, purchase, Not Wanted. natural. northward. The month, in against Dr. Routledge (Liberal) was his farm at Underwood. Neat door to Post Office.kind we sell -T. A. Mills. or acquire other lines of railway ; to every probability, will reach its close dismissed with .costs, and he is thus 'Mrs. Jaynes Ferguson and little son,
There are 87 inmates in the House of generate and sell electric power, and The' Goderich Signal says: -As in the midst of the cold wave at the confirmed in his Beat, of Bayfield, are visiting at Marnoch. P. S. -We carry a full line of Dr. Shoop's
to build and o crate steamboats there is no criminal work in sight for end of these storms. Family Medicines.
Refuge, Clinton, at present 53 teen P ' Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Henry are visit-
the Assizes next week, Acting Crown "
and 34 women. steaulboat wharves and elevators. - ing in Leamington, .Essex.
Attorney Lewis has given notice to -During the debate in the Legisla- Mrs. Elliott Richmond OP StJaFoba -
Ebenezer North of London died sud• s.. such effect to Sheriff Reynolds. tin- Fort SA . LE -Some good cistern vats. tare on Monday, the Premier an- is spending a few days on the th.
denly, and the shock killed his wife, Lacrosse. der the terms of the Act recently pas- -Apply to 0. J. Graham, Wiugham, nounced that Hon. Mr. Stratton had
who died a few hours later sed doing awe with the necessity of FOR SALT; -A good hu tendered big resignation, pending the Jackson Wightman has sold his farm
A meeting will be held in the g Y y` g ggy, ; will he g P g to David Scott of the 6th.
J. Buckley is selling oranges at cost Council room on Tuesday evening to impanelling a grand jury when there exchanged for wood. -Mrs. Nicholson. investigation of the Gamey charges, Dl r. David McGill moved from
price. Get some before they are all are no criminal cases before the Leopold street, Wingham. T.he Government had not np to that
gone. organize in the interests of Canada's Blyth to his farm last week.
Cottr•t,_ The Sheriff will notify those BVILDIN(} Lois -For sale, on tor• time accepted his resignation.
national game, lacrosse. ..—THE—
Mesa Floe Plentyleft for Brussels on nes of Frances and Patrick streets, Mr. A. Patterson sold a flue a an
who have been summonded as grand Five good building lots. Apply to " of yearling colts to Mr. Wheeler pfor
as tribe having accepted a situation Wanted. jurors and they may remain at their H Bell. --..Prof. Goldwin Smith is too $100.
O. pro- the neat sum of
as milliner at Miss Little s. Mr. Cosens has a number of en• homes. This will save the county nounced a Liberal to be suspected of Charles IvIeBurne left on SaturdayQyt
50 acres fur sale, half way between P Y Corner Drug Store
Mr, and Mrs. W. Sproule of Dungan quirirs from those who desire to par- some expense. Bluevale and Wingham. Land neatly favoring the Conservative party, yet for Manitoba, where he has taken up a
non visited Mr. and MI's. G. C. Man- chase town properties. If you have LOST. -In Wingham, on Saturday all cleared, in a high state Of cultiva- he says :-"As the case now stands, homestead.
ners during the past week. such to sell, see g him about it. evening, a packet-boolc containing a tion ; to he sold at once. Apply to T.
J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, the good name of the province impera- Mrs. St. John of Texas it bouts for a
Headquarters for the best seeds at R0011s.—Furnished roomw to. rent- sum of money and gold bracelet. Fin- g g tively requires the exclusion of Mr, visit at her brothers, Mr. James Rob -
T. A. Mills.' Apply.to A. W. Webster. Wingham. der please leave at the Advance office; FOR SALE. -Stare and stock d gtry Stratton from public life and the over: ertson. Is the Place to get
reward offered, crries and hardware ;house and livery Mr. Jose h Coombs has the contract
Walter T. Hall, foreman in the Ad- Baseball. TO Zion. stable, in a lively little village. Tele• throw of the administration in whose for . Josfug Coombs
George Powell's
Everything that is
vance office is visiting friends in Tara, phone in connection ; price reasonable, behalf he operated. orchard.
Those interested in Baseball, as well Will sell all or art of same. Apply Pure and Fresh in
Owen Sound, Mxrkdale and Dundalk. Mort. Smith and W. J. Ramsay, P PP Y
W. J. Coo, of the London Shorthand as all officers and players of last sea- two residents of this vicinity have to T. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, " Mr. R. B. McGowan hag engaged
son, are invited to attend a meeting in decided to remove to Zion, the city AUCTION S,&LE.-On March 27th, on •--The bistor•y of Ontario government Mr. David Kechnie for eight months.
Academy, was in town last week and the Council Chamber on Monday even- founded by Alex. Dowie, On the rebore my late property, Wingham, among commissions is not encouraging. Ev- Dave tg a good man.
other s en -
placed hist d BEST vtif thiewant to have the ing next, at 8 o'clock, for reorganize- of Lake Michigan, between Chicago choice.
things hr'h•grade bnrilc cowse ciffered , alio Wfew est Elgone in commission oninita the accountof gaess of the gedtakingti ng out rsomeGogs last aweek
beta Foot -wear, go to W. J. Greer'e tion purposes, and Milwaukee. We are informed some very fine two-yeAr old steers. g he %vats severely poisoned with ivy.
Easter Term. that tbey.will leave in a few days and Sale at One o'clock. -Duncan Stewart, the limitation of of scope. Besides, liethei;t Campbell and Horace Sow '
The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club The Easter term in the Central Bnsi• their families will follow later, when IlouyE FOR SATE -Frame b(fase what ha become of that "tnvestiga ler c+f GodurichPCollegiate spent Ned- DI
f. 9S
will meet on Monday evening March they have secured homes for thew, and lot 22, Charles street, Wingham tion into North Grey crookedness, nesday of this week at their respective
23rd at the home of Miss B. Beynolda. nese College, Stratford, Ont. commen- is offered for sale, six rooms• hard and which Mr. Royal Commissioner Irving, houses.
ces April 1st. Mr. W. J. Elliott, the
Messrs. Ramsay and Smith will have soft water, good stable, all in good K. C., was sent to look after? Has
Miss Lily Lang left on Tuesday for an auction sale of their household fur- g Mk his Longman moved last
McLeod, N. W. T. She will reside at Principal of the College, will be pleas- repair: Apply on the prrurlars. moat any person heard of his report ? week to his new farm in Hnilet. We
niture on Wednesday next, On the bi_. sold• as the owner is leaving town
the home of her uncle, Rev. James ed o mail a beautiful catalogue to all * " expect a meet with hew soon in his
Gilmer place, west of the foundry, -Charles 0ook• haute before ton A.
Bruce. who wish to secure a business or r g. We wish him 1
shorthand education. Alex. Kelly will receive the bids; sale Foil SALE --Residence, two lots, eta-' -LI vain have the Goderich Signal, every success.
Mason keeps the largest stock of at 2 o'clock p. in. hle, driving house. hen house, frnit th . Brussels Post and the Seafortb
School. Supplies for the opening. -Send MONEY To LOAN -At 4J per cent. on trees, raspberries, enrraiAs and goose- E.< Expositor called upon the Govern- Belgrave.
Rooms for residence and offices to P P
the children. improved farms. Easy terpis of re- berries, bett•ringahnnduntfy; finevege- DRUGGIST
payment; expenses light. Appl A, rent in the McKenzie block. -Dr. A. table garden, House is brick, two ment to fill the long -vacant Huron Jno. Stewart of Blyth spent Sun- -
Mr. (xemmill shipped the material D d J. (resin• story, with two story frame kitchen Registrarship. Be patient to deter fel- da at his home here.
uhnage, Real Estate an can g P• P Y Y
for a house to Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Agent, gent Block. What The Sa hard and soft water, very handy hotter, lows: the Government has been so Chas. Vannorman of Varna is spend- W I N G H A M
on Tuesday. It wa3 furnished by S. y �' one of the nicest homes in town, will busy keeping itself in power, that it ing a few days at itis home here.
Bennett. Agricultural Society. Regarding Mr. Frye, who is to aP- ))a sold
cheap -Apply to A. Dulmagr, has had no time for such trifles. IIID. Sproat spent Sunday in Seafortb.
Mrs, Burns, of Stratford, suffered A well attended meeting of the Di- pear in Wingham its an entertainer, fact they are very bus at the res-
IVlat•ch 30, the Montreal Herald says:- FOR SATE.—Moving Outfit, consist- � Y P �Vni. Bengough is slowly improving
severe injuries as the result of the rectors of Turnberry Agricultural So to of: 1 ca aim de with serncoin- ent tide -squirming. in health, which we are glad to state. - - - - -- - - - ---- -----
explosion of a furnace which she was clef was' held on Monde last, when Those who heard him are wondering g P
cleaning. the several committees were appointed yet at his wizardy, and how it was ire (new). 1 steel -wire cable 4-i n. 9°ft lonft g, " n Rev. A. H. Brown was on the sick
stood there and made there laugh. He o iron rods 16 ft. long. 2 double nils s -The Government that admits men list tat t week. Winght01111 Popular Course
TILE VERY LATEST S reri's in ladles', for the year. pe effort fa to be made , P Y Concert No. J.
cuts' men's and c•hildren'g foot -wear to put on a special prize for school amuses by virtue of his genius ; it is for wire miles, 0 rollers 1L ins. in iiia- of such unenviable notoriety as Cap. Jawes Denholm of Blyth was in the
gents',e to seen P P P not what he says or how he says it; it meter with caps, 10 rollers 8 in. in dia- Sullivan, Vance• et al., into its private village a couple of days lust week-. The date and company for the last
ierclose to the selling. J. Greer s. Coat children. R. A. Douglass has offered personality that puts meter. with caps. 1 12-th steel hammer, offices and entrusts them with its im- Lawyer Jackson of Blyth was in entertainment of this season's course
is bis winningP Y Y
a prize of $5, to be divided Into 1st andpulleys and several other articles used
The Galt Board of Health, after dis- 2nd prizes, for the best collection of one in a perry mood." Of Miss Wil- connection with the above. -Apply to Portant business, should not complain town lust Thurc.day, of concerts have had to be changed and
P pp g g if the electors conclude that "the re- Chas, Bell of Win ham is spending
will be given by the
eussirig the vexed question, decided to roots and vegetables grown from seed son, whoa ears Y. same date, the T. J. Maguire, Real F.atctte Agent. g
Secretary of the Y. M. C, A., Troy, ceiver is as bad as the thief," and a few days at his home on the 5th line Wilson
�• m n
drop the enforcement of compulsory purchased from him, this week.l�Se� Frye Pj Co111pa11�
g. New York, says: -"We have never "birds of a feather flock together." If u
�. vacinnation. Auction Sale, had an entertainment receives with DEATHS. Premier Ross wishes to secure the re- Robert Cunningham left on Tuesday
On Monde Miss Struthers received Manuel. -In Winghrtm, March 12th, for Manitoba, where he intends spend -
� word of the death of her brother, Jo- On Saturday next, March 21st, at 2 more general favor. MiGs Wilson is Thos. H. Manuel, aged 54 years, 10 sped of the electors of Ontario, let ing the summer. •
seph, in Stayner. She is in attendance P. m„ in the auction room, next door certainly an artist of the first order. months, him banish men of such reputation as Mrs, W. Conery and family left last WINGHAIM, MARCH 30th.
to MacMath'e harness shop, there will Personally I consider her without a McLaughlin -In Gorrip, March 5, Jas. emSullitcn rtBnt ipil t lest Elbe work of srom ash nt weekhfor Hiawatha, Michigan, where Plan at H. Park's Jewelry store.
At the iuttera "
he offered a quantity of household fur- peer in her line. McLaughlin, aged 80 years. employ. Y .y intend making their bane in the Open to Subscribers one
Rowland & Young Comedy niture, beds, couches, springs, sewing We'll meet men that the Ross Government has future. P y on Thursday
-good plays; ; eve! thin Co.decent: your Sboe Ideas and 26th inst. To Pnblie on 27th.
g P . Y Y machine, organ, whips, boots, shoes, save you money. We sell lines of retained itself in power. For proof of Robert Armstrong and wife, who
popular prices -Rowland & Young':• dishes, etc.. etc. Anyone in town or shoes especially designed for comfort, this, see recoils of election courts, bave been spending the winter with Tickets 25C. Reserved Seats 35c.
Special meeting of A. F. and A. M. counts havin articles to dis ose of --W J. Gree!', r ` friends here, lift for their home in Children I C.
P g y' g P Q� �r�xr� j �'1 ('k 2 Willow City, North Dakota, lust Fri- 5
next Monday evening, at 8 o'clock can make arrangements with the auc- $u�cessful. j -An Outline of the Gamey charges day•
sharp, conferring 3rd degree; all trouser to have them sold at the same A.bunditnt success crowned the brought against the ^Ontario Govern- Mrs. Rev,) Brown entertained her
members requested to attend. time. Terms cash. -W, A, Currie, Rev. D, Petrie is giving a series of
elicits of the young people of the moat will he found on page 4, The Sunday School Class of girls to tea at FOR SALE.
A ewe, belonging to Mr. 11. M. auctioneer, Presbyterian church oil Tuesday discourses on the Book of Judges, that debate In the i,egishttnre For several the parsonage last Tuesday evening.
Fowids, Hastings, gave birth on 1VIOn Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. 0. S., evening. Sapper was served in the will doubtless prove very intorastiug. clays past has been on the tribunal be- 'rhe evening was pleasantly spent in
day to a ffve•legged lamb. The extra L. R. 0. P. specialist, eve, ear, nose Council room, which proved far too Rev, A, McKay, Lucknow, Who re- fore which the charges shall be heard, untie of the and This fthe A urin is 50 in a f ePt class near Bstate lof
leg is between the two front legs, and and throat, will be in Wingham, at small for the large attendance, The Gently supplied in Pittsburg, Is at Premier Ross stands for a Commission . ncldress was read by Miss Pearl cnitivation, nearly all seeded down,
at present the little curiosity is doing Cani80th. tGlas es bel I's property fitted, Monday,
March waiters however did the best they Present preaching in Philadelphia, of two Judges, named by the Govern. Proctor. well drained and will be a uloney-
well• could tinder the circumstances. Rev. Wm, Lowe attended the March went. Dir. Whitney holds that, actor. Dear Friend and Teacher.- maker for a quick buyer. There is a
SEE[) OATS. -J -The Varmers' White A Good Move. Short= after eight ht o'clock the Io- mo0tiu of tiro Esecutivo Cormnittee din to recedent the trial of 1n ac- We, the girls of your Sabbath good frame house, a fine bank barn
out -
Waverly and Neta 20th Century, The Brussels Post says ; -"A largely Y g P g g P School class, ask you to :tecept this (nearly new) and other necessary out -
Y Y y g y grain began in the auditorium, of the Diocese, in London, Oh Thursday, cased member of the Legislature stuall presetit as it slight token of the buildings on the premises.. Apply to
admitted as Canada's Greatest Oats. signed petition asking that a closed Among those who assisted in the The 35th annual. convention of the should be tried by the L,+gislature a-Aeeur and love we have for you. W. J. Drii', Bloevale.
Special prices on 10 bushels lots. Tim- mail be carried Eastward On the 3,25 musical art of the program were-- itself, Or the Committee of E►ections We are not trying to pay you for your•
othy and Clover for sale.- P P g' Perth County Sunday School Assoeia- service, for we know such would be New Overland Service.
Gllq. E. KING, afternoon train from Brussels was cir. Misd E. Griffin, Miss H. Reid, Misg (;ion will be held in the Methodist 'it'd Privileges. The danger of the inipossible, but we give you this,,hop-
N. J. Kerswell has decided to "go c elated by Councillor Backer on Wed. Stewart, Was Alba Chisholm, Messrs, church, Listowel, on April 7 and 8. Commission is•y-thaC its powers, are hig that you will think of as as kindly Three thro' trains Chicago to San
„ , g nesday. It was taken to Ottawa. by FOman, Cline, (Panna and Fife. Miss Often limited (as in the Nest Elgin ler, the fntnre its you have done in the Francisco every day via the ,,hiertgo,
west to a few weeks and has ceased W. 11. Kerr, who is' attending the McCullough and Miss Brock gave well Rev. W.M. Lowe will administer case), so that the investigation becomes 1i"°t• Utter sincere wish is that you Aitlwaukee & Californiat. Paul and Union
to do business In Wingham, It is llaster Good Roads Association. l.tti• rendered recitations. Miss Vannor- the Idol Communon next Sunday in a farce. (:onttrtissions in the past grid yonrkind husband may be spared, Pacific line. Cis less 'than
Y and that we may still have you as our three days frau Chicago whispered there will be a new city in towel already has this service and find man, for one so young, gave an excel- Teeswater and Lakelet. Mr. Clarke, have not proved very satisf;tct�%ry to S. S. teaelter• route y go vita this
the west, named "Kerswell City," and lent instrumental. Rev. D. Perrie student, will take charge of the services the public ,rind. If J adges are to try Sigued in behalf of the class. t Direct connections for North Pacific
it. ate we treat we will !re able to, a
that N. J. will be p0etmastr' seat convenience in facilitating bust, in Wingham, the ease, then let the tiuver tnnetrt It Jennlr Proctor p
g' g gave an interesting account of St, p. Dints, y
Shrubs are beginning to bud and nets. There is no apparent reason The annual examinations for robs• Pearl Proctor A, J. Taylor, Canadian Freight and
g g PP l atrick. The total recelpts were in the P paint one Judge anti the Opposition Mary Gregg Pass'r Agent, 8 King St. East, Toron-
bulbs have made their appearance why the request should not be cont- neighborhood of $143, and will bo de- tioners and candidates and local another, and these two, a third, and let After the reading of this address Miss to, Out.
above ground. There is danger that plied with, as the additional cost would voted to the Organ fund of the church, preachers of the Loudon Methodist con. the Commissioners have full power to Jennie Proctor tuade the presentation
the spring season is opening rather be a very nominal figure." This would ferenoe will be held err the Waterloo thoroughly sift the seriong charges of a dainty bine and gold chain five- Dr. Butler, specialist i
early for continued growth, and it he a convenience,attd all the towns and $i,:rU huye a comfortabl0 cottage in Street church, Stratford, on Tuesday, made, Iiud then lot the guilty, whoever o'clock tea•aet. Diss. Brown lyse com• p e n diseases of
the roost prominent part of the town, plrtety taken by surprise, but thanked y .sits, nose and throat. Ryes tcattci
would not be surprising if backward, villages along tete line should assist by ,Apply to T. J. Maguire, Real Estate Wednesday stud Thursday, April 21, 22 they may be, bear the full. penalty Of thein for their kind expression of the and glasses supplied, Oi�iee opposite
Cold weather yet set in. making a similar request, i Agent, and 23. their deeds, appreciation of her efforts. St. Andrew's church, London, Ont.