HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-12, Page 910 I.—Id, SUPPLEMENT TO The Wingham A WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 12TH, 1903. Morris. Bluevale, Morris township Council will meet Win. Fraser of let Con. of Morris' on Monday 16th inst. left for Manitoba on Tuesday. A few more farms are likely to Wes. Cornell has gone to Manitoba; change hands before Spring plowing we wish him success, and expect to hear of his doing well. begins, This week we regret to have to The Alex. Hislop 100 acre farm, on record the visit of death to our 7th of Morris, has been purchased by locality. After an illness of several B. Bewley, grandson of Mr. months, Mrs. Fawcett, wife of our .Richard Hislop, at $3000. p esteemed station agent, is , at rest. Deceased was in her 26th year, and Thos. and Mro, Brown are moving was held in respect by all who knew this week from Oranbrook to the her. Her maiden name was Charlotte Johnston farm, 6th line, Morris. Mr. Cummer. For a time after their Browu has leased the place. marriage, life looked bright. In May is week IC falls to our lot this week to record last, a little one was born, bringing joy to the home, but soon after Mrs. the death of Mrs, Grey Lindsay, Fawcett's health began to fail. She mother of Mrs. Davis 4th line, De- worse and since August last bas ceased teas quite well known in this grew been an invalid. She knee her illness locality. and sufferings with Christian patience, Mrs. John Davis and Jas. Duncan, and on Monday morning hast. her 4th line, were called to Lindsay last spirit took its flight. The funeral weekowing to the serions illness of took place on Wednesdsay morning to their mother, Mrs. Gray. The old the G. T. R. station for interment in lady is about 85 years of age. :Cara cemetery. Mr. Fawcett and the The contract of Calvin A. Cam motherless infaut child have the sincere sympathy of the community. hell's new house has been let to Messrs Pugh and Heaney, of Biuevaie, The material has been largely hauled dur- ing the winter. Mr. Campbell was horned out last fall hence the neces- sity of rebuilding. Wedding bilis chimed merrilyy at the horse of John Douglas on Wed- nesda.y afternoon of last week, when at 3.30 o.clock, Rev. Jno, Russ, B. A., of Brussels, spoke the magic words making Joseph Smith, a .well -to do young farmer on the 6th line of Morris and Miss Jane C., eldest daughter of John Douglas, a well known resident of this township, husband and wife. The receipts for the township of 1llorris for the past year amounted to $11,266 52, and consisted in part as fol- lows: — Towship taxes, $10.182.81 : legislative grant $301; loans $500; re- ceipts from debenture debt, $201, The year was commenced with a balance in the treasury of $2615,51, and closed with a balance of $M I. The expendi- ture for the year amounted to $10,418. of which the following are some of the principal items : Roads and Bridges, $1481 ; schools, $4719 ; officers' salaries, $733; taxes, $1953; borrowed money, $500; debentures and interest, $740. The assets of the township amount to $4899. and are made up of the balance in the treasury, uncollected taxes, $265; road grader, $200, and township hall, $070. The liabilities are $4147 and consist of county rate due, $4947; debentures union school section No. 12, $1800: debentures school section No. 5 $400, The township seems to be in an easy and most satisfactory condition. Brussels. Upward: of 1000 loads of ice were taken frau) the river Maitland at Brussels this winter. The annual At Rome in connection with St. John's Lodge, A. F & A. M., Brussels will he held on Friday of this week in their Lodge room. Postmaster Farrow celebrated his 70th birthday last Sunday. He is a very active man for his years outdoing many who are 20 years younger. It will take 2 or 3 weeks yet to com- plete the large and up to -date im- provement being made at Brussels Salt Works under the supervision of Rich. Ransford, one of the pioprietors of the work. This week the livery stable conduct- ed for 141 years by Hugh Williams & Son, of Brussels, was purchased by Ben Dark, who recently sold his farm in Grey, and the new proprietor took possession on Tuesday. A Canary belonging to Mrs. John Meadows, John street Brussels, ceased to sing its blytbesome song at the age of 18 years. It was a fine singer. The anniversary sermons of the Ep- worth League in connection with the Methodist church, will be preached on Sabbath, March 15th at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m, by Rev. A. 0. Crews, of Toronto. the well-known secretary of Young Peoples' Societies. SALE REGISTER. Monday, Mar. 16, con. 1, McKillop, farm stock, etc.—R. Barry, propr; Thes. Brown, auctioneer. Tuesday, Mar. 17, at lot 30, con. 14, Huilett, stook and implements—David Crawford, propr; Thos. Brown, auc. tioneer. Thursday, Mar. 19th at 1 p.m., lot 18 con. 10, McKillop, stock and implements —Geo. Smith, propr; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. On Friday March 20th at 1 p.m., in the town of Seaforth, extensive sale of draught horses, fillies and geldings, Archibald and Cudmore, propr: Thos. Brown, auctioneer. Friday, Mar. 27, at Blake's hotel, Varna, choice farm of 100 acres— B. A. Higgins, propr; Thos. Brown, auc- tioneer. Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat, Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office opposite St. Andrew's church, London, Ont. A LARGE SELECTION. Never before had I such a quantity of farms for sale as are now on the list. Included in the list are unimproved fartns that may be bought at from $80 to $3u an acre. nn the other hand those looking for Improved places may buy such with brick houses, ston gtables and ad- vanced conditions throughout, at from $40 to $60 an aorto. Tho intending purchaser of any kind of a farm will find it to his advantage to see me be- fore making a purchase. T. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate Agent Office at my residence, Leopold St. THOS. HOLMES BANKER, ETC. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses required. Money 4% large amounts; smaller in pro. portion, Easiest terms. RICHARD • HOLMES BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, ETC., ETC. Office:—next to Holmes Block now building TO RENT. In Wingbam Town Plot, a comfort- able House, with good stable. Any quantity of land from one to twenty acres can be leased in connection with it. Terms reasonable. Apply to ALES. KELLY, Wingham P. O.