HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-12, Page 70^
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' - - ^I utroot and Ashland #Avenue' :iainoo, So So UNTHEft cenrT%, but by the time tile fire be the rOat UArla, 040#111pe.THAT POLICE OUTIRAE Real. tbla ll,ardl;-ok home. A further I 10XVA9 arrived the veo;jel wag be. IDIOM Are now divided b0twoonat , REINER STICKS """0'%"is th"it A YOU89 Woman, answoring fJOrlellood In reaolling hot, with ho6o 041 N40 10 1101t Marla. Siga IlasM U MISS 'llutolilasoll"o description was pra-atleallyroadered faille all offorto IICA� bebo arrootod, an(] liar , war.ON MISS 1111"TCHINSON, spoil ht thil uppor part of tile city WE BURNEL uselloll the Rameo, Tho stool hull rings, and suOuesslOn to tho lirop.by it well-known citizens Wilk) Says "a"lid"part of the framework Are all To HOME RULE$ 0Vt.v AIT declared to be itsill. ,rhi,tjl!e woman tpld him she It" lost _ that remains. ____ farm vorvaist now�. fludq h1woolflex.tier Iva d that silo wanted to Trip 'I"brougli tbik 1;al ally warr" to the Ilea] Q) XarillN6uXpor streets Gall(I'llul)-s, whom 110 114d ner-erifiNs 1111toidnaml oil Tappei' One Man Killed, Others. Hurt, orlho""t" was undoubtedly one M011, before. .stroet flear Main street. . ,erg Declares. He Hopes to See it _ -1�_', on tile COntInOnt, 8110 Wag built atafpd 0 "Alld WhY WAS the woman releag- Toronto vy Otto Aertram Co., and -"C%-.-1V-,-.8J"-%^--%%0."'d ?" Superintendent Bull Was asked.�Aocked i n a Ce III, Smoked "I was wA present wIllon , the we- Some Fatally WAS 100 feet lGager than tiny vests a Fact,man Made Sto't.eltiontS to, ,tile I , Dis. __ S01 built In Vanaxla, Rho wgo to ply IF M if S IN stifftrIat Atte,raoy. I )lave been Inform. between tills city and Quebec, and 11 rdStobjed-A to Torture, ad, however, that tile .1volliall 0011- was to be, furnlabod In a most lux- _ .______. ___ ,., - could rovo an Alibi by hor mother, BY COLLAPSE OF A SHED, Toronto in February last years and. . .. after being inspected and passed by L CANADIAN. 'troll sl&or, and Miss. Coughlin, who DEATH OF AN HISTORIAN,kee 3 th'a boarding house Nvuere Bile If011. L. J, Forget, tho, President or Ale- J'-, l". Roden, of Toronto, willlit the Regular 4d Sweat Box" Manner —No Warrant Servea and the. Old livep, also by it woman fl-len,d, wito UIO 111011011ou & Ontario, Na,vigatlon —.--- retire from tile c V servlomwas Company, and Mr. It". S. 011dergloove, , it,Released After Five Hours by Order l. ( a sittstice--Ureat Indignation assoolated Wlt.'V them In must- 81333'People bijured-Hospitals Taxed Torosite furniture mallurrieturorscat lklatterl4, Tile woman was releno. the aenoral Manager, an Interesting, have advanesed prices 10 per porit.at the Officers— Accused of Being a M arderess —tier Fatiler Indig- ad beoansn sjfo convinced tile an- to (.,are lot, Them-%!�egwi Was tile question arose -could aho under ,tier Col. Ifesidersall 1J.-aves If i-3 Ilom. 1% ar - Air. PhIIIIpq ThomWon has resign-
iiorltlos that she WAS not tile one Largest and Neurest of, Jit. &.0. Own steam and with temporary boil. 114storX (7111111ibbild--ot hot- worIcs 0 tinant—Nobody Safe From Such Outrages by Lsurfalo's Worthless w �ai they .1jr -C ers make the trip from - 00Fleet-Worth Halra, Millions Montreal mud Pass safely through the 111COMPIeW -- SAN011y Crown 800111INt. League.Detective Force. Girl Entirely Inslocent. . I 00111aliges and Lachine Rapids, or Princess Sol) 31,139ing-loollilderay- TI -O Canadian Northern RailwayBuffalo, N. Y., Maroll, Q.-T11to out- Important they should know all that "DILI you order the arrest of Marion The',Dilad. would it be necessary, to t4e gier . will 51)C1111 a million and . a bait onnutollil,.son, tile young, woman wh flig Poll 1-1 Ili 111(of lier, tile IN11rill,pax terminal.rage upon Miss Hutchinson, thoLoil- was In, the hoUse. i Wag taken to No. I station I N. GlOulle, an Italian laborer, em- down In lialves? Objections were .den, Ont, girl dragged to police looked up.?" the ployed by tile o. T, 11t, Ile died of I , bU thO management do- A London cable: Lord Spenwr, posiltentiltry KlIsgatersDistrict Attorney a fractured skull t aided to run ilia risk of taking tile the HIOUHO were silsoh'arged forMarlon Hutchinson was subjected wits naked. we hbura after th'D Liberal leader In of carrying letters for convicte.Iteadquarters by. the police on,§,,At- to , 1,pv,re Cross-examination In 4.I guesw silo Was not arrested," being taken to tile hospital. Vessel down Intact. Old and experi.urday, %jaB caused universal can- the private office of Superintendent said Mr. Coateworth. "I guess that W111.1 I 'reliably Die. enced pilots Were engaged, and, af- Lords, SPOaking at Acoringtou last The hearing of St. James, electiondemnatIon. The girl Satisfied the Bull. Nine pollee officials sat about shal 3vahs Simply asked to go topolice 1,3mil ter Waiting at St. Louis three days night. replied to Ilia orltiolsins of casO In the Supreme Court Was cou�liers , and each In. turn ma,do sugges- v , 82 y ar rm for calm weather, the trip that far ded and j 4 sit,onofficers that she was Innocent after headquarteril to make a state San a L 0 S. bolle aker his spoech, last Saturday, ,and said clu u g t reserved.ment;' spine fractured and atea� he prowtl,,Is to Assistant DIfitri0t Attor- Just az Mrs. Paine und Mrs, jaull (110100 having been safely made, t lie Wag all strongly lit favor of Two months for nature study havBhours in the swent box, where th ney paralyzed and lit a critical condl-' was lieaded torfArds tile rapids. beell added to the third year coursea . Nortbavorth, who questioned woro." Home Rule as ever, but that, lier hei, , at length. She Nvas self-possessed - tl�oa Apart from a slight misliap at tile"Llilrd degreWl WAS resorted to. Ile "Silo and hot, attorney say. that LC6 St. Gerisian, 27 years, a pailit- beginning t to veasel went through bo- ,Lt tile 0. A. Us' . ,friends took summary legizi proceed- throughout the ordeal, and answer- she was arroutea; that silo was or same Injurloo I ]loved it would be eventually coliced- T110 DO F'Oleat Wireless Telegraphed freely all questions except those seallched and looked In a call." 9 # and Condition its Without apparent Injury, but art ex- ed by the Ustionlat party. COmpanY of Canada has obtained anIngs to procure her release, m.nd then Intended to pry. Into her private life. "You surprise =a,,, 'Said the di i auve, with, tile addition of a. brok- amlliatlon later showed that a rock d h, to which 'Ontarlo charter, Ithe pollee had the nerve to assert District Attorney Coatsworth told ti S- en arm and Internal iiijailles. had struck the hull, necessitating a I ;11 .tl;lct attorney. "I did not know, of he referred, was wade at Bit Judgment wag given against the C.that the girl had not been under ar- mewhat the wo- . tit. Uitul not heard or It. But I Badly Injured. renewal or some of tile steel plates. I rin- 1, itI mail seen by Pat�olman Myers on 1110 vessel WAS then taken to 8,01-01 hrm h ooul-go of it Ile , - at IflulliPeg In tile three OaHDRrest, although she lia,d been placed tile . call tell You tlla(t I knewl nothing of George Thortiloy, �27 ,foars, frac- to be finished, bat a. strike among sald that Home Rule for Ireland I-egarding tasatlois of lands.night Of' tile 'murder, and she that young womahn at all. I was In .Tit,.) DI113rwJC, Man., hotel and post -
ll?"' fit a cell wItIll a. woman detectilve. bad been partly Identified by a cab- MY office here wjien Assistant Su- ture of thighs head and face out, tile workmen caused liar to return "was very dis.tant, and that it office, Woro burned. 'rhe hotel ocell-
had been A'6cusw,l Ill a, System- mail named Dempsey assenger perintoudent Or police Cusack tele- to Montreal, where silo remained would be Impolitic to' bring it for- pants eseq,ped in their nightclothes,lie carried to -within a fowyards of Pboned for Pollee JrOlt-n O'Sullivan, 18 years, spinal over winters an unusual thing to,[- a .Ettle wa,v. of murder, and had tier house on that might, aliio that headquartery Immediately, as ballad :njtirlos anti contusions. vesspi Or liar size and value. ivArd!1 ' Mr. F. C. Wade, K. C%, Winnipeg,been subjected to varlous ruses Bile "'as suspected of being on very a Woman there whom lie ,wantedme Jaines IV. Waugh, son of Walla- Tho Insurance. 1-10 bad always believed tflat it lats b"I" appointed to assist in pre -
L Batik, Poiut St. was more probable Paling the cane for the Alaska Boun-
which are part of tile third ae- friendly terms with Mr. Burdick. - to tftlk wIth, I hurried to Hoad-. ger Of ,NL 04treAl Sonator Forget fiakI to-lilglit that that the Un- dary commission, Igree, sucif as ,lia,vIng to- hear bogus Bile replied that she Nvas at home quarters Building and found the Charles, 21 years, bruises anti con- although his company had advanced lorilst party Would eventually ar Oil tile night of. 'the tragedy and young wolutin In Supt. Bull's office. I ' �1%he d,v has decided tofound that she tuslous, fracture of W-Igh bone. ly about $825,000, ilia vessel ,was still rY Some measure of self governueent Cteleplione messages to 11Ifol,d liar" and could prove it. When hsked about her queutloned her and Harold TUomas, Ia years. bad in tho bands -of tile Bertram Cons- f (lit for tenders for an Atlanticbeing forced to sit Iq a. small room friendships apil liar relationship witli knew absolutely nothing of theome out and bruised about tile head PaMy. T-110 R. & 0. Company hold the oil Ireland, thlian that -the Libor- Steamship service of 16, 18 and 21whore .it lot of officers smoked strong Mr. Burdick, She declared that she anti ,silo was Immediately allowed to and leg. ! moisranee pol;oles as security, which als WOU14 do so. , knorti, respectively, .Was under no obligation to discuss go.,, I Russell Brown, gon of Dr. Brown, wore ample to save them from ICES. His Work Unfinis,hed, Chief ;ustica Moss hao been `ftp�olgars, filling the place with smolto liar Private affairs, and declined to "If 5rho knew. nothing of the case s, 27 year[$, con- The Senator coul-I not name the coin- pollited Administra,tor of orsteirlo,to cause li,er brain to reel, to mako do so. . I Why Was isho arrested, aa gbZ. CuSSIon, of this brain. Panics Interested. Mhe 'Uoutreal Is .,'L London Cable: Col. Quo, It. and will 6pen the Legislattirghliar dizzy, and thus to help force During ilia Conversation the cab- clnlrnij?-� Edward Delfosse, I(i years, eerl- estimated to be worth about $300.- Henderson, director . , on Of military In- March 10th. Sir Oliver Mowat -being-pr . esslon from liar lips which man slipped Into tile room unseen by " "Well really," vorth 0118 fracture of skull. 000. Another ve.ssel will b.3 built to tolligence Ill South Africa, -died at Incapacitated by illness.Miss Hutchinson, but could not posi- I canl�- answo'r that queetion-1- Others Injured. take liar place. ... julglit be construed into an admis- tively Identify -liar. Another person don't know, I think that Supt. Bell- James Morley, 61 Years, cuts on Tillere wil.l. be oil official Investiga- A8souan, 1!1,gyl)t, to-r1sly. Col. Hen- The officials Of tile Militia. De -
Sion of guilt. . who. had seen a woman on the nI9;bt anti derson, WlIo- wrote a "Llf a of Stone- partment are unable to understandAssistant Supsilintendent Cis- hea-fl. tIon into ilia cause of the f ire and wAll Jackson," Ivas writing the of- what Lord Rtrathoona means by' of the murder, slipped In, but could seek would be the only ones to all- - Colin Campbell, 26 years, severe also of tile incavIng or tile shed. f1clal lilatory of the aouth- African Ills statement as cabled from Lon -
Police Brutalities. make no Identification. swer that question. The girl wall odiltuslions. -_Miss Ilutchinson says that Assist- , - war, which he has left ur.ifinislied, don, thut dn arsenal is being es -
ant Supt. Cusack flatly. churged lie Cusack Said Site lCilloji B11raick c9rtai'117 no more Implicated Inthe Joseph Verner,,al years, fraettir- Toronto, March 9. -Mr. John Bar- _ He wentr Speaking to a reporter of ber ex- Burdick ca.ses than you are, or than ad thigh. tram wm seen at lils'lionto on Wal- , to Egypt in bad health, tablisbed at- Otta,WA. .srlth the murder of Mr. Aurdlek. with, the Idea of recuperating. Tht A new, regiment of Infe,ittry is to. "I am sorry for . 1, Parlance, Miss Hutchinson obaray.ter-' I asn., In a criminal way." . Frank Dufresne, 45 years, thigh mer road -last night by a reporter, Papers publish long eulogistic obit- be organized In tile Parry Sound, You, ,poor gir Ized liar treatment ag a gross out- _� I seriously crushed. amd while lie declined to give partleu- nartos of 11-1111, regretting that he District. It Is likely tbht the head-
th'a.t you were forced to do tilift aw- rag% I i. , . I Buffalo, Mar,7_9.-Anothor eye- Emile Charest, 25 years[, fractur- laris as to tile companies IntarLated, did not live to write Ills contain- quarters will be at Parry Sound,ful deed," she charges Mr. Cusack Miley accused me of tile rn�urder of WitneRg of Clio lone 1voman lit tile ad -leg. s boat was fully in- plated "Life of General Robert E. andwitiv saying. Ail'. - Burdick," fiihe said, "and a more Burdick inurder mystery. was learn- Art'll'ur Bully, 11 years, injury to 811170cl, and )lad been all along. "I have the 00mParliekdraw-p fromFor two hours Miss Hutchinson was aboard all,] unrounded charge was ad yeSterday. He saw, at'the summer tllllgjl. just returned from Buffalo," said Mr. Lees" for whrwh fle had been coi- Points adjoining.subjected to ilia severest or cross- na-Ver ma -Go ag4lnst anyone. Why, street end 6f the j,Aahland avenue Samuel McBride, 20 yearv, frac- BoTtram, "and knc>Nv notblug about lecting materials. He also had pro- A despatch from .Montreal re-
examinations at the hands of Supt. while, I waig sitting In the private of- block, the, woluall seen by' Patrol- turcd th-Igh. the fire, except whalt appeared In the jected a "Life of Wellington." cently. stating thiat the C. P. it,)3sall, Chlor or Detectives Cusack, and [ice of Suporialendent Bull, I heard Ivan Ailayor a.t tl,,o ,Bryant street C. H. Messiahs 19 years, Injury to Buffalo papers." , Prays for Her Mother, audit clerks to thlo, "number of 400_`00.1, 'District Adorney Coatsworth. Seem- someone say over tile telephone, end of tho block. The pollee ]lave kept back. Mr. II. Foster Chaffee, local agent P4� I?rel%tm , 10axony cable; Little were out on strike, Is entirely wltbl..Ingly there WAS n6thing that wouid 'Hold liar, site killed him., I heard mum -1130lit O'lls important* link of W. Plaunigau, IS yearo, fraotar- for tile Richelieu & Ontario NavIga- 1 Ince G Ol ge, eldest son of Crown Out' fOunda(tion. TAlo C. .Pl, X Isatwarrant the officials In holding MISS othol, things. too; things Intended, I ovitlence, bill- the man wXLs s6en last ad leg. ' tion Company, confirmed what Mr. Prince Frederick, was missing from Peace with its employees.Hutditirison, for shortly after noon suPpGgo, to terrify Inc. i 1 k 11IL4111t anti told what he knows of Henri .St. .Martin, skull fractured Bertram said regarding the vessel be- the palace yesterday, and for sev- There Is rejoicing in Menekauslee,she was released. Hbwever, title %vas "Air. Cusack openly declared that I tho affair. . Policeman 8. Sclilaquet,legbroken: Ing fully Insurecl. He said tile loss or eral IliDurs Ills tutors and the Mich., the little fishing hamlets overnot done until Philips V. Fennelly, Lit- had killed Mr. Burdick, and added, as Ila 19 0abriel Reid, a special pa- Where is a long .114L of persons tile Montreal viould not Interfere household officials wore In oon- the news that the eight fisbers whotorney for Miss Hutchinson, .had ap- It to -meourage me and gage my trolman, who has tile permanent With minor Injuries, with tile service of the RichEilqu & sternation. The favorite rumor were carried out into Green Bayplied to Justice .r mlaid, that I had been driven -to it. beat 014 Sammer street from Elm- Ontario Navigation Company this was t1fat ,the Prince h,ad been als ,of the Supreme Court, for a, Writ Several of tile eight or n-Ine mail Ili WOO -1 alre,111,10 to .10chinand avenue, treat doupatch: One de�tli, tw,o oulumer. ,rite Montreal was Intended ducted by agents of lvis mother, Peter Ostranier, aged 55, commit -
of Tiabeas corpus commanding Supt. me questioned me Which includes the blocks oil 9111,11- , 1, as an nodditional steamer, and the the former Crown Princess Louise;the room with tsit"Nkely to die, six very.badly in- 1, ted Luicide .it Mapleton on Saturda.VBull to reduce -her before him. alang ma,ny lines. wor street, beLiveen Elmwood, Ash- Jured fifty -fives wore or leis die- service to Quebee will be equal, at but the boy .was found prayiiigP ,4 by taking a whole box of rough oilThey 110kod me If I ,-]lad posed as a la, c4l, Norwood and Richmond eye- abled, and confined to hospitals, least, to what It has been heretofore, the cathedral that his mother rats. Ile lived for some hours arter-
Cowardly Tactics. statue In a show, on the Pan -Amer. IIXIGS, - 11b goes on duty every slight scGreo or others slightly bruised or by "sin'g tile steamer Beaupre, for- might return. He was In an agony ward. 1-19 bad been despondent forWhen the writ Was served upon. loan Mloway, referring, I have since at early evening and is oil watch alit, and tile lose of the flower of merly the Montreal. Mile ateamer of tears and supplications. some time.learMed, to a report contalue until morning. He 11 Virginia, which formerly ran betweenSupt. Bull, lie did not resist it, sa @ In an � s been on title tile R. & 0. fleet', is the result of The Socialists are usInM thethat It was unnecessary and that lot burning last night of theaten. - Baltimore aiud Norfolk, bas been pur- Crow.0 Princess episode for politicalying a is letter, Of course, I. never beati 9�.veral years %'%nd the expenie th & Arrangements are being made ford "Guyino'er pooed anywhere for any- Ill borne, by residents on the street or Montreal. '1310 lose of life and 11 Ia a a,n and MrInItId. I ,ey lab chaa d- by the R,. & 0. Comp y, agitilt'1011, and tile unpopularity of close afiiiiation of . y. Miss Hutchinson was free to go, not tbi,og. I . ; ( and they unito Medical College ,.Vttil rArInIty Uni-
having been under a.rrest at any In saying lie is an 16i duo to the recklessness of an ex_ 7111 be put oil for the Saguenay ser- the Saxon mbnarchy appears totime. Ifoilio Night or Tragedy. excellent patrolman and a truthful cited multitude endeavoring to wit- vice. The TIrglula. has 150 roomp.. 11, varsity. New. ,buildings will beMiss Hutchinson oil tile contrary On tbo'night Mr. Buydick iras kl*,I- and thoroughly reliable man. 'Ile new Use spectacle from. the best The carriage of Princess Mathilde, ,says she Was looked In a call for � I twag at home. I had supper there says: . pos,siblo, point of view. Tk,e burning I Crown Prince, was Tile richest man in Russia, Nikoilal"About 1-11:80 o'clock, or between rhMILIrS , ssul'rtar (If 11 Torestchenko, ]lag just died, In Illstwo hours. Her company w,as with my mother, sister and a woman vowel lay in the custons house busin, rounded by a crowid in one ofa that hour and -12.10>-IL casetalitly near tile Allan wharf, on which stood i L tlfo Principal shopping of 85th year, leaving propertywho boards with us I spealt the even- 411111091S FOP, BIG I . streets , valuedfemale police Spy. in addition to ing Ili tile house wft� the rest of the couM not kave been later tha it tile framework supikorts and raftere Dresden, one day last week, and at 6-100,000,000. For more thilu fiftyall this she says Bile was stripped household, amd some thrie after 11 12.45 o-olock-1 saw, a 6tr%ll-er Wo- of tile frelghtslied, the iron sides and orles of "Give us our Louise Is, years lie has been one 'of the Carl -
of every Inch of clothing and sub- O'clock wcp,t to bad.. I was not out at wan at thes Summer street 'end of roof having been removed for the ware raised. Princess Uathilde was 0,31ties of Moscow.jected to a. mortifying search: for all, and everyone there will swear to the A,ililajid avenue block. I was winter. Tjie peoldo packed them- Bill it) Pennsylvania to Reward sol fillghitened thmt, when th po- .At a mass meeting halt] at 'Victoria,some evidence that would conylet liar It I as the pollee learned ou inquiring. coming 4110119 Summer -street from selves, beneath tills fragile struc- lice reached ilia scene sho witog as- B. C., On Saturday night a resolutionor tile murder. Her attorney, Philip aThe stories told to the effect,tha,t tbo we'st toward 'Ashland avenue on ture, and soon others, pressed tot, curted into a sh;op and eventually was passed asking the Dominion,V. Flennelly, threatens to sue those I was very friendly with Mr. Burdick tile OPPOslto side of the street. I spaces olbil,bod, one after another, mothe*F.S. went Out by ilia rear door and Governmess t to give British Columbiaresponsible for !bar detention at po- arld thn't I went automobIlIng with saw tile woman distinctly. I tried uA tile sides of the Shed, and percli- took another carriage home. Sev- representation On ilia British tilde ofIce 'headquarters for -heavy damages. him have no foundation in fact. i to Place her and could not, and liar ad in great numbers on the rat'zors. erat sissillai Incidents, allowing tile the Boundary Commission.Detectives w1so, refused to be quotail worked for him, amd I know him Own aetionir suggested silo Wag a Tbe police tried to prevent quell a unpopularity of the royal house, Michael 0 Connor was killed on thesaid tlia.t Miss Htitchlason might be merely ass aln employee knows her am- stranger. She certainly was not' movement, 'but it was impossible. BONUS FOR 15 OLIVE BRANCHES 'have occurreci sinee tile agitation C. IN. R. at Mattawan by Jumpingaga,ln summoned to police headquar- Players I regarded him an a man of onci of tile usual frequenter's of the Tiley oven''at tile first Inrush tried caused by the elopement or the from a Caboose and rolling under thetors If certain expected develop- tile best of character, and have been trorouglifare, or I would have rec- to stay the crowd from approaching Harrlsbitrg, Pa.,March 10 -if Mr. Princess Loulse, but none of them wheels. An Incluest was held and aments materialize. . . ''.. greatly surprised a.t the allisagatioms I ognized her. I thought it Was tLe, wliavf, but their efforts wore ae Blumle, of Cameron county, has his have been mentioned in the news- vOrdict-of accidental death returned. have rf-.W. . strange and unusual that a strange nothing before .such a !lost of peo- WAY, there wilt be no need of for- papers or Dresden.rtepata.0ons $battered* "I worked forhim ior several weeks woman should be out on 'foot, Lie pies abouting and excited. n resident Itoose- Dr. E. J. awltlis, Baptist mission-
. I ary, 1*.ai Just arrived honle, oil for-
Burdick's dead and blood-allabled addressing 'envelopes, and wish t� sho Nvits, at that bour and place, volt against tire dwjgor of a falling lough from India. He reporti that' -d as a and I first iscraped -with my f 1'relglit Shed Collapsed. off in native-born population In BRITISH INDIA'S Tf?ADE.C�j as found Ili the don of Ills deny that I was In Illa offlee Ootbo IV Ashland avenue home spotter as the employee of an enemy .901 aig not to startle liar, and then The fire wps at Its height, the the United States. Blusale, who, Is — thO Whole country in which the Bap-
_VA� pr ay ago. Since 'that time of Ills who wished to got evidence tapped WAI-'mY -stick. - iporter ill' i ac- Inundated With Water, causlaggreatntn Yid .a flanies shot across tile frozen dyke himself the parent of eleven child It Is .1 Largo 11) tist missiona number of reputations have been against him on which to base action Sit(, Did Not Come Back. and threatened to scorch the faces ron, this forenoon introduced an tured Goods. damages I Ishattered-innocent, men and wo- for a divorce. "The moment .she heard it and of the nearest onlookers, the wharf act of Assembly wh1loh makes slie ' .men have been suspected; women of Is It seems very easy for . persomt to saw 31) enclosure was one swaying mass of Commoawpalth the patron and London, Unroll 1G.-Britlill. India, An Inte-resting tebt, was made atimmaculate private character have Invent and circulate stories which .a, efies started on up Ashland huniianity, thes approaches were benefactor of all successful according to a blue -book Issued re- ML0111 College. Montreal,venue, on the ca,st ,side of the watrous cently on Satur-
a ,, imported Isound spicy in tho telling, but which 0 a ,rowded, the revotment wall was and their offspring. It in entitled Of Ilea. 1kresers,been blitiled to police stations and , ast -year nearly day In the presenceasked to �ell of their connections -- inean ruin to some one. . tre t. I WALchod her for a few black with people, Commissioners "Ali act to subsidize large faint. twenty million pounds ,worth of PrafOutaille an.1 Sutherland,. In pur-
1 ( MOmen+9 and then Urned back again grey, white and colored piece goods- Silanoo of the idetv*to, lay Weabl.along tile St. La Pstreet and the thoroughfares load- lies and provide for gold inedals for 2,180,714,265 yards. Of this quan- , Wrence channel, nd*with the murdered ina.n. . " What must people think of me? to Ashisind avenu67, iso that if 81143 Ing to It were overrun with men, wo- mothers of large families,' aDistrict Attorney Coatsworth has My name Ia. no doubts oil the .11pS of had stopped or had atarted back to- men, children, vehicles and shooting Among the provisions I� tills: tity the, 011ilted Kingdom sent 94,. regulate the position of ships by.3,iar,
taken sudden divorce *from the po- hundreds of thousands of persons, Ward Summer ,street, I would meet 875 worth. . con! Instruments. .Iloo departments stating last night many or whom know me but don't 17,e'r and :see it silo w1as lost or Irint- cabition, and the w,holo city ws-i "Any lawfully married woman I I .. .. .. . .tbvvt his Province was simply to know that there 14 no truth Intlinee Ing for anyone's 11 astlir, when, with little warning, tile wil-01 is the mother of Six childeen Her tea imports amounted to J. J. Kelso, superintendent f , .,, no. Sbe W8 framework on the wharf collapsed, shall receive $I0 lit money and, , ZIO ,929, and tea exports total- lected children,"weigh the evidence and statements storlow. It means everything to me; not !it .siglit afid my first- sight of reports.that bo- IS.which the police brought to him." ation carrying raftors and girders and ten -dollar gold medal. Any lawfully led P5,488,P50. Nearly live million daily lit receipt Of Jetters statingIt means the ruin of my reput. liar was my last. I wing beingis down upon tile married woman ivjio Is the niDther pounds worth of tills . was sbnt to that ionses ilre available -in the pro-
. . "She, wav a good medium-sized we- :Iolpealew throng beneath, and hurling of little children shall receive $20 Britain. I . Vince for bovs and girls In return.,.�ne announcement that Mr. Coats- and my futurN ior Iworth had taken that stand and had Put Hell its it Cell. inat-, between 150 and 160 pounds and knocking others out upon tile in money and a gold wedat of still- I Toys anti requisites for g�anl for tile 11011) They, Cali reniler. Nearl-,%,coudemneil the actions of the police If: W -01911t, and at first I thought mport from the United , 0"In arresting Marion Hutchinson tves- ,"Why, they not only dragged mo fron, liar cloak or Jacket that it solld ice in the basic. between the ilar value. Any lawfully married ad ;I] -_ all the Inmates Of tile ollarltdble in-
lorday morning aroused a wav; of a -way like it criminal, but they put was a Cape .8119 wore. 130 wharf and tile burning ship, woman the mother of twelve child- dom amounted in value to 97 - stitutions, Mr. Kelso thinks, .0001('tmo lit a cell for two hwirs'wlth an- &g th Meyer The excitement, which already had ran shall receive $25 Ili cash and books and printed _ 16''Wettement, for 'that arrest, taken In (1 1 are satlg�f:Ld that tills WOWIn been at a high Pitch, became In- a modal of equivaleat value. 098; ale 9300,065; jewelry 2162,- be placeit In foster homes. I .other wousan, who no doubt was not a ga a Any ,, C258coniqection with the Inability of the irA the same, wow n hw w t the tonsie. and aboutu of alarm lawfully married woman w1w 1 496; tobacco, 9141,364; ui.�brella,,- BRITISH AND' FOREION.. it prisoner, but some one put there Bryant ,troet end or the bloo-IL at in both English and French filled the mother of fifteen Children shall re- 21029 356; carriages and carts,initial, 91.71647. . It IS reported that tile V_ .p. It,porlice to discover it real clu�, 'tar' to draw something out of me. Iwas 1.10 or 1.15 O*Clock that night. it air Into different hospitals were celve $50 in coin of th!e realm and : I I and the G. T, It.,, wcaused a (eselln'i-of CIVIC Indignation. treated 111W . ,tit ordinary art certainly could not have taken liar , 'edlately no,tirl It OO tile a medal of tile same value." Ill soon open of-
. There was 1but one now "clue" dur- and yet no warrant had been served. imm ad, a d 6 11 fices at Bristol.II119 the day. It was learned that a " There inust be redress for 'tills 5rom, 30 to ,15 minutes to Walk crowd made way for tile stretcher- The act also provided that "every NEW DAIRY INVENTION, Iblonde woman of regal beauty had have It. .My froft Summer street to Bryant *bearere. goatitime the police and seventh- A successful start I- made a purchase atA a drug stoise oil , turn Is coming. I Intend to bring stopped on Clio way. sail or -daughter of any N -(,%v- 11 51ilk Flour" ing been madeI and If there is I shall street' on Asehland avenue unless she willing helpers proceeded NvIth the lawXully marr'Led husband and wife Swedes Plish by tile expedition opera�tlug, againstthe night of the murder and bad suit against every one who had an� wovk of rosette, raising the boamo slihil be educated by and at the tho Mad Mullahthpn ordered liar backdriver to take Reld and Mayor trace tile ' lone 111achine ill Many 10oreign Countries * t , . .W part lit this proceeding. woman entirely apart Oul Joey. and rafters from the unforturisto expense Of tile Commonwealth lit 117. C. LeIgh Bennett, member ofher to Ashland avenue and Summer- fr fr Ones, and assisting others who were any SCIV001 or academy or college l R"'My room wag ransacked om top ,tockbollis, Ma roll 10. -It 1-4 authorl- Parliament for tile Chertsey divisionstreet. !,.I I , . i , to bottom, clothing was Reld sew liar within twoo minute9l among the injured. desired by Salil son oil daughter, tatively stated thut the-ex8lelator," of Surrey,, Is dead.The poiloo are looking for ]ter. thrown wailt or Burdlokss house, a stranger . I Iabout, letters wero opened and read, the nowly-hivent6,; machine for a%-
. , provIded the cost sliall not exceedIn tile block, who hastens away from Hospitals Taxed to the Utmost. $500." tracting "milk flour" from skins -milk, to tile pastorate of tile famousgho's safe. I I i . pictures taken down, and Rev- R' J- Campbell -was appointed. I some, for Way on hot, Way leading to or dl- Tbe hospitals throw open their it is aloe, speqlr a t has WItliStood all tests In tile dairies City Temple, Lond .: all I know. carried away. Ili fact, VOCUY Past tile Burdick lionee. May- doers, and, after the medical CO M ornor shall iflonign tile issedals, and Of the' world, and will shortly be '90,11eltor-Ganeral Campbell has be(,,,IsRilem Miss. Palsie's Statements Ilia whole houge was searched. I d but ilia Gov- on. Mr. Fennelly,counsel. also for Afro. � or qecw liar probably MY or 50 will- ]lad given much. assistance Oil �Ule may make Buell, changes as lie al,,ty placed beattle tile soparator as an, ,,I,,t,,,lPaine, Issued rto-nlghl; a public state- " ,,Requestedll to Voine. sliest later, within half % minuts,s spol, a procession of ambulanceo, see fit Troll, time to tilue. artiple, of utility. member Of Paxilaineut. forment, In which lie ridicules the ef--i� Tho quickness of ilia pollee and walk of tho, Burdick house, coming Oa -10' otber. vehicles and persons The first design suggested to Mr. It Is estimated that the Invention DubIln 011versity, Ill succession toforts Of Ithe pollee to fasten blame I ,,lie District Attornoy ,to (lei t, ,withl hroken arms or cuts Brumle if, thlaft a young bay Afr. Lerky, whO bass resigned.I -ulises, followed by A crowd of tree. In order 1to make tU3 actupon that woman. I Wes Hutchinson had been under Wny, since Reid saw her, ]lad led and hi Of Isvill -.0ald a profit to the SwedishTileands, troved to -wards them, Operative It Is provided thateveryhisis directly, past tho Burdlek.home thouts, dalry industry of $2,000,000 annually. A despatch from Tonglers Moroceb,The ,otnly points of Interest which 1 irrest caused much ocniment. A machino bapablo r000IVCd at llarl,o, say'lie me Ions seriously, are the find- 1 District Attorney stalted Immediately tit the very hour the doctor V, of workIng Ila o a courier whoI Who Those places or relief were literally mother claiming the pro AlOng Of nIng In Mrs. Paine's collar of an old r after Bile had been released that she - 1-.esloged, and Notre Dame Hospital, t c.t 11 I hours will Cost from $1,000 1,200. tile ca,Pturi) of tile pretender. .fIrSt examined tile body sayo Bur through 2,000 quarts of milk In to HJufft arrived from .Fez announcedand rugtea Steve liftor, which allow had merely boon "Invited to come to (licit wAiy killed. I Ile a R a I file a certificate In A limited company to- I Losing tile nearest, was greatly taxed. the Court of of Swedis! Capt. Bishop Kortim, of Troves, Germany,ed. no signs of having been used for the on erIntOndent's office to make Not Only -weras tile hospitals, Notre ting r,rtIV t, quarter Sessions. Not- 'in, ,$ to promise upon w.,�lcli tallst" has Obtained Datonts lit moqt has withdrawn 111.4 edict forblddiuwa criminal purpose, and Ills emphatic "it, and that there was no Dame and the General tit particular, tile claim Is based, and that it t , Ign countries. Cat-hollo parents to 110nd their child -
reiteration of a statement already ' reason oven to suspect that she had CEI.I.IERS ACQUITTED, -at the end of their ressources In pro- 01 a widely, published ithat Mrs. Paine is, been arrested. — vIdIng relief, ,hut many persons shall, upon being filed, be promptly dren to non-Catholic schools on paincertified to tile Auditor-Goneral. of being refuRed absolution.'not the mysterious Zane Doe named 31iss Ilutchinsan Is tall, possesses lloell Commandant Tried For, Killing p . owardla the doors, with The only exception inade is against LONG -LOST DAUGHTEIZ. -o4jueed In tileto Mrs. Burdick's counter divorce a good figure, and has an attract- a British Officer. Inquiries for missing ones. A bill hurl been Intlsuit against her husband. Ive face. Silo Is well educated, litg;h,- Numliery or tile slightly Injured went I egally divorced women or those — House of Collmons . by Dr. A'6bprtly culture(], anti liar appoaranco AlMnifoliteln, March'1G.-TOlo trial home without medical IV11441 aPal't from thbur husbands, Pecitilar caw. or mistaicei, ideiiti(y Ambrose, M, I:41tAGGED FROM HEIR BUM. and manner Indicate refinement, of Barend CeIllers, on the charge of whilo others left the hospitals af- Appchrs lit Spain, remove tile disabilities of ,tile aegults— Mimi Ilutchinsotit came here about it Shooting Lieut. (Boyle, at Lindley, In ter their wounda had been dressed, 3,000 DEATHS P2R DAV. M-1drid, March 10 -An extraordhill and memberg Or Other religionsUISS lintellinson Taken Into CuAtody your ago, In company w1tIv liar 1002, Ilas resulted Ili 'the acquittal and did .not leave their names. The _ ftry case of inlutaken identity Is Orders. I. allil IlonSe Sparell(6(16 nio-ther and sWor, Florence, from eXaet buisilioli of the injured, there- Terrible itu'vages 01. tlie Is ague puzzling tile Inhabitants or the Ins- According to ,the Board of Tradt,,London, Out. Upon arriving In tills of the accused. folle, cannot he ascertained, but it portant town of Plasoncla (Cal returns or emigration to Canados,. MISS 11fitchinson was In bed when city, the Ilutchlissons went to live Lieut. Iloyle was taken prisoner In Is believed a livindred to easily ,with- Aniong the Prople its India. Cores), . I tile dopartures during Febrnary vVeref Iva dot otivei arrived at her hous lit a fashionable boarding house Oil tllO OrAugO Frail State, and shot by in thoo mark. It to remarkable that 11brub, more than double those of February,ore perisons were not killed out- ., ,ty,!Ai�-r-ii,io!.-Tia-it�W.Cel,- over Nine years ago,'Marla Gaudainpo, 10W. Tit& total for ,,the pant month4 at No. 019 West Tupper street. Site Main street. On I -lob. 11-th last the CeIllors. 'The -was a Boor command in 1,100 deatlis from Plague Occurred "14) (Inug,11tcl' Of a Well-toklo, farm- .Was told that Superintendent Bull Ilutobinsons moved to No. 10 Wool, " right. The wiftin thing that savedwished to see liar concerning tit() Tuppor at -root. ant. It was Alleged that lie hAd Ill . �u India. Chief Contributors to tills er, digappearod, and he noililng livas 7,065, tompared with ,%W26 for- thim was the lowness of tile strue- Is lie samo two montlis of last year.Burdick Isittkiler,.and ,Lvttliout Utter- Why ,"Aw Wile Arivsted curred Boot liatred owing to his bell turo and Its gradual Ilicaving. Tile formidable total were, Bombay Prp,r. 1110 0 WAS hiNtIld Of hall, able wag t,a 'word of 4expostulailon, except At 1.!i0 Superintendent Bull I .ng employed In removing families to Or'Owd,4 loneath were borne down Idellcy, 11,708; Punjab, 2882; Bengal, given up fell lost. T,%v,o yearg ago T-110 Edlo'do I'aris says that Wbe,u113 2,757; and united provinces, 12,15310.aning aroused before her regular Isslied I . rather than knoeked down, and the A YOU119 woman lIft,Wking AbbOlIN King I'AiWatd Starts tot tll� South attime for arlaing, she dressed and told thlo following F;tatement: the Concentration camps. weight wats not sufflelent to crugh The ,deaths for the week In Bombay canto 411to tha town, and was recog- F ra,lice at the elld of thlo montiX. ortile officers sho would acpompaii� 111liss Ilutchinson was Ili- Lieut. Boyle's elator . Came out from thow, Had water ))coil In the baoin elts, aggregated 1434.3, figurcig repro- lliz(ml by olod acquaintances of Marla tile btgInnIng of April 110 .wIlI land att1loill. Ought to . seliting a death rate of go per 1,000 , 01111dalullo as tha iniqNIng peraon, ChtNilbOtirg, And,haVe an Intertlew11 I t I 1101100 lyva(lquarters its a result of England, made dillgent search for Inotmod' of lee a number undoubted- per annuill. Tile ITIortalltF among The now dealer protpsted t1lat F?,Ilo with Prt�sldont Loubset L%Itl,A,r at VArloAS all 6 left her room i-wo detcotives all Identification. by a backinan, her brother's body, ard Induced tile ly would have been drowned. I"'urope-alls was I at tile rate of only was not Marts Guadalupe, but Ilel- 01, oil lits way to tile, ItIVIpoil tored, locking the door utter them, whoso naine I Cannot recall, who authorities at tlasi to, undortake the The Hurnod Vessel. 8.1-7. but alumig tile limilves tile re. Ipa Puix, a native of Maroolo 'Itull Dr. AustIn I'Pters, Chall-mab osf tLVor nearly halt 4n hour they ran. r4ald that tile wollian was 0110 whoin prosecution. I h 4,The voesel was undergoing the fill- cord %Vag oxeciitloual. 'Very few Of AOz. But Ifor dentils Were of no Maine Board of Colitlo ijoiall1lbar6n.yacked dmwors, rummaged through ho took to Stimmor otreet and Ash- At the trial tile prisoner's defolloo failing touchog, iftud tile presence, the districts lit find about Bombay avall, ankl tile relatives lnc;lqted oil - (,rs, founkl a. tqtso Of tOot-and-wouth,bo,xeo and tunics and nerutinized plio. land avenue, on Uto Thureday night was that lie had acted In ilecordanco therefore, ot him0lig app.1trAtus for d1ty eseaped wltil legs than & threell her taking pusfiesAon of tile Iteelt- I (ilemso yoster4ay At Watortmv,t"raplis which hung on -tile walIg of the murder, That IdAntificatlon with tho ,order of hig superior offl. the weil, it Quebec licator and an figure rate Pat, 1,000. Indeed, tlio ago loft by Marla's fatliess. Subse-IT.I)Islt;tliollrilto&so,ic, It.be discoveredOfUlOs nutchilINOn's raom.To tills ac. %va14 I'Mitivo. Th.,) larthor reasons Col-, tile 14to General Philip Bothal open L'ofteon Irate, is bolleved to liftYe Jains ce.11peed tilelt, own record With quently sho marrl(%d a young farm In tlll..g States sinee Vah Ia, rnie (Ito.t1on d rsrotm;t was made, but to tio were that a woman anmVerIng the and was therefore protected by f was a Mortality rato of 111,51J§!� per 1,00() servant.011`1111- The OfflIbOrs Said thitt It waft (10HOPIPLIOn Of tlll.q Woman Wag iseen laws of war, I . (gios4rd At tile time, but Ile app(L't- per Wailum. . I A few days ago a woman made ll,or nedford, N, It. , , , I I *
-_-___-_'____ __ '^. - -_