HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-05, Page 8TRE WINGIIAM ADVANCE
Ntarcll 5, 1 go3
THE .......- ..- .p,. _ . _ . ...:.. : _- . A_L_ - .. _ ... , . _ ,' . . _ - . _- . • . _ _ . ,r_•.. , ..... .._ . . __..- ... .. ......,.. - .. _ ..
East Wawanosh, St, Helens,
T T ( Bert Wollwood, accotu tried b his
aTo=DAT; I it .C1 ll i '1F Hay pressors are in this vicinity, sister and bliss play lieidptl l+. isGyV('at•
U P It l f
(.,.......1 { hire, Vm, Illsrau is ill at grist wanosh. visited friends in Goderich
Grocery & Crockery Store Ministers and church workers generally, g g y recently.
Sprin are Wedding bolls ran Merril last week y
cordially invited to contribute Items of church and this week. The auction sale of Mr. Jameson's 9
news undor this headiag, from their respective g S. No. 9 School report was crowd- stock and implements, on Monday
ohurohc,. was well attended and prices were
Strathroy Baptist church has. cele- ed out this week, pretty good.
Specials For This Week. brated its fortieth anniversary. Another wedding is talked of in West- Misses Alice Andrews and. Mary
All goods best quality, and you'll The now Kuoxoh was opened for
held before spring. Salkeld of Goderich who have been
notice Prices are A LITTLE
cheaper `worship at Shelburneme on Sunday last. Mars. J. gook of Westfield is ill with visiting at frits R. 7{. Miller's, return-
P la grippe at present, ed home on Wednesday, Accompanied D R SS GOODS
than the other fellows. For the sixth consecutive year Kirk- by Miss M. Salkeld who goes on an ex- Y
ton Anglicans have presented their Jas. McGill of the 501 Ii1Ie delivered tended visit to Godevich.
3 asks es Blue for ............... 100 rector with seventy bushels of oats. a horse to Seaforth last Friday.
$ oxesParlor Matches for ........ Ioe henry Broouple of e, who has re, If •fou would keg abreast with the correct Ideas 1n ijptit►
4 lbs, Prunes for... • .......... . .. 1. lac A recent census at Woodstock reveal- Lancelot Nethery purchased a Ave sided here a coapts of years, engaged
(regular 3 for ... ed the fact that only 97 men or 8 per driver near Goderloh last week. as brickmaker at the kiln, purposes 3 p g Dress Goods, your safest plan
Canned Beets, per can..... ...... 5c cent• of the men of the oily, attended Mi89 Maggie DLoNALlfLhtOtl Of BTUSaela moving to Cargill this week. Since is to make frequent visits to our Dress Goods Department. Our counters are laden with new goods
Christies .Fancy Biscuits, 2 lbs .., . 25c prayer meeting. is visiting at Robt. MoDowoll's. coluiag here, Mr. and 141re, Browns -
2 k s, Malta Vita for..,..,...... 2,5c Combe and family have mado many that bear Dame Fashion's stamp of approval. Every day something new is added to make the
p g A Prescott Methodist minister; Rev. -Miss L. Loohend of Nowdale, Man., friends who wish thoiu joy and pros- showing more complete, No need to buy. We wont you to see and then take notes to
4 •• Cowan's Icing' for.... ..... 25o J. Scanlon, received a contriUntiou of
Canned Peaches, 2 for...... ... , . , 25c is visiting at Mr. D. Robertson's. perity in their new home. make comparisons.
6 cans Sardines for ................ lac the $25 from J. P. Wiser, the distiller, for P c
the poor of his church. He promptly Miss Tillie Nethery was the guest of School Report.—The following is the The Snowflake a7 iting. .
2 lbs. choicest California evaporat- 2 „ returned it. her sister. Mars. R. Owens last woek. report of the pulic school here for the
Peachans es
.Corn, Pumpkin ... 1ao or Rev. Mr. Farquharson, Presbyterian Mr. Wesley and Wm. Taylor And tont . of February,
r uary, ba ed on a o 18mere- •
Wax Beans for....... .. .. 25C pastor at Durham, was recently pre- family of Guelph, aro visiting friends in y, $ P g
7 lbs. Tapioca for ............... . . L c seined with a cheque for $100 by his East VPnwanoslm, proficiency:—Pt. II Greta Webb, The prettiest effect in Sttitings this season has adopted, is undoubtedly the Snowflake. t
7 lbs. Brown Sugar for............ Loc congregation. The debt on the church Nina Woods, Ethel McPherson, Edna first woven in black and white, it was soon found to be adaptable to colors, and now almost every
gMiss Ryan and Mr. Ryan of 'xcKillop Woods, Bertie Miller, Jr. Il HarveyConceivtt•blo combination may be seen in the Snowflake. See the stylish effects in Canvas suitings,
All kinds Fresh Fish—Lake Trout has been reduced to $50. were guests of their sister, Mrs. P, Gib- Webb, Bertie Miller, David Joynt,
in kegs (guaranteed good)...... $5.00 A Flesherton Methodist pastor has bons, last week. Stuart Anderson, Thomas Browns- Broadcloth suitings, Etamine suitings, Granite and Pebble suitings. All the latest and most pope
Weston's Baead and Fancy Cakes adopted the plan of giving a prize to Robt. Powell of Blyth was the guest combs, James Barber. Jessie Weather= lar.Trimmings will be found in our well -assorted stock',
—ALWAYS FRESH, head, Ohrissie Miller, Lena. Clark,
Pint bottle Pickles, each.......... loe any member of the Junior League giv- at the home of his uncle, Mr. Juo. Men- Tena Ellis. Jr. III Jennie Webb,
ing the best synopsis of his sermons for zips, last Sunday.
PROMPT DELIyERY• the previous three months. Robbie Buchanan, Arthur Gaynor,
Mr. Will. Paton of Wingham culled Mamie Weatherhead, Archie Aitch;- Its no longer a question Of getting full value for our
The sermons by Rev. R. Hobbs on the on his friends on the 10th con. on Tues- eon, George Brownscombe, Wesley urs Reduced
book of Revelation are proving very in' day of this week. Brownscombe. Sr. III Lizzie Ander- Furs. Only one object now in view, that is—Closing out
teresting and profitable. Last Sunday son. Robbie Durnin, Mary Sherif, the stock to make room for Spring goods: No matter what you require, in Fur Jackets, Stylish
TUDHOPE'Seroding, the 6th chapter was cf the John Black and family moved into Johnnie Miller. Cleve Joynt, Jean
eyed, g, the
the account of the the house ick find
by Alex. Morton on the Clark; Irene Weather head. Jr. IV > Neck Scarfs or high grade Muffs, we will have no difficulty in pleasing you in quality, style and
opening of six of the seven seals. sideroad, on Monday. Agnes Otiff, Althea Cliff, Elliott bill- price.........A few extra nice Sleigh Robes at lose than Coal.
An interesting event, not frequently Mr. D. Chamney sold a flue 3 -year old ler, Etta Carrol, Stara Durnin, George
Grocery & Crockery Store witnessed in a Presbyterian church mare to James Noble for a good figure, Weatherbead. Herman Phillips. Jr.
was recently seen in Knox church, in Horses are scarce and prices are high. Leaving—Donald Clark, Stuart Miller, !
Lizzie Miller, Gordon MacDonald, We offer you the best Boots Shoes and Rubbers best makes in Canada at Clearin Prices....,.
Goderich, when the pastor, Rev. James Mr. and Mrs. John McCallum were Myrtle Phillips. O. A. Tebbut Teacher y ' ' g
A. Anderson, administered the ordin- pleasantly "at home" to a number of . In Ready-to-wear Clothing, we buy the best for SPOT CASK, therefore can give you better value than
THE ance of baptism to ten adult persons. their friends on Friday evening of last others ...... We keep everything in Groceries, pure, fresh, up-to-date, and at reasonable prices.
J week. C><rey.
SALE REGISTER. b. agg, who as been n Miss Mamie Cardiff entertained a -
WINQSA3t MARKETS number of her young friends last Fri- . -
' House of Refuge for past few menthe, da evening.
Flour per 100........... $1 85 to $2 25 On Monday,March 2nd, 0,i i o'clock has been brought 'to his home on the 3' g'
Fall wheat per bush new 68 to 89 m., on Lo7, arctc 2nd, 2, Hullett, gravel. Thos. Simpson. lot 26, con. 3. had an
M-0 GO D k' ) N
Oats per bush....... ... 0 28 to 0 29 Farm Stock and Implements, Samuel Miss Hannah Stackhouse, a well- auction sale last Wednesday. He has r
Barley per bush........ 0 35 to 0 40 P sold his farm and intends going into
Peas per bush......... • 0 6o to 0 85 Lore proprietor; Thomas Brown, Aua- known young lady of Westfield, was ranching in Alberta. Big Prices for Trade. DIRECT IMPORTER
..16 00 to 13 00 tioneer. united in marriage to Wm. McDowell of
Bran the same place, on Wednesday. Mr. J. B. McLaughlin heel a very
Shorts ..................1S 00 to 20 00 On Tuesday, March 3rd, 1903, at one successful wood bee last week. The
Chop .................... 1 10 to 1 2:i o'clock p.m.. Lot 20, Concession 14, Mo- Wm. Quinn, eon of Geo. Quinn of the amount cut was eighty cords. He left
Hay . , .. , , , , . , , • , , , , . , , . 7 00 to 7 50 Killop, Farm Stock and Implements. 2nd line, is very low at present, He is on Friday -last for the Northwest and
Butter per Ib...... ..... 0 17 to 0 17 Wm. N. Kueohtel, proprietor; Thomas •suffering from lung trouble, and slight intends returning About July 1st.
Eggs ,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 13 to 0 13 Brown, auctioneer, hopes are held out for his recovery.
0 15 to 0 15 (Too late for last week.)y
Lard ....................
On Tuesday March 5th, at 1 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. H. Owans, who for the Arch. McDonald, 2nd con., visited
Potatoes per bush..:... 0 50 to 0 50 Concession 14 MoKil- past three months have been visiting E. with his friend, George Atcheson, of Stock
p 35 to 0 40 p.m., o0, Lot 16,
Apples per bag ........ to I' Bluevale, last Sunday.
Hides per 100 lbs........ 5 00 to 600 &o. David Crawford, cproprietor;uThos. Tuesday or their ohome tin Moo orcin,
Lamb skins .. 0 50 to 0 65 Brown auctioneer. Manitoba. Mr. Joseph Raynard and daughter,
Dressed hosts........... 7 00 to 7 00 + Miss Susie, spent a few days of last
Live hogs ................ 5 50 to 5 65 On Saturday, March 7, in village of Dr. and hire. McDonald and their week with friends at Belmore.
Tallow, per lb........... 05 to 5x Dublin 20 draught horses fillies and daughter Mrs. Horsey, of Willgliam, and
t7hickensperpair......,. 30 to 50 geldings—T. Connolly, propr; Thos. Rev. J. J. Hastie and wife of Belgrave, Roe's Epworth League was invited y* j * Winners ] `
Duckeperpair.......... 60 to SO Brown,auotioneer. were guests at the home of Mr. John to Ethel on Wednesday evening to e el s l 1 ® O Sweepstakes.
Turkey, per lb...... .... 10 to 11 Menzies on Tuesday eve'g, of last week. spend a social time together, also to
Geese; per Ib.......... 6 to 7 On Monday, March 9tb, at 1 p.m., assist in program,
Wool ............... 12 to 13 lot 18, Bayfield road, Stanley, adjoining A large number of Westfield's young Mrs. James Clrtt entertained a num-,
Varna, farm stock, Implements, etc.— people spent a pleasant evening last her of her our friends on Monday
Thos. Ward, proprietor; Thos. Brown, week with Mr. and Mra. Arch. Tunny of evening. All report having spent ,
Morris. The evening was spent in dant- g P g P I have been frequently asked -about my method of feeding, and it may Interest some to know that
TORONTO STOCK MARKET. auctioneer. most enjoyable time.
On Tuesday, March 10th, at 1 p.m. Ing, and all went home voting Mr. and,I largely attribute my success to Herbageum, which I have used during several years, and during the last
For full and accurate market re- y, Mrs. Tinny an ideal host and hostess. Renry Armstrong of the boundary years have used a considerable quantity. Especially have I had good results with lambs that were being
ports see second page. on lot 26, con. 9, Hallett, farm stock On Wednesday of loot week, at the line is preparing to build a large brick fitted for exhibition purposes Other lambs not getting it were frequently troubled with ticks, hitt we have
.nd implements. Geo. Oookline, pro
y house this summer. He intends to never found any trouble with ticks when sheep or lambs were fed with Herbageum.
&fetor; Thos, Brown, auctioneer. residence of John Wightman was the have a first-class house with all the I only feed a teAspoonful to sheep and rather less to lambs once a clay.
On Wednesday, March 11th, At 1 scene of a charming event, the marriage modern improvements. Three sheep that I hought, in 1900 were fairly alive with • ticks. I put them with my other show sheep
TTn y of Miss Mabel, who became the bride and gave them Herbageum, and when sheared, about the middle of March 1901, they were perfectly free
W. A. C U RRIE . o'clock p.m., on Lot 2, Bayfield Road, 'of Wesley Stackhouse, a prosperous far- Rev. W. S.. Cosens of Brusselsreinedy
Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements, mer of Westfield. The ceremonywas reached a beautiful and mach a re- from ticks, and they had no sheep shell nor other were
or preventive than Herbageum.
.... AUCTIONEER ...• H. Makins, pro rietor; Thomas Brown r p PP I may further say that the sheep which sere fed Herbageum were in se much better condition
P .witnessed by nearly 1,n0 guests.; thea all elated sermon m Roes church last than my other sheep which were not fed It that when sheared the clip averaged two pounds each
SVingham — Ontario auctioneer. sat down to a sumptuous repast. The Sabbath morning. The pastor, Rev,
evening was spent in games and music 0. P. Wells, took charge of the Brus- More than the otller's.
Date of sale argan'ged for at the Monday, Mar. 16. con. 1, McKillop, I B P g + g' • I have Also used it with Iowa and other stock to good advantage.
Advance Office. Terms reasonable, farm stock, etc.—R. Barry, propr; . when the guests departed, wishing Mr. sets circuit. Yours Sincerely,
Thos. Brown, auctioneer. and Mrs. Stackhouse.all future happi- Mr. James Lynn has rented a farm
ness. Many beautiful and costly gifts for theresent from Mr. Geo. Ashton ,; (Signed) JOHN ORR
wich, and expects to move +
Hullett, stock and implements—David 1 there in the course of a few weeks. Lakeside Farm, North Dumfries, County of Waterloo, Ont., Feb. 19, 02.
Crawford, propr; Thos. Brown, auc- : Turnberry. Mr. Lynn gets possession of his own
Never before had I such a quantity of farms tioneer. Miss Ciila Powell left on Tuesay for farm, recently purchased from Mr. '
for sale as are now on the list. Included in the
list are unimproved farms that may be beght Thursday, Mar. 19th at 1 p.m., lot 18 ''Winnipeg, Manitoba. Wade, on Nov. 1st.
at from $20 to $30 an acre. On the other hand eon. 10, McKillop, stock and implements . NOTE.—Mr. Orr has for a number of years been a winner of Reds at Toronto, Chicago, Guelph and elsewhere.
those looking for improved places may buy —Geo. Smith, propr; Thos. Brown, Miss Sadie Belfour has returned In 1901, at Toronto, he took Bret on pair of wether lambs, and second on pair n yearling vo la a. At Chicago
such with brick houses, steno stables and ad from Stratford where she has been for Morris. Exhibition, Autumn of 1901, he took first and second on single lambs, and IItat on the best floe lambs, also flrat on
suchen conditions throughout, to from $40 to aACtiOneer, the peat two weeks. yearling and chainpionshigp on yearling. This carting took the sweepstakes wherever exhibited, acrd `round up at
$60 an acre. On Frida March 20th at 1 m., fn Mrs. L. Frazer is on the sick list. Guelph Fat Stock Show, lnecenibel, 1001, P•1tf first in his ceding and first for beat , 1901.c.
The intending purchaser of any kind of a Y P• Mr. Orr was also winner of a number of prizes iii breeding classes at Toronto, 1901.
farm will find it to his advantage to see me be- the town of Seaforth, extensive sale of Mr. George Churchill has moved Miss Laura Ralph visited at Mr. A. ,
fore making a purchase. draught horses, fillies and geldings, : to the farm he purchased from Mr. Jackson's last week. _
Archibald and Cudmore, propr: Thos., Geo. Casemore.
T. J. MAGUIRE Brown, auctioneer. Report of S. S. No. 3, Turnberr , for tend
William Frazer and family in-
• + the month of February; na,ines in tend leaving for Manitoba next Tues -
Real Estate Agent h riday, Mar. 27, at Blake s hotel, y day.
Varna, choice farm of 100 acres—B. A. order of merit.—Fifth Class—John
011ico at my residence, Leopold St. - Hutton, Bessie Aitken. George Muir. Mr. and Mrs. John Nethery of t11e
Higgins, propr; Thos. Brown, auc- Reter Moir, Chester Dunkin. Isla Rh line visited at R. Leishman's of I have faith in Herbageum. I fed 9 head of stock for the Guelph Stock Show. I fed
tioneer. Elliott. Fourth Class—Bert Elliott, Marnoeb on Monday. them all Herbagenm regularly, and they took to it naturally from the firrit. And although I gave
RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Roy Rutherford. Maggie Muir. Charlie + gduring
RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM' Aitken, Addie Donkin. Third Senior Wm. Ward moved his effects to the them all the heav3 food they would take, not Ono of them of off their feed or bleated Astothe
G AUCTION .SALES.—Thos. Brown, auc- —Mary Aitken, Etta Elliott, Mabel . Black fArm in East Wawanosh which whole time. This was my first experience in feeding Herbageum, and I was certainly astonished
TRAMS LEAVE FOR tioneer, of Seaforth. is prepared to at- he purchased recently. at the results. These cattle did better than I ever heel cattle to do before.
Palmerston..6:63a.m...9:00a,m...3:05p.m. tend sales in this vicinity. Oall at Ad- Elliott, Malley Mott, old Inter-
London.................6:50 a.in...3:10p.m. mediate—Roy Elliott, Harold Hutton, lira. Davis of the nth line left last At the Guelph Fat Stock Show I won first prize and sweepstakes for beef carcase, besides
Kincardine.11:10 a. m.. 1:40 P. m.. 8:38 P. M. vanes office and arrange date of sale. Walker Rutherford. Third J unior— 1 Friday for Lindsay to see her mother
ARRIVE FRO91 Robbie Aitken, James Aitken, Andrew ' Mrs. Grey who is very ill. three first, three second, and two third prizes, and I attribute much Of my success to the use of
Kincardine.6:53 a. m...8:55 a. m.,..3:1op. m. Herbageum.
London................11:10a, m...7:55 P.m Blyth. Wallace, Aggie Wallace, Edgar Baird. , John Nethery sold his farm east of -
Palmerston.............1:4op. m... 3:38 p. m yt Ella Elliott. Second Class — Aggie : railroad to G. Armstrong for $2500 We ship in the neighborhood of ten thousand head of cattle to the Old Country annually.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham, W. J. Haines spent Sunday at his Rutherford. Leo Poke, Ethel Case- Mr, Armstrong also purchased the ad -
CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. home in Wingham, more, Tillie Baird, Mabel. Baker., joining farm from Eerson Littlefair. JOHN BROWN,
Part II Sr.—Ada Elliott. Thomas : Galt Ont. Januar 31 7J03. Drover and Feeder.
TRAINS LEAVE FOR Mr. David Magill moved his house- Wallace, George Casemore, Part II Tuesday afternornn of last week be. y
Toronto and f,ast.....6:57 a. m... 3:53 P. M. hold effects out to his farm in East Jr.—Robbie Muir, George Rutherford, I tween 4 and 5 o'clock the Thome of
Teeswater.............1:17 p. in ... 10:43p, in. Wawanoah on Tuesday, Annie Hutton, Elmer Aitken, Maggie' Widow Smith, 6th line, was destroy-
Teeswater...... 6:57 a. m...3:53 P. m. Owing to the scarcity of horses in Aitken, Bella Eadie, Helen Ruther- • ed by fire and little or nothing was
Toronto J d East
a t.....CB7 A. m...1 Wingham P y Herbageum. may be obtained at Colin A. Campbell's Drug Store, Wing am ;
this art the monthly fair on Wed- ford. Part I—Willie Elliott,lalliott, Alice saved outside of the bed clothes on g y
nesday was not as well attended as Dunkin, Thomas. Eadie. Average at- one bed. The fire originated at stove or at John Bray's Wroxeter ; Or at Henderson & HendersOn'a, Whitechurch.
usual, tendance 31. B. Pearson, Teacher. Pipe, there being no chimney on the
The following ms the report o
house. There was no insurance and --- --- -- —
■ r , s HJT Our townsman, Elain Livingstone, f the the loss will foot op to from $300 to
is in London this week undergoing a _- _. ------
i l k n ptrlils of S. S. No. 6, for the month of $100 or thereaouts. The house was a FARM- FOR ' SALE. FARM TO RENT.
operation. His many friends hope it Febivary :-5th Class Sr.—Bertha Mo- to one and was built probably 40 ALEX. KELLY
e may prove beneflcial to him. KAgue, Charlie Anderson, Willie years and while not of great value was 300 Acre Farm, well improved, on the 8th
Special Colonist Linklater. 5th Class Jr.—Fred He- e 100 Acres, well -improved, on main concession of East wawanosh, situate 2,} Auctioneer for Huron COuUt
There have been some official monhb. 4th Class—Leslie Bryce, May quite cosy. boundary road, 3J miles from Wing- mild from Belgrave and boing the catnte of y
changes made on the Bank of Hami- McKaguef John James, Bert M urchi- Early on Saturday morning death ham, Lot 27, Con. B„ Turnberry ; 70 the late Mrs. John Bone, will be rented either
lton staff. Our townsman, Mr. IT. son, Rossie King,. Walter Anderson. Claimed another of its victims In the acres cleared, in high state of eultiva- to P•other or in parcels as required, or 100 acres, I havo secured an Auctioneer's license for
One -W0, Excursion Fares Scott has been appointed Manager, Mar Crowe. 3rd Class Sr.—Edna person of Mrs. D. A en, an old and - without buildings, can be purchased at a Huron county, and am prepared to couduet
One–Way y p g tion, running spring water front and reasonable rice, rales at reasonable rates.
with P. Douglas as Teller. Mr. H. V. Dickson, Albertena Showers, Edith esteemed resident of Morris. Deceas- back; 5 acres bush, remainder pasture For particulars apy to Mrs. Sarah Ami
FROM WINGHAM Holmes goes to Wingham. We are Homuth, Earl Porter, Tominy Goy, sed received a slight stroke ofparalyiss land. First-class buildings, large dou- Richmond, St. Jacobi P.O.,Por to R. Vanstono, Sales arranged at the Advance Office.
sorry to lose Mr. Holmes, as he was Minnie Liuklater, Willie and Fred. about 5 or 6 weeks ago, but seemed to ble brick ;louse, hard and soft water Wingalam. 27-29 ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P.0,
....$35.70 popular with patrons of the Bank. Dawson, Leah McCormick. Ord Class get over it pretty well, till last week convenient to both. Good bank barn
To BILLINGS, MONTANA.... For sometime past, negotiations Ir.—Velna Chandler, Charlie James, when it was lain to see she was sink -
COLORADO SPRINGS, P with straw .shed, 36x40, power wind -
COLORADO McKinnon, Vera in fast, and on Saturday her spirit
DENVER. HELENA. have been going on between $Iyt11 Nettie Daweop, g y P, mill, new silo, sheep -house 11x36, driv-
BUTTE, OGDEN. $40.70 Board of Trade and a Manufacturer of Stapleton, Hazel Little, Henry Fox- took flight. She ]eaves a large family ing-shed 14x20, pig -house 16x32, Pos-
SALT LAKE CITY, a new line of small hardware in Tor. ton, Peter Kelley and Elba Wade. to mourn her loss. The funeral took session April 1st, 1903. For terms, etc., / For
and PUEBLO, onto, with a view of establishing a 2nd Class Sr.—Hazel Mitchell and place on Monday morning for the apply on the premises to
SPOKANE, WASH..................$41.20 factory here to employ from 25 to 50 Maggie Crowe. Sadie King and Sarah Roman Catholic cemetery near Bush- WM. F. HOMUTH,
COAST hands. The deal has not yet been Goy, Laura Elliott Genevieve Me• field, and was largely attended. 20-29 Wingham P. 0.
POINTS } $43.70 completed, but it is expected that it. Cormick, Eiiie 141c0ormick, 'Stella CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE 0
SA,% FRANCISCO, CAL.. will be in a few days. King. 2nd Glass Jr,—Maggie Chard• CHATHAM, oNT. • • e
$4.4.50 y • Jamestown. TO RENT. a gai
ler, Roy Porter, John ' Meginnou, Re -opens atter Easter vacation on Tuesday,
Bluevale. Robert Taylor, Fred Foxton, Violet John Wright and George Innes of boat of the yeas spring
mo n eta •t among
For further particulars apply to Showers, Annie Crowe and Stanley Brussels spent• Sunday in Jamestown, the reasonthe why. 20 or 30 seals for help at
Agents of the Grand Trunk Railway Diiae Bessie Wright spent Sunday At Dickson, Norman McKague. Part IL 7n Wingham Town Plot, acomfort- wages from 5 to $50 per month had to be re.
Jamestown. Sr.—Robert Fallis, Bertiib,Little, Wil- Rev. lir. West of Bluevale will take able House, with. good staple. Any fused lately. No graduates left. In
System. Joseph Leech spent last week in lie James, Burlie Elliott, Annie tic- charge of the service in Victoria Hall quantity of land from one to twenty We teach Ilookkeeping„ Shorthand and Pen.
9. D. McDONALD Trowbridge.
Kinnon. Part If Jr.—Violet Miller, next Sunday evening, acres can be leased in Connection with manalitp by mail.
Bella Fallis, Ella And Pearl Fallis, it. erms reasonable. Apply to Write for catalogue of either department.
Distriet+PassengerAgent,Toronto. We regret to state, that lira. Snell Vina Kin Part I Miss Annie Scott. who has been T+ D. McLACHLAN & CO„
is still very poorly. Wilfrid McI{ague,Earl Dickson, Bertie staying with her sister, Mrs. 0. Stokes. ALEJI. KELLY, 27.31 Chatham, Out.
Della Miller, Ir for the past month, returned to her Wingham P. O.
Rev. W. J. West was in Woodstock Holmes. Average for the month 43, home near Molesworth last week.
a couple of days this week, A. S. Grieve, Teacher. Notice to Creditors.
•. i a' ` ' " t' ` A sleigh load, consisting of Mr. And Jc2liem.
Mrs. M. H. Elliott and children of HOwiC1C. Mrs, John Outt and Harrv, Mr. and `O Ca
Wingham visited at Mrs. Mason's. SUDDEN DEATH. -The sad news has lira. James Outt and Mrs. McEwen Mr. And Mrs. John Gemmill of Pilot' In the enactor of the estate of Charles Ham- bb
We are glad to learn that Mrs, Geo. apread this week i. the death w bliss drove to Goderich last Saturday. Mound spent Sunday last at the home ilton Ilendoreon of the Township of
Johnston of Morris is recovering frofxi Hazel Nay, daughter of the late Mr. A Young People's Society was or
of hire. J Gallaher, Kinloss in the County of Bruce,
ETTLE her recent illness. And Mrs, Geo. Nay, and niece of Mrs, gauiz, d here on Tuesday evening of We are pleased to hear Mrs. An- Merchant, deceased.
- - • On Wednesday evening, R. Clante• Robt. Ferguson of L%kelet. She was last week, when the various offices drew Gemmill is home again from S Notice 1070, Chap y1•l9tvthatttall creditorsl' and
01 1 .1`/_w ! len, the popular leader of the Metho- seized with a pain on Friday of last were filled as follows :—Honorary Pre. London Hospital, others having ciaims against the estate of the . j,, •
diet choir was surprised by the mem- week; it was a case of Appendicitis. sideut••--Thos. Strachan, sr. ; President lir, and Mrs, Evans from Brandon said Charles Iiamilton Hondoraon who died on V
4 r An operation was performed on Friday —James Cutt; Vico-President—Miss or about the fifth da of December, 1902. aro 1
• ; • bots of the Choir gathering at Lia P y and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Evans of Gor- required on or before Leto 2nd day of April 1903,
=J ON home. The evening was refs pleas- I in nIngrd, and site diad on Saturday GodethA Coombea; Ree. -Secretary— rie spent Friduy last at th'e home of to send by post prepaid to the Administrator,
To Manitoba and Cnnadinn North•cveat. will aptly spent in games, social chat and evenin;;. She will be much missed, as Alex. Scott', Cor.-Secretary—Miss Ad- Wm. Weir of this place. 1In h D, Henderaon, Whitechurch, or to• the -
leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March music, after which An oyster supper site was a bright girl and loved by all die Mulligan t Treas'r—Frank Wright ; un araigned Solicitors for the sated' Adminia• (`I O (1
and April 1903, i[ sufficient business otters. was on by those present. who knecv her. She avis eleven years Organists--MiAses McElroy, Coombes, A . p1m.sant surprise party drove to trator, their ehrl8dAn and surnames. addre9ecs ... VII UVJ l ...
Pasnon ora travellingg without Live Stock j of age. Since her parents' death three Strachan and Wright; Look-ont Com• the blethodiat i'Atannnge at Wroxeter claim,,& statementlofftheiraacceoun s and the
should take the train loaving Toronto at 1.45 Belgrave. years ago she has made her home with mittee--birs, John Outt, Mrs. A. Eck- on Monday evening last froin Salem. nature of the security Jif any) held by them,
s m, g her aunt, Mrs. Ferguson. She ;raves mitt ; Prayer -meeting Committee-- They spent a very enjoyable time In And further take notice that after the eat
Paaaengera travelling with Live Stook amts of all kind. willWIG mentioned date the said a etA of Administrator
A take tate train leaving Toronto at 9.00 There will be service in Trinity four sisters and one brother. who Jolla Cutt, Thomh.A Strachan, jr., tiles g will proceed to diatrlbuto rho assets at the de•
P. M. chtttcli every Friday afternoon during mourn the loss of a loving and kind Lizzie Strachan ; Social Cominittee - ;sir. Abraham and family are moving reseed mm nir the parties entitled thereto PARK'S
Colonist Blooper will be attached to eacA bent ata o'clock. sister, They have the sympathy of Miss lna Bryd.ns, Jno, Miller ; Mission• this week to the Thomson farm; we having lthenalinve lnotice anditthat the saiid
train. , the whole community in this their ary Committee• -•••Mise Snell,11180 Cutt, welcome Mr. Abram to this part and Administrator will not be liable for the said
Yor full particulara and cop of "Battlers' The Woman's Guild Trinity hour of trial. llobt. Strachan Flower Cotumittee-- wish them many years of prosperity. aaseta or for any part hereof to an person or p njn J 1(
Guide, Western Canada or Ddtfeit Colum• church will met at Mrs,Henry Bran- Miss Dora Simpson, Miss Mab. Wright, oraona of whose claims notice shall not have Jewelry Store
bia, ApOr to your nearest Canadian Paciflo don's on Thursday afternoon, Agents average $6.00 a day all tine J4mes Tinea. The first meeting will Mr. NVAU McMichael of Manitoba nieen received by them at the time of such
Agent, or to distribution.
Robt. Jas, Xing and family', who year round selling our goods, o tvAgs be when
on Friday evening. "Pa March gill, was of ri old to tiles Bl k 0,g Bother• Dated the 28th da of
A. H. IVoi'MAN bn.ve been visiting relatives in Ustab muse. Household necessities, not £rids when the B. B. lesson, "Paul at I+:phe• land of i+orclw%els a week r►} o. They y PoUruary,1903.
AedetantaenoralPattengerAgont Wawanosb, returned last week to or luxuries. No dull seasdlt. 'Write sus, will be discussed by MiasTaylbr intend leaving fotti Manitoba in a few DICKINSON do liOLflfbs Macdonald Block . WiinlghaM
Ring Ot.Ititat, Tmato, their home In Whitewater, Man, Q, Marshall (b Co., London, Otic, and John Cutt,c days• solieltoro for said Administrator