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The Wingham Advance, 1903-03-05, Page 3
I ��- _-Allit - 1�,...,...- ,. - _.., . �,....._ ... __- _ _ _ m ., w. ,. _ __- vx. . • , ,• ,�.,� middle of tete i•lb proper fu wedge, - ., ,: , `.. �,,, ,, �1 ' shaped. It ladles to a point almost I1pagewova#7, Wtree OOOQQWOG{�Of,10QOtfCi o"oot�gdC00000+t3 _ �ktu#oo " -� �� x 'g like the apex of a triangle. In tele withitgcontinuougcoil(notcrimped)}■the re Sl, �% I"a English rib tJiita and spreads out nerd beet atoek•haldln fcneo mato. sago No. a bit of T-shaped metal Is inserted , BUTTER L VJN THE UNITED KING 0 7 were stands w 9,u�Opounds'strain>-cninmoa � that at3•enirtllens the tip of the brace No. 7 Niro only 1,700 pounces, i'•Qiuraon wire + + will not toil• -it stral htens out A,& -!t , ft�y /� �p y •� rt to a vemarkable degree. American been't a spring temper• -••1'11 o wAre true. , 4 1�(�llei�i-i is�.4�•L.C�..3.d� Ceylon Tela umbrella ribs usually break At tills Tile paz-o Lyire Arne Co.,.,LUnItod, . How to, �'i'e'Vent Mould, ace. wh110 In till) l;n llsh rlba this : (Black, M lxed or Natural Careen) will line Faltilethe last to give WAY. � - - nxoncreal����° a a r° Jolt» r' , _ �i©pQCIOO<3Qt3fJi3nOt3Clf�t�A004�gt�CIOaLKiQKIt9�94fJCIfiCiQQp13000000 As to Prlcos, they vary like dna Uterrtu havo been received that a, be soaked lu tills solution. The lnsltia sent to any person filling In this coupon and cath EagI sh r lis call cbvTbad. fox, $1 spoko to slim, 113 received no reply infants over the atonement-9rrviee is'w lots at :('. n t Of all butter acica'as 9hanit 'Pau can et an umbrella with Anter- and Again lie Adclrvs�„ed Jilin. Ag,thl tat the burning Of the white dog, and 1 act an butter have P f, I, [else, la llAerled to voinn touCliin;; ulul:itionrd boon tielixerOd fIs fila Unitas xingX- be rinsed with It. Tire butter paper, $E1�Cllll It t0 US W]tll a 2-C('llt stamp Q1' lctall rlb;a for :lU louts In New Pork,' he r+:ceive•t no reedy anti iii•; tits°, at eerelnonlals }n the uplands or Mex- Baru s C¢I.ewllat s tted with Mould while rr l i ratae n tsitil the brine oon- i that It will turn In Hide out at the DicGlueg tietermtitetl t0 find out who i Write Plainly dna mention Black, Mixed. lightest I Il, of win:i. And that remhicis the ;elan wag. No approaetiod to leo. J!"Wen the colored camp-meot•. on the butter .t)er and between the W4e tile butter �boN, and the bunt x postage. or Ntrtu[tti 4reen ma of another way to test for lung- where the figure hall been, and ns: Ing has its tearful side; but the Per, box and the butter. Mat Ila" O.O. Immediately packed in It. ',pile brine unit ribs. Open an umbrella, and If he neared the spirt the.. in,ln 01,np» ' sians' doings In memory- of what hap• containing the formallu will destroy Name ... .. . ........... . .... . I .......... 11.. , ..... , .. : the braces bond easily and have little Patiretl. No trace of ilia m;1,n coultt petted to tile titans make these seem our rete on saltlet3s butter. As mould all spores cf mould: on the butter Address ..................... ............... + .... ela6tielty, they are Atnerlean make. be four+l, McQU09 rrlrmaN' that ht) title children's troubles. Ila a tiny J l aut or fungus, it is Im- Paper and on ilia inside of the box. „ - 'lute Englisdt braces and ribs arc, at• saw the main, but the moment t11at A>rtant that butter makers and A brine can be used for a long period Toronto. . most firm liml always strong." ho ttpgxo:tcllyil to where tete fignirn THP'; S1 (' 01'1' 0V Ii1,Afa'1'II batter dealers should know by what If 1t be boiled once ti week, As the had been IL v tnhiliNI :tri If by itlagle. - meting they can entirely pr event Its formalin evaporates during ills boll. Address.�..�..,...,a.�« AL,ADr� T$A, CO., Y Not even the ts]}l;hteat renes aP � a BRIGHT DAl� ES a Is t ort+, Iticb, heal t3loott and gr(,Wtis on butter piekal,es, butter ill process, it well be necessary to ♦+++4-+0+++++NO++++++m++++ ,)to ,do not have zn11eh more titan ----•• inan eoul�.l be found, and none of Nerves. f>'aper, or old 'tlt(, butter Itself. Mould add to every gallon of brine, after it + :10,000. Tilts means that red hair Is Only Thow Perlbe ly well are (boil the }non working around the tiling. - e:ial only aotn0 from plrC*ax sting Ilan boiled anti cooled, one ounce tit at tile tiny; save anything of aotr all- I'o11 can tillvrLys tali nnanmin roan mould, or from 't;>'ores, wjtiohserve form -111N FASHION I the ad than outer shades, belt' It has : 1Vrlttlled and Happy. .e. alae W0111 :n. 'i,ll:ay are pale, weak the l the advantage or lathing longer. gar, Har 't+re nn,v of ihnm lhea•t• feta nett .langul0-tier victims of )lead- purpa�a of seed or trait for Its Proper Cooling. + 11'he9i a baby ire rrn'N, peevish or pl,teo where McCZneg hid seen tbo aches and itackaehes, easily ligate a'rproatuctlon. If the spores ba de- DOTES. Imolt Pleasant. sleepless, rho mother may baa certain figure At abrrllt the time that tilt+ itntd always nvorso to exertion. mroyed mould cannot begin to grow, For the protection of the butter 1Ve cAnnat, of conlse all n hand- al eteithat ttIR ciotiwc,tr front are little eiighortly,sa tile titt161011rca dlr;tinc6 ThOY can't eat, or they can't digest `!Jl0 aoaditions favorable for Its 1v'h'leh is to be shipped to the 11ni. t+f 0+�+1+++++++♦N�♦ , li 1 n ng; c t cont . tit rangt. 1llzat they dta gat, Their unstrung growth are a certain idegree of lamp- ted ICingcdont, It is important that some, me¢tt of ilia astomaelt or, lx,vrclN wlt,C)t signals to elegise rho ratan given traau nerves kill slee thea' • Item and a moderately RAY tam •,r.. the butter bn cooled to a tempera- Tu[navc:r Collart)tCe9 of pteutecl And it'" hartd for us all to lie the [11otl1clr's wu,tcltfal o o ma• nut the station imro heard it) the bo:.. p; 11 temper Is Ir' i;ure under 38 degrees taltrenhett, ahltfan having tong front pieces of Y tom of R chaff wham kleury Fl. rRable; their vitality vanishes. Arid attire -that is to pay, a ternprara- front ills second dA after it iu fait t hapeci good, datert, whlalt nevertheless make It all coiues front ,oar btotxl :Lid tura below sixty degrees home plealed chiffon gra Wo nage euro now And then to lie themselves manifest In irritability or 304109 and Mar- others here hock- I made. When butter day allowed to anion' The pretty novelties. }ng.. At ilia tim:, the ,: unstrung nerves. ']ou can Promptly forms of mould grow at tem ern- t� y lonely- R1Cnp1L4snl,sS. A tlt)He of IlabyN Own li;nnlH were, g 1 tutee as 10w as 3,' degrees nhr., remn.in at a high temperature 811,1: and pepper clotty, principally An wO don't tilwAys d ns Nye TAblets rivepl at such a time will giver. tie one tVn6 nearer the: llao:' banINIV Anaenllti by enriching, your nhatn;ges begin which spoil Its doll - pepper. Ir: very jantirty In effect should• speedily put ilia little one right and than fifteen feet And the genteel blood, ani, toning till your nerves oi• the freezing point of water, • ca.to flavor anti frosh-mado aroma. vviuoa made rip in Norfolk jackets To Tim Patient is 11o•t Always easy, will give It he.altlly, natural sloop, made to discover the person 'Who witlyDr• I IIIIam:i, .fine. Pills. They Eolluallll is an Irfreeth% I'ting;•ieidc, Iiau:h creamery should have a cold for girls and women with girlish To iv, cheerful is much harder still, npmd you have a posltive guarantee gnva tllt1 dip'll al:r have boon unavall- bring, (rood apps tike, 9011110 sleep, or, in other word,Fl, ti; is a destroyer storage room at ri temperature un- filgures. But At least wo oxn, always lee pleas- that there !.; not a particle of opiate Ing.bright spirlts and perfect health; of fungi and of the spores of fungal. der 38 degrees fahrenbelt ; only re- Fichtls, berthas and 1830 paler- alit, or harmful drug Ill the medicine. Three cdaytl aftor this strange no- They are incomparably the great- A weak solution of formalin Is effec- frigorator lairs 0iould be used for Ines falling; from rue sltottldersAud If we make tip our minds that we Ttho11sands of mothers glvo siltalr Ourrence, on June 2GLh, 10113, llon- (?'�ccilcaltlt-,ggving 1nOcdiclne that gal- five for tide destruction of spores of the carriage of butter, and it should finished with long scarf ends will will. ehlldrmi no other medicine, and all ry ;Tone,; was killeil by falling; out has yot discovered, All over mould. A good course for the butter be put in Bold storage, compart- be a Pronninent feature of dress , matherq who have user, the 'tablets of the bottom of the Skip a dlistance till, world, grateful people prove m%ker to follow is to preparo :L ments on the steamships, and be this summer. And it pays Ovary time to Ira kindly praise them. :Airs, A. McDonald, or soveral hundred feet dolvn tile, the •truth of tirast+ statements. Miss strong brine of salt, adding one carried .at a temperature under 25 Some of the shirt' Al9t suitsmado Although you fe,q worried . and ,garton, Ont., mlys: "Baby's Own Mame t;hafL from which the nryra,11- ;; M. 7`aekey, 0xdrift, Ont., says: ounc0 of formalin to one gallon of degraes. A temperature of 110 de - of moire velour have a crispness ,blue, Tiablets are the best medicine for lit- lone t4}gnals to poise the titan had I da not know, wiiat would have the Trrine. The butter paper should graes fahrenheit is still bettor. and Chic style about them that is 1f you smile At the world and look tllq oiling I have ever used, and I al- been g;tvc..n. become Of me egad it not been for __ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ excelled by no other mpterial used cheerful, hays keep thein In the house In case Tliew three occurrences made R Dr. Williams' Pink. 11111x. My blood - for that purpose. The world will soon smile ,jack At of emergeatoles," Coo d for children of great imprmlon upon many of ill., seemed to leave turned to water, r"��".���P'%NJ "�����p i Proportion of hoots to Cirdln•-Tho rMe unique ribbon rose, made en- you. all age,6 front birth upward. Sold a.t men and par•tieularly ilio mare stip- Land I Inas troilblott wilt}y heaelaoh'es, A ��iI , L I experiments coliduetc4 by Prof. Day, direly of satin ribbon soiled deftly iia 'try to look up and lie pleas- '215 cents a box by mecdiehno dealers ,erstitiou,s of ihem.-Denver Times. QizzIness and general prostration. ��®TcJ hitiv® WINE ' Ttrof, tlrist,ulq and myself, as well +as to represent th'e flower, is being ,ant; or septi post Pnitl by vvzhting direct rventua.11y, I became so 'Weak I (O ' ilio experience of many of our best „ could scarcely move About. I trledd %'d';�, JCC.��"cib..i9"'�It.,�F's�.ttf^�.t Parm0rs indicate that the most tcatr- used in ght; of a buckle . many N0 mnt'kmr how low you gra down, to the Dr. 1Villlams Medicine Co.' Little Jim's Trium tit• sovera.l medicines, but: they did not Daring the last two or three years omieal and satisfactory ration for of that night suede shoes for .evening q•aod humor 1�s always isontagious, Brockville, C►rlt. d amar, i But you banish your friends when Janles, four years old, has iieen help me. '11hen I wins advised to a great deal of Interest has been Fwino feeding contains equal parts ialound, deep collars of white taf- You frown. naugiltY to VIO point of evolving a try Dr. Williams' fink Pills, anc,I taken fn the subject of feeding roots by vyelght of grain and roots. 'The . feta, appliqued withl Mechlin lace, ._---__-• __._. _— A HANDV PANACEA. Whipping trait ills long-suffering soon began to find great beciefit to shine. formerly a prejudice ex- addition of about G.lbs. per day of are among tire dressy novelties that ..--. Mather, And All flay long a desire tot, f►wm them, and after totting then, Isted against therm on account of an skint milk or whey will ga far to m- etre intended to adorn foulard talk Fiat Cloths are art Excellent Antidote , revenge rankle.I in Ills little bosom. for a few W,ecks all (my old strengths idea that their use was r'espOnalble stere thrifty growth and fine qual- 'fracks for tare coming spring and "} 1Y for Pains. At lmngth biedtim� crime, And, kneel- anti iloalth r�turned 11 for a considerable portion of ilia ity of pork. P. W. Hodson, Live summer season. !ng tefore har, he Implorerl a blessing Don't waste tima and money ex. soft bacon pruduced in the Canadian Stock Commfssionar. Dainty frocks of wash , silk can be - r I -lot fomentation6 prove an accept- for each luenllter df the family Indl- perimenting tvAlu dther medicines, packing houses at certain seasons; of ate who, turnip. around In ha yt Appropriate, anal otylishly trim- �,- ablo "cure for Aches and pains dur- vidually, site :.alone being eonsp}cu- when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will the year. Caretul experiment Ilan g pP confusion to hide Ills face In his rued with bllnnl cambric embroidery r, ' i.ng ilia cold winter clays, when the outs by ,ler All, Titan, rising surely make you well. 3:ou can get shove n, However, that roots can be mother's clothes, said: "Mother is in Insertions, either gtrai ht Orin very, retention of warmth seems front Ills devout lto9ture, tits little them front any dealer hl medicine, fed In moderate quantities, combined waved patterns. If carefully laun_ ' j soothing to sensitiv4 nerves, and it suppliant fixed a keenly triumphant or post paid, at ti0c, pat! box, or with other feed, without any injur- pConldslltere be teLtbEt artldefinition dered these dresses will wash as Is surprising to what an extent tills look upon her face, saying, as Pte six boxes for $:3..".O, by writing; cit- lour effects on the quality of the of what Peter wished to teach than, safely as a packet -handkerchief, antilloapfonrepain is now on !s exiled gibed. turned t�o�Oclim,U }itoticed 1 rect to the Dr. Williams Medicine pork sally produced. As heaviCeroo grown "Grist is precious; ewe cannot do • And fold their shape ant! color. P y yon wasn't Got, Brockville, Oat., in nearly all those portions of Can- without him:' -James Stalker. a physician, or when it shall seem }n it."-3arper's Magazine. Duty. A New BYirt. to be the proper thing in the emtrg- as\/1O+rkr?ALNO ot✓IAAAe ,O' ads whexo shine raising is carried Chiffon is becoming snore and more only of extreme internal pains, a . on extensively, the fact that roots The longer on tills earth we live. ,used in the fine dotal, ornamentation A- flannel cloth may be folded, wrung NEWS ►�RfI1 ITI'1 1�1t pf' can be profitably fed without injury ' And weigh the various qualities of ,on the more elaborate ball gowns. Gut of hot water, and applied direct- GOOD NE IY S FRO,1N ���,`���E� to ilia bacon and w}tlt positive bene-' " mein rAllo Vetals of flowers, ly to the skin. Nevertheless it is fit as far as the general thrift of Mile more we feel the high, stern - buds, small better after wringing out the clout ailia animal is concerned becomes of S 7 b g I $ � ' ®N - considerable i ortance to Our Of laintdevvootednessto duty.birds and butterflies are In many '�hp,, as dry as desired to fold it in a. N���� OI4TARI0 rt>,P p cases made wholly of chiffon In plain dry flannel cloth of one or two Lv,�ml_farmers. ' Steadfast and still nor paid with. colors, and in those especially tinted thicknesses ,before applying it to the ---_ Vallee of ltOOt6. mortal praise, Tor the purpose. , patient. ! have nt>tty reaohccl R point 4b miles within the Arctic circle, and Light pounds of xnangels or carrots But finding auaplest recompense -"" t A little tone Is required for the W. J. Dixon Cured of Rheurna< to Bond •Luis message necessitated and about the same weight or a for fifes ungarlanded expense [athSthclrinng, play an Important hem- heat ofythe lan el fomentation d0thus pthe skin tisin by Dotid's Kidney Pi;ls a drives def lU miles to th'e nearest little less of sugar beets aro equal In lyorlc done squarely and unwa9t- g p part !n . the dr telepl;ane office, from which it in ruin. to one pound of grain. This ed days.' lane making alt• ea gowns both for day t allowed an opportunity a acquire ----- would be teltph'oned to Haparanda, is the consensus of opinion of the I -James Russell Lowell. And evening wear, and delicate em- Miss Alice M. Smith, 0 S0. tolerance of the host, and a greater lvrort. the special correspondent Copenhagen, Ottawa and several lbroidertes, either in white or daintydegree of temperature can be borne He Could Hardly 1Yallc or Sleep, But Pendent o1 American experiment stations. ,At + d Old Times. colorings, appear upon th'e newest Minneapolis, Minn.,Mi11tells PRU@V than if the moist cloth is brought is novo Strong and Hearty Once Moro Samos London Daily lIwL, from: PajaiR, P g I remembered wa°aI wandered o'er g Copenhagen en the mangoes were fed , dhirt waists of India mull, linen, lawn, woman's morithl suffering is directly in Contact with tate surface. Barwick, P. O., Rainy River, Feb. y I crossed tha Arctic circle, on 7i A- finely cut and raw, and even when the hills in boyish, glee; chambray, organdie, and other The Outer fold of dry flannel will ) p clay night g one-fourth of they daily feed was , �reneh' Cotton o permanently relieved by Lydia $. also serve to koV the cloth warm 16, -(Special -This hardships enclur- gilt in a blinding snowstorm And tllb dinner barns long eah'o g °d'�' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. g evaporation. eel by thea settlers oP a new,, country ail th'e waLy from Uatarengl to given in the form of roots no fnjnr- brought no boding thoughts to _ by preventin ova or „ A fomentation is sometimes needed often bring on liluaumatlsm that ICoigillombolo. Daring R sic�clge tour lone effects here noticed in rite um; Thee newest blouse and fancy waist I have never before given my an. when no hot water is at hand. Soak any well authtentioated cure 1s of the district I noted on all sides quality of the Mork. The grain per I 'Was Young and I was happy, and r collars are shaped like "pointed ,gir- dorsement for any medicine but the flagnel In cold water, ringing eagerly discussed and carefully lit- " evidences of a starling popula. Ileacs in ten days on a ration half my stomacly na'er went back `dies, bath front and back, or they Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable as dry as desired, fold in a news- vestigated in thQs nelghborhocd. ��s• Ghoetemperature on. Saturday grain G pounds, halfwhey when titor lk was e grain On lr single proposition that my !take tete bishop form, with pointed' pound has added so much to my paper and lay upon the stove or wrap For this reason .tile recent cure of degrees below, zero, Fahr., was replaced he roots after the grain iteetlu would dare attack . embroidered tabs in front. For life.and happiness that I feel like mak- It about the stovepipe. William John Dixon has created a wWch vvas Considered a mild clay portion of 1 to 10 the increase was Never thought I of dyspepsia as I simple )rouse or morning waists the ing au exception in this case. For two Ill a few minutes it will be as soll'satim. He vvas a familiar fig- In tills locality, P charged the jelly cake ears ever month I would have two ore limping > The tot found to be 8.3 and 8.6 lbs. When straight clerical band, with turnover Y y warm as the patient can bear. The • P � arrnlnd with his slick population elation conrtists of about . And fere old corn beef and cabbage days of severe a1 paper keeps ilio pipe from being t,wry !tloupanci half the grain leas replaced by roots edge of lace, embroidery, or hem- Y pain and could find no and efts cure uveas sl, speedy and persons scattered that my mother used to make. relief, but one da while visiting n; inoiatened b the wet flannel and complete thtit it Is little ,yonder Over a wile area. Practically nine .in proportion of 1 to 8 the growth stitched muslin, is the preferred style Y g Y of the different lots was pretty near - of finish, with bands to match at friend I run across Lydia E. ]Piny-+ at alto same onto prevents the Ilan- Peal,io aro looking on Dodd's Iiid_ out of ovary ten aro in want, soli p Y But trio years ]faun brought pros- of wrists.-Eve. Post. ?ham's Vegetable Compound,- net from being soiled by contact ney Pills as something to swear by, are barely existing on the star a- , g flee d pig, viz., Sub lbs for the parity. Thb sl!rtants in m __ she had used it with the best results with the pipe. P'0,rnentatlons thor- 1 " I Iraq an attack of Typhoid tion allowance of •tlne relief eta. ;Fain fed pigs, and 8.6 lbs. for those 1tAlls Y. r and advised me to try it. I found ou hl applied will relieve most of ; ever," Mr. Dixon says in telling tions• The majority of the fed roots, thus showing l small dIn Beep their straining ears &- quiver til new spring sltiLrt model is of! in- Y g Y PP g people ' ferenco In favor o[ the latter. In g q step length, has seven graduated that it worked wonders with ale; I the local pains for which liniments, : his story, `+farad after I,got over It ITAve, 1tat 'tasted meat since the r this experiment It must be noted for the fainitestt• of my calls; gores, with] an extra gore that•forms now experience no pain, and only had lotions and poultices are generally i and started to work Rheumatism autumn, and have. tient but little of that tlio pigs had been fed roots I have eaten of tete' fattest; I have ail outside box ]nit at the back. to use a few bottles to bring about applied, and are greatly to be pre- set i0t. I blad Pa ng in my back and the sour skimmed milk whicir consti- P 6 drunk ilia richest cup- -&W design P this wonderful chancre." -Miss ALTCF, ferred to these remedies, since the rat illy rig,�l't hip a•a 'batt that. I had tTAOS, with• a hard, black Swedish Previously, and consequently took Just to realize at last that these g particularly adapted = Y them readily. for vv;aar vv;ltll' a Russian• p4Lletot or nI' Slssxs' 1104 Third Ave., South Min. are Cleaner and aid nature more j tot use .a stick to walk and I B'ad bar•loy-meal bread, their -main sits- have used Any stomach up; neapolis, Minn. -$6000 forfeit ff original of effectually in restoring the parts to no comfort in sleeping. I could no tonance. litany labile have had to Value of Carrots. And I'd give illy vast possessions to shorter Russian blouse is of two abouslefterproutnggenuanenesecannot beproduccd a sound condition. more tlihn dress -myself for nearly be killed on account of tit's lack in oaperiments with nearly 900 be able Itr partake pieces, circular and rag with lapped Many wotnen suffer silently two month's, and for three or four Of itttlder. The relief food in this pigs on various estates }n Denmark Of the old corn beef and cabbage front breadth and rather wide in -and No Time fbr Them. months I could not lace my right cllstrict w111 •.911`0 out shortly, and - It was found that. carrots and man- that MY mother used to make. verted box - plait at the back. hands 101 P best gifts Veeaaby. P LydiaLydfa L. Pfnkhatn's VegetaUlo Philadelphia Record. I elven or put my rLglit leg on my if more is not riven 'forthcoming gels containing equal quantities of st p,ppings, braids, in applique itching Compound makes the entire fe- First society woman-havo ,you 1 left knee the people must Inevitably starve. dry matter, had similar v^alua in pig All ih'e years I've sought th'e doI- eisappings, brakis, or silk stitching male organisni Itealtlt any children 7 I "A brother of mine advlsedl mo to The local sheriff and the pastor feeding; In other words the amount Jar, struggled upward slow and add t the edge stylish of the lumped portion " y Second society woman-Graclous, I try Dodd's IidOnay Pills, and after total me on Satlttday tira.t they es- of dry matter in roots is of import- r tsure, add to the etYllczli effect of this model. FREE ®V0�.'E ® WOMEN , , taking ti'ree boxes I began to walk unrated it would require about $7 ance rather than the total weight With) my pocket growing wealthy Hol I can't even fisc time to take to supply An average -N. Y. Eve. 'Post. MTs. Pinkham will give every caro Of my dog 1 around and do my vvOrk and lace ge family of six or the quantity, of sugar Contained, and my stomach ,growing ailing woman expert advice en" a my slyaes, wftlr just ittlfiieient food to keep Pobr; Pottltoes. Every year I find m table more AIiF Wt]>r'AIi1Vi]rliiSBLIND? y n ih'eni alive ututtl June, whiClr is rho Y brei free. She latLs helped thou- Six boxes cured lac completely," Ina number of Danish experiments wLilx luxuries replete; The Detroit Journal recency is- sands. address Lynn, Mass. 1VI7 HAVE TdILI ICIGFHT 1'O SAS salving time, During thio same' per - ,.sued a special export number. it Impure blood is the breedingplace i HAS A VIVID IMAGINATION. loll fodder for each! Cow, would cost four of cooked potatoes gave prae- Every year I find that hewer are contained an article written by Mr. - for innumerable Illnesses. When we — Z9. Barth the sheriff and pastor. re- tically the same gain as one pound the things that I can eat H. C. Morris, the United States Con- ABOUT UMBRELLAS, .see &pybody sufferin from rheums- � gard the Immediate future with the of grain. , 'llho quality of pork pro- Till the+ patlnvay back to childhood R g One of the issast Conspiealo,l6 C'haraC• sal in Windsor, Ontario. .Among --� timin, limping• on Crutches, or find on , gravest apprelf3nsiom. All relief duced from Potato feeding is espe- oltoi.times I Yearn to take other things, he said: England Makes Del -tor Ribs Than the teristies of tho .ler situ,. C -Lally goose as has been shown by TO tin old corn beef and cabbage our way a person, covered will. foal has be carried about severnt:y "It is commonly known here that Stated. sores, we feel tempted to call out to Mho Persian's imagination Is one of utiles after leaving tl'e railway, numerous exporlments in England, th'a't my motber.used tai make. some of the larger concerns in the them, As, well an to those suffering; his strongest characteristics, and it During my jokirney on Saturday Ireland, Denmaxk and Canada. In And sometimes in blissful rnomen:ts ,United States, in order to undersell A (Buffalo umbrella maker has con- from anaemia, scrofula: "Poor roam, has found full play In his religion. Insaw some, most• depressing si,;b,t9, tills connection Prof. Grisdale, of the I well fall asleep sad moms competitors here, have shipped Into tided to the Express that the main the help }s• within, your reach, adld JVhon he split with lits :am i?arkish bre- many case. -4 a family of eight (ventral Experimental Farm, says; Of tila russet buckwheat steaming Canada machines of a former and cause of rotting of tlio silk is the you still conitlaue to suffer i" AVe ther over who should be snecossor are living in a small but, such as "Potatoes are frequently available and fila sorghum syrup • older pattern. The American farrier clave the rfg;glt ;to may,' that, simce we to Mobammerli bo slid IL with tree fan- wiouicl not bo used for silslteiing for feeding pigs especially etnali po- _ will buy nothing that Is not strictly Perspiration of Ilia Bunds w3tich, lar- I }rave known the 1ltstory of this PO- ' atleal enthusiasm with whelk lie does cattle in England. T11ey have tatoes. All experimental work here Dream tbgleamti;i; once more I aur liven up to date, and at the end of every Ing the process of rolling, combines pular metdicc}¢te; hardly any other overy(bing-except t tell the truth. scarcely any, furniture, and their with potatoes seems to Indicate that P -hare Welsh rarebits"lure ,tin - season there are left over some ma- vvitlt the acids used in dyeing file silk, luacUci,ne lta,s r;ueceeded inn achieving fiato Offspring of L:atimR were hence- becl,a aro but a ]reap Of rags. Des- fed rave flay, gra of very little nu - chines that will be a year old the Ila says an umbrella should never be ouch. remarkable a;nd thomougRt cures forth t�sacrell embodiments to him, i'Ito aIle terrible co]cl, these poor tritivo value, but when cooked they And kiliia noonhour unacquainted pert season, and these machines may rolled. "T,hero is another Interesting ao Dr. August Koanig's hamburg And wbou the T.0 ks and Arabs with people are too impoverished to be aro Norte about ons -quarter 'ts with; the sad, dyspeptic itioan; look some new d are tion, but will thing about tiro umbrella bushlece Drops. Fasts are eloquent. Thou- almost equal fervor tlteltosed of ilia able to afford proper wflndow14 mull. As mixed grain." Than -I jeer at pepsin tablets .and do the work, and are nlest as good' • anti that Is that no good umbrella i asa-non of testimonials bring news blinll,s of various methods of mur- and tide chinks between tide logs Artichokes. forget lily stomach Rolle as the up-to-date machine ;and these ribs axe ,nada in the nited States. of cares 1>y these "life drops," as der held to be are often very inadequately stuffed �macnines--back numbers -are shipped I All the best ribs lout from I•:.nglaud. I Q. 'g'ratefud pation•t named them, and the schism wat+wcom complete. Tile vv.ttti mores arttd paper. havo p feeding value simlPar to In ilio earn beef incl cabbage that Into Canada at a much reduced in- . t avert' day the teat of there Us increas- P gulf Ono anliy iruagtn. the lloxrlble eon• that of potRtocis. MY mother used to make. -voice value, thus saving duty, and ' T`hat is pacltl[ar, too, when you stop ; In It must be further said In. batvyeen Shidtn inti Sunn[te was fix- (lit oT these stn Turnips havo not been found as Weekly. Otus Theese in Leslie•s they are just as acceptable to the to think about how much Americans g'• Praise ell for all time. 1t etas never nar- 111196. In oilo but gin fetor mboto satisfactory as nrangels or sugar waekty Canadian farmer as any machine." pride themselves on their industries °[ Dr. Augustt Koen-igs Hamburg rowed. Tio tills day, ht periods of I save two toR-eu s -wound round beets for swine fatting, either in So, according to no less a person and how they, boast that they spam i Drops tl.at they, aro prepared from p no expense W equipping their fac-' plants and roots, ,wititout any ad- stress between the seats, tete Persian with string, Tilll,y were the only amount of gRin produced or in the 1Vprse and vYorsc. SSouthaof us,lof wethe farmersblic whoothebuy tortes and shops with the best ma; +miixture of minora;! substAm.CON, sneer, killed rare Sunnieilltn artue to wh to alotie peturestuc+ ain lle e lookp,rTJle huts :arc readiness with which they rare cots "I oil Buffalo Commercial. a United States ,machines are really ohinery. A good rib-maaking niachIno l rare mercury, ohain ,tltetun led til re- t, but they en -by p1gs. Indeed, no other r y I g r ed you Bocetusel I need. buy}n the obsolete machines _ costs about $' .t,000. 'There are mil- p pany of Christians, and Ills conduct bide a world nmount of destitution ; seems more satisfactory considering ell the 'don Ir' so badly. - ,buying glen ltonv invested }u the umbrella buss -f tar effects reswlttng from the use at all rues, Rhetltor an vvar or bust- ante hepato misery. i the yield per acre, pmlaLt%b}llty and And, jud;ing from tltti )jread you ,ared.atncie the United States Implement .. naso in tills county, 2- of other Pio-called blood purifiers and lless, shows at what value ire holds In many cases babies are so am- ' feeding value, than the large red Imake, you knead it worse and worse ;ngenoies and shipped Into Canada. Y, so $w,000, the P �t is not to be wondered at that cost of a machine, is not ilia thing Pmrg;atives, which often remove the Christlan. aclated on account of their moth- mange,]. : i I t as time Boas on" •the United States machines shipped that Is keeping American manufac- fill'all ills And came much. greater i Tlhe cultivation of this religious eget being too weak to afford theta Minto Canada do not wear or pP furors from making as good ribs rLs omes. [We a.re often tusked. "When tension, century after century, haus eur�tcnauco that in all probability ___ _..._.. _.. _ .-.._----- --- - r -`--. -""`---•---" .. - -satisfaction like the Canadian imp e- Ala made in England. I believe that i sh'otuld the system be pur},ted:' This vvrought upon the Persian tempera- cores of thein well die before the grluents. One could hardly expect this ilio trusts find it moro profitable, for inut9t be left to personal judgment, ment like a corrosive acid. To the summer. The, nearcet• doctor to.Kot•- TheChest Pains P Pilornbolo lives at A distance of gto be the case under the rather ill. present at least, to turn out and we cam only reply: When na- i oreglnal formulae ho has tacked on forty-nhta milaq. extraordear condLt}o cited by Mr. olieail T1 for cheap umbrellas than I tnee demAmds it. The eprlmg is gen- , horrors and deprivation, hunger and �iforrl% . to produce a really good article. I Y. proper time laceration enough; to mtake an or -I visited two villago'v tan miles , �•� Bronchitis i( orale consQdered the „ np,tr•t• In the formit. fit one inmt I I These English ribs cost anywhere I fou ptmrlfying' the System. We do ,not dbtary savage turn rale. I have found seven motnerit+,ss children. from 25 to b0 deeps each. Trite price , wslat to urpset that theory, but wo seen gentlemen of Indian tribes, Hairs or tine Human Head. Their father walked to Geilivare, .------ differs aeording to the material used must Point out tdliat blood should be shaken by spiritual grief, Cry 111ce, over one hundred miles awn 1; A scientist with a vast amount of ' and ilio care with which the ribs are purified alt3o at other times, when Y, to find ` 'tlence has counted the hairs of the enameled. The cheapest English rib is there ,are h1gns 014t lit Is not clean --"-"-"` --�"" �"�'��"' �""` a•oxlc sonlo months: ago, but has not , The dry, tight cough. the soreness aggravated by oough- i1Uman head, Iii fact, not content ' botior than most Of the high-priced al d wantta Ire taakti 0NR'-WAY HA'Z'ES. alaturnea, and ill the meantime tll(? witb counting one head of hair, lie.! American ribs. TUtey are troger, - - 'ib many points to rho States of Cali- children have bnen kept allvn by I Ing, all disappear with the use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of }undertook several. The results othis ' they are Curved better, and the en- fornia, Oregon and Washington. tls�Ctlale`l of the ►lehgllbOr9 Rte poor i Linseed and Turpentine. GHOS�'S HAUNT Tail MI ' Investigations are curious. Blondes, for instance have the + greatest [tum• amelin;g will outhuit tile enameling in the American wnre9, Tho luug;11s11 S ND EVERY DAY. �--` title W.R. The 11tLln oneaare in charge. of grunge, till, c1,Ie:it girt, ber and those with red hair the . ribs can be detected rattily by looking The Union Pacific will sell One-way, They Scare ilio Workers rand (live Colonist Tickets at tide follotrhlg vvho ie only 13, and the yollu ese i„ four. �arn smallest. In no case is there much t variation between sexes whoa tiro 1 at the braces that extend from the middle of rho ribs to the circular Some Mysterious Signals. rats from A�tssottrl elver termlaals: .,• Tho older ch.ilaren m;tintina; ihemt.grtvet+ for• till, sake tit color is the same. Light-lwhen pen -1 strip that ylides tip and clown tto , r tiScztd sto ACs of ghostlike figures $w.00 {o ,,an Francisco, Los An- seen the the youhg;nr. 9°Jin a�)p • poenrtypre:- pee have between 140,000 and 16G,-'. 000 hairs. Brunettes average only stick. tela the American article the mrd at entrance of rho [vino goIos and many other CalifnrniR sl[aftsalldtales Of r groans a hot_iJunes. 1`lekots on sues Feb, 15 to being hl,ttr<l alga bot ing; sof waits it, all the hates Around. , .. Tn the 0th.r vT]tt;zo T cinkii a wt. ,about 10,000 hairs. Tied -haired eo- P of the brace that tits against tiro g ti . re ton[ of tie chaft9 Are. related by l Jun. 1G, 1003. ter, or w i; ill for drinking wta• ter, or vvhlclt ilio }.� • . -•-••-�•--••---------------- ------:_---• miGillg.; man who havo j•l, t rot ixnn t _ -.-.. � gttpply vt�ry, I. i . ,_ T r — d. c•.•-� lig 1 I tytar+orr a¢wc . 11 - - __1r_ _. - . ,_—,".. 11 . ,. .,.,- The Frost 10 Wire and 6 Stay Ponce its the strongest and heaviest wire fence inade--good openings for good: agents ; white its at once for terms. Ask for catalog. 'Pee F'"Oetwil it ri:01090001 r WitL.Alva, alar. WIN01109 ir, MAN. _... _ . . . r. �.ij.l_ic_. ..:.r., t. ..:,.J t ' t , t Prem tenet prOPerty of tits Big'Kanit- $.-0.00 to Ogden And wait Lake City. $20.00 to Butte, Anaeouda, and Ilei- r, ort. T le baean 11'.10 ucarly Isivt n out, 11114 thA vtll:1901',1 Wert) ovel•- wh11; Mining C;Ompa[ly at Ctrendo. ena. I wheinv:d with jay when 9npplied Thew talcs, which rival thneo of "Babette,' of whom frank Dantelq $2,2..50 to 4pokano and Wanatelice, Wa,h. With 103110 mom. 8'everal starving i foils be9F`:e,d for food from: in(, tit sun aro BR d t 1 1 i a have bele C w ' ir, Ili a am• ., - $11,00 io JJy('ratt, I'nlrlla\'all sled preaased upon many of the Olin 0111» Naw Whateom, vin Fingtti11gton And t 1] 1 Tial is 1111010. T ave them en ro f; l b ted, `tn:i mn:tt, lend ILA old lvontan, llii11- playead ill LJIo big T{AntLW1l:L t'0mpany'.a haveIt iplaces rwhere Spokane• ly blind and b•11-11 .11110 to walk t tellpq Of ,which ought; lit mutes I the t$1b.00 to Portland, Tacoma told Se- a ilm of oho tui i' bot '6,tten tail cue unnatural slghte And Founds' Aro unknown. $25,00 to Ashiand, Roseburg, :Eu- illi ,mmmer. Ano0ht•1• wonon ir.•0•tln•' ntnl,,:;t '.Clio lir4L titan to relate it g;ho+at- I gone, Albany and Salem, v13 I'ort• hysteric:at i will, Illy when given Pre - like talo of Ills nxperlenoes while working; at the to}u0 WAD X(M U-1- i lttnd. w Tickets on Salo xeb. 15 to April nerve+l meat, unci expreood hnr th.lt,lcv in the form et bIlfill1gq In Queg, an enl,incer. 1t •rung about tivo months ago that, while.st.tild. g I 30, 1008. For full information call on or ad- ):i•,•,t•h 7:wWl•ran•ao N now 1116 4 1 of •rise poorpnt t,L.trintra in tilt• ;�'orr.. Ink at the end of the trans, lie Saw. dress 11:. F. CARTER, T. P. A., I.1 i l+0ttpu Province. t , R nyan not moro than twenty Met ; Janes Building, Toronto. Canada, or '!'lits psnitt0 at.(. tl� r►til their lien• away. Thinking; it waq one of tilts P. D. ClIOA= 125 Woodward Avenue, ger with dilly) r;• 1wi +i inn. whirl millerq employed At the ream his Detroit, M1e,11. is rntxct pathetlo to wlthogs. .r It is the tendency of every cold snore than it mere rough medicine, to develop into .bronchitis, consuMp- and acts an the whole sy9tel11, thor- tion or some form of lung trouble. oughly eradicating discasn. llrnneilitiq IN most dreaded, because it per. John Clark, coachman, Port bas it tendeney to become cilronie 1101)c, Ont., States: "Being exposed and return again and Again, until to all sorts of weather, I frequently thn patient becomes worn out or catch cold. Last winter I was so falls tin easy prey to consumption or bad vvith a cold that I eould not piteumonla. Only till, most rebust t?peak above a whis1wr, nod Kati vonstlintiou call throw off bronchitis. great pains In the e1wi't. At last 1 Aged people, child-een and all vvho feared It would delrlop into Holl. are In dellvate health or have weak stlnlption if I did not sticeeed in get. lungs have every reason to fear thin ilil•g proper treatment. . ailment. , . " A friend advli;ed Tae. to use Dr. n cough t d and hard • if It til tl 1 s ry n r Chase's •ru of Linseed •., { ll S eel And �be- there is pain 9oreneRs or tightne9N ;pontine and I begin to I'liiirove lit ills chest ; it breathing; is difficult forn I�6ad taken half a bottle. One and causes drain in the Chest, you ,bottle cured ;my Cold, which I believe, have nvery reavon to sn>pposc that would have Proven very se1•lons if I you have .bronellitis, and should had not used tilts lnedieille." promptly begin the Imo of Dr. It is neeesslry for you to Pte rA.c•- Chase'N Syrup or Linseed and '.Cur- fill when buying Dr. t1luse-'s Syrnp 11011thlla. I . of Unseed and Turpentine, for there 'Cough mixtures that cony help an are many substitutes and huitations ordinary cold have no effect on Bron- offered. The portrait anti signature ehlMs and arithmta, but Dr. ChASO'N orf Dr. A. NY. t111941 ArA (lit 01'cry 1,ot•- Syrup of Linseed And Turpentine has ilo of the g oindne. •W) aentd it bottha. won Ito envidble reputation on AC- falsely Am {thren timoo •its 1111101) 60 count of Its wonderful onecess in Cents. At all dealnr:s, or l.dnitallson', eurtng these Allments. It is far; )Mtes 8c 00., Toronto.