HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-05, Page 2. 1, -1 ...!� L ��� i - .. ­­ ­, . � ­­ - I � I I I . .— - 1- . �-1. . � - . I - -1. I ­ .11- ­­ . .. � -. .11. . I I. . � I- I . . . ­ . I . � 11 . .. � ­.. .. . 11 1. I . � " I I I . -- 0000" I - - � ,--- - - . I 0090"Goo"OMM0000=0040 - - *—o*c"**ocw*o*cw*­lxiq stadfo, at so and royally enter- thiagg. cattle And 000fogRod-W11011 G00G,60600Z=VQ04M=*4aV .. .. 11 .. � I I 'I , I �tahied a king of France at ST. lie tile complenco to truly awftkoll(ld I . . . ' , t umble call- ,witi so little and robutit that tile end there Will always be a . seeined far btf, but lie was out down fc-skilon or Bills 60mmitte.4, I)eolpIrlu ,, g EDUCATION IN ENGLAND by the plague. their deedo-7bey toul how they I had F" tv Virile. Thoug-h Agvd. boon COlIP00t0d With .superstitious V -1040" + a-",— tiscs. and had indulged In wltoll- . Recently Thomas Sidney Cooper P'11�41111`t and sorogry. which were not Tho Bill Ovar Which Such a Warm Fight Has Raged died In lmdont. 110 111CASure4 'III's consistent wIth Christianity. BRIDAL TROUSSEAUS I' 1, life by Ills tichlovements, not years. I -� ­nfloem I I #-Icc"lrop-loo=cc==*==C*�."*04.11�.�CCC4-�Ct�-,**"=o,-.�.-Q. Ile was a truly great painter and .tv- cal, ous ar a r . V requiring skill and okillning. such as 6020" *M=4=0-,Ccwcocfa=CQ==*"C=00=000*=Qoor-- I Hoon after the Introanotion oftho Cant. of the teachers tire cort"Acated; Ills first picture Was hung In the aca- cle'lily. In 18a8. lie was, a man the,, magle, alla sleight of hand, Which are practised lie qNtensIvely 113 eastern .Timis wife, ifitying passed through ' Wedding trip two enormous trunks I (Ildn,t want; oartor full or thing W measure, we directed attention to ; while certifle-ates are hold by rjI por ,the 14ducatlon Bill for Engl and and : cent. in the Board schools, and by 81 and ago didn't litaider Ills )land, for Ills last palntlu�� found Its, Plane in Countries. Such artis were very papa. lar at fi.phosus, The celebrated tIfo mat rimollial. gatoway to the iallit or if.l,ppinoss, is willing to give 'a roes and porters' UPS Must have cost Jim oonsidbrahle, for I could never Walva brought forward by the Sallla- � pt,r Cent. lit tile sehools controlleaDY bury Government at tile request or the London ,Rchool Board, Kgullic' ant, the academy In 1000. 11c finished it at thts ago of 07, and diod at 00, 411j.pIIoSl.%II letters" wore small Slip"" or in sak bags, oil which a few, pointers on lvlfat 0110 00118 remember which trUnk I lia,al put cer. tail, things wanted in, and dear me I tile Anglican Church, and, especially, 1 ttlfiiv, Is tile fact that, while the aver- t now for head school, Tile achievements or old men, the parchment ,,,fixings were, written Strange words anti Oat)- for 4 bride." 111 was a glork lit till OfflCOXOUO that Was the time X knew a patient Oil It Is understood, or the High Churvil ago'ualary pald wing of that body., Although ' 1111-t0l"' In church Schools Is utider t850- virility and ambition that last at- 1110.9t till t1lo gatoo of tile (.,amatory tolices, and woro carried about oil tile person as Charms or amulets to wri,tes, "and WOU I Wag fOUr-alld,- twenty I jUe!t jim.. lie jy,aa a work. inall like Jim waff thrown away a little ninny like "Jim's wire.11 r4r. Balfour haa slit>wn him- I .�G 10, It Is In Boiard. Schools Over coticillatory, autl ling lie hast further been proved thai the tire opened, are the wonder or moil- Shield rpom danger, or to procuro Or In all office like myseir, and lie "I'lit. afraid I haven't boon Y' ary ex- thO details or cost iself . amendmenta ­ "I'll- tweepted on some dclic-lut,"ItIollal schools, mainly from III$ tit(. 11 arteA b,v voluntary subweriptious, ern times. No fallacy Is more firmly fixed in, . good fortune.--Solinff, Books-Thore no books than such a4 we 11 "YO were - eh to begin mar- tly $Goo rictl life Oil. I had exac , I'llolt In giving of a Wedding Outfit. I oul Y know I dollars when two minor points opponents, crucial feature at the proposal re. have recelltlY silent In tOftellIll go oil the the public mind, ilowever, thnii that tile e8tablishmout now; those I)ooks wore parchment �s rolls which contained their mysLork put by, and tile first thing I did 0 'to MaLTY 111111 spent Six hundred . clone, and I hundred Would have inains Intact. That Is to Ray, the Child PET anllum only $8.70, while of "rates," or taxes �6r to. Board sollools have Spoilt $11.29. which represents or our government tie tho work of and dosorlbed their heathen practlees. I . 18 Ivilell Jim asked in was to run to the would like to Warn ,%It lyrides-to-be dressing over and beyond tile payers I val pur cons, whoI since the passago' These figures ludloato that the , have been sub� ? old 174011. The, delUSIOU is Imbibed In childhood and is unconsciously cul- Durntid them, eto.-Confession . cheap, but reformation Is of -too e my,, eight years, sayings, Well, I I;now;, I had that agaiiiBt means they Possess. Especially to Of of lorster Education Act fit 1870, voluntary Schools have bad to contrWutc, to the main- J,oted to tlVated by text-boaks used In school. costly A. false penitence would bay(, sold t6so books, and kept both, the . lid, and I thought I amount to Spa guard against buying. too 11111011 ADY 0130 tit Ing; rather to exerelso led Board I Lievere F.Itittstelal Pressure ""to fathero of the republic" are tie- I nioney and the credit fat, platY.- ought to spend It, I hadn't any ro- to tell what )udgment-their own If they have It Willools, which give a purely Secular and that, unless the proposed aduca- education, will houceforth, have to'llonal bill shall become a law, 'natty Plated In nil the Waterloo with wigs, once and otlier accessories or dross Whodon, Such a ,burning Pile must 11a,,., attraeted great attention and lations near me me to do witif lily money, so I began fr have -a Iond'o judgment It they It is 6 time in life above all contribute also to the support oftle- Of ,them will have to be closed, and that apparently betoken age andthe c;;usod a commotion In H�phesus. Be- at the beginning and started luby I about : none. thufts when advice well given to ro- nominatton.11 schools -Anglican, Was- ))O,Irtt schools will be opened In their pupil naturally concludes that they fore ull moll-PablIclY. Fifty thou- furnishing my feet. spent I and illip. quirod.-Jim's WlfO- I leyatt Catholic or Nonconformist- t,tead. It IS true that In 1807 IL law " � 1.1 1 4-4- 11 -1 h . 1 1141-1-- -1 . I + A --I nflonal must Ilavo been old when the un- +I- . ;, " sand piecco-The ottorifloo was very I 4, 11 r% I "r liver $2,5 on boot s and � Shoes pers, I got' tile befit I could find I IVA4 0 . ev Ise v a - I Was Pass 9 I IIK U .. had to depend on vniuntary subaorlp� �ohools ail annual Zrant from tile — ­ . . In point of fact they were an un� groat. -1he 0 ,UU p .... . It reckoned in ,Tcwlph money (sbekelsY, and this perhaps wns tll'e tIons, supplementea by a small tin- Imp,�rlal exchequer of $1.43 par child commonly young set of men. George would bit about $35,000; If lit Greek VOBtmOnt I ma'du for my money. Noxt I selected fine wilitewear, Ex� . -111 schools, and 81 cents nual grant from tile Imperial III the nth ehcquer. Although the innovatlonli per Child 1:1 the rural schocils. This WaShingtou, senior lit age as well as In antbority and Influence, was more pi , (draclims),. as is -obable about $O,3OO--"-Vl11Cfffit- ,,But this buying tw,RIve sets of clfemlso, draw- vellenkesitly oppof.ed I It,gsistatice, however, proved entirely by I inadequate, and It became evident but 43 when the revolution broke out r hall -lie became first gives no lac% of the Purchasing power of tile mollay,,, A dayiis wages then ers, slip -waists, petticoats and night dresses; If I ram ember right by the Nonconformists and most! members of the Liberal party, the! that many of tile iletionituational I 57 irreal- and w dellt ; r .fhomas Jefferson only 30 wben wait only apenny, and at the rate Of I Paid. about $12 & Set for those, a 1 it ek Government can undoubtedly carry 7 t oboAs would have tc; be abandoned . UnIess the expons, Of maintaining Lie wrote the declaration or inde- wages here, the stun -would amount to fro * $50,000 to $100,0 0- In. 0 fQ01191V wastd Of money PfOv to be, for-'thlrlteen years after -I It out it it he resolved to do co. oinee the normai Unionist majority, of ! them could be devolved on tho rate- . penclance, Alexander Ilamllton but 82 lie became secretary of tile 20. So -This one word O'soll is a nor find myseff W Ith six or more nbout 140 is strengthene.1 bg the p-xyer, Then It ,was that the author- itles or tile Anglican Church organ- when treaSury, James Madigan Only 23 divine "amen," n testimony of lip- coming from hoaven.-Lall9c. white skirts of a, cut and style all" of date; torn and worn t Jr.all, Catliollos, who, notwithstanding theft, frIendly relations with tile Llb-. tz0a tile moveme lit Willett has had . . when lie was made member of a VIr- gln�a. committee of safety, and 86 proyal Krightily-11with overpowering force =dgell flounces and welghty s Is 'ell boa t out : for Us outcome the new education olials, approve the principle of tile ased on the as� "I'll " movement b. when lie was Ilamlitoll's great colab- and strength which nothing could re- Grow -The truth grow In favor tuckings, whi 0 n hav r) so often, thait I say to all brides t bill. It -the Education Bill becomes a law, Motion that every _parent has a orator in the production or that po- "T149* Fist." NvIL11 the people, and tbere,were many I to be: don't buy too many articles a donomina.tional. school, provided ! right to teach III& child what rolig- I tons dogmas Ito likes, and to litical classic, Federalist." Nor were tile leaders In the great . lons and acces convers Starts to the ' Of underwear at ofica. Patterns W change, Tashlons after, laundresses thirty puplis attend It, and provided tile building is kept In repair by ,.-of- &SIC tile 'Natioll tu Pity I enterprise exceptional In this' mat- "I'll) ell' "The Word of UoLl gre*r in power ano lutensIty.n.nd let] to mar- 2 It destroy, and I believe three sets of , uutary suboorlptions, is to be main- for such toachin- Lord Hugh Cec- Ined, rtly by a an ram , o, I '�alisbury, and tile Lord ter Of age. Forty names ,were sign- ed to -tile constitution or the United volous- deeds of seir-renunelation as 'tation of gre, wall as to the manifes at well-fashloned underwear are auffl-11 clent for a girl of moderate means 11, a son of . Imperial Extahequer, but mainly - at of the Hl�,,Il Church represent4tLve ee 1787. Leaving out a f account four Solemnity and'JOY." AW prevailed- , . --or a self -svpPorting girl -who Is t . about to be married. ' a cost of the ratepayers. Tile com- ZIOML�nt'fn the Hou, -e of Commans� InIttee managinl; oil 11. 001 will even'further, and deelaresthat Wh0sL' blrilida-ya are 'not'given by -only It prevalled. Thoughts. -The faithful . and per, T3vo dark ikilderskirts, one of silk, 0 be controlled by a r,el ous body responsible for the school, County goes' the only true vteiv, of tile WhOol. Is of tile the ,book .of reference,: five of tile remaining thirty-sIx had reached sistent preaching or tile gospel brings results. Those who Oppooe are enough, and should not cost It more than $a apiece, In frocks, of -the Or Town Council which provides most to regard It as an annex Church. the ago of 00; twenty of the nuill- C131-iqt, or HID gospel will ultimately course, tile wedding gown comes, t or ,the funds bavin:W power to elect ,it thal-b is no C,oubt )Ve repeat tit- ter were less than 45. years old I and t1l suffer defoat. Tliose who would be be first. - Foollsbily enough I decided 7 to tire regulation wreath and oinly one-third of this committee. Tilt, committees are empowered to aP- aloat the power of the Government r*w. beaded by Mr. Balfour to car- twelve were under 4.0, among a latter being a:::, I-lamilton, of 80, true folidwers of Christ. must ready to- make great saorltices fw . wear veil, and of, course It White silk b Point teaohero thL9 measure. It Is equallycer- ry another of 20, a third of 28, and a Him, .even to 1;ufferIng tile loss of the thing dross litaid to go with! these delight$. a Th �e silk -dreSs cost me Somewhere Ou TbLologicial drounds t.tn that bach a la%r will be a hard ' , provided they are not disqualified by one tio enforce, for many loadinx non- fourth who lacked some months of W when tile convention met. Mbe av- all things. Among v%orst 'i lit tile world are bad books, aud the in, tire vicinity of $30i, and I found b I an Utter lack of educational attaill- confornusts are advocating it no- orago age of all the members (lid soolle'r they tire - committed to the love- - It: a - , b mants. I rate Campaign. that Is to SaY,tIIeY It is asserted by the,* ikc�'ncatnforni- urge their co-religion-Ists to 90 to not quite reach 4,15, yeara. The most Important committee to which the flames tho' better. Romances, books and immodest and, unchaste rt of Closet Skeleton . $ So . t lots Plat hitheIrto in the Anglican schools the teachers have been miser- jai. . I by the hundreds anti the thous- . naids rather than pay rates for the instrument Was referred for final re- vision consisted of five members, four poems often find their way Ifito tile libraviGit of professed Christian Ilea- for years after. We Nvere not In a S position to go out in society inuchl, t ably Inefficient, having been selected support of schoolN In *Iiicb theo- I disapproved of by of whom were between 80 and 36 ple, afid fit all such cados, ,pubile bonfires would affil 96 In order. and lio occasl6n to wear it oocur- red for about five years after my r for th-at eake of -their religious belief a, o at they would 1091-01 views therril'are, taugglIt. if thl.s plan Ile years Of ago, the f Ifth and. least Pitt- m1nient beinLr 60. . 111Z.&CTICAL SURVEY. wedding 'clay, when I found the $ $ tench, in Sunday school s, or play the at The assertion is, to carried out, there Is likelY to be such a popular convuls:*on lit Eng- . . I Boldness. Paul's ministry at R pho- by boldness. who le lbake, out of date and be- t IfInd the times. However, a good I organ a)lurch. a considerable extent, born( 3 out by land as has not been witnessed since statistics, which show that In the de- tile Chartist disturbances. - New ' SC1400,11 SUpd-Exy ILI) as characterized SUB W, He did not enter the synagogue tiva- idly take a back seat. NO, Ile quality, gross grain silk, in black, proved to bo. vrorth ever) dollar- notminational sulloole only 88 Per York Sun. and had a gIGrlOa9 message and howas I $45-1 Wad put In t, and was for I I . . I -t- I JeeklDg Opportunities, to deliver It. almost- too years my stand-by for occasions varvine! from town -hall I INTERNATIONAL JALSSON NO. . He pashed through doors that wale 0 maucki 8, 1003. not willingly opened and by tile . meetings tai a call on. tb!o minister's . . I -- - - . vory energy of his ministry compell- wIlle I I W.ould pause here to say , to, all brides-tol-be, or Intended Paill at hpile"ug.-Aets 10: M210. StUdY ea men to licar. I. Boldness In It- �Ies-jhat�wjsll-to.-be: Get a good self attracts thei attention of man- br Verses 9-20. kind. 2. It evokes the admiration quality black silk dress and pay COMMENTARY. -I, Paul'S preach- of men, wjIon it to exhibited In anv , [Or 111aving It wa),* made. Lng and miracles, v -s. 8-12. Paulwent good cause. 8. it fixen the atter�- ' J%y tulle vdil (worn so proudly) cost mto tile synagogue and spake Itold- tion of tile .�udltors upon the par- $2�50, and was never any use to me IY rot- three mantlis. During this t1cular principles that are espoused after, and only supeKstition makes VIlue Ito oppo�sftion -waa offered to , 4. it has in itself, a dynamic force me board it, with a. spray of seventy- ' aim, and tile apostle was permitted that is calculated to increase can- 1 five cent motiso-nibbled orange blos- tAD speau with tile utmost freedom victioll. 5. It is Specially needed Iiii soms. I wore my *oddllng dress onpe, 4. . (E I ootou Herald.( when second childhood is supposed to and holdliese. But a crisis finally carrying on the Work or moral ro- 1 Aectordlog to a, recent writer eight -get lit, but who seems to Improve arose and a division took Place. formation. e. It lie invaluable as an ( t)f the Xorela,thers lived nearlY 1,000 With age. ,Mhen comes Cassius M. The majority of the Jews hardened element of personal chiracter in a I years eaeh� Adam lived 030 years, Clay, the old Furloso of Kentucky, their hearts against the truth,and champion or, Christianity. . 8eth OIL" gind so On, until Enoeb, who and Baroness Burdett -Coutts. at length the leaders proclaimed Persistency, T�hls was a valuable ', lived only 665 lyears, and - Of whom So far from Intellectual ,work dl- their hostility and reviled Christian- element whiell. entered into Paul's the bible intimates, that lie died pre- allulsbing vitality, the chlefs Of 0,11 Ity publicly in the syna-gogub. This atirlib,try. He kept at the work in I maturely. Of each Io,f rs It Intelleetual p,colessious are, and lit ejuduct .Induced the apostle not oni E phoguts for more than two years. ' is said -"And lie died," implying &: recent time have been, men who have Iv to renounce, oil Iris oivn part, all ThIa is doubtless one very good rea- perfectly natural cause, w.h.11 . a 'of ;, Passed the ordinary tortri of years ellowshill" with tile symagague,bat son why at luat the Word of God , , Iri growi and mightily prevailed. F,noch it Is said, "And he -was nott, . urlth undlinluished poweis. In poll- also to thdraw the whole num- for God took Win." Lamech's years . tics the principal leaders whom this .or of tile Christians from it. He Tact. This -was another important ' were 777 amd. Xoah?s 930. Whjil We generation hvis known have been. then chose the lecture r.-)om of a . reach Torah the change is striking. Eurl Russell, Ldrd Palmerston, Lord ma a suit. oloweat Ili Paul!s work at EpUesus. - for his 1years were ottly 2qa .'years Boac6lisfield wid-Mr. Glabstoile, and Able place fo,r Ilia religious'toddhing. There- lit a 'warld' of meaning' ill I and there is no indloation of a07F every one of the three was at 70 In During these years in Ephesus Paul tile three words, "disputing and per- , made a profound. Impression and all suading." One class of Individuate is-, special cause of death. Abrahaln� (till vlaor, while tile last, at 88, wab .�ol.a -was. stirred. "Aided. by Ilia faith- speolally food of argument and can Led In a good -old age, an.old coercing a reluctant party to Indorse : who I'd' ul follow ministers, and penbaps by never be fully persuaded until firmly man, and fuill of trears," fixeg al- a policy which the people of England - - 6; 7), convinded. Paul recognized thle fact, t other 175 lyears. l , . . determinedly - rejected. The great hlu consecrated twelve (va =111 Is this decline in tongevity4 to statesman of -tile continent, Prin . ce lie could not only thunder the la -1v and no doubt disputed boldlyandpar- ptics hold that Blsivarok,. rqmalned at 78 a rorok; and the gospel from the acadentle islatently'. Another class Js much be explained? Tlw ake hall or Tyrannus, but In the sur- more likely to be reached through in the ainte-dLiuvian period our with which ]its Government bad to 1`111111111113g rural territory and even tile emotions and sympathies. These . I coai,; while tile will Of L60 XIIL, tile oth.r great Asiatic cities. Thong- lie won by thei "dlvfne art of persua- inolath was called a ,yea.r, and that reel, >. therefore, the amerage, length of 11fer an. exceptionally Intellectual Pope, in - f. Disputation and Porous - the �Wo IS telt in- every corner of �lie ands -wbo came to Ephesus to wor- Stan.,$ was 80, 'years. But tile bible dlstblet-a . I Ship In the temple or Diana, came to Stan- ina�r both be Isafiely employed In ly rocognizes a monthly and an an- World. hear the gospel of the Saviour In the winning Souls. 2. Both mag be re- MU&I period of time, and the theory ,The most Intellectual and suocess� school of Tyrannus. Other thousands quIted before Individual soul& are fit question is 'purely arbltrary and ful, -Soldier of - our time; tb e man who aeard that same gospel- from the won for Cljrlvt. 8. Either may, at fanciful. . . , has really thought out Vletorles,'Alar- apostle's faithful missionaries; so times, be, wisely onilttod In dealltIg This leads 1-p to the discussion ,It si,all Von Moitkip,,was.an unbroken that literally all Asia heard the word with Individual cases. 4. Either is . wivat age tile mind begIns-to warp mail Lit 90*and more years. . of the Lord Jesus." likely to prove au inefficient meang, mind what has been acco,niplished by No inen or their than d.fired compare it. Vagabond Jews defeated (vs. 18- if a-,ot attended by -the moving power old men of- letters. Somebody said themselves In literary power With 1.7). 13. -Vagabond -strolling- They of the Spirit. I main Is kiever too old to leatrn. - - Tennyson or Carlyle, Victor Hugo or were, similar to*modern gypsles and Spirlinallty. This was a powerful . e, history .at literature affords Von Ranke,,and they all reacbedthe � orturto tellers. "Certain Jews who element In faul's work. When other Th . age Which the author of Ecclesiastes wout about from place to place pro- men were weak lie muoy lim-imating examples to prove declared to be marked only by labiorr I was strong. Men �reat woTks kna,y be produced ressing by charms and spells to aure evr ognized tile faettliat that g and sorrow, as also did Pror. Owelt, 9 after the middle of life. Sephooles, disease .1' *Exorclats-116n, who, by Go.d was with hire. Ile himself ex - and Theopli-rustus loomposed excel- whose life was one long labor. In the authority at thu nwne of some perienced profound satisfaction and lout Works .when they were nearly scientific 1.1quiry, and so has Sir po�verful 1)elng solemnly assumed to deepest ,;,A&0e In this blessed assu.r- ' Wililarn0rove, and of the most stren- , 3.00 yer.m old. Our own lffilt011, - nails thinkers whom even this a- require the demon to depart 90 er- ance., God WAs big "refuge and whose '"Paradise Lost" is 'in effort -e ,'o3tively as to ba obeyed.­Wlictlon. strength." No iwollider tba,t lie was haa produced. We might lengthen the ,all over them -Knowing, -zliat Paul - able to can Of mental aCtIvItY equal to p.ny � . routed all Ilia enemies. which antiquity cam. lioa%t, -aid not list Indefinitely, but to what use, cast out demons tliroug�h the n�ftme of Working I'll harniony with. God�a when we all know tbut the most In- ,josits, they thought that by using will, no found that God% kingdom begin it till he had arrived at that tcliectual among laywors, historlang, the Same name th;.,.y could produce Waa -wo,rictilig In hAm and fat him. age, when, In the opinion of many,* hco'oglane, ilbyst-Ists, poll - the mind is receding T�om excellonc�. novellSts, I ' the same effects. Adjure you - We The glorious presence of the Holy - ti--Ia,ns and naturalists survive thcIr ,),,,,a you by .%It oath; ,we command Spirit, L Game warmth: to Ilia affec- . Caesar fuld Socrates. contemporatles, usually with un- ' tiahs. 2. Powerfully stimulat , you as under the Solemnity of an t ad his Julius, Caesar geallger, who became diminik.had powers. oatil-Barnes. Whom Paul 'preached intellee - 3. Gave COgionny- and pol- . . a prodigy or learn -ling, did not com. . I .-No doubt they had often heard Paul Ish to life reasoning poweis. 4. Fired monce the study Of Greek till hat was . pulpit, Bench and Brush. Itroclalm the divinity of Christ in Ills imagination. 5. Quickened Ills . nearly 40. Re dild tilot even know In statistical account the 'clergy, the hall of Tyrannuo. . memory, 6. Energized 1119 will. 7. . the Gieek c1laractera till IMbOut that �N.Jlosc occupation is wholly Intellcc- 1-1. A chief priest .... YChlof priest In lCilialed ,, within him the ultar-fires, time, nor did Ile devote himself en- tual, rank first among the long-lived. the Now Zmtamant usually refers to of worship. tirely to a, life of latters, till Ile This might be corroborated by refer- men of the priestly order -who were w" 47 als da,yA till than, had ence to this country, ospocially ill also rulers In the Sanhedrin. - This Tile usual marks of a great revival. boea spent in an unsettled inanver, tile ranks of tile clergy and tile law- man was a Jewish chief Priest of dis- 1. Eztrnest and persuasive pteaching. chiefly (a the army, vitb babits and yers. It Was only it low years ago Unction and had lield the of . rice of 2, Hardening of hearts among tile , I Impenitent. & Opposition by tile d1spoefilons unfaxorable to study. tit, . , �tt jt6v.. Dr Furness, of I'llifladiel- a rulier.11-Barnee. same class. 4, Special manifestations But, he had -a mind, WhIleb, like that phia, (lellvereil a discourse remark- 15. Evil spirit angivered-Tho ovIl of power among God'& people. '5. I of Thle inamevake, the Roma," conquer- xbIe for physical and mental power spit -it In tile man spoke through the or, wtis formed to break down, all ob- �t ibe age, or 65, and a Troy lawyer ,nall. Compare Afark ill.'11- ',Yesug I Healing of both soul and body In stacles, an'd ago, instead of abat- argued n casa In the highest court '10OW etc. -That IS. I know I.Ils Itartil-ular cases. 6. Recognit16-11 Of Ing, Wo vigor. served biLt to barden - of Raw York'at*the aga bf -nearly BI. powm, and authority and X know Paul God's power and ,working even by and corroboratothe sinews of big IT" lir. - Parker, coirsIdered one or the at; HIx servant. . Who are ye -You those possessed of evil spirits. 7. The foremost reachers of Europe, have no, power or authorlty,'7ou are C= ate defeat and confusion Of telloct. p t who seek to Imitate God's It seems indeed reasonable t6 sup- as he not Tils followers, and so only pre- prVached with as much effect , work, 8. Thorough catifosslon or pose that works ,which depend on the ever didaup to within a few years tenders In tile use of His name. a ' - them th aUd vigor of the imagination, ,at,, , which occurred ro- 16-noth of -It appe evil deeds among thePODUOnt- 9- In- Warin of big only two of the, seven Evans were pres- tousb co-hviction among all classes a sibility of heart, cantly at the age- of 73. 1 of people. 10. Thorough -reformation Would always be Produced In tile Justice Fiel-I sat with undimblished ant c3n thif; occasion. Prevalled-Tht, o ,durtous arts." J;reatogt perfection at an early per- flowers in the Federal Supreme -04burt mail In whom the demon wali M9109 among all who "us lod, but the examples of SOP110cleo I tore off their clothlrig And woulldl--d 31, Progross ofichowork In mighty ilitton, who wrote the finest at the age of nearly 80. Lo-ngfcl"ow' their bodies, so thait they fled In Ills- Power - and I Bryant, Lowell and Whittier ,,rare poetry, tile one In extreme old age grace, from hts presence. Paul the revivalist. This remark- -,Ind the other In miLture age, serve to Shining examples of mental power 117. Thig became kilmvp-GradliallY able servant of God lived In tile at - prove their theories concerning the preferved to old age, and the beloved " ittocrat" vvas at, lively as his own tile news was spread abroad. Year m,ospbere of biassing. He enjoyed the human mind mile too fallacious to be " gliell list .fell-Tblft occurrence caused it great happiness of holimess, tile raptu-re of entirely relied on. The dofitt(tts And "ICatyllid" at B1. To ill-­Uln Sensation, and produced a fear Of heart puTltv. He felt Pi!Or011ll,ElIY failures of naturo may be in great mig,11t WAI have bren added the great that mysterious power whiell. Was stirred and moved by 'tile spirit of measure supplied or prevented by Tiam, of Tyndall, ,whose Ilf()� was pro- aS0rlbW1 to tile name of -Teqnf;-- holiness 1IN words, -his looks, I& maturely cut off b',r aCCII1011t At the Lange. "Tile B pliestans worn so, bound n,ets w,D�o nil InstinCt With, the spirit prudence arid perseverance. But lazil age of about 73. BroWnInig idled at been anti want of spirit suffer them uvarly 80, and lluskin lived paht ftl- lily lit bellef lit ningle that It Seemed and tile power of truth. He could to Creep on before nature Intended. most 75. Iteynoldo lived long enough nieressary to allow that the Gosp(.l pro,ach, he could ])ray. he ou ,goe to acquire a vice. Walpole says of war4 1111ghtlet. than theso ather pow- -all in tho Spirit. I I ,rates, at an extremely Old are, - learned to PlaY On muslaal Instru- gets ava- erv, which came Troia Satan, the Cato at So years Of age bim: ,-Sir Joshua Reynolds plature of fath Pr -of ,liceal 1.11 Wao magnifivd- *40 Impertinent Meddler, lneu*- riclous In Ills old age. MY "Tile tranRae,tion showed,that tile ' I T,ondon Globe. ; to learn tilt, Oreelt thought proper the tallies Waldegrave is doubtleas miraclem performed in the name of latignitge, Plutarch when between 70 very fine and graceful, but It cost Every, One knows, tile dislike oftho .11i'd Wi commollecd the study of Latin. tile Lord Josus by Paul Worn real and Sir Henry Spelniftu n M�IcOted tl%O Set- 11110 800 guineas.11 pvo*tql the doctrine fin tairglit. Ilnpog- Country person ,it) 101.011LUre r%vllclls tilff Very few lainn have ever worn out torg could not work Such miracles, iiefghbGr. A good InIA-MbeG has Just � , 1:11cieff to Ills youtlid, but commenced � tile Study of them Mter he had turnit d by Flull"I I Mental wo. k, nul th.t 1vort-t nfl those, who pretended to do rio Occurred in ilto Uldlands, Partner Vfter tIIIq time lie became the thing nit Intellectual mail Can do a CXpogod tiloillselves to tile rago JarvIo, driving to, market, saw '10. , 0111-Y ek evil Spirits." through the open doo of a barn tile . 111mileff In to I'shelvell himself. Of tit r mosi. icarned antiquarlain an" lawyer. batly of a ineighbor ouspended from nr. Johnson applied hintKelf to the Michael Angelo was made arcblt(�Pt 111. Umny converted (vs. 18-201. IS. y)Utell lnggungai but M fcW` Years be- of St. Voter's at the ago of 71. Most That had bolleved-These were either a beam, and drove on, revolving the fort". Iliff death. men are nearly through at that nille- profesgell Christians whose tonvcr- trngedy. When lie reached the mAr- . Mrs, k4twiton ret"ently tlia,a at fit(, Stan(-, 'but Ito field the office under slon hail not brru gennino, anti whoiro I kot -to-fin, lie Imparted the news with ,%go 6f 87, anti W&N mentally Sound, four 1),opes, and died Ill hiel I)Oth year. conoclencef; were now go powerfWly ' deliberate ornplin,91s, . �11141 , it Robbla, who!, wrouglit Upon that they were 1pa to I ,,(Joe(] 11pavenot" eXclaim6d tile a�atjve in, tlic, day ()f ljow death. , There wag Andrea Dell, HOMO of tile 014 ivellool who tire still !p.flutod sweet-racell, T)IUMP.V th(IrUbS eolifeso their sino; or now Converts , other, ,,and aid �,nu cut him down ?" 1111if".1 alivil" find rdontally C...-tivo are i that weret and are the admiratiOn Of to Christianity who, before this tinte, I,X()11 said tilt farmer, more slow, ,,, ell, tlift'b g 1114, W()rltl. Ito. waA found painting In bad not recelVod tile Ilgilt Oil th0se ly Still, -,he whrn,t dead rot." , ,ijor 11nart Who ix at a e just once, for nuout; twenty intilli as it took that time for the ceremony) . which,. computed,. will tell YOU I spent in that bilef time my hard earned savings at the rate of''one, Adollitr and sixty-five cents a * minute I TWO pretty delaine frocks , on which I ant tibout $80 on, proved v, good Investment, but I p,ot very tired . lociAng at them month after month hanging on tile nall. A washable muslin, In What started out to be pretty colors, proved a total fall - tire; each ' time tile wash -line held them tile flounces sagged, and the If - face faded out, aad I guess tblat mus- lin frock, tit sAn original cost oris, almost bankrupted we in "dolngtip" anti in efforts to keep It looking fresh, Foolishly I Invested in three different jackets, but one good move of mine Was to buY-a fine quality' Astrachan coat. I found full value in that. The cloth jackets were out of fashion In less than a year, and to furnish new ones, with four to . my credit already. And here let me ,whisper to all brides-to-be; don't let Hubby think you never require- any- thing to wear, but what you Your - Self bring as your material dowry I it Is a. good plan to lot a. young husband know, tie has certain 'duties to look after, and If a young wife is well dressed, g6od-tempered, agree- able to see, and one a man Is proud to present to ble friends, believe me tie won't complain ir he As asked to supply tile fixings. to make little wife look' Well, I couldn't begin to count np all I spent in buying nick-nacks; Iguags I had three dozen palip of all kinds of stock i Inge I I know the stockings bag has never been empty since 'I Started housekeeping, and ever,7 stocking In It seems to be "One Of" or '.'a. bit of" the dozens of pairs I bought to be & bride In. One mis- t4a.ke in that line was I didn't lay In a, single pair Of Silk stockings. Now for a, ,wedding outfit of hosiery, at loast three silk pair Is a lIGces0tY; they are for dress only, of course, and a, fine quality for ordinary oc, caslons, with a less expensive (say two pairs of each) for house and morning Wear, In tile proper proper - tion. No Woman should wear In the -afternoon, when dressed, the Stock- Ingg sh6 puts on In the morning to attend to liar household tasks. One extravagance I Indulged in which I am still doubtful about to tho In- vestment of a dozen pair at gloves. I got varied colors and styles, but I paid. $I,J for them, and I am afraid this led. to an extravagidlice, our po- altion lit life did not call for or War. rant. 11-alf-worn gloves do not look Well, and most women. ,with a. dozen pairs to draw. from are. tempted to draw bea,vily, and often. Tbe Net Result. Well, when I came tO, diz0"uP my little gavings and place what was left agaltut the pile of goods I had invested In$ I found my own big trunk would not hold -the outfit, 'not tile balance Ill the bilIlk-alld T suddenly remembered I had not bought a , single towel, Sheet, pillow-silp or tablecloth I Five hatff, aggregating $00, wore stupendous thing&tO look nt'o but I could only wear one at a time, anti I then know tha tMrY t,at-aven tile wedding one -covered tho head- of a Woman without brallin! It was Just then I d1scovared that a .mother" Is nae4led to advise a daughter. But I wag alone In the west, and -it seemed as If every friend, I had bad adviand me to buy tive, things X (11A.Alt heed, anti that all the, tlilags really needed had been left out I I need not dwell oil the mor- tifINI illomeats I spent tbinking 1101V T wAd to tall 71m. ho liti.41 to buy UP 111) ell for flify ]too tie I I just cry 0111 when I think how 111(jaii I felt Vvpry Aollar I had Saved wai,; spont: 1. lia;lod Itround the country oil my 7,%,,­-.~�0%~.----. I 0%0%0% . 11 1 The flarkets. : - - ­� "J -1 .111., I . I I— � I � . I I . a . ­ . /� I , - -- . . I .. . .,.� �.� 1� . - ,� I ";t. k I 1. � '' 1�7 �jgpl�� . I- I ... . ... Sorrow's VIA1. it would ve a poor result of all our anguish. and our wrestling If wo � wall tiothing but our old liolvQ8 at the ond of it -if we Could return to tile santo blind loves, the same self� Confident bIR1110, tile same light thoughts or hurnall Suffering, tile Same frivolous gossip. over blightod hUma;n livesj the same feeble sense of that Unkno,wm toward which we have Sent forth Irrepressible cries lit out. lo,pollness. Let its rather be tha,Akful that our Sorrow lives In as am an Indestructible force, otilyt chmugl-lig Its foorm, as,ail forces do, and passing from, Pail) Into sym- pattly-the one poor war(] which In- oludes all our best Insight and our best ,o,V0.-G0Org6 E110t- - - - - - - "."",,.,.,.�v^r%~%0.~ %^^^--^~ . Tarot t) Partners' Mttrket6 Nov, 2."The trecelpts of grain were )IT dull to-da� in consequence of to rain. One load Of goose wheat pld at 690 ; one ,load of barley at Oo and MOO bushels Of Oats.at 37 a. b7 a. -2c. . gggs in fair supply, with now laid Iling a.t,(18 and 200 a dozen, and old eggs Mt ,11 to 12c. Butter steady t 2O, ,co 22a for pound :rolls, . and �c for IaTge rolls..It I ­ .i I Hay and straw, nominal at quo- Ations. � 'firm. Small lots Dressed hogs are I fight selling mt $8 to $812$, and eavy at qff.75 to $8. Fallowing Is the range Of qx'Otv-- tons; Wheat, white, bushel, 72 to 2y.0; do., red, busilet, 72y, to 78,YAC; . �o., spring, bushel, 60c; do., g,00W, uElliel, 67 to 68c; oats, bush4l,-87 nil 87%c; peag, buffilel, 74 and 78c; arley, bushel, 0A7 said 51%c; buck- r3l.eat, bushel, 50 and 61e; rye, ashel, 62%o; bay, timothy, per, ton, IP) J -,o $15; do,, mixed, per tofi, $0 a $9; Straw, per ton, i$7 to $D. eeds, Per bush(II-AlsIkO, NO- 1, $6.75 a $725; do., No, 2, $6.00 to $0-50; ea clover, $6.50 to $7.50; tlmOtll�', 1.7M to 12.50; apples, per barrel, I.00 to $1.76; dressed bogs, $7.75 a $8.25; eggs, lie" laid, 18 to 200; uttor, dairy, 16 tal 20c-� do., cream- y, 21 to 250; clilckens, per pair, Be to $1.25, ducka,'por lb., 10 to 2c; turkeys, per lb., 15 to 180; otatoes, per boa, $1.25 to $1.80. 1 Leading Wheat r4arkets. Xiollowlag are the closing quota- tiang at important wheat contras tol-day : ; - Cablt ' M&Y, JuIv. lkl' -life of unTelfisli dovotion to Gold anti to righteousnestst It, the unfailing secret of happiness. He Who lives for himself alone will dwindle into nits- Grable and PattY Insignificance. He who ilyou to glorify Goa and to make the world better and happier, Is sure to be happy, No one can Pic. vont it, Usefulness to true great- ness and true gladness. If we wish this to be a hapPY Yea", We Must love God and wori Ills holy will. - Detected. , . . --- Our Daily Bread. We hunger, 11atlior, ,GIVO us broad to oat, ' The heavenly manna, yog-but Since from dust . rjMIOU madost us, we crave, because we must 1-3mr-th's coarser food, for we have found It sweet, Of Love, of Joy, to eaeW blo portion mote, Laughter and tande,pness, aye, o'en , the crust or pleasant memories. ' Our cry to just- T-ji6u knowest we are clay from licad to feet. I Shall not tile lip careRshig also praise, Tlfo beauty-lovIng-eye discern Theo besU I Tile happy race reflect Thee truest ,Wlso ? ' Forgive our wIlrul. and our wandering ,Nva y r. ; - - We come to Time for succor and for , � � rest- . , . pathor, we hunger, and the daylight dies I -Lulu Whodon Mitchell, In the Con- gregationalti3t. Point thy tongue on the anvIl of trutli.-PIndar. --- I Life without laughing Is a dreary I blank.-Thackeray. Now York ... .... 811-4 785-8 Chileago, ... . ... .... '77, &-B 78 Toledo ... ... 7T 791-2 '75 �1-88. Duluth No. I Nor . ... ...... 176 771-1 71, Dritish . Live Stock, Dfark.OiS, Londob, March :1--Mo-day Cana- dian cattle are unchanged at 10 to Ily.o per 1b, dressed waigltt; Am- orloan cattle, 11% to 18o per lb.; $hocp, 11- to Ir>o "per ,lb,; refriger- ator beef, 9% to Joe per lb. ..... — —7. . " Toroato Live Stock Market, . . . , Ex cattle, choice owt $ i 40 .. to 450 Pdoortmeditun ........... :: 340 to A 00 do.cows, Per aNyt ........ 330 .. to . 3 70 Butchers' picked ............ 4 10 to A 40. do good to oholoO...... 300 to 4 25 do fair to modium .... ::: 3 CO . to 3 M do rough to common .... 2 00 to 2 7r Bulls, export heavy ........ 3 60 to -425 delight ................... 300 to 3 50 , Feeders, short -keep ......... 390 to 4 15 do inediuni.....P ......... A CO to. 3 DO I do light .................. 323 to 3 60 Stockurs choice ............. 3 25 to 3 40 do coi�tnon .............. 2 25 to 2 a6 Mitch coih,q, each ............ 30 00 to 65 00 Export oNvefi. cwt ........ ­: 3 75 to 4 25 Ilucks, per owt ........ . 3 00 to 3 60 Iambs ................. :::.:. 4 60 to 5 60 Calves, cach ................ 200 to 10 CO .He mlect. Pere w t ........ 6 00 to 0 00 I'; fat per o1vt .......... 615 to 0 00 do bilit, per owt ........ 6 75 to 0 00 Bradstrects ott Trade. Mrade, conditions at Montreal are healthy and continue to show 0 x Vinslon in many departments, Th a wholesalo trade of th6 country In fact IS in p generally prosperous condition. Inils is refleelmd. by the sati-ifacitory ,conditions of collec- t1ons by the large distributing houses here. Spring trade has opened lip very ricely. A numl,ter mf country buy- or,j wers In Toronto this week and many more aio expected next Week for thosprIng millinery opening.?. At - though the buying from travellers elitee the first Of the year'liap been on a liberal male, current orders are hirgo and well d1vtributed. Dual- ness in general at Quebec during the pa.st week )I" been fairly good. At Hamilton this wee astoady flow of orders to the whole- sale trado for opring and suminef gootle. Shipments continue on a large male, giving amplo evidence of the growing importance of the city as a distributing Centre. Values of eta- ple good -i as reported to Bradstreat's aret firmly hold and In cases where the wholesale trade 1111*6 tG repeat they will, an In the ease of firms In other trade contras, have to ask higher prices for Some loading sta- plo Ilues. TW -s is stimulatinj the deniand frotu retailers- who wish to got orderti placed .at ourrentprices. In London this week there haa been a, good denvii,nd for staple goode.-Or- ders are large and well distributed. At Victoria and Vandouvev current busIneiso Is �oported to ba fully ill! to that of former masons at this time and the outlook for trade Is Ivery promNing. Business at Whint- Peg Is Moderately active. Thewhole- %alo trade Iii now. busy malcing, spring shipment& which are heavier than ever before at this season. whole. sale business at Ott%wL% lit quite active. Tho smies or sprI,.*g ancl summer goods have boon large a* the sortlng trade in th000 lines tali. tinuag very brisk, . r . — Ii� Smiles are smiles only when tile heart pulls the wire. -Theo. Whith- rop. I . I . Pure self -dental is our good angel's . hand barring the gates or sln.-Abbe "Ir mullols. i -- Religion Is the right rotation of the total man to God and humanity. -0. R. Browv. -- It will alwayo'be the loving work - mail who will do most lit tho'Lord's vineyard. -Ryle' -- Time sets big chisel n, little deeper whenever there Is a frown upon the race.�Raxn's Horn. ' ' . . -- � . . . The Master's work inhy make weary rest, but It leaves the spirit gla(I.- Elizabeth Charlotte. I . — I . . . The Problem of IliMe. !. ­ . . . . . . . - , :- . Life la a ddep and d I f f ld ffit ,Pro- �Iem, which rew' have' 'Aear�hod to- eolve. An eminent minister! 6ace said' that the liveo of a vast niajorlty of the glob3 are Ilt� terly -worthless to 116- ivbrld; and It they abould all lie -*uddelily plunged Into the deptlits Of tile Sea they would norblw iniss(4.11a d6alared tbia.t Choy do not cott-trIbute ffiora to tile pro- greas or the -world than the bubbles which would come up In Alto pro- cess of their drowning. Yet we know. that �llfa Is a pre- cloust gift of God. Tile Creator has planted In every hilnlan*I�otsom a love of lire, which tells us plainly that It Is a sacred charge, not to be Itightly thrown away. But leaug I teaches us! to &-teriflee life.- .What can Le the meaning of this: "Who- soever shall save his life bliall lose It; and whoac,3ror sliall lose big IIfd for my nake Shall find It?" Life Is not to he sacrificed by suicide. It Is not tG 1,,e wasted by - self-inflipted torture. Men and Women are -not to 90 arl'.Gllt hunting for opportunity to suffer or d1o. Life to not to 1�9 thrawn away -on our view dr worildly ambl- tiona. There to neither profit nor merit In more suffering. Not every, drop or bunusn ))load that Is sbeA can be called prodow blood. The drunk - arid *who cutis Ills life short in the in- dulgence of a base appetite cannot expect to receive any benefit from tile tremendous sacrifice. The soars IvItIch one receives In the service of aln are not bonorablip. The loss Bills- tained In i,bn;t battle Is without re- Parat'lon and without compensatlon. Only the blood shod In the service of a good cause or tile defence of a righteous principle Is precious blood. The scare which a firginall receives In his effort to rescue a helpless child from a burning building hre . honorable Rears. Tile man who gives up big lower for Ilia higher life does well. When lie Sacrifices P, . life of ease and pleasure and luxury for righteckusness an.1 truth ha,makes S great -gain. It one Should lay. down Ills life for Ills family, for the community, or fat- Ills country, he would make the best possible use of It. He has learned the meaning of life when lie becomes willing to sur- render it rather than norender .a rightpous principlo.-Chrisstlail AcIv0- -- BeauttfItl Thou-0its. . I What fairy palaces wo , may build of beautiful thoughts, proor againet'. all advorsit3r, bright fancles, 8aLh4- . fled me . morloi, inoble hist.orlos, faith - fill sayings, treasure houscs of pre - 121011 Who Die for Others. clou.9 and restful thouglits, which Ill China If: la nothing: ant of tile care cannot- disturb nor pain make way for a Criminal linder se,,,talit gloomy, nor poverty take away co from us-lionses built without hands, of deatil ',.a Secure, at a prico, a for our souls to live Ill I-Jolin Itus- substitute to dI(3 for 11101 at 'the kin, . I ilawls Of tit(, executlellor. .A roulark- . I . . —" abin etwe or mubstuntion Is reportod from Voo4liow. When it cerfain The Best of' All. ehildles,I Criminal thm-o wits adjudgea We Search the world for truth, wo to death' Ills fanilly- met to coll.91der Call what should Ile done. The supproti- Tile good, the pure, tile beautiful, tion of the land ran cotinter to a Prom grave,ii etonio and Written mail (lying without leaving a son, at ficroll, Itast, to wortilill) him after death. From tile old floWer4loldo of tile The Criminal had tt brother who had "a""' so inany sells that lie had no fear And ' for the bestv of bring left without Worshippers, We '0()Ivmoearbyac�kq(3ton"(Oltr,,Oi�from our quest, The family decided. to Pitt him lit as To find that all tile &goo said it substitute for the childleag one, go IS In the Book our mothers read. Ilint the Iattnr could llv6 on to get . I -Solin Gvoonle.,tf Whittier. it Ann. The 111111tarY mandarin can- . --- Porned was bour,17t over, the crim. Of all colltb&tp, tile Sorest Is it) Inal way act free and his guiltloso conquer oil roplves.-Thom.-ts A, XemPl.;. brother's bond Wag cut off. Cate. - ulq ve-"