HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-05, Page 1E
30TH YEAR, N0. 27.
H. Wheeler removed last week to Where Lawyers Thrive. New Auctioneer. Di d. Elocutionary. BANK OF HAMILTONthe farm near Wingham, formerly At their !fret meeting Goderich W. A. Currie cold E. 0. Olarke's ZOn Friday last an aged citizen, Mr. The R, `1'. of T. Council, No. 11.4, ieBANKA owned by John Casemore, at the June- Council received a billof costs from household furniture to good advan• James Groves, passed to his long arranging for a series of elocutionary
tion, their solicitor amounting to $2,455,40. tape on Saturday '44, W. A. is all home, Deceased was born October 13, contests by young people between the
E. L. Dickinson of Goderich was right, and should make a successful 1810, in County Antrim, Ireland,where ages of 14 and 21. A class is to be W i N G H A M,
Not Purchased.
caller on the Advance last Saturday; auctioneer. See him if you are going the family had been settled from times formed, and a silver medal given to Capital paid np;2,A00,000. Reserve, 81,600,00
Capital ` $2,9x101NO he admired our neat office with its new It has been stated that Air. J. T. to have a sate, or call at the Advance o! Queen Elizabeth. Numerous mem- . the best reciter at each contest. When
r nM fittings- Davidson had purchased the Wroxeter office and arrange for date of sale, etc hers of the family figured in the do- the silver medals have been awarded, reJ. Tent—Jo7LL, General Manager,
Reserve s3,2flo,000 g i; President—John Stuart
planing -mills. Mr. Davidson informs fence of Londonderry, 1680 (vide "Lon- gold medals iviU be Offered, Those Vice --A. (#. Ilameay
No xcm—Ali accounts clue the firm its that such is not the case. We hope English Prices. donderry, Boyne, Aughrim and Lim- who wish to compete should hand in Cashier—J. Turnbu
of Smith & Pethick must be paid by to retain Air. Davidson and his estima- Mr. Jae. Fleaty has a letter from his erick" . When quite a ono man, he ' their names to Mr. John Kerr or Her. DIRECTORS:—John Proctor Win. Gibson,
20th Match.—H. A. Smith, Executrix. ) q young Geo. Roach, A. T. Wood, A. B. Lee (Toronto)
Farmers' Notes discounted. ble family as citizens. brother in England, written Feb. 19th, Germs to Canada with the other mem- beet Hicks. This is an excellent op- Savings Rank hours to to s; Saturdays to to i
Drafts sold on all points in Can- The inquest on the death of the Tato giving some of the current prices.— leers of the family, and settled in the portunity for young people to improve
ada, the United States and Europe, S. J. Smith will be resumed on Mon. Farmers, bring your Chopping to Coal, 20 to 30 shillings a ton (about neighborhood of Stirling village, Has- themselves in the art of entertaining. Deposits of ;1 and upwards received. Int -
day evening next in the Town Hall, at the Wingham Mill and get it chopped $7.60 potatoes, 75 cents a bushel ; g g g g• arost allowed and computed on Stith November
Hue, so titers will not be an waste m ) P tings county. He told many interest- and 31st Mapp each year,andadded to principal
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. 8 o'clock. Y Must Enlarge. Special Deposits also received at current
feeding. eggs, 25 cents a dozen ; apples, 40 cents ing stories o early pioneer life in the g rates of interest.
a peck. In February, in the old land, backwoods and on the confines of eivi- Mr. A. B, Tisdale, of Brantford. one Drafts on Great Britain and the United
Interest allowed on deposits o[ SI,00 and Mount Forest will spend $0(10 in the P Y+ "
upwards, and added to principal 30th Juao No Sale. they look for lots of rain or snow, but P of the gentlemen comprising the States bought and sold.
and 31st December each Soar• purchase of new pumps, gasoline en- lization, which make Ral h Connor a g P g
ins etc., for the improvement of The Congregational Church proper- the had neither. There has been noGlengarry"
IDL: Dlourxsox, Solicitor,
Y The bion from Glen err "seem like Western Foundry Co, was in town on
gine, P' g Y w.00RBOULD Agent
A. E. GIBSON, Manager waterworks, ty was offered for sale by public anc- frost worthy of the name since NO- familiar reading. In May, 1860, he lo- Tuesday. Iia was delighted with the
tion on Saturday last by W. A. Currie veinber. The ground has not been Gated on the Btuevale road, about a bright business appearance of Win Travellers are notified that the hank of
The Bell Telephone Co's fine Galen- g g PP g- Hamilton and al BranchesissueBank f Er land
R. Vanstone, solicitor P auctioneer. The highest bid was $9x0 fairly covered with snow once this mile east of town. and knew ail the ham, and with the prospects for anc- of the National Provincial Bank of England or
dar, showingits lou distance lines. , Ltdb which can be cashed wort without charge or
g and as flees reserved bid ivag not tib- winter in that part of England (Eases ups and downs of early life in the set- cess of the Company in the develop- rouble in any part of the world
has been given us by the local agent, tained, the property was not sold• county, about 40 miles north-east of tiement. Roads then, at best, were ' ment and extension of the business.
Mr. Campbell. London) To see a, genuine blizzard, or Mr. Tisdale was brought u to the
tracks through the woods, while in g p
Thos. Manuel returned from Winn!- Piano. banks of the "beautiful", Englishmen those days the neatest store was to be stove manufacturing business. For a
peg this week, in a poor state of A fine piano has been placed in the should spend a winter in Canada. found at what is now the defunct number of years he was connected We ars going out of the tobacco and ham
Mrs. Miller, re- let of Zetland, then a thrlviilg " HOt�j jA�DS "
health. His daughter, lecture room of the Methodist church, with the Gurney Foundry Co. of Tor- !/!/
turned with him. for use at Sunday School, League, and cigar lines, and will give bargains in burg. A few years later he removed onto, but recently severed his con -
other services. It was purchased from these linea to clean them out.—J. to town, where he resided till the nection with theist, taking an equal EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL
OVI;RSHOrS.—PrOtect your health D. Bell, and is said to be one of the Buckley, "StarRestaurant". interest in the Western Foundry Co.
by protecting your feet. For $1.00 a time of his death. He was a pronoun-
pair—at W. J. Greer'a, largest and best made by the Listowel Cure For La Grippe. ced Conservative in politics, and a of Wingham, with his former associ-
TO OUR -READERS. The new G. T. R, station in Goder- firm. It will bean addition to the_ Or- The simplest care for influenza con. member of the Anglican Communion. ates of the Gurney Co. Few then witchestrh "Acidulated Glycerine"
ich is completed. An office for the tainnia, and useful at League enter- sibts of !tot water combined with the He was one of the oldest Orangemen
cO freight staff is being fitted up in abstaining from food of every sort, have a more extended acquaintance
P tainments, throughout Canada, and have more For Coughs and Colds
With this issue, the AdVanin Canada, having joined the order in
the freight depot. A Novelty There. It is the prescription of Dr. George S. Ireland at the age of eighteen—a con- popularity with the stove hardware
enters On its sixth year under its Keith, the veteran physician of Edin- tinuous membership of sixty-five years. and hotel range buyers of Ontario
present editor and proprietor. The Presbytery of Maitland met in In a letter to his parents in Vying- than Mr. Arthur B. Tisdale. The
P P ham, Dr. J. H. Hall of Pasadena burgh, who teas known the disease He leaves a widow, two cons, William numerous lines wbich the Co. purpose
During the past five Soars, it has Wingham on Tuesday, Moderator ,Cul'►••
been a pleasure to witness the con- Rev. S, M. Whaley, B. A. presiding, fornix, says:—"We had quite a novel- since 1837, when there was a virulent E„ Principal City Model School, To- manufacturing, as well as therate tat Contains 50 per cent, Pure Norwegian
Stant growth of the business. The Minutes expected next week. - ty the other day ; it actually snowed epidemic in Aberdeen, where be was ronto, John F., and a daughter, Mrs, g
u medical student. He says* that if John A. Mowatt, both of town. The which orders are coming in, will, AIT. Cod Liver oil; contains 10 per cent.
circulation Of the Advance tO-Gla for about fifteen minutes. The young Y Tisdale says, necessitate an enlarge- Pure Glycerine. A wonderful flesh
3' The county ntiditOrs, D, E. Afunra fasting is rigorously observed and hot funeral took places on Sunday last, producer. Weigh yourself today and
puts it in the front rank as an ad- of Auburn, and W. S. Lawrence, of People, some o whom had never seen water is taken in such quantities as. Rev. Win. Lowe otficlatin 14ferrihers meat of the works ct b early date.
verti'Jill medium while its newsy it snowing, thought it great fun. All q g' each fie in while taking; notice the
g , Y Stanley, have been auditing the the patient desires, there are few of L. O. L. 7f14 performed their ritual The Company expect before many increase in weight. Only costa about
Columns its neatness Of make -u , traces of it, however, were soon gone. months pace by to employ seventy-five half the price of other Emulsions.
Pe county treasurers books this week. Not so in Wingham. casae which will not yield to treat- at the grave. men. Wingham has a valuable in -
and the general tone of the paper, menta in two or three days, and under THANics.—Having disposed of my ,
make it a welcome visitor in a He is a fool who in the cup „ P dastrp, that deserves recognition 25 50 Cents a Bootle.
His sorrow tries to drown ; AUCTION SaLB.—On lot 25. con, fl, this regimes he declares that he hue hook and stationery business to W. and encouragement. � Mr. Tisdale and, ;
Constantly -increasing number Of Turnberry, Thursday March 5th: farm not met with any cases of an influenza Cooper & Co. of Clinton, who will con- Manager g
homes. Equally pleasing, t0 the
You cannot keep your spirits up stock and implements. Geo. VVade, duct it fn future, I herewith tender my • g Taylor are encouraged with ...FOR SALE BY...
+q y p g patient suffering with ill -health for
editor is the large number of per- By putting spirits down. proprietor; A. Kelly, auctioneer, sincere thanks to all who have favored the prospects.
g p months or yearn from what is called me with their custom in the past. I E
stinal friendships ftirfnet�—friend= Mason keeps the largest stock of Died. the dregs of the disease," still retain the telegraph and express Get our job prices on cigars --J � jt LION �c��BBON
ships not wholly dependent On School Supplies for the opening.—Send Tuesday's London Free Press bad business in the same stand, and for Brickley, "Star Restaurant." 11
the children. From The West. them still solicit public patronage.
political associatioiig,-.;for the .t)~d- the following --Many friends of the MONEY TO LOAN—At 4. per cent. on
Mr. Joseph Anderson of Winnipeg, —Yours truly A. ROSS. P Druggist and Optician.
Vance numbers Among its friends, The H. Pelletier Dramatic Co. gave family in Western Ontario will regret P P g+ improvtd fauns. Easy terms of re -
many Liberals, good and true. three evening performances last week to learn of the death of Mrs. S. J. brother of Rich. Anderson of Belmorepayment; expenses light. Apply A.
Coming to SVingham as we did, a to fair-sized audiences, producing pop- youhill (nee May). which occurred at writes the Advance thus—I have just EXAMINATIONS. ultnage, Real Estate and . Loan Neat door to Post Office.
total stranger, with a three years' nlar plays; they also gave vocal selec• Winnipeg last Wednesday. Mr. you- returned froin the coast, and noted Agent, Kent Block.
Of the paper as a handicap tions and performed difficult feats of hill resided in London for many years, wonderful advancement. The influx Y. s.—Wo carry a full line of Dr, Sboop's ^
of settlers is enormous, particular! Result of weekly exarnirations in Family Modiciues.
in the race, the editor feels pro- juggling. and is a son of Mr. Samuel Yonhill. of y Division A. Contimiation Class for the TOWN COUNCIL.
foundly grateful for the success The Hawthorne Club gave an ex- Wingham, formerly of London, from the States. There is a very large month of February 1903. Subjects—
attained. TO the advertisers, job cellent entertainment on Monday area of country ready for crop in Ancient history, Literature Arith- Council met on March 2nd; all mem-
work patrons, subscribers, coerce- B iness Change. spring, and such seasons as Provi- mittee was adopted.
p , i evening. The frequent applause and metic, Latin and french. Maximum hers present except Conn. VanStone.
pondents, and hosts of friends, that persistent encores showed that the Ir. Alex. Rosa has disposed of his Bence hue favored tile West with for400. _ The following communications were Bylaw 482, appointing the following
have helped to make this Success audience appreciated the program stationery and wall paper business to the past two years, encourages every- SENIOR CLASS, read:— officers, was read and passed :—
ossible our sincere thanks are resented. W. Cooper' & Co. of Clinton, retaining one to look forward hopefully. Not A. Hobbs 382 From the Secretary of the Fire Co., Clerk—J. B. Ferguson; salary, $350.
again tendered. Our motto is P the express and telegraph parts of the only in Manitoba, but in the territor- Al. Nixon 318 requesting the Council to pass a reso-' Treasurer—J, B. Ferguson ; salary,
1C + „ Walker Bros. and Button have par- business; the offices for these will re- ies, the development is marvellous, P. Wynn 3.27 lotion asking our representative in the $100•
still— forward. chased a "casket truck". This i9 art E. E,lward 315 g P
p` main in the same store, for the pres$nt The fruits seen after one passes the A. Howson 311. Legislature to support the Provincial' Chief Constable, Caretaker of. Wa-
Yours Gratefully, of the equipment for an up-to-date at least. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, Rockies and Selkirks into the Okana- G. Eagleson 291 Volunteer Firemen's Bill, to be intro- terworks, Captain of Fire Co., San! -
undertaking establishment. They was here on Saturday to connection gan valla will Astonish a visitor. We N. Vanstone 277 g g Lary Inspector and other duties impos-
T. HALL. Y • Y Burled Burin the corrin session. This
will loan it, free of charge, for use in with the transfer, which has been com- look for the Advance with interest: it L. Kerr 277 ed or to he imposed—V. Vannorman ;
an church or residence. , B. !McDougall 271(l) proposed till provides that tax of $2 P
Y plated and the recent purchasers are cornea regularly with reliable news A. Wilson 262 on each $100 of insurance be put on all salary, $510.
NEW AUVTS. J. Buckley is selling oranges at cost now in possession. Miss Cook, who from the old home and vicinity. We J. Garrick 250 premiums collected by Fire Companies Collector—Wm. Robertson ; salary,
price. Get some before they are all has the reputation of being an excel- wish the paper and the stuff success,— A. Ross 221 219 to be paid over to Volunteer Fire Com- $85•
gone. lent saleslady, will have charge of the Jos, Anderson. anies to form a Benefit fund for Medical Health Officer—James R.
New Goods.—Isard & Co. 1i. Nelson 10,1(3) p' Macdonald.
Eighty thousand card were handled Wingham etore..a�Watch• for Cooper Tu TOPS ARE CUT from all prices M. Robertson 189 (3) members of the Fire company, who
Seeds 1 Seeds 1=T. A. Mills. by the Grand Trunk Railway during & Co.'s ani ment. —and the cat ranges one-fourth, down R. Hough 118 (2) may receive injuries, or through sick- Member Boprd of Health—Thomas
No Mistake.—Walker Bros. the first week in February being 2,500 to two-thirds of ordinary prices in D. Stewart 84(l ness may be prevented from following Gregory for three years.
Farm to Rent.—R. Vaustone. more cars than have been hauled h A SNAP.—By enquiring at the Ad- footwear—at W. J. Greer's. M. Fisher 47 1
( Fence -Viewers — Wm. Robertson,
S` vance office, a full set each of A le. JUNIOR CLASS. their occupation, by their action at
For Bale or Rent.—B. Gerry. the company in the corresponding ondin PP Thomas Deans Wm. Moore.
p y p [1 ton's and Chambers' Enclypoedia can Thoughtful. V. Davidson 361 tires. +
Notice.—Dickinson & Holmes. iveek during any previous year. be purchased at a merely nominal tt From the Ala or of Goderich re- Pound-Keeper—Duncan Stewart.
Men's Store News.—Crowder Co. price. pr A few weeks ago, the Advance made I. Davie s p Conu. Bell moved, seconded by Conn.
a note of the advancement of Roy 11, Rose 320 questing the Council to pass a resolu-
The Up-to-date Store.—Tudhope's. Warden Kerr gave the Advance a y P, E. Currie 307 tion to be forwarded to the Govern- Bennett—That the Mayor and Clerk
"Hoivard'a"Emulsion.—VV. McKibben call on Tuesday. He was on his way Stuck Fast. son of D. Al. Gordon of town,, R. Rn -e 232 (3) meat and to our members of Perlia_ write the Huron Old Boys to visit
to attend the County Council meeting One night last week, near the mid. week we received a letter from Roy, L. Ansley 226(3), Win ham on their next holiday—
in Clinton on Wednesday, where Road night hour, a man, who must have thanking us for the kindly notice. G. Cruicksbanks 211 (3) nient in favor of further improvements y—
M. Cordon 196 (3) by the Government to Goderich bar. Carriged.
Commissioner Campbell addressed a been R. mixed, while driving We mention this because (though it is R. Runcirnan 189 bor. Couns. Dulmage and! Bell moved—
"Good Roads' Convention," Council- towards Bluevale, drove on to the rail- the rigbt thing to do) it is so unusual, A. Rentoul 181 g
(3 blcIncloo—Elliott—That the Alayor That we arrange for the continuance
lore Bell and Bennett were Wingham way track at the "Y" and succeeded The Advance has spent hours of time, 0, Stewart 181 (g�
.... and Clerk prepare and forward resole- of the incandescent lights all night
delegates. ±1
in getting his sleigh fast, between the writing and putting into type thou- E• Ring 114 (3) P P
g W. Isbister 1.24 tion asked for by the Mayor of Goder- during the Grand Orange Lodge ses-
See Halsey Park's advt, tails. After a vain endeavgr to get on sands of such notices, pet if we re -
Mr. Mulvey and family of Beim to O. Ferguson 116 (3) felt in the matter of harbor improve- siotrs—csrrt•ied,
Fear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. have become residents of our town, to the road again, he says he visited Member correctly, Roy is the flrat to L. herr 10-13(2) Conn's Elliott and Bell moved—That
every house near, but no one would s end a two cent stem to thank the E Scott 87 (1) 111ent—carried.
Dawson Manners spent Sunday in to which we bid them hearty Wel- P P From the County Clerk, asking the Roads and Sidewalks Committee
come. ir. Mulvey purchased J. G. venture out to assist him. He came editor for the notice�This may ap• Class B. The subjects of exnmin- formulate a schertte to secure water
Teeswater. Y P to town and aroused Alex. McNevin, pear it little thing t many, but we ation this month were as follows :— Wingham Council to send representa-
StewarVs residence on the east side, fives to the Huron County Good Roads for street purpcnea daring the coming
Simon Mitchell returned`Itonte last who with a neighbor went to the res- consider it a mark of politeness and British History, Book-keeping, Arith- summer, and subutit it at next meet-
Stewart is now occupying the resi• cue ; the set the belated traveller's gentlemanly stearin that roinkes Convention, to be held in Clinton err
week from Iowa. y fi Y ft+ P rustic, Geography, Algebra, making a Murch 4th. ing of council—carried.
Bence he purchased from G. Newton, vehicle free, and sent him on his waymuch for alis man's future sue -
Chas. Barber of Lucknow spent who removed last week to Toronto. young total of 480 marks. Councillor Bell and Bennett were $350 was placed d the credit it the
Sunday at his home here. rejoicing. ow, he wonders why ho cess. The same thoughtfulness car. Burville Griffin 449 School Board, and the Council ad-
SALu-26 Dairy Cows at lot had to eo so far for help out of a dif- rigid Into the details of business rela. Alice Chapman 433 appointed delegates to attend the Good
Huron Old Boys have been invited 12, con. 2, Culross, on Saturday. Mar, frcultY• tionships will ensure further advance. Vera 1{nimes 423 Roads Convention. ]earned.
to holiday in Goderich this year. 7, 03, at 1 p.m. T. U. Walker, prop' meat. Little things do count, and Fired. Howson 420 The Committee appointed toreportAlfred Poseliif 417
John Purvis, acct. Carpet Ball Leape. on fire advisability and coat of a bridge For Sale or To Let.
All kinds of fish at the "Star Rea- P nothing is ever lost by politeness, and Merton Hart 41L
taurant." Hon. John Dryden, ste6tes that an The following is the schedule for courtesy. Boys often forget this, and f Ethel Elliott 407 and router mala across the river t f the
amendment will be introduced at the �Iarc6 act very differently to their own Bis- t(ieorgr Elliott 407 stove foundry, repotted—That a foot -
act A dwelling -house, stable and cJ acres
Miss Lizzie Greer of Corrie spent a W. O. W. at K. O. T. M.—Mar. 3. :rdvanta n Elva Dodd 393 bridge of sufficient strength and safety of land, formerly occupied by John
couple o4 days in town this week, coming session of the Legislature (7 O. F. at t O. 0. T.—blar. 0, fi ' Fthel Ferguson 391 would cost upwards of $2,000. That ei Lockridge; also 10 acres of laud and
abolishing the old provision allowing 1, 0• F. at A. O. F.=Mar. 10, Olive Cruickshank 390 team bridge would cost about $5,000. berm' west of the Western Foundry.
Mise Maggie McLauchlin of Brus- each county to send one pupil to the 0. 0. F. at W, 0. W.—Mar. 1R. Grand Lodge. Afay Swarta 371 g Terms reasonable. Apply to
gels is visiting her friend Miss Annie
Agricultural College each year free of S, U. S. at C. U. F.—bleu. 0. Three hundred huge posters bare liarry Green 806 If the Council should decide to build a B. GFRRY A. Dur.%imm
g g Y S, . S.
W. at I. O. F.—Mar.
13. been issued, announcing the meeting f Willie Jobb 363 (4) bridge, the Committee would recom- Brussels OR Wingham
Gilchrist. charge. He said the idea was to place !Laura Nay 363 (4)
A. O. U. W. at X. O. T. M.—Mar. 17. of the Provincial Orange Grand Lodge Margaret Stewart 317 wend the latter, but at present, owing
Rev. S. M. Whaley, of St. Helens all students on the same basis, and W. O. W. at A. U. U. W.—Mar. 20, of Ontario West, in Wingham next George Gregory 836 (4) to the heavy cost, and for other rea-
was a caller at the Advance office now the eollege.reeelved more appli- K. 0. T, M. at S. 0. S.—Mar. Id, week. The Black will convene on Della Mitchell 3.27 sons, would not recommend the con- _
on Tuesday. cakions than they could accept. I. O. 0. F. at A. 0. F. --Mar. 24• g Roy Crowston 315 struction of eitber. The Committee
K. 0. T. M. at 1. 0. O. F,—Mar. 20. Tuesdayand tha Grand Lode on Norman Park 814 (4)
Guelph district of the A. O. U. W. Mr, and Mrs. Ezekiel Evans of Mani- S. O. S. at 1. U. F.—Mar. 27. Wednesday. Full three handretl i visited the industry and found the
are 'considerin the problem of ad. A. O. F. at C. 0. 1+,—Alar. Ri• 1 y la Trot scoff 308 (4) Company bus and anxious for more—TIIE--
g p fobs, who have been visiting relatives delegates are expected, and very inter- Carrel 1'Iele 303 (4) - 1 Y Y+
vancing their rates. in this vicinity for the past few weeks, Following was the standing March 1st; osting sessions os the Grand Lodge are Janina Perry 2,q8 room, and thought they should receive
called on their cousin, Air. T. L. Jobb, Won. Lost To play Lillian Deye11 202 reasonable encouragement from the
See J. Buckley's window display A. O. U. W. .... 8 $ $ anticipated. On Wednesday evening, _ Ilattie Oampbell 2n8 (.1) corner
ny1�(j Q}oily
p Y 7 3 g a public rpeeting will be held in the Midred Reenter 228 town, believing that this enterprising corse Drug Store
for bargains in pipes. this week, Mr. Evans is a private K. O. T. M. ..,, ftrm will do their best to make the
hanker of Brandon, an ex -Mayor of C. O. F. .... 0 4 h Town hall. Among the speakers Alice Coad 154 (4)
Wm. Abraham of East Wawanosh the town, and was the nominee of the W 0• W. . 0 a Eavailable are—pr, Sproule, M. 1a., business a success.
_ _
removed this week to the farm he par- Conservative party, I. O. F. at the last local , t 5 6 3 Grand blaster O# British America; FiThe Finance Committee reported,
chased near Wroxeter. I. 0. O. F. ,. 4 0 4 , Remember we are bead -quarters for recowmending payment of the follow -
election, but resigned, owing to pies- A. 0, F. , 11 0 5 8'• Clarke, M, 1P., Grand Treasurer of good &air, 'n either small oi' large IS the Place t0 get
A. Miscampbell, Conservative mem- sure of business, He w4s in business S. O. S. .. I 8 5 Ontario West; W. J. Parkhill, 'Past quantities, We have a large stock of irtg accounts;• -
her qt the "Soo," has been unseated; in Wroxeter with his brother Andrew The Woodmen defeated the 1, O. F. on Grand Master of B. A.; Rev, Wm, C;liop and Feed of all kinds at right James Bruck, labor...... ..... .$ 1 00 Everything that is
this leaves another vacancy. about 22 years ago, -Be considers the Friday evening by 11 1:1, and On Tues- Walsh, Grand Chaplain of Ii. A. ; H. Prices.—Howson, Harvey & Brockle R. Armstrong, transplant'g trees 27 00 Pure and Fresh in
i�id. 420
Miss Henderson, clerk at G. E. Doukhobours a "sick baby" for Hon, day evening laid the Maccabees lo%v C. Dixon, Grand Ohnplain of Ontario T $18 allowed.
Clifford Sifton, by it spore of 14-8. West i D. M. Jermyn, P. G. Al. ; Jae, Jno, Monk, labor.. 1 13
King's was called to Ingersoll last ?a'ri•
BIRTHS. Times I'riut'g Co., elec'n supplies 1260 '
day by the death of her uncle. ButTDT-; l LOTS—FOr sale, on cor• Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases of H Scott, D. G. 141,; I;. T. Essery, J. D. Ross.—In Wingham. on February 22nd A. Nordeu, labor. streets........ 50 '
Great Cut rice sale of Boots and no of Frances and Patrick streets, eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested G. M„ and Win. Galbraith of Montreal, the wife of T. H. Rose, sr daughter. Hart & Riddell. asst. & col, rolls 0 6:)
p Five good building lots. Apply to and glasses supplied. Office opposite D. Grand Master of British America, MARRIAdES. 1.lnnna & Co., sop lies..., ....... 1 45
Shotty at W. J. Greer's. H. O. Bell. St. Andrew's church, London, Ont. To enliven the proceedings, music may Stackhouse—Wightman--On Feb. 2a, J ll el. Co.,i ssagllice supplies... 1 85
Land sales of the 0. P. R. for Feb- �/ be expected from Wingham Orchestra at Westfield by Rev. J. Copeland, Heli Tel. (.., ssages........., 1 Ori
rnary amounted to $749,2L5, comparedt Geo. Phippen'a bounds got on the The Goderich Star reports the fol- and vocal selections from Mise W, Mr. Wesley Stackhouse, to bi.iss ' lectric Light CoL................ 33 16
with $250,1:56 In February, 1002, track of a fox on Wednesday of last lowing—Nixon Sturdy, the genial Alba Chisholm, bliss lt;,te]le Griffin, Mabel, daughter of Air. John Wight- V. Hammrnt nn anises.......... 43 78
week, and followed it from Jas. Me- clerk of Goderich township, out down wall,
On WednesdayStratford ratepayers + Miss L. Kinser, Miss 1-1. Reid and Air. DEATHS. It. Rankin, hell ringing.......... 5 07
will vote on a by-law to raise $1.00,000 b y nd Marnoch, where, on Thursday from t elm
ca ds of other
forhhome Geo. Cline. The public are cordially Ale a In Morits, Feb. 28, Airs• D, A.
4,0 dpi titin teaming, streets" 11 5U
to purchase the waterworks system. evening, they drove it to Its retreat in use, brought several cords to town invited. Seats reserved for ladies, g n, Robt. 111 nit, wood (charity) ,..,. 303• THamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Williams of the Bruns- the ground. From this, It was dug by and delivered at the harbor Wit the FOR SAI.pl—Ilesidenco, two iota, ct t• bicNangttton—in Turnherry, March 3, blNatiavor National
One, expenses •res L 'k mourn the death of their infant two then, and it proved to be a dandy. straight logs, for which he received in lite, driving house, lien house, fruit Duncan AleNatrghton, aged 83 year N:ttiuvig Iron Works.... .. . 3 0(1
trees, rasrbert•ies, currants and 900ie• A. Young &Sons, lacy.......... 1 Iii
wig One Of the hounds returned, and the oash $30. 13nt Nixon bad other gains Earl.—Tri Gray, Ou Tuesday, Feb. he )V, J, Malivugh, salary........ •. lZ 00 DRUGGIST
eon, Glen Roy, aged 1 year, 4 ttrontha, other which was supposed to have for in the top of the tree lie found four table garden g house trier Irl k, �t WO Margaret Uumphell, relict of the D• It, 0.9accounts. also that of Chas,
Farmers, bring sour spring Kristine been lost, has been found. Once on coons, and as his pets were killed h story, ivitlr two story flame kitchen, late John 1+.tel, aged 91, Barber, balance Of 18VO sidewalk con. �r # 1�
to the Wingham Mill, where you will the track of the fox, the never lost it the f:t1l, hes sold their :teketa and It'tr't9 and saki wetter, verghandyhoaae. CViili+tinis— In Wingham, breech 2nd, tract, $`28.73, were laid over. �V I N GA A 1Y�
get good t•t+turns and tete very highest Y j ' one of the nicest holnes in town I will Glen }toy infant son of Alr. and bir,4.
quality of flour, made from umitoba and Reynard will visit no %note barn- thus made his net cash receipts $10, he sold cheap.—Apply to A. Dulrmage, M. Williams, of the Brunswick Oil Bell, thetioni .o Conn's 4the Finainco Com
and Ontario wheat, yards this winternot a bad income from one tree. Kent Block, hotel, aged 1 real', 4 months.