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The Wingham Advance, 1903-02-26, Page 7
W-______._.._ _ . ,. _ ....... - .. , . Wil" tutu of destruction rand ruin that q r-. NO 'obtalnoiz at the 0overnment office / $1 Coldd le Inca •ined. hArD eltnbl© an q>p1 z'ttni t() ab+B1RAI A `•1`114+ Alltnlcar l)t il.E. ,!',('atElfllt. I'II POI V IH . tour{4 f I)W rr Wltihllig naday.four WILL HAMID. ...777 ,EE,- 44 fill ll 11 i5 ktau11 of to arrival in Lawerit ABDULA Although a rallwny tuoldent• Is a Tits ritatemont iseuod to the prose IPI'll thing to joko about, a inughablo H T [ ooucludev that 60 000 Npgllstimou C `i l' * fnclatanl c.tnw under rife rrL) 0 of E` ' ' PP A1,.1' the C"t c zs. It lv:ts the ease 'e the u sire required ill Canada culla your, ' i THE POWERS i]and.lf talo present rate O! a lido-EfIthe 4 lots who was a p:twef he b in q J AT WHIR" l , ' • t ho (iffy er4r that will do,vn tufo i):tnk tion is maintained that. number will , Without overturning. Ile had livor soon bo doubled.. __ s'Itting up all night, waw very tired, _._. . _. - anal shortly ieioze ilio aveldent Ball e A f A f Al, 10H. s•, o eatilegg atat. ep Ifo Glial slot awaken un- SUltan Never Yields Reforms n ill after the car inial slid down ale Paris t'hat(tleat 'look t)nl ills 11 -lends . , j forty-four " " y cwh.tukm"JIL4Lnl0xmrt.,tistop.On:y I,11.lnployer'nAutollloblie'Ji ( rile ' Demands are ' 1. half awake, 113 wterl)pacl oat on 'till) Without Protest, h piatform, and, we:n,; tate Crowd, sul•i, Paris, Fob. 24.--A chauffeur am- ') r C y 'led "Why, have we otopped? What's the ployeo by Ill. Datlloy, of Marseilles, . • a lnattot•1 " - -_ entertained some of his friends -to- Likely to Try His Patience strange to say, the damage to the lihjuled Total leorty+foul,. day, by giving mobsthein a ride in his em- • pfdleial List of the injtiiecl' Cowell UO,i10s Wnra onlytrifling. All The ino(➢lutl tirran'emt:nts in 'Por- tl prayer's automobile, awhile speod- b BALKAN 'SITUATION IS BA Gig at, forty miles an boar near Aix, Constantinople, Feb. t:3. --Ill addl. - to ensure its being sorupuIously oar+• , Toronto dosgatch-The list of the the ours mu,vt Ix) wonderfully well unto were in charga of Dr. Bruce the machine dashed into a Elroy. Injured Is as follojrA; constructed to. havo rur:tained such Idurdan, Ahu Grand '.Drunk surgeoll, The chauffeur w". fatally Injured, tion to the other de ands of the ticd out. qEC?. LAPPAGE, 6 Arthur street, a shook lvitlg so little effect. !:;von irJra i+as assisted by Dr. lYalterH, — "" and Ills friend, vha was occupying An Imperial Irado, ]tau been issued, the windows tivoro but 'little don G. 'r, It, surgeon at Little York, and the front Seat with Jilin, Was Impal- lentan for reforms, all p, son wl is also tui'horizing t}►a Turkish minister of Toronto, baggagema11; injalY to agod, not more than ea dozen being Dr. A. A. L'eatty, C, P. It, surgeon. F-aiturcorltusslttitndAtiKtriatolteuuit cal on ono of the slla.fte of the dray datnandr•d for all persons who lucre wiar to purchase ten ad(litionetl Dia,,: - Lead, loft ear out, also out en left broken on the whole train. Npetidzlnu lawt night, D.. ltiordall said: been arroste(I for ,in rapid fire guns, , , side top of head and bruise to hollow , ' The llllured to Lal forty-four; of ;41) Agt('('mrut t':vctted (t Cray skull k11act ed, another friend had his political tion nd skull fractured, ttnatlier Uad an eye 'PJto l:rhemc for adnrinistratlon and A litayai I.racE•. back ,af left ear. he, Accident. those only f:vo or sls are badly hurt, Crisis - Pwlbraia Again Demanded knocked out, '(vUlle the fourth had Financial reforms In Mtiae<louIa, at, Il3ii-lon, I a'). i8. -Xing k Ira.l.:t hold Station Agent Rovon tvas in his : nl many snl,taitica but Blight cute.--Ilc•t•olt Cien,tut be C'hroke(I, poser rills traitor, Tho de'aymat)the first levee o! the season in the M. CUSACK, 72 Bathurst iciest, To telegraph Oilica, from which (i good £lie vvoret oases are those of Brake- jumped when he omw a collision was propotie(1 by the powers hn the nate throne room of Buckingham Prtlaot ronto, brakesman; Injury to ribs on view Could be obtained of the trach man CusuPk awl Baggagemaster Lap- Inevitable, and escaped short, besides planning a more equitab!e at noon to -day, His Majesty, who left side and shoulder, fracture of: both LNI.-,,t' and Wwt, and was page, who are in C;t. Michael'a IioB_ Landon, Feb. 21 -I. -Nothing ]las been ,yore a military uniform, was attend- wittehing the approaolning train pital. Those two men, with Conductor learned concerning the prresent-ation c collection of tuxes, prorldce that Io• o] by the I'z'Ince of Wales, most of both bones of left leg. this morning when the disaster oo• •Stuart, wore Standing in the Uaggagc of the scheme of reform to the Porto, ` OU1't3 KGF.P THE GIRLS. cal expensea shall be a first charge CONDUCTOR C. STUART, 47 Robert curreti. Ht% immediatoly tele llon ; cal' tit the thio the train waw de- the Cabinet Ministors and all tats street, Toronto; blight injury to taco, 11'httby for medical lophattendance, l to rolled, and the w )slot Ili they were Which was to take placo on Satur- oil the roysuuas of oaclhi vilayet. In ;rOat officers of state. not all killed, for the coach was day. Ultt it is hardly thought that Tho Iltingarlan Govern,ne,gt Takes the event of there being a Surplus A Jealous .Princess. and injnlrY to chest 'and aide, and iu lens than half an flour five pity. Measures Againstl.utit;ratlon. I\aiv lo: k, l`c b. :3.-I'rinTasa 17.je• two outs on. to of lteacl. Otey vv©rcpti tttttho t,peenefawilling elk. escaped wit. smadhod to h u,s. fu ctutsSnuthe the Sultan would yield without pro- Vlenna, Feb. 28. -With the object M1heatFurert also to Constantinople. mli Toussoun,, sister or the ichedive w P e ac t Wt a test to any recommendations, which of Stemming the wholesalo immi ra_ are demanded for Copt• and wife of Prance Ajemi! TOusaoun, 10. A. WILSON, express messenger; Id:e pa%songars on the day cars, !lead. Tho other severe (uses aro g g who were not much hurt,. assiotod Mrs. Lanl;•11Le, whlose thigh was Ile Would regard as an rntorforouce• doll of young girl's to America, Wlhlch palling the ,Vbanians to respect the recently made an unsuceessittl lit - scratch on face, Injury to lett side In the work of rescue, and the fractured, and A. Allen, Who Was with his prerogatives. The (late Is occasioning the Hungarian Govern- intra. tempt• at self-destruct ton by tak- of sliest and shoulder and left hand badly Injured with lass, an artery meat conslcierablo concern, Prowler TJle lewrr which It W proposed to Ing 'poison, Bays the Herald's Calro wounded, as soon as they were 1 fi fixed oil more than a manth, ago by Colomam De Szell has sent a circular art+espondent The act is said to Slightly bruised, a11d slight out on top taken from the Junction ears, vt'are n his leg e W cut, I us , for dine tile Macevlonian committee for the letter to the local authorities of Hun- bIvO to the Inspector General Of Drive been prompted by jealousy. Thal _ removed to the Junoton Hotel, whore lour at the Walker House, for one g P of head. + Landlord Dan Holmes provided cum- of whom, A, Is. Sleeper, I have en- beginning or the insurrection was the gary calling their attention to what Ueudarmer:e, whose appointment or Princess subsequently left Egypt on T. KOELM, Pullman conductor; ;ortabla accommodation for all. gaged a trained nurse. Ila Is doing last WeE+k in March, and there dons 11° describes as this "Inelaneholy recall and WhOSO successor must be card one of the royal yachts, re- able bruised. Abont ten eoloek auxiliary trainsar_ nicely. We dressed the wounds of fact, and directing tbp, they only using to see bar husband. Her ,generallyabout fourteen persons not seem to bo sufficient time to , confirmed b tile ARCILII3ALD MAINS, 528 Aclolaidc riroll from Belleville and Toronto p eons at the ata- permit minors to emigrate when 3' ze powers, thus slicer- Highness want by way' of Trieste each having an board a largo gores tion this afternoon, and they pro- secure the Sultan's acceptance, even sanctioned to do so by their parents ally detaching Jilin from the direct to Vienna, •where it is said she 1s `,.ystreet West, Tpronto; two cute on of doctors; by the time of their ar- castled west to -night on the 11 o'clock if the Austria-Russ}an scheme of re- to guardians a n when they Havel Control Of the authorities at Con- aboutdto ivorce n Austr all Count. head• rival, bovvevor, the Whitby toators forms wore entirely satisfactory to .__._._:l,-•_ , •,.• _ stantinople, is almost sure to an- ,rallied. been WM. T.ULLACIC, 9II Cumming street, had attended to the most of the in- the Macedonlans, which It Is not, counter opposition from the Tnrktah A Heavy Verdict. hand and eAr badly lured. y-0 -nr-..1C-.—J" Can't Check Itevolt. I ! Government, which tilso will most Landon, Dab. 2118 -In accordance Toronto; !road, !s cr out. Heroic Self' Menial. ,s MORAL[ ORAL[ iN,S"I likely oUjacil to the ro GEORGE IIELLEUR, 82 John street, Dr. McGillivra , of NY-ItIby, vvho it The uamands of the powers will on- proposed finan- ,^,Cel all arratigemeut arrived at be- Tcoronto; ribs bruised. wail one of the first to reach theNEWS BRIEF tirely fail to cheek the revolutionary chtl ttrrh. ItrIs p and to the Uasi- curt the ptawas ed the salt, the J. NECHT. Montreal to Toronto; Junction Hotel shore •the !n ureal i on which it is planned, to recruit court to day awarded the Taff -Vale (ll j t programme. The most that can, be Railroad Com back slightly Injured. were being brought In, relateld last Q the gendarmerie, Which, were , trio pony $115,000 datn- A•Q,f.ei;`O,iiEs'a., t ; e' .lt expected now is that their accept- ages against the Amalgamated So. MR13. E. D. HOLDEN, Lowell to, To- evening an interesting incident which P OCtOi3 Testify c 5 t0 C()id- fi g ronto; hand bruised. is but Illustrative of the self-denial •CANAWAN ante will fturniali a plausible justifi- suggestions of the powers carried Ciety of Railroad Servants, MRS. JOHN 1{AY, Montreal to"V,O- and the !heroism ,displayed by many , out, would 1n several districts be After a long trial in the King'a Capt. Alex. McBride, of St. Tho- cation to tufo powers, if they stand iCion of Defaulter, Bench Division of the High Court of Ionto ; body, nose and lip slightly at the wounded. 'lie doctor had been meas, is dead. aside and permit the Turk to sup- _ 1>ructically entirely composed of Justice the wAo of the Tuff• -Yale Injured. working for fully, two hour;a, band- Prof. W. J. Loudon lean invented a prase all attempts at an uprising. Christians, awing to their predomin- Raitr'oa,d Company against the Amal- miss R. WOOD, 7 Murray street, aging cuts, setting fractured bones, Toronto; head cut and bruised, and wild making sits unfortunate as com- now- photometen TZIs r-fers strictly to the Mace- AS USUAL THEY D-iFFEf once In certain parts a1 mticecionJri, tamated Society of Railroad Ser- tortable as he could when a lad Toronto City COmmleelaner Coats- 1 vanta, involving many questions of left arni brulse:(L. y donian situation. Tlhere remains 1L fN understood, however, that the •,rent importance to trades union - G. W COOK, lumberman, Morris- of slight build, who had been sitting worth's ratirenient is expected. Bntlgaria, ltawover, lvlttch will he the Torouto dospatcb . Zile exatnina- powers aro determined to admit of lam, resulted an December 19th in -burg; scalp wound and left shoulder in the room all morning, called him. An abattoir company has been !n- real resistance to Murklah rule. Kin tion for Santry of iWDOugail, thode- no modification of the reform scheme, a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. ap2ainexd. "Doctor," said she, "when you have car orated at Toronto Junction• g g g Success}ro¢t_tax officer, was thin t11ey dPtnancl its aPploatlon The Latter complained of malicious P Ferdinand and the overnment stand (aaltin without delay, and that the ARTHUR LAPRAIL, 886 BL-rkeIO3 finiwlied with all the others, I wish Mr. Douglas Scott tunas Dir. Wol- alone tit their attitude, which they ae> i - - Y are neon, etc., d picketing, inttm[da. street, Toronto ; out over eye, anu You would examine me ; my le is g tori y esterciay;. Lr. Og as •and en- , preparExl to adapt Coercive measures tion, rete., during tll9 strike sit 1900. g lin awn Wallace of Toronto, 'are assumed by the aation which resulted Ja11n I'erghrson tsstifieu as to men- tiui:t." She added that there were shoulder bruised. dead. in the arrest of the Macedonian lead- Lal tveakuess and that ho had the J. M. SPENCER, 161 Dowling ave. sa many wlto were more badly hurt It !.s understood that A. G. bi'ackay, ors In Bulgaria. The population ail- s m t _ quo, manager for Evans &Son, 'ro- than she was, that she dial not men- :1:I, P. P., will move the addroba In most unanimously supports the lit- ,al•Ad ins connection olncitIv tit parelte Tonto; foot cut. tion the matter doctl they wore eat-ly g y y gone,' said '1 4"U I ( Bal 1 R AISES the Legislature. iaurgent movement, and It will be lm- "His memory is nearl Lnnil►►Y 44 "Twouty-four other pasEas ern tended examination, rhe doctor d medf+vered Tito ScotiiNh curlers sailed from possible to restrain them from join- Dr. For hsoin "and ilii absolute! 4-i en route from pointe ill Eastern 'rade it dywwe and discovered b'b Y that the lady, whale sante was Mrs. New York on Saturday, passengers int hostilities to tan extent that will ,argots between one interview and Mates to Washington .Aorrlto>ry. Bessie aLngill, Nvas suffering Prom a un the steamship Lucaula. invah•o the country in a war against the Second iwnat lie has said at the q were shaken up and bruised, con- bad fracture of tits hip. She must The Northorn Pacific Railway is Tlarkey. first. I consider it a progressive LEVEL ISLANDS41eludes the statement. leave been in great pain, but she far• applyingfar authority; to build 2, -Tho failure of Russia anti Austria. chronic case in an elderly person of Among the latter are; got herself entirely, in her solicitude 3W' miloa of railway in Manitoba• as well as other powers, to reach a pareLie dementia, 1t. T. LINDSAY, Fox Lake, Wisaon• for others, full agreement In regard to action "Is he responsible for ]Ila actions, --- -_ .- Bill; wore h01d on Sat- ca able of Instructing counsel?" ala; !lead out, knee injured. tii'ouude .tale doctor •told talso of a our arch for the Nair Brunswick Le that should be taken, when the P g dressed at Emergency Hospital. Unglishman, whose name he young islaturo. Vuung will take place Oil threatened developments occur, are- askoel Mr. Blake. NATHAN SPACI{, Chelsea, Mass., of rat learn, who haalswstained ivory February L'8tt1. In every, (aunty t:tecla grave crisis. Russia, having bsaiutely, no. r1'' i I 0 ,'e hand alit, ear scraped. WoundN failed to arraz.a0 matters With Aue_ Is there airy, hope of-rcaovoryY' F aeriores out on the back of his hand. titaro 10 to be a contest. "None, whatever." dressed tit Emergency Hospital. Uth ou. h urged to have it dressed, tris, hoe Introduced Luce, Iter ally France g a ki urderer. S g Tlta afticla.ts of the tiillia, Depart- Diu•. Irvin Tl, Camerons Said that @I DAVID L CARVER, Bangor, Maine; it's absolutely ;refused, saying, "I stent thins that the tofalcations of Into an active role, and it 'loos been • right hand and left foot eG:. At won't allow il;ou to look at it until 1letrtilteau walla r o ate a 75,000. announced tit;nt she will take a, pro- J1r, McDougall !a non compos men- the Emergency Hospital. or have attendod to all these pool, aggregate ) nlinent part in alta whoa Eastern to' $a prop is affected, and of has • Honolulu, Feb, 23. -Naval Gov- board. wile insane. He was fes- . P It will be a day ar two yet before not a proper appreciation of his f L. E. DUNLOP,' Westford, Vt-; in- devils here." OWog to his persist- question. error Seaton Sehreder, of the Is- Cited. but died' b;d Feb. 10•th: Jared shoulder, Buts on head. At the flue exact amount ID,known, surroundings. His present physical Ince, the wound ,was not dressed Two young children of Ur. James Sultan is \Vary condition would have a' tendency, Smuggling Poison to' Alurdegror. Emergency. nnt•il he Was all the train which Drain, Sof Dummer Tovvnsluip, left Menotime, the Sultan may be de- ho Sand, to impair his mental facul- land of Guam, wll-o has arrived here, Stroudsburg, Pa,. Feb. 2a. -.:Polson G. GOWQUINT, Los Angeles, injur- brought the first batch pf wounded alone, in the !louse, set fire to them- Fended upon to take full advantage Lies, reports the occurrence of a severe enough• to killnl6 persons, fnteudecd las to spine. T to Toronto, selves. Ono ,vas biurnad to death, and aP Russia's embarrassment, wind a Dr. Ogv3en laid of a bicycle tical- and for Charles Grether, the condemn. H. CARRiAG1`ON, Pullman car per- The most of the waunda which prolonged series of earilr- exl murderer of Adam Strunk, w o ter, Montreal; scalp wounds. came under Dr. © cGillivray's notice the other IVIII probably, die. possible future deadlock. It may (lent Mr. McDougall had met with 11 J. H. LANGFLLE, miner, 12 Gordon were cuts caused by broken glass. The morality deparLmet of Men- suit ,his purpose to secure a non -In- last year. He was knocked sense- quakes, which have raised the level is to be hanged on Tuesday, was street, Waltham, Mass.; injury to rib. Several of theso Wore of a very don- tre al considered the posters of Mrs. ,erference of the powers by granting less. His recovery from title acel- of the islands sic inches. The shocks taken late Saturday from Airs. A. bruises. At the General Hospital. gerous chruracter, particularly that Patrick Campbell's figure Immoral, the mild reforms requested so soon (tont vias very, slow, due, Dr. Ogden S. Corr, Of Phillipsburg, N. J., .a MRS.'BESSIE LANGILLE, wife of J. of Dir. A. 1I. Allan, of Lolw•ell, Maas., tinct plastered a date lino across as the insurrectionary movement be- said, to the fact that he was afflict- were accompanied by lout] subter- 1418tor to Grethrr. the to of her decollete owin. tames inevitable, anal then go ahead red with paresis, front which he Is risers rumblings. Mrs. Corr visited the county jail H. Langille; right lilp fractured. At from whose leg a very large place of P g and subdue Macedonia aencl thrash sols suffering. 11m. McDougall had gs• 1111a Solace on to bid Ivor brother good-bye. Sire the General Hospital. garh was extracted. Tho era Railway s e the Northern Bulgaria. a mania far Speculating !n stocks, her arrival here, smash'ed into the noted strangely and this night MISS ETFIEL 1 BASER, daughter of The most serious case of all to Pacific itartsvay declare that they g Mrs. Langille; face and hands in- that or George Lappage, the hag- pian that their new. road Into Dian- Ha !s quite able to do this, and it and he event down to Mlbntreal once naval wharf, doing some damage. the prate followed her out and on Jared. A the General Hospital. gagaman, whose head was Injured, ltaba will divert the Shipment of Is difficult to 1300 how Russia,, in the to sell some timber limits, which ap- g pretense of Using in sympathy P The man Was able to walk about, grain to Europe through Canadian absenco of a legitimate excuse, and parently lie did not o -wit He was Silo reported that during the voy- with Grother, received the poison MISS ELLEN•DANPORT1l,,teacher, lint nils frontal facnitiea were rpt- par'tse. without the assent of Austria, Ge:- Constantly, watched by the family, age. S. LOcascio, a bandmaster, Package, from her. Prayers were offered In the eye Loring street, Lowell, Mass.; right oatrecl, and be Was continually Rev, W. A. Guy, B. X. of Bath, many and Lngland, will be able to came upon the film. ak spells which would returning from Guani, jumped over- eh'urches to -day for Grether. eye tnjured, bruises on face. At ,creaming unci calling out, "My ear Inas arse )tett the et1I1 ' the Presby- go the aTiutanae of Bulgaria. Oil Dr. upon Russell medical super - the General Hospital. le off,'' Upon examination, Dr. Mc_ I •the other !land, if Russia is desirous AMBROSE ALLAN, 11Laringatreet, Irxioff.,* y found that his oar was tartan Church at Macdonald's CQr- Of such an excuse, tiro developmentH intendant of the Hamilton Asylum, -- `- - --- - - . --- - -- --- -- __ __ .-__-__ Lowell, Mass.;, left leg injured, ar- all right, but that he had a frac_ ners, !n Lanark county, at a salary of an active campaign will hardly had been simply asked to examine r tory cut, At the General Hospital. fi of $DOD per annum and a manse. His fail to yfold .some pretext for in- McDougall as to his mental Condi- "' 9 t+ A. -E. SLEEPER, Lexington, Ill.; In- taro of the skull just behind- the induction will occur an April 7th. terventiou. Talon, in the absence tion, and ho did. He found him a l`r 1 Se " RE JEWELS STOLEN ured about head and fq,co. - deal and that ho lied lost a good Willie excavatIn far a building on of tin agreement with Austria, tlla very intelligent ratan, a fair type of • j Ileal of blood from cute about tura g g g ' YP face. Queen street, Ottawa, Saturday, op- role of keeping the other powers his class, and could discover no Accessi, of tf,e wreck' Dir• J. II. Lan -Ill, ltttsbancl of the pasito the Grand • Union Hotel, the from: Interfering would naturally de- sign at Insanity. McDougallhad Whitby Junction despatch -The lady of whom Dr McGillivray spoke, leen dug up the skeletons of ten vole upon France. It becomes more told him of a time usher he could { . - west -bound Graud.Trunk express, du•• way rather badly injured, but their bodies. This locality w,as 'the site of evident every day that the Port(, have made $300,000 an Northern Express Train Strikes S'eig i With Five ` here this morning at 7.15, is lying in daughter. although found under- a cemetery do old 1Bytowm days. expects to have plenty of fightinlr Pacific stock, and so make up all __ r_an Inextricable tangle in a fold neath the timer Bucy stove, haat on life hands, in a short time, no his defalcations, but that his brick— about 300 yards east of the station g' Than militia is asking far the pre- matter in what direction the ,sit- or had failed to obey Instructions, eptly a foss unimpartaut bruises on sent address at Rev. 1. M. Bt>rr, next nation dovela tUnd fully 80 teat below, the level of hen. tin fingers. The family are on their r p° alld sell the shares. This, said Dr, fi of kin of No. 1,76x, Private H. B. Russell, was a rational possibility, the track. way to Portland, Ore., and were Barr, Who served !n'the 2nd (S.S.) I{etinnt0 Again .Dc,nnnclecl' ti,ott a dreamy San Francisca Fob. 23,-.lfrs. S', cured an inventory of the articles r4bere is some doubt as to the cause wall enough to leave here yester- Battalion, R. C. R. ; No. 660; F. W. Constantinople, Feb. 24.-Th'e Aue- Did ho give roar any sin Of In- ' Sent to S. Mildlett Provost the Nair est the accident; some say a Bpread day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Bradfield, 2nd Regiment, C. M. R. g . 1> T. Dickenson, o! Alameda, lana re- , g trktn incl Russian Ambassadors pro- sanity? A -Na, mot at all. York attorn0y and executor of rail, otltergeeabroken axle. neral appearance The Doctors at (he Aleek. W. J. Jough, a .Boer commandant, sented Saturday to the Grand Vizor As to paresis, Dr. Russell said the eeivecl a !otter from Paris, nvllieh DEQ, Gore's tviti, and the writer was from the is at 'Ottawa negotiating with the identical memoranda embol in the mental Si states that before the effects of of the opinion that the property wars track the latter theory is more prop The following nu *➢.c it men were at g g y g Sigma of tiro disease ocaurrod able, and It is to this the sect}oamen the scene of the wreck all(] nssiated Government for land do the North- demundu for reforms in Macedonia. first. It generallyovertook young Mrs. Ellen Gare, her niece, who was tampered with while it was In the lean. to caring; for theinjurod: Drs. Mo- west for a set'Llement. IL is eaid Tl,o proaoesiiag was of a semi-official and vigorous mets, from 30 to 40. Shat ancI killed In the apartments Possession of 'trio French police and Tho train was composed of an on. Gillivray, Warren, MA(Irum, and Bo- that he is agent for 1,000 Boers character. All at once Some lapses might occur U. S. ,officials. . gine, a baggage car, two vestibuled t'e)t, of 1VhitbY; Dra. fiord, Holg, Ma- now to New York, Who have $10,000 Tlio char proposal made in the in a well regulated life, Such as of the Rnssiams Signor Ridenzski, on g The Deadly Crossing. tlla night Blomlogtoan, Ill., Feb. 23. --The lCan- day -oars of the latest model, LLDA Kay, COekl)uril and D2onigomery, of each in cash. memoran(la is the appolntmetf ' of an shocking immorality or dishonesty. g Of Nov. nth, lett the Am - three Pullman sleepers. In all theca Oah,auva; aura J)ra. lVatera anal Brit- Di3ss Lily Nichols, agvd 19 years, Inspector -general for three years, It was characterized by sudden erica:n consulate for New York, It Sia Citylimited an the Chloe I about 150 passengers on board, tan, of Toronto. witilo feeding a press in the print- Witlt ample powerB to net Inde- changes fromusually good habits. I38 was discovered tlittt jewels to the I Alcan ailroad loot oft and as a result of the accident forty- Tho ill-fated train was In charge Ing department of Reld Bros.' fac- pendently, and to requiait➢ou troop'i had discovered no smptoms of par- , night. struck R four , persons were more or less ser- of Conductor Charles Stuart and tart' . on Cttere^n.ce Street, London, in case of emergency. The plan of sale In the prisoner, and felt quite valine of more than, $3,000 had been I wagon, containing rive Italian coal iouslhurt. About twenty others Engineer Ireland, I)ath of York. had one of lief hands caught and reforms also proviles for the re -or- sure he did next suffer from it, stolen. Mrs. D}ckenson's advices came • miner., ,south or nfataily killed g anlzation of the gendarmerie and filar of the men tinct fatally, injured were considerably shaken up, and the In'uced i3rort;C,t to Toronto. aruayhecl in• the machinery. It is g fralrr a friend noiv',in Paris, who se- tiro fifth. ; t pollee under instructors for ad- escaped soot free, !eared amputation may, bo•necessary. P , THE MESS19H The Injured, with one or two ex- ministratfve incl financial reforms - Tthe most peculiar thing about it all ceptions, were brought on to Tor. BRII jSH AND f't➢ta°1 REN. and for a more equitable collection is the very light flat of casualties.; onto. They arrives] lit two lots. The of taxes. These reforms do not af- i t - Whitby noon train from Belleville brow ht Galway's selection of a candidate foot rho Sultans rero a yes or - - ce • He CLU "'S' t.4 ®L -, ?. The Position of the Wreck. g for the Commons has been post- p g I !/ in seventeen, and the afternoon local wound the religious susceptibilities Just before reaching tit llhitby from the east, arriving at 4.'.30, all Paned.L y Junction station the track takes a hour late carried a dozen others. Lord +7ubley, Lord-outenant of ire- • of the Mass don;ae. p wide curve. It was at the western Diacecton➢ans rlrgncd• lU$SI2i° i'uBSa!1l$ NiarCh i Q land, is organizing a great golfing : ) extremity of thio curve that rho ac- I,itse Dice in a 13°x• carnival. Vienna, FeU. 2•i, -It is repartecl Worship Ja I, Cadent occurred. The exports believe Mr. John Fallon, ono of the first A dispatch from Rome says the that tie Macedonian Leader Sara- 'Mil S to t o rs h i p H i ni,EMPSTE that fir® strafe put upon 'the cars by of Whitby's citizens to reach the munI III deaf sty iga(1 bestowed the free toff has+ organized within the pact WELDER-=' 1) rounding the curve at Buell a high scene of the wreck, said, that what (join of tho city on Signor Marconi. fortnight several well equipped Bul- __-_-..-.. coo rate of speed caused the breakage of surprised him was the quietness. He Three detachments of constabulary garian bands int Macedonia, each nm axle on day. coach NO. 2,018, the and h!H companions at first thought Worn captured by Pilipino insurgents consisting of about 250 men. The SCORTED BY GENDARME: ' ' • tbird from the engine. The car imme- that a great many of the passon- (,Pcrtttillg within sixteen 11111,0 0, Noue Frele Presse learns that 4,000 diately jumped the track, and slid gars had boon killed, find couldarnnnd Micedonlans are eoncentrat•- St. Poteraburg, Feb. 214.-Dfeas- down the embankment, and as the scarcely. believe anything to the Manila. I eta 40 miles from Sofia, and aro pre- area hazvo been tuson by Ina eceles- i a A d coupling held, all the other oars were contrary. "They must have been The Iiot3ilo of Commons rofuseti on paring to attack thio Town of Melnik, i+isLieal "authorit,Os to destroy the D 0 g C0 -_e s R U v., d ul Steamers forced to follow suit. Even the an. thrown around like dloo In a box," Friday to consider an amendment to in the Turkish Provinco of Seres. ,vi+Los rend bel:ef in the divinityo. gino and tender Were pulled off the said Dir. Fallon, "a.nd how they es- the addr•ese to restrict door forests Tbero 19 an unconfirmed rumor that the iapimams Father John of Kon - track, but, fortunately for the train caped so woll I don't ]snow." lit the highlands. the Albanians have attacked the "v crew, the engine coupling to the bas;- One reason perhaps that so fest/ Tile Popo has sent letters to the Roumntinn Consulate at M}trovit- Staudt, but ere fax they have not fit- U ► MLY gago car parted before the tondar of the passengers were Injured was cl *rgy in Die'-codonia instructing than) coined their object. Only recently 9 • za• Turkey. O tile occiesiat tical nutboriCas a, •aha and locomotive were dragged clown the fact that, despite the shock, to enjoin all Catholics to abstain lion Territory tivoro informed that Lan.iolt, i'0'l. i'8-Tha ne'*ottations aultaton tvtth thio Dominion Gov - the bank. Tho sudden release of the all the seats in tit,) cars remained from political agitation. ct nu Ter t y ,wi to of the d that baggage car caused it to follow the fast. In other railway wrecks the Dr. Charles L. Dana declares that It IQ[tATIbN 5tiVlt tll.tr5. of I arpooka hotel loft their liomes for tho purchnae by the Canadian, ornment• day cars so rapidly that It bounded sorts have invariably brokers from paresis 1s curable. His word test Is: — or Kronstatd•t. The Ktonstailt po- A Hough voyage. about like a rubber hall, finally set- their places, and have been piled Conyt:tutivaple, agricultural, round boril strathcona [Ina Issued a Warn- ileo searobed the various lodging- Iacifle Rallrao•1 Company of four- London, Fe's. c8: Tluo B tisk e ruing at a distance of fully 4 hon- la Oita and Of Via ear, orushing the till. rugged rock the ragged rascal ,. dred feet front the track, upside Ing Against Th(iu, louses of 19ue town, an.i discovered teen Deaver Lino steamers from El- a tui>r Monadnock, Captain Woo ;JR. and literally crushed to match- paaaougers !n it horrible manner, ran. If you cannot Bay theca Words t- ern chili linflus, who rho toela a l that ' P puny were saris -1 which salle.l from Blyth, England, wood. That any man could be in that But to -clay the bolts hold, and as you have one Symptom of paresis. I,andon report: Tito remarkable eor-Dempster ster Com yuCCess of cite scheme for all all -Brit- , Fell. 17th, fret• Boston, it is put into our and live Is a. ml aala, incl it 1S a result there are no fatalities to 15ct upon l;v tilroc iron near h11 ish colon near Saskatoon has sit- attrney in 0 per to welsh -p father faietarily concliuled title morning. Stornoway, , Scotland, and reports ca land live that the faclees of Geo. record. rectory, Rev. John Tutsi, Of Little copra ed a humbar of emigration John. Tlrey I" Wtell In ihetr enn- The prico Iald 1s not iasis La e. the ba a emir are Ver TItO Interior of all the a:ars was Dunhiuu, \circuli, vvlu) is reputed i( g tendon chaff nue was the (']grist. yet dlaelosodi Cher, durlriountered one terrible wee. pPaS fig ' 4 Carefully examined, but, aside from be a lightweight boxer ami very pow- swindles, whereby unscrupulous Tha) veneratlan In wbiClt I oilier 11th it is+ said to be about $7,500,- teas drrow11 (i rin four ethers cross severe. The wreak, its It lay tlll:t all- • atwintshi agents aro romping a were tarnoon hg the field, showed in its the fact that the car auNllfcrns were rrfnl, Huccoadrei ,rat malting them cry, P Ili rent til, s OC Eng- John to h,elal tiva& lve:] iliustratrcl live U00. Tho uattl is t+rtga.rle(1 here as lav- disalttFxl. In addition to those citstt_ general outline the contorted In of Bell about, there was very-I;,lough, .governor, enough. harvest in d a p L g days ago when Ito was , leaving St tag all important J*aring on tile, Miles three of the steamer's boats „ +, 'tilt , little clnngit ;e cdc)rie, Thi sensation land. They advortlae pEtsUlona Al- i)eLortthur,r. Despite the etarery than were smashed, her fare the capital letters IS, ther(.• , iii a 'himarn err It is now probable`. that tho'Guards leged to be vacant dii Canadian .s always maintained concern Il; bis proposed Canadian fast mall see- [larded owing to a pmIc was presenting the track, the upper Part of Nta.udtn}+ I Belinda,[ Will .b' 1111HI1Cci tip. Attempts fartrw, for premiums of from 91' 5a movements le had to be escorted vice, as It will possibly ellmllmte + broken scuttle of the °tS" allowingthe position of which littcl been uvea Lurnacl an(j)ooil_ p rind coneidervibie damage was done rho Pullmans antitile lower art the h)1; up at tic saato which were rheic In tiln BrlLisll lloitse of com. to 95, or espeelaily goo;1 bertha on at. a considerable number or stat➢Otis thea tender or I ider-Dempster ('Out- about 'her (leek. The storm was SO Position of the day oat's and baggago ' apparently sorowad to the ceiling, mons 9ilea( es bring i tgIthe ma f uer up Pr (bell. -it bot ami arrangement, rang n kill, which mai twelve rallw y Carriage by en who pauy therefor and leave the t'ana- very severe (than the Dfonadn0ck car, ( Wao, to say the least, a pccullar u , B g g , ng dlin I'axifto Railroad Com 1n rn a stats only able to Wear around and Ono of alta day 0oaciros, No. 1,- • ono; it must Ilav been terrifying ool lialldilarl It Ill, lots (matter (]roll the paymentsdodge, Is f t o 5 ron Iso wt- around him, eDe pita f diose recall- better , osition to secilre tlio von- nctttrn by rho liberal !iso of oil. 403, Way lying on its shlo, • Tho if) tllo unfortunate passengers jest ( oma P o her ]O tr p , Pullman "Brantford,' vma L•lgllt (oleic tiftE!r' file vcprek. DuffttlO BI11 ie doing his part 'to grants Instruction hl ngrieulturoon ,1 us women in tho crew,] mncl otiery tratet, p `Ite Titg Slrlpi)hlg•'l)csi1: ' tt but t 1 r alta •10 The lilt["i.":t V . r•, w111ah %rai3 or pronoto :1ill,lo Ainvr:e•tll frioubb'l) their arrival 111 Canada- for ranlun- effort to get near h.lin. ,S'ome threw , nidi to l)l C i1at11 C(1. London, I'+eh. "$.••-Replying • t`dt jt p, i had a list n tab 1116 oev. Tire "Dl kens'• 'was 1.01W comparatively light eon4tru^tion, is t..Ntardn•y ho entertained at his Wild eratioh 'often amounting to £50; themselves on the ground, and tried n o t question in the Horse Of C..pmnlons o t a - fit far t:othitr r Irut fitvtw00d, Ono and West I',xlibltion In London pearl,. Che Canaaian ComfultBloiler Issne to crawl inside the ran, of gendarulas I,onalon, ]b'8 ). 18. -Au. Chaulltar- • Gerakt Balfour, President of n lie &Ilio on tufo side Of tha em i, ,••ono, no One :),0.;0 c'hiLlren front the Sehool iitllon o -day a ublte warning, pointing :ind kiss his fo3t or hie i arments. 1 1 , the Board of Trade, amid ting t;on- bankment, wlillo tine other Pnhlnl:til Of CIO. NIP iv cntir,'iv :un+l ;litttierbury IriNt}lttto, and 1 i0 out that tura 0316.111 stea•ns111pfarn When he got inside the train goh- alt, aha± Iastnlastor-G:nerctl, On Ile• eras linea of the agreement b t lvltn up,vile down. All aha rare vver0 knows whore. 'rile tilde" are spra;id a i wenn o Out rin.1 stilt ht at!l silirectioris, an eripplod little odes were also proseul. from Liverpool to t uabee is £5 rw.. aarmes formed a line In front to halt of his father, the Colonial tie. this British rovtyt•nment Land the tat• f! thew trucks, and tic) Ile:tvv totnatlonal Iaf•", lathe Mmrilne Com., l tvLet±lq were SttnttPrrcl in arer'v `<lI- tial tap on willeh tau± eatr texts is They brill m happy 1lrne, we a a 1.ay and front Liverpool to Q{uoUEx) a.8. presort people from pressln„ too rotary, •who, is in Sautll Afr1Ca, In- ra0t t i lea )unotnrt t vAill l,m)inelabli hlcr'er, whit roll, white and blue tireanlars, HO W.lfna Intending omigrantS clic^Sly. Ono Nomas approa,clieti and formed the House of Coinnions to- P1 y hard been determined ,upon held ion. i'lCeO r Ot iron two, t ries I (,r):i b ir. brolsen til Into toll• lana waved a large ntltilber 'if 1TllfOn agaltin bon iAos of tilt kinds, as I esaught the ppaassengers to ask i House would be given ran .othtrls (vest° srtappeA in two, and tin flu vv lWl t tits ,ttncriean flu •Enter- an n e11t:'S nl:d Irl silportluou0, and a Father JOh.ri to show himself, If only day that the Britlah Alaskan Com- tallity ire discuss tin rirrah d pety p'tatfortnq, (31(jps and Couplers on all liong of p,eaoa no lar„er than tooth- d'aelcs, it a !; !r menth tho Coachos were badly Used up, but, Pickst. It Is the M08t complete plc» sporsed, ( letter of jd0nt1tletitibn, Nialetl can be fair a tuonla'nt. nitsgionrra v111 be, srle0ted after roti- )letoro it tvarl 0ouohtcde(1.