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The Wingham Advance, 1903-02-26, Page 4
_ - �'elal'tlary ifs 19o3THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, and summer. Winnipeg is fairly �, ,.. • F . ._ full of Americans who are, as fedi- �• viduals, acting for groups of people_ in the different States looking Into ! POPULAR itcWte CA bell ti ---_From the Public AccUllllts the situtti0la 13erC, and learning lf'� �T E PEoPLES F blue bowl: it is gathered that the the good reports published _ parol innge of tl➢© E�untry are correct. And yon ° « 1t of the silver eo would be sur used to know ho\v J N O. �( JAS. • �'� R R• i?oniinipu in 190.vt�s 3171,397, P' p,),NG GOODS � t}ud that on Dopper coinage $9,53. t1nauimously they loltl in recpm- Among the items of receipts by the wending it to their friends in theNEW S � aDel �'i1iIlee 1,4rtwentiS�`CUUSClellee,.S'tates. h money", te11 dollars. SURPLUS AND MORTGAGE. - e��w Dress Goodsh --It is estimated that the three � S- �i 0(_ great railway systems of Canada, i the Canadian Pacific the Grand 1 Since the Laurier Government 'i Go Handsoma New Weaves for spring wear, in con - Trunk and Tnten�olonial railways, ° took office, there has been a con- Black and all the most fashionable shades, are r „ Stant increase in the National debt., a. liars ready for }our inspection. h earned during 190.. some $75,675,-1. The Government's statement of the l � j�j Styles, h { Up-to-date, y �4�, the largest ever recorded in country's finances shows that in �^ New Shades �� fv16��U� Right ij�i'60-date Pries Easy. -.. Plein and Figured Voiles the history of Canadian railways. 3' r d f 1 1 ; Crepe -de -shines * Favourable as the showing is, it is only one year, 1900, has the net kconcewoudebt of the country been decreased ., Mohair Roxanoa been materially advanced had the' The growth of our rational debt ALL FRENCH C JEtamine Hindoo, etc. companies been in a position to during the reign of Mr, Melding".'_ WOOL PLAID handle all the freight that was. and his surpluses, has been : 1tEPILLE SOIE We Fant you to see them. 1397 . 33 b41 16, _ Camels Hair effect, Dark colors offered. .,- Colors, Reseda, Cream and .. ......... .. $1:L5 ^+ 1 . 1593 .................... x,41 t,SO� Light Blue, per yd............85c ' per yd. .•...P.....�. 1S99 .................... 2,3171,049' The British -Canadian Wheat 1900 .................... 9779,639 FRENCH WOOL BLOUSING IIU�l1ESPCJN, BLACK Ec COLORS New�r Raisin Co. has been organized for. n 936 196 -56 in. wide, for skirts, per yd. Laces and Embroideries. � Raising g' . 1901 .................... � , Fancy Stripes, per yd..... w� ........... the purpose of raising wheat in a 1902 „•••. 3,549,055 F FANCY STRIPE SILKS 75eto. $1.00 Fresh as a daisy are being displayed on our wholesale way, on ten thousand , counters. Sea the tett • new Embroidered acres of the best farm laud in As- r •^^ PARIS LACE BROCADE For Waists, per yd....... 50c to 75c -.. pretty Net increase in debt 313,331,654 BLACK RL'SSEL CURD Medallions, Matched sets in Swiss, l� ainsook ', siniboia, North-West Territories, i �~. Linen sb:ule for waists per yd 3x As shown by the accompanying i, FANCY CHECK SILKS Fine all wool, for Suite per yd. .. and Cambric. Also the new 'Venice Laces in This land is the property* of the statement Mr. Fieldingin aunounc- i F r. . $1.00 wheat at the lowest possible cost a "' FINE WOOL DELAINES For V stets per yd to ix 75C to ....................... . white and cream. Special Low Prices. company, which proposes to raise a iiig surpluses of $2t,034,925 for j P the six years, coots his accounts tQ Dark Colors, 30 in wide. for JAPAN SILKS ALL COLORS BLACK GRECIAN CORD �^^ , by employing the most modern the extent of $40,366,579. An G R'aists per yd .............. arc - per Fine all wool for Suit., per yd $1.00 steam machine ate. Amon the y ! •' �7 in wide, r yd ............... 50c �r g business man who misrepresents a r New gess Trimmings. j directors are well-known people in i his financial standing in the hope 9 : FANCY MIXED COLORS BLACK POPLIN "~ P .,,•_ JAPAN SILKS ALL COLORS Montrealand Winnipeg. of improving his credit opens the' : All wool goods. Very pretty. 20 in. wide, per yd .............. 2ec M The latest novelties in Fancy Braids, Sequins, q prison doors for his reception. For Waists, per yd ..$1 to $1.25 Fine all wool for Suits, per yd $1.00 Appliques, Fancy Drops and Ornaments of all 9 lofty "" PEAL' DE SOI?; SILKS BLACK BROADCLOTH Mr. Fielding from his lof emin- kinds. Fancy Buttons in Persian, Pearl, Out —A person injured by an explos- " ence can distort his figures in the FRENCH WOOL SATIN ^� Steel, etc. In., invited. ion Of gasoline brought suit at St. CLOTH Splendid value per yd. 75c, 85c, $1.00 For Skirts or Suits, 58 in. width g a same manner as the dishonest mer - Paul against the :standard Oil Chant, and his supporters applaud � %•"= $ ' p 3 .......................... $ .40 1' per •d 1 I a Newest Shades 38 in. wide. M Company, and the jury before his attitude. Instead of saving TAFFETTA SILKS For best nett is all lines try _ d which the case was tried gave the ; money during the most progressive' waists or suits peryd........ Zoe BLACK CHEVIOT Q plaintiff $10,000 damages. The St. period of our.Lational growth, Tfr. � Black and colors, per yd........ 75c For Skirts or Suits, 58 in. wide - 3 Paul papers state that the Stand- g P mortgage g 1 STRIPE BILgINE BLOUSING per yd ........................... $1.25 P p Melding has laced a mor a e of BLACK NOIRE SILKS g and Oil at once advanced the price $13,331,654 on the lands of the o 25 in wide per yd.......... 50c Witchire to pay the full amount o£ the judg- manufacturer, farmer and otherhandsome goods, per pd.Sl to $1.10VENETIAN WORSTED, BLACK ment and costs. It is not the cen- Citizens. ALL WOOL BROCADESFor Skirts or Suits, 58 in,wide er C�-tralizatioii of business in the hands - BLACK SATIN p , ...- Black and Calors. Waists or yard .. ........................... $1.2u of the great corporations so much suits, per yd .......... 30c to 7,5c Splendid finish, per yd. 50a ?3c, $1 •-+�� successors t0 M. H. McIND00. as high-handed handed acts of this charac. BLACK AND NAVY SERGES g Miss Jones's Voice Greatly Improvd. o i ter that stir up the public against 7 y LUSTRE AND CASHMERE SATIN IN COLORS For Skirts or Suits, 56 in. wide them. A startling improvement is noticeable e.,- per yd lac too 75e, per yd 50 to . .............. • 75c per yd...........:...... _=0 * in 31iss Jones' singing. Her voice is 1111 and Colors, p -we to $1.25 * ' stronger, and sounds clearer and sweet - At the present time therm are er than before using Catarrhozone, =� said to be in course of building in which is s wonderful aid to singers, Canadian and United 'States shi y shdpeakeis and ministers. Catarrhozone FLOUR, FTG. FISH SYRUP p- Ininsures absolute freedom from .-.• yards sixty-two vessels for delivery i Coldss,, Coughs and Catarrh, clears the daring the coming season. Their ; nose and throat, and prevents hoarse- :: We beep in stock the very Lake Trout per keg........... $a00 Maple Syrup in quart and half gal. Cjood Furn1*t4Ure` M value is estimated at $13,491,500, 'i ness and huskiness. Catarrhozone ; best Pastry, and Bread Flour. Lake Herring No. 1 per keg.. $4.50 tins �� OW � �� makes the voice brilliant and eded by Oatmeal, Rolled Wheat, 1�'hea -w $# ,a of which $1,470, 000 is represgnted an is uncommonly recommended b a- Fresh Trout per lb .............. 10c Table Syrup in 10 lb. tin pails..... We • 9 by two Toronto and One Coiling- Prima Donnas, members of Parliament tine, Corn Meal, Graham Flour Fresh Whitefish per Ib ......... lOc " 20 " •. $100 wood shipyard. The BZ3rtram Lawyers, Doctors and thousands that .-- Eta, Engine "Works Co. is engaged in use it daily. Better try Catarrhozone. Oats taken in exchange for Smoked Haddie per lb......... 10c Molasses and Baking Syrup, best finishing the passenger and freight Price $1.00; trial size 25c. Druggists or ... Canned Fish all kinds. quality. -.0 P g g N, C. Polson & Co , l;iugoton, Out. Oatmeal. For a couple of weeks we will give special. prices in steamship, "Montreal," which Cost Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS and EX - building The American Ship- TEirSIt��� building Company has a list of TENSION BIOCI, �jj'n��y„`, Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases of,,Jno. Jas, H. Kerr' �u! f�#11 Ihllll� 1�11111IL`Ino. & Jas. H. Kerrthirty-nine ve�seis in course oft building valved at 39 565000. eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes testedOur $10.50 Bedroom Suite caIl t be, beaten- Higlr et ,, and glasses supplied. Office opposite bedstead, big dresser With good—sized mirror, acid t � * St. Andrew's church, London, out. I�titI111tliitiit�ftlfttif�itliiiiflillill d11tttltti�lilitlim large washstand. 1 —The following from the Gorier- 11111 ill ich Signal is rather remarkable : THOUSANDS of POSITIONS # Other cheep SIII St l :..til., $l .lil7, $17.75. =iThe day Of hard and fast political are open to those, who can fill them. LIFE Abner COSenS FSRE i D A fa1rTHT1T Money to loan on notes, ;and notes assortment of ? suites to select from. ties is past, and new men possessed .' a 11 iiGNE �f discounted at reasonable rates. Money TRIC Loan ai]d Insurance Anent PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, advancedon mortgages at spa r cent. of new, methods are bound to arise with privilege of paving at the end of SIDEBOARDS it :i�mos't an rice. If -you want Farm Loans atlovetrates of interest. ACCOUCHEUR. an year. Notes ancl accounts colleet- pin the near future to take the reins 7 -' . O something in the cheap Style, see what we have of government in their hands. j �TRA'j FQRD, oNT, oface—corner Minnie and Patrick Sts., Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald ed. Office—Beaver block. Wintzltsm. WLNGIUM Block. Rosi. Mcurpoo. '950 at $8.1)0. j The time was when the passing of Night calls answered at office. Proper]cPrepaFes,�tndenisfor f;oo3 pox.''• ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS g EXTE:-SIO' TABLES—Good. strong tables, well ; a Premier meant the 6nbStitRtiOII � tions. IxssPe by maxi in Bookkeeping, WNHAM SAW �Tj� {�� �T!! ,Shorthand Penmanship, fig are given w L Lisddof one of his colleagues. That is those who cannot attend dour .school. finished, at $5.00. not the ease to -day, either in Do- This coUegeis wen known from one end ��T GE DRS, CHISHOLI & CHISHOLI The re-' of Canada to the other for its strictly �+ We Will be pleased. to show, -yOu our 'Stock, 4 minion or local affairs, a Arst-class Rork. circulars free REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. ilcLHAN R SON movalof Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Z J. Illli4tt, Principal, a CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN PHYSICIANS •SURGEONS ETC. See what we have in high-grade furniture. would wrench the Liberal pax y so on Town and arm Properh'. Josephine Street - Wingham ill kinds of rough said dressed.... seriously that political chaos would jprevail. In Ontario, should Hon. ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES WiDERTAKINGx G. W Boss leave the ship there] OFFICE in the Rent Black- P. RETRTEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.Q APPLE BARRED. Rrsideau-Patrick j Iiesideace-L`atherina St: Street, S. Graeey's Ball it no man in sight wha could p lieLOGS 1' " Member of tht Brltix5 Medical former resideaae, , . e rudder. And the idea of oli- jj eI,ttanl Hard and Soft Slabs, also a wbars zel¢let nails Mt A �t TTT� rxa➢re prompt at. Piro" , tical independence is growing." T. �. AG lJ 11L� GOLD MEDALLIST IN AREDICINE, large quantity of dry hard- 46 te.tlea. 33 The People. s Famiture Store REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND Special attention paid to Diseases of women' Wood for sale delivered a » �I�gh� . LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING 1 Orr= Hours a i to 4 pmt' 7 to p.m, Telephone Orders Promptly The Simcoe Reformer, a 1 1 cczlaaction of Rents andAcconnts a specialty. strong' Liberal journal, undoubted-, ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT; attended to. ly voices the opinions of the Lib- W. T. H0114�ap We are prepared to pay for ; OFFICE. -Over D. iii. Gordon's store. � T eraT�s of South -Western. Ontario . Residence: iropold street.D.D.S., LD.S n McLean c74Son when it sacs : Firstrcrass staple iogs........5i4 per '.t1 i Graduate of T, 3-31 ! 4 -If we are to judo the temper of!, F.irstrclass Soft Elm to s,•...51# 77' rr(� /�l((�� �T� �: ollege of Dentat t} .1 <J�T V 1i Surgeons of Tor - the people of Canada. by what we it onto. and Honor - First�•elass Rock Eini logs... • Dent - hear in this portion of C?n`eario, it 1:irst-class Basswood logs....SIS ; BARRISTER AND SOLICfTOR. � al D pt. oa Toron-is good beating ,that a Government First class Beech logs ....... $1 • . to University. a� 11I01. EI' TO I.OA3d. y Latest improved methods in alt branches of tbat gave fi3OW acres of land and All kinds and odes wanted. y Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfaction $fi;000 in cash to another railroad gr Office — Morton Block, Wingham I Ynaranteed. SE -Of aCe in BeaPer Block. to the Pacific might jest as well j Call and get our prices. a leave an girder at the same time for 1 � f ` RZ'$�JR tj. ��'rj -ti its political coffin. .ii: more rail- � ��� DELLS. SP�RL�t CT � z roe ds to the Fest are to � built, % A. T. C. M. D.D.s , L Ii.s. , The Canada Furniture Mfrs. c...."..�,.„ and site Country is to help in she i Lin:itcd Tea ibrz of Piano, Theory wad Fletcher Doctor of Dental Surgery of the F an., _ work, it i 11aSt be on a F�ct1;iT differ- OPERATING ! Mme MetbA �pez and Kindergarten. nsylvania College and Licentiate of eIIt hags t13B Heretofore- -No l Pmpila prepared for Cansern orJ exam• Dental Surgery of Ontario. Bare iit'�1 gifts.. build Bp bran- +fills Hillliin Font Chair I�Gtor� . mations ofltoe over Post office–WINGHl1[fi�. aa3 fames in England, will get m ah ez;e•mragementn from the'j Wingilam, Oat. VI STO-NE # MISS SARA. L. MOORE voters ril &Ys Province, ao least. i� � tin e <cra cl Lard Meant 4+*e}bez➢s ' BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Teacher of Piano and Theory, =i to ana Lz4;d Strathzn as is q�uire »✓uf- Money to loan atlowestrates. Office' th4i:;�-- fleent far 6-� wrratic country. , � BEAVER BLOCK, � 71j I,sr we our wide-aW20ke narniers a ; 9a WLNGHAM. MISS GRRIE MOORl '^ emay t3 be gotd-br1aed by any . y !i Teacher Of Violin and Guitar. its a pity to have a good ' r�pa 3 'haat the country should ; � ���% a v Suit spoiled in the making. take t x ,� �ELLI GTON MUTUAL � Roomy -in 3toae Rl win ham, !En7n t , A =z 3xeD that T � �. s 'The suits we make give en- . - the :.sulz an �ipany Number of FIRE IN's. Co.li z,:21d k;. =r -e Cf cs:im.,i ' t.,, d tine satisfaction. GYVe US a � �. 1 DICKINSON & HOLMES trial and be convinced. a9oe GCTPH.orT, $aiflS#t6f3, sObeI ©`+ ��.GradesCloth, j Ott pertyon the cash or premivat nota sFat.e:a. Office : Meyer Block Winghain. Webster & C o • z IDBA FML MCT UP. 3a3.rs Go==, Gats. Divmson, / -*Mly snne ,grade ri ti'rrlc-'; Pre-olent. Secretsrs. .E I.IDckinrea 'Dudley. Holmes' 1 111`11DULMAUR '74,pur �r`e^y es. anis ane t, a cut. a^1 y ; JOtiiV RITCHIE,.G.....� ..,�...,....�..,. At gaS'ireua} * � ae.8 tk wad' i $diMx, WItiQHA]t,�O]\`T� Y• , t?E�s J E� F tf tilt' ➢ ., s i y 3,fs.v son ri: gli'1 � 1re>~.�:e � 71 'AAE '"`cistes $a~•=,r S Ani s-4'�`Er ,♦h Tao YEARS' Agents Wanted. t,�+d. .'Si�.L '�•"i$.irl4rF' �•Yu1l "tTa_ :P_ v aT� 3 1 EXPERIENCE" Ku ��µ�:✓ Pgy j .yes— �t PRQ�dtPTL.Y SECURED eeea�i n�ses -- I?�al"a _ slu a . , 14 -� C �� U. '-' � � LL� � � � � ' � d Aretlle� On Full b:-� � E or Past Time ., . �T'"&-:,.�'S '�.:L.S �'�._k ( li Kr�ac�foi Duct ina� stinC hocks - - i use wnlel �xe r� can Irks �.E A > �su°r �" ;� S .be �F^ �� ; �3e�, ! =l7 0^. a e3it$�rat�nv r�:etre�7otOue'� ars p` aw xy.r►r air swladls+i. uf4 yELs DOS` '' r� t ss ea'4."Ormezit by Me nj,nt?z on v�r�so� a�r�ta�arcz a�n Iwzs➢L 1 " ..-u - L - 4 �e Sa r fret our o uicn as to �r2 etber it Is nDbabY i sv Ca�3r`ter sons c a ^mgt to a PI P 1- e x _ 4 e _ m . "iR�ze TE oMc P 7 San t+ci➢ Soy1 ;,steaakh".c Ra rd Iaetlewe2sateottea H';'f14''ttS the nxrnetbat S STft'4tef-S tf tb--S' pe,_ * O � -r �_ St�,5� �' LS�s� s3� fs Oi t arue at xry rrt.le yit3 s•.�htyna ^crsaAyo:te nto pftysatoc7si ll foo i i°� a%'Pz «• - e 'Yx' -+ "� CoprRMHrs&c. wettnx]a+fh :!z-a;ear•dSetrAT.areAresentAt- bce� se,-„ersfnals proaeeaaed by. lass IPe enter $.CY- FORTY-FIVE 1VE Y ib?! RS s.� � r * _ _ - ELe to pay, ., 4V'F- The text.5 r mtl:s:a ttie tory hest tltne'I eon.•a.•t fully egn9 pea offseea tz lrtewtt *I x R -v env.. itai�ketn`s„n3ere�cr:ttr�a^�9:-s +Mort:9 ., a7a. :otic lett arc aired• I I%4:WA0hNJtcm, thisgr,a➢16esxs,oprompt- r3 Wr'C la7�Cls i tW & CS W!de+ � "s"J /..•-o. xPJ w ____:�grg . y n , �4.^Y 4 s±,e .ten a . c ...z.� fr+ree Lc _er,aa � w ,out• r cur I'ew ; � .. .. .� % r c ea, :ifl'Ttc a sr..r�?fly d ec W1 hate the larrrxt i 44xzspat:hwortandyaz.klysecure Tateaas n -.„ ' SSS' � ,; �__s _ . d7 _ n .ae..Fs ;7 4a^awn- eccr &-o €err -s. A Sa e a 2s.ardrMthci:ttati A> Ii: trtsciertaas *l97�itle travetet8 tkt S.1i.G. . 3u�:"y CS C __s 6 �" c.:: ss sc r• t�1 i a !DaotanFa s to ray. to f::rn8swt3. _ _ t•t _z rd x..�Cn ac . ay * -atter, zt e -:s , k c va..:at.e nett spea~a:t:es, Ana s l car , a yes•$ _J '; 3r __ SU 1 _ �, e: a, r: t aie_-s airs t_...c�"n ;g 4a feta re �a_a.a is oaranteni as re-rese5;cd, IS en p testa graenred fbrsLGb: lXa.ien R r5 2P1T55lirt2. Write LIS t;; 'nit 'tR IE,IIii 'M7C�.$'b.'.+ .; - • .., „, a R(, r«' }. '' . $tag t rorlre spsrla2 tbttlge r[.1lza A tis in iP ,,a W _��: - p._..::,io t'tfu' e t spC'lata;.dti:.t, .tt„�:t_a'.!'Ce,totho` � sleds,t,-r-ter$thelA:�es.,r�aYi pol,Ular r,•t�ee PAN— ' .a _ est kz; yr 7 na eCertae rcwrpygerii dtstzibztted tlrra,r:hont sNl � . l ief i 1 5 Y _ a . a ,- w p , „ , �v '�[ }� a the Dominion, -"F; >D ltisz'el ! Jf�l'�# lRart'zy.aar�sh.e. uOiiiSSe9t€1t9arf.h,"ttuS�C, may* ��& a"__n'" 713 _� SRS; pig?t3.writena It�ea+isaa 7Rgat lrwelnns Ot XAYisiAb ,y ' • _ - : �-,_s , t e „ ..:, • . , ,w �-i 'ztak- :l� �itii�r - �ill�Lli� '', � � a'�.""�f �_ �� ��a«�: �e� �s x ; wwsz�Ilsicrolll r c1 1 �.._ vJ P B tSG, into , zzrrx `,e.i.i Su tau trrrsdea arc S2Y11iS lie �IWM�e�llaelr�l/lla.... ieeaiFud.. _: `ti B i D ' II � & 'O 38i�aea%I. ar it C y'l at�dat flreateAL \nrrw.:esp t A. IQMARION ARIts Patent rts rr+ otleca r oft”,ain :i i1 KhD W_.. ar- t `S 1ilZCRTfr C!C. 'NewM-74e't�!gMs!- lllvin, Ay tk . +ll tZ