HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-19, Page 8TTTR WINGRAM ADVANCE February ig, 190.3 More Cement. Grey, east Wawanosh. A company has been formed at At- Air, Robt. Weir, teacher in S. S. No. John Wightumn. was in Brussels (in wood to develop the marl beds there, 4 spent Sundkv at his home in Turn. Monday, and for the manufacture of cement. harry Quite % number of horses changed A charter bag been granted for the purpose to "The Western Ontario The auction sale at Joseph Bow- hands in 131yth Fair day. New Spring i LE4Nft4wT Portland Cement Company,11 capita) man's on Monday footed tip to about Snell Bros, are cutting wood in $200,000, provisional directors-•-A.. 9, $1400 and John Smith's on Wednes- Thos. Tayloes bush at present. O�OODS .4 will soon be here. Our L%ngrill, J. A. Mitchell, M. M. Riles, day reached about $2,000, Arthur Kingsbury is hired with R. E Fresh Fish are already D. A.Ridd, and . Ballantyne, all of Mr. Sam. Shines has sold lite farm,Corley for the summer months, Atwood, 3rd can., to Mr, Tennant of Listowel. Wm. Jones is engaged with T. Bell here. We have Wundecided understand Mr,Sbines is ndecided of Weatfleld for the coming summer, DR SS Excursion Spoilt& yet as to wberer he will locate. Mrs. Edward and Win Bryans of Frozen Sea Herring The Mildmay Gazette reports the Your correspondent made* it slight Morris called on H, Wawanosh friends following.-A little family squabble error last week In connection with Mr. on Saturday, Halibut took place at the station last Tburs- Balfour's farm, which only contained Ar, and Miss Wilson of West Wa, If you would keep abreast with the correct ideas in Spring Dress Goods, your safest plan day morning, when an elopement WAS 75 acres, instead of the 100 acres named wanosh were the guests of John is to make frequent visits to our Dress Goods Do aliment. Our counters are laden witb new goods 64 British Columbia Salmon about to take place. A young man from Michigan ver to this part last week, Wiglitman of the gravel road on Sun- that bear Dame Fashion's stamp of approval. Every day something new is added to make the 64 Manitoba White fish a couple of weeks came ag oI o, and in the Township Clerk McIntosh leased his day. showing more complete,, No need to buy. We want you to see and then take nQtes to course of his visit met a young lady 50 acre farm, lot 15, con 5 for a term Mrs. Burwaqli and daughter, Mrs. make comparisons. 44 Smelts near Formosa, with whom be prompt- of 4 years to John Stephenson, of Isard of Wingham, visited at John ly became enamored. He pressed his Londesboro' for the sum of $120 and Owens of 9th last Sunday. The Snowflake Suitings. Fresh Oysters, Bloaters, Had* suit, and was accepted. The young roadwork and taxes, The Miss . es Martin and Mrs. Goo, At couple spent a couple of days last Taylor of Morris spent it couple of The' prettiest effect in suitings this season has adopted, is undoubtedly the Snowflake. dies, etc. week in town, and Thursday morning Mr. John Struthers of Galt is spend- days with Mrs. Alex Scott last week, firrit woven in black and white, it was soon found to be adaptable to colors, and now almost every as they were about to board the ing a few (lays with Arch ;McDonald, MrFi. David Churchill and sister-in- conceivable combination may be seen in the Snowflake. See the stylish effects'in Canvas suitings, Pickled Trout and Herring, Cod tralri' 2nd con. Mr. Struthers is an exten- Broadcloth suitings, Etamiue suitings, Granite and Pebble suitiDga, All the latest and most popu- fish, I lb. Bricks, 2 for l5c. "v"al members of the would-be sive dealer in cattle and has crossed law, Miss Minnie, visited the former lar Trimmings will be found in our well-assorted stock. bride's family appeared on the scene, the briny ocean many times. sister, Mrs. Robb of 5th line last week. and spoiled the excursion. Will. Scott who has been home at- Registrar's will be made to secure a tending the funeral of his father in- -a v T opEgs Registrar's Report. daily mail for Moncrieff is the pre- tends returning to Montana on Mon- Its no longer a question of getting full value for our The ]sleet report of the Registrar- sent semi-weekly service in this day day, Furs Reduced Furs, Only one object now in view, that is—Closing out UDn General of the Province which deals of daily papers and business energy is We are very sorry to hear of the the stock to make room for Spring goods. No matter what you requiro in Fur Jackets, Stylish with the year 1001, gives the death rate looked upon as mach too slow, serious illness of Mrs. Win. Scott nee Neck Scarfs or high grade Muffs, Nye will have no difficulty in pleasing you in quality, style and Grocery & Crockery Store from consumption throughout Ontario Mr, Charles Leppard, teacher, ocen. Miss -Alma Sackrider, of the 601, who price ......... A few extra nice, Sleigh Robes at less than, Cowr. as 1.47 per 1000. in the cities it was pled the. pulpit In the Methodist chug- underwent an operation for tumor 2.09, and in the rural districts 133, cbes of Trowbridge and Moleswortb last week. The western plateau still retained its last Sunday, owing to the illness of ; pre-eminence as having a low death A word of caution is needed to a the pastor, Rev. J. E. Hunter. We We offer you the best Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, best makes in Canada., at Clearing Prices ..,..• rate from ttibereolosis. The rate in number of young boys of Oth line, In Ready-to-wear Clothing, we buy the best for SPOT CASIX, therefore can give you better value than THE MARKETS Bruce was I.11 ;in Huron and Dufferin hope tohear of Mr. Hunter's speedy who molest people on the roads. It is Others...... We keep everything in Groceries, pure, fresh, up-to-date, and at reasonable prices. it was less than one per 1000 of the recovery, only a child's act, and if it again hap- WIXGHAN MABIKETS population, while in Leeds and Gren- Owing to the concert in Ethel last pens, will be more seriously looked Flour per 100........... $185 to $2 25 ville it was 1.89; Stormont. Dundas Friday night, given under the auspices into. Fail wheat per bush new 68 to ,0 and Glengarry, 1.46. The high death of the Royal Tem Lara and in aid Of The Council met on Tilesday, Feb. Oats per bush ........... 028to 080 rate from the disease in the highlands the Sick Children's Hospital, the Ep- 10tb, pursuant to adjournment; nieru- . e Barley per bush ........ 035tO 040 of Ontario is remarkable, and is aserib- worth League of Roe's church wasals- hers all present, Wm. Beecroft, who DMGORDON f was absent on Jan. 12. subscribed to Peas per bush....., 0 60 to 0 65 ed to poor sanitation and to the coop- pensed with. On Friday evening o the declaration of qualification and of Big Prices for Trade. Bran ........... : ..... le 90 to 18 00 DIRECT IMPORTER . ...... IS ()o to 20 ed-up circumstances in which the peo- this week the usual meeting will be office and took his seat as it duly elect" Shorts ........... 00 Chop...., .::: I .......... 1 10 to 1 25 plelive. The rate in Algoma was 3.00, hold. ed member of the Council. Minutes of Ray ...... • ........... 7 00 to 750 in Muskoka 2.00, in Nipissing 3,25• and last meeting read and passed. 8 Joseph Jacklin, 3rd con., has a very Petition of James Vint and 42 other Butter per lb ...... ..... 0 1 to 0 IS in the Rainy River District, 8.33. comfortable new brick residence and ratepayers received, praying the Coun- Eggs .................... 0 IS to 018 - his brother, Edward. 2nd con., will cit to repeal the tax hitherto levied on Lard ..................0 15 to 0 15 AucTioN SALES.-Thos. Brown, auc dogs at present in force. Resolved. Potatoes per bush...... 0 60 to 060 tioneer, of Seafortb, is prepared to at- 'put up a new bank barn in 1903. The that after looking over the petition .00"Wh "gel Apples per bag ... 0-.M ff ft ..:.. 0 35 to 040 tend sales in this vicinity. Call at Ad' boys are doing well and have been presented, and giviDg the matter due Hyass per 100 The - - - .. 5 00 to 600 vanes office and arrange date of sale. done well by their parents. The )at. consideration, this Council take no CleCAUI:111 Sale Lamb -skins ............ 0 50 to 0 6� further action in the matter, Dressed hogs...,..,..,. 7.00 to 700 ter came to Grey township from The stim of $8.10 was ordered to be Live hogs ................ r, 50 to 556 THE PUBLISHER'S SONG. Howtek in 1871 with one horse and a Enid over to the Treasurer of Morris, Tallow, per lb..... sing settlement in fall of accounts be- of all Winter Goods during February, at and less than cost. We are deter- Ohickens per pair..: ..... 30 to so I so stock, tween the two iAnnicipalitlei to data. Ducks per pair .......... 60 to How dear to my heart is the steady A f urtber sum of $10,25 was ordered to mined to clear out everything in, winter Goods if price will do it. Do not Turkey, per lb...... .... 10 to 11 On Thursday evening of last week, be paid to the Treasurer of Hullett, Geese, per lb.......... .. 8 to 7 subscriber, fail to see the BARGAINS we are giving in Wool ............... .... 12 to 13 Who pays in advance at the birth of the Rev. R. Hobbs of Wingham deliv- being amount due by East Wawanosh ered a most eloquent and much ar)pre- on,Engineer's award made in the fall Men's, Boys' and Ladies' Underclothing Men's and Ladies' Fur Caps, Collarettes and Muffs each year; of 1902, Rullett and East Wawanosh. Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Pea Jacets Men's and Boys' Suite, odd Pants and Vests TORONTO STOCK MARKET. Who lays down his dollar, and offers elated address in Roe's church. The and that a balance of $9 is due this Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats and Capes All Wool Blankets and Dress Goods it gladly, I audience was not so large as it might municipality from Hullett. being dif- For full and accurate market re- And casts Wand the office a halo of have been, owing to some of the roads ference of expenditure between the Ladies' Cloth Jackets at 50 cents on the dollar• ports see second page. being blocked by the recent storm, but two townsbips on boundary line for cheer I the year I902, we are convinced that those absent In the matter of accounts presented Who never says, "Stop it, I cannot af- missed a rare treat. We hope to have at last ineeting by different parties ford it I" the rev. gentleman with us again at who had acted asseratineers at, the re- ImmENsE, BARGAINS IN CARPETS. MONEY To LOAN-At 4J per cent. on cent vote on bridge on river by-law, improved farms. Easy terms of re- Or, "'Im getting more newspapers some future date. 5th Jan. last, it was resolved that no THIRTY ENDS Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpets, to be sold payment; expenses light. Apply A. now than I read," action be taken, as the Statutes make Ix 25 Per cent. less than cost. Dulmage, Real Estate an Loan But always says, "Send it, the family Salem. no provision for enforcing payment of Agent, Rent Block. all like it- such accounts. In fact, we all think it a real house- Mrs. Thomas Mulley is at present Account of Standard office, Blytb, staying with Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. being balance of printing contract for hold need 1" 1902, also printing and advertising Great Slaughter in Men's Hats, Boots and Rubber Goods. How welcome he is when he steps in The Higgins family attended the fun- bridge on. river by-law, ballot papers GROCERIES,—i2 Bars of good Soap for'cents. A full stock of Fresh oral of their brother Ben. Higgins of for municipal 'election, etc., received Take otice!, the sanctum I Exeter, and ordered to be paid, The Clerk Groceries at I.owest prices always on hand. How he makes our hearts throb I was instructed to again call for tenders The sad news reached here on Mon- fdr the townsbip printing for the car- How be makes our eyes dance I Smith of rent yebr before next meeting of ly bless him- Annual certificate from Registrar- We outwardly thank him-we inward- day ,of the death of Mr. Council. Having purchased the busi- Wingham. ness of R. W. Runcinian, we The steady subscriber who pays in A number froni this part are engag- General, Toronto, received, certifyin that the Clerk had registered, in 11M are prepared to do all kinds advance. drawing logs for A Strome. to Wroxe- 51 hirths, 5 marriages and 11 deaths, SUCCESSORS TO of ... .... -Selected, ter saw mill. and ordering that he be paid for same .... in f till. Invitations are out announcing the Wilson-Beecroft-Tbat Councillor T. A. -MILLS. Machinery Repairing Uri ­^0 W1~7 'wedding of Miss Libbie Jacques of Ellis be authorized to sell some stand- Howick to Mr. Robert Graham of ing timber on sideline 86 and 37, con. I -eariled. Boiler Work Pipe Fitting Fordwich. The Auditors' report and Treasurer's RAILWAY TIME TABLES. The men who have been engaged in abstract received and read, Belgrave. Morris. Mill and Factory Work, etc. Ministers and church workers generally, are - in logs for J. McLean of Wing- Wilson-Ellis-That the same as RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM' cordially invited to contribute items of church saw now read and examined be adopted, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Geddes spent Albert Howlett, has let the contract G T'RAINS LXAVV F01% news under this heading, from their respeotivo ham flnisbed their work last week and and that the Auditors be paid as usual Tuesday in Blyth. of his new house to Thos. Newsome. of All work strictly first-class. churches. left this part. $7 each for their services-carried. P&Imeraton..6:53 a.m.. -9:00 a. w. 3:05 P. m Kine&rdiue.11,10 a. tn..1-40 V, in., 1,38 P. in. Rev, W. J. Brandon, well-known in Application of Angus Swith,,C. E., Chas. Mcclellaud spent a few days in Brussels. London ........ ... I .... 6:60 A. M ... 3:10 P. M Our motto—"Prompt atten- The League here was well attended Stratford, for the office of township Toronto this week. Mrs. Geo. Johnston of the first line ARRIVA FROM tion to Business." Win ham, has been invited to remain last Thursday evening. For next engineer, received and filed. K1nc&rdin*.8.53&. w._804%, In-­3:100- m- on Allenford circuit another year. Mrs. W. B. Sutton and children spent hriB been very ill; we hope soon to London ................ 11:10 %. m...7:55 P. m. Thursday evening, they will take George Irwin, lot& 38, 39, con. 10, tap- hear of her recovery. Palmeraln': -lugoni", P"O. m..- 3:38 P. . Rev. 0. C. Kaine gave an interesting for their Bible Study, the fourth peared before the Council, requesting Sunday in Wingham, , Agent, wiaebaln. missionary address to the Wingbarn fifth and sixth chapters of Daniei' that his property be all assessed for Mr. and Mrs. Sproat are spending a Robt. Yeo, Jr., who fell from a Ind- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. J. VASIBINDER & GO . school purposes in section No. 9 alone, pro der a fe%v weeks ago* fracturing his a Epworth League on Monday evening. Everybody is invited, and will be instead of being in sections Nos. 8, 9 few days in Seaforth this week. TRAINN LUAVX FOR skull, is recovering- nicety. Toronto and East ..... 6:57 & in ... 3:69 P. M. Rev. Dr. Daniel has accepted the in- made welcome. and 11. as at present. Miss Julia Anderson Miss Lizzie Teeswater ... ...... 1:17 P. M ... 10.43 V. W. Practical Engineers vitation of Goderich Worth street Wilson-Beecroft-That the Clerk Naylor are spending a few at days Con- The 100 acre farm of Samuel Btirk, '�ARIVX FROM Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mulvey of Bel- notify the trustees of sections 8, 0 and in WINGHAM ONT Methodists to remain with them a third 11 of Mr. Irwin's application, and ask tralia this week. nth line, has been sold to Thomas Me- Toeswater . ..... 0.57s. ­30P.m. more called on some of their friends Toronto and East..... 1,17 p.m...10:43P.m. term. in this part a few days ago. Mr. Mal- them to report either for or against at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bongough are Laughlin, of Brussels, at $3.80D. J.H. DEEXIM. Agent, Wingham Rev. Wm. Lowe will exchange put- vey and family intend moving to next Council meeting-carried. as not improving in health as their many A straw shed, 592%66 feet, with cem. Heury Deacon, lot 39, con. 10, w ant stabling will be built by Samuel M about .4wat pits with Ven. Archdeacon Davis, Of Winglia b ut the first of March-, again present, requesting the Council friends would wish. -5v -1 SPECIAL MEETING. the dips-. Walker, on his farm, 8th line, next -'f in St. James church, London South next we wish thein every success. They to settle with him regarding, The Gosman chopper is running in Sunday. were very kind and obliging neigh- ging of a certain ditch through his full blast now, and farmers may h season. —To THE— The Council of the County of Huron Presbyterians at Thorold want a bora. property. five Alex. Clark got badly hurt on Thurs- will hold a special meeting in the Town Beecroft-Ellis-That the Reese and chopping done any day. a WINTER RESORTS Hall, in Clinton, on March the 4th next, minister and want him at once. They Air. Wilson be appointed to look after Miss Annie Proctor left on Saturday day of last week by falling from at 10 o'clock a.m., to meet represent- are trying to induce Rev. Mr. Wilson, and settle this matter with Mr. Deacon straw stack. He. was tinder the doc- ative met from each municipality in the WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. -carried. for London, where she has taken a posi- tor's care but is able to bit kip thid Count and consider the question of a of London, who also has a call to Wal- The Treasurer reported cash On tion in a wholesale establishment. week. California, Mexico, Florida and good road system in this County. Any kerton, to accept their invitation. hand at date, $022.28. other County business may be consider- Rev. R. Hobbs preached anniversary Sunshine and summer, fruit and By-law No. L 1003, ratifying the ap. The Lecture entitled—My neighbor's Last Friday morning Matthew pun- ad at this meeting. sermons in Askin street churchflowers all winter )nng in California. pointment, of township officials for the chair and mine" given by Rev. J. J, ningliam, lot 10, 7th line, passed over the "Carolinas." , London The quick way to get. there is via the Current year ; by-law No. 2, appointing Hastie in the Presbyterian church last the river W.LANH, County Clerk on Sunday last. The congregation was Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Council road.commissiot "a by. of death after an extended Including Now Orleans and tha famoillr is Godericb, Feb. 14, 1903. naked to place $500 on the plates. The Union Pacific line. Three thro'traltia, law No. 3, authorizing the Collector to Friday evening was well attended, the illness, attribtitable to failing powers. Hot. Springs of Arkansas. 'h $560. Chicago to San Francisco, every day. charge and collect 3 per cent. extra on 'Church being filled to the doors, Mr. Re was about 80 years of age and was Ono way and round trip Tourist Tickets appeal was responded to. with are on sale, clatir, giving choice of routes and If you're ibterested drop me a card. all taxes remaining unpaid on the 15th D. McGill of Blyth, Miss Patterson of well known in the community. stop over privileacs at rrinolPsd pointe. A LA GE SELECTION. Rev. III. T. Wilson of the Nile has ao- A. J. Taylor, Canadian Freight and of December next; and by-law No. 4, Auburn and the Brick church choir copted the call extended to him by the PaWt Agent, 8 King Street, East, Tor- ordering that all monies collected from A. McCallum is home on a visit to Nevar before had I such a quantity of farms the tax levied on dogs be placed in the took part in the ontortainmeut. Morris after an absence of ten years. Excellent Service. for sale sta are now on the list. Included in the Ontario street church, Clinton, He has onto, ont, general fund of the township-each Mae. has a J section at Elva and last Prompt ��nncetlons, ]PAINt time, Luxuriously Mt are unimproved farms that may be bought also received 04119 from Dungannon, Severally foad and passed. appointed Parlor and Sle6ping tars. At from $20 tD $30 Ah ACM On the other hand Luoknow, Lambeth and Victoria street Debentures were issued for payment .5t. Helens. year bad 4.000 bushels of wheat and at Moaia,la 1%chrto,11ovtvtdInthoDInIn9 And those looking for improv4�d placea may b%1 TO RENT. of the following'arnounts,.-Ti-eastirer Bethel Leagners spent a very pleas- 68-cents it is not bad stock.] He says Cate Carat are not Aurpassod It the bed such with brick hous6s. %thno stables and al church, Godericb. of Morris, rettlement of account in full vAncod conditions tbroughout, at from W to lands have risen from about $4 to $10 hotels. $W an nere. The Methodist congregation Of XRO In Wingham Town Plot, a comfort- between East Wawanosh and Mori-is ant social evening at Mr. Webbs on Tho Intovdin irchimier of any kind of a per acre during; the past year, the Tickets, Folders, and All lagormailou on farm will ftnd it flatlig advantage to see m6 be• intend bailding a now brick church able House, with good stable, Any to date, 88.10; John U. McClinton, is, Thursday, J04 making L PUfth&80. quantity of land from one to twenty funded dog tax on collectors roll (Un- Ameridfrt6 being large Investors in un. application to Agents. aliortly and are advertising for tenders acres can be )eased in connection with collectable), $3 -, John 1-1, McClinton, i Miss Minerva Ratherford of Goder, occupied lands. J. 0. WDONALO T. J. MAGUIRE for the construction of the same. It Is it. Terms reasonable. Apply to balance of salary as collector of taxes, ich Collegiate spent Sunday at her Mori-is Council met, according to &4- Dletriet Pasatnger Agaht, Tortnito. the intention to erect a test building at 1002, $20; Ainnicipal World, St. Tho- home here, irnment February Oth; Members Reol Estate Agent ALUX. XELLY, max, subscriptions for paper, assess- 111111 present, the Reave in the chair, a cost of about $4,OW or $5,000, that Wingham P, 0, nieht rolls, ote., account in full to date, Miss Cassis McDonald of tucknow Oftice at my roal(lonce, Leopold St, will be commodious and meet the (Is- guest of her friend, Mamie Minutes of last meeting read and con- - $0.05 �, A. H. Dradwin, Myth, balance, WAS the firmed. or wands of the Increasing congregation. of printing contract, '1002, $17,- also Miller over Sanday. On motion of Taylor and Shaw, Dy� Rev. Mr. Ayers of London supplied VALUABLE TOWN PROPFRTY advertising Court of Revision, Ootob duly reatyi 1902, also Bridge on river by-law, bal- Mr, T. Todd's will yard 14 fast filling laws No. I and 2,1003, were dtil ad for Rev. R. Hobbs on Sunday last. He FOR SALE. lot papers for municipal election. etc,, with logo, though the mill is running fit)(] passsed Ogt. iflyie'a Rolled Oats The Auditors' report Was presented was stationed in Gorris some years ago, account in full to date, $38-41; P. Por. full blast, nearly every day. and examined by the Council, Moved when Rev. J. McDowell was in Win g- Mr. 'V� A. Currie has received instructions torfleld. division registrar, 1002, $13.40 Code, seconded by Jackson that froni the undqsIgned to Roll by PublloAUetion also fees per engineer's award, Tlallot� We are pleased to know thot. Miss Canadian ham. Many who mot him on his visit to Mar. IL is not a fad nor a take, but is on Saturday, Feb, 28th at 2 pan at the I I report be Adopted-carried. the genuine Oatmeal property ket. SquAre, in the Town of NVIngl ani, the and Raf4b Wawanosh, 1002, $1.50; Trea- M Webster of the 10th can. ic% ho has Mr. F. Martin appeared in reference Wingham, then, were pleased to ineet, property known (tathe Cou (-gationallChurch surer of Hullett, for 111tqt Wawanosh been very III for some 0 portunities milled, free of hulls and seeds roper, on the eortior orJohn and Contra share of engineer's award, fall of 1902, 61110 is 1111* to obtaining some Assi8tanca for the P him again, and see that lis has retained 4 114TIgoo 5S0(1bfL0tN0.fi,Coutro8t.9 proving. Misses Fleming during the winter sea• with the oat flavor, which many much of his old-timevigor. Ile is now 51.141110.ment tr2diltional Aurvey, Ivi tho Town of $10.25; Jwi. W. Bone, services as An- son as they are in needy ciren 100,,000.000 Bushelt V_ Winghani,edntAining acroynarootlepA. ditor, 1002, $7 -, Peter Scott, services Aa Politic lannAUY Cosawt;T.-The 1"' other moats lack-we don't ask stance. Moved hv Jackson, seconded superannuated, and a tosiftnt of Lon- quftntft� of Chafra, Or tib 101d Sora will Auoltor, 1002, $7; Alto. Bradnock, 20 concert in the Town Halt here on Fri- by Taylor­tbat $11 he granted toward Grain Cr6p In Mabitoba In IpM rio a 1b. either. With Ogilvies also be oftre for sal13 at 191a skind time taid yards ravel, 1002 $1; JAa, McGowan. Rolled Nts Anil LAXX 01' T11P, also 041116 above proporty wilt 91 day evening last under the an piece of asplating the Mist4os Flemin k to bo Proportlon&0 yield In Alberta, Aosinibola, Ode of the prattiest churches fil this I be gold Aubjeot to 20 yar a gravel, 1002, $1 % Pinifty At] ant Wool* PLOM, wo are aura to 11 a roserved bid, derson, Treasurer, 1002, $80. also post. the Public Library wat; a decided suc. placed in the hands of Mr, artin- section of the country, (19 far Aa aroll ROBT. Oc-nnix'sn" age, registration, etc.. IM21, $1.00, cess, Meson, T. Watson and J. Stalk. carried ' Aud SakkAtchow". vlowfo tho public, as those two I, W. A. Cenum, On motion of Taylor and Cede the Militant of Act" of gowl Und for 11.110 tectural beauty, is concerned, -will be Agent for C. C, X. S. Auetloiioor Cotinc,11 adjourned tilt Thursday, 10th or And Miss It. Maeltitosh of Lucknow following accounts Were ordered to va iagsr tbrnis in the Xortli-Wext. lAtga firr6a will produco the March next, when p.%tbmAatPrt,, fence. erected near Xiagsbrid96 daring the In tong, and Miss Campbell of Luck- he paid viz lnunenmq tittibet And nittioral resources In beat or none. Try ft small smok viewers and poand-keeperti will be ap- vi BOHAI 001itiob oombig summer, by tho Roman now and Mr. J. MeXay of �Vhlte. M. Black, Andltor'ff salary ...... $ 8A, OpentnjtA for Ranchos, l armors, DAtrymen, pointed for the eurront year. R. JohnAtob. Auditors salary ... 8A) Poilt Grow4bra, Millers, Mechanlev, Prospee- of oiioh and Jaago- for youtself. catholto congregation of that neighbor- ALEX KE LLY 'e"ers F. Poitrnulpxnzo, OIL-Ik. church In tv.eltatlotm, kept the allai- Misfws teleming, as per motion,. 11.00 tot,14 Nflnert. Vor Sale only, at hood, It Is to bo of red brick, and tho Auctioneer for Huron County ence well enthused, While the staging J T. S. Brandon Trettourer's Wary Wrote neatest Ca%noulyok PAWA A9611t, f 11tiStritte(I bookloto IM 4-Weittro eost will exceed $90,WD, Tho contrAot MO acres of lAnd to be gold before 1116 and reciting by the Juniors was well and expenses to Goderich..... 1W.00 Consdall and "BrItIoll callieftbla.10 April cheap, 28 Acres of hardwood received, Rev. C. Rutherford of t)nn. 9. N. Duff opening road on Was awarded in toodon on 'wPilnesday I ilaj.o seouroa an Auctioneer's Wente for T)y Bishop 146pvoy, to 8. Cooper, Of Ituron eatinty, itfid ant prepared to conduct bush (ant rutted) good buildings and gimnott In his usual genial nianner, Oetitre Sidtilina ............... 2.60 14 A. . NOTMAN AA lot At romotinblo ratoo, fontes, 7 MiIP6 frnni A* K Carr S OlIntob, Work will be 06tamelioed 0 sates arranged at tho Advayido offit& Wmvituogli T . p, Igor farther pard- Acted as clutIrman. Ptacdedis about agAin on the 10th Mttrelt poyt at ten Assistant 06n#k%l Pago0cor A9610 (A*AARXST SQUAWO .01100. ALgx, xr%Ly, wilighatil Iyo, oalar#Apply to�•T, J. Wgulro, 1 O'clock, 6,m� NV. 010k, Clerk, I Xing fit. haat, Tamut*. Is YA.