HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-19, Page 6Q
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whielf, sit;, I- we for her f4titer--owd pc,X�r��- . ,� ,,�, � J'RU IT A S A 1i I U h.i I IV 1: :Aldi Do ISSU11.4 No, 8, Im.
b3ii, dill fivy hint vori denRy—tiftine , 10reathing 014vase, #I
'Jillely, Ilo-1111lign ):tat sep, she b44 not t ....— ., �! .— Infectious diseases are breathed —' . I I � , 1, I I
� : I .. - � �Z , I 1.1141capple8 are, Espeef"lly G000 Por ___ , .1
had thuth to think or it. All harxim1w . f ._ . � I �. Pvo-ple A111111cWtif %iAth Vyf4liepsfa. Into the system from those affected Ura. Winslow's "othing shoul
mind, silik'o ,,-he had left tile school I I . I with disease or from bad swells; yet always be ulied ter Child,,,, Ifor.M... ,91
for Willett iter uncle, the PArl—whom 1� .. Tho partaking of it t;llea of plap- how many women breathe daily t soothes the child, softens the urns oures whits,,
A,,�,,,&,,,4/.,. sho lind never seen—had vald, had - I he colic and 10 the beit remedy flop P"rh0%
, . .. 4i,)plo after a meal. Is quite Ili ac- oftenolve, steam from common soaps . I
been taken lip by liar, battles with � I made from rancid fats, and k
tho, baltor and the butt -her And the ,� I (10rdituce with l)llit-iologleal Intli:k- eep their By MAIL Loadingi
M. , - hands for hours In such solutions, TIEN COURSES, I profeseloriv
ort,14 fad2,/,J� milkman; and as yAt 1.010 ,walkeil In 110111s, 11111ce, Illollgdl It may not tie and the clothing from such soap suds I thoroughly taught. Ex or& Instructors. Xudl�,
. it 2•!•1('11 Inv(Ittation. falley free", Anti 11 9011(Irldly kellown, fresh plileapplil 113 Worn next vidudattentlou. Non for hautiNome Catwe"
vrati not ovou aware of (lie havoc she - the tender Skin,' No logue for partivulars. Correspondoncollepart-
* wrought to ilia lu)art of the gantlo "I . . JIIlQi_1 ('011tolue it reniarkulkly Active Wonder disease U134 eczema are mentUNTRAL BUSINESS COLLE(JE, Toronto Clin.,
carates, or the bopps and fears she . I � - prevalent I Users of Sunlight Soap �
V/ I,f&"4 wl�Inspired In the b000lau of the rest I - � (119NAIVO PrII)CIP10 N1111114r to pelmin. 00agort Bar -know the difterenco 14PAIIIN F on HALT43 I I
'.." ,,. . 021awom L ,# T This pi-tucliflo has bei�u tornipd. "Iwo- between .
Of her worshippers, 4 11t that and the pure, health- 21.7 ACIIN9-12 IS I
. Tho maJow, seeing she Wait alone, i urxtovzl�l
I t 11101111," LID41 so powerful Ili Its Action fill smell from the vegetable oils A 1"_4R,10h`acFP4of rowing thuber; necessary
opened the door wider, And entered. � � . � ulloll protol(hl illut It will digest nal and pure edible fittaL jA Sunlight buildings; wellwateeredl convenleu* toschool,
A�_ N III, here you Are, Maine ?11 he I . anti churches;1Yamilesto fqation,low,p
XLAN-N_*� soap. wlcs,�
Bald. I I 11111011 as 1,000 thues its weight With- . 208 terms favorable, Angus U. �Uaaay, P93
0 "Yes, papa," she responded, look- I - III it row hours. Its digentlye, ut�- lluron, Mich.
Ing •i t hIln W�4:11 It slulle� "Do, yolf. . . tl%'It.�y )-arics III aeeordallLb With the . . - _-_ __ - - . _ I . SALE-FARNf 40 A0111,38 nron LA"',
want me?" . . kind or proteid to whielf, It Ili sub- Woonded With a Stiletto. with good filillo lugs; price $1 60;e4ey
. � I . 1� 1i
I I � .. . I . � 'y terms oesenslou lit once; Cava 091iffNeV
. � I I . ''. I . L I Joeted. VIbrin disappearw clitirply af- Now York Sun. Clark i 910n, Dover, Delaware, 1.1.0,A. , I
______- Tho inajor fidgeted with. his eve,
glass And glanced At ber, And then le, Tlawl-Yps, I enjoy the society of ._��_ . -
Ve-#-r,�t-&,Zf-e-*-O-to-r"el�te",�t'-O""�e-"e"#--d-10-�f"IO-zt ... 44'�CS past her through the Window. , , A t(,lr,,,�,bltn,io coagulatm]. aII)IIIIIIII 01 Mr. Westside, Ile keeps we Interested, AGUNTS WANT140
��_^^,,.�_—�111 ) "Er -not If you are very b by, in y ' - . . 1 57 eggs , the digestive Process it]. lift Is always saying sotliething that
. (,ear ?" . I ... slow- W11110 With tll& all)IIIIIIII-oito tievor hears from anybody else, U WOMAN TO REP..
I I "I'm always busy, (Itkar", she re. I .. WANTED—MA" 0
' =., ,j L�� . or moat Its Action seems first Jfpl(�11--Really! RAS be been pro- resent ua selling lamp that
filled, "and at this moment very '. to produco A pulpy gelatitions In -ass I)i)Nlllg ju you, too? makes Its own gas for Ono cent a day. Liberal
� . I . I . make r ht�arty. Brass lamp free,. Ad.',
L busy-thitiklug." � .. I i which, holvever, Coluplotely dissulves dress Per!lclot Igbt Co., 14-0 Nassau street, he Rose and Lily DaggerJ'Ainklug- I artor A. short Mine. When it slice New York.
. i 'New Yorli: and Boston VILL New Itork .
"Yes", she said with a laugh that Don't forget the - old man I of fresh pineapplo to placed upoll 116
A TALE OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND � j wag halt one of amusement, halt rae- 0 Central. $10 INVBSTBD (1,2ARS *260� START'
L, I ful." Do you know tho process of With the fish on his back, raw beefsteak the surface of. the excellent ling II)YOution; 11 roatest scienc dlo-!
,I ) stook becoiner, gradually gelatinous The numerous trains, the very; develops beat, I it find power from{
WOMAN'S PFRFIDY ,A ,A ,A .st making bricks without straw, For nearly thirty years he i owing to the digestive action or the service„ the uniformity of Its trains, NO sun day ot, night without Are, fuel or oz-
. ) doar ?" Its four tracks, and the location or penee, In actual operation, hundreds of refelf, .
L L_11�_�_�__J . r .
... Making lirleks-bloss my soul, has been traveling a ound the onzyme of the, juleo. Of course, It Is Quees. Solar Furnace 01o, Denver, Colorado
j,.O.-.A.,.A.�i..#,.O.,-04.O..o.�-#.,.Q.,.#.,-R.-Rci 11 I S in if oil known that digestive agents ex- its depots In Boston and Now York. . #
Elaine, what On', -Val' ,',Pat, " and world, and is till traveling � w make the Now York Central the lay-
CIIAPTIER L ; morning coat; and theire Is ifixulge lie fixed Ill$ (',yeglass and stared at let also In other frultH, when con- orate line to those points. I BUTTER, NEW LAID EGGS
I'V,jour% X-idgeL, 'wit.h suet, uniI some oa his face which seems to reflect her, bringing health and comfort sidered that an average-slzml trine- AF17 ticket agent will confirm the
.44.No. I dont supposo you (10, . I apple Will yield nearly two P1,3AN of above, I . . AND POU
ralsiti4e, please." tile sunshine pouring to At the ;min- U Wherever he goes. Juice It will be Beet) that tile digestive
The k*eakeiq wars a young girl. tall (low. dear," site said. "And so, you can't I , Consigninents,of BUtter, Poultry and now
UnLt slim as Atalanta when she lost The major started In lire heavily tell me how to inake it plum p,14- TO the consumptive R Action of ilia whole fruit must bo Very Lychelb. liLid Beim Bolielted. Prices firm for cholcoqual,
tho f.Z,mous rdoe� and won her life's weighted, and he baa managed to (ling without suet, or I enormous. Zie activity, of this Ausivers., Wolco f( oiingCblekona,dr,v.��icked,closa&
It taP"1lQa brin-s the strength and flesh selling 00 ,o 80e per pair. 'Will
happinos.s, a girl barely out of liar handleaip hims,elf still more heavily, without milk? r> . peculiar digestive agent Is destroy- (Ay
CO lit the cooked lAneapple, but un- A beautiful lady mar lb. for BEESWAX delivered oroata.-
teenz-, but dowered with a promise of The younger son of the younger son The major dropped it!.% eyeglass, he so much needs. I � marred Psyche, 884'rrespondencf) sollcitsh.
beauty Which was closely verging on of an earl, the major, with a small and starlug out of the window, , k I less the pineapple Is preserved by Is lovett by it follaNy, named Yells,' JOXXN J. JrXIII, 02 Front St. But, woroate
its fUltilmenit. A race 01 perfect oval, Allowance, was, at the age of 25, shook his head. . To all weak and SIC ' Y I beat there, to no reason by the Ulf- One thing About Yoh . . y -
. . 11 W
hair of a Sort yt,t lustrous black, eyes the pride of tits regiment. Zven At "Tut, Ant," lie sold, in a tone of children he gives rich and i nod fruit should not retain the dl- The lady, can't lyab � I 1
capable In their brown depths Of 'In- that early age he was in debt; be gentle annoyance, "Blocks And � - I gestive power. . Is his beard, ,which to dreadfullyl � . A,
finite tenderness and Infinite scorn, .1 has been in delft ever since. Every- ,One Cutting up rough Again? 'Pon strengthening food. I %to active digestive principle may apyche.
month not Small by aZy means, but body, including his relations, do- my word, it's i,illameful after -after TO thin and pale persons t IYO obtalifed from the juice by dis- The F16W of MR 4
so fall of exImession that one was elared that there was only one all the years we've dealt with them e
meaning be- - - "' h gives new firm flesh and - Solving & largo quantity of common Settlers' Low Rates West,
apt to read the speaki;ea in chance for the handsome young fel "And ull the money ,we owe
theml" I salt In It, when a precipitate Is ob- . will be 111creased, T':
The. put In Elaine lwith a smile. "It'stoo, Via Chicago and Northm.estern Ry., .
fore the words of the sweet, clear low; be must marry money. rich red blood. I rained possessing ilia remarkable 41. overy, day from February 15th to . -
voice were uttered. major Said yes, they were quite bad of them, dear, isn't Jt9 But - I geatIve powers just deverlbed. Un. . Why go to all the
She stood ,with two white, shil,Pft, right, and Immediately fell In love never mind, don't worry about It. I Children who first saw the like f3epsin, the digestive principle of ,April 30th. Colonist Ono way see- trouble of keeping
liar and married the fourth daughter Of Bridget Is go -He to try If she can the pineapple will operate in an a,04 rates front stations in Ontario and cows and get oul
hands, :resting on the table, I old man with the fish are now and -class tickets at extremely. low
arms bared to the elbow. liar eyes it Country parson, with a living of I melt the heart of Scott(-, and I dare- . about half the milk
fixed meditatively upon the paste- two hundred and fifty pounds a year.; say she will succeed. Bridget has a grown up and have children libvtrml, or even alkaline medium, ,,, qu(, r
'bee, to Pointe lit Colorado, Utah. - i'Ll-i"".. they should pro-
board. It w. as a face and figure The major had to leave life beloved, Winning way with her, though. she of I cording to the kind of proteld to Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, ... �; '!&, -.,a
which would liEwe graced a London regiment, and, with a small mill- ,' doesn't Pretend to be A cook. But their own, ! which It to presented. It ]tiny, there' Washington and California; also to J-111 , S , duce. .
drawing room, a court salon, but stone of debt around Ilia neck, be- what did you want, dear,?" He stands for Scott's Emul-' fore, be Assumed that the Pineapple Victoria, Vancouver, New Westwin- i) 1�1
they shame in nothing grander that gen married life on his retired pay, The major colored faintly, and I enzyme wool nate only aid tile work stet, Nelson, Roseland, late. Filli . I . -
June morning than an old fashioned and a small, a very small, Income cleared lite thra),I,t. sion of pure cod liver oil—a ' or digestion in the stomach, but Partleulars, rates and folders 'can be � . �1- Dick's
left him by A relative whose -! , - ,_ I
kitchen in an old-fashioned house pity III -well, I just looked in to ask delightful food and a natural Would continue, that action In. the obtained from a H. Bennett, General '2�i. . �
d. i outbalanced his Indignation. 11ituy Intestinal tract. Pineapple 'onto, ., I
tri the old town of Bareflal y change out of I It may Agent, 2 East King, street, Toll �
a ma 701, if you have An, k be added, much Indigestible ofit. I Blood
1,FlouA miss; suet. miss -and rale- n would have sunk beneath the that Sive-pound note I gave you the tonic for children, for old fol s N - 1.
ins, says the alald�or_mll work who weight of his debts and his pov- other day, Elaine__.�11 and for all who need flesh and ' matter of the nature of woody fiber, I
hi;! Stood helplessly regarding her erty, but he went on Smiling, and "Three -weeks ago, dear," she mar. but it to quito possible tb;mt the de. Purifier
mistress, as If she were About to only veaturea to break down when in,urex, Softly. strength. oidedly digestive properties of the How It Struck Fatlier.
perform some ma cal rite whose his wife, whom lie ddarly -loved, left "Bit ? Ali yes. Dear me, was It as SCOTT & BOWNE, Cherniats, juice oompansate for this fact. Judge, strengthens the digestion and hivi.
mysteries were fax itbame Bridget's him for a land where It is to be back as that'? I don't Want Toronto, Ontario. I "T,his," said Mr. Justgotlt,, who gorates. the whole system so that
comprehension. Providence - and the hoped there are no debts, duns, or 1=911 Ten shillings will do. YO use, 50c. and $1.06: all dr.usfalsts. . WAR entertaining a few frjolylg at
difficulties. , the nutriment is all drawn from tlie
Barefleld School Board -have, In I they have got up a sweepstakes at - ! food. It takes just the same tron-
their inscrutable wisdom ordained She left a little ,girl behind her; the club, and -and It would look dinner at lite club, "to the charge ble to care for a cow when she
that though Bridget fahwil possess! the little girl, now grown Into a ,big go Singular If I didn't take a share. A National Air. We believe MINARDIS LINIMENT (raffalres of the feast." . i gives three -quarts as vilien she
some knowledge or reading, writing, 1 one, in front of the pudding board It would look odd, now, wouldn't Buffalo Commercial. Is the best. .
waiting for the milk. it V1 . Hore, he indicated the cholcest (I all , gives apall. DicklsBloo(l Purifier
and arithmetic, cookery even of the i . Lv "What to the band playlng?,% Matthias Foley, Oil City, Ont. - . ( I i vill pay back its cost with good .
most elementary kind shall be a seat-, The majo.r.was lucous.laql_1-3 At first, Elaine looked ht him -with just .asked a ne Joseph Oseph Snow, Norway, Are.• on the table.
and everybody L ,W, Attache to tile diplo- I interest lit a few weeks. 0.!
ed hook to her. "Yes, miss," she says, prophesied that after ter such a tender smile as a mother be- 0 , Chas. Whooten, Mulgrave, N. S. "No, no, father," Interrupted lits 60 cents it package. .
eyeing the pasteboard with a sort I'Llie, Klextb of his wife he would give stows 013 it. reckless extravagant matin corps At a recent reception Bev, R. O. Armstrong, Muli�ra,Ve, embarrassed son; "yoit mean the chef I
of awe, Ina she Bays It doubtfullyJ . In and go under ; ,but lie pulled round, I boy whom site loves too well to Is the White House. "Our national X. IS. t . d'oeuvre?' Looming, Miles-& Co., Agents, -i
And despondently. "Flovir rye got, and transferring his affections to! scold. hymn," responded one of the most Pierre Landry, sell,, Pokeinouche, "I suppose I do," said Mr. Just- I a __ nONTREAI- "
aud raisins, but suet"-shepauses Elaine, came up as snilling and cheer- 11 I Am afraid it would, dear,'* X.: B. . !
against till and ta-ustful as ever. popular belles and wits of this win- , gotit; "but tho word I used givem' I I
and rubs a smutty fingershe - said. "Rat It cannot be Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B. me more or an Impression of the I
Iter guileless cheek -"I don't know _Everybc4j* who is ,poor thinks, helped, I gave the last of that ter's gayety. "And what Is that, . What, Ho Thouglit.
about the suet; you see, miss, the rightly or wrongly, that it is cheaper fico -pound note to tile green gro pray?" "God Save Mrs. Roosevelt Ill cofft of tho dish," I Chicago llwt. .
butcher--- to live in the c,,untry than In Lon- car Yesterday." was the solemn reply. I "What was the first thought that
Elaine looks up and smothers a don ; and the maj ar, being under this .
Impression, took a small cottage TIIZ� major heaved a sigh, It seem- GYPSIES ARE A NUISANCE, came to you wbon your automobile
sigh. ; . In ed to, him a dreadful waste of Mnard's 'Liniment Cures Distem- Appropriate. collided With tho tamp -post ?11
"No suet, Bridget? Atter all, a the rural town of Barefield, which money. -_
raisin pudding is not much of a everybody knows is in Loamshire. per.: . Columbia Jester. Austro- Jlungar;H.. Adopted Means "t thought I W11,13 in A football
change, I think twe'll have a tapl- anti, to use his own .phrase, "settled (To be Continued.) Police, Magistrate -You, say yon, fox, Their Suppression. scrimmage, and Immediately began to
otc%,� town." are called Lily. Where did you get lit every part of Europe bands cr give the college yell."
$,A toplocal Yes, miss," ussents Of course lie ,brought the old hAr- THE LOSS OF THE B101,13. that name? Hungarian gypsies are to be en- _____ Ift
r tett of debts with him, and equally Tho Tramp -Because i toil
�ridget. "Let me rise, you'll want V110 - � not, = DMAil CHASM 11
. &f course he at o=x, and with the S Old Saturation '%VTtb Biblical IniagerY neither do I spin. countered. AS a rule they travel lit ,
-2111k. sugar, tavloca, and an egg, most cheerful Alacrity, commenced I Thing or Past. ---------.------- � families, numbering from twenty-flyo. CA A RH CURE ... 5011
exactly, Bridget," says Elaine. "How til ilow a new crolp. --- to cue hundred scale and more eve. I . Is sent direct to the dise:,od
, rom' -st age Elaine had BLESS THE '11APLE. One cannot well deny that the bat- ' Parts bY the linProved Blom,-,
nicely. you remember everything!" P her (,arllL . tv FORAVE, it., iw�,� , '. 1, I ry[iig along with them all their var-
"Yeo, miss," says the unfortunate , I#Pri- aceMt0=Pd to carry on awar LEI tin ineFthe Bible as ie"A . Heals Me ulcers. clears the aiv
SIZI.Vey, UIDCePtifig the compliment mi � Will' the trade-smen - it was She who I then only groat literature till Hux- - loan and strange� paraphernalia 1) passages, stops droi�pings fa fhb
I Can.dlaiis are patrIo tie, throat anti iTmianantly cures
Hay a getruille tribute to her intelligence. I tort the brunt of those many and Canadians encourage Canadian enter- lay's plir"e) within reach Of the and domestic necessitles. In most I Catarrhand ayFaverOBlo%ver
, P n free. All dealers, or Dr. A, W. Chase
'But theres, no milk, and the milk- , freiiii, at Interviews which the baker, prise• common people. Too many archers 0 I I -
I w. � countries of Europe Uwe have been ... Medl6foo Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
ani) lituallee anal grocer Insisted up4n I - il fl�, It •I
mmi said this morning that until his : . This is fully exemplified by the wonderful have pressed It sore. 0heaparled and ��.5f
, _ growth of mudtiplied newspapers and maga- , ,-,!:
Little bill--" I 1U.1ing retoecting - their little ac ro ____ .1; '.1 " I i 1: passed according to which these ____._
A faint co.or sweep,.; over the young ; volints, and it was her sweet face ThaGANADIA14 ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS tines and books of all kinds ,Lave Fal- - .. . - . . ;;;, vagabonds are a,'Jowed to stay only a. Tile Proof 1141clizing. .
, ,
g1ra's, lace, and tier white, even teeth ; all, I coaxing inanner which many a Just look at this record, I len in with, it they. have not fos- 1� 1. '. i-11
. tilull Mild cit had i t to hard to beat; - i : couple of days or A couple of hours lit . (3iteago Post.
caotell. at the red under lip. persuaded tered, An extensive in the place of ' . Z - ' They were exclianelng confidences,
6 tIlOs6 I Year. No.ofinembers ;1 certain provinces or provincial ilia- "No." she said; "lids not at all
Ir 1 : :
*'X0 213: with af f e,cted I Al I �
. Ilk?' 9110 6AYR, itly Irate Individuals to withdraw ,, 18ST .................................. � .......... . .. 1,75 an intensive reading habit, so that : ". ,
cheerfulness. I I i their tlji*eatH of stepping the sup- I 1888, .................. I ............................ :_ UT the Bible must: moir struggle for ex- i, � tricts, when they Are escorted by jffiloug.,, i,
"NQ, .miss, there ain't !piles. 889 ....... : . ......................................... 1,859 Istence as literatuire, Instead of be- i ` 1. "gendarmes" over the border. Their "in that case," returned liar dear -
2 a drop, anJ � P'les- $11 0' it ,WAS Who knew ,11890 ....... . :: ........... I ....... I ............... 1,806 t.�'t ..,
the milkman said--" : whell the baker must be iiald - isgi .............................................. *.-* Ing the "one book" Bible reading ., 1.
. 8,145 - _; principal business transactions con. est friend. "how, can you tell that he
,thing on .account, and how, 1892 ........................... � ....................... 5,082 has been bowed out of the Public !; -, � TtJ
"Bridget., someliovr, I don't seem to 'ti(,im .. 41 .- - . sist 9J fortune-telling, begging and Is In love with you ?" .. I .
. runuh longer the ,butcher coulti - 1893 ................................................... 7,805 Schools, while the home, to which - .. - -.I-
11! -
1894 .......... z� ..................................... '..
9,710 a . stealing,
feel Any overwhi,lining dedre to livar --- . . They Are especially clever
*kmaa said. Ile is all Ad. be, Induced to The rati,jor 1895 ............. it again commended, has - _
what the nih i wait. 1 kindly co, � '
...................................... 11,864 . . _
mir-able man, and no doubt his words politely passed on the unwelcome - .. In the latter branch of business, and i '$100 REWARD, $
t toved her. was proud of her, proud i.89a ................ � ............. � .................. �. 12,693 1 Fzfl:_��zi� rm : 100.
a ; O! her beauty and her grace, Juit 1897 ................................................... 15,027 guest to tile Sunday F-3411001. But - ;Pd'd�&]R� take everything from a pin atw.' The readers of this paperwill be vleased to
:are the words of Wisdom And of I 0 16.415.0 that ilmtltutlan, with the best will Ivarn thattliere is at least one di ent elldisollso,
truth, but weil forego them. After � after the fashion of such men. lie :L14 'I ,::::::::::::::::::::::* ... ... 233 to A horse and carriage. itimt science has been able to cure lit all its
I a I
I :::::. ' Heart Strength is Whole Strengi needle
all, a pudding is an enervating lux.- left the burden Oil h&r young h,houl- : in the world, cannot recreate the b -h I
ury that can w(,11 be dispensedders, and went bis,way, If not ex- 1901.__1 ....................... I ............. �. 22 574� heamen which lay about the lufaney The gypsies have been, 4 real nuts- I ,t
" E)" ... *****" ... "
,1900_ ................................................ 20197 a ages and that is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh
with, , . Cure Is
actly rejoicing. perfectly HE blood is your life; when it stops once for Europe for centurion, and tl,o me the only positive cure now known to
and we It go without it to -day, unless at vase, i There, , 460 Councils of the Ord'er in Can- of those, who, ata mother's knee, � dical fraternity. Catarrh, beffil, a eon.
you can buggest one that can be cheerful, and smillug. As Mr, Blocks, ada, thus the average Is over 50 members to made their young imagination fam- Tcoursing you're dead. It it Wt stops, the Austro-Hungarian Government Iq: StitUttOU111 (11SCRAP, requires a consiltu, nal
the butcher, declared. no one coul. each Council. . t
made without suet or milk. Can you, .1 !liar with the racy, piquant English , YOU'LL BE HALF DEAD. now considering a plan. to force this reatillent. 11011m Catarrh (lure Is takl'ien's
These inewbert; Fire paying $175,000 an- set-, ternally, acting directly upon the bloo
Bridget 2" find the heart to be bard upon such nuaily to the widows and orphans of de- of -the King Janice version, and with Your pain, your weakness, your eternal wearl. most PeC1111MV VagftbOIId race Into inueouki surfaces of the system, thereby des.
"alt's awtet, beautiful young creature I ceased Canadlaum• wealth iol Oriental trope and alleg- nessuill all disappear if you. strengthen your tlement somewhere In the vast plains t'.0ring the foundation of the diseuse, and
Mp� 111sa Maine? Lor', miss, how - a
should IV responde the housemaid� as Miss Elaine, and aa, for the major, I Flat 'notice the small amount necessary O,ry and parable and pastoral and heart. But you may take special medicine for of Hungar3. Most cliaracterlstlo of: xtv ug the patient Rtrength by building vp
aghast at thin 011,11 Upon liar mental Wh;' one wont I as soon think or ; from each member to meet the death rates drama, . ma, which, from the Bible, has the gypsies is tile fact that illey'th(-eoufjtttxittonaTk(inaBlut.litgiiaturein(I I
e a little for exigencies— d trouble if you're in a special burry.
I hurting a child I and also set asid cles- special
I Don't be moping I 'Von can be never work. This Is one of their first 1 Its , , , oprietors; have so much fonlint§
resources, 11 -Amount monthly passed Into the masterpieces of our cured. Try it and for the first time you will principles. Por more than 000 years ' fix I powers that they offer One
"No. I The major was very proud of her, I At of Insur- Monthly Assess. literature. llut,.V.dO�r1r.�U",�.Dtl.illl-ltl.")r�for any ease that it falls to
� ndeed; how should you 2" 0ays '. know the true meaning of that grand old word I
th6 girl. and It was only -when Speaking Of -Age once, Dues nientR The evidence Is [too 'strong, an they have been roaming over Burope. cure. .Send for list or testimonials.
"You know w1utt the capital of Ilia daughter that he ever referred 18 .................. 000 .$0.25 $0.58 ' -R'-ld`- DR, AGNEW1 HEART CURE and the up-to-date gypsy Is by all Address F. J. CHrNEY & 00.,Toledo, 0,
Fral;ae 14 and who succeeded William to his goo�l birth and high conrice- 20 .................. 411,1001i .25 :60 comes from too m"y quarters, that
tions. .2 ...... I .......... � 1,000 .1-15 .61 the Old FuLturation with biblical renews the vigor in thirty minutes after taking means the cleverest thief It% the SoM by drugglets. 75e,
IV.,, but you don't knew anything .1 i 24 .................. 1,000 .25 .6Z phraseology, and Imagery, and illus- the first dose. Will cuss the poorest heart and -world. Wlie,ro no eat gets tljroiigii Ifall's Family 11111a are the best.,
A V1 I M y daughter, ear, gets her good'26. ......... I 1"000 .25 . 411 strengthen the strongest man. the little brown gypup boy finds his
about puddings, do you. Bridge G tration W. a thing of the past. An And`ttte Girl 'Xitrits the Crank.
"I aWt no cook, miss, If thatfs Oaks from the Delaines, There IS A. 28.:,:: ............. 1.000 25 68 way. They limmo, no religion, no mor.
7 arid and astorruding Ignorance has W 'M Medley, drug t,off(Ingston,ont.,writes:
what you mean, and I never pre, POl"tralt of my grcat-great-aunt at I So .................. 1,000 :25P : a too often. succeeded it. Tennyson and Zi.t'! Vles, of Kingston, als, no honor, or no fatherland. But Harvard Lampoon.
gton, purchased Softly
Delaine Towers for which in-- six bottles at Agnew's Heart Cure a he Is prouder, perhaps, than a Span- , -Lovo makea the world go
tended to be." ., girl 1 'TOla `oV` e nearest Browning, to say nothing of 11141ton
Por fuller Information apply to the . and says he
"You are not, and you never didt" might have Rat, by gad, might have ' Council, or to IV. F. Montague, Grand Re. and Dryden, are . already In need of Is cured of Heart Weakness, from which he had tali grandee. lie lies to perfection and round. i , % 1. .
Assents Elaine emphatically, and t'llt, The very }mm. -e of her" I corder, I-larnilton, oat.. or 'o W. F. Camp. scholiasts to explain ti) ingenuous suffered for years." Is the greatest story -teller In - the Snortly-vets, theve's no erank
with a Smile thitt, Is almost as rue- I Then he would sigh, look around ' bell, Grand Organizer, Hamilton, Ont, minds In school And college echoes Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder relieves world. Afany other efforts have been equal to a, lovor. I
ftl as a s1gh. "And If you had prf--- ille, smoking -room at the Barefic.ld I Organizers wanted; liberal terms. made from timo to time to confine
. __ wild reminiscences of the Bible, which catarrh or colds at once and ewes forever,
county Club. at which he spent I Dr. Agnew's Ointment compels Piles to perish the gypsies to certain territories In Nnard's LintutcWt Cures Cfildg,
tended the pretence would hame been were second nature to an earlier permanently, It gives ease on the Hungary, but always without any etc,
as dismal it failure as our dinner Most of his time, And order a small 1. . instant. San -
whiskey and soda. Ifore go. generation. All this to a twice-told isbes all manner of skin diseases and eruptions, success. . I � ! . I I
pro I es to be." "I can't Imagine anything more un- if still sorrowful tale. And there The safest and cheapest cure. Price, W. 4 1 •: If Vonvve uet the bough.
=81; stares ,at her mistress for It may with simple truth be Add.
ed that all Barefield, as well as; the satisfactory than a meal at our seems no present hope of turning I I Ulmard's Liniment Cares Garget 11arynrd Lampoon.
a moment helplessly, then her lion- major, was prond of Maine. .4110 hoarding house,," said r nI back the tide of battle. We can but in Cows. "Th" say broad Is the staff of life,
eat face brfglttena h -actually, an the ch 0 0 sadly. reckon up our losses. -Century.
idea. W41i the prettiest girl In the pla( e, grumble/ -r. I , Discliarged. I but nowada,ys I think' college Is." ,
and what Is hatter, the most lovable. " F-11'. I "Well, college IF; a good loaf I" I
"I think If No," replied the Impressionable I BAGPIPE MUSIC,
1 was to go to Ur' When In liar simpla white froelf: shij young man. "Evidently you never got Lever0a Y-2 (Wise Read) DisinfectautSfoap , New York Life. — I
Scone, the milkman, and bask It as walkel, down the High street on her Powder is a boon to any home. It disco- Judge -Your wife has shown *'lier to Alina s Lintmeat cures Dlph-
it ,personal favor, miss, he might let a, kiss from your best girl over the I theria r(r
trq lia,va a quart. I'll try him, way to market or to church, hate telephone, -Life. feats and cleans at the same time. 30 , bruises to the jury. ,Whitt have you A Vool Chicago Jury ThouArbt . I I
way", and she.takes her shawl and I fiew off with eager and respectful to ,say that satiti�hca shall not be Ban it.
and greptlrtgR. The floor, and more par. I prtmounced upon you? Bagpipe music. has "suffered greatly A Poor Play.
bonnet from a hook. ticularly their children, were made VAL] F ORINIA . Information About St. John. I Prisoner -I can prorte that for the I
,,Do, that's a good girl, and make happy for 1.1se, (lay If she entered one The success of orange cul A few ,Sundays ago, In A Phila' i last three weeks she has been do- through tho efforts of well-meaning, (1,111citgo News. I
It a Porsonal 1rAvor by' a" means' of their cottages, or stopped to speak Lure In delphla church, the iiAstOT was tell' ' Ing her but mistaken people to lift It out of Ill Olden Days-Rolitf, WAS burning.
Do anything short of going on your t,, tbJnI alvI &,�Ne them a few ppliet? Central and Northern California for Ing the children of the 6unddy � holiday., shopping.. , . t It on to " whorn ls'Karo?" demanded ille,
knees to him, Bridget." I ten years past suggests tlif" climatic I its proper place and graft
"tort miss, catch me going on my frim Ilf-r (!wn slender purse. It was ullity of tile State, Sante of the school about the .6cripturos and i York. city lite tin(] its Inside entertain. ancient senator. *
- -when lie eritereel lits pulpit to preach moist successful orange groves are thein the life of W. John. Whou TJf1s tjqlfy station In the city of Ments-11 'To compare Its music with swerod the guard.
an -
knees o A nilikinan," responds Brid to ]fpr Pr -W the 61h.1 rector just glanvc4i close(, his remarks by relating to i Grand Centrat Sottion, New ,, He b# playing on the fiddle," an-
- and U114 }calf -hour sermon which Invarl- (1,00 miles north of Los Angeles. The 11.3 lied fini6hed Ito wanted to see N*pw York. This, Is the depot of tire "classical Productions" 1.4 "like corn- 11 Fudge anti fury I Ito Should have
get, with a toss of her head,
witch the mill: -jug hooked on to one long summi-r, the warm and dry At- J if tho children head been pay.'ing at- New York C6yltral, the famoruNfour- a )ioso playing on the fire."
finger "d the door key on the other, 04 seat the congregation Into a taotplipre, the abundance or water, tojitlon to lits address and asked track lime. 11% tatlas and herring with witie I .- . - I - -_ I . -
she departs oil lips diploniatic anis- sweet 8111W)pr -. and VIP curate, who and th(y low 1)rjee of ,an(,, Maki, 1-1 nrl"'ZI, A ( hicago jury once deelfled -- '-
I-s'd the vc-ry grepund she -winikeil on, them It Any of them could tell 10111 Pare same as by other. lines, when that ilia bagpipe, Was not A musical \
dou, ) , I ftIwa3,Fj knew I,y tit(. thrill that ran ,these fbAds Ili tile 'Saii Joaquin And about the lite of kit. :rolin. titter tickets are purchased In ,Canada. instrument , � .
�nt at all, But wby quarrel ,.
As the outer floor closes oil her the I!1r(,UglI Nacramptito valleys very desirable a few urinates a little girt in the , Take the best. I with a definition ? Luoull-11 that It . . I
Inner one opens Slowly. Itilit it 1,00111- J)".,tpn r him 1rhathEr slip was in tier;' oraugesi an -1 all Mmis of farm- end Of the 8-inday school raised har4 lived thmugh some bad arises. - .
'r JI(,t , .
tlemall lookK In. , and Tits dial tin(] somo- Ing and fruit growing Just now the Feature<; or This Century.
It is Nfaj.)r Dip..Tainp, F,lalnOs fall!- vOlItt feelfle N*01(!e would trembln af;, rates are i-pecially iow. From Feb, her hand and said: "Yes, sip! I I . When that pbns,, of life In which It AWA
a comfortably. F.',arC(,IZ�D4XTlng to lw)k at bt�r, lie - -tip tin tell you about him." "Oh" said. - ,Chicago Jab. was born find brought up passed . ,z,�*,;� '. L
er. lie is; . stout. comfort. t#,.r 15th to April .10th tlip r. , front I I g
'an) Dearly b"IMA brethren-- ilie, ininister, "I am so glad twi;e cowless butter, radtliorlogs chick- Away, It declined to be itioved Into ,
Ionising nian. u-Ith a face that, not- it may filtf,-I�V bo said 11la,t ti VlAvago will b-,- $33 to California . . .
wrp , I,( one has been paying attention to oils and bloodless surgery. the bitokgound. In short, It )fail the .
w1thstandin,g Its elosoly cropped 1; Arits. It you are intermted lit Vali- � . � ., .4'.
.*I?g W11IM-17 A young man, bigii j,r f,,r1lI,t, f.11j.11 I)nblit!ittlons ,it; ,. T)II. ; nry fromarks. Now Ifft file )fear Will to live without the adventitious r .
Nybitt- hair tivit,equally white nlous4_ 1(,w, that had nut lost Illf; heart try . Tile Real Thing. *% - - � J. ,
tacho, 04till hVikn ' . Land of Qpportunity" And "Callfar- - ""Out St. 1041J." TIM little girl be- aide of cranks and of eougrossc�s, be- , I __ I
Yollthtill- 'M1511 Elall)(�'. bill no onp. had aq ,vi.t Ism fill- , want, , 11
It 1'.-1 Uf, iTy th.Lt I th(. 'Settlerl' will Inti lielpful : gar: ,,.Pardon mo, sir," began the p;'.d- IP01100 it Answers it 131-Inlitive W In - .1 f.
i ".
man grow WKI, and varel'Inkcss it d"rPil t', I., 11 her m,; for notwith- , qi*lV are firte, and may lip had of s "Vilin, .Ttylin, life piper's Poll, dior of supplies, "but may I ask WhAt Indeed, i)Gtlililg eould W wore Iroult, !
that 11IM' I lq Andtlig 1,r Pw,-vtn.qH th .r . w�111 -'In ! 1'. fli. I-boato, Oviteral Agent, :Tooth- 'Itpr ?" than UIA fact that the rallitary -
, -1114 ,, If , . e 9 v Ktole A, pig find aimy he run. A. �_ .
mat(li 1: . 111111. Tho mu;o, , ln,.Vo, lf� - . ____ If; tit(. style of your typowl t -
Worri-d, awl care, an'1 be ,41vfinn-1110 GOMPthIM4 it natural r,,- p - f 11' t."
are f,trang- I of•I .i. -It wAS lif't I" m it itt Me. No. 120 Wood1ward ave., .. lllg)lt lip to lint(.,,, rppllp(l the organUationo whieh t,ld muoll to A
.lr,l (�ncltgll to 110 , TwUldt, Ifich. I'Viiat are they, playing now?" business mart, ,enthu [. crush wit everything that )fail mAtie .
er-9. ITP U' %-11 ni-111 taAr,rully dresm- I railt'd pridA-2 in -fid 61astleally. 111.1 .0�-
. enly dignity I -If
od, Sild ivexi-.,; a (41,Are (lo, I)IJoll rf),,p. � — '' , I -Thr, ninth sympliony.11 I bolv p,lpeves, face Insertion sblii waist tt, a power fhould Jima been so com. __
bud Ill t1w Isifflonhole of his well -rut' j,,,,gill. 11,011.,�(,, Olt lilve arm'a "Dear wo I Am I so fain t Anil all that sort of thing." plf%tely 06nquered by it that tbore ! IN
, 1%.111ph kf , Tit ll( -,r 400rf,rH Pt ' , � w
` � , .
. - , ,. .. 1JF..%(JJJfI tlult,t N Guard on RWYAPS, -� , ,I , ,_ are now two -and -twenty I)lp(, bands .
!!--�.�- — . .., . - %. -, — — . . , - .. - . I . I , I - � L - I _----� el
1 I . . -1 I . . 1 . III tho 1161.141i Army. ifite bagpipes I . __ I
-0116011111011110M, -1I .11.11 A-likAidl LAISJ.j... - 11m.1mlent r.Gi[bf!t la W.,i:f lirr,teeted. t "I -ft L I i 1, � & I I � opit
I li ,- , � & I . lias J)PI 11 Annexed by SOMA 1* ),
W do we wear ""Ono%* His w-'eret guard, conslate of 12 Moll, .. � I — _ '--6. -1 I nativo Indian regl;uffntfi, notably Down Sid Vnih a coild
, of it PollcA Coln- � I 11 oll- 11
M unlVr tltt)L orders I ,*K*RW - those In Ulf, 11tilij-0, and it 0, . .
I - ... ,. .. �,_ — tinuen to �prflad there- as it ,great
It We could only tonvince you how "adly ,
CAP - t - 4 � I you Could Cute A coliffli. or a cold by wilts :
bul 5 and z, inii;Aancr. 7`10!90 MPR W.Lteli Con- I . I 11 (V 1. I . _. I I . military lifptrummli.-At * ;
I �
. � fitantly over lilt; jsprgon. WhArat lie - I 11 WLAV . . - a , y .
T ru'velvir'stbey mingle with the guests � 11 I , ,,O ,, ". - I.. I . - Of(i Ono Allod, r,lv Ir.. S
Gra y Rub - I .., .- I . I 11 I . - 11 . . 11 Phall not inarr;y Ulm Mello at- .-J ") yrup �
. .
J. vlo:w3 by hint, and %Own, Im rops, out i 1—i4- . ;.
11 'Overshoes , , S I" , ter till," alwounet-d young Jenkinn -.�
ay i
k F
_- Ificy follow Idin, and have A* , - I
4 orders Dealers all over Dominion SaY they give better 8atis- � I I appose(} t lot
� "It., to family ill t,-,. ';
' "her Ift"Illy "4�em 0 ('� Red Spnucu,x G. um
n('W'r I0 16,A Win Jill 111f4tant front the Inatch." 1111411ir tl
6etion than any others. The people say they fit better, e, F ro St 10 Wire an -d 6 Stiv F-Oftee "I y -
Q i(W. Wlwn he drive;; they at�()iu. A n 4 clabils)(I it sympathizing friend. " 00 , _.
look better, wear better.—Ifecause they are lionestly 1 v W4.6. iest �Vire fence made - -good ("alligs ill 110nil win, all UP Aanlf%, jpnklnal -;
Z J!'All.'i 10111 on hle"Velfo, allil it 19 f1my is the strongest and heav - t1itre Would hes, �q I'lletil"01111i and ran.
� � What do you Cafe for the familyfa.
malt, out of pure new rubber. - tht n that they vau bn r4-eogttlzot for good agents ; write u� at *act for terms. AFk for caW4S. ,()Pl11l0ff, MY l0nif as thO girl IS Will. : 5111"U011, ItWillctlfc YGur "Old a`1411it-h-
"Granby Rubbers wear like iron.*1 . q%1A valard of 13 Ifif-11 Maim eoatH WrI.I.&I40, Onl,. In I? its you caught it
- TI4t r0ovir Witte r9fte't 00.1 a tk
MN,,"Tbat's jalit It," oxelfilmoil , � All Ditiqc;h4i 9,,, emfiol,
the 9tatA the 144'e little stiff* of 15'. WINA10W, MAINE, f,U P5. still worn .nadly". "MIRK
'tl—p -0 _111111, I I I
000 franeg a ,Ncar. I �.. I _-1---.-1 -11. . I I � - . I �. . - 1, 4 I 1 4 . I I'- Alche seems to it'gree wItIff thomill
I r-