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The Wingham Advance, 1903-02-19, Page 5
V�A Y� Ll February 19, 1903 THE WINGR A M ADVANOR �► No Old oods ](dere, All ink Now. : , Clinton. l•lowick. Hair 11Tr. James Spott will probably this The Episcapalfans of Lalc�elet will Slim Prices. luall Proses j week enter upon the duties of postzlaast• hold their service ln: part of Robert My -_ or of Clinton. Caudle's house in future,' It is being Tho boaft Storo-QSJokalld 4 � I e` I Ihadl aY ver severe sickness ■_ Tho choir a# St Paul's ohur011 pur• seated and pthowlse fixed,Stout Values. Returns men nM y - peso giving an evening at the House of Wm. Hubbard of Lancelet, who had that took off all m hair. I pur- - Refuge at an earl date for the inmates ono of his les taken off lin the. Forgus chased a bottle o Ayer's Hair of that institution. Hospital a few weeks ago, has return - backback and it brought xll my hair ed home and is doing Feb'y. !�Ppecials back a sin." _ An agent from Toronto was in town g well, _Arlo vv u, Quilln, Marseilles, ill. _ last week endeavoring to induce local An operation for appendicitis was per - capitalists to take stook in a Dakota formed by Guelph specialist on an eight - One thing is certain,- ranch, the same ranch, by the way, in year-old son of Mr. Henry Deitz, of , Ex ��, i'Ayer's Hair Vigor makes = which aur• Dryden, Minister of Agricul• Howick, one day last week, at Isard'&Mens Clothing Store Prices tare, es itherstrike the hair grow. This i3 - Wm, wado, sr. has sold his 200 sore because it is a hair food. = Since the strike apminanced Harland farm on the 4th concession to Mr dames It feeds the hair and the _ Bros. nearlreceived 2000ea 400 er ©q of psquite 50 , of Mr.for Wade gives up possess onion lin order to farther reduce our stock and make room for hair grows, that's all there s _ evident that this firm has been no re- Nov. 1st and We understand, will reside New Spring Goods now corning in, we offer the following Yf You Want a 1� or �verc® is t0 it. 1[t stops falling specter of Perseus, as far as they could in Forcitaiclz thereafter, February Specials. Ten Departments make their contribit - Of the hair, too, and al. a in supplying the coal wants of all. Daniel Dunlop, aged nearly ninety ways restores color t0 = Cattle dealers say the past season has eight years, passed peaceably away on tions to this Bargain List, which we look upon as one of the For Boy, Youth or Man, it will pay you to come and see us- gray hair. been a very hard one for thein, the Friday, 6th inst. Deceased had liven best tua'l/e ever o(jered, we have a few lines that we're clearing Out because the sizes $t.o0 a batik. All drr=atria, market invariably being bad, and losses with his son James, on the 2nd cones - are badly broken, and not being able to repeat them at the lfayour draggtet cannot supply you, = heavy. This is unfortunate. for when sion of Howiolc, for the past 21 years, t �, OR 'V6tUA�EN FOR MEN, Laine rices we Starts them moving at Clearing Up Prices. send us one dollar and we wiii express � men risk As much as buyers do, there and was highly respected by all who + . 1. prices, you a bottle. Its sure and give the name should be some compensation for their knew him, Some Sults and Coats will be half rice others from 25 of your nearest express office. Address, _ WRAPPERS. UNDERWEAR, �e price, J. 0.AXERCO.,Lowel,Mise. = investments. What might have proved a fatal ac- 23 Wrapporsworth from $1,50 to $200, Men's Fleeced Lined Shirts and to 35 per cent. Oil. nicely made, heavy fleeced percale Drawers, regular value 50 cte.- S. Cooper has received three large cident happened last week east of Ford- cloth, yoke and collar trimmed with February price .............. 35C contracts for buildings the past week, wish Roy Frieee of the 9th, was watch- fancy 13 d, lined sleeve and walst. ace p frill, ohoico noly patterns, 1.25 OVERCOATS, DONT FORGET. Two are for churches. One a red brick Ing the spile driver that was driving fast colors -February price,..... Mena Fine Blue or Black Beaver, $Y.75 PANTS 1. i0 THAT in Ashfield, to cost $20,000 and another spites on the C. P. R. a short distance SKIRTS, value Heelined, well made regular x.50 of stone at St, Augustine, to cost $12,000 east of the village, when the steam Black mercerized Sateen Underskirts, 20 Pairs Pants for Men, sizes 32 to '.14, all Forts in >L!$TOWY.EL and the third a brick house for H. chest of the engine blowout and a piece nicely made and trimmed, reg. 1.00 TOP SHIRTS. p ' ' , e • , . + • . • • • .. $ .. 0 • • . ' $ , r • - . • ... • • • • Little, i the Grand Trunk yards in Clinton head, inflicting a nasty outunderthe value $1.25 to JACKETS. clear at , . heavy duck top Shirts, rollers strl es cheeks etc. worth 1.50 to 1.15 -Clear- attaches, nary or black, spot or 35C Ing price....... .. $1.10 Women's Tailor made Jackets, English stripe, reg, 60c -clearing out at,,. one eta last week there were two car. eye and badly bruising the side of his y Beevor, velvet collar, $5.00 and SHIRTS. Is the place to got value for your money. 3,50 Opens Jan. 5th, 1903, Two Courses - Coni- loads of imported heavy draught sial- head. $O,� values -to clear..... , . , .. , Men's Regatta Shirts, good patterns marolal and Shorthand. - and washing colors, regular 75e SOC lions which next morning were seat on SKIRTING. line -to clear at .................. Send for College Journal. Toothache Cured in One Minute. Ono piece Black Watered Merino Skirt - $2,00 SUITS $1.50 to their destination. One carload, Con- oing, regular value 35 cents, Feb. 25c SUITS, 9 Boys' two piece Suits, all wool, worth $2,00-• Clearing C. A. FLEMING A. L. MCINTYRB listing of five stallions, was consigned Saturate some batting with Poison's ruary price ........... ............. Men's well tailored ready -to -put-on price..........................................................$1,60 President Seo'y, to Mr. Thos. Berry of Iiensail, and in Nerviline and place in the cavity of the Suits, new patterns, regular 5 00 the other were seven stallions, imported tooth. Rub the painful part of the WAISTS. value $x.00-tq clear at......,... $1.20 VESTS 85e b face with Nerviline bind in a hot flan- i doz, Fancy Waists lined, nicely made �''+ y Mr. Thea, Bawden of Exeter. The , and trimmed, geed Waists, reg. 95C CAPS, 19 Odd Vests for Men, sizes 35 to 44, worth $1.25 to $1.50--�olll •.�as1� 1-rl'��` p nal, and the toothache will disappear price $1.25 -to clear at,,.,,...,.., ,A line of Men's heavy cloth Caps, animals wore all of a superior class. Clearing price ....................... ... • ..... I ........... • ,85 immediately. Nerviline is a splendid with peak, good value of SCK-- 39C A meeting of the committee appoint- household remedy for Cramps, Indigos- CAPERINEs. February price .................. ed b the Count Council met here last tion, Summer Complaint, Rheumatism, Just a few to clear, flood styles, $15.00 $7.00 SUITS $4.49 B w y y line for $11.50, $12.00 line for $9.00, $10 ,PANTS. Neuralgia, end Toothache. Powerful, line for $7.50, $7.50 line for $5.00, $5,00 �• \ Thursday to draft out a plan of business ltlen`R heavy Tweed Pants. strong, 9 onlyMen's Tweed Suite, sizes 33 to 44, worth $6.00 and penetrating, safe and pleasant for inter- line for $3,30, well made, regular value $1.25 ,t�t••1 , $7.U0 each -Clearing price...................................$4,40 for the proposed County Convention to nal and external use. Price 260. Try to $1,50 -February price ...... •• 1.00 be held hero to consider the question of Merviline. BOOTS. - sharia in the million dollars apportion- Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills for Billiousness 3 doz. pairs Dongola and Bute Boots, SWEATERS. $10.00 OVERCOATS $6.00 -t :_�=-�� -= ��,,,, g pp buttoned or laced, also Felts, leather Boys' Fancy Sweatets, heavy, good 3 only Men's Spring Overcoats, golf Cloth, patent etch "OLz �'='r %W'°°"•.... ed b the Government for improvement foxed, regular value $L_5 -Fob- calors, regular oris -Fab• pockets, knee length, worth $10 -Clearing price ...........$6.00 To be awarded at Provincial Winter Fair of roads. It was decided the meeting ruary price ....................... 1.00 ruary price, `q JMOC 1903, for beat pair of Fat Cattle fed with be hold on Weduesday, March 4th, in -The smallpox epidemic is at an end PLAIDS. BOOTS. $1200, OVERCOATS $6,90othington's Canadian Stock Tonicthe town hall, to convene at 10,45 a.m, at Galt, There were 81 oases, affecting 10 pieces Fancy Plaids, heavy, fast Men's good strong wearing Boots, o W . col rs, regular value'? February SMC solid leather, cheap at $1.25- 1.00 7 only Men's Heavy Cheviot Cloth Overcoats, sizes 35 to 42, A. W. Campbell, Commissioner of 21 families, but no deaths. price....,. ...... ...... February price ................. 10, 11 $ $ g p ,,,..,••,•,,,$6.90 The sweepstake fat cattle at Chicago and worth and 12 each -Clearing rice.. G1lelph Winter Fairs 1902 were fed with Highways, Will be in attendance and 77.., -Three cases of smallpox aro reported FUR COATS. wORTIfI;70TON'R CANADIAN ❑TOCK TONIC. All OVERSHOES• evidence of the good results farmers and feed- address the gathering. Two delegates just a few miles east of Shakespeare, Ladies' Fur Coats, in Astrachan, to Men's heavy lined Overshoes, water - ora would obtain by focdin a genuine stock clear, guaranteed Furs, reg, fond ;not an Anieriea:i fad g Horses look bot- are asked from each municipality in the two in North Easthope, and one in value $5.00 -to Clear ......... 25.00 Woof felt, regular value $1.75- 1.25 FUR LINED OVERCOATS, tor, feed bettor, drive bettor, sell better, when County, A special session of the South Easthope, The schools have ebruary pried ................ fed with WORTHINGTON'S SToou Toxic. UNDERWEAR. REEFERS. D. it SIR,-- County Council will be held the same been closed, L ndics' Vests or Drawers, unslirinl:- We have two Black Beaver Cloth Coate, full length, Hare used vvORTIUNTITONS STOCK day to open at 10.15 Welock'In the fore- able, nice goods, regular value Jicicetsi'hea vv li 1Qd all YrCg. Va1ll8 Pea lined with Diarnot, german otter collar, right -up to -the Tome for one year and have been feeding it -A (armor in the lvestorn part of Obs -to clear at........ 50C 2.75 minute and worth $40.00, Wo want the money, so here to all my stock, Found It to ive good satis- noon to receive the report and to deal $3,75 -February price,..... ,..... Paotion, and would advise a�t farmers and Ontario bought a farm and fenced it is a chance for you -for....... $2,.00 with any other question that may be CORSETS. foeaora of stock to use It. with rails that he purchased at 3 cents -' CARDIGANS. Yours faithfully, brought up along the line of roads and P deed Rtro»g Corsets, will give goon M n's Curdlueu Jackets. hear ril1.00, L. MOSES. a piece. During the Coal famine he werir, regular ..rico bac and 75c- c r - y britt es. • • • ... $QC regular va $.... February December 29, 190`3. Avouton P. 0. g Fobruarp ..rico ..... .... price ................... ' manufactured them into stove wood and • • • • • • • 10-1b. Box, 200 feeds, 50c; 50 -ib. Sack, $2, UNDERWEAR FOR BOY, YOUTH AND MAN sold them at the rate of 17 cents each. HOSE. GAUNTLETS. MANUFACTURED BY Nervous and Sleepless. heavy all wool ribbed Cashmere Arens heavy Black Astrachan Gaunt - at 25c on the dollar oil. The Worthington Drug Co. plenty There. is food for the blood n d that of Carrick,ttshot hfress of lmsel14th through tha veek Lo clearegular tt.. value 45 cents.. 35C rot 1.50 _ 'ebruarry price rice 1. , 100 GUELPH. which is best supplied in Ferrozoue, head on Monday forenoono , The R. H. Crowder -Co.than which no blood o builder, nerve and now lies acorpse nthe ltei. Geof ss H E. jsard & Co. Fp� tonic or strength producer is hotter. his brother-in-law John Feuuer. Gross j i • • j For Sale and Guaranteed by Ferrozoue promotes healthy digestion, A, H, Carr - Wingham which results inimproved nutrition. was out on bail, charged with setting ` Agar & Earls - Luc&now The blood grows rich and red, furnishes fire to William Hacker's barn on the app, Bank. Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Just Arriped :-Now Shirts, Salem make. S stability to the entire system, and the night of December 2nd 1902, His trial Noble Gerry - Brussels store of nerve force and energy increases.l .�,6 0.:,. k• Wm, Messer - Bluevale daily, A rebuilding of the constitution, would have taken oleos at the Spring now sprits, health and strength, fill Assizes, and this fact appeared to prey �ry n come from the use of Ferrozoue, This upon Gress' mind, and for the past SIGN Off' THE BEAR marvelous renovator is sold by Drug- week he was ill and despondent. On . _ - , • w gists for 50c, a box, or six boxes for `rp2,50, '= By mail from N. C. Polson &Co., Monday forenoon the Fenner family Special Prices for 10 Days 0n1� 1 FOR ALL ' Kingston, Sold by A. �. Hamilton heard a shot upstairs and on going up, a ? found Gress lying in unconscious sou- /��p �1�j dition. • Dr, farewell of Walkerton was :Stomach Troubles Brussels. called in, and upon examination found NOTE A FEW PRICES: Brussels Salt works will shut down that the bullet had entered the victim's Ish Men's Heavy Oyershoes ...... •.......... Regular Price $1.60 -Cut Price $1.30 ! shortly to permit of a new pan being mouth, and passed upwards through 1.60- 1.La TRY = put in and other improvements made. the skull, The doctor extracted the Mens Fine Overshoes .... • • • • 1.80- 1,50 Cober & Sons have made extensive bullet, but gave no hopes for Gress' re- -•«�., }o Ladies' Felt Shoes, Fnr trimmed...... •... 1.75- 1.33 changes in the interior of their factory covert'. He lingered oil in a half con- .... 1.50- ' • 1.15 091 `�C�C� and now have much more room. The soleus condition until Wednesday after - Cardinal Slippers ............... 1.35- 1.05 VVV Ng y err Lake Superior Herring, the largest and firm - Low Shoes, Fur trimmed...... • • • • 1.00- • •' • •75 could have disposed of over 50 cutters noon at 2.80, when death came. The p g+ g Felt lined Shoes (laced)........ 1.35- • • • • 1,10 more if Choy had them iu stock, case is supposed to have been one of est Fish on `the market --$4.50 per keg. Dongola Shoes (laced):::::::::: 255- ;;:: 1 �ys�ej�st�, deliberate suicide. --[Mildmay Gazette. Rev. S, J. Allin, formerly a well • 2.00- 1.60 known and highly esteemed pastor of - - . ....... 1.75- 1.45 Lake Superior Trout, fall catch, extra ellolee, • • • • • • 1.80- 1.30 lbkz'�Cti Brussels Methodist church, has been in- Ringing in the Ears. """"" vited to remain for another year at the fully guaranteed -•-$61.50 per keg. IN UNDERCLOTHING We guarantee an ab- : Hamilton Road church, Loudon. This is an unfailing sign of catarrh, lute cure for the ; Councillor Backer liar purchased a and if not checked will ultimately re - Men's Fleece or Wool Shirts,`all sizes.. ,Regular Price $ .50-Oaso t Price $ .38 P snit in deafness. The simplest remedy Lake Huron Trout, Summer Catch, not guar- . .... .75-• AS,r most distressing cases. tidy pacer from Messrs. Cochrane & is Catarrhozoue, which if inhaled a few 1.25 00 When all others fail, ` Johnston, of Wingliam, and brought times daily, prevents the catarrhal con- anteed-$5.00 per keg. Ken's Heavy Caps in Blue and Black.... "• I.25- " ' 1.60 give us a trial. You' him home on Tuesday. The new pur- dition from spreading. Clatarrhozone 1.60_ : ; : ; 1100 money refunded if we i chase bears the name of "Laundry Boy," heads no seal,sthe gi es permanent ill ent rhe elief to • • • .... .... .50-- .40 do not satisfy. 1 so should be able to present a Olean catarrhal deafness, For Catarrh in any Fresh Fish, from COlpoy's Bay, Caugll t by the sheet for speedy travel. part of the system, Bronchitis, Asthma, Indians tbrouah the ice extra flavor -10c lb. 4 l A peaceful enol t0 hon ears of suf. Lung or Throat Troubles, Catarrhozone b s IN MENS SUITINGS. ' ` P g y is a specific, and is guaranteed to per- ; i foriug came to one of Brussels honored maueutly cure or your money back, Finnan Daddies, weeklyshipments direct Now is the time to pick out your a suit, when prices are so low. Just Large size $1.00• trial size 25c..Dru • residents in the arson of T. Pletcher g • 6- 10 days to do so; you should take advantage of this great sale. p a gists or N. C. Polson & Co„ xiligstone, from Nova Scotia -•10c lb. DOUGLASS on Thursday evening last. After . twelve years of patient sufforing with Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. Everything Guaranteed First-class Pleasure to Show Goods i Anemia the deceased at last succumb- ® ,� Chemist & Druggist ed, and is how laid away by the aide of Agents average $6100 a Arty till the GrITTIn Homuth Bros. - _that great majority who dwell fu peace, year round selling oto goods. Always Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. It was quite a surprise to the business o u.e. Household necessities, not rads of Brussels and the travelling Or brunt les, No dull season, Write people g Gt. Diarshall .� Co., Loudcct'., Ont. W public last week to learn that H. Hain, who filled the position of agent at liras- s r in sols G, T• R, depot for the past tiro ectal Prices nr �t re ���rttr{���{,�d�����fJl�i� �l �i years with so mach satisfaction to allr or concorued, hadbeen slated for Lucknow.�( In addition to filling the many duties in ll s% connection with the railway he found 0 Parlor Suites For Fancy Rockers �jj�'jtime to take a ver active and eifl0ient inls • $45 Suite....,.$85.00 ro �"d1`t{[I(,'(�, iD 52.25 Rocker $1.75 � �� I I.J part in church wo l , and the lvtethodfst $30 2.50 2.00 = : - congregation will miss him and MrN. 5 .,.... 280O0 $7.00 6.ii0 : HANDS (, Hama great deal. Dir, biilbansen of , $$p - 60 6.60 n i 1i � f.J _ Milverton is the now official and comes .. �.� J A, N UADVA $3. ... ,i� raga -o- pw-• . w I well recommended. � � Y d.. Couches $ar Couches... , $10 00 $18 .... 13,50 $tir 11,60 ;$8 5.75 Bedroom Suites $%M Suite .....S3LOD $30 ...... 26.50 S'la ...... 2r.50 ri» $16 ...... 1800 , 1450 10175 Extension Tables Vrnm $555.00 to., $13 50 VAII Leaf ,..., 2'75 Kitchen.. , .. , .. 1.00 You can Save Money on Couches Parlor Suites tansy Rockers Mattresses & Springs Sideboards Bedroom Suites 1:xtensietl Tables Parlor Tables Dining Chairs Odd Dressers Odd Parlor Pieces • 50 Mattresses $5 50 Mattress.. $4.50 $4.60 3.50 50 3,00 $2 50 2,00 Sideboasds front $3 rip to $05. Thu hest line in town to pick from Centre Trebles Desks I3all Uaeks Pieture Frames Cut•taln Poles Etc., Etr- at Low Prices can be instantly cured by using Frese I S Italian Cream Por Sale only by Colin A. Campbell TRE DRUGGIST West Wawanosh. lldJ a$C� A. B. Carr sold a colt to Wm. Pat- terson, of Bullet, this week, for $180, ^` OC� The subscriptions to the now Motho- dist churoh.at Nile already, exceed $3hb � Arr To hAuburn rifle association defeated the Goderioh township team on Wed. nesday last. Skz, W. Stackliouse sold a two year old colt to J. Marwood last week, for the sum of $125, GO Miss Rebecca Sowior, who has spent . the blast six months with relatives here, To... .loft on Wedtr a training for Chicago, , whore 'PARK'S Slee will enter a training school Dr, Frank Turnbull, of Auburn, has He disposed of his practice to Standish, of Wallaceburg, Dr, Tutiabull will re. Jewelry Store main in Auburn for a ei oupie of weeks, j when lie leaves for Toronto, to study M I M THIE BEST TdAILKING MACHINE It talks t Sings, Coolie, Sacred and Sentimental Songs. plays like a full Baud or Orchestra. You can understand every words it speaks. It is the greatest entertainer ever made. It uses the Hard Mat Disc ftecords which last for year's. The Grain -o -phone is made ill Cauada. A five years 'written gua- rantee with each machine. Write for Catalogue:: -=free. P61CItS $15.00 TO $4.0.00. � ld on daisy A' o nthl-. Payments. if desired. 5a -. _ ... MANUCACTUItED BY ... E. BERLINER, 2315.2319 .SL Catherine 3t., hloNTREAL• .M .✓N1 vxz BLPVSr, otaertal Manager for Can ado. ' for a time, and later may go to Europe a lhU l OWN U L L U I I ; iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiro Macdonald Block � Wingh am Agent � to take up special work, ow Winha 4