HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-19, Page 44 THE WINGTIA)l ADVANCE. February 19, 1 qo3
--According to a bulletin recent-
ly issued -by the British Columbia
Government, the total value of the
farms ill the province, and what
Ritchie Campbell -The provincial election in is on them, is as follows: Value
New Brunswick will be held on Of land and buildings, $26,001,377 ; :=
Feb,80.). ts and machinery, $I,-
eb. 'm "in n
201�'196o, for live stock, $6,184,- .3
312; crops and animal products, JNO. & JAS. H. KERR.
We are Showing a Beautiful Assortment of -A bill forbidding fortunes of $6664,369. The total is thus
more than $10,OV),000 has been I
introduced into the United States $46,051,255, i larger Film than
Senate. might have been expected by those Ordered Suits Coffee
New Dress Goods who looked on 'BuPitish Columbia.
ry We carry a splendid ass( Good Rio Coffee, Bean, per lb. 150
as a mining and lumbering count )rt
tor David Nark, of Fred- only. meat of Worsteds, Serges and in� SPECIAL No. I G. E. Blend Coffee 11 400
in Elamines Canvas Cloths Bouche Tweeds. Suits made to fit
ericton, N. B., has entered his I lb. tins Coffee .............. 25 to 300
hundredth year and still retains well, look well, wear well,
Voiles Broadcloths etc., in all the A stiff tbree-cornered in WINTER GOODS SALE
$10.00 to $20.00.
much vigor. Hon. R. B. Dickey, fight is now going on in North
leadiDg spring shades. of Amherst, N. S., is over 90. York. Hon. E. J. Davis, who re $10.00
are six senators over 80, segued recently, rather than face Collars STILL GOING ON New Dates 4 lbs for ............... 25c
and 14 between 70 and 80.
in the Courts exposure of the tac- Gents Stand up Collars ... The Dates in pckgs 3 for .............. 25c
ties that elected him, is again the Gents' wing collars ........ 15c
New Silks, New waistinog Figs in boxes each.........t......• loc
Liberal candidate. He isopposed Gents' double collars ...... 35c
Cooking Figs per lb .............. 50
-The first cream separator was by Mr. Lennox, his former oppon- Celluloid collars 10 to 15C Ladies' Tailor. Made Skirts
New Laces, New Fancy introduced to the dairymen of the
ent. Neither candidate baying
'United States so recently as 25 given the Prohibitionists a satisfac- and Coats. Dried Fruit
Belts and Collars• years a -go. To -day between forty- Gents' Ties
tory pledge, a Temperance candi-
five and fifty thousand separators 10 per cent. off. Apricots, Choice per lb........... 15C
The correct Tie for spring
date is in the field, in the person 0-
---------- are in use there, 10,000 of these = is a little smaller than usual it 4C .... ..
f W. A. M unns, an aggress' Peaches, ....... 130
being power separators in cream- 0 aggressive strings,4 in hand and knots
worker. With such a combination in Prunes, large fruit 3 lbs for ... 25c
eries. 25c to 50o each.
it is difficult to predict the results.
Specials for the Men. Ladies' Fur Goods,Coats,
The Dominion Cabinet decided
Our 4 -ply linen Collars, all styles, regular 15c, Braces -Capes, Caps, Caperines,Etc,.
to remove the embargo on the -The Cimadian Pacific Railway Exeter, Dread and Pastry Four
Men's and Boys' Braces
18e and 20c -two for. 2 5c shipment of cattle by 0. P. R. Company has made a proposition 10 per cent. off.
(on Friday and Saturday only.) Fine Braces for Men 25 to 50e -gives perfect satisfaction. We have
through Maine to St. John, N. B. to the Dominion Government to Heavy braces for Men,.... 25c it. Prompt delivery.
Will sacrifice all our Ready-to-wear Clothing, in for exportation to Britain. So far take, as part of the 3,200,000 acres Boys, Braces 10c to ....... 20c
as Maine is concerned, both the Im.- of ]a.nd still to be allotted to it, a
order to make room for Spring goods-' off. Men's Overcoats, Ulsters
perial. and Canadian authorities are block of 2,500,000 acres in the arid
Men's Hats, $2.00, 2.25 and 2.50 -for ............. 1.50 agreed there is no risk. belt between Calgary and Medicine and Suits. No. I Lake Herring, heads off
Hat, the remainder to be selected Our spring good are here,
New Ties, regular 25c and 50c -for ............. 25c -and split, regular $5. 00 reduced to
in Manitoba and the Northwest Fancy stiff front or soft front 25 per cent. off.
-The report of Ontario Bureau Reserve, which reverted to the Shirts 39c to $1.25. New $4.50 a keg.
of Industries just issued Shows Government when the Manitoba, styles, new colors. See them.
that the total population is 2,028,- and Northern Railway failed to Trout
Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats, 889, and the total assessment earn its subsidy. If they can Gloves Special reduced prices on Lake Huron Trout $5.00 a keg.
Furs - Caps, Gauntlets, Ruffs, Muffs $835,697.07, and the total taxes make this arrangement, they Men's Wool Gloves, Lined; Heavy Rubbers, Oversboes'Get your supply early. This is a
paid $13,341,356. There are 505 would spend, so they say, $3.50 to
etc., etc., at COST PRICES. Gloves and Gauntlets at re-;
very low price.
towns, 135 villages, $4:.per acre in irrigating the tract. duced prices to clear.
townships, 104 tow Etc., Etc.
11 cities and 38 counties.
Fresh Fish
-The fourth and last session of
-Mr. W. B. Nesbitt, Conserva- the Manitoba Legislature was We sell the best shirtiDgS at Fel's Naptha Soap Fresh Salmon Trout per lb...... 10c
Rtch•e & Cam -pbell tive member for North Toronto in opened on Thursday l6st. The 12�c yd,worth l5c. Our close; Fresh White Fish per lb......... 10c.
the Legislature, is authority for Roblin Government in meeting buying enables us to do this. Pure Hon�y per lb. ioc
successors to M. H. MCINDOO. the statement that several progres- parliament again finds itseft in a
planks will be added to the very comfortable condition as far Table Syrup in Tin Lamp Chimneys
Art Muslins
policy of his party when the House as majortiy is concerned. Many : Pails at. The "Ma•gical" will give you
New Art M uslins at 7c) loc. -,50c- and $r.00:
in chimney
meets. It is understood that Gov- changes have taken place since ore light than any other obi
ernment ownership will come to Hugh John Macdonald 'redeemed 121c, 15c, 20c. New Dates 4 lbs. for .. 25C regular The now 10c.
the front more when this policy is the province in 1899, and instead
declared. of a majority of six with which the Wrapperetts Broked Sweet Biscuits
*Conservatives were then returned New goods, New Patterns, and Broken Soda
v now find themselves with New Colors, 10c to 15c a yd. Reduced prices in Fancy Lamps
Biscuits 6 lbs. for.. . - - -0
®��� -Parliameilt will be asked next the. They are very pretty. 25C.
session to incorporate the St. Jos- twelve to the good, not including to clear $1.00 to $5.00.
eph Transportation Co., with pow the Speaker.T here is one vacancy',
Lemon to
3 lbs... 25c
or to construct- an 18 -foot canal the member for Minnedosa baying Ladies' Collars
AT LOW PlDICES. Spoon Holders
system, creating a navigable water- resigned to accept a position on the Ladies' Silk Collars, Collar. Mixed Tea Cakes per lb loc
way between a point on the east bench. The session promises to A few Glass Spoon Holders to
em frames and Lace Collars. Low;
shore of Lake Huron, in the coup- be a most interesting and probably prices. See them. Cookies per lb . .. ....... loc clear at 5c each.
ties of Huron or Lambton, and a an exciting one.
it a couple of weeks we will give special prices in point on the northern shore of
BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS and Ex- Lake Erie, in Elgin county. Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases of
TENSION TABLES. eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested Jno. & Jas. H. KerrJno. & Jas. H. Kerr
and glasses supplied. Office opposite
fachnald BlC�i WilLIliam
Our $10.60 Bedroom Suite can't be beaten! High -It is said that the evidence be- St. Andrew's church, London, Ont.
bedstead, big dresser with good-sized mirror, and iDg collected for the protest in
large washstand. North Grey, goes to show, that THOUSANDS OF POSITIONS
during the recent bye -election the
Other cheap suits at $12.00, $14.50, $17-76. agents of the Ross Government are open to those who can all them. LIFE Abner Cosens FIRE AGNEW Money to loan on notes, and notes
paid as high as $30 each for votes. DP6- discounted at reasonable rates. Money
CENTRAI advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent.
An assortment of 24 suites to Select from. Several. polling divisions had the 4 Loan and Insurance Agent PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, with privilege Of pa . t the end of
SIDEBOARDS at almost any price. If you Want distinction of revealing more votes Farm Loans at lowest rates of Interest. ACCOUCHEUR. an a
any ear. te accounts collect -
something in the cheap style, see what we have cast than there were voters who PTRATFQfI.Df ONT, oface-corner Minnie and Patrick Sts., Block. RoBT. MCIND00. *980
had gone to the polls. Proper prepares students for good posi- WINGHAM Night calls answered at office.
at $8.00. tions. lZessons by mail In Bookkeeping, ACCIDENT
Shorthand, Penmanship, &o., are given to PLATE GLASS
EXTENSION TABLES -Good strong tables, well those who cannot attend our school.
-it is believed in Ottawa that This coll6go is well known from one end ULMAGE
of Capa4a to the other for its strictly RS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM
finished, at $5.00. the Grand Trunk Pacific will app first-class work. Circulars free. A. D D WINGUAK SAW MILL
We will be pleased to show you our stock. to the Government for a grant of W, J. Elliott, Principal, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. PHYSICIANS •- SURGEONS - ETC. McL.EAN& SON
from. 5,000 to 7,000 acres of land CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN
See what we have in high-grade furniture.
and from $6,000 to $7t000 cash per on Town and Farm Property. Josephine Street - Wingham All kinds of rough and drowned....
UNDERTAKING Trunk, promise that the line will OPFICE.-In the Kant Block. St. P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.0
Ros denca-Patricksubmit to any conditions for con- Residence-Cathe APPLE BARRELS.
It" S. Gracey's Ball �3�os. trolling the price and sale of lands LOGS WANTED (Member of the British MedicalstreeAssociation) Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
former residence,
where night calls the Government may impose.
receive prompt at- T. J. MAGUIRE COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. large quantity of dry hard-
tention. Phone The People's Furniture Store REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND Special fttt0n1Ionr.1d to Diseases of women 0
-Mr. F. H. Clergue, of Sault at Wingham, LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCINO hildren, wood for sale, delivered.
Ste, Marie, is asking for power to collection of Rents and Accounts a speokalty. OFV1clC HOU :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 P.M. Telephone Orders Promptly
build a railway from Midland to ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. W. T. Holloway attended to.
Penetanguishone, thence to Per- We are prepared to pay for OFFICE. -Over D. M. Gordon's store.
kinsfield, on the G.T.R., in order Residence: Leopold street. D.D.S., L.D.S. McLean & Son
to make connection between Mid- First-class Maple logs ........ $14 per M Graduate of Royal
First-class Soft Elm logs ..... $14 " College of Dental
Immense land and Meaford, to which point First-class Rock Elm logs.... $10 J. A. MORTON Surgeons of Tor- . . . .
onto Honor
North aduand Honor
will go his Manitoulin and N First-class Basswood logs .... $15 ITOR. G ate of Dent.
Shore line. This would afford a First class Beech logs ....... $12 to U ers ty.
service between the smelter at Mid- MONEY To LOAN. Latest improved othods in all branches of
Don a r Prices moderate. Satisfaction
land and the Soo blast furnaces. All kinds and grades wanted. guarantee 0 cc In Beaver Block.
C U lift 45 * I * * Call 'and get our prices. Office. -Morton Block, Wingliam.
-Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke, MISS DELIA. SPARLING ARTHUR J. IRWIN
to Clear Out our quartermaster of the British army, The Canada Furniture Mfrs. A. ' T. C. ' M. D.D.S., L,D.S.
testified before the War E liquiry Limited Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Doctor of Dental Surgery of the r en -
Commission that 349,728 horses OPERATING Music Method, simple% andlCindergarton. ns 1vania College and Licentiate of
and 53,339 mules and donkeys Dental Surgery of Ontario.
-lean war,
were lost in the South Afl' Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam -
WINTER CLOTHING. The Button & Fessant Chair Factory In.tions. Office over Post Office-WINGRAM
exclusive of 15,960 which were lost
on the voypge to South Africa, Wingharn, Ont. 45-50--ir
The British Government thought RVANSTONE MISS SARA. L. MOORE
before the war began that 25,000 o BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Teacher of Piano and Theory
horses would be required for the Money to loan at lowestrates. Office
Boys' Suits, School Coats, and Over- war, as a matter of fact, 600,000
4 were needed. BEAVER BLOCK,
Coats, at pretty near your own rice. 7-95. WINGRAM. MISS CABBIE MOORS Its a pity to have a good
Says the Weekly Sun: -For Be Sure Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Suit spoiled in the making.
Don't miss the January Bargains in •this the year endiDg. •Jnne 30, 1901, the 0 WELLINGTON MUTUAL Rooms -in Stone Block, WIngham. The suits we make give en.
gro,at taxes paid by the railroads of the tire satisfaction. Give us a
United States reached $49,726,006, of This, FIRE INS. CO.
'an increase of $1,393,733 over the Establi8hed 1840. DICKINSON & HOLMES trial and be convinced.
amount paid during the preceding Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
fiscal year. The average tax paid We'll make your Suit as well Risks taken on all classes of Insurable pro Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Co.
Office Meyer Block Wingliam. Weh ster &
Bank Stock Sale
. per mile of line was $561.36, an in. as ever we can. Every Suit porty on the cash or premium note syntem. O
crease of $6.58 over the tax paid -every priced Suit -every- J&idxs GOLDITC, CHAS. DAVIDSON,
President. Secrotary. 10. L. Dickinson Dudley 11olmes
fiscal year 1000. Three body's Suit -is the bes6 work
E during the I JOHN RITCHIE,
States each receive from railways that the best workmen can AGENT, WINGH.&M. ONT
over four million dollars In taxes, produce. And the reason -
A. DULMAG and four States over two million ableness of every price is ap- 50 YEARS', Agents Wanted.
dollars. The three States receiv- parent. It seems the proper EXPERIENOM
�ing four million dollars were Illin- way to do things, doesn't it?
50 YEA""'
Cie, $4,655,749; New York, $4)- So it Is. Either on Full or Part Time. PROMPTLY SECUREP]
493 509, and Pennsylvania, $4,- Write far our-intertatlnZ hooka" ousMIRfladwith your Is or's lielp" and 11 "ow you ndied.11
71 1 Semi us it rough skettli or model 6f your In -
026,221. The four States rccoiv- me UI1Y occupi(id? I not, writo us, c
We're building busingse by it can give you employment by th month on ventioni prim provement and we will ttll you
Tnjkl)r M irto our opinion no to whether it J�t probably
Ing over two million dollars wore and building it pretty quick- D. ARKII good terms or contract to pay 1yeou well for tAble. Rejected applications have often
a TRADC MARK8 such business aq you secure for us at odd times, tl.:n Successfully
Massachusetts, $2,856,683 ; Ohio, ly, 00me In. C DESIONS r1m pro"cuted by us. Wei
R OnTe JC we 6m loy both niale and fanic6lo repreaeutat.
Indiana, $2,538,272j COPYRIGHTS &C. 'p, conduct tally equipped offices In WoutreAl
• $2,828,710; Ind Anyone sending a sk0oh and aeseription may IVCF;. The next 3months is the %,crY beat time land WAshington; tlilsqivallrxes usts•
tind Xansas, a State that was Act- olutekly mi�orialn our opininn free =an to sell oods. No deposit out. lydispatchwotkandquickl k-curel."t'.111-pt.
ARE YOU AN AGENT? W Ca- fit is absolutely froo. a have the lar eAt
invention in pmiin t nurvories in Canada.-ovor sm ae as band its the Invention, 11 ghext references
Are you earnino $15 per week? Ifootwriteto tied within the memory of men not tions jitrlet% mnfldent td. Handbook on Patenta i
I r furnipched.
sent froo. ( Most Agency for securing atents L s, and all our Patent* procured tbrough Marlon
Cp = of valutble now specialties, A large
yet old, $2,190,762. In Oklaho-1VIpatpat,a taken t rouph Muna & 40. rocaiv Is guarantced tie reprtgonfed. It yen
#p�M wltb6ut charsto, in the ivant to repregont the largeit, most, po Zioll rtc*lvo special notice Without chart* In
CHASE: BROTHERS COMPANYl in.%, which was opened.for settle, Robt, axwell ular over loo nf*xpftperx distributed throughout
and best known nursery, write It the.. D. minion.
Nurstrynion, Coftl*rxit, Oint VistAblishtd 1857. worth your while,
meat only twelve years ago, and Ameritat "16171-rixtent business of mialufac.
200 miles of r*ilroad 'gingham Ap STONE & WELMNGTON U'rersan it"RiucerA,
• now 11" ly qndsojtlr plumtrafod weekly. Y'Arge5t 01r. t
ou atiovi o any metenting i
the taxes paid by the railroads in' High Art Tailor 'AnV911 Term*1931k
earl f otb#$L I b llorm. "Cane6da's Greatest Nurearits.11 MARION & MARION
�1 %hiso
I I L I I I alu f3abint
1001 amounted to $144,830, an ports *f11,150110 at$ -
ff d VzVis orkLIi6bIld 91
. '' � I .. .1 1 '14
svemge of 0152.50 per Milo, rAn moo.&$ otw"=014111.0 I pCI