HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-19, Page 2"1F1.""11!V"1_.1_ � I � - -_ -_ _ I.... —
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rc%%,*Sotoc^mww%-�v-o,�eoc-.i.n;-.o.os-..p.otor-.qpcm%w.*rS pmastephon Awoke and rirlW. sanK oil as by auselle Inspiration. S-4)R(lay ,C�0()l lranaln,totl by the o4wo Word, I dO * ,�,���
W TImmothov ran to 1,14, eagerly, 1111d" And tllrlllllll: wItI, Irlu ph el I 0 aot kllow� It scolue to me unrortoll- P^�"--,'������
fresh couroge In tile voinpanlog- already Inaldo the yard And =Alug LI S ato that it le so, for there 10 noth- .
Ing in common between the two .
P of her baby son. Wle carried him lilts way linpotuglisly to Ills pritson- my be I TROUGHTF1 �
J Tho Rum ol tho sherill's 1164 2 110�phytlo the parlor aild i400d at tile will- era. Stephen. in 1;NT11.14NA110.NA1j 141 ,.�.60X No- VRX words oxaept, that they bOtIl In
3. [ I 11
5 dow with Mat la her, Arms. I)y tile time her song iirao finished 10111.3111tt,Alty 22', 190. dominated emotions or the soul, and OF WELL-BRED MAN
I I ..." - - I - 1. 1-1 __ lie wav a title boy., Alld looked- h ____ thoy are each spontaneous III their 0 Ili
0 bad to.koll Ills place. 1118 back , "�
Ileii ,r -st wo lost aJI travo "'��
. t, I jolt,, 1,
bravely out I tile strange Ret"Re. was Agalust the tree, life rIght hand, ClirlAtan Love. -I Cor, 13. .7.�21� iaction, .Vilo fl, . . , ;������k��t
fin 1061deat of a V18t rald bu Judge 6U116111 to a Ali aEllair" =r tile NvillElow whis" extended over tile murderers who gro- .. � of In Our foat'rill 11044 by ,910; tile 4Now-'York Times.)
2, tied at film, lie understood %tit' Vatted at Ills feet, hold A revolver, voluluentary.-At the conclusion of latter, In various forms, lit PrOsOnt
ilia proceding 011atpor tilt) apostlo 11) every hilman broant. TUOY Oro 11 IT.hare are some IOVOJY. moil In ill(-,
69110tu Ton In 100180af friendly overtaro and. began to flick Tho leaders saw Ili Ills blue eyes. that proglise evidently placed within V
. and crow, boldbiW out lilts chubby utbialls a to for A, world, ovou'lf they are ocarco." It
so cft_41�011icft*114 one --mo ooc*-ftpoocowftot000c%%4c",-J.oq-..O a startling fire which shows the man more oxcal.out way than that In
I arms anti laugulug merrIly, at wlilt6 boat, tire point boyan Purpose, aild, wall do they a,GQOMpIlsI( Irag a pretty girl who thus 1111110-
11 d which which they were proccading. 'TheY their object. . . 0ophically mingled optimism and pes.
Stephen Bo'llaotyno wao,the young- ly tile thud of hoofs and roll of The pretty domestio picture "a � death may llo,_but, never ourr woro so distractoLt wil,li, contontions, Divine love Was -
nt man Who had ever been OIOOtOd WhOels Could be heard In the later- above tho, muttorlug crowd appealoo 1IG faced the seat ender. a Placed 11, Ulan when statism Ili her vlow of the loss ashur.
als. to many. I .hluf; nlob without divided by parties, anti euviou of 110 Was formed, for in the 41inago of Ing half of humanit,r. She Proceeded
Sheriff of Lewis 00uutZ. 110 had cAr' v The I?tllliug,g and Mrs. Ballautyna "TAvey won't do inuell long's that 19' doubt of Ills power to control It. each other's gifts, that Ullity was to illustrate he � rposItion As follows:
rlihl tin. a manly and Vod,nature4 jolue., tile other Members of the womau Its there." Ono farmer remark- 11 Those are my prisoners," 110 Said nearly destroyed This 1�" a full God" wati Ila Made, and Ila never ,!an ,, The other (lay I had to go down
campaign, aed even life Opponents bouseliold At tile . front gate And ad to 400ther, . IL quietly. 11 I a0m.wand you In the namil proof that Unity to God and luall regain What lie has lost until. It If' town by myscIL lam riot go vary
Ith them in silence. But there were desperAto mail In of the law to disperse." was wautlilg; and without this their &Iiod abroad In his heart by tile used to going down town, and thorn
Were not unanimously 10 sympathy stood waiting w Already iunny had slipped nurnerouR gifts aicl other gyacqs Ifoly Ghost lit 00avorsion. Ilaving I
'wholl. it tit- l3oddegly two long, (lark, Wildingfig- that crowd anti blooil-tbIrst enough , away to a - preponderance Of' masculinity
m1th ilia Weekly Pocket and the. mob was every moll'011k %,rare nothing to the eyes of Gorl ; tile Divine Image Plakes mail akin down there that always soaros we t�
tacked him for ioing off on. a Nveek's ures appeareLl In tile moop-lit roads to turn It Into it mob. This coftenhq diminishing, out, ilia desperato and for It WAS QVIdO1lt'tht1t thOy did not with. his Makor, mild e4usos man, to
Vacation, At tile ,Very beginning Of StOAdIly tbOy came on, one Slight Influence mighL delay tile lynelillig. little, Tilt$ time 1 want oil tilt)
� -
began ly in udvance of the other, neither bat could riot prevent, It, I the criminal remained, and they j:al- love one another, whicli Is a proof Ills Ineasure, to feel for this ' 100t elovated and got off at Rootor street.
his term, For the bass had - a lied the wavering. leaders. that they dit) not IoVe God, and, World its aceas did whon Ito. left It wais about 10 kn the tuorning, and
to bits In Anderson, and tile Govel- Swift nor slow, but moving with 4 Mrs. Ballalltxuo Raw small partle "Don't be cowod by Ono mail 11, conisequ4tly, that they had not true ncaven to. ,suffer. mud die to bring the train and station were, black
party of Stmto politicians horrid rhythm- of men slip furtively Vlirougti theyawa! they orled. ,,Got out of tire Way', religion. I '. ,
DUrt and A '� . amp at the Neawr the beastly 04111111108 (10, anti know they were sent to. guard us back. niqro with mOn.
had invited him io their C Shorlfr, you're too fatal" Love 6uperlor to gifts (ve. 1-8). Tills word "agapo," love, If' I 'There wag not a W01aftil, A sister
finea themselves, and as they swept tit 0, back O.Nitg. 8110 heard the blows of F , Don't act like a fool, $tove; 1. though lis-POilk-TI10 OWOctOr IV- fully ,nalyzod in this chapter thap woman, to be seen 'witidn tire lace
olti Stone Mill, a, favorite rondezVOuU [last the gato their panting breaths, axes aud guessed that tile big telki- ,,you're Ono agallist a thousand," slats that tile casos oltoil in thla and Iii any other part of the 040rOd of my skirt caught tit 61hathing just
for tighernleg of souithern Indian.%. their low Ilung heads, theirbanging phone polo At tile corner was I*
�ir". Bailantyno (1111 not Approve 109 Ana sonto Ono shouted. ,,no can't hold the two fol.owing verses coald novor word, rlillc fact if, cloarly pro- as I was leaving the car, and with
110 urged lie gleam. of their white out dowu to be us raw. lilhe out moreln a minute, anyhow"Jl , but this has nothing to do seated that a person May be POS. r a load, triumphant z-zIp-p ripped off
'Gagao�" ' ed trembling 000-11T .
of bla going, &ao 'Whell fange ,nd a otrango saw it waver and tUrV 11 r1i be Sheriff of this cou with tire apostle's argument. flo
that ',tile Governor, Auditor of StAtOv terror to tile hearts of the onlook. front tile irladow. massed of Many corAmendablo things to the extant of about two yards,
auti a couple of 00119resSmon are not Oro. I I I ) tile limit hour, Tilf* clock strucic that minute, all right," lie Answered does riot stop to discuss whether It anti yot% be as a sounding briass or a There -was all this whito staff hang -
to be fished with every day-sk But, I I -God help the poor creature I" Aunt "nalt past :I.1,11 silo sighe � d. 110110 griolly. "Whookyor lays his hand PD. would or would not bi possible fox, tinkilaW cymbal, without & particle Ing; and I Lad t6 get - rld -Of I t Rome
. 1coolving that her buribaud's am- � Charlotte whispered. boy what can wo do) next?" one of these prisoners dies right these things to actually take Place, , I stepped to one side and began
bitious OUI.r began With tile shrle- 4 few paws behind the dogacamt f3tophon signified Ills eagarnoss to here I" but even if It wero poahlble, yet with, of the gr,meo of God In the soul, WAY
valty 'the'l; acquaintance With . Perhaps It was ilia sheriff's reputilk- cut charity there would be 110 profit, There has probably been more trying to teAr the laco across, but
, and tile doputy sheriff and ilia posse, fol� play peek-a-boo, mild they began tile
tufiu�otlal men would be necesgar$ .0wet, I tion for markmanship, perhaps It Was Tongues, etc. -That Is, though I controversy over tire question, Or -it was as strofig as the sewini; had
ut a little distance by a long game. Meantlinc tile polo had Tall- Ills perfect confidonoo .or Ills own ivere able to speak Ali the Ittaiguages what dom religion consist ? than over D"ove(I weak; riot a I thread of It
to 11113 tnture , silo did not Oppose him- procession of men, in buggies or oil and twenty men wers carrying It I I
rith Prison- mastery of the slituatlon ; at any spoken upon earth, and with the clo- any (>tiler subject, and It will doubt- would give. Uveiy boo of the stream
The 1411 Was Wall filled il wagons, on horseback or on bloycle9. tosraiId tho jail. As they passed tile rate no man Approached tI 0 Prig- quance of Angels, and though I Itave less continue until the end of time, of men passing turned Ills head to
ore amd she Was,110t yet used to llv- P�ehlati these struggled a lot OfftOt, window a1urly Xentacklan who led on;�Is, On the contrary, thel circle thn gift of tpugues bestowed by the and this notwithstanding the fact look at mo struggle, and I eould fool
IDS In 01*86 touch -wiLb crime, 80 I'L dusty and excited boys from tOw-" them, looked up. round them, quietly widened. Tile iipirlt or Pentecost. .But have not that the Lord has condescended In my face crimson with exertion and
g and country. "Stop heah, boy mortification
�ivus arrmaged that she should take .s,v' lie said good I - buxly Kentuckian broke the silence, love -That love to God and man this chapter to inaXe It SO Plata that , I '
On and spend the WCOIC r la 11 Boys," lie cried jovially, "reckon wAlsh Is shod abroad In the regener- every school child can understand.
Bskby StOP11 .L,.ruman Wallace, tile deputy sher- turedly,, "less r�st oulisotves. Let That kind of a situation has a
of her husbittld'S ftbgOace with a deal' lit, stopped to talk with Mrs. 1341- tile Roosio,I)s finish this Job," hashousli effect, and, though It seem -
old friend liffog about five miles out larityus. Laylag It down they crowded close we ain't nuoded hemb. Tills county's ated and sanctified soul by tile Holy it is often said, "The preacher Is ad like hours, I sappose It was only a
of town. Aunt Charlotbi Pulling ,,I wish to goodness o%tevo was to tile window and watche e Pretty well fixed to get aIOLlg-tI1O Ghost. too stringent In his remarks, he minute till a gentleman, busily talk.
was the Mast enerous hostess of the here!" he Said. "Tire town's full Of thor and 01111d. The delay In foruilniX sheriff can shoot usably as wall's Ills 2. Girt of prophocy-The knowl- needs More love,11 -,Vllen perhaps that Ing to Lt. companion, passed close to
wife can slug. Less be gottin' ovah edge of future events, and also abil- is tire very thing that has caused him
ocranty, and &s, Ba.liantyno enJOYOd ,.oughs, and It we get the other'll" A. - ity me, and, hardly turolog file eyes my
her he'arty Joviality and constant to-ulght they,11 be a mob surel" He nether r.quad to carry the polo was the rivali III to speak God's word (chap. xiv. 3). to RpD
. .&I, AS 110, has. But this 18 way held out an Open pookot-knife-,
gi as tier line- a considerable gain. Peek-a-boo )lad .riff.Ballantyllo,ti bihe ll Lilysterice-Thaugh I anderstaud Orton a perversion, of divine
mothering quite as mul his brow. "Jest, look Lit tile . $Ila love, then' be. walked on.'very' slowly and
tons and in oven away to 14This little pig went and his boyish laugh rang out. . the meaning of all the types and fig. for asarulck till) more real love a apparen-dy absorbed In conversation.
ba,nd Ills gelli'Ll cOmParl ZIPIS:111 dogs; they're on life seen': to market," when Mrs. 13allantyne " Tra4a, gentleman I" he said. "You urea of tile Old Tostament, and ALI
phonoMOO&I look on Anderson. 11 right, ain,t never changed that person possesses the closer will he It was the Worjc.of It second to Rover
us county. in a heard the oftlers, lCoatucklans arciUc beat judges of the secrets of a nature, and tile dark adhorck to the teachings of ilia Sorlp#-. till. laco, roll It Vp In my bag rind
Lewis is a, prospero wires are trot slace we left P11111PBOD's," Into "Clear a Bf)aca there: Further shooting Ili tile world, and I'm flat- things In Go Is provItIonces. All turoo, . I rotur , knife, , ,
every direction tolophotle Jasper Pulling took his fattier back I Further -et I Oh -et 4- 11' IV a him lite
stretched along the well Rep"; roaug*
bi,A baggy. The two hired moll came
mud all day long gossip and messages,
and gay, flash over them Crow
out or the barnyard oil horseback
tit time to join the procession; the
one farmhouse to ii,aotber. One
that Mrs, Ballan.
-young people Strolled over to A
morning It chanced
tyne,belngato,lle In the house, ans-
)�- . hen Mrs, Ballantyno Was alOnO
wered a III and received a message
witi, Aunt Charlotte Wto aunounced
go horrifying that she pa.led as she .
her Intontlo-11 of going to Bluff -
listened. .
Uncle Joshua, P11111PS013, one of the
tORM, anti begged for it horse and
buggy; finaily liar hosto8s sald'.
best knowil mud most respected far-
"Wall. I guess the road is as "are
luera of the county, had just been
to-nig1lit wi It will. over lie in ,Ills
discovered jyilig, aead In his Own
from a knile wound, and near
world, only I wisiv y4Du,a let we go
1170,11 havo to hitell up
hill), her 0,14, grey head
lay Ills wItO
with you.
ad Joe ourse'vet4, I guess."
some heavy Instrunient,
One Of
With little Stephen lying asleep
gb dy's ,,Aunt Becky,"
-eye P (x dear old help-
tile b , t botoved Of tile
on liar tali, Mrs. Ballantyne drove
alo, Arriving at
-no to Blufftowil.
till, strong.-bearted lloosler women
the sheriff's residence, she had no
of tile pioneer generation.
After the first gall the telephone
difficulty in enterlag, although tile
Place was clearly ILI u, state of
bell kept up a constant ringing; a
or, perhaps, some 16ccOln-
halgh' r 0�
modatuol� lorchwnt in town sending -
In tire ],all Avillch separated the
dwelling �
lronl the Jail she came
k)o every bit of news or rainor as
it came out. By, 10 o'clock It Was
lt= A all ,iviclr a gun, and was
,, prize,lo to. recognize Barnett
kno-WD that th;B murde r bad been
commrLted by-twO farm.hall'all who
Cralle, a hamlisome, reck.esii young
dearlip, whose reputation vv -s built
had lived upon, the P11111PROD Place
I'll tile afternoon one of
upoo lawlessness. He underztood
By. 2 o'clock
them had been found hidlag In air
tier surprise at seeing him
and explained humbly:
empty corn bin In the bottoms Dear -
"Trumau hvA trouble getting help.
town. C,10'110 Was Rare In jail at
4 o?elo
Seemed like most of the boys wouid
rather ties this thing from the out-
Baufftown, and there was hops Or
tilde." .
getting lit. confession which would
"But I should have thought--,'
load to tile arrest or his accomplice
Mrs. Dit.ilantyne began.
.4,bout,4.00 o'clock R6410 RQw`dOn,Mr6-
"Yes, I ermess most a�ybody would
Ballantyn&S sister, called to her
think I'd ile- moTe likely to help a
from the telephone eXabange, where
mob than to guard prisoners -un -
she was employed.
esis It was your busbaud; lie %I-
'll rim so glad you Ara oub there,"
thinks tile best of, a .fellow,
Rbo said. w.Mo town is awful I The.v
and I guess he'd trust me."
say thero are fifty Mao here from
"Aud so do I." she answered BIm-
Xcutucky, and more crossing thv
. � river all the time, and ever so ma"A'
"I wish you ,woren't here, Mrs.
do -WD from Riverbend, and In from
Ballantyne, or that Steve was -not
I -
and the Fair Fight neigh
that anybody iv�ll hurt you, but
borboO& I guess every farmer for
you may see a sight you will never
. ... ,ten milest round has come to town.
forget.,, .
"The LBO train from Spring Grove
t1lere musit be no such eight I
was crowded. 0leY Bay when the
In a.nd the evening train
Aly busband's honor to at stake.
We must ho'd the jail until he
tlaokot gets
tharekll be 2,000 strangers on the
comics at midnightl They havethe
first man here safe?"
streets. And say, Lllae7l-dropliing
liar voice-,,Traman Wallace to try-
"Yes, and are tr7ing to get him
ing tD swear Inalotormento help
to confess before they got here
Mob, you know, I
guard the )all-& !
witb the other.'s
am so glad you aren't hero I Yes, I'll
haven't cauglft him ?
keep you posted. Good -by.' f
After gaPPOr that evenrag the Pull-
asleep In a cabin on Nose -
worthys' farm. The door wasn't
lags and their. guest sat On the front
fa,,toned and dogs went straight to
, - Pull-
polreb, Nit I Pulling dozed. Mrs
little Stephen back and
the bed where he lay I Truman
telephoned from Long".11
Ing Jouncod
rookorleas chair And sang
forth In a ,
"Tell Mr. Wallace that lie must
hold tile Jail until Mr. Ballantyrie
the old camp-mcketing tuncip that bad
soothed eight lusty sons of liar own.
Somo from tha sitting-
She carried little Stephen to her
own rooms. When site had put film
"Mrs. Dallantyne, thero!s a long-
to lied she stood for a, mouicialt At
tlic front Window of the parlor,
dIrstanco 018,11 for -you I',
sho, took up the receiver In trem-
which 'was In the second story.
The ,summer nlirlit brollded as
I .
, bling anxiety, and exclaimed at once -,
Peacefully here ct�& In tile country.
"Oh, Stephen I ,where are You ?"
:17110 streets were &Bartod aavu for
1,At Boono," he said, "Just got here
after the hardest riding I ever did.'*
shadowy figures that emerged now
And then from the black gulf of
411jow did you know about It?"
the street ,which dips between the
,,Ono of tj%a boys brought the newf
bluffs to the river. MOL were sit -
to the camp. Say, Alice, stay right
Ling about the doors of the 11,itel
wbere you are. I'll send for You to-
opposite In that coclable quiet wh.ch
,,you are net coming home) Ste,
always characterized the groups to
be found there of summer evenings.
'p�on ?II
But presently she became consol-
'Rush; no Ono must know -by mid-
Out' Of an Ominous stir outside.
night, I think.0"
From the; river and the side streets
,illow can you? it is lmp,osfA-
groups of men appeared anti JcIne(1
ble P, .
others. who must have been walt-
'Bilt I will, only promise to Stay
Ing ullder the trees In the Court
Whoro you aro. Get word to Tru,
boust, yard.'In i. few monients the
mail that be must bold out if there
street was filled with them.
Is tronbl% till I come, Good -by.
moment, Good,
She sprung the shades to tile top
of the whidaws, turned on all the
,acar, I haven,t a
. by. 15,
lights. rind, drawing A small table
to the contre of the
� Mro, Rallantyno went bmek to tile
. Mt quiet, though tier hap
and .rt
room, gat
down besido It to sew.. The s n
Oil d
L porch
I was torn w Ith anxiety.
or wheels told her that ilia deptity
sheriff ivas bringlag tile second
L V- to birds were twittering among
murderer. I
the WArts in the front yard.
Arst (Ire-t1les were darting over tile
Slick could not knowi thm-b he -really
room,(loWs, tile oweet-breathed quiet
came through back streets and alloys
WhIls tile citizeus *and farmers who
of the country evening enfolded them.
bod followed tile Mau hunt came di.
goiddonly it W.18 torn away like gauze
I low, bloodcurdling Round.
retitly ,down Alain street to distract
-yr a long,
kr. Pulling aprang to Ills feet-
,attention. But Ube beavil the angry
iormars of disappointment from EbL
6,0ood Lord III be ga,spod, "they've
t tlllj bloodhounds after that fea-
crowd in front andrealIzed that they
Wp bent oil some awful deed.
W It,
C Simon
'file Sheriff's wito was a delicate,
I The telephone rang.
, alled' '1P
Mkartifl, 'living DO&V town 10,
sensitive girl; as she bent ovor I r
Work the hot blood surged Into le
%� the Pullings to 986y:
,,They'ra, trallin' him with hounds.
face and hot, blue eyes brimmed with
tears of ahatile. What might not these
Coming right out the big road. Ain't
moil tillak Or say of her ? Silo held
in sIght. but you can hear 'Ow- COJ11-
herself In liar chair by sheer will
ing right Your wDY!"
deorge John Mason, it still n0arOf
The voice of someone speaking from
. n(--Ip;hbot, called A, little later:
tile Court-houeo steps -floated Into
orkhe boan(Ig are In eight Over ft
the room. She tould hear that both
� coll's 11111, coming lickety-SpIlt I must
bo twenty moll tollering In bagging
prisoners were now In Jail, and that
they wera on the pointi of making a
and on IlOrStibfWk. Going olysO'f-
c011fORHIoa, Ana the Count$, Auditor
Be. by your way pretty soon flow-"
Who was, -,Vltll them, had sent out to
. L)Lnotbej rIng and Jake DOwd-Y,
ftl4k that the erowd make no demon-
wbeedlig with asthma, and OxOitt'
stratift which might defeat that Lod,
mprit, managed to RAY:
Ali hour passed more or less qul-
..Th(qu hound.q j6st passt,(I here.
otly -it-
came a cloanor for "'Dr
'Wastift 'Nervy would a lot me gon
I ThIs gentloviail, who was tile
1hit night air ain't tile in tit
Auditor, mounted the steps and all-
worit) for Mo. It MAka, your flesh
Peeled to tile crowd to respect tile
"r,,e.I; to .Ww5 them dur d dOgill
law but, divining that there had bpott
VL.Liolt still, 41asP9r P1 I Ing eftiled
no oontpaslon, thixy yellod, him dowil.
hig mother:
Ire made Id" Nvay tor tile hotel Allil
Ma* lot 0& be r6ady to get
d 011n)p(,,t1 Into a oh&lr, spent rudd
t -ba buggy with me. I'll, Set) to
t 1�, 0 1) Ing. Wben lie gftw flip Jighl,01
Jilift ill,, right. We'll neither of us
r itnd the SliorftPa wife vittIng
,01v ,gpt a chanee to Rpo anything
at her sewInK, lie sprang up
Ilkii thit; .11gaill-pleAR0, MOLMMY I"
with new couraga. I *
Mrs, Tilillng elluokled.
I'Look at that w aniso I" he erle(l.
"I'liall", 'Rhe sall, 6,76111 get your
118he'a iieVor doing tbn.t tot run I
,gnek-eomt- You aln't going out In
f4he'A hpArd froln Steve Ana 19 trying
tire night-, air with Jtti%lot In YOUP
to hold them fAck. Mys, welve got
Allift sleevoil.11
to get Out And help herill
yor ,60lne time tllt,y tvat In allelloo
A number of law-lovinK oltitona,
on the orch-, ,now alld thon. ever
who hittl liotn dojrintodly watelling
Ilettyt,ir, rue drep rind horrid U-ty of
PVC -1116, followed 111111 69t to Minglo
�ffl. I�resput
tho boundfr came to jhp -
In ilip orowd. . .
I ore . . lutiowledge-Evori uuman art an
back: ��nol't you, out or their -way? 11 We know, a fine woman, too, gall. solanne. Remove mountains -Sed - - 11 My -grIatitude .was, too deep to
Give them room for a rual Now'I Wo-surreadmil to tile song, sail, list Matt. xyll. 20, xNi. ,_>I, ,,Removing I express Itself In wilat the plays call
Come ivith. a rush -one, two, three, to the gun.,' And with g.tllatit litting mountains In a phrase used to signify ,.W%,%P%,-,.^�,�-�0%0"..%0%0%0"e-�*,IN tile ,smooth, bollow. Phrases of so-
fourl" of slolich hats toward tbD 1--s3cony lie the retnoving or conquering groat ^"'T ~,0%,.%,-.0%^-*^ clety., lam hot sure that I opened
There was a splintering crash, o, and hit; comrades-tiventy or more difficulties; getting through perplex- .btxt I am sure.. that I looked
lay lips" .
shout from the mob, one long, ter- -turned Into the black throat of ltlas.' Though I had the highest Wed FT h M things unutterable.
r1fied shriek from inside the Jail -the Main street, where It descends be- of faith anti could accompAsb the The llarkets.il I. He look -the knife with just the
. . I IN . greatest possible results. But have . . . ft~.N� ::J dilghtest bow and touching his hat
i riot love -Notice that Paul does no. ^,,,,,,,,,~r,,,w,,,.,,,, i I returned to his inuions with big
. assert that one oor,ld have theae 1www%1%^1^^'^"` "'I"I frIond.
. , I things without lovo,- but says "if" Toronto Farmers' Market. 1, It was a little tbing, you inay
, . he could. lam nothIng,-I'Nothing it) say,, but It was just the kind or lIttI0
. I Feb. 16. -The offerings of grain on thing that tests a man's breading
I . mytalf, nothing In tile hight of God, the street oil SaLurday were a lititle oxqlzlsltely,,, , ..
. __ I nothing In the church, Lind good for more liberal. Wheat Is weaker, with ' . I �
— . . nothing to'alankind.11
- i � sales of 300 .bushels of white at 72,
. I if I � S. All %lay gGodo-Tliough I distri- to 721�20; 400bubhols of red winter
I ) 11 I.. ..� I . buto thema&ce by piece with tile. ra 72 'to 72 1-2o, and 300 bushels of .
I . greatest 0, xG. Body to be burned- goose at 67 1-2c. Barley is Uri- 3'. DRESS 11INTS.
1_� , , - "Alan will fight for Christianity or changed, with sales of 1,0i0 bushels . � I
. )�,( 11�- - ole for Christianity who will not live at 4.7 to'500. Oats are firmer, with '*�40"%-.�f"&,-'#"%-..40"tt-,;'-d�'4-�0-4f-,�
I "I I— I .Its spirit, which Is love, Without tile
, V - . sales of SOU bustLets at 26 to 36 1-2c. Gray cloth goirus are ,among
k �. -, �, - �_
� "_
. � I 1. . Rout, ,act]. rejictu all else, and so re- Ray in Tali- snVply, Nvith f1rices the very neivest fashions, matte
I ) - Jects tile man,, who Is therefore steady; 80 loads* sold Lit $12' to tylth deep. Itounces, qr b4ods of
� -
%L. I ( \ r -.1 ',,� I profited nothing." $1,1..rao a ton for timothy, anti $6 to gray squirrel, and with blouse of
� his qaall.Llas of love (vs. 1-7).
� .". II. T $U for mixed. Straw, weaker, with Lho same fur. Bolero Ja'alcats, witli
( 1, 4, Lovo-'Illaving exaleed toile AS Sales or ZiVO loads at $8 to $9 a ton. facings of ermine' and% f Inished w1tb
4 1, - Itha golden key whIcIr opens tile There was a good supply of dairy ruffles of white face, are attractivii
! - palace of eternity,' b3 procoeds to Proalicb. .New' laid eggs, 20 to 226
. ,
. ) / � .1 -had expeas0a iiuo,agh to- Insure their
I I describe It. ' ThIs lie does as it man per dozen, .and held eggs 14 to 115c. popul4rlty.. - - ., . - - . .
.. might describb gold, by showing Choice dairy rolls, ?Oc. :Vegetables , -_
",-//) I rich - .
� r . .. '. Its effects and tit,:) marks by wl unchanged. I Small buds predoulluaiii. In flower
,\ �:>,/ / - - * - . . It may be d1uttli-gu6hed," Sufferoth Dressed hogs are steady, with light trimmilla4i, tin, y plaIr - rose buds,
. " i;;;;;;� . long�Thls Is the negative side of solAng at $7,80 to $8, and heavy at aal6op in their green lea�os being
- I - . .. 11 I love. It suffers all th-0 weakness, $7.30 to $7.755i . Pavorit;eu;, forget-lbe . nots on the
\ . J.pnorance, errors ah,.l Infirmitiomor Following Da the range of quotil- white fiats; small. roses In all other
I , , * malice And wirkedno
/k 1i the children of God; and all the tiol)s ..
I * . ss of the cliUd- .Wheat, white, busit., 72 to 721-w2o, shades; striall. f rafts of i,arlous kinds;
. berries of different shades. Holly,
� -ran of tile world, not o4ly for a red, 7:41 to 721-2o; spring, 70a; goaae, berries form#
. I . . '1\ . I �\ _1— . time, but to the siX . 1. 14 not puffed 671-2c! oats, 36 to 8(31-2c; Peas, � , d one, e . rittre hat.
1. .. up -Ills- not inflated wtilr pride, or 77 to 78r; barloy, 47c to 50o,buek- Sleoves.are to be -re - strained 10 theIV
__�_� I I self-ponceit, on, account of any on- wheat, 50 to r)to; ry% 521-21c; limir, Ild career. towards ther grotesque,
- . . . d6wileuts or quo'lillearttOnS, mental thaoilly, $12 to $14-.5G, inixed, w
I 'or physboal, natural Or acquired, $0 to $iO, straw$ por ton,, $8, ceads, particularly as regards that vagary,
I . TOE RE ARE OTEMS., :, t I - civil or religious." per bush. I, alalko, No 1, $7 to $7.5D. tire wide sleeve .withet, wrlstlei be-
. . Unbecomingly. neath it, made of. Rome flimsy tab-
' . . . . 5. Unseemly - Xo6 2, $0 to $8.75; red clover, $6,30 ric, But slashed sleeves are 'being
' Ifaughtily, secketh not liar own- "
Aliss Cutting-SIfer suffers d great deal.fo,r ,litr beliefs. to $7.00; thaotoy, $1-75 to $L'E_)0-; devised, rind -soma mrd. ghren delight -
M . Love Is an utter memy to self- Apples, Par bbl., $1 to $1; d s -A Till little -alboir puffs that. bulge just
v arton-.What are liar bellefs? L pea .
311so Cuti-ing-She believes she call wear a 'No. 2 shoo on a No. 4 Ishness. Charity never seeks Its hogs, $7.50 to $8; eggii, new laid, *it spring and suinmer ftbries, But
foot, and a 20�-Inclt corset on a -32-101ch.'"ist .. onv-in to the hurt of ot-Irers,'or witt? 20 to 25c: butter, dalry, 16 to 00o - thil
I I ' " there are in -any, signs: that larger
- , . .. I the negloot of others; but prefers buitt or, cron Mary, 91 to 2c;a ; chicken i, -
- - ________.__ -.-----.--- ______. ____�_ - skirts will.boAlie rule. -Tribune.
I . . . 0 � their welfare to Its own. per pair 75o to $1.25; ducks, par __
� 6, Rajoicethi not in unrlighteous- Pair, 73c to $1.35, geese, per lb., .
own. The Sheriff's wife twoon cho bluffs of the Ohio. . ness-It is riot IoTe, bixt Its OPPO- 10 to 12c; turkeys, por lb., 15't In, Paris they are.wearing a groat
buried liar face on the shoulder of After this tile mob meltea rapidly site. that rejoiceth in th,i downfall I&; potatoes, per bag, $1.2(y to deal. of volveteirn, both BtPIPOd Und
her child -she had failed to protect away. Twenty minutes later the or injury or disgrace of ot1rors, $LP.5. . . . 0 spotted, sojietImes tr1mmed ivitlit
hat? h*asband's trust. . streets were deserted anti the sum- and lit the triumph of wickedness. I fur. It is being used in pale shades
The turmoil Inside the Jall drawn. mer night so still that Mrs. Ballan- But ...... In the -truth-In the via- , - Le.ading 'Wheat Alarkete. .- for reception frocks, especially. In
I fawn and i'rak. Parisians always
ad the notes without. Aijove the tyno heard the Kentuckians singing tory of truth! In the earth,.. "The Following axe th 'losing qt-jotm. ghoiv: tbblr go'cid' sonse In dressing
voices of excited men and the din of "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," as they trilth" frequently means "tile gos- tions a,t Important W,31i.,00at contras to- In complete harmony
tralnpling feet, came the cries at prl� rowed homeward across tile river. pel.', T.*vo joys In th'a triumph of day -, ., .. hild ' their
sellers locked In their cells and un- — — fancy for gray to very pronounced.
virtue and is glad w1hen tile goa- ica.-All ),ray' N, Y. Times, , � . . -. ,. - . . ;
certain, what was happening. Some I Is extended, even tivaugh It be New Yo -k ... ...... . I . ... ... - I 81, 1-4 - .
I --- .
shrieked "Fire III in mortal terror, FRANCE LOSING A SECRET, - tPhorotigh rivals or enemies. Bee Plilti. 01licago ... ...... ... ... ..... I - 7784 Nothing could . be . ptettler tlian
all pounded the call doors and beg- . I., 15-18. I Moledo ... ... ... ... ... ... 771,,2 801-8, this new Fronob*b1ou5e. Tile mat-
ged to be let out to die like men. IV Ith tire Monks of (lie Grande Chart- 7. Bearstli-Raproaches and hard- Duluth, No.. I .Ntorth- . I arlal used In Its Cidutron Is mauvo
To the horror of all this, footsteps rense-It Has Made Thein itic . ships; or covereth the fallbugs of Ora ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 761-8 77 1,-'S liberty 911k: . The Doak Is -ctit out
In the -private hall added for Mrs. . . I others. Believuth-"Is ever ready .
the thrill of personal . The moalks of the Grande Char- to believe the best of evoky Pelson, Failures T11161 AveelLs. slightly, and filled In. with an am-
Ba"'antyno * I ally . placbm6nt of guipui*6 bordered ivith
fear, but It was only Barnett Crane, treuse are still aivmlt�k)g tile .core. and will - credit no ovI of but R. G. Dun & Co. report 11affilltles of .green irelvet., A. leaf. application of
come, he explatiled, to stay with her pletloa of th,eir new home, :vV.Il-,knI1 on the most positive ovi.Lience.11 nop- commer0al ralluras so far rep'orted
and the ba.by, oth-lidpo Is desire, in,lingled with In bebruary, $,1,0.)8,(,00, &ga.ndt $,3,. laec mounted.over green.moussellne
n1roal cry went up is to be near Vienna.. The French expeetatiou. Entlare,�Lb, - Accepts "1,505 Laot year. Failures t1ils forms bretell�llke pl6aoli �on the
A fierce wild a . walat. The large b,ox-pleated sleeves
from the ivalting crowd outside. The 00"Vorument has definitely expelled everything as from the Lord; falth,- ivis-1. In -the .United States are 1XIO,
murderers were being brought out tot under all circumstances. againat 264 last week, 2_13 fIl4a are mot fit the'li,mild' by- aoep ouffs
-one shrieking like a mitniac, one" the Order . trom I ralice, mild Its 111. Love enduring and abldl!ng pr,030:11ilig week and 2W the corre- eftred'with velvef 6nd fp�rther adorn-
sileat and obedient. They were drag- cloister, formerly the richest in tile (,vs. S -IA 8.) Never falletb-It is fipanding week [ast ymr, and In Can- ed with - * mousseline 'einbroldery.
gad across the yard to a maple tree Department ,of Isere) stands de- endure as long as God endures, ad& 20' again"A 82 last week, 80 t1le 11onesellne Also makes: the modish
which shaded the side windows of ilarted, Tha governtucat declared, in for God to love. Prophocies-The gift preceding week, and 83 I"t Year. .cravat. A beige i skirt ls'worn with
the Sheriff's parlor. , answcP to the JaNt Petition of the of proplitcy "shall be done away.', Of failures in ,the United States 78 this bloiise;w-Wasb. StAr, - -.
It was near the electric light, and, ' monks, to Ila allowed to return to The revelation given by God to tile ivers lit tile oaot, 78 soutir, 6.1 west, (Mod. - Chaer., " .
gently shaken by the night breeze, their old home, that ilia congraga- choral, being completed, tile gifts and 213 In the Packifle States, and Havo you hall h ',%indnees shown ?
all 16 tender new leaves twinkled ' tiota had never been authorized of Prophecy will be no longer 73 report IIa,hlff*IsR of $5,000 � or I
and shone. It was a beautiful tree - train tIV6 time of Its foundation In needed. more. Pass It on. �
. I I i ITIwas Dot meant for you alone-
-a little peculiar In rorm because of - 1084-* 0-11. In pal -t -God reserves for J. -Its Bradstrects on Trade. ( Pass'It on. - '' -
the gre%t size of two lateral After this first expoislon, in 1793, children a knowledge for superior 'Wholesale trade -it Montreal: title Lot, if travel down the yearR
branches which spread its shadow the monks returned in x816 to to what he has revealed tothom
widely slid r6commeaded It to -night France. .Seventeen years afterward hero. Their greatest discoverlea In week has shown a good expanding Lot It w1lick dilother'si"tears,
as it natural gallows. th'ay began -to manufacture tilt) Il- nature and grace are only th9 be- demand,for staple goods.. Stocks tit . T�Ill In J, ca -Ven the *deed appears-.
I Quor now assoolatod. withl their ginning of better things. Perfect- the bands of the domestic mallufac- . . pt-Iss'It oil. . .. I . .
Zio leaders of the mob halted un- aarnes more closely than Any other' � .. .
der it, and a. boy cilimbed, it with a The state of eternal blessedness. A turors are comparatively light, Et'lld
ropo In Ills hand. Barne attribute Of Ilia Order. The whito olilld-"Paul uses this as an Illue . ,
'out' was first ..nade, and only tration. The present state is A" thoro to a very firm feeling �u all I MEN OF THE DAY.
watched them from a little A)alcony tl�tlroo 111tros Of It wells the daily eternal In Its very nature andrnu$t lines iritli IncroasIng Indifter(ince on .. . - .1 —, . ,
which bung cmdor the a1do window- output. One of the brothers car- stato of chl.dhood; the future, that tile Part or schora about affecting A _vretiy story or King .V4d,ward'l;
Then he wf.rrt: In to Mrs. Ballantyne. ried this dawn to Grenoble and of manhood. Such Is the difference 8,,,,OU at prosont prices. Spring orders Kindhearledliess..
"Gan't you sing 21, lie asked. "It Chambery, Where it was so,it'L oetween earth and heaven.
might put them off a. moment or Tire demand for jllj�; rare arlak 121. For now -In thlu Present life' Are coming forward freely at Tor- 11ore Is, to my mind, 'saya,U. A. 1),
two.10 111�jreag()d 'Vapidly. T113 green It- In it, mirror, (lark 13—Anelon t mlr'� Onto aild trade Ili many departments
4112 ro, 8 70 0 DO Is lai-ger than a year ago. I The the finest story of the. Xing's ull.
"It Ili too late," Elio Whispered In quour Was next manufactured, d r. i r t ads of glass, but of �
duspair. then rotor Gariller discovered the P01191red motal,man,i:3 the refloot)ons firmer prices of staple goods have bounded ey�mpAtbjr for the auffer-
" 'Twouldn't be It Steve could Ilet mut"1113d Of making tile YO11OW If- warn very obscure and Imperfect stimulated tire demand, and Mark., to; 1140'Of his Oubjecte that has yet come
here," he answered confldontly� quour, Iffforts were soon made to Face to face -The medium t) Eiomo feat arliong retnilers who wore td light. A .70utig dressmaker was
Induce tire ord6r to settle InRome, ;��; disappointed ImA year In gattingi
Ills frilth In liar hasband gave liar which we perceive heavenly. thinigi,o; threatened ivith consumption, fol.
courage. .Silo stood against the Iron but that ,&Ian was Abandoned, The is falth, mad with It we noiw see 't'arly deliveries Of goods on account, .
Zalling of t!3o balcony with little authorities forced tire separationdf through�a glass darkly. In our por- of lilts ovdering� that there ivill lie : 10WID0. - Upon long And dangoroas
Stephon Iva liar arms while Darnat tile cloister and tile distill a scarcity this year and this Is caus- ' obest trouble, tind was left nearly
OPY, which feet vision, when faeo'to face with in, .an i,,,,r
Crane on -lied out over the -lice& of was rellioved to a distance. The our Maker, xve shall comprehend the � class In busil'086, Business' destitute., TIM doctors advised liar
the crowd *; order WAR compelled to sond to charact6r of God, tire, rilyate-Aes of at Quebec during the past week lilts 'to obtain admittance. -to an open
R01110 a 81111re Of its PI-OfItu, Which providence, the plan of redemption, been active, alitt ihm-O Is a.good In- air home to -undergo a courae of
"Boyff, stop A, uromolftt You've during the first year Amounted to and the ClOtlas of tile heavenly state. q1tiry for 6prIng goodi: - Trade at the t,vo�ltni6llt. . Meanwhile silo was
got those fellows and can do what $20-000 ,but r,ip!1dfy increased to -Bib. Mus, Shall I krlownThat is, Pacific Coast controls Ili a trifle taken Into a convent aild devotedly
you please with them, give them a $2(),X()r!(). there will be a thorough, complete quiet, its Is naualat this season, but I, n rsed.. by the nuna; but, unforta-
tbare Is a golleral feeling of copti- n4tely, all .their efforts To got Ilso
rulnuto or tw.o to repent' In, for Mrs. It was inucU debated, when the knowledge, as tho original word . donee In the fuvilre. In WinnIbag adluitts(I into a 110aid of tile kind
Ballantynole sake.11 Order came that, tit() monks must signifies. Mysteries will no longer many buyers have been in tile
From the street Came A, voice abandon their home, w1rether or . trouble Uri, , inal'" - Waro quite fruitless, Thou the girt,
, kat and they have been buying freely
"DO'b"t 91VO them an Instant I WO Dot they Avare lit reality a source 13, Now ii,bldoth -Am1d things in expectation of a '311" Increase In learning that the Xing .1;Vas pavron
don't want thern to repent.,' 'Of prosperity to the region Of Gre. obaligeabla and parlshing: tile Chris- of Ono OL these lastitutlons on tile
But there were others Who wore noblo. Alcoholism ,, Iff, salld to hava tiall retaina these. I)rinclpal aavIng the tjirtiover tile coming season. ,South coast, tesolvAd . seerotly to
faithful to the mother and child, Increased alnee they wellt th r " Writp to him an4d plead tot- lite ae-
. Oro, ,races, both. hero and herdafter. 'M'ou'l"v&y,,'O"d"O"'h",Ovna"'boe',,I�PMI ilt'dge Tnv" 1111101'n'11"-
"Pivo, mlnutOE), boys 1 GIVO icall that and tile PoPulation, though, very Falth-l'The vision of the unseen , - -1n.4 81,9tanc6. About a tot-Wiglit later
longill they Said. poor$ 19 not Inellood to work. Tho (1101). xi, 1.), with Its consequent 11ton wholesale th again this it gentleman called. itt .tile convent
1, , weak to the Varlous trade contreft and Asked to 40P bler, lie gave 110
But It MIKIlt not haVo boon done best of the laborers bavo emigrat. trust In God.11 Hollo.-The oxpecta- of the, country. Ordors from ilia name, and lit lirst, *10 wag told
)lad not Alloo begun to Ping. I.Ior ad and It has been uotl�e.,qsary to send 1,10)) Of future good. Valth. ft,od hope travellets are coming forward .tree -
voice ivao tho pride of -the country. tO Italy tot* thom headed to work will be stronger and more aorliplete ly, Anti the manutaoturcirs and the that -she was. tot) lit to see him. Ile
Many In that crowd bad heard tb�0 fields, Tire Vrenedi, Government, In the next world th.so in this. "That : theli explainotiAlittt it Wall heoessawy
it before at lKitille, tneotingo alil'i oil- In fact, refunp-d to proteet't113 or� Our happy, state IvIll ca tInae f r- WhO11181110 11011808 .)Its busy MOOttak
, n O the fletnand, VAlues of otaple' foil him to'scie her, as lie litl(I canto
tortairlDiont from tile ellurch Choir dor on mny itatiollai groullag artop !3VOr we Shall IcnovV simply betio,tise ' 900(18 -to Inquire Into. list-- care, and ,%s to
' . tire firmly hold, anti there Is agood the .de0rijbillty or sondl fin, t
or at funoralih and to -night Its glorl- the latiouillity of ilia most native God baA promised It, that 'is, by ng e ty
deal of talk about additional ad- 1,111 opksfn;n,!r 1;Ziu.se .for pac traftL-
of t 0 o,s
ous noins wore raore thrilling than brOtters becallie known. Of these, tftltlt filmilat to our presont bell it vancos tn prices. '11110 Outlook for an I
ever betbre. Into Sheriff, rlding <17 ivers Froncir, 15) 14wIN0, jl� Gi%.,,,,) Ill ilia gospol.11-Grentriat I I . Is lovs mon timpLion. Sho was aid -
And 1. Ijl&I]All, llat(,lk all(, 81) Ian Increasing buhinoss in must. depart-
Ilreilthlessly to'WS.X-4fl life duty, heard an -it, -Greatest Ili oxtont, In enatirance, W downstairs and, lie questioned lice
who mtntft of trado t1la coming season Is mq to what tllG dootora )lad st 'and
It swe'll" of' 'llo sort 'light air and belonged to 01.1wr nations. Thabro- IvIlth011t 10VO tire others would pro. . "'I
In Addition to it large numbOr % In manifestation. Greatos becaurm very protniOng. London jobbers mra than Inquired to whoin Min had ap-
recol'onive4i It-, tiler,;, of course, gan io the I fit no;thIng, basy bookInK and filling orders for Plied for lielp. Slit) mentioned at-vor'll
. Ir ex. ToachInirs-It Is more linporta tit t o ehors (,tit 0 sullimoll goods. The tray. ))times, anti at last hoEiltAtIngly ad.
011110 toy Who bad taken tile rolls Pulslon only till attempt to got I)OR. - , h1wing and
I up'tho tree with Audi) ft IIV(Jly stings Ile good th,111 to (10 good, only At. " the road tlow aro incet' Witted th-at she had written to 41W
I61' the 11101101t, slid doWn tile dark Mile Hossioll or tivnit. trivio mark mild tIO-118 itrolurited fly love Ilre ftecep. Ing with ontoilra-ging Kilig., Ila then informed her 61at
. their ow,n factory that & now dlfar- OLtawa there Is a 9teady expansion hit, ,,Itd
or tire trunk And disappeared. Inte ti�ouj�a may go out to the world. . table to God, SacrIfloo ivithout love In trade. Iletattert; are b;ylug freely come from the Xing to lliqiilro
flittoked desperadoes 114tellod to tile "They may Is Vail). Lqvo� boara tenta. Into liar cri,ilej as n.ls M,,Ijosty had no*
tako tile (I)SUllory", In braoT, to got the goods bOtoro flood her letter. and wlsbrd to 110111
boart-teartbing molody; tht hend of th'O order is reported X111ACTICAL 101URVLly. atty further advance In prices 10 her. Afterfurther, Inquirlea evorY-
ZT(katifft lover of illy toult its saying, ,land even thlo naule hod Why flift Ortric W6rd "Agiltin" litj I announced. irho Outlook for trade IN thing was 'Xittleritotorily arranged,
La Ills to Tfiy bosom fly, trade mark. Ilow ilitt"y offorg have fritn8latkI "charity 11 in tyliff eliall. tilnor. I � li,nd tile girt wa,9 sent for a. prolO114,
1 41141 More thati Ono of fliolli I)VIlalled %vo- already liall to Roll thpill � Ilut tor And In tho rost of tile 13,11 1--______- oil
nway tho tt"itro. to tiler home, with tile rpl-
thO PeOrOt Of 111AkIng tile liquPur In "love," I drtnnot 1ell, or wby t I T,Itonpvry)OMtniOiAGovornmL*iitfil4li- ovIrt'lliV, her healtli wall greatlY
I Dy admo ocnalt po*" t1lo tringor only onrs, 6nd nlivays will Ile, Tbut (;rj,-ek vrord, "plillitt," willell ftIWa,,vFj otles Cruiser Xelltral wall success. bonefited, and tliftt abo haa nitloo
IMMY that 4116 Wait inelting flipal, nod, wa'Will bArry wh(q,pVet. wo g . oItp niftans #omo form of irumtAn 1,0% lg� fUll�t InUnphkj tit vabcouvor. boon ftblo to work,
. .-...-. - _.. � --- -4 ___r_.!LfIA�_ - — P, I
I ___, __ � . lillooliniingullmof--l.-Ill....--.,"-,-- ----.iiiiiiiibl~-�-,��-,---.--�.-.-,,.�.I.�.- _______________
14 Of
I 4_