HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-19, Page 1h Th Win n1am Ti.dvance,91 ddy. 30TU YEAR, N4. 25. WINGHA-M. ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 19, 1903. $1,00 PER YEAlt IN ADVANCE — Wingham Chosen Friends council, 6,T. he members of Fern dee, No, ir. E, C. Clarke has aecid pyo g. This At Seaforth.g eel TqThe No its -West, BANK. IngNo, 2L will a bet ne ill'atten even• B. o held their regulared to re. ery favorable reports are received A Seafarth despatch says :—A most U JJ1VJ ' u1 ing. I,at there be a full attendance-- ing on Monday evening, after trhlekl move to the Northwest about the first from London, this week, as to the con- uuprovoked and brutal assault was BAN10FRAMILTON J, B, Ferguson, Recorder, they ret)red by Imitation to the resl- dence of Mr. M. Beckwith, where the of next monLlt 'and, las will be seen by dition of Mrs, Boasting. rShe is int• committed upon maul Shaver, of this W I r i r -1i i•- AM. David Small left to take charge of Y local advt„ is offering his residence proving nicety, and we trust will soon town, white on his way home about his new situation in Cornwall .Furnd• were very hospitably entertained, and and household furniture for sale. Mr. be able to return Home, comfortably eight o'clock Saturday night by a Capital - . - $2t940,0O0 enjoyed themselves for an hour in cots- Capital paid up 8;',440.000. Reserve, $1,K00,00 p tura factory, on Friday last, yiti, and Mrs. Clarke have many friends in restored to her usual heaiGh young man supposed to be Jack Max- J, TURNI3UL1;., [#eneral A2anager. Reserve - - " $31260,000 Raby, of Listowel expected to go w)th versation and singing. The refresh- this vicinity, who will regret their de- , well, of Goderich, Shaver was struck him. relents served gave evidence of prepay- Teachers Executive. Pret;ldent—John Stuart partare from town, and will sincerely by his assailant over the eye and nose yioe.pr081dent—A. G. Ramsa • ation by a first-class baker, and the wish for them the fullest measure of A meeting of the Executive of the with a piece of board, rendering hint Cashier—J. Turnbu Pon SALE OltrAp, —A bran new company showed their appreciation of Past Huron Teaohr+rs' Association was DIRFOrana•--John Proctor An. Gibson, Farmers' Notes discounted, cutter,—G. E. King, prosperity in the rapidly developing and hecw will His ease was broken the good things by doing them ample held on Saturday last, in the parlors pea, lioaoh, A. T. Wood, A. B,1.ea (Toronto) West. and he will )use the sight of the eye. A.rafts sold on all points in Can- H. D, Goldring, representing the justice./ of the Bro;tdway House, There were It is believed Maxwell mistook Shaver Savings Bank hoursloto3; Saturdayslotol Ada, the. United States and Europe. Western Foundry Co., returned On AUCTION SALE -.-On Saturday, Feb. Didn't Ask Much. present—President, D, Weir, Con- for the license inspector or the police. erase ositsadxV and upwards warduted srenel ed. lot. Saturday from a two weeks' trip. He . 21st, on the market sgnar-, At d p. m. A gantteman was bare this week stance; W. J, Moffatt, A. Scott, Sen• nide, the letter having arrested hint and 3Ist Mayy each year and added to principal SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. reports making s1►les for seventy-five by public auction, a number of hug- seeking t0 interest the Council izr a forth ; Miss Kinney, AlcKillop ; T. here two years ago for horse stealing, rata Special ial Loa6$its also received at current, interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and Huron Stoves and Ranges. gtea and cutters, (almost Lew) a young new industry for the manufacture of a Murch, Hullett; J. Bailey, Blyth, Sun, Ile was arrested at the Grip house Drafts on Great Britain and the United upwards, and added to principal 30th Juno cow in calf, a quantity of bees and Hartley,: , P Staten bought and sold, and, 31st pecomber each Year. Shrove Tuesday falls on Feb. 21; Ash bee hives, also household furniture, newly invented tock. If we are car- Y+ " See.-Trrae., Wroxeter In- two hours after the assault while sleep. lis U l)tO1C1NRON, Solicitor. Wednesday, Feb. 25; First Sunday of and other articles—G. A. Newton, pro- rectly informed, he wished, the Town Spector Robb and A. Ii. Musgrove. ing in one of the boarder's rooms, prfetor; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. to take a lar a amount o£ stock in the As, according to the regulations, Clin- W. CORBOULD Agent A. E. GitiSON, Manager bent. March , Mid Lent, Alarch 18; g ton is the next place o£ meeting, it Travellers are notified that the Bank of Palm Sunday, April S; Good Friday, Editor Kerr, Walden of Huron enterprise, allow Mimi a good round g. Warrant Withdrawn. Hamilton and its Branches Issue eireularnoteo R.vanstone, Solicitor April 10; Easter Sunday, April 12, county gave the Advance to Fraternal stem for his invention, and pay him a was decided to try to arrange for a The following official statement teas (ot the National Provincial Bank of England call on Saturday. He has not percep- salary of $1500 annually as manager. joint meeting with the Voest Huron handed the press for publication ;—On GYOab10 many part ofthewlorta t charge. or Centre Bruce Liberals have nomin- tibly failed, since assuming the res. Nothing definite restated from the Assaciation to be held on May 21st and instructions from the County Crown NEW ADVTS. ate candidate Ste rt of Cl esletions ttheir- be ponsibility of chieftainship of this interview,. and other towns yet have a 22nd. It this cannot be arranged, Attorney, Coroner Towler issued a chance to secure the industr then the East Huron Association will warrant for an official Investigation of prosperous county. He looks as y g• 1rY' C9'J 2 held 'on the 26th. Mr, Stewart was meet on the above date at Clinton. the cause of the late Mr. S. J. Smith's dvjv/ e -I• Lent.—Tudhope's, though he was flt for many years of defeated by six votes at the general At Home. After arrangingaprogram and trans- death. The town was full of wildest • TO Rent.—A: Kelly. active newspaper work arid public Fish For Lent. --at Grifflds. election. serthe execu- vice. It would not surprise its to Invitations have been issued by acting some other business, rumors, but on careful and thorough "Special Aieeting.—W. Laue. See J. Buckley's window display see him legally qualified to write M, P„ members of Maitland Lodge. No. 11A, tine adjourned. investigation of all those rumors, and Y®ur Life • e, Men's Clothing.—Crowder Co. for bargains in pipes. after his name yet, and then in the Indppendent Order of Oddfeilows, to Get Our job prices on cigars—J the obtaining of toll available inform a_ ./ .e Take Notice,—J. Vasbinder da Co. Ben. Cheeseman of Stayner is con- evening of life retire to a comfortable their "At Home`', to he held in the Buckley, "Sar Restaurant," tian unci evidence by the Coroner and New Dress Goods.—D. M. Gordon. stable. cemetery caretaker, pound- Registrarship, or a seat in the Senate, Town Hatt, in the evening of Tuesday Fl tcher Association. Chief Vannorman, there was nothing JAway i February, 24th. As a rule, when the discovered that would' p • keeper, inspector of waterworks, fru• F "Senate Reform" floes on as it has S ,.+. ant officer, and caretaker of lockup recently. Oddfeitows undertake anything, they" las Delia. P arlin g+' A. T. C. M., play, or implicate anyone in the cause do it well, and the coming event pro- has just returned from an interesting , p of Mr, Smith's injuries, which unfor- aud council chamber, all fo. a salary ' Mr• and Mrs. J. A. Cline, and Alias convention in Toronto, of teachers of T miles to be a most enjoyable affair. tunatet resulted in his death, The 1 of $0 per annum. Ada, spent a few days in Wingham We understand that a good program the -Fletcher Method" for teaching injuries were no doubt the result of a ...OUR... The store, dwelling and blacksmith last week, staying over Sunday, music to children, -The sessions of the is in course of preparation for the fall on an icy walk. The warrant was Stun Halsey Park's adrt, shop at Fordyce, owned by Jas. Phil- They have many friends here, who entertainment of the guests of Mait- Association lasted four days, and were therefore withdrawn, and an official 64 lips, has been sold through the agency were pleased to meet there once more, land Lod made more profitable by the presence Syrup of White Wear Greer s Shoes and Rubbers. Lodge on the occasion, report forwarded by the Coroner to the of T. J. Maguire to Simpson Bros, Mr. Cline speaks well of Owen Sound, of Mrs, Copp (nee Miss Fletcher) in - G. H, Millikin was in Toronto last This Is a case where a whole village is but has a waren place in his heart for Nearly A Fire. ventor of the mothod.,OBy Miss Spar - week. disposed of, in one sale. Wingham 'and many of its residents. There was a narrow escape from a ling's cout'tesy, th6 ADvA.rcr was J. Buckley Is Selling oranges at cost Pint' with Tar" For other Locals and Church news The liquor license fee at Parry He has not become so attached to the disastrous fire in H. M. Tudhope's shown an outline of the method, and Price. Get some before they are all cement business as he was to the grocery store on Snnday evening. A also the apparatus used. From the gone. will cure that cough see 8th page. Sound is to be increased from $500 to. Easy furniture trade, perhaps on account of box of fish had been left covered with formation of the lines of the staff, t0 On Time, t0 take and may be given t0 Mrs. Manuel returned this week $1,000• There are only two hotels in the accidents that have been the lot the town which has 3000 , , population, an apron underneath the are light. On notes, intervals, scales, sharps, Hata, The storm and severely coil weath- from Fullarton. P P of the Company, and more especially youngest child with perfect and the price of whiskey has been P y' P Y Monday morning . it was found that keyboard, etc., a child is led by what er predicted by Rev. I. Rick,* to begin y g Jack Thornton was home from Lis• raised to ten cents a glass. the very sad death of Dr. Horsey, the apron had been burned to a crisp appears to be an interesting play, yet about the 15th, reached its promptly safety. towel for Sunday. caused by the bursting of a wheel in and the box badly charred.• It teas in reality is thorough teaehmg of the on that date, Reports from the west ,,i- •• We guarantee Ogilvi s Rolled Oats the factory., However Mr. Cline is apparent that live cinders had fallen principles of music. The system is a state that the cold is most intense, Miss Mary Begley spent last week to he the beat on the market—at A. H. hopeful that the future may be bri -h- Manufactured and Sold By with Brussels friends: P y T£ from the are light and almost caused marvel of simplicity and Miss Spar- and blizzards are reported raging. f1 R rbe R'IS' ter and more successful. for the, Com- `what might` have proved a disastrous ling is an enthusiastic teacher. Her lir, Hicks warned stockmen of the Ai TON IBN N All kinds of fish at the "Star Res -r. Vasbinder, the purchaser of R. pang, than the past has been. fire. -Those tieing are lights should tuition room is fitted up suitably for danger, and i-eprn•ts indicate that in taurant" Rtinciman's business, is now open Why not patronize borne industry see that such danger is prevented. , the youngest pupils, and the know- the west, stock has Suffered from the Win. Robertson and daughter Millyready for businese.,rHis advt. will and buy goods manufactured in oto• ledge of music shown b little tots of 'g,D' Y intense cold. In Ontario, the coldest Druggist snit Optician. are in Toronto this week. ound in this issu The Advance own town, when you can get as good Waterworks. seven or eight, is quite a contrast to weather of the season has been regis- omes him to town, and hopes that or Netter valno for ' Flo [Honey ? Our As sooner or later, Wingham must the old system of teaching. tored. For, the rest of the month, Mr. IText door to Post O$ice. - Miss Gerry of Brussels is the guest he will find Wingham fully tip to his ilianitoh;i and Stat Flour is the best in decide to have domestic water supply, the. old Alias H. Bail this week. the market. Just try it and see. At Farmers. bring along vour Oats and Ricks saps—"Tile Sturm period ex - expectations. the Wingham Mill Feed Store, Chis- a few facts regarding Mount Forest s Rolled Oats—at exchan e for Ogilvie's tending from the 10th to the 23rd is - Fifty new Public Libraries were es- holm Block, Wingham. Telephone water works may be of interest. The A, H. CARR's. g covered by many disturbing factors. OVURSHous.—Protect your health Mrs. James Ford is probably now at No. 83. following This period during its opening stages y protecting y tabiiahed in Ontario during 14102, g facts were collected by a b rotectin our feet, For $1.00 at her journeys end in Johannesburg, - committee from Listowel, where a Wingham Bonspiel, will bring change to quite warm for Pair—at W. J. Fireer's, Mr. Morris was home froni Berlin South Afries. She left England, De- Lecture. simllar system is contemplated. The The Curlers of Wingixtm Have been the season, the barometer will fall to .this week ;lie will remove there. cember 27th, and touched at Cape Mr. E. Dawson of Kincardine an- source of supply is two artesian wells looking forward to their Bons iel WANTED—Good t,Apply general servant, y Town January 11th. The voyage to PP Y g P unusually low readings, and heavy a nurse girl, Apply to MTB. Dudley J. W. Scott has removed to Howick ; nounces that he will deliver a lecture within a few feet of each other, in a which began on Wednesday. The storms of rain, wind and thunder will Holmes, Leopold street, Wingham, Durban, and the railway journey in - bird. Scott is in very poor health. in the ilIethodist church, Wingham, reservoir. The water is pumped to a games played on that day resulted as speedily be followed by change to land were still before her when she on 'Wednesday, 25th inst., on "A Man steel tank holding b0.000 gallons. follows sleet and snow, all winding a with Dr. Ovens of Landon, M. R, .C, se • 50 Cords of Green Wood Wanted— wrote from the Cape. g p a R. r P.t, specialist, Wi ear, nose Geo. E. King. of the Twentieth Century' A catlec- This tank with the brick work is Kincardine. No. 1 Lucknow• stili wintry gales and a cold wave and throat, will be in Wiugha,m, at A large quantity of logs is being tion will be taken, ahoat 90 feet high. Half an hour's Shields Johnston from the north west., Look for Campbell's drug store, Monday, Match Mr. Busby of Reston. Man., was the brought in to the factories. Amon pumping each day keeps the tank sup. McPherson Corrigan severs) days of crisp, freezing wed- 2nd, Glasses properly fitted. guest of J. B. Ferguson this weak. g g A. 0. F. Boss Reid them are some fine specimens of maple plied. The preasare is 60 lbs to the ther, after Lhe storms of this period P P Air, S. H. Dent, High Chief Ranger Bishop Allen P ,r Wingham Council, R. T. of T. No, elm and basswood; perhaps not so inch. There are five miles of plains, —(skip) 10 —(skip) 0 pass off. The last three days of the f MARRIAGES. 111, will meet next Tuesda evenin of the Ancient Order of Foresters aatd the total cost of the works is $`120,• y g• large as have been seen in earlier Brussel@. Parkhill, month will tering return of general'alter—Naylor—At the residence of will pay Wingham Court, 8108. a visit 500, The revenue is about $1.500 an- the bride's mother, Mrs. Ann Naylor, Wm. Campbell, of Ritc ie &Cunt years, but very good, considering the Tinge Grieves storm conditions, winding up an the P' on March 10th, and the members in- entail The tariff for dwellings is $5 Flemin DicksonBelgrave, On f7ednesdap, Feb. 11th, bell, spent a couple of days in Toronto culling that has been going on, and tend having a social gathering that Y' g g 28th with electrical disturbances and h Rev. A. II, Brown, I3, A., B. D.. the search of timber, a year for the first tap and $1 for each Scott Ellis cry heavy rains in many sections of John Wesley Walter, of RHA Wa- ]ast week, Y evening, in honor of the H. C. sten- li,osa Ellis Y + addition[ tap. " — ski 0 — ski 8 the country. Upon the whole, we fore- wanosh, to Miss Charlotte Naylor, .Airs. Biles and son William of Now is the time to get Fur Coats ger's visit. (' P) ( P) of Bet rave, and Cd eo at bargain g No. 2, Vein haul. Seaforth, cast tan unusa:elly stormy land dis• g ' D Grand Fork, North Dakota, are visit- P g prices:— The ,, FOR SALE,—As I am leaving Lown, g A; Wingbam Trading Co. CLEARING SALE.—Our Sale Contin- I offer my residence for sale; also my McAlpine Stephen agreeable February—a commingling DEATHS, ing friends in town. ties till. March lab. Mrs. Weiler won household furniture. Intending per- Kneabtel Henderson of Vernal, tropical storms, with bo. Sinith—In Wingham, on Snnday, Feb - Great sad accident occurred near Hen- last week's $5.00 Prize.—Geo. E. Icing, chasers plea -e call. at residence, Pat- D. Holmes Steele teary 15th, Selwyn J. Smith, aged -Groat Cut price sale of Soots and , real and wintry visitations. Shoes at W. J. Green's. Sall on Thursday of last week. Mr. Curling. rick, street.—P.. 0, CLARIiE, Grifliu Richardson 56 years. %1 Rich Beck was taking a load of Hour—(bkip)14. —(,skip) 11. Mr. Smith's Death. Ludlow,—In Wingham, on Saturday, Stratford is preparing to erect an Kincardine Curlers defaulted on P operty Changes. No, 3, Lucknow. Wroxeter. February14 Abraham Ludlow, aged barrels to Zurich when by some means Inexpressibly sad was the death of ' g isolation " hospital in case smallpox the load upset. The horses fo+ind Thursday last to Wingham team, ,Several blocks of real estate in town FMatthie Towne so years. p our respected townsman, Mr, Selwyn ,should reach that city, their way to town, and later, Mr. Beck This leaves Wingham the winners McKenzie changed hands this week. Geo, Stewart Rolland Miss .Fannie Patterson was home was found tying dead beneath the bar- Faud onr Out go to London about Dic3ienzia haS sold his brick stores, :McPherson Paulin Jesse Smith. Whatever may have the 20th to play the winners from north of Dr. Chisholm's property on Hunter Black heen'the cause of the injuries that re- L iTO. from] Detroit last week attending the rets. He leaves a grown-up family. other districts. S 'e hope to see them —(skip) 11. (skip) 13. stilted in his death, the case is indeed 4 P Josephine- street to John Taylor of The Buns tel continues to -da The funeral•OA her brother. Sir the trophy. p y sad, From the lima he rues injured, it Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutant-Gover- P Y• Ripley, for $18(x, The vacant lot ,nedats have been on exhibition in theY ingham - Popular -Concert -Course W. R J, Thompson, general neer• nor of Ontario, is very ill, as the result north of that prnpprty, where the old may be said that never Fully re - Former Winghamites. window of It. H. Chisholm's jewellery gained consciousness. On Thursday chants, Listowel, have assigned to :11r, of a fall upon the stone floor of Gov- livery stable stood has (we are inform- store. J. Nicol, G. T. R. agent at Brantford last, Dr, Gunn of Clinton. Drs. T. and THE CELEBRATED Hamilton of that place, ernment House. At his Advanced age, g vd) been purchased by John Hanna 82, serious results are feared. It is and at one time agent in Wingham, from Mr. SVorden. Thos. Gregory THE TOPS ARE CUT from all prices J. Chisbnitt, assisted by Dr, Agnew, HAWT iORNE MUSICAL Percy Russell, wIia has been an em- hies resigned. G. A. Stakes of W lar- has nrcltaaed the front of M. H. AJ —turd the cut ranges one-fourth, down performed an operation, through ployee at E. C. Clarke's for some time, said that lie will not be able to open ton, also former] . oke ham, has P to two-thirds of ordinar rices in the Ontario Legislature, and in that Y g Indo,', 'property opposite the Town Y p which the injured elan came safely. CLUB } t ' B d1 left for Toronto on Tuesday. g , P Y PP footwear—at W. J. Greer s. case the defy will devolve on Chief been appointed to Brantford. George's Hall,tvhicll tvi11 make half a dozon fine On Sah]rday it was apparent that he SERVANT GIRL WANTED.—Apply Justice Moss. friends here will be pleased to hear building lots, for $2.500, while Council- Protests. was sinking rapidly. and oil Sunday, OPERA HOUSE, WIiVGHAM to Mrs. R. M. Robinson, Wingham. of his promotion. about 6.30 a, m., his spirit took its P ]or Duhnage becomes owner of the The recent bye•electdons in North Miss Maggie McLean left on Wed- Owen Sound, Feb. 11.—Nominations flight. Mr. gixiitli was in his 57th year Monday, March 2nd, at 8 P.M. Macon keeps itis largos[ stock of rear part of the same property with Grey, North Norfolk and North Perth nesday to fill a situation in Simpson's were held here to -day for the bye•elec- School Supplies for the opening.—Send residence, for $1,700. Wo:understand have been protested and $1,000 deposit and had been a resident of town for plat] of Hall will open at H. Park's departmental store, Toronto. tion to be held in North Grey on the the children. lit•. Duhnhge intends turning the resi- paid in eac•b case. The charges are twenty-six years. As a business man, Jewelry store, to Subscribers only, on 21th inat. Matthew Kennedy, mane]. dente to front on Centre street, .It much the same As have been so Ia- he was esteemed for his straight -for- Thursday, February 20th at 0 a.m. ' Mr.- and Mrs. Jno. Thompson, of D'cd. To the Public on the lith, factures, of Owen Sound, was nomin- -resward, upright dealings. He possessed ated as t11c Liberal candidate, and T. ' will made a very desirable Duhnnce y e years, Px frequent in North Per of recent Subscribers lease nota ehau reherne, Manitoba, are visiting Air. A. Ludlow, tvha for aotnetirnr man excellent social utilities, and P change of date, ikends in Vin hain and vicinit last. has made his home with Ilia and the wish Alta, and Alts, Dunnage years, except in North Pptth, where y q g y' Inkerntan Thompson, merchant, of P was exceedingly fond of his bolus and Tickets 36C, Reserved Scats 60C. k The Executive of the District Ep- Owen Sound, as Conservative stand- daughter, Mrs. Coad, died on Thurs- many Seats of life to enjoy its corn• one charge, however, is of more than tidy Past. He had reached the aavanc forts. There are indications that the usual importanre. Tile petitioner re- family. lie was n regular cntumuni- GHILOREN 15C. worth League met in Wingham on and bearer, , cant of St. Paul's church, and connect• H. pA$I LoCt►1 Manager, ed Cage of seventy-five. The funeral building uncle viii be fairly brisk du- firs to an nllwged corrupt agreprLetlt` th ed with the I. O. F., C. 0. F., A. 0, U. ger. Saturday, to plan the work for the BUILDING LOTS --Fur sale, on cor•service was conducted at the residence ring the coming sutntnen said to have been made before the year, ner of Frances land Patrick streets, ; selection, between the agents of the W„ and the'Masonie order. The ser- Fivegood building lots. Apply to on Sunday afternoon by Rev, Win. Sudden Deaths. Liberal candidate and the Ontario vice iu St. Pauls on 'Wednesday wasMr. Jas. Ford, of Shuter street, has H. 0. Bell. Lowe, and interment took place in attended b a large number of friends bcen laid up for two weeks with Caledonia cemetery on Monday, Airs, Jno. Willits mourns the sudden Government on the one Mand, and the sate p g , The Advance ebronicles with lea- death of a niece, Miss Mary Woods, of Grand Trunk Railway Company on deeply rel sympathetic with the sorrow- scfatica. We traps anon to see pini P y p Y stricken relatives. Beautiful fl01•tal • sure the advancement of Roy P. Gor• Changed Hands. Berlin. The peeulitarity of the sad af- the other, whereby the Government is --- around again. g tributes were laid upon the casket; ddn, son of Mr, D. M'Gbrtlon of town. The Arthur Enterprise has changed fair is, that three sudden deaths oc• charged with promising to subsidize P JUST RrcclrtD-=New. sprdn Prints, P g one from the business men of the town Dread Goods land Carpets.- At SARD's, Roy has for about a year and a half hands, Mr. T'hynne having disposod of curses within a very short Lints. First the Grand Tt uhk PFacifie, "conditional teas es ]F cull handsome. Airs. Smith been employed in one of the large the business to Messrs. 13 water & was the death of Mrs, M. Sherk; this Upon the Grand Trunk using local l ' y ! yt$?(1l! DihuSt(litQ W. G. Yawn will call on Lhe bust• ,retail stores in Toronto, Recently he y was followed closet h the death of hpr c1Fwlgtlter May, and son Chatles, Corner g U l VV Young Y Hail of Aleaford, The Enterprise is a Y Y pressure to intimidate its employees. keetily feel the sad event that hits re - mess men of Wingliam soon, in the seoured a good situation in the large good local paper, and the new proprio- her sister,bliss Alnsselm an. Tha saute This charge should be thoroughly in- moved one so dear to them, but es e interest of Wiarton Colonial Port- wholesale establishment of "The W, tors will no doubt increase its o u- evening. Alias- Woods tuns conversing vestigated, Things haye come to a P ` lytta Dement Co. R. Brock Co." of Toronto and Mont- P P with i1 lad regArditi the death of Iles cially ipou Mrs. Smith and daughter bar•ity. Mr, with has been pub, y g dangerous condition in Unta1 iu if any is the Mace t0 et Contracts for the erection of a House retal. Va)thfalness to duty is a step• lisher of the Medford Monitor, and Mr, most Intimate friend (Miss MnswIman) Government in rtire straits can cor• twill the harden o£ loneliness (tall, as g of re Refn a In Gcounty, near Mark- ping stone to success; continued Ad. Batt is a brother of the editor of the aril while doing so she fell to the floor ru ptl y bargain will] a wealthy and they look lit vain for the return of Everything that is R Y Y vancement, Roy, is the wish of the and died instantly. The deceased held powveiftil corporation for votes and fat [let. frons the store at the acerl'tom- d9le, have been let, $16,400 is the esti- `Vingham Advance, We wish itis l ` eed hour, lu sne11 110111'8 of trial, hit- Pore Find Fresh in Advance far you, taught school -doping the day, anti was promise support for a subsidy in r•e- mated total cost. now flrm the best of success. p ' PP apparently in Band health: After turn. if this charge has foundation. °1fin t+ynip:lthy, sincere ttuxrgli it be, The Toronto News has been enlarged Application will be made to OntarioFolt SALE CIILAI,. --•- One (train school llou.s, site had visited her eom• . it in,.UL.4ea that we are it the danger is power less to lift the bnrdcn from : and the price advanced to $2.50 per Legislature for an Act inedrporating Chopper (nearly new,) goodppair of - panion, and after returning had eaten point, and if Stich transactions tare to the' heaet. Mr. Smith was one of the annum, Ask at the AdvAnce ofllcefor a company to construct, equip, and settles, pair light bobsItighs, ligl►t w:Ig- Ft, Hearty mea.], Aliso Woods [was a go on unchecked, then goad -bye to the bearers that carried the hate Afr. operate an electric ratlwtgr 1n and gon, and pony. -'-Mrs. D. S. McDonald, ,tau later, oFt)]o ltate,lnlin Woods and lierdsman to the grave. aald lh:at very new clubbing rate. 4604-92 through the cif of Stratford, aloe g rights of the people. The tzend of a€- 8 Y g Date Changed. was born neat, Williamsburg 32 fairs to -day lands support tri theoptn• rvenilig be reeelved the Injuries that D - Colne along and leave your order the Huron Road, through Sebringville Subscrttrera to the Po alar Concert Rea. She attended Llre ideal Schaal$ )ol► held 11y many, that o pr,rFlt)<1tls eatim-d his d0ath. llow necessary for wit), us, You can save money by to Mitchell, and also from Stratford p everyone to heed they tvarnin ' Be 'e buying at the Wingham Will F lotir aloe thea contro lino of the township Course should note the change of date and prepared herself for the teaching have the Ontario Goveotinent by the S warning -- Be and Feed Store. Telephone No. 83. , g nab r or to itlarch 2nd, The Itawthorne Club is profession. She had taught in Lhe throat, and the GoveFrnment, rAppearfi also rpt►dy," so often empltr.4tvs ,1 by ' of Downie and through idle a d, dk!:ath s visits to our town. itev, Will, Tllda. Watt, Manager, Chisholm Block,licted for the va,rinty in the pr•ogt'atn Berlin SclloOla for nearly ten years. to Itt•cfer being nt?at•Iy chtrketi rather, Win ham, sante other Convenient rotate, to the Lowe conducted the brutal service. g town of St. Mary's and through tits rendered. Tile Ilieaivsville (Pa) Courier She Yeas a member Of the Alma street than give tip the rein$ of peiwer, which = Two cases of carelessness on the part says- •,•it was the best entertainment U. i3. clnlreh, and an active worker in they have retained by very flnestionFa- The pulpit of the church, Land the I townships of Downie and West LOrra family pow were draped, as a tributeA. Hamilton of Provincial clergymen in conducting to d mbro Station, on the C, I', R, aver given here. until the end, talc lite Sllnrjay sciloa! t41]d S . P. p, 1J., ole niearls. lietcveett a mutrulrt Gov- triarr%ugo ceremonies Without ricer- audience stat entrarleed laid delighted." attd was to hilvo token Charge of the ernment and grasping corporations, <1t respect to the deceased, taming the 'correct age of the parties, with a branch lino to rho ilingo of The Nowbtirypout (tl;ass,) News says i meeting of the latter that evening. tine people tatty he grounti, ts,hetween 'Try the Winghaua Atili 1a"lour incl DRUGGIST > rnllra. y She leaves a sister anti tbleo brother" p pl have been noticed by Air. J. J. Ilel+t0,--q" 'hcs erlterttainrnet]t tvaa east) the ttvoltllil•strints. 'l1r] ro etttratatttnd I+sect istrn•e for Rood I+tilos, 1tF,lied u rintendent of Xe leoted Children: Mvsx ;BE :SoLTI °20 acres. 2} milem hest of the season. It U a matter of to tnOUrn her lees, besides A largp err• indifferently bV, ttarl permit Such to 1Vheat, ()'.irked 1Vhea,t, Ot+rou Meal, • • -{ • S g from W1ngl]anl, good buildings and CIA of W011ds ill Yierlin and vicinity, , 04rabain klour, Tillson Rolled 0:Sts, YV 1 V G 11 AM A bride of twelve is r'epor1LA from fences fall cleared Inst 2 acres of bard regret that lath la first-class organi• y+ state of things to continnr, dtee•rtE Split Peaas, 1'0t ll:arlev and (101,11 ideal; - 131mcoe County' arid' one of fourteen wood. Owner is going West. Apply 21tion could not have been secured by avhOlil she cults highly esteemed on some griudlug to wake ttietti ups to all at, lnwe4t', primes. vlephone Flo, r;2, from llustingu county. T. J. Magulre, p for the entire Week." Account of her kindly tllsp081tion- protect their rights. , Chlsholtu Block, Wrnghatu. rw