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The Wingham Advance, 1903-02-12, Page 4
. u _ . THE WINCE' TIAM ADVANCE. February 12, T90' .Tela report of the Outarlo Step- 011e to four good good breeding . { "t erintendeut of Colonkation, now males, and erlia,s a few females. X11111111111 Ritchie being prepared, is expected to Mauyeaf these mt n underststnd the Camobell show an increase l over Ci0 perprinciples of stock t hrebred and cent., in the population of Now ay e i yard bine ec time bred noted C' THE O POPULARSTORE*, Ontario, show yard specimens. Yet the „ progress and profits of these men ... --The necessary $1,000 has been have been greatly hampered because i=° deposited in :both North Norfolk of their. inability to sell their sur- J I Ynj O. & JAS. H e K E R Re We are Showing a Beautiful Assortment of and North Perth bye-electionpro- plus stook promptly. In some tests, filed at Simeoe and Stratford, years they have been able to sell The North Grey protest is not dna in other years they have have lied Coffee '� New Dress Goody until nearly thQ and of the month, to keep a number of animalslonger �_ UCclered Sll]tS �_ but steps have been taken to pro- than their means or food warrant- We carry A splendid assort-' Good Rio Coffee, Bean, per ib. 15c T test the seat. Saf icient evidence . ment of Worsteds Serves and SPECIAL tt �y y seted. On the other hand many +- o . No. 1 G. E. Blend Coffee 40e 1n ElamineS Canvas Cl©Ll1iS1 $ lUlhle thecothreeio so-called is at hand Governiment breeding dmales to tbdo notknowwelledlool-Sltwell,nweartwel� DS SALT; - 0 30a i > lb, tins Coffee••.. Voiles Broadcloths etc. ? > > victories. whore to buy what they retYulre at $10,00 to $,20,00. WINTER GOO leading spring shades. —Hon, E. J. Davis has finally a reasonable price. The cost of - FiUit parted with his resignation, which travelling from lace to lace in STILL GOING ON p g , g p P Collars New Dates 41bs for ............... 250 -•••� • • „ presumably, he has been carrying search of suitable animals deters .` Gents stand up Collars,.. 15c' Dates inpekgs 3 for .............. 25c ��++•�- round in his inside pocket for some them from purchasing at all. Gents wing collars ........ 15c: Figs boxes eath............o.,., 10c New Selks, New als Mugs! 'weeks back and•the precious docu- With the idea of bringing buyers ±� ' r liars 10 to 15c dl's Tailor Made Skirts; g w New �auc P g i } Gents double collars....,. 15e ; Cooking , - .... be _ meet is now actually in the posses- and sellers into touch with each o << Celluloid o Ladies' lrts ; � g P �] in Figs per New Laces, J sion of Lt. -Col. Clarke, the Clerk other, a number of breeders of urs �- pried Fruit of the House. The writs are is- bred cattle in Durham, Nor um- 'Ties P : and Coats. Belts and Collars. sued for the by-elections in North berlaud and adjacent counties last Gents "'- York and Centre Bruce, polling to year formed tbw'"Central Ontario The correct Tie for spring. 10 per cent. Off. Apricots, Choice per lb.......,... 15e take place on February 26th, and Pure Bred Stock Association," and is a little smaller than usual, - ; Peaches, " e4 " ..,,.. 13c Specials for the Men. 3 g Ladies' Fur G previous. a s •— sales, Their initial sate was fairI • 25c to 50c each, C Prones, large fruit 3 lbs for ... _5c S - Y Y ` .. knots :.. ,.. Goods,Coats, ; o . nominations one week started a series of annual auction in strip s 4 in hand an The Toronto World s satisfactory and they are now The rumors about the return of arranging for their second sale Ca Brines, Etc, Flour . Our 4 -ply linen Collars, all stales, regular 15c, Edward -Blake and Chief Justice which is to take place -at Campbell} � � T3raC8S � ;Capes, Caps, P Exeter Bread and Pastr Four' =� Mens and Boys Braces' , Y 18c and 20c—two for . . ...... ............. 25c Meredith to political life may be croft, on the 13tb, of March next, � 10 per cent. off. ton Friday and Saturday only.) due to a feeling that such men are with J. W. Martyn of Canton, as Fine Braces for Men 25 to bot gives perfect satisfaction. We have _ _ ' Prompt delivery. - Secretor of the Heavy braces for Men.... 25c Will sacrifice all our Ready-to-wear Clothing, 1n asa feeling with more ustifica- Campcle ll and as e Campbell ball of Men's Overt i tion. Blahein the Dominion par- Association. oft a4 e 3 races lOc to....... 2Qc At. •. y g, badly P � Boys' B .. .... . order to make room for Spring goods— off. oats Ulsters .. �,�..- , Fish -� liament and Meredith in the pro- There are many other counties Shirts Mens Hats, $2.00, 2.25 and 2.50—for............. 1.50 'and Suits. No. I Labe Herring, heads off r vincial Legislature could do work and districts which would find it �- pur s rip ooci are here New Ties, regular 25c and 50c—fol'............. 25c for the people that nobody is doing beneficial to inaugurate sales of Fancy stiff front or soft front 25 per cent. off. :and split, regular $5.00 reduced to now. this kind, and as a guide to breed- Shirts 39c, to $1.25. New : $4.50 a keg. = ers interested in the subject, the styles, new colors. See them._ rules governing the Central Ontario Trout ." INCREASED DEBT. �. _....... Tr .» Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats, sale are, given below :— Gloves Special reduced prices on Ft�I'.S "' Caps, Gauntlets, Ruffs, Muffs, 1. A committee of three will be Lake Huron Trout $5.00 a keg, etc. etc. at COST PRICES. While in opposition, the Liberals appointed to inspect entries, value Men's Wool Gloves, Lined heavy Rubbers, Overshoes ;Get your supply early. This is a were loud in the ptomises for re- same confer with contributors and Gloves and Gauntlets at re- were of the expenditure. The reserve the right to either with- duced prices to clear. 1 Etc., Etc. :very low price. _ public account for 1902, now at draw t the bid from sale or aacceP offered. = Shirting I hand, show how faithless the Lib- ng Fresh Fish Witchie Campbe�� ; eral party has been to this pledge. 2. All amimals must be regia- We sell the best shirtings at Fel's Naptha Soap Fresh Salmon Trout per lb...... 10c Last year the expenditure reach- tered in their respective. herd 12ae yd,worth 1bc. Our close :;Fresh White Fish per lb......... 10c = ed the highest figure ever known books. buying enables us to do this. ;Pure Honey per lb. loc . ^•° successors to M. H. McT1ND00. in Canada, $63,970,799. 3. Each animal to be in good In 1896, the last year of Conser- condition and well halter broken. 'Table Syrup in Tin Lamp Chimneys P vative rule the expenditure was 4. All, entries must be made = Art Mullins The "Magical" will give you $44the,096,383 so that in six years' with the Secretary or before 'Wed- %few Art Muslins at 7c, 10c ; Pails at.... Sac. and t.0o ;more light than any other chimney der Liberal rule has been $19 - y' Y , 15c c. , New Dates 4 lbs. for .. 25c 'regular rbc now 10c. 874 416rease in disbursements un- tl-•/• ,� Wra nesda Februar 18th 1903. 121e , 5 A.n entrance fee of $2.00 to ® , accompany each entry, same to be pperetts ; Broken Sweet Biscuits �� In six years the net debt has in- returned if animal is sold. New goods, New Patterns, Lamps Cjood Fur I" I creased from $258,497,232 to $271,- 6. A charge of 3 per cent on g and Broken Soda P g p New Colors, 1Qc to 15c a yd, ; Reduced prices in Fancy Lamps .829,084, or $13,810,249. the sale rice will be made to w ver pretty. Biscuits 61bs. for.. ... 25C' In six years the taxes have cover expenses of pale. - 0 = to clear $1.00 to $5.00. t o pp They a to Y P...._..._..... 'Lemon Biscuits lbs... 2 c AT LOW PDICES grown from $27,759,285 to $43,- 7. All entries to be in lace not _ 0 5 j p .Y.•. dies Dollars -•-- • 389,111, an increase of $15,- later than 11 a. m. on the day of Spoon holders 629,822. sale, to be numbered for sale, and Ladies Silk Collars, Collar :Mixed Tea Cakes per ]b IOc Assuming our population to be for intending purchasers. frames and Lace Collars. Low A few Glass Spoon Holders to five millions the additions for each prices. See them. ;Cookies per lb ......, ... Ioc _clear at 5c each. 8. Each animal when sold be- -`b For a couple of weeks we will give special prices in family of five are these:— comes the property of the pur- 07 _ Y-BE'TJR('GOIvi SUITES) SIDEBOARDS and EX- Additional expenditure ........ $19.87 chaser. �---- ` - TENSION TABLES. Additional taxes ................. 16.62 9, Terms of sale, cash. Block, jjf� Jno. & Jas. II Kerrjj 1IjAdditional debt .................. 13.33 10. All settlements to be made JnO. & JaS. H. Kerr Our $,10.50 Bedroom Suite can't be beaten 1 HighThe particulars of last yeas s with the Clerk on the day of sale. bedstead bi dresser with ood—sized mirror, and carnival of extravagance show that s�llllllilllll�llllllllll}���� �� ���llllllllllllillillllliilillllllillllllllll lllllll�lllilll;lllliillillillilllliru g g with the largest revenue in the his - lar a washstand. for of the conntr there is an- �' Yt Y� THOUSANDS OF POSITIONS _ Other cheapsuits at $12.00 $14.50 $17.75. other enormous deficit and another are open to those who can fill them. FIRE T Molle to loan on notes, and nates ' ' large addition to the public debt. LIFE Abner Cosens DR. AGNEW y g P �i p� pr discounted at reasonable rates. Money An assortment of 24 suites to select from. The figures are: UEIIT�I�L advanced on mortgages at 5 er cent. Loan and insurance Agent PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ppe end of Expenditure— ,/ ACCOUCHEUR, with privilege of paling at th SIDEBOARDS at almost itny price. If you want Consolidated fund....$50,759,591 /l�� Farm Lo€1ns at lowest rates of interest. any year. Notes and accounts collect= something in the cheap style, see what we have Capital account........ 10,078,630[those STRATFORD, ONT. oflico—corner Minnie and Patrick Sts., Office:—Upstairs in the Macdonald ed, Office—Beaver block. Wincbitm. p WINGHAM Block. ROBT. MOINDOO. "980 at $8.00. Railway subsidies..... 2;093,939 oporly pleparb sma l in for good poli- Night calls answered at office. ns. Lessons by mail in Bookkeeping, ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS g EXTENSION TABLES—Good strong tables, well Other charges........... 1,038,830orthand, Penmanship,C�a., our given 1. ... � who cannot attmui our school. D SIAW finished, at $5.00. Total ................. $63,970,799Canada to he known from ono•euy A. DULIVIAGE DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLTd W����� Dfibb Canada to the other Por its etnctlWe will be pleased to show yon our stook. Receipts .................. b8,o52,333t-class work. Circulars free. W. J. Elliott, Principal, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, PHYSICIANS •SURGEONS • ETC. 1ncl,iflAN SON See what we have in high-grade furniture. Deficient $5 918 466' CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN -- y.. •' • • ""'' t t on Town and Farm Property. Josephine Street — Wingham All kinda of rough and dressed,... M Applied to sinking fund 2,669,380 LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. 7� UNDERTAKING Net deficit added to LOGS OFFICE. -In the Dent Block. P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C,P.S.oAPPLE BARRELfi. stRreet, S. Gracey s a�l i►ros � debt .......•• .......$3,349,086 �ED Residence-Oathoriile St. former residence, "" ° (Member of the British Medical IT Whore night cane ry� Association) Hard and Soft Slabs, also'a -. receive prompt at. T. J. MAGT�IRL COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE, large quantity of dr hard - Phone ■ o �i Y Y tentton. St The People's Furniture Store POLITICAL OUTLOOK IS DARK- n REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND special attention paid to Diseases of women wood for sale delivered. EA Wingham' LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING and children. , OFFICE HOURS: -1 Goldwin Smith writes as Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. -ito4p.m,; 7te1)p.m. Telephone Orders Promptly All the Useful Branches are Taught In the follows in the Weekly Sun:— ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, attended to. prepared pay OFFICE'. -Over D. 1i. Gordon's Blore. W. T. Holloway e* m _. "The course of machineFc:hican- We are re axed to a for y Residence: Leopold stroot. D.D.S., L.D.S. ' p ery and corruption through which First-class Maple lo);s........ $14 per M cI•II`1an tali Say Graduate of e al d this fight for lace in the b e -Bice- y b P Y First-class Soft Elm logs......$14 TT rT T� �T College of Dental tions and election courts has inevi- Tor - First -class Rock Elm logy....$10 J. A. MORTON Surgeons of Tor onto and Honor \ ,� tably dragged the province, winds First-class Basswood logs .... $15 : ' Gra,luate of Dent u with a scandalous case of rat- r BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. al Dop't. of Toron i � � Y- P First class Beech logs .......$12 to University. � r°' ting. What respect do advocates , MONEY TO LOAN. Latest improved methods in all branches of � Our students are not gguaranteed nice jobs, but after a of the party system think the All kinds and grades•wanted. Dentistry. Priers moderato, Sock. anon Course in t1,is College it' will be people can have for a Government Call and get our prices. Office :—Morton• Block, Wingham guaranteed, 4� Ofilce in Beaver Block. " No trouble for them to hold any position. supported by such means? The tf Ili political morality of the constitu- A� T •� �RTRUR J. IRWIN We aid thaw, if posaiblo to obtain employment, but we first equip thaw P Y -"� MISS DELIA SPARLING ,..-•••+ to maintain the high reputation this school has acquired. enCieS, and even their general mor- D.D.S., L,D.S, 51-24 J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. ality, must suffer by these conflicts The Canada Furniture Mfrs. A. T. C. M. CO RLC SNION absence o£ any real issues of Limited Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Doctor of Dental Surgery of the E en - The Tho absence deprives the struggle of OPERATING Music Method, Simplex and Hindergarton. ' nsylvania College and Licentiate of importance' Dental Surgery of Ontario, e the semblance of principle and - The Batton & Fessant Chair Factory Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam - tions, Office over Poet Office-WINGHAM �i•,i�,, i duces it to a mere fight between - �! I Immenseblew gild yellow, carried on with W illgharn, Ont. D VANSTONE MISS SARA L. MOOR + , the weapons which revealed in the li -• �—_ _•'•_, '� South Oxford election, inspired the • BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Teacher of Piano and Theory burning burning protest of Mr. Money to loan at lowest rates, Office ® Blake. The outlook for the purity ` .d .0 tt CU ingof election and the respectability of BEAVER BLOC1K, Government is dark unless there MISS CABBIE MOORS are in the rising generation some Be Sure Teacher of Violin and Guitar.7-95. WINGHAM. its a pity to have a good . Its spoiled in the making. men of force and character, who, impressed with the evils of the WELLINGTON MUTUAL Raama_In grana Black, wingham• The suits we make give en - to, Clear Out our party system, of which they have of Thl's. FIRE INS. CO. the satisfaction. Give us a seen overwhelming proof, will Establishedl.840. DICKINSON IIOLMES trial and be convinced. make a resolute effort to get rid of Head Ofieco GUELPH, ONT, lr �j� ������ CLOTHING. it, and t0 found an impartial Gov- We'll make your Suit as well Risks taken on all glasses of insurable pro barristers, Selleittyl'S, rete, Webster CJii ernment on a conscientious use of as ever we can, Every Suit portr on the cash or premium note system. Office : Meyer` Block Wingham. �NJ the franchise and the general —every priced Snit ---every- JAMas Go1LDI>t, U. L. Dickinson Dudley Ilolmos - ---� ' President. Secretary, 31 allegiance of the people, body's Suit—is the best work that the best workmen can JOHN RITCHIE, , y __--- _- produce. And the reason - AGENT, WINGHAM, ONT COUNTY OR DISTRICT AUCTION ableness of every price is ap- 60 YEARS' .Ai�en'ts Wanted. Boys' Suits School Coats and Over- parent. It seems the proper EXPtRIENOG�` tvay to do things, doesn't it? . PROMPTLY SEEM ED y�. Coats, at pretty neat' your own price. Tu many districts of Great Bri- So it .is. , \ Tither on Full or Part Time. 1, tain auction sales Of live stock 0 Write for our interesting books •' Invint- Don't miss the Januar Bargains in this Are you satisIled with ourinaomoi Ia your or'a Help,, and 01 How you are kiwindled.'r ��(fyy send us a rough sketch or model of your in - Large been Held annually for years. , time fully oecu}tiadl Knot, write tis. We Large numbers of pure-bred ani- We're building business.by it can givo 31011 employment by the month on vendor orimprovenrent and wr.witltetiyou gree�r and huildin 1t pretty nick- good terms or contract to ay you well for tree our opinion as to whether it is probably mals for breeding purposes have : 1 y 0 •T•RAbE MARKS such business as you secure for us at odd Grim t,atentable. Relectedapplications'haveoften ly, Come in. DESIaNs We omploy both male and female re resentat• been successfully prosecuted by us. We been marketed in this way, besides COPYRIdNTg tytCs Ives, p conduct fully equi(>ped offices In Montreal Tho next 3 months is the wry boat onto ,and Washington; ttlyed olifies into otitreal a great many t "store" Cattle and Anyono sanding a nketch and aesnrtptlan may to sell our Goods. No dett,0slt is required ;ant• ly dispatch work and gafckl suture Patcnti ` 1nleTmAn 1tl prpbnblp pntontnbf ree with r fit is abso ulrly frro. W0 have the largest as breed are the invention, iiiYghestrnfefencca� Other animals. 1n several proven- uonestrictl rnnedendal. IIandbaakonPatent, nurseries in Canada -over 8W acres. A large furnished, Bank StockSales sent free. ,Ideal a enc* for eonurin(f ateMs. rano valnsbl. ,tow spocialties. and all our Ccs of the Dominion, Provincial I,/� �r� q�1 f arocetve etoa Patent. procured thticew Marion at 11in 'lYlA l� 1 patents taken t«,muRh Munn & tic fs gnaranteod as ropreannted. It yell rlort teat procured thtough ttorlon MA - sales of this kind leave hewn carob-spo fat nattc6, rrlthent charge, to the want to reproaent the largest, most parular over 100 newsipapets dietributed throughout Scientific fifflerkNt and best known nursery, write us, It will be tiro Dantlniott. fish with satisfactory results, and ` p` worth your while. SpeOtalty t-�Patcnt business of llfaqutea have Created a feeling in favor, of A unnasomeit irinetrated annkrs. 7.araret el;•• turtle and 3 ngineer8. g sxolalt � WELLI>!rnrorr DULMAGE Nigh Art Tailor 1111 in L�ln nnlation of tinynelantul0fournal. 7'erms,$3 A x*if, yt,YxxTryrt1A6 count or dis riot sal(%. Thermo gar: fourmonths,$h So7dbyan newsdeatere. „+ , M Esme ew M O y III�DNU & CONew.Y tk Canadae Greatest Nursorio " MARION Ex bras and Softlfoed. are htindrt+cls of farmers through- SBIBroatlwlty, p out Canada who rases yearly from Iirench otAoe, li b if st washinaton, A. •. I tlitONi tl, 'oNir. tlffieas t � New Fork Life ll'1� reltl �. n n.c.