HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-12, Page 3W
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- - - _. oxtreialty, until thf,blyriti5r, feshiont- *Zk i, -_
- - I (1'11`1411�G III" fif 00-0-0-"2000.4=zO"Il�;00*pct;oococo"".Ocomro
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'rte-4� �,),' �Ze�im_ . 1. .. NO LONOX9 TO - .tile preptirixi, to ov�tlq down to it rn. _. 1W 0=4CZ24"Mo"
t1onal I ituty and bpeominjeness by 4 Trying, Vine to Botli J$ ', yunci
. 1. . I . Ills I)C,i;t Or tile oIqI styles Xother At) FEEDING WORK HORSES,,
� I ''I � BE, DREADED f,t(,;,ea1,1,,),u,-,IdIIIg litir Ones ra-ther oil .
%. 11,111 what wa.8 ,lot than nit what w.14, There Ira . no. 1,1wo w1ion baby re. I
I . g
I, I /5 � - . (.tilt" sum e attell-timl shall <1 Food Required by the Working Horse,
�,, k AL I What
walathasbe(litfought, urlit r) ,
, 11 -, and coudemard, pronounced P Lla toetlaug poriod, At that time q0C*"Q00*"QCX:q.�0ZH"CZ=0ZIr ___1_
. I iia littio (pile L-4 alwlays cross and . ra - ',**C0,3,=;0q04 ,
"I .: I Gravel Permanently Cured by � astip. ,I =Xe40aQ==*
", t I and hall all dishonor hualke(I upon It. fretful, subject to fitomaell disor. The 1104-80 tills a kmallor hiumae-Is I inuoh lital;
Ak I . , �
A f .Dodds Kidney Pills tQ oe tati-de'l a horwi
I I . but It aIw,%.V9 Contlall(VI to llo'il 111) derT and sonletlines convilisloug, ilia" the OX, and consequently muotAl should Wive twitter 0,111y ill balall
:� I - I � , I Its bract and bz� worn. This iipring 0, Len mothers tire abs,-olutoly warn . ,be fed less At a time. It leas lei's I quantttleis. -
; I � ", It IvAll come Ill oneo wore, anti will 0 t 0% 11
I , ring, ,or baby. allkQ tile wtiole i a I)rovv,ll*b.* "Red
. - 11 I POWor to d1gost Coarse foods, 11 vale I Tlx; Arab;i have
Iteilben. 1)raper, of Bristol, Gives life b0 worn more than It hao beell 11 much slower, as It must do all its 41,110 fat are the gri-ates
, ,
: Ilk I - : Ill ousellold IN Ill it quill.1111911 ,of anx- .,t ellemlea of
I Bxperlence, anti Is Jilreptived to three 00,118011H. There title laan.y lot.N% r.rjlis e.ondlil , ClielitIng -before the foot' ta swallowed. 0 an it und-
, k I , , I loll can be easily , tile 11 rtie," 11%rd lal.mr or It
., ,
,.. I . , I 1"Itriliall proor (W what lie Says. glorious styles for TIAM1104 IV ill,) use I b a Own For these ro.wona It requiroi; a longer Unro Of. vxervlao sh..'nitil go Iriatl In
.... 1 7, 1 - tit(' ilel"I'llte I , Of 134 y, time to. eat, and Its food shoul,l be liand lylth fl,�,avy fa,,(I'11� III when,
�- , �� w"Llst, f"It It will In no wit,-' Illt"r- Tablets, wipoll, Cool tile sour little I ,, it I
."', I I Bristol, true., inn. .110.-(KpPeIaI).-- fere with the r(4giiing "Costunw," Rtolnitch, allay the Inflanimatfi.nof'Moro conoontratod. It IvaiiLu only a poi,lad of fd1sI1n.3!7 '
%ttz�� I , comes for tile
:" .1 .. It Is with ftollugi; of Intonso roilof that is, t;klrt and waist of our,
Ibi, gums and give ill() little Ono A little o0arse food at it time. Uobt horse the gray! ration Should ba cat
11 ., I that People here now admit that, ilia ina tortall, I 1101tItIlY, natural sleep. A mother's people feed too piucl rather than (town one-half at least, or even with -
I . e operating knife in no longor neceii- 0111y ill(, separate walat with 1,110: Word 041) always be depended upon too little, efl)601ally Of hay. ACCOild4 drawn alto;;othel, where the fodder
Nary to cure thitt once dreaded tllH- diff(Tfillt. inil'terlal P,klrt will be In ox- I where the ,health or tier little Ones Ing to the tables of standard rations to of partJiular)y go4 quality.
� .. W- I I -J. clUse-UravOl. Rxpa"IOIM tills shown 6010111, forth for nil ocen"10"d but ' IN concerned, and thousandki of roared by elle German Investigators, V. C. Jlialwarftl Diethiod.
'10'�" " tt ,
), .�� ", , Id It to be one or the ilulneroust family formal vvt,;nIIIg wear. gaff wash 1110LI101-14 praise thl-u medicine, Mrs. U 1,000 -pound horse requires *,11.4
* # - of ailments arising from dluettliod sttis^fs and I acom-and umbroldorlosand .1 It. Ii. �MoFarlanv, Bristol, Que,s says: Pcullds Of digestible food daily when Some Years ago the W. C. i�dwardo
, I curub.'o 101110110 SlIks Will bc� ilia favor I Ill,].- In my estimation 111aby's Own, Tab- Co., or Rockta,11d, Ont., e4optoll a
I I I I Kidneys, and as suelt easily I (101119 moderate work; 13.6 pound
I . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,011- by those sovereign 41ducy remedies, terIals for the jivparp,t(� jr,11tiNits. 1�etfl II3vO no N-lual tie a mcd1ollne for average work, and 16.0 : SYStOM Of fe,--dhair their horses which
. i N. Tho yoko effec for children. They are Invaluableat of 10 pool,( of Y, M, "
Ill. . . N. Dodd's Kidney Pills. Reuben Draper, 1 for heavy work. With o. basal = � has proved Velly satisfactory. Mr.
L� liv- W -I-- W ,A , y , C t �-' 9111111jig favor th a grala
!,�. cindIly, and linen -fourths Or tllf% the tootbing pe'rloil, .jind I would to furnish the above quantities of scription of it: ,IWO employ ray 0
. ..... L-1. - - I . W01ACHOW-11 Ill tilts nelghborboofl, I;i st I Is ha I-AW.%IXIS .L&G$ the folloNving do.
t.�y Au�;�!;r7l,;>tw wil..S all mads of lace Or th0'fJII(!t va, 000 Of UIONO -irbo call spea14 from ex- 11(w Wa Isis separate, or for o9sbu mus I ]lot' be lvltll-!)ut them, as thlay keep digestible nutrients, when consisting lickroali, about our uAlls here In the
Tito gown decollate its in again. it ile-ty, a lovely design Oil net, 1111,1 lyerloneo. lie rays; I carry out tills I(Ipil, in sono form, my baby lvqaLthy and happy.', of a -mixture In equal parts of corn summer season. In the rear of our
Is Called thii nouveau art. 1. u udor ,tills design there I'vae set lit "I Ira'! taken Ill wJth what I thought while, ill(, bolero ontitile lit lace, rlb- The Tablets relleve Lill the minor nut, oats, would be approximately stables we have a feed roam where
You inny say that the doeolleto a very lustrous piece of white mtLin. was gravel. I consulted two doctors, bolt or onbrolderly comes second Ill ailments OL little ones; are guar- 11.5 pounds, 15 pounds and 20 pounds our out straw foil bedding and Our
has Ile%, at, heen out. But when Xmi Thoul above the yoke -Por It Was but got 110 lasting rcder, awA I con- poPularltyf anteml to Contain. no OPI"O Or for the three eorLs of labor. Lava- cut hay, O&ts and ground feed are
come to recall tio Medlel, -which stood docollctL-tho waist was draped in tillued to grow weatkor all the time. Ono of the duintiost -.voko effect' I)olsoroua "gootiVilig stuff,*' and lard, who made observations coverIng kept; here we have two mixing
lies or Tion a man adylse,d me to try Dodds fashions that I leave .;n app2aretl may he given Ivrt.11 absolute safety a number of Years with 82,000 omnl-
up ammililt tile cars; the E IIza- liwill stye, with two flee!) piffles so, Doxes *here the ratIone for the
1)(101 -all ruff, which encircled the chiffon edged -witli white ribbon, and ' KIdu0Y Pills, for, lie said, they hall If, IL white organdie gown. Tho to a now born babe. Suld at 25 bus, army and draft horses, came to horses are mixed before feeding, the
thioat, the czarina collar, which with a. -little roll oil Crush of ellifron � eurod Ilia mother, so I thought 1 waist was cut to fit smoothly over 0011tS it box by all druggists, or tile conclusion that a horse per- cult bay IS put into these boxes and
. ,
acted it* it chill chopper, the Wit around tho, .9hou!dOrS, would try them. the shoulders and bust, buttoning 11, selit Post paid, by Nvxt,tlng akroot forming ordinary work requires at Is thoroughly soaked with water 12
ModlesLa neck, which showed only "But the work was not yet com- "Just one week after starting to back. It was pulled ill well at the to th'a Dr. 'Williainu .Medjcrno ca., the rate of 1,215 pounds or digestible hours before It to fed. The ground
4L square of flesh upon the client, pleto. '11he girl (lid not look out- use Dodd?o Kidney Pills I passed a, bolt and with just a suggestion of 'vockville, Ont., Or lichenectudy, nutrients per 100 pounds of live food in mixed dry, and before feed-
wid tht% Bernhn�rilt throat, which is 11clently picturesque. She needed tho Stono-as large; .a8 . a small bean, and looseness In back. . N. Y, . Weight. This is equivalent to 12.1 Ing is thoroughly mixed With the wet
111gli In front and low in the back, ll(;w art touch, So across one shout- 4 days after I passed another about Across the bust, running from under I . . � . I pounds of digestible food daily for a baY, The ration we started out with
then you will admit that there have Iiior I filing a garland of Tom Thumb the size of a grain or barley. ,11his arm to under arm, wag a row of laco 'I'lio skirt Is of the IvIde oweeriltlig 1,000 -pound horse, a quantity not Ivan four pounds cut tiny, half pdund
. not
beeii a great many styles oftica ,00 rweN and at the bust IfaHtenedtILP gave inn grov4q relief and; I began to insertion three Inches deep, Willie , orout trimmed in long silk strap!;. Inconsistent with the German stand- bran and 5 lbs. ground colts and
decolliete -w4ts: In vogue. . owts fit a billioll of groan 8tamR. fool better and gain strength. I down the centre from bust line to T10- velvet Is robly sprinkled %v%th ard. I I . barley to each horse nights and
True, there have been a great many Tflo roses hung down the back and blavo ilhel utones' In a.• bottle+ and van waist was'a perpendicular row of white Peas,
and[ each of the round Suitable Food for Horses, morning. and 4 Jbs. dry oats aqt;
on .
Women who have worn the 1OW-011t at the end of the garland was caught show illow to any, one 7. Our horses are goa.,
. who may - ilia lace, thus forming a 1P, of )ace PlE.Tor, of the sloevoi and bolero Is It Is necessary, especially with orally of large size, and are doing
gown. But nearly always It wtC9 1)3- jll,,It at the luld(Ile of the back Of doubt wha,t I say. , L In the front Of the Waist and carry- cut No that a single white lien. hard-working horses, that a large G- IV
cause of &oiae striking physical tho waist. .,pe ely If work, and
y ration be comt- found this raltIpu too small for
"Thnt, 11apponed four years ago 1,119 Out tile yoke Idea. sholva In the Contra of eaelil, which proportion Of ilia dall , 08 &rd Ily n we
reason that they did so. "Tile result was p6rfeot and the and I ha,vo had no return of tile Tile sleeves 'aro gathered til at ilia i`4 Ill beautiful contrast N"icll ilia posed 01 th,o more concentrated feed- * Gin. and we gradually increased
It was because ot a lovely chili, a girl bLeanto beautiful," said 0e shoulder a,tid cut In N wide flare or- white sti,tin. beneath. Ing stuffs. A horse would have to It unitki we settled do(wAi -to thb:
perfectly modeled throat, a pair of IlloclInte. trouble alnee.11 � . over 4 . of l"Y tu 11'ITe ,tbs. ha -7, 5 lbs ground grain
, sholders or a meek -Vie debutantes arc playing 911d In Just over the elbow, onsti, straight ")"fly Combinations, and ofton the obtain 17.7 tbs. of stible nutri-
dintipled, sh piing . (for. so that when they were gailierc.'A Tito strapped waists are math In coastline 0 1
, ,
that tock oil all the swanlike curve havoc with tile plans of the TuodIs',c Lucke about three fingers from the line of lace they formed ed huge puff. bolero and sleeve cap are or lace Gilts, the: pr I a"lid % lb. of bran to each horse
without tit.? lankiness or tile swan. fill cabilIP, amounE, re- morning find nigh't, and 8 Ills. of
1)), copying old pictures In the iun-t-. floor all the way -round. At the Down the back of the sleeve wan a Instead Of faggOtOd Pieces Tire- quired daily by a horse at severe dry eats all noon only (Ao' hay),
It Ivan for call:) or other of these rea- ter or neck dressing. NoJv,, as every- back, as the skirt was long, there straight Insertion of the lace, which, (IllelltlY the strapped effee't Is re- labor. Ton to twelve pounds of hay
none that woman wore the decollate. I I was a comfortable cascade around with the cuff, formed a lace T for the verged and ilia upper part strap- clitll.v Ili quite sufficient for a draft largest horses doing the . most lax -
that site was not doing THAT OLD 12 -AIN A4A.1W " I % % � I)KI, IvIltle tit(] lowor part ll4 of solid liori4o. The mangers of %York horses W
tiling. , ., the right — B u neck Is man- 111,1111shed With a Rutile. material to match' the straps. . on many 'farms are kept constantly cabelve work. Our se.viiiS is At
aged In more ways than one. There leap)t 10 tbs. of hay per day
Women ealle.t tier immodest, Preal- Gnawin-g, Piercing Pains That Almost are more tricks to It than are learn- The skirt to tills waist had a row l7lin shirit WAINt for tailor-made supplied with hay, which Is not only , for.
eacIr horse, and 6 lbs, of grain for,
dents' wives were interviewed upon Make You screalill, of lace directly down the front and sults Is too Ineoessary to be aban- Iva-hAf-fill. bul, Iii.)-irlous to the animal each'. Not only is this thb case■
the subject, and the poor WO1111:111 ed by tile simple winding of the back anZI two rows, ten !notice apart, darned and will be seen in it vara- its well. decent rf�.,-;vtarclies have but our horses axe heitithlor and
neak devollete felt like ,,in outeaut ,It Is your old enemy, rheumatism,thioat With tissue, and by the iraP- around the, bottom, 71ho botioal vdg(� etY Of NtYle9 mostly with Lito mUff own tbat muscular effort to
Ing of the shoulders with lace. better In every `way. Under the odd
from her own family. Yet she wore come again wlth the winter to tor- A lovely gown, w6_rn by one of the Wag finished with a three-InP rur "-'I regulation Cliffs. rMo long shoul- Mrrely sustained by ilia carbo- ; syr,tem It was a common thjmgro�r.
It beca.uge her modloste said it was turn you. These pains, remember, Sartorls girls just before site went Tile skirt was made up over an or- dor scant and full blouse mark th,nn hydrates and fpts of the food, ut0to lose frolm one to- live h%)rses
:tiecoining, and what t Ilia mo(It'ste whlills- are, caused by bad blood, you may In mourning, was made of white tar. gaildle drop skirt, as most of tile ,all. and W.Iffte, will predominate for and !t is probably true that every summer wfth, cold and In -
pert; to a woman should LO tier law case them' ,syr rubbing with liniments fats, glace. There was nothing re- summer skirts arel an6iber season. Satle Fontaine. rations composed of the ordin- flamination, but in thio past seven
forever. . and outward lotions, but cannot get markable about It, except that the 71hisT fashion In trimming Wa 4te, of this mixture Into the water with cry farin proilucto, meadow bay, summers, under our newl -systemi,
rill of them In that way. 2heuma- . especially separate waists, Is on of IvIlich you clean your teeth daily. sitraW, silit-go, roots, .%lid the Cereal not only lilive we not lost one
Everybody In an Art Neck. skirt was trimmed with narrow the very pretty new and po It, will whiten ilia teeth and strong- gTaine will be found suffleleintly rich horse, but we leave not. had a sick
' than Is caused by bad blood, and tile bands of white cash era around the then the game. . I . . ILI protein without the addition Everyb--Xly wear.: decollate, and the only certain way to drive it out of botti in, each an inch wide, and slight modes. It Its tgw with embroidery of }corse. A much sinaller ration ithian
- - or ValenciennalT lace or white Stains, nitrogenous feeding stuffs, Doulyt- wo feed wx>uld be ample for farm
girl who has nothin - to show wears tile systein is to eurich your blood ly swaying fit the lines, rather than I I. o, *%allg of New skh,ts. les'll, In Oa-ses of liEutvy labor, the adKIl- horses. or for c,ny horses doing
the low neck alongside the one who by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. straight round and round. . . I I
Dr. taffeta, — Skirts do not liang quite the same iiO-1I of a little oil inteal or otheil nit- Ordinary work. We may add, also.
has a plump, pretty throat. Titers Is no ease of rheumatism The waist was In white ON)@--%i7A_i S as those of last winter, but they roge,tiouO food will be beneficial. Ac- tillat with .%
But, and here Is where the art nou- Williamu' Pint; Pills will not cure if shirred right across the bust; then , thils system *of feedlug
vean oome-v Ili, the th.Lu girl wears given L6 fair trial. By making new, gathered In at tile- bolt. It was cut E very day from February 15 to are easily altered. 'Where there have covtlilng to the Calorman staludardS, Iray,
April 80, 1903, the Union Pacific . side ' wheat bran and a little ground
*tile kind of low- neck and the plump rich red blood &lid strengthening the decollate In a Very striking. manner, been -little hip4larts on the the nutritive, ratio, shou'd be from.1.7 - together With the free use of
16-irl wears a.nother klftd, and one Is nerves they strike at thle very root not low, ,but on original now art will ,sell Oneway Colonist Tickets at breadths the seams can be let out to 1.6. aceording to tho severity of oats mixed wAth it, ire find that
just as good ,,looking In the long run of such diseases as rheumatism, lines. - the following rates from Missouri and the fulness thrown further back; labor, the dgly welgh,t of protein, to %v.-- can develop veoltE; in 'a manner
&9 the .other. aoltatlea and luAbago. We give one A border of lace was brought River: oinly, It must be remembered that fit be from 1.5 to 2.i., poulide, Oats are TNIP Iva have never seen.
So much Jor the triumphs of` the case out of thousands to Prove the around the regarded by inany as essential to the ,tWi,m do -
shoulders and up the $20.00 to Ogden and Salt 'r ltk .
J ,a so doing the brwidthii should be vL-lopol.1 before." P. W. Hodson,
Raw art, the nouveau art, neck. truth of this statement. Mr. A. G. front , flat .and wide. At the throat city ralsed, it little to obviate itily sti-all, nutinte.nalnee. of the driving or. work-
ork- .,
And I h;peaklag of this neck, a rush- Lacombe, Sorel, Que., says: ',For another band of lace went around $26-00 to Butte, Anaconda and of ,the skirt over ille Illp.j. Net or Ing horect, bli.t. many (>that- foods are - Live Stock C61nmissioner. k
lonabl. French dressmaker said: five yeario I was a.'victim to the tor- tho neck. Thin dog- collar of lace, H�e1011u,. other transparent textile drallett Ouccessfully used itil tbeir pinee, .
,'The nouveau art ii,Pruk in Just, what tures or Oman gown call be mod- whela t, bram, Corn, barley, dried brew- Liberty.
matism. �it times the with tile two long lace tabs In front $22.50 to Spokane and }Van -W grnlits, etc., are often used, ]it- What man is there so bold that be
10-s name linp-11w, a new art neck. filling Ili my knees, shouldei's and hips falling over a lace band around tli;' Walsh. ' gilled aftor the Intent effects, and Or
New -art, the art of looking at things were almost past endurance. Often ruching can ))a made by tit() vlwiL- Stead of on.14, without. tiny bad re.- -shouild. "Y'
bust, made as nice a finish as could $25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and suits, and frequently with consider- "Thus, and thus only., -would Ihave,
Lu a natural -way, the art of apply- I could not dress myself without be desired. I . New, 'Whatdom., 'via Huntington anti Ing dressmaker, who flow brings -4 able advantage in the coot or the the seaj?"
trig Imparso,nistie touches to dress assistance. I tried many remedies, Then do a great deal In the way fapokane. � small, pinking machine svith liar.
hwo come in, and dressmakers every- but Inever got more than tempor- of dressing the low neck with lace. & well -fitting waist can easily be ration. Timothy hay, although not Pol- ,whether lying calm and beau -
Where to Portland, Tacoma and . particularly rich ill digestible l
Where are hastening to employ It airy relief until lbegan the use of If YOU have a piece of fine lace In- Seattle, covered, either with folds or 'with nut.!- tiful, I
in the making of -"hall- gowns. Dr. Williams' Pink 13111S. I soft draperies, a blouse a (;nts, is preferred by most horsemen, Clasping this earth in love and
I 11"P41 sortion three Inches wide or two $25.OU to kebland, Roseburg, Hu- ffect being
"There came Irnto my studlo,-for I alLogetilor eight boxes and slnce Inches wide, you can place It around ogne, Albany and Salem, vin, fort- always prettier and more youth- eltiefly -on arcoliat of the freedom tbrotwLug Nick
eall my showroom a studlo--ti, few taking ,them I have 'not had a the neck dog collar fashion and can land, ful, than any Otlier,stYlo- Girdles and frow duot, and the (lass with wlilell The smile of boaxen from waves oi,
days ago a girl whose fats was prot- twinge of tile trouble, and I. feel lot the tabs hang doivn to the buat. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los An, collars or folded silk, met, label ),at- It iiv.i,y be distinguished from other amethyst; '
ty Only In certain lights. Slue lacked better In every way than I Alld for Then around the neck of your de- gates and many other California vet, or ribbon strappings ,,ave a grae-acs. IVith working horses whoso Or .whether, . freshened by the busy,,
expression and her eyes were lifted years before. I -would strongly ad- Collet'a you can set a• :band of white points, wonderful transforming power, and gautonance is largely supplied by the winds, .
at the corners to make them almost to give If the u-nderglip happens to be it timothyis probably the It, bears ilia trade and navies of the
I every rheumatic ouffeller lace. And In this way you wlIl dis- F roin Chicago and St, Louis Pro, morit satisfactory roug
Japanese in slant. They Ivere like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." pense with tile necessity for a dia. voortionatelY low rates are I shot taffeta, It Is quite amongtho � linge, btit world
'long, dark sifts In liar face, while n effebt Iiosetb brll�ht, clean, c]over to excellent for To ends of use or stern activity.;
Remember illat only the genuine mond necklace and look just an well by lines connecting with the Union I Ittles to make a fold 01,
liar mouth -was jbowad In a pftUIhLr Pills Will Our e.-Itill Lat long can't cure, as though the mines of Golconda Pacific to all above Points. strapping or the different shades of Min ho,nRes and colts, and ,requires Or whether, lashed by tempests, It
wai which might k:a beautiful Or It that the full name, wore at your chin. 1. the silk, with one of black or other vm-y Uttle, gmilln in addition to form gives ..way. Y.
therefore see For full Information Oat', on or .
might ))a ugly. Tltere,weg0 grGUt;P,D3- "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo colored velvet at each edge. Both 1), bdtAblo rations, I I
glilliltles Ili• her dress an. -.1 also, great address - To eternal fitry, blo-wis and roars
People," to found on the 'wrapper household Hints. . H. F. CAAT;E'R, T. P. it collar and girdle should form a Some Sample Mations. At' all its root- barriers, Ili wild lust
Capabilities Of SP0I11119 sued good around every ,bot. Sold by all medi- Sponge -your black dress with good , ' - 14� Janes Building, point In front, although on some Of ruill drinks tile. blood of living
looks as She IlLul. little dealers or sent post paid at 500. 0 . . g, Sole good rations for 1,000-pouna things,
old tea, 'and all those spots and figures a deep ;corselet formed of
miss Alice Roosevelt has just. 13UCII I. Toronto, Canada' ribbou strappings, curving high at- horses at mlodeirate work are Bug- And straws Its wrecks o'er leagues
per box or six boxes for $2.50 by stains will disappear, leaving the I ! . .I. F. B. -CHOAl7%, G. A., the back and diminishing to it nor- gou-ted by JoA-lao: i . of desolalto share;
a face, capa,b1h Of being beautiful oil writing direct to the Dr. Wilda,ins' stuff looking as good as new. ; I I I -126 Woodward ave.,
not, according to her modiste, all't Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. — ( I. - ; . Detroit, bitch:
. row bolt In, front, is found the most L 10 lb,s. timothy or mixed hay, Always It Is the sea, and all bow
another woman of t1do type IN the .. . .. i __ Borax, dissolved in a little water becoming. Crisp satin or taffetarlb- 111-2 We. Mts. dow,n, I
,present Mrs. James G. Bliiine, ,who 2. 10 lbe. tray, 101-2 Ills. Oats and Before Its vast a -lid varied majesty
. body kliowo, the old pictures were and added to cold starch, will pre- . : bons also give the fresh look that ..
is generally Considered such aT,roat in verysimple fashion, fast it vent tile xtarch from adhering to or Loulaine, silk with Turkish am- Is so attractive in an absolutely _'barlay, equ%1 parts by weight.
,beuutY. . H. So. all In, valn,will timorous men as -
"I 'took the young woman, who = round the shoal- the Iron, helps to stiffen the linen, broldery, or colored linen With w now Pretty* berthas, fichus, .3. 10 lbs. hayl, 8 lbs. oats, 4, lb
of tulle a IlIte I brewers' grains. OLL31
dors, with a rose somewhere, or and makes It glossy. i lace or embroidery, oil stiff white and inserted vests'are other forms 4. 10 lbs. lia3e, 8 Ilia .trots, d. the,. To set the motes ;and bounds of Lib-
must le nameless, and dressed ).Or maybe ilia tulle alone, Without the -_ linen with heavy ecru or white lace- of renovating an old gown. -N. Y. . ,
in one( of the new materials, a boo- . . I : , Wheat bran& arty.. I
ca0ed elope In a aha
of lettuce roige. To clean buff -colored linen shades, all Of these form. charming combina- Evening Post. I ,
!r-fle debutante Is dressing her fay the shade ,on the table and t10118. � all I 5. -11 lbs. hay, 31-14 lbs. corn, -:h Ibs. For freedom is Its 6-wil eternal law,
gre,n. I Chose a heavy lining to . I wheat bran,, A the. brewers' grains. It makes its own, conditions, and In
make it Cling, as so many of the neck after these old picture studies brush well; then• cover with pow- mple enough to �1%.,-O�-illa;-V 0. 10 Ills. lln,yo 5 lbu..cornl, -11-!4 lbs. storm .. .
dresses now. do, and I made it long them, fnes awayi to buy four yard.9 dared bath -brick. Rub in lightly with show to advantage the fine lilies or J ; barley. Or calm alike fulfills the unerring
enough for that arListic twist . t or slivered chiffon, comes home and a, clean duster; than .shake well and shoulder and bust, and elaborate FR EX.M0 Corliorl 9 FD=' a - 7 3.0 tbs. -hay. 5 Ilia. corn, 61-2 tbs. will,
[a so good 'IT igs It around liar shoulders, pulls rub once again, I r t , , enough to appear "dressy." The neck 3 . ulli=l * '
around the knees which J I IvItcat bra,nl. Let us trOf than despise it when It
to behold when one Is utandlog. It* up, at one .side and down at the lllli is ftne, in any fashion, out out and t-�g-�t.;*"CL.40-.t--..,*-.Zt-401"t%�-d,K , U. 10 lbs. llayl,* 5 tbs. cornt, 6 tbs. . lies ,
.... .
. other, cat-clie.9 It with a pin and she Another use for ,gasoline Is in the lace edged, outlined by a wide, square Cream Filling -MIX 7-8 cup sugar, brinvers' grains. Still as a sleeping lion, while ill
A L'oem Lettuce Green. 1,3 complete. Cleaning of dainty ribbons, lace or band of the same lace, or with lace or 1-2 cup flour and 1-8 teaspoon salt; 9. 10 tbs. Illayl, ,11-.2 lbs, barley, 4 swarm .
Sometimes the new, carved wood- chiffon which will not boar washing- ribbon stock. Frequently the Yoke alawl 2 eggs slightly liexten and grad- lbe. WlIGI,1.t bwail, 3 'Sts. brewers' Ofgnat-Ilke evils lxvimr round Its
. "Tills- waist was made of lettuaa an beads, are strung Into the Cliff- Place the articles to be cleansed in above the lace Is laid In fine tucks. orally 2 cups scalded milk. Cook 15 grains.k I r head,;
green crerw over taffeta. it was fon and then the effect is ever so all air tight vessel and pour enough Insertions are more than ever In minutes in double boiler, stirring 8ilage, roots and other green food Nor doubt It when In iltad, disjointed
Raid In tiny tucks across the back, favor. Another pretty style of waist constantly at first, then occasion- may often be substituted for a minor times
much more dazzling. gasoline over to cover. � has a bolero effect made in scroll ally, part Ln.the hay with advantage to It shakes "le torch of terror, adid
while the front was finished -wifli But for the woman of the world, -_
open latitolling, like wide fagot the woman of yearn and the womar# of To remove dirt from porcelain, Pattern to each side with soft lace . - - . . tho animals' appetite and health. its cry. l
stitches. embonpoint to rely upon tulle or sinks, bath tubs and marble was. Insertion, while fine tucks from. neck Bread Sticks -Scall 1 cup of milk; q
; 110io yoke, w)ilch was a deep olt,3, am Whero the work is harder the Shrills olell'ille, linking earth, and
chiffon is dangerous, and for liar bowls, dampen a woollen cloth with , to past the bust this form the front. add 1-4 cup butter, 11-2 tablespoons amount of grain In the ration should In• the flame
- . I there must be a more elaborate ar. gasoline and rub over the places. The1 Ono of the simplest, most girlish sugar and I-22 teaspoon salt; when he inereaseLl; but the amount of hay Of riot aind wax .Iva see its awful
. rangement for the now, art neck. dirt will Instantly, disappear, leav- N 1 Ps Is a yoke entirely of small lukawlarm add I yeast cake, dissolved should
real'ain stationary. The in- form
[low to Use Villet Lace. .
Ing the surface clean and polished. , tit'lla that dips slightly to a point, In I-1. cup lukewarm water, white crazwo In feed :w
should J)e greater pro- Rise by, the scaffold, the orlm-
while the untucked part forms a full of I egg well beaten and flour to portionaitely than the Increase In som. axe
. I nil in these more elaborate ar- blouse. Tile back Is tucked solidly and knead. Knead, lot rise, shape, let ,;Ito amount of 'work done, and as a Rings down Jts roovos the knell of
I IA Dissolve halt an ounce of borax the sleeves are tucked before they are rise again and bake In a hot an. general rule old horses should lie fell
ttl rangements can be counted the In a pint of water, add 1.2 teaspoon- out. Vie lace stock runs down over OV shuddering1l."tngs, : -
or fillet- lace. Tale neck Is not diffi• fad tincture of myrrh, two spool]- the yoke In a pointed chemlsette, and ___ better than young ones. That judg- For QWa,7s In tlilno eyes, Ob Llb
-,. cult to manage, and its beauty Is Igo fuls of eau -de -epi Put them Into the puffed sleeves are finished at the Thploca Pudding - One-half cta- went which Comm of experience will rty I
.a -
-always be a safer gulde ilia any a that high light -whereby
. . apparent that It needs no, di. -seas- a bottle, and put a tablespoonful elbow with a very full and drapery PlOca soaked In cold Ivater, !aqua rt mochailleal rules for fretting, but: thin,
Shine . the
hioil-i ith those who will try it. Illillk, 3-4 cup sugar, yolks of 3 eggs, lits world is saved.
I .. I . For -tile fillet lace neck, done in 4�� + frill of rich lace. -_ whites for frosting; pinch salt, Is certain, however, that what- And tiloulglil thou stay us, we will
I art nouveau cotyle, take as much of ever feeding,, stuffs tire used, and.
11 .. - ZZ lovely taws WAIElt 11las a piece butter size walnut. Put tapt- IvItatever order of feeding Is adopted, I trust . the bast, kind of fillet lace as v ->a A very
oon. in the milk When milk Is Nv&rm, larity ti,nd uniformity should at . I
can afford. ! Catch It upon one made SEPARATE WAISTS tuck Yoke, pointed in front and -Salm ]Yen
In back, eOge4 w. a hen put In 'the regit
of the low neck and carry It over 1 lith, a LI -Inch I
(�,,) 21'lul!i�oof ace. The blouse below, aggs and sugar, which have beell all times Prevail lit toth feeding anti
i .. the shoulder so that It comas up high, Watering. It water Ili alwayEr avail- Just As Bad.
. AGAIN THE RULE. boUr front and back, Is one solid beaten. Put In a pudding dish and I -Do you believe automobiles
. #-*A- . like a atrapt. Here on the shoulder bake halt hour; frost top. al!lp, a liorm will not take enough ShL.
. - place It now art pin, which can be 11 mass of alterluate diamonds in lace to Injure him..,elf, but ,with working aro as dangerous as they are said
. matrix,
AA A '^+ —_ $
In ilia turquoise NY Ith a A�MAAP4 �^^--^^^^R,U��AA�,^ and lawn..Inra neck Is out out and horses It will always be fottlid bet- to be?
I onake of gold wound round the pin, Paris, Jan. 16.-'nio question of a row of lace diamomda are satin, Omtmeal Gams-SottIc two cups Oat- to to ,give them tltplr regular anid I10 -01i, sure I A fellow can got on -
and carry the drapery across the now waists Is a fascinating one that whilo, on edge of lace finishes tile Moat 'I'll two cups sordr, or Matter- largest supply previous to feeding, gaged In One of them as easily ,,to
back around to the morning add
other shoulder, is keeping busy. the mind or the vvell� edge. The f4leaves are puffed full milk, over nig-lit. In the . n and it may also bo troll to supply 1i he used to in the Old-fashioned bug.
1? nit ilia elbow and' scant at the toli. A teaspoonful of salt an limiteil quantity after feeding. When glog-Pucle.
. , .1 I - Bare the isoarf of lace Is placed low dressed Woman. TRIG waists more and are of the (solid lace and lawn gaignar. Dissolve two level teaspoon- ____ , . I � � I.: �., i 4
,---"% - and the shoulder is fully expose.!. than the skirts will show the mall- diamonds, IvIlille, the frill that fill- ruts Of soda In a lIttle hot water, ... . ., , . � .. . .....10—- . . - -
Let tit(, finish of the Whole be a Cal changing from winter to spring I I . .
T, lila-go fleah-coloted rose to match it fashions. Ishes the sleeve Is tucked solidly and add it to the mixture. Stir lit
. ��, and cions with a lace edge. enough *wheat flotir to make a stiff
P111, 4 the modiste. Waists have been tossed around In . hatter. Warm, the gain panic, and af
i I I V The neck Is not all or the gown every, extravagance of furbolowed lin All the Spring Gowns. Bronchial Colds
. tell greasing them, fill each one-half
Miss Aliie Bailey, of by any means, but it Is a great deal. - . I must describe this frill, as it fall of the batter. Ba,ka In a quick
. Was The lower part of ilia gown call bl) ----- Is an Innovation, and wtil 130 oven. ■I
Atlanta, Ca., tells how she carried out in the newer fashions, Th-.� Reason of it. greatly used ota all of title spring — �
which show narrow hands of silk So many of our rcmiore are Inter- and summer golwns, bdthl silk and
upon the skirt, the bands coming that we Of wash materials. It is a 10 -lush . - U
permanently cured of inflammall, anted In farming matters Cream Cake.4-Put 1-2 cup butter and '""" he st Pains
tion of the ovaries, escaped sur- together in the middle of the front fool Justified In occasionall I and I cup of 11olling water In it
X. devOt- square. A r(Aund holo Is cat In it. saucepan. Place on front of rang( _______._�.____ ,
to form a point and rising at t1lo back 1119 a little space to tho question to ono side rather than in, the and bring to boiling point, add I
geon's knife, by taking Lydia E. to give the long Ispallish back. of farm Implements. middle, just the size of tile end of cup of flour, stir vigorously, remove Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, coughs and Colds Yield
Pinkhatn'sVegetable Compound. Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney wore a As Is well (known, the Crops In most the nloove It Is to adorn. Tills front rangy an -.1 tultl .1 nnI:v,ttvn (i;'V, tly to Dr. Chase's Syrup Of Linselad and Turpentine
11 I liall suffered for three years with btlautifut black cloth gown built tit Parts of Canada last harvest Woro leavoi, Ono of tile four points long- I. at a time, 1%,ating 2 minutes be-
terrible pains at ilia time of men- this faf9bloll. It Is lidt it decollate, very heavy; apeolally wall this go er than the 6thlOr three, and tilts tween addition or P g r_�s. Drop by
struation, and did not know what but a walking dress, with the skirt In tho Canadian Northwest. Woare long point Is set directly In the A1,0011fuls on a bnttVrP;I sheet, 1.2 There arc, many reason; why you portrait and Hignatur( of Dr. A. W.
just long enough to Hilghtly sweep not able to foretell what the next back. This square affair forms It Inches apart, anti bake In hot oven should use Dr. Chailp's .Syrup of Clmm, on the wraplior.
the trouble was until ilia doctor pro- the floor. crol) will be like, Consequently It Is "drapery" ratIrm, than a "ruffle;' ,35 minutos; cor)l, split and fill WO know that Jill. Chase'sAyrup
rLounced it billamnaftflon of III(" Tit(% trimming eonmimted of bantIN Of dnalrablo to ))a prepared for �mer- anod ]s"a delightful Change. � : Linseed and Turpentine lit prefer- of Linseed and Il'url)(lialtir will not
ovaries, anA proposed an operation. very dull taffeta 'without a particle g()nelefj. Tbo strap" waist 14 a handsome, onen to any other treninlent fol, disappolni .1-011. blWall-sil It Ivan t1toud
I I I felt so weak and slelc that I it -It of gloss and they were put oil very ' Wo learn on good authority, that - tllll*,g- Tam shoIvIng a picture of NO Use lbr Law. diseases of th'a throat and lungs, tilt! test Of thile, 1110 tile r4aled,
sure that I could not survive the or- lgilrrow itild Very close together, it . Lt /with skirt toi'match. Tho und-n- . Toronto Star. i.
,ad an . a the binder Which established tb� bent Of those the mOl9t Important one is which are at 1.w,it triple that of
deal. The following week I react raining flown to a Point lit the front WaI00, Is of WhIto satin. Over this 'Every trouble that arises any- the fact that It has, born tPsted for ani similar Preparation, are Rtpilld.
!allele. At tilt, bot- Miloscol-Iffarris. . Is it. Irplat made of straps of dark whero In the United Stwtes Illustrates Years alld absolutely proven its 11y' increasing year by (oar.
PLdvattlaoment in the paper of Lydlap RIM lifting at t1w ba rreord lit Canada that year wito ilia
E. Plilklivan's Vegetable Cont- tont Ills skirt was very wIlle, &,.nil d velvet, the straps set fa,r right to, first posILlon.
round lit such r.n. emergency, anal to thore was it, (11ilthlef 64111le" 'r--.4 And thel reason thh,t It did so mag- red anew ilia prevailing (11srespect' for .114 a Positive ear( roll croup, brol, -
decidecl to try it. Great was my Joy For th(� tIvening gown Ono (1vponfla 111ficently In the heavy grain was onou a h w.h1to satin law. ,Nearly ever,ylwfly kitoVV14 Of the elliti.,e, Iti-,thilia, throat I.Vollbles,afid
to And that that It fig equIpped- with a. floating to show beneath Ili alternatollaws. ,X negro renial-kablo valuo of turpentine allit vevvro con,gh, anit vol,l ,, Ill,. (,IIa,Je,a
I actually Improved after upon tho long The tipper part at the WAIst. Is in a . ,ro eonlitilis a erline Ili tilt%
taking two bottles, and in. alp ranee of if)llllll look and 111)oll the upper elevator. Should it big bunch Routh, Itild tho I Community lynches .� Illiveal as reinedial Agents. They S.'Mill of LITINved aril Turpentino
the end I . w goods. But ir the bolloro to wletch have been so, Combined with half a haF? a reputation which callnot 1)13
- -
WtisoUredbyff. 11haagalitediligiliteen goods be not of ill,, Iery wqwnslve of grain be carried by the 00"I"t"Yor , ilia straps are Bet,
Jilin, or burns him, heedless of tll�l
p*=ds aid we!; In Qxcollent health.'' varinty which (-ill] beat, elose Inap eanvag to the elevators, the upper rhm bolero In made entirely of governing law. down otIi4,r Ingredients lit Dr. F4010n by tife 01101111 Midi ort Injilri.
_ ee- ,mail -ound pieces of velvet fair- (Illase's Syrup Of Linseed aild Tur- ollm C011,41 lliixtlll,(,.q whiele are of.
_ 'a A:tilag BArr,uy, 50 I;Orth 330111'.1. tion, then one must, help out with clevator atitomatleally risen to ad- 6 1 Whon workinen go oil strike, there
goted together With red twist. p(nthil) nu to form a most tier- forell 111,111aeo of It by some ilvalprgl
ll , Atlanta, Ga.-*so60forfolt1for1y1r;d tilts trimming. One of the gowni; inittle ,nit of It passing up freely. There Directly In back is, a boWt Of black Is violence, sbooting, inurdpr, OfffttIVO 111141 at tilt) same 1"I'011 TIM C01INIIIIIIAlve, who . has
. Ourbly
tl o kttelo proolp# gonlidnewas cannot be pro- Of ail Int-xpetillive inaterial wag ill is, therefore, no ehoking or stop. Satin. *Jille, black satin roisott,," Tito coal famillo Causes SuCh scolips thim pleasant Ille.411,elne. 1, renelled tile latter fitageR or ilia Ill-
Ionf!4ne. The front of the skirt was Ping• trim tho front to the waist. 11heve as that at "Polello. Whern .it mob As In fr(i,11tently tile e!ino with an sidlous distlaw, flin(IN OnNo an(t Coal.
0 symptolills of inflatnulation tucked and there were two rows of Tilts In It splendid device, specialty Is a brand iltraly ruilning from Ilo,zk seized flvi- enrfr of soft Coal and car- unumially Fiticeehlifull article, Dr. fort Ili the list) of tlli'4 prep, I t 0
disease of the ovarleg are itleklog running down ilm front, the introduep(I hy tile Mapsey-AiLilrill to waist. Tho Cal) of tile alcoven rled It away, unmoleatpil by the po. -1 -a I it,
11 throbbing pain, aceom- "Olva bving siv Inclies apart. Civarela .141-rul) tit Linseed and Tnr- while It la hill)(m8lblo to eNtImate
peoplt%, who are to bo congratulated 14 of -the faggottd round places of 11CO or the railway-nutboritins. !Cb lielli,1110 IS ImUnteil. There am now 1.11M Coullil(IRs liumborq of Iiis.; tm.
30 s use o teitdorness '. ., Little 11fnir, roll All. . oil the progressive lubtliod:9 they em- velvot, following by PhOrt straps 1161love, an aelitti diRtrogil, It to the hini4tr4 of preparations with namea varp easos wltift it Ik.tg itetvally
h,�itird .1 tv .
dowit In the aid(%,, 1,111,l hips hall it Anillfir ille-king, and 11,10Y in the Inarillfar-tulle, of farming atel it band of black silk and, A illob, that aetp, and not those Ill r'llullar to 'this, and, some even go. eurt'd. Dr. I'1vtt4"%4 0"villp of X,InFJ(-Od
0. .0talonal shooting PRIns. tilt% linek wilm tuelted III the SlInle imple.-Illonts. statin rosettes. Tice sloeves form atithority. Whonover disturbed, the W far its to litiltate thn bottle &lid and Turpentine. 1_13 eplit.9 n bottle
. 0 Oil of Mn so&dUmes way. Thin fol -1111,411 the 0111V trim- They are, it Carradian e6noitirn, too, big; puffs, wt-th, it lcmk Cliff of Vol. .
,, Amtridan oltlPtn rushes rorth With wrappAr. It tllpretoro lweollles nell I'laitilly &Iu%, t1fri- t1tupil its bA%6h,
No e $we ne. ailing thi� OcIrt afforded, and 1he toot WIllell makes its tile Moro proitid of vot trIlliftled lit loop. and thlere Is 1119 Won or bts midgel, forco, )list only eilspary for yon to Ills very Careful 00 eplltf4. At all q1t!"llorp, or E'dinall.
, , , . fl4rO Whil 144111110d bY,reloaglng tho th6ir RUCeeffil. . a Inae, and milk collar. law, NVII011 IiII.011g. 111BIRt on Neellig tile , soil, 'Batea %% C.o., nwonto. ,
I •