The Wingham Advance, 1903-02-12, Page 2I ­ . - I I . .1. .1 � . . 11. . '� - �____ _�_—t= -!!-:��777�, Tnl� 71 ! �� �! = - ---1 `­­ .-,—"--,�,--------'--�-...—.---,- ­_­__ --- ----- _._— - .— -- - .---- , _­_ ­­­ __­_­­,_.__..________­­ — , , . _--w .�;� __ A - . 10 -o -A -1p IN -0- � ­ . . I � � I I I � .� - 0 V%40yy"" anniveraAry of that day in the oar. p�11mblillgillook-& UIL-Ans or oolltu-1 �� V "^ don In Ilia birth daYg And always slon, which nilght lead to. tile over - counted the years Of his life 11110m, throw of falth. A BED TIME STORY. . that your. 10� If Lilly litan—Ir ilia Christian I And no, beloved, 1. too, have M who. Is lIgnorunt, or the heathOn seek- soul'o birth P;unlyorsary, and the Ing light. See tilee ... _ln tits Idol's Writt#n Especially for the Little Polk - - of loy real life date back to to,lople-Some went so far go not out), r Tf!T ! .�_ I ItIl!It" day, whon you and your love to cat but to eu.t. in tile precincts of USING UP THE, FORES'I'S. 80,0000,00001)0)784,01.wlkl"(,Ik(A Made � Annually III Dlaille Alone' At tile prosont rate of tile tuallurao- turn of spools,aud other aftle'log, tho inamonno whito mrch forest of Mateo 0 . . came Into my life. tbo. heathen temple. Tito apostles Ile, (11tarleo-ton, W. I'm., report: Not.- ' sparrow. NOW does any person here cannot fast many 7PAI'll, 611,Ys 3 1311,11 - You are, licarest, ilia Only mail I Ing concerned now orily with ilia withstanding Its nante, ,%In Creek, present Unow how far -it Is from tile gor speol.11 in tile Now York Buti. (By Jack Starling.) have over met, who understal)(18 point of eating, doea not rebuke 0161 back In ,Boone county, to a highly Atlantic Ocomil to, tile Pacific Ocean. Although tlie birch forests arc OX-, AA~ r od,y. aus- tons 0^NAAAoA0AAANNft4 Iglitly -tile Part ambition playa 10 praotlec, here, but Ile does so fully In r IOUs olletriot. It has " roviVa'l Tills Was a poser. not) IV6, tile fact that soventeria ontan's sphere. Tito 0 1; ppool mills Allot a large number or tile life of a W chat), x. 14r,21I.I.WRilloott. Be embold- rV66larly every four months. woro(L Nuffy was n. pretty little Light Im. beautiful harmony of the two was . ened-Be built top; be confirmed In -4 tits At I So koon Is its approolawon of the "How many miles In It froi - so-called novelty wills are eating up 11rahma. Ifer playmates were a, ,,well, rit taRo ilia ton, an:�way, first made clear to me by yen. yet' the belief that 4u Idol too something, I revival ,),jat 11 proselilly lackslidus lanlio to the 11mcIfte, Ocean I" 11to 11 ... be,, at the pale of from 85 Plymouth Rock named quaker ant wit to me that ambition In and soot be led to vlolatO b1s cO116010)(30 i Ili order to experience another. In It IVAB Kyle, rhissoll this time Oat milliull to 40 million fool; annually � I -a and you (,,an keel) them separate, and haTo slio little Dorking itamed Pester. Their give tile eight more lit another bag." Its highest sense does riot mean a and become established in error, this way It strIkos a hlghor avor- hazarded "several." a.ycites tile apprallcuslon of f0retstat-H ,, Mother waR a, WyAndotte, not an Ro, the grocer did as lie was bid, and sopAratiolot of 0110 self from sYWV4- JL For whom Christ died -A pathe- age of reformation than any other 'I'llore than boro to Charleston ten and. niallufactilrerfil- L I Indiall, Tou know, but a Wyandotte, Dolly's Impa trotted gally home. tbotle fellowship, and tender pas- tio and forcible, argument, Lirm,svit - region In tile State, tintes Over," sald Uncle Bob. "Ten Tile *pool mills use about 82 thou- , lion. Their mistress was Dolly Dart- Tito next thing Nvar. to f Intl a hell slon, but rather does It reach 1116 front tbo, depths of Ohrlstlan truth Unfortunately rot- Uncle Boll Ilet- time$ Oyer an, more." I sand cord& or lo in'.11lon fact or birch Ing. to hatch tile 0g;s. When you want a full perfection, Ito grandest alm, ,Ind feeling,. Will you not mifter a orecia, when lie struck Lite creek 'Tog -bite -a -rat I" sald Calmor'o aullually�. turning out 800 millioll It Would only. be right for me to setting lion it to always hard to find who" it Is charged ,with the sub- privation in behalf of the soul for teat weeIr-, tile effecto or the lat- Sal, luvoluntar3y permitting tile spool$, each spool largu enough to I (,.%.plain how n, Wyandotte hou had one. None of Dolly's Papa's liens lima duty of holding In harmony "DO wholit, Christ died? eat rovival hadn't yot �yoru Orr, local exclamation of extreme surprise calry 1.100 yards or thread. Tile &,not, it. varied and small family. it wanted to sit that'day. It was rev- perfect understanding two bumor, 12. Yo s)a against Chrlat-"By In- Uncle Dal), or, Its 110 prefers to be to egoaria, 11 � . amount of three(] that could be . . on happened title way. Dolly's fattier oral days before any of them wmat- till souls. To make this ,world better Joring Ilia children, whose wrong Ile called, the Rov. Itobart Carr Pat'ar- "Yen, Indoedy," pursued tile ox- Wound 11 these SOCI million spools oaw Farmer Brown going Into tile ed to sit, but'One day there was one for the Joy that gladdolio it, to do reels Lie ilia own; by InJuring HIS son, is a fatuous exhorter who, to liorter. "Now, If that sparrow, that would rIN110(11111 U,600 tinic around the storc, one (lay with a bask that did, so Dolly. t -old 1101. papit. that Work which Is hero alone, such cause, and destroying tile work 110 quoto tits own words, has to tile 70 Attle, orneiy, ohipploil sparrow, was world at tile cquaLor,' and leave a at of eggs. . to true ambition, and, this, dear line come to do, and by misrepresent- years of tire, 11,yanked more brands to start In an' take )list one drop, of 'Ittlo for niandlile;- Now Farmer Brown line tile finest That might Dolly and list, papa fill - Andalusian boas hero about, and lie M1 a barrel wIth'straw, and made a love, have you taught we in worfle Ing 41IS spirit." out 'of -the burning by the staged water from tbo.Atlantla lit bill beak, About as much spoot thread Is sont Is mighty proud of them. When lie nice round nest, and put the ten eggs and by example. Your own life so full IV. Tito question settled by love b(tirs of their hands than tiny wtin an' start with It to ilia Pacific, maX. to Hurope every year an Is Walla - I tiells thein he charges ton dollars I,. and three more tit It. When people of energy, so full of the ettv ttool (V. 18). 13-Wborefors-This Is tile III this ,c4tata Of Old Virginia, fjlr I -a in! *its hop a day, just one, mind you factured Into spools hero Ili Maine. 'a for set- set liens they always give tile lion strife of living Is yet moulded and conclusion of tile wbolo matter, To "What Is the f;plrltooal stateor -if he was to do t1lat, I say, an' Last roax Maine exported about 15 pair. When lie sells egg . ting lie charges three dollars a set- 13 eggs. I don't know why, but made strong by the sublime passion offend-Causo, lilm to stumble and to this community, gentlemen ?" Ile ; after ho'd got to the Pacific lie was millio; feet of spool bars, chiefly to orliaps It to to make the hen be- ,Of love- YOU have grasped tile deep fall Into Bill. 'Will eat no flam)i-lu or- asked its he took a seat in Tile ' to drop that drop of water Into tile Sootliturl, iil)d of this quantity aboat Ung. But sometimes the people P do.nit truth that love must sweetly touch der to Insure my avoiding flesh of- Pacific an' thou go back one hop a one-half WAS shipped from Ilangor. Have slie'll be uxilucky If still stove. won't come along who pay threc, dol- the chords before the grand melody fared to Idole; I would abstain from "Sort ol slow In your line, Unc, day -Just One little, weak, ornery, Sovel-gI million root of spool bars are attend to them right. an too shipped to other pmrts of Lite laps for tho eggs. It lie keeps them It ,was terribly hard for Dolly to of,11re can be produced. � all kinds of flesh in order not to be It Bo'bo" said Jim Sark, the proprls- collififiln' sparrow hop- ' fill up 'I's a I states where illore aro RPGA at Items they will opoll, so Ito takes . My Joy knows no bounds When I stumblIngtolock, ter. bon% again all' go back, and If lie Was ullltcle4 * walt three weeks for the eggs to . 'gilt - them tO tile store And sells them batch. There was a thunder storm feel that destiny has brouglit Inc Tea chings.-ICnowledge, find love "Lost In shi &it' sunk lit unrl to keep oil dt'lln, that until the At- mills, notably. to Rhode lsrlalld� )not Ilko other eggs for tweno'-five Into the loving �ervloo of a knight should go toglother. '",'a should be e was emptied dry as a bone, an' 'while old Speckly, was setting, too, equipped lit the strong armor of careful about trying to persuade eousness ?" inquired the exhorter lantl cents a dozen. made �he eggs a day or with brightening eye. tile Pacific Was overflowin' till It's ++++++++++tj ....... i ....... + and that love to conquer In the struggle of the man with it weak conscience banks couldn't hold it --why, 01011- -r NOW, when Dolly'a rather saw - two late In COMIPX out. But One "No, not Ilia' exacIly.11 replied ly r -armor Brown taking eggs to tile life. to disregard hiscouselenco. Wommy wl I flien-an' oiled you, I'm talklal + morning Dolly" heard the ohlrp of the Join. "Thoy Was a 1%f othoi + store. lie said to himself, "Here's my With ,a deop appreciation or the seek to enllgbton and convince I about eternity now, the eternity that -t, THEY WENT UP FOR 4J. little ones, and she put In tier hand honor that has been conferred upon with the truth, but wo mhould not last week, all, he was "'" " - them Bel doesn't have to "O . . . Andalu- Spec type POWIfill singer", 1. * chalolco to got some good to take one Gut, but old k Inc, and pledging ray love unto the condemn or denounce. . , a burn In ilia unqueuohln' flamc-" THEIR 110NEYMOON6 4. slan hens cheap-" But 110 wns feathers all rose up on and, and ,Aa' I -lard Sliholl. Baptlsl two, + counting his chickens before they 1,Ow.w_w,I1 and she bit end, I yet complain that "all oter- Temperance Instruction, -Our tea- Weeks hero'," added Neel 1,111clas "He The ppeatier punned Impressively * 1#1 she said 11 White tits congregation bent forward ,* wore hatched. What lie ought to Dolly's haud so that the blood Clime nity of loving 18 not long enough son points out five principles. got a right peart lot ot moura'ers. - . havo said, was, "llereoni toy chance But Dolly's papa knew how to tak; to love tiles, In." ,,it-. it universal angle. . . which should guldo tile Christian : "Ile was mighty penctratill,11, f1why, by tile time lie got one emil- But For ever your own. 'I, lZitowledge. Wo know that wine agreed Jaw. . An aotregs-bride, here In Xco%Yoph to got some good Andalusian eggs old Speekly off ead he did so, . I "Like to a drownded tied an' tile otber filled," shouted the cheup.', It Is never wise to count how many chickens were thore2 � . __ ___ the Widow Cruse's husband lit two rovIraltot to a voice of thunder, "It Clty.-bolng unable to leave town, . chickens before they, arc hatched. Well, lot ine see I Only th.ree. There , . .1 . ..... . � toot O' Water." wouldn't be un -up In hell I" though tile )teat was appliling, wits . �h , - I W married in tile parlor ill "it ,Olng So Dolly's papa, for that's what were Fluffy and Quaker and Pester, . I I "Ain't there boon no backsliders? Tbirty-foul! mourners fell over each away gown or pearl gray," t IN, pa: site calls film, It half hour later was and that �ias all. Dolly took tile � � I., Lwked Uncle Bob, anxiously. other getting to tile bench. Unele tit tile store, too. tee into' the house . . "Sort ol early for that," said El- per said, sayn.Clara Morris, In Ale - "I want a dozen and a half 0 three little bird . kins, "though I did hear that Bob Paterson'ff parable had made a Clurels, and the reverend gentleman , f and put them ill a pan under the - _'. . I ... rovivitl record for Sin Creek, who had officiated having dcriartild. eggs," Ito said, to tile storekeeper, cook stove, mad . covered them up . 11 1� . . 1.1- . Vance Wbert got a reveries offi- . LglAwny the bridal pail, also "but be sure they are fresh." with a cloth. Old Speckly was Ul- I - - cer on Friday." . istra! . lowed to sit an tile other eggs till � .,�/ , . I I A "No; lie didn't get him," correct- ----- went away, upon their wadding Jour - Tho storekeeper was a joker, so , f � - . X I , o%P0%11-^F-_-_-o%~%�" w . .. . ~Ww ney. Away upstairs, up a ladder, Ito said, "Here are some of Mrs, night- But It was no use� ,/. 1� . . ad Mrs. Sark, who clime Ill just in . ": . through a ecuttle, out UPOD tIlO Srulth's eggs." Mrs. Smith Is a ol!h.ea Dolly's papa made a nice, now ^ �� time to make the correction very busy woman and she never has clean nest for Speckly and brought I I . . — ,.Only shot him through the arno.'; I root, Where, in a hammock swung be- -. 1. We il) time to gather eggs except it few out the three little ones from under . � . _____ ( ( 11, there's that business of The 11arkets. I tween tile chlioneys, the bride - sit - N � / \ .. - Garby's ,Take euttln' up tile nigger SCGneed herself and. ,%Van sweetly minutes before she to tile tile stove, and Dolly Darling broke . . I // L.-,... ::J I . goes . I , .r on "Correy'o run, if you count . .,% 4 ^ � " ^ o-%^o10%^^,N^^^~%^%~~ I served with Ice-cream and,, aligul storm Mr. Smith Is a very busy up some m6lat broad and old Speckly �;_ - - , ore . cake by a very handsoma, n0allfig man nod lie has never had time to clucked, clucked, and broke It up .,-. : , 11 I that,,, kr,iggestoa Jam, build a bon house. The lians have smaller, and Flulfy, Pester and I I 4____�Z_ ..- . . I 1� 11 Oh, there's n. right plenty lot ol Toronto Live Stock. groom, who, finding the gravel hard :�_��_- . 111. ... I . . I.. I . I . meanness hope, 'I you come at the n, 3C and sharp, folded the napkin into it. . � / cattle, choice "t.. $ 4 40 to 475 Pad and placed it be their nests out In the field or on Quaker each took three little bites � - �__ �1_ - _/� t _;:;:� �11 11 n eatli his, brul,iel - . I - f. -fl W, -aid Elkins. " 13UL Julit 10 place, if tied then nestled. in under Mother - - I right time," a Piortinedium. .. .......... 300 to 4 2 -i . the straw stacks or any . , �� , , fil'I'M 7 Z . after a revival-" lie shook his boad do oovre. per owt ...... _ 340 to 380 knee And when the cream antl speckly's Wings. . . I 'I'm Uio eggs are not gathered regularly J. I �,N , % 4 ,111 - Then papa took -out the ton other � _� . . Butchers'picked ............ A 111 to 4 41 angel oake were gone, their honey - I . , . , I - A dubiously. they lie out In sun and so when 1, , - I I,/ Is do food to choloe ...... � . $00 to 425 moon rose and found them there with ,go and broke them carefully .. - � I do air to medium ....... 3(0 to 355 1 &I, . to see . . . . . . . . . 11 This Is a Saturday," Paid Une Mrs. Smith brings them io, the store If there were any chickens In thein, . . / . , :i Bob Peterson. 11 136ginidn' With to- do rough to common .... 200 to 2 'it! Inwreathing arms and waying palin they tire not likely to be fresh _� . . '. Is teat falls, still at their' banquet, but r: The ton eggs were . ;; 1�_ - �____ �1_ N . I morrow I will hold a nightly service But exportheavy ­._. 400 to A 25 We never eat them at our Place li I do light ........... I .. ... 1. 3 75 to 315 nowsupping of the nectar of colif-oss. ' as frpsh as the oday, they were set, �, - I . I I i for tho savin' of souls Ili the ,school- 0 stock ................. 175 to 200 sit love, . each listening to the tale . - � I _=* . us. Come one, come alt. Music On d -keep ......... to - _­. I d , - - nove -they were all bird bolled! :�� . F era, short I a - � we know. It, and, Indeed, we r ._� - � for --.-- cc 4 25 600 have to, for the litorekeeper There to it moral to this story : . __ - : . . * ­ I , !, ilia or-gia.,/ do medium .............. 375 to 4 23 of low nd when and'vvhdre'�tlid first . - .. ,4 .----. � i 11 Oil the flildle," oorrected Mre. dolight .................. 325 to 2 75 spark of love flow Into an'llitiocent _ __ - ships them away to Toronto and apart from the old one, "Don't count .— , - i Stoolcors, choice... 2 75 to 3 23 and un -sus . other places. your chickens before they are hatcli� *-- , t I Sark, "it so be Flddlo Slm ain't lit do cDmmon....,,-,::,*.,:::: 2 25 to 2 75 pacting heart. Nor was the No, Dolly's papa didn't WaIA any . --,--" --- I -i - [ ilquor, The afc;thodis' busted tile Allioll colvq, oach ............ soloo to Moo element or danger cjui�e abil6ni from ad,,, and it Is this, "If YOU wawo� a : . , - , . athing pipes." Export oweii. owl, ........... 350 to 4 00 this weddifig JournoY, rot- the bride or those eggs. good thing you must pay Inr It." - , 0 1 4 organ's bre, Ducks, per owb .............. 250 to 325 was a large ,woman -though. a dark - "Well, lot me see,"' amid the gro- of course, It was mean for Farmer � Far and wide, through the moun- Lamboi ................ I ...... 4 2i to 6 25 baakotij under the counter. "Oil, yes, � f // , _1L I Pai,tns went- the word that Uncle Bob ly handsome one, large was sito and Brown to boll his eggs so that theY . . I f - ... . ��, - It, . � Pe . Calyou, each ................ 200 to 10 CO heavy, and the acuttle Was small. h 'll like all woulcin't batch, but Dolly's papa paid -.,.-. - ----- .... .. . I M= , terson was to field a week's re- Hogs. select, per owt ........ Goo to 000 and the ladder almost straight and right, Mr. Borown brought them In only tile price of common eggs, and - ­,�� - _­ , --.' I vLval at Sin Creek. Surfeited asi Was do fat, per owt .......... 660 to 6 65 Just a few minutes ago." "Well, I . . --11'" , ... . the locality with religious fervor the do light, per owt ........ 560 to 565 weak to ahoUlneso. There was an car. 110 got only common eggs, very . ' - - 1. I do stores, per owt.. . .... 550 to 000 awn ' tL___ __._ - -�'. . ­ ". -iroved a Ina do Ado) to 4 S7�j do declare," lie kept on talking as common ones Indeed. ­ - . .. ,fares of Uncle Bob 1 glict. sews, per owt ........ nest discussion along toward d. cor, as he looked Into the boxes and But Dolly was satisfied. There 9111 El ri I I I I I I J I I THE ON T4Y TIME. Salleran Gully turned out Its scope; do stags ..... ............ I s7%, to 2 383i aa to which one should first descend. It to himself, "it beat's all. Why never were sweeter or more baautl. IN11r. Jacksan-Yas, Mis' Johnsing, dat horse has gone a mile in i,v�, Pole Crook, Upper Alder, Stranger .13radstreets Coll 'Xraole. Finally the bride declared lor the Hountain, Torrey's, 01�-u, H:won Crork groom's first advancai "You goo, there are only these ton left and It rot little chickens then the little 11111111tGo. . Wholesale trade at Montreal has should I stick fast, clear, you might ion' t halt an hour since be was here." light Brahma Fluffy, and tile Ply- Miss Sohn sing-Gra,clous, Mr. ,Tito kson, ,when did -he do dmt? , I . and Poonta Creek contributed tht.lir been quite active this Week, TAle half starve up here before oiar con. You see there were other clever mouth 11ock, Quaker, and the little -Mr. Jackson -When he was com- Lit' "st oln do cattle train. cluota; tile SoDg-diggers from Tim's trmdo in ficavy Winter goods is about dition was discovered' but I'f you go folks In the town besides Dolly's pa- five -toed Dork-Ing, Pester. . Gut came on abort -eared, evvirt- over so fat as the jobbers are con- . I , I I drinking Is an evil and that We heeled trotting mulakp, and occupants corned, and the atLention of travelerti first and 1, fit followlng� stick ta-Ift, should avoid It. 0, Charity. The one Of oranky, flatbonts, poled up the is ou,y ftilly occupied WIL.11 sprilIg ,you are ready to give the alarm ` - "V%/",",Ca�,%��es,e��-,vlv%/'4,,�*i%,w%%I ,Saptda- Ir 'C�0014 who aoti� from love Is surer than AVGT with eel spears from as tar samples. 'Aeacls in wholesale circles at and aall upon tit() fire departineut .Y is the one who a away asi Racine � for ailsistance-for scuttles, 1, think, , _� .Wrouto, as reported to Bradstreat's (1____1 7 /, 4111 , I ats front mere knowl- To these and others did Unelq Bob are in the line of fire *ork 2" n "' edge. Love for Gull, oursolves and Paterson preach the vengeance biLs been good this week. The nilG -Soo site came I - ast, ind thoui-ii most . olfters will lead as to abstain froto Of 'weather lima not helped retail sales, Frize Love Letters Th Un- S e:, UNTERN A1*Vl0NA 1i LOSSONNO. VII all Intox-loatIng 11quars. 3. Loyalty. heaven aud tho firea of hell for six but stocks of wInter goods ba-ro b.,en of the rungs of tile * ladder .... %came . nights running, and never it mourner protty well reduced. The trade situa- clown with liar, ,she ,was ottfoly,bacli: FU13PLUAILY 15, 1003. -Every Christian Is a, servant - m.oame forward except Fiddler - Sim, tion we ilia Pacific coast is brighter. fiont liar -Wadding journey. A TRIFLE WARAI AND DIFFUSE, BUT THEY'RE � Christ. 'Whlcbl,,vlll' who, having absorbed moisture by Tillers is a better ouLlook In -the mlu- Tbree weeks afterward, at a birth - I Chrl.Aian iMt-Coutrol.-] (,'or. 1: 4.13. please Christ mosit, drinking or ab- tile regular process, so exuded, It. 'Ing luchistry and more active prepar- day'dinnerlon Staten Island, I eat THE WORK OF R.EAL Wxq-'.IEN. : staining? 4. Liberty. Souls tell us Lh - opposite this bride, Our hostess had t% %,%,��,,,�� ' that -lie whb caunat use liquor as rough lits, - eyes, being thereto ations are being made for operations ,�� V,�v A 1 7 moved by the proaclier's cloquince, this year, Cold weather in Almnitoba .�,_�,%,*,a�%,ra,wW,oii,u,s,� Commenti. r .-"Tile eplatle.-to the been speaking of favoilte' plaues on he may desire .I,s nut a free man, that lie bcdewed ills fiddle-Striaga, since the first of tile month has tend. ilia Hudson, and suddenly she asked J. I;,. B. Cassell, Of Radford, Va., tv) that you ma.y have no excuse for Corinthians seems to. have boen-but ill under bondage, lie wild Which forthwith walled flabbily from ed to check 'retail trade. A. very Large in4, vis-a-vis; "Your honeymoon was knows what It Is like to have thirty , unlovLng ine, air I I love 'to think written In answer to a letter, woruld follow Christ must deny, him- (ILq,,rd Into silence. amount Of Wheat still remains In tile oil the Hudson -how sensible I And . women wi,tting love letters tu him, , Lhat you only of all men Gan, nee received from them - (chap. - VII. 1). T110 self. .. . Then opoke Uncle Bob Paterson hands of the farmers, and as the ex� Vid You' go up or down ?11 .. all at t'.1;e same time. He has just! Inner beauty-whatorer It le --that ellftell was,a little, band In a city P-RAOTICAL SURVEY. out of a.full heart. pushing a tiny..bone from )ter Ush tried it. . Ile.% drawn you to fne; for just LLH T,Jfo question discussed in thisles- port inquiry continues good, It Is ex - the Q,Aontal woman, is rotted to all of 400,000 in,habltanta; a gem in - "Yo .deneratlon of vloarol This is pacted larger quantities will soon be oil liar ,plate, she answ4red calmly : And Miss Anne Virginia Culbertson, . son Is whother It was right for Frien.y. night an' I have boon a In,- coining out for shipment. Good pre. * "I went up.11 Then me ,ill* tho bloo(i who to described as a charming Ill&-. men but her )ord, so sliall I walk a city of Iniquity. The early. traln- Chrlgtimn� to partake of moat of- borin' with you gotten, Sunday. Who gress bas been uiade lit 11b,miltoll in my body seemed to be pumping iip teat poet, knows that she wrote tile w1th my beauty veiled to all men Ing, the former . habits, �tha our- fared In. sacrifice. to, idols. Tl�o city I bowe down on tile inourner's bench ? Nvbolesale circles with the spring intO MY face, 6116 gave 1110.!�, reproach - beat love letter of all the thirty that . gave you, and rejotoing that it Is go. � volluding Influences or a elty .,which, of Corinth had a mixed population only Sim, and him beemuse, iio cain't trade, and lailge ablilinents continue ful look, and askad: "Doh t you ad - I must tell you that .you have - of heatlion and Christian people. Mr. Cassell received, for she has a I even ,in the Gentile world, was fa- Tile IdO, act up atralglit to save, his sinful to be made to the various trade com. miro tile country about Newbuvighl" handsome silver mounted chafing i come siting to a woman, who, even . worshippers dcdlcat,�d trots of the Dominion. The ir And that woman prided herself upon dish to prove It. . ' lit these untomautle days, thoroughly mous for dielionesty, debauchery ovary nicaj by presenting some po�_ soul, I Now I'm goln' to tell you an avelers . .Air. Cassell made up his mind early 1, belit-ves, Ili tile possibility or a grando and.drulikenness, made it difficult to tion � of It to tire family gmL It -war anc:r�aotc. Do you know. what a are Wit sending in W.ell distributed her -truthlillness I , - . Ill tile fall that something ought to 1 passion, and Will be satisfied with live a irtle Uhristlaft life." aiso customary to offer sacrifices mnc�-doto to ?" . or h rpts point to a . . be done to put snap and ginger Into I it,:), less. I abotild never be able to 1. -Perplexing questions (vo, 1-6), In some public tomple on tile Oc- "Yarba,'* said Garbylg Jake, t�oldng very lai-ge turn -over by tile retail I I W�!Obl the Radford District F reconello, mygoIr to a, Lapse late an I Unto Idols-TIlds6 portion& of ilia canton of a bIrtlr or marriage, and Ito in the medical sense. era the coming season, Values of air staplo goods, as reported to'Brad- , wrote a sort of open. I o�e Sol ,tt'e's Lrdliferent affeetion under the carea animale offered In sacrifice, which after Ilia legs of tile victim, ell- "No, It ain't yarbs, you sang�dlg_ . SWEETIES FOP, �j 4` and published It in the Radford Ad- avo] cc-mmonplaces. Of (laity. life, So - were net laid on the altar$ and. which closed In fat, alid tire entralls had gor," returned the revivalist. "Arty- street's this week, are firmly held. - . I after, an' Repeat orders In 3nany cases are car- I I I Vance, proposing at ilia same time I be warned tit time.- -. belonged pat tly to those who had been consumed oil tile altar, ill(. choka is the word you're rying higher prices, and lit some lilies F, THE FAMILY. (i to give the chafing dish w a prize And yet, notwithstanding this ten- - offered them; Theso remnants were worshippor recelved tile remainder that's a sort or jam, 'An. ancy-doto It 'is dfificult for the jobbers to get . .. to the woman who should send him deney of mlao to make love '!all grand :Sometimes eaten at feasts held in and mado a fqast for his friends lei,% p-Irable." repeat Orders for certain lines book- L_1^ Pl-%-,-.-.Uukl-�110krAAAAAA-11-^P%^j the best reply. The eciniest was Ono PI-rit-use," there is another side to the temple.s (T. 10)) or In private or exposed it for sale in the mar- EvcrybGrly knew what a. parable ad for f,rompt dellvevy. Ili London , Maclaroonv.-O.110 all(l three,quarters of tbe features, and easily the lead- Illy nature, and it demands that you houses (chap. X, 27); somotlynes'sold kets, tho same as Other ineats. was. Tito West Virginia mountain- this ,vieek there has been a steady pounds almonds, one pountf sugar, lirg feature of tile fair. . Let tile Laugh at you ,occasionally. I in the markets by the priests, or One of their arguments was that cE,rr,, even those who, can't read, will demand tor spring goods. In Ottawa a(, 991, , whites only, rose water; ,%IL , � .as Culbertsou-s prize letter and was born with n, sense ci� humor, and by the poor.-Altord. "The question God w� it one and that all Idol wab quoto the Bible by the chapter. So'che there has been a good Inquiry for btkirn lial"d Pound the almonds With one other was Published by the Rich- 1 111141 that niost of'my friends give waa whether it was right for Chris- nothing, and that every person congregation leaned forwiLrd In an- spring goods. The outlook for best- a little rose water; beat the whites � mond Despatch. The prize letter tile food for Laughter (it- tlmos�. tialts to partake of food connected ought to know this, and there- ticlV,-.otIo,o. ness In all departments of trade Is of the egg stiff, add ilia sugar grad - follows: Fo'r ilia rest I would be "just as with idolatry." fore no hmrm could come to a. "Ili six nights I boon a-laborin'," exceedingly promising. lially, (lion the alloonds. Drop a M`v dearest., In these two little high as year heart," but I ,would 5 Called dogi ... to heaven-ks the Christian In partaking or these began Uncle Bob,,,"I been a -preach- IXoronto Farnmrs, Tilarket. toasifoonful at a time on buttered a gull things. In substance -the apostle. In% the firog, I I I -I� x1lor III woiT(Is Is my answer, for the first glance levelly Into your eyes, Walking , moon, planete, 9tars, In esrth of at a.. 0, t I .1 �u 12 . n IN A M. .ft beasta river- ser. f �V I 11 Feb. S. -As usual, generdl trade title. Bake slowly a light brown. CIALMS 7011 rolue, an 0 6 On - - hand In band, your c,qual and your claims that to me you are Clear- lielpmeat In all things, as It was - - - ft I 0 pent's, etc, The heathen had many au ­8 UL-i'vS. .­ V..." a a the knowledge attainable con. you, to roe-pontance. Here on the vov6nth night I'm a warnin' .Von. . at the ,St. La,W,vance iNtarkoL showed Saturda,ff aetivity. Receipts of coon- __ For popeorn balls, plaep one pint of eat of men, , memlitt" 1: shpoft!d do. Savo I, I wolicter, been too ready imagina-y gods. The people of Ban- gal acknowledged 880100010001- corning the nature of ldol� und Idol worship,. yet such knowledge Is not "I'm a warnin, yea that them as try prcdacc Wins fair, and prices New Orleans melanges over the fire In I have been utterjy unrcherved for Lit my response? think not, for it once, and have bared my beart for lovo BIDner. One God -All a safe guide for your,conduat niod don't' rely-ent an' come a-runnin' to the mournor'o bouchIll be consumed generally wore firm. Eggti sold mt 20 to 25c per dozen, for new. laid. EL saucepan; let It cook five minutes; adtl three eups of fresh poppild corn ; seems to me a very Poor sort of . you to read, though I am reserved that seeks to collodion its value 47 6. TO us.-Christlane. is needed, for In hire dwells that all attl'udo tolvard those who d)ffer With you. I . In them overlastin' fires. It don't But -ter firm at 18 tot 23c, for rge la coolk two ralnutes, stirring thorough - by nature, and shall not alWaSrS be assuming reluctance, There are wo- able, to-reitlul myself oven to yoq. Power and ,love. Fatber-The Tho otl%er position In favor of us- count that you've repented before, for you've b:wkislid since. rdils. Poultry scares and firm at qudtalttoiRii. . ly. Pout, It on an oiled marble or Pon. Aff 'soon as cociled* off shapot suou-parhaps the most dearly loved Yet wbother I szepni near or roinote, of all-wlio know how to do this, rall Itit.6 or cold, -whotber chris,tianle dearest word rot*, God. He Is the originating cause of all things, Ing the meat alluded to In verse eight is that If, made, no difference before "Ili word or doed you've bailkefld. Grain fit modermte'recollit. Avlyt�-at with the hands i0to balls. �rftetlicr'l but I amnot one of them , for love E am sad or glad, beave tbat Wei in iiiiii-in lils thought, lils care. for him, and our God whether one ato or did not eat, W the flamin' deptho of liell In a- ' in' for you, a-ymwnin, rot, you, yawn is firm, w4th sales of 2 Of w0ilte not 00 bushels 72 to, 74p, L'OO bush - . For butter scotch, wat It pou,nd of I regard too high and sacred a through all and Ili spite of all, my of thing to admit of the shadow _-, I am In mind', and heart, and We were created h9host ball0lueGs'lo In living t011I8 I lie waa not better In either case "toi, the Kingdom of God Is not inca; and a, , -yawnln' like Xylo, Ruwell, there." els of red lv�rvter oi�t 72 to 72m ,xo, and WO 13111,1`03[s brown sugar wltji it oull'of water, Into Nflitch two, tablespoonfuls of vlae- . slimm or pretence. Your letter was goul, surely and unchangingly all so abliple, so direct, so tender that ,y.-RuvIburt. One Lord Sesua 9101c Is Father's Son, one with , Chriet-TI d,!,k.PP Mr. Russell ronsed himself frortl an sly dream With it loutlanort and anan" Of 90000 at elm t(o' 68%0- 13aplaY firm, 800 toll8lie18 gar have been stirred. Put Into tin I that Is Implied In the one brief word, I knew It came direct from tile -,yours." , tho rather, our. Lord and Savlon" Tlitig the groat principle or -law of huskily murmured that lie was a- selling at '17 to 50,�. Oats a ra weak - agate saucepan. Cook ter ten ailn- , - I heart, and my heart sba,11 Hpeak Another One. "through whose medlaflon are ull love Is got forth as paramount and to act without duo charity, even It) tbinklo'. "Oh, er, wo�th sales of 600 lia-ahelm at 86% too 800. A -Ye Hold 52%o utes, add four tabl"Poona bf butter and boll until it.drbll hardens In cold openly In answer. it I had not felt sure of myself before, your letter Some of tile young men who have things, Including the natural and spiritual creation." (John 1, :L,8. thili-is Indifferent, toward .I, wank I want ,You all to think, my brethren and sisters," crlod Uncle %L a bushal. for one' load. . water. Pont- Into large buttered would have troade me love you. examined the correspondence have Eph ill. 9). We by him -Redeemed broilior, fig a sln against Christ and Bob, warming up. "I want you to I -lax In fair supply, w"All saleNor -0 this, and tin It cools mark off Into , I expect never to be able to show sald tilat, whito they would be glad you. quite the nature of my love for to rcoelve Allhil Culbertgon*9 letter, by blat, find again by him to be glorified. . ontalla guilt upon "I'D that coraln'ts It; tn.vlc,w. or which tbe apostle, do- "If � tbink, on tile eternity of bell -fire. go ,you know what eternity rne%na? I 0 loads tit $ILI to %G a ton fop tionothy, and n;t $Z� to $9 for mix- Straw squares. 1. . -_ To make chocolate cream -- you. X shall walk by your sifle till 0wro Is one otlic,r lit tile batch willeir thrills to racIlate 11, Knowledge alone not sufficient (ve. 7, 8). clares, meat maketh my brpther to offend, I will oat no flesh While Do you know wh&t oternit. MD. 11 ?,, y -1 0 ad. oold at .S.'D to $.to a toil poppet noltnt, boll together, wltbolaL stirring, my days, and you shall. be sure that causes even more you kilow my every heart throb, but from their nerve contras than loops. 7. Howbeit, etc. -The Corinthians the world otandath." . His finger pointed straight at Cat- Sal, ,who, In tile Dresbed hogs _, aro lower 'With ov gill of Water and a pound of grauu-. . lated it will ti,ot be a3. To moasure my Tpe author's name In not disclosed. be Impossible to 6110 Says 1- " trgued that they till knew that all 14001 Was nothing, but Paul replied This principle pracUsect more gen- erally by tile professed church Would mor's sat second roiv'* She hazarded a guess that It amich of. I;ghC at �68,2a. tc, $8,1 (7 .1 . , . ?1,d heavy at $7.7,Z;, I sugar, until a fittle clicipped from thv poInt of a fol -k looks like love would asi ,%a ruensure the apare that vtretellod I Out from behind tile (lark mod .that tids was not universally 0-3 produce great changes In settling Wmil "quitA F401MQ tlnle,�' Vollowing icy tile rallgo of quot'l. -1 fine llalr� Itchiuve from tile fire, flavor last night between Lho shining Btftrs the throbbing som, sa You inust changoallo clouds of fear and doubt, dear heart, your love has conks like ease, that some were not yet On- tirely free from their beathen Idens, -society inany debated questions that agitate to -day. F or example, In till$ 0 "Quite some time!" said tile prea- liar,, scornfully. "I'll t 11, 7011 0-1 tions: Whoat, white, bushel, 72 to 74c, with essanco' of peppermint and beat to It whiLe creitan. DPop and ne k he measare of I I that -wilich to inessureteris. I can- 1, till), glorious lion, to make bright and bcautitul Illy existence. Bomotimes I (Ion.scionce of ilia Idol -See R. V- Cus' : tom had wrought In them a rover- ' ago of enlightenment, ono cannot be Indifforp t to the 'n wons and waste flow quite some Unto It Is It tell In an ancy-doto or parable, Mur r edi 72 to 7L� 1-11c; i;pring, o8o ; goona, 67 1-21 to 68 J.-_Ic ; oats, 3Z; i..!,� to 86c; � upon oiled paper. - When cold dip theae croams, one by one, lit sweet ohocolate, not tell how long I have lt)vcql .N oil-- from tho <lay wo met. lAor havo thouglit that I know your vac- rot, wmetlates: I have hoped that tile once for Ilia Idol which Chriatlant. Ly had not yet entirely cleared away. or the drink habit, If due considera- tion I" to tile its . I want you to think of. a spar- rovr-a little, memn, ornery spar- Items, 781-211c; barley, 47 to 500; blIckwhoil.t, 5r) to rj1c; rye, lialted, remove quickly, And spread upon oiled paper to dry. perhaps even then I huid to myeeLf, "Ile would br,-ttatiful vision or my dreams was A reformed drunkard walks past a given rayng g, of awful work. Tts Influence con mor. row. You kno,vv7 what & sparrow le, 5-2 1-20; lImYI timothy" per toil, T,I'�) to, I - For 0 understand." By Wilich I Meant that It I bare -d my Ilimast thoughts, MY irue, and there wore tile days, when 01A.' silver lialng of the cloud Was saloon wlt)l different feelings from one who has never known the taoste allty ham been strikingly set forth, Jam- Sark," 111 obippin' sparrow?" asked Jont, $10 " CIO., mixed, $.5 to ,p, straw, $0 to $10. , 1 y 011po boll One cup of granul atleddsugar and one-half oull Of highest cherNhed asploratlans, my I, I a. ,fs, they Illy oi�)st sacred bopoo, Visible and partially reflecited tile g.ory of the it behind It. Then agalut E n for atrong drink, CI 3noclonco being _ Weak -From W ant of knowledge. Not - after tareful Investigation, ,ms to!, Mor4tioll-Moral depra- loWri; First go uncomfortably, tooling that ho was expected to sm,� something. , a "I' "'a' * :' $7.50; doi., No, _'"o ' t'Oneds, I)er Lneli NO. :1, $7 ,�0.07 5 -, rf,41 ,.5$f, to 14 water to tlio crack. '"'lien the syrup "In"? P od In COW Witter Wirdens pour .L,,;. . lollgl,, %,,*Ould touch a 1,(,.q ,t) chord J-.1 my Eoul despaired, believing that tile strong enough to tgrasly firmly tile L vIty, 100110110 exc0sn' 141-cAnd gener. - , Insan- "Yes, a 0111rifibil sparrow, or &fto Never, $0.50 to '. $­ $ I 0; tir cittly Into a greased pall, at)'] whort quite you. Toil would not Mock them, for . r had read In face the noblencka 'I love Iongingg of toy heart had found i lit) answering harmony in yours. But -, , great, truth that an Wool In nothilig. only able to sea that -Lite woralilp i 0,ii-Drink mania, uttacks of Ity. general Insanity, paralysis. whIto-throat or any kliid or sort of $2.50, . APDIPS, per bbl., $1, to %, ; elre;lfle(l Von) mark off In squares -, they may be dipped lit ellocclato �vafor ml,vtUre; your ," of your all,d tendarop ,. . nature. 1i am to conrem my oarl.y now that I Sao love unobstructed i shining Into my life from ilia delitha of IfIGIR to sin. a. Bolt, etc.-Thils verse 18 to be i .0. Ilypoeliondria, Ina. laneholy, apathy omd tendency to sparrow. We'll take a ohippin,lospar- rovit because ho's the aniallent. Now hogs, $il.75 to ,018..10; (-gok�,;, upW laid, 'aO to 250, butto,r, 4aky, 18 to 1-1,30; add to the sugar mid wator When putting It OV(.;v tho, tit -o tit; much I Igilmoted not lifterelit in yo)u ; for in this sotento oilta!14 I of your noble, heart, I feel that no garded ar, the view taken by tbp Cor� murder. Fourth generation-Tiobe- Idiocy bwv far do you reckon that a abippin sr -arrow could hop? Tito littlest ao., Creamery, �.,:,) to Oac- � chickc, . .np, . . . cream er tartar as will refit oil the wor rise aggain to War upment r wLslt Illy' Will to clouds call r, littlilans Ill their letter to the, apostle. . . ellity, and extinction of ilia I ollipplit, sparrow you over east, Holy 1gr 75C to $1.25; ducks, per crid or a penItnifo; too much orearn I ,a witli yours, oliked moil our J*rfeot undt tio, to fop -rstandl fnp It Iron aro the order of! A boaullful atory teIlr'4';r a great Point grants their post tiott, but allows' that there are other potats to be " race. The licensed saloon with Its fruit. tar do you rockon lie coiild hop, als- PaIrIP71111111 to $1.85 ; greRC!, par 11)" 10 to 12c, turkeys, per I -IN, it to :LTC; I or tartrtv will make till$ candy tough, unnallamed, incli. to, ))I periell(A by frankness, too, p-ttoter, who waar liorn Into the dirt tonsidered. Commendo,th us not -'10011 i I a,90 of pauperism, crime, wreolmd ter Garman ?" After chowing her bonnat string potatons, p.ir bag�, $1_,,.') to $1.80. Dellelou" coffee earntowls call bn -mur way. I havo ml,,read you ; you t and squalor of a city alley. Therej 1 does not think any more of its for homes, blasted lives ard rulned for nyo pain -ridden seconds Water Leading, '%V11cat ,11al-lC(qg. . made by bollingo together two curia of are Of stnaller callbrO thAll I illml fib spont Tits obildbood It) blawk Ignor- - grlf,vo for I zmnee of ilia rrMt fields and ill(,- b0ght dreamr-d, and I shfill not eatIngo 6r tar refraining frolu Milng. ! it is our clialvaetors, our Moral Con- man, exists by tile consent of those protc-saing, to be governp(l by Olivia- - Garmon I murmured "Several.1 "Several PollowIng tire 'tile r-loAlig quota. Hollos at jimpovi.ailt wbea,t armlated tilli-mr and one-half oup gi strong blao'k coffee for five min- but for tile tnaft I thought You ; eky, until one (lay lie was taken to dition, our love; not solona fOrni'll aot Van motiveo and principles, in the what?" d(.,manded Uncle Bob eentrva to-dity:. I ut(t a Mid to 4 one out) of cream .%-()u, . ' live oat in G vs)r(k. i sod's open air antl sun- of eaLlng or ranting, for which He proportion - of &bent fourteen to one N; finswor. I Cash. A . Y, and contfullo tile bolling until It � I u nt tell We tbftt i shine. T,eft &,one lit a doar, uld-fil,O)- think nin 11pautiful, Anti I ard ; loned galMono the child's spirit awokc. oar,P% 111. The ditty of guarding th(i weak its compared Wittv tho number of out, churchi,%s. ;fiw unitkI Statoo Coll. "&iveral Inolies or toot or miles." "Yea," .., Now York ... ... ... ... ... -_ 81P 1.0 I - Chicago I strings when dro,ppeol front tile spoon , or until It Is almost bvILLIo wlinn kVLl`iT N'tttiv love hoo nover persuaded loved for . a flower here and 110 touched softly I thf...re; lie felt timidly of the green (vsr. 9.12) %, . q. 'But tiolco' 11"ol-Ti'lls verse 'a sumn, t*onty-f1vo gallons of alcoholle sold Sister f4armon, i tgoti- tZedly., eager to be agreeable. I ... ... ... ... I'. ... -- 801--11 Toledo .., ... .0 ... ... ... 78 3-4 8,21 dropped In cold water. Pour tiln till% - itiro on a platteri or luarble glitil th(tt . ll� t am. 111 yon oiq ,V1,11 t I)Panty'f; ilftkP, I 1411011113 IlAV6 nO li old . r,rAsFr, and patteil tile roug' treeor, Ito saw, WondporitipOr tho grOat Paul'it reply to the argument of t lie Corintlilan" In verse 8. 11T),out4h Oil drink, annunlly, t6r ovary man, we- man, r.nd child. "No thundered tile, proachor. "I want so mabody to tell too how -far- I ,,, - I!- I Dalutli, No, 1 Tier. ... 7o,_.1 ja British ravo .stock Waricela. i litiR been previously buttered or well molator"ned with sulad oil, Whell ft Is ("t,I)II1141 for eunwriltaint It you cclaGed Icive whon brituty Wli.0 ly,ollf'. Mull liky, 1111111 at last-, steepr"Cl Ill ll.*G- Or not eating, y4't It your, conluct it- -little chlropiril-sparrow -dan - I Ltyodob, Feb. II.-I'deas contifille coni out it Into squi%res. to att) 11 tf yoll fteover Ill mo sonto lannr i Wro's reality and lovellneffS, 110 IOGIC- . � , Lpolttial bwaut.". 0,1141 love mo for' CA up "'Ith tile great orv, "Ir dw itlive, � . r -m Itife) pill fpJ9r(,F; otheri it od tea (Ig th irou ollould Abstain 6lottirely. Thilt Ilb- Uwler tit& low of Nr -w York State not oitly Is p(.nr,lon money oxempt go. call no In one I)OP.11 I There was a long silerift Thell I Ntondy; canatilltit cattlo are quoind at 111, to 1.2o pk,r Ili., dre ,08ed welight I - - - I I - Aft It Isn't g enevally known that a Vmt, I Flial.' ba "rfv cir your love T rqn allve.11 Tito obti6i heart liad I orty-Though you arc. dollvered front front logal procron for delit I bu t rea, I 4) few,"I salil Neel E,IkIsm. I =ut:d Am orl eg a, Ib.,, I L n 'tt""' ' '1*0 "' ' _'�� �mer � , . gond many peopla are alloInt because go 1;)J%!4 ftiq T cri'l ltvur-,�rvl� indc.vil been botri anew. it - m a fAm-o'no phint- Long Afti,r, wile i nopt-ratItlatia notionN, It btt contrary I to tho opirit of love to hinder anotlirr propt%rty boo 'lit with pension i'doney for uno ax ii, bilturi tor the reelplent 1, finger lon'tht" said the revivallat Weightily. "Ay -bout I it hael at I � 41 0 ro- friger, Ater b00f Its t;�OtOO(j ot J)�'J -A 4 of their Inck of knowlodg-'e, It illight ba, Just aa well for to rollin-111 r'l- or flin NPIk - I slinil __ __ 11'. II , '11111 ll*)I,l falit Ity It, 6 *. the 01110-Inan, ftlwayot kept I lin III t IvIlat It 4, t I who lit not yot fito far onlightenpil. A 11; Prote0ted. . flilg(w len'th It ho wftg & right pe&rt , ). OV �l . you lotilt. , %, ! 44 ­ . it � 01AL, 10'r-