HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-05, Page 81 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE The Gorrie. TurnNrrl Bluevale.. he Famous Mr. James Way, jr., has move(] on Miss Fanny Beswitberick left; on One of the most enjoyable weddings Mrs, Fred McCracken visited her to the Lovell farm. Monday for Toronto, held for some time was that of William parents last week, IL Jemima.. Mrs. Moffat seg•, of Morrisbank !s Mr. S. Rathwell has moved to Greer's J. Bel and Miss Maggie, fourth Mrs, Musgrove is staying with Aunt at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. old stand, lately occupied by James daughter' of Thomas Stokes,llth con,, friends in Goderich, Mitchell, Minshull. Turnberry, which took place Wednes- Mrs, McLean and son of Dauphine, Mrs, J. Hartley of Wroxeter and Rev. E, A. Hall purchased from a day evening of last week. There were Flan, are visiting at Mr, J, McOrac- "` Miss Elsey McMichael called on friends some seventy-five guests present, when kens. lir this a gentleman in Glamis a beautiful dri- Rev. Stewart tied the matrimonial Aunt Jemima is not a myth ; she pal last week. ver, for which be paid. a good figure. bow, The bride, ed was atri onial We regret to hear of the illness of Liras a flesh and blood reality. This Mrs, J. Gallaher received the sad Good drivers come high, Al George 0asemore and Mrs. S. celebrated cook lived 011 the Old news of the illness of her brother in Mr, E. James tette purchased looked charming in a dress of cream hased the Cleghorn, _ „ , serge, trimmed with lace and applique Higibee plantationtlnU Louisiana. MiGlxigan, whom she visited two years Leech property, occupied at present and carried a beautiful boquet of white The Woman's Institute meets at the From Col, Higibee"s, then known ago, by Mr, Andrew, merchant, for $700, residence of John Wasman on Feb, all the "Governor's mansion," the Mr. and Mrs. J. Bartle entertained We understand that Mr. James has carnations. Miss g evils , ed ing , Y � played the wedding march, Wedding 18th at 2.30 p. m, fame of Aunt Jemima s Booking, a number of their friends one evening sold his $75 acre farm to his sons, Ed- gifts bespoke the popularity of the Miss Sanderson returned to Toronto and especially her pancakes, spread last week; all report having bad a ward and Peter, and will retire, contracting parties. The wedding on Saturday after a months'visit with turough the south, This wonder- good time, A meeting was held in St. Stephens supper was a feast of good things. The friends in the village. fill old darkey discovered that the We are sorry to learn that Mr. John church on Monday of this week guests enjoyed themselves with danc- Mr, Jack Gardiner paid a flying three great Cereals ---wheat, corn, Mulvey is at present on the sick list; to organize a Building Committee for ing and other amusements, and repair- visit to his parents last week. Jack rice—could be s0 combined in pan- we hope that the results may not the purpose of building a chancel, ed to their several homes with many has a good position in Rat Portage. cakes that beneficial ro erties t rile l'1c p p prove serious, vestry and school -room and making geed wishes. for the future prosperity Dlr. and lVlre. Chas. Mann of Regina, and :Ravor of each could be retain- We are pleased to learn that Mr, other improvements in connection of Mr. Balla h and bride, who will re - Iii ed, The R. T. Davis' Mill Co, paid peter McTavish is able to walk with the church. The attendance was side on the 4th con. of Culross, are visiting Mrs, Manns parents, a the real Aunt Jemima a generous through the house without the aid of very small, but the work of organi- and Mrs. Robs, Duncan ; they have sum. for this receipt. You can zation went on resulting in the The following is the standing of the been in the west for eighteen y©ars, buy it at p big crutches. following being appointed a commit- pupils of S. S. No, 6, Turnberry, for Mr. Wm, Lindsay of Emerson, Man., Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Weir, also Mr. tee:—Fred Taylor, D. Hicks, James the month of January:—Jr. Leaving, was renewing old friendships in the and Mrs. Wm. Lindsay visited Mr. Part 2—Bertha McKague, Charlie An- village this week. It is over twenty Elliott and the Rector, who by virtue TU"w �� R, Weir on the 0th con, of Turnberry derson. Jr. Leaving, Part I—Feed. years since he took up land ten miles of office is b all committees, The Homuth. 4th Class—Bert Murchison, from Emerson, and has been ver sue - Pone day last week. wank is to be commenced in the ' y The Epworth League of this place spring. John James, May McKague, Leslie cessful, having now nearly 1000 acres ,.-Grocery -& Crockery Store will commence their contest meetings Bryce, May Crowe, Rossie King. Sr, of land, He has this year resigned next Thursday evening, and will can- The annual meeting of the Public 3rd—Edna Obandler, Earl Porter,Edna the Reeveship of Franklin municipal!. Library was held on Thursday even Dickson, �ltfir 1�i0 per pkg., also Maple Syrup tinue them two months. y y Dickson, Albertena Showers, Edith ty, after idling that office for seven - at $bC per duaning, Jan. 20th. The following were, Try a meal of Notwithstanding the bad condition elected -Board of Directors:—J. R. Iiomuth, Leah McCormick, Minnie teen years, and office of Councilman those two articles. They will of the roads on Sunday last, the electsWillims, Jas, Armstrong, V. S„ . R.in- Linklater, Sarah Foxton. Jr, 3rd— two years previously. tickle your palate. Quarterly service, Which was held in ci al Douglass, N, McLaughlin, James Charlie James,Veimer Chandler, Peter The tea meeting last Wednesday Wroxeter was well attended. P g g Kelly, Kittie McKinnon, Ella, Wade, evening was a success in ever part! - We A. Dawn. Rev. E. A. Heli, R. g y p • We are pleased to learn that Mrs, Ross, J. E. Mulholland. After the an- Vera Stapleton, henry Foxton, Hazel cular. The Church and Foresters AA xn Andrew Gemill had a successful nual meeting, the Directors elected Little, Nettie Dawson. Sr, 2nd—Mag- Hall were crowded to the doors. The ie Crowe, Effie McCormick, Sarah T E MARKETS operation, and is doing as well as the following officers for the pear:— g ladies of the church provided an could be expected although not out of Goy, Eadie King, Genevieve McCor- abundance of good thins to satisfy P g President—J, R. Williams; Treasurer g g y - :aL(fgAbi bfAIL7iETB danger yet, —N, McLaughlin; Secretary and Li- mirk, Hazel Mitchell, Laura .Elliott, the inner cravings, while in the Flour -per -100 ........... $I ll!) to $2 40 Mr, Wm, Gallaher of this place has brarian—Wm. Mose; Auditors—W. A. Jr. 2nd—Annie Crowe,Violet Showers,' church A splendid musical programme Fall wheat per bush new 68 to 70 purchased the fine 100 acre farm of Irwin, Jas. Leech, The Library is in a Roy Porter, Maggie Chandler, Fred. was provided by the W ingham Pres- Oata per bush........... 0 28 to 080 Andrew Brown of Fordwicb, for the flourishing condition, the ouly dif cul- Foxton, Stanley Dickson, Robt,Taylor, byterian choir under the leadership Barley..per bush .....:...0 35 to 0 40 John McKinnon, Norma McKague, of Geo, Cline. Rev. Swann and Dr. PPeaan per, bush:::. ,., ...15 0 to IS oo G o 60 to o o5 ll of $5,000;mucsuccess ishiu their new can get ten hauMrs. ty is lack of ls for 10 outs, When a person thirty Part 2, Sr.—Will. James, Bertle Little. Macdonald gave short addresses and Shorts ., , ,.......20 00 to 23 00 home. books for 25 cents, itis a wonder that Robert Fallis, Bnrtie Elliott. Part 2, Rev. West manipiiiated the gramo- Chop..................... 125to 1'3;1 there is not a pard or more in every Jr,—Violet Miller, Isabella Fallis, EIla phone. The proceeds amounted to gay • .... •......... 7 00 to 7 50 On Thursday night last, while Mr, Fallis, Pearl Fallis, Wilfrid McKague, $73.00, The following evening a social h• - Btxttea~ per lb...... ..... 0 IS to 0 18 Mr, Wm. Butter was returning family. There are books in the Libra - p „ 0 18 to 0 13 v g r Gostin 4 that can be had for one vino King, Part 1—Della Miller, Earl was given for the children of the F,gQs • • • . • • • • , • • • • • • • home from D. Cathers' sale he net y g $ Dickson. A. S. Grieve, Teacher. Lard ....... , , 0 15 to 0 15 with an accident, In passing, another cent. The people of Gorrie and sur- Sunday School. Potatoes per bush...... 0 60 to 0 60 cutter ran into his and broke the rounding country are as intelligent A, pies' per bag........ 0 35 to 0 40 Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases of r H.t es per 10Q lbs........ 5 50 to 6 50 shafts of his cutter. Mr. Wm. Galla- and well educated as can be found in T Lamb skins' .... , , . , .... 0 35 to 0 45 her returning from Wroxeter, being any community. It is perhaps only ALEX. FELLY Eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office opposite Dressed hogs........... 6 00 to 6 50 not far away, assisted Mr. B., and sent the want of thought that prevents -the AtiCtioneer for Huron County St. Andrew's church, London, Ont. Livehogs.. ............. 5 00 to 5 05 him on his way rejoicing, library from being patronized as well TrLllow, per Ib........... 05 to 51 as it shold be. Drop in and purchase Iixiokens.per Air...... 1. 30 to 50 1 have secured an Auctioneer's license for Ducka per pair .......... 60 to 80 - "NAME THIS CHILD.» + a card. Horon county, and am prepared to conduct Notice o Creditors. tirkey, per lb...... .... 10 to 11 --- sales at reasonablo rates. eEse; per lb.-...,.... .. 6 to 7 Queer Things Which Happen at London Wroxeter. ALE%, FELLY, Wingham P. 01 In the matter of the Estate of Elizabeth o ............... .... 12 to 13 carie*.en[nrs' (Too late for last week.) Denman, of the Village of Iiluevalo, From a Gainsborough clergyman Miss Sara Bray is visiting near Owen In the County of Huron, Married TORONTr CK MARKET. comes the plea for the exercise of Sound at present. Grey. woman, deceased. common sense by parents when nam- Jno, McAllister conducted the meet- Notice is herob gIvon pursuant to the For fix ate market re- ing their children. He protests • Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and little Revised statutes ors Ontarlo 1807, Chap. 129, is against entering children for the race daughter have returned from London• ing at Jamestown on Sunday evening that all creditors and others having olaims g against the estate of the said Elizabeth Don - of life handicapped by bearing a last. man, who died on or about the 25th day of name which may expose them to rid- Mrs. Ewing of Teeswater is visiting A ri1, A.D. 1002, are required on or before the icule. Undoubtedly there is much at her daughter's Mrs. George Allen's. Mra, John Gallaher of Wroxeter is 23rd day of February, A.D.1003, to send by post r� cause for the appeal, though it may visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edward px•epaid to Messrs. Dickinson & Holmes, Wing• D. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley enter- h�in, Solicitors for tho Adnlhllstrator of tiis be thougIA-to come strangely from a Bryans. said eatato, their christian and surnames, ad - clergyman when one recalls 'that tained a number of friends last Friday drosses. and descriptions, the full particulars of Miss Priscilla Powell of Turnberry is their claims, a statement of their accounts and odors many curiosities of nomenclature evening. visiting with her friend, Miss Susie the nature of the security (if any) hold by them. dist have been drawn from the Scriptures. Miss McKelvey, at Orange- And further take notice that after tho said g. For, besides the bearers of the sen- y g Pearson, this week. last mentioned date the said Administrator For, if lain names a Peter, Paul, hill Sundayed with her brother, Rev• will proceed to distribute the as+ets of the de - p Rev. 0. P. Wells will take charge of ceased aniong the parties entitled thereto Luke, Matthew, and the like, and I. B. McKelvey. the topic at Roe's Epworth League on having regard only to the claims of which he Ad - the corresponding multitude of p P g shall then have notice and that the said Ad - P g Miss Elda Hazelwood who has had a Friday evening of this week. ministrator will not be liable for the said Ruths, Marys, and }iebeecas, there situation in a store in Highgate is assets or for any part thereof to any porgon or rave been a goodly number who an- There was no service in Roe's church poxsons of whose claims notice shall not have Bred to, but did not rejoice in. again under the parental roof. last Sabbath morning, owing to the distribution, by thorn at rho limo of such int names gathered from the tab- Mr. and -Mrs. John Gemmill of Pilot Quarterly meeting being held at Ethel. Dated the 22nd day of January, A.D. 1003. �.. If genealogy of the Old Testa- Mound, Manitoba were in town last DICKINSON & HOLMES r L, .cent, Scriptural names, however, are Saturday calling on old friends. Miss Ada Gallaher of Salem, why not now so commox]' as they used to has been visiting with her sister. Mrs. Solicitors for said Administrator tai Improved farm, with good build- be; in fact, it is to be feared that A load of young ladies from here at- Edward Bryans, returned to her home well -watered, in gond state of modern mothers are more prone to tended the tea -meeting in the Presby- on Monday, ation,. bordering on the corpora-. select high-sounding names from nov- terian church at Bluevale iast Wed - of Winghaqu.. For further par- els than appellations from the Bible. nesday night; they report having a Miss Priscilla Powell of Turnberry, rs, enquire at TnE ADVANCE But the clergyman's protest is rath- who has been visiting her friend, Miss er directed against the growing in- good time. Susie Pearson, for the past few weeks, clination to give children "pet" Mr. and Mrs. Linsley of Manitoba, returned to her home this week. names. The doting mother may who have been visiting Mr. Appleby, think it pretty to call her child Kit left last Friday morning for other The annual meeting of the SowiI- 4 1611 i Ji11116EJ:I IVtIdl February 5, 1 go; Winter Is Still Here, But Winter Goods, Furs, * " Overcoats, Etc. Can be obtained at nominal I .Prices1.4 .honest Goods � Honest Discounts to save carrying goods over,SEI E Til` IS OPPOR`I't1N1TY De M G 0 0 1 Big Prices for Trade, DIRECT IMPORTER of all Winter Goods during February, at and less than cost. We are deter- mined to clear out everything in winter Goods if price will do it. , Do not fail 'to see the BARGAINS we are giving in Men's, Boys' and Ladies' Underclothing Men's and Ladies' Fur Caps, Collarettes and Muffs 14Iet1's and Buys' Overcoats and Pea JacketsJ Meds and Boys' Suits, odd Pants and Vests Alen's and Ladies' Fur Coats and Capes All Wool Blankets and Dress Goods Ladies' Cloth Jackets at 50 cents on the dollar. IMMEME BARGAINS IN CARPETS. THIRTY ENDS Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpets, to be sold 25 per cent. less than cost. Great Slaughter in Men's Hats, Boots and Rubber Goods. GROCERIES. -12 Bars of good Soap for 25 cents. A full stock of Fresh `Groceries at Lowest prices always on hand. SUCCESSORS TO 'r. A.MILLS. or Popsxe, but a grown man or we- Farmers Fire Insurance Co. will be RAILWAY TIME TABLES. man hardly cares to sign these pub- points before returning to their home held on Friday of this week. The re- .►TUNIK , llcly, in the far west. tiring directors will be Edward Bryaus GRAND T TRAIN RAILWAY SYSTEM Some curious reasons have been Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson cele- and J. R. Miller. TRAINa 9E 0 FOR elicited in the endeavor to find out braced their Silver Weddinglast Fri- London.ton.,6:53a.m,.6:00 . nx...3:10 P. m. a hones in W ingham or how and why children have come by Mrs. Walter Innes of Jamestown en- Sineardine.11:i0 a. m..1:40 p. inl.. 3:10 38 p, m. town within 50 miles, I unusual names. Gabriel and Ruth day evening. It is the wish of their tertained a number of young ladies on ARRIVF, FRo,a a largest collection ever were babies of devout coolie parents, many Friends that they may live to Thursday and had 5 o'clock tea. All London..........63 . m...3:10 a. m.,..3:10 p. m, e in this part. "Me call him Gabriel 'cause ob de celebrate their Golden one. v psimer.................1:10 a. in ... 7:55 P. m. great wliite angel who s'tan' at de were unanimous that Mrs. Innes makes Palmerston..... • ......, Age t, Sigh p, m We are are sorry to learn that little L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham, doh' an' might look after him Ill' a very kind hostess. „ Donald, son of ex•Reeve Munroe, who For ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. J. XAGUIRE namesake. said the mother, who bliss Susan Roe .entertained a num- "hoped for heaven" for her son and has been suffering from pneumonia for ber of her young friends on Tuesday TRAINS LEAVR FOR Ileal Estate Agent she called her little girl Ruth, be- the past two weeks is not improving Toronto and East.... 6:67 a. m... 3:53 p. m. evening and treated them to an oyster Tooswater.............1:17 p. in ... 10:43p. M. cause they wished that the story of as fast as his friends would wish. ARRIvu FROM the real Ruth might lead her to self- supper, prior to the family leaving the Teeswater . ..... 6:57 a. m...3:53 P. m. John Harris, Jun., while playing a old home, A most enjoyable evening s Toronto J.H. Bt... ER,A Agent, :A3p.m. sacrifice. These parents carried the J y g tv TIE praetico of selecting Biblical names lame of IIock.ey with Kincardine was spent by all present. T. H. sEEMER, fluent, wingham to extremes, for their dog was yclept team last week had the misfortune to Rev. R, Hobbs of Wingham has an - Moreover, after the animal of whom have his collar bone broken; also ff ff it is written: "Moreover„ the dog Arthur Robinson bad his foot badly nounced that he will deliver his lecture Star l) lichod Lazarus' sores." hurt in Roe's church on Feb. 12th. We 1 There is not much piety, however, In for good roads, fair weather, and A� [ ��yij� in the ordinary circumstances that Last week Howick lost one of its a crowded house, as Mr. Hobbs' lee - determine baby's name. Eastward, oldest and most respected settlers, in tares are exceptionally good. in the direction of Shoreditch, White- -tbe person of Mrs. Sam. Pope. She y - chapel and Stepney, where babies passed away last Thursday after a BruesMr. R. :Roe and family moved to regare rded, ful and,sometimes it £ equently happens that ,short but severe illness, at the ad- makesthe r home ls on Monday, n the meantime. Fresh Sea Herring, parents bring their offspring to be vanced age of 74 years and 10 months. .while we are sorry to lose Mr. Roe Watc -71 e S Salmon, Trout, Smelts, christened without having determined She leaves an aged husband, three and fa mi] et we extend a heart z.. Haddle, also upon the name it shall bear. Then sons and two daughters ; two sons and y' y y Pickled Fresh Water Herring and the services of the clergyman are re- one daughter are married. The funeral welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Tennant, who quisitioned, and, as a rule, another took place from her home on the also moved in on Monday. Trent. J'olin or ]Mary is added to the regis- _ OC California Celery, Lettuce, ter. Most Johns and Marys are boundary to the Wroxeter cemetery. We extend much sympathy towards a Johns and Marys because their par- The bereaved family have the sym- Mr. Thomas Pope and family, who, on _ s FOR 15 DAYS eats were so named before them; but pathy of the community in the hour Thursday of last week, were called y when all the names of father and mo- of trial. upon to mourn the loss of a loving ` we will sell our stock of Pipes and then and uncles and aunts are ex- wife and mother, The funeral, which a Tobacco Sundries at COST PRIDE hausted, distracted parents resort to •^a Ernestina, T3yacintb, Beryl, Agam- St. Helens. took place on Saturday, was largely C ' etnnori, Clarissa, Miranda, or catchfi; C, A. Tebbutt, after a month's ill- attended by sympathising friends and , k 68 on Cigars, thankfully at any current event z Hess, resumed work in our sebool on neighbors, �. which may hell) thein in their dilextl- a ma, Thus arose the full crop of lit-* Monday. Mr. Yeo, his substitute, left Blyth. tlo I'retoriaa, Bullers, and Kitchen- for his home near Clinton, on Monday. I BUCKLEY Mrs. Jones of Brucefleld is visiting Jewe- al'sMr. W. Ferrier of the 10th, who has friends in town. " STAR RESTAURANT " It Is sad to think of a small girl been very very ill, -is, we are pleased no Xf (Successor to .t, McKelvic) having to answer the attendance roll to know, improving. Miss Mary Ma- Airs. Leech of Tilsonburg is the �'-,. ..vr. y i —TO THr— WINTER RESORTS • —or— California, Mexico, Florida and the 11 Carolinas." Including Now Orleans and the famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. Ono way and round trip Tourist Tickets rc on sale, daily, giving choice of routes and top over privileges at principal points, Excellent Service. Prompt connections, Fast time, Luxuriously ppointod Parlor and Sleeping cars. Meals "a In carte," served in the Dining and afo Cars, are not surpassed In the best Hotols. Tickets, Polders, and all Information on pplioation to Agents. J, D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto, MAPLE SYRUP. The good old-fashioned kind, it will make you think you are right in the sugar bush—per jar..... 70c Strawberry Pie Plant. Put up in two-pouud (Fins, snakes delicious pies, —at per can ............................. IOC Blue Plums. A choice article in light syrup, put up in two - poundcans—at per can .. . ............... IOc Citrons. Something very tasty at this time of the year, in two -pound cans—at per can .............. I5c att'Ir1�lI'1'S f, .. ,ia• IeNc a.. •` ,..,. •. A ,.epi ,. -.. .. .,�. _ CA ee. C a 1 At S,00 tote name of b aluba Jenks, or, as one maiden will, Polly 1 aardeberg Mason. T'oll's papa quire and Mrs. W. Barbour, sen„ are also improving. guest of hex nephew, Mr, Jas. Leech. Mr. John Denholm shipped a car of Pp j `i( - t "�" 1 ''�" l cl Rolled l�i � Oats fought at Paardeborg, and her moth. e1 Inas be pardoned for wishing to A, concert under the auspices of the Library, be in the horses from this station to Manitoba on Tuesday, � N . . - d '�' � � � �` ! p 1"11 � � 1J V j !a 1J record the fact, but the name will give away folly's ago in the days Public will given Town Hall here on Friday, February Division Court was held in Industry Ball, Tuesday, Judge Doyle Canadian That's our business, We Want men TREES ]til es, ]fruit and erns• -" is not a fad nor a lake, but is Oatmeal when she begins to be sensitive on tile subject. In the war time Pro- 13th. A splendid programme of sing- ing, readings, recitations, music &c. presiding. Lawyer Blair of Brussels was in at- �--(( TO... a Opportunities r king mental. W0 are looking for tt iovv Ititatiers. m nt Aroyou one? It so, get our terms, the getwine properly toric seems to have been first favor- w!!1 be rendered. Don't Forget the tendanae; a nunxber of cases were dis- ,. ►1,7i'O Inilled, free of hulls and seeds, ite, because less cumberous than date, Feb. 13th. posed of. i CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY ' with the oat flavor, which many other meals lack we don't ask 33loemfontein and the other tid-bits of Transvaal momenclaturo, Remin- Roads in this vicinity are In poor The following gentleman attended IQo,Q00,OQ0 Bushels I+Tursary#xraa. i 0 ClOLHORbI N9i: 6c Alb. either, With C>gilvie a isectil of the craze remain In Col- shape for teaming, unless more snow the L.O.L. Count meeting at Win y g g' Wilford, N. B. Gerry, Grain Crop is Manitoba in r o2, P 9 � � � '�►i Rolled. ()std and L1i1i1, a1' T11E W(xrli5 11`LOVIt, we aro sure to enso Cook, Kitchener Roberts Jenk- his, and "Victoria Ladysmith Brown -mast registers had a share this comes Soon. ham :. John George �\'tYi. McElroy, \lVm, Mason, g PARK'S _ r#oportionato yield in Alberta, Aselnibola and Saskatchewan. ; •` .... Al • of .IarrlestoWll, blains, A. McNally, McI:lro y pleam tho public, as those two patriotic admiration. Xot, till ac- tually glancing through the district One of our most, popular young James Gibsotl, J, li. T:tmaxi. Millions ter of Acres of -W l,atld for solo on ease terms in the Norl�i•\vest. 1 firms will reduce tlxo Ke p i]lu4t or Wane. Try a small sack registers is it realized ]taw lunch on- virollnxent influences the question of ladieb, Miss Ina Bryaus, is at present attending the Conservator'v of Music large number of oily cCtlaens have formed themselves into a Board of Thy (gyp yt r �1n Store Immouse limber and mineral resources in I3Otish Columbia. openi nits for ltandiets, l+ariners, Darymen, /� a � '�% � � ■ f T ice [a c od emb And judge roll yourself, xlaine„. X"y Anns and Hmmas, I m- Toronto. This is the second a%- Trade; tiro following gentlemen were tl !1 Ii U�! � Fl�lrit (3xowors, Millers, Mechanics, Yrospec• �.J .JJR.. A JIi vie+ 1t Elsie only, at 1 flys and Jacks, 'Hills, and Harrys grow up thickly in the neighborhood of the docks, by Poplar and Lime. in amination that Miss Bryans, has writ- ten on. She got her certificate last elected to offices for the year t' --Pres.•-•• Frank Metcalf ; Vice-Pres—D. B. Me• tors, Miners, iiine3 k t� 6 P,Nv Itoyinearest aaeit��en, Canada” and "British colutnble." 1 t1 �j (�� s +a ��) 11('t{lr located now a e h BIO Ldrrquarters liamo, while naturally In the iTowish of whitechapel and Aldgate year in the sante place, and now she is trying for A higher one, Her teacher Llnnon ; Troas,�---Alert. Eider; Council George Powell, S, Herrington, J. B. MacdOn4ld Block Wingllam A. H. Il ��j e.►l. n a71111 !r Ak are found >J'oshua, Moses, ltebecea, !s Professor Hawkins, Brueseis. May y Moser, C. Hamilton, J. Ii. Chellew Asaislant General Passenger Agexxt Passenger 1 ]king St. x Toronto. ' + (Oise )Oa4r ivq�'th of �' xeld s Butcher Shop.) RXRT 1t;ZT A ly) S7olomon, laaac, Hannah rtiZtuplioated Into pionotclny.—Undalh J'mlegraphl aac+ eds attend her efforts, James McMurehie, N. Ill, Gierry, ast, ee.