HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-05, Page 7... ....-��-I...-��%"-,�l-.",��ll.�.I..'�l";. - 1111-1. 1.1111, 1-1-1-1. .. .. 111.1-1 - - , I'' I I 111. - .11 I. 111 .. I 1.11.".--
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SAXON CROWN PRINCE Pectilling In U'very l"'Itropeltil Voillift.). MMN 619TS PHITINO111. ", glish Ilueterl'oTZ".1sts Seltrellil-g tor I ----- I --1 -1 4
Out Itussia. ---- 0no Along New libles, 4 � 14AO;� U6�
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11arlo Feb, O.—The Matin 91vok; I Ill 8.lt, It; one (or tho .�� i S.
- �
lilturents of tile medical pro- � I
some Interesting figures of t1fo Latter's Camp Rushed and d,'O"'oll' "a Mild Weather Spoils tile Plans of the' MoN . 7.11, 1)
RENOUNCES HIS RIGHTS number of suicides it, Buropeall fo=sluori the baqtorin theory of . re or Less ll=mr.
. . ----..- . mftn� - ndependent Operator 110 ,,Vp looklug for N. olipp
— ". ., .--- -- — nriules. They seent to NhOw thttt Followers Killed, '(� discaNes has beon,fully estall 1, S. mrs,
that all criorts to trill an anti- n
suicide is doclimillig Ili all We arm. -- . doto, for ilia typhoid bacillus have I dear 16 thero any, waoe irbere
Id youliv wre you didn't put them?
loa except that or Russla,where 1,3 failed. All antitoxin lifts becil pro. Nms- 'York, Fill). ,'L—Retalt votil ellts expaitpl that Now York %roll sll(—wj2at do you iawtili?
Action Tinken Because of Absurd Court dca, ters have dooldod to sell coal to .( .
lie litborla bacillus, be- havesoveroweattior In January,and jjo�l WAnt to fook,t.uerla for them
out of every 100,000 colulult But- THE PRETENDER A PRISONER v,,1,(,1,0,',1 fGT,,t po'lls"O'n of this bantling consumers at $7.50 it ton, Leglnnlng had stored over 800,000 tons along ftrst. . - I % ,
oldo with: unfailing rogularityevor,v pauses out of Its cell and, Is soluble. Mwiday next. They any there Is now
IF . of Honor Traditions. year. Tire proportion of suicides er, Feb. U.—Tho Lida of war Tlio, pulson of typhold tuberculosis Is the ra3livads lit ordor*to make coal �
cothor grot4t military court- Ta"g' Little Margie ,bad been very,
In tire Ila, suddenly turned lit favor of tile hitracelitilar antl cannot be reachcd PIcIltiv Of C031 In 00 City, 11,114 that scarce lit tho city. Tile inlid wouth-
Berlin, Feb. :l.—.J etirlouri story circumstances sliullaP to tl'090 of trios IN hIghor, but sirdws ill tend- ,&1itan, it messenger whose crodon- under ordinary conditions. ar,out 60,000 toills, Is arrIvIni,- at Pr spollell their p4tus, anli tbeyare tiaughtyl, and her mother was Wild-
-%r Lite Crown Prillec, require a OhRI- oncy tol deproase. tints are regas,ded. by .experienced Recent oxpovituouts by baoterlolo- tidewater oicry day. Tire Indepond- now releasing tile coal. ly reproving her when the little
widely told In thn provIncial anti Der- Ivugo or the laying aside of ilia tint- The promelit rate por 1010,000 Is: resWents as entitling him to doill- gists, with the atialstanoo of .11vof. miss exclaimed: I
---..-------- � "U'awma, for goo(Ines8l sake whip
lilt pap.lri; this morning, Is that tile form, The Crown Prince, It Is addOd, Franco, 18; Italy, 81; UoraltknYs platobeller, has brought noWS that Dewar, of tire effects of extreme cold ----- ' -- —'- ----- ---
Crown PrItico of Saxony Is deter- IN scarcely expected to challenge Pro- SIC; and AustrIa, Ili. 4 I Moriblil, commanding the Sultall's upon tire bacilli show that, they liur- k I lit(- and stop talking so much about
� ruluctl to renounce his sn"CONNIon to fl-psor Giron, ilia teacher of InligUag0s Tile man lit ,differeat ailing of tile troops, surpillued and rustled the vivo at the lowept temperature at- GOLD 0`101"'E MORTH $10 A POUND* Rill I I -- ; I
V who ploped with ilia OrOWII Prillcoss, service commit sulolde Ili different oampof liu Ilainam, ilia pretender, tainable. It was discovered. howevLr, . d, All", 110 sighed ecstatically. as Ile
tire throne tit favor of lilt; son Cloorge, but opinion lit tho army IN so rigid proportionN. The greatest number oil Javilary 20, capturing ilia pro- that when frozen lit liquid air tho bn- ---------., - .. � w
who IN 0n. yvara of age, for tit(, Oil points of 1101301, that tile Crown of suicides Avais lit the foreign leg- tender anti killing or capturing at- 01111. become Cxtl'em('IY brittIc, 130 that . hirled her round the room *to tire
i1rince, Is rilgarded as InollgIblo for Ion branch of the 1,1ronch army, Most all hlkr force. N I Moribill seized they could be triturated into exceea- 0 I sensuous measure of the wait% music,
reason that tit(, alliltary court of r evIcwIng ilia decisions of courts or wltbro they aniounted to 00 Poll the carrip, together wIth quantities Ingly fine powder anti their cellular Oregon Man Arrested for Stea ing 150 "dancing to. truly the poetry of me.
u 1111131),
honor does riot permit and bonor and .protecting ilia honor Of 100#000. On the other Ifand there -.thus destroyed. It Is then tlon.11
wronged as lie has been to remain In the uniform. The ReInIsche Courier, were pnly 11 In oaclf 100,000 In or provisions and aminualtion, and ro. charaotoi
If Irlosba(len, says without reserva- tile Guards. In the caValry sulolde captured tire guns that tile Sultall's ponsIblo, to oxilerlint .fnt with alitidates $'Yeg," she answered, as lie trod
the service, and flic Crown Prince, ( little re. was more frequent titan In tire In- troops lost on December 28, 11 oil their polhollous contents, allil It Pounds of it. air her rery particular corn -,*"aspect.
tlon that ilia Crown Prince islhoped before long that thill mothod ally when the poet knows how to
Its 00111111ander of the first army corps noulioptl hill right of succession to falltr.y A second messenger of tile Fez con- will lead to tire discovery of a treat- anage Ills feet." . .
- au'd more '90 111 tile ""it'- firms tilts news, with the exception Baker City, Oral Fob. J.-lletcr ago Frank S. Ball1le, manager of tire m I . ,�- I I l :
of Saxony, anti as iho future corn- tho throrro,'and the Berlin Post'll lory !han tit tire ouglitcors, ment, which will destroy 'tile germs . ,ell,
Dresden corrospondent says lie al- of tho capturo, of Bit Ilaulara, which of typhoid lit thel human body. Peterson, a .minor lit ilia employ Of Columbia mine, became suspicions of - N, .
,�K�v,Z. N'. K,
. �� t�.`.i,
. , � ... ..� .
mander of the entire Saxon contln- roady has apponlod to the Lnifteror . lie donles, but It has riot yet been tile Columbia mine at Bourne, near solho of ilia miners workIng Ili the 1'1�,
gent, must pass upon ilia findings of to rell-ve Idin or nil military post- ascertained whather tile Pretender is Sunipster, was arrested yostorday, ,,,It,,. -. �',�, �, ..,,�
military courts of honor, which, In tIone. among the slain, who aro numerou,si Detectives have discovered - & . .
. . 9MCKED NON -ANION MIA %'lie pretender's kliallra ant charged with taking 3.50 pounds of that thcro was an organized gang .,� . � . -- 11. , 1.
, �:�:,., .1�
I I—- . W H, ore from ilia Columbia mine, whiell . .
— were captured. of thieves, who had been at work �,N .�J
. Tliore IN great rejoicing hero,whore lie sold In Sumpter for $10 it pound. for ilia past three years stealing ore I �� "'. I
pistol It to bolloyed that the Sultan Is now About forty pounds of this ore re- from tile Columbia, North Pole, Red I � - I I . 1,Y1, 4 ,
4 (11 .. �,., ,P�,. I .,
31 11, I S D U11 ,I, 1) R And the Latter Used a Bay and Bonanza mines. The lowest �� . �.,�, .
Infinitely stronger than lie was bo covered Is easily worth from $50 to estimated I " �:, . T
P7714 roro ilia rebellion. E, van If th� .pro- Farmer Was Ti-ying to Drive Valuo of -' -i specimens 0.,
, " ; , V , .
-1� I - 1 4 V, . 41 ,\ %.Ai., - - I A
Ift ,Tt 1 $60 per pound. About three months taken from all ilia m1u6s is $10o,00o. "I. � A '.
a A U 2 E -1A on Them, tender aseaped the popular better lit --..-,-.---,--.--. -.-----------.- , . 11.1 I / "I . �� ... - . . I I
AM 1PELIBERA 10 lils saintshIp will be destroyed, and it From Yal'd ... �.- ... - ...... ;e, .
. ofe" " � .. . ,.. �
— again Obtain a follow- McGill University, Montreal, pro- T"x l, '. 'I .. *
'lie will never . N.
, , - , , I '2221 11
" I ,,,
tests against the Marconi wir , .. . -
,�; �
class ... , .1 � ..
Ing. . .. . ..... . � I - t,%. ,*',�
�r., ., ... ; ,� :t I
I , ' 1140� V � I . I ., ,3.. .% .
: Pittsburg, Ila., Feb. 8-C. 11. Aill- Non's condition no attempt was made GNE OF THE PAIR 1S DEAD Bit 11amara's previous successes are atation being created on the nioun- TROOPS TO KEEP ORDEH I �,,'�! -, I '11.1". C. *. .1 I ! .%
to extract the bullet. I I % .1 . .. . . . V�.
I son, it well-known electrical contrive- ascribed r&thGr to the Incapacity of WHE D, tain top, its it would damage the � % , 0 . � . 11 . ..l. ,
I No reason Is known for the attempt physleal laboratories of the college, , -- — 11 . I I .1 I \
1; �. . . ..", .1,
ter here, was callvd to ilia door of the Sultarl'a uncles, who commanded .� tO . .� . . . . . I .,�N\.
I Oil Mr. AlIlson's life, and tile Identity Chicago, Fall. 2 -Robert McNa- 11abylon,, L. I., Feb. .I. -George 13. The smallpox outhroak It tile .".". \ I
Ills home at Sheridan, it suburb, early the Imperial forces, thaa to Ills own vi- � %'..", "... ..
I ,% ��,
of tire nil who fired the Ohot is a inara, prominent In the councils of Burling, It farmar, rosiding two, miles lage or DrumI)D con o Rioting at Waterbliry, Conn I , %, ,; i-1:1 I
to -day, anti shot down by an nil- mystery. It 1.+.snitl that air internal tile local union of freight handlers y k1liod hut It I,,; considered by tine . � I 1.
above Informatlon-comee authentic `� I `x", !
�, 0 character. Simultaneously with. tile from this place, was nearl -aspi;, , I
� .
!7 known person. The bullet entered Mr. machine was sent -to Mr. Allison last yestorday afternoon by a f0rOcIOlIs local authorities to lie undav con- !,�-v ::
and employed, until recently In tile news that twtq or the Sultan's Kalds boar owned by Frederick r Must Cease. \ ., ...'.... fi� AVil;
i . Aillson's 1pft side, ricar ilia livart, and Thursday, but It failed to work when strode or Lite Burlington Railroad, .was have beaten tile Bonewarin and Ily- Noucl, whose country seat, R. IlOwn- trol. There IN. a neir ease lit By- r ,%.:l! El *A
ih, box wag opened. i 1i nkoway nam Townsh!p, in Rigin County. 1�- � ,4,,!: , if I: ,
I , It Ill feared tire wound will prove It was said this morning that -tile shot and fatally -wounded shortly af- Minn. tribes, capturing and destroy- farm, adjoins the Burling farm. Tooke Bros., Illutted; A. It. Sims & . :NZN f 'I'll - l.1!
; I fat&l. shooting was the result of Political ter 0 'Welook oil 8aturday evening Ing all their poesess!ons. it ling The boar, It co.9tly priLe winuev of Co., and ilia ,Standard Shirt Co., collar SC .Ili I I
, " containing ilia in&- by Henry 8. Ballard, a non-union been many years since ally Sultan, P 'il i,
Mr. Allison was awakmiad shortly trouble. The box the Poland China brood, had been and shirt manufacturers, Montreal ENES OF WILD DISORDEh .. ., I il /
I obino wal,; illrectod to IT. R. Allison, freight handier ompi4oa by tire 1yao ablo to put down these tribes- regarued by Mr. Townsend its VdLy have been consolidated, and with th�l - - I , ly I I X,
before 1-1 o'clock by lowl, ringing and I . Waterbury, Conn,, Feb. 3,-E,Ight . ,,, . , 1=-- --11
Slocretary of the Anti -Saloon League." same company. men. Their fugitives inatenAl of join- gentle, lit apito of the fact that )I(,, I I ii
. knocking at the front door Securing it if; deliled, however, that Mr. Alit- Tire shloothig occurred Ili front of Ing Bu Hamara, all submitted, Of- haAl bocii warned of ttio animal I B Colonial Bleaching Co., w1ll build a com h t Regiment Con- - " �,j . 1�
, I ,�
� Ills revolver, lie flescondoil !I I big fa�tory at Shawinigan FaliH, and T - , -
to stnir8 I son Is In any way connected with tile the Burlington frolghth011sO Ut Ca- faring themselves its guarantees for ugly disposition, and lie had lot lite liectiout National Guard it,nd seven I � : .
I nal and West Van Buren streets, and manufacture their civil cottons and "I � , ..,
and opened the door. NO Ono W11,13, ivague. I the capture or the pretender. lf.l,.Is little grandchild and nurso play prints. . . companies, Including two, local corn- IMI,SV, I . .11 I I
I.. 1�
� ;
- .
k there. Ile stopped out upon tile porch I After an examInatlon or illowoun,l was tire outcome of a series of phy victory occurred some days previous with It. I panles of the 2nd Regiment, with I .
! and was peering Into tire darkness tile 11113,gicialls st,ated tilat Allison Ocal encounters whicli have talcon to, r,l Monoblil's, to which It appar- relilit morning the boar climbedout Tire attendance at ilia Ontario two Gatilng guns, were 'called to --
when a shot Was fired, from ilia sIde was not fatal].y hurt. Tire bullet Place of )lite Jletween union anduo- ently led, of its poll anti want to the Burling Institution for the BlInd at Brant- Waterbury to -night from Hart- G,BNEAPUSI.
of tire house, and Mr. Allison fl.11. Ila entered tile lort livenst, and without union ruen. --- I I farm. Mr. Burling molzod a club forzt. last 'Yeav -was 68 majes and ford, Now Britain, Manchester and "When Mr. Casey died lie left all
(Illicitly ralsed blulself by the raillng, PIP"cing tile lull�@, lodged In the McNamara left tire employ ofthe
He Is resting oas Burlington R ,O Tribesmen Submit. and started to drive the animalout 70 females, 00111PAP00 with 721111RIeS Itockylile, at the command of Gov. lia IL-1 -'-,, thle Orphar, -A^�711;kmli."
� however, and fired three shots after right alroulder. y of the yard. The boar refused to and 66 fenvales the previous year, Cliamberlain,.becausit of the I'linpor- "Imleed I Thavt was Woo ,cf him.
tile assassin. Mrs. Allison, hearing ilia tc�-(Uiy. The police are at work on ago. Ila spent Saturday lit co!m- Lon(fc,n, Pal). O. -Mr. l'orwood, an go, anti, turning with tusks uplifted, I)Iaklllg tile total 339, the $I'll's Ill ative need coca loned by the riot- - W)16,t ,did lile.leave ?11 .
. .
I shots. rushed down tile stairs and the ease, hut there iq riot- tile slight- pany with George W. Landers, a ID11gliallmarl, writing from Fez, under rushed at Burling. The latter #.tt- e.9ch ,year, or a little below tile Ing about the :trootN last night, Illila tW.Jva ohildrewo .
I found her husband clinging to the I L'st clue. Mr. AlIlson is 48 -years 11111011 freight lki,ndler, who left tile (late or January 18, records tire do- tempted to dodgo but ilia boar was average for many yearhr past. coupled with, threats of further dis- —, .. . -
. ,'Sher- &,into companj last Wednesday. Both
rall. Site dragged him Inside tile 11011se of age, and is Manager of the � real and oulintleston of tile 11yaln-a too quick, and Burling wa's thrown Tire mild weather of tire pist row turbances to-niglit.11 I'D vtor," mtd JImp6 Ill% 11 arn aw-
4 and 11, physician wall quicilir sum- I tann plectric, Company, with olficos McNamara ifid Landers vlg.te(I say- I f
oral saloons during tile afternoon an(I lionewarin tribegninn. le adds to ilia ground, anti while prostrate daya Mild ilia arrival of fairly good There was no ropetition to -day. o fully worTled about m7 �7WPe�"
i . nioned, but on account or Air. Affi-lill this city- and tooNvan.1 evening they went to -that the E nglislinion In lees -never had the boar'o tusks Pierced lite legs, NuppIleN, of coal appear to have had ilia violence last n1glit, but crowds "What's the matter AvIth her 21'
i ... � I . . . .. -- & retiort near the Burlii% I ,,.eight any Mort. of going to the coast. The Initiating ,wounds six inches longin tile orreet or IL-k!senlllg tile tension co,iigregated about the streets and "Why, ever since she joined t
�, .--- ..------- - - --- l tot . arly two InchesdLOp. or ilia Toronto market, ,and a drop had to be dispersed by -tile pollee, 'Don't Worry Club,' she ba do
�L�SK� sadly disconcerted by, Chamberlaln"o houeo* Lmiders was 1,i2r.�ept.illy 1111. woman went because the town was onch leg ana lie, . - 8 11
success witli Ills foi�xiier ellemies. It der the Influence -of liquor. full of wild tribesmen. The gates Thos boEr then fled. lir price is anticipated within a. day while there were rumois' of till Mt nothing but svorry about how Pill
� upsets nit their calculations, falsifies Having finished Ilia day,s -%vork in or Fez havo never been closed. Thero Burling aragged himself or two. tack to be made to-ii-igqrt, on tile car ple destroy. thelF happiness hvJ
I . HRY of to lite - barn, .,whare the non-union ruotor-
B 0 0 11 U I all their predictions, and makes them the freight bottse, RallUrd, lit corn- has never been a, panic or any cauelb houlso a,14LI a physician wag at once The Altickenzie-Pellatt-Nicliolissyn worrying."'
look lio-t it little foolish. 4, Never, party with CoOper Converho, another for anxiety) . summoned. Dr. A. L. Woodruff "' dicatel will p%y $15,000 a year for men land conductors brought ]lore by - - -
prophesy,, unless you know," Ili a non-union eniployco, started ter - - - '. swored the summons, and later Dr. tile Privilege of developing electric the Connecticut Railway A Electric "I wouldn't marr ,11 excla
I �z P61itles as well as thoir J�oardlng hollue at 4L, West Pretender Exposed in it Cage H,atoltl 1-1. Hewlett, who had been power at Niagara, with an additiona Lighting Cornpany are quartered. ad all angry da
All Refererce to Arbitration so'lad maxim talpartments of it sent for 'by Mr. Townsend, arrived. fee per liorse-power, amounting 111, The troops were called Gut by the the only man
"(Ill" In the other dc fo- Adams streat. They hall walked London, Fob. 2—il. despatch from roll(.- wounds were examilmd, dreseed'. all to $80,OOU par 125,000 0 .
I Had they observed It the aniall sec- norlth Ili Canal stroot 4uL a short - borge- Gov rnor, after a conference at �oon 4,you �et
tion of extreme pro -Doers In till a 111anglor to tire Morning Leader men- all4d sawed up. The nerves and inus- powor. to -day with Col. Burptio, -attorney torted, "I I
;� Cut Out of the Treaty. 8 distance when they became awar tions a circumstantial report our- cloR of both logs were badly laceritt- for tlie railroad compittly, General I coil
country would ]love been spared thai they were followed. Ballard, rent lit that city that liu Ilamara, ad, and it will be a long thus be. The Prospects for the building Manager Sowell, of tile' railway
I — much L�ortiflcatloli- Ali it Is they are w1p) it3,10 vears old, nrgod Ills Young- trade at Toronto Junction during I
. BYM- at' CorriPariton to quicken his pace, wall brought to Fez lit a, cage and foro Burling can leave Ills bad. company, Mayor Kilduff, the main- .
Inclined to wJthdraw their . .
pathy from those .%N-110 have d1sap- �ut belore they I6 exposed to public derislon. Thedes The tusks Gr the boar Came Very tire coming season were never bright- . .
THE AWARD TO BE FINAL yield- Van Buren a id reached West 1 adds that it is lmpGsslbIo to nour severing Ono of the main arta�- r than at Present, and unless thq i o f Public -Safety,
I)olnt&l thent sogrievously by treat, they -were over- Patel 0 hould and Sheriff Dunham, of Now Havien.
-o the istern logle of ratits and - taken by ascertain ilia tr�th, and attributes leO of th4L. leg, an(I had title happen- price of material and labor a
Wash Ill g Loll, Feb. 3 -AL tile llt.,,x M Lir I 0 materially advance the Junction' No ,calls were rum, this evening after
. L Ing i eNt I arE and Landers. have bled t .
executive .session of the Senate grasping the bani.1 of friendship bold The lattor engaged Ili conversation thek Sultan'll victory more to Ills al the mail would sunset, but during the day all the
I t to them by Chamberlain lit the with Conveme, airl McNairrar-t ask- bribery of tile tribes than to nilli- death before help arrival. will experience air era of extension -a operated as usual ,with
Chairman Cullom, of ilia COIiIllIItt00 Olrma of tire British nation. Lard why Ito did not join the union. tary tactics. Tho bribed rebels sud- Mr. Townsend at Once $1
, shot tile unprwedented ' Inco the bo �;� of 11 lines wel.
oil Foreigh RpIaLIO114, will make a 111a ender,s boar. year$ ago. . . the -non-union trolley nien.'The cars
1; days ested. ' - . .
I favorable report oil tho Ainskail BrItIshers are compelled ulowa Ballaml was abotit to explain that donly abandoned tile pro', Thu matter, It Is said, will and In Tit() Ontario Gazette announces tire were laot met
boundary treaty. Tile committee to. to "think continentally," as Alexan- Ito had made application, tint] had standard. the courts. Mr. Townsend, the owner Incorporation of the National Irou Last mleirt there was a general
� der 11lainilton would Ilay'o said. While Loon rejected at 'the last meeting, riot. Every car sent owt from ill
clay, by It 111i,inlinous vote, deolde,l of ilia boar, ,was formerly a wealthy and Nickel Corporation, with a capl- barns iwas greeted with a 'volley
: that tJ& action shoult South Africa claims their attention when McNamara caught him by tile I I tr 0 5 .
I I be taken. ' New York woollen manufactureran ill of $5,000,000, divide into, ,000r stories- at va;lou,s points, and no a,
There is no time limit its to tile raLl- to It It pressing problems they dare shoulJor and. pushed trial toward the broker. 000 shares of $1 each. Tile provision-
.. fication of ilia convention, but Sent'- 'lot forget South AfrIca,'-wbere fence wbitch separates the driveway CCIDENT at directors are 11 R. Franklin, L escaped without broken windo
ter Oulloin hopes to put it throtigh lCitchener and MlIner both served front tile sid.-walk. According to - Thousands of people filled the
E. Horribly, J. X. Leslie, J. J. WaI8119 and the police were power
at this session. their apprenticeship, under Cromer, stories told -by both Converse anti CLUBMEN IN TERROR. all of Toronto, and W. A. BverOtt, control tire mob and were at
Mho Idbtory of tire nogotiati011 Of administrator, whose 11allard a short scuffle followed,and Duldtli, Minn. The head offloo or forced to require the Cc ...... n
this treaty shows how of , Lrefully .Scu- magnificent statesmanship tneIr ac- Ballard, thinking lie was ahout to Unusual Number of Travellers Pe— PI-ne, -f Sa Ivation Army to (.*are the new company will be in To-
o avo�id tile LivItIes have temporarily outshone. lie pushed from ilia s1dowalk to the ronto. Electric & Llifliting Compan �
. rotary ft�y lia-s sought t Are Angry at Spr . igg. . drivxirway, it distance of ton feet, lbr Drunken Wanderers, clals to call In their cars. The re- - ... I... , . ;
inclusion of anyinatter that would ,,-., t, �
fired at Ills assaLLant. Fata'ly Hurt Durinu Year *London, Feb. 3 -The 1-ite6t d1:ve'OP- -- BILVIL'It0i AND FORNIGN. quest was compiled with, &act the 11, . ,I ,
I make the Lreaty objectionable, anol Klinberl?.y, Cap3 Colony, Feb. 1.- Ballard -was refused admission to t> last car pulled in -to the barn. at I:L.-. (!' .1, \1l
how lie hag steered clear ofany rn- Since Ills arrival there rwith Colonial merits of the Salvation Army crusade * -! -� I , " I .
forence to "arbitration." When Secretary the union because lie had worked - have struck terror Into the souls of It 19 11cpDrtea that Austria and 15, escorted by the police. One me- !- I I � .1.
. Chamberlain, a series of during the recent strike of the well-fed anti well-preserved members Russla have decided to compel Tar- torii3ftn- was injured so severely by a .I I I
y tio. Intro:luee reforms In Alace- " .
was demonstrations against Sir John freight handlers, an,l was suspected MEETING OF BENEFIT S of clubs rind others that have novel. ke. stone that a call starter had t6 take
the draft of ilia convention OCIETY a , ,
first prepa.red it COntalned both lit (yorldon Sprigg, the Premier of Cape -an tile place or a union * (Ionia. his place. Several other motorman . I . I
. of having tak been too proud to accept the helping I .
the preamble a nit the body Oin Colony, have occurred. Ile was pub- handler (luring a strike In West, Vir- 111cronto, Feb. 2. -The twenty -sec- I
word "arbitral tribunal." The word Rely lilssed an several occasions, and I of bobby or cabby lit reaching their A aarnian lieutenant. who had and conductors ,were less seriously i
I'arbitral" wa-s strick5b out of tile during all,. Chamberlain's remarks on ginla. ond annuat meeting of the Commor.. dointelles after the midnight 11011r. shot and killed a IZLNVXCP In it dUel hurt. . I . .
; Landers expla!n.-(l that Ballard anti ho Travellers' Mutual Benellt SG- Trusted commissioners of the ariny "'as sentenced to two ye&rs' Im- T. , Y, WERE FA
� irticles before the convention WDA ilia sItuation, In jitape Colony at Conilerso had been approaolled Ili a 0,11 will roam tho'streets at night looi- prisonurent. ..
Aligned, but was Inadvertently Itift ilia banquet given An Ills lionor here friendly 6pirit, and lit> attempt '%VMS clety wMa held Jn St. George' kled CAN SEE THE HOTrom. -L%Ilbs Minnie XhIli ,
in the preamble Friday. eiening cries were raised made 0 Mlli Ing for helpless ones w1lo ,load Tha BrItIsh War Orfice has dee dianionds)-I'll never
11, to assault them. The Police Elin strait, on Saturday afternoon. rescuing. to Invito tenders front Canadian -- I aslieceived while I have these.
k . The committee to-daY corrected of ".&way with Sprigg," while t 0 reward this statement wIth suspic- "Clubmen and others of tile re- fariners for the supply of fresh inelat GL-1100se IMAII's li'velltiOl H MiSH 3 ustique (a
t1ilo and eliminated all reference to members of a, deputation which Ion lit view ot the fact VuLt Ballard Preddent, Goorge Anderson was In
arbitration. The award of the Lit- Nvalted on Mr. Chamberlain Inform- trad already beer) rejected for mem- tire chair. I spectablo class," said one of the army to tire British %riny In South Africa. a Satiallictory Test. tIroni)-Or or
. burial, Ir it rigreas, Is to be final. Pd Jilin In the Premier's presence that Liership In the loml union. The annual report for 1002 show- lassies, " who are found incapable A eoutlij.ouna- Big Fear train struck Milan, F,s.b. 8. - Signor Pluo, tile affine.
It Is it) determine solely and onlY they! had no faith In the Sprigg Min- Assaults bave ))sell frequent In nil air huprovempilt in the financial through drink will be 'sent to their a Ntreet car at Yellow Springs street ' G croosri engineer, witose hydroscopil,
whether the boundary line .as da. Istr�, wlileb "Pampered tile AfrIka-n- the neighbo,rhood of ilia Burlington con6itlon -of the society. During hom,as In charge of a trusted officer, crossing, Springfield, Olilo, ,It 7.45 I, it is sald, enables persons "Ard wkft you in
. . 1, a 0 a yda or also to the shelters, where they p.m. Reported ten Injured, two pro- wlllcl to
i, , Idst. iscribed at., the ,third and fourth ar- der Bund a,nd was dependent oil It frel-lithouse. McNamara lift Inc tit r $36,000 Wa's Pail out Ili will be, kept. until 7 or 8 o'clock next 1A.bly fatally. ace till) bad of tile sea, wAs recently said, q hope �,.011,11 r
s there tested In tire Mediterranean, stated Vite L-10 to th'
I I tioles of ilia .A.nglo-Rusblan troa,tY for its existence." dl;if death claims, 1�6 death,-, being re- morning, wlien they will receive food Tile Nat!oriai Review 8,%Y lit an interview that Ills Invention He looked thoughtful
11 . of 3825 kshall be draw]] In a, line Sir John heatedly characterized portal, aggregating $31,000, and anti r, wash-up and encouragement to call lie no doubt aq to tire truth of
I thirty marine miles from the coast, these remarks as a personal Insult. tile balance being puld on ilia $7,000 woUld allow a clear view over an "It will be n,wfully c
or whether It shall be inaugural CRIMES OF PASSION. carried Over fron) the preceding yiiar: do better. its story that- tile Uernran Binper- o v oummil square
from the coast line of thi) Indenta- " There aro a" great manY people or, Ili the presence of air American ,doubt," lie said, 'Ibd , t I
tiGns of ilia mainland. ROBBED CARS OF O.T.R. stal,1,31 ' — $2,000 to carried over for payment In the west end at night, who, while yachting patty,-nlado offensive re- yards at it depth or 4.00 to 500 ring you to somehow.11
. -.-- 9 h1c"eafe ill Thell' is Ile- this year. The assets amount to eot absolutely helpless through drink, 4narks regarding tire King. yards. Signor Pino, was reticent in And a moment or two ate
The tribunal will meet Ili London 4ported lit France. $38l592.87, of which $6,638.46 Is bands of regard to tire construction of lite in- declared We ring was an.ast
two months after the exclintizo or I TiJyLiteriotI8 Therts lit lievis Expectlrd Pails, Feb. 3, -The Increase lit re- cash In tit(, Dominion Bank. The Ila- are likely to fall Into the Two regiments Of tIV3 National
ratifications, when the case will be to Ile Cleared Up ' persons who are not exactly friends. ' strument, but statal flint he was ingly good fit.
rent years lit F rance of what 'Lite bilitles aro practically the same. Tire Young men going home from a iboa- Guard have bean called to duty at able to see fish, plaut§ trustoocia, . I ---
. presented, antl ilia counter crises at, Qluebev, Feb. 3. -Of late several French call crime passlonpl bits totill amount paid into -the bene- tre young girls who are out later N'Vaterbury, Conn.. OWIT19 to Acting and other objects even vi the small- I .
;I, further poi -10:1 of two 111000W ,ming. Dr. Totilouze,-fit fund was $36,585.68, Including th there. AIgY-I flaw. you sitting al,
very mynLerlous robberies have or- been most hlai �u they should be -these people cal, size. Ile says his appaim Lus call here, and I feared you we
117haso Period" are not, howovvil, ar- currml lit cars of ilia Grand Trunk air eminent psychologist, who has a balance or $504.18 from last ,%l lit a f iton, and be onsily adapted to use oil vl"P- enjoying yourself. h
b1trary, as ilia tribunal Ila All be approached riondly A rising 10 feared Ill Car 're
8 power, Railway, at Levis, as lit most in- Investigated the subject, states'yoar, and the expenditure, being manner." foreign inarines Ilavo been lauded board and will enable a capta-11 to
I It ilia nfccEsity shoultl nrise, to stances, although the seal of the car thut out of 3.9.1 murders courmit--arnount Paid on.-doath elating, was - to protect tile property of 1010117 ,Amy Abell-Yog,-. I feared
grant addiLlolial time. -- see submerged reefs and banks from would, fe was not alljo
would remain apparently Intact, yet ted In Franco In 1900, only 44 $36,000, leaving a balance of compatriots. . tire main deck of ]its ship. The Ili- I -Pu W g �
. quantities of goods would be found ware -due to motives of cupidity. $583-08. 1 roll"ClIlIll-ac--.0-ne--.2cl--.P.003 James Jklward QlllglP'.v', Or Bilf- strumont wau tested In the presence self. \. ,
Issing from cases Inside. Liquor In All the others sprang from sexual FrIlo, report called attention to Lilt, a I D 8 . I ok -
" ost In6tances would constitute the passlou. Tirere were also, of oourse,'faCt thaL $5,000 of ilia claims had fatal is now Archibighop Of Chicago- or dolegatel; from tit 11 I try of I I �-�- . .
rt,uso for tire invoice .riot The Papal brief a,ppointInghlin has Marino. , I . . ..
LIKE COLON19L SICHITHIN - 'ol, tallylug, numerou.4 attempted murders. as- been due to accident, a very unusual I NEWS IN BRIEF Z arrival at WMffIIlinWt`OII- The Genoese Sullinarine Soclet� has
7 . . anti although a close watch has been sanits of all kinds, stabbing, and occurrence; as the average ofdoath ,�
kept It did not up till a row days vitriol throwing, arising front the by accident since tile inception of gj%j*C-ftae-..SCS*C-*.SC-.%jCaoL2 Mr. Austen Chamborlalil. 110,4- bought for $40,000 another Inven- . .
since prove effective In establishing same cause. the society Iraq bean lees than one I In aster -Ge it oral, saystilitt (Aernirtny tion of Ngnor Plno. It Is a largo .
whero the difficulty lay. A settle- - par annum. CANADIAN. requested to Ile allowed to cO- ogg-shaped submarine boat, provided /(,
. - is ! Just it Is useless to lack for an in, BrIta with two serows and also with wheels � ^
Why Chimberlain's Tou i . what sensational charge Is ]low provemen'llt so long as French, jut,- t'ffad it not' been for these unex. Proceedings have been Instituted to operate with' in ugarnmr 'Vene- , � ly,
- niade'-and it Is to the Off9ct that les persiot'in acquUtting or recom- pected additions to our claims, �vo set aside the Brampton munIcIpal zuela. which will enable It to crawt at tire - I ..,
. Bewing Good Fruit. stolen merchandise was carried mending to mercy offenders of this could not only have paid all liabill. elect,ons. The Bri-ash War Offl0c hils ilec'd- bottom Of tile seal It Is furnished -1 I
. uway by this means. The cars would kind, who plead the so-called ten- ties, but also added a substantial Fire, did $5,000 flamaga to stocks old to InvIce tenders from Canadian with largo grapplIng appliances with
; be opened anti the desired goods re- der passion .Is nil excuse for their Barn to tile reserve, whic 1111) of fresh which looso objects at tile bottom -
. ,11 we have lit Nos. 20 and :22 Wellington street rarniors for the a ) IY
0- BOERS RESPECT A STRONGMAN moved, alter wh1ch a new seal would crimes. ". . every reason to hope -.Vill be tile west, Toronto. ineat to the British army In South call be secured. Tflie motive power , , 11 .
- be, put on and the suspicion thereby I -result in futuro,,years with a nor- Mr. F. U. Morley ling boon all- 1f, Ion, . Is electricity. Signor Pine says he " ..
, removed from this section to where BRITAIN'S FOOD SUPPLY. mal death 'rate, said the commit- pointed Secretary of the Toronto Britain, Germany and Italy have will niake, 'efforts lit tire coming I - 0 -
London, JOi-b. J.-Iloperul signs are the goods were blilpped from. A few tee. that, spring to find tile Black Prince, , , I (f )) 11
apparent lit the TransvRal Of tile as- iinportant developments are expect- - Board of Trade. refused Veneruela's proposal I . 0
be- I Ole only unBatisfactory feature pitynient, IN which was sunk during tile Crimean I I . -0 -
. I
I . tablishinerit of good relatlons oil shortly. I Influential Coll Iniittee to Agitate, of ilia report was a decrease of 485 Mr. Geo. D. Grant, Liberal �,andl- NO, far as tho plan fox ,
tween tire Boers and ilia British, - -- bleasures to Secure, it. data lit North Ontario, has Issued all concerned, their olullus be Placed War, with much gold aboard, and
members since the last annual re- address, to tile electors. Oil equality with those of other, also ilia art treasures lost lit tile .. I .
Mr. Chambertaln's tour, which con- BOBS REFUSES HERALDS' FEE London, F.eb. 8.-Tbe Go-vernurent port, twonty-fivill having died, and : Greek archipelago by Pompey In tbd . )'I - �,' I
tinues to be reported at great. — having frequently turned a dear 410, representing an insurance of North York temperance workers potwors. - . -
lellgth, in tile 1ICW$PaP0rH, having had CoulluitIcic Ilas Been Appoillt('d 10 ear to Parliamentary urgings for $5 )-11,000, lapsing. The total of will hold a convention to consider ilia The Norwegian steamer ATona, � civil war with Caosar.. I
F tile most promising results already. ]n(Illive Into Matter. . - ilia appointment of it Royal Corn- IngInber-9 on tho roll on December 31, nomination of it candidate. Captain DrOY01', Now Orleana, for
I lilts gollo ashore at rje,tn I
Chamberlain's tra� through tile nilasidn to en,quIre Itato the ques- 1902, wau ,1,425, representing in- Vranic 21101or, G. T. It. brallentan, An 014118, STARVED '10 DEATH. I
I - Western Transynal clariainly, was London, INA). S. -It Is now an- tioln or the ti,�curtty of, Great Brit- ouranco or si,863,000. who waa Injured at Niagara Falls, �Ilg, Denmark. Thron boats and Is X l .
tile most Interesting part of IIINJour- tiounce3 that it committee has been have been washed ashore. ,
itlipolnLed to inquire Into the' con- aln'e fo-od supply in time of war. It was decided to increase tire num. (]tell at tire St. Catharines Hospital. corps" I
noy. ,,Now the fight IN over," said bet, of trustees at London, -King- it IN feared that tile IT in still (let' Of A NVeal(by Filventor's Test PI-0-ved .. � I I ��
I , stitution and adminis.tratiou or tile an Inflnential committee, headedby A. firid or coal to reported south thu crew w0r(i also drowned.
.. � Chamberlain at 'Ventersdorp, " lot us IlerAldsl'-College, and the charges thb Duke of Sutherland, and corn- ston, Brantford, Borlin, Winnipeg, of DLIoralne, Man. Fatal. . 1, I
hat Eire inade when boners arebe- based of Lord ,Stratlfcoria, Lord I
shake handN and be friends.') . and Guelph front one to two. Toronto coal dealons have paid A STRANGE PICTURE. i New York. Feb. 3.-Joselill Wil- RIVILT.
l. It looks as If ilia country burgh- t The yearly fees paid In addition . A '.
, are are Inclined to not oil this excol- Ntowe'l Ily tile King. �,Ifarles Deresford, Lord Hugh. Cc- t $10A-11 per ton for anthracite from . .--- Ilaul ,Sheppard, a wealthy Inventor ' -
-�-, I lent advice. A remarkable feature of This to the i,es-ult or tile disimte ell, Conan Doyle, a number of ilia 0 ilia other assessments was also tire Independent operators. (1111-iogity Over- N14-challical De,ic(l ill ' and student of occultisin,'dled ]lore Teacher-lYbat i; a far'lu
lIetween tire Treasury rurl tire Col- membora of the House of Commons, Increased to $4 for those holding "right Uttlo Girl -A piece
he gs at Montersdorp was lego of Arms, caused 1xv the refusal forty admirals and other proinin- Cori-IfIcatce of $Ll 000. HbI4LJ0 .6 of Toronto firemen havo dented !hfti . I be I)ore Gallery. to -day or self-imposed starvation, Ile entirely covered by a. IhOrt9ft
tile Impromptu and unexpected ' I their union have discussed a pro- resisted till efforts of Ills family and
of Lord Roliertsi to pay the heraldr; cut men, has formed to agitate the $1,000 certificates will continun'to -
speech of (loneral Dolarcy, who ex- . pay $12 annually Into osal to demand an olght-hotirLitty, Londou, leeb. :,._,A 11 a 0 ,
. pletuve In tile physician to Induce Ito I to t k
. .
asuro at seeing Mr. al*ut $5,000, when ilia Order of matter In public. the. geenral P - cars on tile Cana- Doril 911101'.."' catiLlail It'll. titinla " PN- no4righnient, and Informal tile latter 'Yes, Indeed," asserted Afr
pressed Ills Ilia, the (Jarter -wal; (q)nforred ,on him. . expell,go aceditut as 'before This ,T,wo( paissongoi tentlon of accept- peck; "before I married you more
I Chamberlain aniong them anti re- dvanoo In tho fee lit made to provide (Ilan Northern Railway were smittill- citeN curiosity from the, cleverness th,at lie had no ini and that lie 11 thall Ono man said It was 6niol In me
marked that lie hit(] found tile Col- - Tit filindo for ilia conducting or an ae- oil near Unrchand Btatlon all(] sov- with which unusual effects are pro- Ing Ills treatment, ad
-try It -Atrong inan. He ta?, itirlpiall"It, (Vill, 1)1;,,"�l!i,,i.,�)('�"')",],'e'ii�t4viot",v',(," AFRAID OF THE BOURS. It cluopit. it IN a medlooro work of art, only called 111111 it, 80 that Ills son to refuse theill.11 a Inis-
onlal Sooret. , milled upon to Pay Lord Roberts, , 11 ,. tive campaign during the year 100.3 oral passengers Injured. lit lialf- might be protected Ill the event .of "Tilttt'a ,where they weir
thought Chanib�rlaln was ill(, Mail r,pc, according to jig,rPontent, it con- nan Voloolal 0111cittIs Ave 'Uneasy t ,IN "Apparent
G set , � floclet 'IT
� Geri o Incron,se the membership. of the Lord Dundonal(I 149 colItIlled to 111, repror4enttlig tile ,911,V101'r taken," retorted Henpeck, 'while Oil
It hings right lit R.intli Africa. I Y. room with air attack of la grippo, lPugill Its tit Tittan'd r1bute what lie termed I a, (lead run. for the door.
�1-le ,P(l them excessive, About. Them. . ind wILh the race %"press- death." Tell days before lie died at boarding school, John.
� Chamberlain hall earned the res- 130,14on tile Veralds, U01pgo, 'wIlpre The following are tllO Board Of which Is Prild-entle Ili Ottawa In a U0110 -Y" I doctor : One day �
lie Doers by to re. . rug both, genticneHo and strength. As Mr. Shelip,,trd Niihl to tile
. refu4ing four parsulvants, .six beraldo and 13(li,lin. Fob. 3. - Vice -Governor 11nnagoluent for 19013: mild form. . ny was sent Out to tell one Or the
poet of t 1) . "When I appear to be dead I shall
.,,,opo,n t1lie eace terniN. Ile i1cellned " ilia spPetator nxtzej at the Pictured -wn that it
in On( oil when ,tire Door thre. k1ng,s-q)1-ftrnv; nimi receive fees, Von Estorff, of German Southwest Pre,shlontl, - George Anderson ; Vice-_ Write for bye -elections lit North face, 111111p: 111jr crioN act be. You will think I am dead, young ladies on'tlxe In. I
'h lllll,�)llg tile drap
io* ande, , generals th-pre aro a number of officlaIR at Africa, has resigned, and to return.,Preshlont., Joseph Oliver i Tilliaeuver, Grey, Tlorrolionne and Two Alotin. rootir, the (,;vem novin but illy appearance will be as time for her drII1 In elocution,
� 'J,VOred bo parAunde hini. to do so, (4 a darkened '41ho raln oilt, And approvA1419 1310
� Windsior front tile deall and ille Ing train(" because of a disagreement Zrohn A. Ross; Secretary, -I'll Il' 1IONV" tains, have been Issued. Polling talms to open and close, and the t%Nl)r(,H- snit of the disembodlillent of my EO
and lie declined again at li"'OtOria, choristers to tire grtlat Royal cook, Ili Berlin with Ills policy towards toy, Trustees-Toroilto, It. Lamont, place Fob. 214th, and ilomitia-Llotts it still, oi ib;, filatures bveome alter- spirit.,, �Jlow long lie had been fast- ilady, fAld: # I
-Aow ,where another ationipt was inade. w1y) Illivit Ill, rtlin(linberoil. The eook,s inintigrant Doers lit permitting tire IV. .T. Hopwood, it. V,. Bond, John Orr, wcok enTlior. .o and Vneant. These Ing, Is riot known, but Ilia son white I "Cill, law $eosle, (loille im. P .-� t ill
. Tile Boers respect .a. mail WhO duty I -i to stick the spurs lit ilia establishment of Dutch Reformed P. X. Zoinniers, S. It. Wickett, Joseph , littiely lifellk
knows Ills own 11111rd 'and will korl') to Jn0go Uorhain, 11alton, has boan ellangem recur at regular Ittiervals lip lived knew. that Ili) did tot, a con- for YOUr 01MutIO'&l1"--16t1-" 't-�o
I Ills resolu-tio,fl. Many years ago it beela of a degrailel knight, congregations under tho iLutbority of 'Alylor. R. R. Davis. rl Flolding I : appointed a commissionor to Inv(16- Tile lllur�lon of awakPlillig from ahwep siderablo time refuse Ito take noull- 1010. I
Art expert oil bera lry fvityff ilia Lite Cape Town Presbytory. The 11411111t011, E. A. Dalloy and Solin fta -
ho knew Ills coluntrymen tro,tmtry can deal- w tit the latter Colonial Office here regil . �rds this pol- Hdor�&,. Montreal, C. L. Shorcy and t1gato a obarge that the new post, and closing till,
, 0,yp at lin 0 14
.,s I.,l sluallywr IN lit- Ishnipait, Ili tile bell t t It well
well, said: it IN the jorky hand on at Its pleasure, but t to heraldic of- ley as dangeroum, f I (jaring that tire W. E. Damatty; London, ,T. AT. Dit. mantor at Milion obtalnotl liliY Of- genlott4ly proilurt0d, lind clearly It Ih thus bring about a perfection of tile There was a. r, N
.Oung gWJ natu I,'
. , I -was 04 7ears Of -0.0 - .
the rains that makes them jibe." ficIAN are firmly air reneheil, and,,noers in&y make Ail attempt latar to Ion I. Xhigmton, M, S. 11311thorland; floe Improperly. not an optical effect or it triolt n, spirit. Ile &A w Mille
i (Illatriberlain's hand In steady ftnd each 11161110 Idi'; 0.'fi(',e W IPtt0r'4 114t- ustabliAli, their Ilideperidenco., 111rantford, J. P. Afort-lion-, J;otlilll, 111he Gurney Company have in 11gliting tile tapp, in n, tial-kplipli room Ing to th(I extraor(Ituary character Who got 611,011 n fall fr�
1 6 rfle Boers already, are showing that Plit, 1C. Hilblin-- WhIrlipp.g. 11tinan Miller, course of creation at Toronto Sune- front F4111(% Iftillps. It'll - I.it vh -nin tl do. of the eape tile Health B6&rd has re- I whille, I
thay appreciate f1ritilleso when It IN M"allwillit., Lord 1hplim-ti" ballllt�r It a lll�il-�Awi -l)a--Yg 00,01 he and Guelph, 1.11. I,% Mouldon ; Audltor% iloh it lilt -go plant covering ,avar vloo, by which tit'! P.NI-0 Art, OP011110 far,od to grant a burial- permit, and I That lit 6pito of wdl
0-I Aille 1110 N*Illn�l and cloge.d cannot be readily do- ties requested the coroner to make I ".q0"(4 to seem undib
,d -%, Ith hlildne:4,i and Ayinpathy. remains ahsent from St. Georgols ts entitled to it t woro Mitt CO. F. Sutherland and r. W. Thomp. thtee acres, and will employ
The poop pro.noors in ti*ngland aro Chapel at Windsor. ' tball lie over gets. Non, � I. In operation about 500 men. tooted. I an Investigation. . . . . $110 gave. yent to a to
. . . # .
..�k - ....-. Aill"W1�---- - -.---. - - -- -----------1---. . ...... ..t,Nft---- ., �-� .... ... L ' ' ""' '416I, L " I I � I- - �- ... 11 I ....- .- � liiliel� -.-- - &� .. . ........ . �� L ' ,J&-1 ... � I - . L " JLjA � . -- --"-
_ _,&� --_.,..A.— ,