HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-05, Page 5U rw AO 0 • � t THE WINGRA.M ADVANCE. February 5, 1903 , fiver thin Brats Now ..�. _ ... _ _� _-_. __ _... ..r.....,....... Lucknow, Tlomt ,111,1,1vormt, "Is this the hest wi:rst vou can send Na 01d Goods [sere y g �CtUla { �Z�� �lE The junior hockey tonin went to X111- „ 5ma11 PXOfitt3 > niC't asked the la4y lwhq walked into Slim Prices, Loabg Ron FQj� �►j-,[ , mo carcline ou'Caesraay evonillg anti plAysa the meat store`with a package of thatslid a fest game lutist the juniors of tlittt cdible3n lser hind. Stout Values. QuiClt~ 1<2,tui'ns -Another gusher has been struck in town, the score standing three goals ., +, w� �.,� Q r� } [Y�•^y,�/�h. my,o'•�h�/�(•, _ b ta' is the , answered w the e." nJall, „ VV Ip■��•r8� Stomach L1Vi111111t 1ch .oe, 1 ub es • the Rulnigh oh fields. each, "it #s llao best worst we have:' -During the year 1902 there were The special evangelistic services in "Well, it is the worst wurst I ever ! TRY 51 births, 87 death and 89 marriages in the Methodist church are being well at- sA�" Specia s _ y , Walkerton, tended. The meetings are bright and "I am sorry to bear that. The best Feb'y. _ I can do is to try and send you some - Men s C � 8� _ -It is probable that Mr. A. G. Mo interesting and touch good is being no - better wurst from today's lot; but, as I y Q�e.1r Tray, M. P. P. for North Groy, will be complishod. The paster is assisted by said, that is the best worst we have T P Y P Rev, Mr. Oaten. the present. t- I nen sure, however, will that at ° ��'° Isard CO3 asked to move the address in the Logis- 1'• AAAL..,���+ P�egoZZ I lature in ro 1 to the s each from the mho ulany friends of DTias I�nkhorino the worst the aro now making will notiB i�J ir6L MaNabb will be pleased to hear that she be tiny worset4an this, anA it ought toa throne. be better, I assure yon that as soon as has graduated With honors from 1110 --The Mayor of Windsor has been I get the tivurst you shall have the best - e7 Toronto Normal Sohgol, of it. We never gave' any ono the threatened with disqualification, iflc hors on the The Lecture b Rev. D Rogers in t f i t be u n order o further duce our stock and make room for ' ground that he supplied a horse to the Blake's o last Arid evening was ei• wogs o f so 011g as 110 IlAVO been i I o r t e i We guarantee an ab- fire department and was thorofore in la Burch ay n • the worst business, and you may be New Spring Goods now coming in, we offer the following solute cure for the employ of the city. He has ceased well attended. sure that when we give you your wurst February Specials, Ten Departments make their Contribu- li ebr ary is but a short Month , March 1St with its i8 The O,ldfoltows hail iu this villa a it will be the best, for our worst wurst mnat distressing cases. hiring the horse. g is better wurst than the best wurat of tions to this Bargain Dist, winch we look upon as one of the spying. We have purebased $2000.00 worth of Bran New When all others fail, has been thoroughly renovated from top Clothing for spring; it will be here i11 a few days. Now \5Te site ns a. trial. Your -The death tate in Ontario iu 1902 our competitors." best wg'oe over offered, '1 to bottom, and is now one of the fivast But the lady, whose eyes had taken have not 1'00111 enough t0 show It RS It Should be Sb0Wri ; we money refunded if we was but 13.6 in a thousand, audit is do- halls in this county, A largo furnace on a stare of glassiness, was seen to - do not satisfy, ulared to be one of the lowest if not the p t �f, I Q INEI�t al's going t0 I12alie I'OUln f0I' some of it if price'will do It, lowest death ill the world, The death furniture and carpets arrivetheOdd- pet e, fc siterwas afraid the worst -was a T, Y R WOMEN rate lu the Province between one year follows will have a place of meeting y � WRAPPERS. I.hDEI.tvEAit, _ old and fifty-five was only six in the s o no other society in this Wrappers st 3r atones t a 'oty � 23 wra porn worth from $1.,.0 to � 00, Alen's Fleeced Lined Skirls mut The Paris Mousetrap. nicelylade, heavy fleeced tamale Drawers, regular value 50 cts.- C a f��r /� ; i thousand. county. February price.... ................ 35� Forthe Next DLIL - fancy vrai and collar to and will,t. Y e ` DEWS y,Paris has been described or a gigan, . fancy 13raid. lined sleeve and 1 25 Jlf�)I -Ou Tuesday, an canine widl two tic mousetrap with three doors labeled, deep frill, choice now patterns, OVERCOATS, l j cars got away on the Tillsouburg Mills respectively, hotel, cafe and restaurant. fust colors -February price..,... Alen's Fine Blue or Black 1}cavcr, e siding. The engineer reversed but the The city AAs about 10,000 hotels. There Italian lined, wail made, regular CommencingThursday, Feb .5th, we will give a Discount of g' g Stomach and Bowel, Troubles. - SKIRTS. value $0.60 -to clear at.......... y' Y , j rails were slippery, so lie jumped. The are restaurants in every block, and you Black mercerized Saloon Underskirts, Chemist & Druggist A promptly satisfaesary cure for can find cafes at almost every step. nicely made and trimmed, reg, 1.00 TOT' SKIRTS. Jr5 i runawny ran into soveral flour Cars, 01-11,011313, Colic, Indigestion, Heartburn value $1.25 to $1.50 -to clear at,.. Boys' heavy duck to Shirts?collars g�}i a seriously n , + At almost any restaurant you are euro p .fi �+ y injuring J. Meanie who was RillionSllPCR, Sielc SkoTnaCh and Sncn- Bays'lacd, navy or black, slipx" or 35C of good cooking. You can eat well any- JACKETS. stripe, rc 50o-olcaring: ,LC at... Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. loading, and two other men, At the mer Complaint, is a few drops of Ner- p ' g' oatmeal mill more Cara were demolished. viline in sweetened water. Nerviliue where and at any price. There aro Wa �o'sTailor ai t Co made Jackets, English SHIRTS, at once relieves am and suffering, er, scores of places where the meals cost Bea values -to clear, $.00 an 3.50 On each and every dollars worth Of Cilotbing-Boys Suits, - p 1" as high as in the better restaurants of Man's Regatta Shirts, good patterns Port Huron, Mich., Jan. 29. -Charles radicates the cause of the trouble and g and washing colors, regular 75c 50c. Youths' and Men's Salts, Odd Pants, Overcoats, etc. Stile Hemingway, for man oars constable cures parmaneutly. Polsoxi's Norviline New York and hundreds where you SKIRTING. line -to clear at .................. starts Thursday, Feb, 5th, closes Saturday, Feb. 21St. g ' Y Y is the best general purpose remedy for can get a very fair dinner for 50 cents, ' One piece Black watered Marine Skirt- yytt }} yy tt f oo ttoe p ' y at thn Sarnia tunnel, and who was internal sins known; it acts so quickly or, ing, regular value 35 cents, Feb- SUITS. worth $25,000, was taken violentlyfn. p q if you would have wino, for 10 rnary price ........................ 25C tot's well tailored ready -to -put-on that no household should he out it. cents Additional. There is one stock Suits, new patterns, regular 0 ."w sane on Saturdav and had to be taken Buy a 25c, bottle of Nerviliue today, company which does an enormous bust- ' WAISTS. value $8.00 -to clear at......... w�-- ^•••` to lila asylum. Hemingway,while de- it's all right. 1 doz. Fanoy waists, lined, nicely made c.- w.. y Hess In supplying cheap ana good food and trimmed, good washers, reg. 95C CAPS. Big Bargains in Underwear. M � H A P P � D � Touted, secured it roll of bilis, about Hamiltons Pills Cure Constipation, for Parisians. It was founded by a price $1.25 -to clear at......,..... A line of Men's heavy cloth Cnps, $100, and with the remark that they butcher who has his shops still 3n dif- with pcatc, good value at We - 39C s - One quarter off the price of all Underwear -Wool,, Wool -0 were good food, proceeded to eat the ferent parts of the city. This company- 3 CAPE1tINES. February price .................. bills. 5.00 has 100 or more restaurants where you ' Just a few to clear, Rood styles, 0, $10 Fleece, Unshrinkable, etc., all 25c ou the less than Tegular. HANDS Y _ line for $11.50, $12.00 lino for $O.ao, $to PANTS. w Low Rates To California. can always be sure of good service and liue for $7.50. $7.50 line for $5.00, $5.00 Afon's heavy Tweed Pants, str0ng, ., 7ino for $3.50. wall made, regular value $1.25 Men's Sweaters -1 off. $1.00 for 75C. -A bill to consolidate and amend the good food. You pay for what you eat 1.00 b to $1.50 -February prleo........ 1 a- patent laws will be introdiloed at the and pAy for everything, but the prices BOOTS. Mens Flannelette Night Robes- off. p via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 4 °" can be instantly coming session of Parliament. The ob- are low. ; 3 doz. pairs Dongola and Buff Boots, SWEATERS. a'°.. and Union Pacific line, February 15 to i buttoned or laced also Folts, leather Boys' Fancy Sweaters, heavy, good wi -gym 'ect of the amendments will be t0 cure April 30, 1903. Only $33 Chicago to Napoleon's Temper. foxed, regular value $1.25 -Feb- 1.00 colors, regular price 05o -Feb- 50C cured by using -,,. the defects which a rPeent judgment Francisco, Los Angeles and many other A story is told of n sudden rage into ruary price ....................... ruary price. ,................... e "-+__ of the courts has shown to exist and California points. One way, second which Napoleon I. fell one day as he P PLAIDS. BOOTS. p"" 9 + to provide that the lapse Of a patent was at dinner. He hAd scarce Artaken 10 pieces Fancy Plaids,, heavy, fast Men's good strong wearing Boots, �, ..o Class, colonist tickets. Will be glad to p colors, regular value 7o -February JCC solid leather, cheap at $1.25- 1.00 ober Uric. a e. Frese s tai on ant ixi a foreign country by a of a mouthful when apparently some price.,....Special send you additional information• -A. J. - February price .............. •.. d Canadian inventor t affect his inopportune thought or wnoor recollection TAYLOR, Canadian Freight and Pass r. FUR COATS. UVP�ItSIIOF.s, �_ M ; rights at home. stung his brain to madness, and, reced- 1 Italian =-� 29.-E Agent., 8 ging Street East, Toronto. ing from tlia table without rising from clear s gunrantoed' Purser gchnn, t0 Aloof felt y Bine vOve shoes, water - 3 only. lien s Fur Lined Overcoats $25-00 I Ottawa Jan.arly in the week a his chair --his small stature permitted value $35.00 -to clear ......... 25.00 February price ................... I.Zs e "d charge was made to Sir Will. Mulock, - that -he uplifted his foot -dash went and easiI worth $40.00 --+ UNDERWEAR, REErERs. ( y > Cream Postmaster -General, that the postmaster the table, crash went the dinner, and Ladies' Vests or Drawers, unshrink- ,,..0 hen's heavy all 'wool Friozo -•" at Milton had obtained the position over THE WORLD WANTS A MAN. the emperor sprang up, intending to able, rico goods, regular value 50C Jackets. heavy lined, rcg. value These Overcoats are all wool Beaver Cloth Shell Marnot lined Russian + : pace the room. Quick as a flash his Gro -to clear at.....,.. $3.75 -February price,........... .. rivals through influence aecured from i Walter scratched a fele magic symbols CARDIGANS. Otter collar, well sewn and double breasted ; these Coats are as good as persons by reasons of a monetary con- The puhlishers of The To. oto World on n bit of paper, and the emperor's CORSETS. o, ..,.n P n , p Good strong Corsets, will give good Areri's Cardigan Jackets, heavy many fifty dollar coats, but we want to use the money. o sideration, wants a representative in every postal check bad grown more than double. i wear, regular price 65c and 75c- 50C rcgalar value $1.25 - February A royal commission has been auth- disttict in Ontario. They aro trying Napoleon appreciated the delicacy of For Sale only by' February price..,,.. .... price ............................... n ~ ..., y..aorized for Judge Gerham to hold a pub- to secure 50,000 subscribers before the his attendant And said, "Thank you, HOSE. GAUNTLETS. w -e,�, lie enquiry into the charge. end of the present year, and are offering my dear Duuand;' with one of his In- I heavy all wool ribbed Cashmere Alan's heavy Black Astrachan Gaunt - So come along to the Bargain Store -always welcome. : - The Goderich Signal says, -Caroller imitable smiles. The hurricane had Go clear u't"r value 45 cents- 35C 6ot$1�80 vy binary pe . price 1.25 l� Colin A. Campbell �' liberal commissions. The World scored Holmes and a jury are holding an in• a di-itinct success ns the first ono -cont blown over. = quiry into the death of all infant child morning newspaper published in Can- Curious old vessel. ' ��� O H. Crud-1- `+i�� r CU eTHE DRUGGIST in Colborne township, The mother is ado. Itis to get subscribers for a bright A British Army officer discovered E. Iso �Pp/ I -- of a oun woman about twenty-two years paper like The World at only $3 a year Amon. some old manuscripts a draw-o�}b�ii��i�}����tdijl11b1�41+ii�ii►iu age, called Annie Gaul, who lives at or $1.50 for six montbs. Bright and Ing of a man-of-war which was built Mitts and Gloves 14 Off Caps /off ;i ii! + i3ii 11 !! ii 66 the house of Jacob Kuntz oil the hill entertaining always, The World is con- in 1000 for the Japanese government. Opp. Bank Hamilton ' ' above SaIrtord. She came out from ducted on broad principles, filled with The vessel was of immense size, was rk Germany two years ago and has since good reading for good people. It has covered With sheets of iron and cop - lived with the Kuntz family, Mrs. been called the 'farmers' daily" be. per And was provided with two rud- ders. so ]Milch space is given to markets dere. BEAR Kautz being her aunt. On Saturday, p Furthermore the manuscript in which SIGN OIC' THE BEAR the 17th of this mouth, a child was and farm Aelws. W. F. Maclean M.P., the drawing was wrapped says that C! eat Bargain Sale born to her. The girl who was con- Ediior of The World, says that The "it contained a very ingenious appa- Special Prices dor 0 Dais 1`YgIIye but on Monday Mrs. na fined in her bedreorn, c,,rcenled the fact 'world lois now over 6000 well-to-do ratus, which was set in motion by two _ _ suspicious of her illness, Kuntz, becoming farmers on its subscription lists, dozen men, equipped with iron oars." OF- r ` \ y searched the New subscribers, whc send $3 direct to The vessel resembled a turtle in shape and was armed with ten large room and found a body of a female The World, Toronto, mentioning this NOTE A FEW PRICES:S Cannon, child in the washstand. An inquest journal. lviil receive credit up to the The drawing is very asset, and ex- VAU Meu's heavy Overshoes ................Regular Price $1.00 -Cut Price $1.30 was opened, but the young woman was 15th of April, or nearly 15 months for perts say t)lero is no doubt as to its / 1.50- ..• 1.25 still too ill to appear, and the inquest $3, Any subscriber sending two new authenticity, Men'sFine Overshoes ...... . ... ...... • • • • 1.85- 1.50 LAM was adjourned to February 5th, when suhscribers at $3 will receive The World de"t Ladies' Felt Shoes, Fnr trimmed...... "' 1.75- "' 1.35 the result of post mortem examination free for one year. A Deed of Darkness. 1.50- 1.15 Ho sits alone in a darkened room, Gardinal Slippers ............... 1.35- ••.. 1.05 __.__ will be given also. It is believed that L - p alone in the fading light. why are Ln%v Shoes, Fur trimmed ...... •' • • 1.00- ' • • • .7b the medical evitionce will show tbat i Felt lined Shoes (laced)........ 1.315- • • • • 1.10 the child died of neglect, his brow so heavy with gloom and his Dongola Shoes (litced).......... • • • ' 260- 200 Now that the holiday trade Lost Hearing Quickly Restored cheeks so deadly white? But though a .......... • •' • 2.25- ' • • • 185 No mater Whether of loo standing or his heart is faint with care, his tour- 'i 2.00- 1.00 1S OVel', we al's Offe1'lllg a big g age never flinches. His eyes are Stied • • • • • • .......... •' • • 1.75- • • 1.9:i To Increase Your Appetite. not den.fuess van be permanently car- ,y •' • • 1.00- 1.30 redaction In Lamp Goods. If, • Nothing will stimulate a keen, healthy ed by Catarrhozone, which never fair in A glassy stare. What is it his firm relish for food, insure goorl digestion even 1n the worst cases. Tile pleasant- hand clinches? "A, little courage," he IN T7i�T]DE LL�DTIUI� Cx you are interested, It will 1)ay and perfect assimilation like Forrozoue, scented vapor of Catarrhozone allays in- murmurs. "Yes, a little, and all is is Careful in selecting a Range that shall give best results.at you t0 Call and see our line at whiC+h i3 the ni0at successful touiv curl flaenmation, prevents and cures the Cat- won." A choking gurgle, more or less, Men's Fleece or Wool Shirts, all, sizes... Regular Price $ .50 -Out Price $ .88 y health renewer known to inedieal arrhal Condition that causes deafness a gasp and the deed Is donet Without lnininitlm expense. Nine cases out of ten they select • • • .75- • • • • 55 PrICes that will surprise you. science. Forrozono is it positive cure and reliev9s right away. Thousands a shudder or eyelid wink-Ahl It 1,25- :90 for Anaemia, Impure Blood, Boils, Pim. have proved the efficiency of Cntarncc- makes the heart recoil that lie so quiet. Men's Heavy Caps in Blue and Black.... 1.25 1 00 pies, indigestion, Dyspepsia and all zone, and with Snell a valuable remedy tt 6 i�, • • • • • ' • • • • 1.50- • • • • 1.15 Stomach and Bowel troubles. Ferro- within easy reach there is no longe► ly, calmly drank a dose of castor oil.- C R® ♦ �' N HURON ' • • • .75- 00 zone cleanses stl•engthens and purifies ally reason for people to rennin derif. Loudon Tit -Bits. 50- ,4it invigorates the heart and Catarrhozone is recommended also for 0 W e have a fine assortment the blood, nerves, banishes sickness and pain, and Coughs, Ooids, Catarrh and Bronchiris, Plant Roots, because of its perfect COI1St1'UCtiOlt and Economy* Ol Fuel. of X Cut Saws and Axes that makes ailing people well. Try a box Complete outfit, $1.00; trial size, 25c. It is from the rootlets or s1na11 fibers Every one ,guaranteed. We al,o curry a full line of H6ating IN MEN'S SUIT'INGS, v or two of Ferrozone the result will be Dro rgists or N. Ol Poison & Co., Hart- of a tree or plant that its subsistence ., will please you. Calve us a 1 , , ' , Druggists , ford Corm,, U. s., or Khmston, Out. p �+toves for either coal or wood. Call and look throtimh our a sur )rise Prise: 60c. at Drs ist t or g is obtained, and in the performance of is Now is the time to pick out your a suit, when prices are so low. Just call. N. C, Pelson & Co., Kingston, Out Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. Its duty nature has given these dell- stock before purchasing elsewhere. • .� 10 days to do so ; you should take advantage of this great sale. sold by L. Hamilton. Cate, tender parts wonderful strength 41.1 ' t' And ersisteue -lien exerted within rlamrlton s Prlls Cure Constipa lou. __. _.___ W __. ._._-- p u Everything Guaranteed First-class Pleasure to Show Goods rules. In their search for food penetrate � g � � �p they will sometimes even penetrate A. Noeve Smit. 1Bd pethick Brussels, THE soft rock to reach favored spots.it jig om____uth Bros, 111��JJJJ�A���AAA....l111111 i!1 Iia'1 VVV ��++1i3334J119911 Now inachinory has arrived for Brus- sell Woolen Factor'. It is beinglaced 5be a re Comfort. in position and will soon be ready for "It must be A great comfort to you to Leading Hardware Merchants, V`t�iilghalri. p own such tl Say, furniture." operation.A d v "Comfort! Sa there isn't but one �/�` r r A in C. Richards has purchased the pro- comfortable chair in the whole lot, and ec�a� 1 �� VS ` c e party 4f JnO.erect Ia fine , w brick street, my wipe invariably, wants to sit ir1 r ' and will erect a fico new brick resideuoe that,'' "' ` - - - �" • on the site, we understand, utilizing O F �j I C E THE I- 1 1 A Senmitive Pationt, AA1!{ the present cottage as a part of the Dr. Emdoe--Feet go to sleep. That Parlor Suites Fancyhome. shows your circulation is bad, e Rockers The Mahler apple evnporatiu� X'aC 1Jditor-That's all you quacks know. $45 Suite...,. ,$3i oo For Balance of $2.25 Rocker....$1.75 toty in Brussels has been purclrnSed by Zs now located in the I suppose !f my corns ached that would ��i/r Si0 ..... , 80 00 $2.60 2.00 John Cunningham, of this place, who, show that advertising patronage was �� $7. UO 5 60 falling off. $30 ...... 25.40Rti" 1, $8.50 0,50 will run it in the future. The businessJAN�haV�' Block, �` rw was put in fine shape last season by erect- Or tion of nolo 'buildin a furnaces and Innocent, annoerl. fira � g , , "I'm innocent, and I can ^rovA it It •. Conches You Calt 5�ve 50 Mattresses ��� latest improvements and has now a you will give ine time," whined the oid $2Mone a Conches- .$to 00 ' $5. i)0 Mattress, ,$4.50 7Y,GL capacity of 400 bushels per day. offender. i �• it $l8 , .., 18.50 y oil "Three years," said the judge. $-1,60 3,50 It is undorstood that oil or about Ful), II $15 .. 1100 Z ' y b t n a branch office hero in the lent sos , play t2 , , •, 160 $3 60 300 � I { 1 2nd the Metropolitan Bank' will open $ 8 ..., 5.75 couches $''50 200 p P' When thOA.. we like In it It is A $ now occupied by the 1ltissoa IInbllrrll• violin, but when those we dislike best 13EST r�+ �p Parlor Suites A, E. Mellish, who is to become masa- gun to finger it It Is a fiddle. THE •3ES •� TA•�'KING •1- ACHI-___ Bedroom suites y Sideboasds--- -- - Fancy Rockers ger of the local branch, Ilan been Hero , from $$ up to $05. the last fele days, making accessary ars it talks I Sings, Conlic, Sacred end Sentimental Songs. flays like a 1 $35 Suite .....531 00 Mattresses & Slirings We have on hand Zola's *'Lit Debacle" appeared timul• full stand or Orchestra. You can understand every wards it speaks. It is I $:30 2650 Tho best line in J a number of rangellients, • the greatest entertainer ever made. It useS the hard flat piss Records i Sideboards titneously lel dine larlguageti, r$•l;i • • • • • • 2:•60 town to pick from , �,� There lens a largo attendance at the •- • - which last for years, $ia ...... )Soo Bedroom SUIteS j �'U1j� A •� band concert on Friday evening last, the The Grant-ophone is made in Canada. A five years written grin'14 50 ' $12} I0.75 Extension Tables + c-t� • hail being crowded, and it is even said raritte with each machine, Write for Catalogues �-•free, ; Centre Tables t ���1r that some could not got admission, PRICES $46.00 TO $40.00. Parlor Tables Desks ! Tito proceeds amounted to about �t$0, Celrietit and Lime. b sol Rall lt�aeka � �111"� cY � �aSY Months,* lC'i3t�►m�ent�, if rlesiire� ' Extension DiningChairs ,•cture which should help the band oousideta- 1. idefraying Prarnes . ... MANUpACT0RC0 t3Y , .. .. s bIy towards deYray ing expenses, Tables Odd Dressers Curtnin Doles t �tl�7tllc�� The Chairman of tho Local Board of Parties regmri» Comentor Limp E P,EF�UtdEiF�, 23t1i.2819 St. Catherine 3t. ►410NTitCAr'" Ili mm $5.00 f 0..$13 50 > I.tc., I'itc• should give us It call. we are selhlig • i I''itil Leaf ..... 27,i Odd Parlor Pieces Health liar notified thin public, that in (These aro Beautiful :i.t a very law prirP., tiit'e keep only &hi./f�ItISL t3.LOt77, Gancraia Jt?anagen for Canada, Kitchen,,..,. •. 1,00 at Low Prices Goods, and cheap,) view of the fact that smallpox is at press first -elites brawls of cement and lime, ont found in sono parts of province the and yon can always roiv on{lINWIAM etting A. � , ,.,. � " Advance Office Board considers It necessarygood fresh article tit elle NVV tont till ,, who have not been vaccinated, should 0101k'NT AND TiLt WOUIcs. P. GUTT.9I?,IDt7I.E. Walker gyms. otton 11oaltht to the Call of ilio Boatel of 1 r Agent Win M