HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-05, Page 4TUB WINGUAN ADVANCE. February 5, r93,,
, „, _, . . .. , �,.,, , , , .. .,, , , .• liaNEST, CAPABLE, TTiGhi•• •I=a:��,.,� ,.,, ,,,�, ��,�� ,,,���t,a��,,���,���`���l��tt�t��Il��ii1��111������1t�1t��t�1t����lt1t411tx�t�tt111�1t�1i�1��i������1��4�i4��t�����1�t11i��li�l�tit����l
chi�" Mr. Willisotl, until recently the � 114� est R✓ the Etbvance able editor of the Toronto Globe, M� � THE PEOPLE.'S POPULAR T�se-
IruoFIfJRSD ngs when ords of the giving his above
estimateaof \vlth aribattack atl cpuohlgrippe loft me - jJN� W�•.���•
EVERYT �+ Mr. tiVl1itnoy, leader of the Oppo- s y friends said
a —AT TnaL OFFICE— sition, in the Ontario Legislature, I bad consumption. I then tried - .-.,. v •�..
y`Y�■.• T t�7 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it
w,i� ,V� S Display - JOSEPHINE STREET wINGUAM, ONT. �1'Zi'. Willison is n041� editor Of the cured me promptly." = r-.-_....,.....t_....�_._�.......____........._.._..•.�.-....,,..._.,_...,..__�- .,_,..:.•,,...._......:.-:_ ,..:.....,: .....-._,..-,.w...,,.....,.:-.._.�_........m,-.�_._.....,..�,_-„,,,�
Toronto News, which is more de- Iii.A. K. Dandles Nokomis,
TETtMB or aII1760RIPTION. per annum tided in its independence perhaps ' .
(('��. (y1 inadvaneo g11.G0ifuetaopaid. 'No paper dis- than It was bef01'e he aaallmed pOn- p t r ...-NEW ,(fir �r1,��[]
Of Carpets, Llnoleuins, Vel Cloths s -
the option of thelpubli8he>ato Paid, oxcopt at tr01 Of it. 1`Ir. �Qillia0lF �ay� ;-- You fOrgOt tO buy a bot- I A I NCI
- 'Those who know Illy. 1'Vhitne tle 0 A er S Chert Pec- ...
Advertising Rates: Y Y Y
beat are most convinced that he is r� nig �r►�+ D
SPACE. 17Ft. xo. 15.6 lMo, f capable, total when your cold first - r -WINTER GOODS SAL DEPARTMENT
One reluntn,,,,,.$c000 $3Goo $15.90 $0.00 honest ca .Shia and high-minded
Half Columu,.,... 35,00 -18,00 -10,09 4.00 C�1Tl On SO you let it run �� e are putting into ..
quarter Column.. ls.00 10.00 0.00 2:00 blit it is not clear that the people y , «� l a ,.
generally aro convinced that he has along, Even now,With _ stoclC our new spring,
I-ta�• Assortment Legal Notices 8 ata. Porlhto first insertion, 3 g y b'a,.STILI.. GOING ON 4
cents per linocaohsubsoquentinsortion. progressive ideas and constructive all your hard coughing, it Is full of pure, Fresh, clean
Locals and readin notices 10 cents per line ... gOOClS as soon as they ar-
g talents. Taut if he seams some- ] rt
.. - for ilret insertion, 5 cents per line eaeli subse- will not disappoint you•.: -•-- p .,. „. _, ....... 0[�QCI;RIFS AND PROVISIONS.
quentinsertion. times to scold over much, it is still , rive. 1\'e will be leased
of Lace Curtains, Curtain Musllns, PreEoasienal cards, ens inch ana finder �� true that he has shown a fine sense There's a record of sixty =
:• j� , c per year, $2,50 for cit. mouths.
Art lateens, Art Aluslins, Silk- Adve•ofStrayAnimals$1forAinsertions, and lla9 e8hibited �otll Candor and y Ladies' Tailor -Made Sk1C[S
A vs. Farms for Sale or Rent -1 month 1 three sfsas: 2bc.,enou h for an ordinary t m- t0 S QW t eel t4 you. -
of honor in all his public relations ears to fall back On.
Advs. $ , courage in his attitude on various K and Coats. We ALWAYS give you
alines and Cretonnes. eachsultsoquoutnionth 60oonte, Cold; nuchiv311Z, e t fo01, ost ei. c, hoarao-
important questions. The Neat neve, hard cotde, ate. 91, most
economical •- off. M
Adva. of 2 or 3 linos snob as Lost, Fonna, for chropia mean nnd�a keepp on hand. ip � �+� r� �T )�-3 e�.�� 10 per cent. t ;good value, and we guarantee
House Wig Servant 4�antod, .�c.,2G conte for Elgin revelations shocked and dis- J. o. AY] It co” L Sane. o.. (-1 •j Here..
one losertlon, 75c per month• tressed the Province and it is not •-ill •o l-
ova i,
ted t without speand cin directions will be In- his friends aro slow' t0 forgive Or MONIuI-MAI? I\G EDUCATION. - w Ladies' a all Q OU goods.
th quality f r o d
surprising that Mr. Whitneynd Y g
sorted till forbid and charged accordingly.
p g y ION. _
The Job Department is stocked with an ex. S' FUr GOOCIS,CUat5, =Exeter Flour always in stock. "+
����r tensive assortment of alt requisites for print- forget that huge political rascality. New Dress ,�rOOC1S,Che-^"',,
wf�I. ing, aflbrding facilities not excelled in the CENTRAL a , , .,..
It is natural also that the should Ca es Caps, Ca erines Etc
county for turning out first-olasswork. y � viol s, Serge's, Home- ; p t p , l� ' : Fresh Oatmeal
" continue to be suspicious and look
T. HALL, PROPRIETOR. ��,/ ���J�f sun's Venetian Wor-
with distrust upon all the opera /K�l/l�eGYf P 10 per cult. elf.
__y _._.� ___�_ __ STRATFORD, ONT. o^- Sted s Etc. O u ern Mea
30 inch Flannelettes, reg, 7c and 8c, for • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •' • • . 5c tions of Government agents in the •- ,
'Gold Dust C
Young Men and Women, what are you Q• _..,.�+
constituencies. Fortunately no S vorth? That clopends upon what you'll" ." :Rolled Wheat
30 inch Wrapperettes, reg. 12ic and 14c, for ................... 110 . Y ni worth to others. A business or shorthand ^+
72 inch all pure Table Linens, req. 50c, for....................37 c i7x �x�aZ �0 � I # such astounding disclosures follow- education ��nl al.vays so
yeti to get
a Overcoats, UlsC r Graham Flour
ed upon the recent general election, goes pneltlou, bat the eduoation t„»at bo Men's O h I' 1 r
s e s'C,
1 « « , y R,at•class. Give na mt opportunity to tell ... New Embroideries and w
•64 inch reg. 4�e, for .................... 35c and possibly a lively fear of the ef- you what we are doing for others. write and Suits. J
2 dozen all wool beau Hose, reg. 25th or .................... X9c to-dayfeF n»t estateg Ste. Insertions all new style heatine
g f —North Grey Liberals have cho- feet upon public opinion of Further stuaonts Admitted at any time. •y i
As there are a few of those good Dress Remnants left; we will sen Mr. M. Kennedy as candidate revelations helped materially to open work, in Lawn ane; 25 per cent, off. Buckwheat Flour
' sell the balance at 50 cents to clear. _ for the Commons, to fill the vacan- preserve the sanctity of the ballot- 2...�. i p 1' i Swiss
c caused b the death of Dr, box.' Another such exposure would {'
d Y Y
W. , Elliott, tinct a ' Tilson's Oats per pkg ....lot
Horse brio Liberal government in this _ aces an ! _..
Horsey. province ce to a suden and shameful DON'T FORGET Special reduced prices on 'Quaker Oats .... Ioc
* , end. As it was disaster was only
New L d I user -
Watch for Specials ever Week —The Farmers Advocate says : , y THAT Ileavy Rubbers, Overshoes Malta Vita .... 1 c
1 y ''In raising stock it is only the best averted by Mr. Ross' inspiring elo- i tions and Lace Applique 5
ones that add to the bank account. quence and phenomenal courage. EISTOGiiEL Etc., Etc.
to in Linen, Valenciennes, Force .... 15c --•
Fasten this securely in a convenient It Sha lead a par-
is a thankless task e
• o t in opposition, a well-nigh ruin- Etc. These are very
chamber in your memory, where Y pp , g Swiss Food I c d
its full significance will continually ous task from the standpoint of the .. pretty goods. Come early 5
Cadnmpbel41%l7 leader's ersonal fortunes and if Is the laoo to get vallto Por your money. ; Ftrl s Na the SQa crop ont at each breeding season. p f opens Jan. 5th, 190.3. Two Ceursoa-Com- � and get first choice. P p Granose Flakes .15c
* Mr. Whitney has not yet achieved moroial and Shorthand.
* the Premerishi he has clearlySend for College Journal. : Pure Honey per lb. Ioc : „
r" p'
successors to M. Granose Bis. ......15c ;
H. MclND00. _ —Treating during the election earned the sympathy, the good C. A. FLEMINf3 A. L. McINTYRE •••-� !
0 by one• person legally regarded as will, and the respect of the people President SeOy. New Flannelettes in :Table Syrup in Tin nod " "
an agent, has caused lir. Hugh of Ontario. Pails at... 5oc. and $ I.00 ,
Malt B 15c
Clark the seat for Centre Bruce. White, Cream, Pink, Red, i
Mr. Clark organized no corrupt Blue also stripes and Grape Nuts ......15c
' ��0 11� Ci�S�l �>i'ce � , P New Dates �. lbs. for .. z5c
campaign. He bought no votes. checks in light and dark, Pettijohns B. Food" .....T5C
He exercised no corrupt influence. RAILWAY TAXATION. n_ colors. Great value 5e Broken Sweet Biscuits
No ballot -boxes were stuffed for ' Cream of Wheat .... 20C
i,i!';Ig�`., 7C, $C, IOC, I2C. and Broken Soda -;
Idood are him, and there was no personation. Following are some simple facts FIs'' a
Biscuits 6lbs. for...... z5c Granola. . To
One individual treated three others extracted from an article in the -• --
on polling da without reference to Canadian Magazine, written b Mr, < <<
I- ���4 7
PDI(;ES. p g y g i y •,.,,.. Lemon Biscuits 3 lbs... 25c :Life Chips .:..Ioc
AT �! j� the way in which they would vote, H. J. I'ettypiece, M. P. P., who `�•' � I�BW PRINTS.
• and this circumstance nullifies the strongly argues that the Canadian To be awarded at Provincial Ca
Mixed winter Fair Mid Tea Cakes per lb Ioc Caramel Cereal " Ioc
election. West Huron election railways should be taxed as are the 1903, Por bust pair.of Fact Cattle fes with Small and large patterns ;
could have been voided on the roads in the United States and 11IOthington'S Canadian Stock TeDle. _ very pretty, 7c, 10c, 12ic -Cookies per lb.......... Ioc Postum Cereal ....15C
same grounds, and perhaps many England. The case made out by CThe Rwe psta Feat cattle at
For a couple of weeks we will give special prices in others. Ivir. Pett Sete should command �...
yp \�OR'rFIINOTON s QAN.\PIAN aTOat{ 7 t)NIO. Al,
T * , Svidenco of the good results farmers and feed -
SUITES, SIDEBOARDS and EX- * the county s attention. Tho rail- �,.
S' ors vrould obtain by feeding a genuine stock
wa s aro beim well used in Canada, food not an American Pad. horses look bet- Ta Plachnald
11!!��LES. —The firstnews about the Alas- y tor, teed better, drive better, sell better, when Jno. Jas. 41.Kerr 1�Muflam Jno. &Jas. H. Kerr
In the States o£ Illinois, Indiana, fed with wORTHINGTON's STOox Tomc. _
Shite Can't be beaten 1 Nigh unwelcome impression, for it looked e created an and Michigan the Grand Crank has Drag slfHa a used WORTIIINTTON'a STOCK
with good—Sized mirror, and as if Great Britain was again about 335 miles of road,.and in 1901 paid Toxic for one year and have been feeding it
thereon the sum of $185,036 in to sill my stock, Found it to five good satis-
to make a concession to United t faction, and would advise all farmers and
States demands, which was opposed taxes, which is over $50,000 more feeders of stock to use it. s
Yours faithfully,
0 14,50 17.75, than the taxes paid by the Grand L, MOSS. LIPS FIRE Money to loan on notes, and notes
to Canada's interests and reason- Trunk on its 2,653 miles of tracks December 29, 1002. Avonton P. o. Abner Cos Fl DR. AGNEW discounted at reasonable mtes. Money
able claims. Later intelligence, 10-1b. Box, 200 feeds, 5oc; 50 -lb, Sack, $2. D advanced on mortgages at 5 per cetih "'
_N to select from, in Ontario. Loan and Insurance Agent PHYSICIAN, SURGEON,:
' however, shows that the Alaska a with privilege of paying at the end of
Boundary is not to be decided b In Vermont, New Hampshire, MANUPACTURED BY Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. ACCOUCHEUR. an ear. Notes an accounts collect-
- -
SID at almost any price. If you want y y �
something in the cheap style, see what we have six arbitrators, three a side, but is and Maine, the Grand Trunk oper-
Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald ed. Office—Beaver block, tTin¢h:un,
The Worthington Drug Co.COffice-corner Minnie and Patrick Sta., P
at $$.00. to be the subject of reference to six aces 172 miles of road, whick pays wINGHAIA Block. ROBT. MCINDoo, *980 c'
jurists, some of whom will be Ca- $49,100 in taxes. The same mile-
GUELPH. ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS Night calls answered at office. t
EXTENSION TABLES --Good strop tables well age 1u Ontario would a only��AW MILL
g i nadiana, whose task it will bo to g p y For Sale And Guaranteed by�I�Y
finished, at $5.00. interpret the treaty of 1825, and $8,000. A, H, Carr — wingham A. DULMAGE DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM
show from that document what the In New York the Grand trunk —
We will be pleased to show you our stock. truefrom that
is between the Unit- has a branch line of 22 miles which Agar & Earls — Lucknow REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. McLEAN a SON
boundary ' Noble Gerry Brussels PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS . ETC.
r ed States and Canada in the far pays taxes of $131 per mile, Some r CONVEYANCING, MONEY To LOAN —
See what we hat e in high-grade furniture. of its branch lines in Ontario pay wm. 1Dlcsscr Bluevalc on Town and Farm Property. Josephine Street Wingham All kinds of rough and dressed..., l
Northwest o£ this continent. u r h
'4 UNDE.RTAKIN'q- *Gaze*
The Canadian Pacific Railway oPPICE.—in the vent Block. T P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.o APPLE BARRELS j
` —Recent statistics slxow, says operates in Michigan, Wisconsin Residence -Catherine St. J
Street, S.
Oracey a ,� Bros. the Breeders' Gazette that there and Minnesota 1 300 miles of road, LOGS WANTED ' (Member etheBritishMedical �,.
former residence, _ ' ' Aseociatiml) Hard and Soft Slabs, also
where night cans - are 85,000,000 horses in the whole on which it pays $241,809 in taxes, T. J. MAGUIRE COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE.
rection prompt at- The People's Furniture Store t large quantity of ve hard-
. tintton. Phone t world. Of these the United States while in Canada the same road , g q y y
si p holds 18,266,140. This country is pays only $142 222 in taxes on at �1�� REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND Special attention paid to Diseases of women wood for sale, delivered.
and children,
not, however, the largest owner of 7,300 miles of track. LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING os'irlca HOURS.—Itofp.m,; 7to9p,m,
horses that position being -held by The St. Clair tunnel is half in
— Collection of Rents andAccountsa specialty. Telephone Orders Promptly !
All the Useful Branches are Taught in the ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. attended to.
Russia, which has around 22,000,- Canada and half in the United W, T. Holloway�^.
000 head, or about ten to the square States. Our end pays $753 in We are prepared to pay for ol=Plcp._ove >csiac> ccr`Leopold store. W,
mile, against but half that number taxes their end a a $6 362. D.D.S., L,D s _
McLean &c on ,
p y f
First-class Maple logs.. , ..... $14 per 111
for the United States. In South The International bridge over First-class Soft Elm to P.... , $11 Graduate of Royal t, _ ,.--
g olloge of Dental t Y
_ America, where the conditions for the St. Lawrence at Cornwall is First-class Tock Eint iogs....$1G J. A. MORTON Surge andHoToot r -
rearing horses are little short of assessed on its American end for I,'irsr class Basswol;od to s....$15 AND SOLICITORGraduate of Dent-�� `
ideal, there are 6,500,000 head, $40,000 and pays taxes, while the First class Beech logs . , ..... Univ$12 al nv of
.W to ersity.
most of which are owned and kept Canadian end is neither assessed MONEY To LOAN. Latest improved methods in an branches of
Our studeniti aro not guaranteed nice fobs, but after a in Argentina. Africa is credited nor taxed. On the American end All kinds and grades wanted. Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfaction
a vourse in this College it wlll be g Office :—Morton Block, Wingham guaranteed. 8� Ufiloe in Beaver i3lock.
0No trouble or them to hold an position. with around 5,000,000 horses, and the fare is two cents per mite; on Call and get our prices.
f U p Australia with 1,800,000. The en- the Canadian end it is three cents. RTRUR J. IRWIN
wa aid thorn, it possible to obtain
employment, but ive first equip them tire continent of Asia has perhaps The American end got no public ----' - MISS DELIA SPARLING A'
to maintain the high reputation this school has acquired, 10,000,000 horses, of which one. aid; the Canadian end received The Canada Furniture Mfrs. A. T. C. M. D'D'S" L,D.S.
Tanta itmonntin t0$125,000
C.wwccr pan '
61 -?h J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. tenth are owned in British India. grants g from Limited Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Doctor of Dental Surgery of the E en- _
r, Canada has not many Over one the Dominion and Ontario Govern- OPERATING ns Ivania College and Licentiate of
` y iVIueio Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. y g
.� million Bead, and Now 7ealand meats. Dental Surgery of Ontario,
eats. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exi w
half that number. Canadian taxpayers should con- The Button & F"essant Chair Factory Inations, Ofilco over Post Office-wINGHAM Ig
- * cider these facts.
—The tide seems to have turned Win ham, Ont. ITANSTONE MISS SARA L. MOOREMM C -,ft in III VW
at last in favor of the underpaid R. S
BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Teacher of Piano and Theory -�--
Ontarioslowly but surely going public school teacher. Sal. DEBTS THAT ARE SURPLUSES.es ar14loney to loan at lowest rates, Office
ORI up. The next report of the Minis- 11on. W. S. Fielding is the one BEAVER BLOCK i
ter of Bducation, to be issued soon, man in Canada for a bankrupt toBe(� p 4-95. WINGHAM. Its a pity to have a good
Uttin will show that the average salary apply to for advice. The Minister Be sure Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Suit spoiled in the making.
of public school teachers in the of Finance, in his last official state- MUTUAL Rooms -in Stone Illock, wiugham.Province has increased $17 for ment, shows for the six months of �°h1The suits we make give en-
¢ �` p¢ i� males and $8 for females. The in. the current year, a capital and con- of 1 hiss WELLINGTON
FIRE INS. CO. T rite satisfaction. Give us a �I
o 0 altar Out our crease is small, but it emphasizes solidated fund expenditure of $23,- Established. 1840. DICKIN SON & 110LMES trial and be convinced. -
the turning of the tide. From 1892 673,554. His revenue is fixed at Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Barristers,Solicitors etc. •���• Co.�'t ' to 1899 the average salary of male $31)262,862, giving a balance an We'll make your Suit is well $asks taken On &11 classes
of Insurable
pro ' g Webster & C �
�i . � � � q teachers in Ontario dropped from the right side of the ledger Of as ever we Can. Ever Suit Party on the cash or pi'emlum note systom. Office: Meyer Block Win barn. }!}
�•/ $421 to $394, and the average sala. $7,589,198. —every priced Scut—every- JAMES GOLDIE, ' I,,.L.Dickinson Dudley Holmes P
ry of female teachers went down Another statement, that of Cana- body's Suit•• -is the best work President. Secretary, �
from $297 to $294. Statistics which da's liabilities, shows that during that the best workmen can JOHN RITCHle,
have just been made out for 1001 the same period, Jane 30th to De- produce. And the reason-
�t �v t show that the average salary of the Comber 31st, 1902, our total debt Ableness of every price is ap- 5o YEdRS' Agents Wanted.
j "u1tS, l�ello0l COatSi and OVer- male teacher has risen to $421 and increased from $364,144,788 to parent. It seems the proper IEXPERIPMOrl
the average salary of female teach- $369,242,533. way to do things, doesn't it? PROMPTLY SECURED-�
coats, at pretty near your own price. ers has (risen to $306. The increase This sort of juggling tends to es- So it is. A I� Either on Full or Part Time.
Write for our interesting beaks 0' Invent J
1 sin in this is attributed to the fact that the tablish the paradox, ' `a man is i or's help" awl .. How you are swindled." �f1
Dont miss the Januar Bargains supply of new teachers is decreas- richest when he is poorest." The nice you satisfied with your income t s. your Send us a rough sketch or model of your in.
January We're buildin business b it time fully of employ
It not,, write Sieh we p y
, B Y can give you etnpl0ymont by the month oat vention arirn rovament and wewillteil you fir''
ing somewhat, Owing to the fact feature of Mr. Fielding's surplus Of tree our opinion as to wbetber it i4 probably
and building it pretty quick. TFkADr MARK13 good torms or contract to pay you well fer patentable, Rejected app{Ichtionebaveoften
great that mercantile pursuits now offer $7,589,198 lies in the fact that r such f4incssaIs ousecuretorusatocidtimes. been successfun prosecuted b us, we �
so many opportunities to young Canada owes $5,097,775 more than ly, Wine in. R slGNs l cod Wa fully n; ed on;cea to btantrcal
Wa em�l lo both male and to re wesetttat• Pp
C+OpYRICiHfi3 tit C. Soca. he noxi: 3 months is the very best onto and waabington ; this gnalifics tt9 to prnmpt-
men and women. Besides that the when she slid not have it. Conae- Any oendul a aketeh and aoaerfrtion may to sell our ggnods. No deposit is required • out- t itis ateh work and q
f ryntelctynseortnln our otpinlnntro0w,othnrnn fit is absnli,tnly Creo. Wo have the ]argent a bro1dnathziuventionic Yligh<atieferencea
recent departmental regulations uentl if 111:x, IIieldin 's example haoentton fnprohnblypntantalle. Communir•a. nuraerios in C nada---ovor 8ft0 aorea. A large p �, y g P tionastrieti Sonfldentlal, IianabonkonPatent• g furnished.
make it more difficult to ,obtain i9 followed by the Iran forced 1llt0 sent free. c>�dost natsanry foraocurmf: arena+. range of oaluttUlo now specialties, and All our talent+ procured through Ittarioh &Mit•
BankStock Sale. Robt.
rnttttua talion tl+rough Munn k C4.receive stone is guaranteed as ropresotttSd, IE yottrionrlcc{veapecta{riofittwithouttnon•profes9iolial teaching Corti&- liquidation, he will bo able to prove 1prAtathtotfCe, �ffhaut Chnrgo, In th y watlt to ropro9ent the Igr�cat, moat pol5ular oyer loo nevropM1pers distributed tlfroulG but
Cie"Off iC fterirail. and hest knownwhit nursery, rvrito Sts. It w it be the Deauinion,
cares, and the temptation to made that his debts aro really blessings 1, worth your while. � stfoeialty I� Patent buo{nesy of ltranafae-
tCaC}lillg !i temporary stepping. in disguise. This is the doctrine Tailor Jilin Slant Abandaametynluetrntedweekly- i,al'aaatmr• STOX9 do WELLINGTON turersantlii•ugiuecrs.
stone to a university eourse or to preached month after month in the .High Art Ta or g eulation of any aeientipa inurnni. Terms, $3 a MARION & MAMON t.
DULMAC vest; LaurmontLe,81. 3oldbyaltiowedealorn. "Canada's Groat¢9t Nurseries"MUNN & Co Nei► York TORONTO, oY7'. Pa#e„t NMoExperts and 4d'r, o tre
some oilier profession is thereby financial statements of the Canada �t;teroaawry, � claw narklV{fat{•{a'g,nontr�a{
1ea11eued. Gazette. 3iranon AFtlee, flan S �w. t�*aebinRton, D. U. Otttcts s Atlaatic alp d ,}Vb,t hl nt`o�n j