HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-02-05, Page 3t % 0 , 11AW F S**\, I ,_ '10- 10 EA' Tt!"_T_! __7 _ __.._ ., _ I.F.0 ...... OM -00-, , , , I . , , , I I . . . . I I I , . I 1. ''A" I I 1 _" - I - : . I I I i 0 i . I I . T—, : , - - - ,, 1. - . q,lwl , . 11 I ,. I - . 1, , . , ..... - __ I— I I ___ __ ___ — - 10--- _11- . I I. I — _____ ___ I I . ,I - I., ." I i., I 4 - .. - - - — — __ - - , __ .. - . . — . __,._____ . . - . I I . .k I . ..Amolo- tag. 4 partiOUL30y pretty JljLt rolled - t W ........ I In front has the Imilit, folded hark , ` I icrxL . behind oach car. Iomo of the sjuart , - , U U OLEN OF ,r _ 1. .. .1 I I I - - ­' .1 . _ J , I , I t;,4t and largest toques have the brtniN I lokw , I r lit front. These nl1glitly ri,,l j -REEVE . 1, " , I Wit I X W; a - Billable Lr - eap, I AN D .. :, IeAllft,,o, IT11) I _UlI_Plll1 gild fflvugarr. , k- A &I Re AM I... I .... .......A.. .1- __ `1 7 I , IV , ak 4 4"ii "ii si4 0A I'll - """ I PI-Ilartut. tit ofAl"rivulturv, fj,t t%va, I , . , * I /"Y/, r L 'I"' K"Pa7UL ."; :,"ille crown tills till aljuvti Were p 1),sposed by 1 7/// , .- little opaeo within tilt, lop till bill 'as,ly of llas J.Ibt bcell coloplel,ed at Storrin , i , - , , m )p ) tile, 03 I It I,iflrles of Villtlltbll V'1T06laVlltN 7 1 1 - I'll I , I `/"/, to not joined to It, No ehangti, tit Dodd's Kidney Pills AgIl"tiltural Experhumittil, 1,Lailijo, b. 4 . I tilt, slinping of erowim Hi -pins blijuln- 7 , M/11' I C011UPoLlettL, NOW it t 11bel-oll loll s lierd - . / .." I' eat. Tho VrOW118 (if the hats are low, , I fir VOW4. The, ITHoILN Of 1.1111NO PffOrtH Q I i ., ,. ,at , 'I', I , . blit the, beret 01411n. tellibi 'to 1114ap- Lo erattleate Lite dliqvam! WILli. it latill- Jol. I .... I.% , 11tR '/ , 11 ,Zzr : pear. - Tile juntiary AIIIIIII(Ary Trittle W, G- 'L"'099, Of J)"c8dell, hod blitaill- 11111111 or jilluilvial loss al.v, of vallauvild - , , A - I -- I , and Inipurtanve lit ylow, of thil, f1wt thal, I I ,// - Ileylviv. 1 1 illatory 11,11jettililitl 'ARA, Wits ./ .. , r, . I I..j /": , " i - __ , . 1, Cured Stick itit(I Clean. 1 / , , '.ft ',, "/"/, 9 . A ivhilo Iteatetl diiiout,hlojis are goling (tit tv , -'a' -ve I-allilons, DepHilen, ()fit., .full. 19.---f8petl1lkJ.)_ (III aronrld 11:4 VOLIPPentlig 1.11(i, relatliiii / 11 I ,V Sle( ", ,j A A Few Or even Lilt- louBt fasIlluniollo * "Poild'H 101mly Vilbi vurvit lilt, BIIvk' 'if tobereutokiis Lt) tilt% publio lit-tiltill . ,.-" _ I . 'A It M4 r I . i " , I . 0, I (to,jtr()v -.i. 11l,4 1 , I I, ,,rf,, , lost j", , f, 11. ­ 11 4-ol (IN" evening tollettes I Call 1) L110 A [lilt! 11111, W0111, 1-11,L N ,I re quito ant I - . . I W, (A. Cragg, vX-11wev of tills town, ) '. , I. I , - `_ 111t.vVell-N8 0118 -.4t.ou ill, often, lowt v0r, 14 , tit(, stvilvefi al -I, Illorl V,l,pll..)-r,-I k' J)'IffN. IL wit" L110 lullaolluaLory Itil(loilla- li- : _ , Mrs. Emmons, s Ved filloal - Ili 1; I Wink Do6l'S 91(111E y '. W_ I 11 .. I cyr gu6t, or ehirron, and the ai.6 I IBM I 1111.0, at el I 1; ,, -111,111, .. . d I . ail operation for Ovarifis, tells IN umittux imutioti will, jewel od lmp, 11116 Ar(I it" fino ti, reilletly tile that - , " t : 11 (!(lit IL 1 I N ". tt I o . I \ `­ ,.,:---, 1 i "' " ertiss o. Bittg1ling ill inee ill- w-1, I wailL. I itue aB 14011tid RN a h(At _ .. . , _ how she was cured by Lydia li. , , 1 1117? _ — J , I - t(Tstlef" with it thly gold vord, oi, nOw tin far all ItileilluaLltoll IN voli- 1 , .1 ill; - ,;- I /;_ , , 11 e-2 m, g4j, ! 1 vo , -0. 11 Pinkhaw's Vegetable Compound. 'Very flarrow velvet rIbbon, ()jj I, VernVil." 71.. I '111'fml ­111 11 -*-=- .... I ,,'Owll mado roe a WashlogLon de- Tidn to Air. Cra,;rg'N expilriviiee, aull __ a A.: . I -;, , --*,. I ­1T1__W,'_111r_( ... c: t - 11 I am so pleased with the results I butalljo, it novel vrfoet was protlllf vtl It 18 tho Maine ul, Many others. I'vople .. (11. Be genesally here are Warning that _____ .. . . . . . . - I Obtained front L3 a H ,. Pllkkhali 's by it (jrp(lk art drapery, Iwouglit Veget.1ble Coupoillid that I fvt4 it 6olil Illider .Lit allil(tile jewelled elast) IthoulnuLiNiii Is biloply it re.nil(, or Lontitill, .1 11 u., 1c)(13.-Memoins IN ('111WItilly over !I jwli,il blilli,!k or NVIllie, KI(Ill,y J)jH,af;p.__Lljat It Lhe k1duoys I,. .,,,,I, it duty aaa it privilege to write yen Ott till, Lop or 6v left Niloulder. ThIN Rill to provo a fiekle, treaelterouN ( .ia(.-In, tho effvvt 1" Ct%v vil . about it. wao earrivit neroBs tljtj figure ill tile tit) not. (to thoir duty unit take tile - rric,nd lit thliq busy, rushing ago Of I ll!,%V. ajj l w(Alld t;ldt Ullo Or tilt- JJt'I:t'L l I Ieawn tirle avid from 010 blood, It vpyst.al- , -, oullg flaullita,11 Inuttouli. E 1,avv 1, I suffored for over five years with 1-1911t Nld(` Of till- waist, Will 'I ours, but it fur unet" It Is to be tviltit. i IMPly "fOUPIT41,11," 101' VX11,111PIO, Ill ovarian troubles, causing an mt- 1111del, it, Olaped girdle formed Or Bell). IWIS ut tho lillowleo 111111 jollics and I ' ed, I think thal lily last letter to 3iou 1 vory Al ljleoll not over lillik ,A:tti ) plt-asaut diseharge, m preat weakness, till"(1119 jewelled. gimp. The dvaper.y, vaitsys WoNo tortures too, illaily peo- vuntaint-ol litlj% or nothing of it -mxr- I Ill 4L (li'lleattl J 'I'apcyl)ar'l Llot, will(, Ili and at times a falutli . w-i ivould colau W110 nia'do or paill phlk Has;-, lik) V" "'t I ljli kllo%i Lot) Nvell. 1 4t'j (jolto lo ( v,vitil it loop, ti -all over me whici.L no amount of weamue, with 41 Orilel:1,11 I lefilgo In sliver. The "I bad been troubled will) Infilkill- turial nature, au--"plave LIU% PoxintliVI illy, 1118trom' Bilk of flie, dresN Itself was niaLory Rhouni-t0sin lor eight -yaarki." Of 1,110.1 (jum-11 I Flowers lillinvil ILL diet, oi, exerebie Eeviiied it) correct. or a-a-Bbell tilit. I den flolitilluen ill(- ex-Itclevo, "I vould Will HLol-11 ftict has bVVII gradually l Oil, fomo or 6,4 (tv(lp, wjoi.tve 11 eek, Your Vegetable Cumputind found the aL deeper s Till At- buem. Ili up lily mind, hlulvly, 111"Id- anti flo-atill,tc flown over ill.(. front of WLalt Spot, however, 1%ithin. a few t', llvd sidill, was trillilpl-11 111) Allure Neureely 9(iL around to do lily (lutivs tho Fkirt- Tlwa a blavic lave. over- weeks. --and saved wo front. an 1.11,1111 fillif Its length, wILI1 rowN, or In Illy mtoro. I t.1 It (I doetorm till I met' I lomily, and Ifial, Is that, I liOW11 11 -MI 010 81101-1, little bOdlCV it - ILI I lily tri) tibles luid dis. 1)"'Itn"Ic ellell'"g,grad"Ittod lowlilth, Cifit's witliotit geLtIng 11113' llellvrA, till KvillLing Post, I I heard (if DofId's Icloluey I'llis. 8Ix hu -inion pupt-r; , tailoim, dreas atithoili foraled or two hagm Jot 0i),"t""lio and I found myself once ­ I - 1 bo, Pg oureti me vouipiptely.11 tatit artists, kay couLrarlwiNe. (lilt ' buLterfile-R, at back it n4t front, nl)re` irIll'thy and -well. Wvraa fail to transp:trvittly all (Areenimll Looking stookiligs. i Ouro tile kidneyti Nvith Dodll'n Kid- muol boullied killuvt Skirt. Is 110L really I ("All"', 1`01118 de%oribe the real, true grateful feeling I ney 1,11IN and ,)'Our Rheumatism will . . Of ilrvaln llltiu:i 44,11-nn do Note- that is in my heart, and 1 want to tell If you w&.1).1 to prevent your black . und truly wILIJ am, alld illy fI1`UI bVILVI Ivory - f4atIll volupos(-d tile goIAIII every Sick and sull'oring sister. Pon't stocklitgH from assnuillig that . cure, itself. , If4 it. will uut lio for over So long I Underneath, The ouly BubstantIftl M dallywith medlebies you know noth.- greenish look tliat they very ()rt( -Il - ___ __ - _ . 11 ..... . . 1. ­­­_ it is it, IlLitt, tiiat uoiluetry. vanity- touch to 111(lm4 Ovor-90WIW is tile Ing about, but take Ly(lin HL 111ink- have after tieve.1,11,1 washings, ,d() proportion to tho estlulatloll or tile It Uu 111,0 to be Cruelly trUthfUl-aro froth ' Y 111.1),N or plVated elliffoll Or not baiWs Vegetable (,'onipound, and them Ill illIN way: Add a ,level ta- inan. domillaill. Mites lit tile retilillint. Char- I`PIM4 whIcoh Br,xN out their hom all take my word for it, you -will be a ble-4pounful or borax to a gulloll Many a wonran Itan blighte-Il tier acter, unj il, Is uunueded I)y all, ar- "Onall. different woman in a short time."- of Nvater lit Whioli, ,You have (its- own lire anki thit,t Of tile mail site tistle tiuldii—of course not by dross fro leavo ill(! flowery nivads of AIRS. IJAURA. Ei,olorTs, Walkerville, Out. solved It liberal amount Of good loved by IndulgIng lit a passion for refurnier.;-thal. 110 one looks su dreBs for a brief interval, I tim going -$5000 fo)ftlt If orlyinal of above letter proving Boat) and II&VO tile water its hot coquetry. Ilaving eliarnm or which aravelol, elegallt, anti bvelLo, al to tt-11 lily nimilval readers or souie genulnoness cannot be produced. ftS YOur Ifalld call bear, It, Wasli She Ili fully couselbue, sho proudly A Short Skirt Charming Little Songii Donilt hesitate to -write to Mrs. through one sud4 after another of inoftsures bor power and says to her- PinIcham if there Is attlything ' t1IIN mamo preparation, Rinse in 801r; "I am equa.1 to greAt con - as ill olle witleb traila anti langUIS1108 11, ,11ole mother tougue, for It Is about your,ease which. yoxi do two lots Of %raxtil water altio, otd(j- quosis, and elittll I thus early be eoll- Lind swi,41jeN aN tile iyeaver %valkii 111111 , rathIr .I treal, to (!Onto across such juuveti. Tilt, tierilre Lo please IN Pil,rotlg- . not understand. She will treat Jilt," to the lasit it, teanpoonful of Littered ? When I have had a sur- ., ill these da3s, wlivii every otimr ,one, an,f, 11 ,.,Io[,,U: g' I you with kiladiiess wid her ad- vinpgar. Dry and press oil the re4t of these delights thon-_11 ly lonatt) to alLoost vver3 1, L. wt Elig"1101 goes towards vice is free. No wonjan ever re.. wrong tilole ivith a coot Iron. rl!ou Ilat the time referred to In the Sometimes pruel,lual,L cunillitill """' tho construotioll Of It C011CPVt pro- gretted writing her and she has _­_____ _ ___ . -, - _ , _ __ - __ . . - ­ - ­ . I __ ­ - hake to go to Ulth wall to obtain tile gmimule. 'COXILrasts" by Itogitill'Id - .. 04JL-CL, %%,)Iu can find the heart to bo 811111vall (14"Ilocli & 10, ,I charuill helped thousaxiLds. Address is - - 4 r S.0-111 Muddy weather, ill 'g 'th olqowool severe ? pair of soi glvta, as dirrervint fro. , . un, mass. . . I I .. . jjoa,vy winter waterials-otir sIc"(loj' each other LLN Light zCnd Shade -1 "Thu —*--'--- --.--.,-- . 1. oll! I I , - milhonottem Ile)%[ their own, thanks to Birds Uo North," by Willboy (John a girl, Rather a gw4vot Ihtlo no- .. 11 It x6 few extra luelietj of skirt-leugLil Church co'), "MoliNalide In the )VOoil", tion 21 , . . . I I =tl-stralwlit-fronted Parts corsets and "You .And 1.1` You may have Como Talking OIL Gifts, 1! Olen entendit, Lite latter is an Ini- acroso them; It NO I forgive an'Zl for- at a recent smart wedding t h o portant factor Indeed!) one cause of got I Then if you have not read "MY birldesmalds' long chains, with ma- ^24 Xbe long SkIrt's tenacious hold on life trix opals, set tit intervals In thow, .-W lit the iiature and style of fashion- -- - . . . .­ the lovely translucent blue andpInk I / . able, trimmings and arrangemenW. (1001) BLOOD istones, of Irregular shape not Ili I . I which 1.4 ceiuplox unit oruate. 'Viere Is — rhus, of gold, and a huge One hang- a great feeling for loading even U, Is the Secret or 1jealtli, Vigor and Ing as a pendant from a gold true - simple, useful material with rich trimmings; tile inventors of the laL- jjLIIJ)j1jjjeS5' loverlo knot. They were the pret- . \ tJwA- chains of the Wild I have yet . ter must have versatile mInds, for Good blooa,-rich, red blood-lij the seen, .being. more elegant and light every day brings out something greatest onemy. that disease can than those set with the fashionable novel. original, and so tempting that, .4aire. It Stimulates every orgali. to matrix turquoise, The latter, by oue feels altured to have a Dow, frock thro'M off wnyj aliment t9at ma,y, at- the way, Is growing rare, conae- to put It on I , I I tack it. Good blool IN the OIll,V post- quel)tly coNtly. If Of a really 900#1 I . A faublonable, stylo Is . tivic cure for ouelk couiplallits as color, for there Is a great difference. ,-\ I Y)))))) The Tunic Skirt, anaelula, no-l-vo-olinetis, neuralgia, One canip to me at 'Christmas froul 1j Which jAAU4L of cuurse be bordered BkIll erapiloilB, indigestion, 'rileunla- India, which IN evactly tit(,, sllap'-, ; I , I ,S- \ 1 I - with passementerie, or galon. Ili- tism, etc., because thesa diseases call- size and i,difide, of A hedga ullar- I __., , li 11 ___ t I__.,t4 stead of One Shaped ljounce, our out exist. wilpre. the blo(y i Ili good. rowla (Ap.g. Nipwo IN it supprati- I , - vlegaxite must have at least two or The Secret of good blood-r1ch, red, tion lit ludla, that tile blue . St011e 1 4 1 1 \ I three, arid eaell nitist be embroider- life-gl,ving blood -Is Dr. W1111antiQ changa.4 color, grows paler, If the / 41 I I/ I I \/ - ed lit chenille. incrusted with la6e, Pink Pills, Where 'these pills are used wearer be in hny danger, lio I an- )I I I ., or hemmed with fill,. or soluething. It Ulea.its life, health and ,vIgor, M -r. xjouSlY exftmI1l,o lily "luck - till,- - I ,. \ If. by climuce, she ellooliOs an ull- Robert, Lee, a well known resident qnolso'," 0 / " flounced Skirt, thon Its Beams of Now Wontmin stor, B. C., says: . The Durbarites, I , 11 must be bedecked with lovely open Before I began using Dr. WIlliamst . , . I - r ,7// yi ,134LIkIng or India (though one hard- - I \ otitebery, hairpin wprk, or feath- Pink Pills, my blood wius, lit, a ver ly r,eeds be reminded of anythbig / , j I - ering, d ona Im sofft, thick arabrol- Impure candlilon, and as a result, connacted with It, seeing It fairly -"W- , -dory silic. .Even illon tile seatilsopoll Itchy pimples broke out all over my, fills the. atmosphere Just now!) will - - _ . - at tile Ilen, to tjjjo y,, a -pleating loolk- body.. Aky appetite ,was fickle u.nd L -_ ... 1 - 111 I o?oon turn their faces homewards, and I I i , . . LL IV Ing it.9 houd, out lit a frou-frou was elitilly tired. I tried several wc. oliall. be flooded with histories 1 . . . 1", ..l, 6. - - .lk -_ , . Z . ­ ' - - ratelion. We Sitill favor the flower- niedialnesi, Vitt they did not help me. all 11 . v . I d geographies and souvealra W_ . 4 . . t-hatied ukir,'L, a sort of graceful Then my wife urged Ina to try Dr. ullil (Ansmatoggrapbs of tile - I il ) . -_ / -_', -. "' - lj,Lirbell design, plainly fitted rOund - NVIlliams' Pink Pills. I W-ut half it. wonderful ceremonies and fairy-tale - ... - I - , , - pageants. - : 7 - Q rthe hips and thence epreadIng out dozen boxes, and by tile time r had Nothing likei It has ever I - -1 ' , gracefully to rest In a billo wy aged them, I (wad fully restored to been dreamed of or Imagined before, I __ I _ inass on the ground. I see many health, und my F41cln was smooth anti that 'goes without Saying, and one - .. . - . 4 - gowns trIntined with, deep chenille clear. The pills lare the best medl- of tho greatest attractlone inust -1 - . . . , - netted fringe. wh'.ch looks extrE;m(-- alne I knolm of for- purifying the I _ -_ , Ay chle, but strikes one as move blood," Sold bk L9,11 niedlelne dealerw )lave been the gathering of our lov- I . N. "I I = . - suitable for a rZeeption c6stume orl'sent post p , iid at 50a per box or liest. clan together, for all the most :1 L - __ - - --- - _ -_ . - hn ss. I met a very six boxes for 21.50, by wrltInN direct beautiful women, as -Lvell as tho clo- - . I ., .1 . __ .. , : . - - ; original skating frock to the Dr. Williams! Afedletne Co., v6rest and wittiest, are t1wre, and 1, - . LL I - - . .Sinart and In soft. dark BrockNrAle, Ont, Do not take a sub- elad in raiment well worthy of the - / I . =_ - I .. .ult Prinee'p, built I / \ I " ______t!;;, I)rowit satin cloth, the short bell st1tvilte, br something said to be wearers litaid the unique occasion. We - a _e ,skirt, edged wj1h, brown fur, two "Juist 'as good." The "Just (Is good,, inny have, a chance of seeing sonic - .1 .ban(4i, at Intervals. Tire dainty lit- mediclues -never pared any.,one. of the confeetions at tilt, early draw- . -- ., ,, , . . , I ;ile Rumslau blouse was of brown - Ing -rooms, or (,hiring the London - I - ,plusb,and it was turned back with _____.. ___.. _ - - -1 - . ­ lKnason, if ilio.y hrD not shed - // I . , : . ! 'I'l , -luth-, Lady Peggy 'Goes to Town" awl "Tile lit tho packing I I linar that tile --:, - _. k . = ___ - vvid,- rovers of cerlse satin v - _­ - .11 2/ , ..with strapping lit wbite. laid On Cult of Chiffollb," my advic,o Is -dol Duchosses of Alarll'burough and Port. . - I - - . . . /& 2 4n battlements, tbe deep vvide cuffs i The Oyster Scare land took considerably over I), hun. I ­, 99. . . .. 1 L .. .11.___± - . , marrylag out the saine Idea, 'vile over here tMil goes oil. leall't think Ored trunks between them, which fact I— ,,-, : __ 11 . 11 __ . ,Coloring waw exeeedinglY success- w.hat has goC into all jjlo blvalVeS 11,114 brought rorUl the, following topic- , - . Sod, eNpolc ially its the crowning for it IN not In q at iloggrol, perhaps ? --- ___7__ %k4l . -, , . it was a pretty toiclao or cor- ,p_e part of tilt, l3tiltild ...-.-- __ I I 'bl. k.lngdoin alone that they are pro- "Processions of etepilautfi, such are __ _-.111111001me .. 11 ______ t;11 1'1 wjiK, brown iurry talls tall- nounced unsure. Soon Jt will not be tile fashion, — , _Z, 1___ _ I Ing over one side. yj!ha muff NVAS the courage or ,,t1je ,nau who ate .,And to too in the voiguo to illy lady'ti -_,,V, b . lit keeping, and had it tiprig of the first oyster" -that ii; extolled, but pet passion, ' _-1 -_ mistletoe pinned to it. This cheery t1lat of the man who to -day dares go althol a complete JnvItatIO12 I — - _ color Is exceedingly modish, just to taste an.English. native, the thined sho 'funkn,' . I 1. I now, and we feel gra,tefut lor its species being long Hince beyond the Sho Indulges, tit I(NaNt, tit proeem- . cheery noito lit tit(, nildst of the pu le. Home very Bad vaws have vown slong off trunks." . I - 1, 01 gloomy weaIther and leaden Akleti, Under Any linnivillate notice Of typhoid . I whICII IAUVe been Our rate SILICU trae'vd to eating oysters, but as till I expolit, at the nes'LL Picture Khowm i I I C%riatmaS. I fear oyster bods are now under Banitary we Zail Bee a. goml many Durlxt,r A Norfolk Siiit-hfan by, Paris. The Canadilaii Vootballers Supervision it J13 to be hoped that our roillitIlReencen, so mally artists hav- .. L . I . .. .. . have hardly appreciated JhWr ell-' pet "hors tl'ocuvrel' will Short)y re- lug gone out 'Tor .A. purpoNe.11 By - the, way, I 110:1'r that ill" Xing jNen-B I warni un Iren will destroy the long futurity of the little word tuatic vVjelcoule, though otberivise deem Its ellaracter. color. . .. "thell", Seldom coluen to tile co their rocel3ttoil In v,porting circles A well-kaown hostess lit Parls-8110 Allythilsig but plettsed __ quotte. It will alway.9 be "then." JILLs been Of the heartiest and most IN not Frenell, however -who Is re- by thEx portrait doney of him by Luke 11lo accepted time is never near genial diaRcriptlun. We all hulle they "Olyned for her charming oltiner- Flldo and that tills may hava part- +,"-j . . .0 w,lien iyo havo ones lot the oppor- Nv1II return, having had it real good Vartie.q, hith jast lilt on all Ingenious ly accounted for the fact that 110 4. tuulty pass. At eight"At the co - time. and laden with laurels to Method for insuring punctuality oil New Year's honors came ]its wayl A GIRL'S . 4, quetto says; "Who Is Ile?" At vjlx with- 'their maple 101ILVeN. 1311L, lilt% part or title men guelits-the tin- When Inspecting the said portrait an ; I * two,lity-eight, "Where is Ile rl to return to our moutolip. At Neale "ItIrried t'mvs, for tile others are re- artist who was there heard tile Xing : -P cif tile recent ovenhigo enWrtain." minded of the hour ! Ili these days reluarR, 1,Wlly, Ail.. lislides) HoP1118 tA,) i FIRST OFFER A Stra-1190 Photo. luentpi slities lia-Ve been a of tafternoon bridge, skiAllig, dto., ,the think I an, a. fat putl I" I llavo I I , ' tremendpolits feature arld have receiv- YOUng "V'arlldoll" Is apt 'to not seen tile pleture, so cunnot say I q ........... ll+1+0.-+++ Ono ot the strangest ,photo@ we oil warked attilliArtion. Somehow, Ili Lose Count; of Time, If It Is Uncomplimentary. Liiko FlIdes When a. glrJ gets tier first "offer" have seen for some time was Bhown spite of the loug Skirts with their which h; tin annoyalleo to it lioEjLer3g would havo flono better, porbapH, to sho Ili Itablo to fall Into two eX- tug the other (Illy liy Massey-lDtr rill twisy "frillies." ohoeS Seem, to be ulio likes her dinners cooked ,,a ta,ko Sir William 311climond's cite anti tremoo, Company, Limited. It wits a copy of much "on evidiemee," eepeelally ut point, anti not kept back for .any "give us the truth, lovingly told," Tho worst and the most frequent thecortirleate of the Russian Govern "nees, where tile "pas do quatroll man. Well, after due warning, Ina- - It klooR not; do to bij too literal, per- of thone Is t1lat-of ImueyIng herself 1116nt Issued to Alassey-1-farris Com- anill ll Vasblngton Post" DrIng out dame, etarted a money -box "polir ION hapH, If a portrait mail ba pleas- Ill love, when, In reality, title doesnot pany, Limited, Ili connectloji -wIt;i a 'the little- mice." Willut 'WllI It be pouvreN,` aifd Ile who arrived not Ing -,vIthont losing Its charantar. care a, flg for tier ]over. The other field trial held -there last June. I.P.lip when the eake walk Is an establiBlied en ilmo wit" requebted to drop which Ruselan ClIftracter.9 make it appear All 12jio folik on tile Itiviera. are grow- conmlsts of a potluettisli pride, very grotesque. dkinco tilt tile Beall. MOnde's enter- u golden Lo s lit the SlOt I Ing wIldly excited tit the prospect leads her,against the dictates or tier taAnments? anti we are told that yet, wonl(I expect that FPIIO C(1Ttlf1CfttP. StfttPH that M119- 'uft- of the King'n oft -postponed Visit, judgment and the Inelinations or her oey-Harris CdAliVany, Limited, wavo At In looining on the Social liorl2on. danoto's choirldes would substantiallY. though they are solnewhat runful ,at I heart, to reject a. Bolter, however I Tll,ere are some Sweet little ShOeS benefit by tier clp,,(L,r tichome. NOL awarded the!h1gbP,Nt lionors for Wild - it I j hearing that Ile is, to live oil hIN worthy. - and Riiap,,r, tit a compott- MIA40 Of IRCO over white satin, or .,I bit, of SIle 11 er, Mowili. L t)w, "11(18 )ter mall- 1 Undeniably She Is eomfillinented', tjoll epen to the world. TIftis is a -Pady and waiting oil till) go offering him sumptuoun sultes of and she must be Untrue to her wo- laurel of Iviliell all Canadians may ,over it color to Anat6h the drAsn, ly gueNig i yaclit, and they innot therefore fore- w,Jtll jtwl, a pasto "boule)' to fInINh stre,ko' Of time. So much for tile roolils, and,flowers, and foliNts, as manhood d0otil 0110 not In some U10a8- iviell be proud. 11ore's wishing moro th,e lop; Others are bedecked with valliltold ParlSI-In polites-so, tbecon- :awt4fletal flowerR, to accord with isideruLion that wan not thoughtdoic of yoro. No one seems quite evr- oro feel (so, ,even though her ffultor Ili, g1joepiqll to MaNkley-MarrIA machines! * - ,the costume, lout tbougli pretty It to their hostesw ivao bestowed on tail) whither tile white winga will fly bolleatil. tier reglard; but the eompll- . 40 .I tirchome, ineonvenlent farsillon, tli(.-ir purseti! It Ili not In Vrance or settle, but bit'truth tile King if; it ment will be valued very much lit A 111anlao: q Poem. oa,D tlipy catch On everything. Tit(! only that people are found w,anthig favorite evei' *ljii o Ili spite of I I - I . Probably the masR of prison poetry pretilest N.et are thus%-. Ill gold or Ill polltrul(sN, Ilk; tills little Story joiliberlog riff-raff anti glitter pross, ----*-*"---"--,-----,'----,--,-, ---- gil,i,el- tilistic, on the Blender Alay will proVu.- A certain editor, English Of Nvlllv,ll too much noLice, wan taken IF DA'RY COULD TALK. which han boon written on stoole and 11air ov (Ireek Blittip,!- thistime, rwelved a coutrIbatloyl for Our", war. We find lilm,Vf ll and _ bedponts and scratched on prl"on Law Olirt-rdresses. hiNt InFlivotlon from it lady who adninin'PI;11(y, upoken of wherever we go "I am sure If baby Could onliy wall" far exceeds that which line Ont It it were not deoinvd In France,, 1, o., ainolli; tile ed"ca4d ialk," sayt; Mrii, B. Qaffney, j,'Ama- found in%proNsion on paper, anti man -There Is a great furore at preRent Wrote and "proitty behaved" eilitilannitioHl ble, ont., ,,sh y for tit(- little or not "fourrean" 'or coltabln lor IiIN lwriod)cal 6lipwould WOuld J)_P-1116f Babylm overdreRNI a Wow,, ethereal affair, V1 glad to foiward urtielos ill it 'I'll"y f'ay Ile It' "h011 ("ll-reon"; No` g"ll' Own Tableto,cioo. Thi,, y have given a "Inuto, InglariouN Alliton" lilts Ile, - very w-eful to still Oil ovov a Bonip- (ilrferent nattirpt iu4 Hite had 1-fievi,val lal and popular, and hin Prenelt IN ho , better restillf; til"ll a1l,v 001PP 1110111- gulf !%lid I'llithlilld hts popilVal careor Wilat, flittigul0d OVenjug CO.'I'Lonle, as ly onLe In the fir(,." "Madmine," Jill re - pr(Aty Withotit a trace of accent. ctile, I have over Used for illy little will, it 1,,Jvf,,4 it an eutirely new note aud 1111(d, "having 1wrii.4ed -,-our eoll'tri. But--thno IN lilh. No T inunt Say adleu, (unv." Tili*.,; is the Verdict ot all mo- theliel Illost W Night" produe- is vpry hecouilli,go it) a Slender figure bt"tl()kl I 1141VIMI you to Imt, it with and an tills IN tho first letter I have t1lore wilo IlAve liped naby'14 owil tlollfq. r other lron.N.11 Poor - Ia0Yl Belli yora In 1003 will -.volt tilt wo owl . 1114111letki, and It IN till- Very bf'Nt There In lit mdsivnee it Nlicort, poem) eSpipcially. Tilt- back In much blasf,d "Oil .; It IvIth -.,visiting You, 'tholigh late, it pix)of tbat lit) otlinr nwilleine Can Suld to JULVO hVell B(Itrittelled by 0, 0o, that It is ii.aranv jwtiveon Iliv * * 11 46 * I low Year I ell'oulderg, and 11well w1dor (]civil Ile- In J)arlw, tin .you know, they tre happy N Clianteelair. clual thern for thn r-livoAy relief 11.1111 maillao olI tho wall of Illa cell, which low where It floats lildependenti Very grvUt Ot lebrisitmilig jl trtlt-o, I I i'llilt, of tile. volninoll allillents Of lit - I V , on tilp.q4l f4'stat ()ecI .t.s. , tio (R.le,r. The4p TabletH Cure i -011e, ,anil gracefully over the liti,derdr % , ILYI( aSJjIjN tile New Collytil rillim 1.111IN: tha docolletas"o 14 edged with small latv ,(, Itiva 1.4 I() offor vaell guest It To finlit tho now hals the liale wilt ('011NOpation, Imillp Nionlateli, dlarr. Could I ivith Ink tho oellaij fill, howers, or riA lw?4 of w4vot or satill Souvenir to tile Allilio of It, )ov(,I.y have to be dressed fuller Ili front ; 111oie-al 41LI141 HITU1310L f(MOrg; the.y break Were till the woritl of parrhmout In poillo Kart shades, or plae it Ivide boy of boll-bollq, Ivith INIhm oil Maujor 11 1111k; In it point WIllell nillillivro munt till eol&, prevent croup .010 allay , gold oil lillver ribboll is brought Bubylo plloto gn-tlplh Oil top. nurround- I Impress on IhOr vuetouterN. 'Pit(% tho'lirritatlon ileeomp.rutyIng tll,- ent- made, frbin under thP arms alitl VIA in At, 4-1 lit gipatlglt.N ill(- 110MIR tied NVith . 01)('71114r, of tilt- hill, 114 Lqliall, w1lat- . thl"', of tontil, 41141 are ljo,41th-ely Will,(, (,Very reed Ott earth it quIll bage )iutterfly bo1w, lit front. III Malik ,-,ky bluo for a boy, or rose pink full' Mer bf, till, 11,I(Ith of the erowu, and guarall,tV011 4.0 contain no 0 Ari -I overy man fl, i,o-ribn by teade, platie. To wl-Ito tilt, JoNp tit lied alone I ­ __ ­ adily. 'Itild 1 7 _L . I L. ­ I . . I --- thert-foro the bantituit wwoh vueIr- All phildrvii tako thelo, rot Would drain that ovenn d I . I . eivs t1w tipenitig h4 rather far baek for ivry young int.,111(s ill-tly (t.111 till lly ; In aumWr th(o 6621021tous tooll IDade wovey'll, w1ro Pence and l4liould Ile at leaNt partly vou- evu,"llod I'll it powaler. Volt eft'll got 'N, I or vould Like seroll vollialn ille takes up the glaele. ,tit folit,es sl %,!kejj III wario %yeather u,ild ovilled by being vinbodded tit the hair. : llaj ,,,Os Own Talbleto rr-oin any drum. whole, . - 0- , Though Hilletellf-fl front sky to sky. t tho Palo Felice. I 111116 Makulsp und tilt! Breton, %villo-11 : 0 jt lot _00 It 40%, oil, tIx,v Nvill I):. I . . . cc in sum d art- not i3o wide tit thp brInis im tbil' llanlr l, pusittIAK. pall. by writing fli. Till% ailithelitIvity of this being the 00sosagging ' , t . aux, ar 'tall " Ilaw 1Afv,,,IIvli ,? uoik (if a inaidav hapi oftou b(len n I Win- . (liopetines and. plate, . P, a NO M, reet to the Ili Willi. , . -ti. T -y ,I],() -Itoywet ',-I, , queationfld bileause (of the bit uty of . 0 0 ;1fit . iio an to stand off flir fat . lic Vq),. BroAn I I I K 0 1 t , 1) P .14 it t c6to it own havo bandpaux. Tile wayt) 1 ) lilt, Ni. Y. .4e,fol for our )look oil the vare Ito t_-xprest4loll Ulld Itu Bound reasou, . 1farquino brim Is only suggerAed : it of Itif,anto awl li oinig ellildrvil. .Every , but tilt) story Rtando.--All tllth Ilefte , Ljohn, N.D. 0 IRL ' . : I hardly, a tricorno I , 4 I. ., prop, rly spoak. mother should have it, I I Round. I 4 M ­ i, " . 1,1g,lit of tljo ppaetival utility of e-IL- perlateutn. Ifere, therefore, We Have NoinoLhIng Lauglbh upon wh1uh to Itot, .Lit 1896. tho, Coulleetleut Agrioul- till-ILI College, olvilvil, 1), Ijerd of about. fifty head of vowH anti younIg cal.Llo. Prior to this ditto tho horil voashiti!d i U!"gratto allholli-t, mostly fir jerae.y and (111(lellsey blooil, but Ili that year 15 rvIgbittlred ,ka-heym, (,illovusays, allil AyrsbirvH were parrhas -(I, Since that. Little, the notlijisitions to tile lierct had been front Lite natural tilert;ase. of these aillinali, -,tail 1,11v of-cu."Itinai pure-liaHo of grado cowN. 111) to 0vLO- tier, .1897, the entire herd was tilt- LahiLvd, Ijut tit November, 1898, a eow which had dropliml I,. birong, v,'g,orous tsalfIn Lho previous August, twil froln Now )'ear'N day to the first of No- vembpr Ill till- lattlir year had yieltled .0( lV I). pullodu or butter, fell Suddenly lit and aki thero were no hopem or re - .every, site was Klaughl.eroEl oil Nov. o ,ovory, As wits blitughtered In No- YPIllber, ISM, Lt post-mortein Pxani- Illation Showing it goneralIzed unil advanced came of tuberetiloals. The lierd was then toi.,ited with tuberoulln. when twelve aillmals responded, inak- Ing a total of fifteeill out, of n. herd or rOrty-o-imit animals that bad con- traoted tile dlHease In Ono year, Ili,- monstrating how remarkably Lnfec- tiolle It Is. ) Conclusions Reached. The following are some of the main practical canchislonH arplyed at from these e\perliuelitH. The elimination of tobbroulosIN poin & herd- to a gradual process. Ono tuberculin teiii, It; not suffletelit, ,,N ,new cases will develop from time to ,time. All ,the breeds represouied lit the herd were about, equally slisceptiblO. Twenty per cent. of the Jersey$, LO . 1yer ceirt. of the Guernseys, 21. lier i cent. of the Ayrollives, and 20 per . co-irt of the Hoioteins responded to - the ,tuberculin test. The largest prOdUCers Ili. tile hord ,were tnot more BuSceptible to tub- arculoals than those of the lenot productive capacity, The disease Nvas. nott inherited. None of the offspring of the tub- erculous animals, seventeen in num- ber, hame developed the disease. Repeated injections of tuberculin often result in a failure to respond. Sixteen wittinals that had responded once to tuberculin failed to respond Ito sn'LiBoquo-rit lnjectlom4 in . ten out of twelay Illstallemi. or .50 poll- eent. I The post alurtelo. ox.kalln't,tiou of Ivol-Lalil 1AIIIIIIIII14, willell previous to ul-Lughter were apparelitly Ill go physleal tiolidiLlon, Bilo-wed tile lilt vaso oxtell"iye, VII-Illoill., and ovi- dently in tho Infeel,loun stato, rvjltk post Itio.A.Loul examination of eVI'Laill anillialN, HlauglKerod 11) Home vaHPN, 141"tteoll illootlits titter first I'vBlitillmo, m4owott inere tractle Of the (IISPUNO, W111011 hall then made little or lit) progress, and 1.4a Ott- eysi ell ('01)(JIL1011 Of t 114J 110(111,100 might lildloato possible recoyory_ Tile Blow proceNs of the (lisease Ini 00"LuIll atillualo, and the rapid pro- gretw Ili o tlierw, totkk pjaze at t1w "aillo tillio 11-1141tiv 11,110 Name Nalittaryi eolldittolls. Tildividwals, illerefore, possess. different Ilowerli of, refilet;- 1111CP to ill 11 progresm of tills (its - east, 'whIll ellco It WIN gained feet - hold. Measures Advised. IN'bilst flivre way be anlinals Show - Ing lillysical UyulptonAN of disease, " there may ,be Other U111111410 In tile hord Ili u cundlLion to Spread tile dISPLARV, '.VIIV farmer W110 W181188 to completely ellminaLe Lho disease froal lilti herd muNt ald tile 11overtimptit of-fivials with Nowe indIvIttual. offurt Had Sacrifice. BotLor ventilation, ox- evelSe, sunlight, nutriLlous food, an puttyelit've, menalrom .. the tuberculin twit as it diagnoutto agwit ; and Plthflr ILIJIM001dLe At ' 1119111,01' or Isola- tlun7 of all reauthig aill.mals au a luethod Of divusal.-all these are agencies of jvhiou any farnior play Maki use, I What Is known Its tho ,,baag" or Isolation 11lothod is eeonolilleal wholl a large, herd Ili affeeted, or when a sinall herd or valuable arilinals Is dis- (-ased. The offspring are removed When (11-Opped, 1111d rabied oil the pastourfvwl milk. Tit(- diihposalof the dispased ajdmult4 inay then be post- poned until their Increase Shall make good tile loss of Iltmilhers, willeh would Ile (jecaslunod by the final dis. posat of tile diSeasod nipinbars. That Much tills b('611 accou ' 1plIslied within tile past f(,Nv year,; lit the anti-tuberculosts ertiNado i tal,lstica stiow that human tiNbeToolosbi is on the decrease, notwiLbst%utling tile larger colisumption of both milk and meat, (StaLeinents, often inade, that bovIiia tuberculosis Is oil the Increase, especially In Elatry cattle, have not been proved. Thu inureatilng knowl- efte of the d1gease, of thil erricipocy of good venlitation, exercise, Sunlight, and nutritious food In fortifying the system of the animal ; of the Intro- duction of tuberculin Its a diagnoistio Dgent ; of the Use of disinfecting agencies and the mothod of Isolation, aliould Instli In the minds of tho' owners of our berds or cattie a greater confideneo lit their ability to Poinbat tile disease. These agenelils aro w1thlil the reach or all. I IV. 11. corir4 - . — V.nc-,.J,--4c-,a,-- r-..,.,,-,c,.i.oc-...-O"nc-,3.nc-,: v-.i.* to 91 ; 9 QUESTIONS Of f% I I ETRUETTE, 9 9 5 Coftft$c.:Nt.*C**--.S(.%C - c.poel- *W$C"%—')42 1 Will you kindly Inform me who or tea ispoons In serving sherbetor should be served first when the only Romaa punch ? ,Hhould sweetbreads guest Is It gentleman, the faintly be served from a roaut plate and being hivall, no father, but a inid. waton- with a roast fork at it cours dlo aged motlipr and daughter anti luncheou ? 'What are 'the jhgopoerd brotherD consisting of those poles- mensiono for -place plftteH? Can y Y ell t '2l F. S. refer Tnos to any book whiell will " Your motlier should lx. . the first a -varillty of luenw, ror lunch one isoryod, then yourself and tivin and Ainnera, with Sonic detall tile guest. With ail old Judy lit preparing the meal ? the table It Is always correct that I R Q, - site kiliould be served first, especially Untess the dining room IN well at so Small a dinner LLD Y(kjI 111011- liplItod by outside windows, it is bet. tion, ter to Use candelabra or artificial . __ The question lias arisen between two young laolle.9 as to which IN proper , M. claims that it IN not proper to give a present to a young inall un- der any eircuiriRLauces, unless on - gaged to be juarried to 111111. B. d1ilini'Li that It deppilds alto- gether ell ilie circum-s-tances. 'Fo v instance, if the young man has made the young lady a prii,sent and shown her other kindness, 1B. thtnict; that It LF3 only a. mark of appreciation and not, oB At. olabils, Lt. mark of Ill -breeding, to give tile Youlle loan some little token by tway of romein- brance. M. B. ,T)iere is no possible impropriety 11, .1 yoUng latly ,Sending it young gliltiolillin who has been polite in sm ance, 'but It inuft be a. triflitig one, such as a bbok, an Inexpenaive. poluell, or some trinket of that sort, the book being the beat present of till. __ Itindly state holy long before a reception Invitation should be Issued. lHost., Invitations for .I reception shotild be sent out Lit least two weeks In, Advance, especially at tills sea,jon, of the .year, when there is so inuch going oil lit the way of social festivi. ties. light of ,some sorL. Yen, Mill. forks are uncxI now, anti are always pilac.9d ,It' 'tile -left Mile of tile plate. Every- thing depends, upon the size or tile Ott[) In W)ItCIL tile isherbet in Served. Amything a.4 Small or smaller Map an after dinner coffee clip requirw a, coffee spoon. It the sweeLbreadia are broiled they should be served on ill large plate or platter and catell wltlj ail ordinary sized dinner fork, Tile ordinary L917R,d dinner plate or any beautiful plato you may have is correct, ; 11,110 color Of that plaba. fleterratnes the keynotO color for , tile luncheon. --- . Will you kindly tell tile who pays for tile Invitations at a church wed- ding. Also, which of tile churchox. penses tioeu the bride stand, suolias decorating with flower.4 or pAying tbe orglinist ? r". IL P. Tile bride Is expected to pay for tile lovitationa and also for Lhe deo- orations at the church, as well aa tile house. All other Pxpe.nees in regard to the church and paying th,fol minister, the organist, etc., aresup- poised,-to be, attended to by the bride- groom. I -_ Will you IdndI,r inform we It a lady 011GUld precede a gettlPinau In &ollig up. or down otaira ? I A. 11. C. HIndly answer the following ques- She should precede the gentlenlan tions: Is It proper to use candelabra going dow,n atairs and also Ili going at luncheon or noon dinner 2 ' Should up stairs, unlees at Some public o". the fish fork bo placed lit the right of tortaininnot, whore tile stairs are the plate In getting the table anti VVIT erowd(ld, Wholl the gentl0mall held in tit(, right hand when ea,tillgl? ' goof? firr,t ]it order to make way IN It 'hotter to Use af ter tdinneikspoons for )ter, DIZZY SPELLSA N 13 ACHING HEAD _. ­­ ­.- -11 ----- - Tell of Shrivelled Arteries and Exhausted Nerves-Thoy Warn You of, Approaching Paralysis or Collapse--Dr- Chase's fferve Food the Most Potent Nerve Restorer. Irlio sufferer from nervous bead - ache and dizzy Spoils never known w,hat minuto ilp. may full helplessly it, victlill, of Vertigo vl- paralysis, for J11PHO SyMptOills t0l Of depleted IllieVA coliq and a wasting of Vigor tind vitality. . I Other hit'lleationfi of nervous fix- lipustloin are troubles of Night, nol6em tit Lim earn, Fiparkn before tilt, ej-t,N, B(oinach troubles, Sleeplessness, cold 11ailds filid feet, rtmtlemsuesR, irriin- )AIlty, weakened nioniory, luck of energy ail(] entliuBlasm, muscular weakness, fainting Spells, bodily paink; anti avIloN, And tir(ld, languld and despondent feelings. I Nervous disectsoN RVP ITIOA drPlId- fill to etinton).plittv beeftlise of the trminouny with which they Pud IN paralvNIN, 10(loillotor ata*,la, ejfflolmyl inHanity. All movement of the body (it, tin members Is vontr011ed by thil neryf-s, and benve It (011OWN that paralypla of Nellie, form IN tllb nat- urall Poll Bevil it, 11 ell Of PNIULUstlid AM d(I)lt'tAd otXrV6& I lip. (111allf-In Ner'Lo Food eurtift dlgzy C-1)(418, befttlaelles and all symptolits (if nervolle exhaustion by actually increaeftr the quantity and quality Of ill(" blood and creating new nervolo force. " no, No, s r,00nard avenue. T,o)! ro','itt')',n`sa-,,s , "Vor a number ot years I ha e been trol3ilded with weaknoss and fainting sppllfi, nerv- ouN, sick headaches, all(], Ili fact, Any nel-Noun system meemed to be in a - eMialiNtod eoil(litloll, Languid, do. 1wessIng feellngfi Would come over me ,it Walla, and I would bi-emno dls- vouragold and devpoildent. Ninep a vour"o or treatment Willi Dr. Chose'" Nerve Food I (10 not 11PNI'LIA10 to pro- lioullao It it I plollldld illedlettle Tor Nvottknefin of till kinds. 'It brui boon of great benefit to in(,, for lily: norvog aro )uuelt steallitir, anti dizzinesR unit fninting Bpell8 no longer 'trouble jut), and lny syAtein haN bi-on generally ,built up.11 I Ily nothig your 141glit while lining Dr. Vhufletis Nlvrvtl Vood you can prove, that Ilvalthy, coll-I fieqh atilt firm AntiNtlifiN are being addpil to the bmly. i0ruiloally hild Cotininly tho By8tvio Is builL 111), and mylujitolnu of dlopas') way to heitItIl, Sti-ength ,,,,,, 't ot!.V:r,.0 ventl,; It bo%, 0 llwulf4 tor 0:,! 50, - ,Mmuti. t all tivalopol, ol L soil, 11ates & Cu., Toronto. N ", .. __ , . I- - f, 141 - - ­ . I I . N, I .... .... - k 1 I . . .... I , BOTH MADE A CONN' .SSION, Voting Majilfi 11011,1111ty Was No 11ar lot HIS SM-ethVIUVS 11.1yi-S. 1,111on it(, 'Inalle Ilili customary pull upoll tho obievi, of IliN tiffeettollK ill(- othor vvPnInx the ionim- nutti ciik pla.ved woro than the ordinary nPrv. ouNuesn than ul,iiall,y warlwil wiq livaring. ll,whatIN troubling you, (It-orgo?". ask. fl tile love-14ilk nl ldt%lj notleing hin condition. 410h, 1114110, w-mil-Lblug to eonfeus to you and Ition'l. know ho%v it wilt aff(.ol, .Volt." 1. Well, llpvor mind. Into, 1wepared for ftll3otjxlng." 11 Clura, lam it t,oinnanibulbil.,l ,, oil, pidinvy. don't worry I ,My father IN it Ujill,arlaij, my wotilor'n a Congregationalist tind I'm a hard- shi'll BtLptlid, but I floh't kind chajlg ing.0 I I 11111 -IN' I'" i M -_-, fj . _ W 1: I ,\ i I " __1 ------A , - , v . k . . , , _. , .. , , v ­'. I , 0 1 .! 1,n ,::;._ _e . —,- . _ - k.::;= - . "- ,11RIOrLY BIMINFNS. Count; Do Rroke-I late .you. I have IL Litlp *\1oult yojV be mine? . Ails.,; 111,11pins-Is your title Insur- : ed lily a Utto Insurance coniliany'? - ­ -.1 . Bridgel's Method. AIJBtress-Why, Bridget, Drou sure- . ly don't consfdor tJiese windows 01 . ('aaled T' I I . I l3ridget-Silre, 1 twushell 10111 Ilice- ly'. on tile 111.41de, mum, so ye Dan look I out - but I Intentlonally'lift them a ,little dlrthy oil the . outside oo , , tlilm vignorant ,Toues children nixt _­__ door volilidn't look In." . I I - __ . ]-lot- Value 11teceived. --A . A wonittit wliwo bunba,nd bad IoNt . . . . 1 1A.4 ill'o Ili it, raffivily aeoldent j,n Bel- I girmi ccelvvtt from th;o company qo,- . 1 - mu (rallovo by, way Dr compensation. A .14j,ortly tifterwar4K Shp heard that, It, t avollor, wi,c, had ,lot ,I leg had been Illaeml fit 0,- 000 fralloo. The widow at once 1;1.41; . on hex bannet tind Ailiawl and went . " id thfIR offilm Of tile company. ­ - , , ­B119101op"'11-1 illave, revellge", ex- clalnwml tile precocious .soun&, girl, I 1. I'llow wilt .%,on .get It?,' armiked tier , I . I chilill. . : I I . . "Do You. 110tieO IlOW She'14 9rOWIIl97`*' " - 11 .. I , I.Yo.9.11 , . h. ''. - -1 11811(911 Ile tall 'jilil Ntattly, will alle , i , noit ?11 . . ,.yes.11 . . I I . . 4 . "Wilill I'll stltvt In now to fatiLlin . 1. - . t1w nicknalue II)otl on her find than . I ­­ w1l,ftt 11, lillelen(jup Bill' will BeenlL to . I . ),e." . . . I I . ". "d "Is A *K -M. I . Am= 110 1,-,r.,T,T, (4001) Iler Athininn.—Daugliter, lan) eur- prised that you WOuld PiliffIT .'I Joan to Itimg ,volt. Role Daughter-111it, ni.liuma. It Wann't Suffering. Unfair to the Womi-it. 1lvnr,-v 11. Illai,kwell Buys di:it Vlore ar6 Ili Boston 18,17,00 wimirin tax - payors, wn4b.t1du . ()It r1rat estatti, lit thrIt-! , I I.V, , , , -(- Ili , .1 $1.50,000,(tft "but V,no . A Initiefl an,* Voice or vote, ill vit-v C fairn." At . x)iit one uqplllji o(` all. , tamls Colleetod In 115.40-11, Ile aro Iyakil b,y theso unrepresi ' man proporty, owners. whili. oVv(,r hand, Nome (Jj-),000 tlinu, two-thlry'N or ille I Voters, pn,v. ,, no , 11 \ w even the p6il't, XON, . tire legally ilame, A Little TIOVI, S111r., A dreamer aml a ,,,it,, 11 loved, it. wanul.,11% , Iffi'lle dren'llim. fial(I.- 'it N111111 NVP I walves in, Ilf"l, lu"lis , ; Illev Ivill iollell I hur vilulty. ,111(t. f'-Ije. W111,10"f, Iov for ilipan.11 I Ililt tho lann of nutioll Faid. I'llow olil-flughloned ! I N"all vtl uvr ifilo N(o0k_jU.jrJC(% all(I Ill ber.", . . . lit . I IVIII brilir, I e N,Iq;p..;, .11141 So tile dr anlor wrot . 11. 110 114111011d A friend of 116'. 100 ra it, le,iii-olvilt ulllga?ble , to 1jejut the , Ant) tit(- man of t,(,jIojI I.Ovilf-rol, . Illing ill- otlivi., ltil(j, 11w;11110 0 alre I I I In tho lopli nilu,p, I ho g,irl In, )11:11,11 who julleritt'd 11114 IM Illoy lived ltnllijo . ON lr 4d not . y , ,till% llrt llllell Ail, Ilia verSeA tliai Ito r * tho 111,111 oroeilown Ito didn't earo. Tills ionly oul, by 1, She Alllrvied,-Vebri 10 jl"-V. ,