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The Wingham Advance, 1903-02-05, Page 1
Il,'r: "� y , y. JR Advanee.Is �I �l 1 -1 I 61*1 30TH YEAR, N0. 23. WINGIIAN. ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 5, 1903, $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE For Sale. St Helens. S dden Death. NORTH HURON L. 0, L. TOWN COUNCIL. BARKOHAMILTOR -A Fine LargeStene -Apply to J, J. The copy for the annual report of TH Orttrena oP Wingham were startled THE ... HQiIiUTII, Winl;h:urr. St, Helena Presbyterian church is at on Sundtay morning last to hear that he annual county meeting of the baud. It will be completed as soon as an esteetned resident, Mr, R. J. Herds- Council met on Monday evening • I Rooms t0 Let. L. 0, L. of North Huron was held in W � N G �,•���. � r possible, and reference made to it in Advance bad passed away during the members all Gond large, clean rooms, furnished man, p . y g Wingham on Tuesday. It is safe to present. Minutes of Jan- __ or unfurnished, in the healthiest local- next Issue. night Deceased had been in his usual say that from every standpoint it was nary regular and special meetings read DominionBankity in Wingham,-Apply to A. W. , Capital Paidup$2,000,000. Reserve,$1,500,00 WEBSTER. Bonspiel. heap i up till Saturday evening, when one of the best ever held in the county. and confirmed. he complained of a pain in his cheat. The attendance was large and re re- •A coin mun ication was read from J. TURNBULL, clenoral3ianager. Wingham Curling Club will hold its OFFICE g repre- Stuart ' now occupy their new Woman's Institute, first annual, Bonspiel, commencing Medical aid was summoned, and feel- sentative. The interest of the occasion Palmer Morden, soliciting assistance vice -President -A. 0. Ramsay A meeting of the Woman's Instituto 4Vedilesday, February, 18th, at 0 a< m. ing more comfortable he retired to wits enhanced by the presence on an in his inability to work on account of Cashiat•-J. Turnbu offices in the Mason will be held at the residence of Dirs. Forty clubs are expected to compete. rest. During the night, in reply to en- official visit of the Provincial Grand injury received by falling on icy aide. Ge D1R1CoItimhoRds,'TJ0hn oct6 eov t. Glbojn' is now located in the dairy, .3 said he felt all right, but Master n, Ontario West, Bt -o. John walk. A committee consisting of Savings Bank hours 10 to 3, 'Ktlturdays10toI s J. J. Elliott, Wingham, on Friday, The prizes are: -let -four gold medals, about 1.3U Mrs. herdsman noticed him D1cAlillan, of reroute, Coun a VanStone, Elliott and DicTndoo Block, opposite Queens February13th, at 2,30 m. A cot -dial P• value 30; 2nd -four silver medals, breathing heavil A light was r y was a q SA T Depovi w of $i and upw d on 30t owed. Int. Hotel. invitation is extended to all who aro yahoo $10; 3rd -four silver medals value LL111 jMj g y' g V . J. Greer, Uount Master, presid- ppointed to en airs into the cAse, crest allowedandcotnputedon9othNovember '�% lock brought, but the spark of life had gone ed in his usual affable manner, on motion of.Coun's Bell and Bennett. and 31st May each year, and added to principal interested in the work of the Institute, $10. Consolation :-1st-four silver oposits also reoolyed at current out. Deceased was born in Edinburgh The finances were reported in a IINANCL CODibIITTEE. rates of interest. • c. medals, value $10; 2ud-four silver Drafts on Great Britain and the United A E City BSON P chased. (One Door North Of of Irish parentage, He came with his satisfactory condition, the balance be- The following accounts were con- States bought and sold. medals, value $10; 3rd -four silver parents to Ontario when he was three ing on the right side of the ledger. sidered:- E 1.. Drosrxsox, Solioitor. , G. Stewart has purchased the medals, value $8. Curlers are lookingOf Field's 1 residence property of Geo. Newton, on Butcher Shop) years of age, and settled near Brant- An invitation was presented front Geo. Falconer, wood........ ....$ 4 00 W. CORBOULD Agent MANAGER Diagonal with interest to the contest, ford. For the Diagona•1 street. Mr, Newton's family past twenty-eight years IIru•riston for North Huron to cele- John Garnise, wood ............. 37 00 Travellers are notified that the Bank of he has been a respected resident of orate July 12th in that town, but a W. Guest, labor ................. 2 20 oiathe Natio al PiovincialsBanCircular lof England expect soon to remove to Toronto, More for a dollar than a dollar will P and Mr. Steuvaa't will then obtain pos �otslnndhShoes,at �W. Jur +eGreers`tlo of Win, ham, most ti greetings, enjoyiindly and ng the theion to Boyne inebrate the Blyth prevailed. of •TReMcCormick,en rn saaworodtreets::..: J2 80 trouble a Inwhichan part be of the without ¢barge or y`,��� E , I session. If. will make a comfortable y in his80 trouble In any pert at the worts home. confidence and esteem of his fellow- A congratulatory telegram front Chas, Cam y......... 2 75 ���tCl1Yk� Concert. Died Suddenly. Abell, charity citizens. He was 75 years of age, and South Huron County Lodge was re- T, Hall, printing and advertising 30 75 Dir. Andrew Jobb of Turnberry died leaves a widow to mourn the loss of a ceived, and Bros. Douglass and Alus- J. B. Ferguson, registration fees. 23 00 0 suddenly while engaged at his farm g g �® J�� The third concert of the Star course faithful companion. The pall -bearers grove were appointed to reply suitably •' financial state'nt 800 I See Halsey Park's advt, work at noon on Monday last. He 15 cemet ry deeds 7 50 will he held next Tuesday evening. were Jesse Smith, Geo. E. King, D. M. thereto. +, , The Boston Ladies' Orchestra, coin- was one of the pioneers of the own- Gordon, B. Davis, Dr. Taml n, H. The Provincial Grand Master then G. T. R., rent of scale site, 0 mos. 2 50 Wear Greora Shoes and Rubbers, ship, having carpo to this section of Y posed of twenty talented musicians Kerr. The funeral service was con- read an interesting paper on the origin V. Vannorman, salary......... , 42 00 Miss Icevette of London is the guest country with the rest of the family in so have dr;Lwn large hooses everywhere. ducted by his pastor, Rev, Wm. Lowe, and progress of early Orange Lodges W. J. Mallongh, salary. , . ...... 12 00 • � �1 q y greeted with a full 1801. He was born in the townsbip of assisted b Rev. D. Perrie and Rev. J. in Canatia. It was listened to with John Davidson, gravelling and �/ y� of DAias L. Lloyd. The should be y yyy Cartwright and was married to Martha house on Tuesday evening neat. J. Patterson, Two nephews -R, Mus- great interest, and the thanks of those snow plowing .................. 47 10 John Park, Of Essex, is visiting the Jane Spinks of the same township; sen of Dresden and W. J. F. Ma,llough present were heartily tendered the P. J. Davidson, repairing house..,. 205 parental home in town. SLAUGTITER SALT. Everything in she preceded him to the long home by I of Brantford -were present at the fu- G. Al, for the excellent essay. W. Robertson, bad. sal, collector 50 00 winter Boots and' Shoes, roust go at 27 years, He was an Episcopalian, neral, How uncertain is life, and how The officers were all re-elected the We regret to learn that Mrs. Conery some price. Bargains in all lines at and ever ready to help those in need Y `. postage.......... 5 00 has been again taken ill. our Clearing Sale, -W. J. Greer•, suddenly the end may come. are :- H. B. ou cannot be too articular in of assistance. The community has Elliott,,printing and adv'g 30 05 p Congratulations. g g g `V. C. DI..........W. J. Greer Electric Light Co ...... ......... 37 50 choosing a Toilet Soap, as a rear Will. Conery is able to he at his g lost a good neighbor and true friend. We uarantee Ogilvie's Rolled Oats t7 to be the best on the market -at A. H. D. 0. A1, , , , , , , , ,, , ,, , M. Maine V. Vannorman, com. on dog tags 4 15 hang shin troubles are, caused by post again in Ritchie & Oampell'a. On account of going to press a day He leaves six brothers to auburn his CARR'S, Chaplain .....• Rev. Wm. Lowe " taking Rogers to injurious Soaps. sudden demise John and Robert of J p We ha118 Good,, Smoke the "Kink" Ki lin 's latest. earlier than usual last week, the Ad- ; .. Fin. -Sec........ W R. Mooney House of Refuge .............. 1 50 , P g i4lamtoba, James, of Montana„ Chris- Now is the time to et Fur Coats Roc. -Sec,.......,... E. 0. Clark S. Bennett, sundries .........:... 5 75 Soaps for For sale at the Star Restaurant only. vanco was obliged to delay congratu- >' , g lating Bro. Kerr of the Brussels Post topher and William of `Turnberry, and and Capes at bargain prices. -The S Bottrell f Y bliss Ida Henderson of Lucknow is Thomas, of Wingham. Short is life's Wingham Trading Co. Treasurer........ Wm. Br•yane , labor .............. 1 03 50 a cake ......... 3 or 10e on his election as Warden of Huron g D. of 0..... .... W. F. Hunter J. D. Burns, coal and supplies... 11 08 10c a cake ......... 3 for 25c •,' visiting her aunt, Mrs. Albert Flem- county. We are sure he will fill the longest day, and surely and unexpect- • Church Report. Lecturers -Messrs. Leishman and Mrs. Coad, bell ringing.......... 5 75 p 15c a cake........ 3 0 ing. position efficiently, and with credit to edly it ends. Deceased wits sixty We have opened a Flour and Feed A copy of the annual report of McMannus. J. A„ Morton, auditor...... , ..., 20 00 25c a cake.........3 for 65c Conductor Ireland and family ex- the county, himself and the Fourth Years of age, Store in Chisholm's Block. Please call Wingbam Presbyterian Church was The officers were then duly installed A. E. Smith '. ........... 20 00 35c a Cahe.........3 for $'X.00 pert d remove n Kincardine this Estate. and leave your order. -Howson, Har- handed its last week, but too late for by the Prov. G. M. Hook & Ladder Co., services.., • 0 50 On Friday Evening, vey &c Brocklebank. its then to refer to it. The report A grant of $10 was made to it brother Gen. Irwin, hose to fire.......... '1 00 Guaranteed not to be injurious, also week. Wood-S&Wing. The entertainment o❑ Friday even- MEN'S OVERSHOES. -20 Pairs, sizes 0 shows that the church funds are well in need, and the Lodge closed. W. M. Dttv[s,.reportrewaterw'ks 00 90 The Advance is pleased to pee Mr. Jno, E. Swarts is not the man to be Ing in the Opera House, Wingham and 7, regular Price $1,0.5, for $1,00, at supported and in a satisfactory condi- The minutes in full will be put in The Committee recommended pay- Shell Brand Castile Soap 1101- Slemin ahle to be out again after his bluffed, He had seven cords of wood :under the auspices of the R. 0. chturc•h our Clearing Sale, -W. J. Greer• tion, The envelope and plate contri- printed pamphlet form similar to 'Hent of the above accounts, except in ]!lade from Pure Olive 011. . recent illness• and some one was bold enough to Promises to be a good one, with A. E. butions amounted to $2.175.43, an ad. last year, and mailed to those entitled the case of the auditors, where they . Intimate that John could not bucksaw Cullerton's Oineograph, producingthe The E. lip, t thr'se G Star for n - $15.00 and up, at the Star Restaurant, vanes over last year of $343. The total to them, recommended that $15 each be allowed. [� Jn j�o� �(1�i boll JUST RECLIVED-New spring Prints• his own wood. Of course such a bluff famous Passion Play; two miles of Grarnophones for parties or entertain- receipts from all souveeswere $3,400.- BAN UET To GRAND MASTER, A. Dulmage, Ohairmvn. Walton U b Dress Goods and Carpets. -at IS ARD'S• movin ictures. The ro P 2 could not stand unaccepted, and g P p gram em- menta at reasonable rates. 00, and there remains a balance on In the evening, a very enjoyable On motion of Conn's Dulmage and J. Vusbinder of London has par- wager's were put up. At last accounts braces an Illustrated Trip through T have charge of Howson, Harvey hand of $113 40; the liabilitte§ are Banquet was tendered the Provincial VanStone, the report of the Finance Phm.B. • chased R. W. Runciman's machine more than half the pile had succumb Ireland, Illustrated Songs, Coronation giocklebank's Flour and Feed store. $2 ,54. During the year $1,000 was Grand Aiaster in the handsome dining Committee was adopted. T P Y ed to Dir. Swarts staying ewers. ,It Scenes, and the renowned Passion Play Please call and give me your orders- expended in improvements on the roost of the National Hotel, where the Conn. Bell moved', seconded by Conn. ext door to Post OfPioe. she and will be read for the work Y g P depicting twenty-four T next week. . looks as though he would win the p g y -four scenes in the'Thos. Thos. R att. church and the manse. The Session host and hostess, Ali-, and Mrs, Hanson Bennett, that $2 overcharge on Mrs• life of our Saviour. The entertain- ; Shortt's taxes also 70 cts. overcharge race, and get a dollar a cord for cut- report sbotvs a large number of rerno- hiul to +Lied a most g p + Mr. Alex. Kelly of Turnberry has ting his own wood, with the muscular merit has been given under the aus- P ' P appetizing repast. on Dlethodist church be refunded EXAMINATIONS. f excret a thrown into the bargain. p va,ls, and four members died during It was served in first-class manner, , - taken out an auuctioneer's license and o ices of all the churches, and was re- Auction Sale. the year; the present number on the which is an acknowledged feature of carried. solicits public patronage; see his card peated three times in the"Dletropolitan p � Mia hew3� f rattle,t con one`L`olock Communion roll is 308. The con re •a= , and its excellence was The Auditors' report was presented fi f, the National in this issue, Carpet Ball, church, Toronto. The press notices 17 well 111-1 cows in calf. and 18 heiff tion contributed for mission schemes, commented on by the guests, and referred to Finance committee. Robt. Stark, who has been visitingThe carpet ball guinea arranged are loud in praise of the entertain- ers and steers, lot 35, con. 1 Mort is. $872,43; the Sunday school and Bible After, supper, County -Master, W. J. Uoun. Dulmage reported for the among the fraternal societies of town ment, and the admission prices tore J. J. Denman John Purvis class report an averse attendance of committee P g Greer conducted she program of toasts appointed to consider th his aunt, Dirs. McKenzie and renewing for February, are as followa :- so moderate that a full house should Proprietor Auctioneer 200. The Organ fund has $473 4.1 to its which were all drank with cold water. cost of foot -bridge and water -main f acquaintances here, left for his home in A. U. U. W. at S. O. S., Feb. 2 lie secured. Reserved seats 25cts ; Doleaboro, Assa., on Monday. credit. The annual congregational The following is the toast list and the stove foundry. The comrni y' A. 0. F. at K. O. T. M. '• 3 general admission 15 cts; children Tobacco to Minors. g Until the 15th of February, I will sell W. 0. O. W. at I. U. O. F. " 5 10 cts. Friday evening, February0th. ' The following meeting was held t Tuesday evening I the names . those who responded. had not obtained estimates, but c g is an extract from the of this week, when the following were ' The Kin A. H. Musgrove. sidered the foot -bridge not practical, my $10 suits for $12, and $14 suits for I. 0. F. at 0. 0. F. y' 0 Plan at Douglass drug store. Act respecting the Use of Tobacco by elected Elders; Jos. Adams, Y. Camp- The Charter.-(Sileut.) The committee will report again at E, h ` . $10. -Robert Maxwell, Tailor. W, 0. 0. W. at A. 0. F. 'y 10 WANTED. -A nod social servant Aicnors ; -' Any person who either bell, Thos. Wilson, L. Harold. Those Uar Guest.-t.McMillan, P. G. Ai, next meeting, when it is expected that N. VanStone>- C. O. C. F. at A. O. U. W. •` 11 g g directly or in, sells or gives, or L. 1{err Twenty -sir, and a half inches of S S. u I F. „ -Mrs. U. P. Smith, Diagonal Road, furnishes to a minor under eighteen remaining on the Board of Manage- l Oiir Visiting Brethren.-Alessrs. Wil- the Western Foundry may submit a Al, Robertson • ',''. _� snow fell in three days and two nights O t . O. U. P. 1L Vingham, g teen mens from last year are W. P. Grier- forci, Gerry, Leishman, McNally. proposition. G. E rlestone ; K. O. T. M. at I. O. F. " 13 years of ago, cigarettes, cigars or to- A B law to amend B 1, 1.. ' (1) in January, according to the measure- son, J. J. Elliott, Fred. Hardie, W. The County Lodge, -E. 0. Clark, D. Y slaw 3a3, and A. Park1I menta at the Owen Sound Observa• A. O. F. at S. 0. S. " 10 Slippery Walks. - bacco iu any form, shall on summary Taylor, the newly elected managers Ai. Gordon, M. Mains. repeal sec. 0 of No. 8, was Introduced A. Howson . 212, (1) tot C. 0. F. at K. 0. T. M. " 17 The sidewalks of this town have conviction thereof before a Justice of are Alex. Campbell, Will. Holmes, A. The Press. -T. Hall, and caused some discussion. It pro- It. Hough 118` °, Y• W. O. O. W. at A, 0. U. W.., 20 been in a very dangerous state for ' the Peace, be subject to a penult of A. Wilson °110 (2) Y E. Gibson, for three years; Robt. Max. The evening was most enjoyably vided that property holders and ocen- H. Wilson 03 (2) REUOVED-Our patrons will find us A. O. U. W at A. U. F. •' 2:1 some time past with ice and snow not less than $10 or more than $50, well (in place of J. A. Cline, removed), spent, The toast list was not lengthy, pants should keep the sidewalks in J, GLrrick (5 (2) in our new office near the residence I. O. F. at I. O. 0. F. "20 ridges. Mayor VAnstone was very de- with or without costs of prosecution, two years: W. A. Campbell (in place but the responses were appropriate front of their property clear of ice, JUNIORS. on Patrick street,in the rear of Harrill- W. 0. O, W. at I. 0. F. "27 tided at the council meeting on Mon. or liable to imprisonment with of J. T. Currie, deceased), one year. find listened to with pleasure. Espe- snow, etc. /1 V. Davideon 321 ton'ii drug sabre -Dia. T. and J. Chis- clay evening, and we think he is right. , or without hard labor, for any The Board showed their, appreciation cially was this the case with that of The Mayor considered the condition 11• Rose l _ 274 holm. Ir WANTED. -If you want anything He contended that if the council de- term not exceeding thirty days, or to Bro. Alcblillan the guest of the even- of the sidewalks dis racefill, especially, 1' '''MIon'' i„c._.._. -- ' - in Dress Goods, Furs or Overcoats, dined to nes the of Rev. D. Perrier faithful labors by g g p y, p proposed By-law both, fine with or without costs and in lits address referred to the t I ' tI°rd°n 23` "�-�- We understand that Geo. Wade of come to our great Ulearing Sole. But- raising his salary $100, making it g• great on the main street, dangerous to pe- A. Rintoui 209 for e t Fresh Et O 20c. Mrs Wright which aimed to provide safer footing imprisonment to the said tunount and $1,200, principles of the Qrdet', and their' his- destrians, and liable to cause action for R. hose 203 11 I Turnberry has sold his furor to Jas. won last week's •$5 prize.-GEo. E, for pedestrians, the council must by for the said term, in the discretion of tgrical connection. hlis visit to Wing, damages in case of injury to a person L. Ansley 108 Showers of the same township. The KING, motion assume the full responsibility. the convicting Magistrate." All par- We are not always advertising l off, ham will be long reinemhered, and falling on them. There was no reason W. T,tbister 107 sale was through the agency of T. J. The By-law passed, only two "Nays" , ties interested ought to read the entire or selling at cost, as we have to make the members of the Order look for- that they should be in. this condition. r' Ding NO Maguire. Died. bein recorded, It provides that own- act careful! and a living, and cannot live that way, but R. Runciman 191 g p y govern themselves in order to keep a good, clean, up to- ward with pleasure to meeting him Councillors Bell and Mclndoo con- L. Kerr 180 FOR SALE CHEAP. -A bran new Mr, Jun. Conery was called lust ers or occupants shall keep the side- accordingly. elate stock, we will cls , Foist the old ''again at the coming session of the sidered the by-law far too stringent. G. Ornickshanks no (1) cutter. -G. E. King. week to the death bed of his aged walk in front of the property they own - and Let new. Our enstomers of last Grand Lodge earl in ,larch, I. Davis 00 (i) i LosT.-Betweon Cosen s corner ' S Y Tho Yeas and Nays being called for, , mother, relict of the late Wm. Con- or occupy, free from ice, hail, etc. If year a sales will tell yrnu t•be value they (.. Stewart (1(i (2) j Alinuie street and Chf, huhu s jt+welivy got ; $1.1 Suite fm• $10, $10 Suits for the vote stood- U. Fa -giison 00 (2) Mrs. J3eacock, who has been visiting cry. Deceased with her husband, Nils the ice cannot possibly be removed, shop by way of John and itliunie $12.1 $14 . Suits fol , il.As. NAYS. E. Scott 05 (2) relatives and old acquaintances in this among the early settlers of the town- sand or ashes (but not salt) must be streets, a lady's hitnting caro watch, Elliott Bell neighborhood for the past few weeks, ship of Morris. For some time past, sprinkled on the ice to render welkin Finder will be liberally rewarded by i ( ihulma a McIndoo , g leaving the same at the Advance (5I7.1ufb, I"It1,,0S � 'k VanStone BIRTHS. returned to her home at Myrtle last. she had resided with her daughter, safe. There is a By-law to this elfeet o>Iice ��* �� c � Bennett Walker -In Turnberry, February 2nd. Monday. Mrs. Geo. Parker of Sunshice. A already in force, but the amend. DIt•s. Gro. Walker of a son, Mr, Jas. Young of Seaforth spent short time ago she was taken ill and menta passed on Monday evening will For Poultry :Raisers. Ministers and church workers generally, aro The lis -law was declared passed. Sunday last at Mr. Ira Etchers. Ire on Wednesday of last -week passed to make it more stringent. Those inter• cordially invited to cantrlbute items of church By-law 481, to authorize the Mayor Ramsay -Ir. Wingliam on January assisted Rev. t Hobbs with an cyan- a better home. The deceased lady sated should take a note of this and There are over eight million of fowl Wingham Popular Concert clown un under this heading, from theirreepective and Treasurer to borrow money for 31, t}ie Nifd•,Df W. J. I?LaPlsay, 4�t; I of the domestic hen variety in Ontario, daughter. • was in her seventieth year; she was act accordingly, or the work may be Course. current expenditure, not to exceed gelistic -service at the close of the Y K Y+ Y and the number is steadily growing, ev. W. J. Nest of Slnevale will DEATHS. ,,�� . evening sermon. ' a consistent member of the Metho- done for them by the town and chat•- $5.000, at a rate of interest not exceed - dist church, and universally esteemed. ed against them, a owing to the increased demand for preach in Wroxeter Presbyterian church Herdsman. -In Wingham, February r poultry at home and abroad. Among on Sunday next And detinue the pulpit ing 0 per cern,. was read and passed. 1st, Richard J. Herdsman, aged ., The Dominion by-election in North There were four sons and three Baugh- The Boston Ladies On motion of Messrs. Mcindoo and 75 ygars, 10 months. Mason keeps the lar the discuses to which these fowl suet vacant. -Grey will be held on Feb. 21tb. The ters; all are living except one son, p gest stock of VanStone, Win. Clegg wits appointed Sc•ntt.-In East Wawanosh. on Jan. School Supplies for the opening. -Send liable to is roup, which is also known Symphonyorchestra NexilSqudtty the FebruaryQuarterly y $ , provincial by-election in North Ren- The remaining sons are-Oharles of the children, as canker, distemper and fowl di h- Q Y Assessor for 1003 at a solar of 125, 30th, James Scott, aged 75 yea) e. �• ' frew will not he held till the lumber- Guelph, John of Wingham, and Will- . P diph- * services will be held in and the necessary by-law read and P g Canerq.-L1 Sunshine. on Jaunrry t. theria. A valuable treatise on the - � - • - , men return from the camps. liam of Michigan. The daughters are $iously In juled. OPTi{A HOUSE, Wiughram Methodist church, comment- passeSi. 2&th, Lucinda Conery, aged 0k. 0 years, Dirs. Fowler and Mrs, Parker of Mor- character, prevention and cure of roup, ing with the usual L,ovefeast at quarter When- the matter of Collector came 4 mouths and 0 days. The complete figures of the vote on Qn Tuesday evening, Mr. J. S. Smith, by Professor F. 0. Harrison, Bacteri- gingham, Februaly 1.Gth", to ten in the forenoon, followed by tip, Ooun. Dulmage said he thought _ _ its, and ilia. Herrington of Michigtrn, hardware rnerchnnt, met with g g the referendum in December las etre h an acct- oho tat of the Ontario Agricultural glen open to s>}becrihora ebruar nth Preaching servic©. The sacrament of that as the taxes were now paid into ,y, i as follows :-For the liquor act, 100,- dent, the result of which may prove College, Guelph, has been published in at 0 a in. y ' the lord's Supper will be Administered the Banks, the Uullector's work tvaa ' B ned to Death. 710; against the liquor act, 104,530; serious. Shortly after seven o Plock tale fortis of a bplletin by the Ontario To the Polon on Feb, 0th Plan at after the morningand evening services, chiefly delivering notices, and that majority for the act, 05,210. Mr, Thoa• Abraham received u letter he was returning from tea to his place pepartMent of Agriegltilre, and may H. Park's Jewelry Store. g Y g last week from his son, William of work could be easily performed o the + of business, and when at the crossing he had free hq all who will write to the SEE LARGE BILLS. An interesting and somewhat radical —THE— Farmers, bring along your Oats and Fullartou, California. The letter duties. . ThPolice in addition d his other ......r, exchange for Ogilvie's Rolled Oats -At on Minnie street, near W. H. Greou a, Department at Toronto for a copy, r departure frown the usual methods of Y g g t rou ht sad news. Mr. Abraham is Tickets - - - JOC and fi0c. duties. This was considered ua now de. A. H. CARR's, g he appears to have fallen heavily upon The bulletin is freely illustrated, and church work is About to be inaugurated t7 j I duty front midnight until noon the is crossing. At an rate he was , parture find left over for pgncideration r j�y�y� Q y �1� y1 Y g• Y , gives evidence of Prof.ProfIlitirisoilswide __._. __..__.._..._____ _.__-______- by St. James church, South London, until nextmeetipS, , Vi11ll1j11 DrU - store At Kingston, Ont„ a veterinary and one night recently, about 2 a. whin.ich found shortly afterward, lying ancon- reading of authorities, while giving Ontario. For some time the active Talo Ii,'il-ringer having resigned, the : .....•- surgeon is investing very largely in fire broke out in his residence, which scionsI essrs. Ward find Green, and the results of his own carefully con- One Hundred and Fifteen. workers of t•he congregation Kaye felt New Ontario, Ile has purchased the was speedily reduced to asbes, No- othot'Z� come to his aesiatanco and car- Aiar Akin Diilla,who fs aaitl to be tare the nocessit for ccs t at') tile social appointment of tb now official came up, now ducted experiments with affected birds. Y t Y ry . ),4 N 1l g i1 and on tllntian of 111easrA, Diclndoo adcl pia ms possesses twelve :A acres veterans. a and land thing was saved, furniture, clothing, ried him to his home, Dr. Chisholm While admitting that there is a close oldest woman in Canada, died at her side cif the chl1roli life. It was thought and On ur Richard Rankin c was a Is the Place t0 ' ' ' " ' 1,0 Onep . etc, were all destroyed. So far had was quickly summoned and found a r•esemblttnce between human diphthe- hone in iVoodh+ttit village, Illanshard uvotl, it{p{'ufc{'a, to apply more up -to- P Y• P At the Ontario Institute for the the 1I+Lorca gained headway before flue serious Lvonud in the back of his head, vitt trod roup in foul, the author be. township, Monday itrternoon. The elate rt{dtltgdH Iia the tcorlr of evau' Incidentalle`sLtre� suestiuu arose as EVerytiling #list Bllr d At liritntford last year there fire was diacovered,l that the only son There have been rumors of anspicion lieves that the two diseases are not old lady was in her 11. Lh year, having gcljp.iilg {pore especially in regard to the to whether the salary q aid a bell-ringer Pure a were 08 rrkiiles and 70 females, as coot'. Tommy, who wto about nine years of • of foul play, as Mr. Smith is supposed identical, And that contagion' as be- been born in the Oounty of Fer•ipan ouug inea. Tho idea is aloe the line Y P g and Fresh pared with 73 orales and 00 females in age, could riot be resoled, and later to have had $113 on his person, but so tween bind and roan is hardly likely to agh, Ireland, on Oct. 18, 118tH. 77p to of what has conte to be known as the Interannuest would not more than pay the 1001. The total attendance is below on a few charred bones were gather- far nothing definite can be ascertained take place. ° within a few u{onths ago she was lustitatioual ehutell, of which St, interest ons good tenon clock, and the ed and borne with sadness to the until he re ares onaciousneas. t tun bi;i •ht acct active. She had been a Clerk will ascertain the cost of a suits - the average of several years, cemeter +>mm was a very bright g p Y Just think 1-A $10 Snit for $12 • a F (lem'ue a I.piseopal <:burclt in New York hie time piece to adorn fife toLver of The Dominion, Parliament will be Clever b ; rom,i kabl nick at l is be that he placed the money in a safe $14 Snit for 610, with good trinuuiuKa; widow for nearly hwlf +a century' is probably the most conspicuous ox-' the Town 11aI1 and apprise the citizens f Y q place, and that this rumors have no 11a4 Stilt our oder, good to suit, at With her husband and several children am le. Cit. rniasious technical train• summoned to meet on Thursday, studies, and naturally the parents foundation• The wet{nd appears to beMaxwell's.3p y ' of the swift passing hours.ru 9 11, , are heart -broken at his esti death. p Itoht. Come quick finch get she crinis to UttnudiL Lu 18:)8 and settled tug schools, lecture contuses, libraries, On motion of Df esare. Elliott and v:!F . i �(if Murch 12. The (louse Is likely to sit one that might be cat{sed, by a heavy your choice, in Usborne towuship, at here her hus• physical training, are the in 0118 stn• VanStone until the summer, owing to the accu• Air. Abraham writes of the many fall. Tar. Gunn of Clinton was called baud died a cart le of Fears Later. Ur. J. 11. Macdonald was it Y for consulf,atlon, And it was decided r{tt•y had ry Pami19 of four sgiis rynd ployed to got at the Voting men, re•appninted Aledicat health Officer. op,�' V", , mutation of private hills, Lvhi al• friends, whose kind) offers cause to 1 CLUBBIIY(3 I;AYES. Dr. T. Chisholm was appointed to - - __.,_ mom•, ready number 110. Thirty-eig'� Are tinr 1n fife situs of lna trouble, not to perform an operation for a clay five dijilghters, seven of wboin are — ' -�--- In connection with railway ciharters. Clothing, money and, furniture were or LLvo At least, This morning More- still livint;. NOTICE. the Board of the Public Library, on freely offered t, the company will r•e- day) no change is reported in blr, Advance till Dec., 1003...,.......$1. M motion of Messrs. Mciudoo and Den. /li , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin, who build his house for him, and althongh Sptith's conditicin, and he is Still till. Advance find Mail•11;mpire........ 1 75 Itivery cithinn of Wliigliitni should • —` nett. A. L Hami��(� have been spending a few weeks with his wages had only recently beon consciolls. NVe hope, however, lie will Advance and .0arnily Tlemld,.,... l -5 Sto'erin Ct isthohn s I lock where you Take notice that the iHotel in It was anggested by the mayor that y }sus p ucha. ed the.JriBrunswick r,hotel rut in invitation be extended to the flu• Dirs. DlcKenzie and other friends to raised, the �lirectora voted hint an soon recover, Advance and `UVeoklyStm..,,..., 1 75 can procure goals manufactured in �VI'ghaul, front Juo, Carr, and will DI2UGGiSI and around Wingharn, left on Satur- extra month a wages. A friend tent Advaucc aid Farrnera Advocate. 185 your own town. take passesainn our March lst, next, roti Old Boys to spend their annual day for their hotne In Antler, Assiui- him a signed cheque antl told him to , MONEY vo Lo.tX -At 41 per cent. on A•dvanco and V. Advocate (ren'ul) 1 05 Application for a transfer of license holiday in Winghani, The suggestion WING �v � 11110roved farms, Rasy terms of rd. .. . 1 75 Av(.,TIov SAw,,,s,-�-Toot. Brown, Aur, hits bean mail, to the proper authol•i• Was favorably received by the Council, W L J.V Vf 11 nota, Thcit runny friends wish tlrerrl (111 it out for the amotnt he deeded. Advance and Glabc,,,,,,,,., a happy and prosperous life in their Such friends in the time of trouble Alm n,' R�teLt I>;stlatet� ori pl , A, Advance and Toronto Star..,.., , 2 25 tEondsLloaf in Ll isrvicini y Prepared oto at- ties. AT,I'.X, UTlIt, but tlie matter was left over• now home, are to be prized indeed. i Agent, Kent Block. Advance and Toronto Neiva.... , . 2 25 vadce office and arrange date of Sale. Fordwich, Feb. 2ud, I00'3, The Council then adjourned. -I 6L OWN