HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-29, Page 7C
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I .. � I I I 1, , I
__4 "
c1lorry''boutg1l. being 1;jokull Ili t-I'lit
killed tbrou'll of Souris, Man-, IV a, 13
Htoninoll by a torso.
,—."— I �
It is alitielpate/,I tilat tilt, 7cluta,utl
r tilt) Company his,11 Over st
1011Y, re0JprocIt1r becanic operaffic,
_bGr(I L�intidowna Rald 110 thoroughly
c0ndIttionk, lit Aniertoll. which is
dur PW'41;
Potelleffitroolli. to Afarekilig, accoul-
0111111; 1sllya1olitlj,_6`P"(,aks Ili" liflaid.
Aloxall(ler Kelly and wife were Ill.
""' "ood" "opl ..... . .. a w"nows' ly""
fitaittly killed oil it KrAdo orossinx on
e(L: 11(keittleineuo .�-ou muNt untler-
l. . . . L I
kitawl tilat there aro linjits to thin
New York, Jail. .117., The, ,Suit to-
% tile fOIIOWIII9 SPOCILVI trosix
tile Ontario 4 )V'osiori) Ussillroad near
Middletow,li, X. Y�. tile wayon in
AT U. S,
ARE S 0 Ulk
loll, It to Well Ifilown ULM tj
which tj (g wore driving being struck
- � '. -, Ile Was a9ked whon lie first heard
said tile witness, 111 meant an juisn-
or yearR.
(tailoll or tile ]))Inc." 01
in Carlos,
11 suffers from h1jo
'by a tra 1).
arP 023 licensed saloolls lit Lacka-
wanuft County, anti, of these 11505 are
liver, and titn't ,,the royal physicians
Several Britutfor(l jIjts,ntjft,Letuver0
- ----.--
I --- -111.1- - ------I-,--,--
tire Noinotluies called 14 to treat 111M
for Ilia coniplaint. The latest ao-
have docided to Prosecute tile On -
tario Coal 4stilsolation fox, conspiracy,
Official Statement I
'N V
[low Gentle -Born Kleptomani acs
clasloll �Ivas tile otbor (lay., lilliell Bit' . chillullig that the associatiou black..
Richard .11owell, it promilielit pbysi. listed t1jelia. for purchasing coal front
clan, to tile King, tbo
extraordinary was
operator", .
ment of
Tito Vinett arrived Ili the thilf of
deposit Operators, declared that- all
summoned to Ducklogilaw Palace.
Colonel Prior and other membero of
e�l wltliIn 7,30.3 y4i.rEls or ilin shore.
Are Treated in London.
Tito physiclan Is a Baronet of ilia
old-fashlotiod seltool, with. ilia pro-
tile British Columbia Cabinet wore at
NN!jIIlIjpj% yostel,da oil thelt. way to
J13orling, Ja,11. ,27, -The, 1,1oreign of -
"Oolvid 'tile decrease be due to any
11*111, of 11101.1111kzsIon, until 8 p. in.
flounced charactorlKtio of speaking
Ottawa. colollell,
Prior W111 attend
fire, revresentivilve, Ill vollverouL loll
, -1 . __._________
"It might, but It wabi not"', I-epliod
Ills U1111d, Without 1-094rd to tile so-
social pOsitioll of 1118 p4tiallt. After
a meeting or Provincial Premiers oil
Tuestlay next,
with it rel) resell tatlye Of tile A.sNo-
asking Ills Uajouty it raw questions
VIO ticf�th oQcurred at Grace llvs-�
clated Press, referred lit g;lov(,%:i
tolim to ilia American
and the Jail) or a Qooii (4joggIng, Alony J'alte the Flogging—
Ill regard to Ills golleral health, the
PItnI, Toronto, at 11.1.10 olclock isist
Ill,oss voill-
*1 Ito Cuban TrQa ty Rouses Much Opposition Ili tirltalti—It 1;, Felt That
doctor laconically ordered him to
strip, Tito King 'ploasantly asked
t, of Mr. Jaiiaes Edwin EJIIFj it ro-
Illeatli upon title J�oiubardlxlottf, of
It Has Been Devised to Damage t3ritish Intorasts —11r:V41iii Has Pro-
whifi-t portion of Ills clothing lie
t"Ilgill �aiveller, anti one of Toronto's
best known citirens,
Fort 8all Carlos, ()Ilo s;l1d. vlow
of ConiniuJore 6obeiler's report GVr_
tested In Valo—Retallation Sugg:sted
to Lord Lansdowne.
should take off. Oil being told to
strip to the Ivalst lie (julotig did so.
Notice has boon given that at the
ma,ny ling it just right to IL -I 'I jjIg_
I. n
New -York, .1aii. _T.-TruLh 011s W
realized the gravity of ilia t'dtimLion,
The doctor then proom
�ded ti). oxislin-
Ilia him In 'tile usual Instance, utlll�
next session of the Legislature all
flat will be applied for to Incorporate
jj,afljt ut tile rivet Chat 11, ljortion or
the Ailrorlean pross, is aroused over
a metbotl of dvaling stiminaOIN- with 1
and Ilrovt;e(led to rend delip" tell of,
,sliowing that AnibasNador Ilerbolt
zing tho stethoscope and another
tile Embro Radial Itallway Coulpany,
to construct and operate radial lines
tile fa,f,,, Rtat(?majj,ts or wh�jt oc.
atillaes oc gvIttlo
!birth, whiell is followed it, evrtain
m(t foveattily x*olfrpHentea tit(, 11rit-
11,41t objEetiollm to tile treaty, polut-
potioll-like Instrument, until Lite
King, who Wits Alot used to thIR vig-
Ili different directions out or E,mbro.
(,.jTrre.I at f4an Varlo'.q, without awalt-
Ing tile filets in tile eabf�, and there -
'%Ust end shops, says it Loadontles-
jag Out that it Iv.st'si it) all Ilitulits
orouti sort or examination of fill
Ills organs, became anxious that it
It Is rumored tbat L. 0. David,
Montreal City 01prk,,juay be appoint-
upon attackbig a frItindly powbri
The Panthor's nation, tile offlotat Ia-
,pateb. Every ivoinan deteeLvd. lit
and purposes ft 46critnina-tioll , lit
till tile British possessions Ill tit e
should conclude. Meanwhilo Sir
ed Senator and also editor of the new
[fort shows, wtvs strictly within ilia
Alle net Or shop-11fillig IN given her
Wc,mt Indies. ISvervi.acy Hays' re-
Franeb, Laking, phy8lelan -to tile
F I -ench Liberal paper, but lie declines
ihnits of International law. She was
�optloll of being prosecuted lit court
Jill' noilitaillotl that the 11. S. was King-, entorv,d guid ivatched tile pro-
doing thpy had cedu , re. Wholl tile pradtical baronet
to say anything about It, except that
the subject was bKonalled to him Ili
proccaLlIng pasl: tho fort to enter the
tagoon of Maracaibo, lit order to
kcir being birolted by the 11111111g0ress.
"Ill olle NIIOlj alollo", say'i Truth,
no illoro than thol
right to, (Io, aml Intimated th"'It they
brusquely pronounced; "Yoix have
too ,you,
an Informat way. .
prevent tile, liniforta,tioll .or contrit-
gfau,l ai,tieteff from Columbia, ailil Ili
1 -Twenty womcii have accoptoil th,!
liad lie Intention of inodIryllig tile (.'a-
hall truat, Lord L!ijisdoNvito acHuA
eaten. much, have <trunk too
. I VVIII spIld you ,'I Prosorlption
inuch . .
nasou of Elliallpox arc report.
oil from ilia TyClIdIliaga Indian 1�_
2obig Lo was firotl ulion. Tilt, P111101PL',
ioldval o.' birching. Ili addition to two
that tit] -ilia Ili f orinat lull ltyallable
to put ,y.oli right,"'be departetl with
Solve. on tile Bay of quilitc; one from
of eourse, &lfswex�ed tile flvd, its NUL
:young girl,j of it forc-lan iintion.,xilty,
poltite(I to tile, fact that ilia tre-tty
ill(? setan-tiest cortiniony. Ile it ad
hardly reached Ilia door when Sir
tile Towaship of Blenheim, In Oxford;
one from tile Tolvii,shIp of Tiny, in
w&.4 entll,lml to do. Tito attao'k was
not usindO tsy irg, but by the Venezue-
,who,' in consideration for their
would IlItHR, but ho announceLl the
Vablaot Would cuuNlilor If anyth'ing
Francis, Laking 'who rwaf4 following
Shucoo; three fro Ili CambrIdgeTown.
[all fort. We art, quito unable to Fee
-der 'yvar�, were treated to .1, nillkler
further could lie don ,,
liliW, otel,tobk him U-1143 made is, pro.
81111), ill Russell, I flus 11
till([ one from V
Why Ally neutral should express (118
approl-I'Ll, J.'ecause tile Panther I %-
. form of Chastisement."
It-, taliatioll Sugge"I'sted.
test against Ills abruptness. Tit 0
enituout 14tysiclati, who was ap-
TOwIIblllp, In 1�torsxxont-
plicil, or 1,ecause our YeNqols aft(r-
fort, It
That Culmn Treaty.
The (It iegates said, they untivrstoull
parantly not*10.1the best pf hunior,
Avell its Defellsive worliz.
witr4s lovellett the store ,l%!as
- Ll.milon, Jail. :.'T.-Tlv� roe proeltv
I ,','
treaty lict.ween Cuba and tile U. ,
tilt:. treaty coutaIII6 a Noeftt ulause
(itipulating that no further nicatiarwi
only retortbd; "'My (IlRar Laking, if
there IN tiny squIrilting to tic,
A party of 2,000 British I)eopt3 will
it 111,11dranLe to all effective lilock(ttle.
The assumption Chat WV Avalit to
i,hrPatens to raiso into Of ,.lie most
sorloujittkl!ferenoeu or opinion between
or DEVIllro6lLy sliall be undertakiijiby
ill(, U. Ili. towards the. British West
must do It.,, I
Dr.. Laking ilipturned to soothe Ills
sail frosix Liverpool oil March to
settle If) Life Saskatoon district. '
pVPVQIIt a settloniont of the niattvr
a;t WaPhIngton, anti Life speedy rals-
(iroat Pritain nji(I the United9t,atos
that Ilas for -8 S
1110ioN. If such ware tile case it
Ivils sliggoRtva to, bold Lansdowne
Majesty's ruffled feellng.4, and re-
Tit(, London Daily Mail says the
only ch(wk oil -tile prosperity or Can-
Ing of the Illookadip Is -wholly wis-
til-kell, We -want tile bloekade to be
tiecurre(I yea's ,O
IMuell, ijjIPQrtftllCO is UititCtul(j to tito
that (ficat Britain would be only
marked way ,of palliation -
Richard illy it rvery busy man ' just
ada is ilia scaj,city of Canadian labor.
I-CCIs.,etl just as soon as the Powers)
suilatter that .I ineeting of the ('III)!-
within her rights lit ri,taliaLing vrith
now.." the Xlnk�s reply, which typi-
Tho report that Sig. Mascagnt had
havo, adequate gnaranteh.s In lislill
�not If; being epecially suninioned to
fill incroafi.ed fluty on graln� ,.I'll 0
flect thestato or lils fillsid, was, ,,:Csxk_
been reappollitod director of tile
,soo what action can be taken. Thai,(!
is,or.cour8c, no altirmbit feeling Rs
Ao tiny possible Ntraining nT Mph)-
Foreign Rceretary gave Ito hitima-
tic)" Oil 11118 point, which, alVacaut-
ly, was Only 611990sted Ill tile hop",
ing, 1 thougglit llo�,%vas going to tat-
too tile," ( I
___._ —
Muk:lcal .Conservatory at Pesaro was
all error.
A nisluberof coql (lealers Were hr-
- .
:111atle 3-Cla-tions-, bit t Urrvat Bri.
that Pottle of tile Inewbers or tile
rested at T61c.dv, Ohio, charged with
'tahtl.K ciAiro conimercial policy Nile-
Moved Ity be y1tally concernett. The
Cabinet, who, are -reported PC) bt
istrongly Lit favor of a illoro proto
0 N
lllpgtxll,v combining to keep ill) prices.
They Wore, adillit-Led to ball,
and will have, a dralight of 11 3-1
:matter cami to, it ]left([ through the
,deputation from ilia Chambers of
ight IlAe It 118 it hit('-
tiolliNt policy, ill 11
dio to for),vard their vlow,e.
Tito German Cliancollor vigorously
defended the Government's policy in
111 T PU-A F1
;U011113leree of tile Kingdom,
,Tainalca, Jail, 24. -Tho
regard to Yeliezuela and tile army
*which. waited upon Foreign 4acra-
Planters of .Tamalca, are alaritled
. :
and navy. I .�
also; be able to orulmo oil clonlinfir-
cial. rcoutos. It IR cXpceteJ that tilt!
tary Unstlowna yesterday. It In.
cluded several meiii.berN of Ilavila-
tit ilib pro-Npects of tilt% passago of
the rocipraoity treaty botWeen
Escorted . on Journey by a
Some Madrid papers cxpress ilia
an(I u,,,,tie, of coppe,r.
or win(ling Is performed IPY two 111011
ment. ioid represented the niost po,v-
orful business interests front -tit tile
Cuba all([ 'the 17illied ljtate�% find
are ,,gain F;trongly urging tile gov-
Commando of Boers,
Opinion that Fratice and Spain will
flot together lit guardin, their inter-
Dickson, a4tornoy for tile 111"IeVc d-
BrItIph Industrial centrog. ,
ernnient of thIf4 colony to takn
ineasures to liogotiate nei-,)- re-
ests In Morocco.
Gorman Socialists have on] [fell ]lull-
.pj-. -
No Doubt, Abogs
)[10111fival to 13ritaill.
it ,
elprocity treaty with, tile V,ilited
region, made it sellHation Ili tile
drods of mass meetings for to -night
I Replying to tit(, (Ielegato,s ar4u.
All(Alt tll,,�4 - 11 It .1 I
fitates. ona of ilia leading plalit-
to resent what they consider to be
0()O,(.Oj to 8cotland for educational
I . � , I .1 . -
I I I I . I I I I
. 11 � - .. . . I I
.. 11 . I . .11 1. �F., 1 I , I- ,—
Ili orom-ex,ainination former Cwi�
r-osild not lie o\pected to t e,,� t I ry
n g s 3,wr_,�, r i ows urome. , to fftetl., lie had learned wi coun-
Ing tile abolition of i1to fiiig�r boun.
itles, would lie sacrificed If the (,,,a-
Druniul. aNked tile witness
tary Chanstivrialn started 11,-5,aturday
on till intorofAing wagon trek from
Prof. Hails Delbruck, arBerlta,has
It is alitielpate/,I tilat tilt, 7cluta,utl
r tilt) Company his,11 Over st
1011Y, re0JprocIt1r becanic operaffic,
_bGr(I L�intidowna Rald 110 thoroughly
c0ndIttionk, lit Aniertoll. which is
dur PW'41;
Potelleffitroolli. to Afarekilig, accoul-
work of Its Own Accord. 1*,Noit0t!11!1112,111
""' "ood" "opl ..... . .. a w"nows' ly""
. The SituaLlon at La Guaira.
niock severity Judge Gray jaxotaltu-
e(L: 11(keittleineuo .�-ou muNt untler-
I �
l. . . . L I
kitawl tilat there aro linjits to thin
policy In Poland. The Preus Sische
IliveWtgation ail(I I saust forbid
_-1_._____-1-_.__ �
d1l;y ovIdeltoo Chat antedates. Nualt.
� ells !1,
or tile 1100(f." i
�egarding Bombard
.,,oil, I diawt inean tile dougo,,,
- � '. -, Ile Was a9ked whon lie first heard
said tile witness, 111 meant an juisn-
or yearR.
(tailoll or tile ]))Inc." 01
in Carlos,
V. -I,. Bra0bilry testifietl that there'
I!, I n n
I N 0 Ir
AM Afffiffl
arP 023 licensed saloolls lit Lacka-
wanuft County, anti, of these 11505 are
0IM their clithir; will be met. We
ill I4111111t 1111111nilr towns. Tito wlLnosH
do not even ask for the lainjedlato
salit t1lero are about -300 Illicit, places
paylli,elit of money, but ouly for guar-
wilerc. liquor Is "0111, In ullaillp, (its-
antces, Wo cannot rals
� o 'Lite blot-kailo
11 is 10
trials, 'the Witil-oHN, 8 ld, t ere one
vinjity 114willed, '%vitlioul; tiny forla Of
NAloo?] to every IIX; 11111abitants, Ill
g""' nt�e
"' 01 "
rural districts there 18 only. ono sa-
Ali (if 4010.1 (10flPtliell f ['01111, Wtl-
10011 to every 558 11111%113T�Ilt .
8 i
kllstivl, Curacoa, (latest .1,11rd, wlys,
*-N11r. Reynokls, representing ilia Isi-
Tito Vinett arrived Ili the thilf of
deposit Operators, declared that- all
Maracallto .Tan. �Ilht stad approach-
Ills clients could prove that tile do-
e�l wltliIn 7,30.3 y4i.rEls or ilin shore.
creased output of coal wits due to
��t 11 Volovk Am bog,au ft bombard.
tile union.
silent, -willell was continual, with [tit
"Oolvid 'tile decrease be due to any
11*111, of 11101.1111kzsIon, until 8 p. in.
deterioration Ili ,the nithien them-
TIvA Pouther, which 'waf; sttlivlitv,g by,
KelveKV asked Judge Gfray.
ohNerved that 44 shells took offo�i.
"It might, but It wabi not"', I-epliod
Castro Must Do Better. ,
the witness, . .
London, $,in. �.'TIt ,Avfts 1parnpa'
J. 11. Wickeitzer, a minor Ili tile
by a representative Ur tit,! AHs,)-
Veople's Coal Conjilany's olsiploy Was
chite4l. Prosm to -day ilint Great
Britain# 0twiuftivy and Italy Irtyp
it"ked' I �
"How Illuch doeN, it llllll�or get Y',
agreed thilt *,%IIni.;t0L' Bowen's nro-
"I don't know exactly, I know
. .
what I get,"
po,al ilitat tile Or N"One-
zuelit be immediately ral,;ed CILIA-
"Ilow much 'is th'-si; I?"
not bv� entertained, and that co-
Oil anywhere frain $5 a
, ) to 010
erelvo actlou must continue until it
proper guarantee IN forthcoming.
-low long (10 yon' stay. In tile
Tho Foreign Offices hot([ Witt stay
other course woulti. entall a full-
in;'111.0 V
Profit 151glit to little hours."
tire of the atteitilAN to bring about
(10 tile Ininorg (to whell they
it 'Nottlenient by dipluxuacy at
90 11 .
to the.joineo?"
Wall," suld tile wiLliess reflectivo�
Regardillge tifo Position of tile
ly, "the first thing they do jvheri
utber clatinants against Veneyusila,
they got In In to examine their dIII-
ilio, blocka,dilig powells, continitl that
ner pallm; then they take a smoke,
their claims itilist first be satisfac-
niny be blaw, it couiile or holes it'lld
toOly settled before the floulands
then sit arountl and talk politics."
I'llow much (10 you load 7" I
(if countries wivi tire not activel-.v
assorting 'Llrein van roceivs atteri-
"I work eight or ,nine hours and
load 215 t 80 cars, perhaps more.
I Irive six laborers. The suffering
I—— _____
public deirsaisids, coal and,1 wnted to
I . .
get' It Out."
It was said to -flay that tile
anioullt of money paid foi- steno-
III, t
11,110 diaN, which
9 l
graphically reporting ilia testimony
lieard before ilia commission Itau, up
,iiiu,sjcpf-i-lie:orqlieryt.r:t)� on :tlles�Nveoiii.
, � yloar then iRtflick up, and the
to date, exceeded tile aniouilt sippro-
prIated by Congress for ilia entire
witirk. Forly-eight copies of each
Tile hyninK, their �1:1,ies, the 1ktagnt-
day's proiieedifigs are furnished,
ilirriellIL business, no hanging cradles
had not then ljoeil perfected, and to
iviiiiiiii, it Is Haiti, have i�un up a, bill
d e 11'N - jlla,,, Col. Lynell stil)ported the
closely approadii-Ing #50,000.
-reach the face it sojiffold. had to be
Counsel for thil Markle Company
Boars, but counsel contended that his
cat,sed some surprise to -day by re.
questing ilia columisslon LO 811111-
inoll tin ,,it witnesbr 1), X. AtcCartliy,
IN71th hanging crailles It takes but
of IJazelto.it, one of ilia attorneys
ad by treasonable Intent, and. waN
of thN wine workers. Mr. McCarthy
objwted ou the ground that * I T(,.
, I " -- -1 'all ag0S WJ)V�11 *tile
tile Government had gaines.l. by ,.secar-
ors has written to newspapers
Haying ItiVat without it reciprocity
London, Jan. -T.-Colon4LI Secre-
harsh meaeures adopted againn their
representatives lit ilia ItLichetag.
. 1"
:here that the natives are pall a
r-osild not lie o\pected to t e,,� t I ry
n g s 3,wr_,�, r i ows urome. , to fftetl., lie had learned wi coun-
Ing tile abolition of i1to fiiig�r boun.
itles, would lie sacrificed If the (,,,a-
troaty It ig 1,1111pogsi,blo -to coill-
Pate tigahist ["tiballs, under thenew
tary Chanstivrialn started 11,-5,aturday
on till intorofAing wagon trek from
Prof. Hails Delbruck, arBerlta,has
It is alitielpate/,I tilat tilt, 7cluta,utl
� sal, but, sta counsel for tile compaily
1011Y, re0JprocIt1r becanic operaffic,
_bGr(I L�intidowna Rald 110 thoroughly
c0ndIttionk, lit Aniertoll. which is
dur PW'41;
Potelleffitroolli. to Afarekilig, accoul-
been senn moh's imprl-
sconment ,or to, pay a fine of jOO
;sIlid , would, not asir (Itlexitiolm
wbIch McCarthy, as counsel, coultl
. The SituaLlon at La Guaira.
Pa.illed by Mrs. Chambe,rialn, �k-',Ir Ar-
marks foi- attacking tile Imperial
ll�xlflosloii of it, tube of one of tit(!
—__�__ not answor, tlip lawyer witived fur-
I �
l. . . . L I
thur Lajvloy, Major-Goneral Baden-
policy In Poland. The Preus Sische
I1rItINJI brival force8-on ',4aturday
. - thar objeation.
� ells !1,
Powell, and others. ltiilf"�s Of Illules
Jabrbucaker paid the finti..
'Pribuno ;veRteriday. Tho British
- � '. -, Ile Was a9ked whon lie first heard
� ft ? , ,- jl. i, I
` ` . U." 7.1 * -
:, , , i; , "
M"111 M71"
. , �
1' ` R-1 '..
I �_ ,94,4` 11`111111 , , � ,
,111 _" wl�l _
MZli'll U111 1�
- '11T. t I if�� , I ; �
- ,�
T, I ��� I
i fw�!,fl�� .
,� 5 1 � ..
,,, .
0 MAI Im I I I];-- leg : . I i " �
k I Z_Lh C,
N a V y U'S, P agn i c = S t r i c k vg_--P� n, A r(--1; F I e e -
ing From Town of Durbang..
Durban, Natal, Jqtn. 211-11alsoule
destroyer Rocket and tile Zamora
plaguo is spreading kO Seriously
fQvIng tile BirRisli; flag, arrived here
. 1"
:here that the natives are pall a
to -,day. After a short Ntay tilt,
Charybdis and ilia Rocket left La-
st.rlckon. ,Servants and laborerf; are
Ouaria for ,Ili unknown destination.
leaving the, town in large number8.
Tho Italian erulsv�r Carlo Alberto
It is alitielpate/,I tilat tilt, 7cluta,utl
sailed during ilia night.
drifts will, Tin closed NO as to prevent
Tho warships lit tho harbor are
ill(, Trijillne, Zamora, Znmbador and
the .4prea.d. of tile Plague if) that ter-
Traitor Lynel)'s Case.
. The SituaLlon at La Guaira.
London, .Tan. 26. -It Ili flow gen-
I,,% Guaira, Vonlizueht, Jan. 2G. -The
m -ally colickled ilifti, aR c-ibled to
ll�xlflosloii of it, tube of one of tit(!
ill(, Amsociated Press tit(' day lie was
11)ollerg of tlit� Zuinbador-oup or the
condennied to death tit(.. sentence
Vellezgeltill warships cftpture�d liy the
passeil upon ColollN ArLhnr Lynch,
I1rItINJI brival force8-on ',4aturday
who was found guilty or high treason
flight. killed it, stoker. Ifis body was
on Friday last, will be committed to
burled at sea hy the D-ritish crulstir
postal servitude for life, subject to
'Pribuno ;veRteriday. Tho British
further conskloration after it Carol
cruiser Charybdis, ill(, torpedo boat
or yearR.
____ --I------ __1*___-____�'_ I
___1____1_1-1__ - - - _ ---...- -
118 n
I!, I n n
I N 0 Ir
AM Afffiffl
I (A
F)" I S A J"D
E 0 ?
Proposals That Mr. Bowen Makes in
President Castro's Name.
London, .Jan. 26, -It was learnod -
lo -day by 'it representative of the
Aspocilited Press that Great Britain
and Gerniany have Informed their
retirespirtatives at Washington ilinit
they call consider 2%fluINter Ijovireiva
propopa Is regarding VenezuPla's guar-
nntfieN to form it satisfactory basis
for further negol,latloiui.
( , -
* Nor" Vork , ,Tan. 11011vrsouli tit
elose, touch NX -10 tl%si blockading
forces sa.v, according to the Ilerald's
Puerto Cabullo, Ven(muela, corre-
I,pondoist, that Fort ,15an Carlos, wlilph
eominavilm ill(, entrance it) I,akv
Maracaibo, has been eaptured by the
Oernutiln (Ind blown 111). They alHo
report Chat tile gunboat Palt,ther
hls,F4 beell dis4lbled and IN being towoo
lly ilia, Uerman cri3iiior Falke to �Vll_
. 101118tad, Vuracao. .
Bowell's Propof.-al
Washing,tun, Saii. 12G. -Mr. Bowen
f-lnce� lit, arrival] lit Wasbilligton has
inadr- three propositionx to the
powers througit thel� representa-
ilven,. The firs' , was ii, plain state -
snout that Venezuela, desired tile
I )1ockade or tier parts raised as it pro-
IhilillarY to negotiation. This Wan
strongthnned a day or two later by
it second note W1101 put niore strong-
ly Teneyncht's desire that ilia block.
IWO b.0 IlftPfl. Tills was tile propost-
ti on, eNidently, Which news 'ties -
patches from London ,1rosterday
stated the powers had decided to
TNT,i IVIltlill1r,130NVellNVlt,41titorine(I
of tj;�lr Objections lie made ill(- final
PI-0110HItI011 which was decided oil
before lie lert VarlicaN. it stivilittLe"
illo raINIng of tile blockade of the
Venemplan VOTAN. It offers it paY.
nient of cash, or it gaarantati-ex,totly
Which C,'Innot Ili) learned. It IN the
most Ilberal orfer Mr. Bowen- can
make, W'd 'It Is the heaviest conces.
141011 that Venezuela In her prosnnt
reduced condition citil, stand.
. 'MAY 60 UNPUA2`61109
Charl"t0l], S. C., -14111. .27.-(T. Dun -
pall Bellinger, formerly Attorney.
(;Pneral of South Carollyin, haN booll
VIIIIgessig(!d by the (4011taleN Tailitly to
I!,nmist lit tit(, prospenition of .Tallivs 11.
Tillmill, for warder. . .
,,,,,ft the friends or ii.mitor (4011-
7 -el Ills murder
'allig, wbo have (1011011m
11, tilt,., nIo.qt I)Rtel- terms, solin'l W
thillig that with tilt% presmit Pourt
Illid Jury System III V(wnle
, Ill MIS
. �'t. te UIP Ae(Illutal of T1111111111 v. -Ill
jollow. It IN said Clint. Tillman's Iaw-
yerl,j Ivill ",)Illy to tho .1�npromc Court
for ball aN soon its public feeling has
Nulthided. .. ,
Tivilebed )),V Roadside.
lloplitr 13hiff. Mips., ,lan, _7.-(4eo.
(Ifirk, a, negro, bat; been lynelina Itt
Leoper, a minall Htation north of )fort-,
for tile, murder of a white fariner. Af-
ter the crime Clark fled to tile
Nil-slimps, whare, lip was raptured. by a
A )not) battered In tile tloortl of the
Qftlabooso,drltt.fg�d Clark out to a tree
anti lianged him front a 11mb whitib
projoeted. over tll( roildway. TI I ("
I-wil. watf allowed to hang lintIl
111wililix, whell It Ivat; ant flown Im
tho corolivr unit an inquost. hvI-I all
it vordict. raturned lit nocordalit, 0
with tho above facts. I
had licon arranged tie eivible it),,-
Isarty to travel at about toil nillee
till hour,
ThOrcl T,ag a picturesque scene out-
Phlo Yentersdorp., 31 miles north-
WORt of Potchefstroom. .A, 00111 -
Maude Of Boors likol; the party and
escorto(I it Into tlia� town. A bouquet
of flowers ivafi presented to Mrs.
Cilia inbarlain. Tito Colon. "
Cary was conductod to the lioii'��,�r
tho Landroost, and the, commando
of Mere draw iiii, Ili a half circle
outside. 'Soon after, (]all. I)olarey
arrived, and was cordially recelved
by .Mr. Chamberlain, who Introduced
him to 'Urp. ChaniberlilAn.
After the presentation of an ad- �
dress of Welcome the ' Secretary made
a, Speech to tile coniniando, lit which
lick coligratillattitl tilt- Boorg oil being
tile comrades of so great and Wal -
]ant a. mail as Uoncral Delarcy, Ile
said also; "I hope lie is illy friend,
and I holm ,you all fire lily friends.
WO fOlight a good fight, and there
Is nothing to be aslinined. of oil either
1011 ill(, conclusion of 'Mr. Chamber-
4till's speech, which was throughout
In thin volil, General Dalarey fjljox�
pectedly stepped forward, and all.
drogsed the Boprk In Disitell, declar-
lag Ilia belief that tile c,olonlat S�cc_
retary Was "tile man to set things
right lit 8'outh Africa. , "
. These specelieu made an excellent
Impression. Oil proceeding oil their
journey to -day, Ueneral Dolarey (to-
compliniLd the party.
r-0C-.,sC--.0-nC-.4C-%4-n1 �
The Manitoba Logfislature vvill meet
on Feb. -
Mr. Thos. Kirby, ex -City Treasur-
er of Ottawa, Is dead, ,
i'loronto II&B purchased toll cars
of hard coal at $0.08 delivered.
John Godfrey AVIS elected Chairman
of ilia To�onto Public School Boar(l,
William Charlton, aged 00, an East
Eight pioneer., is dead.
Argument concluded In the South
Oxford election appeal.
London city Ila& won in -tile IILI.
gation with tile Street Railway.
Allan Buto wao.fatally injured by
flIlling downstairs In ' a NYInnipeg
Toronto Methoellgi; Sunday School
Union workers held their annual can -
I volition.
Messrs. .T. E. E'Ills and IV. I. Mae-
kenzic, both Well-known Toronto elti-
zenul are dond.
'2*110 second anniversary or tile
death or Queen Victoria wag goner -
ally observed III Canadian cities.
Rev. It. S. Laldraw, or Xuo.x Col-
lege, hahr been appointed asHistarit
Pastor of Knox Church, Woodstock,
The Grand Jtir,v at Ottawa retaLred
In very strong terins to the unsatis-
factory 7cotidition of the Court-bouso.
Air. R, L. Borden was bancluete,11
at Sydney by tile Cape Broton Con-
servative.. . I
It is reported tit Winnipeg that
tile Roulls) Government will appeal
to tile country lit -Sune.
Tito Dominion Xron & Steel Vella-
pany will. build a ismall mitt lit syd.
ney for tile nianufacturo of stec,
Toronto District Trades and Labor
Council voted down a coil sit tilt tonal
amendment to oxclude Knightti of
Labor. I s I I
Tito inciliorial tablet to tile title
Lieut. 11, L. Borden was usivelled
In Mount Allison, X. B., University
Work has been started oil Ote Win.
fliptig power ,plant to Atipply 10,000
llorml* Power to the city front. near
Lat, (lit Bolmet.
'Vie Toronto Controllers have do -
eldest to 111YA)ly to tile Ititilwfly ('am-
suittee for authorlty to con.4triict
the Yonav etrect bridge. .
Oil VrIday isiforning M. Burgo,rno, a
rArit labotor, tit tile omploy of Goo,
. I
11�� - .
i �Z_t
-V - _�***� �
of Lit(-, eylotion notices ff l
Markle Company an twelve tenants,
, , , '.." - - -
-, 1. - .
to -which lie replied thwt all Ills In-
, I
formation lit this connection was se-
.... I 11�1
cared aa attorney, as all of the
I.., .1
I . I � I
evicted man Iwouglit the notices to
I I L - !/
Islas ,and retained lilm aN counsel. He
, ", I , ;11 I
., I
-lie men had been
sftld lie lielleved t
Novel Experiment in Public
\ " �1_ I ,C,-.- �
1, ) �-�, ,.-[t' X
, ,
grossly deceived. I
Worship Proves a Success
11 11
I �_ QVI -,:�T
". - ,, .4 ,
. I
. 11, , 11_�_,
, 11 .
a 1� �,_. -.,." .. ,,.-,. :� � ..
..� , - - "
--___.:.-- - "-
. .
* -
London, ,TAIi. _"T.-Thle holding of
I 4ai
Grime to be Scoured From
rcliglous services to absolute dark-
C,V �-�
iiewss, lic-gun ,last week lit London,
, r �.
Westrnhister's Clocki
lims In-oied successful, the expert-
inent having just1flod tile belief or
- 0 1 N
Rev C.J.Parker, vicar of St. Jaxaco,
. �
In �Ierkenjvell, that', poor people
would go to church if their lielgh -
11 �. \. "
bar.& could not see their sh-abby
. F,
11 �
London, Xan. �'T"RL9 Ball," )VIIOSe
His congregation slumbered about
. -0
(jeop tones tell the residents in the
200. It IVIIFJ composed cillefly Of 8VO-
neighborhood of Allostminster 1bboy
alers and girls, the wivel, and flaugh-
tery oC small shopkeepe" tand poor
COL. LVN 311
anil the fluuseH or Parl4inavilt, tit s'
working folic 'Llbey came from the
thno or (lay and )light. is having itf
tilazo of ohisly-lifflited, dreary ,+;tt-ceL9
Ft.und Guilty of High Treasoa and Se 1-lenceA
race washed, for tile first tilliv Ill 10
flurrouliding what N still cheerfully
to Death. . �
y0sl rN.
called Clerkenwell Green.
There Ili .I. good deal, of dirt to
A whito ,shoot wau hung across t;ie
London cable: Colonel LVIXII Was I iboroby colunlitting a most eowartl-
take off, especially oil a
onstern end ol Lite church. Only two
electric light& at tile
ru'und guilty, and was'serti(Ince-I to I
an m ous act; or Lrenson."
dial, which. looks toward the city, and
� is flxe 11
were used
door. 41; 8.80 o'clock -Lite vIcaro With
death. I
Ills naturalization, continued the
was only a flimsy
tile east '[11all who So gaze
upon westininster Bridge Roftd.
violin, emargoil from ilia vestiy
leading a procession of young mail
No 1�,'.vousp For Lymli- i
pretest. Votlas:ot tholl Proceeded to
rphema. were as black U's one could
sit.), 0 r ratios, though all ob.4erver 180
ttl%(I,N%,,oinen-,%,Itli,strliige(I Instrinitem.F.s.
P rial or
-n ill, t
e'allIO: I'VIle
(ALtall tilt.? prisoner's alh%ed atilts of
rch be'low wolsild 'lot l"I'VO thought
They took 3hairs if) ilia chancel.;he
cilrato tit the gallery worked the
Col. Arthur Lynch, member of Par-
adliermice to him cO Antrl,'�s entimles.
III, t
11,110 diaN, which
limelight machine ant]. throw tile
Jlaln;,)It for Galway, oil tile allarge -
Tito Lord Cliter .tustice sunitnotl up
Holith find west
get less k;l1loice aild more ralu, nre
,iiiu,sjcpf-i-lie:orqlieryt.r:t)� on :tlles�Nveoiii.
, � yloar then iRtflick up, and the
of high treason, wits resultied to -day Very brIefly. 110 said that It In war
otll� - brown.
.r .,Ile
Organ chililed: lit. 11 -
counsel for the defence 1)(,9,111 sun,- thim it British subJect .10 ned tile
"Big- Bcti'K" last lVas hing was a
Tile hyninK, their �1:1,ies, the 1ktagnt-
ming'slis. Thilro, was no a�tetnpf; to King's onsiniles, whatever Ills pur-
, , of all UnlAwful
ilirriellIL business, no hanging cradles
had not then ljoeil perfected, and to
float. tile Ntine Dimit\ ,,, ilia prayers
and responses werEr alf thrown u. 10111
d e 11'N - jlla,,, Col. Lynell stil)ported the
ties(,. was guilty.
act. Naturn,lization during war
-reach the face it sojiffold. had to be
ilia Fereen. The congregation, P�v
Boars, but counsel contended that his
Chile afforded 110 0=180 Whatever for
built 100 feet from tilt, ground.
Ntead or poring Over badly prillte4l
Ila till.-Illization was lit no wily proin t-
I 1)
subsequent actS. Tll(irc 'was ab"114-
IN71th hanging crailles It takes but
books, stood tip and caroled their
ad by treasonable Intent, and. waN
nut ovideace, lie suld, of overt actH
a w(,c.k -to wash tile facel- Nvhlch is 'an
beh t. Pleturem Illusirat,,d
tile vloar's remarks.
solely for the advantage lie wouid I
in n1ding the. liling's evemles. �
The jury, af ter having been Out I'll -It
C.x1lallso of 400 square feet ,of OPM
giam, to say nothing Or tile Hurround-
. I .
thus scoure for journalistic pur- I
till liour, ruturned it verdict or
lag gilded Ironwork.
poses. S'abseauentlY .the defendant guilty. WjIpjI asked it lie ha,d aily-
W)IojI tho infit Hilesilk is off Its fa-er
actively supported tile Boer cause lit thing to say as to why he should
and ,,Big Bell" stands Ili) foursquare
ill, ,lot be sentenced to de -it, C010110
tile De'lisiz -it lip NvaK It lega,ily ,a t ,I
I .a-
and clean: to a3i tile w rld, new e!p
rraiiev to Build 0110 foil 0643 11,SiVC C1.9
naturalized burghor. I Lynch replied; "Thank .-you, I will
,Igl ts, will gleam frow behind
trip I I
Avell its Defellsive worliz.
Iteplying for the prosecution, tit(, I,.py nothing." T1,1to sentence of death
s oil ea,ah of tit(,% four coulltN
tile dials to carry tile co
witill jillia. to tin unknown distance.
Parlo, Jail. _'17. -It ho,R Just I*on
,%,:I paNsed
Sollcitor�Qpneral, Sir Edward Carson, 11, the, I ,,tlie till clit, 'Nia, primilor then
Theme lights, bOW0vcr, are export -
announced that; .the con%tr6ctIdi;I4
inallitutil0d that CGI. Lynch Joined the bowixl to 'the court awl waR ronioved
ifienta 1. T11py consist of powerfix!
to bo undertaken of it submergi-
Boors as it discontented Irlshpitaf, I lit custody.
f0rusit Iftall)[4, each of 60 candle -
bit) boat. tile (Ifinonslons of which
------- .
power, RO that wll(.,Il the, six a.re
a light of
will surpass th'at of all submarltie
burning the,y ly'lll give
boats built or building Ili Franco.
Tilt) conNtrilction of the boat will
be begun this yosla�� .
800 eandles.
Tilt, "Big 11011" Cower, which holds
alort Britain's greatest clock, gets
hour bell.
Her displacenleat wilen subinerg-
Its popu lar u anic, from the
ad will be 33D tons, as cornijared
willell Weighs 13 tolls 11 11"ll'ared-
with the 1-100 tons of the. Gustavo
Zede, which hereto.'ore lias beeii tile
largobt Hubmarine boat'. ,,ilia will be
Nvc Ight. Tho bansfusir for the bol.
weighs four hundredweight, White
the, quarter bella weigh 78, 33%, 26,
49 metres long, J. 1-5 Illetres broad
and C1, lifindrodweight re8VGG*tIVcI3'-
and will have, a dralight of 11 3-1
Tito pi,ndulum Ili Just Over 13 feet
Illetres. 8) I a will havo a 4rilgle,
I -
jolIg, 1111(i weighs nearly 700 pounds.
Rorew and four iorpodo tubes and
,j,he dials of (lie clock�are 22% fact
will cost jV50,000.
Tito now boat will be able to at-
In diallieter The hour I'logers tire
L,, fee,t long, anti tilt, sulnute spactis �
tack all enciny's portij, and, will
. :
one fool; square. 1.11110 21111111toll'Allds
also; be able to orulmo oil clonlinfir-
cial. rcoutos. It IR cXpceteJ that tilt!
. :
Reports of the Evidence*
11re, It feet long. Ini(xy are tubular,
Inie operation
now boat will be built lit two years.
an(I u,,,,tie, of coppe,r.
or win(ling Is performed IPY two 111011
111111a,clelplila. Iaii, 26. - Samuel called. 11 The'
ollillig colliery, was
is ,Ill Incts,11H Heveral hourn' hard work:
"]11�1, BVII'14" trumtwortlitusiss In
Dickson, a4tornoy for tile 111"IeVc d-
union," lie said, "drew lip resolu-
k(Tpilig, U1110 ]lag becOlne proverbial
Stintillant to Scientific ltes,Ml. till by
ont coal oporatGrs of the Lehigh
tions giving Its periuL,414011 Ao dIR-
with tit(% Londoner, who hears tile
tile city, ac-
region, made it sellHation Ili tile
chargo any )unit absent more than
llooll, far away over
cor(ling to tho-directiolls of tile wind.
Lontion, ,11ftit. 27, -Tho girt or ,U-4-
union ranks Sjj�urday by roalling
two, dayg fol,owing 11 Jill. yflay. Thi)n
ii'roni firot to last tho clocks n -till
0()O,(.Oj to 8cotland for educational
tot ilia otrike coninillislon LhIH tolv-
I t oxiselledl one of out' watchnien
1)(411; cost about $110,000.
purpossiN now appears only the be-
'Poll 0 F - hveauso lin worked more. thall eight
0 .
grain, sent to Q g - 1311 P, PrO
I in f It sellonse
g 11111 g 0 , nutpliet, cut 13,y,
Andrew Carnegie lor the beilefit �r
litAirs. We postod it MAIM urking
sidailt Of ilia 11siading Rallway, by tilt, 111111prs to ipork on .Tnn. Imt
Heotellmell. .
It. U1. Lultifor, of ilia lZrat'1111140 Coal ]list, but tIrz,v woultl not, only it
2 Till, Heliclue he now proposes to an
allil Iroll CollIpIlIly at jlotLsV1ll0', few rellorteil" for Work -Clip "(",'It
Agrieuitni-Al COM-ge IIIAR UQVOre
eildowilivilt tvil " L for kvientific re-
Hearch. Followphll)N will be directed
no collievies Anti, mix Jig day."
" Dot's, ill:, union ruIv
Inallity into these, channels. Gi-adu-
to -da,, at North I ,iour
lious(,.,4 working work ?" iu,k(41 Judge (11111Y,
Ilre.41dent ,V,111,4, (it the Agricul.
atef; i1pniring them will produce their
Mallalloy coillo.l.y. 3jeli �,vellt holne, ,.yps", .,;11141 01111gall. ill(,
tnitil 0)II(19P, 011PIP11, w4l's in 'Par.
university revortis to Indicate the
refusIng to wall, until it fro7on Islets would kdart wor liftrr %hp
onto Nypster(lny eonforrIn_ �vlill
PlAss of rvaparch ilivy -,visit to pursile.
A million sterling will be Mliollftd Oil
wfftcl! ViVe 0011141 Ili' ellangypil it) last H,'.rlko I liml Ito, NVVIIVP a. writ-
front Local LIN0 to
pectlag 1(
Ifoll. john I)r,vden Yes it I
eF4tjlIjnt0H for thilt institution, Ile
this selle'lao. I a,
Col liernilL
. Colitery )III-(. ni.n." This pnernit, NY418 RhOw".
vinablo breaker to start. I
141)011 th'a,t durlux tha pre','(3at
,11r, Clarkson, Clip first wiliner of
a roady Itol NtarL tit 7.8t) a. Ili. "
Wa R read .
, 8 that'
njolith there. have beell 110 Jos
tilt% elighlosirIng Half olftrallip rounded
by 'Art,. Androw Carnegie at I-Tallfixx,
IVOR(: Wjoilling,
111r, Darvav, aktornoy for thn niln- Oct, 2j, lq�021
Thi.4 N to, certify th!1A .101111 Mil:
5.-)I studentR oil till 'Poll, divided
it-, followsi among tho difforent
. elvall it congratulat0q, letter
haf4 p"
aillpoil -to 1118 feet and begnil
orf4. J R. 1)
1191til allil , . W111111111;4 havo 7101V
volirscls . ljogrular RLIVIeTILF" :.1110;
from Mr. Carnegie in Which lit) says; ',
reading it clIPPIng wIllell declareti ;
or to Illin, any 111111111sir, or invii tbey
fliort coulls" Ill 1):)IIII-17 M14111g, 14;
"Taki, tts,Your rul, o' 11 e, 'Thilli own
roproneli alone (to fear., Resolve to
flvif Ow r-Arintial oil tIM 41114"It 1 ji(�pd iii, Nvorl, front thl!A diltP- DY
Lov 1*1111on 1,180,
0101 t eolll"' Ili suirk jullp"Inw, :2-_f);
'tair-s sell.lo" i'o; fqloeial ,itvpkly
lit) Illoro than 1volir taNk. DO all N.Olt
of con't w0s, due to tile opern,tors ! llavillimqlan oL 11
� I I�o
and Dolt to tho 1111nors. . ( rge llertraill, I'MA&M,
Joe ti�ireN oil lionlostle Fiekknee, ow
ean anti Avo Nball hear from you'by-
antl-by," �
I J. 01 01111gaiii, foroinall or thO '%V,v- '14. I11. Oaundor�rj I.,verotar,v.
la'dies. -
. .
�What United States Must Pay
for Caiial, Rights,
. _. .
� ,
betwelill tile Cilited 9tateN anti the,
00YOVIlluellL Of Columbia, whICII WjxN
Li.lawKI Yestorll,ty iy i:-eurctary Hay
and Dr. Ilerrait. as the reprossinta-
tives of tile two collutrIONP Was
transmitted to tile Senate to -day aull
tjy Lite Senate referred to ilia Com.
initteo oil Porelgii IttvaIttiono,
Tile treaty Nvas road lit j,"xecutlyt.
session, but the jujuslotioll of scovVey
was not removed. 13y tli6 terms of the
treaty tile Mllml States agreelt to
litako a cash Payment of $10,00a,01,10
lit gold to the Colombian Covernint tit,
unri arter tile empiration at olao
years to pity a rental of $L50,000 I,or
year. I I
Tile lease of tile strip or land to be
used for the canal and for canal pur-
poses is practimIlly made perpetual,
the provision on this point being that,
the, first leaso shall lit- for one ]lull-
dred, years, and renewable thercaftev
Ili ternis of one hundred years at t1w
I,Iensure of tue United States. Mw
strip Is to be 30 kilometres, or about
Nix miles In width, anti over thin Ler-
ritory tjie ITaited 8tates Is given po-
Itco anti sanitary Jurisdiction, Q.
though It IN explicitly specified that
Colunibla, does not surrender sover-
elgilty Over, It. 1 r
The United States Is to lia,vo tIw,jjr*4_'
vllpgo of free Importation of vesdel-i
and material to be used to ilia eon-
struction of tile canal, It is also
given ilia right to Improve, list-, and
protect harbors at both tile Atlantic, -
and Pacific endf; of the canal. Tito
grant Is made exclusive to the United
8tateN, and no taxes or rentals are
to be charged Ili addition to the gross
sunis of ten million dollars lissia! 'I anti a
quarter or a million dollars annually.
'11110, Committee oil Foreign RCIft-
tions wi.1 meet to -morrow to coil-
slaor the treaty. . .
Struggle in the Streets of
Coro, Venezuela,
- � 1_�
Carticas, -fan. 26.-1rjie revolution-
ary force under Gen. 'Blera, which
attacked Coro oil Moxilday, was �
DJ)llged to retreat, leaving thirty
insist ki , tied and fifteen woundo(j, it .
"011'sideriahle amount of arms and
�A,,,Igage, and many privoners in the
lit6ods of tile Coo-verilment forces.
Det,%Ils of the engagement show
at I O'cloek Monday nior-ning the
eoVolutionists unexpectedly assunsed
L110 offenolve. The Liovermnent sup-
po,,zed Riera was at Sallaneta, but . �
instead lie appeared outside Coro,
%vith one tbatwallid man, hie entire
aostrand, ant.] attackwl the town from
two different directioln-s at the wa-luo
eline. One rehel column succeeded fit
PUSIAZIg nearly to tile contra of ilia
town. !�4. first thel Government sol-
Llie", "", , into confu f ,
,;ilt as l.6 ..
their sa
tile 411.1;
were a
. or tell
in the
'oro, the revolutlonis ve blig .
to retire. Rler,tt, who allowed great
personal bravery during tile fight,
.s reported to have been 'wo-unded Ili
'Ila -
, - leg. He In noir floeing In the dl -
rection of Paraguana, and ,%Vill pro- I
.:ably embark Tor Curacao. The Uov-
wilinent lo,,;t ten men killed. It Is
known here that oil Jan, 16th two .
�chooners succeeded In landing arms
and ammunition for thel u.qo . of tile
:oreco under Riera at a point oil
the ci?aiit near Coro. The fact that
tliesolfehooners were overhaulW by
,Ili ItkIian crul-ser I)eforo they' bad .
U10 M411tions of war oil I.Oard and . 11
.. 111itt _ I I .
.. - -t11_-y_.&ucqf,cded in passlag tilt,
leekade wheii 10-0-161 11 . '.
I w : 11111 I - , �' I .
ammunition for Ilia.) rev lutionists is - - � ,. "
luoted lit CaracitFj as -proof of the � . I
tvilth 6f the frequent statentents, to
the effect that the blockading pow- .
,rs are Interested In alding the re- � -
volution. �
rwo Tilousand Faviners Coming 10
Canadivin Marob. .
London, Jail. 26--Xtis annoulle0d .
chat till,- two thousand British tarin-
ma and agricultural laborers Who
Ire to -settle six gaakatoon are to
all on March _21Rt In charge of the .
Itev. Mr. Barr. .
Tile Canadian Government will give .
' ' '
iufficitint land for eighteen tG'A'vn- '
ailps and foreignera-will liq_�_j _ I . .
.1 t ._ I .
, �
ilitteri to settle on tlftjl�,served tax,- I
, � "."
;Itory. The sottleni-ent 'will lie called \.,
tho Special British Colottly.
The report of ilia Crofter Coloniza-
,;kni Colujilittoo wlye tile position of
ti�,e settlement at salteoults ill tile : �
,%nadlan territories, established in
!899 hag undergone lit -tin elisinge.
Some, of tile homesteadu which have I .
reverted to the Jjoard have been 4
�old, and an oudeavor Is being inade
to find purell.aaers for tile rentainder. .
GOT $2,500 DAMAGES. .
Brockville Woulali, Avins Uer Breach . :
or Promise Suit. I i
Pittsburg, Pa., , i.� 17. 1, bre7lell I �
or promise I It -, 1) * Miss � *
Christina BrY.IX �
agalliNt Sanl�lsil ,f
$ 00 for it now us V
$10'a0c) damages liv
U ed , .
[ Mot for Bliss Bryng*led. I -
. �
A lAttsit? written by fifas'
hot- blacksmith lover ow.vs 1
44well, lily, dear oy, 1 .lief.-
kno*"iny ago prett well. I .
a e
. '1111P,�44in.1-11sea to I.,
love lettw!ff sillil-'a-rell illy
I'low would you like to cosu ..
tallit vald attfs'n(I n wedding V
says: -Well, illy destr boy, I I
nionny I wa's after I vould, have Is.
10119 11,90. I .W4161at somliont\ T*rall 10
all(l 116 happy With, TilIT lift, Is to')
I short to waoto It with someone YO 'I
(10 VIOL loVe. 611tvo Ira'. a, llttIQ ('01.11A.,
aml someone I loy"'. ITallpill(I-AN ;N
what I witilt, I i4.iy, drAr boy -9
In all of his testillitom. W1111011r; Ile-
ciarsid that lie t1ld 'not a8k )11S.�
, III144 to j!ojile ljore to nwet hills,
and that, lie liatj et,ltial proniiM'(l if'
niarr. . - IT(
, y hor "ilikilde or it y(ar' - M)l 1
Ito told lisir lie hnij no njolli'v to 0't
inarrIPA oil, and dJtJ not liviltNT ill
'getting inavrIed without that 11"O**'
gary adjulact.
. — .
I. -OM 1jethitlism Atilt litta i901116 trOo.
with 1119 WOUKRIed 1,09, And 1ASt
found It ineevolutry in, o".0
k othot, oporntion whith too
Ono of the l'ovAou bowl