HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-29, Page 6i4 -"�"'''"'""""-,-",-"",--"",-*,--",-,"",-,,"-'',"","**"'"'"''""":,*","--7�'��',
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I I I I - . . �. . :. �. . I � � , � . I , � � , " I .111 I � I . . I 11 p ., - , � . I � . I � . , , " � ,. I . , ..-.-� , , . . . I 11.1 . , 0"a a
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. #1%C"N0)1W")#o%�.0",.,a*",.0 . � ll(%I,r �vt elappod eyeli oil, mblell I Ar ='A Irvilln 1411d ill(' NewNuoy. ISSUE, NO. 5* 1 9 0-"i -
,saw for .611 .t.ftat fulloNvod. 12—
FOUR GOOD i Thei-O, theii, wexe we Hot, await- M_ Now York Tinw.i. E:VOPY Woman Should �, .. I :. .. . ., : - .
: Ili(,, $Ir lWillp, lit ,the blg chamber, r ,Sir Ilenry Irving, Ir, telling Ili, Know, Mrs, Winalow'o kwothing ru
I W, I ILDS� , 11 ,y, oliould
.0itt, ,vaiivulng withoat disguise, and,itio 1�u:141011 With' 1111)(1111 ji,'jj1:jLO Of 1111 Ill- That Prof. W. Hodgson Eillis alwayo be used for Childron. ' olit 111111. Ib
. 1. soothes the child, softens thefolus ouros WWI,
rl%JA,N X - r_oldug Ill,%, witii to attraut ber, 11 i oldellt th.tt Ito stly,i w.eurrvil thiril'tj; Oilidal Analyst to tile Dominion Go a coilo and lathe Vadt rOMud V or I)Itirritolu,
. S"f"'1,0"`r STORIES ,/,,�/� "/ lay ,a,,,, 'wal.-Taill imle JuuHt have taken all Idea 1 Ilk la8t; visilt Iwre. v- I . I I �
oI it,,, ,,,, it 1,uck or IQ,vn, although Consumption is a human . -11 wati Ftrolilill, down BroadWit erRuWut, ]'as I"'COntly mad,e a number
#-#-%.o-$..,f-4_"#-Q_4r,*"l11i42 I . / / . , ,jAAG4 a "LO I'VII�,W'd coldness, �tllcn I - I >ke I aft0rlIUUll `W1111. till,' 10lig IGOW'14' Of anAlyVes Of soaps, and reports that TENCOURSES BY MAJI Loitilluic
� eed flourishing best in we, " 811111light Soap contains that high -proresolor1w
-yet, with a Pell" , P?j of t I tile court, of tk ': 'llu'uthirl, OVA -111. ill.- of 10V or Jily tol) netors -
An Albany la)$ "d ,j ,.OtgV.&� W
C 1A7U_k11rt4 'a ,110 PIRY Rill �potll > thoroughly taught. 31�xport Inati .11011
illaut for billiards had Occasion re. �1( :: percentage or 0118 or fats -necessary y1ilual attention. bond for linnilsonto Latil,
Mite oC ,which, I lairw secreits, and. I talked lungs. Like other weeds it's ' Coat, when It ll""-';I)o,v Pushed 111) to n, good laundry soall." logue lot, particulars, Correspondence 001lild-
Contly, to visit a stinall town. While oil a level Lproper ,to tille Be%. : tO 1140, and, golstleillatIng violmitlys - ment.OENTRAL BUSINESS CQLLEOE, Toronto. Can,
101lu- seeking to Pass tile time, lie , , D'yo il"t love the play, miss ?" easily destroyed while young; trhuuLod a,t itto lit it traglo Yoiev: What every woman does not know I � . I
'e, 4- 1 11 1.9 that ill CoTilmoll soaps she fro. I
elud it now and excellent blIllard .40 J,0,� OL;pv ottys I. when old, sometimes im- Bnck, back, Sir lleary I Fly for Quoutly pays for adi -1, tow"
table, Upon Ills Inquiring If thevO 11 Lard, it' la ,pretty iwell," sa,ya she, 5rour life "' I lltomtlolls at the WANTED, AGENTS 'a eve' in e
WAA Anybody about who could play, d4A�IA — /I " ssl'ble. 1-1 ct,vuronN I ivam it bit fluk;torp,j, price mild Y11 a , I
and ,covered ii,l) a yawn with. Osten- po . : Of OIN and fats. Try Sun. Canatla to adl inade to niensure LAV �fli'
the landlord referred Illm. to Ono Of . i light Soali-Octagou Dar-noxt wash sults. Jackets an(l Skirts; good conintlostorts.
X 'tatioll. and aii I looke(I nervously round, I . ,
the natives, who may be called John - , oxwa/ .; 11 I douAlt not, but ,you have seen Strengthen the lungs as you aFkeil: I rifty, and You Will see that Prof. 01 -Own Tailoring Co., Caundalo Largest Tall -
A& 9#M .
Jones, because that Isn't his name. __ __� ,,..��41' 'Love Lit it Tulb' ?" said 1, Sor I would Would weak land and :::Wbtt,t'fi the unatter, ui,.1, ]flat,?., 1, Bills Is right, lia should know. 206 orill Toronto, .
Theytplaye'l several games, but the a-maxw000� not -bo beat by,itor LinpuCence. the 'Orrible danger, Sir I TIlere's it I ,-'- _________�,__ 'eff town
wit S % -
resul galliat tile Albally law- weeds will disappear. WANTED, AGENTS In ol I I
11 Maybe," aa,ys she,; "I have apoor barbor in that lioLel opluysito!" TIA0 I L, I - - - , . k and yj age In
yer. Try as lie might, the country- patemorar." I The best lung fertilizer is . Callacla to sell MEN'Sordered clothing, good
man Avon, . 11 r Millard's Liniment Cures Vstow- Srarn Montentiii. conitalsolons; union label. Crown T41147jing
___ __ 17hero,Nvas one ,played In It Vother -nulsion. Salt pork I -ts a talkative little girl.
"Mr. jones's, lie renlarked, "I IlnXe . . . . . ith Scott's Ei E'uinm ,%rt 01o., Canatlalo Largest Talloro, Toronto.
Qalto.a reputation at home. They ----------- __ ___ day like to you, aniss," said I, w . per. Sho was v(wy rond of asking quos- WANTIAD-FAT01 HAND, lil4i'MIND
atitat.A�4�4aA.A..04JA .$.A.4 %A isignISIDarice, 11iinkIng to rouse her. is good too, but it ver hard tio.n.q. 4titholigh nlo-it, of 11 utubrailee prolorre �
Consider, me a good billiard player, 10-4Jt-O-A,-00t-0-0$1�A-0-0-0-0-4Jt ' -4 �A 10.01A jSie, 11r,ted liar oyeibroiwa. is y � or ques- luan (wltiu out Inei di
but I'm not In your class. May I 44 Jt (10 d.. " wall' 'n- to digest. Ills Secret Belief. tiollij )Tovo fullny ones. ittivit Ile experienced lit general ftirialzur ow
Inquire how long you have Played?" -A o' # says alic, Indifferen,fly. CIO' one (Itty her father took hot- for it eu ro of stock, and be,well recOnlinelld0,1; 4180 I
AA liamIscituo tie Xmight ,wIsh -to voland Plain Ilealor aRInglouxan, Address Post Ottleo drawitie
"Oh, for a spell back," replied the The time to treat consumpai IN -4111C along- tjiv road, and, moing, a Lll,ilaralltou, Ont.
nutivie. "Say, stranger, Idon'twant 10 J� see -so Plic Was," �atd 1, persl-Athig. tidII)o yoil belit!ye In tile equa,lity of itillh. Paottlrlj; Imr, sho Bald to her ftt- 1�
` THE ATTACK ON THE CHAISE .4 1 i NY hy do you say SiST, OrIIA tion is when you begin trying le kie�ew?" , ther; WANTIM-AIHN TO 1,1,',.kltN BARUNPlit
to hurt your feelinis, but you're the kA AlLss, "WItirtt a fortunate lady:)' . tra(le; stea(ly practlen furulshea by
fuSt teller .I ever beat.,�-AlDany it uY H. B. MARRIOTT WATSON, 44 to hide it from yourself. "Yels. I do. Unk-, I wouldn't like lily -,1�4i,tbor, loos '!'t that funtily llor�%*" free work; Instructions and letturen by. ex-
Tlmos-Union. Ot and OtIfles another yawn. . WiCe to know it,"-Clevelnild. 111111a llf�r ra-thev told 112i, that lie was pettii; wages quit shop experloncoHaturdays;
— ot "You, favor her, wliss," says 1, giv- Others see it, you won't. Dealer. not At Itorpe, J)irl; it tattle. tools resented, boar(I Hupplied; entaloque
I it Being an Incident in the Life of Dick Ryder, Otherwise Gallop- .0 Ing ber an eye.'. I Tlivit she askml what it mule was. 11111,11ex fref- Alolor liarbvr (it liego, Old-
MIle Bufta,lo, Commercial relates , ne, Ali,," said sl Don't wait until you can't eago, Ill.
that the piriliclitial of 0110 of tile BaSt at ing Dick—Sometime Gentleman on theRoad— it "Lax4l, I fayor no, to, ]I(, it.ialil to her: .
Side schools bagi occasion to visit one tartly. "I ant, orciss liki two sticks deceive. yourself any Ion er. MInard's Liniment -Vtireiti IX -ph- "A niula IN lialf rL horse and half a IS YOTIR TrAll", PITTA, 3� OCOCIPIRD 11,111.4
.4 From Harmswotth's. is t1rat coir,la brat myaelf," and ere I 9 therla. donkoy," WIN1111,11v! it not, wo tire olwn for tin
4>1 'the junior grade r6onis the other &A � co4ld- find & word lit rotort. 0he had Begin with the first thought
day. and proceeded to ask the little bO ! "Willell 11.1ir IN tho flolikey?" r'lle lionest and ellorgetle, ]unit to rellresent �
.O.A,0 1 gone from the room. I to take Scott's Emulsion. If Cirlininal's Lucky Piet -eq. alAud. It" antl Can still -b you In aproiltntilebusineon.
fOlkst u fair, questions. "What is your 04tit W,
teitioller"a aa;ma?" The ansivell Was I if I had followed my first temper I . . - ...--- rIte.Portr4t1tf4uppIyQ1o., Park(lale,Toronto
I tiave, ever bad an, eye for a dc,xy, cj�tulsa peored. as I cawght a glimpoe, 4iow.ld. have, marcheid from the house It isn)t really consumption so "Nearly every, crintillal", said a, do-
coirileotly given. "What is the ilame and Ill tao cuu:roo of my life have a, W1.1to and terrified faM la the forthrigh t, being korc. to be No wed 11carries some sortaof lucky For the Little ones.
Of tile priucipaii, of this school ?" Cull- much the better; you will soon tective, BUTTER, NEW LAIP EGGS I
, 'nappoll0d 4110,11 a va.rioty Or ,the sex moonlight. The coachman, it was by the, min%; bolt I will adinit; she piece JuL Illsi pocket, ftn�d Will Velleuro Ali A D Q book, beautifully 11111.5-
rect again. "Now. children, you know awla, its rails to few m.en. Somo cloar, line taken to his heels already, ation for me, and where- forget it and be better for the tratet.1, in one of tho latest advortis- AND POULM WANTED
had a fnauin, -no undertaking of moment if Ito o'
�!,-;W A' city like Buffalo there are a - 41ay a be en flue ladies, bravo 'with their and ilia horses stood champing and 1, my teetlit axe .s -et there I hold - tit pi-minotiont; or Nfassc�y-lfarrls Co.,
great r4a,lay schools. Who has charge It , treatment. If it is consump- On Coll0glintentH of Butter, Poultry nod ut�jv
, ico, and powder, and otaers again trembling and swaying in their alarnt. A,0 that I paced the chamber once has iort this piece at home. uollueh,, x,;Cd., tho iiiakerN of tlit) famous Afa,s- Iala nggs molieltoa. 11rices f1rin for�,Iiof I
of all ortlift?"Whis -was LL, DOS 41k What does 1, then, op twice, and "llaitil-," says I ang- tion you can't expect to be the murderer, Carried a (Ilino, which soy-liftrr-Is farin Implements.
EV* 1, ' 4 4ave, dQ,soended ripon a scale totho at tho noises. ltl,�-". cholve YI)IIIlg('IilekeilH,tll.3,Nl,.iz,�(,1"7�,,a,,Il," .
ally one little girl raised ber hand. :ln Klmsy-winsy; but In tA9 end ap there was a little iral In the o to Hoj� ppi, pulp. I'lli 1)L,[y
at comm( rIly, "I will -wake the little cocka- By mentloning tills paper and send- mellh I nod'
I the I covicl wag%r Polly Scarlet against fray and the others temporarily cured at once, but if you will I'- hall found on it conutry lano I'll 119 I,
triao sing another tume afore I've Ing -your naint- and address on a po lier!). or nI,,H`MVAX. di-livere(l 'lorouto.
ell,, who hap charge of a 8 - I
pub, hoots In B falo ?" aske4- the -the big Cone." his boyhood. j�lijje. lluitibert tile t offo$polulellee sollelted. A,
64 any of tag Pack. Tat I will confeas drow off, br.t istoopi and lift begin in time. and will be * a eard to tlic% Company In Toronto you JOHN J. FER, 62 lPront Ml;, East, 111oronto, I 14
. I c1pal. a devill" exclaimed the tirat there were some that have inan from the ground I and bundle i And, no ,sooner waQ I come to thlis - - Vrellell. swindler, has a lucky 'A0110 enit obtain a copy. , I ______ -
w � ald very positively. migLtily ticklvi me, and one or two himi rap-Mly Into 'the chaise. Bang concluision than the door at -tile rigidly regular in your treat. from Mount VOSUNIM4 one or the
� __ tdait went near to; tur,n 'my hea4 for goas the door, and leaping 'to th6 foot of the room. opened and in Walk- ment you will win. French detectl,veB told tile., und there ' Hereditary. VICTORIA 13ROTECTOR
0 11spell- Tho only gente Nap.
Idn l4nppor :rInatle. No
A vuU, who 11steneid to som. taetr looks alone, to speak nothing coutchman's seat, I Lashed thohor8as ed art elegant gentlemall. The dresses a spe(klai L>a,rjl*,..,R_1Vhero goes 1-11illor In lilf; 11,
binder' every evening for three weeks of -Vacir slata and graoe. Not buit wItIJ tha flat of my blade. They sound mu,do me turn, and I watched Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, is made In all 110" antolnobile. flow flu!ckly he ban clinib
during tile recent municipal cam- *nr pocket ror some zline. Bredoll, the I rigil,ijilit tiollod linen,
wtmt I havo long learned theltmeas- I at tod Ili a panro, and the chalne him- till lie came Into the light of loariled to run tile tiling. Ito t 01 '!
Palgill, according to the New York %trei of beauty, and aow, far nt p1r4riging and rocking down rest all you can, eat all you r it. , it pleamure to
'; a ' tho candloo when I cried out sharp- nterretter, usea to carry an FgYP- ghicid-yes, I suppose it is a facility I w0n, , 11111ol-Ned by
Minicisa vald the other day: go -a man to a too] to bLirrend.T, ty, I iwhLo nv;rrow way. I that's the treatment and "', scara, . I knoily a pilckpockot Chat Js trilicritcd. Ills Father USOLI to ;, thousaluls )f Indlotiallil
, ly-for tho faice, waa no other than can, tial b . physlehills. AGLNTS
"Campaign iorators do not always t1hat on tho summons; yet 'will I hot 11"Ids fetched we lato King street, thalt which had lain, behind tile mask lye�rt Lit the wheelbar- I
have time or occa-slon to explain ox- * the I a that's the best treatment. who carrie a tOULh Of n, Cat tllftt 40' Q111t0 at O -K WANTED. ,i44111140 43W
deny !iiow greatly It dtAurbs ad, lit fear of prursult, I stood up its that noctulral attack. I took 9 thzIt lie afterwamo row. -Boston Tvanoorl9t. terius $1.00; s i,00 per
pressions used in ,driving home' argu- Imi, Iriff, and, coming Apme so sbarp,, airl banged at the nags, so that I 'some steps across the room, and bit him, a,nd --.-- --.--- flown. Clittilogno of
. � ed, and ILs a fact that this pick-
meffits. They must -necessarily depend doeisi tam affect the bearing of us I'Mil them. bumping at It gallop round halted by him, act that lie might see We will send you kill (30 110 New York and Boston Vitt, New York ' other ngent'i,4 gonils
upon. tlle&r audlence& to Isee thal all. Madain. or miss, taere was no it on ilra Oxford Road, and on the way mia as clearly' as T sam- him. C11______1 , pocket hasn't corne to grief vin FRI-1111.
Point` through apt applications or a little of the Emul- took up tile tooth, one or tile juot4t . Central. -
'=Lidsomor lady In town oil that for U*Tbrmil. Whork we baid run some, "Well, sir," says I, "I'll make bold , . C AV. CANFIRM131, & CO., Box 304,
siruch Pxpreisaioas. I haye In mind one sutwiluer nlgait,' when I encount-'ered � digtan,jei I brojight tbom, to with , . 11 Sion free. . proficient card sharpu lit Milladel- Vit) numerous trainK, the exoellent. * Dept. li, London, Ojit.
alk turkey' -repeatedly used. hearing no nolso, to, say you: .recognize me," for I was I phia, carries L6 look of hair from Clio service, tile uniformity or its trains,
-'to t Inler, than Sir Philip caswell.'s ward, ao c1l'ort, and zed and disordered by his remark- I Be sure that this �..Ictura to
Mile story of its origin Is as follows. I of the enemy, .descended and ama h-ead of lit& divorced who -not from RN rour tracks, wid tile location Of
arld ltwa,i; that, I'll be bound, 'nfill- I ablet appearance In that hot4se.11 � _. thC fMul of a label s on the
" 4- - wnpr�r of every bottle of sentiment or regard, ins lie Will ex- its depots In Boston and New York,
"Two men, an Indian and a white enced mo in my bdalavior oultinequent- . op.1ned, tile door of the chaise. . He looked mo up, and down. "Not a I , but bedause ninke tit(! 'Now N oyk C,yitral the fay-
mam, agreed to hunt together for a ly, Nevcrt'delem, I yowl I did not: Tho moon Ajono out sufflOdently' th,.� leaolt In tile worldt" says lie, I . Emu &ion yoL buy. plitill, ir you asic 11:an ftA
fty, and to divide the spolis' When Cairo two straws for tae pretty puHs for me to make oat the humped body cool, y, and arranged some nice point - SCOT . T & BOWNE, th,e ,look of hatr bring..; him luck. I orlto line to those points. firm the I
the time camB there w" ne, difficulty ity my aeuxt. . or tho main I had thrust in so rough- dom-It believe, as a matter of fact, I Any ticket ttgeiiL will con
ay Chemists, ' wile didn't, rLbOV9, , 7 1 (
- -in appro�loning the simaller birds and 'Tiwam after a long evening at a IY9 and opposite, white, shrinking, In, his sleeves. "Wild tile devil init that I ever met a, crook S ., JACOBS I
airilm%ls-ona of a kind to each. At .and in an evident state of terror and you, be?" � I Toronto, Ontario. . have some sort of pocketplece to relyi .
InOt they machedl the last pair, a gaivirg houlso in M trybono that- I was agitation, a mighty handsome and "Rip me," says I, angrily. " The on." -Philadelphia, Record. Dimple Afakers. " .
returning on my two legs tilrough clu5sition in nort, that so -inuch as ,.vho Soc. and $r; all druggist&. * I
Arow and a turkey. tho fields for Sobo. I wins I n a engaging mXss that starc4 at me help- . _ - - _: I The ParrRori_YOUr wile, sir, 1.4; try -
11 Now," says the white man, with a . be you and, wnat audacity brings, you .
groatit ohow of fairness, 'yon ramy pleasant temper,, having filled my, leasly. , hore ? 11 -tot if you Wailt it, you 90*Z=G1:�0Z1Z__1*0G0GCX= 0 ....11111111101 ....... ...... . .11111111111111in- lag to run lily church. OIL
have the crow, and I'll take the tar- po��kot,o with king's plettaires, and I I "Is-lsi lie dead ?" the asked, . amill have it. My n.n,mo is Ryder." r, ) r I Witherby-If tlixt; 18 really ilic,
had drank nothing save a boittle or hoarsely. ", cannotl ,He patised again before no replied I I case, the only thing for Yon to 40 Is POSITIVELY CURES '
key, or I'll take the turkey and you ca of good bLirguady since, dinner. "PaItli, miss says I, "I .. I poker club.-Harper's
may have the Crow.' hope, not. EWs mot for to !no, and, tacre was no manner of 0 . '. . . .. - to join my �
" 6 yod Mha limir, indeed, wgus past mid- ff,A,Vwj4et1j1 1: him irritation In rAs voice, brot merely .. Bazar.
11uhl' says the Indian, 1why tlll� warramit. Beat gel 4) , ,..... ". __
_ A Rheumatism
330 tu)k turkey to me?, 11 night, and I was casting 'rip fet,obed,,' lar-guor., I EL 40J ' .
chuncLw to find nipper at the "Pack home, a,nd have a surgeon (rTID be, Continued.) . 4`1 QUARR - 43 ; ... I N Dlobljs�-Wby was the engagement I
-L Horse," or the IN(*olden P, and if you Will acquaint me -with the 0 0 '. . �'. _ . i bro-ken off bet-Werm I-farduppe and Neuralgia I I _411W
itagle," ro I .
', 3ir. P. J. Campbell, a celebrat ,d mw:it other house known to tile. IiGusovl, I will make so bold'as to take W0=00C00__0Z*C4=1.01_=:i� :. I . �/' - I." 11 I os; Bj on as ? . I
blind educator of England, o�noo had ,,well", says 1, as I Came Gut in you, myself." . HOW'S THIS ? The lovers had quarreled. , y a .i , Slobl)s-I bLfleve they came to the Backache .
an timusIng experience at a rough- tho hedgerowis, " Itio nearly one, and She Waited a moment and then "I'll never speak to you again I" .. '.., 11 �, , :"�., .. conclusion that her Income wasn't .
and -ready hotel In the backwd rip, li*., if I Oca not,aup and Ila abetl spokc� giving a r.treot in St. ,Ta=eW, We offer One Hundred Dollars' Rowaril for she cried. .. .. . largo enough to support- thein both. Headache
America. Two girls were at the din- I rt,t wlitoh I linaaa her a colige, and got 'In case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by "Perhaps you'll give me back my I ------- Feetache
ner table with the doctor, and one by tivo, and livel virtunu,%11 for Wallis Catarrh Cure. NEY &CO., Toledo o. ring," lie retorted scornfully. , Z , ,� —
mn,s pleased wit,t-t Aylialit I was car- upon the box again. I alil better F. IT. CHE . .... �
of thein was touchingly sympathetic. . pi In my We, the uticlersigned, have known F. J "I wouldn't wear your old ring I , i ,,,, . I I . -kly, dearest ? All Bodily Ache
ryklj�_. ftnd_jj�tlu to jos,ci it. A, bird "stride a nag than with a will. � I . quic s
"Doea your blindness make any dif- the night was , as-
wg,s S , Cheney for the last'15 years ana believe him for a t1wasand dollars," she ;
,giffiig in a fjutte,r froull the hand, and moreovex not perfectly honorable : I ", t. ItHe-Weil,11 I should say It did. Why, �
ference to you when you eat ?11 site �1�% and just upon that another ' Pretty daxk, yet 1twAa In all business trane. serred. A seemed no time before i had AND
a0ked, 'had reached the actions and financially able to earry out any "I ! NOW IS TH . TIM I ;
� ,W long ere we .VhIs Is the end," lie said. . 1; spent all the money I had. 1.
"Wlijr, no; I kno'M when my fOO4,e- ,sO4,njd cagno to my Cars, and on the i �.b.11�&atlon;,,tnado by their firm. "Wait a minute," Interrupted the -_ I
good just. as well. as you do," su��,-'[ho still air arose the clamor of swords I l`iOVJs0, and, the bell being rung alid . nuxx, Wholesale Druggists, To- . To use Dr. Agnew' Caltdrrh .
dolot ex. Ili engagentent. Thw was nothing 1 tl'M ,servants called, the fat gentle- ledo, 0. mutual friend, "Don't forget that en-
Lnillll., xn,x.&x & Kknyix, Wholesale Powder. It is an`antis�egti,c, lieal- . Blanche -Mabel says that her
' WA these are the days of arbitration, In -essing, applied directly
�d ,
0 noug J. Pon r. g, ; to at to Tom is a secret.
_.j . to, tile, for I am not used to Intar- 3111un wals got In saf ly o l' U D to, Toledo, 0. i di
OW Elall's Catarrh Cnre in taken Internally,act E4,Ith ONQU
I "And when .) , I that ,nomcono flies for the surgeon, so let us arbitrate this affair." t , t 02 gage'lute
,_ rou drink ?". 11 tacddlo lit Airuall. affairs as nocturnal I - No diseased surface b he -Yes. Even Tom doesnot ous-
--- "Why, in _�, e. the . Be "1104 entirely In the wrong 1,1 she . y t I e t It. - � .
fteli, "' brawls, unless, Indeed, I am gone in I an -A 1hare wao I all alone with . Ing directly upon the blood andinucou ur. . ) patient himself, Who blows 3a Poo __
�'Ajad&A sent free. Insisted. I I 1111111111111111i,--��
p- jefa141lin!!5>,O ?" liqbor, nis eomotimes happens, or am 1 Indy, and rick loW to clap WY POOP- I face of the system. Testimonials powder through a tube into his Ili T
*11TUR& -me-, wily, 01 course I call. y trmble,some, comp,:111Y. But , er`9 on her more Clearly. Bile moved - Price -75e per bottle.a Sold by all druggists. "It's all bar fault," he replied.. ' The cure dates from- "I hope you do not descend to mall, 14 Al � I
I havei fallen very much In love " ed off b: fearful a6 , I nall's Family Pills to the befit. "Well, let's have a statement of ' nostrils. . . -El the woman wit,, N
ly 'Whe- to tile soundu of tbo fight succeeded ' withl a, style, but had a � the first puff. - clolis gosqlp,11 sat F& A oe
"Well, but how can you a -yj.,t it w�stjs -her face that took me ilve case from each side," said *the serious Ideals.
theT & girl's pretty? Do you inlud tll�' voice or 4 woman, Crying, but tila.t IA -.i 1,ded Ili, 3,epose aridopened like I Proof Positive. . mutual friend. You needn't snuffle from colds o, ,'No," answered Miss Cayenne. "No
not very loiudly, for help.. TIAS, as,' I or hay fever if you have the I
telling me If I'm pretty ?" a, flowor In,, opeech. BQt she was ; Chicago News. . The girl thmight It over and her , one that I knour go.,�slpo maliciously,
"Not In the 911gh 9t , .11 you may believe, was upon anutiter I very .still awl White juist then. I nix -I noticed your twife sitting In face grew r0l. . catarrhal powder in the house. I They do It merely for fun." .
__ i te, )11 rooting, for there, w,ap never a pet- . Curer, a headache in ten minutes. . I
. anZi on my facol -ag and slender "If I tried to, put It in words," . I __ .
::Shaa� I put To. h Site NVAB yon : the windo.Nv sewl6g this morning. I
I know without that," a -laid the ticoait that appealed to Dick Ry- 13301;,t- "They had one of the strangest �
d9r In her trouble In vain, [LEI my and nothing tot) tall -large ey"d and thought you told me yesterday she site said to herself, "I'd be posing Rey. J. L. MURDWF writes "I have ' I n,
Oil are the I waS as a -little fool." arria,ges reiorded for a long time."
man with closed eyes; Ily records will 'prove on. any road Ili xoun,d of limit, and with a mouth ' ill. I . ll I " U, I s =rhal Powder Blood
pil�attlept girl on thelloreek." m.e[j tile lIngland. So off I &I -1,t oil a rial in 1 "I I'll) Sir Philip Caswell's ward, Dix -So she was; but to -day she's Somehow the grievance w for the last two in and am now ' "In what respect ?"
'my I That,& true!" 0. Which air," sho says, very tremulously, ! on. iiie, mond. � . . 'gible. . completely cured of Catarrh of five "Ili eve 'y respect. Why, both pa-
xClal -the' direotion or the sounds, l To ... ' ,,,tanding. It is certainly mug: r I
girl, ap she rushed to her friend aiiO,pw -hok, Oil- : "aul Nvo are beholden to yolv very . The youth tbouight It over, and , Cal in ts effect, 'rho first applica rents on botli sides were present. .. 16-; 1 1
niskoil : "Now, hosy did he know seemed io stream. Ourt of t � a nothing sudden or secret ill t^
that ?" trance to Windmill otmet, , The Mulch." . he, began to feel uncomfortable. ., , tl.n bert.fit,d nio within live ml., There wit I
houses here, . were black lxna silent, i 'j'I tiim honored, madam," said 1, 'I'd be a jackass to try. to ex- utes.11 � about it, and their own clergyman I /
---I it being so late, and there -waa no 11 tit a cougo again, "to have been of plain this thing to a cold-blooded performed the ceremony.'�-Jud,ge. I . . .
The late Senator Allen G. Tbur- isoQuo f3mall service to Yom" His Own li eee AV Ill. mortal," lie said to himself. Dr. Agnew's PI118 . . - I
man, of Ohio, was by no means an aign of any Interest oil thle, part of Slic--M-3i, I , I
inhabitants of the qu-Lrter. But ' "Til -el iscoltildi-eirl fell upon us by "Well, let's Ifear -,vliat it Is." said mind, I'd have you under -
abstemious man. Like a' sailer lie en. tile . Windmill is ay home,, Dear Slrs6-I cannot speak. too the mutual friend, costinf 10 cents for forty doses, 11 stand, Is on something highertban masw& 11 Wl �
fle ,Was t1v)i moon, NvIiiall. had been wdev a Areet uponour w t
strongly or the excellence of MI.N- two-fi ths the nrice of other first- I
'oyed his grog, and though retty - I ::Nothing " said the youth. : my dress. 1-te-01r, Is it? On your ! When an animal is all run down, �
regular In his potations, lie seldom savrry or clouds, struck out of her '8110' coritinured, with a 1) Blind ARDIS LINIMR,NT,. It lEr THE remedy 9 rl 41 and class pills, firit cleanse and then bat. I supposoT-Philadelphia Even- has a rough coat and a tight hide, �'
"Sli:_1-11illip, atepped orittorace' - my household for burns., sprains, Not a thing," said the gi , 0 , CUT - ' .
passed the line of perfect sobriety. sil.eitcr and showed trile plain the der. ,lid not, but,* 111 I'd .like to know -%vh%t busin 8s It ) e the bowels and liver for ing Bulletin.
'W. ote., u,nd we would not be without It. � ever. I
Once upon a time, his wife leaving scene of the btrulggle. There, ill tile th" I begg(Y.I. lie wo, anyone knows that his blood is out
I XOadN%,ay_*Wod IH-.ic_A)rj.y nX.,A cbaXjsv, �h,o Is, very ob-;Unitte." u e edicine. Is Of yours, anyway." ! I - - - . of order. To keep an animal econo. .
for a -visit to friends, exacted from ' ' --- he do "It you: annoy my fiancee any 1,1111 ......... ..... lit, . "I always do as I please, when micalir he must be in good health.
. Rpr '['wo tra,inpli I jle I "Faith, miss, what ccnvld I JOHN A. 'MACDONALD, '.1,1111111111111'.... " 11111111
the.Jndge a mail-Re-th&t lie' lybufd W I it., n g lorm3s, Wil I I 9 " , more," said the yoifth, "I'll break - - —, pitfin. and itimnitia, ara dressed ,P"p
� lier ab. abowt it wa,51 a m0lley of figures es, ? sa ill 1. I rublisber Arnprior Chronicle. I . 1 I
- *0 ' 1 wo migirt have. whipped up and,eo ' your head. "Aer&s your ring. salil little W1111o.
4�i %1m1,_jb -a teettj� , 7jr, during Thur. twei of which were engaged, haw- , Bound to Blake a Sale. �k
sence. On tile day Of Mrs- DIU other. I * ei,scape.-I thealt," says she, nrith an i Gracie." "Whyll, qnc,ried smaller Elmer. DICK'5
I to wel was not long, ere I had 13,,ij,ed nir or some petulance now, "but thlat I "You!re so good to me, Ralph,'
I man -s -r6turn the Sudge stopped In . Now York Tinis.n. "Cause, they can't punish mothen
the dining -room before going - that this aftuatt-lon, and interpreted it Gim cowardly man took to-liti, beels I . Sitid tile girl I Mrs. Newrloli-I don't need any for fear of inussin' their clothes." BLOOD PURIFIER
come her to take & drop of tvilipping otjt my and left u-9 helpless." i *+4 4 ............ 4++++#**++ "Go away, can't you* ?" they' both pow -dor; my terath are all gold filled. ____
from which. he had abstained (luring IWOPOrly, and, 4 said to the mutual friend. teller, is a necessity where the best results
her absence. While In, the act of LAado, I made no- ado aborJI; falling 1 A�s Rho spoko she eyed Mo with 1 Salesman -Then perbaps, ,)'oil woul' d "Beware," sald the fortune from feeding would be obtained. I
uring whiskey in -to Ilia Ii,,Iass lie on the, assatilants of the chaise. 'TIwas moro coldne.S43, I thought, than tile i i Breaking ,rhe I Mbard's Liniment Clares Garget like to pmrobiaso a bottle of our metal C, of it tall, dark mian." It tones up the system, rids the .
Roard Mrs.'Thurman pattering down easY to uiAke out who these were, In- occaislon warranted, for all site was. 10 In Cows, Polish ? "Yon are trying to black malo stomach of bots, w6rms and otlier �
the stairs. Quickly putting Ills left asinuch, as one of the men wore a mol shook, and thoulgh. site had made ., Z * ill me," faltered the ftur young maid. parasites that suck, the life blood :
hand, in which he held the glass, mask across his eyes. I ran upon him '1110 her complimontil; quilto prettily, + News Gently. + . i For ten montbEr I suffered wi -ChIcago, Tribrine. ' I
behind him, ,With Ills right hand ex- and those behind him, while I wa.s s1m ]tall spoken: as If slic, WeCe think- 0' * Before and Aftit-r AIL'U'riagO. I Rherimailgrit ; I could inove neither - - - "Mihirig like Dick', p,,d,, for
11 ing of something Ono; which, asyOu + I
see niware, of the woman's cry that stl + I hands nor feet,, and felt excruciating I down horae.
tended, lie said: "I'm glad to Ot a little. PlilladcInhin. Record. ,Abe--Dld you Fucceed lit niaster-
you home, my deal-." tffsu�ed out of the, chaise but now Emil- ,will conceive, ne'ttled me it 11 Then, �lr, you refuse to permit "When a fello,W is in 10 I pains Ili illy wholD body. A Gerinall Ing tile Freneb While abrGad? a run 50 cents a package.
denly stopped. ' L I I . It.ivasi as if Rho wisheid.ino away, for I . ve with *a - friend recommended St, Jacobs 011, I-Ic--Nearly. I did not, succeed In
,-Allen, what have you behind you?" ' Ova ifell Fillont art.dicast glances at the me to pay my addresses to your girl," says a Cynical bachelor, " he I tile result astonished me,, all paIn maktnr the Frenclimpa compre- . Leeming, Miles & Co., Agents,
she asked. At tha,t I lunged, but on that sa,me, , Id lisLen W you forever.' �
WhIskey, my dear." Instant the scum. about him came at cilliaimber clock Ithat hung -at the 1wall. I daughter T' Fitays, , I Con vanished,, slid I -was cured. -J. B, Try- bond me, nor could I make Out - 171ONT Ikl3AL. I
remember ni,oe from the side, so that I Woo Put c,ce4ng I limcl been A.t the pains - After he marries her he hits to." injid, Troy, NCW York. '. * I % . I
atoll, Allen, don't you MGqt emilliatleally." ___._._________ what they Were driving at, but I '
last year, W ipumping force4 to keep my eyes and weapon ; for Ille'r and ,'Clio old fmt mail; wily, got so thut.1 could understand my- . I � � .
. hQ&.Xpu were k . ill go, 11 Gnocl. This clears the atmosphere Carried Unani;�._,'�`siy. �
the State. y0jjEEEbj_-4.t,a two placets. The man tit the mask snXis Ito mysett', rip me If .I ,ly self wbIen I talked. .
, ' ,
and a a rops in not ceased to ply Ills point on ' like tiny d1a.c.11itrged lackey- I will I Pe'rhaps you appreciate the fact that ASS;ESSMENT Chicago Chronicle. No Use to 'wor'ry. . .
- - - In your had the tire ater out, says 1, and let BeauV I you haven't any monopoly of (laugh- Q,uIte n, youthful reporter askoil Boston Transcript. .
1 1_.___1lr61?yMw the gentleman whom, I took to be
.. yatwil Or pay In gra,iltu,de, "SD I .eat ,SYSTEM ' as all stains,
yes, my d ar, ember, but we owner of the chaise, and this- seemed , tore. There are others. Several of Mark Twitin for ,tit Interview on the Molikey0rand Soap remov Wife -You'll probn,bly marry again,
* .
� lost the, state-,' a sturdy, obstinate fellow enough, for on'lli lbe raloon, .inAkIng conversa- "The heart never fln(Is that the bills are . Coal situation. Tho. nowspaper man rust, dirt or tarnish -but won't wash John, after 1,111 gone; but I'm afrald .
i . .. I lie puffed and gTitnted hard at lay Clon ne It neorned fit to MO. to serve I thr.m." I ! saying: " Mr. Clemens, I never g8t another wopian like
I . - - - pretested ' began by - iterview you clothes. .6 you'll I
The StOTY associated with "picket car, but fought. like any dragoon. ' ono or har clasis and age. No doii,bt I " See here, what do you mean, you When drawn on the firm of Wife, Children I have been Instruc Led to It me. I .
during the Civil War, brings Ono of those, that came at me I hiho ,was ;Llrod, for .the hour was vagabond, by coming to me -with such or Friends.*' I on the buinorR of the coal familie," .
is feature bf national obar- . winged In the arm and, swi , two, in tbo anornin fficlentinsurance , T Don't Swear. Rusband-No, doar ; I don't; think
. lring� ftly dodg- about L U,)JImpertinent; talk? Blake yourself nyory man should carry on .,he Now York Times says that ilia there'll be any dangor of that. I
vatilt t, I
gidter. 04po day there -was a truce jug behind my allY, I came upon the pretty yawn, Which site leiguou to protect tile loveil ones, and to Insure to : -ist gasped feebly for a Exellaliffe, wouldn't worry about it,'dear, If I
o or th 110.r handg, VPXPCI mo. ,But ; scarce bcfore I set the porter on them the income they enjoycil during his life veteran humor
between, ths twO` h0stilO Picket lines. masked man anij ran him through 0 V ,%Vi, time. I niornent and then replied. "Young It C.blII. V blood to hear tfle Blout C
_� .ARct ymntkl,l called out a k1solselp- the shoulder without advertisement. Indeed I might llUVC gone forth and I Durloved onesitillyproteetedin tb s in. W �re you. �. 11
I you." ; Are yi 0 1 man, you go back to year editor and Supreme . — " -_
iijan,, who had Just been posted. "Call ne, dropped his arm with an, oath, and ICU liar there and then for very i 11 Softly, my old friend. This rage event of you being called henee? t 11 I tin It lie emptied all tile short Rudely appealed to oil each trifling ; - _ I . � ... .._._._.__ _W -
airl lie did sq. tbe, mask fell from Ills P n. a s I unbecoming and dan. erous This is a pertinent Illogtio one that I .P. 1 � .
Fillanjo as ,would have ,Ile n n tur 1, - 1. bot i 9 Pyto 111, In, ashes in his composing - To ProNo To you'alat Dr.
yau fellcaw!s shontl?' : every nian shoul(l ay , ) 4.1.1111. all(l long d� lilema, Ill
oWal, Jolhinvy, I guss we can some, facir., which showed clear and loan had It not ,been Clint an extuge cattle � a decided apoplotlo look If they are not ful y proteeted tlieii the de- Ift a,ra absolute cure for each
You hay(. I rooms Into tit(, forms he would then Ualtitalil .your raull-vulgarlty Chase's Ointment Is acortain
C!a,n You V Inj tile nloonlight. But that was no ito ald me in. a message from. ISIX : You must be careful. IL is folly to N, FRIENDS *1 only be trible to net up a prelliflo,to PIIUS find every form of itchinse,
w the CANADIAN ORDER OF CHOSE . 6Pj8cjjti neither brave, polite, nor
1,shoiat ill shouted back the Canted- poonex duie than the big Anan by 3110 Phill,r), Who had rreovored undp permit trifles to ruffle you. Look MY opinion oil the coal situation.' TO Nwear bloodinrand protruding piles,
W, ,
it, a,ttentions or tho surgeon. ,He bad tit me. Do I seem at all agitated ? Ill provide Just what you require. . . tliomanufacturer.gha,�,ogu,,trttnt4odit. eotes. j
Crate. "W � , down In Mlssl I asippi we Irachod, and staggered, so that learned, It meeined, that his rescuer Loolc up your age, attl(lY the. figures' you would not owear upon, a bed tinionials In tb c daily press find URIC Your neigh -
knock a bu ble-b le blow was plain lie brut taken something INdt it bit of It. Yon have been rude here and you will 1111(l at whn,t A fimalf' ,',',' ."t I Minard's Liniment Cures COlds, Wis. ; bore what they think ri fit, Yoxicanusititand .
at tbre * � 11 In ])In vitills. Well, here was I now was Ili the, house and begged tbat lie to me. You may be ruder. But you le carry itnotlun, 1100, 01,001), *1,11500 oto, of death, got our monev back If not cured. 00atabox.ati �
.. 440h,, tI e way we Lill alono with that evil ,pack abm- I. julght be allowed to, thank1ilm. Ill can't upset nny equanimity. No, air I" , Yoroul%'10'100 of Insuraneo or protection. I :Reflect, your Maker now, may st lles,lors or EDMAX8011,11ATES & Co.,Toronta,
I ong to a ui,e, pressing on me, Illrobltda of proy, Verson Presently. T�hls set tile in "Ir ,",On dun't got out I'll throw TABLD OF 3fO' NTI1LY X4TES, Portituate 1141scape. your breatli.
U red men, for although I had p Xcathpr, but mins lit the sulks, a, I At the On Oil Oil on Their I , .. Or, Chas0s Olntm�-rfit
Ill lnk2d Ono and this Inkstand at you." 000 $It-oo $200o, They had Walked lialf-waythrough __._______
go out to bin jr,aster, '-there was two, mGro thought, %vilte'll Alftddellcd me tile - ,,Don't. There Is som. othing about Ages of
18 yearo ...... *0 29 $0 ns $0 87 $1 lo ! - , . . I . _.__________... - - -1 __ ..__,._�__.___
,more that the hussy ishould provo so that you .o �
draw us able-bo(lied OnlICYS left, to sa.v you that convinces me alla ) o 90 :L 56 the park at a sinart pace, and ah0 .." ia_�_
older -bar- noibing of the ninis,ter himself, Wllo,,go ungratehil, ipartlmilax)y at a ti,ine 10 20.1. 0 .10 0 ( - ,0*`�"`, """"" "' "' "', , " " Does "Ill" Afean Slick. I
couldn't throw straight. YOU Would ,11 -1 22 ... 0 31. 0 62 0 08 I 21, now igank on a shaded bench; lie ; 01
11. Eheh man took ,Wcund, to jitclgo fromi Ills languago. wholl 010 ShQUI(I hO showing concern muNs lip the carprt and spatter the 2,1 11 24 ... 0 1 I21 O 64. 0 (16 1 1-18 � ! Viero are signs of an existingpro. .
, 25 1 1 26 ... 088 O 66 Oil$) 3 3" isertied himself berilifte her, They were .
wi,14 Wore iiainful than sorlotia. I at lier adventare, or, at least, grier wallp and rinear tho furniture. And - i pofisit.-v to Constrain tile partlal
- 27 11 28 ... 0 8,4, o 68 -1 02 1 36 ' '
bole as It turned (I FO Cold
theni examined a3r, quIck at a 1,c,solye, and know for Jivr guardian. Yet as I Watched for months ibese dark stains would 20 11 80 ... 0 1111) 70 1. L 0 5 1 4o ontirely alone, imve for an old I wilhilhawal of the word 4'.glck*l from 7
shot found that wjjPjV to withdra.,'w froni! Ill front Of 110r, Pf'vi'811 'n') b"t shP. charnip(I me ii ise up to ropruoich your bad temper -. 3 1. 11 32 ... 0 8 6 0 7�� 1 08 1 44 Inall at one ond of their aseat, tin-
tuall fallen with Ilm. 1)(Aulant pre.LtInesg the it a :- .34 ... 0117 4) 74, 1 It 148 g1tated that hangs on -i the American -language lit favor of
to bung -bole the o�jds. Titero was a orid, and no more. 1.1-'ricll and your lack 6f skill. N�evrir throw I a *i . im ... o 11.9 o -m I 1-1 I r,2 marsed Ili n, book. Tlicir fit . tile word "Ill." New,slyipers lit their I
It wal PxpolleA Ibe- wompin(l, and mnybe (1, It dabli"* Itc-'ad 11-11(l n- htk If a club Ili liandy." .17 11 418 _ 4) 40 0 SO I 12 1) I 60 corjyej�sation continued. .
jl�ny - years, and (signs of tho ivatell; wlillo from: tb,� iijoutli so Z)e!rL q1i'l illn-Allip I lia'd Sce here, my young friell.d- I ,39 4f 4() ... o 4:1 0 86 :1 L, 1) I IN 'loll, It is a -lines olso-where -1) k
I � I - ---'— 11 Thank you, sir." I '. 4 It 11 42 0 4. 7 0 9,1 I I �
I . - 1 4 I 8,11 too dreadful Ill she shud- . For obstinate �oughs atid head land t, ra
be I -_ "I - I :" it
I . .1 j&4"i -X&.0.1 1 Whitt Will voll tako to e ne 4:1 11 441 .. 0 52 1 04 I 5 t; 2 081 derpd, covering lipr face with he�, colds there is notbing equal � nowadays of "a very ill in,til,",
I . I I " Pan,, 4. 5 11 46 ... 0 (12 1 24 1 8 0 2 418 1
__ ku..oasWr"k�a6 1 2 � to that old reliable remedy used to be "a very i4ek man.1, why
Vadmll�& .,��� M ,.- 'N Oil 1 -self T, ,l, 7 11 4S ... 0 It 7 1 51 ,j.L .j ol , -
� hanLis au if to shut out somei tin
nee Was given by Pat % I How tillidil(l of .vOn to 61190fit -t 0 " 5 0 ... I 00 2 00 .100 4 0 ' bearsible iiilglit. 1
� I
There tire nien who .,jijoula you o1no deillro a "personal beneilt';
W 11 ril;ell a tbing. I "Fearful!" lie agreed, (100plyntoved Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. I the changia ? "Ali Ill wind" 'Is a, isil.t.
,Inquest in MIbbeltotin, )repared froin P.ed Spruce = Isfactory use of language, but
. fter be-Inj; cross-examined K; "'D . (all,t he 1)(jught, 11,11, olle of the,in. during slekim;f4, thell by Paying the follow- and ,mopplog the profuse porspiratloji I � "an Ill mail" grates on the ear,awl
� Far G'oodneias lb.)? a i i 61 ing nionthir contrimitiou,ii,i,ou will receive il from Ills brow. Gum it is soothing and
t � ted., I I (It,ellno to efface myself.:1 Ivellefit of 0 vo, werilt, and, lit tile evov,* ol isounds like all attenipt to Improve
" 1)j '.V (bit t4jill refilfir to p0rullt 1110 111
yel�._70 Say you saw the 1 . - ... I � - I 11 Well, .1vilat do ,,Yon want?" (ienth, it funeral beriefit of*30. 1115brrible 11, Alto added. "I pan- healing to tho Lungs and 011 usage that llft(j 110 peroeptibl,� -
I you? : I I AtAges of not bear to think of It, The lose of It stops that tick- r defect. They tsay this new wulm
9. � Wear I to pl,r'nly wldreii;ic�i it) your dailgla .L,, , .. .................. .. .... 00 40; hope' happiness, perhaps even lir-I Throat. . -mlem Imported groin 11,11Q:40 � -
L � fl .4 . ! ter V ) .�,-;;.*,'.'�*.'.'.*.'.*.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'............ 0 Is a ouplic - .
_. 1% 3 ,, ,V,e,,1,,1r1 I' lt-pielf--P ling in the throat, and after a �
0 :1 i
- .. � , d1_1 V(Lt"p U I " '! . ................ � ........ .:::::*.:::::*.*.::: 0 4 �'iijush!" Ito I Aerrupited, gently. few doses that tight feeling ; 11111d. ,& correspondent of a B&F * I
wy,ar-A.b. Yon were In lilding ' 9 'ff'",10 IE T I lit 'Voll don't lwmll to 1111(li,r8tand I-' - I :: 2.1, .. ... I ...... *:*:: 0 4: I '�Lot Wt ntrivo to think of It no in the chest is relieved and ton paper disonsaes and disapproves
- u 9 __ 1�b f 1 1_15 26:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... I ...... . 0 4, 1 more, or it may grow, Co proy lipon I I It, protesting mot only against the
. U 1 anb R01 b h r -A r&dte_; 2, u;,,"' -, -i I ls,%Nort 26 " the cold and cough pass
yat yi ur reriv; hlei:48 " � .14-1... ... I .... I ... .... ... i
e7 L " Ivily, 1vortilivii,i,jr, 29 11 W) ......................... :::::::::::::::::::: 00441( our lullids." use of the unwarrailtable adverb
ells Ift, botter to be a ' I " M-ean.;-, slit, ;tn,l T stolt, awn -rand :31 a2 0 41 1 "Pardoll met" oald tile old man ,%way. "Illy," but against "-the growhigam
It I ' I i 3' I 1 ;14:::::::::::::::::::::::*.:::::::::::::::,.::::: 0 4H .. .
tor folve minates, than be . jhc Rubber that lifts flic lar(yest . I A%'(,? -P (1111!Ptly nil1r) lVd .),'(`i8',eVLly.11 M 0. 1110 ....... I I ..................... I .............. 0 4-1) oil the tn(l of the bralell, 11IF; watory ;; Try a 25 cent bottle. I of tile wortl lill"Ill place or thollonto-
' ) 0 50 Thir; Roston pro.
1:.�, , - " 'Irrl( 'Vf11%1 make a ',; � -- its ................................ � oyco (110 ended In lively appreholl- ly word 1,81ek.1 '
or tile rest of your lolfel. �. I 'j. I'll! 111, -11 ? (100H
I . .; "hao them benn sonic awful 1 testant, quoting Webriter, finds Chat
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0 1 tion uses "I Ill to uttean mental_or- .
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Ila far as my �_ 'oulel Ntris, ill 11114 .VVIling. 41) Of I -as," tire all fit rt,all /'
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taivern. W �� _. I .'tl�rl! T�Zdny IvIii Nvitilt to P.poak to Portiere Intormittlou apply to thb nearest 1, ly, 1ho ,vouth an.swi.sred: � fat familiar 118ce �
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I (111100al, . W. Ill NIONTAOM0. Grand Recordorii become, ellgagkid. and we. weretalk- Red Sty 0 ,that Ila." plenty of legitimate work �
� '1111ki-i ho, "voilly propo4ed atInAt?", * t calamity It wonl(T havo 'of Its Own to do, witbout bLNinr ,..oll-
7(ya to walk the ; lIftitillton I
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your honno ittod tay. "Nit,", roplit'il tho tln�lr g1r), w1ith it . IV. I?. CA-UPDRIZ, Grand Or96,11126ki J)eon had %,vo nowa- r4ot.11-Decemb-i;� -:Ilr4n As a, 1,00 )10 Ajjbqtl-
I I r BlEe irM ' I lool, or (IlAerininatimi, "but 113 Will 11nuilltou ,, 1,.�..U,b4.,=#A,_,e"Vt,� � atrAlned tot rip I I .
_R(Ang tor re- I ,ku��ilitlaj"oiii%IjAlij.lii � kvAlli.61I.Ail I I � 11 to-fliglilt.91, � %, ORGANIZXXLS WANTSD , smart set. ...... . tuto for "01010,_11-arpor a Weeklyt I
I . !!*m I I A& Ill"_ _____11a.6_ � -11 ....11—___ ., __.,._...._,__._ . .. ... ._.. ".''.�,.,�''"".ia,�,�'""',-,--.,�:� ...1. _ .... . M.,."�,_ - . .... I 11 -1 I—- � - I. . �.