HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-29, Page 4THE .NGkxAM ADVANCE. January 29, 19,,3 --The death of Senator )I(eCal- . , x, •w w+ura r t o fo e r tt t t v t ! t t } �.� {' lum will result in the Liberals having a majority of two in. the a, o� Senate. Co «� itchle 6 Cafflobell�,� fw6��N14b , ',14%1:tt^..Sa 'iirww.nWost i SLP LAWS REGARDING WOMEN, S .j oc I have made a most thorough THE PEOPLE POPULAR STORE "`" —Is PUBLISHED— RIGHT TO VOTE. "u trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and EVV4 RY T11URSDAY — am prepared to say that for all dis• [�j [� j� e Severity years ago women could eases of the lungs It never disap• w I U a s �( f,�i. e 1 0 i� �g� Grp �g Ar rate obrla> — not vote an where. In 1838 Ken - New Spring cods _ y � r r Poing.,, � � y g y Finley, Ironton, 0. g S' g g - in adv ce S14Usi! flet ao Nitd$ NoTRIM rma aiOdil WOm01]xn b0 hO married andvsingle kill j T arriving dais We are flow showing a large a$- p y p p p ,] y Cherry Pectoral �.. sortment of New Gill hams New Delalnes New continued 111 all arrears aro paid, except at In 1861, 1�ansas gave it to all wo-c•" �� Qui+ OOdS alae illarked til J�`tYI1 figures, yQti Can see "° g 7 7 the option of the publisher won't cure rheumatism; "'•' ales, In 18G7, New South Wales ..,... s • •^�+ Challies, New Laces, Now Embroideries, New Advertising Rates: gave women inunicipttl suffrage, we never said it would. � y ,.press Goods etc. sram, ixR. onto. 3Mo. Into. In 1869, England gave municipal It won't cure dyspepsia; the l�i,iee on every article. When WO quote `'Special" prices Goods, one Colu71 :::,,,$GO,00 *ss•oo Moles *(;:'00,) suffrage to single women and wits- QuartColColu n.. 35.00 18.00 10.00 g b we never claimed it. But you can tell b looking at the price ticket what ."Special" ' - QuarterColumn.. 18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 qws, Victoria gave it to women ,.�- _.... ZA orales to clear out it �v1I1 cure con Its and y 1 .. Legal Notices S cis. per lino first insortion, 3 both marded and Single, sail wy0- g o cents per line each subsequent insertion. �.. t some - q ming gave full suffrage to all colds of all kinds. We ilCeS Tlleail at this store. Locals and reading notices 10 co) tte por line w U ' 0 �+ Lines Odd lines and ive more for first insertion, b cents per line each subse women. first said this sixty years �" g quest Insertion. In 1871, West Australia gave ' space, we make the followingreductions Professional cards one inch and under $2 � ago; we've been Saying it per Year, $2.50 for six months, municipal suffrage to �vomPn. ..'. ever since, _:.. .. 20 Men's all -wool Shirts and Drawers, worth 50c—for... ............ 37,c Advs. of Stray AuituuIs $1 for 2 insertions, eh001 suffrage was granted in 1875 _ „•,., H pieces pure Linen Toweling, worth L.7c--for....,.... 10c b Michigan and Minnesota )n 1876 e' fug' 260., enOT ioucban of o y g f Tbroo ylmo dinar ' Advs. Farms for Sale or ,font -1 ntgnth $l, Y ; 4 pieces wool Dregs 000as, regular 3oc--for...... ................... lac each subsequent month 50 cents. by Colorado, in 1877 by New Zea- xt ttsgt fo itis, hoarse- Yin-1878 Hexa hard colds, oto.; ,81, most ecotlotntcal 5 pieces Heavy Shaker Flannol, worth I -c and Ile—for............. 10c Advs. of 2 or 3 linos suolt as Lost, Found, land, in_ 1878 by New Iiatupsbire for oitrottte eases and to teenp on band. GO pairs odd lines of Shoes, worth front 75o to $1,75 --for......,..... 25c i3ouso,41st, Servant \,fantod, 8t o., 25contsfor and Oregon, in 1879 b a s J. C. APER CO., Lowell, Maan. 6 i 11� one insertion, 75o per month, g t y X ssach u- _.— �_.. a , '44 . rr ',.s ..r .i'� 0— I a, Advs withoutspecifte directions will be in -setts, in 1880 by New York and ---•0 sorted till forbid and charged accordingly. ;'Vermont. In 1880, South Australia • Ik20NI:Y-IVIAKING EDUCATION. The Job Department is stocked with an es- . gave municipal suffrage to women. �����■ tonRivo assortment of all requisites for print- 1 ����IiF7t Ing, affording facilities not excelled in the , In 1881, municipal suffra-go was �y w county for turning out first-class work. 1 extended to the single women and 140 Remnants Of DI'eaS Goods fs'Onl 1 t0 G yds. T. HALL, PROPRIETOR. , widows of Scotland. Nebraska g� �• "•o gave women school suffrage in 1883. STRATFQRt7, iJNT. January y �C�� January ��� �C�6��ya Sale in an end worth from 75c to $2.00 per _ .�_ 7 � Ontario and Tasmania gave them Young Men and Warren,what are you • l munici al suffrage in 1.854 and vor h P That do pends a Towhat •eu re " ®,r yard, for, per yd ............ .... 5�C r� err t�{ a� I` P i t 1 worfh o others. i A busatb R or shL rth t d PY��" ®� Z Ail tttA oft$ I Wisconsin gave heal sC110U1 $uf- education w always e a In ou o go a 41- - Good position, but the education must be �^ �� I frage in 1885. In 1886 municipal IIrst-class. Give us an op portunity to tell a --+ stiftt•age was given in New Zeala.pd You what we tiro doing or others. write �� - p Furs ��+ e 9 • ��ttww y�y �sv —It is said that 700 out of ever today for our catalogue. Ladies' l 0 til t7 C�®������(3i� Tailor �(br „meq � � � n and New Brunswick. Stuclouts adntitica at any Limo. �*^- ��--!! a�R a�u CS 11111 � +. 1,000 pounds of beef consumed in ■ In 1887 municipal suifrlige was W J. Principal. al. "`^- Great Britain are home reduced ' Elliott,P We wish to turn all and that of the remaining 300 granted in Kansas, Nova Scotia Men's t1,��t.C���S ��� Skirts Always on hand a • fresh stock of Groceries. g and Manitoba and school suffrage a our FUR GOODS into' M V .,, pounds 163 pounds come to the in North and South Dakota, Mon- money this month, and British Isles as refrigerated beef tans, Arizona and NewJerse In DONT FORGET. Men's UiStelrS 6 Bars Comfort Soap for .................... 25c y to encoura e ou to bu and 117 pounds in live cattle. the same year, Montana gave tax- THAT g y ' Mau %1Iis 6 Lbs. good Figs for ......................: 25c early we offer to per cent.' „ payingwomen the right to vote ; ^r. Overcoats _� —girl Thomas Southworth Di- on allquestions submitted to the ,cis%ow.�e a off Boys' ' a ES' COATS, e)C>l'S Our regular prices for these rector of Colonization, has received taxpayers. �l � TS, S ��,' LADI g +a a = -10 an application from the Secretary In 1858, England gave women :J CAPES perfect fitting garments art: �� �� Campbell of one Farmers' Institute, making county suffrage, and BritishetColum- is the Janos to got value for your money, � ' Bo S� Su1�S very low. hut -we we wish to bra and the North-West territory Opens Jan. 5th, 1903, Two Courses—Com• CAPERINES, a request for 100 men to be sent to y 7norcinl and Shorthand. o•••• clean up the stock, so we offer his district before the spring. At gave them municipal suffrage. In .r RUFFS ETC, : for they month of January you a discount of 10 per p g 1S89 count suffrage g send for College Journal, a— -... Successors to M. H. McIND00. = this rate 20,000 men could find em- y g was lyes to C. A. FLEMINC A. L. McINTYRE to per cent. discount for'at a discount of z per cent. cent. off Ladies Tailor made ployment on the farms of Old On- the women of Scotland, and muni- President seo'y. w p 5 p -'• tario. The Department Hopes to cipaI suffrage to single women and the month of January : They must o. We have rt Skirts and Coats for the be able to relieve the situation, but widows in the Province of Quebec. 0- only, ; room for them. month of January only. to what extent is as yet not known. In 1591, school sufl°rage was grant- $40 In Cash Free ed in Illinois. In 1893, school _ y Small Profits �� suffrage was granted in Cloradotic d vg —It costs the C. P. R. nearly and full suffrage in Colorado and Ki '` ' " � �•` � y� Fish y� $x400,000 yearly for the duty on the New Zealand. In 1894 school �'" la�� .. Brooms. FisJt.d. Rubbers. coal they use, while the G. T. R. suffrage was granted in Ohio a �"" •--� m O V a 'i~ w - w Retuember our 'S�7ectal prices on Id A • pay about $600,000 for the same limited municipal suffrage in Eng- ate• We are just in receipt 'Fresh Lake Herring arriv• Heavy Rubbers and overshoes, purpose. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy land to women both married and __ ry- Ir Dplrtilrdl-II0 �Y ,,; `` of a large shipment of'ing every'week....25c, doz.:$2.25 Rubbers for of the C. P. R. points out that in single. In 1895, full suffrage was v�' Brooms, and they are Lake Herring No. s in kegs ;$2.25 Overshoes for , , ...$1.90 To be awarded at Provincial Winter FairP�^ do coal there is a fine field for reeipro- granted in South Australia to wo- 1903, for best pair of Fat Cattle fes with m - cit . Western Canada coal holds men both married and single In t splendid value, prices i5c:Lal�rador Herring in l:egs;$I.65 Overshoes for. ....$1.40 its own from the const to Winni- 1896, full suffrage was granted in II�01111ng10IlS Canadian Stock '1'O1ilC, 20c, 25c, 3oc. each. Smoked Haddie Etc. -$i.8o Overshoes for ....$1.40 e while Nova Scotia coal holds The sweepstake fat cattle at Chicago and peg, Utah and Idaho. Guelph winter Fairs 1002, were fed with Our stock is again almost complete after its own from the seaboard to Mon- In 1898 the women of IrelandWoit'rl[I:vGTON's CANADIAN ,STOOK ToNic. All evidence of the Hood results fanners aux fees- w treal, leaving only the Ontario dis- were given the right to vote for all els would obtain by feeding a genuine stock e _ Block, our immense holiday trade. And here •we trict to be served by the American officers except members of Parlia- terfeedvei'tor drive bette, soi bettor, when Jno. & Jas. It. [Cert�Pji+ �',JIIo. t� Jas. N. Kerr coal fields. In the West and East fed with weRTIIINGTON'9 STocic Tomc, i1 V ��� Wingliam thank 'our numerous customers for ,meat; Minnesota gave women the DEAn Six,— • r Canadian coal would have a greater right to vote for library trustees, Have 'used wORMINTTON'E SToerc their liberal patronage during. the past year. scope, while in mid -Canada the French' women engaged in com- to all > ay stopic e Fond, it Bgive good isu iel consumer would benefit by the re- merce were given the right to vote faef sols of s eek would use d ise all fanners and Our aim for 1903 will be to have a still better duction of duties on American coal. for judges of the tribunals of corn- Yours faithfully. assorted stock, with prices whittled to the * coerce. Delaware gave tax -paying Docembor 29, 1902. L. Av onto i P• C, LIPS Abner Cosens FIRE �R. ,AGNEW Money to loan on notes, and notes women school suffrage, and Louisi- 10•1b. Box, 200 feeds, 50c; 50-1b. sack, $2. l� discounted atreasonable rates, Money finest point. If you are thinking of buying —Returns at the Bureau of ana gave tax -paying women the ' Loan and Insurance Agent PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, advancedon mortgages ata per cent, MANUFACTURED BY with privilege end of 1llines show that there was pro- right to vote upon all questions Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. ACCOUCHEUR, any yar. otes and accounts ecollect- some Furniture, see what we have in Bedroom. duced in Ontario in 1902 i iron g p � pig • submitted to the tax -payers. In The Worthington Drug Co, Office—corner Minnie and Patrick Ste., Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald ed, OiHce—Beaver block, vPintzhanr. Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Couches weighing 112,689 tons, and valued 1900 West Australia ranted full wINGHAM Block. ROBT. MOINUDD. "9S0 at $1,683,051, as compared with parliamentary suffrage to women, GUELPH. ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS Night calls answered at office. and. Dining -room Chairs. Our Mattresses and , , $1,701,703 both married and single. For sale and Ouaranteed by. WINGUAM g 116 370,tons worth eled1703 in — MILL 1901. Thera was smelted 1.86,962 g Wire Springs are of the best make. In 1901, New York gave women A, H. Carr — wingham A. DULMAGE RS. C$1S$OLIi< � C$1SflOLht tons of ore, of which 02,883 tons tax -payers in all the towns and vil- Agar & Earls Lucknoty A good assorted stock of Window Shades were from Ontario mines and the lages throughout the State a vote Noble Gerry -- Brussels REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. McLEAN a SON balance imported, The blast fur- on tax uestions • municipal suf- CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN still on hand. naces producing pig iron are at p p �� Messer — Btuevale — ._, •, . . _ • i'ra�e was extended in Narwav to on Town and Farm Property. Josephine Street Wingharo All kinds of rough and dressed.... LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean etc Son Caa�aar FALNIOFS Y i /r `ice t r^ r Its a pity to have a, ,good Suit spoiled in the making, The suits we make give en. tire satisfaction. Give us a trial and be convinced, Webster & Co. r o ■ 6i � - .PROMPTLY �EOUREO Write for out interesting books"Invent- or's Neuf" and 4'"6w you aro swindled.•' Send Ila a rangh sketch or tnodt:l of your in- vention orimproventent and we Wititenyeu free our opiulen ns to whether It I, probably patetunble, Relcettd epplicationshaveoften been successfully prosecuted by tu, We couduet fully equippped otflc'A In btontrtal and Washington ; t�isqualirres to to prompt• ly dispatch work And quick,q securt Patent$ as bro %d as the invention. H ghtst rtferentes furnished, Patents procured through Marlon h Ma- rion rective special notice withont charge in over toe newspapers distributed throughout the 1),miiniou. srecialtt—Patent business of MaSufae- L rs m)clyi<ngineers. eht New Yotk Llfe 13'id'tr, ttentrcal Atlsntic Bld ,1Yatshtngton tl.C. - wv