HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-29, Page 3I I . I . , � .. . ....... 0 ...... I I I . ___11�1 I ; , �.� .,� , 1 'k .... .... 0 ...... 0, , M . � . — , , I �, ''' ,,� � , . , , . . . I . . — — I I .% , � - I I , __ .�,�V. - e%=h . \Z 1 ,2 . � f �rd )I , I , I -1 I �._fv , Ru . t N I �. - I � .X_l - I 11 1�t�'_ __W_7 1. I P ­_� .� 1-1 , " .1 - - / 6 [ ""I � I \, � � ; ; ) I 6 I - Xa I ; ., !��, . � % � � - - . .. 6 ' I — % ,� I ,,- _t %� v� i 7 � ,� - J U ; , ., D � k .4- * - Seine Stunning Tollettes. the original at tbo armhole, Ivvro , Tbo holiday vetwon Invariably P""g1liva Mi,glitly, ao Was also the bringw about a falling off in tile I'Lxly Of the CIO,aX. 0 .It lgid a kdrn,4,dit, loas',k lAek, atteadavief, of smart, folk at tit Showing t -ho flowevl; In clusters, 44114. theatres, says Lady Modish 111'20wn was about 41 11101IL'.4 Lou",". wbplos� A white goxil, with stiver rpall- * Neyeribeless - beaut1ful. tollotLeR have been consplotious tit several 91"s aliti. it suipt-alrultiallee Of Jew"I". -waq worn liniliw this gorgvout,; aff-1111% PlayllOUNCH during the, Past fOrt- It Ivolild ho aid to predict a revival night. � of spftilgle4 anit Nolld jet 901VIls, but of one of these tile liat IVMS th.) illdleatilill'i really sao,in to pOnt that most striking feature.. It wini very lay. NO Leh,; t1lall 14 dozen or theno large, of )vhIto fur felt, and ' . IV . "I'"' brilliant, vrentlons Ivere sprIll1doll almost covered withr-hrystilith. wu�uk', al'out the liorheRllo" ,It vverx Opera I.. �ot tile big lAukish white variety. WIUX ii�rforniniicn thlo woolc- . un'toveuviing points. Aftxit of tbose gowns bad desig 'Ila A threc-qaarter coat of white Ivi-DII!,rilt ()lit lit tfilN Irldosevilt WtH Of broa(lcloth partially covered awtilto till'Rol. net gown, garnished With TE-117Pt Ball gowlift aro,lilade at, filnix and . 1IONY om, ClIng;Ing as, p:i3qlb!O, With plenty of T110 COat WAS tucRed all ovor� rallll(�aI, ali0out the bottom of ill(; save whore there wore Ivitle lils`�V- i,kirL. All are vf1�%J1IetId(1IIL Avltll tilt'- tiollo of Bruges lace, a Onscado of i4ctu lace, Tlawers, and not; it little wlilch alho ornamented, tile cuLirt! fr,irl,ge. lellgth 01, front. Although n,tm i�v*�(; ma,1111 pailf�tl(`S A wo;,lun In it 6oarlot gown 11IM410 ,%ii -d volatillailtil- spanglos of all Va- lit isimple Princess stylt, Nvory I'll rIctif-C, 'ille gairit ItReir 11111SL Ile sort, Charming contra -4t. a brown Chlr- and ]Yllla�vy, with thim oorl, of or - Ion clouk and luit of brown 'i ur ,,ft ni,,a tat lon lj�_O I wItIl Sparing dis- felt., ; crotlon, The bat was tilued to, Just ill � Y(4)(l,tv net oyer silk, with a P-111- rIght, alsine by mOnals Of a, 01118�t.v lettol . )larder of goill a fo%t dt,ep, of red iosoblida, which wel") tucke', nialces a stniming toillette to)- a (lark- anugly under one Side or ,the brim I%lIrp(I Iroman. #_ iMe top Lrill)IIIII19S WVr0 (1100 I'Vit . ___ , . . Chiffon. r1I)boij and rosys. /,e,^^"/%",N It was a carious combination Ot *1',^'-/v�'^'-"^'-/'�^,'71��^v��^"-,^^,N^^ . colors, but most effective. Mr. 11ourke Cockran escortcd two FACE MAKING AN I handsoutviy 6ownea womeu to a , box at Um TAjon IrIlivatre a fowi even - Ingo ago. , . AID TO HEALTH. 1� Ono wort. a vOilte rpiangled (It),;- tume, illa(te ill tile inust; e.straonli. 49�:z�--�N,^^�/����,-,V^-"-,^�,,,�+ nary manner. It had tbi-011-ilich wl;IEI "If you want to improTe your face, irisertiomm of black jntied Incil, cl'Oe-3- mako faces." says Prof. Anthony ed X-fiteldon over tile back Mill Darker, That Is tile beat way to front. Thil 6-fevt waN so novel and treat it to, upbull,hing ph'yslcal cul- strikitt- Llitti; the tolloLLo csdail�ll nu turn exercises. It4 sounds simple one, * enough and silly enough. But It is The liat waia It white, soft lica- neither, A short trial iviiI prove . vev. covexed with dolicalcly tintwi that the rlg�t kind of faces Can- orebids- ill pluk and white Trim- ' ICA be made in a jirfy. althouglu med among these' was ti. twis0d Palt) 'Ith a little patient Practice they � blue ant)n ribbon, with ends falling c'au 'be -secured. JiLst over tile hair. While you are bractiMing ycla will r rill- feel that the facial inuscles are be- Blere were also flowers and botno under the left tilde of the brim., Ing stretched. and brought into play where 11, Lurned slightly awaY from, paleness among sedentary people the fact,. as they have not been in years. Ono or the most delicate, becom- Tills should convince you ttfatplly- ing and ravishing costuines I have - . I -.1 � . . I iseen this winter Is a slIverwgra,T', crefln dc clAne from one of the best A XOTHERIS DELIGHT. Parw houses., � — it is trimmed, the bodies Only, is to See Her Little Ones Healthy,Rosy with silk antique lace. Tiils Is let and Happy. W In, a very isliallow pointed yoke, and . .11� again at the waist line, Tor a All mothers ,delight In seeing their , depth or about two inclie% it Is little ,ones bright, rosy and happy, I visible. . but unfortunately, all mothers do not The fluest of haind slilrrin�,, alter- tire ilia best methods to gain this re- nating Ivith closely Stitched bands suit. Whon baby. Is cross and fret- . of crepe. '30 chine, forms tile body flul they. give him "tx)otlllllg stuffs," . Of t110 wAiSt, MS WOII Me the T,0130 U1 bolloving they are aiding lilm-but the Sleeves. the result is juet tile opposite, as Dangling grey silit ornaments de - Curate the front mild sleeves also. these goothing stuffs are poisonous Thn latter are quite too elallorate and dangorobs. Baby's Own Tab - to deI�orl);e. . Icts Should always be used and they Below the shirrod top, the fullness ' vv ' ill be found a, * prompl; relief ,and Is left entire to the elbow, where It tipoelly cure for ,%It th� mInor ail - is eil.li,:,11t into a wide kimono-lika ments from which little ones suffer. Nno� . cuff of'lace turned back, Stitched and All experienced mothers use these adorned -with the ornaments. tablets, and all mothers who use 33elDlir Me Is still another more 'theill'i-walee, them. Alire. S. M Black, modest fullw-ss or puff, ending ill a ,,,t. 11ntora, N. S., sayR; "I ha�o used . ):;..ndsome pointed laze cuff; tile lat� L)l%I)y!r, Own Tablets for most of ter is featber-boned and perfeetly the ailments from which little ones finished. suffer, and I find them the best The skirt Is a gem. It has a short, medicine I have ever tried. No hip yoke and Slender front panel mother should be witliout 'them In reaching to 'he hottom. Ten rows �,f fl.,.t; 1,and shirring the house." are joined to this yoke on each side rl)licso tablets are gocd for chll- of tile panel, and these altern&te (Iron of all ages and ean be given � vrith ,land$ of clor,oly stitched crepe wItIf absolute safety to a nbvv� to form the entire aides and back born babo. 8oldl by. druggists or sent of tb 9 skl rt. I � by mall u,t 2,:5I cents v. box by writing There are no loss tImn ten series direct to Tile Dr. VllllamW 'Aledicine of sbirrings �ijid stitchIngs on either Co., Brockville, Ont. Send us your side of It. name on a. post, card and we will About the bottom Is a graduated mail you a, valulablo little book on and You fall accowleon pla tell the care of infants and young clill- flounce of crepe de chino flu!"ho'! (Iron. r": with several ruchings. The slKirt has __1_____Vw � � I nota particle of trimmings save this exquir�jte hand ,work, and it is beau- steal culture' for thd face by mak- I Ilig faces Is not No rkitculaus as 10 . tiful. Tho now- Japanase cloaks far opera It would seem at first bla,411-. and evening -wear are another fea- The benefits tbat acerno to bolth ture of tile now styles for winter. men and women from: maldiig the These are Just as gorgeous as the faces herein described ten or Vf- Orientals wear them, and only slight- teen minutes a day t either upon ly modified in shape. rising, or before going to bed, are Ono worn at the opera last week IllUllifOld- . on two different occasions was of They will round out and natur- pale yellow silk, ela))orately em- A, Il.V fill emaciated, thm and hatchet brolclered In large red poppies and faces, Slinken eyes, hallow cbeek% green leaveo. and noses abnafruln,11Y thin between its wide. sleoves, not so loose as thc eyes will disappear. -___-1_--__ _.--__.1_.­__.­­­.— 'PAINFU . L PERIODS are overecline by Lydia E. Pink- haiWs Vegetable Compound. I 1% � M1,9,s Menawl cured after doe - tors failed to help her. � 4cLydi.% 1,'. P11110111111l' ' 14 Vc-c- table Coxnpolind cured me aAer doctors lind failed, and I ivant ,Other girls to know itbout it. Dur. . M111clistrnation. I auVered most 1111110 pain low ill the 61ldomen ttild ill my linibs. At Other tinieg I had ,,I hertvy, depressed feeling vvhioh niade my -work,socrA tyin as hard, find I greNv 1XI10 and thin. The nitedivine tile doctor gave nic %6, did not (10 1110 0110 bit Of 900di ' ,014 ,lg- iNv,,istlioroiiglily(IL,;coixraged. The doctor -tva-lite(Inic to atoll work, but of course, I voill(t llot ito th' ELL I :911ally lx -gall to take Jr,yd1% 111, rbildlaill's WgAtah% 400111pounil an(I folt betteraftor t',11tillf?o thO fir6t ottle, IMIA ,,if ter taking sit bottles X was cilt re curi"t , and, 1101V In P loot Ilea ..... 1� 101( in a() 91,11 - 01 �t I, I " U11I ful . — 1. M, W, 1, rimAln), 637 '.15 ( St, .""o Ork City. - amm 'Mo i I,f A;l 'nal 0 ab oc kifor prodna ,� .... ­­­- - - Lydia 11 1"InIdialtu"9 VOrotiltble I colil )ound cures fewale, 11 1) Whetk An other wolaus bavo AdleiL I I They NVIII rmlucu it) more r)er- foot outlines faces burdened with superfluous flesh, Double cbJ n at puffy eyes, and flabby, down-hanir- Ing checks Cannot exist Ion.- forthe man who makes laces. . They will keel) the oye.4 bright I.Viloy will prevent wrinkles. thai old, careworn look, and defects of the skin. . . They will do away with excessixe and easy blushing anlong thoselrbot have that embarrassing trait. Mus- cles heattlilly thickened by exercise and under control will not permit' blood to riisIr sQ suddenly to the surface as ,thin, flabby and Power- lesr� fIcAl. The chewin& muscles will be mmde stronger and InastLoation, materi- -it], . � v, aided whicit ra turn will con- tribute to better dlgoiiti�on and as- sinillation of food. Because the facial muscles will be filled witly a bonnt,'-ful supply of fresh bloodk wounds will lical more (lulckl,-,- arid be loss likely to leave scars. Woman will not find it necessary to rdsort to range and otber ac- cessorles at the tollat to g6t peaclics-and-cream, checks, Cherry - red lips, s1mrkling, dancing eyes and charn;I!,ugly tontras,ting facial lights and shadown. Tbi,so facial exorcises also develop the nook and tbroat. By strength - citing tile throat 11111%clog that Part of. the body is better guarded against Alt tile Ills peculiar to it. The faces Made work al I theso ban- efits by caut"Ing large Supplies of bloodto be sollt 4ill over ill(" face and neck, tile blood building up Mild burning aw-ay whatover necessary. it fI1lS oLit the thin faco; It carries away snperflnons and encumbering flesh .011 00 fat race, Mild alLogoth- or It Imparts now energy and pow. or to fill parts of the face. lit brief, whol%ver ninkes there faces will be I)IpRqptl with featureq that art) fail Of vitality Mild ill,) polver nf vonstnut Attraotion, Niefol,m) rv- Or body likes to f4pe a human being I,g ,It, 1, .,4 tile plillure of lipalth. Exerelso � L-10or developing the Inucolci of tile nook atul the uppor p�,trt of the broavtt there Is no bet. ter exercise. Among 'tile liluse.es at- feeted, are, t1loso %vIlloll join tile face -it meli F41da of tile UPS a7ld from , r thore ivrend over the front or tile neek wid clear acros.,4 the breast. TherOfore, wlionever 018 oxerelso 114 eXP(latM the W11010 Chnitt hq r.'tII4- ell up Conaldepably. Xt Alec retnovo.0 . V-0""01 _."", � . . . I �. �.. " . � . �, .".."...""..."_ � I I . . . , . - v___._�, _':_4 �:____­_�;­_t . � . 11 I— - , � I I I I- — , I � I . . . I 11 I � 11 ­ [` I 1� I �,`j -1, 1. . 11 . . ""I ,. , . . - _. . , , I . I . I - I , I �!. . I - - - 1W -1 V . I I I." � - I - ­,10,-Q1,",0,*,4A try hard to-OWSO, the lips over the 41 MWGWAWC40ew,mw.4@2,1.i�W-e-,--,�o,-,&�&.e,o,�-.-,aaou-w.e-o�W-1-02:�,ni! �- Klea 1 17 1,NRO �4�� 4D � I I I, 0 , OpkW111O(01fj4t`h`oI' mtv4clet; Ili the central ow A I " I F11 0 . part of Lite face In tile line of tba " CO* -OPERATIVE TESTING 4 � ��tg',��-�"Tn' � 11 I rose are strotobc(I and (leyclop��d. �� I . , I .. ------- -_ -_ - L The Qxerelso also belpa to make ilia -7 - I .1 - I - - - MW I - � 11 , ,-, ; - .,�� r V 011111 normal and shapely and re. THE GRAVE 1k IN DANISH DAIRIESl, I I Humor I ousilloints. � , . . Tlie strorgest w I — .1 IlloyL yriuldes aroultat tile lips 411LI . d lioavlost Natural Conclusion; llf4udlo-wil'y . . I an I , 1, . : te��,10_ e�1_&&e-R1_aPMW-A VRRWARW-9�W_WrARe�4_�4 - kilti'llid you think I'm engaged to . lowar part of the now. 50�, I Wire rence Exercise 4-ThIs dissipates hollow wilat T. C. Marsh says D044's ;J , - -.-- - made. Kidney Pills Did for Mao. k have per com lay *etiftlng and Selecting Wirt? It You had sCell lit' together I � f if wo are no � t represented in i elleektq and roplacos theill withillet.- evolved a very oucceseful co -opera. in thlroo years. The work of Mass lyoa would tit onoo havo seen there ly roiinilekl oinea. It also strengtliatvi __ We system of testing dair koy- di"'trict write 1w at once tilt) ellelying ittascles, and in tilla . - I y cows, apEoclatloha to ovidontly the IV-im noUllng between its. '01r proved of great value In nate of chtea,por milk production, Pra)JUS-1. (lid Svo yoll togetltr?r, nblut the agency, Good OJ)ea- I Way greatly atlu maotluatlon Mild Story Ofil, xovvk Scotia Afall -%V110 bad wbIC4 has raising the standard Of their border, and title oc�-oporativa plan Offers filifl, Itut seeing anything between ;$ . ags for good men. Orders easily 6 illn-eii-tioll. , Almost eiveill'up lJolile, 01 over being A short sketch of tile plan which the only means of socuring, syrstoui- y0it, ut onvel 0011cludeLl yon were ell- titl4oll, 1tesults satisfactory, & 11,10 I'lle mouth alig-litly Shut. lVeil. Again, tbow have followed may prove of In- atio tootingrj I . gagod-Loudon TU-11UH, , F1103T V1111F FENCE Co. timiteO, a draw the lower JiNr to tile 0 -lit teroot to Canadian dairymen, who ggestiolls. .--- Q vVinolpeg, Moo. - - tvallatid, ont, (or left) am far im possiblo, and ,01p Seine Sill � I ,,, Contral Tutiononly. X. Ek., Jan. '12. might. 'Well Imitate their Danish 4"4 111111 tile flesh over tilt, tO(qh In tile -Spocial)-111 feet ati If Doddle Kid- cOMPQ0t I'll illy opinion somotbling along A ColliptoullSe, `WjIf.w.", ext"latill. - ­ 11 - ­­_ .- . - - __ - "I sayod, we from 'tile ,ora In tblo particular at tht above lines should be worked (�d Nawed, "what'S ill(,, illattf,r witlt v ,:-� Il't'.tilo illrection as muell and as. hard 110-Y Pills Ir , '. . . : , _ _.­ . . - _ _ rave." In tll�o iyay T, Cl. Alarall.of loaet.� i dat In Ctanada, vv�%-Iv 'the Creamery thig intuce, vio?" wrInklm front ill,,, forehead alld , a"t 3.0a call, At tho HaIlle time shat 9 , 014ects or Testing Associations. 101ollull tile exos aild nialml; tile lips i thO Qvoo and pall tilt, adjtoent mul- 10lis pluovo, talks Of those Iyonder- Four chief objects are Icept itiview or obeeae fp.(ktory as the nuciousof "Niotbing", replied Ills wife, who . I cle together. ful oxtermbiatora of the pallisaild the movemou!t� The tooter would lyjh ft, vvhItP ribbonor. "I followmi stronger antl more pliable. ; E.kc,rattif, 5,-IrIlift filla out tilt, aelies arINIng from Diseased Kid- In, "Orgaitizilig thoso testing ,cibiso- make 04 faoltory )its head,quarters your mother's reolpe excf4pt where To tilt iblH v%erclsv first open tII0 , , �p 110yS, Arid AIr, AfarsIr sliould know clatiOns '- I. T�iat the feed given and It t4o farmers Iviere trusted to Illouill. dv.,�,V, down tilt, cortwrN ftad i I(I%N(,r part or ilio xhln find ilia] 3 it etill(,d lot, brandy. I put root beer '11110,11 it uorinal, and dowloll-4 Lite 11tugh 11 wlilervolf lie speaks, Ile ly,as under the 00TVA Must, as Much Me possible, do the vvelghing of the w6lk and ill it�t;t(,,q(l.,,-I)lillll(lpll)lltlt prpq.N. wrlilidt, Ill) t1lo forolload, till tiNI I 9 -o for Kidney Dom- lie wiftho or measured. 2. yriiat taking a tbl, a 111%1w ill(, lower lip and adjacent mu-scles und(w ill(,, oyes. Decti-ii,io It tile doctor's cat .aniples, It would be -_ Ve o )n- each, cow's daily milk yield lit weigh- poSsI lljl,,e,lf,,-. 111) toNvard tile 11014e. Try to Is OXc(lic"It far ge"Pral de"101411011j, plaint for matho thoo, road, despite ed once per week, or at least suff6 ble for ono maa to 40 tile ' (,,illaoN . 11,4litecess," I asserted sage - I ' it wprk for all the farms Sending ly, "to duo to our accurate, judgment laak(, the lip tonelL tile Lip (It the help,4 the akin antl Insures aga- I.it their Uffurto, continued to groW I Ilose vam, InJury, this exervitie stiould be Worse. Ile was ,almost In despair olently often so that accidental in- milk to ,the average factory. Ile of 1111man naturo'), . ili-Ing till tho InusnIps around tile (10110 OiL(11- wiletu it friend advised him to use fluencea May not have any serious wpuld re(QuIre to vl4t; each farm 11.�Ild,ll retorted tho man who fit - am p(mmilito. Thnn, holding tIiIR PON- 1-�,.�cvat(: thr oxerelse by bringing Dodd's I-Cidney PILls, In such* a, se- effect. S. WItat the percentage Of before the toot Started; take note tv Man, put tile JLIvs firmly togrthor every )AIliscle tGwarcl the Contra or vore baoe thle progress tovvardsre- s yield to test- of all conditions, 'record tlVil num- w", .9 carries thliigs to extrein-s, "to th(i f,ie( ed adflolently often to ellniluateati- ed lt�'lnaccurata judgment of nn." - -eavlil(,Sfq Comes. - its much as possible, Tilt% OOv0rY waa naturally slow, but he her. age, oto., of each, cow, to Dr:�olOyn Life. end bold until V� . oidental. Influences. &%nat an ex- need, etc.; OW% bow the weighing It Ili better to (to thlu M,ld ,.I,!, tile nearer tile face is Inade to tak-) Penieveroll, and nuvq, Ire fools jus- prelses gently at first, Ill- t v olinpe of a circle the bvtter Is tifted lit ukAng ilia Strong words alatf amount IS kept in, such a Inall- and isaxopling Should e --- other ex 11 deg, nex as to ollow the rotation between leave 'Wirt. -You don't s'evill to elijo,� tile and cap tilt, c.%eiviso perforined. quote,t). above. Air,. M%rph thus exiolagh, two -ounce bottles crousing tile tension , . Vgy ­­,­ c4bot; Me case- the butter yield and the food 1013' ivAtli in4tta,la of farmer A44 num- dinner, clear. Witat Is tile illattPr? , 1. .. _,_ , . , ­ , - :_ - - , "' I - -0 "I wAs under the doctor's care, sume& t bers stamped tWoreon to take sup. linaband-1 IvaS woudering i� there ' I Vie o -loinal association, that of f,r011't a I - bat didn't liecin to get any bet- arwta Samples of two railklags,aluo, Vr ,())tie t.lLpographical f-rrov.i in -1 ter, only wpraeQ Nvias, advised by a tbt,t coolcery book of yours-9tray ,7—_ ltg�.., N"Jen, I' -W-18 members, aggreza"ag blankf,, Ifor filling In feed records I . ' " - ,Rtorlos. -_ � , friend to; use Gddls Kidney Pills. .,,L�. . � i ) ��,-, ��. - Xul 300 cowo, and the 11r,t,year's ex every two weeks. . . �t, T ;,Z,., 6Xk", -1 0 A<Jh 0 X)o M. vejt>a U t) , 000,;. - 11211YM h + 4- n— — .. A .. —_ � .... I . . . . . . �1 0, I V . ; 11 - . . q - 'x, V��,14y"), '� �-,Tvj�)l ) Aftet I Awd used them for P. time Having thus prepared lite patrons, 11- _� tZ ment recognized at once the )in- hey 1:0, I N 1� ." ,�L I began to feet a difference, and , t would sand in to the factory oil ' X19glOF-Willell country lilts tile U479y 1 �Vp. portanco of this movement, and lit i x(,Rt standing army, lit t114 w6rlilr. .- - - 1"� - J , Wo_ * I never k1topped. until I had used certain days the Sample bottles. of �' 191PP11) 62.50. Some Which he tooter , '­ gave them a grant of $ t Wagglos-Titts Ono, ifyou count the 1 AZ 1 7 -"I" boxes. I Suppose I Will uAve to elf the by -)awls of the original as- test would be able to __ - " " �,6 . ufjo bo,motlAng as long'as I live, , a large number daily. and still po,;p1t, who rlde In lite N(nv, York �., 0 � ') 13oclation declared that: "Tba ob- have time onougn for an 000aAonal- stroet cars. -New York f4uri, I . but I feel as If Dodd's Kidney Jedt of the association was to build " he graveAl j, I \ Pit a had saved me from t visit to the farms. Irliewe would be no I __ .$,% � - "I have reccminerided. 'Dodd's Kid- UP a race 01 COWO Wilton vuulu reason for the farmer to weigh or �,?o� ney Pills to everyone because or give 0. , . . take saxoplea incorrectly, as the total I., 177-7TM"--`%`a`. � "6,-- 1) Large 'Yield or Rich XII)c; average of each bord would be known I 1%_ � N " e�,X-1 �,i \�_ I what they Jvmyo ,done for Me." �;,�� '7`1­1��_�_ "' - - � rl'% e membership should be limited by the pa,tron's daily delivery and , �"""_` � i,_ - . . . . . X" / 1%�_�___�_ - temporarily to 12 or 13, who agreed factory teat, and any trickery would 4 . Tk\_ , , , "', I " tiltek. I I - @0 �� .. . I,;? -,;z � 0 I;t ___`­,_��� . . . Douglinuts-Crearn. two cupfuls of tol let the milk of each Cowl be test- soon be discovered. . �." I . 1_.��7 .J_ i��,� I ed every fourteen days; the ex- Another Advantage. � 'N ,Z \ j- � � sugar with one-half cupful of batter, - 1,.\-,\ - ! .. ,I> � ; i . penses should be distributed In pro- ini this, plam it, that the factory can. I . ,\ 11' add one-half cupful of milk, two eggs portion to the fat tests made, and we.11 .iXford to pay part o the ex- I - �%, _­­ _--1 light, two capfulo of flour in- collected twice a year; three Ili- pouges, because the testers' visits*to i " " �� I � 1 i : to which has been sifted. a teaspoon- . I , ,,iiro�, . rootoris should be chosen, one or ; �11_ - ill - fat of baking Powder and flavor with ilia farm will also olacourage better "I " ."', - . I I I I 10 VVIt I ; - ,k I vanilla. \Vork th enough flour to whom should resign every thivd. care of Milk, better sanitation In ill- i ql� 1,11 1,,4 W. _4.11�1 , " 11. i P, t year after the firet two, years, and stables, etc. 111. ally case, the Main 1-14?� , , " �,� 'ft., - I �. make & ,soft dotigh. Roll out Into who should elect a President Mild point Is to Include In ilia test at least i 1, " � - I , � � - - . TO it Shoat nearly an Inch thick, and cut Seoretary-ITIreasurer ; tile A-asooJit- for figuring the averago-every COW I ' L ,,"I"" , - ­ Into shapes IrIth a, cutter. F ry, in tion should continue fur five Yell,176, and heifer being fell on the fa,riA, who- I � I If / ;W - " , I \ deep fat. and no member should withdraw be.- thcr they are tj�ry or in mil tit t is ; �" , 11 t 1� \ � - k- a . .\�'�_r I I i For Ginger Snaps -Cream, a cup fore that time, 111110618 Oil accOilut Of tile c-rucial test; the rest Is simply a. 1 ; . - - ,,, f , : f . , of butter with one of sugar, beat removal from tile district." Tile (11- luattOr ,br book-keeping. The food i 4 - � 11 ; i I � . t, . In a. cup or mGl&sffos; Stir In a cup rectors of the association bilgaged . ., 0 I F t given crannot, be weighed out to each I 11 I - I / . of water, , a. tablespoon each� of a 11tester," who took samples and cow -that would be 'too expensive- 1 '. � . . I ! ground ginger and cliniamont a table- tested th� milk of each cow, and for but fortnightly eatlinatea, tested by I � ... � I / I spoon of allspice; andl a scant one of whose use reliable aPP3ratI1 0 the scales now Mild tlie.n. should be ! I'll, ..... I . I I �� ! ! Soda, slftqd w,ltlf a. pint and a halt TVAB bought. TJils teeter Lit- rec6rde& MIA9 idea, nr).y not be of di- I I .. . I � ) �l � 1,H � I - of flour. Add eiiougl� flour to make SO kupt exact d Of rect benefit to the Professional breed- I I , I. . .. I �. ''I � I a dougU that can, bot rolled out; roll the milk yield 'of each cow and' the ers nor to the Progressive farmers I �k­-- -, __­ . -e. -tion to the owkilig large liord�s who may d ill I ' * .'I /// //// , - , - thin. cut Into rounds and bal, reed Consumed In proper � ! , �, I � � 11 . le, latter m0,'3Jr'1'b",re I REQUIltES MONLY- . For :Hard Gingerbroad-l-loat one yield or batter, and also prepared oNvm teoting; but it E . " t tj I I 1 / I Cup of Now Orleans molasses over tables showing the comparative public-spirited enough to join ., S110 --lo lie so very, very rieli ? I / ;";- . � ( - I I -r, add half a cup- vialue, or the various Individual cows the small farmers aald thus make the I -le -Ho must be, for I understand ;, I .) , � a. pan of hot ' watL eCtabilaligiont of such a system P00- bets anx on to become a United 1) I '!! . . - ful of butter to it; witch the batter and bords as economical producers, 1 a I ; Ill . I . - has melted remove tLe bowl from so that those cows baving special sible. NevertheleRo, the Professional �,,tatpa Senator. 111�_ - - 4 1-1-14 * . "I . . ,)-3 the water; add one tablespoon of values for breeding purposes might breeder of Pure bred dairy cattle - '__ � ,in increased demand t - � I � ( ginger; dissolve LIMIT a. teaspoon of be selected. . . would soon, find , * � � .- .. . or, I TVI ore or Less Sharp. I !'M I soda In a little, boiling water; add. Growth or the Associations. forl his bulls, when the necessity f, J .a go -'O C-11'arell to Study . .; . / I It to the molasses; stir In flour to r's better cows had been Impressed upon : Smu.0 wollin � � � . I �, At tile close, of the first yea the farmer by tile -testing system. texts and Some to Study toxtliros� I make a. rather stiff dough; toss on work tile Government appropriated v. W. I-IODSO-IT, . . - - - ( . . / 11. . . . / / ­_..Virh._.. -1 - - . - - - - ---. I ..- ­ $2,)500 to be divided between asso- I Live Stock CommIssloner. A poeslinjot always looks ,is If Ile , - I I ... \ I �� il on the Lamps are Lit. clations which made proper' reports, was thinking or soiaothiug lie wanted I 11 "I 0 � - . t -.4 Mile children like to got an attrac- and the plan spread very, rapidly.. to forget. , ; I W tive book to read after supper -so do By :L897 It had been clearly demon- Jim's Great Luck. I --- I I - U? � - :2 I - the old fo)ks sometimes. We have etrated that the, "testers" were also "You talk about lackl Look at, 1 TJ10 kn,%,n wilet complains about , ,I . I g. I , (4, 4 -nilug useful In Securing better milk for the Jim Bucksba,w. The other day when I other men being In Ills road Probably � .1. . I pleasure In Informing our fat I � I readers fliat by sending their nanie creamorles, and the dairy Paper the coo.�, snap came on, a big Ichole doesn't own ilia road. . / ! and address on a post -card to Alas- Maelkert Tildende soon had frequent formed on one of his eaves It ' -_ I ) TI �� G. _11� Od a, - sey-Harris Co., Ltd., Toronto, - they discussions as to the work of these must Irave been ten feet long. *�-_, I TI'llen a man is coinplinien - . 11 . . - .", I .. will be sent the Alassey-Harris Illus e- Still got afraid ift wpuld droptlown � tliin.kp � �' , dt]Wzs� . I /I 1;, I ////. /011�; I , -1 - associations, notably. as regards a //;//,,/,,,-*j P//-, �� - , -Y a A trated. free of charge for one year. curing uniform reports from thd and brain solmebody. He used to Ili= no lie sees b1mblelf. 11 Z , t 11 It Is a bright little magazine, con- various associations. Jointmeatings stand by the gate warning people ' I . --- ?//V YP � ,. taluing many new pictures and some were hold and several weale featureff to Jook out for it, because he I If -,VOIUV V e N �� "Z, , Z&or- 1�1111,, d,l,o .n I or untubl. - _:5� ;� , W -f e , good reading, Don't forget to men- of ilia scheme pointed out. In 189s , didn't want anybody to got smash- i fine clothes worn by 0 ,.. Z:z W / X/I tIou this paper, or you may not re- $4,21150 Iva& appropriated for the still- ad. and Irave to pay damages."' � there, would . � ( //O� /// 10t �� ­� . '. / colve the Jourpal. . port of tho vaj�ous assoclations, and "Yeqp I 'spose It fell at last?" � wrinkles. . .. .. "Yes, it fall thle day -Lite sun came - --- NO-M, � In 1899 the Vejen association again , a -e .. - - 1>_� a floured board; roll thin and bake, took the load In Including a. report cut good Mull strong, It fell ! when you licar a ind , _ �� - . - I 1, /I In a quick oven. Can to tho ridalrig of calvesand liogs. straight dormn, just inissimg Jim's of bavinig a w1fo to support It's a I ... Z4 z wife, and entered tiva ground, and pretty safe bet that the aforesaid .. � - J - Gingerbread Cakes--rilake one cup In the same year, at a general meet. -ark � ; of New Orleans molasses; one cup Ing of all the local agricultural as- at once disappeared. And this is i w1ro. ling to J, -O, In washing to sup- , . _' the most wonderful part of it." I port him. ; � I I . I I k of sugar; 'Ono cup of sour cream; soclatlons, the blank forms for tile "Go alvead"', I --- , 00000 5>� I -1-61Q,�� -a 1, Q a, Ono small euV of butter; three eggs; tost aosoclations lvere, fully discuss- , ,,-",,,,, miji� tes . . , - , thods agreed upon, air, it wiasn't ten U . I - . I - . - . I � -1. ,-.^.. . , I three caps of flour; Ono spoonful ed and uniform ine, after title icicle went down before ) ; NEW I -lip YOKE. each of cloves, Cinnamon, ginger and In 1900 we find four' dIstlnS,t as- oll bogmu to Raw. from the spot . Gown worn by Grantor in 17ouJuu." Of pale rose Liberty crepe do baking soda. Bake, In two loaves soclations comprising In all about whero it entered. That Icicle Struck fV . - chine. Tile ].lip yoke differs from that of the preceding season In that lit a, modorato oven. . 240, test -associations, and the, results oil, Sir, and Jilin hat; a well there __ - -.-A it tur to disappPM, Into the waist line at the sides near the compiled from the reports of the now 'Llrat runs 100 barrels a day. rol*,� Nbolftm a`rPly ' various d back, nithl(l)'l) ;pa�cc at the back failed into ilia lielt. Tile large emplace- - -z= istricts furnish a grUlt Queer about some people,F4 lucir, i , , I 1; , Mont is Of C-rocLia filet net, Inset with squares of filet motifs, there fig 00**=a0*=C*ZZ* ,00=w a deal of valuable Information. For Isn't' it VI -Cleveland Plain Dealer. � tv - " Instance, tho,old notion that a larger . . also an insot of black Chantilly about ill(, sboulders. Little rose in Ifli I POMPons are attactZa to the Lollarand sleeves. The hom on the s2i' Irt GRACEFUL CARRIAGE flow of milk must- necessarily give It Alakes a Difrereace.. 1� . is very deep. a. towor percentage of fat jv�ie dis- 1. " - I= � - � , I , proved. Most Imp6rtant of all a With every. ovidenco of fear tile, I I OF IMMENSE VALUE, )poration was effected between r"llwaZY Official clung to Ills an' 4; 1 to CO-( fit. .. . I I . For those who Care to vaTy these 0 � with practice. In this way possible I Mg I ilia test associations and the breed- 019 train Ivau making about a mile , I rupturo of 'small facItI blood vessels I beat of facial exercises with othe,q, IVC�Z=00001%== SOW ore' associations, (bull associations), aL,niinufo and tile road was rougli. will be made impossible. the following will ba found bederl- No woman who carries herself in and a Ohio,' Inspector Iva" appoint- 'Cordlictor," lie suid tit lah't, "It 'a I I I . Exercise II. -This, the opposite O f I Clal .And extremely easy: a slip nocesmtry to ran as fast as this 2" J I Exercise I -Smile. Place ds , -shod, loose manner wIll com- cd in one district, who helped to I the former exercise, pulls lip the low- the �Iutups of flesh mand the respect and admiration Select the cows entitl "It's accordIng to your orderv, air," t er, part of tile face and draws dowli of the fingers on apswornicl the Conductor. . t i on the Qlioekg under the eyes. Let that a woMan of graceful bearing to Certain brills: and, to supervise the tile muscles above tile eyes. By keeping of tile bar<] books. ','My order,g?" � - I * 1*1 '111 stretching the Chin muscles It takes the face resume Its natural position and uplifted countenance will re- " YOE; Cit. I've n, blighty rough I away double and fills Out 110,tellot and then, while rodIsthig with the ceive, yea, and If need be, depand. Tile Vlaellm-tt, TIdende sends blanks It'..ctcli of roadt but the,stations are I - . I i fingers, draw. lit-, tho-laughing intis- to tile associations, and whon those , ew antl far between, and you have , S . chins. By c3neentratilig numerous . It broadeas oles by Einiting and lower thetu lit There are many noblo-hearted we- are filled publishes them and Sends irequently glvLm its oix,lars to make �� muscles around the 0yes, men who really do themselves Injus- copies to all the members, Indeed ill> loot time bere." t . noses that are too thin between the fairly rapid Cuccoqslon until tired. . . eyes and fills �out . sanken eyes Exercise 1I. -Draw the cheeks to- tice by the awkward way they carNY everyone interested In dairying help- "I have?", I I . I . .. � gother at the lips -with -tile hands thVITISOlves, It Is very ba cd tile plan along, and this explains 11yeg, IsIr." . � . . - - � and takes away puffs. arid, while resisting with ilia liande, others to see ileauty and trace fir he e O such astio- "Well," returned the offIcial . c . pull the clicoke arlart. ap- clatione. thoughtfully, "on tile occasions ,when Starting with tile month shut, I lit,art Ili all unlovely outward � thrust out the lower jaw .is far as Exerclso. 1.11-PiA a crooked fore- ptlarfince. ft is the exterior Charm I have given you those orderg I was ) possible, alld,while holding It there, fln,ger on t3lo chin jast below tile A Sample Result. 1. , Or tile rose that gives fitting expreg- n e chair In illy - eyes as close together as you lower Ill) and raise up, the lip, re� of tile Prilatical office. communicating Ivith you by pha,t Stan to Its hidden sweetness. Ati all exaniple posslbl� --an. Then try. to open the alsilng ,vith tile finger. Although there are many beautiful rc-gultE, obtained th'ree YOars' work ,,%vire, while now, Inin oil the train." I M eyes., , Exercise IV. -Close ilia Month alld Nvomen with worthless hearts, still of tile Vaarus A4soclixtion. may be 44YP 'p, P Ar.11 I . E%erelseO.-Closo the 'O and con- push the tongue down toward inc� that fact does not weaken Lite other quoted. Accoptling to tlixiiMaolkeet Tz- "And it iwikos a difference, condue- Do Tailq?' "' O' a till e . tract tile forehead, ,I,va 9 ill throat. Tlils is good for the throat fact that Spiritual nobleness and a dende, the 'averaiie results per cow tar-, great difference, To -day I'm , dearali- hllj� eyebrows as much as possible. Open mu6cles, and materially strength- fair body are a consistent, liarmon- In ilto lierdi; tested were as fol- not, so palWoular about getting thlis L�14 the knolith as wide as you call. and h Jous assuclation. Everything that .10-W,s - Afrs. 1)6,�� . , tru;ln In on tlmt,. I am ft good deal _1-1 . I . ,� ___ Exorcist, V�_Wltll tile fingers *on appertalno to the elevation of the Us. I,bs. Per Cent, more interested in making Clive that Do Tatilqa A AVINTEM SCOURGE. - the oycbrow,u and restating, try to soul fiffects for the better the aspect ye&r. Milk. 1111tter. Fat.. our destination li; not tile penrly following 't. ­ . close the eyes while raising lily the of the body, beautifying and refln- 1699-1000 5, 1 6�­ lot ,11.34 g.U00.11-101110ago ror't. tombsto'lle - ta Grippe or IftRUCAza Wsponsiblo eyebrows. Try to close tile Oyea Ing It, says the Cleveland Plain Deal- 1900-1001 n. -.,a 1 '20-1 .3-14 1 .1or Hundreds of UntimelY Deaths- while resisting with the, fingers er. Just as rare jow0s need fIttIcg 10,01-1902, 6,1G1 288 3.50 It Is buman; nature to be angratel- I V placed at the sides of tile eyes. caskets to rest In, so It IN only meet Tlyls shows an Improvement in full to the man ,who fIghtn your ba$- - In, grippe starts with a, sneeze- that lovely souls Should be Inclosed the average yield of 4ff Ilia. batter tie eor you wid gets licked. I . Lavo ls.� I) 'eet, lit bodies that are beautiful and fair. _�_ . ��, I .. . �-. - . � Graystoulm and ends with a complication. It Hands and 11 -- . . � . I I .11 It Is Ift lay& a atitong man on Ills back; it Sensitive hands should always be Amh past tlftn . Little Smiles. ffW_1R tortures him -wIth fevers and Chills, rubbed with an emollient nXter wash- 12 Ing. and If frequently' wet, be pro- 'Diner-ir Ed ___ 0% boadaoliea and backaches. It leaves , jil,t this Meat rather It a In him a prey to pneumonia, bronellitis,'I IoAed from the hetion of water as tough? %Wld Settles Will Wa . ueh as Possible, by ilia use of olls. .ANTalter-Therc's no denying that, she tr in I Philip coluslailiption Lind . other deadly. dis. Wilon Inflamed, friction Ivith OIL of air� ,but then we serve extra strong . Pint, Cases. Iyou. can mycitl le, griiijie by turpentine -or camphorated Vaselluo toothpicks with It.-TIC-11ttS. TO I fol�tlfylilg Vour systoin with Dr, Is bonefielal, and a care is 111AStalled L -- . allol Williai3s! Pink Pills. They protect If thoy are washed Ili a voarrn do- Nell-Illss Apn Teek still persists into F ; they' up-balld cap reached the right you; they cure you; ,tion of wainut loaves. After the that she hasn't People . you i th,ey" baniell all evil after Lit- ally sublitances are rubbed ill, dust age to marry. . . ,On the K'Idne s half thbi - - recta. Dr. Williams, Pink Pills ward , with ihis Powder; . 1 Belle -I wonder what she'll Coll- ..—. � - -1 � IMPart t - Off till IvilvLop MilmontS. Tho.y cure ' older the right age ? .. I their PLO all bloo(I mild nerve ,disorders. , They. I Chilblain Powder. .Nell -Dotage, perhaps. Hence the 89ckaches, Rheumatic Pd1ne and Lumbago- Xontono, are, the greatest blood-bullder mild I Soallaylato or blamuth, 211 drains. . - , 'Aftlmy Ill norTo ionic that Science has YOt lite Dr. Chase's Kidnoy-Liver Pills Prompt to Relieve and . Ilit I Powdered starch, 814 Ounces. Gyor-A mail Is foolish who af mucl , I tl discovered. We know this to b0 tile Whan tile Chilblains ate ulcerated ,a wornan questions. . . of Lasting 130"Ofit. I of lr,4111 I'll, I I it Its not only tho lungf; that stir- a solemu trtuth, but wo do not ask You I n - nd broken apply the following to- ,VLyer-ffowls that ? ' ,zi,poi-Itivn. In their offocto anil are of Lelf ord alone. Ask your I tic,# ii)rce times dall',V, bandaging 'Gyer-Sho won't answer them to for during tile Cold, flAMP NPASOns. t,c ot, by the vxperlerwo and Intog- neighbors, no matter where you , his satIsraetlon, but give her time Tile kidneys are almost equally axis- rity of Dr. A. W� Chase, the famona I .live, and yon: will learn or someono ! �vlth linen or antiseptic gauze when and she'll tell all she knows. ceptlhlo to suddoyl changes of tem- Ilecalpt Book aaTtli , ar. . WbO lids been. curoft by Dr. Williams' ! "(1'"Esary, otherwIse dusting tile In- __ Nr any it Horlow; (!&so of , , pL altire, find ni Atr, William, noxne, of No. 19 Me. .11111114: Pillst filter oiller Illeflicillpa Ilad ! flamed parts wltl1 tile powder, Death and 'Cupid m(It -Ono day, kidney dlgeasO baL9 It's I)eglllnlllg Goo tit -root-, Toronto, rAys: -11 was ral),ed. IL Is upon tile evidence Of your Morated Chilblain liotion. Marksmen botli, one grave, one gtty� .wlt,ll a cold, W11,101 Rettle,v On the afflicted Kevnrely Ivitli hidney dis. neighbors that We ask Y.011, to gIVO Elder floWer water, 7 ounces. Then said Death, so grim and (lark ., ' ' kidneye (-&Fie, stont, lit the bladder, Inconti. I these pIIIf4 ft. fair. trial It you, aro TIncturo or Catoctin, 2 ounces. :: I prefi�r it abliflng mark." I Porsono working out of *doors are hence, depoudts In tile urble, severe sick or aillmo. '� ',So do 1,11 Dan Cupid scoffed, . ,, VIrs. Emina Dottoot, (141yeerInt, 1-1 ounces. . : "Words call 11 if I only know it's soft 11, Magi, likely to Ile victims at gach I.taltiss Ili tile J,aelc and strains over . St. Eulallo. Que., Says Dorado Mold, 3 drarna. --- troulliee a -ad suffer from. backaches, tho 1,01110. I was so bad that I had hardly tiell how pleflsOd I ftla with Both ilia above remedies tire also Sh �011 lum,bago, rhountattsiftl and Crippled, to .got 121) ;;l 4�0 O,r three thilt"S Ill tile Dr. Williarilke Pink Pills. 1 had all (aluRingly)-How Can Chinaw attacl� of la grippe which left tile � effective fat, tile Cattle trouble ill tile lle,t(-' Illuba, bot anyono Is, liable U-17FA R314 001114 1.11011 ,only mrtko a, sufferer train limidtiches and pailis toot, r to oat rats? %tch�lllltgln a Araft or expose Ills back Ivater With givat pain. . . Ile (absently) -It holPs fill tile to a ourreitt of cold Mr, ."Though long a sufforpr antl tin. Ili ill(, stomach. I uSNI Several MOM- I I (!hInkn. 'r. 111N, eilles, bat nothing holluxI me until I "_.,.#",.#-­%.A;�NNA).�%,-0' , 9"t -1 � __ cold sottlIng all tile kldllow; riuw.n 4xthlo to Ivork, I vvmColifin-oil to began tile use of Dr. Williams' Pink .. Teaelier-Tolinnic, what Is sugar ? c0II,MO,%tIo-n, a-cloggIng of ihoso fil- fe,"t for three ut,dus, A -o-1 durInX ILIA � . I wbat t0rilig org-40.9F ftll;i conseqn. Pills. When I b('�",411 them I was FOI THE 0 A J Johnnin-sughr, malaill, 0 , olt Ate. time 'thoup"Ilt I tould not paliall4i'v weak and very olItch 1.111), dolvil. The 31 malcps ilihign sciur It you don't put ra I ge,111011t of till) .VvIlole 4111ge'stIVA) vnduro greater nils-ery. It ivao then -0,11 Ine P.1141 f_-.,r4%.40*.%_,.,r4%-,e4 - , 4*4 It In. alla, bxOrttory #yStOlus. Tile liver tlwut I hwAll to u -z Dr. vllftr#�,.'A , , Pill$ likivo compintely em a All 1110%pe Siva; break- - failq io,waft,iho I)ow,als betolue, con. X14noy-Liver 11111i.q. It Is with gra. I I not only am ag *strong as evek, ak good R)ld till) 111(mile - I M, , iaIn _ . bat have �alllvd In flonh." Tile gen! fill4f SVVV.et Is apricot inarlilalatle ITOIV Thtse'Women Lovo V ath Other. f1tipillt-Od and the stornliteh gets up- titudo tllu'Lt V that thty I' P I treod nle at all the'" oylliptomri, �111,1 - nine Pills, alwaya bpar the fall name, ' mado frow canned, apricots, Mensurp Brooklyn rungle, a 6 t, . - ,,Dr. NVIIIIM1111,41 Pillik I'llia for Pal Pearl.-DId 'Von hear about tilt) DOCAA11110 Or thIDIP ,direct &Ild IC019- lltaklo lue ft *%Vell =11.11 I 0 tile frtilt, and to each pint allow 4 Tudr.".Livpr pll!a, 01) Poopjp," oil the label around evory awfill felght (w,opgn got On 1110 IA11:011 action oil thaso organs, Dr. Dr. Cbww � illreo4ourtha ot 11, Pint or engftr. W,edding day ? r Chwi0t; Te"1411fly-Mver Plits nre of 11,111 ,n, dolv., 215 etm&jLjLt�ov; ,It &. box, Substitntes Can't cure and to n take theill Is a wasto of fuonoy and Coalc over a alow fire, ntirring o'nen A1ftIxle-,4yt)s " I IVAN there 1, I sit,%V 1116A proillpt And nloSt ln.qtltlg I)f-ile. dC,1,ler% or Mn "MoRaten & I I ' ondauger4 lite, ; I . . I I In a *11ilo until the matmalado Is her. . 0 fit for each derangetionto. They Toronto, � I 4 .." . , ,.­ - .- `�_;_17.. � I I