HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-29, Page 1t a C J . . TIW .:: The Wingham Advance. _______,___.__ --.-------- . -"---- . .11 , _,___­­­_ 30TH YEAR,, NO. 22. WINGHAN, ONTARIO, JANUARY 29, 1903. U00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ,_ ____ . _T.. -. _ ..-1___._____-_____...__.._..._. _ ._.. _ . . Dir. and Mrs. Wm. Adair, of Wrox- The Advance Offlice Concert. . Auction Sale. NOTE AND COMMENT. eter, visited at Mrs. Adair's uncle's g Friday g y February 3 d. on lot 1, 411rdj .C(u# I BANKOFEAMILTONThe spacers iven on I'rida evenin pn Tuesda . IUU I ... 'J[`H ... Mr. Abram on Friday. They leave for has removed to the by the Parker concert company wits concession 0, Salem; farm stock and L I Oxbow, N. W. T., in rt few da-Wodstock looks forward to the y Shaw Block.. not largely attended, bat was certainly implements. Twelve months credit erection of a new G. T. R. station, Miss Annaa Bell Ilarmet' of Drnmbo, it high-class entertainment. The pro- willbegiven;saleatoneo'clock. See The lane have been re ared. Ministers and church workers generally, are WINGHAM, Do n r lor Bank Miss Belva \Vau hof Bri ht and Aliss gram was not len th but was suets- P P P "()wecordinder his he ding,fro e t e it re church _ g g Carpet Ball, rendered, and the lengthy posters for particulars, Ezra Merkley * * * nowa under this hooding, from their respective Bella Scott of Teeswater' were the p performers readily proprietor ; G. Barton, auctioneer. churches. Capital paid up $2,000,000. Reserve, =1,600,00 -Thos. McLaren of Mitchell claims J". TURNBULL. General Manager. guests of shalt cousin Bella Taylor The h U. F. and Woodmen of the responded to the Humorous species, A meeting of the clergy of the dean - last week, World had a friendly game at Carpet The recitations of Miss Boynton were Misplaced. to have beaten the record by putting cry. of Huron will be held in Clinton President. -John Stuart BOW ocopy their new 13x11 on Friday evening ; score, 15-5 in especially entertaining, and she ap- Last, weak, in correcting a proof, on eighty horse -shoes in one day. February 3rd. vice -President n G Ja say offices in the Manbu S0I1 Until the 15th of Febriulrv, I will sell favor of the I. O, F. This game was pealed to be the favorite with the one line wits misplaced in a paragraph Rev. A. J. f Kenilworth DrraEOTORs:-John Prootor wm. Gibson, my $16 suits for $12, anal S14 suits for followed by one between the D, O, F. audience, referring to the Western Foundry-pauada received last year one Johnston,' + Geo, poach, A. T, Wood, A. B, hoe (Toronto) Block, opposite Queen's $10, -Robert Maxwell, Tailor. and the A. 0, U. W., in which the for- Co., and rather obscured the meaning. thousand more Chinese than in the has been chlor to Grand Rev. Savings hank hours 10 ta3 Saturdays. to . Ball Bros, change of advt. arrived mer were victorious by a score of 1.4-1, A Long Voyage. We give that part of the parapraph as previous year. The tax derived. from dist church for rent year Rev, J. R, Deposits of $i And npwardarooeived. Ynt- Hotel. Mr. Jas. ford has received word „ Patterson, of Grand Malloy, has been Or allowed and computed on 30th November too late for insertion in this issue. In it should have been :- Citizens of entry fees amounted to $303,272, and stat May each year, and added to principal Died. from his daughter-in-law y Win barn will also be interested in invited to Mt. Forest. Special Deposits also received at current cheap Suits, Sidebparda and Extension g er-in law and family * * * rates of interest. Tables, they are giving special prices or Mr, Richard Anderson of Belmore who went to Soulh Africa, When knowing that the firm promptly paid Rev. R. Hobbs was on duty in Blen-• Drafts on Great Britain and the United A GIBSON ,he wrote the batt reached the Ma. --A young scallwag, aged nineteen, States bought and sold. A. for a couple of weeks. was in town on Tuesday. 71te day be y the payment of $850, due this month. helm on Sunday last. His pulpit here fore he received it telegram informing delta Islands. From New York to It is also pleasing to know that the living at Bowmariville, was charged in was supplied by the Rev. R. Patti of B L. niaaaxsox, Solicitor. MANAGER Mr. Wm. Abram, of Wawanosh, biro of the death of his brother Wil. Liverpool they had a quick run of a the police court with non-support of W. CORBOVLD Agent outlook for 1903 business }s most excel- Brnsaels. At the close of the evening has bought Air. Hugh Thompson's lianr of Muskoka, who was well-known little over 0 days, and good weather, his three children. This is a "feat" Travellers are notified that the Bank of lent. The company find themselves service Rev. Dr. Moffat representative HaniltonanditsBranchesissueCircularnoteo Tutu,, in Turnberry, neat Salam, for in this vicinity. When speaking to but from Southampton to Madeira, bad! handica ed b their location age' " * of the Tract Society of the National Provincial Bank of England Y pp Y y gave a brief outline a $4,600. Mr. Ezra Merkley has had the Mr. Anderson, o particulars his the voyage was very rough. They so far from the business centro of of the work being accomplished b the trouble which can be tasted without charge or farm rented a number of years, brother's illness and death had reach- left Southampton December 27th, and -The reeve and two cou»e}]tor unable g P y rouble in any oris of the worm - the town, and no near wap of reacts- in Melancthon township were uneble Society, ed him. expected to complete the rest of the in board}n houses except b the P .0•.e zns : ] One evening last week, Mr. A voyage in about sive weeks, g g p Y to qualify because of being school sherbourne Street Church, Toronto, Young had occasion to look into a Auction Sale. railway bridge, which is certainly an trustees, which necessitates a new on Sunday, Jan. 18th, gave over ten longe amply oil can with a lamp, when On lot 35, 30, Morris boundary, haul£ Disastrous Fite. awkward and unsafe method. election, thousand dollars for missions-fiveTollet See Halsey Park's advt, some gas that had collected there ex- a•mile east of Bluevale, on Saturday, The Huntsville Forester gives an ac. MLN'S OVERSHOUS.-20 Pairs, sizes 6 * * * thousand for the General Missionary Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. ploded,and scorched his face, aspecially January 31st, faun stock and imple• count of a disastrous fire that destroy- kind 7, regular Price $1.05, for $1,00, at -One theatrical troupe has been Fund, and five thousand for the Emer- his eyes. ments, No reserve as the proprietor ed the residence of Mr. John White- onr Clearing Sale, -W. J. Greer, rendering a "play" in Ontario towns, gencY Fund for the North -Weal. It is Mr, and Mrs. H, Park spent Sunday ver citizen of Wingham shnnld is giving tip farming. Sale at one side, who was out of town at the time. English History. and giving as a prize a ton of coal, said that this is not only the largest a- . - so in Ripley. E Y fi Now, users than one citizen is willing mount ever iven b patronize the new Flour kind Feed o'clork ; terms, ten months credit,- Miss Ross who was in charge of the Dr. T. Chisholm of town is the g y any single but the Store in Ohisholm's Block, where you Joseph Hogg, proprietor; • A. McEwen, residence at the -time, is well known for that troupe to "play in his back dist congregation to missions, but the In 97 townships statute labor has - P in Wingham, author of a number of historical Slit' yard." lar eat amount ever CIAU can procure goods manufactured in auctioneer. See posters for par- gham, as she resided here for in ues in good rhyme. been abolished. your own town, g g sure, They not only * g given for missions, y titulars, many years, She lost nearly all her show a thorough knowledge of En at ore time by any church of any deno• clothing,g g g' -Sault Ste. Marie has an organiza- Mr. Jno. Kerr spent a few days last Mr. Howard Alexander, late of Win- Removed. etc, also some valuable jewel- lish history, but are most entertaining. tion known as "The Dirty Men's Olub," urination in Canada. . week in London, ni a ,bas bean sagas ed to ro resent tery, some cash, and at number of y y ago, composed of workmen of the You vannot be too articular in p g g P Patrons of Drs. T. and J. Chisholm They were written man ears a o P 11 W. J. Chapman in the maritime pro- pictures she prized very highly. This but recently, the doctor has had theta MONEY TO LOAN -At 4 e c%t0osinlf a Tcilet 50a , as a great FOR SALE. -A fine large store.-Ap- p P will find them in their new office (near was one of the worst fires that Hunts- y' share, They meet once a year; ; we improved farms. Easy t P r cent. on ply to J, J. Homuth, 'Vinl4h=am, winces, and lett this week for Ra]}Tux. residence on Patrick street in the printed. This week No. 29 and 30 suppose that will he in the evening of aprove y terms of re- many skin troubles are caused by ville has had for some time; the resid• y ,expenses light. A pl A, injurious ,Soo s. We haus "Good" Mr. Chapman's gloves find sale from have been put in pamphlet form, and general wash da u g Real Estate and oan 17 Alias M. Mason of Blyth has been rear of Hamilton's drug store. The encs was completely dextro g y Imo e, Y the Atlantic to the Pacific. P Y sad. The suit$ the author's permission we give * * * Agent, hent Block. Sona s dr office is divided into waiting room, fire began in one of the bedrooms. 'P f visiting Mrs. Jas, McManus. g them to one readers on page 5. No. 20 Halsey Park's advertisement an- two consultation rooms and dispensing -It coats something to run this More for a dollar than a dollar will is on the Revolutionary War, and No. 5c a cake..........3 for 10c Mies Buntin of Pickering is v)sitit+g nonnces an auction sale of Jewelry in icons. It is both convenient and buy elsewhete, at our Olearing Sale of 30 on the "Death of Wellington." country. According to the public ac- 10c a cake ......... a for 25c _ her sister Airs, R. A. Douglass, order to reduce stock. Sale begins on comfortable. Dr. Chisholm has won- Hoots and Shoes, -W. J, Greer, counts for the last fiscal year,.Canada's dPrfull improved the appearance o£ One of the best of the series is the .l..r 0• '• • 15e a cake........ 3 for 35e Alias Annie Abram left on Saturday January 24tb, at 2.80 p. M. J. H. y p' pP bill for the vibit of the Duke and FIavill,the'•Jeweler•s' auctioneer Icing" the property by the erection of his Smaller Yet. "History u England a One Hundred 35c a cake.........,i for 1. to visit her sister's in Kincardine. Lines." Pupils in tate schools of to- Duchess of Cornwall and York was Wingham Popular 35e a cake of Hamilton will receive the bids, residence and office. Referring to the item in last week's $462,'281. The Colonial Conference in g p lar CoriCert for afr1.00 issue, regarding day should memorize these entertain- Course. George Ansley i Dresden spent this Lowson, Harvey & Brocklebank of WANTED. -An improver, or a tidy g ding the very tiny baby, ing historical dialogues. See page 5, England and other coronation expen- Guaranteed not t0 be injurious, also week at his home in Lower Wingham. Y Mr. Henry Davis, of town, gives us a - see coat the Dominion $20,000, The g the Wingham mills have opened a ixering man good as whentth ought example of a still smaller one, this issue, coronation contingent cost $20,07.., and Shelf Brand Castile Soap local exam . Smoke the "Kim," Kipling's latest. - shop for the sale of their flour in the Apply Young's Barber Shop, horn about thirty years ago to Mr. and At Ninety-three. the Plains of Abraham $80,000. Dam- The Boston Ladies Made from Pure Olive 011. For sale at the Star Restaurant only. room .formerly occupied by Dr. Chis- Mrs. A. Boland, formerly of Wing- The following from the Bruce Herald ages and costs awarded to Messrs. J. Symphony Orchestra Fred. Johnston enjoyed a visit this ! holm, as his office. Mr. Watt will B siness Block Purchased. Tram. Mr. Boland was a Councillor of refers to the death of Mrs. Wynn, and C. Noble, Uollingwood, amounted Y p ,y n (1 y ( j week from his brother, of Fernie, j pleasantly greet the customers of the Mr. Geo. Mckenzie has disposed of. Wingham wlwn the place wore village nolber of Air. Geo. Wynn, a respect- to $18,503. The census cost $793,301, Walton V lbbVll I firm, his block on Josephine street, oc- clothes, and Mrs. Boland was a aiSLer ed citizen of Wingham :-The death * OPERA HOUSE, B. U. cupied by R. A. Douglass, druggist, of Mr. Geo, Green. The little girl re- of Aire. Jane Wynn, relict of the late .a Phtn.B. Mr. Harburn, of Carberry, Aian., The E. Berliner's Grarnnphones for D. Ai. Gordon and J. Galbraith, mer- furred to weighed led one and a half John Wynn, of the 2nd concession of What the Testate will bila$ forth Wingham, February gtitlr. $15,00 Land up, at the Star Restaurant. fi Y in the way of invention, no living tuns rile guest of Mr. Kerslake last Gramophones For parties or entertain- eluants. The .purchaser is Dr. A. J, pounds at birth, and was so small that Carrick, tool: place on Tuesday of last person can even conjecture. With Matt open to subscribers 5th, Next door to Post Once. week. nients at reasonable rates. Irwin, and the price $9,300A.t is a bet- friends did not attempt to dress week at the residence of her son Chris• ion distance telephone, wireless tele- at J a, m, paying business property, a tva s pc• fi P To the Pubic on Feb. 6th Plan at - fi P P y Y her for a while and the little one was topper. Deceased was about 98 years 1 y, power transmitted H. Park's Jewelry Store, BIRTHS. * Robt. Morris of Waterloo spent Sun• On Monday evening, while in Ep- cupied at good rentals. Dr. Irwin carefully laid in cotton batting, and of age, and had been in very feeble many, miles efro n its source, railways SEE LARGE BILLS. day with his family here; he expects worth League service, Willie Connery has no intention at present of remov- placed in a match box, beside the health for the art ear, beim confin. Spard, I❑ Lusk, Wyoming, of , on Jan• soca to remove to Waterloo. was taken ill and tell in a faint, sGrik- p y g and electric cars speeding their way _ _ 23rd, D.x, Sperling, of son. in his head $scull against a door. ing his own office from its present lo- stove. When she was six rmonths old, ed to her bed daring that period. She through tunnels under rivers, and iia- Tickets - 50c and 60C. JUST REcEtvED-New spring Prints, g Y g cation. His tenants will Sad him an a teacup would cover her head and leaves to mourn her death, three sons, Maag ti ke - fn iJhDross Goods and Carpets. -at IsARD's. He was taken to his home, and meds- agreeable landlord, rest upon her bhotrldrrs. and au oidia• Christ° her, Geor e and Robert, and neaLh populous cities, one may well _ _ 25th Airs. T. J. Macal aid summoned. At time of writ- P g ask -what next.? It begins to look as -- The `Young Ladies' Fortnight] in he still feels the effects. Curling. cry man's thumb nicety filled the three daughters, Mrs. Anthony Wynn, Mahler, -In Winghy g, though the problem of aerial nayiga- ANNUAL MEETING, wife of J. P MahleClub" will meet on Monday evening, A match in the "Dolts'League" teas sleeve of her dress. She grew up, Mrs. Rich. Harper, Airs. James Peter- tion ma y pet be solved. PassengerFebruary 2nd at Mrs. Irwin's. The ladies of Lhe Baptist church gave play ed bene on Friday evening, be• hocrever, and stili. Davis reuretubeis man. Airs. Wynu had baso a res}dent statist throe h the air dues not look DEATseeing her when site must have been of Carrick for nearly half a century, g The twenty-fourth annual meeting Gilmour -In Ttirnbe a "telegram social in the church on tween Hensall and Winghani. The more impossible now, than tvireless of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire John Gilmour, a ed 28 ears. Mr. Will. Kirk of Dungannon spent Thursday evening. Tea was served following is the score :- about twelve years of age. and was very highly respected by all telegraphy or long distance telephon- Insurance Company was held in the Elliott-Ia Mine Centre, 1 auuary22nd, a few days with his aunt, Mrs. G. E. from 6 to 8, after which a good pro- Hensall. Wingham. Not In Wingham. who knew her. Ing did a few years ago. We are so large and commodious Agricultural 0haf•}es, infant son of Air, and Mrs. Manners during the past week. grain was rendered. The evenings P. Stewart A. Crawford An exchange gives the following I have charge of Howson, Harvey & accustomed to wonderful advancement Hall at Dungannon, on Wednesday, Thonuts Elliott, aged 9 years. W, McKay g proceedings were enjoyed by those y caeca essay on •'Wutrlair," and it is safe to Brocklebank's Flour and Feed store, along all lines, that we almost cease to the 21st da of Januar 1903 There Jas. Maddigan and family, of Toren- Al. Ellwood H. H. Chisholm Y y y, to, have come to town. Mr. M. is an present, attd Clio financial results are A. Scruton- A. Alderson- say that the author is either a miser- Please call and give rite your orders- wonder, as each nety phase of develop- was a large and representative meet - reported satibfactory. (Skip) 12 Ski 9 Thos. G'; est• , mentis aannonnced. If, as some assert fn of the surrounding country, over CARETAKER WANTED. employee o! the Western Foundry Co. P) (Skip) able old bachelor, a disappointed lover, g Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, J. Habkirk R. A. Douglass or a married man who harp mode an Vneat}cies Pities.. the world 1s growing better, what pos. two hundred being present, all show We double your Dollars at our G..Joynt H. Jeffrey aw £ul mistake in pia choice-' Tho sibilities are }n store for the future 1 in an interest in rho welfare of this The undersigned will receive tenders Clearing Sate of Boots and Shoes.- Oculist and Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose, F. Smalley .. ). Buckley It is reported on good authority that g W. J. Greer. and Throat will be in Wingham, Mon Dr, Sellery- E. McAlpine- woman is the female of the human g On the other hand, if the world is get- large and prosperous institution, for the caretaking of the Methodist alter beim four pears vacant, Huron g P p day, Februar 2nd, Monday, March (`Skip) 21 (Skip) 3 -race and wins by as short head. In ting more wicked as some affirm, one The President, Mr. John Ballantyne church, up to 1• o'clock noon on Wed - bead. Y y Registrarship has been tilled, and i'ky shudders to think to what all these in- occupied the chair with satisfaction to be ascnesdaertained nedion applc ationitos may ± Miss Rate Frifogle of Tnrnberry has 2nd, Monday, March 30th, Monday. (), p, p, F. the human racy wan gets scratched. lacy S, Scott of Sr,tssels is the iltcky P been visiting at Mrs. W. Forgies, May 4th, Monday, June let, and Mon- Wingham Council of Chosen Friends Woman's crowning glory is het: hair, m+ua, Els hags Geon a hard worker fur ventions may yet lend their aid, and those present and credit to himself. J. GREER. On her return, Mrs. Tangher accom day June 29. Office at Campbell's met on Monday evening and elected fart of her crowning glory ie alsually the I:,ibeial patty, and naw goes to Ilia render pussible. „ a- The Secretary -Treasurer and Gen- r, C. Trustee Boar . parried her. drug store, Wingham. on pro- the following officers :-Chief Uouncil- on the dressing table and fragments reward -a government office. The sem'- _- - ` ural Manager of the Company, Mr. J, K erl fitted, for -T.. Hall; Vice -Councillor -A. J. care in the butter, Do not go home office of Count Crown Attorney, re= Ai. Roberts, citric as Sacretar The North Grey and North Ontario P Y , Y t TORONTO'S FIRST NEWSPAPER The minutes of the last annual meet - with another woman as town}n for Notice fon Cr bye -elections for the Hoose of Coin' Cook ;Treasurer -A, Ross I Recorder- t? g glory cenUy trade vacant h the death of n one are expected to he held early $141Suit for $10, with good tSuit rims ings J• B. Fergarson ; Marshall -S. Mitchell; sticking to your coat. Woman con. Mr. Lewis, has been given (if report is- ing were road and adopted, next month. made to your ot•dew, and to suit, at Warden --Mrs. Cook; Prelate -Mrs, A• siders she is the ornamental portion cor•rec t) to Charles Seager of Goderich, The Toronto Daily News of the 20th The. Directors annual report and In the matter of the Latat Robt. Alaxwell'd. Come quick and got Ross; Guard -M. Beckwith; Sentry- of the universe. She works hard- Of coarse, Goderich Must have some- inst. contained a long and interesting Auditors report were read and upani- Denman, of the village of Bluevale, Mr. Rogers, brother of Mrs, Morris, your choice. F. Roderus ; Auditors -Dr. Irwin, H. with her tongue -.and Haver stops, thing of everything on the Govern- sketch of the early newspaper°press of »toasty adapted. is rho County of llmoaa, Married was removed to Clinton this week; he Davis. The Council has sixt seven That's perpetual motion. Wotnan is trent late, including Tod es, M. P. I'., Toronto, under the heading "The days The next order of bnsiness was the Woman, doceased. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott, of Mine Y p g' g Notice is hetet given pursuantr to the has been an invalid for several years Ventre, Algoma, are here this week membare in good standing. Visitin ry great hunter and chases sense poor harbor contracts, officials, etc„ etc, of few Pipers," by at former Toronto election of three Directors. Al r. John y g Revised Statutes of Ontario 1897. Chap. 120, from paralysis. members welcome. The re alar meet- chap until lie proposes to pity her our advice is w•grtli something, but if journalist, Mr. William Hatlley, now of R• Kaake, Mit John Griffin and Mr. that all creditors and others having claims on a sad mission. Their only son, g board and lodging for Lila rest o her Chita o Jaques Giry}n against sloe estate of the said Elizabeth Den- WANTED,-Heav Cast Iron Soca Charles, aged »ins years, was taken ing night is the last Dlnnday of each K g f f Ilan. Q. W. Moss had Iuentioped the Lr , We make the following ex. ,the retiring Directors, moat, who died on or about the lith day of Y p' , month. life. $he than says, Phis ja so s;Id• matter the wot}]d have $luso it free, tracts „roar the article referred to, vera again nom}Hated and elected by April, A.n. lma2, aro required on or before the Highest Cash Price Paid. The Wea- ill on January 21st, and died the San," unci tyle Man is booked. Elle as 4 d Navin teterenee to Thomas Iiolmes acclaamatioq. Air. Alpr an Dalton° day yto Moearriitoldngo 0& Holnicsb pest tern I'onndr Co.,Ltd. id recd, i en ed J, A. Morton cif , g p Wing• Y following day, and the sorrowing • We have opened a Flour and Feed bas three objects in life; 1st, dress ; Rs an esteemed resident of our Mr. John Reid who has been Tress- parents brought the remains here for; Store in Ohisholm's Block. Please call 2nd, dress 3rd, dross. She real! has Wingltatp fol' Votlnty,Crowin Attor- q•. and bir, John Wilson were re-elected ad Solicitors for the Administrator et rho said agtate their Christian and snrnnmos, ad. interment, Mr. Elliott is a son of i and leave your order. -Rowson, liar- > y Hoy. lie would have made a faithful town :- auditors. dresses a nddescriptions the full particulars of another object -her busland-btithes At a subsequent tlaodretainaa, these urity(statement tthei)holdbythem. of Stanley township for twenty -sive Charles Elliott of town, and Airs. v c'y ` Brockleba»k. j official, and, besides, he )las done a lot The first daily paper in Toronto tens q teat meeting of the the naatare of the security (if any) hold by them. years has decided to retire from the an olject of pity. of work for the L,iberaal art that the Colonist, also published weekly as Board of Directors Mr. John Ballan• And further take notice t at after the Bald Elliott, a daughter of Eli Elliott of For Boys. party last. mentioned ditto the said Administrator duties of office. should have been r•ecp niged when the British Colonist. Hugh Scoble, Lyne was elected President and Mr. wilt proceed to distrdbuto the ns nits of the do - Mr. An English medical journal, Health, Howson, Hawes .Ss gilled shank, at g the ostensible editor, was a lar Finlay Anderson wits elected vice- ceased aniong the panics entitled thereto Mr. F. G. Sioarling rejoices in the says •-A medical man recentl struck a $retic Pxpense, remodelled their mill there teas a vacancy to be filled. Titers large man p having regard only to the elahns of which he Mr. Thos. Holmes went on a visit to Y last summer, and are now fully satis- are pinins an t1le Qoverpglent lgnt- and a gooddeal resembled Geo, Brown. President. shall thea have notice and that the said Ad - advent of a grandson, born to Mr. and with the large number of boys under p minista,ttov wiil,,not., be liable for the said his sou Dr. Holmes of Brussels on Tues- g Y fled, after several mgnths testing, shoat tragi, but apparently not Auou It to n The Colonist had ninny contributors, s, The Directors report was to the ef- assets or for tiny part ti er6df+to an parser or ,` Mrs. Dr. Sparling•of Lusk, Wyoming, fifteen ears of age whom he observed the can rodnre flour ec cal in ❑alit. Pp y g g ersous of whose claims notice shall not lava 11 da While his son Richard Holmes, Y g Y P y rouud the crowd. One of the editors for a number of feet that daring the past year the a, on January 23rd. y' smoking, was led to inquire into the to anything on the market., and offer ears after the ertvas made a daily Company had issued 1092 policies coy- dtstitbuttou d by them at the time of cash barrister, was assisting his father on the it confidently to the people of Wing- y p• p y The annual meeting of the County train, he found a well-filled purse con• effect the habit Karl on the general ha,n. They have opened a Flour rind tel ew quarters. in 1853, wits Mr. Witt. Lowe, who had ening risks to the amount of $1,402,000 Dated the 22nd dap ot'lanuarr, A.D. 1903. Aran a Lodge of North Flacon will be health. He took for his purpose Feed Store in Chisholm's Block, he Uom}nioq $ant is now lac+ttad £orraterly been connoctecl with the for tulle$ was received $56,892 fn pre- DIORINSON K HOLMES g g taiuing quite a sum of money and two thirty-eight by s, a ed from nine to + Solicitors for said Administrator held in the Orange Hall, Wingbam, return tickets for Lucknow, Mr. Hol. Y g on the corder, in Almon's block, where Montreal Gazette, and came to Toron• mium notes; this added to the amonut on Tuesday,Feb. 3rd, fifteen, and carefully examined thein, on Forecasts. premises have been specially fitted up to as a Parliamentary correspondent brought forward. from the previous -_ ---. ---:-.-: mea at orae made an effort to f}ud the In twenty-seven he discovered injur- Rev. Irl !licks forecasts pat t of Feb- or the ur ose. The entr•aance is front for that loser and tiro purse and contents were f p p paper, Yoker made a maximum amount for I Mr, and bars. T. L. Jobb visited their soon restored to the owner, a lady from tons traces of the habit. In twenty. ruary weather as follows :-Iurportant Josephine street by massive oak doors Thomas Holmes (also a represents. the past year of 428.1 policies, $6,60#,- ',, ,, .!` ' d ht M H 'W d f W•11' t th a t' ' d' d f th th' k ' d ang er, ra, ono s o t ta- Lucknow, wile expressed her griltitudo won ere wei ersous tact ers o e tags to eep an min , m connection into the vestibule, from which a plate Live of the Gazette), a tall son of Tip- 158 of risk and $208,671.11 in premium croft, last week. Mrs. Jobb remained to ckt Holmes. circulation and digestion, palpitation, with the forecasts, storm and weather glass dor adr4ilts the oustonlors to peraary, was tile flews editor, generally notes, from which was deducted the -----THE---- there for a short time, of the heart, and a more or less decid- for Pebruary, are that a Ventle pertur- the busineas place Proper. To tine left having complete editorial control of cancelled and expired durinfi the year Ladies' Cloth Jackets and Men's Our annual sale of Dry Goods, Man- ed taste for strong drink, In twelve hation coverts nearly the w110i6'of the - is the rltaaaget's 1•oom, separated from the paper. leaving 3187 policies, 111,2,52,373 of risk , Cloth Coats at half -price, -The Wing- tl,s and 2OHone is now and on. tints' $ there were frequent bleedings of the month, while the Vernryl eQuinOx the ptiblie entra,nee by it plate glass At the time of the Crimean warps and $163,,Ja;.fi2 in prewhim notes, less Corner y1) y1Q ham Trading Co, $ 1 , + g . , nose, ten !tad disturbed steep, and itleets scud cottlhtnes with the Venus door. The Savings Bank, Paying Tel- social fad was under discussigll: It the assossnient of the past year which Corne Drug Store 13 50c. 60c and wool 75cStylishench Vl puns, ass, twelve had slight ulceration of the period from about the 10th to the end ler, Ledgerand Collection departments was "moustache and a aptirMOtlstapho,n amounted to $0,852.25, leaving a prem- I AIr, and Mrs, James Ford have been worth $10.00, for $5.60.-G, ` KING. mucous membrane of the mouth, of the month. There facts will not are clearly indicated. The woodwork Mr, lJolllles tip to that -tune was clean }um note capital on hand of $160,700, - spending is few weeks with relatives which disappeared on discontinuing obliterate or change the regular storm is heavy, ail of lluarter cllt ok}k, in d1111 ahaaven, but he loan developed an on. The assessahle face value being jg the Place t0 et nater St. Helena and Whitechurch; the use of tobacco for sortie days. The periods, except that the regular peri• 111A,411, The i myy n4 mounters are ormoit:a beard and tatoustiaclte, Before $170,001.1)2, g they returned friday last. Wood Wanted. doctor treated them all for weakpess, ods will all he prolonged And intensi- silmnounted with handsome copper 1853 feiv people but gaLn,blers, chitty The expenses of management cont- Everything that is On Friday last Palmer Morden was Will those who promised to bring bill with little effect gnUt the silio4ing Qed by Vengs and Iltartli. The month grill work, not only pleasing in Etppear- people anti Frenphnieti wore moneta, pared with number of policies in forest - working at the Station, and ruptured the AuyANCtU wood on account, please was stopped, when their health and will open waarat and tllreatening• cosset but ailbstantial. The Teller's cage rhes, hilt Air. IIolmes converted To. show the average cost per policy to be Pure and Fresh in the ligament of one leg. It is likely to do so AT oNcrq, as a supply is required, strength were soon restored, blgou is on celestial eilnatar on the Istl is evidently well safe•guaavded; respon- ronto to the new habit. 33c, somewhat less that one half the lay him tip for some time, and we want to know how much we We are not always advertising J off, tending greatly to errcite electrical Bible as he is for the casli, every pre- The Uolonist clid not then support average cost per policy throughout the can rely on, before securing sufficient or selling at cost, as we have to make storms in many places. Disttirhances caution 114s ltcerl taken fqr Ilia piutec- stwh a modern institution as a city province, Witt. Clegg and principal Musgrove for the season.-rllayAVOE Oflja0. it living, and cannot live that way, but will contintle uutil ahoilt tyle 41,lt, tion, The vault is one of the best; its editor, Mr. Wm• llalley was inatilUed The receipts from all sources were are in Goderich today, asking the in r e elate pi.pco keep tv}flood, clean, ,tip to. bringing Ileavy slips, tilrning later' to cloors and lining of chilled steel wonid fu that position a short, tittle after. $12,277.30, The expenditures anti 's -M 9 - j,s County Council for an increase is the gat and izet HAW. (aur custolpera of last snow Over niuch of tho country, A apparently defy any burglar's (1011. wards, A shorthtynd reporter earned burgaments during the pear eALOF ML Continuation Class rant. The Tlrusscls Ilerald gives the fol- paar'ac ska.les will tell ynu thr valla site STO111t[ 1U110D To WATC11 is four r S Y y' 7' ' The safe inside is a handsoule Niece pf '.•o11i11 wits employed, and he was also $7,535.61 leaving cash in 13, lik an - , r 'm S UIa SArr-12 acres in Town Plot, lowing examples of longevity 1 -"Per- got 12-liobtAla>E4 Suits irslt$10, $16 Suits fbr about Sunday the 8th to Thursday the ttterhhnisut,wttl} ti410 1pck,eto. 14very- parliamentary reporter for the Globo, hand to isle arpouut of $•,' i The F hops the Central hotel can boast of 11Itb. The clays of greatest trtolel) ttlmg betokens gPrilrity. Tile floor of with which paper and the Leader the assets Of the comoany 11 •rr, to tlist class condmile f}ort. Wi orchard l less having th•1ttVo oldest people undorana t - will be on tang touching the IQth anti the o(Iices will lie covered •with cork Colonist was finally merged. $102,291,45, The number of; josses ad- ` than one mile from Wfnghaut.--War. roof. Titey are Mrs, Thos, Mullo 11th, PA11 er 4 pa Po•rz'1;Ia. Wingham. I8 1 y- NOt1 is the time to get FIIr Coat$ g oil.ly ilig]} t)alas will he carpet,and the building }swell lighted• It is believed that 111r. ThpG, Holmes jttsted doting the year past were 63, whose hoine is a little nortll of Wrox. and (tapes at bargaain prices.-- Tho most naturgl, with strong probabilities .lir, Gibson, the manager, and his stair of Wingl)am %pa Air. Wqr. Halley of trine of which were eauo%d by fire .14, L. Hamilton. Mullett council has purchas%a the eter, but who has been is boaarder at the Wingham.Trading Co, of seismic disturhancep, and heavy ;Lie gontleipunly :vucl aGegiltoalatirtg, Clilell pare silo 011ly tW A attrVivACB bf +amounting to $30flti 6:y, slit etnafning ATemperance hall in Lon&aboro front Central for some time and is tinder Mason kens the lar eat stock Of tropical stgrnts in ilia south, Violent ,and tllo bils4less of t11e branf;h is do- the editorial staff oaf the Dail and 5t being by lightnin lite Good Template. It will be over. 1 p p g y (e atx$50-1 ]ng h, P the medical treatment of Dr, 1lolniea, SclioolElu i Lias for thea opening. -Send rains Inky be expected getlerally over valoping uuder' A1P, Gibson's careful Weekly Colonist. bi708.09 or au average ti $,O,IO each, DRUGGIST and fitted tip do A township hall --aged nearly 102 years I and Airs. the children, southern and central parts of the court- gniditnoe, _ _ - - the w4jority of saiLle be , ig forgultmals where Bill council meetings will be held George Brown's father, John Ender, try, while a boreal eotinterpact ]u the killed, scilla few being t' daruage to and other burfness relating to the aged s)D years. Seldom, if ever, can Dr. Butler, apectaliat sty diseases of feria of a (urians sutaw•atnrtn laud bl(x- SbttTcalITIriL 7:iLIa.- 1varythiug in Anr'rtoN SAlLr3,•1'hos, Brown, aha- r • ' T eye, ear, nose and throat. Cyee tested winter Boots :and Shoe's innst o at tioneer, ref Seaforth, is re creel to at• buildings. 'ictal Cassa paid $6105,31. Y 1 I G y A- atfa)rs of the township transacted in two people of such an advanced age and atasses sulyplfed. Offlcis ryppoaite Zara from the west and north need not soute price. Bargains in all linea at tend sales•;n this vicinity. prepared at Ad. The Company looks nrward to an in- future. be found under one, roof. St. Andrew's church, London, OntY surprise any reader. our Clearing Sale. ---W, J, Greer, Mance ofilce and arrange date of sale. creased bustuess fat' -e elasuin , $year. -,,