HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-15, Page 6...."', - 1 -1-17 ..... -111.1- 1. I I � 101111AAW" �, ,,, ,I ,, .� ! WV40K-'�-W­V0W"W^-~ ��, �,��, ­"-,""� , ), " 1 "I I 1. ­­­­­�. , ... I - � - . I . . .. . ­ 1. __ ., i . - . . I I .1 - 1, I . 1. . . . , , , � ,. � ___T�l I 1�1!4. , __ " ,-.-. - - I—— . ­ � .. - I—— 1� "i. -1 � : � ,� .. I I 1; _v�__ , 11 I , - -, _ I.... — ,, . . I I I " . - I , ""'' ,� ___,.___.,____ - ."".- ___ , , ___ , - , . - '', . ll... " - � 1, , �., �, , , ,� , '' I.. , , __ I r*#_";f.A";?.0".1"JI`1%-1_0"l�9r3 . . P tou'vil hor it gety'It. ebalup. 11 til Jiaf,.sed . � I . . , . I All the AcciessorleS. . III ovvr lier, u, change iiii j�vvat, No && n ISSUr44 NO, t3x 19011. L marked, that thero waK sto iril-takIng WM so : New York World, How to Get Rich,' . Its nivanbig; and, breaklu:.e, Into it � " . .11 It I ,�. " . " 7.,�- - � __:_�_! - FOUR GOOD - I 111 I Wati c0milig along New Jorsey 'Take A — - . . , ,,, I;_ - I . flood of pat;Nioiiate tears. whll,� her Lost) Uf F10311 : avollue tile other (lay," said $au� one-fourth quantity Of silica costing 348. w1nolow's boothing S:-'ru.y, Amiuld . the price of oil; mix At always be used for Children TectiIng. It faco meltect from Lt& stoa,v ilghil tor Pubols, Iland I sii,w two little wit 9 ftcgum,4 ourciviltil SHORT STOR - 'J- : to 11111111 -to lovo anti tenlivin"S131, 81?1 h 011, And sell the compound to coothir , I 08 the 0 ill 40 tt I 0110 n two 1; 001to IES - 'f,aal,&"I'",�- �-, 4.,I,,,�,-�.e , i bO.V14 Playing horse, as I thought. the d $9 edt ropriav V6r blarrik":4. �__ — � el'i8ped lier 1141108. wift w1l:,sirf'red I Public At the prict of pure oil ; � - __ ____ J /9 0 � fQVvrIshly, but with tha arciul, of When you can't eat break. I 0M) DOX Wa% III A small cart and offer "Prizoo" with the compound 1'ealltn." , tho other boy was drilkwhag him. to make it sell. It is such a TEN COURSES BY MAILprolvasiond 4L ons J,)y.- ,1. 4�.16,�O. y a -C, � 7W 4 � an alinust delIrl fast, take Scott's. Emulsion, I Tralling along NXILhid the cart came compound the public got when they thoroughly taught- Rx Ort Inotruetur's.,ladt- , ,,,� /I ,e ' 8 - 4i"?&-,�l 4, - ./ "Thank- God I Thank (Toil! Then It it most (11seunsola,tim looking little buy common soaps. In Sunlight v1dual attention. sell for hanilijonal eatti, T110 Now York Vulva Nays that At / 7 , was not you I T,Iloy told Ili, it was When you can't eat bread I ,,,,,a sigtor of one of tI It dinner party isoute Nv­l%N .190, 6 . I e for ticulars. oerrespondenco Do ) Farloy, the newly L-110,14111 - boys. I stopped the boys, whom I 0 1 V' lca�l 11 *. I X-1 ,,,oil I'm I to lbttle SOaP-Qotagon Bar-tbe public buy 11 1911t 0 14 N T RA s , I stopped back, stax-Ovd, flppeell� and butter, take Scott's I a pure an OUSINE63 COLLF . GE, TQro . pto '4'ro'bob'18h0p, kNiatotl tht'. FUIIU%VlIIV,' 4;Z�" '1// 4V,(-1- "Ite, 411IL't &11"*4e_., know, find sald to. one of them -. _d well�raade ooap. Sun- . - . � stor less, overwholined by it rash of "Tommy, what are yon playing?" light SOAP reduces expense by verf, town 441 y: 4 feelln-gs that Ili iny highly -wrought. Emulsion. When you have " "We're playing automobile,' re� prolonging the life of the articles WANTED, AGENTS 'n'u'do vil ago In t was hortly aftev I ,11 . : . P, li, 6 had boa Wood threw me Into it klud of frenz Washed 'with it, which is much mo Carreda, to sell made tonleftollre IIADIF 14ftde Vicar General or ',Nlonhignor- /Z IOG IgaAe7v . Drunk with the trmaRformation .�, ,been living on a milk diet and led Toaamy. 0 Profitable to the public, re -ults,,Tackota aTid Mkirts; good com lillost oils. "Well,, I askedf why don't yon than, com- 011rown Tatioring Co., Canada's LargiiaO Tall - I --,--. I yo%� Illy (143SRUJI: 111to fall-flt�dged 11OP0, At-4tor play, tcoo?l Mon soaps with "Prizes," ws ors, Toronto. . -.1 .- . - - - tl�e street. I ­ sd . I - 0 IVAS - t - I __ g( - )0d Old and no lolii�,er mastvr of myself, I want something a little more I , to ' t I : '8110 Is playing,' said Tommy. . - I I every town stretched oat it maduran's arins to Scott's . 1114110% the gasoline smell., I The Praye WANTED, AGENTS "' Will and hall boon It niomber of I nourishing, take rikil Ashimask. - and vifiage in . I Our Pariall church for years. Grasp- her, I heard my owil voice tittering 11 I Qhioagci Record. Canada to sell MEN'S ordered clotl0%; good 19 we by the haiiii, she remarked: I I . I words wild, Ilicohorent, without Emulsion. A BOON TO HORSHUAN I One bottle of 1. ,At Uya commissions; union label. CrowaTaloring "'Oil fa,thor, autt sure tile Loed __ ­_ .- ...­- .-.�.-.-------.,.--.-�.----.....--�..-----.--.-.--.--�--l-,-- se)jse or Weaning, that seemed to _ removed b A neighbor of mine out Co., Calladali Largest Tallors, Toronto. - 'Je4Jr;n1rtj ' ' I Blaglish Spa -vin Liniment completely as a inost observant youngster V I bless �Ou; I hear they gave, .you *�*q be forced out of lay broast, Ili lipIto To get fat you must eat a curb from my horse. I 'tal.0 pleasure, In I D, MAU11141) . . . . ,C%** of myself, trader pressure or' the recommending the remedy, as it acts with said F rancls Wilson at tire Players' man (without Ineutabrance preferred Lt rise,, Al mysterious promptness. in tile removal from Club, NOW york, tile other night. mustbe experienced lit gencral tannin Ana "I replied that lide luforinatioll -V e fralitio passion that hall burst Its fat. Scotti's Emulsion is a horses of hard, soft or calloused lum 9, blood care of stock, and be well recommoirtle(f; also bolids at the first unguarded mo- sp splints, curbs, sweetly, striles anti "Not long ago he said to Ills mo- - Was correct. +� * great fattener, a up y 11 nallf,loman. Aildroost Post Office drawer luent, and spoilt a.t Ono bluw.all my . great - 211.4, ther: 27, aurilton, Out. '"Well$' blio respon-iled, 'air' 1-111 rd -won, record of self-controlalid , GLORGI-� ROBB Farmer "'Motber, I think the mAu who Pleased for tImt; It's yourself Lhilt Markham, on't. dose -4'4- self-restraint, rzalo ilaa sprung to strength giver. said by all druggists, takes away cyar ashes Is the boot rvea the rise.' 4 her feet and evaded' my touch; but I 11 mAn I kpotir. I think he Is even bet- HELP WANTED "I thanked the good wonian Nln- ,,' LOVE'S EXILE. " 'a'a she stood at a littin distailloo Those who have lost flesh Glarin'x Misnomer. ter than father,' . Perely, and was abi>ut to leavell0r, *�_ * from me, liar face still Rhono with "His mother expressed surprise, Ladies and gentlemen, enloy your evenings when,. still hoil(ling my hand. site . --------- - the same radiance, and alia looked, Want to increase all body "At least, Afil;o 1111oklowell," said the , an4 asked wb,y lie thought the agh- nt home by making from $5 to 610 per week. remarked: 4* _* to qlly excited fancy, the very spirit . Scott's young man, Palo but firm, and stand- man better than his rather, Address, Willi two cen t atanvii, " 'And all I hopo IN that tire next " I&. .4. -A& 4& ,.i�p -10 t .& 4&- 4- "t, * IM *,t* " of tender, impassioned, exulted tin- tissues, not only fat. ­V,4-Wo11A-­6M� tile boy, *he came rise they give yk>a Nv',,Il Ila to lien- /%a 15; 4 Ing before her with roldea at,m,6 ,,J_ 100X 240, LONDON, ON111. 1111"V6_1TJ"�Vq,L`6V t -P%T1J61J,-V,6-V6-*J "V'V"\ man love, too sweet not to allur with A poor old mulef tire other day, yea.! ?I e, Emulsion increases them all, am entitled, to an explanation." and after he )lad fIlled his Wagon lie "I've Oine It. Ilvp dufaie It. I said - left'. it bare place In the hearts! of Ills too pure not to coramand respect. "I never supposed, Mr. Roxwell," I told the mule to got, up'. nut tlie I . . ___ 4 1 would and I've kept xxty word. I've friends wlten lie was gone. As I leant Tiliere was no fear In liar expres- bone, fle�hif blood' 'and .she replied, . . faoing him with equal I mule -was tivemd and would n6t go, Butter Wanted Not a fair. stories are told to done Lt, I've doxie it, I've done It." over his dead Wfly and gazed al.(tho sion, only, a shade of grave, gentle . I The man whipped the mule hard, biit Ifarrycholce I-poilud roll butterto offer allomw how glib-tougued lawyers are The trampbrig feet seemed to beat Still wJiite face by the light of the reproach. As she fixed liar nerve. firmness, "y6n. would ask me to even then It ivotiltl not -go. Then please advise by letter. choice large rollo are time to. tbe word,3. I had already file. lantern, I wished from the depths of solonin eyes .upon me, I stam- .. m%rry you." 0 1 that road man eat down on the Ingood demand. Wanted, it quantity Of - Sometimes outwitted by dall. all- tt ulslI,ea those cries when I started my heart that Ellmor had shot down mered and grew ashamed, and my F3r invalids, for con. I grass and tol(i the poor male all y ons 111,19 sA'd yi1plclied, Will pay 80 eta. a� likely witnesses. The followiing is a f"11%rd agalu, and (lashing round the man be hated, and had leftit this arms dropped to my sides its tile re- . "That, is not an explanation. Leav- P,0,�1'111b! f.1'r'ok, x gllwlred lit Toronto. - - oalle- III 'point: Ing out of the question the fact that I about Sams and the )lad placo.o 11 Consignmentfi and correspondence molielted. In a ,�Lls�puta over it rlght-of-WaX the, 11111910 Of thn road with a vague poor lad to enjoy a few yeari�jouger collection of the tragedy which had valescents, for consumptives, - Front St, Last, Toronto - I came close Ilia beautiful world lie loved with my expited spirits. ,Then she came a, period of a year or more,, which , gust Koerilg's Panibi�rg Breast Toil. . � the agent for the landloid who ob fear, at m'V heart, brought us here CRIH8 like a pall over you have accepted my attentions for I ir you a,re coughing, take Dr. An- J10UN J- FJIV�- 6� Jected to the right was cross-exi- upoll tile ��lld, weird figure of the such passionate ardor. for weak children, foi all . . 411happy madman, whom with his The snowfall bqQ;an to slacken as I round the table an her way . I I might plead a.s ample Justificat amining a venerable laborer, who I . towards .. -, - - , lat Off, and Ills long, lank hair toss- Waited beside him, and when Jook re- the door, and would have gone out who need flesh, Scott's for 111�y PTQSUnIPtiODV If you so c10,c,,_, I [low Scandals Arise. ;, -, "' '"" had testified that to his own per- ad an(] dishevelled, Was danalligan- turned from Ilia stable with TIm and without a wor4, I think, If the abject sidor it, In proposing marriage Buffalo Commore . fal. . a M C� b1cm I . sonal knoWledge there had beena Emulsion is a rich andCOM. youl I am, wholly a,,4 a Woo to undc�,�_, I A redglous p,iper published in Eng- � -"g-ER right 0OUthly In, the deep shadow of tile another man, tile rising moon was shame and i3elf-disgust with which I . . -0-way over the disputed troes and chanting to himself tile struggling out frotai behind the hung my head and slunk out Of liar stand the repugnance. amounting to : ,find malgois an explariation that land since he Was a boy of five. words we hfLd heard, on the ground clouds, and giving piTinitse for a fair way hail not moved liar,. to pity. I fortable food, and a natural horror, with wlileii you,have turned I showg tile misleading ellaravter of . BARRIS I "And how old are you now ?11 ask- at Ono side of him lay the isti,lan night after the bitter and stormy was afraid 8110 would not like to .me dow,mAnt I so diadgreeable, per- half-truths and garbled quotations. - �, ed the lawtver. VQII, and Itt tile other, close to the day. We laid my dead friend odi a pass me, savage beast as I had tonic. sonally, that ­a -ll ' . A rumor I.R�abroad In London that i 10 cent Cigar � :�E. Ight7-1IvO41l . shown myself to be, so I had turnedt "No� it Is' not that." she Inter- Our, minister at Canoribury Is about I . . bank which bordered the road on liurdle and carried him home to the ' otVs Emulsion for bone, rupited� covering liar face with it But sirrely you can't remember the iat, nlY-back to tho door and moved to- X Guaranteed Cleat, Hayttile, Filled . things wArich occurred when you, Was some larger object, Hall, while old Ta-ta. who had come wards my old chair. But Bablole was Or to rEmove to another sphere. There Js ,, ... _­­ .. .,..- ­.­ I I-— � Were which in the profound darkness I with. the men, snizfed curiously 'at flesh, blood and nerve. liande. "I admire you as a gentleman no foun,lation whatever for tile ru- — - a boy'of five eighty years could not at first define. With a our heels, and, designing something too noble -hearted to need any affec- . amd. esteem you highly as a friendf, mor. On the occasion of Mr. Craig's '__ . . � tations of prudery, and to see her old but can you not see -0, can you not 10 ago?" said the lawyer, in affected widdeli spring I easily seized the strange and woorui in our dark and return f0oux Ills holidays, arid in view �k,t!5h.�l,'�!�l-*,,-V-"26,,%.,.V$."qh, Nll;bi Incredulity.- . friend humiliated was too painful for C1%.___-_ We will send you sea2-vr)iy amy nearer tie is Impog- of lunatic, and held lilm: fast, while silent burden, folloWed with her sleek her to bear, . 1--�-----`--� a fxee sample. sible 2" ';- . . his winter's campalga, be preached A M ATEU R "'Deed an' I can 41r. I call mind Jack lifted the lantern high soas head bent to the glistening anow, and "'Mr. Maude," she called to we in' a , from the text, "I will .go In tile a year afore that, when your fath- to gee )its face. As the rays of only offered one wistful wag of liar "No I For the life or me I can't !" strength at the Lord God." An old er-auld Skinflint, as we used to light joll upon low voice, and the very sound of her Be sure that this pletum "Mr. T-loxwell," she said, with re- lady wbo was present wont home � call him—,) - _ me, however, Mr. tail to as'sure me that IS I Were sad, voloo, brought hoaling to my wounded In the form of a label Is on o, PHOTOGRAPHEn.) o' 14T,ha,t Ellmor, who had been too utterly well, I knew she 'was so too. self-eateour. I dtored calmness. "I had hoped there and s,Pal, "Mr. CraiW Is going." Ecirce will 'dO`- You may 90," said, bewildered by the sudded the wrarper of every bottle would be' no­AeoessIty for this ex- I . the lawyer. reddening, furiously as attack to I leaxnt from Jack that Mrs. B linter I turned slowly, without lifting my I the riniXor. �,, % " Increase the useruluers of -your earnpre # a tItter'ran round -tile court. make, sign at-- sdand, gave forth, a had met liar husband, an'd that, after eyes, and she held, out bar little hand of Emu slon you buy. plaarationi, but I can never, never by gettino a act of our Improved' -"got ;an awful wallopin' frac, I '01W cry, and staring at me with the manner of women, she had led for me to tak% � I SCOTT & BOWNE, marry, a. man with black hair and sb M1,nard's Llifluicat (!Ures Distem- � ALUMINUIL Jean StfirtI119 eyeballs and distorted him In and ministered to his bodlly "I am a great rough brute, 1) I - . grotepfluely inuppropriate a name a5 per., . $ MacInto,sIr__11 sliftkibg lips, stamMared oat: wants while taking advantage of his ,said, hoarsely. "R -is very good of CHEMISTS, . Rufus 111-ChIcago Tribune. , . "That'll do," roared the lawyer, Multiplying Slides ----.,, wrgthtully. "It's lie, he himself I Come back I -weak and abject 9tate.tom infIlot upon you to forgive in() vp Toronto, Ontario. . The Rights of the Court. . . I - - - ­:�q;5 . r cheating liar tiva-lear-auki Oil, aity God, I am carsed, curseil!" I'll" 811011 chastiseniont with her "You' axe our ��t friend, now and 50c. 'and $11 all druggists. HOW'S THIS ? Bufralo News. Makes six different pictures on 4 5 � . lassie 11 In the, surPrLse and fear these words voluble tongue as might well recoil- always," she said, holding her haad a . ,- . I plate. Call be 1UH011 In ony focucAlng "Do you hear ? 60 away, I say." LnBl)lrcd me with I released my hold, 0110 him to another long absence steadily In mine. She coatinuedwith ­----------­---­--_____ � We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for I In an Iowa court ,recently alaw:. carnera. Sample photo find price limit f Vy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by yer arg6ing his case ,becaxno very inailud 1114011 Tv'Queet. so that Ile mi,ght with a very slight from liar, But Jock thought that the an effort � "You: axe not hurt ; then CURE FOR A KICKING COW , all's Catarrh pure. 0 --'104A Q` the change of a 1;hrup- effort I earnest. Tlien lie imulsed a moment, pemny bit," concluded the venerable I !Y-713 SEQcCM himself free of poor wretch's wanderings were near- it, ie_.. F. J. CHENDe Y & CO., Toledo, 0. . witness, triumphantly, as lio' slow- my gras.p. But ho stood quite still, i ly over. Shie looked at me with eyes full of — 'We, the uxidlersigned, have known F. J I and said, "I see Yowr Ronor uhakes 513 Queen St.'West, f IY lert the witness-aboix. as If Overmastered by some pow'er, " I doot If 'a's earn will sea the awe bat she was prepared for MY There are 151any Prescriptions but the Cherig. for the last 15,years and believe him I yvar head abi to that statement, ,but S. VISE TORONTO. that lie did not dare to dispute, and i mornin' licht again," saki tl . Subjohred Is Recommended. perfee ly honorable n all business trans. ; desire to reaffirm what I have re- I # __ allOw0d himself to be transferred; gravely. "A speaks I' whisp a,n�i6r,. actions- and financially able to carry out any ,i ma.rked." The court ret6ited: "I 6,'%�'.9�,--*.�-W&WAb,.%�,%,,w-,%�,%,-%,,,%�'a I "Fabian," I whispered liliskily. ' 'An old farmor-old enough to know. obligations made by their firm. I from my k0eP1,119 to Jockfs without i shivers, and cries like a bairn. o +,,at +,�. _ to .are I WEsV a TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists, To. have not Intimated how I shall "Furilly how, women ,will isollieLlmes . I A' "He is dead ?" I scarcely lbeard the better-sa __I. _ _ -1A ,­ � ­'., + - 't lose their heads because or some im- 'Illy follow of reslatance. As soon Its must be verra bad, for *a' dospiia' worde as hir white lips , formed .1 J Leuo, V. i - " , I � I - _J mY I'MIlds were thus free the young'inind tire lady's talk." ' a7 -cow of kicking is to catch liar � 'IYALPING, KINNAN. & MAUVIN, Wholesale I decision shall ,be. Your '"marks are " .,-.�,;-.�'..,-�-...-.,-.,",�-....---- aginary danger, though the vlarlia HI,glilander Olently nassed me silo know T' them. I k by the leg just Its she is about to I Drq.-glsts, Toledo, 0. . uncalled fqi,."� 11 ):on shook yoili- -- -- � ---- 'I __*1 tile ' " And AXrs. Scott, doias 4'yefs.11 - Woman will face the real thing wit,h lantern, . I Hall's Catarrh Cars 18 taken Intornally,act- head,l) retorted the colirt. 11 Thilre . -re',s my w1ro, reception of amy defined, dread. I fell % says the poor leddy's crazed like, air' , ble, and PrIce-75c per bottle. Sold by all drugglets. � lake captain. "Now, tit( face of the system, Testimonials sent free. mr, and I reserve m .� Wild it rotived excl.teinent whiell PITOILided the I ''Aleester Ferguson WIJ liar,, aud III% only, while her eyes grow dark and as close to the hoof as posal litho fright to remove it In any man- If . ourlizising calmness," V7,136CII I took in a frenzy of I. Jook looked solemn and nodded. "God forgive me!" she said brok- kick, She should be grasped firmly,' Ing (Ilrectly upon theblood andmucoussur- N., a fly on my fox Instance. tiffie has been out wiLli �jnck It few steps antll tll,e I;ofl with sorrow and shame; then ifforsuia Health me In mom than one -wild lake blow� of the faint rayn'whana speak nor xmuvv�" the grip, must not relax until thol Hall's Family Pills are the best. not, Isee fit. Proccea IvIth yoar 1 i drawing her liaxi from mine, She kicking impulse Is over, Of course tl,e argument," I - alwAys behaved coolly 011 blarred the falling allow, the nofurtherdetail emember crept witir nolaclus feet out of the kick must be headed orf, as it Were, . In Days of Old. - . but' isho 131it I carried showed me, I asked no ra�we, a�d I r I - these occaslonii, and yet a couple of outline of thp i of that gbastly pro- room. . . . and not met half w,ay, nor evon - W- nard's Liniment Cares Garget .; _.. - dark object I hiad I cesfi!ion. I saw nothIng but Bablole's In dBys Of old, ths long ago, i , e . � weeks ago she went all to piece.i, fdready Peen oln (To be CoutlQuod-1 , three-quarters way. It IN a 900d - When blushing belle and dashing I hi Cows. .! / //Y , .1 , I though there wasn't a bit of dan, - It the white ground. I face, her eyes ImAing straight into � '. 1. .. , Idea. to got the hired man to accus- f . - wwFj the body of a nian, I )lad mine, full of involuntary reproach to " " b9au . I � � - ger. , We have been trotting about known that befoire); I knew no more,1 -13 0 OR tom himself to this simple fact, i eside I i I i me for having unwitting Drow roullia the cheerful Ingl Diceases of tire Writing Trade. A � - � I I - " I "I PEPSIA IF It .1l 19 - b.t at the same time it must no'; mosl of Christmast . . I the country a good deal for the last now; but an overpowering stokness; yet ,mother dilaster upoz .,.,. IDV.S , Th play the ga Ide, i From M. A. 11. � .. .. '. I _-1 . few months, and a short -Lllue ago and dizzlllrl,!�`; c4into upon me erguson met us as the door A publIc-olilrited association, anxious to be forgotten that a good hired inan "Diose merry games, wIlloh-cornme 11 , � ; woo were making it little water trIn olleve Blekness,will be Ild t.osenddygpti car easily be spoiled by careless in- I ault- , diseases � t. . " I I HFall, and told me, in a voleei whWh I, a I u I I I g pt"1111.1 I is one of the most important __. 01111MI. down, blotting ( t ti of tile r AI�My occupationk; have at 111910 ,Q-Q=�- �Vuucd-*O­Al� siglit from hero uiferera all Illustrated Oak expl to -h are more or less Incidental to 4 - _' -had to come re my eyes -_._ _. , (ILitress made.only move harsh and cause of (ITsvoilsia, au(I pointing out it care attention directions. We of to -day vote ratl;er slow . , Whic - ,_4n_gkiVs_ and we to .it Ing ra(� with the cowardly craving guttural, that Mrs. ElInver- had had It 11118 brO11,11t JOY and 110411th to 0011611,11015: At first it might be well to us(, Grandfatlior liever goUed, I trow, 1 theirl, and literature is not exeirliA. ' things for every farmer to 1 ' w"- i9tandstill for a few, momentfir. )V If 1� w� hq-VP 11,11 Of us known to, escape,1 thie. cottage I t is absolutt-ly free. Write to-dny. Do not a cowcatcher or pustdbly dn ordinary Anti "Bridge" wagliot tile social gl:,iLle The two mosL preVttleili; literary � - , unlocked, and had caused pass by this X�uerons offer. Addivess Ainerl- i consider. - I was beElde herself. I southed her front a -ii exi.-...tailoo wbaeli has brought i fli,es to be lighted there for the 're- eall 1-1pnIt.11 1111proN,pilleet AssaLlittlon, P. 0. fender together with a catcher's , In dayo of old. maladies are wrIter18 oramp an(] �% . ' . ap well Lqs I could, and when I cante it vennation 'too deadly to be I celAhova of her hasb.wid, Lh Bo-, W116, Boston. linnZ "d padded gloves, Naturally it I I swelled head. The unfortunate . to the conclusion that she was Nurfl- b4orne.. Rv or y Iliad inipuls . a I believIng thiat lie wo - . - . . will be well to conceal your appear- 'A qmlnt olrl age of callco, , thing about writer's cramp isthat - D i r, k's - clelitly calm not to go find janir. of the Pass"foln with I * ance from tile com as mucl: It Is never cured. The unfortunate � . overboard I went out, .for I Itnew . I ha(l Itttoly beell i.jra),_glln , which' trouble there, THE UNMARRIED PAiLLIONS. 61ble, because No I k " POS' I Of vulfflo, frill and furbelow, , I 1: thing about tiwelled head Is that It ; g ver,y "How Is Mrs. Scott?" I Lusked anxi- -#any cows are timIJ 1 An age of honest, s3iiible pride � - that' by looking down into the oil- vaigao wish, every feollfi,g of ejeal- 01ttely. - , and eabily soared by strange objects. (Wh'on grantlinamuni was ma , Blood Purifier -1 gina-roorri I could probably tell WbIlt Owl reRplitulent seeined to spring to Ferguson Answered tit a grating, O;lc.third More Bachillors Than Zion when the cow slIgh tly raiseg, 1118 ' brl, do a never kills. '10) ; - - Was 'lot 90110 life ilgalli In my heart, and turn rokv; . hoof andeldvers apprelion0vely along I I Minard's Liniment. Orres Colds, � will boild up a run down horse. " wais the trouble. I b whitsper. Sphisters in the 11iritcd S ateS. Tjiley danced, they kissed, and did not . I . moref than five minutes, 'out by shat to I)II ter, gilawing the ankle don't witit for further de- etc, . It tones up the -system, rids ! remorse. I "She weint away -by heri;elf, str- The fate of tile uneophistice,ted, know " J time she was up and dressed and think I inuot have stagggered as I when I told lier-let liar guess like man who declared Ili a public ad- velopincuts, but v;rasp the lower TUht m1orolins lrjrko5l In mistletoe. � 1. stomach of bots, worms and .- ready for emergencies. She IV -1.1i firtood, for I felt my foot touch same- flime thIng tha,t had happened." leg firmly and bang on for dear 1UP. A Classical Diploinatist. coining out of the istateroom iloor thillar, and at tile shock lay sight dress tlirvt there were "100, 7,4olm N. Hillia,rd, In Life. 000 sa- A mail nambd Mullins had a, kicking - . � i other parasites which under- 1 wbe I -They were taking Fabian's body to perfluous women in Massachusetts" cow of fourteen horse -power and . - . . Baltimore Sun. I - mine an animal's health.. 1. -n I reached It. She wag ne..trly came to me again, ,and I knelt I the 111LIe room where It used to steel) has never been definitely a,scer- . "I thought your wlWs name was � I drEfised, with the exception Of 1)(11' dowir in the snow, fellow ,,, I I during our. ye-axly meetings. As tallied. it Is known, . however$ that somebody told him'about the. grab- .. . Elizabeth. I . I 50 cts. a package, ; frock, w1ilch she had not stoppea "Fabinn, Fabian, old tile slow tramp, tramp up tile stairs this was his concluding Public de- the -leg care. Mullins told It tohis ' . & Co. 11%o, it Is." k ; . - i for-, ,bar pKticoat, I noticed, w -,Is called in a husky voice. - bagam, I opemed the door or my study clarat-lon on tbat subject. hired man. 'Tile hired man had'had! AIESSRS. C. C ,1111CHARDS I'Thon wily do you call her , LEEMING MILES & CO. . wrong side out, and her bonnet, HO Was lyllig on tile face. 1. put the milking stool kicked from under I Gents, -I have use�jyoirr AIIN'A,RD'S � AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. I . which, she had put On carefully, was and entered with tile subdued tread Without the fear or his fate, an- him several times and the failk pall T-INIMMWT In my tarrilLy and tilso P099Y T? I ­_ - . my firm under him, and turned MITI Iva Insthic Lively affect In the nel.-h- Other computer came forward re- battered into Aidrap, tin and lie said In in,y stableq for year,;, and consider 11,S.-Jiort for Vagasa.11 ' hind iside before, and on hor feot, over and w1ped the snow fronr ]its borhobd of those 'whom no sound cently to declare that the propor- -_ ­ 1. over bar shoes, hire had drawn a, palk, JIPS alld forellead. Ilia eves lie irould be glad to try tile re-; lit Ilia best medlelne obtainable. "What has that to do with' It?" *� ............ ..... ..... V_.�._ led girls aild women cipme. So be put on a pillow, for , Tharsitruly, "IN'lly, P,ogasaiis feminine far Pe- I I ,y did not' seem,.,; was o4i tile table, but had not, yet was Increasing. As it matter or fact . I of overshoes, which.1 reravinbeeed Ivielo opeli, bat thi: were will ever disturb again. The lamp tion of unmarr having seen her put way back under thp;v ]lad looked their- last on the I)e;oln tur-A - rl%l,. —11 _-r I 1 4- A; 1 A; i,ni.hi,, I- the a cheat protector and jumped for* ALF��D R1OCJ1AV, gasus?l : - . 4; 11 . 1 20 MILLIO BOTTLES .' I 11 MyEt C 8 B ea J - � tile leg as soon as 110 saw tile pre. P;roprletor Roxton Pond Rotel and 0 1 w, ,w�wOfiIAI*31L w6rId and oil man. lie blood Was the moon came through tile oolith I-Trilted States, and, as a veteran ad- . (EAvery iSt,hibles. . "Well, Pegasus Is an immortal SOLD EVERY YEAR. I , is When she wont toi bed, 11) A.I. "" " __.w___� and sh- a c6uVr-J1Vt hf,�b fished them gt.11l flowing ,from a bullet wound wt-ndow; for the curtains were al- vo-,a,to of the extension of the legal monitory nymiptoms. i . I 4 — oat again without a great ideal of just anflor ,tile .1,!St ribs, .and Ills ways left undrawn until I chose my- r1c-its of women has pointed out, - Well, fAr, lie went through the Roxton Pond, July 4, ,:Lool. steed." . . . trouble. In. each hand ishe carried bOdy' was not yet cold. self to close out the night .1 stable window as neat as yoix please, . "What of that?" . a 4�il - I . Itind- there are now In the United States . . .: I I 11-1, - W, bag Mad Mr. Ulliner, In the enowand scape. ,1,11.0 It taking the aash along with. him. . I "Slil 'Not so loud. She's In -the .1 1 I `Wife,' I said, 'if we have to go the darkness, had mistaken Fabian re was red and with. 2,5oo,000 more single men of mar- When Mullins reached him he was , . next room. Toix see, an lmmort-ai- I , " I out flame. I adva,nced as far as riageable age than ,there are sin- . steed Is hn everlasting nag, and I - � overboard you want to be isurearid for mo. Ile had sworn he would thla eing an dazed as a mudlark., Unforcernent'lin Any Event. there yoru are." . r I keep hold of both those bags, and kill tile mlill who should destroy Ills heartli-rug and stopped gle women, the official figures b If 'Neartliquako 2" lie feebly mut- . I I -1 i With. a great shook. On the ground as foLowe: Uninarried. men, 10,448,- . Wai;bIngton Post. - : 11 11 I am alraid -the water just along, daughter's happiness, and fate or a,t Illy feet, -omen, tared. , . 11 . . 1, I , � her head resting face 158; unmarried girls and w I here may be over your rubbers,.' fortivit-, or the providence which "No," said Mullins, "the cow kick - 'Phoro are a' great many people I , I "Blia niust have been badly scarna. has strango freaks of justice, had dowIlward on the worn sent of iuy,7,573,819. ad you." who don't know exaOtly what the I Lifebuoy Somp-disinfeetant-is strongly I i I.. '. I for ,she didn't sass me back. In half old leather chair, liar hands pressed The male population of the United "Low. kicked mel" the hired man Mailroo DoctrItiols, but* who are red . recommended by the modic&l profession as ' -, ..� .. ­ I I Minded his poor crazy eyes and an- tightly to liar ears, and her body States, through tile excess of male I ---- I '.. I,,, an hour we were moving along %gaiii, abled 11111T most tragically to keep dr,aw,;i up as It In great pain, was immigration and tire higher male repeated. "I wonder how it hap- hot for lts onforooment. ii safeguard against infocuious discaseaj .2 I '.. � '. . and wife quieted, down. But, I tell lite word. Babiole; pened 2" , . I . & ... - I ( !�'. 11 � you, It's funny about women even as I watched liar I birth ra,te, Is more than a million . . I " . I A � I that CHAPTER XXVI. saw that a rdiudder convulsed liar In exce,is of tile famale. The span of "I wonder ?" said Mallins. To prove -co you , that Dr. They AVerc Agreed, Dirt- I � �' TRAIM! Way.0 I But Mullins thought lie knew, X Chase's Ointment is a certain I � .. I atayod Wslde the body of my dead froill hoad to foot, and left liar its life is, on the average, longer for a though lie hesitated about, saying so Piles and abRolute ouro for each Philadelphia Pres.g. . I 1 - MAPK. ____ friend whilo Jack, by my direction, still no tile dead. Every curve of WOrUam than for .,. mail, and the and every form of italring, I .. - Regamling that "forlorn crittur" returned to the Hall witl% the an- her slight franie, the rigidtty oflier marriagouble age for women is sev- for fear of hurting the -�Ictlmiafeel- bleedingand protruding piles. "Pretty tiresome, lsn*t It ?11 re- % .... V .,. 'lie Was hurt enough at- the manufacturers have puaril t edit. Sootes. lngs�and n 0 . I marked the first man at a. reception. Happinoss Is the absenoe of pain, and mil- tII0 "golf- Widow," heretofore refer- hAppy ElImer, w1io had already fallen arms, tile evident discomfort of oral years younger than 'the over- � lions have been mads happy through being . ready. ( X timenials irr the daily press and ask your neigh - red to In this cofixurn as a favorite Into a state oX maudlin apathy, and liar eramped attitude, told me that ago for men- Wag that the hired bomwhatthoy think ofit. Youcianuseitand "It is so," replied the other. 6 cur-dbySTJACoJJSOtL0f RHEUMATISM, subject at satirists a,iid minor versi- Ivan crying, not from remorse,' but my poor e-lilld was a prey to grief As a. consequence of this the num- U-1110 trouble goqour money back If not curcil. 60c, a box, at I "I'd .sneak out It I could, but, my 9' 1166RALGIA, TOOTHACIM, HEAD- fiers In 1-3ag and, it appears that the rrom the effects of cold, Irunger and so Loan that the dread of liar turn- bar of widows Is very largely In ex- man Was so awfully cross-eyed that , iffl 011,10TS Or EDMANSON,BATES &' Co.,Toronto, ! Wife would got mad. Sbels a frientl N ACHt, I-AtIENESS, SCALDS, BURNS, Ing liar face to meet min cess of the number of ividowers, the 110 had grallbed the wrong Ieg!-� ti 6 SPRAINS, BRUISES and ell pahisforwbich joke comes from exposure on Ills now 'wasted, frame. 0 made a . Dri, Chase's Olntm�nt of re hostess." . Scotland. Uo allowed litm3elf to be led away 00,000 Cleveland Plain Dealer. � 9 an external rernady can be applied. it never coward of me, and I took a hasty figures bein.- 8,700,000 and 1,2 . . .. I "I'd sneak out, too, but my wife If falla to cure. Thousands who have been de - A fisherman notieed a lonely lady like a child, and seemed cheered and step backwards, intending to i.e. respectively. There are more di- l I .. . . ' would be furious. She's the liostoss.11 i clared Incurableat baths and In hospitals have sitting on a, rook at North Berwick, soothed by the proralso of food and Inorced wornen who have not remar Her Anxiety. 9 t1iroyin away their crutches, being cured after I wondered, as I watched him are divorced men, It Was everting on the Florida Mlinard's Liniment ?,Cares Diph- � US1119 ST. JACOBS OIL. Directions Ip eleven , knitting, ,and remarked to Ills coni- fire. matined me; my eyes were dim and ried than there - SENSATION IN had just thOrla. ' - , lanpuages accompany every bottle. � . tricat. Bat the sight of her ]lad un, panion, that's it lonesome lookin' stagger along by tile aide of the 8tal- I lost commalld of my coast. The bright moon I I . steps. I and for all these reasons the num- wamman. She sits on tile rook a, wart Highlander, that the spirit of a toutolie(i t,ile screen In my clumsy ber of single men of marrIagealmle attained 'her fullest beauty, and I 11 � CONQUERS, day aye knittin'; she never speaks ilot Ignoble revenge should have kept attempt, to escape, and To -to, dis. ago Is larger than the number of NEWFOUNDLAND her rays, dancing over the crest- (ireat Presence of AlInd. I . � . . to a livin' sawl; an auld maid, I Re vitality so long lit Ills breast In tulrbod from sleep, sprang up rat- shiglo women. . ad waves, leaped along the water Tit -Bits, '� : . suppose.,, spite of enfeebled reason, poverty tling Ills chain and . chattering in Now York it is 41.0,000, In Penn- � stralight Into the lovelit eyes of �, sylvania 180.000, in 01110, 120,000, Joseph Boone, Seven Years a two ,beings, who, entirely obll,,-' Tile presence of mind of an Impia. "Auld mald," replied the other. "No said degradation. , loudly. . I PAIN , liar; I ken liar fine. Iler man's a ,It was a terrible vigil tMt I was Bablole, with' it low, startling cry Ili lilinois'200.000, in California 150,- . I ous of all else, oat. together.on tlie at.nloue lover was illustrated re- 6 Hopeless Invalid, Cured bV I contly at a bazaar where thorewas 04�E-00�tt�C�K-eCCPM�COOO�*�0-,K�me.u.*Oa��I gowfor." Iceoping. lknow by my own feelings that was scarcely more than a 000, In Texas 150,000 and In Kansas . . sand, drinking in tha�i; .rapture . I This to a variation oil the story, that tile shock olf this tragic return Iong-drawn breath, changed her at. 75,000. . Dodd's kidney Pills wItich reaches its climax 0111Y at I a stftll for tile sale of watch charms. which bus done good service before, to liar ,�vould bo a hundred times titude, and -liar eyes fell upon me. in Ma,egaebusetts -the number of certain soai&iis of' tile year. * I "Oil, uoorge," . she said, !,buy me �. ___._ .. told lit the following colloquy: ,,Did more severe to Bablole tban If her I stood still, not knowing for tile unmarried men exceeds the number That morri1mg on tire beach Clar - a, charm." ' G I W I cl a fr tin at Aagolln�',_J I'Sarall," answored lie, 4(you have you notice who tho v two men were bosom ]lad been ,palpitating v�lth first momenit whether It won,(, or unmarrIed women by Only Lt 'a D s I rged a Hospital as Incitr- once =110way Ilad m - Tire lUiling Passion. who passed down the pa.th going to- svreet eXpeotancy or tile clasp of n frighten her least for me I thousand. In Utah there are 85,000 able, Given rip by Doctors -1 -le is Rallway Tor tlin Orst time, and too many already." � . . ward the links." . loving linsband's arraq. Instead cf the to diwaypear 11111seen or lot li unmarried men and 28,030 unmarried Back: at His'Worlc Again. now, twelve hours later,, tileIr love --....- � . . . __.. . � 'Ilia ruling rxi,selon Is strong In er see women of marriageable age. In Now litid buret Into full lit : There , .111 "I couldn't tall exactly. I saw passionate, yearning sorrow' of a that tt IV48 DMIY I. But 11-0 sooner yo%g girl's _' -' o.p"",�­ A-L - .0, 0�1.1.1­1 If �1,gw­., .. dLatl It Ili averred, and many stor- 00 them go by, and It Roomed to me they woman truly widowed, silo would feel lind she caught eight of me thaIn Washington, the capital, the number Cattails Cove, Nfld,, Dec. 29. -(Spec. was, howovers In tile u - . � leis aro.told to Illustrate the fact, � A , Rito turned an(] started up upon 11, n. is 42,000 and of single ' face a slight ,is were your husband anti mine but Par t110 far ,praplior stings of remorse er Of single me tal)-Among the ' lobster f1t;hermen shade of anxiety . I not sure." rione the Ims bitter tll,tt her conduct knees with a look upon her face women tile MIUC. silo moved slightly and gazed long - O'h Anniversary Not long ago a. young New Yorkoil "Thatla what I thought. The mail so .. here the wonderful 'eure of .Tosopb and sear chingly Into the eyesolthe � 4 L towards him had bIlan blitmelaRs. wild, so unearthly in its exaltation Why Tboy Mavried. , of good family ant] c-ducation, but on tile right looked like George, as X Ari for me., I rernembor notlilng but that my hPart seemed to sta,nd StIll . Boone, one of - holv number, has era- man who had just *dPOlared himself L prone, to dissipation, was taken In remember him.,' big Williancy, his vivacity, th0twillk- and my very blood to freeze wttl An e,dttor sent out circular letters ., I IS � 1,11 such passlonato tones. �, For over Farty Years "And the other certainly hall Janins' I to a large nurabor of married men 41, Od 0, Fiensatlon. TI ey look on It I - lIng lindwr In )its ploreing ey'eff as tho fear thoA the mind of the little and a,sked theni. why they married. approaching tho miraculous. "Lot me ba fralik with you, I ilian(I by )its friends, who, t1lought to _. walk." - the lady ]lad been -and the ,f,car," sho sald, "and jait because A curo ,him of Ills fondness for liquor he ,would Arldo ury and doWn unableto at Ilar.a a.ro soAxe of the answers. Vor eight years Joscph Boone was lit happens In tile Present moment 11 . "Yes, lie did; I wonder if they have ro0n, imarIng out upon any Inoff0ft- 6110ek of her husband's death. .1 didn'-rintend to, lie I Gray's Syrup by btl-ole means. They proctirml a changed much?" dre p�,.rtion or 011119 OVA ffiled In "Bablohl, Bablol',11 I Paid hoarsely; Because I dUA11% have tile expert- a hopeless Invalid. Fov sovon ioars at nature oontebutes to Nwell tho 7A coffin and the noixt t1ma ho came ' - __ tltr- �Jlglitaat reNpeoi to meal With and moved out at myself by my ter. onee I ainTo"now. [ vras unable to work. Ilo was. d1s. fail tIKIO Of On" sonttmen tall ty, lot ; Of , 1110 approv,,tl such vials olf ,wr(Vth an rible, fear, I can�tn back to 11'er and liar elitirged frain tire limapital after saven its not forget the hard, practical 1 Jhorno un(tor the Influence they dress- Whon tile Governor of Newfound- the lem excitable rmilt (if mankind stooped fund would have raised 1101. I married to got even with , ' facts of Mo. Twelve hours ago wle I ed: him like, a corpse, put, him III tho mother, but never have. months, treatnion-b as Incurable. Bev- . and now. Iva both i , land, Sir Henry Me(,lallum, K. C. M. Would rilservo for abandolloil scoun- 1111 my arms with the tenderness one Tjlv,ttg what I've Vc,efi trying for eral doctors trIed Ili valn t, giva were strangers, - Red Spruce On coffin, darkened the room, but plao- G., went ashore at a small harbor Ort,N'and nameleHf, InIquitlil,R. With facts for a helpless child alone in cloveir yeairs to find out. bim relief fov those terrible palmi feat tfiat we iv,,ere mado for each i i ad, a. few lighted candles around the of the east- (loast )lit was inet lit ell hip M e I 1. other. Bat you ranst not Target, , faults, tllf,r(N.I1,as 11 charm an the world, to try to goothe, ,I d a i AS A SPECIPIC FOR coffin and left tile friend to Watch %r. But before my lia.TI419 could i yearned for conipially. Now We anti Let,(, ,s arlsing irk)ln kltlllLIY earn- dear, that there are Other beings : � IIIIII., - the landing place by r. grizzled 'olfl exalicrant warmth nbout Vablan k1litt fort life lif"Vo Lt all tile thrie. I plaint, Ill tho world besides Inysolf, On ; COUGHS, COLDS, ZTe. fisherman, who silagght to make .. � .1. � 11 - I ­­­� I thought It would be cheaper 110 ftwoke, shortly, find apiwarod .. ­­ __ � I -_1_-_. ­_..____,__,._._._­____ ---i -1 1 4� -1 tho stronger welvoine. whomer he --- I. .' - . w . . . .- .1 � I - Tho care of a frikind by Doddlo Xld- every Me y(ill Wlil flad Other 9111ISs' 74 Ilan been tested find has beconte tile ,ly puzzled by tho surroundings, .. . - ... A.,wa.�., JJ.. i,.&�/&�",Li,lg&,Ioi.diLilik4l'I JAII.J. thit,11, it Irreach of promirm atilt. i perhups more charming than my- � Vanilly Lough Specific or thousarida grmt might. be. ZA=44�,��� neciflu - rall told )110 five Oth0i ney 1111113 tonlilted 11-lu 'to try theal. throughout Canada and the United whon, citteffing eight of sonlobody,ka, - '411c �iou to-inhil ashore, NIr T' lie A men I proposed to )ter. ld three dozen - self, and do ndt 'fall to rememlAer Stailes. It never was nrote populstr tho room, ho reiriarktid; ',�-�_ It 01"r ft . asked, . Why do we wear Thatma tli(% saina fool question my tie use boxes, -and to that, fascinating as yon arep YOU q nor more largely used than it is "�,.',ay, Where ala VP, "Yes," said tho. (Jovernor. V V V frI(Ind IlAkild ITIO, k day lie Is working" ,it lobster fishing may, after all, find thatso'niobtlior ! to -day. - "You'ro dead," analvorml Ills friend. "Bo you here about tire We (spal ^ Ig a day's work as any ono Is botter fitted for yoil0 011)?" tho fisherinan pursual. Ruionersand I wapte(j a colillminion of the opPO* awl doing as 1) Iler companion rat-wd hluis�lt to _- MERIT ALWAY9 TELLS. -1 "Dead I am I that's awkward. Say, ,,No . f4to Box. N. B.-Sho Is still opposite. Ol his mates. - At Reitiedles come and g6, New liow I Ong havo I been dead 011 vald tho Governor. I Is tile story or Joseph his elbow, and when lie spoke it Cou6 . 11 I" . Tlitm Old mami was going to glva me This III brief was oftsy to see that his whole na. 'prepArsificris are tried aild abaltdou. - "Threa, days", f 130 You one of Barn LewIW men CL Ills foot, so I took 1118 (Iaxtglltpr,s lBoone. Ito has to tell It- often to . ed. but the old rellable, retilaills. "Um I find yoll arc dead, too Vo vom Rod Day, Mr. conit- about the - . Uffiu 11bY Overshoes Im"nif1p - . I I people who never Pxpeotod. to see ture had ,been atirrv.d toi Its depths. F The present 18 a trying sseasou for - � " - "' " , I -, I "Yes, I am dead, too." timber?" I 11 over Dominion say they give better satis- I V.f,ennso I n,Rkea her to have inti and him do a fty's work again, rind lic, " Never!" ho exclalmoil, vellem- I beth old mid y6ting, anti LIJ Colds, eagily 1)ealk= 1,1 OnLtly. "I love ba caught = Art to rearain for the "Um, that's Allilly I 'Say, ho -W long "I ant the (lovernor of Newfonnil- I _- ghe, 0LJd 13ber. would; X think shols got always adds- t you. Yon (10 not i "ItIter luotuptly cured, 146 gand," Sir Henry 11TAII(MITIV011, NvIth ! faction than any others. The people say they fit better, mm . . "I am still using Dodd's XhInny know Inc. I fool�tiay, I know -that . better remcdy call be found Walk - linvo yon boon dead 4.11 I NOme ollow of dignity. - I Dccv.as� I thought nho was onn 11111R, And I find It great benefit to I shall love you foroVerl" 3 � "Vireo woo k.11 "Do yon, now?,, R,1111 the fisher- look better) Nvear better.—Because they are honestly mid * .N�ery I)o,, I use. I (,all seareely ,bA- all 110, not 88h, that," repIled tile 4 0 � flully,good,goodl Jr'lotlihnvelw,�a o nwour. It thoum , now I think slier is Gray s Syrup ,(,(,all thron wensall1i I ha-vo Only man, with a friendly offer or 1110 rubber. lIeVe It is Myself at) all At- Ono at Ills oldn' r(�sponslvfily; "Init 1 made out, of pure new Is a 11rciumintT aniong one. . 3 hand, "Voll, 61:18 .1 Inighty groml job- , I He iroll." I I %van 1611fely and molftniolloly and ter sovoll yo.,tra OLf Such suffering darling, X Would like to be prntty . 00�1,16 SY ALL tinuaiats-te. beon dead three dayg-you mwd lmoW It 'Voill ,call hold It. All, I 1101104 Yon "Granby RUbbers WOO H O' ,ii C morn abont, tho Pill& thall I fit$. 1- 11 ...... . I I . �. "I ­­.. I �� ­.. . . . . 1. I 11 .. ... .. �� I wn,Tltr.,(? saliviono to niake me lively, fr In (q)Il1pIlV,n,,t0 lornplaint of the Bare ',that you will not lose* M6 for � - 1. - L I WIII. Would yoo liko it Cap of 0a, I [ .1 I—— .She Imillos moVery 1IVI0,-X'1,\0h&1Igo. Back &,ad Xcidneya. ; the next two vooksolf 1 1 pip. dk* .- 11'� .. I , Whom call w,0 go &ndf get it kirink 21, 10711-AtnAlpolfl Magazillp'. . C I - � . __ - __ � . . I I . � .