The Wingham Advance, 1903-01-15, Page 5'7" January 15,19Q3 TIM WINGHAN ADVANUM Clinton. West Wawanosh. ner 1"IefollIns;X, 'Now Sergeant Brown, son of Robt. Brown, The W. Wawanosh council is the when a man begins to count lit; Slim Prices. FOR ALL of Bullet, has entered the Royal School same as just y()ar, with one exception, J. blessings, be can generally 110 plenty and t the polls to be thankful for, although sometimesQuick Returns Yes It Is True That�I:A++���nal' P"fits of Cavalry at Toronto, for a further 8 Mallough. being defeated a be may Include things which might Stout Values, Th Store months' instruction. And John MoLeau elected• not be regarded by other people as al. Every Day Will Be Stomach Troubles The widow of the late Philip Murray Dungannon school opened on UOUdAY together joyous. of Brucefteld received $1000 insurance. 5th inst, teachers are T. G. Allen, prin- "I'm thinking about the ,wonderful TRY Her husband had paid only Quo assess- sisal, and Miss Brumll, of Sonforth, As progress the wovId has made and how meat of $9.60. Insurance is a good sistaxit. much we've got to be thankful for," thing. John H. Gay returned from the North- said Nro. Uattbowo, rocking In her old Isard's January stuffed chair, with a pair of knitting BARGAIN DAY P, 13, Crows, has bought the ItAlsinelis west last week; he reports good crops needles In her b4n4a and a placid smile of .1ohnstoue Bros., one of the leading and everything flourishing in the dif- on her face, jewelry firms of Kingston, of which he ferent parts of Assinibolo, he visited, "It Is wonderful," admitted her nlece. will take possession about the first of Mr. Gay will remove out In the spring "Seems as If everything turned to -AT- April• and talc , a up a permanent residence in good. There's lightning, now, It It ���� From the town's Rtatiatics for the Indiau Head. hadn!t been for that, I never shouldng 'ZI past, year, we, learn that our Population The West Wamanosh Mutual 'Fire have had those fine rods on the house And barn that make me feet so safe In CROWDER'S We guarantee an ab- is going ahead; the births exceeded the Iusuranco Co., held their last meeting lt thunderstorm. And tbero?s smallpox, solute cure for the deaths by 18 to 7, and the marriages for the year on Tuesday of this week. if It hadn't been for that, we never moot distressing cases. numbered 14. 'I'lle company have had Another prosper. should have known the blessings of Cloth' :eng Store When all others fail, Mr, and Mrs. Jenkins, of Brie, North ons year, notwithstanding the large vaccination, and If there hadn't been Money Wanted 1 Money Wantei give us a trial. Your Dakota, who went out to that western number of losses paid. The annual nearsighted folks nobody would have years ago, meeting will be hold on Jan, 21st for thought to Invent magnifying glasses Two Thousand Dollars' worth of New Goods money refunded if we country without a cent 21 Y( and specs, I 4VcIare, thcroyl$ a sight of Till February the Ist do not satisfy, and who are now the happy POWsscrs election of officers for the ensuing year, things to be thankful for., must be turned into hard cash during the next of 800 acres and 150 head of cattle, axe A family gathering assembled at the home on a visit. home of W. McAllister con. 7 on Christ• laeal sea Nerventa, few weeks, and to make this Sale a grand success, On New Years Day the choicest ship. mas. There were present Jos. Wilson In New Caledonia sea serpents are of export stock that has left this ar., and Mrs. Wilson, together with frequently. seen and sometimes cap, we offer immense Bargains in every department station fdr some time, was made by S. their family, John Colborne, Mrs, Win. tured. They are curious creatures, the come along and take advantage of the big discounts. H. A, MORASS meat of There were two cars in the McAllister, and Mrs. Robert McAllister, head being very small and scarcely 16 DAYS bunch, D. A. Forrester starting off the of tliis township, Joseph, Luckxxow; distinguishable from the body and the tall being formed like an oar. In length n 4 ar well with a herd of 20 that weigh- William of this township, and Rev. they are generally between three and of genuine cut price Bargains. IT, will i ugs a J_ - ed 37500 lbs, and for which Mr. Smith Jae. Wilson, Glencoe, They were ac- four feet. Please Read Our List of you to come and see us even if you Office G.N.W. Tat. Co. paid him nearly $1600. companied by their partners in life and In the lair there are tiny glands con - pay y On Tuesday night the members of the most of their families. The aged couple taining poison; but as the mouth Is from Wingham. C. M� B. A, tendered Father McMenamin are at the four score mile stone of life very small, It Is difficult for them to Special Reductions live twenty miles away and not a single break in tge family bite, and the natives handle them fear• a banqnet which was held at the residence lessly. Cost price will of Mr. and Mrs, James Flynn of town. circle. M. Kermogant, a European traveler, 5 pieces extra heavy Wrapporetto, wide, fast colors, reg.value 150 -to olear..10a This sale is genuine The cosy home of the worthy couple witnessed an experlipent at Noumea Fancy heavy striped Skirting, regular price 20c -Sale price ...................Ilse not be taken into consideration at all. It was thronged with representatives fromf Cure ure or Clamps and Colic which shows that under certain condl- I piece heavy tweed Dress Goods, regular 25c -now going at ... I ..............19C =0 all parts of the parish for whose enter- Speetions the sea serpent can do deadly Extra heavy all wool Tweed, wide, good value at 50c-Speclal price ........ 40c is a genuine Cut price clearing sale. I tainment ample preparations had been The most reliable cure for Cramps, work. A. rat was caught In a trap, 5 doz. Men's heavy Reece lined Shirts and Drs., reg. 50e -all sizes to clear....39C Colic, Dysentery, and summer Com. and Its tongue was grasped by a pair 10 pieces extra heavy Flannelette, wide, fast colors, reg, price loc-Sale rice... 8C made. After the banquet the president aiut is ten drops of Poison's Nerviline of pinchers and placed In the mouth of CHAPPED of the C. M. B. A., Air. J. J. McCaughey Pl 72 Inch heavy gray flannel Sheeting, regular price 65c -to clear ............... 45c little sweetened water. Nerviline a sea serpent. The serpent Immedl. in a The Reason Why Is, 0 presented Rev, Father McMenamin removes the pain and distress at once, ately bit It, and the rat died In four HerLvy all wool Black or Gray Frieze Cloth, 58 in. wide, rog. price $1 -Sale ... 75c insures prompt relief and speedy cure Large heavy all wool Blankets, regular value $4,00 -Sale price ............ $3.25 with an address and a purse of gold. minutes. HANDS in every case. Nerviline is an excellout Men's Fine Regatta Shirts, fast colors, regular 76o -to clear at ........ .... 30c and we must E at or Our store is too small for us, remedy for all pain, whether intern Character la the Earn. Ladies, Cloth Coats, well made, to clear at 25 PE It CENT. discount............ external, and Ebould be in every house - Though there may be counteracting l not can be instantly Brussels. hold. All druggist sell and recommed Ladies! large Fur Ruffs, late style, regular $5.00 - to clear at ........ ;...$3.95 make room for spring stock. We Wil Werviline. Price 25c. features and signs upon the face, ears 4 pieces fine Eiderdown for Child's Coats, reg. price 60e -Batu price ...... 40c carry. over any goods from one season to cured by using Stio. Stretton has purchased the Bel- that are dJsproportlonately large, fat A line of Ladies' Mercerized Sateen Underskirts, new style, the regular and red bespealt a coarseness of na- m, hotel property. value ,Yes $1.60- Clearing sale price...... 41.23 ture, sometimes sensuality and dissipa- 10 pieces Fancy Silk Nock Ribbons, all colors, reg. value 25c -Sole price ..... 20c another. The -first loss is the cheapest. Brussels Laundry owned by Juo- FREE SEED'SAXPLES. tion. -W =`0 Hewitt for the past 4g years, has been 5 places all wool homespun Dress Goods, 60 In, wide, reg, value $1.25 --Sale ...... 75c, -w Ears that stand out from the bead Fres�, S purchased by Williamson, who has been like taps are often seen on religious 4the manager for Mr. Hewitt. To THE EDrroit or THE ADVANCE: men, but parsimony Is apt to go with Special Sale of Whitewear Now Going on. Just one Moment, Please. -.0 G. A. Deadman has been busy getting By instruction of the Hon. Minister of them. Italian 0 out material for 100 new hives for his Agriculture another distribution will be' A long shaped but small ear lying Newspaper advertising costs money, so the head denotes refinement, bees. He expects to hav� 600 colonies made this season of samples of the most close to -» bees. or perception, but also timidity, a next season between what he has at productive sorts of grain to Canadian We can only take a small space for a E and sensitiveness. A thin, transparent Team and abroad, farmers for the improvement of seed, looking ear shows delicacy and poetic Isard's Clothing Bargains. few of our bargain prices. -0 Messrs. Lockridge are ranking prelim- The stock for distribution is of the very feeling: a thick ear, the reverse. An o completion best and has been secured by the Director car set rather low on the head denotes i- -0 4- inary arrangements for the Boys' 2-pleco Suits, nicely made and lined, reg, price $2.00 -Salo price .... $1.65BoyW heavy 2 -pisco Suits, good styles, all wool, worth $3.50 -to ........ 2.00 of their proposed improvements in Brus- of the Experimental Farms from the ex- good brain capacity; set high or on a For Sale only by the Loan cellont corps recently had in the Cana. level with the eye, a limited mental ca- 10 Men's Tweed Suits, all wool, good linings, reg. 67.00 -Sale Price.......... 5.00 gels Woolen Factory now that is pacIty Is denoted. Men's heavy Frieze Pealaokets, well lined, rog. $3.50 -going at ............. 2.90 Boys' Clothing Department. By-law has been carried, than North-west. The distribution this Men's Overcoats in all the latest styles- $0.00 for $5,00-$7.50 for $6.00- �v.,Q Voting for the Lockrideo Loan By Spring will consist of samples of oats, 21 Boys' all wool Halifax Suits, coat and pants, regular spring wheat, barley, Indian corn and Frank Census Returns. for $7.00-$10.00 for 6800-$12.50 for $10.00 law, upon which only owners were per. potatoes. The quantities of oats, wheat $2 --cut Price sale ................................................$1.60 olin A. Campbell British census returns are, more In- ­0 mitted to vote was as follows formative than diverting, but the same - cannot be said of the Indian. The Pun - 19 pairs Boys' odtl Knickers, sizes 22 to 30, regular Div. No. 1 2 3 Total and barley to be soul this year will be sufficient to sow one twentieth of all jab returns Include professional crick - THE DRUGGIST sum Or price 79C -Cut price sale ......................................... .49 For. ...... 62 68 61-191 H. E.Isard Con - Against ...... 3 11 7- 21 acre. The samples of Indian cora and eters under the beading of "Clowns 6 only Boys, 3-plece Suits, all wool Halifax tweed, sizes Necessary to carry, 162. potatoes will weigh 3 lbs. as heretofore. and Tumblers," -regarding them appar- 30 to 33, reg, price $3.75 -cut price sale.. •................. 2.79 Wednesday morning C. W. Pollard, Every farmer may apply, but only one ently in the same light'ai Mr. Kipling. Opp. Bank Hamilton H%Ust Price Paid for Produce 11 only Boys' double-breast6d blk. and blue Serge Suits, of Morris, disposed of 5 Yorkshire Pigs sample can be sent to each applicant, The Chenab has forty-six male, seven hence if an individual receives a sample female and sixty-seven "dependent" Oak Hall make, sizes 28 to 33, short pants. These 6 months old, to A. C. Dames, that of oats he cannot also receive one of Plano tuners, and the Inland state of Suits are all wool and well made, regular price $6.50 - weighed 1230 pounds and at 10.75 per wheat, baxley or potatoes, and applica- Naban rejoices in the possession of 205 cwt. brought the seller $70,74. Anaver- shipowners. lit the cow and $5.50 -cut price sale ....................... ............... 4.25 age of 246 pounds for a 8 months' pig is tionsformore than one sample for one pear IIT "receivers of sten goods"Great Bargain Sale certainly not bad. houseldaubentertained. These 120 "witchizds, poison - Last week Thos. McLanchlin, of Brus. samples will be sent free of charge cro. etc." There Is a frankness about Men's Clothing Department. —OF— solo, sold his well known imported Cly- through the mail, these returns which In very engaging, desdale entire horse, "Bursar," to Mes- Applications should be addressed to, London Express. 9 only Men's odd Vests, all sizes 36 to 44, reg. $1.25- of Soaforth the Director of Experimental Farms, srs. Govetilock & Archibald, Ottawa, and may be sent in any time U=Venalve Virtue. cut price sale ......................................................0 .79 Lor the sum of $1,200.. This horse was before the 1st of Maroh,.af ter which the A southern judge who had a fine lot 4 only Men's Full Cloth Smocks, sizes 36 to 44, regular imported 3 years ago by Mr. McLanoli- lists will be closed, so that all the samples torlous for stealing and said to him: $2.75 -cut price sale ............................................ 1.89 lin and lie is a'first class animal, weigh- asked for may be sent out in good time "Uncle Jack, I'll tell you what rI1 do. Parties writing for sowing. should of hogs one day met a colored man nos LAMPS ing about a ton, You, pick out two of those hogs you like nt $9.00 MEN'S SUITS $5.50 Last Friday W. H. Kerr and J. Leo mention the sort or variety they would best, and I'll give them to you, proTid- 28 only Men's single and double breasted Suits, all wool, kie, 1 P's, heard the case of Cummings prefer, and should the available stock ed you won't steal nay of the others." some light in weight, some heavy, and some weighing 7 vs Humphries, of Walton, a dispute of the kind asked for be exhausted, some The negro pondered awhile and flual- lbs. to a suit, sizes 34 to 44. These were made for the Now that the holiday trade o ace, ly said, "Jedge, you've always been a 0 U western trade and regular prices were $7, $8, $9 a suit over wages, under the Masters' and Ser' other good sort wlil be sent in its pl. -cut price sale ................................. ................. 5.50 is over, we are Offering a big vants' Act. The plaintiff claimed $30 WX. SAUNDERS, good neighbor, are I likes yuh, au' I for we blaeksmith and the latter wants to do right by yuh an' so accepts reduction in Lamp roods. It disputed as he was retnIning $20 for Director Experimental Farms de offer yuh makes, but I wants yuh to $6.00 Young Men's Long Pant Suits $3.95 you are interested, it will pay broken contract In: Cummings going Ottawa, December 22, 1902. know dat I'll lose meat by It" 12 young Men's long pant Suits, all wool, sacque shape, is careful in selecting a Range that shall give best results at fine tailored, sizes 31-35, reg. $5 to 86—cut price........ 3.95 you to call and see our line at home to Drayton and remaining 4 days � . J. t. . I without giving him notice and was dis- End�-d the Dispute. mininium. expense. Nine cases out of ten they select $1.50 ODD PANTS FOR MEN $1.00 prices that will surprise you. missed n. his return. The magistrates IF YOU KNEW. Two ladles at a tea party got quar- awarded the plaintiff $20 without costs reling about their respective ages. At 28 pairs odd Pants in tweeds and full cloth, all sizes, Mr. Humphrips has given notice of up last, to end the dispute, one of them 64 CROWN 1U--N1UR,0N7 reg. $1.50 a pair—cut price sale.... .............,..,...size .. I .......... 1.00 peal and the care will come up at next It you knew that ten deep breatlis said in a conciliatory tone of voice'. $40.06 FUR LINED COATS $28.75 We have a fine assortment Division Court. The defendant offered three times a day would overcome I -here- "Don't let us quarrel over the matter 3 only Men's Deaver Cloth Coats, with musk rat lining, of X Cut Saws and Axes that to PaY quonuixigs $15 to settle, without ditary consumption" and make life al- any more, dear. 1, at least, have not because of its perfect construction and Economy of Fuel. regular $40—cut price sale .... V..............................28.76 prejudice, but it was not accepted, together more worth living, would you the heart to do It. I never knew who Every one giiaranteed. We also cirry a f till line of Heating will please you. Give us a continue to act as if God's pare air was my mother was, for she deserted me Stoves for either coal or wood. Call and look through -our $12.00 OVERCOAT $8.50 when I Nvas n. baby, and whd knows stock before purchasing elsewhere. call. metered by a trusO but that you may have been that heart- 10 only lien's Overcoats, sizes 35 to 42, all wool Cheviot, Unmistakable Signs of Catarrh. If you knew that to selfishly seek hap- less parent?" talma pockets, reg. price $12—cut price sale ............... 8.50 If you have a riuging,in the ears, pineal was the strongest invitation to 7 only Men' . s Pea Jackets, lar . ge storm collar, sizes 25 to dropping in the throat, bad breath, misery, would you continue thinking A Sileut Unia. 40, made of heavy frieze, headache, morning weakness, bad taste only of your own wishes and welfare? Jorkins-There's Perkins -you know 1 -mg & S double breasted, regular Smith & p�t�ld in the mouth -then it's catarrh. 'Use Perkins? -entered Into an agreement A. Youn ons price $3,50—cut price sale .................................... 2.79 Cat-arrhozone Inhaler four times daily If you knew that overeating would with his wife soon after their mar - and erradicate this awfut disease from gaily shorten your life many years and riage, twenty years ago, that whenever your system. Catarrhozone hills the juprease your troubles while You live, either lost temper or stormed the other Leading Hardware Merchants, Winghatn. rjq UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. germs, 40ali the ipqaod membranes-eep silence. clears imse, throat and air passages would you decide to act upon the ad- wastolc 12 !doz. ]lien's wool fleece re, Catar-rhozone monition: "Bat, drink, and be merry, Bob—And the scheme worked? z 4irts and Drawers, sizes 32 tai 46 q by o4o application, alar price 81.§0 a Suit -011t price, per suit,.,,,, ...... ...... $1.00 quickly remedies the bead noises and for to -morrow we die," Jorkins—Admirably. Perkins has. e deafness, prevents dropping, and is im W1 y Rept silence for twenty years, warranted to absolutely cure all forms It you knew that to be kind even to of Catarrh, bronchitis, Asthma, and those who are unkind to you, would y(u The Cheerful Man. A.To Lung Troubles, Two mont1w treatment keep on "getting back" at them with Give us, oh, give us, cries Carlyle, Attention, Please I costs $1,00; trial sire $5e. Druggists or 9 tongue of sarcasm and venom? the man who slugs at his work. Be his 1 90 0 N. C. rcilson, 4 Co., larliston, Ont, These Are P, few articles you will And on our Januo, If you knew that hating any one occupation what It may, he Is equal to v Dr, Hamilton's Pills cure Headache, $ 'Bg�rpla Table, would hurt your mind and Pont and any of those who follow the same pur- Boyml Sweaters, all wool, Navy Blue, reg. 40c—Bargain table price.. 30a Hint se -_ , ft: - body, would you continue to send out suit In silent sullenness. Ito will do —Mrs Hunter of Seaforth Station those boomerang darts of malice and more In the same time; he will do It Wanted Immediately, Boys' Fancy, Wool Top Shirtso regular price 50c— 800 hotel is dead; her death was caused by bitterness? better; he will persevere longer. Boys' Wool Hosiery, sizes 5 to 10, reg. price 25c— we her taking poison at night in mistake If you knew that attempts "get even" X60%tug At&rlulnW. for some other liquid. with some one who Ima wronged you Granger -1 understand you have ail Boys. Black Ourl Caps, regular price 35c— 25c u 'go 16 —The municipal council of the town- would pat you on a level with the interest In the Sweatman mine? Boys' Fleece Shirts and Drawers, reg. price 2.-)c— 100 to wrongdoer, would you still insist upon Lamb—I bavo an Investment there, My Necessity, Your Opportunity Boys' Leather MiUs, fleece lined, reg. price 35d— 25a ship of Hibbert, for the year 1003, will ,an eye for an eye and a tooth for but I have seen no Interest on It uR to of be composed of the following members, q tooth?" the present moment. ': 'r, ­ ' ­ ' ' " " ' ]3oys' Kid Gloves fleece lined, reg., price 65c— 890 When Ordering Your viz-, Win. Dalrymple, reeve; Thomas 0 4. y I bave in sto* a very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents' gAaffey; Hugh NoTris, F . jamil. �f yqg kl4cw that hasto in eating Men's wool Mitts, regular price 250 would quicken your trip to the comotety Some men will get out of bed at I Watchef4, Gold Rings, mounted with dlik,rnonds, opals, pc,1,1-18 an(I i I . FA� AND WINUR SVIT ton, rotor 4qrdon, opupcilipro. jfeulg Cardigan Jackets, regular price 45c 1! QQP wooed you continue to take 5 minutes o?clock In the morning and run to a other precious stones. Lovely Brooches, Bracelets, Ladies' and to !& Remember— —gerad Vomeror of 341014014, for breakfast, 10 ininotes for dinner and fire who cant be Induced to got no 41: Gents' Chains, Silverware, Cased Goods, Novelties, etc., suitable for Ro 7 o'clock to start one In the furriRco.— Mont,; Top Shirts, regqlxr price frqe Conn,, has just, at the age of 80, War- 15 minutes for supper? Christmas. As I must have money, these goods will be sold at )4eb?# 411 1 VVool Sweaters, reg, price $I.OQ 000 that a good fit is ;Is iMportant tied his twelfth wif,3. He began big chicap News. slaughter prices during the next two weel,,s. 0,91 f,1 SrotC4 gnit Wont Shirts & Drs. Ve$. 630— 45c as good material; we make matrimonial carer in 1833, when he 46 t1c) was twenty years old. In the early part Nervous Sleepless and gxhatisted, j,�rwgiWs ljitrd bosom Colored Wits, regillav 74c- 490 misfits. An order for your of his career he not only 'carried fro, g a ay 1) . y u Cement and Lime. TRIS SPECIAL SALE 15 •- NOW ON, Aptl s good roany more lines too numerous to inention, Come winter Suit or Overcoat shall quently but rapidly, He had only been Not Oick e"011 11 t I AT, Ut 0 aro oat of sorts, blood is weak, nerves DUY NOW AND SAVE MOMV. With a little money And take Away a large parcel. •receive our careful attention. hu,,bandayearwhou No. I died, and unstring, kiduoys dorangad, vitality is in a. few months he married again, and low. You should take Ferrozone at (iveu5 it call. when that wife died at sea his eye was once-, it will oarloh, strengthen and Parties recloirtrip Cement ot, Lime 2 rall's Wool Sox.......... Za speedily attracted to another, and a Purify the blood, Invigorato and pacify 4batild give us & cal. We are selling erg vein low prj(io. We keep only new your appetite and digestion, make and you. I LSEY PARIM CHILDREN'S TOQUES ...... We kind !Me ...... 230 kind 100 third marriage soon followed. In Now the nerves, and increase your energy at it vitality and power, Verrozone will re• first-ohisa brands of cement and lime, York, where lie settled for A time, he eats alwaya i-ely on dotting e, had six spouses, font of whom died, one you soundly fact NVIt good fr,6811 article at the 41XGUAm CLARKE 81110 1 nake disappeared, and ono lie divorced. His YOVL well. VerroZOI e. Vries Abe. per Ontr.,IT Auri T11,9 Woults. Headquarters hes R. H. CrowderCo. Ulo-STAMS IN MAIN ULOO'K. last wife Is the gtandduag4ter of r,016- po:g,�.Ar I I IRIDGH. Jeweler and Opticla V J4 'CV6404 4t SAO; at druggists, V. GUTTP dliiiiii& Co., Ifingston, Oat, 70a by -A. T, 114;mUton,