HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-15, Page 4PPO
e; Campbell
Gorgeous. Stook Taking Sale
Takes place dining January.
In order to reduce our large stock we will sell
all winter goods at great reductions during the next
thirty day's.
Blankets and Sheetings,
Wool Blankets, large sizes, fancy colored borders,
at a reduction of I off the regular Sale Price.
All wool Sheetings, grey and white, extra wide regu-
lar price 90 cents, Reduction Price 65 cents.
Union Sheetings, grey or white, extra wide, regular
price 65 cents, ......Reduction Price 50 cents.
Nearing Reductions in the
Following Lines.
Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Ladies'
Mantles, Furs of all kinds, Heavy Dress" Goods,
Ladies' and Gent's Wool Underwear and all other
Heavy Winter Goods.
Satisfaction, guaranteed at
Ritchie & Campb.ell
successors to M. H. McIND00.
the Rbyaucc
JosE awls STREET' — WINGI(Aal. ONT..
Teams oe sUnaonIPTION.—$1,00 per annum
in advance 1g1,50 if not ao paid. No paper lis-
continued fill all arrears are paid, except at
the option of the publisher
Advertising Rates
One Column.,,,, ,;1 O"ll- $3500 $1600 $iW
Half Column.,.,.. 35,00 18.00 10.00 4.00
Quarter Column., 18.00 10.00 0.00 2.00
Legal Notices 8 ets. per lino first insertion, 3
cents per line each an so
Locals and reading notices 10 conte porllne
for first insertion, 5 cents per line each subao•
quent Insertion.
Professional earls, one inch and under $4
per year, $2.60 for sin months.
Adva, of Stray Animala $1 for 4 insertions.
Adva. Farms for .Sale or Ront-1 month $1,
each subsequent month 50 cents,
Adva. of 2 or 3 Ilnos such as Lost, Found,
House V111t, Servant 4tiaated, ao„ 25 conte for
ono insertion, 75o per mouth.
Advs. without specific directions will be in.
sorted till forbid and charged accordingly,
The Job Department is stocked with an ex-
tensive assortment of all requisites for print.
ing, affording facilities not excelled in the
county for turning out first-class work.
T. HALL, Paopm TOR.
titani al ff af. sDI*
The importation of settlers'
effects into Canada during the last
fiscal year shows an increase of
$1,774,044, as compared with 1899.
The increase of settlers' effects
from the United States alone am-
ounted to $1,567,502. This indi-
cates how large a movement of
population has been going on from
the United States to Canada,
—Hon. Wilfrid Laurier returned
last week from Florida, much im-
proved in health, and hopeful to
be able to conduct the business of
the coming session without injury
THE WINGHA•M ADVANCE, January 15,1903
the experimenting, and with thein
the experimental stage has been -r �i sir �I�lI1�I�1 1111 1�!F1 I1�l� ZI�I11 � 1 Y1 I1 �11�� 1t�1�1I� 1 � 11I1111#1� 1111111Y1I I1
successfully passed. We may be-
gin with the advantage of the ex- Coughill
t,erience they have gained. i! 9
In the United States, rural mail � I 41 ,�� �,�wst wf' T P O P L P O P L R TORE,
delivery has increased the postal 1 441 was given up to die with
revenue, and the success a the user =quick Ayerlsptlon, X then began � � �, r �, � JAS.-
�.^ �' � �� �x
tom has been sllol' that new routes to use Ayer's Gholxy Pectoral. I ;. JNO, IL'11
are being added. With their mail Improved at once, and arts now in ,.
delivered and collected at their = Perfect hoalth.'l -Chas, E, Hl:rt-
own doors, residents of rural sec- man, Gibbstown, N. X. -
tions send more letters and receive
more. Rural carriers have the - It's too risky, playing
power to receive and register let- = with your cough. All our goods are marked in plain figures. You can see
fess, and this has proved so. highly - The first thing you the �1'icC On BVe><' article. When we quote, "Special" prices
acceptable that it is proposed to = l y a
further increase the carriers' use- know it will be down; .,,.-
fulness by further extending the - deep in your lungs and iyou can tell by looking at the price ticket wham "Special"
money order system to these rural the play will be neer. Be -
routes. Carriers are even now em- prices mean at this store.
powered to receipt for money or- gin early with Ayers p
ders. Since January 1st, the car- - Cherry Pectoral and stop
riers pay money orders at the resi- _ the cough.
deuces of known patrons of routes.
Such has been the success of the -- ..
Time alae,: RSc. enourLh for �n ordiasry � o•'^,,,, � -. ,�
plan that an appropriation of $12,- - cold; ace., rust r,giit ror ronehitit,ho.r,4• - ... )ecia
_ ne.e, hgr4 o41db oto.• ({l, most economicgl ¢ �
655,800 will be granted ex
. to s4r chronlo caw and to keepP on t,agd.
g 3. G. AV= (JO., well, Mags. _ -
the free delivery system. w -
Canadians have. no reason to re -W~ S- S -
)ecia- S -)ecia-
gret following the example of ourFMONRY-MAKING 1+DU(7ATION.American neighbors in reduction OfENI'� R the postage to a two cent rate. Let
them now agitate for free ruralmail delivery. >t moat home be -January Sale Janu ry dale January dale
fore many years,. for in the generl.lTFORD. pNT.
march of progress Canada cannot Yount Men and women, what aro you ."'•�- �...
vogt 7 That do ends u oig aro
afford to be behind in the march: p ,on what p 3' ,
eduemtion will always odable you to fret a
Rood position, but the education must be
ttrat•class. Give us an opportunity to toll
you what we are doing for others. Write
today for our catalogue.
students admitted at ally time.
Made Skirts
W. J. Elliott, Principal,
(Toronto Telegram.)
and Coats
The British North American Act
Boys' Overcoats
divided Quebec's population into
sixty-five units, and Quebec's re-
presentation cannot be reduced be-
low one member of Parliament for
every sixty-fifth unit of the total
population of that province.
Boys' Suits
The system of raising and lower.
ing the Parliamentary representa-
s Placeog0valu your
tion of the Other provinces accord-
mercial and Shorthand.
ing to the increase or decrease of
send for college Journal.
Quebec's population will have the
effect of reducing Ontario's repre-
President seo'y.
Ladies' Furs
Ladies' Tailor
We wish turn all
our FUR GOODS into
Men's Overcoats
Made Skirts
money this month, and
to encourage you to buy
Men's Ulst
Men' ers
and Coats
early we offer l o per cent.
Boys' Overcoats
Our regular prices for these
perfect fitting garments are
Boys' Suits
very low. But we wish to
clean up the stock, so we offer
for they month of January
'you a discount of la per
Io per cent. discount for
at a discount of 25 per cent..
cent. off Ladies Tailor made
--- the month of Januar
Th W h
Sk' d 1 -
to himself. It is stated however septation at Ottawa from nine -two : ; y ey must i,o, a ave rt Irts an oats for the
that the Prime Minister has fully to eighty-six. only, room for them. month of January only.
A'Ao In Cash Free -�
decided acting upon the advice of A loss of six members 1s not a
his physicians, both here and in fatal blow to Ontario. This pro- -
p�� urope, to give tip cares of office vince is so indifferent to the quality
just as soon as circumstances will of its Parliamentaryrepresentation ry 7 Brooms Fish Rubbers
p • • •
permit. that a slight decrease in the quan- az,
■• - ."' Remember our "S ectal" rices 011
,. City will be no great calamity. 1.1ie are just in receipt Fresh Lake Herrin arriv. Heavy Rubbers and p p
0 Returns, - ,.:., l p g Overshoes.
—Last year the receipts of stock The British North American Act ��_�- _r.,.;, g p g y 5 5 . X1.90
will leave Ontario with 'usttwent - _...:-a.•••• o a ares shipment of in ever week. , z c, don.. z.z Rubbers for
at the Toronto cattle market were y
one more members than Quebec in To be awarded at Provincial Winter Fair ; Brooms, and they are Lake Herring No. z in kegs $2.25 Overshoes for .....$1.90
considerably larger than in 1901. the Parliament which bases its re- IN3, for best pair of rat Cattle fed with w splendid value, prices 15c Labrador Herring in kegs z.6 Overshoes for ..... $1.40
1J7Catt4p8,le oan ginereaset ofa12.8 totalled
per Presentation on the census of 1901. WdhingtOD'S Canadian Stock Tonne. 2oc, 25c, Soc. each. Smoked Haddie Etc. g $l.So Overshoes for . - ..$I.40
This decrease would be cheerful! The sivoepstake fat cattle at Chicago and
cent. ; sheep, 163,078, an increase y Guelph Winter Fairs 1902 wOro fed with w
m m Our stock is again almost complete after accepted if it were the result of an WOIlTII1NOTON'PC�iANADIAN §TOCIi TONIC, Ai
S g p of 15.4 per cent. ; hogs. 170,152, evidence of the good results farmers and feed-
' . honest census. But there is great ors would obtain by feeding
an increase Of 10.9 per cent., and g a genuine stock
our immense holiday trade. And here we reason to believe that Ontario was food • not an American fad, flumes look bet. ^ t� ] Bloct,
(�jita Calves, 11,557, an increase of 34.6 ter, feed bettor, drive better, sell bettorwhen .Ind. rSC ,1$S. H. Kerr ����In�l fl lrljj � h �] ] ,Ino � .IAs. H. KerrbD undercounted and that Quebec was fed with VYORTTIINOTON'6 SToct;Txtoall lu r 1{�lQleltifa o wish to thank our numerous Customers for per cent. The embargo last month DIiAI: In,— .,4 0,, seemed tohave but little adverse overcounted. A census which Have 11sed WORTHINTTON•9 SToor,
°' -1 Kb fall patronage during the past year. induenee on business. numbers people who were not in, too It n y :°tov pound it to give good�sutist
....,�,.. and does not number people who faction, and would advise all farmers and
m a Our aim for 1903 will be to- have a still better foodors of stock to use it.
r, w were in Ontario, is not fair to this yours faithfuls
assorted stock, with prices whittled to the —The followingfrom the Even- province, Ontario was wronged by L. MOSES. LIFE FIRE
" b0 the census of 1901 in its effects of December 29, 1902, Avonton P. O. Abner Cosens DR. AGNEW Money to loan on notes, and notes
a .9 ing Telegram is very true and deer 1o•lb, fees, 200 feeds, 50c ; GO-tb. sack, $2, discounted at reasonable rates. Motley
firmest point. If you are thinking; of buying dolly to the point:—Ontario poli- artificially swelling the population Loan and Insurance Agent PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, advanced on mortgages at 5 pper cent,
of Quebec and artificial) shrinking MANUFACTURED BY with privile a of pa Ing at the end of
0 some Furniture, see what we, have in Bedroom ties must go from bad to worse the population of this province. It Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. ACCOUCHEUR. any year. ATe of P d accounts collect -
While the people remain fixed in p p p The Worthington Drug Co. Ofllce—corner Minnie and Patrick Ste., Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald ed. Ofilee—Beaver block. Winizhatn.
o• Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Couches their habit of excusing rho actual is not right that the Parliamentary tiVINGaAM Block. Rogm. Molxnvo. *980
m g representation of Ontario Should be GUELPH. Night calls answered at office,
.19 o and Dining -room Chairs. Our Mattresses and faults of a government which has decreased by the results of such a ACCIDENT P4ATO GLASS
had its chance, by imputing probe- For sato and Guaranteed by i p WINGflAM
jtWire Springs are of the best make. bee faults to an opposition which is census• A, H. Carr--ngamA. DULMAGE �S• CHISHl1b9I C[ tiHISHOLI� •A\\1 W MILL
'i0 c et to have its chance. Canadians Agar & Parlor - Lucknow
A good assorted stock of Window Shades a
m ave too much respect for governr Noble berry - Brussels REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS,- ETC. McLEAN ar SON
t? still on hand. ments. This country has never ONTARIO?$ I?UBI,IC ACCOUNTS. Wm, Mesmer - Blucrale CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAN
yet had reason to regret the smash- on Town and Farm Property. Josephine Street — Wingham All kinds of rough and dressed..,.
ing' of a government, and has good (Weekly Sun,) ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES
UNDERTAKING � reason to regret iia failuretG smaall WANTED
oFFtcE.—In the Kcnt Block. •P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.ORect. Se—Patrick 'Ice lzbh accOUnts Of tl}e I'O•- LOGS
_aireet, s. Grace '.B""11several governments. When a go- p i<tesidonce—Catherine St. APPLE BARRELS
- er resl¢�ria°, vernment deserves to o. out the vince for the year 19p2 have not (Member of the British Vedieai
'" where • tilglil Zit. g ' yet been ublished but it• is an< Aasooiation) Hard and Soft Slabs, also a r
receive prompt at- people should expel -that govern- published,
tention. govern -
Phone The People's Furniture Store ment from office, and keep on ex- nounced that the cash in the trea. T. J. MAGUIRE COLD MEDALLIST iN MEDICINE. large quantity of dry hard -
p g sue• on December31 is practically � �1lglttt� , REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND Spoe'al attontlon paid to Diseases of women wood for sale delivered.
elfin its successors until an im- y p y and ohildron, ,
the same as the amount that was LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING
povement is effected. There is re- oss•Ios Hovis :-1 to 4 p.m, 7 to a p,m,
REOPENING of THE ally no punishment for political sin on hand at the close of 1901. The Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. Telephone Orders Promptly
_ - - if the people hesitate to condemn most unfavorable feature of the ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. attended to.
P p We are prepared to pay for W. T. Holloway .
ear's business is, however, the in- OPPICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's store.
the roved neer of a government y
It g g , ' ' Residence: Leopold street. D.D.S., L.D.S.McLean �Qr,�y�
lest the opposition should be no crease in the Provincial debt. Ac- First-class Maple logs........$14 per M an aAr J,.1.
Graduate of Royal fir=
e - better, carding to the public accounts for First -cissa Soft I;lln Ioga.....$14 C011ege of Dontai ,
* 190I the indebtedness of the Pro- First-class Rock Elm to s....$16 surgeons of Tor -0
- a '
' logs....$16 A. MORTON onto and Honor s
vince on December 31, 1901, incur- First-class Basswood logs....$15 Graduate of Dent-
�.,, than face in the courts red in bonusing railways was $5,- First class Beech logs .......$12 BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, al Dept. of Torou-
the ex cense Of the methods b to Un versity.
P y 870,040,95. This sum included Latest improved methods in all branches of
Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. which he won North York, Hon. both rinci al and ittterest the All kinds and grades wanted. MON>tiY To LOAN. Dentistry. Prices moderato. Satisfaction
principal > guaranteed. As7.Office in Beaver Block.
It is conceded by even our opponents that wo have the best school in Western Ontario. E. J. Davis, Minister of Chown amount of cash required to meet it, Call and get our prices. Office: --Morton Block, Wingham �7 1ry
we ex work arc behalf b our filar ethohas placed us in that pGreg nand that enviable position Lands, agreed, in writing, to ras3igri if paid Off then, being $3,51p,- RTIIUR J. IR !!' IN � ill) iii
eve stood n, maintain by similar methods. We roach the Gregg system of Shorthand—it is MISS DELIA SPARLIl1 G A
easy to learn, easy to write, and easy to read atter it is written, his seat, and gave a Cheque for $Sop r�tJO, pl , •----- T
51-24 J. W. W ESTERVELT, Principal. to pay the costs of the protest to -- "
p But daring tjle past year there The Canada Furniture ,lairs. D.D.S., L,D.s. c.•nur 1:�,N„„�
that date. Yet Mr. Davis and ltf r, baa been a startling inprease. Not- Limited A. T. C. M. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Fen- -
Ross, who was aware of the agree-, withstanding fibra payrgeut ,.Qf the OPERATIN(l Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher nsylvanla College and Licentiate of
ment, denied that the resignation instalmena o€ the 46bo wbigh ma: Riueio Method, Siraploz and Iihidorgarton' Dental Surgery of Ontario.
was ever intended. With such tared this year, tics raii:avay aid in- T11Q ButtQQ & rep4l;t C1Ch.41p FRGtopy ins Pupils Prepared for Conservatory exam- J! t
io a Office over Post Office—WINGHAM (i��• J
dishonesty and attempts at decep- debtedness on I)ecember $i, 1902 k '
tion by prominent members of the had increased to $6,487,249, a su;1 f
,, equivalent to 7 present crews- } SARA �• BOOR or 1 a res Gra, ,etc,
]aced in other statements the ._..__.,_-_.__.__ ______._.___- �•� i � {
Cabinet what confidence can ber -
P y educes of $4 072 753,ii4 an increase
• may make? As an exchange pro- in the course of, the year of $562 - Te c er o f qqo aq y Solicitors I(t
perly puts it, "A minister of the 000. Nearly the whole of this in- _ Oftl : 14fpyer Block Wingham.
CuttingCrown quibbled on what was noth- crease has gone to Mackenzie and
ing more than a play of words t0 Mann on account of the donationst t* MISS CARRIE MO4RE I;, 1;• P!4f`laRc 1]u(.1ey Holmes
deceive the electors of three eon- to the Canadian Northern Railway, Be� Sure ' Its a pity to 1}a3�o a gpp
stituencies, The Premier of On- Z`eaCher of Violin slid Guitar. VANSTOn Sl* spelled in the making,
a road which leis. Mann says has + ,R.
tario helped to carry out the game aid a net refit of $G00 000 during Rooms—In stone Block, t1 ingham. The sOjts We make give e0-
11�� p p r g Tl�I,� BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR ?+
�� �+�r� aNb oi•i o£ deception. The organ of tare the past year. Ta it not time to a tiro satisfaction, Clive us a
art did not hesitate to similar! Roney to loan at lowestrates. Office
party y atop adding to 4qr Provincial debt trial and be convinced.
pervert the facts.” fox rho railway l?roRlsotcrs � THE 131�AVER BLaag,
�LTr 'We'll make your Suit its well for tasty and 7.96. WINGIHAM.
--- - as ever we can. Every Snit ADVANCE down-to•dato Job Webster (r� Co.
_ _ „--,every Priced Suit—•every- t T Printing. Prices
RURAL MAIL I)BLIVERV. 1Aarttt �t�r� i� the 11l,eap \vgpk OFFIQE Tight. WELLINGTON MUTUAL
At H.Carr that the bast lb'RFkll?en oaf! :.: FIRE INS. CO.,,,,,.
produce. And the reason- Established 1840. =!
At a meeting of the South Oxford ableness of every price is ap- cad oineo GU$LP$, oNr, d
s f0 YraaAR$r $ .,..
Bos Sults, School Coats and Over- Farmers Institute, it was decided parent, It seems the proper ac
Boys' r 1 r E I�BRIEN Cid Itiaks taken on all classes 4[ Insurable pro
to memorialize the government to is selling; Milted Manitoba w4y, to do things, doesn't it? portyonthe cattiigrpromiumnote
coats, at pretty near' Our own rice. ado t a rural mail deliver for the 00it is, x)C, ll. PRPP PTLy SED E
7Arttts f3oln C A8. RAvtn$ox, ��
1 y . p p y Flour at t,8 per sack. �.
County. It was painted but that � 5 p 1 Proaf�lppt. soerotary, rte l�ot(r •f,ft reStiiigis¢oka 1'tnvc
Don't II11SS the January Bargains In this In file state of Michigan the system JOHN R,TcH1E, �' °ip r n1 !' ito�vya}u,t ir arvinale
guaranteed first -Class. This We're building business by it *GENS. WINGxAM.ONT +iii jolt or[Inprovetei�ieshi o fd *e i ell
rear lead already proved a aneCass, rpiie � ,
' • • - , slid building It pretty golck- lttpouropfltiohaktobekhetther t{rpropa yt .
mail carrier there had been paid Is a special price Gild wont 'iRl► F Ii AlgKlg Umtsble. Rb ecteh O ' lltatI apavePI't'u
ly. Colne in. PCOWN$ rtsfare. JRer. "GP44l t8 6 h4 en sue c y o r i1' y t• t
$500 pee' al}num, and the mail clad 4 e§fnM rPPo mR p }
last lou Order now and GbPvf laH'ra da¢. t ngnidl ct� i�TF gni tri P � lyjn,AtPt!L#cal
(� been collected a1iC1 delivered sat' to• r Anvdnn enndlna nxkntnh rnd ne.nrfntlnn uti:r Jim^ TN [11'eat EnoIfa ]i�hrMo. tet �� ..- ,
OCK ♦, ie, fact met save the rebate.
Some time ago, the Advar4„cls g ave
eousiderabla information on tho , j olliette Grinder Plates al-
suecessfat working of this system
in the United Staten, We flee no ways o{I 1141)4,
DULMAGE reason *h,y a similar synte,ra should
A* not be equally successful in Ontario.
Our American neighbors have done (Market Square)
Robt. Maxwell
111$ i Ort Tnilo
tYr Ahandsombty ftluetrAW weekly'tarae,t elt- "Win cafe. 7'ampitlet6 itf{� til tlti >R/tdiefib.
�t lti �ll cutatton of any, dcl°ntlon icurnah Torma, $3 a TJU6 '%V06d Cotuotky, W gdlotr, OAU
Sar t four months, }I. mold by all nevredMlOrd,
IIN( CQ solotokAwny,peflI"li�( root!'k'Nhoaphodlneisaoldlnwl69ha'n1by
k„ ran t e1 + 1F i fit., iY'Atlfl R:uir: �i� a. `t• 8athiltoll, J. A. Dayid, li- A. DouXl*0s
, &Ad (1..d. (7bWQbell. DtIVAGIfI(b.