HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-15, Page 3�
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"""5-%1, -J1 J) -*s-% . . . Y-$Y'%V-b�I'l"",-O�"%,-%���"V���-*��,--*""-"Io, '1111-1111, "I W03 FRIZE-7 BOOK ON "%,-%-'W�",W� �%�,%ft,W%,"ft1*%A%10%Ah1_" 111111, nlight� Tho next morning 110 r0tUrIll , I
�� 1%1_� .1%1� M^^^e--* —_0-----1—e1--1� WAVAICK" I 0 "' "th' ""'O and' ""' finding him 4 � gif yapr
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TUI - I . , " 's ItIld OULTRY PAR881TESI 0 ireluat'd - lie tilleriffs of litojavo anti � I .
e':1 ': 'A' ,.af�i�`(`),f (t,l,�'i'.'t",'�",�,,I,�:!�,.� is 1110111ted i�iim
,,.,, eflellor- Yava a land mykielf, tho, Kber- : if mieut,
4. — ,� �. it'. I t IS fill ly AW� V/%Jp%�" IWAft 4b Abl%�% jlioq����,% I
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,�r .' I " PC000111111 u (101), 6ho Wan drooged for the dance, and
I ,^^~%0%.~-.0�� %P. -.-^-"-"l~*---"-^`%' - , I , . artiNts. Addrem.Sljec- We -
�.�_l,�,-~*-X-^~ "::, "I'll ..... Tile following is it eyllopals or all lft,v��ts. j often Ills() usio a sawil'tat UtIOR. Look up tile til"ll from, the silo thought .9110 looked particularly
%0%^~,~1^^ � . .1 1______"-_^0W%0_10%^^^ '0V%~%^0%^^0 � I .0%1%lN1.__1%� i _I I Itilikit Kproulp, 2 11foaae addrea-I by Mrs. Ida J�,'. %Yilson, of Waist filling. ( . placto ,where the train had been buld well. It is whea a, woman thinks islio
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I . 1 �RE. %^^I J I ,. Ht . .,Ito I Stoll. I � I . h"Icm, Wia., W110 hao been, conducting Mitre Altle lit Porches up and followed It for two days. Par, looJtki partloularly )Veil that allo os..
I.- -.--. 0 kLr was It great oJgaretto si;,moker, pp
GOWNS FOP, 1903 AND HOW TO GET THE BEST EMCTS—THE r,01"U - ,Ott; t,,n immediAo anti favorable ro-
1QUETTE— J C-lination ilinvard iii, tile corners, is I,. af-riem of pou*,try Ivetitate, mectIngis '�VAIIS, and nest boxes 4y (Jay, coal- and wo found a phico where lie llad lily to hf,r requests. Besides, -there )a
THE LATEST STYLES IN DRESSINC—A WOMAN'S LIPS—ET � , -orry mouth. Here are full and in Novak ,1�44octla ; . Ing forth to feaMt (In blood at night, ociloulued at Waist IOU elgarettes, Iva notbing aD asking for a thing when
�J . laughtty, aw.i the man who marr!es 11 NVe, in ty bul, tj a dry, Sunny, warni ti ein, must be d1roctud to the hot 'd te , -1 0 I ad Ono ItUpPelI3, to think Of it, tiO (silo .
I is .A -A J tho it, 11(4106 Our InPasurem for destroying tion, ,it front the tr, ,it tit, t h i
ruTcHui sciENcE—wiT AND HUMOR FOR FEMALE READERS -,11111'� J tho, owner will flill it -%vice with hall- hall llou,'-e, feca well-Imlanced rations, itl Iso taken (ftf lito boots and wound tile slmko up promptly. �
,,%,,,,-,-..-,-%fto%,%,%,-.,..-.,%~%P-Ilrlo"%?%~ . ,...,.-.,,.,,.,..,.%,%,%""~...%, - w4- py traits. solf. ThtlN - o creaLlIves aro ' jilst %its- feet ltvith Clothing to protect tliem AT,., tile wa3 "Tom", she ,guilt. I'don't
%,%P_�~v.�.� , and be kni.i, lattalu, maotvr,i,., yeL tip. ,,)to to tit(, naked eye. .010Y uvo from. the cold. flu lind vvideptly Luken f
%.4%"%"Us.4%.4%-,%.4%-K . , Rho wIll be approolativo or every- foat ounielvo,7T 141 pullitaly 011,11.11.141 by more a � ,no some monvy to-
%."%Aq"%.4%.g%"%-,t%.�%.4%-,%.4%-"%-A%--'%"*-,,- a � S orii4 to i6ove i
. %.06.4u4%.44..44.",.,%.44.4%.A%.44-4 I thing done, fOV her, Ivk to "mile, -11-Litly whall they have hal it' his, bootg4 orf tit night, -.lad *Ills feet anorrow."
high Ill 11-11-11 synillatheth to p`,!,i`1In; but never aliDwillU everAIII149 -ko pour _111roal"ll good meal. Alid littler aftet, fast,lag. had swollen to .such tin a,xtoat its to "What for ?" lie atiRed. Ilusbands
4 upon 111, be tile hair must be worn tile tOWIN 1,4110 Itaitity lmraisa'( N A daytime oxaminat4tri froquollUY , iWevell't him frow putting them on
I (Byl Augusta Prmaott-) �) IbUirt, and ,they can ad sense. allie mass of tl'119110. 8110, wili have all art.letle. havo a way or being so ourious lit
,T,he Quay point in droos upon which curved to ntakei a very nice pattil)"Y' tile accept arounol and on thqui. dhicloscl,i them oil 91ok or Witting agaill. It wao now- only a que,stion of theSo Matto (
at =an III A gra,oe6 and it so desired. Mlittse, upon Mro. Van ,hair may be arranged lit tile back. barit, an'.1 It tile 1111a, of her lower lip "BOUdefN MJ111a laulor IwNtii, there f0WJs, tllft posts seaming to realize time, we thought, before Parker rA I
JudINO to It" -4 ,granfid, her tashis 'are -daintily of ImulLry that tile latter are not going to would be I 110'1. I bavel some shopping to do. I
mois are certainly critics on , tills dorbilt's skirts are pluoctl 130 tt,ht But tile front arrangement, Intitead I "IT' two gi'0.1,16 Olit;W(IN takell. .
quality. A Man likes very long skirts; itaT dip In front and again In tile of being fluffed out over tile ottro, I'(3-plaol- She 1113y IN) It trifle hoyden- ll,axasitefio lice wid miteli. T110 lAtLel- fi,liako thom off. MItes, when very 11T,hic trall led through a box canon ; Inmi! a; numberl of things,"
he me,s tile wea-fittea hilm that imak) mIddlo, Of thei back, [ should be fluffed up Oval, the fore- I Isli, bill never coarse. have It() T11011lix, oll'y a proliobcl�,-, thick, will be round between nests inoda, famous in the flays of Icit Our- I "What,, for Instance?"
flue, rancy dress will be Quite a head, 'If tile C011110rS (111111310 deeply, fte heack an,il abdomen, TAivy bt,-long to and walb,,% � "011, a lot of trifleis--some, collars,
M, -woman look tailor and more wil- wn, when lie drove, the Navajo In- for, one thing."
lowy ; lie Ilkem tile gown that maliest feature of l9o3. a1111.9 is a dresq __ they turn tipward, the Ups, are Quiek tile araoliaidael, or spider kind, and Thero Is it" 11111,Grtaut (lifference (Units in there and compelled them to
ber' ale,ndert and lie likes tile tiny tllhtt is 01108011 by tile hostess or by I I Ill repartee. Love of rldiculo will be Lire nearly Lill blood suckerls. i�iomo of between Ilea and talteii. I have done surrender. Our horiRes, wore tired find Ile; looked her sharply. For tile
flounces which 6often the angles and her guests. Ono can dress as in the CS � s monivn-t alto 4,11nd forgotten that lie
. ,trong. but not in a maltolOas vPlii- tile lice) uotably the large, grey head- considerable Nv..ork with. tile mi,cros- It became, xiecossury to send. back for
make the waist becoming. Du barry dayig, tile fifteenth can- I I Uutitsually red lips denote cruelty louEo, are, blood suckers, but most of , cope, and ant convinced that lieii- fresh oneg, and tills, In � was somewhat pre-Judleied against
The petite wont.in well dressed Ill tury. or 01EV Josepridne, dressed at the F L and rapacity. Cleopatra had Much them are filth feedere, �2,he blood lied do not broad my Opinion, decioJete gowns and that they had
A WOMAN'S LIPS. L aps. oil horses and saved the llve�; of every one of the bml nkinxerons: arguinents oil the isub-
the m_i,We delight., anti If s3he will for- d -%WV- of thol la,ot. One can choose r . ; A fulln'll. month with lips slightly MOIC1119 1100�, VVIlon kIIIE,-d by 011, uNu- cattle, 'The latter have their own powe, (or Parker had plaritted an am- jeot. f
get the severity In which she lovoo to the :rather peculiar early Victorian , I Maxims of Sheik Abdallah and X coulprossed, give an expression ally the slowly and roll up them. kinds Independently. Hen -lice will bush in tills canon, through -which I.For that gown ?" lie asked.
clotho herself, and eJra or go back to thie, colonial. Of soi.vw and proboscis. vr horses and cattle, cauaing the trail led, that would undoubteilly I "'Now,'wby do 'You ask iRuch a tool-
- If silo will Pat Oil -rorea lit tau f nail- r Others and worldly wisdom. quickly in alcohol, the proboccls may grant annoyance, but <10 not Jay ; 1111ye, resulted in the death of every I .
the chiffon, %he lacea, the flounceAl All styles mro t,,,I, About Choosing a Wife. r shrowdliess
aiiii. tile long, mveciAng drefis skirt Ills Ions of to -day, and �ono cannot de- They - say quite plainly; sometimes. be wan. 111,here are about nitH oil them, while mites are cos- 11111141. all cluestluli tie that ?" she demanded.
gjr�,#_qq., 42 ke me In, Illim kIlIdko Of Ucq, and four kinds or inopolitan. Tboy will birto all alike, a I 1113cauxisei," lie replied, pointedly, ,,if
tinlijuga.tion- w1li be complete. pa,vt very far fraral �.Lhe, colivelitiOn- .r-�%_4#-y,& "You may be %able to ta "We could follow Ills trail Ill til
.There never lived a xi:an wlI0 did .%I in copying tlivan. .The Jol�eplllne I but watiL to be ),cry careful that initeg IflfeistinW poultry. The posts even unto tliy ma It'd for `tIlftt,gOwA,,you could use a,
not adialre a point d'es:prIt skirt and all the empire gowns are In III choosing a vvif(l. let tier be a .ycku don't get t'aken In yourself." vary in elzc�. co. or and shape, btiLt pre- it -servant and thy allow into this canon and over a beat ingtelift.' . .
r L wom mald-servant, and the canary or sheeir precipice of perhaps fifteen - - - I
InIttle over taffeta, Even so there lives vague, and one can t ruly wea %n an whose lips do not droop at Lips that are firm and a trifle venriltive and remedlai meabures do not baby within tile dolors, They do feet. The tra.11 then ran straight to a . .- .
none who would not Me to beiiolci exact reproduction of the gowns the Owners. TbIs is the udYIce of grim, tire never afraid to tell the differ So MUCIL. not bilte, the akin, , waterfall, which had. a drop of per- p ..��
trimmed which Napolooll admired without Sheik Abdallab, tile Persian aage. h are straight and "While some lice broad In. filth, oth- � I I
tbit; crepo de chino iskIrt if a wo,man's lips droop, her line- But Puncture For 1131100d. hape fifty feet, Parker had doubied I
jr,ing ars though one were Ill fan- finely cut, and ,when in repose not aw lay n1to or eggs upon tile birds. on his trail and clImbad the cliff ;Intl I I \
around the ]lips with hands of lace In-, ,400 ba,ndle itre,will. be a parpetual monru- Tliey�muitlpiyfsofalsti, I have ap�uallp ' fortified himself Ill a poRition to coin '. - ..
sertion and made, beautilul. around OY drass., , aflialke the lips for a statue, so per, It pousible tile m.,,aure should daily - I _._. .
thr, bottonx with a deep flounce 'of Ill- But if life actual 'picture dress, Ing tInro., Nor YEA should they curve roat, in their outline, belong t,o a cold be removed., and ,the pprobee Heraped. known two lien lionNes to be 1).urnad mand the entirr range or this canoill- I ,- . -__
Mirtion, dopper than the knees anti ilA-1i faney dress Is desired, there Is too much upward, for that devoLoo nature. . This not only takes away breeding when cleaning was thought hopeiviss, Had wo, ever gotten into this trap,
no objcctlon to tile olilrred skirt and frivolity. places for certain parasites, but But from two sieges with nif.) I have. kraitt, not onef would have ' , 11 . .
lined witti chiffon ruffles and capf'. lie under lip that rolls As to a, ?nail's month -if a mail - gIvea . them, I I I .
Let thore be a sash of lace inser- Ifte, pointed bodice and none to the Beware of t has 110 has a Cupid's bow, have no speaking fowls a botter air. and gets the fer- know they can be con"quered- 1-1 0 t, escaped, for Parker war, a dead $hot t .
tion and 11ordm the neck of the bodice high ruff. Tito Robespierre Loat Outward, for that woman 111-tallen -with him. tilizer on the land or lit a compose be- thia whitewash (the lime newly and- was well armed. A 'delay of 1, " ..
great conscience. Select for a wife acqua sIackEFd w1th h sene two'.vo bours, bowover, threw Parker fi
with a pointed trimming of lace. Let wItlJ tho sinart cuffs and tile coat one whose lips axle straight, not thill, DIKI you over see it man with a fore its valuable aninionia liag escap- emulsion, turpentine (singly or Ill off tit(, truck, and, lie continued to- -
tile slloov,nq be puffy at the elbow and wltiv the long tails and the tight wit.h just small mouth amount to anyttiffig? ed., in the last particular fully realiz-
left there be EL very deep fall of lace waist- aro botU seen. Carried out in for. then shot if, a shrrew, but Did you over see a woman 'witli a ing whu,t Lord Palmerston ,said or combination), brino,� hot tar paints ward the Nevada line. III Ilia cocape
over the wriats and right down to Nshite, silk they axe delightfully - be- the fulness necessary to perfect sym- broaKI mouth who was not a gentile? flirt 118 Only m,ft,tter In ilia wron,W., and even hot water, have all, to iny lowt1rd tho, Nevada line Parker had I t
the knuck'.efa. I P coming oypr the decollate bodies' metry. V % - - -- -- - - - '- _ � - platoo. , I knowledge, been successfully useal. l4nnziod ' to double oil Ills track, or,
, I ain thing Is to repeat the ap- I .
The Patching Black Gowil. with. the thron.t bare and -the neck Tlio mouth hafi more to do with : Tito in
making or marring the beauty of tile . . Provide Dust. tit lea,61t, had an Idea that It would !
Shaming. I p1loation every day for about a be liecewary for lilait to come back, . � I
It Is undoubtedly the black gown I face than an� other feature If a inellow, dust box to provided, week, In order, to catch every hatell, .
which la mo6t fo,tching, and you call F ew things, Indeed Lire so - -THE RUSSIANS 00 IT. for lie )lad cached provielon,s here and .
The Gown Without a Collar. .barmllig HOW or a fr,-)s)lil 'spot ' of earth Ofte." becamse tile eggs are less suscePtlWo there along tile trail, which we (Its- I . I
dreiss yourself 'to look us If you bad The prayer of the hostess should ap a, lovely month and few so rarely — alinded, rowls will clean rand exercise to applIcations than are the adult covelred. I lkqlk
just isteppea off the cover of a inaga- lbo that some kind hand will endow R Icon, There will be fine eyes and Most ofustlillikorRussla. as uland th,*-miselves raither than exerci,,e their creatures. On our farm we found It ... Me next day we pitched our eamp, �. I
zlito, The lovedeut of all black evening her with a pretty throat. Afo-st of beautiful hair in profusion, but a per- owner. Wood ii,shes will discolor nouessary to clean Monte or tile car- -onwoods by the side : '" .
, with I In a bunch of cott . I I -
gGwLio oi tho MuLtisuit belongs to one ilia gd,wns are low, ,but those that feet nxo�utli Is hard to find. . of isnow and Ice, and are unaware of phimingg and legs, a matter Of cOn- rlors, or ante and do -go p isno- Of Diamond Canon, and ona of the I <
or the AeLor ladleo. It is a lustrous are not low are exit without the It is not a feature that ongagest the the fact thilt excellent crops are ga- IsEquenoe only to exhibitors, With a cliloro,'ete.. deputies paid, lie .was going out to I
lovel3� black lacei .not as expensive co, of unrefined or uncuILl- thered there in the summer season. coaxisol sieve fronil t1to fanning mill I It will be seen ttlfa,t a -necessity oapture, P�arkor We all laughed at ..'l. '. 11 7I ,
Ilix.r. Have you noticeid. how many attention ill July last 4 field trial of Wild- sift ally kind Olt -Owing thorough cic�:tnlng las ,moveable , I
tip you might iniagim,i, and certainly of these gov�ns without necks are vated people, who are attraote4 by ItShes, th' tof �__
fria, mowers and reapers was held at charcoal or clink,ars one side Tor the *fIxrnItur,_4 in the p Illux, and be took blu gun and struck .
it could bo duplicated lit an inexpell- It,eing made anti how ,tile turnover bright eyes and a brilliant complex- a r' the conduct BD oultry bou,so, , Of thwbed of tliG streaut -,Lad went to- I
'.1- I "o-11 " I -c- anA the turnover Iii -els ion� but to the reader of human Tin- Ischlg 1, Itussla, of biddie,s to eNt; but prest assured moveable n ts and perches, "10111) - -1 '0,�+ I - -1 11 (,. �_
" M
. ar - 0 a ire mouth is an Interesting which ,tvalt remarkable for its talor- their ballih of duat is inore patron. or cracker boxeo hung to the wall o ,1pr g,& In . 10176 W L10 ANO i FAIRY. -
The particular feature of It Is & of silk are supplying the place f tit tl the Gugliness. The details of the Inspec- Nvoi were all thrown Into a. state of
trimming o" coralL� tho broken, irega- high stock and the aggre8sively tin- study. Nal wilron free fromi, chunks, keep It by kotoi�t nails driven part lit and oxelteinxent by the return of th Ht -Did ye ever hear a fairy story, - . -_
c dep- .
lar kind. -w1ch arc put on, Sowml Into portant tall collar ? The Cupid's bow is the traditional tion _%n.d judging,were so minute that in a ounny place, stir anti reilow tippiLd up like picture nails, then uty, who stated that Par Elizabeth ? I
the lace, and so arranged as to form it takes a throat of alitibaster mouth or beauty, because, for Ono WE) ;publish a few extracts from the often. A little sulpiltur of lime, not passing tlur(nigh corresponding hole -ft ker was RlIzabeth-Weli, I heard a story I
a very haplaso,me, anti effective pat- purity to wear -these Itb- roa,Ronb it gives an arch expressloll OX111011,1 Teport for the benefit of our onouglil to cause sore eyes, I ire- in thwo 'boxes, mitka, )nests casily coming upr the crack. I cv.iled tile ,,an 'bout a fairy once ,what ,wuz plitch- I
dresses w together and secreted them 1�
in 11
torn. k out necks, isut even alabaster can 'very ln� taken dorwn for cleaning, and ixIGO busli, and waited pati6ntly for the � . ,
to tile fact-. Ire cultivate a Cupid's farming renders. quently add.. If fowls are the ed. for Mwipint a guy's pocketbook.'*' --",-
If you so desire to trial. a lace gown ,be lialtated,, and the girl ,.*lie call bo* be careful in -closing tile mouth Irbe firms Invited to compete were related, I blave found I can clean 25 adjuistablcl to any size or height of train robbgr to make tile appmrance. I , 4 �_�__4 1 1 �
take a string or corals, a y show bonesi and salt cellars, dips not to let the upper lip protrude ; bet-
a rough as oil], VIassey.-Ilarris, Deering, Osborne, birds In 15 -minutes, by at puff box fowls, filnea, active breeds ,would He came in a, few mInuteF4 with Ills The Only Exception.
yen can find, thcux, all sizes and and hollows and no curves tit all, tlia,t it should obviously -extend be- Plano, Adrianee Platt, Walter A. or little bellowig of 7Rerstan Insect tort blaxe, nWts out of reach of their Wintalleigter back or bis ng -vi anti " Shale unusulaily conscientious, yon L
laffigtlt;� anti Outline, a figure In the can put on a golivit without a )lack, yond the lower Ill) Is exce,gslyely ugly, IvOod, MtCormlick, Milwaukee , and powder. I do not, -got acquainnted prying mischief, and large breeds whigtling to himself. As soon as lie 4 NY ? " .
lace with. them, stringing them upon lay ithe flat lace colla,r around her should not Johnston. . -I . .
but, on, the other hand, it withi each indivIdua parasite, but cannot, without Injury, jump down got within twenty feet, the nearest " Yes, indeed; even In the s;nAllest I
a. fine needle and Mewing them Into shoulders, and rely on .the lined dog recede. It should a trifle more than Plano, Adrianoo Platt and ,McCor- apply my powdor, to top or lifead, un- from. oil fly to 0iigh neots. Perches deputy jumped Gut and commanded lifletalle of life." .
mick did )iot answer the invitation; dsr beak, wings and vent. 7his to inuist not be teetar4ike, but Wheth- Ilim. to throw up Ilia hands, at the I Able to resist jan,y, sort of tempta- I
tile 1,�.tce. outline tile fIgur% then out- collar to protect her from the sharp touch tile upper lip. . - tio
line anothei to correspond with It. eye of orlticia,j man. A mouth with the upper lip curved, the Milwaukee fleolined to take part dono In the evening ,when fowls are ex they pull out 6? grooves or from same time covering lilm with Illst n V) I I .
Place oil each sleeve LL coral figure, .13lessed is ,the waujan with a nice, Iowa%' lip straight, full and well do. beeause they deemed one month'o drowsy, or wition I set a, lien, and under leather straps, will anower If Winch,ester. The rost of us made onr " UnquestiopablY.11 I . I
thpoe, across 'the bust, axi,cl then If long neck and a round, shining throat. fined, and a deprow1on beneath, notice Insufficient; Walter A. WOOd I several tinion during her Incubating. alovea,ble. Wide f)(11-cheri, prevent appearance and Parker knew he was '! Has she ever &en to Europe ?11 I
your coral�; hold ont. placo a foAv upon plic, need, wear notthing Of value; her shaws It high artistic sonso, it lovo rent machines, buit did not partici- sirtai vo,a &sheis will answer ,%veil. QL'Ookal breast bones and are gan- tip agaillist it and throw Ills rifle The champion of vqpman looked
the sWrt at the, head of tile flouitce� gown can be a two-yealr-old witti- of easel and beauty, it fine moral lia- pilte 1f,bo Persian Insect powder is vola- 9rally fselooted by Modern heavy ba -0k. We secured him. and started ,Qtaxtled. ' .
to look something Ilko fagot stitch- out style, or tone; yet, If she will ture and a certain coldriess of tem- 1141,0 JUTY 1-M&IIII)NISOd 'tile President illo, and A-Ifould be kept tightly coy- fowIg glvon It, choice., , back for Flagstaff. 'Oh, ,%veil," lie said, "of course, if
Ing. I tuck a rose In tier haIr and another Perament. If the 011111 is firin and of tho Agillcultuval riocletY, who 19 I vilotli when not used, and III of no AiD a ploncer retraces Ills Arlie by "Of courfse, there was great excite- 1,bo, had a chance to smuggle a few -
Tho vo-val trIntilling Is adviseld -LO In her bosom she will Ila beautifully rountied, that bek�pfxiks determination also a member of the ProvIncial I asti in nest -boxes, unless mixed 'and blazed trees, so, would that lcould inent at Petf, ,�-'p.rlaga when we ar- gowns Into the count,r,v. wby-vvby-
tier andt abundantly attired -for of such and physical strength. . Council; a delelp ' Itses t
tj.,o womm who Is. making up ,ato from the Min- I lold with oil. ninsy, worm1wood and itInn by a line or cleall han-110 r ved. The prisoner Nvasi -taken to that's a different matter."- f.1hicago
own Lim", for there Is nothing dirli- Is ithe king,doni of be,aut,y. The month of sagacity Is largo istry of Agriculture, two members elder leaves, cedar springki and oil- wit -11 mov-tiltle furniture. F. W. Hnd- , lad put Ill Jall. He was Evening Post. ;
cult about It andslin can easily work Why, once upon a time there was Ion skins axo good dliscouragors lit k�,,on, Live Stock Commissioner. 'Pile'Do't �,
and always well closed. the line of of the Provincial Council, three es- tiled 1. apayl county and senten- -_ .
out. a liand,solas pattern for tier- a gown. No, lot the story he told the lip is firmly defined and a cer- tate owners, seven district agrlcul- . cod to be flanged. While awaiting .1 . � I .
self. � this vritty : tain tightness about the jaws, when turad itatiplectors, and two agricul- - Ills Fentance lie nutdo a bold escape
1�or t1to woman who Is making her This ,year, In a certain city, there in repose, Is noticeable. turists. %V4ft,'al%la,,%*l%V%I%AQ,��l&,QIU%%VI%0411���l&,Ik,'&� from prison, killing the DIstrIct At-
ow;u gown ttexo are other things to lived a woman with an Gill taffeta That woman will be keen, clever RVO Tefrain front, giving! the namei�h ==i�___:��
torney, and severely beating the X:�. -27-- �=:
. .-
be recommended. Very often a, Waist skirt and an old taffeta shirt waist. In conversation, and analytical. Still because they are atussita," and very, r I . jaller. He was assisted in tills as- -.= - _...,
- V�=-- � I
caji be treated so ,that it Is decol- Neither was a,bsolutely riddled wIth will, not be easily deceived, and while hard to spell. 0 cape by a, Mexican and Marvin Mll,. - .�. __ .
e . I . � � I-
. � r ... -, _r, -
. � �"w -
late tind yelt capable or being worn holes, but both were IMd1y cracked. a good conversationalist, knows well Who ground -was lumpy', and a hill Man fluinfifin 9" in Arizbnae . ler. Au soon as they broke j.%lI they - .. , ,;A �- -
I �1 I I - 4
vr", - - lb I � I � I -
,ions afterivard, when New Yeax's (lay wais coming and she -iv to act upon Tallyrandis maxliyi Ade test was chosen. The crop was. ran across, the plaza to a livery sta- , W ,
for other ocoax 110 I -11 ,,, , "I,, Ak� -I- .. -
( 1 4,1$ . ,
. , '0"� I
a, high neck W required. had nothing to wear. Flora Me- that "Language is given to conceal very Igng rye, heavi-ly mixed -with' ble, kept by Slierifir nufrner, an(] ., I , �
thought.,, STORY OF JIM PARKER, A DARING TRAIN & �3 __ / . �11
'B�e old expedient of a removable Flimsey was never in a worse plIght weeds and partly laid. i stole two horses. Parker took the k 1. ,� I
. necizer.and ve4 Is one that canal- and by the day's mail their arrived If a mouth Is long and thin, with In the binder trial, the machines I ROBBER -HIS CAPTOR'S STORY OF A RE- I Sheriff's horte, which was tile beat I'-* P.ow 4 k§to � I - __ I .
. . -
the lines between the lips clear ant 4% hours. The I _R A BAD MAN $ oni- in- the vounty, will grnbbed tho P� - . I 1� .. . I I
w:tTo be resorte.1 to, and for tills a lettt�r from a long-InvIted gli-I worked for all o it L MARKABLE CHASE AFTF /f I -
and firm, the, woman Is selfish, mor- V Mexivan up behind him and left town , I I .
un,v can me ones' old white chif- friend stating that she waiii coming working of each -machine was watch- Q0 THROUGH A WILD COUNTRY. - , I I .
fon shirtw, lat. bid and dominating. it Is the mouth with tile song, "Just, tell them I "
I al Cut tile sleeves out to Epend ilia New Yea,r week. everything, anti ad by four judges. 101%�%,qt�,1%,IbAll��qV&10,1�,�e%1%111U,V,�&ItIZ,%,Ibe%At,I&IM,ASIIL,� -chat Yon saw- ilia, bat Wdifilt saw ?,,�v_ . �
of the wAtet, clean the chiffon neck- ' that daulfres to rule "Tile Afassey-1-1-arris Bander did " I , 'fi I ,:1 ,�_!
trans- Using Cheap Lacte. Well. Its owner will ride to an end no mixt- well .1,11 c ' :116 me sore," I tplql/l 1111 � -1 - �:
and ,vcl,3t and the ,gown is ,utting tile laid grain, but F . P'.. _, 1. I I
-necked affair. Oolng out _quickly to the .bargain ter over hoNr many boidles. (A'a,shangton Star.) cured the booty they. were to go In- "'They nlade for the big timber, and X2111 &/17§(y�Z, - .1 I �. , ,,-!� .,
n the -- Binder, .which had iests laid P"s if
v , ,
11 I _. ��J . '. ... - , .
pre, , a,"_ . I
11VAen use bliot1ml. velvet A 'hwastern Nevada and escape. on the way Parker pushed the Mexl- � . � . .�,;� I �
)[r this; counter this woutan procured enough But where the line Is flexible, the grain to cope with, failed to take It "Ralph H. Cameron, Flagstaff, Ar- tO 80111) 11, .Z I . I
--- -
also briwadet] crepe do china, Nvitb black lace to make a nice, deep band chin weak and the corners Inclined ag can off lit the brn:idi, vOilch-look-ed ; ��., 1� I � I %� . .
twice run-ning over the rye." Thompson aild MD.rvin, as soon � . I I I � I
Ru�aslan oubroideryA axotind the neck of tier gown, which to drop, there Is selrIell- The result of the binder and other izona.11 is the tretiord in the register they. started on the expedition, were like a ellabl-ly trick- tit tile time, but 11. �. I ,� I I 11 i .
. . . Ithe out. decollate. ;$be lined the lace nbas without dewlsion, egotism with- testF. wits that ZALassey-llarrls Co. of Tile New, Willard -Hotel, and a re- tol go to Poto Springs, takt; a room thei Mexican made good Ills ear pe I . _ I i
I vv 0 porter hunted out this mlin, whose and wa,e never apprebended. M6,ler ll -26. �� 1_111 I
A Now Lace Set. with panne the color of iburnt orange.- Out character, mel4nolioly wItl out er gl,ven, -the hiihest award in In; a prominent ,hotel, so that when Joi;, , . %
a ffiev� wrinkle to the lace act. if Then Lhe put two strips down tile cause. I .0, .. .- . .
. each case. . t r . , I l isignall daring In the capture of the 'tile 'alarm was ralsed 11JIlompson's tvas (,-&Light at Jerome and jailed. � r . ). , ,6-,jo, - I— I
you love any woman well you can fxont or thewtaist, right to the belt, The short upper lip, with a de- . . notorious Jim, Paxker, the train rob- ' gang would not be suspected, and Parker made for the Black Hills, I 1 4. - & ;.1., . - I
purclitiog fok'bor such a set. Lot and made a twist of ibuxxit orange prosslon under the nose and an In- the Mexican Parker, according to last ac- and on his wa,y we found where be 1i III I
------.- —_ bar, and Juan Lopez, Jim. . bad gone Into a pasture, killed a .. .
it be in oevoral. parts. Mrs. Fred. for the belt. l3etiveen the two front . . . - I �. I with murderer, brought him fame in the counts, boln-win California, suspicion 4-
. � No. Did you eyer see a, man. 1 10115, . -, I I I
. weat some yea.rs ago. Mr. Cameron yearling and jerked the meat. He I ., ." ..... ,. % I 6
Vanderbilt bas a lacet oqt which be- str - Ips she set a little knife plaiting 1111' he cor- . would be diverted from Robbers' doubled on his tr=k twice, and li- . .1
gins wlih a lace collar all in points. of whito silvered chiffon plaited at ched 115s drawn down at t was Inducedto marrate the story, of Roost. 'But the beat laid plans of ... I I / .��
nects, ill the front ners, ,w -kp - . . ,�
-_ -
anti home and not mt all dear. CAUSE FOR ALARM Ito was not either a cry baby, rially we located him in the lagoon 77 __
,MIto collar t - -you ever see Pa x ar. mice and men aft gang aglee,' as I country. It was here we received. ... " I .
Is) high In tile neck,t . -wAs .not a bad man � � . I
A, just "Jim Parker will explain. The train slowed A I .,
Around the foot of the skii Or a fiend 2 No. Did .
- near -, . It. man with a straight mouth and 'her youngi positive Information at a trtxdor�o , . I
TIro lace set Is Ito, be wora In the lkneea she set a hand of at beaxt. Like many ot .
. up for Nelson In a. box.eanon, and store that Parker had recent . . 11 I I ..:
doors or out of doors, for i.t looks the face and lined it with thin; lips who did not cling to a pur- men he began ,wrong, 'and developedi ,IY I I -1.
eqtxa�ly well upon a ,street- suit and burnt orange, and from this lace she When You Grow Weak and Your posic until It ,tras accomplished ? NO- rapidly. The police first became an -1 Parker swunglilmself aboard the an- passed that way. The Indlanis were _____1---.4,-,_-. - ".,
upon a house dress. The cuffs are lat fall a black lace flounce wh1uh Cheeks Lose Their Color Did -you ever see a mail with lips quainted with Parkor In Versalla, gino and held up the englneer and called In and offered $15 a p1we to IN MgESE AUTOMOBILE DAYS.
tictadc, of lace, and are very deep .Was once paxt of a lace skirt. The turned inside out who was not an county, California, ,where he was fireman and stopped 'the train. -91a assist in his capture. Reinforced by T�Ipawrltor-Wby do yon jamp .
nad pointed. They -are of a sort to 6nd wAs brought down to a point in enthusiast 2 No. caught, while still a bOY, stealing partner was to unebupla ifie ex- *these, we started out again art(] fol- r.,very time the typewriter *bell rings?
wear with the full sloeve, and it P,he front to Imitate thebeautiful new This Aleans .iniftemia, mid if Neglected .Thick lipped men. are generally, tin- gradn from the fields during harvest pross ear from t,he pubsenger coaches IDwed Parker Indian faslilon-that Is, B.Ookkeeper-I iningLue Wit a gong
takov eight or nine points to reach dourt gowns of the Queen a( Spain. pluslvd; thin lipped ones, Me time. He was sent to San Quentin and signal by two shots, jv�lion Par- we would i -est cluriii- the day and on ,tit automobile. � .1
cretive. I I . . I .
mi I This done, and abe bad a lovely, gown, Consumption May Follow -Dr. A long upper lip mea.no "get there.", Prison and served a term of five kor would take tile train up the trail him at night. Finally we came � — .
Tito rewarkable part of the lace suitable for any hostess. WiMaims' Pink Pills the A short tipper lip means "lat things years. In tile early 'DO's ,TIm Parker canon and thoy ,would dynamite tile tip to him In it small canyon and fielit HIS Flace. .
s9t is tile skirt trimming, which con- 0ii1y Certaia Cure. take their course." ; . I xPross car. we found him sound asleep, with Idw A nituinbor of inlachlevolif; boys got
, made his itirst appearance In Arizona 0. When the train slowed
Mists of eight long strip -press messenger, I forehead resting on Ilia gun.
a or lace . Anaemia, or poor or watery __ �. as a cattle thief, and was the recog- lip, the ex Tearing liola or a donkey Ono Sunday and tied
made In a eoxolt design to be laid nized chief or what wan than known something wrong, grabbed Ills re- "He was coniplotely surrounded
airound the foot of the .skirt so that &H the Tliompson gang, whose )lead- Yeeltrig undue, restraint tile animal
Fwl�`,��,;"�_ '15�1�_�tl�llwl blood, Is a, trouble. from which and taken, and the march proceed- It to the church deal, during- service.
Rk�NGING Toilet.Hilits. volver and jumped from the train. ad to Flagstaff, wbere he was jailed. begilm to pull, and the noise brought
they Juist 'touch. The utmost lati- I most growing girls, and many ' A cooling lotion for heated,,watery ua Roost. This lici saw the care uncoupled and -%V%%s Parker told me afterward that but
tuds Is allowed in tIve putting Of these �� ( young 'boys surfer. It comes at a band consisted of Abe Thompson,, climbing back on tile platform when tile beadle. He was unable to get tile
� critical periled of the young per- ciyes Is hot ,wa.ter poured over dried for a coincidence lie would have
- ___ --.-----. THE COIFFURE. � Xid Maa-vin, and several halibreeds filet came face to face with the tmin gotten away agafn. It was Ills pur- door operl, and, hearing the lioLse of
son's life. and, unless prompt steps rose leaves. Let'it stand until cold. and Mexicans, whose names were robber. Ile shot him dead, and Jim feet outside, )%a concluded that tbe
.. LAA�1L&A,,.Kp"fWwWW.A;J are taken to enrich the blood and ,When curling the hair with Irons never known. Thompson had been Parker ,hearing the two shots, can- pose to ride alongside or an Incilan boys, ware holding on to tile handle.
I . when the horses wcro watered at
if tho race ig wi,ae, inai.e. taie uod- thus strengthen the system, de- have two sets and heat them In it it railroad engiVeer and furnished eluded It was the signal, and pulIPLI the 'COlorado River, and, snatching �Lljijukliig 'to frIghtan the youthe away, I
I . 11 I hih oad, For ornament clIne, and most; likely consumption, vessel of water kept at ,boiling point, the mechanical part of the plan to t,.ho throttle open and took the engine a gun from the hostler, turn and 110 put 1119 Mouth to tile 1COY11010 and I
) will follow, Dr, WIllarns' Pink Pills thus avoiding ihorlsk of singeing and . ,
a bunch of flo"rs; or'a rose tucke- rob the SfaxtaFe trains. For several, and mail car off. `41ict mall car was I Oloutecl, "I kon- yer face, me lad, an'
- shoot and got away, but when we �
I .. I ad among the fluffiness of tile is the only medlobne that acts di- t1tri,ying the hair. weeks, Thompson, by drawings and ahead Of tho express car, which -was roacbed tile river another posse I'll tell yer fathorl" When tile idem Lity
I . crown. rectly upon ,the blood and the A Lmod mouth wash is made or a Illustrations, coached Parker Inthe a of the "youth" wa,s: disecovered It was .
. It the face is long, arrange the nervea, promptly restoring tile all- little tincture of in.,yrrh with warin locomotive. it unusual, but the fulstato fortunately joined us, and P rker gave up all Rome time before the istervIce could
I hair full over tile care. A flower Ing one to complete health and Water, and espleclaffir good It Is If the o the first chapter in a well -con-, saved the Wells Fargo people a hopes of eacape. proceed. I ( ; . I $- . ,
I'll . May be worn back of the cars or strength. The following statement mouth Is at all sore, or if a tooth wa' largo sum of money, for the oxpress "Yes, Parker was hanged, and I .:---.i . , I
structed plot to hold up an express car was left standing with the pas- never saw a man die as game as he , .
- I a small wileatli, around the back from Mrs. Lena Al. Riyan, of ,Vvel� Itais been dirawn. ap upon train, a job that required great Monger coaches. did. He made a speech on the scaf- /X "I . :,. I ''I
hair land, whose daughter was & victim Do no�t xulb .the cake of so deliberation. and daring. Jim Par- . "Three miles from.where the train fold and sald it was all right, lie /,�11.�',� , , .
of anaentia, It will ,be impossible to 'p, .
If the face is broad and the chin ker furnished all of this, for though p , . . . . .
"I , �,�/ '' ,
gives the strongest the hair. for '. /11�1 � I
god Ilia value of these pills. remove the soap from the separate engine deserved It, and .after telling the , , o/ I �
stopped Parker brought tile 1, / " "
heavy, the hair 14110111-d be arran proof of a small man, wIth a kindly, face, lie - boys good-I)ye, tried tile trapdoor ""Z" / / . :."I..... � .
1=_ to( a, standstill and marched tile an 4 "_2 m 1// , . / I
a , ii�� -1 . .1 I I
to soften tile C011tO,Ur-n0l straight Airs, Ryan says: "About three years hairs once rabbed on, and the result was the most determlined man when ,' 1`1 - -- - Off wbile lie pro- and told thotit to iat bar go." , 1. ,,;,'%,§C �, ,�.
I- I lines of any sort. Breadth should ago tile health of my wilaughter, v7Jl' 00 a sticky head ot haLr "or he set onfl, to do a job I ever sair,. 9 no'r - � � I . . if , i�llitvq. v lt'� I
', weeks. . . l coodea to rifle the registered lurtil �%//./
: ,�,�
,� .1 - , I
Ile given to the top of the head, If Birdie, became so bad that I was h %.'.�� ,
.1 a Parker told we afterward that 0 . , - �Z:t:,.Z /
" the arrangement of sarlously alarmed. She was pale __ -be robbery. Some time be- -.-_; -�J J�Ot /
I pouch. He %v,as expecting his part- 1,6�
Possible, by , - �_\ ,. 1
I tile +'...... 17 1 4-1 A pl 4� Ill ll 1. .I 4. 4. nor every minute, but -lie did not =a- . Beginning Early. I trAll,
* ___ W - " " 'F
, planned �
I - , - arge owers may an in- .as; a no up- Ift,`11Q& fore the hold-up Parker well V I _� - I : /0
,qtv�-%�, 15-
I, - . toTialize, and so, single-handed -and chieftgo NONVL4. ./ ..414, ?*.
be worn,,,. . petite, lost flesh and sufferedfrom Pate Springs and purchased a tick- I 'I'll ./ I .� I .. .. . -
If tile face is round and 'Chubby, severe headaches. I took tier to a him alone, . . ., ..
at to 0alflornia, taking with , bo calmly went through tile I /; . �,
brush the hair off the forehead, doctor, and althaugli. Ills treat- KITCHEN LORE. his saddle and gun, giving It out mail, selecting the letters containing Ethel, aged. 10 -Mamma, whore to A! � < . �..,, . .. .
i I Oki � r. Which apparently ment was folldwed for I 'Th.,�14b.�-IR.W�1"W"l, gon money and valuables. Ho then dl- your complexion powder? - � llt.A�) //_ /� ll� I ,,�-- ;y//y -
�It � � lengthens the some time, r "hat he was tired of tile �� . ,
11 . face. Never part the hair in -the It did not benefitt Ifor., 'on 'era"' - - Mamma -What do you want with .,� Vr / /
I I then tried nt,y and was going home. Three ' rooted tile engineer and fireman to
Middle and comb It i;lowai oil each some other remedies, but these also To got rld of mice, blow Into their .w.aekIi a,fter he left lie returned on go bacik and got tile train, and ho It. dear ? to I �, I � /
,�., I,", i. ,
ride. For ornament, a wreath of failed, and she ]lad wasted away haunts with a bellows & generous horseback,* rldliig through the coun- nla(lai for tile bush. He ca,me back, / A fit ,/
:. Nany women and doctors do small flowers may be arranged to a mere shadow Qf her former mixture of red pepper and finely try, and joined tile band In Robber'm however, and lild along the railroad Ethel -I'm going oil a bunting If;l ,/
-not recognize the real sym .bout the back )fair. fastened at delf. At this stage I was adviged powdered lime. Then paint the on- Raost. traaf as tho, train went by,and then trip. A I If
. -ranco to each bole with liquid Car, "Tile scheme which they had plan- hurried ba.ckf to tile place where *;C-�,�__�-. I—- f I
� )a -But It Is not tile POW� 5 _- .
P-tonis ill" top with a perky upright bow. to give her Dr. Williams' Pirik pIlls t Mamma I f��; � -
.. ,
of derangement of the f emale 60 31111011 for tile face In general. and silo began tills treatalent. Al- and add to the household a cat that III ad' ,ring In the der that hunters use. I.. I'— .
'brgans until too litte. Sometimes; the features are such , was to ,hold up the train at Net, ,had left Ills partn6r,wondif li� , , ,;- ,-- , I
most from the outset those I)Illq knows tier business. son, about- eight miles from Veto ineantime, what had become Or Will. E tbol-But it's the kind that wo- ,�, I ,- I_ 1_ i ��,
11 ., �-,, , .
I as to need special clonsiderationas helped tier, and as silo continued __ Springs. Parker was to ,have one Ile found not n, trace bf ,him, and, use ,wllell they hunt busba d .1 . I i I I
11 r,�hitd terrible pains along my Nya, mail 11 a, . . .
.11 ati ilia general contaor of the their use, 'the color came back to If you keep lleo-rice, In the house,, n with, him -to help him in the taking tho, horso, rode off to a dn- i I I I
ispinal, cord,for two years and suffered, 8 ilia Isn't It ? I I t
I dreadfully. I was' given different face. No Wholesale piescriptlot call hor cheeks, her appetite Improved you, bixv,f) one or. the very best oure work, and as soon as they had so- sorted cabin, where I lie spoilt tile . I - . . I I 1� t
' ever bo given. One must always the headaches ceased tol troubl�F roll, dyspepsla. A small piece of It- I 1. I . : `�', I .. . .
Ca r 0
itnedicines, wore plasters; none of experiluent, for no two faces are Irer, and by the time Bile had tal ,n co I o, slowly dissolved In tile .
these things holpt'd me. Reading of alike, -It a 0 0 k-
ilie cures that L50N9 E. Pink.hatWs eight boxes Bile felt strollget. and month covers the stomach wit . d"k 9" d"IN I .,:;-.
If the, f0rell0ad 1.4 1Ow`, tile most better thaaft she had ever done Ill Protective coat, and relieves the
hecoming style usually 1.4 - praln of lit flAinination.-London Ans- fl / Is and taxa. . __-.5�7r____
,Viegetable Coinpound has brought to part hor lIto before. I think Dr. WIfl Paral S Loulailutor A _�_,,��),,-_
� -
about, I somehow felt that it was tll( bal, In tile 111*1110 and wave liards' Pink Pills are unsurpass d war - � - �,7 _T ,
. ) .1 a B 7 I I .. . . - I - I � :1 �.]Jlo"",.,
'What I needed and bought a bottle to it (knall idde, wifth I - - -
IdIce. How glad I am that I did so; . 11, llalf-lOW Coll for all allments of this kind, and rvous Diseases—D,% Chase's Nerve Food Prevents F1JI1NI'1`I'Rl,,' COVE,Itt%.
tit the back, Maxine Elliot. affects strongly recommend thein to other I.,Igllt on -t or ton cases at tooth- The Dreadful Results of Noglooted Me
. n
two bottles brought me immense rd, thh; Mtylo, so does Lady Curzon. inotbets," aclu; can Ile relloved by getting some and Curos Paralysis by Restorin—the Wasted and Depleted Nerve Colls- BrItIgut-Must. 01 inke ill' ainjimas
s o V M
Ilef, and tftbr using three bottles more opliantent% may be arranged III ilia- Dr. WIlliamW Pink 11111 n t onl, brantl soda- bicarbonate of Rolla, ts,r 1110 furniture, 1-fluat ? I
I felt new 11-fe and blood sur dent effect over ilia brow. curit all cases like the above, but liot baking powder -divisting it an a To understand paralysis and its Irritable. over-setwitlye to light, UIP"flonild SYmPt011's becoulD appar. I I --- . I I 11 I
mcilging 0 or troubl addicted to coil- vut. The.So are Indl0a,tiOns Or 11 d"gell- A Constant Will(]. . , .
through my Vans. It see as It ilv� noso 1.4 pronouncedly long, also Cure all ill as arls- pic,ce 6f cotton ,wool, and placing (tallacs it, Is' wc,11 to remember that L'Ot'll(lb and ,motion
tliourli there hand becu a regular liouw nevor wear the hair Ill a maSS at Ing from poor blood or weak verveR, tid�4 ill the cavity. ir all the teeth tinual lifloveniont or tapping of the (ratioll. of tile nerve cells, ttliftM whou Of a hotelke-oper ill the Scotch Iligh-
4. 01calling throurli lily riVistem, that all thel back. Arrange hair wall III) such as rheumatism, partial par- ache together. the camse Is gener- every movement of the body Or its fifill rk� twitchIng of the muscles, t,ud- itt,rve forc(� liceomew ovIlausted put-- Injidisn. tourist fthked: "Is tills & good
, Y thosielcixess and poison'1111d been taken froin tho back, with ornaments to 8, '.M. Vitus' danoe. ladigen ally nelftilty of the mouth. Ill that memberat Is due to ilie contraction of (IV,l'1't` st,tiptingis find jorkingH of tho lljybls its bound to fellow- plaluej lantcjlord� do you think,for. it per -
%ail. X givo a broad effect, alys, s, case klissol've the a6da, In warm wat- mum -le, which e!tn ozily take plaeo Ifin . 11r. Chale�o Nervo roil vffected, with it weak chest T,
J 6ut and now life griven me inste Von, kidney and Ever trouble .It@ during sloop; if you ]lava nerl. Foodi note on
lavoltilvil;ed,11OW118 Of my frientIG to 1190 If check bones are prominent, scrofula and eruptions (yf tile skill, er inlid -traph tile tooth with It. yout " >01)q .0 tile %,9tem In 11,11 entirely different
Plulchalit's Vegetable fluff ont illn, hair at tile ungleir tile Ingluence of nerve force. vouts huttlaphes or dysl fla. ill rdblary nietI1011110.14. It to "'Nalle.1 bpttvr, filv ; iiano bettert"
rjydia 100 aldoN. etc, These pills are also it direct will ibe well In an Instant. unable to aleep, or rest, feel down- way to 0 wns 0r, (Ine.ourill"Ing velfly.
C0111pound. Good health is indis- It iho forehead IF; 111911', One, Of care for the ailments from which, - As tills all-bupOrta,nt IMM force b.carted and di,scouraged, and unilt neither a stimulant to whip tired "I )lave bevi;, recommended, you
exisiable to oomflete Itap to renewed activity, not, it
_�iness, and eo-urso, hhould let the hair droop women suffor In atlantic. A teaspoonful of pepper put Into is &eatoil in the nerve centres of the to, fight tile battles of'llfo; If your 11CM1.10 kliow,, by tho doctor to settle In &
C . to take away I 0 1114 ly I)IIIK a fair trial and they It two -ounce bottle of strong wliir,- brain and v,pinal cord, and conducted ll,evves are weilk and exIianateds and upla,tes
Eydia 1�1,. 11,1'11 cham's Vegotable over It SUMC11311itly (141vo tito to (leaden tile p1two whero the south wind, blows,
any bnId vffnct and Olve pretty relikt-, nerve fibres to tile your !)load thin and watelly, YOU "I "'001A."Or
ejonlipoulld has secured this tome.11 will not disappolint you. The W-111- key or ruin will imake the hair grow. along ,w]. . Ilervea tile ciontrintry It Isl a food Does it blow. much here?"
�3fltg, 1,A,ur,A, L. Dnrumnn, Crown linins. nine aro sold only In boxes that ,�ftar the bath, n1so, it is ail eXeel,- va:rloita parta of tile body, any dq- 114tve every rpai�on to fear par4lysis care, which f0r=4 1110w) red cor: 14`11,00tp, py!" Nvilo tile reply, "It's
,nit .011aped -ra- )lave tile full name, "Dr. Nvilliallim' lent thing to rub Into tho head - rapgolitent of the brain, Ephlltl card, of at lat - -Tentiflg now a
)?a, ,, Indianal Secretary Ladies Relief Ir the faco.is Ivedge .List game part of ilia body, llumles in ilin blood, and I ye the, souill Wind that b1ftwis hero",
COITS. -09600 forfeit I wplifiV16yaboyd letter thOr A. (16,1111110TI contour In Amorl0iff, .3,11111c Pills for Pale People" on * the or, tit fact, all ovor the body. If or �iervo, fibroe may result in para- a,u(1 conflecluent saffprilig and hall)- 111L,rva, pplis. 3tvery do3r It is bringing "Then, how do you n000lint for it
pr6vrng ganairich,ego canwt to produce . -4o not oinphasIzo It by flitifflngthe wrapper around every box. It .vmlk One Is at all blue after Ills nifor'Alrig Iyale or loss of tllo povver or move- iti,sisilems. . back JIMIth, ptroligth and vitality to bioNving from the north at tho pre-a-
L"Ver"y Slekiyoulan Who (Joeg not ludr ont over file Parts. Tills only doalor does not have then%, wnitt tub, if, Iltiln for tills holnequado tine, h%ciiit, L � I I paralygig call always be prevented voores and hundreds who have, becomo 0 -lit tlIiif\ ?" wild tile tourist.
. tmiijersfand hot Affilient should inuTtos the Irlanglitlar effect more direct torDr. WillianiW Modkelne Co., t1l,re pourod in tile p. -flan of the hantl Paralysis, then, is tile natural Ile- alld� partial paralysis actually cul'(41 dhoonrilged, through tho failure of 11f)JI, thatIR easily necountett forif
Wrlibef ,Dfrs, 1"InIchlant Lynn marki,il. An oval offeet ean be givon Droa-kVille, Ont, and tllo pillIt, wr3I and I)ARkly rubbiA to the body will wit 'Of all 111c,giclo toil norvolls ilia- by the, timely lien Of 1)1*. Ciane's doctors and other tre4linwitits to vVre
I '. I Nerve Food. The thito to begin thtm 60 oelltt'�4 a, boN, tit all dealers, air", war; tll(� rop).y. "It's the Mouth
Xas& Her ttdvl(* Is jr0a Za 1); arraI191119*00 hair high over tile be sent pwot paid at 50 nent.; a proiduvo a warin glow and prevent eaffet. o wind W t1lof".1111e, Mir, jiAt oil Its road
Always halpful, . face. "lie does not nPeeasarily nitau, box, ot six bcmes for $2.rio. chill.-Dronklyll J!"agle. . . It you f1lill yoursoll nervoliff And treftiluent Is when ally Of tile above or Xd%ansion, 1�ai(l.is -% Co., T rontO. i
1. I I . I . bitok giatilyt.11 1