The Wingham Advance, 1903-01-15, Page 2W . - I � ! A =.- , I , 01 - . f"q.lpklllpi.o..I.Illqlo,iq.vw 6 � � " ", `1 ,� � I . I I I I I .. � . � I 11 I I I 11 I . 11 . I I - - � ­4.XWV._V;b�_A"1"1-" � . I I,. �. - .. �. . I I I - 1. .1 .'I I I I 1. �i . � ­� . � ��_ - " , " " , , , .. ­� . . , " ., ,. , . ,, I . , - ". , . , , � . ,� 11 I ==1' I., . . .- �. .1 . I. . . . - � -.1. — - � - - . I —_ - , - - __ - � � - I-. _­_ - . � - 1:11 , � ___-.1 . I I I . � say to yosh it van are at lotoure," lie rV. 1 4u +1 11.1— - AdONIMA. ­ _-'sp�-7-= (e_i4-� V , � � - 11 - , ': 't", . � 6 a � k I . .1 -9- 11 - -06W Jack, BrIbery Westin. 18114 1rue one of theme bright llttlo g1ris will) love to entertain their big stoter'# beaux. . � began. . vim quite at Wour sorviQe," she buliday 1000i % voso wt verea, P'T 051mv I also. and stirred up the ,people. Till) brethren thou Vularillittely sent Ilan, *r;o� . ''. - � FOR TUE $AKE I 1b.-Pl. ­__­ ...- ­­­Fh � over. whiob the sivoAture, or i a tatQlk and witnogs had been. writ as�ll swored. 1,14ttle Utobael is In bell I I Coast troLde collLtes, according to Awl ,,rou turn away to 'ild.i yoilr Bradstreet's reports, doubtlosa the e-rullo satisfaction 'ht to Athens by boat. but Sling. and ,N-oursPlf, husband of such a wito I P" (ture, 10 : tills n0ble mail, r4wakened altbough. no traoo or them was and asleep, and I have, notblulp to doo" � I "It Is about him I wish to Opoak"o ANT14111IN41111ONAL TAXIA'SLON NO. ill. Timothy remained at Berea. Tow-hingp - Christ's militators to I 1) L I I OF OLD LO E, � V �. 'b IQ even under, the isilorosoulle Tills to Oile of tile pectillarltle that it, brings to I lie 001, as lie sat dtawa. "Uq Is al- I l$ JANU41AX 10, 1008- diould wi dillgent and really out- , for for their Maoter. Opposition can- W —� . ��E , It � �111i—�._ the v!amera, .Us wbIch arc quite Invisible 1 mosv well, again now. not stop the spread at goFipel truth. "He to Very delicate still", silo said quickly. 111fa needs a gro4ttileal ilktkilat'thessalotilcaaitilBorea.-Actsll,l.12. The smoA effeative Style Or preaching is that which to hased. on tho word of on,re-bo could not stand much." cerallson-tary-1. Preaolilug In Th(,R� or uxoa. An honest search of the Could lie mean that they wattLed liar oalonlais, (yij, 1.4). 1. Tacy-Luke , . geriptilreo Allvays results In great no longer? She asked berselt, with vilowa Tliat lie -,of have been ]aIt . -1 'n-- -la"dors are orten hurled "Sisters going to give ma live el . eents", sho. "4 4 k k I did Intend to get inarriml a0loo mind ,,'Ou, 10 bIX feet long and half a thrift of fear, Changes irosm, 'live" to ',they," whioli isgulost the followers of Christ. 'Ile that So?" ventured the young till%() ago, but I grow. d1tioouruq4 a miko Ili width, with muzatfar In "&a you guy, lie needs a great Iselillid. AM � - .plitpo,ie - Thirty-three man. 'IN41111tor'a real good to you, IN111 and Changed my mind. After read- tile isilddlo and 300 wives oil it side. deal of care," he answered, slowly. Miles southwest of Plillippl, on the PRAOTICAL SURVEY. she ?11 I ing, that tile shol, or Persia has 600 (Tito children lileep, over Ili the next "He also needs inore couirort alid ItivCr Stryin,oll, tit tile boad of -tile Tito looldonto narrated Ili tbo les - 440h, but it's to pay me. She auld WIv M. A had no heart to start alit count'),.) But whiat do'!s Aluzatfor do? different surroundings to What I ga',[ of titat name, on the nortborn son occurred during tile second mis- U -t of tile Aegean tica.-J., J3, & U. stonary journe,Y I wouldn't. tell you what is, bad In this groat; seething, bubbling Does lin wring Ills hands In do"Ir ?,oab give him. I have wondered -I ooas of Patti, tile orIg- word site said when she saw you COW, world with 0111Y 0110 little, measty, No I Ile simply hisses I iltAts Ill and have wondered," lie repeated, 11 It Apolioida-Tliirty, miles southwest of font purpose, or which. was to re - 0, So I ain't scrawny Wife and I gave It up, I holds his ears while tile feminine you would like to take him With you Austs,11111011.8; tile exact site 14 not visit fornsor fields Of labor, to Wlt� known. Thovs.4onlea--About thirty- Ross tile progress ,%lid con Irm the Inic she'd give, It to m , I rs-golrig to. No, olroal'l-1,141adelphla Could title 110 pI0o,t3tlr0 In 00111ilIg 110sme Bill I k that follows drivos the burglar whon you go?" Hiranille Bulletin. I . to dinnor (lay after day oulY to rita,rk, staring m4l. and lie dies a .XISV- "Like to take him ?" silo ,eohood, seven millco west of Apollonla. TIlir ingh of thoo"o who through lite in- flad the ailmo old ugly wife dresued Ing masslac. tier face lighting up with Jay.. "Need was the principal olty Ili Alacelloula. strusuci,sitailty tin() embraced C10R. mother-hubtlard, Ask Affecting Picture. ask me ?" I '.1. As- his uroxier ivas-"To allvaYs tiallity, Ills compulsion on this DkUMOR WOMEN CtIUMS- 111 tile namne 0011("t frowsy bair and "'I& have tIouglit beun wilh tile Jows. and not to turn — with tile sap dirt under liar finger Aluzatior Is a p',eturesquo charac- that oil seemed attached tolhlWl to tile Ul,sstfloo until the JewEr reful,od joul-ney -wAR Silas; later, lie was . the game old ter and one Is thrilled with admlra� I'by Timothy, a former obts. A (hirlous Itclationship %viliclit Fills nalls-frying the same old laco over ifor, as Ile grasips a illoot-jack an(I "Attached?" she repeatetl again, tho goi-pol, that, their moutlis m1glit �tnicl allill algo by 1juke. Tito jour. Up the i4ito of, the Lonely Wory"01- Cho Cook stove. It In natural thfIt stands Ili the ralddlo of the pta,lor with a laugb. "I love nim with all be stopped from Clamoring against stay IF; attended with events Of A chief characteristic of the ba(3118* a ;nail with any ambition should floor -wittv the light of hattle In 11IR my heart, I couldn't. bear to be bliss, Istoalive, lie preached to tile Qen- thrilling !Interest. Perils and per. lor buslisestj woman is to have 06 011111A. yearn for 0, new wife, new frizzas, V,N,et while IiIH vv,tfo Verelies on ,the parted from him now, But don't ti.cs." Throo 04bbath dayB---rXllIs (toes g"utlons awatted. them on every a confirmed .bachelor woman. IIk% new snother-liabbard anti new ilirt, bric-a-brac to escalio a foroolosia you mind?,$ looking at him with not Imp.y tnat Slaul kept thei Jowlab hand, and minglo strikingly with h"Salf, upon whom silo can lavish al- and I Concluded there was 110 RHO Inward resentment tit 'film for lilg Sabbath as a saurell day, bat the victories for trtith, and attention sit(. It, trying to (;at married unless a motion which seeks to shin up vue Indifference. "Won't you Iso very' Jows Wou-ILI nusemblo, In that day in glorious the familiar friendly of hex bunilred dozen limbs. When Iraculosis 418PIMYS Of divino pow� bau time for. The college girl's and rellow could do tile thing up In shape [OuIely without him ?11 I groater number. r1lute does not indl� in But I tilizalfer announced life intention re- Id to! Ca.tO 1CIlG 1011901 Of Paul's stay III tile or to,, their deliverance, "Ilere. as ,the collegaboy's 01141A Is A me,ve tem- as the �3110,11 of Persia did. oently of g,Aug to war 600 pairs of 0 b will be best for the alit everywhere, Paul Is tile model of ,am feet more Cheerful since reading a time at least, I City- Roasoried-Hore we gee Ills porary, inCoollianerit accessory C soft arms shot round Ills neck, 600 130 With 7011 it truo Christian proacher," pared witi; ttiq riettled WO111AR"i, that tilt, Shali has gone Insane. livads wore laid on biq shoulder and think. as you are willing to have rn�4od of work. as every- . him. &s you say, lie In not strong 3. Opening and aI:eglng_11ProvIri9' Truth established. Here, ahumt� . Herd of Better lialves. 600 Faiiii-chokod voices pled with him 4 .1 I b -ItatLoma rile risetbo" seems to where two areat fundamental . . whare are bachelor Women oijulub !r.11'o Shaille name is muzalfor-Ed- to stay -while brLay tears from OOU onough to a and any ocj*o an is 3 I the burden of apOAtG- is Now 'Yovk Who have been going Din and lie has tile moot 0%t0118kv0 pairs of pretty eyes runfle failed Spots would miss you I suppose year have been this., 1. Ile collocied the trullis from tile 41cath and the i)bout togethar steoAly and success. flora of better lialves in the wurld. on the pavlor earriet, This Is tile arlFagements ��Jli necossitate :votir ecripturoe'rhat spoke of the Messiah. lie preaching; I Sesus Clirlst. On ,ht or ten Years, return to town soon ?11 2. Ile uppdaa there to Jews christ, resurrection o �ully for uovess, al% to -day. He started lite collection true story of Afuzaffer-Ed-DIn-Abab fro. all. these He these two hangs the 'sirlicile gospel xnd lend to each other all tile at- ore boy and often sends his of Persia and "Yes, I thought to have gone be� showing that lit 11 rtp- con times al what, a in Bull or ille univers ,_ re fultillod, and that Ile wus -dispensation. Both are equally no- �Onfworse possi,ble betw miles away to 90L a and I W roie," flushing at )its evident anxiety turOa We mildness. ambassatioro is i as lite ambitto its 600 NvIves.-Alton, Iowa, De� to got rid of bar. "We will go as tit() Saviour Of whom they ward In sentlal, tile former provIal-rig, tho Under ordinary eircurnstances,per. rare Bpeollina - n Is to mocrat, soon as tile doctor says lie can trav- ,apectation." lat-mr attesting mud making offl- knes. women would Hot be clost h w in size, shape or el." Then, as lie was leaving the 4. 8oniv ....... bellLved-svero persuaded clont the redemption thus provid- Irleads for so long. They would fal. 001or- Brigham young started +,e,z� 1�:��pk,,V%,��-^^^+ roo:n. 111-I should like to tlitink -Of JOws, ts, suvtll minority; of tile ad. 41IIo died for our Bills, anti "OSO a collection once, but his Ilan-JERI ' you very much for trusting me - for Gerittee, a multiLudo became Chris- again for our j*gtlf1QatIon.l' TbesP mt aitiout sweethearts of wives wasn't a drop in the bucket THE THAWING tlaxo; so that al, Tbossaloilloa there truths form at Once tile basis Of silry Ili dress, looks or ambitious. Aut -E (I-Diala and , letting me have him." -Ile chureb.-Wlir 'fall. the confirmed bachelor woluall llwi oompared to Mizaffor -Muzatfor I Idd"I'liere Is no iteed. I have been was mainly it, Uent - hope and tile ground of opPosIt as for the Sultan of Built OF THE ICE. don. Consortod--Cast Ili their lot In liar life, so a wives than lie ever linking It over, and It seems beat -Truth rejected and opposed. From no such d1sturbutents well content has lost mor By Derek Vane. for the boy," Ile answered, us be with. They almro to Vaul andi SlItts, ne l her Is but a short the chums are pretty wrilogs In each saw. Compared to him Congressman 11 I closed the door, I emil attended them wherever they stop anti is quickly and easily tak- to spend their extra all Roberts is a wldower� Tbe onlynift" +%,-�IV—V,-,N%^~—V��--�-.,tAAr.vlI I Ile no went. -Const. Cons. Devout Cracks- en. 1%10ral truth is tile Invisiblebut otlser'F4 company and fill each for who ever held a candle to Muzaffer "Of course there wouv to That Is, Gentiles who Were proselytes omphatle and arbitrary line.willcil each the social needs of lite. in luatrillsonial matters was Solo- $he lind just returned from tile thought of me In It." she Bald a tile Jewish religion,, so far, as to Moral rotation- T,ho two write letters to each other herself bitterly. 111 wonder why lie t ,dividon the race, In Intervals of office work, see such mon, joseriflus, the great iTewlell crowded concert hall, where she had hates me so much now ? Once uP(m renounce Idolatry and live a moral ships are, positLyely deflned, arid Carl other always on 51undays and at historian, tells us that S010mon had enjoyed a verlt0le triumpli. Her a time," -the rose color In liar lifC.-Clarko. Chlof women-"Flrat In neither be neutral nor double. They the largest, and finest assortment face Wag riusheaand smiling, arid she cbeoki4 growing deeper, "I am Burs rank and social position ; also prose- arc also self -determined. aeRus least on one evening In the week of wives javer collected bv & single lytes to tile Jewish religion.,' A,nd At Christmas or on blirtildiLys At 6t)ll hold In her hands the great boll- he cared far me more than a little said,. ',Ile that Is not for MO is they exchange presents like the promoter or conuuolal bliss s robtralned way." 11. Paul and Silas accused (vs. 5-9). against me, and lie that gatherath gifto lovers ollooue-caady, looketi. tile time Of life death tie Z;.�Fj tile quet of roses, her favorite flower, in Ills curlou it was. still early- whon she went 15. Which believed not-TIliese Words not with roo scattereth abroad." PLud chains with the dear olfte's fee- proud possessor of 700, head of which had been given bar as ohs left upstairs to bad, but. she was, tired aret not In the Gleck, arid sIlOuI0 be uth welcomed and recelve(l. We spouses, besides a number that died the platform. She lvas -ree imis, alled tO-.of her own.oc . sly. As silo ,It tile oraitted hEwe. Envy-"Jealoney," mal- Tr infer that the message dellv- ,tures enshrined In the locket, Joel hatred, spite at seelisig persons or may The bachelor .Woman alwa,Ys call" or eloped with tile hired mall, But her surrouncings by tile voice of har candlea tile boy opened Ills eyes- Ixor chums hy a name of Iler owl' Solossion took several hundred vears maid, Function, he slept ill a little bod Ln liar Own rmnk becomilug Christians, by which erod by Paul and his companlons at to accumulate his flock of ;Vlvos the Jewish Influence was weakened, Berea was the same its that given Invention, and that holds as an elil-�- "There Is a telegram for madame room now -and called to liar. Lowd fellows-Vagabonda who hung to ille, Thessalonle,ris. The attituOu de&rment betw6an them. She pa,ye tier white Muzuffer has gathered lite up on tile table," she Bald. "Ders!Ge "I'm not a bit sleepy. Mine and 41,round- the maxIcate, serving for pay assiimod toward It, however, Is in little , compliments, hoaxtens tier oil fit the ,short space of two soore. Whu picked it tip: it lva,s addressed to talk to me, mother," lie said. %he trust. Opess-mi-nded- altogether can blame him for being crazy ? , "Mrs, Fieldenil' whiijit Was unusual. sat `,ao,%)rn lit the low chair and In' mobs� an In the present Instance. striking' con essentitil to when blue or $Ick, and 'as ,,, 6. Dragged JaBoa-The ,Tews wer-c ness la tile first gron't Mt-ituag in a ve,r,y welcope relation. A Few Figures. � She was known to London world and lald her head on his pUlow, nt on Carrying their ease; and )lot a clear grasp and saying knowledge ' Not only has lie 430i wives, but tier friends its "Madame Elena." She liked to have liar. � be . I . I . . . . , .. . every Christmas lie selects 25 more Do )d It sharply. It Was brief anti "I've got something to tell You. .. . - TWO KINDS OF SCRAPPLE. tpont � . I (roin the farest daughters of his tile point. arroetbeart," silo said, tucking one . . . - I P .... . - i. ,,Ji, ­'­_ — "I tbink It right -What . , philadelphia,s Fuvorite Dish arid the ,halidDirs. And Yet tile little hatchat- to lot you know Of Ills hands ander liar check. ' . " .aced brute lsn,t halt as handso,418 that tile boy to seriously Ill.-Ule-11- do you think has happoned ? 'toil ; . -4 4 Ob to Article. a.9 lots or its poor country ealtars act.,' I are to Como with me to mother's - I ­ -- trhu succulent. nutritious (toil Char. wbo ean't; afford oven one. It Muzaf- Unconsciously silo Crushed till-, 110.1no. flow will you like that,?" 11 //1 11 ), � �J, �/- .;� I ,, 1 5 1 k aeteristio Philadelphia dish, scrap .er lives to b3 sixty yeam old lie message In liar liand, and liar A wiser and more prudent mother ... , � � I - * I o lid have hesitated to exalte the . I . ple, which vies ,with catfish and War ,I.I have solnothing like 1,103 ]lead thoughts fiew to tile Llucolnsh re W , z ties &nd pepperpot soup In the or or wives. But the ordinary mind recls village where It had bcen written. aliflia at that liour, but Denise was , teem of Philadelphians, is not of - "Bring rue an 'A. B I " t onn,syllrarsta origin . exclu,sively Ity. it is difficult enough to gain a bag. I am, going Into the country." "Go away with you and see all - � � , 4, , .n contemplation or such it possibil - 0.1 and pack a creature of impulse. . I i � Rera are two kinds of scrapple. One. any accurate conception of 600. To "I wonder it lie Is really very ill?" the beautiful things you have told I I . I - k - gessorall3r accepte4 as the original aid the mind Ill gra,sping the Import she pondered, as she sat in the train. . me about ? Do You really mean It, A,., � ( �Ik I "I think Afle-lisel would scarcely have mother -t How 4ely Ill springing . Conics frbm that part of Casters of this gj.c,qt sto,�.k company I have lo . i � 4 % p,mrsusylvania, Ill Which tile reunsyl. prepared a few Statistics Which the sent [or me unless lie wore. The up In bed with shining eyes, "and . J I * Germans p , redominate. Thl reader can easily verity. Bu poze, for meeting will be awkward and un- r . � A vania in (An wife Is Ighs 100 comfortable for him as for Mo. Poor Is father coming, too?" - I - ) I I other comes fro. clunati, wIllel .astance, that each we ,'rather does not want to come, - lima a large German porsulatIOD DO' pounds dressed-WhIch is a very Coo- litt.9 Miehael-what, it name to give dR,Il,g,,,, The childish face grew / � 1 Ct! I of Moravian origin. jervatIve catintate-the entire mass a allildt-I wonder what he is fike 1i i 1, , would weigh 60.000 pounds. Great now? He was not a pretty or in- grave. . .� i Whe difference between the two "It will be dull for father all .1 ,,- ---- toreisting onild. I remember lie i'vas alone here," lie said seriously. IlYoR I I 1;.1 . ocrapplies Is the difference betweet, balls of snow! Think or having 80 1 "I what usage prescribes and wilat tons of wife anti nil equal amount of always crying.t, ask him to Como, mother; he'll I .. ­Zz �� � n the line of mother -ill -law. Bull let us tAko yet After a drive ol nearly an hour Como for yonill * I . 1.0 I . I 1 another view. Suppose each wife to she recognized a ranstillar gateway; 11 ;� 4 I I cooking. "Not for me. for me, perhaps least I , T ­t 5-0r'CUm­4Un14l ll be 1.) feet G inChei tall; stood One she remembered the old coat -of -arms I . I ­_�.= . _� .a � 0y.0 .. I _, 6-'fm*k%*1loM_t TM L ft 6116 of all." she murmured, forgetting I ratesrates, which Is lbas thall a an top of the other theY would out in the stonework, tilough - I . Wal L silo was talking to a child; tw6rsty years ago, is considerable lit oower into tbe onipyreass 8,803 foot, rould not see it now, Witt, tile mot- this, _::�_. � resin"'l,vants, a,nd Is largest In thost or seven times as high as the pyra- to, "I Ilrel I die!" but little Michael was wiser -than I � - 1. . Counties in ille ea,stern'part of till mids of Egypt arid four times WgIldr "Master Is upstairs,,' old Hannah hirs years. ; I / .,-- _�" - - - �1 i% State in Which -Pennsylvania Germai) �itau tile El,fel towlir. Their height Bald, distantly, in reply to Denlse)s "Go. now, mother," lie said, coax- i . 11-1 - resIdents are most numerous. It would be equivalent to tbat'of Mount greeting. . Ingly. "Try . P . wait, I'll I _� - % ,I - these counties the popular form of Vesuvius or the highest peak of the a ne, It I may," tell you a secret; It 'can't be , - * I gcrap�le is a combination In aqua Uleglianles. Dressed in btuomerig RU -1 and before Hannali could raise ally wrong to tell you. Father keepsa � ._�. -- - I , I �::: I I - I stood on their heads one yard apart objection she Was halt way tip the picture, of you looked up, and I Saw � G(rli / I 'I proportions of pork and Istrokwhoal chey would make a picket fence one .stairs. hills looking at it one riLgItt, and I �'C � I -- Chopped together and boiled aftei V -, aq - being seasoned with Pepper, salt anti ratio iong, and fled together they What a great room It was. And -and,,, in an awed willsper. "lie . I such other condliment I. � I � � _� � ake an unbroken chain 4on', how solitary those two figures kissed it before he put R alva-Y. �, . . s as maybe ae Would nu 4 �uougll to spun the 1*11ssissIppl. If looked in It. , People must love a person very . . s \ , I I cessible. V ' .11 in sorry to trouble you," tile much to kiss their picture, mustn't � I . It is this scrapple which has beey filled up like pancakes they a S " Kisses- had. been . , �' _. ., to -ftfladelplifis, What dates have beer would form a stuck 200 feet high- man said, getting up as she moved. they, mother'? -a to the Mongol- out We doilars to doughnuts tho)lOt- "I am afraid you have had a long, rare luxuries In his lite, , , , I ( to the APO, or ric torn would be smashed flat. Those tired' journey, bnt I thought you "Kissed my picture? Are you sure, I N\. . lan. I t. .t k I "., . W114D 101slo scrapple to made without ixures will give tile reader some might to know." little Michael ?" The child nodded, - , % k . not produced In Faint conception of tile proportions "", you poor little coul ill she watching liar Intently. Denise . I - I I . buckwheat, which Is - Of Muzafferls: wits. � cried, a sob In liar voice, and the thought of how she was going to large amount in phlo-jr:)0,000 bush next moment liar .arms x7ere Over' - make tlid'desDlate home more do a- Airs. Bmiton Ileano--After tile fir st of the year I intend to giver uP els, last 1year, compared with 8,200, Tremendous UxIsenges. ' r ow in Pennsylvania. This Is the re. it is cotima.ted Chat bluzatfer spollf, tile bed, and the little figure was late, and' the tears rushed to liar going to the theatre and stop buylli g oanili and flowers. Now, what are gathered to her breast, where she evea. you; going to do? olps: Take one pound of pork and during Ills various courtships for ice . ;. crooned over it, crIlIng him her --I,ll try, my sonny -I'll try for Denton R61me.-Judging from what yon sily, I'm going to I Iva money. -4 -r I-ef and boll unt) . bu - rides and Christmas 1. t1_ .. .- through A microscope, Just as It u4s I . (London Tit -Pits.) known to reveal, the signs of measles lifid smallpox several days before Probably tow. of the tolls of tllQu� they become Visible to tile naked, eye. oarldw of people ho k cti- Wh(,ro a forged siguaturo is olla�, pooted tile method adopted Is to out intorait in photography have take Ishotographo of the genuine L Muth or an idea al its value as a imd supposed false signatures, nlag- . detector of crime, although this to nifyinX cachl. a. bundredfold or m. ore, most lotereStIng Or all toil Colop4rO 1,110 results, Under this I � crucial torit tile slightest diserep- Its many pu4ses- or usefulness- Ill ancy becoinGs exaggerated out or 44 rcipt, V. is no exaggeration to Bay oomparlson with tile signature; and that soores or Criminals are now on- , )Vor,v sign othealtanoy (for no forger joying the hospitality of His MAJ- L'411 write is, counterfeit -signature I with perfect cage and fitiotley) esty's prison$ who, but for the qtando revealed. ( * Camera, would certalmly Do at Illo. Ili a recent case, where It Was erty. to carry, on their illegal prac- mispectoti that certain account books tices. . : d boon tampered with and false I �la In all cases of iorgery photography '19tires substituted for tile actual 18 simply Invaluablo; for there Is. 110 .)nee, thp original figures and entries . forger In the world clever enough were distinctly visible, although they to baffle its detective skill. Ali In- ,Ltid beers 'removed' b7 acid; and It toresting proor of this Was pro- 'lie altera- . vidod, a rew, years o.I;o I'll the case was rurthorproved that t of a disputed will. A. wealthy max,- :Ion,had boon made, not oy tile clerk, client in the AlftdIands had died, as who Was responsible ror the books, was supposed, Intestate, In which ,tnd who was suspected, but by a case his.estate would have been lollow-clork who had' Imitated bli equally divided between his four sons writing. anti two daught;ers. I I A forged banknoto, Ilowever miti- One of the sons, however, produo- atoly and faithfully tile original na,ay ad a will made over twenty years 'cavo been copied, cannot deceive thc ago, leaving the deceased's estate )yes of the Camara, whIch will nol to himself, at torthe payment of cer- he ightest dovIntior tain small legacies to the brothers from, the genuine note, but also arij and sisters. On the face of the will lifference In the texture of the pu- the bequest to "my son Richard.," ,)or used. In a. recent case, wher( was unmistakably clear; but a nil- I. section of n, cheque had been re- croscople examination raised some moved and another place In tile forn: suspicion that. the name of the le- .,>f pulp substituted With: Infinite skill gatee had been tampered With. A Cho Camera revealed the fraud al photogi-apli of the n-ame was taken auce, showing exactly where the tievi rmously, vith the ind old papor wors Joined. result that beneath the name A[ recent t1almant of a Itarge sort of another brother, Edward, who ,it money In Chancery Bought to as. was Ills father's partner and favor- Lab)lsh, his title by, among othei ite son, thus proving that a during proofs, a photograph of a brasi forgery had been commi,tted. which had many your$ earlier beat Ili another case of a suspected for- romoved from a cliurch and whial - .., ,.,. __ ____ 1, - - I.. recorded certain dates 'nod facti necessary to prove ,his claim. Thi _.^0..0%.1.1.-__-__-,01. 1.11%1%0%0%0%1%^ photograph had all the appearanci P ­-%k� ���l at being genuine, but*wben It wai . � . magnIfied, It was foland to be a copy IF not of it brass, but, at . a skllfnllj L The r1arketS 0 i tormed Imitation of one, a. marve . �s L­,0-.11,�..-.P%0 . %.-1-'.1%0% �'J � ,).f clover porismanslilp. � ., - . � � . � 0^ ^A ­�^^Ww� 11 Xn- more than one caser tbia, camori has uttravellckk A mystery WhIQh c9m. Toronto Live Stock Dfarket. plotely baffled the resources at on Export cattle. choice, Der owt. 00 00 to *a 46 tetecilves. Ili the famous niuseum ai do modIUM .................. . 4 40 to 4 60 Scotland 'Yard ma,y be seen a largi do cows ........ � .. . ...... I 340 to 400 Butchora'axport ..... 4 50 I'D 0 10 trained pliatogra,pli of a chiral oi Butchers' cattle, ploic'�C:::" 440 to 47o which may cletLrly,be soon The l6ttev � Bu Or.'Cahle, choice ...... :, 3 60 LO I 60 I'vock." Thlawas the Chisel that wisLi Buillolhllers'oattlo, fair ............ .it 25 to 3 So do common ...... 2 2a to 300 proved, on the strength of this plio Bulls export, hea.vy, :::::.::::,. 4 2o to ,I co togripli, to have (belonged to or do fight ....................... 3 75 to 4 36 rocks, the murderer of Consb%bl do feeding ................... 2 to to 3 25 ,olo at Dalaton a few yea,rs age I do steak ...................... 1 76 to 2 00 " Foodero, shott-keel) ............ 4 2a to a 00 Ind which Was found by the side c do ln.diuim .................. 3 75 to 4 26 Cho mardpred man. It was onl� wlie� I do light ..................... 3 25 to 3 75 tills clilsel came under the Camera,' Stockers choice ................. 2 75 to 8 2.5 Stockers, common .............. 2 25 to 2-5 .,.o,o that there convicting letters ,L�c Witch cows, edch ....... . I ...... 35 00 to B7 OU tanto visible arid tali to tile a,rr(-s Sheop, ewes. per cwr . .......... 3 35 to 3 76 -Ind execution OC a daStaXaly mur- Backs ow ................... 250 to 8 00 0 U I I .. 6'.',O.rh ............... :.:.... 2 00 to 3 00 loror. Lamilp, per cwt . ........ . .... 4 00 to 4 00 K)iily a few months ago tile Camera Calves, per hoad ................ 2 -OJ to X 00 Was the means of ,bringing it Misr - Hoge oliolce. per cwt; .......... 610 to 6 I'02 derer to justice In Germany- A risen Hogs light, par owt ............ 5 62% to 5 87% r 5 1,254 to 6 M had been found murdered In a field Hosi1%fa"4rP0 cwt ............... 5 612y, to 0 0 lav tile Side of the railway a few d it us'perewt; ..... do sows, pur cwt ' ":*'*.*.'. 4 50 to 5 do �Ilies from ,13restau, and tile man do stags, per owb.::::: ...... 2 W to 2 60 _ suspected of the crime pleaded arid Toronto Farmers' Markets qeemed to prove ass alibi. To one oC thiS spectators of the trial, Jio�vever, Jam. 12. -The offerings of grain hlfj face and fIgilrO appeMr011 farall- continue moderate, arid prices gen- far, nnd It flashed on him that the erally are unchanged. Wheat Is IstIsonor figured Ili one of his photo - steady, ivith sales or 200 bushel a grapbs. On looking tbroll-gh them lie of wfilte a,t Wo, 300 bushels of red diseovered a Nuaip-shot which lie had winter R -t Goo, 100 bushels of triken from Cite train near the scene � sprin.9 at 66c, and 400 bushels of ,V the murider, and with the very goose at 6-11%to. Barley Is firm ; 600 data of the arlino marked on tbet bushels selling tit 46 to 3Dc. Wits bunk. . easier, L000 bushels selling at 84 In the picture two nion were walk - to 84%e. Ryo Bo.d at 51c for ond Ing together on a VeM fcolipath wbIch load. I -lay quiet, with, offerfings of ran b,'y the side oi the rallway, ana poor ouallty; '2V loads sold tit $11 one of them looked remarkaitily like to, $1,3 a ton for timotlry, and at tile euspected mail. The photograph $6 to $9 for mixed. Sftraw. soldat Was eiilargfAl, and It was then illaced $0X0 to $10.50 a ton for three t.-eyond doubt that the two men were loinds., . I the suspected prisoner and Ills un� There was the usual .$aturday happy victim. supply of dairy products, With prices of butter and eggs firm. Dressed hogs arc firm at $8 to $840, the laitter for choice light W,elghts. Following Is the range of quota- tions: Wheat, White, bushel, 09c; red, bushel, 60c; spring, bushel, 6UO; goose, bushel, 61 to 64%o. 0a.+R, -3.1 a, �0 "' # : HOW TO TELL - : V 0 * 0 A LADVS AGE. 'I'D" IV . *. _`u_�LF,, .- - + . _�- 10 bap.v,tller 110.10 Alictiael, W am a your Bilike," silo cried, and she went I . � . *up of oatmeal, boll pre�souts about $70,054,823,11"Ll'- had reated so badly, reproaching from the room. Her heart -was � to EU%C. Peas Every man seems to be born witis tend. �­�___ ­ , 7,1 to '160. Barley, ad, In a quart of the broth one hour. ljgg, For ma,rrIago I:conses-with herself and showerin- soft kisses on oeating fast with fear and e7cite- finding Faut and Silas, they Aelz,3d of the truth. Thlo tile Bereans pos. 4,5 to 600- )ATe, 5le- Buckwhen't, a do-slro to know the age of the lad -W ,with salt and pepper. %vbtcb be now has one wholo side of the wan face In the 'gaitis breath. merit as she hurried downstairs be- Weir bost, with somo other Chris- sossed. They "recelvetl the word rx& tO SIC- 11-17, tIRIOLIVY, Par- ton, Im Ivith whom lie comer, In contact, Oatmeal is not recognized by Penn- his borcars. papered -he blowed In $600 thine, and dragged Lbern before the with all readiness of mind.$) $13 to $.15.50'; mixed, liar ton. $6 . a gave the preachor $,i,000 "Ile is very wbak; you must not ex- fare liar courage failed liar. What magistrates of the city. We � rid - up- . too $9. atrww, per and women also appear to have.an . , ylvantans as a proper substitute for more., amil cite hin-All a warning voice said. If lie should be angry; what If -1 ton' $D'5() to Innato cur:osity concerning the buckwheat, but the Ohio scrapple Is. .Or t1ing brg uystc= full of nuptial "I sha.11 not hurt him." Mie said, lie should -epulse liar. She shivered Side down 'After haNing made the $10.50. Seedir, per busliet, alsike, liumbor of ".summers" which have knots. And then lite troubles sedition and dIrturbauce, theJaWs choice No. 1. $7 to $7.23;. No. ". $6 State ap6d in some western StateL6 oegun. It ta ar to ... at tile thought. pilssed over the heads of their fe. recognized as the real thing In that "a" *ssly holding tile boy closer to liar breast - . I FOR DRINKERS OF COOFEE: to $0.75 ; rid clover, $6.25 to $6.75 ; So% 'lie is already more content." She softly op�ned the -1115rary door cliarged it all Go the peaceable uni male friend,.%. But there Is nothing; as well. goop Ills wife in pin money, arid oil The little face certainly looked less where he was lit the habit or sit- Innocent. apostles," — thnothy, $1.75 to $2. Appioi;, per wore difiloult to discover than the . ri%e sale of scrapple in New York oargaln days muzaffor has to go tired and troubled, anti 0110 wasted ting at night. A lamp was burn- 7. Hath recelved-The Insinuation pactsAbout tile Beverage That Am., barrel, 75c to $1.51D. Dressed hogs, Unot age of a lady Who wIsbes to, to limited, buit inareasIng.-N. Y. Sob witbout cliewltig tobacco to moot tile nd liar neck, Ing dimly on the table In the Contra is that, by. liarboring those seditioua Not GoiteralIV Known. $8 to $8.50. Eggs, now laid, BG to keep the fact it secret. . expense. Xt takes 6,000 yards of cal- wbilo, he made himself at home as a of the room, and Its light fell on nl-n, J14ou ho,9 made himself a pi%r- Tile inhabitants of the United 85o. Butter, *dairy, 3.8 to 21o; NOW, 110rO IS a little SCIleloa; by AWitce Commarldirlelits. too at 5 cesits a yard to sitakei liar a maiter of course in those unknown tbo bowed head of a mail; some tak ,,d Spence. Do creamery, 23 to "Ga. Uilokeris, per which you can find out th') age of -a left lier lirraliVar, 31( arms. N ( books and papers had been overturn- ' " 't'Oa­ States consumo annuity, statistics pair, 150 t� 75c. -Ducks pair, )00 plus to hold It on and can e" "' theIr ' 1,ey. was as yet P any A Woman In Wilkesbari liar - to. -'T anity, ,t 1 65 to 00o. Turkeys, per lo," person. Having crigage.1 tiutt to tio`71 - Clill't I L, to 5011 side, combe keel� law ag I, bu. show. 750,00U,000 pounds of coffee, 100 dO7 11 - In be throw out lite arms and no person In pleasant convorsation,you husband becauae of alleged cruelty. brin,1'e, treE.Ses out of the It I-Ima be been long like thl,s?" Rile declare ' Iced. "You ought- to have told me If I r' slc�, llbs-� lae. Geese, per lb., 8 to go, pqtN- ... ..'. When he asked liar to return slit. bush. 16B allstel'y emphasized that aipceL of the ution was mount to tund'as there are about 7-%000,00U proceed something after the. follow. made out a flat of ifiledges lor him tojces 600 Pairs Of I)OSO to cover )ter before." despair. DersIse forgot liar fears. .the Christians enemies to "le ag- ImliallItants each of tho(m, has to his toes, per be,-., $1.0-5 to 1$1.80- Ing mann.,r-,peaking very Innozent. Xo eIgn. Tills is What silo Wrotot 1,200 alabaster calves and 900 miles "He was never Rtrong, as you May "Xichael 11, she Cried, lit a Sobbing tablished government, and opposal lrjeadiii 'Wheat A.Euricels. ly, of courso: ,1. Got up at 5 oiclock IWIttiont m3 or .%vire to ingilco, liar a iloopskirt. At - remember," lie answered, ool;lly. "Ile vcdce, her arm round his neck, her to Caesar's power, in general, to Credit tell pounds in tile Conroe, of every sprilig houseoleursing there are ree.Q.11 There is another kilig the your. Notwitli sta.11 cling till$ a Following are the closing quot-a- "Tlinro 1% a very slmk)le liroble)" calling yon. door not take, after my farrilly; Ile check to lils--�'Mlchael, live been a make dec tions at Important wheat ceaLres In oritlimotie which veryfew people 2. Provide material for one coke a 1,200 discarded corsets on tile as" pin.os for warrath and aursohLiso, as bad wife, ))lit I Want to be a bat- -1419 followers raid, Indeed, Jesus Is wave of foax sweeps over the Country to-da'y: are able to -see througsi, yet It is week. I helap, and OR wash days silo has to yen dillp.1 rmust remind you that you ter one. Will �ou take me back?" a King, but not an earthly Icing, c;vory little ,vvii.la, and, 'tjie coffee . 8. Provide material for pies e=,l hang liar niothas on the state line, . Jar. 'Ma Y. ,wondar if you have never given me reason to think He looked up and saw she saw that not a rival of Caesar, nor did Ills Or- drinkers ilit up tlielr voices and ally, NOW, York ... ... �:.... -- So. Il -8 can (I.o it?" wreak. and the wbolo o"A""Ve smells of soap- , you took any particular Interest In tile ey*as were wot. d1slarlees Interfere with the deoreps "Aro Ave not harming our health Chicago ...... ... ... ... -- 76 ,31-g Tdits sets the -person oil liIii dignity 4. Twenty-fivo cents' worth ofbeef euds. It takes four tons of prepared , film. I wag not at all certain you "In that you?" he said, heavily. or Caesar, for lie made it a law wi,ll drInking so much codca?" Tito Tloled o ... ... ... ... ... 77 34. 81 and lie or sbe wants to (to it at on Tuesdays and iftturtla,Ya. afia3k to keep liar face white, a car . would Como now."' ,lWhat Is It -what has happened?" Of his kingdom, to "render unto Cae- eak)joot haa lately boon cIlEicusso(i by Dulath, No. I Nor ... 71 701-2 ollco. 5. Clothes for you that will inake load of soap for liar tollot. and when , "Not come?" slis exclaimed. Then 1,k4otbiR,g,,, sorily, ,,except that I gar tile things that are Caesar's." - a number of medical societ1w.. I'lly- !Iftep you 90 011. you look attractive and clean. she takes. liar annual batb-tlle Eu- elso remembered. "I beg your pard0n," have found out that .X want you. 8, Troubled the poople-They had syclat2a are pretty generally agreed British Live Stock 111arkets. "Think of a nunfu,;:� correspond. . , London, Jail. 10.-I,ive cattle firin 6. Toll will not use vulgar or pro. pilr,atog goes dry. 'When she liar tile she Paid humbly; "you are quite right. We both want you, little Michael and no Ill opinion Of the 11POstiss Or thel-r rilal tile suodcratal conwall.itioll of Ing to tho numerical orJer of tho- farso language at all. elok livadache Or her Goo mothers I It is I P7110 &M to biame-r who am in 1. Toil won't send us away O.r you doctrine Una could 'lot see that co,ree. is not injurionis and "moderate at V to 1 -to per 11). for American worith: In which you wax. 1 *'I" . un- QGm.c to spend a weelc the Sanhedrin the Wrong. But -but," liar voice will Como, too?" there was any danger to the state cotthuraption" they decline as one cup steoi-6. dremed weight; ('amadiall 110 you no ,orn. 0 1 7. You will go to ellurch and S adjourns and Aluzaffor goes Oil a 11611- growing husky, "I did not know lie "Want me-yoa?" lie mid In a from tl'Pmi and were, thererore, WE]- Lit breakfast, one at noon xnd one steers, 12 to I -le per lb. ; refrigora- I 'or, not toll We I "I *T* , " Ing trip. When INIrs, Ifiloq1ter and liar I . (To make the explanation Im 1� day school at Wyoming arid not make i Olt r idy tire a burden to get you there mother wazlit to go riding In the park w4anted mos so badly. I was me young busky whisper. "Ill It really "rue, Ing to. overlook them; but when tht'y In tbo�evenlng. Coffee taken p*,airl, ter beef, go per 11). will 118611mc, th-Lt 'tile - figure is 2 - In time. I an tiny racks and whoss I Iva -lit alray-I am not very Denise?" He field her In life arms were represented ftg criemlea Of Cac- without ritbee croan% or sugar, they J13radstreets oil Tt ade. letali,71ug for Februar and that tho a. Remove all mother's things and It takes isinety-sevi old now -and 31 did not understand as one holds something very precious oar, the rulers were obliged to sup- say, in less hurrisful than tile slireet- Tbe ogil6itlons of who.coale trade age IV 80.) y- ,4430 yokm of sacred buffaloes to haul m%ny things. Porliap,5 it you had rea- that one Ili afraid to touch. "I had press thells., lost they thealOGIVOS assed cafe-au-1alt, or rillik Coffee, lier now. I cannot rtreaRon. , at Alontrea, generally are ,,Cry pros- I 'N'Ow, multiply it!; t 11 or b _ 9. Buy one, quart t�na,bkr, any. them. around, and the children are noupea with me -1f you oad pointed almoot given up praying 'and hop- should be charged witl Which, formen[tin.g. is b,14 far the dt- a 9 0 ), 1* " siness has started ori very You continue, "Roil add ri. 1)(�I)'O . . 10. Will .you take a ibittli, all over, loft in Muzsffer's charge. It Is Bald Ou-f__.:l1 .Ing."-Plilladelphla, Telegraph, 9. Seourity-Whether by deposit- WCUtIVO Grgiting. pe,or',",'�,glslg y foi- the new year at that? 'Well, multiply that by r3O, 01100 a Week ? that when hal wont to trot 1110 first "Do you think I wanted a paptivo l - Ing a sum of money is not quite Si4okvrs are better off with coltee ronto. � 11. Ruth must not Veddle, bu,r or born on Ills knee ona, day lie let 450 . Clear, What they did Wad In no- than without it, as tobaccot being a TO 1.vravellcru are seliding in and add your own ag�. rroin tile tot. I of it fall, and tile wall that wont tip Instead of a w1fo?" lie mIced harshly. good-sized orders fee the spi-Ing, and Lit ,vubtract 065, and to the, result carry things. - it saw bow you fretted and pined 110 VWO Stories by it Pren.oher oordanee with tile Roman nsagest and alarcot1c, weakcils tilt, heart action, tile outlook for buslaes3 is bright. add 13.6. Now, What figuro baye, 11.3. WI,po ,your Seat clean wfilin you shattered tile wIll(1OW` 911189 arid 'C 3.ged croature, I saw tile huntin gave sufficient sectirlty for the good IVIII10 corroe, ts, stimulant, aLreTigth- jolte(i 1,619 nursing bottler Off tile a 4'4 _ Goveral Isualnes.; during the past YOU get ?", 1 I . WhIladolphL% Evening Telcgrisph.) Conduct of X)aul and Silas. , Coo It, iso that the heart 6 -the smok- " oesme In tho house. pantry shelf. It takes 400 barrels of � look In your eyes; X know -you would . :111. Vouniair:4 of the church in week at, Qsiobcc 'lag been somewhat Two hunderd anti thirty," replies The man declined to sign. Avbere- ar your life out In: a fittle, If It Tlin Itev. Dr. Pairker, in big addrosos � Ing coffee dtinkev does not vary, as a . quiato rLMIOularly In retali clicleg, tho pereon addr6ssed. "Isn't that cor� . upon ,the lady loft him for good. milk to feed t1to baby and seventy-BIX We Boren (vs. 10-12). 10. Sent Away- ru.e, from the heart of litin w,ho I -Las rryino iri.iis a year to do tile family w0rit On," before theMnisterial tT,ntoss atWItb ali- which is usual. after tile holidays. Mot ?" . ,.. I � "It wits so dult-so dreary," she They did not go as condemned (lie- neither the one habit nor tile other. 110 ,day Sales are generally report- I ".Exactly 110 you exclaim. "You arn - spaiss-king. ces. snurmurcil "and i opoz)n Hall on Monday told two good turbers, Ijut bi;eeause It seemed clear TUC smokor who does not drink ao.tao .00 -r -i I flarrowing Experlell nobody wanted me ed sa-is.'aotory. There IN a b.:ttoe I al. one 01 tile very few persons W110 ttl # use- has usually a- weak heart: 10 ille. .1 0 r 4 U, not oven -out- I think aft m 11 e storlea. Tllo first was of a young utirs- that any further efforta wero Ing in whollosolo trade at 11actila Ilhvo managed If-,, rov, 08 , e, ,-What are the great and opposite Xowondor the Shah Is CrAZY. 1111- agIno Illy gentle reader, the I while. I ought not to have suarrlad,$$ "I but In NO 4011bt, tt was a tater in. tile oo3,1 regions who had an Impediment 'in life ,speech. Ile tried less at that time. Unto per ea-1,11CY ,r sdxty miles southWast of Thesaa.- 0 I olpieg of tile no breal;fnst falth Bay that one cup at coffee botiteen two I I Coast troLde collLtes, according to Awl ,,rou turn away to 'ild.i yoilr Bradstreet's reports, doubtlosa the e-rullo satisfaction 'ht effects produced by, the different no- Ill ,N-oursPlf, husband of such a wito I P" (ture, 10 : tills n0ble mail, r4wakened mistake, justice I must ony that that wag many rcutedizo wltbo),I; tivai-, till at Inst, altm- isayIng a propor. Ionic&, a town even still of colisid- era ble population and lmpe.)rtance� oupu of )lot water lit the morning to botter for tile health than all the or havitigdIff. rewit of tile big hot day a J s. Oi-Liers covered illnif your vlotIsm, wits born tions of heat and cold enquired tin examiner of one of tile Candidates. ,volt can, In -thn night ,by a terrified shriek mora my fault than yours, I ,Wao years O'dor,, and I took advarstago of goodly tiou of lite salary li�,dcriylng himself . ,% F� & B. - ,,trh t. These noble- a breakfast cereals Or health foods ad- for tile spring aro now corwng for- InFebruary, anti that Ile is �tlljrt.y ward Ili a tatis'netDry way. Trade in Vilrs at age. You havo Arrived 1A 4411eat, sir," said tile youth, "has the effeet of expanding, whIlo cold, from his WIfe, follo�v ,ad by tile agon- � '%to, "Oil Ized wbispnr from 600 thrm - your youtIr arid,ignoranoa to Easton P. bo,axi on you of -which youL did not tile corar rts or life le came to Phil- 0 adelphia to be cured, because lie had 4aponk- wore 113ore comparlson In bctween tile J`nWs or tile two -for the trlumph at vertiaC4 I k wholesale o1rciza at Winnipeg Is more thlo rosult by, a p r. ting the 11 .. a a I K active than It waR last week, when urp.,4 230 Into 2 (February) Lind. 8(y. I on tile other )land, Contracts," . ftl7aff-t. I'm -sure there's a hurglar I" We who have nev.,r understand the import. You have the heard thero wete so many " here- . places 06 koqpel at Thosaftlonlet� was most- CateAttilesA of surge.01's. holiday-makIng kcI)t down the de- (Anil Slott can do thlo with everybod I . 79 NO livery well," said tile Minister, "atid fact with- undev this bed ,b such an Ordeal would ' piassbil throng ' life -that suits you; you were free to go your own way.", MAW The other was a minister whose ly amonpr tile Gentlips. They wore not so bigoted and_prejudiced- not It Is an objeot logson In goodliness to son a Burgeon waShIng life hands triand. T,tsp q)ring trado Is largAy 00- age, - . � _. " I :� .; J, cupying the attention of witolainin . �L_ in your own experience to prove this?" ,,Yes. air; when the weath, be 1()Bt and sind ione. ,But Afn VAffOl', ibe "giin of tile universe," 'wbo alto "A# you youro.11 Ills eduatifloll In business matters )tail been uad'y neglected. Ile had a small go peevish anti Ill natured. They had freer thought, lay Moro Open after performing an operation, Buys firms itt tlanAlton at present; ship. . . monte aro belng mado now, and lissill. Qvicer Visiting Cdrds. or to hot tile day" are i,%ng, and coldir they, are a good dioitl artue on the throne of Xerxt,s ane, D, , �nd Arialerpe, Isn't undone a b1t. I itn'tit.J1 Slomething In tile voice - i or 61* lulldt) DcillsO move iisionsily. r -t Charge, also, arid eked Out a living by -writing, fim, the papers. One day lie � a iai.convict'Ors; wore wlll!ng to hear tile rorce of It, Chicago Chronicle. lie works, Of course. with sleeves rolled up to tile � 1 13 1 11 0, erous) well (! ,r b t I orders arc bn- I Ing recolvea from the trave.lerF; who In Corea, VISIttrig cards are iti. 104� ,whort shorter." In Bita boldLY upright In tile raiddle .7 with � mighteap awry and of the ))ad yeare the man and tbo'clilld had Ilvcd hort a together,, btr hubband, her child. reloolved q dlictlue for $15, made pay- " r Ile tooi It to tile ar'ilflo, 'Ilan M0011i"uIld Admit and subscrilia to what appeared to though to their elboir, go that the washing extends t6turned to their routes this week, gillicire. The savages of Dahomey alf-11- The oatlook for trddo, as re ' POrt0(l tO their iter Destioy Iltoclainted. pl,�eig aboul L tile roosts. ,ro tile right For FAx years title bad nearl y f Orgot- toil them. both 1, not though she P dIng It In, 'was IV-Wtba'n1la tin truth, contrary -imento. former sent trom tile ctafY bane to the tip of nounce visits to each other oy -to, Brudstr,et - t is ' very (J"couraglng' 06 board 11111rofear,or," maid Miss Skylight, "I of him and to thO left of him, its r4l.t us the o,yo call reftell Ill tile nulte, lind tried to tie co. The ns,in iltud tile t � I(I to Indot"O It. 110 llealt%ted a mo- 0 menty mild than tv.kIng up ti , to prectoun U.". Maly ot tlieni believe d . Tile the finger nail. Firou there Ili a hard WOOdet' or tile bra.neh of a, Use prospects point to fully its largo tree artletlenIly carved. Tills is want you to f3uggest a course In life dint light ()f it saloky kexosplio lamp, ad been growing old together johild Is. do,ourmolit wrote oil tile III natural teatalt of honest Rtudy Of the Scriptures. Ilonorable WO- gerlibillogo with plain soap anti star- Tills Is followed by IL voluMe of orderij this mositi, at; tor sent on In advance, and the vlsltoro - Tarsuary last year. Values aro firm, (at. Inc. I have, thought of ,Journal- 1�14___�tv P a I flat- 19 Mrs, IvItuaff .r4)d-Xiu Wit I back lilimpn(I-vp and her head burield - tbout love of happInew-w1illo W1 silo lind laughed and sting. There 'baoko hearil'y Indoroo thist cbeque. I � - I . I I inno-The gospel was procIalmod to ilized %vater. a ,swalilling with tincture or grOcil , on taking lets,vo, llock,tv 11 t 1. a 19 ar( In London tlils week there has bee,, 1wiliell 11robably vol,v 9 h, t r os� for 6 sm o ally � "What live your natlital Inoillia- In the pillows, while ruffled shrielrd Wits aiothing young ffi the, housee -not the little form Otte held Itl liar, Ilow tile Tinic noes jorlig 1 till, itnil oaCh Individual was left to doelde for hlm�mlf. These Gr(Wks were -0,11) and storillvea water. Thou triora, demand goofle for forward .01 Of Sumatra al".), ,years. 11110 sititivo 61lipme'llt, Rlild the J61ibers have been fiall(l h tiona 211 ,,Oil, zk*, soul Y�arns and tbroba and rip oil tile inliKinight nalm. 1,1ut 1111vaf- tej! shrinks not it sollinvy shrink. The tyen I I Arme. -r6jllng 6110 " Ilo1v sliow the elts.3% go," remarked lipathens, or proonlyten, to the 'Tow. tell ppligion. Tile gospel istade no (1111. . contes a genuine scouring wltll equal parto of qOcklinto titrid radis, in star- busy boov n Visiting etl,rd consisting of sing arid fiql g orders fO'T a PIPPe of wooil about it toot lonp: the spring trade. P-lyments the past , pulsates With all ambition to lcive tho ,,vbrl,d a life -work that oliall lie , s or tile royal ftansiol or the eu,t,)pI,y tit inothors-111-l"tiv Islay T)esslilo wits at along ovoning In the failed drawing room Irr. Salitioller" meditatively. loym tiniatioii between natione, tberefore nprea Ilized water and finally A r1flaing In a, solution (t to 2,000) of bloblorida, week have bonn verV 1#4tIsr,notovV. Stqple goo4rl arli flrl��,y ll�itl. Ottav,tt Ant, doeOrAte,l with it bunch of straw ftnd a knife. mn,TvPIoRo in Its scope and weirdly Its shrink it few, Issit Aftl7attAll lievor Iln Ile khows Wbeti her husband oamo In, AN a ruin #'Ile P&W N,ery little or,111111; ftir-ohl" Mrs. Snitallor ga.tpe(t "wouldn't It Ile just too tll,., Chrliltlitis ellusioll lit was Inoide nil of Iowa anti Gentiles. W morcury. Without thoge tour a: p:ir. wilwe-iftle ,trade this Week b(to shown i . __ entrancing In tile VaB1,110fis Of Structural beauty.11 PhrinkA, Is no Nlirlitkpr. It is Ilke looiclnr for a needlo in a they sicemed to avoid each of,hor by dreadful for tinytbing it Now Year'# 144-3. As 000n as tbnJ`6wA at Th as. ato washings ilo mirgoort w0uhl think of alit to "ttar gerlus k1glift of tvylowodluterest fil the tu. tdra, on tho-part at tho NVI'Lln a wolf 01angop, 111f4 Coat tie � does , ,,1A7oinq,n;, you're born to be a still- , Ilasstack to look for it ,butglav bo,- tacit co)jsen(-,' ITliorc was late I And weve Invited all those too - salonlOo. learneJ that Paul wia the gWpal with some atio. venturing of 6180400, , . totftvA o0t; oballge Ills appetite f hlllttoll Qhop,,, at - "tougli the q6uutr.*, t , I � . storloo, . lincr.11-15tray , neotill 00 ,tbe,6�to.r tile royal bed, ' 1$ 86motbilig I WIS11 to P0016, t" , � I . � � Wa0bing , , . � . . � � I