HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-08, Page 5January 8, I903
MT RC v: tCpi Over $10,00 wits contributed last Sub- TRANSPLANTING oNiQN$�
- ) '-""�' Slim Prices.
''1 1
FOR ALL bath afternoon at Melville Sunday [set the rrtlutnr;" of the liuslu•etrp, and
Buy Where You Get Most For Your Money. Storo
. .11
1. 1..1 -school for the Hospital for Sick Child•Yt Ir Cheaply Aone, � �pa � p -Senator Armand is dead at Mon- Von, When I first got cu to the new wrin• Stout Values. 1111ULLIN�� 1MIOU,
Stomach Troubles Them is no hard coal in town yet, but real. k -le In raising onions, I found that 2,000
plants were about all that a novice
��� � � ` .kCo's.
-A - London district (armor has found the villagers get along very well with Was able to put Into the ground an one TRY an oil well cu his farm. burning wood although the latter article day, and, as we made the rows one
- Winnipeg is now third in the list of is not so plentiful either, foot apart and set the plants three
Importing centres in Canada. The Brussels Salt Works started inches apart, I calculated that to set
M rx4aSS, -The G. T. R. car works at London operations on Dec. 2ud, 1001. Since the 175,000 plants on one acre would
will build AOQ,fiat care at once. thou they haute shipped about 200 oars cost not less than ;60, even with cheap labor. But now that we have "the
tu Prico�-Stratford's water -works plant, of salt, besides numerous small orders, hang" of the transplanting business
whish the city is to acquire, is valued at During that time the salt works receiv and with .the ground in as good order
O $110,057. as it should be we can set double that
ed and consumed a0 lona of coal,� "'�'
a�`�►,S -The Dominion Council, R. T, of T.Atea-meeting was held in the Metho, cumber with lust as much ease. We 111111;101h n Sale will abolish the total disability depart. dist Church on Christmas evening, now plant 4 inches In the rows and
We guarantee an ah• went of the order. There was a very large attendance and make the roars 14 Inches apart, and the
the program was both large and good. Fork of planting an acro represents C_�J-1iAl-".iG
solute cure for the -Mrs. Isaac Schooley, of Welland, less than 30 days' labor, an outlay .of
The proceeds were about $70, less than 20 to
most distressing cases. accidentally set fire to her clothing, ran $25.
Now in Foil Blast. When all others fail, out, fell in the snow and expired. Cober and Sons turded out and sold The point is to have the soil Yery
give no a trial.. Your Sudbury's ratepayers have protest- during the past year 150 cutters, ane and mellow, no that the planting
money refunded if we 110 buggies, 100 hnud•sleds, 75 wheel- can bo done with the fingers alone and =�7 �r • {
ed agabut laud grants to railroads without the use of a dabber.. The work Now going on at
do not satisfy. barrows, 15 bob -sleighs and 6 wagons, b iD
, which hold building lots at prohibitive then progresses very rapidly. Pick up
Getting ready for stock taking. No heavy goods besides doing repairs to the amount of will _1. prices. about $300. Now they have started °plant with the left hand anfl place
_ -The a North-west Land Com , the bulb part upon the ground a little
be Carried over. Now is your time t0 buy.
pauy lustt year
sold 510000 sores, for 'work on 150 buggies for next season's to the right of where you wish the
DOUGLASS $2,520,000, against 121,000 sores, fur trade. plant to stand. Then press the•index$o29'OW ' ��,'— angor of the right hand upon the bulb ���and push it down to its place. For a
17 only Boys' 2•piece Suits, all wool, sizes 22 .A to 27, worth $2.25, to -There were 2,500 cases of smallpox Clinton. change, you can take the middle finger 11. E. &,Co.,
clear ............................................ . .............. $1.00 thronghout the Dominica last year, of the right hand. At any rate, It
Ci1leiYliSt Druggist Mr. Harry Bossenborry of Grand takes only one motion and the thin
$1 pairs Men's Odd Pants, heavy frieze, black and colored, also g$� with 15 deaths, Ill 1901 there were y g
mixed tweeds- to clear ......... .$1.25 � 1,838 caeca. Bend, has taken possession of the is done. with a little practice anim- -
i Office G.N.W. Tei. Co. Queen's Hotel at St. Joseph. ble angered youngster will set 5,000 e� 4.� r
20 pairs Boys' Odd Pants, worth 70c to 85c -to clear ..... ........ .50 _ -Large quantities of pulpwood will The Woodmen of the World have plants in ten hours. It is hard work Snaps ps in all Departments
10 only Youths' 3•piece Suits, lung and short Pants, worth $5.50- be taken out in eastern Canada this sea- p and somewhat tedious and hard on iJ<iLi
I sou. One firm alone expects to talcs out purchased another $8689 worth of the the back and knees, and knee pads
toclear ............................................. $ towns sidewalks debentures at 40,,.
• 50,000 cords. will come handy. For that reason I
29 Suits for nien, sizes 30 to 44, in nice tweeds, light and heavy This is the second lot of the town's de. All Vlrite
weight, single earl doable breasted, worth $9 to $9.50 -clear... 0.50 -Mr. James white, of Tilsonburg, shall rejoice when we get a machine to
g g $ ♦� t ti tf ! tQtfltft trtf�� is reported to have fallen heir to $30,000. bentures they curry. set onion plants. TI V
12 only Men's double breasted blk. Serge Snits (all wool made u •�t���1��1 [t��lt���ttiitiili(`tit.l.. p $ We and a very material difference in Winter Goods to be sold out at
g p' He will leave there for New York city On Wednesday evening while Mr, J. 7
to -the -minute, sizes 30 to 43, worth $10 -to clear • ............. $7.7:1 « in a few days. Ford, foreman at the Doherty Organ the cost of weeding In favor of the new .
10 Men's odd Vests in dark tweeds, sizes 30 to 42, worth $1,25 -to Works, was walking on the street, be method as against the older pian. greatly Reduced Prices.
at.................................................... .79 A P P E D -John Kay of St. George killed two slipped down, injuring himself inter. This Is especially the case later in the
- s pigs the other day, weighing respective• season and on land Infested with
nal! so that he was unable to resume
rte+• - ' ly 354 1.2 pounds and 332 pounds and y' purslane. It !s almost impossible to
OVERCOATS SPECIAL. ;,� + only nine months old. his work for a couple of days. keep this weed down 1n the heat of
Overcoats, sizes 34 to 44, no two alike, worth from $0.50 « HANDS '" a -A second clition is in circulation Cards have arrived announcing the e�ly fall. $10500
00 -to clear.......... ......................$5.09 r p marriage in Christ Church, at Coronado Onions
week grown on the new plan ripen
r„- .. asking the commutation of the sentence up weeks ahead of those grown from
'� of death cu Cook the Halifax soldier Beach, California, of a former young seed. When the purslane begins to
S' YOKE RAGLANETTES. can be instantly - ' Clintonian in the person of Jas. Irving-
. - -.•.. who murdered his wife. crowd us, we pull and market the Worth of High Class Ready -to -Wear
cured by using y son of our townsman, John Irving. onions, and for several years past we
ke Overcoats, sizes 27, 28, 29, worth $7.50 -to -Total 0. P. R. land sales in the west The bride is Miss Alice Ashley Gains• havo sold these early large bulbs at an Clothing to b e cleared out during this
$4.93 w during the past year were 2,420,440 acres ford of San Francisco. average of 85 cents per bushel, says T. g t�
: for 8,140,245. Figures for 1901 were (Greiner, who gives the foregoing ad -
LINED + 839,922 acres, for $2,043.973. In the death of Mrs. 0. E. Hovey, vice in American Agriculturist. sale at a great sacrifice.
ti]R LINED OVERCOATS. -Hou. A. G. Blair has placed an order which occured last Saturday morning
Overcoats, good fitters, cloth outside is Ali ed.. 1.0 the town loses one of its inestimable
w, , p for $400,000 worth of cars with Messrs. ladies. The end bf life's transient A GRASS OF PROMISE.
's to the Bard, lining (aside is musk rat, a Italian l M Rhodes, Currie & Co., of Amherst and
' dream with her, had been a hard ore Good For Hay and Grazing—Plenoea . i
r, worth $40.00 -to clear ................ $28.75 'the Rathbun Co.. Deseronto. ¢�j x
Pax the family to bear up under. For Some Western Harmers Hig1.1T. ladies Jackets and Firs
NDERWEAR hrARGAINS FDR SATURDAY. w Montreal, Jan. 2 -There is another the past two years she bad been in de- Side oats grama is a tall, stout stem -
ti , Cream ; vacancy in the Cai3adlAri Senate as the cline Uoth mentally and physically, and med native grass, with range extend- of all kinds at money saving prices.
^ N Jesse westward to the
7 pieces Underwear, c i e.en , sizes an qua r fes, s ,.
wool, some all wool, just the ends of our 50c and 65c goods- ...- �+
result of the death of T. E. Aramnd,
when the end came, it was as an angel ng rem ew y
Rocky mountains and southward
Saturday price ..... ............................................ 390 ;w
which took place at the residence of his
of mercy, sent to Heber her into the beau- through Texas into Mexico. where
w last night. owas 82
enly abode that her Saviour had prepay-
For Sale only b
of age, and had been' a Conservative
of age,
ed for her as a reward, for lies earthly-- • : •-- -
- -
Large assortment of
g goods Ill
-- .,..
the Senate ecce its or auvs
career, as a good tree and noble woman. � +
We have the latest in TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SOCKS, GLOVES,w
department to choose from.
HANDKERCHIEFS, UMBRELLAS, etc. Colin A Campbell `"�
Walkerton, Jan. 3, -Coroner Tindall
- �"- �:
of Walkerton held an inquest into the
w THE DRUGGIST e night on December
concession e of Carrick byte bur hesrayer will be observed \`rl''y it Y I' .� 5 +1Y1L' Co.
The R. H.* Crowder Co. � H.
7litit�lttl;tli�lttliiDitlitlltii�� was destroyed by fire, and incendiarism Mr. D. D. Yule, organizer for the
Black Curl Gauntlets, worth $1.25—Sale 79c, Mon's Heavy Mitts, 19c. was almost immediately suspected. 0, 0. F., returned to Lucknow on 0 Bank Ila Ilton Highest Price for Pro
_ Opp. g
Two witnesses at the inquest testified on Christmas eve. He reports excellent
their oath that they had been offered results. The Order is booming along ��• % �= !� •+���•�•" -"` "l "_ ''""'_° �` "".'°iy�,y�,�•'--r ' •.'
money by John Gress of Carrick to set the G. T. R. between Stratford and
Mr. Hacker's barn on fire. A warrant Sarnia.
was immediately issued for the arrest of Mr. James Forester, of West Wawa-
Great Bargain Sale Gress who was promptly landed in the nosh, last week sold his splendid team `
Walkerton fail. Gress was released on of heavy draft horses to a man in Kan-
" " bail being furnished to the amount of cardine for $450. They were one of the . Abundant it is said to make good hay The
Season y eaten by
----OF— 1$2,000. finest team of goldings that has ever left staka It has not y'et benhich is ilextensively this section.
Introduced lata cultivation.
Miss Kate MacAllister, who is a sister In the government grass garden at .S �+
' Catarrhozone. of Mrs. George Robertson, of the Washington this grass made luxuriant 1 IHERE l ��1L:r.
An instant relief and perfect cure for boundary west, received on Christmas growth all through a dry summer, pro-
'�°_ r LAMPS Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Deafness, Asth- , ducing excellent bay. An aftermath1 + v
ma, Bronchitis Lung Trouble and con- I7ve, from o squares
Scotland, a box con- seven inches high of fair quality for
-: , s y We would suggest for Lady: -
z mow- g sumptiou. tainiug two squares of short bream, pasturage was produced which was
r Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes any which was greatly appreciated by the � not injured until severe frosts when A palr of Black Satin Juliettes with Fur Trimming -just time and it kills a cough or cold in the family and their many friends in th's the leaves all dried up. the thing for house wear-ttt........... .. ............$1.75
head. A pair of Fine Black quilted Juiiettes with Fur Trimming... 1.35
section, It is reported ro doing well at Walla
• Now that the holiday trade Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes Your A nice pair of Cardinal Slippers -at .................. ...... 1,3"
times daily and it permanently cares A horse belonging to Mr. John F. walla, Wash., producing an abundance A pair of Felt Low Shoes, Fur, trinimiug-at....... ........ T.
18 over, we are offering A big Chronic Catarrh, Deafness, Asthma and o ,� of seed, and that it is quite as value- A beautiful line of Ladies' Felt Gait rs-at.....;.
�" Andrew, of the 12th con. of Ashfielc
,- Hap Fever. ble as the blue grama. In the hills of And also Children's Slippers-ai6..'.,... .: ::..35c
reduction in Lam Goods. If was stolen on Wednesday night from
is ,careful in -selecting a Range that shall give best results at P Inhale Catarrhozone ten minutes central, and western Iowa and parts of
jllrll�nlum expense. Niue eases out of ten the select you are interested, it Will pay every hoar and it cures Pneumonia, Mr. R. E. Lane's stable on the tive�t Nebraska it is highly valued by farm- For Gentleman
p y r Consumption, Lung Trouble and pro-' boundary, and Mr. Andrew offers a re- era for hay, as It cures readily, and What could be a nicer aft than ',t nice Black Sntr
you to call and see our line at vents all contagious diseases. Comph"It" ward of $10 for information that will even when cut late la the season the g
'DOWN <J �o 9 rices that will surprise you. outfit $1.00; trial size ing Druggl. or lead to the recovery of the horse and leaves retain their freshness longer n'Iutller, lined with Red Satin: These are beantifu
p p 3 N. C, Pulsou & 0u„ Kingston, Out, conviction of the guilty parties. than many of the other wild grasses iii IN NECKWEAR -We have just received some
e newest designs in all shades, and at rices to suit all.
The first game of hockoy played in those regions. It will withstand long g P
because of its perfect consiinetion and Economy of Fuel. Goderich. the Northern League series took place periods -of drought and Is so deeply We have also some lovely lines of Colored
+ rooted that it Is not easily injured by Handkerchiefs and Kid Gloves.
Every one guaranteed. We also carry a full line Of Heating We have a fine assortment Mr. Joseph Tigert, of Sheppardton, is on Tuesday night between Palmerston grazing. Good reports also come from
Stoves for either coal or wood. Call and look through our of X Cut Saws and Axes that enjoying the heat of a fire from wood
and Lucknow, and ended Luekuow 14; southern states. Be sure you see these gopds.
. g Palmerston 5. From a spectators point - -
stock before purchasing. elsewhere. � cutdown 52 years ago. Sound?—The Sumatra Tobacco Under Cheese- 'i o will please you. Give u6 a of view, it was one of the cleanest cloth, Remember—we guarantee every pair of Lui
wood was from an old log hence. we sell, and sell tbem chew
matches ever played here. There was It is probable that many Connecticut p
hhcall: What abort that new Suit of 0lothes or
Cbristuias travel on the G. T. R was. not a word of dispute between the play- tobacco farmers will experiment this
the largest for years past, former Can- era or with the referee and no one on year in the raising of Sumatra tobacco. antes everything • Sr! t class in eve, y particu
odious, visiting relatives and friends !n either side was injured. Diusley of This is due to the successful outcome
• jj ]LIg large numbers. wingllam gave good satisfaction as roe of last year's trial in growing the to-
Sml411th & Pethick The Knitting factory will be in order feree. bacco under cheesecloth. A tobaccoM U T
Leading Hardware Merchants, Wingham. by Monday, when it will start the year = grower estimates that a quarter acre
with a large staff, and a pretty large list tent can a bunt and the ground fes- rrt�
of orders. Irritating Pimples and Disfiguring tillzed for about g12o, tabor Included.
The new building at the depot is near. Blotches. Ness and Notes.
ly ready for opening, electric lights, They place many young girls at a Mongolian pheasants are being suc-
seatin accommodation. and ticket office great disadvantage in life. The only cessfully reared in Ohio.
furniture bein the onl items needed to cure as a tithe crmson like Ff POielle• A commerofal estimate of the cyan• g y • It cleanses the crimson flood of poisons berry crop. of the United States for
finish the establishment. These items and impurities, renews and strengthens - 1900 places It at 189,000 barrels.
are expected daily, so the opening may it, and snakes lots of red corpuscles thot Cottonseed hull ashes are in great
take place at short notice. manifest their presence by a ruddy,H*ntehealthy glow itithe cheeks and lips. demand as fertilizer by, the tobacco
o' A Narrow Escapege Tuesday of ruptio q, builds y masters all skin n. ' growers of Connecticut.
�'alkerBros. %\'„may Button A• last week, Mr. George Routledge, of ruptious, builds up broken-down ecu•; With the decrease in the supply of
West Wawnuosh, met with a severe ac- stitutions, and gives to weak, sickly'. spruce the Adirondack balsam fir is Wanted Q�
oident which had fatal women an abundance of spirits, vitality, used more and more in the manufac- r �/ stir
possibilities, energy and beauty. Try Ferrozone, its turn of paper.
He was driving out of the mill shed all right. Price 50c. per box, or six Next to the !oases due t0 surface do.
here, and by a jolt in the sleigh was - boxes for $2.50, at druggists, or N. 0. ,
Polson & Co., Kingston, Out. Sold by I cay between the filling and the opening
thrown out, falling with such force an A L Hamilton, i the silo the mose serious one is thati
Nish their many thefro2engromidastoreoelveaouton :due to slawiceding, My Necess' t ]
the skull over three inches long. He Light, dry soli, not overrich, suits the
lay for nearly an hoar nuconseious pea. Sow as early as the ground can
s when he was discovered and taken into . be worked and again every, ten days
"'hen Ordering Your the village, where Dr. Turnbull dressed for succession.
Customers and Friends g' , As
• ��y y I baro ]n gtaClgc'a VCI'y la]'ge :t SOriIl1P1)t
acrd stitched the wound and Mr. Rout- I AlUan !s to have it 'Ver extensiveFALL AND WINTER SUiT lodge was removed to his home, Ho istobacco plant. Watches Gold Rings, mounted with diarnot
Remember-- still confined to his room, bat is likely Damage to wheat by angumoir grain other precious stones. Lovely Brooehes, Zai•
to be out again next week. The mishap is 5ell,'n Mixed Manitoba moth has been reported from eastelo
Gents' Chltin5, Silverware, Cased «ooci9, Norelb .
that a good fit is as important was a close call, as there was groat loss g 'ennsylvania. Bisulphide of carbon Christmas. As I must have woiiey, these }roc!
-?, A H A PPV AND as good material; we matte no of blood during the time Me. Routledge Flour at $ 1.85 per sack—
will kill it in the bin. slaughter prices during the next two weeks.
las unconscious, guaranteed first-class. THIS SPECIAL SALE IS NO'.1
misfits. An order for your _ �' This Cement and Lime. �•
+ winter Suit or Overcoat shall A Great Sufferer Cured. is a special price and won't
�[ ]: receive our careful attention. Mr. Benjamin Dillon, of Leeds, Ont„ l3UY NbW ANIS SAVE 11'1'(1Pros erous Y earIwas cured ei' Musouiar ays; "ata el b Save' the rebate. last ion Order now and
i�xi"Ve us a call. poison's Nervilitlo, and says; "I fool my Parties requiring Cement or Lluie
duty is to proclaim Poison's Xervilin6 asshould give us it
cured we infall
years jin(ferin ,ia d Jblliette Grinder Plates al. tlrst class brands of ce entk cp 11me
g ettin a HALSE
�/�+� /� -�fi1t eaalgiul quickly oreliteviti equal
oarnn was on hand. slid yait can always rel yy on g
t.J .G nothing p y good ft•eall arttele at tlIs � INGHAM
` Cl:UFNT ANI) TILE WORKS. fieadquatters
r r tratin ower, Norvaline simply has uo
UP -STAIRS IN SHAW III.U(1$. Iltheumatts n, Neuralgia, Sciatica, au V. GUT7CYLYtIi)Ci1C,
Lumbago. A trial will convince anyone, (Market Square} For Repairs
`Price Soo,ML
I i
yj # .