HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-08, Page 4a n 1 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, January s, 19, The rt,ppaintl?aent. of the Bev. ``' - t„ James Al xxan � of Ixncil talus as a �� ��� w,��a t1119111114�Y 1'�1�t11�14�1gt��11Ei 1� E1�1 t lYt�t�1��11111111i�111�Z�11�11i1t�Xli i �11��t�1�11t111 tl III III 11114 formally announced by that paper. Hair Fa fis PEOPLE'SX�� vallceMr. Macdonald is enjoying a boli- _• [lay out of the city, alld will take -113 POnLIOUSD- charge of the Globe immediately "I tried Aye is Hair Vigor to on his return, stop my hair from falling. One. �T r+ EVERY THURSDAY half a bottle cured me." - J I is 0 • �( JAS. y` 1 K � R R. J C. Baxter, Braid I11.r -AT THE OFFI'•.OE•- •. ..-_- -.._.. , ' �, Gorgeous Stock Taking Sale JO©EPIIINE STREET -- wINQUAM, ONT, LIBERAL CRITICISM. Ayer's Hair Vigor is _ TERMS OF a CRaCRIPTION..-$1.N por annum ;certainly the I110St eco. In advance $1.60 it not so paid. No Paper dis• continued advance, 1 arrears are paid, except at The Huntingdon Gleaner is an till al nominal preparation of its ' .11 our Dods are ]narked in la figures. You can Sec • the option of the publisher 27 ably conducted Liberal paper, but ..•.• Takes lace during January. p+Advertising Rates : it cannot endorse the extravagant ' kind on the market. A _ "Special" 11 clic of the Dominion Govern- the price oil ever article. When we qu �. Special pri SPACE. 1 YR, 6 MO. 3 MO. 1 Mo. policy little of it goes a long way. .0 • y _�• • ,,,,,.•-, -:..�„ _ One Column 00 $35.00 $15.00 ,ti-00 ment. At a banquet recent] held�- •" In order to reduce our large stock we will sell half celnrun...... 35,00 18:00 loth 4.00 q ydoesn't-� c c Quarter Column,. 18,00 10.00 6.00 2.00 Mr. Fielding said :— It take much Of you can tell by looking at the price ticket What pecAal all winter goods at great reductions during the next LegalNotices tusVerlinefirst insertion,3 "Weil, can I not Sa,y for 'at it to stop falling of the -•� cents porline eaohsubBequontinsertion. least six ears the Liberal art prices mean at this store. thirty days. Locals and reading notices 10 cents per line y party . hair, make the hair grow, .M for,first insertion, 6 conte per line each subse- at Ottawa has given this country .. gneat Insertion• a period o£ good government, a :and restore color to gray B Professional cards, one inch and under $4 period of ease a period of pro- hair._ st.a a bort!. All +ronha. _ • per your, $2.50 for sig mouths. p? "• ' i If your drug tat cannot au ply you, "- -� f •.. •,.. retia a period Of unexampled • Blankets and Sheetings. Adva. of Stray Animals $1 for 4 insertions. h I P P Adva. Farme for Sale or Rent-1 month $1, prosperity Bond us one dollar and we will exprosa- Wool Blankets large sizes fancy colored borders each subsequent month 50 cents. TO this the Gleaner replies as , you a bottie. Be sure and give the name _ • g ) y ) ofyournearestexPpre: Address, - a- 0 Advs. of 2 or 3 ]Paced such ace Lost, Found. follows J. , AYLlz Co.,C., Lowell, Mass. at a reduction of I off the regular Sale Price. House to let, servant t�anted, &o., 25 Dents for one insertion, 750 per month. "That it was Providence, by •" - ecia— All wool Sheetings, grey and white extra wide regU- Advo. without specific directions will be in. sending a series of prolific har- �,�,�,� sorted till forbid and charged accordingly. i •^^ ,,,• lar price 90 cents, Reduction Price 65 cents. The Job Department is stocked with an ex- Vests, Which has been the Ca1t80 WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. Sth tensive assortment of all requisites for print- of Canada's prosperity imis- ( , —.+,•_^ , Ing, affording facilities not excelled in the take it seems it was Ali',"' FMIS: CENTRAL - : - Tliyi Slieetxtigs, grey or white, extra wide, regular county for turning out first-class work. �, ing and his colleagues." price G5 cents, ......Reduction Price 50 cents. T. HALL, PROPRIETOR. :Then Mr, Fielding went on to say : at STRATFORD, ONT. 'January Sale; January Sale January Sale we are able to point to six A largo, progreRsive school and one of the •^- years of progress and sound fin- best on this Continent, A strong statemont ..r � � ��� � A Q I but it Be 0 1 ononovortheless. Tho red• Clewing Reductions in the anee. This is an important mat- son our school has a largo attendance is be. w ® �� ®� - cause "is a wide.awalto hnstling, working, ter. It is as important to 1110 rosult-producing school. Recontgraduates •� • c� • • ' j• w • • nation as it is to the individual liavoaccepted positions at salaries ranging Ladies' Furs Clothing Ladies Tailor Following bines. _ —Official reports show that 70,- that business transactions should from $writer for hour to $noweCatalogue 000 emigrants entered the North- be laced upon a sound financial _ Men's and Bos Suits and Overcoats Bathes west last year, and it is believed basis.II P W. J. Elliott, Principal, We wish to turn all : , Mantles 'Furs of all kinds Heavy Dress Goods' 10,000 more entered without beingour FUR GOODS into Men S UVerCoatS Made Sl{ir1S y , The Gleaner criticizes. this in mons this month, and retarded. DON'T FORGET. Mens Ulsters Ladies sand Gents Wool Underwear and all other these words :— y Heavy Winter Goods. 'If raising the expenditure from to encourage you to buy -+ 42 to 62 millions and adding 18 THAT early we offer l o per cent. �n Coats —More than $20,000,000 is in- g Boys Overcoats Satisfaction guaranteed 'at vested in the manufacture of Sew- millions to the debt is placing the LlSTO�EL count u on a sound financial ..r off ing machines in the United States, P t „l w + t Our renular prices for these and more than $21,000,000 worth basis, we misunderstand the mean- ��/ LADIES COATS, _ Mens Suits g- garment perfect fittin,, bar Ritchie of machines is turned out ever ing of the words. Tt Showa to CAPES, ; �ver low. But we _ year. Yet the sewing machine in what dishonest devices even our is the place to got value for your money. ��^ CAPERINES Boys Suits y Y g Opens Jan. 5th, 1903, Two Courses ..- ) clean up the stock, dustry is of comparatively recent leading politicians stoop, when we morcial'and Shorthand. growth. The technical beginning find Mr. Fielding concealing his Send for college Journal. RUFFS CTC. for they month of January ;you a discoid H. McIND00. of the industry was Sept. 10, 1846, expenditure under capital account C. A. RLEmtNG A. L. McINTYRE io per cent. discount for at a discount of 25 per cent. -cent. off Lad successors to M. r when Elias Howe, jr., obtained a and claiming a surplus of 27 mill- President seo'y. th month of January They must go. We have'nt Skirts and ' Ions. It is a It he could not be e ,. "'" '' "' ' " ' ' '• patent por what grow the first pity m for them. month of $ real] practical sewing machine. P P ' Ions. If he could be so compelled, 40 I n Cash Free a. - P g compelled to produce these 27 mill- only. roc }v •Wthe Dominion would have a real tt surplus, and not a book-keeping e a SnailProfitsi4h —Once more has science shown i Brooms. Fish, rubbers. how the apparently impossible can °cement on account of capital and / `il''i''l'l'���'0~ be performed. Marconi has sent Pay n3aecount of consolidatefund.'r Remember our "Special' prices on messages from Cape Breton to Eu- '"s;�' We are just in receipt Fresh Lake Herring arriv• -Heavy Rubbers and Overshoes. Qu�� IR"eturnso rope by wireless telegraphy; the =_i=`� •,.. ''" of a large shipment of ing every week ....25c, dez. $2.25 Rubbers for ......$1..30 British King and the Italian King, `� Brooms, and they are Lake Herring No. I in kegs $2.25 Overshoes for ...:.$1.90 among other persons, have answer- THE MEN OF 1903. To be awarded at Provincial Winter Fair 1903, for beat pair of Fat cattle fed with w splendid value, prices 15c Labrador Herring in kegs $1.65 Overshoes for ..... $1.40 ed them. So that there is no longer , doubt that this marvellous feat, of Wothington s Canadian Stock Tonic. 20c, 25c, 30c. each. Smoked Haddie Etc. $1.8o Overshoes for ....$1.40 signalling with success through So many interesting and impor- Tho swocpstake fat cattle at Chicago and Cant things have happened in 1902 Guelph Winter Fairs 1902 were fed with �• ^ ^`• near] three thousand miles b PP ' WORTtirNGTON's CANADIAN §aTOCti TONIC. An a; Our stock is again almost complete after Y , that most men are looking for even evidence of the good results farmers and fed• through no other medium than the ors would obtain by feeding n genuine stock our immense holiday trade. And here we atmosphere, has been successfully more interesting and more import- _ g P food ; not an American fad. Hordes look bet- Jn0 .IA3 H Kerr rr �] 1 Block, p m .Ino. $ .IAS. H Kerr ti erformed. and oecurronced in 7903. It would terfeed bettor, drive better, doll bettor, whenaiD�all�l�11�111 ^ P be idle to attempt fed with WORTITINOTON'8 STOCK Toxic. s wish to thank our numerous customers for pt to name even a DEAR SIR - :." .13 small proportion Of 1110 events Toxic for yearandhave b been feediingcIC It p g g. P y —The capital of the Standard which may befall in the next to all my stook. Found it to give geed satis• Nillilli11111U1111U41111111111111111111111illill11141111ill111111ill41111111ill111111111111illill111111111iii� . beral atrona. a durin the past ear. -, : >- w,_ r • faction, and would advise all farmers and 'e Our aim for 1903 will be to have a still better Oil Company is one hundred million twelvemonth, because their number fecdcrs of stock to use it- ej 0 dollars. The profifs of the eom- is beyond computation, but to enu- Yours faithfully.L. MOSES. LIFE FIRE Money to loan on notes, and notes t•' �, assorted stock, with prices whittled to the pany during 1902 were s° enormous merate a few of the men who may December 20, 1902. Avonton P. o. Abner COsens DR. AGNEW discounted at reasonable rates. Money p�a that dividends aggregating 45i per reasonably be expected to shape I0-lb. Box, 200 feeds, 50o; 504b. sack, $2. Loan and Insurance Agent PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, advancedon mortgages at b per cent. ,d finest point. If you are thinking of buying events is well within the bounds of with privilege of paying at the end of �, , cent. were paid, amounting to MANUFACTURED BYNotes 0 o some Furniture, see what we have in Bedroom forty-five million dollars, a sum al- possibility, because the number is FarmLonnsatlowestrntes of interest, ACCOUCHEUR, any year. —Beaver and accounts collect- q comparatively small. Here are The Worthington Drug Co. office—corner Minnie and Patrick Ste., Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald ed. Office—Beaver block, , vJinRhttnt, Suites Sideboards Extension Tables Couches most equal to the total revenue of P Y WINGHAM Block. ROBT. MCINDOO. *ase Z ) f the Dominion. Notwithstanding some of them :— GUELPH. Night calls answered at office, s. nd Dining-room Chairs. Our Mattresses and these enormous dividends, the price Theodore Roosevelt, President ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS �-- of oil has been raised 81 cents per of the United Stated, may succeed For Sale and Guaranteed by DRS, CHISHOL>lI � CHISROLht WINGHE SAW MILL ire Springs are of the best make. gallon since the beginning of the in procuring the passage of legisla- A. H. Carr — — Wingham A. DUL112AGE coal strikes. Evidently the Stan- tion which will curb those great Agar & Earls — Lucknow McLEAN A SON A good assorted. stock of Window Shades dard Oil Co. has a monopoly-and is combinations of capital that have a• Noble Gerry — Brussels REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. �— still on hand. bound to grind the profits out of tendency towards monopoly, but Wm. Messer — Bluerale CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN Jose — the consumer to the fullest extent which will not hamper the forma- on Town and Farm Property. Josephine Street Wingham All kinds of rough and dresaod,... possible. tion of those combinations of capi- ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. 7� LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES UNDERTAKING tal whose influence is wholly bene- OPFICE.—In the tient Block. T i . KENNEDY) M.D., M.C,P.S.O APPLE BARRELS * „ Residence—Catherine St. J * t eet. S. Patrick all Bros. „ fieWil LOGS WANTED Stresi, S. Greer'$ , (Member of the British Medical Aeaociation) Hard and Soft Slabs also a � �"rr;�.. ormer-ldbttce, —Commenting' upon Mr. S. H. William IT., Emperor o£ Ger. + Ight calls Blake's letter, that excellent paper, many, and Arthur. James Balfour, T. J. MAGUIRE COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE, large quantity of dry h prompt at- Psjn° The People's Furniture Store The Montreal witness, says:— Premier of England, may proud to • n special attention paid to Diseased of women "There are those who will con- the world the practicability or im- at Wingham. REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND and children, wood for sale, dell Pre . . P Y LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING OFlrios Hovxe:—ito4p.m,; 7to9p,m, demn Mr. Blake for his attack practicability of a warlike alliance Collection of Renta and Accounts a specialty. Telephone Ordefs Promptly REOPENING OF THE upon his own party, but the ma- between the German and English ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. A atterMed to. Dalt of the people will a laud eo les. We are prepared to pay for W. T. Holloway , Y P. P PP P p OFFICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's stern. k a`r �- y w him for his truth and courage in Joseph Chamberlain, the British Residence: Leopold street. D.D.S., L.D.S. , lad _ --W( Lean UL- Son l First-class Maple logs.. , ..... $14 per Al -� <. branding b its right name a shame Colonial Secretary, may, b his Graduate of Royal f w that has too long been allowed to conciliator visit to the con by First-class Soft Elm logs.....$14 College of Dental 1 g y q .. �•• n Surgeons of Tor- o p First class Rock Elm logs.... $16 J. A. MORTON onto and Honor„' pollute our public life. Men like Boers of South Africa, prove the I+•irst-class Basswood logs....$15 • Graduate of Dent- J Mr. Blake, if they will continue to possibility of a peaceful and lasting First class Beech logs .. , .... 12 " BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, al Dept. of Toron- to I raise their voices can assured] alliance between En lish and Dutch g University. f Y g Latest improved methods In all branches of .�. succeed to (as Mr. Blake explains raced. All kinds and grades wanted. MONEY To LOAN. Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfaction Forest' City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. it) exorcising from our midst ,this J. Pierpont Morgan may launch gttaranteea. ZrOffice in Beaver Block. It Is conceded by even our opponents that %A-e have the best school in Western Ontario. demon of corruption, which is poi- Call and get our priced. Office:—Morton Block, cVingham r777 qq Honest work on behalf of our studonts has placed us in that position,and that enviable position P r P anew enterprise which Will dwarf RTII U R J. IRWIN lii� IIM we expect to maintain by similar methods. we teach the Gregg system of Shorthand—it is soning our national life." the shipping combination or th© - MISS DELTA Sl'ARLING A- easy to learn, easy to write, and easy to read after it is written. Steel Trust. D.D.S., L.D.S.LDS r lit-24 J, W. RESTERVELT, Principal. " * Professor Jacques Loeb, of the The Canada Furniture Mfrs. A. T. C. M. C..AttTrAchlo. —The Bobca eon Independent University of may, b Limited Doctor of Dental Surgery is the Ten- _ yg p Y California, Yt y ')'anchor of Piano, Theory and Fletcher nsylvania College and Licentiate of OPERATING - puts it thus:—Once again this pushing his researches further into Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Dental Surgery of Ontario. journal, Speaking for the indepen- the phenomena of physical life, The Batton & Fessant Chair Factory Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- Office over Post Office—WINGHAM dents of Canada, and speaking more clearly prove their supposed inations. without the slightest party preju- electrical character and find better Wingham, Ont. DICKINSON & IIOLMES iinmenae dice, warns both Mr. Laurier and means for fighting disease and pro- E ESTELLE GRIFFIN Mr. Ross that should they allow longing human existence. the gang of capitalistic brigands to Santos-Dumont may, by combin- BarriStera, Solicitors, etc, . TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE'. ® put their hands into the public ing greater motive power with Office: Meyer Block Wingham. �— treasury of the people of Canada, lighter materials, cross the ocean. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes Cutting then they will be relentlessly driven in an airship, Mixaio esamutations. , from office. The Grand Trunk Guglielmo Marconi may put Be Sure Its a pity to have a good may build all the lines of railway trans-Atlantic wireless telegraphy Ro VANSTONF Suit spelled in the making. it likes at its own expense, without on a commercial basis. MISS SARA L. MOORE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR The suits we make give en.the least opposition or antagonism, Thomas Alva Edison may, by of Thisethe satisfaction. Give ,lis a •��• Teacher of Piano and Theory Money to loan at lowest office to Clear out our but if it tries to get bonuses or sub- obtaining a more portable as well trial and be convinced, sidieo, .or land grants, from the as a more powerful storage battery, BEAVER BLOCK`, pp Co.people, then the opposition will be revolutionize traction methods. we'll make your Suit as well MISS CARRIE MOORE 7-95, WINGHAM. Webster & C WINTER CILCTHINGE general and the antagonism intense.. - as ever we can, Every Suit — • —every priced Snit--every- Teacher of Violin and Guitar. WELLINGTON MUTU.A,I The St, Catharlues $'Well.tt body's Sult—is the best work VY , —The Medicine Brief thus Sum- that the best workmen can 'Rooms—in Steno Black, rvinghnm. TIRE INS. ri0. produce. .And the reason. , Established shed PH 810. mari7.es the various uses of fruit in „ +, p , Head Office GUELPH, ONT. In the "Garden City of Canada," ableness of ever rico is a • relieving diseased conditions of the ©]oven miles from Niagara Falls is situ- y p p' lS0 YEARS , Boys' Suits, School. Coats, and Over- body. The list is worth keeping : ated the historical "St. Catharines Well" patent. It seems the proper EXPERIENCE Risks taken on all classes of Insurable pro Under the Category of laAatives,— about which is woven many a romantic way to do things, doesn't UP perty on the cash or premium note system. pRl]MP T LY 5 EC URE COatS, ail pretty near: youY• own price. oranges, figs, tamarinds,, prunes, Indian legened and whose otlrative p o• so it is, r JAhtEa Gonntit, VIIA9. DAVIDSON tar 1 mulberries dates nectarines and pearled are known far and wide through- proaident. secretary. Write for our interesting books"Invent• • �' or's tlalp" ani "How you are ttwiZI ' , out North America, Tho waters Of this JOHN RITCHIE , Send us a rough sketch or model of your'ln- Don't miss the January Bargains in hd this plums may be included. Pome• fatuous well is saline and its prototype �re'Ie building business h it AGENT. WINOHAM,oNT vention or rovementand wewill tell you ly granates, cranberries, blackberries, ill Europe is the celebrated IZreutzuacll and building Kit rett quick. -- - -- tate our opinion ct d whether It iv aveoften to great , sumach berries, dewberries, rasp- spring in Prussia, The Waters of this g p y n •rltAbli MARKS pecosu c. Refected osecut tionshneofWei spring are a great specific for Snell ly'. Come in, DCSIGN$ Debra• After'' yr OI�tt�tt,, conn successfully prosecuice by ns, we COP1fRIGH7S dGC. vows ii1�9p8Gditl�f conduct fully Cqulppped offices in Montreal berries, barberries, quinces, pears, diseases as rheumatism, goat, neuralgia The Great bngtfeh Remedy. and washinaton; I. itsqualitlesits toprompt. Antmo sondlnq B sketch And poser] Linn map :V Sold and recommended by all ty dispatch work Bud quick]y secure rstents wild chrrled, anti medlars aro as- lino troubles, (skirl dlseaf+es And Oases Of rinfokb ascertain our opinton ir•o eriethor au drtt 1st• in Canada, Only tell. as bred as the invcntlon. HI heat tdttcttcts tlingent. Grapes, peaches, straw- nervous prostration, Or as a tonin pato tionsaton lsprebnblppabentAbte, Cetnmunton gR s INeuttrtet conttaentlnl.IlAndboekoup. tantt able medicine discovered.8l� furnished. Bank hortleberrles rick] and Ample, sent tree, t�ae5t paoncy for aoeurtaft�vmenta. lwexa ea puarankrd to bate Bll PAtenh procured through yftrlod R Ma• Stock Sale ]ferries w , p y „ +r Patents taken t ronsh Munn k Co, rocohe forme o Sexual Wea nese, all efYeote of abase cion receive special ewtltc without rh.r}te in • i The Vveliand, the principal build- Robt, Maxwellpears, black currants and melon ing in which thes4 haters are tiled, ieegectaititottee,,vlthoutcharge, intoe or excess, Dtental worry,xeeastra nsb of To- over too newspapers distributed throughout are diuretics. Gooseberries, rred Situated near the outaltirts of St. Oath- S i¢�ttif r mer ran baeeo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on tec@ipt the Dominion. ♦ of rice, ono pabkaRe Ef, Biz, S5 Ona utZtpteaa4 $peCialty:ul+aten! business of ]lfsnufae• and white currants, pumpkins and crines and host comfortable aceommod• AhanBsemetp Iltuet,rnted woeklr. i,araost .Ir. rixptoiu cure. lets ,free to nn sddroae. Curers and lingineers. melons are refrigerants. erants. Lemon3 ation curl ba had there at reasonable High Irt Tailor` gingham Ltnlntlon of nn7 satonttA journal. Terms, !3 B X13$ {Yood CbpspltaA , w ntlilOfj OWI. MARION & MARION y rates. For further particulars and All earIfourmontba,+1, 004byal newsdrniers Pwtont Exp*iA%t(tnd Solloltoes. No u� tta �8� V�L tVonii'a phosphedineis soldidwin hath by DULMAGE limes and apples are stomach Se l� COt�oV� �tllgtoMlt9iry, 1 f1 g N•ry Yorlt Ltta 1'la'f�, tlemtrc.l ClatlFtlN. agent Win ham, A. L. xatnilton, J, $.Darla, alt. A. Dougigad btrttctrt Atk tlCDW M fns O.C. p� age t , wing app Y to L. Harold G.Ti',lt, I rt►at � X76 r st, wmbtarton. b. and C. A. Campb6ll, Dali"Ista, �,,, �, „„„ 1 g