HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-01-08, Page 1 ..O( -,-i---- —,
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- A A life was lost for every 188,608 tons What Skill can Do. Bye -Elections. Election Troublts. .1, L THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. -
. . - - , f I. mined In 18 of the United Drs. McCullough and Brown of The bye -elections in North Grey, Two Anita for libel have been enter- RS()NAL gh BANK OF HAMILTON -
I States last year. The total number Trenton, N. J., have just grafted I;. North Perth and North Norfolk, so far ed and a third Is threatened, arising , As announced last week, Win am's .
...Inof lives lost was lj467, new lip on the month of Miss Bertha as present flgurea go, went In favor out of the so called "death -bed state- F, P EA ;. I Mayor and Council were elected by ae. .
fflon -tank 0 coal
Governm6nt., meat of a North Grey elector, which Our readers. "' all cordially 10 clamation, so that the interest centred WINGHAK "'
carried Lockridge by-law, Deenan of Lowell, Mass., whose lip Of the contribute tothis Zoliiniii. It friends .1
I Brussels cat ' A. G, Mackay, the Liberal candidate, you, or you visit friends, let the Advan-- on the election of County Councillors, Capital paid up
providing for a loan of $5,090 to the was burned away wh District. about It.. $2.00,000. Ueserve, $1,000,0
. -now ,
Will occupy -their new Lockridge Bros. to put in operation baby. _Vn she was a Lt 0. L. D let read at a recent meeting in that con- v , and the By-laws for extension of ,W&-
the be semi-annual meeting of the L. at!tUehCy. Matthew C.
Beckett, a Pat Delaney visited In Hensall a fe* J. TURNBULL, General maxager. I
. the Brussels woolen mill. Died. /O "T L. District Lodge will be held in "erwork . and the trunk sewer;7 he PrOBVIden -Job Stuart
,(, Presa
I waggon -maker, of Owen Sound, who days last week. , -e6bFn--?tI -& A!003 will be- ent-A
. Cashier -3.
a 0 a y. ,
I 8W* t.nou -
.. I a' Cloth Jackets and Men's The Messrs. Thornton mourn the Winghatu next Tuesday. The Grand declares the statement slandered .and Goo. Elliott of London is visiting his Mayor -R. Vanstone. .w 11
4 " 0 Ladle L DmEcToRs--John Prootor,Wm, Gibson,
. eens Cloth Coats at half-prica.-The Wing* - loss of their mother, Mrs, Mary Thorp- Didge of Ontario West will be held. libelled him, has already entered mother in town. Councillors -T. Bell, R, McIndoo J. . 10
ham Trading Co. 9 01 Goo. Roache T. Wood. A. B. So (Toronto)
I Hotel, on or about the . - ton, who died at the residence of her in Wingliam early in March.jo- action against A. G. Mackay for $10- Walter spent New Years at his J. E Illott, W. F. vatiStone, A, Dul- Savings Batik hours 10 to 3; Sitturdoyslotol I
The concert and lecture to have son, Nelson, in Morris on Wednesday.40' 000 damages. On Monday, through home ii ,Mltchell. mage, S. Bennett Aws.
License Commissioners. L Deposits ofV and upwardsreceived. Tnt. i,20th last.. been held on Wednesday* evening, The funeral takes place on Friday. W.A. McPherson, he flied stilt against Miss Nellie Ross visited friends In !/ ,,- THE I erest allowed and computed on Both November ,'7/ ;
. -a of this lady's life have r An. and 31st Mo each yes nd a ed prinoll"al. 'Al /I
a' Hensidl last week. itted to the Special, pt 844-4. cAd At vurr , Lf " t
let West Huron -Jas. Stevens. Hugh the Globe for $25,000 damage . "Two By-laws were subm TO Yed to iit" ,
, h a like US , Of Rare$
under the auspices of the Catholic Particulai I U, W .
yet reached us. McQuarrie, William Roderick Rnbert- other paper is threatened with electors-p,yjrd,rSVeXri .-drqh - -,--,*'ra 11. ,!`
. church, was unavoidably postponed. son. 8 having a Mr. and Mrs, F. Shore spent their ' e wa. . Drafts on Groat Britain and the Untlet I ;
I A. E. GIBSON L South Haran -David G. Wilson, action. They have been terworks, involving an expenditure of Statos bought and sold.
J Strathroy, Ont., ratepayers have Quick Work. Peter Douglas, Henry Doyle. Centre lively bya-election in North Grey. holidays in Stratford. "
. I i MANAGER . carried A, by-law providing for the' An experiment has been made to see Bruce -John Humberstone, Will, 0. - Win. C. Thompson visited Gerrie $21,000, and another authorizing the El U DXoxiWsoN,'S9UoItor.-- ,,,,, , I -,1 ., ,
. ownership by that municipality of the how quickly a tree could be turned in. Ohevis, Goo. Ramage. To Be Shunted. friends last Thursday, construction of a trunk sewage dispo- W. 00RUOULD Agaub k .
a Sal works, at a cost of $5,500. We be- Travellers are notified that the ivnk of . -
; electric light plant and the projected to a newspaper. At 7:35 man a tree The Palmerston Spectator gives the Mrs. Gilchrist spent Now Years' day liev, that if the time for discussion Hamilton and Its Brailobes issue 01roulak note-)
waterworks system. was sawed down, and just, two hours Seriously Hurt. following amusing incident :-A cer- with Lucknow friends, of the National Provinotal Bank of England
and thirty-five minutes later the first The Injuries sustained by Alex. had been a couple of weeks longer, =-) which can be cashod without chargo or -
I NEW ADVTS. . The total fire loss in United States copy*ca,me from the press in an Amari- Stewart, of town, in the railway acci- tain Palmerston gentleman of leisure Miss Countess Carr visited Wood- both By-ldws would have passed, for rouble In any part of the worla I .
. as compiled I , was sent tip town one day last week to stock friends last week, the schemes were gaining in -favor
I - and Canada for 1902, n can newspaper offlee. dent last week were more serious make the Christmas purchases and .
. .1 Fresh Fish. -At Griffin's, The New York Journal of Commerce, than at first reported. The 'young algo to hove it coal oil can filled. On Alias Fanny Hogg of Brussels visited daily. Unfortunately (W*4 wink) both - .
I I Small Profits, -Ball Bros. is $149,200,850, against $101,3171,450 in Farmers' Institutes. man sitting in the same seat was kill- Mrs. F. Hogg last week. were defeated, and whether from a p 1101 104 4
I I . the return journey be encountered a - "I
Cut Price Sale. -Crowder Co. . 1901, and $163,802,250 in 1900. The Government report of Farmers, ed. Alex, will not be able to leave the Grand Trunk coach which looked par- Miss Cook of Fordwich is visiting sanitary standpoint or that of A pro .I 011C t - -
1. Special I Special I -Kerr Bros. - Institutes gives the following statistics hospital for a week or more yet, Miss W. Alba Chisholm. gressive, up-to-date town. the proper- .
, , Toilet Soaps. -W. McKibben. It will pay to buy your Boots and ticularly comfortable and which be . e ty-holders decided to authorize net- . . , -
Y , Shoes now; Big Bargains going at W. for West Hui -on Institute-inember- Seventh Anniversary. calculated would, when Shunted, land Editor Sharpin of the Gorrie Vidette ther/The following is the vote:-. , A-
Reopening—J. W. West- rvelt. J. Greer's. ship to June 1002-324; meetings held ' him nearet, home. He entered, took a was in town last Sunday. , 'Ward 1 2 3 4 Total I .
- ` , .. Immen;eCatting.-A. Dulmage. -11; attendance -2415; papers read JeLast Sunday was the seventh anni- .4 .1
. total
seat, and presently the car moved off, Frank Howson was home from I J
i I 1 Annual Meeting. -J. M. Roberts. Miss Peel, sister of Paul Peel, the or addresses delivered -93; t , v versary of Rev. Wim. Lowe's Rector- For Waterworks 17 33 25 30 - ill -
l . .-Smith & Pethick. well known artist, is at work on it, full !hureh4.rbat St. and at a more rapid rate than he had Stratford for the holidays. .
, ,, Lamp Bargains - ceipts-$419; expendittire-$321.75; ship of St. Paul's c , Against ,- .. I * . .-
-Ritchie & Campbell. length portrait of the late Matthew Paul's has pr6sipered under lis pastor. calculated. The speed increased and R. J. McMath, wife and daughter
, Stock Taking balance on hand -$97.31. .. Majority against -29. . 11 ". ,,- 4 1
I , Stock Taking Bargains.-Tildhope's. Crooks Cameron. which Is to grace al care is evident from the fact that his predicament can better be imagin. spent Sunday at Pine River.
t ..
I . Farm For Sale.=Box 101. W ingliam. the walls of the Parliament buildings. Funeral. . every dollar of indebtedness has been ed than explained, when it is stated Airs. E, Manuel of Listowel visited For Sewer ..... IS 30 27 41-122 You vannot be too particular: in
. , . , ,
, L ... 1, I- Last week we referred to the death , paid off. There have been 102 con- that the *gentleman usually wears a in town a few days last week. Against 11 ...... 33 21 31 47 -132 ,"
I I Mr. David McIntosh of coil. 0, Cu white vest, and if he jumped the coal Majority against -10, choosing a Toilet Spap, as -a groat %.
, I "Somebody did a golden deed; Me- of Paul Aldrich, of the god of Howick, firmed, 137 baptisms, 57 marriages and oil would most likely come in contact James Moorehead of Listowel was in ,
" . A ross, has purchased from Andrew who bad nearly reached the age of one 91 burials, I School Trustees -Ward I -R. A. many shin troubles are Qause4 by
prilebody proved a friend in need; Pherson of con. 8, Kinloss, his 100 acre with it and other damage be done to town for a few days last week. . . .
, I . hundred y Douglass; Ward 2-J. J. Homuth; injurious
, t I 1. ears, lacking only a few Soaps. We, have 1,10ood"
4-1 . - ,- I a bqautlful song; farm. Mr. McIntosh has rented his 50 Appointed. his general get-up. He was compelled A. Fleming and family Spent the .
I ,.-Ah7ebody sang Ward 4 -Wm. Button, all by acclama- I 11 .,_"L 1
4 -- , Somebody smiled the whole day long; acre farm to Walter Richardson of months of the century. He had more appoint- to remain on board till Listowel was holidays with Lucknow friends. Soaps for . .
. than one hundred descendants, many Conductor Ireland has been t tion. The contest in Ward 3, between I
* ' - ' . '
I I . Somebody thought "Tis sweet to live;' con. 0, Otilross. of whom were present at the funeral. ed conductor on the passenger train reached, where he had the privilege of Messrs H. Bennett and W. Roderus A. E. Lloyd and J. Wilson, V. S., re- 5c a cahe ........ 3 L f^., -Ae -
t. L
Somebody said, 'I'm;glad to give;' X
Ir. Listowel also fallp into line with mu- His remains were carried to their last from Kincardine to Palmerston, to remaining for some time, and when Spent New Year's day at Gorrie. stilted in the following vote:- 10c a cake....,.'.-. .2r -
Someb9dy fought a vAlliani fight; Listo ,. -225c •, . .
Somebody limed to shield the right. nicipal ownership, and will takeover resting place by six of his great -grand. succeed Conductor McCallum. Mr. the next train came along, the geiitle- Newman Wellwood spent the bell- Lloyd .......... 61 15a a cake.....,, " 850
...... 3 ;1.','br' 65o - _: .-
the electric light and waterworks. sons. Ireland and family will remove to man, coal oil and parcels were brought days with his mother in Parkdale. Wilson.......... 3l, 25c a cabs..,, ,L, I
Was hat somebody you?" home on payment of the usual fare of . .. L . .
. I " Guelph carried by-law to buy the Kincardine as soon as they can secure Teddy Groves was home from 35o a cake. A" -.,a for $1.00 . I
- . I
/_1 11 *JL Power Company. This This Week. a suitable residence. Wingbain will 80 cents. It is too bad the U. T. R. do Listowel for the New Year holidays. Majority for Lloyd 80 * . . , L, 14.
Light and le generally Guaranteed not to, be i4jurious, 41sa
." - shows how the Idea of civic ownership The editor of this paper has not been lose a good citizen in Conductor Ire• not accommodate the poop] Mr. Robt. Morias of Berlin spent EAST WAWANOSH. I
.-ressing. able to hustle for news this week, land, and the Baptist church one of itg by letting them get off at their back illy in town. For Reeve -John McCallum... 202 Shell Brand Castile Soap.
A - I'mat Jims is pro being laid tip with a painful foot from workers. a doors and avoid inconvenience of this New Years with his fan the . 360 Nade from Pure Olive Oil, I . L 114
Now is the time to get Far Costa kind to shoppers. Miss Ruttan of Lakelet was . - 1W
blood -poisoning, and has had to be . — I '#., -
I Seadvt.
. and Capes at bargain prices.- The C. If any Single Fare. guest of Miss Dulmage over Sunday. Majority for McCallum.... 102 'L' .
. e !idiocy Park's advt. Win ham Trading Co. drawn to the office and back. It Was a Note.
I deficiency appears in our columns this The 36th Annual convention and Miss Livingstone of Blyth was the For Councillors -W. Beecroft ..... 801
1P , Wear G'reeea Shoes and Rubbers. The Baptist Y, P. U. elected the fol- week, this will account for it. The Winter Dairy Exhibition of this Dairy- Last week, the Advance referred to guest of Miss May Armour over Sun- - John E. Ellis .',.. 203 Walton MuXibbot ..
. lowing officers at their meeting on rest of the staff have been almost men's Association of Western Ontario, parties in Huron township who had day. John Menzies.... 2,93
Scottish concert to -night in the ' sold cattle to a strange drover, slid Phth.B.
Monday evening :-Pres.-Peter Fisher overwhelmed with a rush of job work, will be held in Brantford, on Tuesday, . Miss Minnie Anderson of Dundalk is Gavin Wilson ... 181 L
I Town Hall. of next given receipts for the small amount
I . I
jun; Vice -Pres. -bliss Tena, Kelly ; but by a little patience on the part of Wednesday and Thursday visiting at Thos. Deans for a few Nat. Johnston... 165 Next door to, Poit' Offle,e. .
Mrs. J. Oonery is recovering slowly , Rec.-Sec. - H. Hinscliffe; Cor: Sec,- our patrons, we shall catch up in a week. The railways are giving re- paid down on the cattle. The Kin- weeks. * I The Council therefore is -McCallum,
. I - I
daced fares. Those going are request- cardine.Review says; -The "receipts"
from her recent illness. :Miss Lizzie Robinson-, Treas, - Juo. few days. ed to purchase single ticket to Brant- have turned tip in the form of notes. Miss Alvina Gibb of Elora spent the Reeve; Beecroft, Ellis, Menzies and
Kelly; Organist -Mrs. Geo. Hanna. of Miss Wilson. ...
I 11 I
. Mr. Newton has secured a situation Double-Barieled Law. . Ill- They are properly made and signed New Year holidays as a guest . ,
. L, . ford and obtain the requisite cert Farm For ,Quick Salo. ", -
- 11.11.,
In Toronto, and is no%v there.. : f secre. and the amounts vary from $75 to Chisholm. 11 East Wmi#6,.csE vote County -•.
. The dates of the winter and spring An Iowa exchange states that one'Df' date which when Signed by the L. I . I I .
11 1 . judges are an- the most remarkable cases ever.t, tea tar of the association will entitle the $300. They are now'in the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Bently of Winnipeg Councillors was-Currie, 180; Loc&,.-$,: -1 . , I
- sittings of the circuit are visiting Mrs. 5-00.,00,afilne Of Turnberry, 4 m
'jL— ' N Marmalade oranges 10c per doz. at B's. father, Mr. P. hart, 178; Patterson, 280; Webster, 180. from i inghain; 100 acres, good a
, holder to return to his destination JA9- MCK Stewart for collection. It is
. i Buckley's Star Restaurant. , nounced. Mr. Justice Ferguson will in the State was recently settlea',4tt to understood that the persons mulcted Campbell. good house and barn, orchard t,
I ! be in Goderich on Tuesday, March 17, Decatur. A young man bought 2000 free. Tickets are . good from 13tb East Wawanosh Bridge Bylaw- .0-1 plow'
for these notes will combine to resist John Campbell, Principal of High- water; 13 acres fall wheat; fall ple I I
I . Percy Greer is able to be around the jury assizes, and Mr. Chief extra fine cigars, had them insured for the 10th. lug done; possession March lat*, no .
i again after his recent illness. I Justice Falconbridge will hold the their full value, smoked them lip and . collection on the ground that they gate school, returned t I o his work on Against 11 ........ 271 encumbrance; very easy terms. ,$a
1 The K. O. T. M. were defeated by non -jury sittings beginning Thursday. then demanded his insurance, claim. Died. were made tinder false representations Saturday. TURNBERRY. this at once, Apply 11
June 25. Ing they had been destroyed by fire. Air, John Forster, a respected real- and no value was given therefor. . W. Charters of Montana is visiting 101, wingliam,
the, A. U. U. W. at Carpet Ball on, dent of town passed away on Tuesday The "drover'' who roped In these farm- Reeve -W. H. Cruikshank (acel.).
Tuesday evening; score 14: 9. ;June
SALE-12 acres in Town Plot, in The case was taken to court and de. last, aged 61. He settled on con, 14, ere gave the name of Wilkinson and his relatives near Whitechurch for a Ootincillors-Musgrove, 291; Kellyj
I elded in favor of the young man. ,Xho few weeks.'
-►first-class condition, with orchard; less East Wawauosh, 3.5 years ago, and 14 said he had bought cattle around 230; Coupland, 211 ; Rutherford, 198;
- Ron. G, W. Ross addressed a meet- than one mile from Winghain.-W31. insurance company then had the I and Goderich. He seems to, Mr, and Mrs. Munshaw are occupy' Scott, 167; McGee, 112; Bolt, 101; I
Ing at Listowel on Monday night in POTTER. Win hath. 18-21 young man arrested for setting fire to years later removed to Wingliam, to Wingham a
follow his trade as contractor, He have had great success until he Struck Ing rooms oTer Miss Boyds millinery. Beaman, 7.j. The. annual" I
the interests of candidate Brown. I
W. H. Hawkins. M. D., D. D. S. of his own property and the same judge Jas. Beatty who sold him a cow but establishment. Council elect - Musgrove, Kelly, Wawaiiosh Aintuai
r)7- . * Christ- ordered that he pay a fine and go to was a member of St. Paul's church, Charlie and 9fiert lain Ston of Br118- Coupland, Rutherford. Company will be held I
. I Big cut in prices of Shoes at W. J. 'Chicago, has been spending his Chi a Staunch Liberal, and good citizen. did not feel like signing his name in
I I 11 , Greer's, this month. . . mss vacation In paying a flying visit jail for three months. He leaves a widow and two sons the drovers little little note book. A eels visited their brother in town on lural Hall, Duuganno
. 10, I Ho-wicK. day,the 21st day 0.0 -an.
I to friends in town and vicinity. He Snap Bargains every afternoon and Frank of Sweet Springs, Missouri, good deal of sympathy is felt fdr the New Years' day.• for the purpose mqel Ing
- n
Three by-laws were carried in God- . the' Wetesk! * ForReeve-J. A. Strong, 411" W. era' annual repo and Viso t h
- I, now Prof. of dental prosthesis in the evening, of the stock of Thomas' Ba- ,lid Roy, of town. Deceased had been persons who have been swindled in Air. French, of win H. McLaughlin, 275. Majority ,fcr report of the receipts and
-,), erich-for public library, for mill ex National University and is one of the zaar, comprising almost every article in failing health for two years. The this heartless manner. They are.,alI Times, gave the Advance a pleasant Strong, 186. I tures of the company during t
) , emption, and knitting factory exemp- leading dental surgeons of that city, you can think of. funeral took place to -day. A Masonic good honest persons themselves and call last Friday, 417; Spenc(,r. -XI,Ar. AvA alsofor the elect
. For Council -McKee, _
tion. I . thl,Wylrectors tp fill the vile . -
The Dr. looks well. Died. service wits conducted at the residence expected those dealing with them to Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan Of 357 Gowdy, 353; Spotton, 350; Zim- the Board, incurred
"-,The annual meeting of Turnberry The Teenwater News says: -Word at 2.30, and the church service In St. be similarly honest. They pay dearly Toronto spent New Year's day with morman, 331. of Messrs. John ---i 1, ,
" I Agricultural Society will be held in The Wallaceburg News has thiswas received by Mr. James Reid last Paul's at 3 p. in. for their disillusionment. The only 1viends in town. Council elect -Strong (reeve), Mc-' and James Garvin, I'l .
. . *
I -Ancil Chamber, on the 14th item referriog to a former Win ham- lesson to be learned from it is "Don't n expire, the Co . week that his brother David, of Hatt- ear,
specialist in diseases of I Miss Ethel Creighton of Grand Val- Kee, Spence, Gowdy, Spotton, eligible for re-electop. -
1. . . inst. -' ite, and a subscriber of the Advance- ney, Man., formerly of Calrosu, had eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested Sign your name to a paper if you do ley is the guest of Miss H. Bali for a COUNTY COUNCILLORS. Ing. one o'clock p.m.
t '-. "Our genial friend, J. T. Saint hits died on Tuesday, Dec. 23, the cause of And glasses supplied. Office opposite not know what is on that paper." couple of weeks. WINGHAM. J. M. .
The New Williams Sewing Machine commenced operations for the erection death being a paralytic stroke. Mr. St. Andrew'sy church. London, Out.
)11 , is best. See them &t ,D,. Bell's. Surprise. Mr. Frank E. Powell left for London Ward 1 2 3 4 Total Dungannon, Dec. 30C 2.
L. , . I of another brick block alongside of I .
( ,, - -' Joe is a hustler, Reid came to Culross in 1855, but Suits. . Last Friday evening there was a Oil Wednesday to resume his studies Currie . ..... 41 59 60 712 - 235
\. Mrs. Burns will receive on TharE4, Ivy his large brick store. shortly afterwards went to Quebec in the University.
I : 5 next week Jan. 15th, and afterwards, enterprising and a live go -a -head busi- Province, where he resided some six Several lawsuits are likely to grow genuine Surprise party called at the Lockhart .... 55 51 53 92- 251
11 on the first three Thursdays of each ness citizen." . I. out of thl results of the Accident on residence of Mr. Dallas. who recently Mrs. L. Kernighan is visiting her Patterson.... 21 32 88' 43 - 137 CLUBBING RATES.
1 . or seven years. Coming back to Cu the G. T. R. at Wanstead. At Grand retired from the position of Roadinas- mother and sisters in Hamilton, , Lon- Webster..... 31 23 17 38 - 109 .
, month. For the beat selection of violins, roes, he took up the land on which he '. ttw on the London, Huron & Bruce don and other places. TOTAL COUNTY COUNCIL VOT& Advance till •1903.........,.$1 00 '
, Dec.'i
, guitars, mandolins. and all musical in- resided tip to three or four years Ago, Rapids, ht irs of Di And Mrs. W. F. ' :
Expositor - At ilia I
The editor of the Huron Expositor struments, go to D. Bell's music em lot 18, con. 7, Culross. R time lie Penwarden, who were killed in the railway, -after about forty-five years Mr. Jas. H. Kerr and Miss Lillian Lockhart........... 66 AdvauceandAfa Emplre..... 1 75
1 1 was recently treated to a piece of wed- . t over of fivithfal service. The section men Kerr spent the New Year holidays Patterson .......... 805 Advance and Family Herald ...... 1 75
, porium. went to live with his son in Hartney, wreck, are lining up for contest .
. I ding cake 27 years old; he states that who conductsavery successfulveterin- the estate, If ,Mrs. Ponwarden died from Wingliani. to Hyde Park felt with Loudon friends. Webster........... 756 Advance and NY, eekly Still ........ 1 75
- it tasted excellent. The Wiarton Canadian says: -The first, and one theory is that She did by that they could not allow Mr. Dallas -/Air. and Mrs. T. G. Tipling of God- Currie .......... ... 505 Advance and Farmers' Advocate`: 1 85
sugar factory is running splendidly, several minutes, the property goes to to sever his connection with thew, .. h spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Two reports reach us from Div. 8 Ad vanco and F. Advocate (ren'al) 1 05
. The Advance regrets to hear that . I Mhours withotlt showing their esteem for him ei ic I Advance and Globe ............... 1 75 -1
slicing from 350 to 370 tons per - Railway Meetini. the doctor's relatives. Mrs. Pen- Amos Tipling of town they show -
Mr. Tudhope is confined to big room Two thousand barrels of sugar are now A general meeting of the Directors -arden's relatives claim her husband in some tangible way. 4 large num- / A,dvauce and Toronto Star ....... 225
with illness; we hope soon to see blin in stock, representing between $15,000 11 Airs, Ewen McKenzie of Onlross via- - Ferguson.......... 839
around again. . of the Huron and Ontario Electric Uy. died Oust. and t1jerefore the property her of them met at his residence on ed lieu daughter Air's. J. Milne at A. - Miller .............. 825 Advance and Toronto News ..... 2 25
and $16,000. The company's pay roll Oo. was held at Walkerton, on Mon- goes to tbeni.-.¬ er peculiar case Centro stroet on Friday evening, unex- it These rates are good for all of next
on Saturday totalled $2,!i433 for the . b a following W. WebsteVs this week. 0" Doig ............... 785 year with balance of 1002, and Include
FOR SALE. -50 acre farm,, in town- day of last week. The new power of At, is where a plan wilo was killed had pectedly to Mr, Dallas, Th 4
ship of Morris, small orchard, 2 wells, two weeks then closed. This did not p I I Jas, Leggatt, who has been visiting Division No. I-Durnin, 1202; Young, premiums with the papers mentioned
. d flowing spring, good frame barn include the monthly employees nor torney presented on behalf of Mr. Slay, been obtained 4 divorce and inarrioil t ddrpsst gives the result - friends in town the past' week, re. 1127. i
was read and generally dispilssed, It again. Roth wives claiq4 the damages To Ain. Cnminni DALLAS, . Chambers, 978, when any are given, and will include
a Stabling, brick residence -at a those in the agricultural department. Roadinaster, G. T R.- turned to his home an Monday. also the beautiful illustrated preinittin
bargain. Apply to A. E. Smith. covered much the same ground,as that from the G. T. It, If the divorce can Division No. 2-Cantelon, 1300; Con-
. the Di4m Sj%-We; the fellow eut- A iss Winnie Porter left on S%tur- olly, 1074 -, Leitch, 1001. with the Advance, ready Dec. 15th.
,;; I The regular meeting of Court Wing- The increase of the poultry trade of given by the committee,litit was modip he proved illegal the first wife gets I s of the Graijil Ti-tink Itailway, day afternoon for Chatham, where
I ham, No. 605, I. O. F., will be held on the Province is indicated by the fact fled so as to enable the provisional thousands I if not, the second love will 14=ctive of the various o1filart- College,
Divisions Nos. 4 and O -Same as last - - ... - - - -
. Friday evening. Election of officers that the number of birds sold or Directors to retain control until the rejoice in the receipt of the caab. The idents, desire. to seize this occasion of tilie will attend Business Colle term (by acclamation).
and other businesq. slaughtered in Ontario has gone tip road is actually tinder construction, claims of citizens of Porb Huron for expressing the deep sense of loss we Mr. and ,Airs. Neil Haines of Owen I
. . from 3,072,767 in 1893 to 3,074,100 in and also limiting Mr. May's powers of injuries alone amount to $00,0*30. feel in your severing yoilt, connection . I
with the Grand Tronk Railway, there. n ilie Christmas and Now MUM PLACES, -
, i ear holidays with relatives in town, ., , I
I W. 13, Green is putting in a new 100. 1002. One, Toronto firm, tile Canadian negotiating to two years, If the road hy losing so wot-tl)y it man, so compe- Listowel -Mayor, F. W. Hay. 1; , ,
I is not than under construction, flip 13otb Stde§ roolecl. tent an ofilcial and so valuable an as- —THE— .
, horsepower Wheelock engine as ad- (}roger says, shipped IjO,000 potindq of 0 , Alat. Grey, of the Wrought Iron Kineardine-Mayor, John Ruettel. .
motive power at the turkeys to Vancouver and Dawson Directors resume control. Air. J. Al. The following handed 'is for PtIblica, sociate. During the forty-five yeitrs; .. .
dition to his of your connection with the company, Range Co., Toronto, spent New Years
el said Roberts of Dung%nbon rosil;rpe4 his tion proves what we have contended A k nnedy. Stratford --Mayor, W. Hepburn, ;
. ,pytric light works. City for Christmas trade. It is a you have taken it hearty interest in day with his friend Fr n Re
, I th% tbp salne markets would take position as Treasurer of the Co.,and H. that the Ontario Government has us- the welfare of your fellow employees. 1 Clinton -Mayor -Jackson 1 Oonncil- , Cornu Drug Store,
- We are pleased to see our yoting avallable. 1.. Miller of ffanover was appointed ed the Probibitionisto and the hotel. We have Admired the gifts %vilich, as a. jis!j A,nnie %%lianglier lits returned lora Combe, ,Ford, Joyner, Hoover, - , U .
11 I.bot1san4-j of powAs ti)ore it . I tilan, yell pogeesN, tile JeItIoll4y WIth fpqin 5 "
I friend, Peter, can Of Postmaster fisher, in his plane. The 'President oy4d Sec- keepers to further its own ends.- ,#A . , agln4w, blich. and spent Stin- StevensQI1, Qverbury. .
. whiell 1-011 g(l41rqeq t e I fm0'.4 P e day last with her cousin, Mrs. W. . L
authorised to givis optice projillpent liptel tp4n- gell w1l.p l;P14 by conl il,ny p" .1e, Ane 1411 ;
able to be out again after recovery W4pted-Ohoico 13011 Bt;tter We. retary Wore aqthot . . , P, AIA oil lite.
from a dangerous illness, . Fresh -Hggs We. Highest rice 'foi 4 le;;,ding prolliltliplIl"is - -, fare of the emplo I.. Forgle. Brussels -Reeve, Samuel Wilton; -
and apply tp PailliaMent for e#pp4fPP I ,P %V110 vral,Q 4 (Ithe't flio we I)IO e a I . Is the Place to get
- -- - fowl. No. I Minh or 174ox 000. Q 1. of t1q)e I to c I pnetrilet t4e Mr. John T4qUI1ev returned home on .
- ., . , r044, otc., ptp.. persollial friend, that the liquor men over which you were placed, the an- Councillors, G, F. Blair, Samuel Plum,
I ' r od th# in tile meantitue were great fools to spend their effort credness in which you held the thea tan_
. A. Backer, Robert Thompaon. ,
$5.00 prize given awry wookly wit, Everything that is
Grand Trunk Exhibition in Japan. a $2.00 porchasti was won this week It wAs ARM dances re posed in you by the men lrri4q to FAaginaw, Mich, after bell- .
b Jno, gglestone. Geo. E. King, the municipalities along the route, be and cash in the repent campaign when i
The Grand Trunk Railway System. y I your capacity for 4m4 'wQr , tho aqying with Mr. and Mrs. W. Fergie, Liiaknow -Reeve, A, T. Davidson ; i Pure and Fresh in .
. .1 I a,sked to urge upon their Dominion that activity only had the effect of loppligh way in relatives. I Councillors. W. O. Treleaven, D. Sbexl- - .
L: I through the Exhibition Commission- pl,Qllli tl rit'll). Ll which
`*, era of Canada ott Ottawa, have just It might be as well for the country if members, the desirability of assisting increilsing t1le prohibitlom t Vote. is llayje4'3,onr duties, and the :
. ' WS I kind, thoughtful, considerate manner Air. Arthur Carl!41e, -B,A., of Lop_ riff, G. It. Laxyronce, J. X. Brown.
. I
shipped it veryfine and complete (101- the old rule aescribed,as follows by an the delegates in gettipg parliArpent tp Uls reply was significapt, R.Q tpllp in which you treate(lall having deal- don visitj!d the home of Frank Powell Toronto For Mayor - Urquhart
lection of their well known scenic exchange wore pow in fol -cc: 1 --At One grunt true po%ypra lleino 1+9 eIl for. Tho "Yes, wo were fools. The same kind Ings wit,, on. We ask you to acce ) 0
views, tlepletiniz scenes along their time the members of the 014 Vpper fiiecretary wi s inptrupte4 t , o prepare st of fools as you prohibitionists. We these chairs. for Airs. D?dla,,i iVii YO r;: likot week And took charge of the $.(1 341 Howland, 7,888; Lamb, 7,273; ' qMMUL
I ,,r,e, to the land of the Chry6anthe. '
( lily at the Fifth National 04natla Vai,114rpont. WhO recolVO4 gtlita4la rosoliltion covering this ptir- were fooled by the politician, We self, And aldress, Is q slight to on of
um for diAp. I it . 11 Teeswater parish an Sunday last, Robinson, 008. "
, , 1 - otir 4p , excellent
,,. ', 4 Hxhibition of Japan which will open something like QM -as indell"IltY, pose, 4n4 send It to the a4thoritids of fought not becailso we tbollght it wise, 111revi4tign n the many e Mrs, S. A. 14acLeAn and son, WalkertOn-Mayor, S. W.
- In the City of Osaka, AlArell Ist, 1003. were paid in Addition $fl per dieni for the dilerent'Munielp*litios, bqt bepallpe th!l,t WqQ dirl,otl!4 I)y the qua l ipa which, a$ a man and fellow
11 The collection Includes soine of the ' employee, have characterized your go- LAncely, of Datiphin, Manitoba, ar. Councillors -W. Adams, A. Tolton, L. I
I wat pictures 0 a each day ParliArinent, sat, blIt till$ 14t- L ' I .1 . I . I L re of the Government,, joiirn among us. While regretting rived fast week on a visit to her 0. Denton, R. K. Skelton, Goo. Rife.
I .1; In the f ' " --- -L d .
f the di triol, L m. - I-_ - - w 8 the 1088 Of SO VIL111,16le 411 Of .1 .
I !-Iligliland,j of Ontario" and other tor charge, Inste4ol. of Con 00 0 and ONLY ON THAT 33ASIS COULD I fl(!et, WC pareilto, Air. And Mrs. AlcOracke% Ooderich - Mayar, n. N. Lewis, I
. , efy .T t, pr4yer that flea.
-0 1"Initner resorts IoLlated on the Grand the Provincial funds, was collected OUT TILE TER -US ATT V,
*, .A01.4P,rJ To TO unite In the f
, . .1 vat •s rielledt, b psqing unity rest on you ,Miss lift Ai 'Robertson, formerly Councillors, W. T. Marney, Charles -
, . t Trunk. 49 well as reprocilletlons of Bev- from the different constituencies, So The Advance will re! 4nvEniNpuiu. We were rolplacd I - .
I I I oral of the engineiving feats oil the I styu y6VIP8. teacher here, spent it, few days last Reid, Thompson J. 11. Brown, 0. A. .
"I , )Inp. aitch as the kit. 03I itiv Tunnel. the that the Sessions plight be kept 0 MOVO 4bolit t1le Inst of that if two' we wOOT ipoll,.fta ljigtwd oil bellalf of yoqr fellQw otjj- week with Miss B. H. Reynolds. Miss Hamprey, 0. Al. Elliott. .
. i we were fool- ployees, A. L. HamiltOD
. . . double track. tringle-areb steel bridge Short as passible. A Similar Arrange- tee as yoti. but . -.
1, I Janory to the promises "I"y ", M. DWANNY. Robertson teaches next year at Big- .
I . S- jwross the Nixxara Gorge. and the bent. it ptit into force these lays, - ed. The Ooveruirent Nis mivp4ged us 3, mobo'goall. warck. . I
I re tiridge L
1 .
..., t Non- ,
,. I I •
more wont ictorIA JWMI woold etirt4il a 9004 M4TlY 00104r Pow oaaupW by the Do- and blea tis for years. tIlrotigh certain 0. Bunvoul). DRUGGIST
Th W gh Ad
--- '- ' J
W-'Er) -- -
"al t
10 . See Halsey Park!, w"
"I -b',r(rj
I ' I .1 rJerrow the St. Dwronod river A speeches. rpen who 1'009 A,4 Otta 0143Y-AriTA, And Wingliam, Jan. 1. IW3. Mrs. ) emoek And little son IVAno of DO you want a good piano or orgati, -
I VC -1 trikAh The inwife of plowrev will nickel 8 million 134A. Who will•
lid CO.,u are sure of them at D. Bell's.
.L - % very oomprob4p diopl,ty and - " the Ouverninont has managed and Mr. Dallas replied in suitable terms, Alyrtlo, Ofital .. Were gtleatg at J. .
it , * A. Al .,
11 own, 4u0- -1
,. !19 AuctION SALICS.-Thos, Pr W I V G 11
III b4 the IN. .of hAnging be 6coupy til dorner of Ma. fooled you for years, through men Assuring thein that he And Mrs. Dallas Flo,utyla last Sunday, and are now Alason ko+pi the largest stock of .1
"C 'Jbltb
' . ..'L ' I I Some 01 tioneer, of SeAforth. Is prepared to at Is whom you think are your soryants, appeect-.tod tho kited feelings that visiting at, her hitters, Mrs. Arch, and i3ch ' !, I
" LE the
001 Supplies for the opening. -Send
,,-,t the . all bay,&
tend salea In this Vicinity. Call at Ad- son 10,0
. ,a .
I 0 "lot , oil In, Dinevale. children, I
r ,vaned offlea and 01%nga dAte of sala, Oh, yell We're tools." prompted the gifts. Mrs, Wat, raters
I . . J 1 6 LL
* . , , - \ k k I/
, . ,
. I . . / 1 ')
, 1* 1.0-W - 11
...- , .. .... — , ,.-