HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-12-25, Page 88
Everything is now in readiness for Santa Clans at
Tudhopei's Grocery. 'Alis. is the last call before Xmas,
Read the following list, commencing with
4 pounds nice Taffy,
3 pounds choice Light
2 pounds Chocolates
2 pounds Quaker Molasses Taffy...
15c-20e-25c--30c--and 40c per dozen
No sour ones. ALL SWEET,
Brazils 20c pound
Peaneta Me
Almonds 15c
Walnuts. 200
Mized (all kinds) 15e
Shelled Almonds 40c
Best kinds 20c and 25e dozen
3 pounds Best Selects for. , .., .... 25c CURRANTS,
Table Clusters 15e and 20c lb 3 lbs. Finest cleaned varieties. 25c
2 lbs, 15c NEW FIGS 5e, 15e and 20c lb.
You'll have to hurry if you want a good selection.
Grocery and Crockery Store
Now For Xmas.
We have just opened up some of the new-
est and most up-to-date goods in China ever shown
in Wingham, consisting of Tete-a-tete Sets, compris-
ing one, Teapot, Sugar and Cream, two Cups and
Saucers .. from 900 a Set up to $3.00
Afternoon Te,as, consisting of 6 Cups & Sau-
cers, 6 Plates, Teapot, Sugar and Cream
from $3.00 a Set up to $6.50
Japanese Goods.
A full range of Cups and Saucers, Biscuit Jars;
Tobacco Jars, Epergnes, Vases, Jardiniers, Rose Jars,
Marmalade Pots and Fruit Sets.
at Griffin's
Good to Look Upon.
Better still to feast upon. What
can take the place of fine, luscious,
wholesome fruit?
For our Xmas. trade we will have a
carefully selected stock of California
and Mexican Oranges, Mehtga Grapes,
Table Raisins, Bananas, etc. Also
Valencia Oranges at 2 doz. for 25e.
Phone 12 (Suocessor to J. McKelvie)
Christmas and
New Year's Vacation
Will issue return Tiekots to
At Single First -Class Fare, good going floe.
21th and 25th, good returning until Dec. 26th,
1902 • also Dee, 31st, 1902, and January 1st, 1903,
valid for return until Zan. 2nd, 1903.
At First -Class Parc and One -Third, going
Deer. 22nd, 2301, 24th and 25th. also Dec. 29th,
30th, 3let, 1902, and Inn. 1st, 1903, good return-
ing until Jan. 5th, 1903.
(On surrender of Standard Form of Sehoot Va-
cation It'y. Ceftificate signed by Principal)
At First -Class Fare and One.Third, from
December 6th to 31st 1902, inclusive, good re-
turning until Tan. 11J1h, 1903.
BetWeen all stations in Canada, Port Arthur,
Sault St a Mrd s Mich, Detroit, Mich., Bufrn-
lA. H. NOTMAN, Asst. (len. Pam*. Agt.
1 Icing St, Last, Toronto.
Agents Wanted.
^, Bluevale. Grey.
Egljurclj Etivs
Mrs, William Messer is in poor A Merry Xmas, and. happy New
health at present. Year, to all the readers of the Ad -
Mr. Jos. Cowan of Badaxe, Mich., is yahoo.
Ministers and church workers generally, are
cordially invited to contribute items of eharolt visting relati'es in this vicinity, Arch. McDonald and sinter attended
now under that heading. from their respective Miss Annie Swann is house from the funeral of Nits. John Mines lust
The li2ethadists at the Nile have decid Oodericb High School for Moo.Friday
ed upon a new church. The first effort Jatinea Thynne is still threshing ; ho Miss Emyline McQudrrie of Detroit
- in that direetion was made in a highly is away over the one hundred day is spending a few days with her parente
successful aubsoription list. wank, now, on 3rd con.
Miss Polly Duff and Mr, Clayton Mies Annie Bryans returned home
Dqf ala lroure
.from Listowel for from Ingersoll last week after an
Ciulatmas, absence of 3 months visit with rela.
Flour per 100 $I 00 to $2 4
Fall wheat per bush new 60 to 68
Oats per bush 028 to 030
Barley per bush .. 0 35 to 0
Peas per bush ... 0 60 to 0 65
Bran 15 00 to 18 00
Shorts 20 00 to 23 00
Chop 12.5 to 1 5
Butter per lb
Rev. 0, H. Buckland of Graveuhursc
bas accepted the rectorship of Christ
Church, and will remove to Listowel as
soon as he is released from his present
duties, wirioh will be iu the course of a
few weeks,
On Monday last the Quarterly Board
of the Central Methodist Church un•
auimously decided to invite Rev. Geo.
W. Kerby. B.A. of Montreal, to succeed
Rev. E. N. Baker of Stratford, who has
been called to Toronto,
On the border of Thibet lives Rev. A.
W. Hyde, of the Moravian Missionary
Society, He had learned the Thibetan
language, and bas translated the whole
Bible into it, Though not allowed to
enter the land, he converses with
travellers passing to and fro across the
border. He has lived there nearly fifty
years, hoping and waiting for the op-
portunity to preach in Thibet.
At a special vestry meeting of the
Trivia Memorial church, Exeter, held
Monday night last the Rev. J. W.
TenEyck, who has been rentor of the
parish for the past four years tendered
his resignation, to take effect after
Sunday next. The Rev. gentleman
being present gave his reasons for the
step he purposed taking, namely to
again attend College and thus better
equip himself for the duties that
devolve upon hire es p minister of the
700 to
017 to
Lggs 020 to
Lard .. 0 15 to
Potatoes per bush 0 50 to
Apples per bag 0 35 to
Hides per 100 lbs 5 50 to
Lamb skins 0 35 to
Dressed hogs 6 00 to
Live hogs 5 50 to
Tallow, per lb 05 to
Chickens per pair. 30 to
Ducks per pair 60 to
Turkey, per lb...... ..,10 to
Geese, per lb 6 to
Wool 12 to
Either on Pull or Part Time.
Are yen satisited with your income 1 Is your
time fully ocoupledt It not, write as. Wo
can give you employment by alto ntenth on
good terms or contract to pay you well for
such business AS you 9ootire for us at odd times.
We employ both male and female reprosentat•
ivcs, The next 3 months is the very best time
to soli our goods. No deposit is requited ; out-
fit is absolutely free. Wo have the largest
nurseries in Canada -over 800 aerea, .A. largo
mage of valuable now specialties, and all our
stock is guaranteed as reprorented, It you
want to reprecont the largest, most popular
and best knoWn nd ttrsery, write us. It will be
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries!"
TORONTO, ONT, For style only by W. 3. fat reel~
0 20
0 50
0 40
6 50
0 45
6 50
For full and accurate market re-
ports see second page.
Christmas and New Year
Holidays 1902.1903
Between Alt Stations in Canada.
All stations in Canada, to and from Detroit
and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock,
Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Goma DATuus ern LIurms--At lowest one.
way first-class fare. Dec. 24th and 25th. Tick.
eta good returning from destination not later
than Dec. 26th, 1902 • and also on Dec.3151,'02,
and Jan. let, 1903. Tickets good returning from
destination until Jan. 2nd, 1903.
At lowest one-way firat.clase fare and one-
third, Dee. 22nd, 23rd,2ith and 25th, and also on
Dec. 29th. 30th, 31st, 1902, and Jan. 1st, 1903,
good returning from destination net later than
Jan. 5th, 1903.
To Teachers and Pupils of schools and co1•
loges on surrender of School Vacation Beltway
Certificate signed by Prinelpal. Goma DATES
AND Lflsn—At lowest one-way flret•elass fare
and one.third, from Dec, 6th to 31st, inclusive.
Tickets good returning from destination until
Jan, 1911, I003.
Tickets, Folders and all information from
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
"Certain good is
better than uncertain
Certain value, up
to the Makers' price,
stamped on the sole,
$3.50, $5.00, is ped
ed ill every pair of .
"The SlattrShoe'1
Goodyear NI7citecl
-It is reported that the day after
Christmas Chicago will be in the throes
of :the most serious strike or lockout
which it has experienced since the
great railway strike of 1894. It is the
tailors and garment workers this time.
Montreal, Dec. 22, -The Mackenzie -
Mann transcontinental line will be
completed in six years. It will not be
sold to the Grand Trunk, no matter
what price they may offer for it. These
are the two iruportant statements D. D.
Mann made here to -day on his return
from Quebec, where he met the Pre-
miers of the provinces with regard
to assistance to extend the lines east
and west as rapidly as possible.
-A writ was issued at Osgopde Hall
on Monday, on behalf of M. C. Beckett,
wagon -maker, of Owen Sound, against
A. G. McNay, ex -M. P, P., for 510,000
damages for slander and libel, The
ease arises out of the speech of Mr.
McI{ay in accepting the Liberal nomi-
nation for North Grey last Saturday,
in which the death -bed statement of a
Mr. Campbell was read, reflecting upon
Beckett. As Campbell is alive, and as
Mr. Beckett denies all the allegations,
it is evident that Mr. McNay was mis-
led, ppd developments are eagerly
awaited at Owen rponnd.
Mr. Edward Leech has gone on nn ex- tives,
tended visit to his daughter in Wash, Robt, Pearson of Victoria College
ington, D. 0, and Will. Bryans of Trinity Medical,
Miss Lillie Oliver of Toronto is visite Toronto, arrived at their respective
ing her grand parents Mr, and Mrs, homes last Thursday. Both boys look
John Burgess. bale and hearty and intend to remain
Mr. Wardrobe of Teeswater preach- here during the Xmas, holidays.
ed in the Presbyterian church last
Sunday morning,
Montgomery. -In Howick, on Dec. 19,
the wife of Thomas Montgomery of
a daughter,
Mulvey -At Belmore, on Thursday,
Dec. 18th, the wife of John Mulvey
of a son.
Macdonald -Thorn -At the Manse, in
Wingbarn, by Rev. D. Perrie, on
Dec. 17. Mr, D. W. Macdonald of
Zetland to Miss Resale Jape Thom
of Turnberry,
McLeod --In Wroxeter, on
December 16th, Jennie
aged 39 years.
Percy Patterson and Chester Pugh
are home from Stratford Business
College for the holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davy of Listowel
are visiting Mrs. Davy's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Chas, Gannett.
On Jan. llth, social services will be
held in the Presbyterian church and
on Monday evening following an old
fashioned tea meeting will be held.
Miss Alice Duff is honie from Elsi-
nore, Bruce county, where she has
been teaching school. She will teach
in S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh, next
The annual meeting of the Bluevale
cheese and butter Company was held
last Thursday. The season's business
as !reported by the officers appeared
satisfactory. The shareholders re-
elected the Board of directors, viz :-
John R. Miller, W. J. Johnston, Geo.
Talrvey, Jas. Elliott and 1+. K. Powell.
Court Douglas No. 27, C. 0. F. has
been gathering the members in great
shape during the last week. Organi-
zer John Torrance of Listowel "came
and saw and conquered." He was
here just five days and the result was
twenty initiations and three or four
more to come. On Tuesday evening
last, after ten new members were
made to walk the plank. tables were
spread and oysters. biscuits, sand -
Mrs. Wolfe is visiting her daughter in
Waterloo this week.
Geo. H. Casemore of Carroll, Mani-
toba is renewing old acquaintances in
Last Saturday Mr,' J. R, Millar of
Morris and Edward Bryans, Directors
of Howick Farmers Fire Insurance
Co., was called to inspect the runts of
the barn and stock of Mr, John How-
ard, whose buildings was detitroytd
by fire. The lantern which was left in
the barn was either upset or exploded.
The loss is quite a serious one to Mr.
Howard as several of the animals
are badly burned and are under treat-
ment. The above Directors settled the
claim satisfactorily
Once more death has conte into our
midst, and robbed ne of another dear
one, in the person of Miss Annie. be-
loved daughter of Harry Attwood.
Last winter Annie fell victim of la -
grippe which developed into that dread
disease, consumption. At times she
suffered very much, until last Tuesday
when her spirit went to be with Him
who gave it. The funeral which was
very largely attended took place on
Thursday to Brussels cemetery and
was conducted by her former pastor
Rev, H. J. Carry of Monkton. Mr,
and Mrs, Attwood are deeply sympa-
thized with in this their hour of trial.
Last. Tuesday the people of this
vicinity were shocked to hear the sad
intellegince that Mra. John Mines of
Morden, Manitoba, and well known
here, was burned to death by a lamp Council met Dec. 15th; members
exploding, Mrs. Mines was of a very present; minutes of November nteet-
bright, and cheerful disposition and adopted,
the kind manner which she possessed On motion of Lovell and Mitchell,
won her the affection of hosts of
it was decided to advertise Nomin-
friends, who today, with her sorrow- ation meeting in the Wingham Times
December 25,
q.reed e .14BY 11 1J1l111 Jl,:,110 411111 NYq 1
Xmas, is too close at
hand to (relay buying
much longer. The
shopping crowds grow
bigger every day.
Those who come now
will fare better than
those who wait.
CHRISTMAS THINGS FOR WOMEN.- Without doubt we have the
daintiest range of Fldicfs. we ever carried, Snob fine drawn work and fancy
edges, These dainty goods are always appreciated by the Indies.
RID GLONES.-•The Finest French Kid Gloves will he found here in
all the newest shades of Grey and Tan. All sizes -special at $1.25.
STYLISH BELTS, --A big assortment of pretty Silk and Satin Belts
ranging in price from 25c to $1. They metre such acceptable Rifts.
FIVE O'CLOCK TABLE COVERS. -Ask to see the Irish Linen Table
Covera, Beautifully embroidered. Most serviceable covers at $1, 1.40, 1.60.
LADIES' TIES AND COLLARS. -Oar Point Lace Ties and Cellars are
attracting a great deal of attoution. The designs are BO new and pretty
Prices from $1.00 up to $2.'75,
WAIST LENGTHS AS GIFTS. -A waist length makes a present that is always appreciated by the
fair sex, Our French Violes with fancy satin stripes are lovely, You way buy them at OOc a yd.
Don't forget, we are giving IO Per Cent. Discount off all Furs sold till January
lst. You may as well take advantage of this big offer its your neighbor. •
MEN'S SWELL XMAS. TIES. -The swellest range of Ties, in the County is found here -the most
stylish goods you can buy. A gentleman does like a pretty Tie to be given hint.
If you want a present for your Father, Mother, Sister,
Brother, Sweetheart or Friend, we can please you,
Big Prices for Trade.
M. G
wiches, etc., were partaken of by ing relatives mourn her untimely and Advance,
the members, their 4vive5 and best death. The corpse was brought to Bylaw No. 12 for holiday municipal
girls to the number of one hundred her father's home near Teeswater on elections, and No. 13 to provide for
and forty. Speeches were delivered Thursday, and on Friday the funeral opening of a portion of Augusta street
by Brothers A. II, Musgrove, Rev. - took place and alt that was mortal of a south of the river in WwinghaTown
West, John Torrance, D. Holmes and living wife and affectionate mother Plot for public travel were readm three
Joseph Leech. Brother Douglass was laid to rest in the family plot times and passed.
gave some very good recitations. Al- Teeswater. Mr. Mines and relatives The Reeve and Treasurer laid their
together an enjoyable time was spent.. have the deepest sympathy of their financial statement before the Council.
many friends in this locality. It was adopted and 100 copies ordered
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan reeeiv- to be printed.
ed the ead intelligence pf the death of Subscribe for the Advance and get The followingaccounts passed for
their daughter Annie Jane, wife of •the beautiful, illustrated premium
g magazine of forty pages of choice payment:-
Wm. McIntosh at Regina, N. W. T. reading. $1.00 will settle the hill until McLean Ss Son, lumber 510.90
The death occurred in November. Ie Dec. 81, 1003. Present subscribers may A. Kelly, poll booth S. S. No. 112.10
appears that Mrs. McIntosh was un- also have a copy by paying in advance Geo. Scott " „ . „ 3, 200
for 1003. A. Burgess 9L 00
dergoing treatment at the hospital = J. Bargees " 2.00
and was improving satisfactorily, 'Wroxeter. G. McDonald, gravel Morris b'dy 3.6#
when she took bronchitis and was un- ' Master Ernie Bray is visiting friends Duff & Stewart, gravelling and
able in her weak condition to with- - in Otterville. culvert 24.30
stand the attack, It will be remem-
bered P. McLaren, salary 50.00
Geo. Brown of Ottawa is visiting his P. McLaren, making statement7.00
that the deceased at one time mother in town. W. Cruikshank, " 2.00
taught in the Junior department of W. Cruikshank, Com, and fees, 60.00
our school here, and gave the beat of - Robert Miller was in Goderich on Jno._Musgrove " „ " 45.00_
satisfaction in that capacity, She also business last Tuesday. -
W. Mitchell
taught school in Harristoa, and the bits el nip Gibson is vier ing iter T. Lovell
doctor who attended her in her last sister, Mrs. Van Dickson, J. Burgess, salary
illness had been one of her Harriston , Mr. A. Ross of Brussels was a guest : • postage
" rent of office
pupils. .The news of Mrs. NcIetosh's at Robt. Miller's, Tuesday. J. Vanstone, repairing bridge
death was received here with profound . Miss Annie Mnir of Blyth is visiting and culvert 2.50
sorrow as she was beloved by every at her home here at present. Paul Powell, salary 28.00
one who knew her. She leaves a 'u postage 7.0
Mr, and Mrs. Cook of Hensali are T. Hugh, culverts and work7.550
husband and one daughter of twenty - visiting at Mr. T. Hemphill's. H, P. Harrison, error sehoel tax47.85
years, Mrs. McIntosh was forty-five Id. Mckinnon, gravelling - I5 75
A number from town attended the aV °handler. 16
years old. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have Stewart -Miller wedding, north of Gor- L. Pearenl gravelelle sympathy of the community in .r:'Iervit, workme on W ednesdapy.
,,,. 8.25
their bereavement. They were ex• . R,Hoofer, brtlslung 8,00
pecting a letter arcing the date of an - Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and PPowell, error in A. Patterson's
intended visit when the sad newslittle daughter, of Treherne, Man., a:ad statute labor 1.00
reached them. Mr. Charlie Sage and little son of Mel- 3. Breckenridge, damages 1,00
ville, Mich., are visiting at Mr. Thos. Conmcit adjourned sine die.
Sage's. John Burgess, Clerk.
Do You Belch Gas?
Tho Bank of Hamilton is opening up SCHOOL REPORT.
If you have uneasy sensations in the a branch bank in the Saunders block. The following is the report of S. S.
stomach a bad taste in the mouth, head- The building is being fitted up for No. O, for the month of December :-
ache -remember that ten drops of Pol- - theirs this week. The lack of a Bank
son's Nerviline in sweeten water is a Jr. L. Pt. II. --Willie Linklater, Charlie
this vioiuitq, qiuck and certain cure. Nerviline aids - here' has been a long felt want with Anderson. Jr. L. Pt. I. -Fred. Ho -
digestion, dispels the gas, makes you our business ,nen, moth, Class IV. --May DIcI( ague, Jno.
We are sorry to report the serious ill- comfortable and free from distress at -
ness of Mr. D. Johnston; his many once; Nerviline is just splendid for Subscribe for the Advance and get James, Bert. Murchison, Walter An -
friends wish him a speedy recovery. Cramps, Collo, Dysentery, Stomach - the beautiful, illustrated premium derson, Rossi° Ming, Mary Crowe,
and Bowel Troubles, and costs only 25e. ' magazine of forty pages of choice Leslie Bryce. Sr. 1l1.-Albert'aShow-
A new brick residence will be erected Better try it, reading. $1.00 will settle the bill until ers, Earl Porter, Edna Dickson, Edith
next season on the farm of Alex. Clark, Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. Dee. 31, 1903. Present subscribers may Honluth, Ethane Chandler, Minnie
5th line, near Sunshine. He will get the also have a copy by paying in advance Linklater, Sarah Paxton, Leah Mc0or.•
material ready this winter. Salem. for 1903. mick, Tommy Goy. Jr, III. -Charlie
Mr. Wm. Abraham of Wawanosh - The nomination for County Council- James, Nettie Dawson, Ella Wade,
has bought the Thomson farm,lora was held in the town hall here on Vera Stapleton, Velma Chnndler, ll'y
Last week Mrs. Alex. McNeil return-
ed to her home at Fort William. She
came here owing to the serious illness
of her mother, Mrs. Nichol, 6th line,
Mrs, Alex. Nichol, Otit line, continuos
quite poorly. She suffered some weeks
ago from a stroke of paralysis which
has affected her right side, She has
been a remarkably healthy woman,
hardly ever being on the sick list. Mrs.
Nichol is 64 years of age.
The residence of Calvin Campbell,
S e lot 19, can. 8, wile destroyed by fire
Monday mora ing about 6 o'clock.
Both the old and the pow homes were
burned, the fire starting in the former,
supposed from a spark from the chim-
ney, One of the Misses Campbell Inst
$150 in money and the other sister a
cheque for larger amount. One of the
ladies were burned considerably in
attempting to rescue her property. Mr.
Campbell bad $500 on the house and
$800 on contents in the Howick Mutual.
He will rebuild, using brick instead of
,r .w.
The Savings 11at3k of Heaitl..
li ' blood Is lots of red and vita zing 1 od to
nourish and invigorate the body. If
your blood is thin and watery use "For.
rezone." It supplies the necessary
elements such as pbospb0rpA and iron.
and quickly restores lost strength and
spirits. Forrozone is an unenualled re.
atorative for lite tired, the sick, and the
run down; it stimulates appetite, aids
digestion, soothes the nerves, and makes
the system top healthy for disease to
exist. No tonic does so mueh good in a
short tinge as Ferrozono. Get 't today
from any druggist for 50o, I4y mail
from N. O. Pelson & Co., Eingston,
Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton,
Dr, Hamilton's Pills onto Constipation.
We are Kit -
pleased to learn that i41r, Monday, There was a large crowd in Forton, Peter Kelly, Hazel Little, Kit -
p attendance. Messrs. Miller and Fer- ty McKinnon. Sr, Il:. -Hazel Mitchell,
John cCreary is improving, after his • guson, the old County poainciilors, Sadie King, Stella Ring, Effie McUor-
bad fall. mick, Laura Elliott Genevieve McCor-
We areglad to report that the chit- were again nominated ; Mr, Doig was
p also nominated. mick, Sarah Goy, Maggie Crowe. Jr.
dren in this part are recovering from TI. -Violet Showers, Maggie Chandler,
Mr. Knutson, when coming out of Stanley Dickson, Fred. Forton, Roy
the library reading -room on Monday,
opened a wrong door, and not noticing Porter, John McKinnon, Annie Crowe,
the measles.
At the League meeting last Thurs-
day evening, Miss Longley was ap-
pointed President.
Mr. R, Pearson, of Toronto -Univer-
sity, will take the work on the Wrox-
eter circuit next Sunday.
8.ev. and Mrs, McKelvey intend to
spend their Xmas holidays at 141r. Me-
Kelvey's father's at Stratford.
Mrs. John Mulvey of Delmore pre-
sented her husband with a bouncing
baby boy last Friday morning.
The funeral of the Iate Thos. Wiley
of Gorrie passed through this place on
Thursday of last week to Winghanl
We are glad to know that Russell,
youngest son of Itobt. McIntosh, is re-
covering, after a severe attack of
A meeting of the 3atnday school was
held lalst Week, 404 it was decided to
carry on the school 411 winter as gsual,
Mr. Wm. flays and qtr. P. Weir tak-
ing charge of it during the winter
111011 the,
Subscribe for the Advance and get
the beautiful. illustrated preminnt
tnagazine of forty pages of cltolce
reading. $1.00 will settle the hill until
Pee. 31,14103. Present subscribers May
also slave 4 copy by paying, in Ovando
for 1903.
what he had done ]petit too late, fell Roy Goy, Norma McKatgue, Robert
down a flight of stairs and was very Taylor. Sr. Pt. It. -Willie James,
seriously injured, one of his shoulder Bettie Little,;Robert Faille, Bnrtie El -
caps being broken and the ehonlder lino, Annie , non. Jr. Pt. II.—
dislocated, besides other injuries. Violet Miller, Ruby Ilicli ague, Vine
Ivan bythe S. Rrng, Isabelle Fallie, Dearle Hillis,
The entertainmentg 11a Fadlis, Wilfred MrlCegue. Pt. 1.
S. children of the Presbyterian chllrpl} _Della Miller, Hart .Dickson, Albert
Was a decided success. The children Foxton. Average attendance for the
did their parts splendidly, reflecting month, 43. E. G Wilson, Teacher.
great credit on the ladies who trained
them. Especially good was the "Rag Mr. J. Belfour visited friends in
Doll" pantomime, and the Sunflower Mitchell this week.
drill, We did not hear what the re- Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Davey of Lis-
ceipts wore, but expect they were towel are visiting the hatter's parents
large, as the hail was crowded. 'here.
1v1r. and Mrs. Wm. Holmes spent
lest week with friends in Mitchell,
One Common. Cause of Headache.
Porhaps the most general cause of
headache and pain across the eyes is
nasal catarrh. Tho simplest cure is to
inhale the medicated vapor of Catarrh -
ozone which traverses every air cell and
air passage of tibo threat; lungs and nose.
It killtimyriads of germs at oyory' brpnth
clears 'away nlnepps dispharges; preser-
ves:Ind. beds tate membrane. Catarrh -
ozone is jalst asplendid remedy for head-
ache, and its action is certain and nn -
failing in diseases of the Throat and
Lange, Deafness, Bronchitis, Asthma
and Catarrh. A trial will convince the
most sceptical that Catarrhozone is all
right, barge size, $1.00; trial sine 25o.
Druggists, or Polson & Co„ Kingston,
pr. iiatnilton's Pilla euro Constipation.
If you, want a house in W ingluon or
in any village or town within 50 miles, I
eau show you tbo largest collection ever
on list for sale iu this part,
Real Estate Agent
Xmas. Presdllts
�v�IfaId6M fL�lid
Our Furniture Store en-
ters heartily into the spirit of
Christmas. From now on our,
great Furniture Store will -
confine its prime attention to
Christmas shoppers. Our
beautiful holiday goods are
now in, and you are cordially
invited to call and inspect.
Large stock, great variety,
correct prices.
Waiker Bros. ?i Itltt011
Are you earning $15 perweek? If not write to
Nurserymen, Colborne, Ont. Established 1857.
For Councillor of Turnberry. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY.
Ladies and Gentlemen :
Having been requested by a number
of the ratepayers of the Township of
Turnberry to become a candidate for
the position of Councillor for the
Council of 1003, I hereby solicit your
vote and influence.
Sealed Tenders, for the building of
the New Catholic Church at St. Au-
gustine, will be received by the ander.
signed up to January 15th, 3003. Ten-
ders will be considered for the whole
or any part of the work, The Iowest
or any tender not necessarily accepted.
81. Augustine.
Plans and Specifications may be seen
on application to J. J. Sullivan until
December 27tH, 1002.
A meeting of the electors of the
Township of Turnberry will be held in
Foresters' Hall, Bluevale. nn Monday,
December 291h, 1902, at 1 o'clock p.m -
for the Nomination of Candidates for
the offices of Reeve and four Council-
lors for the year 1903.
Joico BURGESS, Ret, Officer,
Bluevale, Dee„15th, 1002.
Xmas, Bargains
Finest Chocolates from....15e to 40c ib
Finest Dreams from 10c to 40c Ib
Finest Creams from 10c to 40c box
Dark and Light Mixed Candy, 3
ls or 25o
FancyfCandies of all kinds at lowest
Faney Unnde, Toys from 2e to Itic each
Jumbo- Peanuts, Almonds, Wal -
nets, filberts., mixed, per lb 15e
Chestnuts, per lb 12e
Oranges and Lemons.. , , ... ,
3 lbs. good Raisins for 2:5e
3 lbs. good cerate Curs:Ants for . . , 2,5o
All kinds of Spices. Shelled Nuts and
Peels for Christmas Cakos.
Mince Meat, per package , ..., 10e
” hnnte•mak* , ib........ 12c
Purest and strongest Essences of all
kindv, on the market.
Choice Cutfee, per lb 20c to 40c
Special Bargains in Tea
Regular 25c Tea at 15 ibs. for 51.00
" 35c Tea at '30e per lit,
" 40c Tea itt 350 per lb.
Package Teas at equally Low Prices
Canadian and American goal 011.
A. H. Carr
is selling Mixed Manitoba
Flour at $1.85 per sack—
guaranteed first-class, This
is a special, price and won't
last long, Order now and
save the rebate.
Jolliette Grinder Plates al.
ways on band.
(Market Square)
D. Rush