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The Wingham Advance, 1902-12-25, Page 6
_ �., h-1 >, :.moi' - fitd•katy :+tuts.. 4AdAe,(tl 01.zI A/ There, close your hook, you've read �,�% '�ir enough, �� ,{ � %��/'0" &-,,, , You need not lay your glasses by, L� W. See, here's a dish of well-arapked nuts, Now, let's RIR easy, yon and I. Here are two neectlos, tai'• ass ]les, ��� '^-"'•�• They're all the 'bettor for our use• Dare .anybody Rall its dull, Ile should be branded for abuse. It must 'be years, since last you i ,_,... whist , •.'�"^•.,•.•.._ The nuts from elf rho hickory that picture was fJnthhed there wore other pictures, anis them ivero allla- trues, r A little boy, -but just last fall, , I ]helped to gather some of these. OR HOW fine they are, onough to turn '1" i I Our fancies back for utanv a utile; fyo I Not SIA l ria This word is used tour times k1Y ..To Willdhood, with Its sweet con- artist'" was wanted, but il� tents, When dear log -houses were the riedl neat Neck t0 that black-eyed , style. , _w O tl d` 'i' 4 l 7 1 N•i 1 �� 3 p� d � 1'11 � 1`1'•h`t"r'i i+ • ** I. - i e li f 1 ai � I T.1 y luso jolly ,good joyful t mac, And wea "Are you making preparations for tire. She took the .greatest possible, maioll olly little folks, a fancy bazaar, Mr. 114aude ?" she interest In you, fox she was jealous," An at the flat stones et tela hearth asked, taking up a case which 0013- 11 Jealous I Olt, not" said Bablole, We Cracked at ones our Hats and tamed a gold thimblq. with .unexpected deolslon, and she jokes. But she knew what the eahlbit•Ion caught liar breath as sbe went While tho red fiance went rushing meant, and she was glad, though on rapidly. "One may hate people u neither of us looked att the other as one to jealous of but ono From.the wide firer lace in the she put this quostion, and I viado my does not despise them. ,Ono may P answer. I speak of thein bitterly and wall, "No ; the bazaar is over, and these scornfully, but all the time one is A)g if to reaps" the chimnoy-top, are tlto things left on my hands." almost praying to thein In one's A`nd flash its brightness over all. "T,holt I am afraid --the bazaar- heart, to have mercy, to lot go what A'nd there were voices which arose has not been very successful ?" she they care for so little, what one hazarded playfully, but in a rather - cares for on -Wo self so muchc One's In merry song or sacred hymn, unsteady voice coldness to a person one is sally And there were eyes, whose tender "Rot very. My customers were (Ies- 1 jealous of is only a thin. crust through light, contented with their bargain, and i which the fire peeps and flashes All through the years has not grown wanted their money back." , out. &ties Farlagtoa was not Jeal- ! t diel Bablole's sensitive face flushed ' ons If, t ddenly with hot indignation." 1 It was easy enough: to sqe that Abd there were blessed hands, that "How dare site--" she began pas- 1 poor Bablole spoke from experience sRill I flonately, and stopped. of the) passion; and this conviction Kept working alit their deeds of { "Xy dear Mrs. Scott, these girls filled mc, with rage against her llus- love. I dare anything I" said I lightly, in band, and against myself for having A' calm, sweat 'brow, whose settled i high spirits at the warmth with brought about: her marriage with peace wMeh she took tip my cause. "There suchtanwnilop ropriative,brute.It!sail,- 1"Jowed from, the living spring above. I is no respect left for the superior , ways difficult to raise anotherper- soa now that ladies out -read us, out- song neglect of a treasure you have • Be(t But why siren"% memories swell as write us, out -shoot us and out -tisk found it hard,to part wit171, q I s these, ( ens. Athd the end of St is that I wash silently considering Fabian's ph•e- Like restlessVspirits, conic to -night? ' my hands of them, and have mado •up nome,ual insensibility for some min - The past' has had its day; but now my mind to die a bachelor 1"Utes until at last I asked abruptly: g present claims its right. It alto could have known how I Tito living { of ?" "Wthb did Ile make you jealous ' i I , , , clearly her fair eyes showed me every gabiote, Willa lied also been deep Though' young at heart, full well we isucceeding emotlon of her heart and know thought of :ler brain, as I glanced Lim "°abiathrgrnh 7" said she, in a low We're nearing fast the setting sun, : with apparent carelessness at her 1 voloe. Then, trying to laugh, she We'll "hake the beset of what we have • face white I spoke, site would have , added .tastily, "017, I was silly, I Until ilia ' thread of lite 3s spun, died of shame, I lead thought, on was jealous of everybody. You see that night when I met liar In London,I didn't know anything, and be - For who would care to slip away, c whon she had charmed and yet pain- cause I 'thought of nobody but him, • To solemn sound of tolling bells, ed ma by liar brilliant, graceful, but I fancied lie ought to think of no - And only leave, as we do now, • somewhat artificial manner, that she body but ate -which, of course, was : A sauoerfal of oingty shells? was changed, that I should have to unreasonable." -P. L. Haney. learn my Bablole over again. But' ".I don't think so," saki 1, eu'tatly, --; ' it wars only the pretty little closed ' """Unless I gays a woman all my .,�-•• •-• w�----- ,.,-�? cTob,rs I had seen outside her shut- , a{rection I shouldn't expect aIi . { up heart. When the heart %vas called , here." to, the doors flow open, and here { "Ah, you 1" she exclaimed, with It ^� - J it I i was the treasure expased again to {tender smile. "Tdlore was the mls- every touch. So that I had read in l r� ✓, , { talo; tvii�.o7tt knowing it I had , . �•, � a I her Inp�bfle face indignation, affection, been forming toy estimate of man III I 1 jealousy, sympathy, and ffaiaily coin- II g , �g - tentment, before she remarked in a 4 I what I felt to be frau of you.' t� I did not IoolC at her ; but by the y . s - . very demure and indifferent man- s \ Y, _ , t =�•:;. —� 13,m,- way In which she l.uxried on after Ititle ingenuous speech, I knew. that r1_;.,�.-_ "On, the whole I am not scary, ATt. a suddoq ,feeling of womanly shame ' `'' Gj t g&- �$ was ti half it is broken CNff. She at her Impulsive frankness had set .'c- a: W r good enough for you. i her blushing. "But reals 11`abfan I �, = Not good enough for me? I cried I was cjuite r oasonal)le," site went on. A _.*.r • .a_��� `'� in, affected surprise. I was thirsting °'s -•- `Ile o Wanted a to ,give him .;- ( �';_- ---: fella• 1wr pretty pratses. "I'm sure, ev- I only tun d m . !" r $.r; f erybady who, know me thought mea "' at lie graver to me—or at least I _ ho thought so,' silo corrected• very lucky man:' "'Anti what was that?" �` - f "Nobody who knew both well could „ - E affection to "Well, t o7r a n , lel ant 1 .� f ( just t ,1 L = . ��,-- have thought that, she answered very quietly. "Wa.riu't she rude to nutk0 us amiable towards each I I mamma, whom you treat ass if Rho other when It was Impossible to 1 >r I I were a queen•? Its elle not hard and avoid a 'tato-a-tette." _ otvarbearfn• in her inrannel• to you "But he can't have hegira ills , who have goffered her the greatest teat i He aclmlTed you, Avas fond .. . blonoir you could give? And wasn't of you. No man begins by avoiding „ "� -I !, slue font atI the raid eh'arity she i a bride, I1kq you I" ,., `- primites herself upon, distant' and can- "Ali, that wa,s the worst of it 1 For. bemptuonis to me when. Ve knew I six weeks Iib seemed to worship me, HE KNEW. head ;been the object• cd your charity; and I-1 never knew whether it was lieverend Visitor -Tommy, what for seven years?" ",iLret or fine -warm or cold. Nvery does the story or Jonah and the "Nott charity, child --11 whid blow from the soAth for me, whale illustrate? " Oh, but it was. Charity that was iwither winner nor death could Tummy (whose father is it poli.ti- real, full of heart and warmth and coma near thea earth again.., Nye cian)-That it's hard to keRp a good kindness, iliac made the Avorl:d a hew were away, you know, in Normandy man down. place and life a now thing. Wily, and Brittany—wh1cm I try to think Air. Mande, do you kuoty what .hap- of. h,ea-vw(1 always see the sea with Tile Stone Bruise on the Ileol paned that night when you met us tile" saw our it, and the long stretches Stuck In our sunny youthful days In the cold, outside the theatre at of• sated. Before we camo back I iwhun life wag a summer dream, Aberdeen, when the manager had knew -I felt -,than a change was When all the bells of boyhood had told no ho didn't want us any more, coming, that lito would not be al- ta clear, harmonious ring, 1 and we knew that we had hardly ways like that; lyatt I dict not know, Wlien from the pan of earthly milk , money enough when We had paid for of course. I could not know„ wh.a.ta Ave skimmed but pleasure's rich- i our lodging 'for that week to find great change it would" be. Fabian: its food for the next ?" "' est cream, { ". said, Our holiday is over now, dear - And birds of joy around our heads I There was color enough in liar face J est, we reuot' got to work again I My hvere ever on: the wing, •; new, as she elapsed bar hands to-' ,1rt is orylug to me." Well, I was There come some cares to cloud bur gethar and leant forward upon the ready enough to yield to the claims Wives, but even they were silver table, with her blue eyes glistening, of A,ft, real Art„ not the Allied,her sensttive lips quivering slightly, poor ,ghost of it papa used The boyish ills which every kid was and a most sweet expression of af- to call up; and I was eager for surely doomed to feel, tection and gratitude ilhiminating hor ally husband to flake a foremost And when In it reflective mood how w1►ole faeec I gave her only an in- place among artlats, as I knave vividly we coil to mind I articulate, guttural murmur for an- and felt Ito could do. But when we That ever envied boy who had it i Ewer, and she wont on with a thrill , got flack tohngland-.taLondon-to stono-brulse on psis heel.iIn her voice this art which was calling to us to I "'Yon spoke 14rot, and mamma l.ur- shorten our ho1ida s I found -or lded Sul around watolt theivtherokidsouat rigid on, not knowing your voice, and I thought I found-th u,t it had hand - 01 course I event with her. But some aquiline features and a title, HIS foot bound u in poulticed ra rr ''Clough I scarcely looked at you, ! and that it wore splendid I owns oif P P �' and certainly Wilt, not reeog- , materla18 which my hwSttattd had nursed with tender care; nize you, there was something ! to choose, and that it, found its own Though suffering from stinging pains In your manner, In the sound husband and its own friends woari- ptta heart would dance in frisky of your voice, though I couldn't Ileac I some, and -well, that Fabian was (Way what you said-eomething kind, some. 1 )ni � s to While acting as the referee of thing chivalrousair, that seemed to mukot IiiBttfortune ra13d proclaimhim Itis sChoolm schoolmates all anles with kingly ens% gather 'speak to• O,ne's heart, and made me it great painter." ,round and screw,, their faces out sorry the didn t stop. And then, you ! ,,Who was she?" I asked, In a, of form, know, you came after us, and spoke low voice, • A8 If imagining lits again; and I heard what you maid 6 g pains they that time, and I whispered to main- ; Silo named the beautiful countose really could feel; ilia will,.) you wore. And 'thenwhile ' whose portrait I had seen on Each boyfsb heart completely filled- you were talking to liar, and'I onlyScott's mantelpiece on the morning w ,though it with sympathy as stood and i listened, I felt suddonlit when I visited him at his chambers. twaWith envy for the kid who had a Wondered happy, here thfor a e help before Iha com- : "Slid came to t � , asonshe several had staoe-brudso en his heel.iliums for sttn s I Lag from, aruI now I >ndw. Anel I trona to tris studio before eta mar - Sometimes he'd take the bandago off was right you sea." She bent her ried Inc. Burt she found it "vas too and let me gaze upon Ilialfrize, head, with till earneB•t face, to am- far to conte -Bayswater 0eing so With many a caution riot to teach pha)•size her words. "80 that when Iltuoh. farther than Jermyn street the spot so red and "swell," boor mamma uRml to warn, me after- front IConsitugton Palace Gardens 1- Anti at the treasure we would peer ,wards ac tjyta wickedness of risen it and he had to finish the picture hi Because Ileenvy didn to have ytoh oyes, all meant nothman,ttan d0 heawa�r every. 1 riar oubd house. and 7the Inv brnfl� 1 ammo erld l d ' go to ithi g one man fI � g in lily stead on those dreadful school till it gut wills. "thin that was .earl and na1)le lv- ; days Weld bear the clung of that old Ing us shelter and sympathy and When I knew ire was ..whit bell loud ringing ori the xummor 1>u11,11tlful delicate kindluosa; and to liar, glancing at liar with air, I me time and tl.,)ught and care that those very glances Willett And sot) tho maaster Sv 1.1w drx)r madto me, out old a little Ignorant , hl'3ed to sot my heart on lire and with eye; as cold as steel, . girl, a illlnking w;ainan. If 'that was make mo silent with deep passionate And teff ivo'd have to harry to our - n'at Clt;irity, what was it?" : happiness. I had soon Milli lock at books and leave him sitting : Now I con(d 7Lavo 'told liar ' ler like that when lie gave liar those thero What It was; indeed With few rlittings which sato foumd so tire - Outside, the lucky boY who hal a i that little tolvdar 1103Ver- some becauso, I suppose of lily jeal- stone-brulse on Ills Ilea). I taco tanking so ardently tip into ons ayes. I never said anything -I imine it olid rt"ally- awed a strong - didn't- indeed, Mr. Afauhlo, for I knew We've felt the fluslt of victory when t tffort nest to tell her. In the flow )to wall the elan, and, I was only.1ho we'd aeComplleh something of liar grateful t'ec.oliectlonS lhlo hatl woman atttL I inut%t be Ltfent; but that tho r. r t P• forgotten 1 � "tine„ LL root, i hart ent lie. Ifavgo glowed with satisfaetlon over ` waner I had cultivated for so long 1. gun le to emt trInto nd d lav psoul,iiwholl I Dome success in life, i perhaps aiding her; but I think, as 1 round that those looks i had loved Haver felt our heart' with maNy I kept silence, a flash of till truth 'and ahorlsited so were never to 'ba prtido and overflowing joy Ill- i came+ to liar, for Elio ,grow suddenly riven to leo again. r finev thought late Icy, and instead Of goring on wit,, . 1, S'1 on we bads won a gall,ult fight Bile lista of my bent,factions, as site ; itwould be all right when thlKlmr.• in ea.rth'er uirecasing strife, I ,lad boon evidently prepared to tea, ! trait wits Minted and done with; 1 t r this brilliant lady's ,Flea f But slaver d)tl aur, Im.�orn' with. the 'rhe irntk 1ij> the la«e lloclfetlhandker- I a y anp o ISI(Uit, name soft of ertlotion swell, oblef which ,taxi beth Otte tit lily gifts .for my clever husband would be own, And never a more thrilling t;en:ii to Miss; Farington, tinct became deeply and I should have, not only tho ear( - of pleasure feel, j Interested iu the pattern of tit,, { loss kindness wltleh never fulled, but '!"'than when we'd watch the otlor i border. After a pause she continued the old glowing warmth that I boys obey the clanging' ON In a 101101i in(irn self-controlled man- craved like a child starving In the er)l(x)l 'heli oyer. snow'. BtA It never cattle back." A While we would ItAl around mail , ,air Miss Parfntgton's eltaritq 'ha(I drt"11 hopelessness was coining Into )la• y urea a ioiI a I, uise on ut tIr(e n real, ele would 1 lave been In. votao as shn continued B)oakinF, and heel, tt3restixl�hr rho people yost had been her great ryes looked yoarnhig;,,y out -Vetiver roa. { kill(, to.' over the feathery larches In • the Now yatl (lo the poor girl 111jus- avenuo to the darkeuing;.tky. "Wheel ability I had s}town in match -making, e o The Amanuensis Job. „94,,;�1�h�Sa%NMKIR'_-�' �, . iQ1='i'Q4U:f1a,•pl1Xeak:.isz bath for myouif and my friends, I Ip London typewriter and steno - When I joined 'S1rv. Jillnter and liar y > daughter that ovenhig, I found that „ ®. . grapher tclts a nu nber of queer e��° n That's fe the greatest thin in the th formor lady was oppressed by the b l stories a.borit the eccentriettfes of ' r dictation on tUM part of employars " t conviction illtLt "something had hap- 8 world ----in anything that's worn. You get style, paned," sonletlihig Interesting of whoa do not know, bow to put their which there was an evil dlesigru thoughts Into good English, bnb fit and finish too, in abroad to keep her tit Ignorance. 1 ho dny till% writer had read backsoma had been questioning Bablole, I felt . notal to a certain employer. Yes, sure, and getting; lit) satisfactory re- d mitt' I also sail so and -so, said tiro Rim Plies; fcr while there was a sus- ® (, eti dictator, reeling oft a long peaff. piclotiv halo of polo rose -color- age. mltero wn,s1 ria trace of it in which. In my sight did not ole- ., fi ?y, - , the nottox "If you said St,"�� sal% tract from Ther beauty --about• the ~ :.� , 1s) �dictatea, I did not IWar St. She—But t6 -ilt✓ Orie thing we emphasize is their" yeun•;ger lady'w eyes, )ter inottber gait this for politeness, being pus- made varkme touching references to itivra in Iter own mind that It )lad Wearing Qtlazsli>kf�*s` tha, cruelty (lit want Of gd,lf1deltee, ,� <.. y ndt been .said. : It is easy to amiss (1 a ' ofulb a word or a ithirn,se, but scarce- "Granby Rubbers wear Hike iron." suet aLt (sat, sitar' t;( v(.ini tentative „ „ a h. Ver ell o paragraph, w , a �? f a lvlhal , , Peerless y Y ff t, >' oil t right track ��� e o:t t t he . r b ob- ����.,. - 60rvingr got my ",•rung; lal,ly"ywas+' 4 roared th'o dictator, 11next tunic yY -�ou, . nnotvary exacting, since I lead not Plum Poddiligst ' r , donIt raaax, make . a rldto of It. b0011 Ticar 1Lf7r ilial d:],v. '1`hiB 1'13- With ilio icOSE conics ]cal"t// k hat both her daughter and me the appetite for "'i// blufhing turloi ily, and Mrs. I:ilmer, table dainties. Why ' �. HANDSOME flg;uratively f;pfl#tll,ng, gavo tivl "view' spend time sknd 1pnddingearesodelielau , v�vt *4#+Or#00A" *##+®14440 halltw" Aftor tt t:h,rrt alit I tuns reWholesomey and so6a9i1 secured? Aske. pu , y brou ht to"in, rlh awl eonflw,iod that your Grocer. T)1oy aro among the beet of 2AOSL A Solid Gold I.ctdiea or Cien s t Wal h ��{(}p. a F Kff% E E --ar••-Atlas ia.inl:•t,t�n un:i I•�-•or -had I� PHOTOGRAPHERS -11 i '� coststrom$2btoatfa, ttpn'tthrow burEllon y had a -in fact I disagroville it- a LOB I.✓ went 1 Teti that*311equalfortimeany F, ltd Qo1d+VNatsh niero lo-vor'11 quarrel. It W4AIltl MOO15 Do 3,46u know that y made,sen us your name and address at aneC unci 119tee to sell oil 10 boxoe of out ramaus Ve etnbl6No,w x,ife �'It t)[caly over— but jn�1t its jtreaent - A tsxt 16ci. a box. 1C *i� A� rand reniedy, and Cure for A I im are and weal, conditions of th6 than iB for :t day t• two, %v-- r+ / ,',';. �foud indigestion,atornaetttrouhPo,conatipat3oirrvrtknesan6r a 11m. I�.lbuor InUvruple4l. Inv Jab- NATURAL f LAVOFI F;. -, disorders, rhoumatismand fentaletroubles, Agrand tonicsidlife ore." ex 11arliltiml with a dell kited builder. "1'hetoareourro regular. J , aizo; th n 1 i g 6y aro, ens to sill", as � remit customer who b a vs �r x a PAPER Ar d 0 ii !J ills t r A tLr;dl thrill little, glg;gl", u p m you, receivves a Prigo TickE`t,whichs]Ititi6sfhottttendI' Your ordof rw:ire..D tilt 1 y FOOD PRODUCTS �Vf11 IIfVo you different reanita tltx>k . th(lbhbn0 f, 6up� 1 fb. SOndlts onrord('t40 be CUOtbrntld,q any. Other br6 t o sr 7 ti]1 r; y br And w0 wl� sent" tis er trill gap IQboxceandiAM Ttc1Otsby mAu, t,Ostpaid, when void you send i Will bond yon a JA doe. ptLokb $ � us the money ($8.601 and we will send you the Wtftbh with a -� + Put a In convenient size keyopenl1 cane. la t 20 Rotegraph Bromict6 Paper I�t 11 Gerin. Atevr)tg~c, I Our litl{to book. "llmv to Dlake Good Things 1.110 and prepay' 6xpresa charger. A �iiidA] A `I` ; +' i''Q ' '' 14,R.y` toL••Ah is free. Wrf,oferit. Idbby'sAtiaeof Try+it, thadrsrneda mono i r y e ecef five C cram !', y VA(y. %Pa - , anywhere for 7 aro ilio World milled an w crp giving W .n a •n.. ys wa ilia 'h r vs 4Awa4 h Chicago o l,e .01 1.y e es 1to ulakt lair , re A ., ..._._� - Q y Ota ttr rrmtvly, Ind when yon receive t31e watch we Oak ort to )laato `112m nritolt:•t .wli',?tp:xl the lloprt, but ' . 1, f! g ftp ..t bb� r +L Canadidit Ai*nt shAty tt teryaur trieadg. Iiundredg hal o raeoivrKl vvatellas trA n vA had aTA mAre then tht+ hitter are ,gi-tting,; it tert`lble re- L(bb lret�NeIIIII fsK i.ibb dolight6dwitltthem. Tlu,i3ear1ari0ubCpportunitirtogeba>in6WatOhwitkautpayiag y! yi log Qi o6n St. W, Totontd a t int for it and you shoat%»ri a at once. Oma vert•ge. '.i`.hcv'ro till avrithir bwiko and r l►adreae r3inl,llvr t Ht! NE1N.LtFIs �ticiMif+Sti 2tei, cyetlt. h"erent0, tynt. getting ,,Hein t0 the I.ngilsh. • A` *#te0##iiw++4#++ +**# . ,0 W W ,_,... ,,, , •.'�"^•.,•.•.._ „ , �"`C'"'".' "''A" that picture was fJnthhed there wore other pictures, anis them ivero allla- t 'I �•'I,,I„Ir•1r$•'�"lr�l j.+* fr�i'�I'lr 3 %,M...1.*+b •1+ •h I t f4 klurlrleo stir slim Rxfie. Detroit I'reo 1'ross. , . Y r� 1 V E �tr ��# IR/'<lvtP tour thentrloala to, bo tsu orintanciRd i wiherR tate "eye of tL i rue' i{.' '"'", CROSSED '1" i I "I hear that George is to be mar- �' fyo I Not SIA l ria This word is used tour times k1Y .1.� -* artist'" was wanted, but il� riedl neat Neck t0 that black-eyed Prof. W. Iladgson Bills, 0molal _w w}Iere to was na u80 tit all for a true artist's wife d` 'i' 4 l 7 1 N•i 1 �� 3 p� d � 1'11 � 1`1'•h`t"r'i i+ • girl he became engaged to at the sea- ride," saki cumso. Analyst to ilio I�prgimiRl} CfiRveriz* Mrs, Wlpslow's Soothing S rut ,.hcuid w1ways by used ter Children a•cutin;;. Io Anti there were little. K•,rlLr(- I uptubl to , I croslgfd the first sail second fin» { "I thought that was One of tlIOBO itiet7t, In reporting the result. of his soothes the child, cofteno tho ums, oursa wt4d for be answered, anal their gyri mrs to be � galicdl ttpun ; oars iLti 1 hn•i from tile) gars 0'13 ea611 hand anti then ling teinPorary summer• engagements," said Cawker. analyses of Sunlight Soap, of unsaponlfted fat "; that means +collo and 19 the boat rome4Y Marrhoea. first accepted Fabian's assurance that nil artist's marrlago could by Illy elands clown by the side of my, Rltttir sa that C:ynttitirt could not see "George thought so, too." , g g no waste• „ No free • "; '' ]°ANTED TO PIIRCIi:ASI --ANY (,JUAN. ttty of mixed wood, tlnttuhle for brick nothlni; more tll;tn ctrl etd,wile in 1110 lite, t11eln. '1'hiaf ""iiia fomntaiity attend_ ed to, I looked Cynthia with a 'Very Successful. alkali that means n.o . damage to clothes or hands. burning„for Immediate use; etate cash price station, Ho;t;olott Brick Co,,u and that the less It lnterru ted the former course of his life the lta - lit bright; sxuilo that was much forced Clara -Half the time h0 says lie '( No loading mlxifir"e•"; that means Toronto street, Toxurltu; telepbuno hfnin'�U2 Tol,o cos •-__._,_-. _ .... _ _ r -. -.. ;liar that marriage would be, tll(ra L r � Wits nothing c n for r, b1 to it t) f+ 11 and 04114: „ I 1 ad 1 i' a u 1 C rntlLla t as ilei a s , h. g Y Y clof*Wt know whether I love hire or not b e- t about O a t o u Fier • o h U q hopes P every atom is pure soap, No adulteration whatever o; h t , t o I.oadtng TEN COURSES BY MAI”. ro a aloes n to and to live on, As I tuld your, nut+ side," side. spy fond of •M11 11Painwaring," +' +' + 'Oh, are ya4• ? asked Cynthia in that I do, and this rout lie thinks I tn'lty, anti. in addition lza is nearly means Pure ingredients, Try Sunli Sunlight Soap- Octagon Bar- thoroughly taught. Bsport iustructurs. Judi - vidual attention. Be.(" for handsome eatta Depart But YOU were wrong, you should surprise. "lr h•y, I thought you olid- always utterly miserable,% and you will see Prof, .Allis Is right. Igguv for Ppartlenlars. corros ondoncc - moat CENTRAL BI1siNESS COLtEuE,Toronto can. leave spoken • out to stmt --reproached 13'1' approve ai titin-" 1 ill;d-Well, I'm •glad you're making He should know, 202 him, moved hhn I" I burst, out, jump- 51,144 t approve of 1Llm?" I said, Furans a success of the affair. -Life. . .. , IlamiltouftnOlub PIGEONS WANTED—will Ing; up, and playing, In gnat excite- ramal, with tate things on the mantel- in biul'ula.tcd surprise. "Baty in the warW alta Buell, ant idea as that enter lllluard's Liniment Relieves Neural- 'Uncle Ilaxx'y as a substitute. pay aG cents charges. treatAddrw at per purr and Crawford, once, ton, Crawford, kid 1Clag street west, p)eoo, unable to keep still, your !te{Ld." gla• Montranlllarald. Ilamnton, Out, I I Ciid, site answered, fladly. "Ono night when he was going to elle tiler I dant know, responded Cynthia, doubtfully. "Porhaps It was because Do Not 1,ike the 10grypt.ian Cotton, Uncle, (trotting II(l.rry on his knoo) -Do you like thte, m3'' boy? IMPERIAL MAPLe SY0,11P.. , 1 atra to act as usual --he lut•1 jtla't got ! an engagemont-ho told Ina 'not to I yolt, tools such Paill'd to out Mall• dead at tike hop the other evening and A report from Texas states that experiments Tor the eradication Harry-Protty well; bat I rule on a real clonkoy the other day, at the 4 aliii mon y btaLrrd . Oc aetory µ sit; up, he was going to lite County, I easy to meet Homo foreign painted +dermis because you once maid. that you wont wily Iris uiather did Dat 'put of the Mexican• cotton troll worm have damoUBtrated Zoo OT110 IYno ROSE & LAFLAAeMen'ts,Moatreal. --I forget life iiam(t The mention• j lain In the rofarm soft ,oI." "Oil., "that that this disastrous Itiaeet will not touch E g, of her name drove me suddenly+ Into a sort of fronzy; for ho had! well," I answered, was all in. the past." I m1ade Buie that my fingers ill the been expert rho department has been wde >+withjn cot- Iva MINA,UD'S Xmas Poultry just been sweet to rne;1autl I had wer0 Proper Basi- "`I ton for isoveg ton fOr Several years, with markets ;believe LINIMENT is fancied-jimt for a mommit, that the old times rulg;ht come back. And I tiou, anti than said: regard Plitt aro a splandid young man of ,great success. It this last report proves' to be true, It will undoubtedly re- tile ;ba's't c A1a,ithias Foley, Oil City, Ont. K Butter market o Ar)neriaandi large forgot all n),v eau,tlon, all my pa- tianoe. I said angrily, 'The Countess, p'romlise. A ma'n who Ja essentially and In everything manly. You should be salt In the Planting of f:g yPti"an col tan in Toxtts in rho future, for •'1'asc h C• 'p Snaty, Norway, Ate. alas' llhRuken, rolls of choice butter in "food demand. If an butter to offer please advise, will pair 30 coats per tile Countess 1' Am i never to hear the last of liar ? What do proud or Ills itle'ulsltiP• I doll(t t onder bout every girl he happens up to the present time no satisfac- 1 tory i Iflubgrave, N. S, Rev It- O. Armr.troug, AL'tilgrave, N.,S. �iconsignmen 'e delivered at fence so. sundcorrespoadencesolictted, yott! want in ' this idle great lady's drawing- meetfairlyatIlls tel air y t ,rows bedsolf method has bleu discovered of P" t o eruct or or- Landry,N„B. eSheff oonstonraen JOHN `I• IMI', 02 Front St, East, Toronto rooms when yo own wife is wear- rmf tltat you aro no exception to this rule, and I yry Gg tilero� a t' %hone k�iowhe, d, N. a. I a lcrg hQr heart out for you at home? o Than his fled changed, and I sha7k cant;ratu"late you on your good to t0;' CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED To all interested in the education ofyoung ladies and trembled with terror. For Ile looked At me a s if -1 11 'ad been Santo Wlaon I had finished -this speech I leaned back iu m chair and mon- y with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can , ���Qi � or girls zvbereanextensive 1 f, course may be had, iniad. hateful creeping thing that .lad Bud» F g %only tall atted tar .self qct :the back. I y p y rot reach the seat of the disease, Caturrlt ie a blood or constitutional disease,and in V14ustiflable ltteanness. Ing the common and high i school branches,. Science, appeared before him in the midst of flim enjoyment.. He draw regarded Phil Maittwaring as offer- tuttlly settled. . order to cure It you must tnIte internal rem- adios. Haws Catarrh Cure is tureen inter- Chicago News. j� (�f Languages, Music, Fine �Ptii��tJ Art, Commercial Course, h(tnsolf away from me, and sold in a I os ached C Inthda to out. gut P y P a:Elly, orad acts directly On the blood and mucous surfaces, hall', Catarrh Cure is not "'T'he.old gentleman played a mighty t'tD tJ Voice'rralning, Elocution, . Art Needle Z1 ork and Pby- voice that seemed to cwt through me, silo didn't. IIIULeatd, she rushed over a Quack medicine. It was prescribed by one tnr0an trick on mo" , remarked the steal Culture write to Rev. `I had, no idea ,von were jealous.' F faltered oa+t, `N 130,' but he inter- and caught my hand and pumped It en'tltu;iae�tieall of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It "seem- young hoporul. "What wits It 7" �y A.B. DBMIeLL, President, : COLLEfk St. Catharines, Out., for rusted rem, "Please don't make n ,,you are jus as good as you can >' "f with tI eflieet best tonics nuiitie s;1Qu`tin odirectid the "` ell, you know I've always car- rued that i Velroyliepecial that tiLtegives you martyr of yonx•Be1P, Ba,biole. Sipco you desire it, I shall come stral lit g be," she satldl. like to meet a man who Is not jetalows of other teen. I ou _ mucous surfaces. The perfect comb nation of trio two ingredients is what pro- sat asci watch no pawn•. broker would oven look at, and fa- ;til �, ., . � kNTION Tms PAPIDR. ••• .. • • home from the theatre. �„ wish I could tell Phil all about It. duels such wonderful results in curing ca,th,er tarrh. Send for testimonials, free, promised moa now bee for my "Ile ought to have married Wss You know' I fiati going with him to F. s, orit.N:uaY & CO., Props., Toledo, o. birthday.,' „ , y;, llra)11 '? • T'arington !" said I heartily. Bablole wouc on : "I mailed on him tllK1 P�?utY to mrorrow night at the looted. • Sold by_Druggists, price ?6c. Bull s Family Pills aro rite best. 1101!, iLe f av0 It is Inre, bust he A g Tile Q �� not to do su : begged him riot to mince But I 'I: VOUgh�t you wero going had Rty name engraved on the cane. " my silly wor+is. Bill Jte went out without speaking to me again. All the wltthi hao," I putt lin wrathfully.. "Oh, no. Phil asked mo first. You A IBargal;t. - In washing woollens and flantteln Lever's g a 'll will be increased. evening 1 tortured myself with re- said something about going to the Brooklyn 7 oLlyn Ltfo Dr So of der y soap (a p v ) wt rjP be found ve 441hy go to all the proaches, with fears, until, almost theatre Tbarsday night, but there "I thought she refused slim some satisfactory, ra trouble of keeping m.'Ld, 1 was on thq point of going to was nothing definite. and so when time ago because he was So fat ?'' "Well, -- cows and get only the theatre to implore him to forgive and forget my tvretelhcict, my paltry PhIl asked me I said yes to that, sou." she did; but since then hers bean reduced from 809 to 198.11 ..v—...vw.r�"--_ veyti,.,,y�w vsve,^ c( about half the milk r..:'•, they jealousy. But I hoped that he would Blit You've known him only. a short Aiinaxd'B Liniment for sale every- �+ ,f� DARING FEAT�ts' Of , should pro - ^' duce. not keep•his word. I was wrong. Be- timer and-- wRiere. I t I �`�* �, ; fore I even thought the piece could be over Ito returned, }laving come, as "But if he is all the � things you said,' put In Cynthia, I dont see % - _ • , �t,i�I� �ti' pip t,1 SOME 1 ?' O R K 11P"t E N. ;r > '� � I 1� ' t� $ Dick's he said, straight home. I don't think what dlrference it makes, and you aro best Tltata Different.. New York Sun, . ° lie can know, even now, how horribly erttel 110 was to me that night. fie, my and oldest friend., and of course your ostJm oto of any one is Life. a"Itis - A�>; a:�� ".".—_ . 1'110Y _ i+ b a� f f1 Blood meant to give pie tt lesson, but he equal to year's of acquaintance." a redeeming trait in any man tof be fond of children," I had been watching; :. in -an : aseend to the tenth story of the . h .fi did not know stow thorough he -lea- he had son would bac Seeing against came beck, although against Ihts wish, ' "' "- ' Q�° �° �• �'r�At�� � 260, " Oh, I don't know. Whatt abowt tiro cannibal ?" framework of a new bank building b tiro she le," expedient of standlu r Sr P P g on, largo beam ¢1® Purifier - I trieW my very utmost to please, to CAZARRii CURE.., a and ,holding on to strengthens the digestion and invi- charm him,. to show him how happy P1 Y his is sent direct to the diseased Her Specifications. the hoisting rope. "It's against the rules," explained orates the whole systeal so that the very presonee could Blake Inc. Ile mtalked parts by the Improved Blowee. Reals s the tiaeilWiot0 life. 11'id°n{-I want a inion to do the contractor, "but the will do it. nutriment is all drawn from the t the same ou- kfor scow tioklvm© interestinged fn the Lane lie wouldhavehaus used to a passagedrOpp,isrs throat and ppermanantPt cures CatarrhandHnyFever Blower oder jobs aboutt Itho house, rule on errands, one that never answers ,Xou can't stop 'em. ittojust as •. quick for a fellow. to go tip by the aes biadto care whenshe gives three quarts as whin she stranger, placing a barrier between. us winch all my efforts could not freeP. All dealers, or Dr.A, W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toroute gad Sufrala back. and Is ulwa s read to, do sty, blddi.ng, y ladders as to risk ,Ills lira in titat r � ways and mighty little, more, trouble, • gives a pail. Dicks Blood Purifier will pay back its coat with goad move, lit fact lie showed we clearly once for all that, however kind and "Bo's APPiica, Yon" Pe looking for husband, mea am. but familiarity with danger breeds contempt of it. That's why there interest in a few weeks. GO cents a package. p g courteous he alight be to Ine, I had a Friel% snob 1" I Snapped. an- "and are very few big buildings put up • , Ito more inflnence over him than Ulla N,TlIy, the last man-- toW by", sald Cynthia, opening her Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. in this town without at least one A meaning, Miles A Co., Agents, i noNTREAL of the lay figures in his studio. That night I could not sleep, but next eyes widely, "anal you said---,, 'I An Odo to Cookery. man being killed in each. "Cal ilio J' special providence which --,-- mutein 1 waB a different woman. A r; little water -will make a fire burn know: whalt I .said," I •responded, ,. ,But, I had my fir gers crossed at the Philadelphia Press. watches over rile reckless as well as over bables and drunkards prevents more fiercely ; a little more puts It out. Even Fablau, though he did -not time. I knoir that it you warn a woman agalnat a man silo Instantly Roast beef all week, fhrat slot, than cold; - a, whole lot more deatho among these housesmiths, The insurance core- �C,,ta11r3>-t3f f c' Ilii 1. really care for Inc, could not think the in takes his part, while if YOU gush over him unci tell her that all the Then hash, and now, O1 my, • panics ,late to take them ,as risks at 1 AIR, .% ¢.a!' ,qac „r • . cha.ngo tris altogether for the bettor; but hie deliberate, unkindness women throw themselves at him and 1111ey ve added crust and raislnB and It's Served as mince meat pie I , any price, and I dont' blame them. 4L a• " . had suddenly cleared my sight and ; sltotv)l me tlt:ut I was boating my that. sha is just silo the cost slid JI tire of Ill.m quickly." 7ihere'B a hairbreadth escape a da Y, at least, on one or these tall build- m "° = ia0,11 iblu sa fish ness ainst it rile wasock of Wear itt)itme { "Ant" you think I c7.m just like other girls ?" As Fire spreads in city grass, so does It the lungstDet l p omptly awith a cold as with inge. "Semi or the things I've seen my- •; I �- q v lifter a while, for lie began to find• "0,0,1,• YoV, I silo, lau.ely, afire, and when you begiu to cough use Self I'd hardly have believed If any . I our out drat he -had lust sometlilttgr when { "Then why diii you undo your work Allen's Lung Balsam. one bad told me about them. I'll tell 1 made acqualntancee who thought • and Bay Phil was a snob and that you had ftngers holiday Books. you just one and though I don't a%- d� � � m e first Interesting and presontly crossed when you poet you to credit it, lily reputation . antusinif• But he never asked me for the devotion he had rejected he said flow ndoe, he was?" I "Because" I answered; "because in PhiladelphraPress and liked him as it good foreman. When Ile went over the eel*e of tho " °< :" never wanted it ho iB always air I Barbed its ttalf dozen sP iia of what. I said: 3*a7L didn't turn from him, but commenced to tell me The t'wo most ,popular books Tor' the holiday season are the oheque- framework I was borror' struck. "It Wats a hitn•u'te two before m g , i � `' a. new passions; a Platonic friendship with a beauty ; • all the places he was :going to take book and the pocketbook. or I recovered my sell possession. � � tL, furious dispute witdt an artist -of a • different school, a wild admiration { you„ Than you will admit that I am not F'NGLISi3 SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem. Tben I hurried clown expecting to find his mangled body in the street. "a 1 a for a rising talent,. ,end so I Jlavd ( become, no I was bound to become, I like other girls? said Cynthia. "I'll have to," I, said- "Anything to ttlhes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, As I went doWn the ladder I mat him homing up, bruised but un- A request, with your loving; him nS I did, just What be said i keep you from going around with Splints, Ring Done, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains' hurt, and all ho was thinking of hwasurt, address attached, is all = it0 an artlet's wire sltuuid by—a slave; I getting the wurat, tha loast happy', ; Phil Mainwaring." .8ut I h^ dn• t the, least idea of go- Save and Swollen Throat, Couglie, ate. Save 0 by use o one bottle. Warranted the IiOw ho outlies best tali ilio men ovale lot the bold slip what suit thataddress is necessary s the least worthy, part oC his life, and all the time remaining; digcontented, l Ing with him," said Cynthia. `But you ani%--" - most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by all drugirists. of a blanked set of blanket black y � . i obtain our anew and 3r Z handsomely Illustrated I and chafing against the chain." { Cy Pattern Cynthia looked down at the were.ess good far nothings they were. . i catalogue. "Yet you have never had cause to ' of the rug. "`I had my fingers croesed„ Salving a Problem, "Ile did. Though pie had had as Z 2 be seriously Jealous ?" ( Bablole hesitated, blushed, and tho'-Trlbu.ne. too," site answered, sh i y y. -Chicago Washington Thera. narrow an escape from death as I can conceive It will put you In touch with . ' :y the finest assortment of FINE •' tears manic to her eyes, i "I don't know. And --I know it - ., .. • - ._: - -- --- George -Women are still pushing their way Into all industries. of a man's under- going, he wont right back to work and bossed the gang for the after- JEWELRY in Canada. " ,The Qdeo, which, is plainly sounds wicked, but I could almost m '�_ ..� Jack--glltat's so. T have just been noon, titter firing tete Feat" who ltd givt:n with each article, is the coat of the article delivered to " any I don't care. I am to my ILus- I discharged to make way for a we- believed was responsible for the you. band like alit ingenious automaton, movimg almo�et any way its possessor i� �•, �� `. _ �. y man, "You havo? Well 1 What are you accident. "Some folks were surprised to We cheerfully refund year - :' money if you desire 1t, pleases ; but it b:7S no soul -and I miSfes that I „ t "B lip at "But � °w ' \1 s Syrup • `•st n ...t` going to do now 7" "I am trying to marry the we- read of the britlgomen and house - smith:;, who only thought of being ¢ r- . . a 1 1 1t 1 11 I ( a is, that is nviisause, my. dear + .,. ° j a man." paid for their overtime when. they child; you have just as much soul as { r _ � .- §want soothes back with the firemen up the � ��� ��rO�. ever," s Oh, yes, it has come to life again here the hallo, But 'go r y ; 6 �' 1 � and heals t 1lfinard's Liniment Cures .Burrs, etc. -. tower of the East Ilivor Bridge and fought the fire, 'Standing on the I I . ; " .W0, '®lers amougr ~viten I bock to Lchndon--11 . „ ` 1Voli ? I , _; t 4 , ,t tie sore ..a:N. ,,;,, r • Newbolt s Poems. bur)drip bridge w;tuile they hacked , away the titti'ttors. I wasn't. I know . U 1%Yogest. Z '�or(sftl✓tI w "I shall leave It u here -with you P y r _ t h T O a t ile.nry Newbolt, whose poems on nano&1 and military Sub Jr otB have the kind they are, wnd for sheer , , reckless daring they're e hard to r fr i Id' t If1611(t>86t85iiitliilii4l►le� �..Lr,d, '„S..i -to ncare of till I coma back and weak made Isis name familiar' to newspaper `beat." tr she had risen, and ,was half laugh- muke 11iIIgS. After �t few readers has had"d volume, entitled Ing; but there watc it tremor in her - doses the cough is re- "Tile Sailing of the Long -Sulu" pub- N. l�Ierang Com oW rtliwiin© D Ali Ise w. and w th It vulee. "Where are you going ?" I 'asked I 4 lieved, and the soreness llvhedi by Ged7ulge tl'c Com' paatiy, Toronto. It,eontains a number warms, stay in( 0ors ns much as 7011 can and rub the swollen tender muscles with m c)w m aao I saw her motvin,g towards the passes away. of poeMB, based upon incidents of the ferry Davis's Painkiller. 2Ei and 60c. `ThAw'% -0 -ER "1 am going to sea if there Is i � GrayrS Syrup CUTCS lays War in South Africa, e, R oto - amt on anal. Bt7bjt]cts as "21he Ring or I Similn.r. I off-th I 1 letter from Fabian to say e when lie j t0 Sts cured. } England„" "9)110 Nile." "Among the "Northumberland." is .Judge. Is coming; saw Toni saToni come up the , the Tombs" and It little eolleotion of versee. a, (Qellingdlaan's religion is like his 10 cent Cigar avenue with papere." At all Druggists 25ets• a nice good property,'• Said Trivvet to Dkeer. "But Fabian can't know himself I - amid Morang Lias put it up in tidy, t, lggw's thhat ?" Guaranteed Clear lIttvana filled yet I" I objected. However that 9 shape. i " It's all iu lits twlte's name." Might be, sho Was gone, leaving me • to a consideration oC the brilliant ' •.- ability I had s}town in match -making, e o The Amanuensis Job. „94,,;�1�h�Sa%NMKIR'_-�' �, . iQ1='i'Q4U:f1a,•pl1Xeak:.isz bath for myouif and my friends, I Ip London typewriter and steno - When I joined 'S1rv. Jillnter and liar y > daughter that ovenhig, I found that „ ®. . grapher tclts a nu nber of queer e��° n That's fe the greatest thin in the th formor lady was oppressed by the b l stories a.borit the eccentriettfes of ' r dictation on tUM part of employars " t conviction illtLt "something had hap- 8 world ----in anything that's worn. You get style, paned," sonletlihig Interesting of whoa do not know, bow to put their which there was an evil dlesigru thoughts Into good English, bnb fit and finish too, in abroad to keep her tit Ignorance. 1 ho dny till% writer had read backsoma had been questioning Bablole, I felt . notal to a certain employer. Yes, sure, and getting; lit) satisfactory re- d mitt' I also sail so and -so, said tiro Rim Plies; fcr while there was a sus- ® (, eti dictator, reeling oft a long peaff. piclotiv halo of polo rose -color- age. mltero wn,s1 ria trace of it in which. In my sight did not ole- ., fi ?y, - , the nottox "If you said St,"�� sal% tract from Ther beauty --about• the ~ :.� , 1s) �dictatea, I did not IWar St. She—But t6 -ilt✓ Orie thing we emphasize is their" yeun•;ger lady'w eyes, )ter inottber gait this for politeness, being pus- made varkme touching references to itivra in Iter own mind that It )lad Wearing Qtlazsli>kf�*s` tha, cruelty (lit want Of gd,lf1deltee, ,� <.. y ndt been .said. : It is easy to amiss (1 a ' ofulb a word or a ithirn,se, but scarce- "Granby Rubbers wear Hike iron." suet aLt (sat, sitar' t;( v(.ini tentative „ „ a h. Ver ell o paragraph, w , a �? f a lvlhal , , Peerless y Y ff t, >' oil t right track ��� e o:t t t he . r b ob- ����.,. - 60rvingr got my ",•rung; lal,ly"ywas+' 4 roared th'o dictator, 11next tunic yY -�ou, . nnotvary exacting, since I lead not Plum Poddiligst ' r , donIt raaax, make . a rldto of It. b0011 Ticar 1Lf7r ilial d:],v. '1`hiB 1'13- With ilio icOSE conics ]cal"t// k hat both her daughter and me the appetite for "'i// blufhing turloi ily, and Mrs. I:ilmer, table dainties. Why ' �. HANDSOME flg;uratively f;pfl#tll,ng, gavo tivl "view' spend time sknd 1pnddingearesodelielau , v�vt *4#+Or#00A" *##+®14440 halltw" Aftor tt t:h,rrt alit I tuns reWholesomey and so6a9i1 secured? Aske. pu , y brou ht to"in, rlh awl eonflw,iod that your Grocer. T)1oy aro among the beet of 2AOSL A Solid Gold I.ctdiea or Cien s t Wal h ��{(}p. a F Kff% E E --ar••-Atlas ia.inl:•t,t�n un:i I•�-•or -had I� PHOTOGRAPHERS -11 i '� coststrom$2btoatfa, ttpn'tthrow burEllon y had a -in fact I disagroville it- a LOB I.✓ went 1 Teti that*311equalfortimeany F, ltd Qo1d+VNatsh niero lo-vor'11 quarrel. It W4AIltl MOO15 Do 3,46u know that y made,sen us your name and address at aneC unci 119tee to sell oil 10 boxoe of out ramaus Ve etnbl6No,w x,ife �'It t)[caly over— but jn�1t its jtreaent - A tsxt 16ci. a box. 1C *i� A� rand reniedy, and Cure for A I im are and weal, conditions of th6 than iB for :t day t• two, %v-- r+ / ,',';. �foud indigestion,atornaetttrouhPo,conatipat3oirrvrtknesan6r a 11m. I�.lbuor InUvruple4l. Inv Jab- NATURAL f LAVOFI F;. -, disorders, rhoumatismand fentaletroubles, Agrand tonicsidlife ore." ex 11arliltiml with a dell kited builder. "1'hetoareourro regular. J , aizo; th n 1 i g 6y aro, ens to sill", as � remit customer who b a vs �r x a PAPER Ar d 0 ii !J ills t r A tLr;dl thrill little, glg;gl", u p m you, receivves a Prigo TickE`t,whichs]Ititi6sfhottttendI' Your ordof rw:ire..D tilt 1 y FOOD PRODUCTS �Vf11 IIfVo you different reanita tltx>k . th(lbhbn0 f, 6up� 1 fb. SOndlts onrord('t40 be CUOtbrntld,q any. Other br6 t o sr 7 ti]1 r; y br And w0 wl� sent" tis er trill gap IQboxceandiAM Ttc1Otsby mAu, t,Ostpaid, when void you send i Will bond yon a JA doe. ptLokb $ � us the money ($8.601 and we will send you the Wtftbh with a -� + Put a In convenient size keyopenl1 cane. la t 20 Rotegraph Bromict6 Paper I�t 11 Gerin. Atevr)tg~c, I Our litl{to book. "llmv to Dlake Good Things 1.110 and prepay' 6xpresa charger. A �iiidA] A `I` ; +' i''Q ' '' 14,R.y` toL••Ah is free. Wrf,oferit. Idbby'sAtiaeof Try+it, thadrsrneda mono i r y e ecef five C cram !', y VA(y. %Pa - , anywhere for 7 aro ilio World milled an w crp giving W .n a •n.. ys wa ilia 'h r vs 4Awa4 h Chicago o l,e .01 1.y e es 1to ulakt lair , re A ., ..._._� - Q y Ota ttr rrmtvly, Ind when yon receive t31e watch we Oak ort to )laato `112m nritolt:•t .wli',?tp:xl the lloprt, but ' . 1, f! g ftp ..t bb� r +L Canadidit Ai*nt shAty tt teryaur trieadg. Iiundredg hal o raeoivrKl vvatellas trA n vA had aTA mAre then tht+ hitter are ,gi-tting,; it tert`lble re- L(bb lret�NeIIIII fsK i.ibb dolight6dwitltthem. Tlu,i3ear1ari0ubCpportunitirtogeba>in6WatOhwitkautpayiag y! yi log Qi o6n St. W, Totontd a t int for it and you shoat%»ri a at once. Oma vert•ge. '.i`.hcv'ro till avrithir bwiko and r l►adreae r3inl,llvr t Ht! NE1N.LtFIs �ticiMif+Sti 2tei, cyetlt. h"erent0, tynt. getting ,,Hein t0 the I.ngilsh. • A` *#te0##iiw++4#++ +**# . ,0 W W