HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-12-25, Page 5December 25, Igat
W e Sell Everything a Man wears except Shoes
Crowder's Great Slaughter Sale of
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Ready-
to-wear Suits and Overcoats, efts,
Commencing Wednesday Morning.
Here is a, chance to get an Overcoat or Suit to fit man or boy at
two thirds regular price.
We have had a big turnover in Suits and Overcoats this winter.
Our object now is to clean up, no matter how much we loose ; we will
not carry goods over from one season to another,
Here are a few of the Prices.
$8.00 Overcoats $5.75
11 only, Men's Raglanette Overcoats made of black frieze, heavy twill
lining, velvet collar, talma pockets, sizes 85 to 44 worth $8.00 Sale. ,$5.75
$I0,00 OVERCOATS $7,00
6 only, Men's Black Beaver Overcoats made by Sampard of Hamilton
sizes 36 to 42, worth $10.00 Sale $7.00
$12.50 OVERCOATS $9.00
14 only, Men's Heavy Twill Cheviot Overcoats, right up to the minute.
velvet collars, talma pockets, box back. worth $12,50 to $14.00
Sale choice 39,00
11 only Boys' Overcoats at prices from $2.75 to $7.50. These are
broken sizes and comprise of 6 different lines - if we have one
that will suit you, price will be no object,
$3.50 RUBBER COATS $2.65
16 only Ilten's Grey Rubber Overcoats, sizes 86 to 48, long Iength, Box
back, regular $3.50 - Sale $2,65
$1,00 PEA JACKETS $2.05
12 only Men'a Pea Jackets, all wool Frieze, sizes 36-44, high storm collar,
double breasted, slash storm pockets, a bargain at $4,00 -Sale $2.95
$1.50 PANTS $1.00
17 only pairs Men'e Heavy full cloth Pants, all sizes, regular price
$1.50 - Sale 31.00
29 Men's Waterproof Smocks, sizes 36 to 48, worth $2.50 -Sale $1.00
Just a few Words on the Suit Question,
We have a number of broken lines in Boys', Youths' and Men's
Suits, at all prices, in Single and Double Breasted, Sacque Coats, etc.,
which we are offering at 25c off on the dollar. If you are wanting a
cheap Suit, give us a call, as price is no object if quality is taken into
3 only Men's Fur Lined Coats left, sizes 3S, 42, 44 ; these are all wool
beaver cloth, rat lining, german otter collar, Worth $42.50 -Sale . $28.75
We have a large stock of Underwear at greatly reduced prices.
In fact any article you want for Boy or Man, except Shoes,
we can give you at the right price.
The P. Crowder Co.
• Butter, Eggs and Wood Wanted. s • Poultry Wanted.
LIFE Abner Cosens FIRE
Loan and Insurance Agent
Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest,
Office -corner Minnie and Patrick Sts.,
on Town and Farm Property,
OPPICe.-In the Kent BIock.
Residence -Catherine St.
Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty.
OPPICE.-Over D. M. Gordon's store.
Residence: Leopold street,
Office: -.Morton Block, Wingham
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam-
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of
Music examinations.
Miss Laurin Agusta Kaiser
Vocalist and Teacher of
Oratorios, etc„ In English or Foreign, also
Planoforte and Physical Culture,
Voices Tested Free.
Concert Engagements Accepted,
Residence -H. B. Elliott, Francis St. Winghann
Teacher of Piano and Theory
Teacher of Violin and Guitar.
Proems -la Stone Mock, W'legbam,
Cook's Cotton Root Gompouact
loastteobestntly teed monthly by bver
oca,.cH,i.sate, effectual. Janne/seek
.�y1�ppgr druggist for Cook's Cedes toot Cosi.
Host Tome no other. AO all Mixtures, pills and
ImitAtions Are dtingerons. I'ri+ee, No. 1, Siker
box N..11,10 degr.es stronger, $3 per box. l'to.
1 or 1. Mailed .n reo li401 price cat ewe s -tent
ltereI. The Deo nom este Windsor Ont.
( pNcd.I rid$*Old And rreoonlgtOPOPt1iiirl1
tesponribl$ Drnggista is Cunei.
No. 1 end No. 2 are sold}in whi ham hq
Ii, A, D u lint, 0, A. Campbell, J. E.1;. vIS
rad d.. I ,UstalitOU, DInlSOISTS.
Money to loan on notes, and notes
discounted at reasonable rates. Money
advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent.
with privilege of paying at the end of
any year. Notes and accounts collect-
ed. Office -Beaver block, Wingham.
Stomach Troubles •
` hsvevska
We guarantee an ab-
solute cure for the
most distressing cases.
When alt others fail,
give us a trial. Your
money refunded if we
do not satisfy.
Chemist & Druggist
omce G.17.W. Tel. Co.
Its a pity to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making.
The suits we make give en.
tire satisfaction. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
Webster & * Coe
Lest week Mr. Harry Bertliff of Brus-
sels bought the restaurant and bakery
of Ur. James McOlay and enteral into
possession. He is experienced and en-
The large ram lamb that was brought
out to this country for Mr. Patrick, of
Ilderton, with some lambs for Jas. MC,
Fariane, of Stanley, took the $400 prize
at the International Live Stock Show
held in Chicago recently, -for the
heaviest sheep in the world.
The Model School exams. were held
on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
of this week. Twenty-six pupils wrote,
of these eight are boys. Inspector Robb
and W. 3. Catnerou, Principal of Brus-
sel school, conducted the examinations.
The results will be made known on
Monday, 22nd,
Absalom Bawtinheimer died at the
Rouse of Refuge on Sunday, aged 67
years. He was a resident of Brussels
for many years and had only been at
the Refuge since last September. His
remains were not interred in the Potter's
Field, but were taken to Brussels on
Monday by his brother,
On Saturday last Mr. Penfound of
Stanley delivered at the town scales
three enormous hogs. The largest
weighed 730 pounds and the other 900.
An average of 540 pounds snakes these
hogs the largest ever delivered in Clin-
ton with the exception of one sold by
Mr, Chas. Spooner several years ago
which is said to have tipped the beam at
1200 pounds.
Messrs. Town & Case, who are wind-
ing up their season's business this week,
report that they have bought up from
the small evaporators over the province
besides domestic dried apples from
farmers, since they started their fall
work, over fifteen carloads. This
amount does not include the whtie
goods turned out of their own evapor-
ators. They have evidently had a busy
In January 1901 Miss Kelly, book-
keeper at Jackson Bros., and her as-
sistant, Miss MoEwan, wrote their
names upon a Molsous Bank bill which
was paid out during the day in the
coarse of business. The bill was thea
new and crisp, but when it turned up
agaiu the other day, after nearly two
years' circulation, it was wore and
dilapidated. It would be interesting
to known into how many hands it
found its way while on its travels.
No hard coal in sight yet, as far as
Brussels is concered.
Next Horse Fair will be held on New
Year's day in Brussels.
Tho cold storage car promised the
purchasers of cloth by a pedlar has not
yet arrived, and is not likely to. The
notes are payable, however.
On the evening of Christmas Day the
anniversary Tea Meeting will be held
in colludetion With ' the Methodist
church of this town. Tea will be served
in the Sabbath School room from 6 to 8
o'clock after which a musical and
literary program will be presented,
Brussels School wood contract went
to A. J. Lowry at $1.93 per cord. Wood
has to be body beach or maple and 22
inches long to be delivered by March
1st. The Board asked for 100 cords.
The members of Lady Sanderson, L,
T. B. Lodge. No. 16, Walton, have
made an autograph quilt for the benefit
of the Loyal True Bine Orphanage
in Picton.
Oober & Sons sold 18 cutters on Satur-
day and ,had to refuse 12 additional
The Editor of the Toronto World Makes Our
Readers a Special Offer.
W. F. Maclean, M.P., is desirous of
increasing the circulation of The Tor-
onto World to 30,000 before the end of
the year. The World is considered the
brightest newspaper in Canada. It is
published every weekday morning at 4
o'clock. Its market reports are the
most accurate particularly those in
which the farmers and merchants are
Any reader of this paper who mentions
this offer, and who sends $3 before the
end of the year will receive a receipt up
to April 1, 1904. The regular price of
The World is $3 for one year. It is the
only one -cent morning paper published
in Canada. A sample copy of The
World may be seen at this office.
Orders with the $3 shonld be sent by
registered mail or by postal note to The
World Newspaper Co., Toronto.
Opal Decorated Lamps
The largest stock ever shown in
Wingham, at right prices,
to suit your purse.
ADDISON LAMPS -8 in. globe,
pink and blue tints at $1,25 to. $1,50
t3 LTON LAMPS -with 8 inch
globe, metal foot in two docora-
tions, pink and yellow tints,
'With flowers, $1.50 to $1,75
EBBERT LAMPS -9 in. Globe
has a highy polished Metal
Baee, in two fell ground tints
With handsome free hand flow*
ers, such as are usually put on
Lamp double the price $2,50
Many others at just as good
prices. Call and see aur stock
before purchasing.
Smith & Pothiok
Six more $hopping Days until Christmas, and
the question arises
" What to Give"
We would suggest for Lady:
,A. pair of Black Satin Juliettes with Fur Trimming --just
the thing for house wear -at $1.75
A pair of Fine Brack quilted Juliettes with Fur Trimming.. 1.35
A nice pair of Cardinal Slippers --at 1.35
A pair of Felt Low Shoes, Fur trimming --at. 1.00
A beantitnl line of Ladies' Felt Gaiters -at 1.40
And also Children's Slippers -at 35c, 40c and 46c
For Gentleman :
What could be a nicer gift than a nice Black Satin or Silk
Muffler, lined with Red Satin. These are beautiful at $1 & 1.25
• IN NECKWEAR -We have just received some of the very
newest designs in all shades, and at prices to suit all.
We have also some lovely lines of Colored Shirts, Silk
Handkerchiefs and Kid Gloves,
Be sure you see these goods.
Remember -we guarantee every pair of Lumbermen's Rubbers
we sell, and sell them cheap.
What about that new Suit of Clothes or Overcoat. .We guar-
antee everything first-class in every particular.
is careful in selecting a Range that shall give best results at
mininlunz expense. Nine cases out of ten they select
because of its perfect construction and Economy of Fuel.
Every one guaranteed. We also carry a full line of Heating
Stoves for either coal or wood. Call and look through our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
A. Young & Sons
Leading Hardware Merchants, Wingham.
`31A,00rixas' `%atiaw*
Button Block, Wingham.
We Wish All Our
Numerous Customers a
Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year.
Bargains ! Bargains!
We still have between Two and Three Thousand Dol-
lars of Stock to dispose of at our quickest possible time,
Don't delay if you want the first choice. „•,,;f
Toys ! Toys !
Toys, Toys, for Xmas. and New Year's of all kinds, at
cut prices, too numerous to mention.
See our window for choice candies at prices which you
can't get them for at any other store in Wingham.
Filo Floss, all shades, reg. 5c, 3 for 100
Battenburg braids, per yard, from lc up
Batteuberg Spool, reg. Sc for 5c
B'cttenhur$ Patterns. at your own price
Shetland Floss, reg. Sc for 5c
Berlin and Zephyr Wools, per oz Oc
Brilliant Silks, per spool 5c
Come quick if you want
Bargains in Knives.
4 only, Carving Sets, reg. $4.00 -for $2.00 and $3.00
Knives and forks, guaranteed, twelve penny weight
silver, reg. $5.50 per dozen, now for 31.00
Tinware and Graniteware at
greatly reduced prices.
Flour Sifter. reg, 20e for. 12c
10 qt. Dish Pan for , lie
14gt. Kneading Pan 4Uc
IPPPI'F, end] ,....r+•.r•.•r+.,, . •.,,,n,,,.,..,. . rte
4 qt. Covered Pail reg, 20c for Ibe
No. 0. Steatner 30e
Best pink Salmon, 2 tins for 2.ie
3 Box Satin Gloss Starch lac
1 Box Best Bird Seed ..
Itxtrects, 3 iarfth bottles for 25c
Worcestershire Sauce, reg. 20e 'Bottle for 1pc
Boston Oil Shoe Dressing 100, 3 for
--Mannfaoturo of cement has begun
at the Durham works.
--The 0, P. R. is having five hundred
new freight ears built .at Sault Ste,
OhatUam, Deo. 19--011 has been
struck in the well put down by F. J,
Carman on lot 18, north half concession
14, Raleigh Township.
-The Canadian Paoifio Railroad axe
preparing specifications for another
400,000 bushel steel and concrete elevat-
or for Port Arthur, Ont,
-Premier Peters, of Prince Edward
Islaud, says the people there Will re-
sent any attempt to reduce their re-
presentation in the Commons.
-The 0, P. R. is building thirty
more passenger 'coaches, while the
Grand Trunk is also adding twenty
passenger oars to its rolling stock,
-.Mr. Lennox T. Bray, C.E., is prepar-
ing plans and specifications for a septic
tank to be installed as a part of Galt's
sewage system. The tank is of 22,000
gallons daily capacity.
Sohoniberg, Dec. 19 -Edward Pass-
more aged about 20, was instantly killed
at Mr. Lemon's saw mill, near this place
to -day by falling on a circular saw.
His body was cut in two.
-During the month of November 105
cases of small pox were reported in
Ontario. They were chiefly in follow-
ing places, Fitzroy and Torbolton
Townships, Carleton County, 21; Alice
Township, Renfrew, 37; South Plantag-
enet, Prescott, 15; Toronto Township 7,
This is cousiderable increase over the
summer months.
Aylmer, Dec. 20. -Mr. George Lap -
ham has a herd of five dairy cows
which hold the record up to date for the
season. They have produced during
the past season of six months a cash
revenue of 3606,81, and last week com-
pleted a total of over 95,000 pounds of
milk delivered at the Northwood cheese
factory, Three of this herd were only
two-year-old heifers.
Owen Sound, Deo, 19, -The North
Grey Reformers met in convention here
this afternoon, The various parts of
the riding were well represented, and
the result was the renomination of A.
C. McKay, the unseated candidate at
the recent election. The astonishingly
early date set for the election, January
7th has created general dissatisfaction
here since the merchants believe that
the present promising prospects for
Christmas will give way to unsettled
-David Ballard, James Ballard,
Alonza Smith, Wm. Reid and James
E. Corbett, the Melanothon mon sen•
tented to long terms of imprisonnnent
in May, 1897, for arson, have been
ordered to be released on tickets -of -
leave by the Governor-General-in•Coun-
oil. The two Mallards and Smith were'
sentenced to the penitentiary for twelve
years each by Mr. Justice Ferguson
while Reid and Corbett received eight
years each. Three of the prisoners
have served nearly six years of their
twelve of sentence, while two had put
in almost six of the eight for which they
were sent down.
MONEY TO LoaN-At 4i per cent. on
improved farms. Easy terms of re-
payment; expenses light. Apply A.
Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan
. Agent, rent Block.
at Wlughame
We are prepared to pay for
First-class Maple logs, $14 per M
First-class Soft Elm logs $14 • •
First-class Rock Elm loge$10 ••
First-class Basswood logs315 • •
First class Beech logs $12 • •
All kinds and grades wanted.
Call and get aur prices:
The Canada Furniture Mfrs.
The Button & Fessant Chair Factory
Wingham, Ont,
Be Sure
of This.
We'll make your Suit as well
as ever we can. Every Snit
-every priced Suit -every-
body's Suit --is the best work
that the best workmen can
produce. .And the reason-
ableness of every prise is ap-
parent. It seems the proper
way to do things, doesn't it?
So it ie.
We're building business by it
and building it pretty quick-
ly, Come in,
Robt. Maxwell
Mgt itrt Tailor Wingham
Slim Prices.
Stout Values.
HFU SznAuick and
ll PYO$tse
j Christmas
Lora.H. E. Isard & Co's,
Useful Presents
Our stock is now complete in Christmas Novelties, and
we are prepared for big Business dnring the Holiday season,
The demand for useful and wearable goods as Xmas. presents
is yearly getting greater. Please inspect our stock, no trouble
to showiyou the goods.
Handkerchiefs aro always in great
demand for Xmas, presents ; we aro
showing a very large assortment from
the low-priced to the high-priced quali-
ty, Prices range thus -5o, 10o, 1210 16e,
20e, 25o, 30c, 10e, 60o, 76c, $1, 31.50, all.
Ladies' Ties.
Ladies' now Silk Ties and Collars
just received. Special value at 250.
Furs! Furs!
Speeia1 values in all kinds of Furs
for Ames. trade. Caperines at 33.60,
5.00, 30.00, 37.50, 310,00, 312,60, 315.00,
$18.00, etc.
Ruffs at $1.60, $2.00, 32.60, 31.00
$5.00 37.50, $10.00 etc.
Gauntlets in Electric Seal, Astra-
ohan, Gray Lamb,
Fur Coats at special prices,
Knitted Goods.
A large assortment of Fancy
Shawls, leacinators, Clouds, Bootees,
Floods, Children's Coats, etc, See our
Ice wool Fascinators at $1.00.
Ladies' Belts.
.Tust received, the very Iatest in
all kinds of Belts. Fancy velvet and
jet elastic -choice goods -prices aro
25c, 35e, 50c, 75o, 31.00, 31.25, 1,50, 32.00.
New Kid Gloves.
Kid GIoveskhere ; risk
buying your ybest
makes --style, fit and wear guaranteed.
See our No. 1 quality at 31.25, all
llcolors in ptook lainandfacompris-
Ribbons. See our special line at 25e
The Grocery Department is com-
plete with Xmas, fruits and peels. -
New Figs, new Dates, new Raisins and
Currants, etc. Our prices aro always
the lowest. Special values in Teas -
try our loader at 25c.
Boots and Shoes.
Nice Xmas. Presents in Ladies' and
Men's I+'aney Slippers. Spoofal value
iu all kinds of Footwear,
Gents' Furnishings.
Iva have a large stock of the latest
novelties in Men's and Boys' wear.
New Ties, new Gloves, now Caps,
new Braces, now Mufflers, new Shirts.
See our new Silk Ties at 26e, 35e
and 60c.
Wishing our many patrons and friends a very Merry
Xmas. and a Prosperous New Year.
H. E.
Opp, Bank Hamilton
ni 1 LI w1X111,1
W. 110461. ra i.•.r, I41.4..•'0 i4... i. .... •.a.414 ., 1 rulri . i J.,. i
Isard . Co.
Highest Price Paid far 'produce
d: l a50s.4l JnnY:rlild .IaG,til3renr"A! i,a.tk5e.lp64w•a3'
$t+' ++41+'MKT4.+11f,,KT++11T+++'714.14.1+TJICT*s1I-1.
• t
:Slur er
W. G. Patterson has murdered
all the old Jewelry by his new
and up-to-date Xmas. stock.
We have the finest stock of
Watches money can buy. They
prove it, for they are quick sellers.
You should see our Brooches,
Lockets, ,Rings, Pendants, Chains,
Charms, Bracelets, Cuff Links and
Tie Pins. They are beauties.
We have a new and full line
of Silverware, Stelling Silver,
Souvenirs, Cut Glass, Manicure
Sets, Silver Novelties of all kinds.
Our goods are all new and of the
latest designs. It will pay you to
deal with us.
In Repairing we shine.
The Great Watch Doctor, Wingham
Stone Block - Opp. Queen's Hotel
�.m.e,. ij�iii