HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-12-25, Page 44
Ritchie Campbell
Christmas Goods.
Christmas weather has arrived ; so has our large stock
of Fancy Christmas Goods, consisting of Silk, Hemstitched,
Lace and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Fancy Belts and
Collars, Wool and Iid Gloves, Fancy Waistiugs, Fancy Neck
Ribbons and Ties. All for the Ladies.
We have not been thinking of the ladies alone, we have
also remembered the Gentlemen, and have put in stock for
them a large assortment of Christmas goods, consisting of Fur
and Cloth Caps, Gloves, Fancy Shirts, Collars and Ties, Silk
and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Scarfs and Mufflers, Fancy
Hosiery, Braces, etc., etc.
New Laces.
An extra large assortment of Laces and Insertions have
just arrived, suitable for Hdkfs. and other fancy work, all the
newest designs. Also good choice of AIlover Lace Insertions
and Muslins. These are all next spring patterns of French
Import. Call and see them.
Fur Goods.
We still have a good assortment of Furs to choose from,
consisting of Fur Jackets and Fur Coats, Caps, Gauntlets,
Sable Ruffs and Muffs, Collarettes, etc. Also a nice line of
small Furs for children's wear.
Buy your Christmas presents here, and as early as
possible. Get first choice, at
Ritchie & Campbell
successors to M. H. McINDOO.
Nothing will be more appreciated than an article of
Furniture. We have left no stone unturned that will tend
to make this the Greatest Holiday Sale of Furniture, and at
prices that cannot be equalled anywhere. We advise you to
make your selections early, as the last few days (judging by
the past couple of years) during the rush we cannot give you
the attention we would desire.
MUSIC CABINETS -An ideal gift, in Mahogany and Oak.
WRITING DESKS -From $1.00 to $25.00; which would give a person an
ambition to fill with good books.
FANCY TABLES -From 75o to $9.00. Our $1.50 and $2.50 quarter out oak
polished are particularly good value,
EASY CHAIRS -All made with that made -to -fit fooling about thorn, uphol-
stered in velour tapestry and jute, at $5.00 and upwards.
COUCHES -See our Couches; little need be said of them, they are so popular
at $5.75, 57.50, $8.50 and up. Nothing would make a more suitable gift.
FANCY OAK -DRESSERS AND STANDS -Something new in good } cut
Oak, highly polished, at 525.00, $28.00, 530.00, 533.09 and $15.00.
Also a SOLID BRASS BEDSTEAD at 533.00, which would make a
handsome sui e.
Don't buy your Christmas presents without seeing what
we have. Goods delivered Xmas. eve if desired.
Residence -Patrick
Street. S. Orncey's
former residence,
where night calls
receive prompt at-
Bali Bros.
The People's Furniture Store
There never was such a demand for Ladies and
Gentlemen having a thorough knowledge of Com-
mercial and Shorthand work.
Hae assisted more students to profitable positions during the past year than any School
in the West. We would be pleased to assist you. Particulars for a postal.
51-24 J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
Goon Clear for Xmas.
--The Ontario Department of
Crown Lands have macre an esti-
mate of the probable cut of pine
sawlogs and square timber duri»g
the present season on territory held
under timber license from the
Crown. They figure it at 884,500,-
000 feet, board measure. In addi-
tion to this quantity, there will bo
a large number of railway ties, pro-
bably 1,500,000, taken out, as well
as telegraph poles and fence posts,
hardwood, etc., and a considerable
cut of hemlock and hard woods,
the latter mentioned for fuel and
charcoal purposes, as well as for
use in furniture making, etc.
-Sir William Van Borne, who
has just returned from Cuba, an-
. nounces that his railway in that
country is now open. It is 500
miles long, and gives abundant
passenger and freight accommoda-
tion to the whole of the eastern
part of the island. The prospects
of the future prosperity of the Cu-
bans are, says Sir William, of the
William, of the brightest. The
Government, he adds, which start-
ed with an empty treasury, is a
great success, and to -day reports a
surplus of $1,500,000. SirWilliam
Van Horne and his associates built
the Cuban railway without a cent
of subsidy. They even bought
their right of way across the island.
If the Cubans had subsidized this
railway at the same rate as we sub-
sidized the C. P. R., their treasury
would now be an empty one, and
they would 'have a heavy debt upon
their shoulders. -[Weekly Sun.
In the Old KENT BLOCK You Can Find
Lots of Suitable Gifts.
Silks and Ribbons are always acceptable ; ICid Gloves,
Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Scarfs, Booties, Curtains, Gilt
Drapery for screens and cushions. Then remember that the
prices are only half of the usual cost of such goods.
Try us for Boys Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters. If you
try here first you save money.
In Lace, Fancy Dry Goods, Handkerchiefs, Gimps and
Dress Trimmings, the assortment is good. Also Embroidery
Insertions, Lawns, Prints and Fancy Satins. We don't
object to show our elegant summer muslins, nice for evening
Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Ticking, brill, Denim, Oxford
Shirting, Cretonnes, Skirting, &c., at the
Great Clearing Sale.
(Toronto World.)
Mr. Henry Clews, the New York
financier, considers that without
doubt the summit
ofthe prosperity
wave in the United States has been
passed and that a partial reaction
has begun. Declining profits are
becoming more numerous and the
volume of business when quantities
are used for comparisons is not so
gratifying. In stooks prices have
undergone a very remarkable de-
cline compared with the highest of
the last few years, many of the ac-
tive railways' stocks showing losses
of ten to twenty points, and some
have declined twenty or thirty
points more. Industrials show even
greater losses. The money situa-
tion has improved, call money is
easier and bank reserves are rising
as a. result of the forced contraction
in loans, and of the fact that scant
consideration is now given to pro-
jects that would have been eagerly
taken up two months ago. Im-
mense sums are still locked up in
syndicate operations, and it is said
to be fully realized that the coun-
try has escaped a serious crisis
through nothing but good luck, or,
in other words, through a good
harvest. The situation is made
more complex by threatened labor
troubles. Labor, says Mr. Clews,
has already received many conces-
sions in shorter hours and higher
wages during the last few years,
and a much larger share of corpor-
ation earnings has gone to labor in
making improvements than to
stockholders in the form of increas-
ed dividends, We can believe that
the disastrous effects of the late
coal strike have not been fully felt,
and that the consequences of high-
priced fuel will shortly be seen in
diminished profits to the producer
and higher prices to the consumer
of manufactured goods. Mr. Clews
thinks that some very valuable les-
sons in economics are being learned
just now in the costly school of ex-
The action of Britain and Ger-
many to enforce their claims on
Venezuela, brings this little Re-
public into special notice, and the
following information will be time-
ly :-
Perhaps in the world's history
no country has seen so many revo-
lutions as Venezuela. During a life
of seventy years that country has
had over 100 revolutions and many
exterior wars.
Venezuela, situated as it is, on
the north coast of South America,
trades to a great extent with the
West Indies, exporting mainly
cocoa, timber, cattle and hides.
Compulsory education is in a de-
cidedly backward state.
There is a standing army of
nearly 4,000 men, supported in
time of need by the national mili-
tia, consisting of 60,000 all told.
Caracas, the capital, and La
Guayra, the chief seaport, are con-
nected by a railway, which is said
to be a marvel of engineering skill.
Throughout an area of 53,000
square miles, at present only 500
miles of railway are in a working
• The last dispute between Vene-
zuela and Great Britain was over
the boundary line between that
country and British Guiana,which,
however, was settled by the award
of the arbitration tribunal, deliver-
ed in October, 1800.
Being a Republic, Venezuela's
natural ruler is a J?resIclent, -tvho is
elected for two years by the Con-
gress, consisting of two houses, the
Senate and the 'l'ouse of Represen-
tatives. The former consists of 24
members, elected by the Legisla-
tures of each State, while the latter
consists of 52 members, elected di-
rectly, one member to every 35,000
of population.
By -Lair No. 468, 1902,
A, Bylaw to authorize the issue of
debentures of the Town of Wingham
to the amount of $21,000.00 for the
thewofaterworks improvioftllo ng nandsaid Towextesnding.
Whereas it is desirable that the suns of
521,000.00 should bo expended by the 'Town of
Vinghant in improving and extending the
waterworks of the said '1•own.
And whereas in order thereto it will bo
necessary to issue debentures of the Town of
Wingham for the sunt of $21,000.00 as herein.
after provided (which hi the amount of the
debt intended to be created by this 13y -law,)
the preeoeds of said debentures to be applied
to the said purpose and no other.
And whereas the total amount required by
"Tho Municipal Aot" to he raised awtila(ly by
special rate for paying the said debt and in-
terest is the sum of $1211.43 ; whereof $840.00
Is to be so raised annually for payment of in-
terest during the currency of theisaid deben.
tures, and $374,43 18 to bo raised annually tor
the purpose of oreating a sinking fund for the
payment of the debt secured by the said do.
ben tl11'0.4. -
And whoroas tiro amount of the whole rate-
able property of the Town of Wingham accord -
Ing to the last revised assessment roll thereon
is $020,347.00.
And whereas the amount of the existing de-
benture debt of the said Municipality is
$80,001,09, of which no part is in arrear.
Therefore the Municipal Council of the Cor-
paration of the Town of Wingham enacts as
follows :-
1. The aunn of $21,000.00 shall bo expended
by the Town of Wingham it improving and
extendln tiro Waterworks of the said Town ;
and for the purpose of raising the said sum de-
bentures o1 the said Town of Winghnnl to the
said amount of $21,000.00 in the whole shall bo
issued in sums of $1000.00 each, on the first day
of Juno next, A. D. 1903, each of which deben-
tures shall bo dated on the said first day of
June and shall be payable on the first day of
June, A. D. 1933, at the Bank of Hamilton in
the said Town of Wingham.
2. Each of said debentures shall bo signed
by the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham or
by some other person authorized by by-law to
sin the same, and also by the treasurer there-
ot,and the Clerk of the said Town of Wlughant
thallattach thereto the corporate seal of the
The said debentures shall bear interest at
the rate of four per cent. per annum payable
annually at the said Bank on the thirty-first
day of December in each and every year dur.
In the currency thereof except the last pay-
ment of interest which shall become due and
payable on the said first day of June, A.D.
1933; and the said debentures shall have at -
twilled to them coupon sfor the payment of the
said interest, which coupons shall bo signed by
the said Mayer and Treasurer.
4. During the currency of the said deben-
tures there shall be raised annually by special
rate on all the rateable property in, the said
Town of Wingham the said sunt of $840.00 fur -
the payment of interest on the said debentures,
and the said sum of $374.43 for the purpose of .
creating a sinking fund for payment of tho.
debt hereby secured, slaking in all the sum of
$1214.43 to be raised annually, by special rate,
as aforesaid, during each of the said 30 years.
6 This By-law shall take
effect on the
thirteenth day of January, A,D. 1803.
8. The vote of the electors of the`scid Town
of Wingham shall be taken on this By-law at.
the following times and places. that is to say,
on Monday the fifth day of January. A.D. 1803,
commencing at the hour pf nine o'clock in the
forenoon and continuing till five o'clock in the
afternoon of the same day at the following
places and by the following deputy returning
officers, namely :-
In Ward 1, at James Cummings' house by
Janes Fleuty, Deputy Ruturniug Officer for
said wa1.
In Ward 2, at the "Advance Office" by Theo-
philus Hall, Deputy Returning Officer for
said ward 2.
In Ward 3, at the Town Hall, Wingham. b
Johnston 13. Ferguson, Deputy Returning Offi-
cer for said ward 3.
In Ward 4, at John Lougheed's house, by
William Robertson, Deputy Returning Officer
for said ward 4.
7. On Saturday the third day of January A.
D. 1903, the Mayor of the said Town shall at-
tend at the Town Hall of the said Town at ten
o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to
attend at the various polling places aforesaid
and at the final summing up of the votes by
the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in
and promoting or opposing the passing of this
13y -law, respectively.
8. Tho Clerk of the said Town of Wingham
shall attend at the said Town Hall at ton
o'clock in tho forenoon on Wednesday the
seventh day of January A.D. 1903, to sum up
the number of votes given for and against this
Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of
Wingham this 2nd day of December, A.D. 1002.
' Mayor.
TAKE NOTICE, that the above Is a true
copy of a proposed by-law, which has been
taken into consideration, and which will be
frpillly passed b) the council of tho Municipnl-
it ithe event of the assent Lt of the electors
i n t l n m t
being obtained thereto) after one month from
the first publication ip the Wingham Advance,
the date of which publication was the fourth
day of December, A.D. 1902. and that the votes
of Lite electors of the said Municipality will be
taken thereon on the day and at tho hours and
places therein fixed,
Town Clerk's Office. Win ham, Deo. 4th, 1902.
J. B. Ferguson, Clerk,
And further take notice that the following
aro the estimates of the intended expenditure
to bo incurred in improving and extending the
Waterworks of the Town of Wingham as pro-
vided in the by-law of which the above is a
true copy :-
Collection of water, land, right•of-way
and conduit $ 3220 00
New power house, flume and wheel
o t, repairs 0
to machinery and cost 2008 00
Storage basin of concrete 1000 00
Distribution system 8279 00
Stand pipe and site 4500 00
Superintendence and contingencies 1903 00
521000 00
J. B. Ferguson. Clerk.
Clerk's Office, Wingham, Deo. 4th, 1902.
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned for 200 cords of rough cord-
wood; one half green, ono half dry,
delivered on our premises.
Not howCheap
Buthow Good
The most successful farmers in Canada
read the FARMER'S ADVOCATE: they
think hhout their work, they act upon its
teachings and they are its greatest admirers.
Its editors and contributors ars specialists.
contains the cream of agricultural thought,
and practical men continue to read it be.
cause it pays them find because they want
the best. Wo want thousands of new sub-
7' scribers who will appreciate something good.
The sooner you subscribe, the more you
will get.
Tor *1,00 we will send to new subscribers
every issue of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE
from now till the end of too3, including the
beautiful Christmas Number, for both years.
Time is money. Read I think 1 i¢ct 1 Send
for n free sample cppy if xqu want to app k
racti you p -dale [grmers paper. It will
the William Weld go., Etd.
Bronchitis 1
11,11,11 11.1 ll'- I i, L 1. ..1l,lldlu 16111.
e '" I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec-
• toral in my house for a great many
years, It is the best medicine in
the world for coughs and colds."
J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y.
All serious lung
troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
_ in a single night with
• Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds, _
and for coughs of all kinds.
Throe ,01e,; 250,, enough Int an endtnary t
- told; sec.. f uss right for bronchitis, hoarse- -
eec,, hard colds, etc.; Si. most scummiest -
for clironlc eases and to keep on hand.
J.•47. AYER CO., Lowen,, Mass,
. ■
December 2S, 19r;.e
�lititlllltllitlttttlltllftittitiitiIf Iiiiitiittittifiitttitiiiiittiiiitiititttttiiitttiiiiiittliiiititttiiiittitti
A largo,progressivo school and ono of the
best on this Continent, A strong statement
but it is a true ono nevertheless. Tho rea-
son our school has a large attendance is be-
cause it is a wide-awake, hustling, working,
result -producing s0liool. Recent graduates
have accepted positions at salaries ranging
from $15 a month to $800 per annum.
writo for our now Catalogue
W. J. Elliott, Principal,
Is the place to get value for your money,
Opens Jan. 5th, 1803. Two Courses - Com.
morciai and Shorthand.
Send for College Journal,
President See'y.
Four Feeds for 1 Cent
Farmers and stock feeders aro every day
bothering their brains to know how to fatten
their animals rapidly.
will do it and save the worry, and what's
bettor save one-third the feed.
It aids Digestion, keeps the Blood, Liver
and Kidneys in a healthy condition. A trial
will convince the most skeptical that it is the
greatest animal regulator of the age,
10 -lb. Box, 200 feeds, 50e; 50.1b, Sack, $2.
The Worthington Drug Co.
For Salo and Guaranteed by
A, H. Carr
Agar -& Earls
Noble Gerry
Wm, Messer
Cement and Lime.
Parties requiring Gement or Lime
should give us a call. We are selling
at a very low price. We keep only
first-class brands of cement and lime,
and you can .always rely on getting a
good fresh article at the WINGHAM
A Timely
When Ordering Your
Remember ---
that a good fit is as important
as good material ; we make no
misfits. An order for your
winter Suit or Overcoat shall
receive our careful attention.
Give us a call,
aerore. Affer* 'Food's ihoaphtoath.,
S d And recommen by is i
druggists in Oanada, Ogly tel •
able medicine dlseovored 8 rj
package* guareultetd to 011re A
forms o Sexual weakness ell effects of alma*
or esteem, Mental Worry, isxeassive nob of To•
baeco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on redeipt
of Pyles, one package b1, alz, 55. One UNI pleas,
tixteflicure. 'Pamphlets free to any address,
Tho Wand Coritpluay, Windsor,Oni. 1 Cadquarterts
=Wood's Phosphodlno is sold Inwibghaft by l Or itC a,Irts
and 0...,Campbell, DnuGatb'kb 11, A. Douglaps p
We Wish You All
a Very
Merry Christmas
hristmas Candies. Christmas Fruit.
Best Light Mixed
Best Dark Mixed
Best Jumbo Mixed
3i lbs. for
Cream Mixed 15o
Choc. Drops 15e
Maple Walnut Cream 20c
Lemon Walnut Cream 20c
Nut Taffy 20c
Pea Nut
at 15 cents per pound,
Oranges, Valencias, per doz. 15e
Oranges, Jamaica's, Sweet fruit per dozen
20c to 40c
Oranges, California Navels, very large
juicy sweet fruit, per doz. 50 to 00c
Dates, fancy 1 Ib. packages 100 each, 3 for25e
Layer Figs per box.. 10c
Layer Figs 1 lb. pkg 15c
Fancy Layer Raisins, per lb 20c
Northern Spy's per peck 100
Russets per peck ..10c
Cocoa Coffee
Chocolate Blue Ribbon Tea
Jno. ti Jas. H. Kerr ��c�o�ald Blocky ��dl�lllllll
liflifJUl1111liliiitUli11{il!llliiJilUlllllpiiUilll lUllUllliillillilitlitiiiJ�
Jno. & Jas. H. Kern
This Store is the .Horne
., of Satisfaction
Come and see our large stock of Ladies' and Men's
Fur Coats at bargain prices. Men's cloth Overcoats,
Ladies' cloth Jackets to be cleared out at half price.
We are in Business to Clothe You
And so have a complete stock of Fur Capes, Collarettes, Caperines,
Muffs, etc., to be cleared out this .month ; also Ready-made Suits,
Cloth Caps, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Best Fresh Groceries
always on hand Come early and get a Bargain.
the Vi.ngham `�va&ing Co., Zkmiied
Wanted Immediately.
My Necessity,
Your opportunity
I have in stock a very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents'
Watches, Gold Rings, mounted with diamonds, opals, pearls and
other precious stones, Lovely Brooches, Bracelets, Ladies' and
Gents' Chains, Silverware, Cased Goods, Novelties, etc., suitable for
Christmas. As I must have money, these goods will be sold at
slaughter prices during the next two weeks.
Nttif tittttttttttttttttttttttltttt!
If you want a nice
Box of
Bon Bolls
(let the very best at
Jeweler and OpticianLriitll!ULUULUItiiitilllliii:hill