HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-12-25, Page 3• r'lleselmieallYileelirieredWileet ifFOUR GOOD SHORT STORIES •-qh.rq,..07-,....arq,..orqt,wor•=42 On a recent foreuoon a couple of , aepiring fishermen at in a punt at Henry Lake, up ulong by Centre! Hailevter. The merning wee dark, the lake with Marco a ripple-indeee It seemed an ideal ocertelou for the capture of Monster trout. Said B--: "Did you get a bite?" Said A-- : "Not Once htea,kfast." And so they fished wItlf palnetak- lug solenutity and wenel not ridicule the thought that the deep, quiet Waters around teem held aught but fish of mighty propertione. Nor% came aria went. Yet still the anglers Ileited on -fished with twrions mien, 11111 ocatelonal hopeful glance. flh y removed worn out bait, replaciag the same with succulent, squirming dainties that seek gradually into the leaek depths, delieieusly enticing, but 8i111 witheut rceult. Finery A-- : "Let's go ashore; I'm tired." II-- got out the oars, toiled man- relly. and finally blurted out x " This thing work e like all --; get a stick anti paddle." The next luth hour wee one of strong sighs, pro- found groans and pieeowe sweat. Vinally, the shore wag reached, and With a laot manineal pull, B-- said: "We're here at last, but that was tee cuseel.xst row I ever done" -and he looked around the boat with par- donable pride. But just thon his countenance underwent a , lively change, and in a low voice he said: " Well, I'll be —; do you know we frogot to pull up the anchor 1"-49t, John Telegraph. ,T,wo Wellman waneed to meet on a pertain corner, so they decided to snake some mark in career to tell whether one had been there or not. So 'after inurh thinking, Pat jumped up anti cracked bis heels. " got it," Raid he. "Both or as get a piece of chalk and if you gee. there Beet you make a mark, and' if I get there first I will rub It cat." Two men from elle Emerald Isle, Seeing each ether from a distance, began waving their arms and gesticu- lating in a frienelly manner, although ;total strangers to eaoh other. Whet they came close together they real- ized ;that each had made a mistake. Thinking an explanation was neces- --.,-. eery, Pat said: "legoera 1 I thought it was you The Sunday Newspaper. hegorra, Le wasn't neither of us." Waiving for the moment all lames N. Y. Post. end Yoe thought it was ma, and, Two sons ot Ireland met a negro a taste and morality, there is noth- in New York, who had Alit reome Ing better calculated to soften the from Africa. There are no negroes brain of a, people than indiscrimin- in Ireland, so t and asked :. to pore over that ream of mie- rhey were surprised, peed, wilaneous news, scandal, gossip and "grew long Jiave you been here ?" Illustration which makes up the Sun- .?' About a month," ev,as the reply, ." Begorra i this anon has only been day. newupaper of to -day. To de - here a, Imonth and he is black already your thiu mess, anaconda -like, leaves so tee had ' better go home," Bald Pat. a man, ae Cardinal Gibbons aptly re- marks, fit neither for worship nor en ominoue seance greeted Bobby'a for rational recreation. . __.,-- entrance. 'There was a wild look in MISERABLE NIGUTS. his eyes, ails clothes were disarrang- e eeeeed, and there was just a suggestion What to Do When. Baby is Fretful and — ear,4 blood about his mouth. Mamma Sleepless. frasvned severely, and •pi,pa hid him- self behind his gaper. It Le wrong to take up a wakeful "Ahem," began mamma - B,oba( baby fromithe cradle lanid walk it up squared his shoulders and prepare(' and down the (floor all night. It dee far the coming attack -"ahem! ! Don't moralizes the lefent and enslaves the paren you know, Bobby, that it'e very te. Baby does not ivy for the fun of the wrong for little boye to fight ?" kiting; it cries because Rile not nvell-generally, because its Bobby pretended to find a point Femme]: is sour, its little bowels or interest in the pattern of the eengested, its skin hot and feverish. heartiarug. Relieve it a.nx.b it will sleeir all nights "Haven't I told yon, Debby, that every eight growing stronger in pro - it's very wie,ked to fight ?" demanded portion. Jthet what mothers need is mamma., in a tone that war meant told in a latter frolxn. Mira., E, J. Flan. to be sorrowful. derv, Marbleton, Que., who says: Thus challenged, Bobby fell back "I cannot say 'too mach In fa.vor of • FIT The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how about the children? Are they fed according to science, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and mnscle food if they axe thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send for free sample. Be sure that this picture is the form of a label Is on the wrapper a every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott&Bowne CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $11 all druggists, ONE YEAR'S SUPPLY OF skyv nucK AND BEAR MDT, 80"°0°°°00°°0°00"0°°Dotm00000000°00000000000°1 HAVANA 010ARS FREE... Tito Fortner Won, Aithough He Was !FARMERS STOP THE LEAKS! the Lighter in Weight. All elm tobacco time I use ie geovril 1 . 9 hi Cabe, eberefore nothineirHay- that Ohl huirtere have alwaya eialmed § ann. leseacco ever Kock( luta any part svelte at certain thaws and u oreler to pay, farming elutuld be fence earliere, and, other ulletittleate Workmen only. No visholesalers, re- meow is alt ugly customer to meet, tenor, commission salesmen nor bad bo is liot to be eoMParecl as a ooncluoted in the same Ivey otli- ed Brae, atreonnts-t hat's all ill the- Wirers, fighter vieth, the buck doer• E'eohin or. beeineeft enterprises, A suitable Neglect or Fences and riunoiegs. cruAns DIRECT from MA.KER to unaoeuetomed to the Ways of wild return ohoule be received, not eillY ot any of my cigars. I cimploY Cuban under Certain conditbons a bull 000000000Q00000900009000000000000000000000°C0420000, -..r.-.Y iBOX A,ND YOU ARE A REGULAR exaggeration, 'eat 'Thomas Leach, ti e laboe anti 0:tree or mellegement. „Ai giVROTIRTO. :Stock and implements, but aloe for su 0 .3e113' ate3 tild out tkJlitiligfeirljfsa i:11). fe;anli?otifilli1:4110117rrel°40:' A.nother leak whiste takes money, •-- :r Over Imre we are growingJust LttetrY farmer ohould, hy a simple d''''-: repair. • er °' ; rul ohock on leo receipts: anti ex- constant 'worry and lose of time. The 1 (BY Olianteolaird , ewes of baby vet skin, It le so eur- Reforettees-ANY BANK of Dayton., Ohio, ono of a party of . Ohio sportsmen, wile have fen MU of book-lci)eping, keep a Wee- jure lee crops., tend are a :source 01 able nothing eurte it; it was first la- own. arid hie lieiglibol e &toe to in. trodueod in Parte for motor coats, I RIPPLY You, THE NEW WAY. TWO coneludee a hunting trip at St. TEARS for the ea. e moneyyou Croix -Lake, is now ready to make almost as tired of hearing about the alas it is wry warm and cosy. 'rhos a t'i "0 id In These affhlayle to the truth of what the Durbur-the "Curzonation," a.s some who can afford it stick to :sealskin SU'argt a 0 way one year. u •ii 1 I whit% of Me farming operationo aro the !torso was lose," le! very Appro- pendituree, 60 as to know exactlY old provesb, "For the want or a nail re superior to Imported 15- veterans Ray. e as seen n mos dd e dine him a nrofit which are nriate . in molt a ease. A. dollar or wa,g. lute styled. it -as we did of the and Perstan lamb, but petit gris mid cent Hammy's. The name of my cigar deer whip a boar, and afterward - -- - r ' - . . Coronation before it was over. Well 1 ive milts • ni NO. 72. Price eon:Mated at a ions, and which are two epent for lumber or nahe Wel caracul, and the less experts I come trace to tile battle ground to are 1101V 141140 80 Presto, with em- causing him ------o "mark time." ofte,n, result in a large savislie Of teed there is a, saying About "sonr breidered yokes, collars, revers, and grapes'," and I have little doubt tbat so tor.tie that they are more suited (SMOKER. •No dealers need apply. ant:Male have generallY regarded lee ; B81.,000 e041 in idle Met year. ONE this as a fable, or at least as an the money inveuted in the land, all the lucky ones who have Mane for town, than for driving or utotor- to all the wonderful new Arabian and intere,st to get them an entree lug in the, oeuntry-side. Nigh& entertalements are not feel- Are growing wider and longer, with order, one or more boxes, and you more ban•clues of tails to finish the shall be a customer of mine. Some ' 13oa.9 and Steles itPerrePedar, aadextriurseclaclellar teottgyaou(relgriese being all over CartadA Send money with equal to five cants each. 1 was traveling over an old logeing gloat over his victory. bush near at hand. He left the road, wben ids attention was at- tracted by a savage growitng in a road and proceeded to investigate, : fierce competitiou it is only by keep - and hacl gone only a few rode Ing dawn the wet of production and OW -day last week Mr, Leach triorNevionrdawbaigyiatbolutr.prio;filtilotohvosedoshyosuoldf heavy losses of grain or fodtler, and reveal to him a number of little during the winter months. Negleet et Wake, whioh almost imporeeptibly A little figuring of this ort may and increased comfort to the stet* 1134altr:okYtiru:erfeisof°1:i: 131.12714.7nigli‘e."Me Many leak), r°.r ja°g"ok or Koowbodge. a, good frame has been ruined tly, 0 iner at all tired at the prospect. Every clay we hear of fresh people sailing .t.bso. . . • . . et ends and the modlaii way to wear have ordered the fiftieth Cane. city when he carne upon a buck deer preventing all waste that farming i r is round tile shoulders in 1880 wbether mile, r.e.edium or :strong. isnIcideaadlinvstcliourab stizedv. bear engaged can be made successrul. Some seduces Neerly all the leaks perviously; oft with trunks full of wonderful gar- ments:. London will be a howling dee- rang tbem to the &boulder fOr safety. p etyle, pretty jewelled ornaments pin- te K FERRIS 67 King battle, the Isbo:r' usi was a ti and clime and tee buck St. East ng his teeth readily ou,ggest other: his II:rones of lose are hero given witioll will ratertionee may be set clowp to tarelet.mess, but farmers: also lose bo - St. on as throat or chest pro- K. Terme° Canada and sbarp hoots. The bear - was oa,use some of them think that ye- ast with so many of the smart set servers their use is thus nultified; I . ; . e es plainly gettine the worse of it, and -quite "another story" -the In- mals, - 1 chic to ' t1110 rett 01.-Velle1 it Is terest.ing sot -away. I hear that the be early Victorian -or simile Len- every sort....a . la Kipling in Amer_ and in a few minutes he turned and fled for Ms life. ease Daisy bootees are being made In pleated of course. I am told they are sin- • mpath- "Fand.le Leiter" are coming; out oar- Ore, ecco.rding .to your nationality, ica-ane with offers from sy In making his escape the hear this season 1 tioree pretty theatre hors to send their doctors, gratis,. ran diredtly past Mr. Leach and toriany strong to do boner to done selves anti the Durbar. Leiter hats been getting the :nest white Chiffon, with deep cortslet gularly pleasant ane refined to meet weB an easy mark, but the deer ' revisiting toilette's trout IN ortn, in belts of black brocade patterned In in i pink, velvet roses, mauve orchids, or an ordinarthere might always be a hidden Maw boar and hang the carcass in a belt on Cau. 26 is a glittering y way, but one feels gol: away,. Mr. Leah dressed the Pari ss and her frock for the big Dell' rose red cherries, there are a tom under the velvet glove. 1 was again tree, returning then to camp. Next knots of velvet on the front op asked to meet them, this time in. morning, when he went back for „ the bear, there were fresh doer Filmy Maw or Loveliness. ele•eves in the shades of the flowers, the char ing stadi f Felix'II and a little of the Alencon cm I c 313 - ° o a-- tacks ' P a e• cheles, Du eleurier's life-long friend. Lady Curzou. with tootful policy, is around the tree, and he sat goitig iti (misty tor beautiful , b t o They look verquaint, y qut, and'•the bits e did not g . u. apart from • polities down on a log and waited. In the Indian worm. elle Iles a out above super- of brocade whet are real worksof he is a delightful person with ; course of an hour the; same warlike book that had vanquished the bear Otitionv evidently, tor one of her art. ' whom. one can always. enjoy a really; . appeared, and began pawing the "chefs rem -term' /is a gown erabroicl- There is soussion ground around the tree where his a precut rage just now 1 Pomeranians, those L di • ' d Ms Sunday "at hems" are ,the sn ter estieg Mutt o . eeed lu guttering peacock's leathers, for limo to3 late enemy was hanging. Mr. Leach and another-no:mine, unlucky about - gave tho back time to gloat n. 111 - leaves, Jet 'black doggies I i 1 w i e 1 ;brightest getherhigs. You ;met All this -is a, rice, supple black satin really ' nationalities In the huge artetrammed wareed em over with tiuy silver Look Like Tiny Squirrels, studio, and nearly every one has a tie over his vietOry, and then drop- ped him with one shot from his ri- 1 leaves, oue ditt,r111g note of color being le. The buck dressed 108 pounds a soft satin sesii in "eberry riper They are extremely costly, toe. One Inirpolse in lite, very f 03V are drones and the bear 235 pounds. -Bangor, ooior, weicil ereSeee ine corsage and I met yeeterelay would have been like llienself, but some must play audi- l ewe, 1 console myself with reflect:- fiat:slam with a big crempsed up Woe. worth $250, had it not uniuoisily • he will suit her queenly :style to per- posseesed one white paw. In Bright Mg 1 There is generally good music. me., eor. Ni. Y. Tribune, on argument. Baby'a Own % e s. „ "Ile hit me first, mamma," lie w.orked like a charm, with my baby, has had something in the press, both "I euffered muca from malady of with an insistenoe almost pathetic, . LOAN aye C Ob •1, s ins pleaded. who was very rootless at night, but ' everywhere with bando of blue panne in a more intenee shade than "king's the "Elizaboths" have sOtuething new: the ladneye. It settled in the quite unconvincing. They do proteinat; all reasonable can be obtained. wane twelve or fourteen miles In etre "Ali, but that doesn't make a,n Baby's Own Tablets soon brought ! oye Teere were the eweetest lit- to offer, The Baroness Von Arnim, loins and ga,ve me great pain and too much. Coneoription as yet 1 those he Wee not fleece if a flguie outuference. On (the Whole, it Ilea difference. Nobody loves little boys quiet sleet; and rest. I shall never be • tie blue and gold eltoes to go with about whom klentity there has been fascomfort. I took two boxes of herded the nation only to succeel: four equare, but some of the walla •,, without a box while I have a babee, ' It a,nd it would bo very becoming much discussion d an mystification, Dodd'e Kidney Pills and ane 'perfect- the Writ which bears up and grows 1! The cow wheel does not yield on- ' ouch' milk or butter to pay a good $2.50F0R A BOX OF 50 Lack or System, One of the dile( leaks on many , farmrs fa the loss of time a,nd en- ergy becomes) the management Is not ea•rrIcx1 out on any definite system. A. :study at any old and successful buelness will show that success has been largely due to a methodical and systermatte way or doin,g things. 8,veitem may bo carried too far so ne to become merely mechanical, but as a general proposition it may be taid that team vroll defined plan • aotionhas been determined on it should be rigidly. carried ont, As more knowledge is gained, or new Melte acquired, it will be gece,toare to make chaegea ilx ,tho routine, but no cluing° cloak] be made without due deliberation. All work should be earefully planned in advance and all tools and implements gotten ready so that there may be mei delay, when operations actually begin. Use or Time 'rabies. Al! men employed on the farm feetion. Lonclon le very full of ohop- tou yen cannel; iv,alk two yards YarninisoftetsenivpioeacroroGoesento,ainhiianud'oroorielenicoho BRITON AND °ERMAN. pep% fl. cow:Kant "va-et-vient of pee- iv ou g Pie getting their Darbar outfits, To ludierous sight to boltalf1 a tall, haven before beginning their pubhe — &mild have well-definece duties to lose no teme-and no customers :- sesendeeisagee clergyman carrying esteem. in Landoll, and often too you The Latter Learns Nothing After War perform, so that thole time may most of the hig shops, such as Wool- one wrapped in a shame I thought are lucky iu oneeting old and tried Begins. be used to the best advantage. A lend's, have opened charming tea it lookeil as if he ought to be draw- :trim& and favorites of the London The diference between tile German rooms, where the poor, exhausted Ing it along on a httle green wood.; stage or platform. Nearly eyery one swoisidieem,r gaol wTiothol the treinayAyare theaand pro- dtiole- good system provides f or the feel- ing of stock at regular hours melt Mateo may be refreslied and talk over en steed, with four wheels under Who its, or is to be, any one, turns up there sooner or later, both those day. When stock ere fed and wee - a, fragrane cup. Everything 19 made live object. They are so valuable setio are ettruggling on the somewhat rugged path at life, and those who ever melt he may learn:before a war, "Tee German priva,te soder, now - dine.; ts well put by "aistessnense ered at regular home:, they be- come accustomed to the regularity tbtar purchases with' BUBB other over . it, for it looked too tiny to he a, so comtortable and labor-saving in that they area regular nuisance of feeclinge and thrive much bet- tbis yeer 'of grace, when it wonid .to their ateliers, I should say. One . will learn nothing lu wax. His mind, ter than if fed at different houre seem that luxury is the breath of lady told mo she never liked to • is( east In e dilferent mould to that on eack succeeding clay. life to a. great many of of our own Atkine, e most malleable Care or Implements. leave hers in her hotel, "unless one SENSATION fellow, who i of the other visitors would be Mod n, aeseth Attlee. took to A. very common source of loss Is Fortune's Favorites. new conditione , found In ti e neglect of expensiv e side enough to sit with it 1" I thank's Ilke a duck to waterfo =ere is a re d to the pioture, of oeuvre, but on that how, the said viettors would blase it doe:: nat lie in ray provSnee to her and A.nother bow-wew, who dwell to -day, which 10 as well for adeuffered from toothache, had been given a new set of teeth., and improved upon innovations to farm implements and tools. These QUEBEC. man Imo learned he has learned with ' beat tue innovatore. -What tbe Ger- are left lying in the fields where IN they have been mod, subject to ail a thoroughness of which no other 1 1 n les ' of the weather, you. as nsoralizing is not my ..strong complete, gold plate and all. Can inlouxat lellarbnaielf tishocarepaarbloar edVehmaith hebas point 1 Everyone is still talking of canine devotion go further? which are more destructive . than Wonderful Cure by Dodd's the "cold snag," for NvIxich as a rule At the recent Art Exposition in Kidney Pills Causing Much swift tutor though it be, wel not in- . ' actual use. Small tools are 1 re - WO in England never find oureelvss Paris, the pet "xninets" were ab- Talk. duce hint to practise. When an army quently Imre and larger imple- prepared, we alwayo greet it. with. jects of great solicitude to their is defeated in battle, its salvation, moats rust or rot. There should be surprise mingled with resentment, tender owners, They provided them --- - let the text -books say what they will, a place on every farm where hn- there hao not been frost enough for with downy 'baskets and cradles, Dame Joseph Mil:lotto, or St. Itosaire, &penes more upon the innate value plements may be kept under cover, and none should be left outside elcatting, weach Is a joy eagerly seized as dainty as thee° prepared for a, Telis of Her i'ains and Dew easily f th 8OtULeL 4011* n any disciplinary codes; and the When not in use. A workshop shou upon: over here on every possible oc- baby "belted -earl," all quilted and Site got Hid or Them. els° be provided hi ad:inaction with of "a big, .benatiful garden. , case, for aea.rcny lurks evor in terri- Tato great market, says this travele melon, but -then again there has not wadded and lined In rose, ;natty° ' larger tile army the more this is the beery enough to stop the hunting or blue satin, svi.th little draped St. Rosairce Dlierthrebatica, Que. the tdol-house, so that during ler, iNvittat visited Kano A year or -two til teas ncighborhooa there has been rainy days or other slack periods, be painted and ago. is 0110 of the wond,ers of the vriach has gone oh unusually briskly eartains to keep theta shaded from Dec. 8.--(SPeciald-A.usond tfue peeple fled or despondent mobs. A. British the stares of the vulgar herd, army lute never. in all history been imPlemewts maY Toys, too, were provided, such as meon talk of late of the numerous ; defeated In the sense of ha,ving its necessary repairs raade. Much time iwt)rld, " A.Intost anything eau ea , laiunndtiunnsi_ohnteirresraptldhlyavien ithmae avari130eolipd C1.11Vet9 resulting from( tee uses)! Dead's power of recuperation destroyed ; tor. ought ;there -sugar, Is. per poundt au show, which were being sent off Leal touch of all was tha,t one pr mathnl' and even Catarrh ha,ve yielded read,) permeating the rank and file, ha,s yen- h.arvest, because a bolt busy 7s8oemae a). other smell part has been lost, meat, teases, eamels„horses, ,food of I at some lovely tea -gowns, real "far India, rubber dolls, and balls, It is lost by farmers, daring cetton, cloth, leather, needles, erock- . nionte robee" for comfort a.s much Backacee, Heart Disease free-wili.a,nd the cause of free service, sons, such as seeding, haying and er,y, thevate, dyes, lim.e, charceolo was too absurd, and the most cow- Kidney Pills. Seed diseaftes as iftheu-i inextinguishahle loyalty, the child of 0,r every variety, including tomatoes, d ' to a big country tow° %where the two had tiny flexible gold chains ily to tele wonderfed remedy, and I dereci a debaele impossible. Coescrip- and a trip to blacksmith shop or garment when they get off their ary collar for a pampered Parisian people aro fent learning aow ine- I tion is a great juggler in the Father - portant it is teat the Kidneys la.nd ; It takes the traders and leaves foundry is necessary to reple.ce it. This wn,ste of valuable time might rst: ; ' • - • anything °16•Ye Waleat, tamed gazelles, and hyeette;- ea %dd. eats birds and • e The mone,v of the country Le women like to step into 'this style round. their furry necks, no ordin- gold scent balls dangling from it. Healed be kept in• shape eo perform( trade uninjured ; It invades without be prevented by a little forethought e ' uporting toggery. One was copied pussy, with oue of those pierced • from the tblng can be learned from, othera and that a new idea is necessarily, immense. No :stutter how; good a farmer a man may be, he can still gale ideas from others that will prove of value to Tibe ercperienee of the Experianent Stations and of sm.:useful farmer e should be care- fully scanned for "pointere." flow m vaiy farmer:31 there are who do not subscribe to a paper devoted to fartne inft? These 'men are certainly losing money by false economy. In this age of progress it is ideas that count ; single idea. gained from; a paper will often i When put into practice, repro - :ant a gain of ma,ny times the sub- eorpition price. The local- paper ohould also always be supported, and er.olt far,mes, should do all he can to assist tbe editor of the agricultural paper and the local paper to produce au good a f3hee't ao possible, and to extend the circulation of eacie-F. W. Bodeen, Live Stook Co:emir:181°nel% ON e OF AFRICA'S WONDERSJ.. Aiteteeesevetseetersteekeetetelees Few, people enode Where KA,no is er. Klett sort of people ineabit it, but ail reading cum will doehtless be familiar with it ere 'man,Y years .elusise. Not ananz apcept the gescreption of the Esteem that it lo "pie oentre et the nverld," but Kano, Without using the -language et ex- eravagatipe , Must tee ,ranked among the Wonders; at Afrissa. Its high wails inelose population -of 100,000 peo- ple, living in housee, (seldch, though Smile of mute are not by any means to bo dee-M.66d, and which line broach etreets and roads Which would put :many London streets to shame. Most of the homes are shaded Jay trees, and one tiaveller has desertbed the appearauce et the town as being; teat edit the cowry shells, of which the Coes are said to love perfum.es a or examination of the implement Ur duty of removing impuritice Cadocating civil life ; it seale the 'Chinese Native Hobe ul•ed• for use. I king gene us 400,000 as a presents, ta • " la mode as much as their fair mei- before it Was req i ea,ses implements are pur- n but the Maria Theresa aollar is from tee blood. • bodies of mon to itstelf without . with Ito quaint straight lines and tress. and carneetly of tee good Dodd's their spirits -these are wonderful One of tease who speak out often either quenching or setting fire to many 11 token, ane the great men gladly buy ; banging sleeves. It was in "oell de We have had a regular plethora chased, which the farmer could we ep anY &entity of gold and silver , rot" blue satin, very supple u.nd o/ new books this month, very nice Dame Jesepe eilliette. She safer- is impossible to help doubting the coins Lor elle Hama is an adept at Kidney Pills Wave done is the good feats; visible to all beholders. But It do witheett. ; thick, and just on tho back: Covering it is, for I always think they are at front Kidney Consplaint and Ca- :genuineness of its greatest miracle Keeping Unnecessary Stock. tvorking In sliver and. gold, and is eAl proud as he is ekiliful. ellereover, he It aimoot, WAS 11. MCAM210t11 cocotte the beat things OL all for Father tared and is now completely cored. of all, the creation of e, military This is another f requent cause of If a farmer has more horses sue stte MN own ore end works up his flower done in ra,ised gold embroid- Cheistutas to bring. Nearly It is net to be (wondered at teat spirit, whose epleedor is Impressed loss, than are required to carry on the native iron in wondrous shapes. The , ,- d the gONVO wao bordered 'every Author or Note esie Speaks as foIloive : upon you by every German soldier work of the farm he should sell city hits thirteen gates, (which ar4. e ;aro a little irregulAr." "Dodd's Kideey Pills are a grand , tion. of the free alone in every heel- a of, and her place fi ei by :te- eth; on her; keep shouldu be 0mo:s- ly well." etouter under disaster, the inspire- Pr. There Is dignity in majesty, even 1 !toy Pills my certificate from 'a big ' in millions who are not free? so thei A levy sveeks, use of the w.11 use - remedy for nte. I give Dodds Kid- • new under the sun, how shalt it dwell - --% in. good wrath, unite with Dame door for ?" "Pa, what is the crape on that Harold and His Pa. scales and Babcock tester ; ally furnish some surprising re- sults in this direction. Many &Leers, once sefferers, now , proved 'conclusively teat no disease often happens?' "Is a funeral something that very . To secure maximum profits it is improper Feeding of Stock, PI1113. Tney have , , eosepa Miliette in singing the pralsen "For a funeral." stand before teem. "Not very often -only once in a „ necessary that stools should be fed of Doadte Kidney lifetime, my boy. But that's usually e- - ' • intelligently for the object in view, Rations should be carefully cern- exising from (Itemised Kidneys can . minded in order to secure a proper groportion of albundnolds, and car - w o g , , Bobby pandered thie for a few me- .aaby's Own Tablets cure all minor ; to the wearer who le a dark ivo- always writes charmingly. She was a inente, and then his face brightened. ailmenee of latie ones, and are guar- : man With Palo Creamy akin and blies Beauchamp before she married "Ie that so?" he asked. anteed to contain no opiate -oil brown oyes. Another was a. more the Germa,n "Mao of wealth," and "Yee, my dew, nobody will love you harmettl drug. They are sold at 23 ornate and dreusy style, just the when "ElizaJbeth and her German if you are always fighting. And look cents a box by all dealers, or you fairy gown for an "intimate dinner." • garden" fleet appeared, her brother at your clotheat" caar get the% by mail, post paid, by It w,e,e an Empire fourreau, or cant, -a very °successful London doctor - "Well," said Bobby, with slow de- writing direct to the Dr. Williaina' f eiam Alencon lace, to be worn told me that no one was more as - liberation, "then, mamma, I finks It's Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont., or ° m to be unloved." Schenectady, k. Y. . , ; . , over a, complete dreos of cream tonished them herself and her !am - better mousseine with a sun pleated front. • ily at the way it had caught on. Something between a. shriek and A.11 ro'und the de'colletage, and going She had haxdly intended it pro bone 0, laugh escapoi from 'papa. as he : round the armholes to reach to the eublico at firet, but was delighted Always. fled frOm the room. ca *10'. eld yOuI learn. at ,xeihooi short waist. of the Empire gown were 1 to find she had hit the popular note. • todlay. Bobbie?, . f. ;Ihstdvie..._ _host ,r;eaadr.fileredosiEEilio7n000ro C.ttloyotte'es Sergeant: Jones, aseend that ,bank Bobble -I learned to say, "Yes sprays of the loveliest little roses, ..Aib. hourerssexale maxi eabeth" who and reconnoitre ler the enemy 1" . • "' ' band -fashioned in buttercup yelloW, I had grown ivieer after her visits, said A volunteer offiger at a battalion Pa -Are you alwaye goins; to say and green Witten. It wars one of " eir " 4 9+1 t tl 1 ich "half drill. The corpulent sergeant named "Th.% slr • • • those dein y area ons w t or whether Kipling would say it is lett his company at a run, ,which de- conceal and twat reveal the form General Louis Melee . Bobble -Yep. "quite aeotlaer story." :creased late a slow, heavy trot he- , within" and Stra.0 altogether be- fore he got fifty yares, and then de- 1 witching. ,A yellow oatin sash with a eilined into a panting Crawl as he big soft chou was, I must tell you, and his wife hare both been laid up struck the Soot of a steep tank. tied high under the arme, in pretty in. town. They have been nearly kill- ' ed with kinduess, laden with food of " Double:" elloitted the officer, "Socephine" fashion. , Sanely for three yards and then Tee _ of the same School eetts in mil blue 'TRE PROOF OF Another Dinner Gown LIES IN THE EATING." The corpulent non-cem. spurted gal -THE PUDDING Smelted, hands -on -knees upward crawl. anou•sseline de sole, worked over with The doctors are dumbfounded, the :hack aga.in breadltlessly into a bent - The epectators guffawed unfeelingly. snyriade of silvery sequins ; it hung druggists aStonIshed, and the peo- " Doable 1 double!" roared the cell- , wetly over a pale blue silk slip, the :Weiler being at aocordlon pleato. The pie excited and joyful over the won- cer, elbow eleaves wore quain,tly slit up derful cures and tremendous salter fat sergeant eitingeti another two their entlee 'length, and fastened across evieh silver cord and bows with Ilvery ease of Rheumatism -some of of the great Remedy -St. Jacobs Oil. With a lad des,perate effert the yards u,stwArds, and ;then, utterly , dangles on the ends. This had the many years' standing -has given way :winded, set dowa graving on the steep same pretty vague Empire effeot as to this powerful remedy. Thousands path. The onlookers: shrieked with the one I have jest described, For be furnished as to its value: - of certificates like the following ean laughter, but the einem, :was wrath- ebe, heir there was a :big; sliver but- ful. f 'Double I double: double 1" the yelled, furiously.' The obese civilian warrior forgot the obedien.ce he owed to his com- manding officer, and, too exhausted tee riee, ,he shook his fist at the man and roared : " rit doouble yer 1 Yee lives in one of my bou.ses, remem,ber, and III double your rent for this !" — Deacon C----, of Hartford, Con- noctiout, IN well'knosyn as being pro- vided with an enormouts handle to hie eountonance In -the shape of a huge noee. On a late OteaslOn, When taking up a collection in the ettneel: to which he belonged, an be parsed through the congregation, every permit to whom he present- ed the box unemed to be peeve:led lov a midden end uncontrollable de - vire to laugh. The deahon die not 3enew7 what to make or 11. Ile had °flee pate:MI it arOund before, but no melt effeets had he witneseed. The deacon NVAll fith'13; prizZled. Tile ti evet, however, leaked out. Ile had been afflieted a day or two before with. a Pore, On hist naSal appendage, end he had placed 0, ranall piece of etielsin fs pi .1 :der over it. Du rine; the snowing ot the day In queotion the placter had dropped oft; and the time:in, veelng it, BM llf1 flupposett, on the floor, pleksel it up and einek it :on again. Dna aloe; he picked up, int:teed, one of the plows of paper evIdell the manufeeturere Of spool - cotton mete on the ena of every epoof, and which read: "Vearranted .tioo yards I" Such a Sign on suet A noeo wan enough. 1,0 upset the tgrayity of :any Whgregatitni. teeny evith outearea,d wings to rest George Weyer, Publisher of the Just tiehind .the pompadour on a Chilton, Wis., "Volksbote," used St. Fibroid Tumors Cured little cluster of carts. A coquettish i Jacobs 011 for ealmost unbearable fee-ture of an Enleirn 'gown cd cream , isairm in the been, which had coin - Note the result of Mrs. . I point ch eeprit, which was lined pleteiy proutral him." A few ap- with peacheblow pink mourseeline And plleatione cured elm' entirely. "Soma time ago I wrote to you de- in nel ehe bows of soft cream fitt n, St that : for a, long tirle severely troubled scribing my symptoms and asked your evbich baleeked It here and there, relieved and entirely cur - 1 with Rheumatism. St. Jacobs 011 advice. You replied, and I followed wilaetr,ienstioedo iltitotolgeilomgnoothaelekoof vonindk attracted . tidiest nre.13, all your direetione carefully, and to daisy chain wreath was the accent- I Bea Dr. le Pick, of Rochester, N. day I am a well woman. Y., guttered so intensely from: Rhott- pawing coiffure. For a:hooting cos. "The use of Lydia E. Pinkham's enmee a great deal of velvet, spotted, ! matte Vegetable Compound entirely ere ribbed or Oahe le being used, d In. : 'MIMI that he woe unable to Dolled the tumor and strengthened favorlte ehade is fawn in ail vaauria,--- , preach. Several applications from it bottle of St. Jaeobs 011, "relieved tay whole system. I can walk miles eions of tone. The skirts: and coat- •done, tetw. lees (may be strapped in silk to meta F. Redder, Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Lydia E. rinkhain.4e Vege- 1 pet on very fancifully and invariably „Two applientions of St. Jacobs Oil table Compound es worth five dole it :fur utolo Accomeanies the costume, °tired me of great and long-continuo:3 lars a drop. I advise all women who The hat Is usually a. •moleskin felt ere addicted with tumors or female • erie,orno, or else a big hairy plateau. pain in ray recite" . Messrs. O. L..13riundage and son, trouble of any kind to give it a faithful I / saw a Ode Utile httnting-green Druggists, Muskegon, Miele, seritee- trial."-(Signed) eins. E. F. nAnts.„ ! ribbed velveteen 'freak, made !With it ,,St, Jacobe 011 has a wonderful sale. 25e Dudley Ste (Roxbury) Boatel:a I :bort round Sidra jut 'edged pith . • Wo Vold eight bottles at retail yes - Masa -e6000 forfeit if original of above After' 1 Oirdmit Irur 1 proving genuineness can»ot be produced. caught in with a screen patent leather idea of doss. wad it is Hued la dills the Russian bleuse was , terday. Thts will give you some Mountains of gold could not ! :1°1!t, wite an o ' can. B ihver purchase such eesesalessy or : pointed clasp to lengthen the (waist- ; oention." Mr. Louie Hinkel, or East Pot:Sten, eing, frosk bring tt dream of lovelinese, , take the p1 «e of the boalth 1 litudin ;trona The hat was in 'binds Eta, N. Ir., says: -"I call St. JaeObs Bute -time pressea and my space is Mad happiness which Lydia E. 1 satin telt, with an ostrieh feather brought to Mrs. Hayes. I brim Were Wiled tw0 Ong blety green in the back." Such testimony should be accepted ' peacock's feathers, close together, i Herman Itittner, Ilanebester, N. I Nature Study Bulletin. Nit - that. T4dia E. Pinichain,'s Yew>. tion, and both suited the oerreo. • i“I have tried St. Jacobs 011, 110(1 13alletin 124, of the Ontario Ag. i found it excellent. .All them who riculturni College, 19 devoted to "Nit - by all women as eonvinting evidence ' ' Melting an itheommorl ilnilig, ;their ; coloring suited the frock tO table compound stands without a prate mom er the cense, • have purchased it speak of it as tere Studies," or stories In agrldul- peer as a remedy for all tho distteste 'simply ineoinparablee '' tam, by the members, of the litaff tug ills of women ; ell Ovaiian troubles ; A usetta ami fat:hien:Ole hat for (leo; G. Erffle, Paleetine, 'Ill.: -"I of the College. /1, deale witli tbe bettors' inilammatione; uleeration, erindy dare and ef titteice we have was in bee coffering from. a swollen •yartle plant roois, the etOry Of n had Welt truly is copied hone leg I need St Itteobe 011, Ito effect grain of wheat, a ;round of butter, Pinkham's advice and medicine. !worn O'er a dip ;to match, ti Mrs. Fred. Eb de, Bellaire, O., was are new fincueg 3 a pretty well -kept eds. ...........--_‘..t. s ...... -. - --• ---1- c();11°I.3:114ertlloeolcrat'lltl(10 igsr.' It's a very Another friend of Du etaurier and solemn occasion." °hydrates. or as le is called, a pro - that for ?" per nutritive ratio. Animals seould fboodeseoloeutaeodtfoorbeearriefty dnyuturritmyorstkieldt road: The tracke are very chiferent. so money at an early age. iillie nearer mat - Felix efoscbeles was Charles Fele, "I thought I heard music-wirat's Antwerp, I ,watelled hen kir :some feel badly enough at funerals, urity an animal comes, the greater time copying a picture of Frank Hats they have meek: to make it worse. becomes the cost of growth. Again The Armless Painter, "That's to harrow, up the mourn - meet beau:tautly, holding the as,lette "I see. And what are the mourn is last by failing to provide whom I met the last time Isms in ere Somethnes the people don't ibetween the toes of his left foot, as - ere ?" „ greenoor p o s for feeding during the they are the people who surnin r droughts th incident to thris are sorry that the man is dead-- e.ounitre. Horses many cages a, e and some of the relatev.es, if he Oven all the hay they care to eat- "Well,a practice not only tvasteful, but happens to be well off." injurious to tho entreats as well. m 'ale ims awkeesil oaf, f , clutoffeeorein4; it tire LI the older settled portions of Waste or Manure. ....'t'hSocsmt eto. ,Olifitsonotidivaanrdarediodspioary.cpliars tena.nee Canada, . the restoration or main - "And what is an outward die. of soil fertility is already play,?" , an important question. How desir- able is ie then that all the manure made on the farm shoeld be saved, "An outward and visible, sign of and nixed In the best possible condi- an inward and unspiritual recog- tion, wIthout loss from leaching, nition Of bands, stocks and real firefungtng, etc.? "When I die, papa, svill time be . . In many Ionareserisola' Speeardt.ial or total estate." in to hear all about it and form- ps,"t0hhis,e5. 'es. rioEverybodyNvare ur0::: idnureariotor hymns sung and everything done to 0s0ernmen,, tahiciaprettrosirmase "'of taathellessitapPoIrs grade of seed. Such. seed is usnallstt all this fuss?" "make the agOny as long drawn out weeds, veldt% not only r•eplace use - badly mixed with foreign seeds, so. as possible." that the farm becomes over-runevitit wtthdrit all this ?" tut crops, but entail it vast amount "But, pa, couldn't you be sorry ot labor to get rid of. The dleisiOn1 thing, you know." • Of a farm Into smell or irregular breeding places for weeds in she fields often provides numorotis "Why. of cOurse, but it isn't the be leaned back on a sore of bench with a rest in eront e the right -foot ,toas ;wield.ed the brushes with the utmost dexterity. Re ais.a some core of toeless znittena on his feet. asked bim for a certain address I panted, and presently he came eretting up to me, bolding the oard on evhich 110 had Written it Itt bis inoeth, like a ibelw-,wow. Ho was a charming old man, and his explanation of 'some of the old man - tees' works will always: remain with: me, for Ws a treat ;to meet With stymie eo cultivated. I think lie Is inentiened in "In Bohemia, With Dit Mauricr," by F. Moscholes, I do not hoar of many Canadiens in tom.: for tho moment, but there aro imatitude, past and preeeht, by witiall I Wen that acnne, though Ani• erican by birth, bate now, deserted the le 8. A., ouch as Oho litho was "Nikitn,," the :singer, and ie now eine. 0 Hera Merray, living in Ger- many. Mr. Welimnn, the traveller of the tillicogo Iteeorti-Herald, has: 'boon here and there; etre T. De 'Witt Tal- mage, in tree Yankee fteshlou, spent one night In England, on her way trout tho continent to America. She had, Mende tvitli her, and the High Sheriff paid ber a visit, out of re- el -toot for her husbane's memory, on bItnlf of London City. hear the At:gin-American wedding of Mee Ward and Capt. Illackbern-Tew will be tronentloesly :mere The trees - emu, le being clone in Pare; by the fines entkere of fast:lens, the wed - 011 tile best liniment over used. snied-so tau eevoir. Chanteclair. inkliamPs Vegetable COmpound i waving over it, and nnder tile wide It Mixed me of Rheumatism and pain 1 tailing and dieplatement of the womb ; baokache; irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation. Surely the 'volume and character of the teatime. nial letters we are daily printing in the newspapers can leave no roont for 4Oubt it, the minds of fair people. fl the Persian "Mitten." It sults pee- Was wonderful, The followine day bees., birds, eta, ottO s tee u pie With regular features ate] bail I (attended to me, letehletts again." swish isroemettos to the young I generally a JeWelled 0.1' Wrought Dr. Otto Inlet lantaing, 0., write:- people, ne 'Well an to their eldete. Motel erntonent Jnet In dreett With "The sale Of St. daeoles (11 Is eon- It le a kiwi of reading that eitoulci 1 I et Fer erielti ettintly inerettelng; it is praised by 'he plileal tit the hands of all rehool tte tlue Mettle dr to lunoli with the eVerybot y, an( , an uproar ng gre • VI -,much 1 1 never fano to glee eillilren. rhee• coa eart F the heart of Africa,. It is said o , ono African moltarch e hat each morning after breakfast he leaver/ his hut and opens his great umbree let and then declares before all the earth that the sun may front that neomeint shine. Tho•se wile would visit the Kling cif Kano on bits throne muse take off their .shoes and even their, steciangs and bow their heads to the ground. Three hours a British mission waited at the palace gates4 and titen-"a law murmur arose, as pathway was sad:only cut and magnificent warrior pranced up and drew rein at our feet. Teta was the wazirri, the secorad nua,n in the king- dom. The pala,oe, a splendid specimen of need arehiftecture, was a mass of people and the courtyards were crammed. While we stood In the judgment hall, which was thronged with well dressed men squatting on the floor, suddenly ail the ins:true ntents of music burst forth, our um- lirellas were snatched trot a our hands- and we were berried into the king's splendid audience chamber. At the, tar end, on a rich red dais, was seated the king,' wearing a !sleek rawni, which covered everything bud his eyes. Ile is said to be about 30 years Of age and to be (mete whites but. he is more prebable copper col - °trod," 'Unusual Example or Generosity. South Germane's oldest monasterea the Benecliatine Abbey, at ,Wesso- bran, founded in 735, and confiscated in 1803, hale been restored to the Benedictine Order by Baron Von Cramer-Kiett, a Ptotesta,nt, and will soon be saoectipiet1 , by the inonkre true baron bouglit all the land and remaining buildings of tax old abbey for 000,000 markt) from the Bavarian state and sold there to the Benedictines for a. nominal satins , ur Hospitals in Montreal BUt the Doctors Could Not Cure Mr. Cloutier—Said He Would Never be Well Again— After Six Years of frfeliolosuneS0 He Was Cured by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The letsee Of eir. Sitn:on Cloutier shocieekers 110 LagOuchotiere :street:I l',10111rOttl, tIC.BerVCS more than mes- hes; notkie, bemuse his ease was un- usually SOWN FOr Six long year e Mr. ClOatier \Vtlig ne invalid, unable to attend to Mei -works nrel much of Ids time was went in the hospltelo Of Montreal. The deetOrs sieve hint no bope 0 e °eve**, b ut, tin the contrary, to'd birn thee lie would never be well again. A treetintset that will Mater° to. "gulls." etollatell aro wearing long entire 'malefaction."' , white enjoying the goriest. good heat t p Considered hopelees meet be 01 mare them orclina,ry value, and thie le only one el oe.riee of reniatktthle owes that have been brought about by the rise of Ihr. theeteht Nerve Foe& Mr. Kelton Cloutier, eleeenutker, 110 Lagoeclicticee street, Montreal, Que., States: "Per six years was not able to work, my Hervee were ell nu- etrueg end my digestion bad. I had :severe titttesks of bendache, ectiel not Sleep, arid nffered with shooting peine im the enr•11 Of my hack. WM/ 111 four bo:pit.-1-„ but tile tioctOrs I 1.11:011 wh800 ertV \VOA. 06111d 1101 Mo. 0.11.1 never he Welt again. rn girlie of their (1801810111 began the IWO Of Dr. Cheeeff Nerve Food BOMO Months ago, and I am convinecid that 1 °Yr° 'My life to this Medi:eine. 1 have toW been at Work for over two weeke, and believe that any health litte bete fully Itet stored. It le e pleneere for ins ,o odd In/ testimony to the hosts of othe tre from pereone who Wive been cured by this wonderful used:eine. Dr. Cliatioh; Neter° Feed, 50 °Mile a box. 0 beers for lea.150, at a dealeret or Ie1mans011. Batefl &CO.* Worentto.