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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-12-18, Page 8B LAST CALL. Everything is now in readiness for Santa Clans at Tudhope's Grocery. This is the last call before Xmas, Read the following list, commencing with CANDIES. 4 pounds nice Taffy, mixed 2Sc 3'; pounds choice Light mixed.,,25c 2 pounds Chocolates and mixed Creams 23c 2 pounds Quaker Molasses Taffy,,, 25c ORANGES. 15e -20c -25c -30c -and 40c per dozen No sour ones. ALL SWEET, RAISINS. 3 popnds Best Selects for .... , . • • 25c Table Olusters 15c and 20c lb NEW DATES 2 lbs. 15e NUTS. Bea.ziis 20e pound Peanuts 15c Almonds 15e Walnuts . 20c aiized (all kings) 15c Shelled Almonds 40e ALL FRESH LEMONS. Best kinds 20e and 2.5c „ „ 1, „ THE WINGITAM .ADVANCE COMMUNICATION. Grey, Morris. --•--m- Miss Ude McCallum of Ethel spent N. Flatt and family, who hate resid- Soudiay with her friend, Miss Susie ed on the Gt11 line fur n good teeny Pearson. years, have removed to the vicinity of John Bt•yilns find sisters visited Belgrave. We wish them prosperity. friends in Trowbridge ou Tuesday of The trustees of S. S. No. 4 have en- Lttist week. gaged 1dlse Priscilla Alexander of We are sorry to report that blies Mono Road for the ensuing Year, at a Annie Attwood is not improvirg in salary of $325. health, but rapidly sinking, Consume- There is little municipal election tion is the trouble: talk, and the probabilities are this Mr. Ben, Jackson of the 0th con. ids year's council will be re-elected by ae- on Tuesday for Chesley, where he ex- elamatimu. They have looked after pects to remain for a couple of weeks, the business very satisfactorily. renewing old acquaintances. Subscribe for the Advance and get Subscribe for the Advance and get the beautiful, illustrated premium the beautiful, illustrated premium magazine of forty pages of choice magazine of forty pages of choice reading, $1.00 will settle the bill until reading, $1,00 will settle the bill until Dec, 31, 1003. Present subscribers may Dec. 31,1003. Present subscribers may also have a copy by paying in advance also have a copy by paying in advance for 1003. for 1003. The young man Haggitt, who bad Mrs. Frances Miller returned home, hie leg broken a couple of months ago from Clifford this week, after two by being run over by a threshing en - months' absence. Mrs, Miller was gine, is now in the House of Refuge at waiting on her daughter, Mrs, Bert Clinton. The bone has not knit, and Tuck, who was dangerously i11 with an operation will be necessary to aid fever. We are glad to say Mrs. Tuck in the reuniting. is almost well again. The auction sale at Wm. Jackson's, The concert given in Jamestown 8th line, attracted a great attendance Hall on Thursday evening of last week and prices ruled high, Cows ranged was a decided success and a rare treat, from $35 to $55, calves $15 to $25, as the remark was passed "not often horses $150, yearling colts $85 and do we see so many old-fashioned silk $100, Spring colts $53 and $00, brood dresses." The costumes worn by the sows $30 each. Sale totalled 32,180. performers were as old as could be got T. Brown was the auctioneer. Mr. and -in fact some -of the hats and bonnets .Mrs. Jackson will he greatly missed in came from Nova Scotia years ago. the community, and no where more The selections on the programme were , than in the church and Sabbath nearly all old, but were well acted, and school. They are likely to locate in many kept the large audience in a roar Brussels. of laughter, Again we are convinced that the young people of Jamestown Bev. Owen of Iiucknow preached in never do anything by halves, The Trinity church here on Sunday, Rev. proceeds amounted to over 311, which Mr. Edmonds taking the Lucknow will go to' the interest of the Sick Ohl'. work The admission of a communication in these columns does not imply that wo endorse the sentiments of the writer, -Editor Advance, THE RECENT VOTE. Sono of the readers of the Advance might accuse its editor of being severe and partisan in his temperance notes of lust week, and others might think the Brussels Post (whose editor, by the way, rendered good service before the vote) was tamely submitting to result as though it, were of little value. Ile traces the failure to reach the212,723 to indifference. Some may have been in- - different, btit has he forgotten that those people have been called on three dozen tithes in eight years to express their disapprobation of the license traffic ? Some had thus come to think "it will CURRANTS. be no use to vote," nevertheless the 3 lbs, Finest cleaned varieties. 25c vote was a good one, and, as the Post says, "a big majority for the removal of the bar," If so, why propose to tin- ker with Crooks or any other license Act? The whole force of vote was di- rected against a liquor traffic, and it any Government thinks they can shelve this question by amending a li- cense law, they will feel the force of the hosts of temperance workers' pro- test, backed up by a majority of 85,000 votes. Why blame voters for "indif- ference" when all onr leading dailies (w.ho were supposed to be leaders of public' opinion) were dumb or worse than dumb ? but they have been iude- ly awakened by the vote, and at first tried to explain it, that many Conser- vatives voted for it to "put Mr. Ross in a hole," Absurd ► It is worse, that Mr. Ross, on Dec, 5th, should "stoop to parrot this dying cry of the defeat- ed liquor party." We accept the vote as it is, and we may rest assured the ternperance,men, who will meet in a few days, will not consent to accept "numerous changes along the line of amendments to the Crooks Act," It used to be said by liquor men in cities, that Lhe country vote could not he al- lowed to rule then], but Ontario, inclu- ding many of its cities, has spoken em- phatically, and' their voice must be heeded. PROHIBITIONIST. NEW FIGS 5c, 15c and 20c lb. CHINA IN ALL SHAPES AT GROCERY PROFITS. You'll have to hurry if you want a good selection. TUDHOPE'S Grocery and Crockery Store Now For Xmas. We have just opened up some of the new- est and most up-to-date goods in China ever shown in Wingham, consisting of Tete-a-tete Sets, compris- ing one Teapot, Sugar and Cream, two Cups and Saucers -. from 90c a Set up to $3.00 Afternoon. Teas, consisting of 6 Cups & Sau- cers, 6 Plates, Teapot, Sugar and Cream from $3.00 a Set up to $6.50 Japanese Goods. A full range of Cups and Saucers, Biscuit Jars, Tobacco Jars, Epergnes, Vases, Jardiniers, Rose Jars, Marmalade Pots and Fruit Sets, at Griffin's Four Feeds for I Cent Farmers and stock feeders are every day bothering their brains to know how to fatten their animals rapidly. WORTHINGTON'S CANADIAN STOCK TONIC AND FEEDER will do it and save the worry, and what's better save ono -third the feed. It aids Digestion, keeps the Blood, Livor and Kidneys in a healthy condition, A trial will convince the most skeptical that it is the greatest animal regulator of the ago. 10 -ib. Box, 200 feeds, 500; 50.1b. Sack, SI. MANUFACTURED EY The Worthington Drug Co. GUELPH. For Salo and Guaranteed by Wingliam Lucknow Brussels Bluevale • A, H Carr Agar & Earls • Noble Gerry Wm, Messer THE MARKETS WINGHAbt MARKETS Flour per 100 $I 90 to $2 40 Fall wheat per bush new 06 to 68 Oats per bush 0 28 to 0 30 Barley per bush • • 0 35 to 0 40 Peas per bush......... 060 to 065 Bran 15 00 to 18 00 Shorts 20 00 to 23 00 Chop , , 125 to 1 50 Hay 7 00 to 7 50 Butter per lb 0 17 -to 0 17 Eggs 0 20 to 0 2J Lard 0 15 to 0 15 Potatoes per bush 0 50 to 0 50 Apples per hag 0 35 to 0 40 Hides per 100 lbs 5 50 to 6 50 Lamb skins 0 35 to 0 45 Dressed hogs 6 00 to 6 50 Live hogs 5 50 to 5 50 Tallow, per Ib 05 to 5?; Chickens per pair 30 to 50 Deeks per pair 60 to 80 Turkey, per Ib...... 10 to 11 Geese, per lb.......... 6 to 7 Wool 12 to 13 TORONTO STOCK MARKET. For full and accurate market re- ports see second page. Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases o1` eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office opposite St. Andrew's church, London, Ont. Are You an Expert? Even an expert may be deceived by an imi- tation Goodyear Welt. Many shoes sold as Goodyear Welts have all the lumps, threads, tacks and discomfort of imitation welts, which they are. Even the dealer who sells them to you likely as not bought them for real welts—even he can - slot always tell by appeara es. Wear "Slater Shoes" and you will get nothing else but Goodyear Welt shoes, because no other kinds of shoes but Goodyear Welts are made in the " Slater " factory. 13e careful that you get a real " Slater Shoes" with the slate frame on the sole o the lining --the words "The Slater Shoe" and the price -nothing more. Sold only by "Slater Shoe" agents—$3.50, S. 'iThe Slater Shoe." For Salle only by W. ,I. t TREE) .. Pleasant Cure For Weak Lungs. The best remedy for sore, weak lungs, is the soothing vapor of Catarrhozone which traverses every air cell and pass- age of the breathing organs. It treats remote parts that cough mixtures and sprays can't approach, and kills thous- ands of germs at every breath. Catarrh - ozone drives away pain, congestion and inflammation; it makes breathing easy and regular, and exerts a marvelous in- fluence op Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Oaterrh, Deafness, and Lung Trouble. Oatarrhozone cures at once, is delightful to inhale, and simple to use. Price $1.00; small size 250. Druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation Good to Look Upon. Better still to feast upon. What can take the place of fine, luscious, wholesome• fruit? For our Xmas, Grade we will have a carefully selected stock of Gallfernia and Mexican Oranges, Melaga Grapes, Table Raisins, Bananas, etc. Also Valencia Oranges at 2 doz. for 25c. J. BUCKLEY " STAR RESTAURANT " Phone 12 (Sucpesser to J. McRelvte) FO R ---- Christmas and New Year's Vacation will issuo return Tickets to GENERAL PUBLIC At Single Plest-Class Fare, good going Dee. 211h and 26th, good returning until Dec. 20th, 1002 also Dec. 3Ist, 1002, and January 1st, 1003, valid. fop return until Jan. 2nd, 1903. At First -Class Fara And One-ThI1C4, going Deo'r. 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th, also Hee. 29th, 30th, 31st, 1902, and Jan. 1st, 1903, good return, ing until Jan. 611',1903. TEACHERS and STUDENTS (On surrender of Standard Form of school Tit - cation R'y, Coftifcate signed by Principe ) At First -Class Pare and One -Third, from December 0th to 31st, 1902,ineinstve, good re- turning until Jan. 19th, 1903. Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Mario, Mich., Detroit, Mich., Buffa- lo, N.Y., and East. H, NOTMAN, Asst. Gen. Poser. Agt. 1 King St, Bast, Toronto. 1 1 ,fieI I1\hN� Christmasyand New Year Holidays 1902-1903 Blyth. The tea -meeting in the Pres- - Hospital, Toronto. - byterion church on Friday was a great On Friday evening of last week, Mr. success ; proceeds, $80....Jno. Sherrit•, Geo. Mason of Ethel gave a most in- our veteran shoemaker, will spend the teresting Blackboard Talk at Roe's winter with his daughter, Mrs. Wright, League, The topic ho selected was in London....The Methodist Sabbath "Habit," which was an excellent one. school will hold a social on Friday The speaker urged the young men and evening, 19th. young ladies present to be very guard- (Too late for last week) ed as to how they talk and act, show- Blyth gave a majority of 11 in favor ing clearly how easily a bad habit of the Liquor Act. could be formed. He also spoke with Mrs. Totten of Chesley is visiting great earnestness to the children and her daughter, Mrs. Bert Bainton. parents. We are sorry the attendance Rev. McNair of Dungannon preach - was not larger, as the address was a ed in the Methodist church last Sun - particularly instructive one. A very day. nice quartette was sung by Misses, Susie Pearson, Belle Miller, Jno. Pear- The Blyth flour mill is shipping 500 son and Angus Brown. We hope to sack1s of flour to South Africa this have Mr, Mason again in the near wee t, ;.,, do, 4 December 18, I Oc u..! 41l!'li4.4llld1401,,,,,,,, ,Vaal dui 1 . P�V A Xmas, is too close at hand to (relay buying much longer. The shopping crowds grow bigger every day. Those who come now will fare better than those who wait. CHRISTMAS THINGS FOR WOMEN. ---Without doubt we have the daintiest range of lldkt's. we ever carried. Stich fine drawn work and fancy edges, These dainty goods are always appreciated by the ladies, KID) GLOVES. -The Finest Drench Kid Gloves will he found hero in all the newest shades of Grey and Tan. All sizes -special at $L2.,. STYLISH BELTS. -A big assortment of pretty Silk and Satin Belts ranging in price from 25c to 31. They make such acceptable gifts, FIVE, O'CLOCK TABLE COVERS, -Ask to see the Irish Linen Table Covert. Beautifully embroidered. Most serviceable covers at $1, 1.40, 1.00. LADIES' TIES AND COLLARS, --Our Point Lace Ties and Collars are attracting a great deal of attention, The designs are so new and pretty. Prices from $1.00 up Lo $2,75, WAIST LENGTHS AS GIFTS. -A waist length hakes a present that is always appreciated by the fair sex. Our French Violes with fancy satin stripes are lovely. You way buy thew at OOc a yd. OUR GREAT FUR OFFER Don't forget, we are giving 10 Per Cent. Discount off all Furs sold till January 1st. You may as well take advantage of this big offer as your neighbor. MEN'S SWELL XMAS, TIES. -The swellest range of Ties in the County is found here -the most stylish goods you can buy. A gentleman does like a pretty Tie to he given him. If you want a present for your Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Sweetheart or Friend, we can please you. 111 D. M. GO !SON .Big Prices for Trade. DIRECT IMPORTER Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. F„ Bryans'' of Grey visited at Geo. Galaher•'s on Friday. Miss Mary Spence of Molesworth was a guest at Mrs. Leech's last week. Wood is delivered here at $1.60 to $2.00 a cord ; money is scarcer than wood. Mrs. J. R. Williams and Miss M. Perkins called on Wroxeter friends Monday. Andrew Doig intends running for the County Council; next week the municipal pot will boil. future. The annual meeting of the Epworth St. Stephen's Sunday School concert next Thursday evening. Methodist (Too late for last week.) League elected the following officers : concert on Xmas night. A. McDonald lost a valuable heifer Presi.lent-E. Wilford; Ist Vice -Lot - last week. Inflammation was the tie Bently: 2n0 Vice -Rachet Quinn; the housewarming of his brother on pause, 3rd Vice -Maud Gidiey; 4th Vice- Friday. There was a large cotnpany Mr. James Lynn visited in the vicin- Arlie Doupe; Secretary - Henry present, and a pleasant time was en- ity of Palmerston for a few days last Wettlauter; Treas.-Miss Bently ; joyed, week. Cor. Sec. -Isaac Quinn ; Organist - Council met on Monday. The 5 Pearl • Gidley ; assistant -Miss New- added to unpaid taxes is causing quite Quite a number from this vicinity CombJunior League Su eriutern a murmur. We have heard no other e attended the wedding of Miss Mary g p named for the Reeveship, but Alex. Doig of Howick and John Coghlin of dent -Miss Taman. Strong. •$Mora on Wednesday of this week. The following officers for the ensu- Rev, p,. 0. Koine occupied the pulpit ing year were elected op Monday lacet by L. Q. L. No. OOr3;-Worshipful master, Bro. W. II: McElroy; deputy master, Bro. A, McNally; chaplain, Bro. John McGill ; recording secretary Bro. F. Hunter ; financial Bro. John Mains ; treasurer, Bro. John Wilford; director of ceretnonies, Bro. James Gibson ; lecturer, Bro. Joseph Hunter; committeemen. Bro. Richard McCom- mins, Robert Vint, J. E. Taman, Ab- salom Taylor, Wm. Gibson. The many friends of true Rev, J. T,. Stewart, formerly of Ethel circuit, will be pleased to learn that he and his party have safely reached China, . although he reported their voyage to be a very roagh one. The Epworth Leagues of the Stratford District will support Mr, Stewart in China. - St. Helens. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. - Christ church congregation held their Anni- versary services on Sunday last. Rev. Mr, Edmunds of Blyth preached fine, practical, earnest sermons, morning and evening. The evening service in Calvin church was withdrawn to allow all to attend the service at Christ church. Misses A, M. and Lilian Clark, and Misses E. Murray and J. Todd of Calvin church, assisted at the morning and eyeping services. • NNWP NATBe.-Several from this vi- cinity attended the funeral of the late Chas. II. Henderson, at Whitechurch, Monday of last week Harry Macey has engaged with WillTodd for the winter months., „Mr. Pardon has pur- chaser brick from Thos. Phillips for a new house in Whitechurch, and had a "bee" hurling the same one day last week. PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMINATION. -The examination in connection with the public school here was held on Friday afternoon last. The teacher, Mr. 0. A, Tebbutt, was assisted in the work by Messrs. J. Joynt of Ashiaeld, 4, F. Mc- Donald of No. 12, and Miss A. M. Ularit of No. 5. At 3,40 an excellent innen was served by the ladies of the section, and the four score present seemed to enjoy this part well. Following was an excellent program of recitations, dialogues, choruses, etc., given by the pupils, together with violin seleptione by J. 11 Anderson and J. &filler. Visit: ing teachers and trustees all spoke very highly of the work done here. Subscribe for the Advance and get the beautiful, illustrated premium magazine of forty pages of choice reading. $1,00 will settle the bill until Dee. 31, I9o:i. Present subscribers may also have a copy by paying in advance for l.l)A$. in the Metlrodlst chprch last Sunday, preaching two able ,. discourses ; his many former schoolmates Were pleas- ed to hear him, Rev. Garbutt preach- ed in Whitechurch. Ntixt Sunday will be• .anniversary day in the Sabbath School. Rev. Henderson of Staffa will preach. His reputation as a speaker has preceded him, and a good congregation is as- sured. A Wonderful Tonic and Strengthener. Saida druggist to -day, "No dqubt a- bout it, the f pnip that gti'es bpat resriits is the biggest seller, and that is Forrozone. It enriches and purifies the blood, re- stores strength and energy to the feeble, and is a scientific recoustruetor that was always popular. In Chlorosis, Anaemia Tiredness, Langour, Brain Fag, Indiges- tion and Dyspepsia its action is prompt, and satisfactory cures always follow. Yes, I recommend Ferrozone to my oustemers because I believe it is the best tonic and strengthening medicine that mpney can boy," Large boxes cost 40c, Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Salem. Mrs, Nokes moved her piano from Wingharn last week. niirgher of children in this part are sack with measles. Mr's. R. Mitchell and children visit. ed friends in Brussels last week. Rev, Mr. McKelvey will preach a Xmas sermon next Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bryans of James- town and Mrs. Goodfellow of Wroxe- ter spent Friday last with Mrs, J. Gal - lather. Mrs. J, Lennox of Wingha m attend- ed the Sabbath School herelast Sim. day and took her old place at the organ. Charles Kitchen returned home from Essex last week after spending the summer and fall in that part of Old gauntry. Subscribe for the Advanee and get the beautiful, iIlastrated premium magazine of forty pages of choice reading. $1.00 will settle the bill until Dec.31, 18J3. Present subscribers may also have a copy by paying in advance for 1003. Sudden death, -Mrs. Rev. Eley of Philadelphia, sister of Mr. Russell Harris, arris, arrived Tuesday of last week to visit, )ter mistimer,, Mre. James Har- ris, who is .very xil, et Newbridge, • Bluevale. rafter elle arrived here Mrs, Eley re - coed ire earl message o the cath of Mrs, Jolla Gannett is seriously i11 at her youngest daughter . tta aged 17 $et aen sll Stations in Canada. All stations in Cat; rip, to agar from Dotroit present. years, her sickness being congestion and fort Buren, Micit., ttti`aio lilac Reels, f of the brain she only llaste�i two OBNIMA1t I'Ut3P°, being laid lip With erysipelas, her gran father's on Tuesday of this e I ow►rk a l a i1'frs. Mason is able to be around after Si)spenston Bridge and Niagara Irons, .�', hears, ler body was mottght to Goma Memo ANP LIMITS -At Inwost ono- Mrs. i3tewart fs nl,t ilnproving so week to he interred. to the I (i t t f A 2att and 26th) Fick Baptist church cemetery on Wednes- a 26th 1 2• knddgoo r Drn ngf 0, and Jan. tat.l9b3. Tickets goodroturttingtram ]lies. Swann and son Herold are sympatl}y of ]ler felony Erten ,s, destination until Jan. 2nd 1603. home from the Stook Show in Guelph, ( en f rrow . At lowest one -wady iirai•otnps lore and ono. d 1Missionary d good returning front destinationin the M 1 1fnnera i Jan. Stli, 1093.of Lucknow is expected to address rho Wingham on Saturday last. SMOOT, ',netts of VACATIONS. col- congregations of the circuit, Miss Helen (iru.hatn of W Ingham To Tn surrender dud I Scho l acat on andel was the nest of !Miss Riffle Higgins a Logos on surrender of School Vocation Railway The Christmas entertainment for ty Certificate signed by 1.'rineipalr G01iao DATER few days tills tveelt. t first-class f e the children of the Methodist Sunday Tickets good returning from destination until spent Saturday and Sunday with his ,an, ]nth, INA. the 25th of December, A. good pro- parents here. Agents. etfc and ellir-hent superintendent, Mr, Mr. Robb Ireland of Teeswater call - 3. D. McDONALCf g ed at Mr. J. Higgins the early part of A District passenger Agent, Toronto, way ra •e tur aro, err- 1 - ors good returning from ostination not ntor speedily as her friends Would wish- day at 2,30 p-nl. Mrs. Eley ]las the than Doe. 00 d 26th, a 1 third, Deo. 22nd, 23r ,24th an 35 ', nn also on Next Sunday wil be sa onary n Deo. 20th, 30th, 3181, 1002, and Jan. 1st, 1903, y Mrs, and J`as, W lie attended the not later than Methodist ebt rel , D. 0. Ta for l o the late John Nicholson of andLnttT�At ]owes one•way ar Mr. Arthur McKersie of Harriston and ono•third, from Deo. 0th to 3Ist, itrl•lusive, achoot will he hold on the evening of Tickets, Polders and all information from gram is being provided by the ener- J, J, Denman ; a good time is expected. the week, Now that Fordwich has discarded its swaddling clothes, and struck out for itself, Corrie must still keep the lead t when Gorrie becomes a city and Ford- wich is its suburb, many changes will have occurred. We wish our sister village success -=.electric lights, cem- ent walks, etc. Howick. Mr. William Trench has sold his farm near Wroxeter, which he bought about a year ago, from Mr. Harris. The trustees of S. S. No. 5, have se- cured the services of Miss Marjorie Gillespie, of Seafor•th, as teacher for 1901. David Clathers, of the and con. has sold his 150 acre farm to. his brother-in- law, Wm. Spotton, who now lives near Lakelet. Munnioipal matters are being talked of and as it is generally understood Reeve Gregg will not again be a candidate, the names of Messrs. J, Strong, W, Finlay, and R. McLaughlin are mentioned for the Reeveship, The council will likely be much the same as last year, except, that Mr. Strong will have to be replaced. The only new man so far mentioned is Wm, Bennett, sr, Fordwich. Anniversary services in counection with the Methodist church were held on Sunday last. Rev. J. 3. Liddy, M. A. of Harriston preached morning and evening to iuterested congre- gatiotts, The children- of the day school will give an entertainment next Friday evening. They are under the training of their successful teaoher, Mr. Wat- ters, Mr, Maguire, of Vienna, has just opened out an tip -to -date stock of hoots, shoes and rubbers, etc. We hope hie efforts to supply the people of Fordwich with a first class article will he appreciated by receiving a good patronage. Wroxeter. (Too Into for last Issue. Mr, and Mrs. Appleby celebrated their golden wedding day on Saturday Dec. 6th. Tn the evening, the trustees of the Methodist church, with their wives, met at Mr. Appleby's and pres- ented Mr. 1#.. with an oak arm chair, and airs. A.. with a rocket'. A very Pleasant evening was spent. 'Geo. I(aake. while skating on the pond Saturday nigtlt, ran into one of the guy wires from Ilenrphill's eleva- tion. His month was badly cut and several of his front teeth knocked out. A (loon quarter Dollar's Worth. is contained in a bottle of Poison's Nerviline, which mires Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Seintion, Toothache, Bead. ache, Cramps, Sicic Stomach and In- digestion. Mothers find Nerviline is first class linitnont for children's sore throat hoarseness, cold in the chest, and taken in hot water before retiring is a splendid remedy for colds. Don't be without Nerviline; it is the most economical, potent and reliable house- hold liniment made, and costs billy 25o. 17r. Halniltoh's Pills cure Conetipatiou ii eat ',L;r,:,l 1114L61'.y108".�, ..,It1 ,.... 11! IV lir ,I:da V111u,j �i FOR APPROPiRIATE Xmas, Presents Waiker Our Fur'nitur'e Store en- ters heartily into the spirit of Christmas. From now on our great Furniture Store ; confine its prime attention to Christmas shoppers. Our beautiful holiday goods are now in, and you are cordially invited to call and inspect. Large stock, great variety, correct prices. 1 rose button w THERE'S MONEY IN IT. If you do sot believe it write to us. We pay good wages to active men. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY Nurserymen, Colborne, Ont. Established MT. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. Sealed Tenders, for the building of the New Catholic Church at St. .Au- gustine. will he received by the under- signed up to January 15th, 1003. Ten- ders will be considered for the whole or any part of the work. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. A. HANLON, P. P.. St. Augustine. Plans and Specifications may be seen on application to J. J. Sullivan until December 27th, 1002. The St. Paul Calendar For xgo3. Six sheets 10x15 inches, of beautiful reproduction, in colors, pastel draw- ings by Bryson, is now ready for distribution and will he mailed on receipt of (25) cents -coin or stamps. Address F. A. Miller, General Pass- enger Agent, Chicago. Quehr feed to expect an animal to thrive on Is the stub some people feed their stock. Some animals thrive on anything, but your horse or cow, who Is your faithful servant, should have gond, nourishing food, such as A. Carr sells. have:Inst. unloaded 3 vara Flout• 11200 be�t,••s)-• largest consignment ever shipped into Wing. hetn at any one time by any one dealer, Tho Keewatin 1olonr has Sire t a reputation that wo are not afraid to invest in largo gn:antities. Try a bag and you will use 110 otter. We buy all kinds of grain at warehouse --highest prices paid. Man constantly in attendance. MARKET SQVAIt . NOMINATION MEETING. A meeting of the electors of the Township of Turnberry will he held in Foresters' Hall. Bleevale. on Monday, December 29rh, 1002, at 1 o'clock pal., for the Nomination of Oandidittes for the offices of Reeve and four Council- lors for the year 1003. " JOHN BUiioEss, net. Officer. Bluevale, Dec.:15th, 1902. Xmas. Bargains --AT--- D. RUSH'S. Finest Chocolates from....15c to 40c lb Finest Creams from 10c to 40e lb Finest Creams from 10c to 40c box Dark and Light Mixed Candy, 3 lbs. for 25e Fancy Candies of all kinds at lowest ces. Fancy Candy Toys from 2c to 15c each Jumbo Peanuts, Almonds, Wal -"ants, Filberte, mixed, per ib,..,, Ise Chestnuts, per Ib , 12c Oranges and Lemons GILOCEInt LINE. 3 ibs, gond Raisins for 25e 3 11)9. good clean Currants for. •• 2,5e All kinds of Spicas. Shelled Nuts and Peels for Christmas Cakes. Mince Meat, per peck:Igo .. IOe " home -make. Ile. , . , . lie Purest And strongest Essences of all kind's, on the market. Choice Coffee, per lb 20e to 40a Special Bargains in Tea Regular 25e Tea at 5 lbs, for $1.00 " 3ac, Tea at 30e per ib, " 400 Tea at 850 per 11). Package Tens at equally .Low Prlceg Canadian and American Coal Oil. D. Rush