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Prompt Punishment for Hauling
DOW11 British Flag.
Fort and custom Houses Destroyed-Particulare of the Seizure of Vene-
aucian Fleet---Castro's New Attitude-Arbltration Now Out of the
QuestIon--London Newspapers Do Net Like the Look of Things,
Puerto Cabello, Dee, 14. -The Bri-
tish cruiser Oharybdie and the Ger-
man cruiser Vinota bombarded the
fortress hero at 5 o'olook yesterday
afternoon, The fire eves returned,
but after a bombardment of 45 min-
utes; the Venezuelan guns were sil-
enced. The fortress Ls composed of
Forts Solimo and the Castle Libor-
tador. After the filing, coasea the
Clearybeis sent marines to occupy
the caetle. The fortress was almost
dentelished. It Is probable that
only a few pereons were injured by
the shelling. The commander of Cas-
tle Libertador has been taken pri-
mmer. Tao cruisers are still here.
[low itWas DOM!.
At 7 o'elock this morning the
Charybdis and the Vineta arrived
here searching for Venezuelan gun-
boats. The two cruiseris sent their
boasts into the inner port, but Un(-.
lug no gut:Mope:is, the boats return-
ed. The captain of the Britie,h mete
°bane eiteam•er Topaz°, which was
seized by tee le.ob here last Wednes-
day, then visited the British com-
modore on board the Maryanne and
lodged a protest against the viola-
tionor his ehip. The British captain
returned an hour later with a de-
tachment of fifty marinee, who took
charge of the rropaze. The populace
Were greatly excised at this incident
and raised the ory, To arms!" but
there iwas no disorder.
Outrage to Walsh. Flag,
The British coiennadore then sent a
linessage to the au•thorities at Puer-
to Cabello demanding immediate
;satisfaction for the action of the
mob ln haviag hauled down the Bri-
tish flag from. ithe Topaze, saying
that If this satisfaction was not
forthcomeng In twoImre, at 5 o'-
clock, the lortrese Mai the Customs
lames would be bomb:Jaded. On the
receipt of this demand the author-
ities sent a -message to President
Castro, asking or instructions.
A committee of merchants of Puer-
to Cabello then approached the Am-
erican Consul heye, petitioning him
to intervene. The Coneul accepted
thie mission, and eisited the eruisers,
but he could obtaie no alteration;
In the decIsion of the allies.
At a quarter liefore five a reply
Was received from Preskleat Castro,
who authorized. the chief official here
;to give the ,British /commodore ample
satisfaction. Before ties answer could
e eommenicated to the Atnerlean
ul the hour stipulated for its re-
, ate arrived. The cruisers im-
rne'diately opened }lire on the fortress.
The lire was eeturned from Fort
polano and Cia,stle Lebertaclor. While
Lie lire centinued there ;WM intense
excitement in this port. Every house
in ;town was elosed.
The people of •Puerto Cabello can-
not account for this precipitate
nation on the part of the eines, which
the y consider to he proof that Great
I3r1taiu and Gerana.ny intend forcing
ever upon Venezuela.
Tee Brttleh ;marines purpose to
make tom ref tee eannon in Castle
No damage was done eo the town.
The entrance to the insiae harbor
400 at Puerto Cabello is thrtnIgh a nar-
row ehannel-not anoic than a tow
hundred feat wide. To the left of this
Ohm -trice as one eaterthe ha.rbor,
'situated on a loev sand pit, Is the
fortress which was ;bombarded by
(the German and aritIsh cruluers.
It is an old-tea:toned structure,
Which was rebuilt in the eighteenth
eentury. Its eides are comparatively
low, and Would offer ,but poor re-
sistance to modern shells. It le not
probable that the Venezuelan Gov-
ernment bad Any modern cannon
Teo customs house at Pnerto Ca-
bello is Situated on the right, or
Mainland, slae of the channel.
Puerto Cabello is emend in im-
portance to La Guayra. The trade
of ,several interior provinces centres
bete, and Puerto Gabello is the port
Of' Valencia em important town in
tam atato of Cara,bobo.
'excitement at Caracae.
Caracas, Dec. 11. -President Cas-
tro's answer to the ultimatums; of
Britain and Germany is a. refusal
to yield on any point. The news
of the shelling of the fortress and
custem house at Puerto Cabello this.
afternoon by the British cruiser
Charybdis and the German cruiser
Vineta reached Caracas at a late
hour to -night. It caused consider-
able excltement. In spite ill the
preventive measures taken by the
police of Puerto Cabello, trouble
Is feared there.
Refused to Iteceivt• Note.
A. note from the commanders or
the allied Anglo -German fleet, whiel:
the Venezuelan Government refus-
ed to receive yesterday at La Guai-
ra, was sent to -day to United
States Minister Bowen at Caracas,
and forwarded by lem to the pro-
per Gavernment officials here. The
noto is in the name of Great Brit-
ain tind Germany; it requests all
Venezuelan ships, after the lapse
of five days, to refrain from sail-
ing from the (sort of La Guaira ins-
til the present • diffieultlee are
over. People' here aro asking by
What right Great !lateen and Ger-
many coerce Vencemeln, Without de-
claring a bleGicado.
"El Mocho" Itermandez and ;Me-
tall) Other revolutionary le:alert;
left Maracaibo to -day for Curacao
on their way to Caracas. lierme
des is probably the tuost popular
Of the revolutionary leaders; Pre-
sident Castro has kept him impri-
soned at Maraealbo for several
year e past.
Castro's New A1: •
President Castro has taken un a
bete attitude. Ile has 'erected that
reprisals are to tease, and rester -
1)0 gaVe instructiOns that
all the property of the
British and German raileoads
and British telephone companies
should be returned. The Govern -
trent Will retain still the eOtarol
of the La Guaira Itallrov,d, but
jtsniiminsttratIon will be left In-
dependent. Patriotic) tleinouetra-
tie-as took piece itgain ea4t01'day,
To ilrge Atisitratiott.
At 1 &cheek this afternoon a spec.
lal train left Careka4 for 14a (Itea-
irae taking Alfred Moline, a leading
German merchant and a German
banker, of Ceram". The Gertnan (1ore,
eta accompanied them part of the
joerney. They aro going on board
the German cruiser Vineta, on a spec -
lel :Weston to try and lobtain Ger-
many's acceptanoo of arbitration.
President 'Oastro gave them Pasia
pores, though the Initiative in this
wiesion was taken by Gorraans and
not be the Government.
Capture oil the Piece
lase followleg details of the cap -
tore of tee Venezuelan vessels at La
Gandra Tuesday by the A:war-tier-
man foeces have reaclieLi here. let e
o'clock Teesday aftereoon thirteen
boats, manned. by 210 Britiehl and
G'erwan seamen and towed by two
eteine Inenciles, without giving any
nothication of their Intentiou to the
Venezuelan authorities, entered the
harbor of La Gteara and procsealed
to the doeks. The German contia-
gent, belonging to the erasers Vi -
note and Falk°, went on board the
Meragarita, formerly the torpedo-
boat Bayo, whieh wee given to Ven -
meats by ,Ecuador, and revolvers in
hand, campolied the men who were
oampied in repairing her to aban•
don the ship. Tee German sailors
Is -washed the torpedo tubes, the com-
pass and the machinery, and left the
Maragarita in dock in this disabled
The Oartnatis afterwards boarded
the Casein, a, treight eteamer be-
longing to a Frenclunen, and char-
tered by the Government for trans-
portation of troops, and ordered the
•fewallore on board to quilt the yea -
eel, which they did withowt making
any resistance. The Gorman salon
era. the anchor chain and towed her
outsele the barbor.
'Where are Those Steamers Now?
At the eame time the sailors of the
BrItiell mender Retribution boarded
the Ueneral Creep° and the Tutunte,
and obliged their crews to lower tile
euezuelan flag and leave the vessels,
The venezuelane made no resistance.
Tee British Mueljeckets then cut the
yeesele louse from their anctiors, and
towed them outside the harbor. The
Venezuelan crews were allowed to
return to the shore. Tne captured
steamers; were seen. at 11 o'clock at
night, atIII in the setae position. At
2 o'clock an the morning the British
cruiser Retribution towed the Clan-
cy:A Creep° and the Tutumo farther
out, and the Venezuelan vessels have
not been seen same. The Governtuent
asserts teat the soldiers at the fort
at Lraluaira saw them sunk with
dynamite. It is a fact that the Itetri-
buten returned alone a tew bouts
later to LaGuaixa, and it was impoe-
sible for bee to have conducted them
either to Curacoa or Teinid.ad. The
Government complains that the Ger-
man, sailors •ato the meats prepared
on board the captured steamers for
the Venezuelan crews. •
President Castro's Views,
The Ltew York Heraid despatch
says: In reply to questions concern-
ing hie views; of tbe sincerity
01 the Britieh ane Gewean Govern -
tante in tile statement of their pur-
poses, made through their ellnisters,
President Castro said:
"Froun the notes tra,nismitted to the
Venezuelan GoVernment by the Miu-
leters of Great Britain ,and Geremey
it would appear that the eubjoet et
controversy on which our differ-
ences "lave arisen is the reeognitiou
of certain feeling made againet the
Venezuelan Government by subjects
of Germany and Great Britain.
"Now, thew- aleines do not aggre-
gate a very high egere. There is cer-
tainly netninte In them to warrant
tlee summary atetion since taken.
"It is evident, to my mind, not orey
from the manner in whites the pro-
posal was framed, which the German
and British Ministers presented, but
also froni the hasty and violent ac-
tion taken Immediately thereafter,
without awaiting a reply or vouch-
safing time for the framing of a re-
solution -it is clear to ma I say,
that there WaS a special desire on the
part of telex/natty and Great Britain
not to reaeh an amicabie solution of
this question. 4
Powers Concealed Purpose.
"Che Venezuelan people and the
Venezuelan Government believe that
they dtscern another and quite dif-
ferent purpose en the part of Eng-
land and elermany-an object 'which
may remain concealed for the peers -
eat; but which you will. shortly see
Preparing tor War.
The enlistment of Venezuelan sea
diere continues. Two thousand men
from the interior reached Caracas
to day. The boycottitig of British
and German goods continues. It is
reported that ninety Germans liv-
ing In tbe country have offered to
support the Venezuelan Government
against Germany. The eh et o.f.car
of Preeident Castro's guard /mod to-
day to the representative of the As -
sedated Press: "If there is to be
war, let as know, and we will fight.
If there is to be only an assault on
our coast, where we cannot reach
the alaea the only thing left foe us
to do 10 to declare that to destroy
your debtors' furniture is a strange
way to force the payment of his
obligation. I believe this situatioil
will seen corn° within the scope of
the Monroe doetrinae
'Mocking La Guarira,
London, Dee. 15. -In a despatca
from With:Misted, Cueacea, dated Dee.
14, the correspondent of the London
Daily Mall says the Anglo -German
warshipe are blockading Le Genera.
The steamer Yneatua was warned by
the 13ritish cruiser Indefatigable not
to enter La Guaira, kild returned to
Ceram The Venezuelan Government
has declineti the offer ot a loan, Made
by a German banker of Caracas, to
eettle the elatrns: against it.
No Arbiteation Now.
Mort of the morning newspapere
consider that the bombardment Of
time fortress at Puerto Cabello' puts
all Ike limed etf tubltrettiOn or any
Melillo settlement of the difficulty
entirely out or the question, and
they bean tO talk /seriously of the
Of enfOreine peyments of
tlialetliaride, sliOulti President Castro
deckle to defy the powere and retire
to the intet•lor or the country.lteal-
izing that 4 prolonged blieekeee Or
hoettlitiee would tindanger th3 Inter-
ests, and perlinps the lives Of for-
eign re -Meats of Veeezutsla, Malty
newspapers aro beginning to ask
Ail the tobacco that I use is grown
in Caba, therefore nothing but Max-
ana tolia000 ever goos alto any part
of any of my cigars, employ Cuban
,workmeu only. No wholesalers, re-
tailer, Commlsolon Salesmen nor bad
aecounts-thetet all In the olgare.
CIGARS nunwr from MaKalt to
SAIOKEel. No dealers need apply.
881,000 sold In else last year. ONE
YEARS, for the same tnoney you
ipay the old way ono year. These
Cigars are superior to Imported 15 -
cent ,Havanas, The Name Or nay cigar
is No. 72. Price
$2.50F0R A BOX OF 50
being equal to fiVe cents mete I
PrePaY all express or postage (reels-
tereda and thus deliver to you free
all over Canada Send money with
order, one or more ;boxes, and you
snail he a customer of mine, feortse
bave ordered the aftietit time. Sty
whether mild, medium or strong.
07 King . K. FERRIS St. East
Toronto Cnnada
Wiener The tzovernment nas not
acted over -hastily.
Italy Also Has Claims.
The statement that Italy, througb
her Legation here; is to demand pay-
ment of her claims against Venezu-
ela„ has been confirmed.
Mho arrival of the United States
gunboat Marietta, at La Guaina, yes-
terday, was due to a rumor that
United States Minister Bowen was
In danger. There has been no
ground for such a rumor, and the
presence of the Marietta was not re-
quested by Mr. Bowen.
Looking to United States.
The situation here continues to be
critical, and there is much excite-
mont among the Gern3an residents
of Caracas, many of whom have
called at the American Legation to
stook refuge there. The people of
Caracas aro astonished that the
Government at Washington remains
silent in spite of the recent act of
the allied fleet.
FORCE 1110 ON 001111E1TE.
Rogers Relies on Prayer to
Cure Broken Limb,
Chicago, Dec. 13.-Witis both legs
broken .and kis wrist fractured,
George Rogers, an employee of the
Northwestern Elevated Railroad,
objected to the police taking lain
to a hospital, saying that he was
"Dawieite." ad that prayers
wore all that were needed to heal
his injuries. In spite of las protests,
however, he WAS taken to the Alex -
Ian Brothers' Hospital, where his
injuries were attended to.
Rogers es employed by the ele-
vated railroad company as a car
cleaner. Last evening he was work-
ing at the end of the Northwest-
ern Elevated Railroad line at Wil-
son and Evanston avenues cleaning
the windows of one of the cars.
Ile stood ott a ladder whiee he
worked, and, making a mlestep, fell
to the ground twenty feet below.
Other employees near by, seeing
that Rogers was unable 16 rise af-
ter his fall, went to his assistance.
When it was found that he was
seriously injured the pollee of the
Sheffield avenue station wore sum-
On the arrival of the ambulance
Policemen William Hoes and Louis
Pike started to place the injured
lean in tho wagon. 'Rogers was
conscious and the policemen were
surprised ea= ho said, "Don't take
me to a hospital; take me home."
When questioned as to his reasons
for not wishing to be removed to
a hospital, Rogers is said by the
police to have told them that he
w -as a believer in the teachings of
In spite of his protests Rogers
was then lifted into the wagon
and taken to the hospital. On his
arrival at the hospital Itogers is
said to have repeated his request
to be taken hotue. He was, how-
ever, placed on an operating table
and bis fractured bones were re-
A Remarkable Trio Living in London-
derry, N. B.
Londonderry, N. FL, Dee. 14. -Born
in this town Snore than 71 years
ago, the Ripley triplets are proba-
bly the oldest now in this country.
Motel Sampson Ripley, Mrs. Ad-
dle K. Thayer and Mrs. Angle K.
Boutell are the names of the trip-
lets. They are of a family of six
children, all of whom are living
and enjoying fair health.
The triplets' parents were Asa-
hel P. Tapley and Mary 'Clark Rip-
ley. The father was born in London-
derry in May, 18.01, and died in
Nashua, in 1890, Mrs. Ripley was
born in Londonderry In 1E06 and
died there in 1888.
On Sept. 24th, 1829, to Ur. and
Mrs. Ripley were barn the trio of
children whieli made their home
happy and pleasant ever after. The
Old family physician, Who nettanded
the ease at the time, Dr. Daniel
Simpson, was so elated over the
advent of tat) three babies that he
desired to have the boy named tor
himself, Daniel Sirapsort Ripley, and
the girls foe las wife and sister.
This Was agreed to by Mr. and Mrs.
Offenders Against Loodon Rank in
Petrel/ay to Punishment.
London, De. 10.-jacob Stern, who
was arrested in New York in Janu-
ary last, and eight Other foreign-
ers, charged with hank note for-
geries, were committed for triaL tate
eaterhoort. ,
The feageriee have ocenpled tbes
London pollee for several
and tvlien first discovered, oreatial
considerable excitement in Mem.
tnerelal circles, They aggregated
$50,000, but • the criminate had
laid their plans for an extended came
NOVI againet the bank, which doubt.
less would have beep tarried out had
not their sel::anes been frustrated
by, tbo arreAlt in New York of Stern,
who etteroVited to float some of Cm
first forgeries to get money for
extending the business. Tho prison-
ers h.ra all Getman' and /Latakia.
Jar of Sleigh Exploded Nitro -
Drautford Oespateb Joeepli Shea
fer, a nitro-glyeerine ehooter, em-
ployed by the Pennsylvania Torpedo
CoMPanY of this place, was WWII
to atoms near State Limo at 10
o'clock, ties forenoon.
Shaffer was driving a team. lIlt
sleige contained 100 quarts of nitro.
glycerine and he wasOn hes way te
shoot a well in Nichols Valley, in
the vicinity of Linusetone. Sleighing
Is rough In the country clietacts,
the stow not yet being paceed along
the roads, and alraffer's sleigh drop
ped into a rat. Tito jar set off the
explosive, and the man, les horses
and sleigh and load of glyceriee were
going skyward in smoke.
People in the vicinity, alarmed by
the explosion, hurriedto tbe scene.
but found nothing Out a deep holt
in the road.
Shaffer was 26 years old. He leave;
a mother and sister, who are rest
dents of Buffalo. Ile was a fearless
glycerine handler, and had expert.
meal mane narrow °seams.
-------- •
Bt.:wing on the Agricultural Situation
in Prince Edward Manta
An Ottawa despatch says: The
Census Department has Issued a,
bulletin concerning agriculture le
Prince Edward Island. The bulle-
tin contains eight tables, enutnor•
ating fares and lot holtlings, farms
and farm lots, fruits, grains, hay
roots, live stockannual proclucts
and values in all the tables. The ro.
turns have boon compiled to shoe
the statistics of (i) areas of flvc
acres and over, as farms, and (2
areas under five acres, as lots, to
gether with the total of both
classes. The number of acres 11
orchard at present total is 8,1.90
or an inoreae,e of 661 acres since the
last conSuS. The yield of apple
and plums is three times and cher-
ries] four times as great as in 1891.
No progress is shown in the culti-
vation of small fruits, and • vine-
yards have almost disappeared from
the island.
The crops of hay, Oats, wheat,
potatoes -those four crops occu
plea 94.80 per (lent, of the whole
area in 1900, in the following pro
portion: Hay, 40.65, oats 80.74.
wheat 9.15, potatoes 7.40. The fol-
lowing table shows the average
yield per acre of the principal crop,
for the harvests of 1890 and 1000
1900, 1890
Spring waeat, bushels 17.45 13.71.
27.73 19.00
POrtsaeo' es 119.00 162.50
... 0.92 0.86
Ray,Thonrtois a decrease in horses and
sheep since last census, and again
in• mlich cows. In products the 'cen-
sus of 1891 del not enumerate eggs,
but this census shows a production
of 2,426,251 dozen, value at neares
a quarter of a million dollars.
Agricultural values have been
taken for the firet thee in this cen-
sus. • .They show for farms and lots I
in the Ieland, a total for land and
outbuilding% of $23,118,946; for im-
plements, and machinery, $2,628,-
787; for live Mode $4,878,980; and
for the crops and animal products
or the conous year, $7,167,003. The
total value of farm propertyi es $80,-
484,089, and of thin sum, land repre-
sents $49.78 p.c., buildings 25.76 P.C.
implemento and machinery, 8.60 pa.
anti live eteck, 15.86 r).e. The rent
value of leased farms is 96 cents
per acre, and the rate of wager; for
farm labor le $3.68 per week, includ-
ing board. The total groos value of
term products for the census year
la $4,764,674 for crops, 04.27 p.c., and
$2,648,023 for animal produces,
35.73 p.c. Milo makes the aggre-
gate of $7,418,297 or $561 in the
year for an average fate.), which le
24.38 p.c. of tho inveetment.
Nearly Niise Hundred Million Peet
be Takets Out.
The Department of Crown Lands
has made an estimate of the pro
babbo cut of pine sawloge and square
timber during the present season on
territory held under timber license
from the Crown. The quan,titiee -
which are based upon tee reports of -
the respeotive agencies aro as fol. !
lows, in feet, board measure:
Sudbury ..................12t,000,000 •
Parry Sound ... 171,000,000:
Biscotasing 40.000,000:
Whitney 50,500,000 -
Webbwood 150,000,000.
Sault Ste. Marie ...
Peet Arthur 18,000,000
Arnprior 40,000,000
Pembroke 100,000,000
Peterboro' 44,000,000
Rat Portage ... a 25,000,000
Tata 884500,000
In addition to this quantity, there
will be a large number of railway
ties, 'probably 1,500,000 taken oat,
as well as telegraph poles .and fence
posts, hardwood, dtc„ and a consid-
erable cut of hemlock and hard
woods, the Last mentioned for fuel
and charenial purposes, as well as
for use in furniture leaking, eta
Tbe quantity of pine cut during
the winter of 1.900-01 ender author-
ity oT timber license was 658,000,-
000 feet, and during last winter
850,000,000 feet. .
'From the reports of tho timber
agents it is apparent that the chief
difficulty the lumbering firms are
experiencing to, scarcity of lather,
mei; being hard to get Ana wages •
high. Provielons and other supplies
aro also dear, and the expenses of
operating- are correspondingly great-
er. Tiut. out during the present win-
ter will be a heavy one, as tbe de-
mand for timber la good and paws
rule leg's. 711ie only thing that will
tend to keep clown, the oat Is the die,
acuity in obtatinieg labor.
Australian Pudding.
Careftilly pick over a Cupful of pearl
tealoset, and put it in a saucepan with
three Cupfuls of cold wa.tee ; stand
it oh the beck of the stove and let
it meek two hours; then sweeten 11;
with two ot• three tablespoOntais of
Molasses and let it boll gently till
quit thick ; then pour it on a Jolly
Mould; stand it whore It Will get
solid; then turn it trite a glass dish;
serVe it with riekereani.
St. .A.nne's tilmrech, erected to the
memOry of Brehoeuf n,m1 Lallement.
Jesuit missionary martyrs, was &all -
onto' Penetanguishene by Arch-
bishop O'Connor.,
There hats been an increase In the
nuinber of coinmitmente for drunk-
britieSS in Ontario daring the pest
.ovaerrttlie innebet In tile Pre*
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not need to give all
the reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation' of Cod Liver oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a sUggestion as
to why it does what it does.
Scott's Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in strength, least in
Young women • in their
" teens " are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
blood which shows itself in
paleness, weakn ess and nervous-
ness, by regular treatment
with Scott's Emulsion. •
It is a true blood food and
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness from
which so many young women
We will ee glad to send
a sample to any sufferer.
Be sure that thls picturo
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Toronto, Ontario.
)eputy Sheriff in Chicago
Used His Revolver,
Chicago, eleepatch: Deputy Shiniff
Samuel O'Neill, who already had
'laded las men," emplitteized a 'poll -
deal" argument yesterday afternoon
ar shooting and probe -ley fatally
,Younding Charles eater, a Criminal
eourt belief. The "debate" took place
.n the vestibule of M. J. Quak's
ealoon, 120 Clark street, half a block
role Me county Courtetouse. Before
*aeon/ became a deputy sheriff lie
ised been 0 detective sergeant at the
oentral station. His e•arlier escapade,
or whim/ he escaped punitslunent,
,vas the killing of Michael McNamara
et Jefferson and Forquer streets in
.892. At Mat tanie he was exonerat-
e by a Coroner's jury, on the plea
hat he thought McNamara was rob -
Aug a man at the time he shot him.
Stater and O'Neill, with Joseph Cof-
.ey, n, Meek in the county building,
.nel Charles Ahearn, another bailiff,
,mad been in the saloon for slows time.
Plee conversation turned to the re-
cent instalment of Sheriff Barret,
sad the probable dieribarge of a num.-
we of the deputies now Lu that office
.vho lind served under ex -Sheriff
elagerstadt. "You people won't Met
is long as the snow," laughed Slater.
O'Neil! insisted that he would be in
his positoin long after all the bailiffs
were gone. One word followed an,
other, until both the men became
Angry. They wete separated, how-
ever, and O'Neill was famed out into
the alley at the side en 1 -ranee.. Slater
was led to the front Vestibule and.
seated behind the agar case. In a
minute O'Neill appeared at the front
entrance. Be burst through the.door,
Ind, leaning over the showcaste,
pressed the revolver against Slater's
iota, and pulled the trigger. Slater
fell et/cense:louse
Tao report of the shot attracted
the atteetion of the Growd in the
saloon, athile many men rushed In
from the street. As they thronged
through -the door O'Neill took adVan-
tage of the exciteleent and escaped.
neathe crossing patrolmen at
Washington and Clark streete reach-
ed the, saloon the fugitive had distill -
Both O'Neill and Slater' are mem-
bers of the Nineteenth Ward Repub-•
lican organization. It was through
this club that (relent Bemired the
baeking that landed Mtn in the Sher-
iff's office. Ile is a powerful man, sax
feet tall, Stater is mutes smaller and
about the same age, 42. O'Neill drinks
heavily at times.
11 Stoma:Her a Cent on Two Trolley
Car Fares, So lsere
Who says that a mentos ilas 00
sense 'or login? Yesterday a woman
gat cm board of a trolley car in Ewa
Netv York, tugging two children with
am. They were over the age when
ehey could riee erce, and the con-
ductor promptly aeltea ehe evonian
on athe fares. Alla as promptly
placed In Ms hand a dime and turned
to look out of the ,whitlow.
" Yon owo me a cent,' declared the
eoeductor, etti bolding out las hand.
" What for ?" asked the woman,
with a beautiful appearance of inno-
"Two of them faros is half faresa
thee makes 0 cents -and you must
pay 6 tor yourself," mid the eon-
ductor, with a 'bored expression.
" Noe much; 1 don't owe you n,
cent,' eald the Woman, stoutly. "Ono
..'aric is 5 Cents, ain't it ?"
" Cont,' said the oaleed.
" Well,' Was the triumphant reply,
" ain't two halves equal to one ?
elevan now; that's all you'll got."
And It wase -Brooklyn Eagle.
New Issue Front ikanSaN.
Out in Hansase a new issue has
projected itself on the puelle. A new
head, of the atate University ewe bee
rived from the met hes tried to
make the professors svear cusps end
gowns during class Work, with tho
meult of evoldhg scoffs from stu-
dents and condemnatory resolutions
from politiolans. Enetern contem-
poraries Are commenting 00 the lute-
roWnese or fighting against enoe and
gown:), put: a word or teas might alma
be saki on the narrowness of firdit-
ing to intilxhISO 1Whar0 thay
are ticit,tivOteciN . .
In the Presence of the Duke
and Duchess of Covaught,
0 nn•••••,....•
Der. 10.-Tbe great Ateogae
deni was opeued to -clay in the pres-
ence or the Duke ane Duchess of (;on -
naught, tne gliedive, Earl Cromer,
the British Agent le Egypt, sold Coen -
tees Cromer, and varlow Oausuls-Liell
fired. Tho lel:edam turnee the key,
which by an ingenious contrivance
sot in motion the eleetrie machinery,
Keveral sluice gates gradnally op-
enea, ane a volume of water ruated
out. On the invitation of the le.hedivo,
the Ductless of Connaught laic) a
stone commemorative of time event,
As to -day was Ramadan, the great
annual Meliammedan tenet, the eere-
teeny did not take plaoe until four
oclook in tile afternoon, coneequently
the preceedlege wore somewhat cue
tailed. t
Tale great work, which bas cost
betweete e20.000,000 awe/ Ree,000,-
000, will syatematize irrigation, Im-
part security to crops, and stability
'10 ilaTVCSta'and Widenhe tarea of
the Nile lands under cultivation. The
annual flood, with the fertilized silt.
and sot, bas already passed, ena the
aulees of the Assouan dam are now
closed for the storage of water until
March 3. The aulees will then be op-
ened gradually, and for four months
there will be a good head of water
in the irrigating canal, for the use
ef cultivators. Time scarcity of water
caused: by a low Nile will be avoided
and a great increase in the agricul-
tural resources of Egypt will be
brouzlit about, .
Diminutive elan Smallee Than
lever After B is Child's itemerk.
There are penalties in being small -
of stature, as many who have laid
experience realize. No one has a
mere keen sense at his own short-
comings, or shortness, perhaps,
than a prominent real estate deal-
er, who lied an experience a few
evenings ago that kept him guess-
ing for a little bit as to whether
he should feel complimentsd or
otherwese. Ho was at Immo with
ono little (laughter, while his WIfe
and another of the. William: were
flow•ntown. Darkness was coming
on and theeettle girl was anxiously
atealtIng her mother's return. iler
nervousness grew apace, in spite of
the father's attempts at reassur-
ance. at length the little ono burst
into toars, steeling:
"I can't, jast hole It; I need mam-
ma, and I must have her."
"Do you do this way when 'our
mamma, is hero and I am away a"
asked the father.
"No, of course, not." replied the
little one, "enuse then there's
SOMO grown-up pereon about the
Two Other Vessels Wrecked Off
St. John's, Nfld., Dec. 14, - The
schooner Molly, carrying a crew o.
seven men, was struck by a, gale
yesterday morning. The vessel was
beeled over en•til the stove in her
cabin upset. This limited In set-
ting fire to the woodwoik, ane the
scheioner was soon a mats of llama.
The ci.ew- ran the Molly for outer
Gooseberry Island, an unmhabited
island, 12 miles off BonavIsta Bay.
Efee e the schooner was beached an.:1
the crew landed ou the rOcks. Res-
idents of the mainlane caught sight
of the burning, schooner, and the
mail boat; Dundee, was despatched
to the rescue. The members of the
Molly's maw were badly frost aitten.
A Captive Unhooks His Nose, Ear and
Foot and Becomes a God.
Did you ever hear Gooley Bill tell
of seine of hie adventures? Bill was
a setter in aus, eouth,u1 and truthful
days ; not an ordinary foremast hand,
but a Capt. Coek or ;Robinson Crusoo
or Nod Buntline le ehe guise of an
able-bodied •seaman. As he was wont
to say, "Byes, levee like a sea gool
aellyin' and a edirlin' in ivory part o'
late ;world, au' on all the sivin seas."
Hence hie name of Goole,y ,B111. In his
wanderings about the waterways of
the .woriti he has acquired a ,fair share
of yams and a goon ehare of ta.ttoo
marks. Anent the latter, he has
many etories to .beguile these days
of his retirement, . but the one about
a flame mitered scar on his forehead
and certain peculiar tattooings on
hiehands is his bet. The scar was
really stistained In a. sithore leave
" I wail on the aenth Sea whetter
eliclutel Much," he begins, "and she
gite wrecked. Alter hare:Mips too in-
numerous and barrowin' to mentiou,
I gite cast away on a clesert island
lelia,bleed by a tribe of gentle can-
nibal fatuities. Just as they were
goin' ,to ;stew me, 1 vaves my second-
hand teeth, and ;when they git over
their delt and git back some breath
atter running' a,round the fare) they
puts me up ;for an idol. As an idol I
had an away idle time,
"Ono day a whaleboat drifted ap
to the shore, and when I trotted
clo,we Mend a •s.oetningly well pree
served man in It, end yet be seemed
met o' patehed up, too. All he wont-
ed Was water, and after he had
e-oaketi it in and revallowed albent a
lerg Ate was ahle to look Wound. Thee
my ',tribe .wanted him to stay for
dinner as a centrepiece. I got seared
then, yeti het, for somebody- might
invite the idol te be a denonation.
But the new enek Tar had nerve.
Ho pulled out his set' of false teeth;
. 'Huh, see '.fore,' said the chief can-
tabal, in his dialect I tratislated and
thee something •happened, He un-
hooked Me ,paper ineellee nose, one
rubber oar, two eattaciat toes from
Ms lott foot, his cork leg from the
right knee, took off his left hook,
mviitcih ho used instead of a Mina pat
ono eye, which was at glass,. In his
mottle an' then bloWed a weird blast
trent the envor tabe he lased for a
Wind plpe. When we come to he Was
arranging his remaine neatly around
Ian) and me, and daring then) step
inside the .charmed arcle. Say, they
svorehipped us so Much that How
bunt a elep and gent Ms neray. That%
how I'm heee."-Philedelohla Evnning
Te'egraph. •
In consequenee of the dearness of
living th South Africa, which obliges
soldiers to spend practicall,y all
their pay on fooil, the War Office
hats decided to Make a free issue
of a lb. of potatoes per day tie each
man. These at present tan only lei
perchneed at ektravagant peicee.
A. de:match from, Tangier, Morocco,
anyil the eon:man:1er of the
totems; isfue informea the Suiten that
las tr00118 Are cOmpletoly heniteed 111
by tito rebel% that they nee masa)
to ealvanee or retreat, and that Mtn -
tato loyal troops are joining the
forecs Of the pretender.
Parliament is not expected to open
Until PebruarY
ear. George Daeveon, formerly of
Toronto, dropped dead in Montreal.
Lord and Lady Mao have re-
turned to Ottawa from Montreal.
Premier Haultain was banqueted at
RestOunfolciiistiraeutruir ronfrom •114:1,0bgblaanid;
tenanlenateIali?! Springs, Va., until
An application has been made for
5. risootuotuhn'toolf.o'ntliteole, referendum Vote
Woe' awl bristles from the Now
fOrnoginlaendutSertalne:schaanyaearen prohibited
The next annual meeting of the
Ontario. Division of the Sons of Tern -
perdue° will bo held in Oshawa.
s:I.ehree ceocakii (0.01100.io more mutated
In T.oronto, by the arrival erns() veal"
Col. Macdonald was injured at Ot-
tawa by the fall of a quantity of
plaster from the ceiling of Ms of-
V. S. capitalists have Offered to
purchase five thousand shares of
Royal Bank 01 -Canada stock at $250
a share.
William Campbell pleaded guilty
al; aanawleh of assaulting J. W.
Hannah, barrister and was re -
mantled far sentence,
Herbert C. Johnston has been
sentenced to two years' imprison -
meet at Montreal for conspirace
to defraud the O. P, 11.
Mr, dames Rogers and his son, wilt
were injured at a Havelock railwa3
crossing, dial In Peterborte Hosea.
Wirtnipowe fuel supply is shoat. Foe
dealers have either wood or coal anc
the visible supply has about reached
low-water mark.
Tao loeal agent of the Great North-
ern Railway has recolveti notice of
the agreement between that line and
the Canadian Northern.
efembero of the Toronto Fire Bri-
gade will form a labor uelon under
°barter from the Dominion Trades
and Labor Congress.
A deputation from the Toronto
Beare of Trade asked the Board of
Control for $5,000 towards, organ-
izing an old home week.
There Is a rumor about London
that Thomas Coffey, of that city,
publisher of the Catholic Record,.
will euceeed the tate Senator A. Don-
Sir Frederick Borden will introduce
a ilea to amend the militia, act next
sweeten, which will probably providc.
for an increase in the permanent
fame. I
A Buffalo labor abpresentative t-
in Kingston trying to induce tie
German machinists in the locomet
tive works to go to the United
The gvoernors of McGill have de-
cided to confer the degree of LL.D.
an Prpf. Geo. Parkin for his /ser-
vices in literature and the Rhodes
Eastern banks and financial ineti-
tutione aro planning tlie establish-
ment of executive boarde at Win-
nipeg to manage weetern invest -
mentis. .
A eub-committee of the Toronto
Werke Committee has recommended a
temporary railway bridge, wed: of
Cherry street, over the ole Don
Mr. a Wesley Smith, dry goods
merchant, of Halifax, wile died re-
eently, left naval; $60,000 to var-
ious branches of Methodist Church
work and about $80,000 to educa-
tional and clmritable institution's.
About noon a young man named
Chrietense,n, aged about 25 years,
son of Andrew Christensen, agent of
tho Richelieu & Ontario Navigation
Company, Tadousese, slipped over
the St. Catharines Bee', Que., wheal
and was arowned.
Tile King of Saxony es confined to
Me bee by an attack of bronciatio.
Russia, Is dissatisfied with the
award in the Beterieg Sea cases ar-
A special from Marquette, Miele,
says motion 16 mine is burning. The
fire is beyond control.
A party to support Emperor Wil-
liam's policy will be organized witb
the title, the Kaleer party.
At Newark, N. J., a nate was SDn-
toneed to six months' Imprisonment
for attempting to commit suicide.
An increase of one halfpenny a lone
in the pace of bread intensifies the
tlistrees in tbe east end of London
U. S. Seeretary Wllson says it
will cost $700,000 to stamp out the
foot and mouth disease.
Lord Roseber7 advised noncon-
formists not to tamely submit to th.e
education bill.
In the House or Lords the Bishop
of Hereford scathingly condemned
the education bill.
A Braise Paielamentary °amnia
tee reported againet the principle of
steamship subsidies.
Signor Polacco, Italian Minister at
Sofia, committed suicide by throw-
ing himself from the window of ab
At Dublin, D. Kilbride, former mem-
ber of Paxelanlent, Was sentelnied to
eight 'eoliths' imprisonment for in-
citing to Warder.
Wel Knang Tao, who waerecently
appointed Viceroy Of Nanking, is
generally regarded as a moderate
conservative man, of strict integ-
At at. Louie a former member 00.
the lidtteo of Delegates was south/oaf
it> four year& imprisonment in con-
nection with the 'flooding" cases.
The Committee on Agricaltuianif
the United States Congress asks
$1,000,000 to fight the cattle the-
cae° in the Now England States.
The Archbleitop of Canterbury, wile
tvas taken ill while making a speea
in the House of Lords a fONV days
age, nhd had to be etecorted from the
Chamber reported to be worse
The conference at Detroit passed
reeoluttoris favoring reciprocity with
Cenlida, and several thousana dollars
were enescrieed to start a campaign
Ini the United States to that end.
A startling Inerense in suicides in
the Hungarian army hats aroused the
tattiest -nits to an Inveetigation. Six
tecrults belonging to a single regle
/nett have committed suicide in two
I The Wowing additiOnal Nobel
prime have been awarded at Stock -
holes Literature, Prof. Memtneen ;
cheMattry, Prof. lihnil Fischer, of Ber-
lin; peace, Prot. Frederielt Von Mar-
tens, Of St. Petersburg. The pheales
pleat is divided between Prolossorts
Lorenz Wei Ze0Man, 11011and.
Abandoned at East,•end Coal
Yard, Toronto.
Toronto, Pee. 15. -On aaturclay
forenoon two women cleave OP 19
imea to the Infante' Home on at.
Mare street, and one of them weut
to the door, carrying a. baby apPata
ently About three d,aye old, wishing
to scieve it at the home. Sao wets ile-
,ornied that 11; woad not be /Ideated
teems Tee mother renatiece to Puree
.1. 'ante was not eatireactury, so the
safant was taken away a,ga.n. The
.itirse moaned that the baby's Maui
.ves covered witis a mode red tap.
i1eeween.1 ised 8 ()clock in the after -
Joon a, women, apparenty about a -i.
years opt age, peor,y dressed, was mean
.uout Geo. arIenell es coal and weed
yard, at aueen ano De Gramti e‘reets,
earrying a baby. Later tho bay was
.ounti imi the Woe eaul the woman
was not to be seen. Tee plaice at N.
Station were notilied, and the
.c.seeding wee taken to tise Infatits'
tome, where it was rceognized as the
,veme reaaapped baby that had been
erought there etsrlier in the day, 90
Lt wee admitted without its mo thee
.sfter aft.
Though it wart warmly wrapped,
tile Weida face had been frost -batons
emotes:Ay in being taken about In the
Detective Forrest was put upon the
ease, and learned that the woman
had deserted the Infant and had
couelrt a ticket at the Don Station
.or Cobourg. The police of that town
;yore petaled to be on the watch for
her, but as yet no reply has been re-
iseived, It was also learned time the
mother la11 boon staying at time
durnattle Hospital, where she gave
name of Hattie Jones, believed to
be fictitious. She left there on Fri-
day against the advice of her doctor.
Fell in Love While Attending
the Hopeless Invalid,
New York, Dec. 10. -Id was at the
sick bed of her nonce, who lay suf-
fering from a serious malady in a
ward at the Post -Graduate I -Wept -
cal, that Miss Minnie Williams,
young Brooklyn girl, first irnetDr.
1Chomas D. Nichols, wee WAS at -
moiling the young man. During her
visits to the hospital, and while
seeking to comfoset her affianced
under this affliction, Miss Watiams
antt the young surgeon began tell
eraortaln a mutualregard for each
other. The eourtslap, so romanti-
cally begun in the hospital ward,
resulted in the marriage of the
young girl to Dr. Nicholas last
Miss Wiallatus, who before her
marriage lived with her mother at
No. 12'ar •Calyer street, Brooklyn,
had been engaged for some time
to Charles Smith. Time young rnan
contracted a `throat trouble, whicli
[Welly developed into incurable
cancer. This occasioned much grief
to the young folk, whose relatiaes
persuaded them at crime to aban-
don alt thoughts of marriage.
Mr. Smithl was taken: to the Post -
Graduate Hospital to undergo an
operation. eliss Williams visited him
nearly every other day, bringbig
fruits, books v,nd flowers and mak-
ing every effort to cheer the young
wile Is a, surgeon eel
staff of the Post -Graduate
Hospital, had charge of the opera-
tion on the patient. He was great-
ly touched by the devotion display-
ed by Miss Williams and exerted
his best skill in treating the young
man. His tforts were unavailing.
Dr. Nichols' kindness impressed
Miss Williams, and when he began
to pay attentions to her she re-
ceived les suit with favor. The pre-
vious engagement was broken off,
and the doetor and Miss Walleyes
determined to be married.
In the Greenpoint meetion of
Brooklyn the family of Miss Wil-
liams is well known. Friends of the
young girl, who knew nothing of
the' second engagement, were plea-
santly surprised by the announce-
ment of her marriage, which was
performeti in the Noble Street
Presayterian .Churelt by- the Rev.
Dr. .Campbell. The wedding was a
quiet one, only immediate relatives
and a few intimate friends; being
Majority for Prohibition Over Eighty
For Ti10111:18.31(1.
a 19138130
AgattijOrtrity for 8),528
The vete for peoldbition is over
170,000 this morning, and the ma-
jority is aleo materially increased by
official tleclarations made on liatur-
dey. From Addington complete fig-
ures are tor the first time available.
The vote for. the act was 1,422•and
against 754,, giving a majority of
(168 for the meaeure.
Belleville. Dec. 13, -The following
are, the official fignres for the three
tidings of Hastings county for am
Illteurehtialts: ilegs-For'3,f.a0; against,
798. Majority for, 594.
Ea et Hatstinge.-21"or, 1,780; against,
805. Majority foe, 934.
North Meetings •--- For, 2,203;
egairest, 040. !Majority fote 1,31e.
Hepworth Ration, lecc. 18. --The
final returns/ of tbe vote polled In
North Bruce on the liquor act of 1902
are: For, 2,e,81.; against, 045. Ma-
jority for; 1,036.
apeaal mining tome/41°1w liave
been framed to cover operations oil
forest reserves.
The Itallen warehip Carlo Alberto,
ei-el by Mr. Maroon,. in Isis 'wireless
telegraehle esperimente, has been
ordered to Venezuela.
It le reported that Lord Strath.
cone line promated to give $50,000
to Meant University for the estab-
lleameet of a gymnasttim.
1ttr. 3, S. Annabel vvarnea the To-
ronto Trades and Labor Couliell that
employers nre planning to auttes
elaes Wetted to Labor uniens.
Toronto r stepayerti Will be naked
to vote at the municipal cicalas/a
en the by-Inve providing $3,70,000
for a neW engine at the waterworks.
Mr, Ie. IL Clergne lute made a
statement that all the Mils required
by the to:street With the Canadian
Northern latietvee heat) been relied.