HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-12-18, Page 6/Y FOUR GOOD SHORT STORIES ... r 2 That's " the greatest thing in the world," -in anything that's worn. You get style, fit and finish too, in t:.. -But the o -ie thing we emphasize is their 11 Wearing Qualities. "Granby Rubbers wear fide iron," „ji- emakkagillailea�.y�.,,_ Notwithtstandlug tier usual earns aud thoughtfulness regarding her be- longings woman is oiitentimes the most thoughtless and forgetful of creatures. Here 'is un incident in proof winch oeourred at a dimmer losart bearding hotel and it is told by •anoi of thin men who:). Was Irc!sent : ".date came to tho plaeo where we were stopptug; late nue Monday evening, unci site bad with Or a big trunk, a Batelle' and a suit easo. urine men who brought the baggage from the train carried It to her room and we were all in the parlors playing cards and won- dering tt we Ewald gee a glimpse of the new boarder before breakfast, the next mowing. In a little while the question was solved, for the vi- sion of loveliness floated into the room' and asked for the boarding house beeper. He 'teas at one of the tables to make out a party at cinch, but immediately excused liimself and bowed attention to lits new guest. \\'o all heard 'what she said: "'1 liave unfortunately left the key of my suit ease at home,' she told me, and I came to see It you had any keys about tate house that, blight po'ssi'bly fit it." Away went the boarding-house man and pretty soon we heard him going upstairs. Thera was a long wait and thou he came down and asked talose of the boarders present if trey would surrender up their keys for trial upon the locked suit ease. Of course a half dozen bunches of keys came Gee of as many poakets and some of the ladies wont to Sherr rooms to bring forth, the keys they possessed. Two or three of us fol- lowed the boarding house matt to the top et the stairs, where the was wrestling with, the lock of the suit case in the hall. The owner of the case was profuse in her regrets as to tho trouble she was causing. As one after another of the keys were tried and failed to mak any impression on the lock we struck up an acquain- tance, as people will at such places, without an introduction But none ,. ,yy,,,;aW,oral.•.+ for safety while he ]nitlutoly In- ills Ruling I'aassion. spectral its' mf)YOOCo Calle, and c11ew- Detroit t'roe Press, ed up do velvet tieingwithall the , Meter -Tour temperature le up to 5ert of a gOtrmallra.ano buttered and ben rn. One ltclptess glance was alt 1 11,'".. Auctioneer (drovall) T indred an' . time for before the door opened,.A.gr1 'scroll ! ITun(lreti an' seven I Gaiat;, ablule came i11. h a l going, at atundretl an' aseven 1 Who'll CIIAx'71F11, :VIII, anako it A hundred an' eight ? On lteart.ng the soft tap of Ba- Dr, August Kae01g's Millburn Drops Moles fingers ort the (loot of MY as a b'ood purifier, strength alyd 1 i Inn studY, pro rt tt n m u there had 1 t u I y 'g , 1 i for health re latror n( s ecifi oh s a a c that m , I quite suctclethly rt' feeling ill! y all stomach, '1'.var and kidney. iron- analuor was gone and tete tempest hies, loads all outer seminar medicines of human passions which I had con- in its tvonelerful Sales and marvel- trolleel for so long buret out with- 'laws eq,>afid•anee of the pnople..esiipce- 1il' me with a viu•lence which mole laity oar vast German population. me afraid of myself. 'There, on the nits that a now and un'trlcd prodnot, table before ate, hly true elvaiuoUt re- but was meanie and Kati more than Ito of my rejected suit to thio woe sixty years atgo. mal 1 had tried to love. And here, shut out from me only by a scareely-closed door, was the • woman I loved so dearly without Supply Cut Off. From Denver, Cole One day ;the etile trying, that just that faint iivdran,t eves frozen up, and the nett eicse•Jn sound tviticsll told uho she was near duly i:dhe-ntihlttn,an (li•i hat came; anti Bice** * �et g� et tln'illed thread h evi:ry fibra o[ my Waren I asked any ltttlo ecusLn Aivaln E9S EXILE.P body as the musician's cureless flit- wvity tiro milkman did not name, ,she j gens sweep elm keys of his Lnstru-' staid soberly: `gwent. in a lightly -•touched prelude " S s'dlos° alis hydrant is froze up." "-' before he makes it sing and throb - ---__ea__ " had , 1 T o r vo w you tab Dr.. t arses 11a j with' any melody he pit,r, Ointment i t i sprung to my Scot and begun to Chuo's eaoor certain es and absolute euro for eaoh lose my returned !otters one bei nd over form of itching, a Y ono with telhakitaw hands into the bleedingandprotruding pilos. tire, when I heard I3abiole's voice the manufnotnrerehave guarnnteedit. Sec los- 1� errt�o� tc► Reiland inc. bora what Choy thiol L jy t�v tL t -iT� , I turned abruptly, and it scented get your rttonoy boot ff not ental, 000 n box, nt li • 4 tT• to myself almost, defiantly. But alldoaloreorrnnsnrlsoN,I3nrss&Co.,Torouto, Then, with tt. lo;g sight, site stood - and half relief, and wrote a note.. no Sooner had I given one glance ®�..6i�9ase9s ®06rtl�6'1efl up, twined her aruhd within aline and "My Dear Miss 1'aringtan,-lour , at tato slander figure Grossed in • let the lead her upstairs. The door letter forbids me to address though some plain dark stuff and out: into) of her room was open, and the two e. more affectionate way, g the little Palo Saco than all the candles, flickering and smoking in you aro mistaken in supposing tet tumult within me began to calm tho cast moving shadows my feelings toward you have clta.nf, down, and the roaring, ramping, h drauuglut, both, .I over a cita:ckdor of dress and dainty It seems to bo that we have b raging lion I had felt. a moment woman', clothing flung in confusion if I may use true expression, been run- before transformed himeelf gredii- abon true room. 13ablolo glanced inside ring our Meads against a brick wall ally before the ulhtronselous inttglo Of •.and then looked up at me in bewilder- You heave been eeeking in mo a my !airy eyes into tho mild and inent and alarm, like ono learned gentlemen witls, a strong meek old lamb ',he had always been roused out of sleep to see natural bent for philanthropy,. with her. rr�methln strange and terrible. while I hoped to ltnd in . "You seem very busy, Mr, Maude," I wanted her to to rent before you an Intelligent and withal said she smiling, j her memory should Overtake her. most kind and luving-hearted girl, Surely it w.l s my very witolt her - So T took off her bonnet and cloitbt, who would condescend to console m self again,, only a little thinner and and profiting by the utter docility for the slings. and arrows of out- whiter, who spoke to ise thus in, the She showed me, glanced Into the room rageous fortune,' in return forkher olcl sweet voice, and held out. her and Said, in a tone cif authority, such very best endeavors to make hand with the half -frank, half shy, • as one would use to a child- happy. Well, is the mistake past re- demureness of those by -gone, pain - "Now, I shall come upstairs again pairing? I am not too old to learn tui -pleasant days when we were In. exactly five miliutos and ,:hall philanthropy under your guidance; engaged, and when the new and knock at your - door. If you aro In YOB. I ant sure, aro too sweet not proud discovery that she was grown - bed by that time you are to pall out. to forgive me for •preferring a walk up had given a delicious piquancy "good -night." If you aro not, 1shall' with you Mono to interviews with tie' her manner off taking her les - wake your mother up, and send her all tho architects who ever dose- sons! I shook hands with her, and 1 timonials in the daily press and ask yournolght- oPi You can use it and of the keys would thopene he suit case, to you. Note will you do x•1 a tell cii'ated nature. I cannot curve back elle pointed 145 her old nhair ; as silo and the lady was In SslOie sent se You?" with the carriage now to see Mr.atook it quite Simply and thee lead the an toren could not see why there was "Yee, yes," saki sh'e meekly. Finch ; but ht you will, in the course full light of tee windows or her ouch a desire to get the blamed case "Then good night." I , . of the afternoon, let me have another face, 1 noticed wi,1t •surprise and t • ever' so short note telling me to pleasure thla't in. sotto Of the ex- apen, for She had a trunk and a "Good -night. Mr. Maude." come and see you,. I shall take itt as p ' valise besides, and they ought to She knew ole than ; but I somehow atmosphere off the night before, the hold clothing enough for one woman"fancied, from the old-fashioned de- a token that you are willing to give ready oR her o'td home was M- over night. But we said nothing murenees with which she gave her me another chance, and within half ready taking affect upon her, the abort that, for elm insisted that hand that she believed herself to bo an hour of receiving it I will be with listless expreesiou she had worn in she simply must have that suit case once more the little maid of Craigen- er in philanthropyou to take , first to serious ipay fors it London oe,oi and tsthe olde rlegllkom,look open anyway. It was a fine one, and darroch, and mos to be her old mas- in what lave coin you please. -Be- whlell blue eyes were child-meanlike to wear I did not biatmee her for hesitating ter. ]levo me, dear Lucy, if I may, dear was eoniln leack into them again. before she ordered the lock forced. Next day Babb:ski did not appear tris Farington, if I roust, yours over "You are Dater," said I gent After all means hard been tried with- at breakfast ono her mother raid + out starting the lock, the boarding- oho was in a state orae deep depres•• roast' faithfully and sincerely, ly, taking uo ulxltl 114 11�} remark house main went out to the back sign and must, her mauler thought " Henry Le Maude." upon my occupation. "Yoe haves vtih been laz d• I am sore door and called the hostler, asking by her manner, have tad a I saw Clue grog y, m,,. t rill him Lo bring a scrowdriver and force fright in the night. I was very this note, a.ttci epwtt the early part of you might very well have conte down the lock. The hostler came in, look noxious to see her again, and to the afternoon wandering about the to breaKfatst. on luad a good night,' rourhalx o! Conimoree, ed tln.i case over, squinted into the find out how much site remembered garden, trying to make out what I suppose?" • keyhole, putt his thumib on the catch, of our nocturnal adventure. So anxi- Bort of answer 1 wished for. This Ta-ta, who had followed iter late pushed it back -and opened the case Dns was I, infact, that I forgot all Woe tato 0113 I got: the room, puelied lier nose lovingly/- I-lull ovingly'Huh !' he grunted. 'It wasn't locked about my appobatment at Oak Lodge "Dear Mr. Maude, -The Sono of Into Ilex old outupanton's hand, and at all.' P at eleven, and it was riot until Mrs. testae Whbalt oharaetorizes your note Babiole iia a sensitively 'bislang --, , Epimer and I wore leavbng luncheon admits but of one explanation. No fade by bending low over the dog's A Georgia hostess entertaining n at two that I was suddenly remind- gentleman: could so audress the lady sleek heads I think she must have large party of guests in her planta- ed of my neglect in a rather bum- whose reepevt and esteem he sin- found out by alto confusiuu in. her ng had happened) With 11atc e •t s 13e Ca \1l h , r0 "Every match is sifo," said a dealer, "when carefully used, and no, match la safe otherwise." Time care- lesseess of ,people in halidlineg matches is ineoneelyablo, er •would bot if it were not a matter of daily observation. 'Unfortunately, the maatolies are none 'too good to be- gin witlu. T!io process of- piaeapenfng tltenll has been, carried a little too far. It Is not an uncommon 'tiling for the sitick to break and the light- endfail to the ground or floor. It Is rather more common for a part off tho tgnited portion to fly oft in the scratching. 13u't the matches v�tl • l r faults, be- t ' � s 1 t•s wL tai 'thea a m , have ntluhh better Ulan most of the people who use thsnit rt is an ex- ceptiopaily fussy person 'cvho sees that his match has gone oust befnro lis throws It clown, er takes any note of the place whore it falls. In a large number of houses the com- mon receptacle for (burnt matches is the waste paper basket. A kind Pro- vidence sees that most of the snatches hate ceased burning before they reach the contents of the baskets -but the marvel is that more wlarte paper baskets do no't take fire and start come flagrationu. Doubtless sane matches aro safer than others, but no t are so dangerousas =teems }• d g most to nvho use thomh-N. Y• tion home, expected an English ler mary fasting i by being presented by cerely wisn,ed to retain. I thuro room that sometlu an, a night train. While her jet-black Ferguson with a note directed in ford return your lettere and the va- the night before, the details of witch "George Washatgtoa'• served her Am my fiancee's 1:andwriting, and told rious presents you have been kind she could nut remember; perhaps erleanguests admirably he no that a messenger was waiting. I enough to make me,' arid beg that also sae had a vogue rcmubbranee of experiencet1t t Eng'i 4'1 titles. . Tlv"r' opened It, conscience stricken, but you win return ole my share of our her ealsedit1on downstairs, and fore, considering a little instruction hardly prepared for trio blow it con- correspondence. Please do not thank wanted to find mit what I knew' t o T kne v o- neeessary, M:s. G. groeeodel to lave taineci. This was the note: 1 bear you any 13 -will; I am trilling about 1, But of course rse t n it, as follows:- •. "Dear Mr. Maude," (The opening to believe the error was mutual, and thin), ! t •'G„'dt•ge, 1i rel C. WE be hero for turn portentous) -"It is with feel- shell rather increase than dtseoa- "lee, I-1 slept well •1 hank you. breakfast in the morning, and you tags of acute plain that I address tinue nay prayers on your behalf, that Only 1 had dreams'." must pass your tray to him first thus formally a •gcntleinan in whomyour perhaps somewhat pliable na- "Did yuu ? Not bled ones, I hope ?" and say, "My Lord, will you heave I once thought 1 hall had the good Lure may not render you the vie - but glanced at me r.4netratingly„ so and so ?" fortune to dtecover a heart, and more rim of designing persvns-I remain, but could discover nothing, atx T was After f.ohng througi. the formula, especially a mind, to which I could Hoar Air. Ma•ueic, ever sincerely your fighting witch Tutu over the frag- several times George was dismissed, ut all Stings submit the control of friend, meats of the morocco ring ease. • looking more than usually self-im_ my glen weaker and mora frivolous Lucy raringtolt." strang"No-oe. Do you not r kn tv Tl' but found -ray portant. nature." [Lucy 1•arington frivolous! \\'nen breakfast was announced Shades of Aristotle and Bacon !] When I got to the end of this travelling raft and cloak -lying George was in his place, his face "For sono time past I have began warnaheart(,'d effusion I rushed cif about -and I wondered whether -in shining like polishe.1 ebony, and' his to feel that I was deceived. I do not to make up my parcel ; seven notes, my sleep -1 had put there one -think - eyes like full moons. When the guests torr a moment mean that you intend- a making cap, and a pair of slippers, ing I was -going back to London !" were seated George hesitated a mo- cd deception, but that, In miv aux- which last I regretted giving up, as All this, uttered very slowly and they were large and comfortable ; a. with much hesitation, I listened to meet, then made a dash at the guest Lay to believe the best, I deceiveddbook on "Variate Architecture," and of honor with his tray and burst thyself." Your growing indifference to without interruption, and then stand- out: true dearest wishes of my heart, aur,- another of sermons by an eloquent ing up with myback to the fire, 1preacher, o era tial d el ora 1 unpractical m an r you to i lnodded to her eassu'ri 1 , ' � .h •will l b �a ininyourx: �r n "God, God A nu rLv m positive no nY non -appear- g , g .,gn dame o' dts2" ante this morning(when I had pre- completed the list. I fastened them "Well, so you did, Mrs. Scott, and A similar story is related in eon- pa.rocl a little surprise for you in tip, sealed and directed thein, and (a nice fri ht youm sleepwalking n•ection with the visit of an English ehapo of a meeting with Mr. Finds, sent them out to the under -gardener pro ensiti "me, In Bishop to a Virginia family. Every- the architect, with his designs for from Oak Longa who had brought the It tvu;s by tliealucltiest hancetell acdny the ou. body woe directed to address the a model self-supporting village lawn- note, and had been directed to wait reverend Bishop as "my lord," and dry), leave hardly any roam for for an answer. Then, with a sense !World that I didn't brain you with. a. ,,.,.r anevnnt ,,.l,n,t tit place ,vas doubt that ,,,, an,. Q , r lar, ,..e + of relief, wlricIl teas unmixed this 1 poker for a burglar when I beakelessly dissimilar for us to hope time, I went to my study, lit heard footsteps in the hall In tho eepecially told off to attend him. is clown in front of middle of the night I" "You, dict," cried she, pale to the lip o with apprehension. The Bishop, like every other Fn-glIslt- maan, set his boots outside his door when he went to bed at night. His temporary body servant was in- structed to take them, blacken. them and return them before their owner should be ready to pat them, on in true morning. The boy did as lie was toed. The Bishop was dressing when he knocked on the door in the morn- ing, with his carefully taught re- spoese. "it's the boy. nsv lonl, with your boots," on the tip of his tongue. The sound of the Bishop's voice con- fused him. "Wha'a there?' the Bishop called out. The boy forgot his speech ut<.rly. "Who's there ?" the Bishop tallied again. Then the boy found his voice. "It's the Lord, with your boots, my boy," saki lie. It is quito as hard as ever to get ahead of Pat. Thio was proved the other day during a trial In an Eng- iinh court room. An Inert witness being examined no to hie knowledge of a r,hooting affair. "Did you rico tho shot fired ?" :the magiutrato asked, when Pat had boon sworn. "No, Torr. I only beard it," was the evasive answer. • 'That evidence in !hot satisfac- tory," replied the magistrate, stern- ly. "Stand down I" Trac witness proceeded to leave than box, and directly hie back was turned 11e laughed derisively. The ntagii.trate, indignant at • the con- tempt of court, Balled him back and naked him how the dared to laugh in court. "Del you nee me laugh, your hon- or?" cote -led the offender. "No, car, but I hoard you," was the irate answer. "That evidence le not satisfac- tory," said Pat, calmly, but with a twinkle in 11111 eye. And this time everybody laughed, even the magas- •trate. The fallen:sing colloquy actually too�(k place at an Eastern post -office: a 'l t f '.. for ron'e ?" enye Pat. there I "Who aro you, my good sir?"1 it "I'm moself, that's who I am." "Well, what Is your na'ntr-?" "And what do you want with the name ? Isn't it on the letter ?" "So that I can find the Lotter if there 18 0.10." "Well, Pat Byrne, thin, it ye must have it." "No, sir; •Uiore is 120210 fox• Pat Byrne." "Is there no away to get In there but through this pane of glass?" "No. 'sir n "It's Weil for you there isn't. I'd 'teach 3fe better mftnnorstlian to in- sist on tt >gintlenllan's name* ; but 3x011 didn't get it after all ; sly I am' even lead ;vont ; dein the bit Is my' baffle Z'at Byrffo." i l . to'embark happily in matrimony. If me pipe, ano sa this he indeed the case, with mucic the parcel my late love !tad sent rue. regret I will give Sou back your lib- I was struck by its enormous super - regret and request the return of my Witty in neatness to the ill �super- perhaps foolishly fond letters. If, on tido other hand, you are net willing that all should be at an end between us,.I beg that you will comes 'to m0 in tho pony carriage which will await yonr orders. -I remain, dear Mr. Mande, with my sincerest apol- ogles if I have been unduly hasty, yours most sincerely, Lucy Faring- to01." My first emotion was one of anger against th•o girl for being such a fool; my second was of thankfulness to her for being so wise. I should have Diced, in pique, to have straight way got those letters, waders she Was mistaken in considering Com - Promisingly affectionate, to have made then into a small, but neat parcel_ and despatched them fortls- tvith. Instead of this, I excused myself to Mrs. Elimer, went into the study !at A state o4 excitement, half pain Jeweled Brooches. THE Brooches here men- tioned may offer a desir- e: able suggestion for Christmas buying. Each one is of artistic merit as well as surpassing value. No. 13320, at $5, Ie a Star ani Crescent design of fine Pearls and solid Gold. No. 13317, at $10 1s a rocoeco scroll design in solid Gold, mounted with a fine Amethyst surrounded with Pearls. No. 13309, at $24, is a Pearl "Sun Burst" of exquisite beauty. No. 13400, et $42 Is a Clover Leaf, centre with beautiful Pearls, ia ond. for its We guarantee safe delivery, and cheer. fully refund the full price if a selection la In any way unsstfsfeetory, write for our now catalogue. Ryrie Bros., TewehCrtl, Yale and Adelaide Strc114, Toronto. es; and when Y saw yore, you brown paper bundle In which I hod muttered something I couldn't un- I just sent off mine ; and it presently derstand, and then you half woke up, , cccurred to ma that the remarkable and your went back quickly to .your 1 deftness with watch corners had been own room again, leaving me consider- - turned 'in and string knotted and ably wider awake than before. tied could never have boon attained "Is that all?" asked Babiole, the by hands unused to any kind of active faint color coming back to her face labor, Miss ir'arington, either too !again. I niuell overtime by entpti'on to tie "It was quite enough for me, I as - her parcel up Herself, or from an ab- mire you. And I hope you will take cenee of seetinient which} aright or your walking exercise for the future might not be considered to do her -in the day -time, when my elderly credit, had entrusted the task of nerves aro at their best." sending back my preseuts to her 1 Babiole laughed, much relieved. She tn11ievhatuicallY I opened the Par"' evidently retained stunt a vivid tin-! and, apt being deeply enough, wound- . pression of the thoughts which had I eel by the abrupt termination of my preyed upon her excited mind was the engagement to throw me. rejected Previous byevening that she tor- mented the fear or the clam re- gittas with passion into the fire, I melnbranoe of hctvirfg given them axe! arranged them on the table in a pression. She now looked. with awak- row, spread out my returned letters ening interest at the odd collection (which had all been neatly opened on the table. 1 with a pen -or small paper-knlftl), --- •-- Continued.) • and G•o{rs[ciel•ed the well -meant but . rIsast!ous vettturo of which they wore the relics with much -thought- fulness. It had been a failure from ARE YOU A SLAVS ? first to last ; not only had It failed • to draw my thoughts and affections A Good Many Men are Without Ifirow- from the little pale lady who was nig it. now iho wife of my friend, but it Tell your friend you mean ,to vend 1 had also unhappily resulted in ren- your 1L:o flgatting for ,money and Bering her by contrast a lovelier and power, and he will, if he Igo an ever- more desirable object than before. ago man, n,pplaud your decision ; tell There was no doubt of it ; the only elm you mean to dwell in the coun unnl!osed p'cnsere 1113r fianeee'had af- tr.y, gaining ,a simple livelihood from [orded me was the inereaae of dough' .I your labor, and ho will either not had felt, after nearly three weeks of believe ,you anean Lt, or will conclude her improving society, In meeting ycnt aro a beaten competitor in the my little witch of the !tills once clty's race. Most ,people do not knotty more. On the whole, my conscience t,tley are the slaves of their mOdern was pretty clear with regard to improvements, eo-call d. TJiiiy build , Bliss , Farington ; I had been pCe- i lenses larger than they can occua)y- i parer( to offer icer affection, and for show ; they ,pinch and serape year sho bad preferred an interest In after year to pay for them, and after domestics nreliitOctitr.e, which I incl that conti,lue f,inclt'ng to pity taxes, then se(tuloUFly cultivate(] ; the repairs and other Ino inteeance question was, what was to be done charges. A largo 'house domande ox. 110w? I decided that tho most prtid-.penslve furniture, Then fine dress. ent course would be to say nothing I And the demands increase. Tim man Of nee rupture with my lady -love, keeps Itis nose on the grindstone, the and if 1 5110111(1 be unable to sub'luo woman weatra berseli ont taking care a certain unwonted hilarity at 'lin- of ,tate thio feathers, No time to Just nor time, to ascribn it to other live and enjoy it ; got to make a causes. F,he v first -going to take n, ,real rest, T had scarcely made this resent- and crit off all the little vanities tion, however, when I heard light neat ,winter••»next scanner- some sounds 11 the hall and a inhoek at other time, when matters aro not my door, and 1 Hnir1 "Comme 10" with quite so Stressing. Inm not exactly as nay heart leaping up, and a hot and t:.)aaer, ,but I like Walt Whitman b,hst feverish conviction that it was all tae all our Aaheert'lan writers, ,because sup with the se,irct; for the out- he incl sense enough to "loaf and spread letters which I convulsively invite his soul" once In a- whil'. I gathered into a neap, the lien am tired of hearing the everlasting po^.ket-handller(lttc f, the chased gold preachers of the "strenuous" life, snteitiu;•-bottie, Etna other articles Do slower, and you'll go farther and for tvhi^lt a bachelor t.(. retire•cl hob cnjo,v it !tetter. D In't live to work; Its 'svottld he likely to have small work to live. ,f,ren,ti and butter work, tsVe told their owtt tale ; while, to f ,moan. Leave a li:ttl� time ,for the nt.ndte matters w ; se, Th -to hal got sort of work you find your chief lsiId of the engagement ring, and pleasure in. -Frank Ptrtnaln 111 Da- iigct plai�etl It on the tots Of htd Ira* eeanber liattoual, :.,oiler.Yre-,ee:ife d'' , +85'ieeaeieett .e a i 4Oth Anniversary For over Forty Yearn tiray's Syrup of Red Spruce AS A -SPECIFIC FOR COUGHS, COLDS, Erc. arae been tested nnd has become the Family Cough Specific of thousands throughout Canada and Oie United States. It never was mo,e popular nor more largely used than it is to -day. MERIT ALWAYS TELLS. Cough Remedies come and go. New Drew' rations are .tried and abandon- ed, but the old . reliable remains. The present is a tryiug season for both old and young, and colds, easily caught ht now areremain i a art to a ano the gF for 1 winter unlesspromptly r m t1 .cured.better remedy can efont - o Gray's Syrup SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 4 1 Wly{111g'iW ii....1•10-,614,, 'Korn Ileal is one of the most important things for every farmer to consider. ice's Blood Purifier will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rids stomach of bats, worms and ; other parasites which under- = mine an animal's health. 5o cts. a package. LEEMINGMILES & CO.' AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. An Official Ytetutation, New York Tribune. (Maurice Gran toile a story about a esheri f from Dawson City', who cross- cd ,with him front Europe recently. A ,smoking cabin group tats discuss- ing .tate eec'rul:rietties of the •\naerl- eall climate. -This was resented ,by the sheriff. I don't understand," Ile remarked, "uvhty Americans persist in talking against their ow;h country. It gives erso ns onverywrong p ,1 other scale a iunpr.acislon, Wlsy, (t etVelvatere I went I ,wa•s asked ltbc)th't ilio 101110211 Ooic1 in .tate Klondike. I(lontradleted lt, of course. I Intro lived theta nearly all any life, and 1 assnre you that in winter It is seldom mote than 71 degrees below." There's Arany to Slip on icy roads and side- walks in the winter, tipraius and bruises follow. That's the lino wheal ferry D1tvb,s' Painkiller vindlcates its right to tiro cont!* donee it has retained for sixty years. An Embryo Humorist. In ono of the Cleveland public tlalmools the teacher said to the glass in Engliolt composition : • "I leash ev- ery member of the clans would1 d Write out aconversation between a. grocer and one elf Ilan onstomere, Introducing come pathetic incident or reference."' Among those paneled in was tho following, by a ltttlo Mel: "What do you want 2" naked the gro- cer. The lady anewerecl, `A pound of tea. "Green or black ?' ar,kotl the grocer. '1 think 1'11 take black,' sho said; 'it's for a funeral,' " CATARRHCANNOT BE CURED C D N I' with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they eau not reach the seat of the disease. CatarrhtM at blood or constitutional disease, and in order to euro it you must take Internal rem- edies. Ilall's Catarrh Cum is taken inteti•- natlly, finer nets directly on the blood and 11111cous enrfaeas, Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack itedi.clne, It was prescribed by one of tlto best physicians in this country for years and is b tt reest;ninr preset'lption. Itis com- posed tit the t follies ilOOwlt, eonibliw12 with the best bleed purlfors, aethlg directly on the menus surfaces, The perfect combi- nation of the two inga'edtente is what pro- duces such wonderful results in curing ca- tarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0, Sold by Druggists, price 75e. hail's Family fills are.the best. -.wawafama►oaarvoa■aaoa®amasaoaaav1 20 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD EVERY 'WEAR. 1 Happiness is the absence of ppain, and mil•. lions have been made happy thrcuglI being NEURALGIA c TOOT OILelUrHEAD- ACHE, E A it.- ACHE, LAMENESS, SCALDS, BURNS, SPRAINS, BRUISES and all pains for which an external remedy can be replied. It never fails to cure. Thousands who have been de- clared Incurable et baths and In hospitals have thrown awaythelr crut3112i, being cured atter ushab St, JAcotps Ott, Directions in eleven languages accompany every bottle. Just Lite a Woman. "I have a surprise in store for you, " klseating the dear he sitat , , supper table. "Well, darling, I hope it's a mil- linery store," site responded, qulck- Iy.-Cltteq,ges News, Millard's Lisilnaent Relieves Neural- gia,. The amateur writer is known by hie astounding vocabulary. • • A. BOON TO HORsEMJON-Ono bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. 1 take pleasure In recommending the remedy, es it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or Citlleneed 10,11},s, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sheeny, stiles and sprains. GE;OI;GE IRf1BI3 Fanner, Marltl,am,'Ont. Bold by all druggists. Old and New Saws. Philadelphia Record. "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched," Is a saying that often is quoted, It also is wise, I might add, not to count Your voters before they have voted. How it Turned Out. N. Y. Sun. Mise do Style -He bet her a kiss (Yale woulJ win. - Miss Gwnbusta-Anel !tow did it emu out ? • Mae c,0 Style -A tic. Mies Gc'nbusta-Is that so? Mies do Style -Yes; I was at "thy wadding., P 1A7 ,,►atasoewasawam.r•ocwma.naL•p•d►at*Itle�tlwwM. Results from common soaps; eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. .sit for the Octagon liar *37 Sometimes it Brings it, Columbia Jester, C'o'lego Idiot -That takes the cake. Kind Friend -what does? Co'lego Idiot --Oh, the bailer's wagon, I suppose. thi\\o ehe,tst :elteve ilfNI LINIMENT Alo,tilhins Foley, 0i1 City, Out, .Tosrplu Snow, Norway, Ale. Chas. W'hoeten, Alu:grave, N. B. Rev, 11, 0. Armstrong, Alulgravo, N.S. Pierre Landry, sen., L'okeniouc,tte, N,13. Thomas Wabson, Sheffield, N.. B. rssuE NO. i9u; Mrs. Winslow's S0othtntf Syrup should always bo used for Children ' oetlling. Ib soothes the child, softens diegums, mires wind colic and is the beet remedy for Ularrheea. __- WANTED Y WAN, 'i A R I t. ti tItyo 7010 G A r C city o1 mixed wend, stittablo for brick burning, for immediate use; state cosh price f.o.b, yonr• station. rilmpson .Ot•felt 00. 1 Toronto tarot, Toronto; telephone Alain'h07 TUN COURSES BY MAIL pr;.:ANnK ofessionH thoroughly taught. Expert instructors. Indi- vidual attention. Send for handsome coal. loginforparticulars, Correspondence Depart. meet CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto ,Can. trlPL;RIAL mArn., SYRUP. The quality standard from Ocean to Oeean. Your money back it not satisfactory 1108E & t:AI'LAI.IE, Agents, Montreal. HIGHEST TYPE Ot. BACON HOGS aro produced by OAK LODGE YOHKSI:T[II'ES. 1 Fh• and . sv •e pstnices a Toronto it bacon statl5 t t 10 1 classes thisear. First awl 5,veepstaYea at the winter fair four successive years. Stock of all ogee at moderato prices. J. E. UTIi•yl'Ii0Ult, 13u4'ford, Ont. Luck nee O. Hear Little of tho Losers. Cleveland Plain Donley, There to one little thing certain anal that 1' that we know very little about the !oases by sto.lc market blt.nlps. Tdao winners aro heard from bright out early, bat the poor losere keep In the baekgrotnd and remain for the masa part unnoticed. Title ase a, pity, too, from one point of view, ifceauuce their 11l luck might servo to point- a moral for the 111 - advised lambs who fairy they know a stere thing when they tltiuk they sea 1t. Lever's Y.Z (Wisp Hoad)Disinfeetant Soap Powder dusted in the bath' softens the water at the same time that it disinfects,infects 16 A New Joke. Yonkers Statesman. Sho-•D5d you ever countenance a lottery ? He -Yes; I vas best man at my brother's wedding. lllinard's Liniment for sale every- where. • A Correct Definition. N. Y, n:raid. Tommy -Pop, when does iti man roach a green old age? Tommy's Pop-Weuee he is an oc- togenarian and marries a grass widow, my son, illirhard's Lin:.ment Cures Burns, etc. Wanted to Know. Chicago Daily News. Teacher -Years ago the kingdom of •.Slpoin ran clear around the world. Tommy -Who chased it ? TIMINGS YOU CAN'T DO. Seemingly Simple Feats That One Finds it Impossible to Accomplish. ,Milers nee many physical feats ap- parently p- a EntlY exceeds„an, r1 e that the ordinary person funds it difficult -or impassl.uio to perform. For it:etar.ce, r, tunas cannot rise from a chair with- out bendtng forward or putting 1119 feet under the chair or outside of It. Many a man will back himself to give another a start of fifty yards in a race of 100, provided the malt having the chart hops all tho wage But 110 runner, however swift, can give •that amoanit of start to an or- dinary man. For the first five yards they go at practically the same pace. Therefore the runner, to go ninety- five yards while the "hopper" goes forty-five, would have to run more that twice as fast, and It would be a weak man who could not !top forty- fivo yards at a pace equal to twenty sceponds for 100 yards, and that would mean that the runner, in or- der to win` would have to beat all previous reoorea If a man boasts that his penknife 15 particularly sharp ask Isim to cut with one stroke of the blade one of those' yellow ribbons, mostly silk, which are round bundles of cigars. Int 900 cases out 'of 1,000 the knife is rot sharp enough to do this. It wilt out through all the ribbon except the last strand, and that will pull out .long, and tete more he tries to cut it the longer it will pull. No one except a blind man can stand without support of any kind for five Minutes at a stretch, if ]ho is thoroughly bllndfolded, without moving his feet. If he dons not move his feet ho is pretty sure to topple over in about a minute. w A 1llatter of Compulsio ICttnsas CIty Star• n. "So you want to become my son- . in-law V" inquired time father of the young room,. "Not.; by a Mottled sight," replied the youth; "brat sus I Intend to marry your daughter, I suppose Pll have to be'." 41 7 AR BIT 10 cent Cigar Guaranteed Clear Havana Mhnat'd's Liniment Cures Dandruff. A glance:Gan convey more admira- tion than an avalanche of words. By Bribing the Nerves with opium you may stop a cough, but the inifarnmation goes from bad to worse. Alien's Lung Hai- tians, containing no opium, goes to the root of the trouble and cures deep-seated affec- tions of throat and lungs. POULTRY Consignments of Poultry, Game, 13,1ttor, Eggs, Money, Deans, etc.; sulleited. Will pay 28 cents per 1b. 1'.0.11. Toronto. for beeswax. ltefereneen-.your local banker. Correspondence invited, Prompt returns. JOHN J, FEE RV= Ott TORONTO, ONT. DEM1LL LADIES' COLLEGE To an interested In the - education of young Indies or gine where an extoustvo e0111'Re may be had, includ- ing the c'ohn111011 and high - eC)1001 branches, Sale11Ce, Lauguages, Music, Vine Art, Commercial (nourso, Voice Trainlii , Elocution, Art Needle Work, and Phy- steal Culture write to Rev. A. B. DPnhl1Li, President, . St. Catharines, Ont.,• for calendar that gives you 1 very special rates, h'f1;NTION Dots Prim. 2 6 IWln Ae TnCHhw dsarn rlIa Y $ engraved casein differ- ent designs, American lever, quick bent, stens wind and stern se t, open lace have crystal,nnd regularey 10 bMivelce, two Indies in diluneter, with short Wind an,i long ran of 3.1 hours, and fully guaranteed by the makers, 0 reliable time- keeper. This watch le good y11.1uo at $S, but all we tisk fen• I.:01 8,02.10 -nnd scud it yon 1)y mail postpaid. In buy- ing this watch you rue no risk, for 11 NOT A; REPRESENTED, send 14 hock to nM and WE WILL RETURN YOUR MONEY. WE ARE RELIABLE and. will carry 0112. ourin•o- , miser, and you are acs saf in sending us your money as you would bo in giving to to any do not have to open tiro back or front uI merchant in your own town. iememb�ryo this watch to wind it up or set the haude es some of the &tea'ner watches offered, but. le wound and set by the stem. The case Is non nickel or white metal, but has a HEAVY GOLD PLATE that will wear, end IM much superior to the ordhiavy gold ala to finish. Iteacl cam - fully the above deseriptlon, for we guarantee 1 to bo true. This i every v word a at watch time 00 111/111 or boy need be ashamed to carry, and it Call be yelled upon every time, Pay as little more and get arenllygood watch,Wh,all could be Meer for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT from the father to hie boy, or from the voubgmart to his Lather, or the sister to her brother the young Indy to her gentleman frL1n ' this beautiful watch? A most elesire. I'.vervbody who receives ono will be delight. ed. \vo advise you not to miss' tithe 0ppor, tunny to seenre a watch that hill give y O0 perfect slbttSfltedon for many years. Dement - leer wo return your uhoneyit the watoll is nal ns we reprwsent it. Write your name plainly, and address VIM SUPPLY CO., Dept. A. Hamilton, Ont. 0 neolasatse.frseennid us your name and address at once, and agree to sell only r Money away. 'falai if y Send Gold Watch nclitions of the blood, indigestion, stomach trouble., constipation, weaknessorervous disorders, rheumatism and female troubles. A grand tonic and life builder. These are our regular 60c. size; they are easy to sell, as each customer who buys a box of pills front you, receives n Prize Ticket, which entitles them to aline piece of silverware. Don't miss the chance of your life. Send us your order and we will send the 10 boxea and Prize Tiokete by rnall, postpaid, when sold 3,ou send us the money (52 60) and we will send you the Watch with a A GUARANTEE FOR 20 YEARS the stone day money Is received. We are giving away these watches to quickly introduce our remedy, and when you receive the watch, we tat you to please show it to your friends. Hundreds have received watches from us and are more than delighted with them. This is a glorious opportunity to get a fine Watch without paying 40 ee An ther sS ecial 0 • It is iwell to remember that by purchasing ,yottr Xmas Presents from us that WE PAY ALL FREIGHT CHARGI f3 TO YOUR STA- TION, and eavo you all futther trouble ; aleo that you save the middleman's pro'its hy buying direct from the man,ufActurer. WE GUARANTEE DELIVERY XMAS EVE IF DESIRED. . , $12 Turkish Easy Chairs Do you know that BROMIDE PAPER any otlier bromide paper? 10 x 20 notograph Bromide Peace for R.3,51)t.nna prepay eXpri4113 charges. 8,,,,.visE Canadian Agent 41 4444.444 44.0444.4.0.414. • 9 ALL ste Large drum, arms and roll head, * boletered to :the best English Tap- 1 1..14 es:try, springs all over, seat, edges and baek, exceptionally coan'ortable. ea This is one of the most alecentable (=ACT AS AIME.) Xmas preseate for either lady or hobtered in the following shades: Blue, golden brown, terra dotta, 0, 011.ve, erlanson and green. Fr, ight paid to any station In Ontario. ! • THEDUFFETT FURNITURE 00 LIMITED" • 241 Yortge and 2, 4, 0, 8, ICY and 12 Could Street.