HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-12-18, Page 5December 1S, 1 902
Would not an Overcoat be a nice present
for Father at Christmas s59 s'
The Men's Store leads in providing for Men, you know ;
and Men's store prices are Men's store prices only.
Smoking Jackets & House Coats.
Men's Black and White Smoking
Jackets, all sizes, self -lining, wade of
imported golf cloths, patch pockets
with braid trimming, deep roll collas'
with braid trimming.. something right
up-to-date—Xmas. price $4.25
$8.00 Raglanette Overcoats $6.50
Men's and Youths' Raglanette Over-
coats, made of heavy' frieze, twill lin-
ing, tonna pockets, velvet collar, sizes
31 to 44—Xmas, price $0.50
$7.00 Beaver Overcoats $4,75
0 only Men's Beaver cloth Overcoats
heavylaid lining, velvet collar, worth
$7.00 —Xmas. clearing price $1.75
$6.50 Yoke Overcoats $4.90
4 only 13oys' Yoke Overcoats, sizes
20 to 30. made of English Melton cloth,
tnima pockets, velvet collar, worth
$6,50—Xnuas. clearing price, ...,$4.90
Fur -Lined Overcoats.
Men's all -wool beaver cloth Coats,
lined with muskrat skins, double-
breasted. heavy German otter roll col-
lar', size 30 to 41, worth $45.00—Xmas
price, $'31 50
$12,50 Cheviot Overcoats $9.00
Men's dark grey.heavy Cheviot Over-
coats, all wool, sizes 31 to 44, velvet
collars, ;alma pockets—regular price
$12.50—Xmas clearing price $9,00
$10.00 Beaver Overcoats $7.50
7 only --Men's black Beaver cloth
Overcoats, tightfitting, velvet collar,
heavy satin lining, worth $10—Xmas
. clearing prire $7.50
$5.50 Blouse Suits $3.95
. 7 only—Boys' Russian Blonse Suits,
all sizes, worth $5.50—Xmas clearing
. price.. $3 95
We have a large stock of Boys' and Men's Salts at cat prices.
Just step in and try some on — we guarantee to satisfy you in
price and fit. Store open till 10 o'clock every evening. ,
Perhaps we have overdone it by purchasing such a nice lot of Xmas.
goods, but this is our first Xmas. in Wingham ; we want to be first ; we
want to have a range of goods to satisfy all classes. We invite you to
come and look around,
Alt goods selected now will be delivered or kept till Xmas. eve.
NECK WEAR.—We have over 1000 Neck Ties in all the latest
shapes, styles and colors to select from, nt prices hard to beat ---
25c, 35c, 50c and 75e each.
Men's Chinese Silk Hdkfs 25e Men's Cotton Hdkfs-0 for. 2i10
Men's Colored Silk Ildkfs 50e Men's Irish Linen Ildkfs...... 26e and 35c
Men's Cream Brocaded Silk Hdkfs 75c Men's hemstitched linen Hdkfs.. 25c and 350
Gents' Cuff Links, all patterns, guaranteed
to hold their color, som0 of the nicest
patterns we ever had, each pair in a :deo
satin -lined box—Xmas. price 76c & $1.00
A large assortment of Tie Pins, each
pin done up in a nice satin -lined box
—prices 260 to $1.00
Everybody welcome the Man's ��.e.
In Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, Mufflers, Umbrellas, etc., for Man,
we can not be beat in price and quality.
Everybody welcome at the Man's Store.
101011Whe R. It Crowder Co.
Butter, Eggs .tea Wood wanted.
and Wanted.
LIPS Abner Cosens FIRE
Loan and Insurance Agent
Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest.
Ofnce—corner Minnie and Patrick Sts.,
ou Town and Farm Property.
OPPICE.—In the Tient Block.
Residence—Catherine St.
Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty.
OFFICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's store.
Residence: Leopold street.
Office :—Morton Block, Wingham
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam-
Papils prepared for Conservatory of
Music examinations.
Miss Laurine Agusta Kaiser
Vocalist and Teacher of
Oratorios, etc., in English or Foreign, also
Pianoforte and Physical Culture.
Voices Tested Free.
Concert Engagements Accepted.
Residence --II. B. Elliott, Francis St. Wingham
Teacher of Piano and Theory
Teacher of Violin and Guitar.
Rooms -»in Stone 13lock, Wingham.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is successfuily used monthly b over
10,000Ladieb. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
y�our druggist for cakes Cation Root Cut.
posit Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Priao. No. 1, 11 net
box, No, A,10 degrees stronger,83 per box. No.
1 br 2, mailed en receipt of price and two t•eent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont.
plq'-Nos.1 and 2 sold alis recom,ncndod by all
tesponsible Druggists in Canada.
No. 1 end No. 2 are soldhin" winghain by
lane dA. D, L Ha�milton� DRVAalebres.' J. D. Davie
Poultry. Named.
Poultry Wanted.
Money to loan on notes, and notes
discounted at reasonable rates. Money,
advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent.
with privilege of paying at the end of
any year. Notes and accounts! collect-
ed. Office—Beaver block, Wingham.
Rover. MOINDOO. "080
Stomach Troubles
We guarantee an ab-
solute cure for the
most distressing cases.
When all others fail,
give us a trial. Your
money refunded if we
do not satisfy,
Chemist & Druggist
Office G.N.W. Tel. Co.
Its a pity to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making.
The suits we make give en-
tire satisfaction. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
Webster tic Co.
The Decenkbe>' session of the county
council opened on Tuesday afternoon,
2nd inst. at ll o'olook, Warden Patterson
in the chair, and all the other members
in attendance,
The following communications were
road and dealt with:—
From Charles Sheppard, secretary of
Molesworth public library, asking n
graut from the council. This was left
over until Jauuary.
From A. M. Todd, president of the
Huron Poultry and,Pot Stock Associa-
tion, asking for a grant of $50 to nid in
bolding the annual 'winter show. $25
was granted.
A letter from Robt Leach, of Auburn,
stating that his horse had been Burt by
a defect in Manchester bridge, and
claiming damages. Laid over,
From Allan McLeod, of Lucknow,
claiming damages for injury to horses,
sustained from breaking through a rot-
ten plank in a bridge on The Nine Mile
river. Recommended payment of $20.
From Lieut -Col• Varcoe with re-
ference to the grant from the county to
the Huron regiment. It was recom-
mended that no action be taken as to-
payiug the amount, $600, granted to the
3rd regiment for its annual drill but not
paid, owing to the change made in drill-
ing the officers instead of the privates. -
A petition, signed by forty-seven re-
sidents of Fordwich, asked that the un-
incorporated village be erected into a
police village.
The report of the jailer showed seven
prisoners, all males, confined in the jail,
three insane and four on charge of vag-
rancy. •
The report of D. French, keeper of
the House of Refuge, gives the follow-
ing as the amount of produce raised on
the farm during the year; Oats, 470 bus-
hels; barley 260 bushels; beaus, 12 bus-
hels; onions, 150 bushels; turnips, 665
bushels; tomatoes, 5 bushels; garden
carrots 25 bushels; garden beets, 20 bus-
hels; parsnips, 8 bushels; potatoes, 278
bushels; table turnips, 55 bushels; sugar
beets, 2 acres; cabbage, 1100 heads;
cauliflower, 150 heads; celery, 240 heads;
raspberries, 1800 quarts; apples 10 hbla;
hay, 24 tons; fodder corm, 1 acre.
Seventy-eight rods of wire fence had
been erected and 50 rods of 4 -ins. tile
drain put iu.
County commissioner Ansley sub-
mitted his report on the roads and
bridges of the county. About the us-
ual amount of repairs had been done to
the bridges and approaches during the
past season, and they were et present
in a very good state. Some county
bridges that are now 20 feet between
the abutments, might be shortened
when rebuilt and still be long enough
to suit the stream. Mr. Ansley recom-
mended that Benmiller bridge be rebuilt
and the Road and Bridge Com. recom-
mended that tenders be procured at
once. The orders Issued by commission-
er since the Junereport amount to $2,-
610.62, the laigait ones being to Frank
Gutteridge, for abutments for Stanley
bridge, ou the Bayfield river, $1,020,
and work on abutments of Lower Wing -
ham bridge, $600. From Jan. lst to
Dec. 1st, he had issued orders to the
amount of $2,786,81.
The House of Refuge com. reported
that they had met, and found the home
clean, well kept and everything satis-
factory, The house is filled to its ut-
most capacity, with 82 inmates, Rec.
ommeuded that the rules regarding ad-
mission of it -"*los be made more apecei-
fic, as they fo.. -Rtes who should
have gone to a h. 'nstead, The
average expense per > C, per day
was 11.95 cents; last year'Or).'fins 12:09
The Editor of the Toronto World Makes Our
Readers a Special Offer.
W. F. Maclean, M.P., is desirous of
increasing the circulation of The Tor-
onto World to 80,000 before the end of
the year. The World is considered the
brightest newspaper in Canada. It is
published every weekday morning at 4
o'clock. Its market reports are the
most accurate particularly those in
which the farmers and merchants are
Any reader of this paper who mentions
this offer, and who sends $3 before the
end of the year will receive a receipt up
to April 1, 1904. The regular price of
The World is $3 for one year. It is the
only one -cent morning paper published
in Canada. A sample copy of The
World may be seen at this office.
Orders with the $3 should be sent by
registered mail or by postal note to The
World Newspaper Co., Toronto.
Opal Decorated Lamps
The largest stock ever shown in
Wingham, ' at right prices,
to suit your purse.
ADDISON LAMPS -8 in. globe,
pink and blue tints at $1.25 to. $1,50
BELTON LAMPS -with 8 inch
globe, metal foot in two docora-
tions, pink and yellow tints,
with flowers, $1,50 to - $1.75
EBBERT .LAMPS -0 P. Globe,
has a highy polished Metal
Base, in two full ground tints
With handsome free hand flow-
ers, such as are usually put on
Lamp double the pride $2.50
Many others at just as good
prices. Call and see our stock
before purchasing,
Smith & Pethiok
Six nnore Shopping Days until Christmas, and
the question arises
"-!What to Give"
We would suggest for Lady :
-A. pair of Black Satin Juliettes with Fur Trimming --just
the thing for house wear—at $1,75
A pair of Fiue 13Iack quilted Juliettes with Fur Trimming1.35
A nice pair of Cardinal Slippers—at 1,35
A pair of Felt Low Shoes, Fur trimming—at. .,,.., ..... 1,00
A. heautifni line of Ladies' Felt Gaiters—at 1,40
And also Children's Slippers—at 35c, 4Oc and 450
For Gentleman :
What could he a nicer gift than a nice Black Satin or Silk
Muffler, lined with Red Satin. These are beautiful at $1 & 1.25
IN NECKWEAR—We have just received -'some of the very
newest designs in all shades, and at prices to suit all.
We have also some lovely lines of Colored Shirts, Silk
Handkerchiefs and Kid Gloves.
Be sure you see these goods.
Remember—we guarantee every pair of Lumberrnon's Rubbers
we sell, and sell them cheat!.
What about that new Suit of Clothes or Overcoat. We guar-
antee everything first-class in every particular.
:oll sow!fe
is careful in selecting a Range that shall give best results at
minimum expense. Nine cases out of ten they select
because of its perfect construction and Economy of Fuel.
Every one guaranteed. We also carry a full line of Heating
Stoves for either coal or wood. Call and look through our
stock before 'purchasing elsewhere.
A. Young & Sons
Leading Hardware Merchants, Wingham.
Nomas' Balaage
Button Block, Wingham.
Many Values for Christmas
and New Years.
'Less than two weeks to Xmas. and every
moment of those few remaining days must be
full of business for you and for us.
The special bargains we have to give are
exceptionally good values.
Our Stock must be cleaned out.
Christmas Jewelry.
Children's rings, gold filled, plain and carved, 10c to.... 20c
Ladies' gold filled Rings, warranted for 3 years 50c
Ladies' Muff Guards, black silk, with Beaded effects, for 25c
Children's Bracelets, 50c
Ladies, Bracelets 500 to 1.00
Gents gold plated chain, warranted for 5 years.. 1.00
We bought this week Traveller's samples, consisting of
tray cloths, reg. 75c and $1.00, for 50c
Umbrella Shawls for $1.00, only the price of the wool
Combs that retail for 25c going at 5c and 10c
Babies' Bibs, reg. 250 for 10c
Water Sets, various colors—for 1.50
Candy for Xmas.
1 Ib. Box Bon Bons, reg. 40c for 25c
Gum Drops, per ib 10e
Best Chocolates, perp lb, 15e
Maple Creams, per Ib 20c
Walnut Creams, per lb - - 20c
Molasses Chips, reg, 40c for - 25c
"e have about 400 sheets of music left. We are put-
ting them up in Bundles of 10 sheets, no two pieces
alike, your choice for 15c
We have a large stock of Toys of every description
viz !—dumping4acks, Dolls, Jack-in-the-box, Gums,
Whitey, horses, Carts, Dogs, .Birds, and many others too
numerous to mention.
Christmas China,
China Cups and Saucers for Vic
China " " " " 25c
Bread and Buttes' plates - 5e, 10c, and 15c
()rearm pitchers 20e
cents. The total cost of maintenance
also showed a decrease. 41/1
A. W. Campbell, Provincial good
roads commissioner, was present, and
addressed the council in regard to the
Act of Legislature by which $1,000,000
has been sot aside for the improvement
of the roads of the province, Huron's
share would be about $40,000, and the
council was advised to take such steps.
in the institution of a system of county,
roads as would entitle it to draw this
amount from the Provincial fund,
Dr, Matheson and R. S. Box, repre-
senting St. Marys' Collegiate Institute
waited ou the council in reference to the
attendance of pupils from this .county
at that Institute. They notified the
council that in accordance with the
statute this county would be °ailed up-
on for the payment of the balance of the
proportionate cost of maintenance for
these pupils over the amount received
from them in fees. It was pointed out
that there might be a balancing claim
against the county of Perth on account
of pupils from that county attending the
Seaforth Institute, and the council
decided to take no action until the mat-
ter was looked into, Accordingly a
reference was made to the executive
committee, which recommended no
action at this session, as these school
matters would come up for considera-
tion at the January session of the
At last Thursday night's meeting of
the Public school board Miss Combe,
one of the assistant teachers, tendered
her resiguation, owing to ill health.
While helping to subdue a fractious
colt on Thursday last Mr, William
Walker received a bad kick on the chin,
The injuries were so severe that a sur-
geon had to be called In to sew up the
In playing with fire on Tuesday even-
iug a young lad who is visitiug at Mr.
John Jackson's unthinkingly threw a
blazing stick into the wood -box, It
ignited the conteuts and before the
flames could be subdued they had burn-
ed the wainscotting, etc.
The many friends of Mr. George
Harland, formerly of Clinton, but now
a citizen of Detroit, will regret to learn
of the death of his two sous, Basil, aged
seven, and Marr, two years younger,
which took place within one week. The
cause of death was diphtheria, with
which Mrs. Harland is also confined to
he hospital.
The Model school term closed last
week and the exams. are now on and
will continue next week. Of the twen-
ty-six teachers in training fourteen have
secured schools and three of the remain-
der are not seeking situations at the
present time. Salaries are a trifle high-
er than last year, but not nearly high
enough yet, the teachers think.
The annual meeting of the Dominion
Draft Horse Society was held at the
Rattenbury House. The different re-
ports showed the society to be in a pros-
perous condition. Twelve new members
were added during the year and there is
balance on hand of $650. The election
of officers reunited as follows: President,
D. McIntosh, Brnccfleld; vice, S.
Smillie, Hensall; secretary, James
Mitchell, Goderieh; treasurer, Peter
McGregor, Brucefield; delegate to
Western Fair, A. Innes, Stanley; del-
egate to Canadian Horse Breeders As-
sociation, Thos. McMillan, Hullet.
at gingham.
We are prepared to pay for
First-class Maple Iogs $14 per M
First-class Soft Elm logs $14 • •
First-class Rock Elm logs$10 •
h'irst-class Basswood logs$15 • •
First class Beech logs $12
All kinds and grades wanted.
Call and get our prices.
The Canada Furniture Mfrs.
The Button & Fessaut Chair Factory
Wingham, Ont.
Be Sure
of This.
We'll make your Suit as well
as ever we can. Every Suit
—every priced Suit — every-
body's Suit—is the best work
that the best workmen can
produce. And the reason-
ableness of every price is ap-
parent. It seems the proper
way to do things, doesn't it?
So it is.
We're building business by it
and building it pretty quick-
ly. Colne in.
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor - Wingham
Slim Prices, ,
Stout Values.
Tile Wing Store QmlaPd
Useful Presents
1l - D. E. Isard & Co's.
Our stock is now complete in Christmas Novelties, and
we are prepared for big Business during the Holiday season.
The demand for useful and wearable goods as Xmas. presents
is yearly getting greater. Please inspect our stock, no trouble
to show:you the goods..
Handkerchiefs aro always in great
demand for Xmas. presents; we aro
showing a very large assortment fronv
the low-priced to the high-priced quali-
ty. Prices range thus -5c, 100, 127ao 160,
20o, 25c, 30e, 400, 500, 75o, $1, $1.60, 5 ,
Ladies' Ties.
Ladies',new S11k Ties and Collars
dust received. Special value at 25o.
Furs Furs
Special values in all kinds of Furs
for Xmas, trade, Caporines at $3.50,
5.00, $0.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.60, $15.00,
$18.00, etc.
Ruff's at $1.50, $2.00, $2,50, $4,00,
$5.00, $7.50, $10.00, etc.
Gauntlets in Electric Seal, Astra-
chan. Gray Lamb.
Fur Coats at special prices.
Knitted Goods.
A large assortment of Fancy
Shawls, Faoinators, Clouds, Bootees,
Hoods, Children's Coats, etc. See our
Ice wool Fascinators at $1.00.
Ladies' Belts.
Just received, the very latest in
all kinds of Belts. Fancy velvet and
Sot elastic—choice goods—•prices are
25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, 1.50, $2.00.
New Kid Gloves.
You take no risk in buying your
Iiid Gloves hero ; we handle the best
makes—style, fit and wear guaranteed.
Seo our No. 1 quality at $1.23, all
A large stock of all kinds compris.
hug all colors—in plain and fancy neck
Ribbons. See our special line at 25o
The Grocery Department is com-
plete with Xmas. fruits and peels,—
New Figs, new Dates, new Raisins and
Currants, etc. Our prices aro always
the lowest. Special values in Teas—
try our leader at 25c.
Boots and Shoes.
Nice Xmas. Presents in Ladies' and
Men's Nancy Slippers. Special value
in all kinds of Footwear.
Gents' Furnishings.
We have a large stock of the latest
novelties in Men's and Boys' wear.
New Ties, now. Gloves, new Caps,
new Braces, new
e r Mufflers, new Shirts.
See our new Silk Ties at 25e, 35c
and 50e.
Wishing our many patrons and friends a very Merry
Xmas. and a Prosperous New Year.
H. E. Isard & Co.
Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce
_Vin der
W. G. Patterson has murdered
all the old Jewelry by his new
and up-to-date Xmas. stock.
We have the finest stock of
Watches money can buy. They
prove it, for they are quick sellers.
You should see our Brooches,
Lockets, Rings, Pendants, Chains,
Charms, Bracelets, Cuff Links and
Tie Pins. They are beauties.
We have a new find full line
of Silverware, Sterling Silver,
Souvenirs, Cut Glass, Manicure
Sets, Silver Novelties of all. kinds.
Our goods are all new and of the
latest designs. It will pay you to
deal with us.
In Repairing we shine.
The Great Watch Doctor, Wingham
Stone Block * , Opp. Queen's Hotel