HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-12-18, Page 4Ritchie Campbell
Christmas Goods.
Christmas weather has arrived ; so has our large stock
of Fancy Christmas Goods, consisting ,of Silk, Hemstitched,
Lace and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Fancy Belts and
Collars, Wool and Kid Gloves, Fancy Waistings, Fancy Neck
Ribbons and Ties. All for the Ladies.
We have not been thinking of the ladies alone, we have
= also remembered the Gentlemen, and have put in stock for
them a large assortment of Christmas goods, consisting of Fur
and Cloth Caps, Gloves, Fancy Shirts, Collars and Ties, Silk
' and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Scarfs and Mufflers, Fancy
Hosiery, Braces, etc., etc.
New - Laces.
An extra large assortment of Laces and Insertions have
just arrived, suitable for Hdkfs. and other fancy work, all the
newest designs. Also good choice of Allover Lace Insertions
and Muslins. These are all next spring patterns of French
Import. Call and see them.
Fur Goods.
We still have a good assortment of Furs to choose from,
consisting of Fur Jackets and Fur Coats, Caps, Gauntlets,
Sable Ruffs and Muffs, Collarettes, etc. Also a nice line of
small Furs for children's wear.
Buy your Christmas presents here, and as early as
possible. Get first choice, at
Ritchie & Campbell
successors to M. H. MciNDOO.
Nothing will be more appreciated than an article of
Furniture. We have left no stone unturned that will tend
to make this the Greatest Holiday Sale of Furniture, and at
prices that cannot be equalled anywhere. We advise you to
make your selections early, as the last few days (judging by
the past couple of years) during the rush we cannot give you
the attention we would desire.
MUSIC CABINETS -An ideal gift, in Mahogany and .Oak,
WRITING DESKS -From $4.00 to $25.00; which would give a person an
ambition to fill with good books.
FANCY TABLES -From 75o to $9.00. Our $1.50 and $2.50 quarter cut oak
polished are particularly good value.
EASY OHAIRS-All made with that made -to -fit fueling about them, uphol.
stored in velour tapestry and jute, at $5.00 and upwards.
COUCHES -Soo our Couches; little need bo said of them, they are so popular
at $5.75, $7,50, $8.50 and up. Nothing would make a more suitable gift.
FANCY OAK DRESSERS AND STANDS -Something new in good cut
Oak, highly polished, at $25.00, $28,00, $30.00; $33.00 and $45.00.
Also a SOLID BRASS BEDSTEAD at $33,00, which would make a
handsome sur e.
Don't buy your Christmas presents without seeing what
we have. Goods delivered Xmas. eve if desired.
Residence -Patrick
Street, S. Orecey's
former residence,
where night cells
receive prompt at-
Ball Bros.
The People's Furniture Store
There never was such a demand for Ladies and
Gentlemen having a thorough knowledge of Com-
mercial and Shorthand work,
Ob Iarial Catty
-The grand jury at London re-
ported that they thought the time
had come when Herbert, the self-
confessed murderer, should be re-
leased from prison.
-In the UnitedY States Senate
the bill to prevent the sale of in-
toxicating liquors within the Capi-
tol building was agreed to, so the
Senators' bar must go.
--It is statedinwell-informed
circles that the Dominion bye -elec-
tions in St. James's, Two Moun-
tains, Terrebonne, North Grey,
North Ontario, and Burrard, B. C..,
will take place next month.
Has assisted more students to profitable positions during the past year than any Soltool
in the West. Wo would be pleased to assist you. Particulars for a postal.
51_24 J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
Good Cieor for Xmas.
* a *
-At a meeting of about forty
manufacturers and dealers, called
at the suggestion of the Fire Com-
missioner of New York, to consider
the possibility of finding a match
that would be safe to use, it was
stated that the safety match is in
reality no safer than the parlor
• * *
--The inhabitants of the United
States, including Porto Rico,
waii and the Phillipine Islands,
number about 88 millions -that is,
barely 5 per cent. of the world's
total inhabitants, according to its
highest estimate. This 5 per cent
has at present taken possession of
25 per cent. of all the cultivated
a reaof the earth, viz., 407.4 mil-
lion acres out of 1629.3 million
* * *
-In view of the fact that an-
other immense subsidy may be
asked for a new line to the Pacific
coast, the Bobcaygeon Independent
says :-The Canadians are the only
people in the world who make free
gifts of money, under the name of
subsidies, to private railway specu-
lators and private railway com-
panies. In making such free gifts
there are no conditions whatever
attached. The gifts are in every
sense of the word free. The rail-
ways grab the subsidies and give
absolutely nothing in return for
the gift.
* *
-The Petrolea oil territory was
first opened up forty years ago ; it
to -day boasts no less than 10,000
wells, and together with the smaller
Ontario fields it produces about
$750,000 worth of crude petroleum
per annum. The more oil fields
discovered in Canada the better.
What this country, and especially
this province, needs as much as
anything is a fuel supply of its
own. If crude•petroleum and peat
can be discovered in. sufficient
quantities and .economically utiliz-
ed to the best purpose, the handi-
cap Ontario suffers in the lack of
coal fields may be thereby largely
In the Old KENT BLOCK You Can Find
Lots of Suitable Gifts.
Silks and Ribbons are always acceptable ;. Kid Gloves,
Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Scarfs, Booties, Curtains, Gilt
Drapery for screens and cushions. Then remember that the
prices are only half of the usual cost of such goods.
Try us for Boys Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters. If you
try here first you save money.
In Lace, Fancy Dry Goods, Handkerchiefs, Gimps and
Dress Trimmings, the assortment is good, Also Embroidery
Insertions, Lawns, Prints and Fancy Satins. We don't
object to show our elegant summer muslins, nice for evening
Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Ticking, Drill, Denim, Oxford
Shirting, Cretonnes, Skirting, Sze., at the
Great Clearing Sale.
By -Law No, 4681 1902.
A Bylaw to authorize the issue of
debentures of the Towu of Wingham
• to the amount of $$1,000.00 for the
purpose of improving and extending
the Waterworks of the said'rowll.
Whereas it is desirable that the stint of
591,000.00 should bo expended by tho Town of
Winghant in improvin • and extending the
waterworks of the said 'Town.
.And whereas in order thereto it will be
necessary to issue debentures of the Town of
Wingham for the sunt of $21,000.00 as herein-
after provided (which is the amount of the
debt intended to bo created by this By-law,)
tiro proceeds of said debentures to be applied
to the said purpose and no other.
And whereas the total amount required by
"Tho Municipal Act" to be raised annually by
special rate for paying the said debt and in.
forest is the sun, of $1214.43; whereof 5810.00
is to be so raised annually for payment of in -
throat during the currency of the said deben-
tures, and $374.43 is to bo raised annually for
the purpose of creating a sinkhpg fund for the
payment of the debt secured. by the said do-
And whereas the amount of the whole rani -
able property of the Town of Winghant accord-
ing to the last revised assessment roll thereof
is $020,347.00,
And whereas the amount of the existing de-
benture debt of the said Municipality is
580.001.69, of which no part is in arrear.
Therefore the Municipal Council of tho Cor-
paration of the Town of Wingham enacts as
follows: -
1. The sum of $21,000.00 shall bo expended
by the Town of Wingham in improving and
extending the Waterworks of tate said Town ;
and for the purpose of raising the said slim de-
bentures of the said Town of Wingham to the
said amount of 521,000.00 in the whole shall be
issued in sums of $1000.00 eaoh, on the first day
of Jute next. A. D. ]903, each of which deben-
tures shall be dated on the said first day of
Juno and shall be payable on the first day of
June, A. D. 1933, at the Bank of Hamilton in
the said Town of Wingpant,
2. Each of said debentures shall be signed
by the Mayor of the said Town of Winghant or
by some other person authorized by by-law to
sign the sand, and also by the treasurer thoro-
of,and the Clerk of the said Town of Wingharn
shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the
3. The said debentures shall bear interest at
the rate of four per cent. per annum payable
annually at the said Bank on the thirty-first
day of December in eaoh and every year dur-
ing the currency thereof except the last pay-
ment of interest which shall become duo and
payable on Lho said first day of June, A.D.
1933; and the said debentures shall have at-
tached to thorn coupon stor the payniont of the
said interest, which coupons shall bo signed by
tho said Mayer and Treasurer,
4. During the currency of the said deben-
tures there shall be raised annually by special
rate on all the rateable property In the said
Town of Wingham the said sum of $810.00 fur
the paymont of interest on the said debentures.
and the said sun of $374.43 for the purpose of
creating a sinking fund for payment of the
debt hereby secured, making in all the sum of
$1214.43 to bo raised annuallyyby special rate,
as aforesaid, during each of th'o said 30 years.
5. This By-law shall talce effect on the
thirteenth day of January, A,D. 1903.
0. The vote of the electors of the said Town
of Wingham shall be taken on this By-law at.
tho following tines and places. that is to say,
on Monday the fifth day of January. A.D. 1903,
commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the
forenoon and continuing till five o'clock in the
afternoon of the same day at tbo following
places and by the following deputy returning
officers, namely :-
In Word 1, at James Cummings' house by
Jaynes hlouty, Deputy Ruturniug Officer for
said ward 1.
In Ward 2, at the "Advance Office" by Thco-
ealesid Hall,
ll, Deputy Returning Officer for
In Ward 3, at the Town Hall, Wingham, by
Johnston B. Ferguson, Deputy Returning Offi-
cer for said ward 3.
In Ward 4, at John Longheed's house, by
William Robertson, Deputy Returning Officer
for said ward 4.
7. On Saturday the third day of January A.
D. 1903, the Mayor of the said Town shall at-
tend at the Town Hall of said Town at ton
o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to
attend at the various polling places aforesaid
and at the final summing up of the votes by
the Clerk qn behalf of the persons interesteddn
and promoting or opposing the passing of this
By-law. respectively.
8. Tho Clerk of the said Town of Wingham
shall attend at the said. Town Hall at ten
o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday the
seventh day of January A.D. 1903, to sum up
the number of votes given for and against this
bat the Town Hall in the Town of
Wingham this 2nd day of December, A.D. 1002.
, Clerk.
Ontario is now, from an agricul-
tural standpoint, a billion dollar
The value of all the farm proper-
ty in Ontario, after having ranged
in the nine hundred thousands for
years, has at last passed the billion
mark, the total for the year ending
1901. being placed by the Bureau of
Industries at $1,001,323,296. This
is made up of $585,354,294 in Iand,
$226,575,228 in buildings, $59,-
897,513 in implements, and $129,-
496,261 in live stock.
Middlesex still ranks as the pre-
mier county. The farm land in
Middlesex is valued at Over $30,-
000,000, Huron coming next with
a valuation of twenty-eight and
one-half millions.
In buildings, Middlesex is also
ahead, with a total of $10,902,000,
Huron again coming second with
In implements, Grey takes first
position, with a total valuation of
$2,709,000, Huron coming next
with $2,690,000, Simcoe third with
$2,672,000, and Middlesex ranking
fourth with a valuation of $2,-
In live stock, Middlesex is first,
at $6,764,000, Huron once more ta-
king second place with $6,116,000.
Lumping all four classes of farm
property together gives Middlesex
a valuation of $50,367,000, and
Huron a total of $48,640,000.
When it conies to value per acre,
however, quite a lot of counties
rank ahead of both Middlesex and
Huron, The valuation per acre ill
the counties whioh rank among the
first is as follows
Lincoln $50.54
Wentworth 48.00
York 46.30
Oxford 43.06
Halton 42.26
Kent 41.51
Brant 40,61
Middlesex and Huron are rated
at $39,67 and 835.80 respectively.
One of the mails causes of the in-
crease in the value of Ontario farm
property is found in the bacon hog,
Although the number sold or
slaughtered in 1901 -1,073,405 -
was 83,000 less than for the spar
before, the value of the flogs thus
disposed of was 317,548,490, or
nearly $2,000,000 more than for
the year before.
TAKE NOT10E, .that the above Is a true
copy of a proposed by-law, which has been
taken into consideration, and which will be
filially passed by the council of the Municipal-
ity (ip the event of the assent of tho electors
being obtained thereto; after ono month from
the first publication tp the Wingham Advance.
the date of whioh puhhioation was the fourth
day of December. A.D. 1902. and that the votes
of the electors of the said Municipality will be
taken thereon on the day and at the hours and
places therein fixed,
Town Clerk's Office. Wingham, Dec. 4t11, 1902.
J. B, Ferguson, Clerk.
And further take notice that the following
aro the estimates of the intended expenditure
to be incurred in improving and extending the
Waterworks of the Town of Wingham as pro-
vided in tho bylaw of whioh tho above is a
true copy
Collection of water, land, right-of-way
and conduit $ 3220 00
New power house, fituno and wheel
pit, repairs to 'machinery and cost
of site 2098 00
Storage basin of concrete 1000 00
Distribution system' 8279 00
Standpipe and site 4500 00
Superintendence and contingencies 1903 00
821000 00
J. B. Ferguson. Clerk.
Clerk's Office, Wingham, Dec. 4th, 1902.
Tenders will be received by, the un-
dersigned for 200 cords of rough cord-
wood; one half green, one half dry,
delivered on our premises.
r Not nom/Cheap
jButIIOW Good
The most successful farmers in Canada
read the FARMER'S ADVOCATE; they
think about their work, they act upon its
teachings, and they are its greatest admirers.
Its editors and contributors are specialists,
contains the cream of agricultural thought,
and practical men continue to read it be-
cause it pays them and because they want
the best. We want thousands of new sub-
scribers who will appreciate something good.
The sooner you subscribe, the mom you
will get.
For $t,eo we will send to nee/subscribers
every seueo f th0 R FARME 'S ADVOCATE
from now SO the end cf ;:,o-, including the
beautiful Christmas Number ror both ye re.
Time ;s money. Rend 1 think I act I Send
fpr A free sample copy if you want to ace a
practical, up-tosfate n rmer s paper. It wilt
please you.
the William Weld Co. ,Etd.
11. l .4.'. li +.411.., 1 II II x.001110 -• I.I 11 .1111. r.1 I
Long Hair
. .. ,-1.1. II I I _ 11, I I
"About a year ago my hair was
▪ coming out very fast, so 1 bought -
a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
stopped the falling and made my
hair grow very rapidly, until now it
is 45 inches in length." -Mr's. A.
Boydstan, Atchison, Kans. -
There's another hunger -
t than that of the stomach. _
Hair hunger, for instance.
Hungry hairneeds food, _
needs hair vigor -Ayer s. �e�
This is why_we say that
• Ayer's Hair Vigor always -
' restores color, and makes
i the hair grow long and
71 heavy. $1.00 o tattle. Ail drools's.
S . your drug let cannot Wei;
end ue ono dollar and wo ,nidi express
- you a bottle. Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express 011100. Address,
- J. C, AXER CO., Lowell, Mnss.
trowasintlassialleitiWila 1 +.1
A large.progrossivo school and one of tide
hest on this Continent. A strong statement
but it is a true one nevertheless. Tho rea-
son our school has a largo attendance is be-
cause it is a wide-awake, hustling working,
result -producing school. Recent graduates
have accepted positions at salaries ranging
front $15 a month to $800 pet annum.
write for our new Catalogue
1$. J. Elliott, Principal.
Within two weeks
placed two undergraduates and ono graduate
at salaries averaging $000 each per annum, and
had to allow 10 other calls to go unfilled whore
the wages wore from $35 to $00 per month.
Does it Pay to Attend the Best?
Wo want 100 more bright young mon and
women to prepare for those excellent openings,
Write for our handsome catalogue.
D. McLachlan 6c Co.,;Chatham, Ont.
Is the place to get value for your money.
Opens Jan. 5th, 1903. Two Courses - Com-
inercial and Shorthand,
Send for College Journal.
President Seo'y.
Agents Wanted.'
Either on Full or Part Time.
Aroou satisfied with your income? Is your
time fully occupied? If not, write us. We
can give you employment by the month on
good terms or contract to pay you well for
such business as you secure for us at odd times.
We employ both hale and female representat-
ives. The next 3 months Is the very best Limo
to sell our goods. No deposit is required ; out-
fit is absolutely free, We hnvo the largest
nurseries in Canada -over 800 acres. A Iarge
range of valuable new specialties and all our
stock 18 guaranteed as represented. If you
want to represent the largest, most popular
and best known nursery, write us. It will be
worth your while,
" Canada's Greatest Nurseries."
Cement and Lime.
Parties requiring Cement or Lime
should give us a call. We are selling
at a very low price. We keep only
first-class brands of cement and lime,
and you can always rely on getting a
gond fresh article at the WINGHAal
A Timely
Hint ..
December 13, 1932
6randDisplay of Xmas. Goods
When Ordering Your
Remember -
that a good fit is as important
as good material ; we make no
misfits. An order for your
winter Suit or Overcoat shall
receive our careful attention.
Give us a call,
13elbre. Ater. 'Wood's Phosphodln,,
77te Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only rell.
able medicine diseoVered. Sia
pacckaaaca guaranteed to eure all
forms sexual WeaknessLall eteetsofSUM
or excess, Mental worry, Y;xeeeaiVe ugh of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Maned on reooipt
of price, oneaoko a $1, six, $5. One wilt Veal',
eft milt cure. pl'amphlets tree to an address,
'Ebb wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Headquarters
Wood's Phosphodino is sold inwin Kant by Il'or Repairs
A. L. Hamilton, J. E. Davis, Ii. A. Douglass p
and C. A, Campbell, Davonts'rs.
GOODS _ CHINAWARE Fresh Groceries
Suitable for
Christmas Presents.
Fur Ruffs $1.50 up
Fur Caperiues, new Styles,
$3.50 to $25.00 each.
Fancy Silk Cushion Tops
Fancy Silk Piano Drapes
Fancy Silk Chair Drapes
at prices to snit your
pocket -book.
Ladies' Fancy Silk Ties
25c to $1.25 each
Children's Silk Ties
15c to 25o each
Fancy Hdkfs.
Hemstitched or Lace edge...5c
Fancy Hdkfs. trimmed with
deep lace 10e to 750 ea.
Silk Centres, trimmed with
deep lace 50c
Plain and Fancy Silk Hdkfs.
with or without initial Iet-
ter 25c to 75c each
Linen Table Covers
Table Napkins Tray Covers
Stand Covers Towels, etc.
Splendid assortment.
Fancy Laces and Insertions.
Real Valenciennes.
Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars....
°5c each
Ladies' and Children's Gloves
and Mitts.
From France, England, Ger-
many and Austria.
French China Tea Set, reg
$15, for $9.00
Dinner Sets, 97 -pee., printed,
painted, and traced in Gold.
Our Dinner Sets are great
value, at $6.50 to $10.00, for
Porcelain goods.
Tea Sets, New Shapes, 44 -pee.
$3.00 and up..
Mexican Oranges, Sweet Juicy
Fruit 200 and 40c doz,
California Navels, very large Sweet
Juicy Fruit 500 doz.
Valencias, per doz 15c
New Currants, 4 lbs. for... 25c
Re -cleaned Currants, 3 lbs 25c
New Raisins, beat selects 10c
New Seeded Raisins 12c
Mince Meat, per pkg 100
Toilet Sets, all New Shapes, and
handsomely decorated..
$2 and up -
Christmas Candy.
Best Royal Mixed, 3 lbs. for 25c.
Best Brown Mixed, 3 t ° 25c.
Best Jumbo Mixed, 3 " t 25c.
Chocolate Drops, 15c a lb.
. Cream Candy, 15c it lb.
Maple Walnut Cream.
Lemon Walnut Cream.
Almond Taffy and Walnut Taffy
20c ber lb.
Chenille Table Covers, Cur- .
tains, etc.
Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr
Hats Ties
Caps Gloves
Braces Collars
Neck Scarfs Handkerch'fs.
Mufflers Gauntlets
Underwear, etc.
Fresh Cranberries.
Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel.
15c to 20c a lb.
A splendid assortment of Cocoas,
Chocolates, Coffees and Cereals.
Icings, White and colored. All
010, 0 ...+......i..+...., .
Bring your Turkeys and Geese
in early. Not later than Tuesday,
December 23rd. Earlier than that
if you can.
We want a few barrels more
first-class Spy Apples.
IAacolla1d Block, Wingham
- ..
Jno. & Jas. H. Ker.. tit r
Don't make any mistake when buy?
.�n your Fall and Winter Goods,
The Bargain House
Is giving Bargains in Ladies', Men's and Children's Boots and Shoes ; in
Ladies' and Children's Rubbers ; in Men's, Women's and Children's Un-
derwear ---from 25c a pair ; 35c for a Man's Shirt or Drawers. We sell
Stanfield's All Wool Unshrinkable-every garment guaranteed not to shrink
Baigains in Ladies' and Children's Hosiery ; we keep the famous Double
Knee Ribbed Cashmere Hose for Boys and Children. Bargains in
All wool Blankets, $2.5o a pair. Bargains in Flannelette Blankets, 75c a
pair. Bargains in Wrapperettes and Flannelettes, 5c up. Bargains in
Flannels, Shirts, Socks, Dress Goods, Men's & Boys' Clothing, Overcoats,
Pea Jackets, and all kinds of Furs. Ladies' Jackets -half price.
the U%tn9ham erad.�ng Co., Zimkted
Wanted by i s th of Dec'r.
My Necessity, Your Opportunity E
. .,,..
I have in stock a very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents' E
Watches, Gold Rings, mounted with diamonds, opals, pearls and
other precious stones. Lovely Brooches, Bracelets, Ladies' and
can be instantly
'cured by using
Gents' Chains, Silverware, Cased Goods, Novelties, etc., suitable for
Christmas. A5 I must have money, these goods will be sold at E
slaughter prices during the next two weeks. ,r
For Sale only by
Colin A. Campbell
Jeweler and 0 titian
�! ti It ltliil ilitill# liltlt �