The Wingham Advance, 1902-12-11, Page 88
In which to do your Christmas slopplng, The ie eai1y shopper gets the
pick of the new goods and gets waited on to better advantage. Why
not be one of the early ones? We will gladly put aside any parcels for
you, and deliver them, evening before Xmas. We give below some idea
of what we have -we begin With the Grocery dep't. and on down to the
China dept. Read it all. It will mean MONEY SA.VED for you.
3 lbs. Best Selected Raisins for 25c
3 lbs. Bost Cleaned Currants for.... 25e
2 lbs. Seeded'tar Seedless Raisins for 25o
2lbs. Crosse & Blaukwell's Orange and
Lemon Pools for 25e
2 qts. Cranberries for ..25o
3 cans Pests, Corn and Salmon' for 250
Canadian Stilton Cheese, per lb 17o
Cheese (colored) " 150
Cooked Ham, sliced thin. per Ib30o
Lake Herring. Trout, Haddies and Oysters
Now Dates, best kinds, 2 lbs. for.,,, 150
Now Cooking Figs, per lb 50
3 lbs. Icing Sugar (no lumps) for 25c
Ingersoll Pure Lard, por lb 14e
Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Table Raisins,
Table Figs, Lemons, Candies and Nuts.
Mince Meat -the original kind--pkg 10o
Weston's Horne Made Bread, per loaf5o
Rokco Choreal Coffee. per pkg.... 100 and 15o
Tillson's Pan Dried Oats in packages 10o
Quaker Oats in packages ,.., ,,,, ,,,, 100
Swiss Food. Shred Wheat, Grape Nuts, IIealth
Fond, Malt, Cream of Wheat, Rolled Oats,
Rolled Wheat, Farina, Cornmeal and
Standard Oatmeal -always Fresh.
Don't forget our TEA. and COFFEE .if you
want the best,
Read Down The List, It Should Interest You.
25 Table Sots (Butter Dish, Sugar Bowl,
Spoon holder and Cream Jug)...45c to $2.25
30 Water Sets, pretty designs $1.00 to 1.50
25 DInner Sets. mostly all different pat-
terns.... .,. $5.00 to 10.00
China Tea Sots from $5.00 to 8.00
Toilet Sets, good assortment.,,$1,25 to 4.50
Five o'clock Toa Sets, with trays to
match. from $1.75 to 2.50
Sugar and Cream Sots 25c to 750
Salt, Pepper and Mustard Sots, very
swell. complete ....60c
Salt and Pepper Shakers, each 5c to 0c
500 Cups and Saucers 5c to 75o
Bread and Butter Plates,,,, 10c to 230
Bread Trays 25c to $1,50
Something Extra in FANCY TRAYS and
Vases, a largo assortment, from....100 to $2.00
Biscuit Jars, from 50o to $1.00
Salad. Dishes, real nice ones 25o to $1.60
Raw Fruit DIshes from 25c to $3.00
Cheese Dishes, English & French, 500 to $1.00
Tea Pot Stands, each,.,... 10o and 15c
Tobacco Jars, each ....,45c and 65o
Decoarted Tea Pots, each 35e and 45c
Children's Tea Sets 7'6o to $1,00
LAMPS, with shades or giobes..,$1.00 to $3.25
Every one good value.
Grocery and Crockery Store
Butter, Eggs, Hay, Straw, Oats, Wood, Fowl, Potatoes, Apples and all kinds
of Vegetables taken as cash.
To lovers of good ripe tasty Cheese, we have
secured a number of Canadian Stiltons, small size,
about 7 or 8 lbs., one and a half years old, in ex-
cellent condition, fine flavor, body and texture,
To customers wanting to get fish, we have a
limited quantity. of Lake Huron Herring, heads off
and split; a10 Salmon Trout, Labrador Herring,
Finnan Haddies, Cod Fish and Scaled Herrings.
at griffin's
Advance till Dec., 1903 $1 00
Advance and Mail -Empire......, . 1 75'
Advance and Family Herald 1 75
Advance and Weekly Sun 1 75
Advance and Farmers' Advocate1 85
Advance and F. Advocate ('ren'al) 1 95
Advance and Globe 1 75
Advance and Toronto Star 9 25
Advance and Toronto News 2 25
These rates are good for all of next
year with balance of 1002, and include
premiums with the papers mentioned
when any are given, and will include
also the beautiful illustrated premium
with the Advance, ready Dec. 15th.
The only All -Canadian Transcontinental
Through train leaves TORONTO
at 1.45 p.m., Daily, For
Unexcelled Dining Car Service North Bay
to Fort William, ]tat Portage to Laggan
Revelstoke to Sioamous and North Bend
to Agassiz. First -Class Sleepers 1.'oronto
to Winnipeg and the' Coast.
Asst. Gen'I. Passr. Agt„ Toronto
California Points.
Round Trip tourist Tickets good for nine
months on sale to all the popular \VINTER
Unexcelled Service to Chicago.
Fast trains equipped with tnodorn wide
vestibule coaches, Cafe Parlor, Dining and
Pullman Sleeping ears. Prompt connection
With all Western linos.
Health Giving Mineral Springs.
the World renowned MT. CLEMENS, MOIL,
aro situated directlq on lino of the Grand
Descriptive Booklets, Tickets, and all in-
formation front Agents.
Dtetriet Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Flour per 100 $I 90 to
Fall wheat pee bush new 66 to
Oats per bush 0 27 to
Barley per bush .. 0 35 to
Peas per bush 0 60 to
Bran 15 90 to
Shorts 20 00 to
Ohop . , 1 25 to
Hay 700 to
Butter per lb 0 17 to
Eggs 020 to
Lard .. 0 15 to
Potatoes per bush. 0 50 to
Apples per bag 0 35 to
Hides per 100 lbs 5 50 to
Lamb skins 0 35 to
Dressed hogs 6 00 to
Live hogs 5 50 to
Tallow, per Ib 05 to
Chickens per pair 30 to
Ducks per pair 60 to
Turkey, per ib...... 10 to
Geese, per Ib 6 to
Wool 12 to
$2 688
0 29
0 40
18 00
23 00
1 50
7 50
0 17
0 23
0 15
0 50
0 40
6 50
0 45
6 50
5 FO
For full and accurate market re-
ports see second page.
If you want to buy a farm read the
list in another column; if you are not
satisfied with that selection, come to my
office and look over as many more.
If you want a house in Wingham or
in any village or town within 50 miles, I
can show you the largest collection ever
on list for sale in this part.
Real Estate Agent
Queer feed td expect an animal to thrive on
is the stuff some people feed their stook. Sotne
animals thrive on anything, but your horse or
Ow, who is your faithful servant, should have
good, nourishing food, atteh as A. Carr sells.
IIavo juat unloaded 3 ears Flour (1200 b_ngs)--
largest consignment over shipped into Whig•
ham at any one time by any ono dealer. The
Keewatin Flour has such a reputation that we
are not afraid to invest in largo quantities.
Try a bag and you will use no other. We
buy all kinds of grain at warehouse -highest
prices paid. Mar constantly in attendance,
A. IT. CA ]E
Wingham Real
Estate Office
The following list is a few of the
farm properties that I have at presept
on my books for sale, and I would ask
the intending purchaser of any size of a
farm, to look over this list and if you see
anything that is of interest to you, call
and get particulars, or should you not
see anything to suit, I will be pleased to
show you a larger list.
100 acres 10 miles from Wingham, near
Fordyce, 97 acres cleared, balance ash
swamp, frame house with stone cellar, in
good repair. good frame barn and stables.
3 wells soil, Olay loam in high state of
cultivation, good fences, A snap.
100 aeras 2 miles from Wingham and 2
from Blum, ale, 90 acres cleared, balance
ash and cedar swamp, 2 acres orchard,
line barn with stone stables, good frame
house, plenty of water. fences in repair,
no better situation in Iiuron county,
100 acres 2 miles from Wingham and 3
from Belgravo, 95 acres cleared, balance
in ash, cedar and hardwood bush, 1 acre
orchard, good frame house, stone cellar,
frame barns, fences in good repair, spring
creek across the back. Will be sold.
96 acres 2t miles frorp Wingham, near Zet-
land, brick house, stone wall under good
born, hog house, lion house and pump
house, no better fenced farm in the Tp.,
8 acres No.1 cedar swamp, 2 acres of hard
wood. spring crook across a back corner.
This is a highly improved farm, and will
be sold very reasonable.
100 acres 5 miles from Wingham and 5
from Tocswater, a good clay farm, 7 acres
hardwood, No. 1 fences, stone wall under
a good barn frame house, 1 acre orchard,
a never failing spring near the barn. A
bargain for someone.
100 acres 0 milds from Wingham and 8
from Brussels, a highly improved farm, 3
acres hardwood, first-class fences, splen-
did barn and stables, frame house, good
orchard,spring creek at rear of farm, play
Loam, no bettor farm in Morrie tp.
100 aures 9 miles from Wingham and 6
from Brussels, first-class buildings and
fences, plenty of water, No. 1 soil, a desir-
able property ;• will be sold cheap.
100 acres 1 mile from Wingham town hall,
a choice farm, largo brick house, large
barn with excellent stables, new silo, A 1
fences, 15 acres of flrst-class hardwood.
This is an exceptionally fine property,
and cheap at the price.
100 acres 5 miles from Wingham and 2
from Bluevale, good frame buildings, 80
acres cleared, balance cedar, ash and
hardwood bush, fences in repair. Cheap. •
100 acres 3 miles from Wingham, 2 from
Belgrave, large bank burn, frame house,
3 acres orchard, good fences, all cleared,
spring creek, on a main road.
100 acres 5 miles from Wingham, 2 from
Bluovalo, brick house. stopo wall under
barn, 1 acro orchard, 8 acres hardwood,
spring oreek. .A. desirable farm.
100 acres 10 miles from wingham, near
Marnoch, 90 acres cleared, balance No. 1
sugar bush, frame houso, stone cellar and
stables, good fences, spring creek.
100 acres 3 miles from wingham, 3 from
Blrievale, first-class buildings, 3 acres of
orchard, 7 acres good sugar bush, 3 acres
cedar, river crosses farm.
100 acres near westfleld. wingham 14 miles.
92 acres cleared, balance hardwood, stone_
wall under barn, frame house, 2 acres or.
chard, good fences, spring creek, 6 acres
fall wheat in, fall plowing done. This
farm will be sold very cheap.
100 acres, wingham 3 iniles wawanosh Tp„
50 acres cleared, balance ash timber, good
buildings and fences, plenty water,• 1 acre
orphard. This is a bargain.
200 acres 5 miles from wingham, near Glen-
annan, 80 acres cleared, 15 ao. hardwood
bush, 10 acres ash swamp, balanpe slash
excellent barn and stables, brick house, 1
acre orchard, plenty of water A bargain
if sold at once.
125 acres 4 miles from wingham wawanosh
tp., 25 ac, cleared, balance thickly wood-
ed slash and swamp ; will sell this cheap
or *ill sell by the acre. Enquire.
150 acres 2 miles from wingham, near Zet-
land, 120
et•land,120 acres cleared, balance hardwood
and softwood,ood frame house, stone
foundation under barn, No, 1 fences,
spring creek morose back corner, a desir-
able property to bo sold very oheap.
175 acres 3 miles from wingham, 1 from
Bluevale, 150 acres cleared and in good
state of cultivation, spring creek, first-
class buildings. A chance for someone.
06 aures 5 miles from wingham, near Glen'=
farrow, a highly improved farm, excellent
buildings, 3 acres hardwood, river runs
across a back corner, N0. 1 fences.
50 acres 3 miles from wingham, 1 to Bine-
vale, 40 acres oloared, balance hardwood,
good frame house, stone wall under bare,
4 acre orchard, No. 1 fences.
50 acres 27i utiles from wingham, Turnberry
tp., good frame barn, new frame house,
1 acre orchard, 3 acres ash swamp, good
fences. A chance in a life -time.
20 acres near Trowbridge, first-class build-
ings and fences, good orchard and gar-
den, plenty water, a desirable home for
an old couple ; will sell cheap.
60 acres 10 miles from wingham, 5 from
Teeswator, 1 acre hardwood, stone wall
under barn, good frame house, splendid
orchard, No. 1 fences. To be sold cheap.
45 acres 2 miles from wingham, towards
whiteohuroh, all cleared, good buildings,
1 acro orchard, spring creek, suitable for
a dairy Earn,.
37 acres iidjoining Bluevale, frame cottage,
bank barn, 3 acre orchard, river forms
one boundary Imo, 4 acre bush. To be
sold at oneo very cheap.
50 acres 9 miles from wingham and 4 from
Wroxeter, all cleared, brick house, stono
wall under barn, first-class fences, highly
improved. Big value for the price.
If you want a farm near Brussels,
Blyth, Clinton, Goderich, Lucknow,
Kincardine, Teeswator, Belmore, Gerrie,
Harriston, Palmerston, Listowel or Sea -
forth, call and gee" a.list.
1 also have a much larger list of
town and village properties, ranging in
price from $400 to $5000, and the intend-
ing purchaser of a house or lot or busi-
ness stand will find it to his advantage
to see this list before making a choice.
Besides the above list I have many
other properties for sale or exclr9,nge, in-
cluding other farms, houses, lots, mills,
and machinery, business blocks in Wing -
ham and other towns and villages, also
several retail businesses,'kuch as Groce-
ry, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Etc.
As well as having excellent success
in the sale of local lands, I am pleased
to report inoreasiug sales of Manitoba
and N. W. lands.
I expect to be soon settled in my
now office in the Vanstone Block, where
1 will be pleased to have calls from all
who intend to buy, sell or exchange
Real Estate Agent
Office at present at my residence,
Leopold Street.
Mr, Wm, Holmes, one of our
prosperous young farmers brought to
his Meme last week a fair bride from
Elibber't township, f'or'merly Miss Ella
The 1 re wed i
d ng took place at
the residence of the pride's brother.
Precisely at half -past live, the bride,
leaning on the arta of hes' brother, Mr,
Jas. Nixon, entered the room to the
strains of Mendelssohn's wedding
march, played by kid's, H. Drake,
The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr,
Howard, of Mitchell, after which some
.l0 couples repaired to the dining ronin,
where the tables were heavily laden
with a tastily prepared wedding re-
past. After all had done ample justice
to the choice edibles, the evening was
spent in violin selections, recitations,
songs, dancing and varions amuse-
ments. The bride looked charming in
a slate colored dress, trimmed with
pearl and applique, as also did the
bridesmaid, Miss Tenie Pulitnnn, who
wore a dress of blue silk. The pre-
sents, which were costly and numer-
ous, show the esteem in which the
bride is held, and Hibbert's loss is
Turnberry'sain. Mr. and Mrs. Hol-
mes returned to their home on Mon-
day, accompanied by the best wishes
of their hosts of friends, who wish
them a long and happy voyage
through life,
Mr, L. D, Weir goes to Goderich
this week as Juryman.
Mr. Ezra Merkley is chopping grain
at the Thompson farm this week.
The Messrs McGlynn spent Thurs-
day afternoon visiting friends in this
Miss McGlynn of Riversdale has
been visiting her uncle, Mr, John Mc-
Mrs. Thomas -Meloy goes to Brussels
thio week where she is being treated
for a sore limb.
Mr, Richard Ockridge of Bluevale
has been engaged in digging a well for
Mr. Albert Gallaher.
Musgrove and McIntosh of Essex
arrived in Wingham one day last
week with a carload of hogs.
Mr. Dane of Gorrie, also Miss Evans
and Miss McKee of the same place,
called on Mr. Albert Gallaher the lat-
ter part of last week. -
Mr. Will. Palmer and his brother
Wesley left on Friday last for Mon-
crief, where they will spend the
winter at their saw mill, We wish
them success.
St. Helens.
Owners -At the close of the prayer -
meeting on Wednesday evening, Dec.
3rd. the Executive of the Young Peo-
ple's Bible class met in the vestry of
Calvin church, Arrangements were
made for the corning year regarding
lessons, etc.
NOTES. -Don't forget the public ex-
amination in our school here on Friday
afternoon, Dec, 12th ; all cordially in-
vited Mr. W. C. Webb, an enter-
prising farther of the 12th con., is erec-
ting a fine wind -mill for ppurnping wa-
ter at his barns, ...D. C. Taylor's men,
of Lucknow, put in a large furnace at
the new brick residence of Mr. D. Todd
last week.
On Sunday morning last, the pastor,
Rev. S. M. Whaley, B. A., preached
an excellent sermon, taking as his text
Psalm 110-7. The sermon compared
the classes of Christian people to tra-
vellers. 1. -Those who are all excite-
ment for fear there may be dangers on
the way. II. -Those who are absorbed
with business left behind or are wholly
taken up with the prospect- of the
journey's end, and who see little by
the way. TII.-Those tvho at'e alive to
the varied scenes on the journey as
well as their journey's end. A few
points as helps on the journey were
given : I. -Knowledge (a) of God -not
a book, but a heart knowledge; (h)
study the land to which we expect to
go ; our own ideas do not alter the re-
ality of heaven ; (c) make friends with
Jesus Christ. The discourse was full
of life points from start to finish,
Subscribe for the Advance and get
the beautiful, illustrated premium
magazine of fortv pages of choice
reading. $1.00 will settle the bill until
Dec. $1, 1003. Present snbscrihers may
also have a copy by paying in advance
for 1903.
East Wawanosh.
(Too late for last week.)
Willie Bates is engaged with John
Wightman for a month,
Win. Hallahan has purchased the
100 acre farm belonging to John Ar-
Miss Kennedy of Belleville is visit-
ing her friends in East Wawanosh at
Rev. Mr, Daniels of Goderich con-
ducted services In Westfield church
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Noble attended the
wedding of Mr, Noble's brother in
Hallett on Wednesday.
Quite a number attended Mrs. Mills'
auction sale on Tuesday, and report
sales good and prices high.
Willie England, who bas been work-
ing at Wm. Johnston's of Westfield,
left for Detroit last week.
Robb. Turvey is building a nice side-
walk from his residence to the road,
which quite improves its appearance.
Alex. Scott of the 6th had his valua-
ble hound to Brussels to have a growth
removed from one of its legs last week.
Mr. Gannett of Wingham was in
this neighborhood this week, deliver.
ing a turnip pulper and slicer at Robt.
Sohn Armour of 5th con. is laid up
with a very sore hand. He scratched
it with a rusty nail, which caused
blood poisoning.
Subscribe for the Advance and get
the beautiful, illustrated premium
magazine of forty pages of choice
reading. 51.00 will settle the bill until
Dec. 31, 1903. Present subscribers may
also have a copy by paying in advance
for 1903.
"Measure twice, cut
but once."
Experiment till you
find the uniformly good
make of shoe -the sha pc,
size and width you need.
Then stick to it -
don't speculate.
You'll know it always
by the Makers' price
stamped on the sole -
"The Slater Shoe"
TiOOdy(hr Welted"
For sale only by W. 3. Greer
McIntosh & Gillespie have boon run-
ning their chopper lately,
Tho Buttor factory has closed after a
Angie .•
successful season; • th
s e output for 1902
was larger than in any previous year.J 2
Shipments of wood, hay, bark, stock,
and grain are frequent from this station.
Forty-two oars were shipped out last
Mr, Fox has sold the saw -mill to Mr.
Cottle, who is having the machinery re-
paired; lie may put in a planer and ex-
pects lots of logs.
George Ross, an esteemed resident of
Kinloss, joined the great majority on
Friday Last, He of the pioneers
of this section of country, He leaves a
widow, seven sons and two daughters.
Tho fnuerai on Tuesday was large. Ho
was 82 years of age,
The anniversary of Whiteohuroh
Methodist church will be held next Sun-
day. Sermons will be preached at 10.30
a.m. and 7 p.m. by Rev. R. Garbutt,
L. L. B., of Gorrie, and by Rev. R.
Hobbs at 2,30. On Monday evening, a
sacred concert will be held. Music, ad-
dresses, eto, will furnish an entertaining
program. Rev. C. C. Keine is the ener-
getic pastor. The Presbyterian services
will be withdrawn for Sunday. We
like this kindly and fraternal feeling in
the churches.
Inexpressibly sad was the death of our
young townsman, Chas H. Henderson,
who died on Friday evening, 5th inst.
The Friday before he appeared in excel-
lent health. On Saturday he complain-
ed of pains, and grow rapidly worse.
The trouble was found to be appendici-
tis. On Tuesday, Dr. Gunn of Clinton
Dr. Elliott of Lucknow and Dr. Jamie-
son performed an operation. The pa-
tient came through the ordeal nicely,
but ou Thursday took a change for the
worse, and on Friday evening passed
away. Deceased was thirty years of
age; a capable, upright business man,
esteemed by all, and a general favorite
in the community. Only six months
ago he was happily married to Miss
Kew, who is now left to mourn the loss
of a kind husband. The funeral on
Monday was very large, the Foresters
attending in a body; 102 vehicles form-
ed the procession, Rev. G, M, Dunn,
assisted by Rev, 0, O. Baine, conducted
the service. Mr. Dann took for his text
-"For what is your life?" Tho dis-
course was very touching, and the fall-
ing tears on many faces were indicative
of deepest sympathy with the bereaved
MONEY TO LOAN -At 44 per cent. on
improved farms. Easy terms of re-
payment; expenses light. Apply A.
Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan
Agent, Kent Block.
Hearts that are Diseased.
Will never be cured by the false, un-
natural stimulation of liquor. First in-
crease your vitality, build up the system
strenghten and purify the blood -then
the heart will respond and grow strong.
Ferrozono is precisely what to take;
it gives you an appetite and a digestion
that will look after everything that is
eaten, Ferrozono improves nutrition,
makes rioh, vitalizing blood, and is posi-
tively the most powerful restorative and
strengthener known to science; it im-
proves the nerve tone, regulates the
heart's action, makes the feeble strong
and the sick well. Ferrozone will do
you untold good and cost only 50e., at
druggists or Polson & Co., Kirlgstoll,
Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton,
Dr. Hamilton's Pills stimulate the Liver
Rev. E. A. Hall has a new cutter.
Misses Mary and Jessie Horton visited
Harriston friends last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilkin of Minto paid
their daughters here a visit on Tuesday,
Mr, and Mrs, R. 0. Sperling of Wing -
ham spent Sunday iu town, as also did
W. J. Greer,
Those interested iu the Methodist S.
S. entertainment aro working hard to
make it a success.
Bro. Strong 0. O. F. organizer, spent
Sunday with his family. He has just
returned from the lower provinces.
Rev, C, O. Koine will preach in the
Methodist church next Sunday. He will
be at home here, as he is a Howick boy.
St. Stephens Sunday School concert is
always up to the mark; this year's will
be no exception. A brilliant program is
in store. Come.
Polling last Thursday was done
quietly, and considering the time of year
and no other vote being taken, there
was a large vote. Gerrie gave 115
"Yes," 21 "No".
People with Bad Breath.
Generally suffer from Catarrh and
should use Catarrhozone Inhaler
four times daily, and be cured. Tho
pleasant scented Catarrhozone vapor
spreads through every air passage of the
breathing organs, and roaches the very
root of the disease at once; it kills the
germs, purifies and cleanses the mucous
surfaces,and orradicates every vestige of
catarrh in a short time.
Pure, sweet breath, free from head-
ache, sneezing and discharge are quick-
ly derived from the use of Catarrhozone
Inhaler. Complete outfit, guaranteed
to cure, cost only $1.00, trial size 25c.
Druggists, or N. 0. Polson & Co., King-
ston, Out.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills stimulate the Liver
Subscribe for the Advance and get
the beautiful, illustrated premium
magazine of forty pages of choice
reading. $1.00 will settle the hill until
Dec. 31, 1003. Present subscribers may
also have a copy by paying in advance
for 1903.
Foiler.-In Wingham, Dec, 8th, Mrs.
F. Fuller, a daughter.
Hamilton. -Dec. 7th, Mrs. Jas. Ham-
ilton, a daughter.
Millar. -At Whitewater, Manitoba, on
Nov, 25th, Mrs. J. A. Millar, a
Reading. -In El Pasco, Texas, on Nov.
26, to Mrs. Reading, (nee Miss Isa
Gordon) at daughter.
Wright -Wheeler --At the residence
of the bride's parents, 4th con. Turn -
berry, on Wednesday, 3rd inst., by
Rev. Win. Lowe, Mr. William Henry
Wright of Morris to Miss Rosina
, Wheeler.
Holmes -Nixon, -On Dec. 3rd, at the
realdeneo of the bride's brother, Hib-
hert Tp., by Rev, Mr. Howard of
Mitchell, Mr. Wm. Holmes of Turn -
berry to Miss Ella Nixon of Ribbert.
Ilenddrson.-In Whitechurch, Dec.
5th, Chas. Ii. Henderson, aged 30
Ross, -tn Kinloss, Dec. 5th, Geo. Itoss
aged 82 years.
Nicholson, -In Morris, Dec. 8th, Alice
Burchill, wife of Arch, Nicholson,
aged 51 years,
December It t, 190
r,tmas. fier
We are giving a straight 10 Per Cent. -
Discount on all Fars purchased from us.
Wo have a very large stock of Ladies' Fur Coats, Ruffs, Collarettes, Muffs and Gauntlets, and
will have no trouble in pleasing you in quality, style and price. Colne with the crowds who will
take advantage of this big offer, "You may as well save money as your neighbor."
Dainty Handkerchiefs for Ladies.
Without doubt we have the loveliest range of Ildkfs, we have ever shown. If you are looking
for something really dainty, something different from what has been shown, we pan please yon
without the slightest difficulty. "To see these goods is to appreciate them."
Our wonderful Sale of Men's Ready-made Clothing goes merrily on. Men are not slow to take
advantage of the great Bargains we are offering.
Think of buying a well -made heavy Tweed Suit, with double breasted coat. for . $6,75
(A'Suit that could not be put up by any tailor for less than $12.00)
See the big values eve are offering in Men's Overcoats. -Stylish Beaver Overcoats, well -made,
splendidly lined and finished throughout, regular valve $8.50 -our special price is $6,50
Boys' Stylish Grey Raglan Overcoats, well made and finished -a Snap at $5.00
See the big Bargains we are offering in Underclothing.
ig Bargains in every department till January the First.
Big Prices for Trade.
Xmas. Bargains
Finest Chocolates from ....15c to 40c lb
Finest Creams from 10c to 40c lb
Finest Creams from 10e to 40c box
Dark and Light Mixed Candy, 3
190. for 25c
Fancy Candies of all kinds at lowest
Fancy Candy Toys from 2c to 15c each
Jumbo Peanuts, Almonds, Wal-
nuts, Filberts, mixed, per 1b 15c
Chestnuts, per lb 12e
Oranges and Lemons
3 Ihs. good Raisins for tae
3 lbs. good clean Currants for 2.5c
All kinds of Spices. Shelled Nuts and
Peels for Christmas Cakes.
Mince Meat, per package 1Or.
" borne -make, lb,........ 12c
Purest and strongest. Essences of all
kinds, on the market,
Choice Coffee, per lb 20c to 40c
Special Bargains in Tea
Regular 25c Tea at 5 lbs. for $1 00
" 35c Tea at 30c per Ib,
" 40c Tea at 95c per lb.
Package Teas at equally Low Prices
Canadian and American Coal Oil.
rll!t Hre
Xiiias. Presents
D. Rush Walker
Chas. Agar left on Saturday for a
visit to friends in England. He sailed
from Halifax by the Allan line and ex-
pects to return in the spring.
Subscribe for the Advance and get
the beautiful, illustrated premium
magazine of forty pages of choice
reading. $1.00 will settle the hill until
-Dec. 31, 1903. Present subscribers may
also have a copy by paying in advance
for 1903,
M:\RR117n.-The Edmonton, N. W.
T., Bulletin, of October 81st, has the
following: -"On Monday, A. G. Harri-
son, Land Agent, left for Calgary, ap-
parently `0n a business trip.' Wednes-
day he was married to Miss Florence
Jackson of Bluevale, Ontario, at the
residence of her brother, Mr. Charles
Jackson of -Calgary. Miss Jackson is
a sister of Mrs. G. T. Bragg, and resid-
ed for some time with her sister in this
town. The happy couple arrived in
Edmonton last night and have taken
up residence in their new house on the
corner of Sixth street and McKay
avenue," The Fredericton Daily Her-
ald adds :-"The bridegroom is Mr.
Arthur G. Harrison, youngest son of
Chancellor G. Harrison of the Univer-
sity of New Brunswick, and graduated
from the U. N. B. in 1891, qualified as
a civil engineer, and a year ago was
appointed land agent at Edmonton by
the Dominion Government, a very im-
portant and responsible position. He
has a staff of four clerks to assist him
in his office and five sub -agents in the
district. Ile is au active and popular
young man, and his numerous Freder-
icton friends will join with the Herald
in wishing him and his bride all possi-
ble happiness."
(Too late for last issue.)
Miss Bosman of Brcnvntown visited
with her sister, Mr. J. B. Lake, for a
few 'day last week.
Miss Alice McCartney returned
home last week, after a three months'
visit with her sister in Hamilton.
Rev, Mr. Burwaeh of Wingham oc-
cupied the pnlpit in Roe's church last
Sabbath morning, The pastor, C. 1'.
Wells, was assisting with anniversary
services in Ashfleld,
We aro sorry to report that the
health of Mrs, James Simpson, James-
town, is not so good as her numerous
Mende would like to hear. We hope
tq hear of her being speedily restored
to het• former good health,
We understand that Alex., son of
Andrew Simpson, Jamestown, has
purchased his father-in-law's farm near
Attwood, and ihtends to settle here,
instead of going to the Prairie Pro-
vince, ad stated a few weeks ago,
Quito a number from this vicinity
attended the wedding of Mr, Wm. II,
Wright of Morris, and Miss Rosina
Wheeler of Turnberry, on Wednesday,
Dec.. 8rd. We welcome the young
couple to become residents of the 1st
con., and also extend hearty congratu-
Our Furniture Store en-
ters heartily into the spirit of
Christmas. From now on our
gl'eat Furniture Store • ;will
confine its prime attention to
Christmas shoppers. Our
holiday bo
clay goods are
now in, and you are cordially
invited to call and inspect.
Large stock, great variety,
correct prices.
9'0$. t?i :utton
That's our business, We want men
to sell TRIBES of ail varieties, fruit and orna-
mental. We are looking for a few hustlers.
Are you one? If so, get our terms,
Nurserymen, r'
S. B. Lamont, teacher on the 6th
Line, has been engaged by the trustees
of S. S. No. 10, Grey Tp. at a salary of
S55 which is agood advance
$ over his
present salary.
Evangelistic services are being held
in Ebenezer church, Browntown, by
Rev. F. Swarm, of Bluevale.
The annual public school entertain-
ment in connection with the Anderson
school, 3rd line, will be hold on Fri-
day evening, 10th inst.
Sunshine Methodist Sunday School
will hold their annual Christmas tree
and entertainment on the evening of
Dec. 17th, 1902. Everybody come and
have a good time.
We ore pleased to hear that Gavin
Bewley, formerly of this towship, has
taken a position in a private Bank in
Alameda, N. W. T.
Airs. J. and Mrs. E. Higgins are this
week visiting Exeter friends.
Mr. Ezra Merkley has engaged Mr.
Mitchell of Grey for the coning year.
Mr. Chas. Kitchen returned home
from Essex this week after a two
months' stay.
Mr. Mitchell of Wookstoek has been
visiting his sister Mrs. T. Bolt for the
past two weeks.
Frank Powell of London spent Sat.
urday and Sunday with his parents
here. Ile took charge of the service
at Lakelet on Sunday evening.
Subscribe for the Advance and get
the beautiful, illustrated premium
magazine of forty pages of choice
reading. $1.00 will settle the bill until
Dec.31, 1003. Present subscribers may
also have a copy by paying in advance
'for 1003.
A Capital Cure for Sore Throat.
Ts to use as a gargle a few 'drops Of
Poison's Norviliue in sweetened water,
and before retiring rub the throat and
chest vigorously with Nerviline. 13y
morning the soreness and infialrrmetion
will have disappeared entirely. Nay-
ervedine drives away the pain and cures
sore throat and hoarseness quickly,
simply because that's what its Luride for.
Buy a 25c. bottle from your druggist to-
Dr. Hamilton's rills stimulate the Liver
Sealed Tenders, for the building of
the New Catholic Church at St. Au-
gustine, will he received by the under-
signed np to January 15th, 1903. Ten-
ders will he considered for the whole
or any part of the work, The lowest
or any tender not necessarily accepted.
J. A. HANLON, P. P.,
St. Augustine.
Plans and Specifications may be seen
on application to J. J. Sullivan until
December 27th, 1902.
AUCTION SALES. -Thos, Brawn, auc-
tioneer, of Seafortb, is prepared to at-
tend sales in this vicinity. Call at Ad-
vance office and Arrange date of sale.
Four Feeds for 1 Cent
Farmers and stock feeders are every day
bothering their bruins to know how to fatten
their animals rapidly,
will (lo it and save ''rho worry, and what's
better Savo nno•third the feed.
It aic18 Digestion, keeps the Blood, Liver
and Kidneys in a healthy condition, A trial
will convinee (he most skeptical that it is the
greatest animal regulator of the age.
10 -lb. Box, 200 feeds, 500 ; 50•lb. Sack, $2,
The Worthington Drug Co.
For Salo and Guaranteed by
A. It Carr
Agar & Earle
Noble Gerry
Winn, Aftlf er