The Wingham Advance, 1902-12-11, Page 2VI; liTiPant k,bbail‘f tel
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Theo. Halt Proprietor. Reeinires nnE0ar.itene a ti )g and Drinlc, cu.) "
ing faapacity to Stand their Stuffiw.
DCCEMIBIele, 14, UO2.1
Office I-Upstaire in the Macdonald
Night calls answered at office.
Josephine Street - Winghttan
j • (Malabar of the British Medical
SPeolal Wendell paid to Diseases of WODIOD
and children.
Omen Honest -Ito I p.m,; 7 to9pan,
W. T. Holloway
D,D,S., L,D.S,
Graduato of Royal
College o DentnI
,Burgeons of Tor-
onto, and Honor
Graduate of Dent-
al Dept. of Toron-
to University.
Latest improved methods in all branches of
Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 131.4ffloe in Beaver Bloch.
Closed Wed'y, afternoons in Jane, July, Aug.
D,D.S., L,p,s,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the r en-
nsylvania College and Licentiate oi
Dental Surgery of Ontario,
Ofilee over Poet Orrice-WINGBAM
Cana Wed'y. afternoons in June, July, Aug.
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Office: Meyer Block Wingham.
E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes
Money to loan at lowest rates. Office
7-85, WINGHAM.
Established Me
Bead Office GUELPH, ONT.
Risks teken on all classes of insurable pro
perty on the oash or premium note system.
President. secretary.
430000OCCMODODC000400000043032203a000300 X.S*0`;;C)i);.i
"There is no irospltality In the anew to, go, nomo aro attire, out
worla ilk° that or tho ilueelans," said i that woula bo dimourteone. alpend-
an American civil engineer wile bagu, , leg aevening, aj by, ba lilaans Oyer
alma several years in the land ot the' eet, 'Ilhe murk) flreetcd, the card
Czar in connection wall the construtee 1
eualen aro brougbt out onci °Very
the -
roea "Once a lturisien izan Of family
tion of e geeat trans -Siberian lpiical-i,, ,
way aye catele-Fm
roneli games for
tho aret,.,,part,, a oomple of Reestan
nes of whieli would
takes; you into las home -and 1 alit i
bound lo say that Ole does not boa- Fram,"r 'eau aa
con) ey no information to Finglinh-
Pen until, tbrough methods or hie own!
people, and once in a while
and unknown to you, he hair cower
pretty near to fireling ant all about Poker -and everyboeY fremblen, wo-
man, ae well as mon. You! drink in -
you -lie ean't do enougli for you. 110
heaps atteetlans upon you. Nothing cesseatly‘ while eon play earde, and
is too much trottble for lem-or for ! munch Ca tiro caviare aandwielies
lee wire -to the end that you may ' yrilm:sm
aroilerVrtradgnaoe rlunlgthe 0 nun-
e o a rirci :
bo mite° comfortable and happe." p
"Let nee tell you, for example, what tit 5 o'clock In the morning an often
you 'go up agameta au the saying is, as not -and then the evening is
when1 a Braaten bead of a family in- cant. You may go. home- if you
vitae aorato amend the evening' wttli wlele If you don't wish eau merely
libie his Iaintly. regatta' your clesiro to sleep at your
5 e
"Yea arrive at lals home in your 1 hoat's -house, and you find your room
eyerting' elothes at o'clock In th
all prepared. He le honored if you.
efternoota and by that time, Peola' prefer to eleep in his liouse. 11110
aanbli,,,ximdogast coati 0 tihmer ootahrefivtor licloovzist(T -
for the fleet thne with a Russian
American who, ap---ende the evening'
beet' einellarly invited to tnIrend the hout feels Ilko 'the morning atter'
evening.' for fair when, he comae to."-Nya,sla
"You. no sooner make your appear- Ington Star, i
comer than the host drags you to Iris
Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet-
erinary College. Of0.ce and Infirmary,
corner Victoria and Minnie Streets,
Wingliam. Day and night calls prompt-
ly attended to. Telephone conneotion.
All kinds of rough and dressed....
1 -lard and Soft Slabs, also a
large quantity of dry hard-
wood for sale, delivered.
" Telephone Orders Promptly
attended to.
McLean & Son
Anions sending &Mulch and oderintionnar
Ftctly ascertain ow opinion free whether an
ventIon is prerecto patent:ate Communise -
ens strIcteconedential. Kona hoot on Patents
ssitttree. tdest tumor DreCourIng entente.
Patents taken throagh menu & co. receive
speciat notice, withont charge In the
SCIentif ic Junction.
bandsetnell Illustrated weekly. Lergeet dr.
enlation 0/ an/ ealentlna yiTertne. a
giamicirreloetes,10„ Sem ewidn,lerf.
& CO 36throadway.New York
antneh office. 4124 Bt., Wstaldnitton.n. C.
Write for our iniertsting hoots" Invent,.
or's Help" and oi How you are swindled.',
Send to a tough thatch or model of your in.
vendors or im provemen t and we will tell you
ire* our opinion its to whether it ilt probably
patentable. Rejected applications have often
been successfully prosecuted by us. We
Conduct fully equipped offiees in Montreal
and Washington ; this qualifies us to prompt,.
. las twos d as the levention. Iiigholt references)
ly diapatch work and quickly 'cure Patents
Patents procured through Marlon & Itfa.
doe receive special notice without charge in
over too newepopent distributed throughout
thef) - idiom,
tit -NUM business a Winufac.
Lotto atm kogineers,
{Patient Exports *lid Solicitor*.
Littm I I New York Llite Il'id'it, Montreal
1 AlluatiO eldr.W hinstOo
The lay Samuel- I au». 3: 141.
Commentary.- Explanatera. Sam-
uel arra proilatbly born about B. fee
1146. Very early in ate he ;Wall taken
Ito letieloh, tiro rellgioes capital of
Terace, and oat rimier the charge of
Ea bigh priest. Weimer read( Ell's
readetant until the (loath or the Int -
ter, after eveich be became 'lodge end
arophet larael, ale was tbe last of
the judges and the Iiret in the vege-
tal' Mama= of prophets, " Ell's
puleks duties may baY0 engrossed his
attontien and •energles so, that he
negleated tee proper training of las
own children. pe that at it War,
it le true toalay teat many a teem
Ls we absorbed in public &fairs ar./ to
tregleet the govermeeet of hie own
1. Tim chile earenuel-Seenuel is
supposed to have .been about twelve
years old tte the time. elis duty in the
labernaele was to penform those
easy servicee wileoh him strength
eveuld allow, wall as opeaing the
doom lighting the lamps, etc. He dal
don and make:3 you take a drink. You not reside In the earestaary, but in
Uncreet of the other men there, tee.- ono of the tents around it, which
erg their pick of the bot'tlee. ranged were keert for tare use of the priests
along tire Meet's private seleboarte, and Loretta. 1.111; the high priest, kept
rend taking A Ertiff ODC every few tuin- Samuel arr his. Coe,eial eaten:lora not
atea. If they are Reestane, they are becalm° arch -au °Mee wail assigned
drinking yeallta-'wodkae they call it lain, but because of the deep inter-
-a fluld that comes lust abcat as eat be felt In him. He ,was Sorinees
near being straight aloobol air any- instruetor." Was precicrus - The
thing drinkable ever was. The DUO- meaning le that diecet revelation:I
elan men from God had become exceedingly
Drink lnoreetible Quantities rare. This AVA.S beeause cet the sin -
of this stuff without ever in the least fulpess of the priesthcx?d and the
appearing to show it, and I have people.
even seer' them sipping it with their2. At that time -At the time ,when
Meals. Now, you, take one of thora tete ;word of God was rare and there
cord Russian soups, composed of vege- was great spiritual darkness. In hie
tables, spacei aeveral differeut kinds place -In his usual place of rest. It
Of Illeitt, cucumber& in quantity, weer in. the night.
eliced, and, greet heaven ! the whole 8. Samuel wan late down to sleep
ailed up and stiffened with but termilk --Near to 'Elia: room, ready within
-fact 1 -and nrhen you see a nue- trailing distance'if the old MAD
scion taking alteeimte mouthfuls of Mould want anything in the night.
'worlica' and water-wea, if you're It would seam 'that he lay somewhere
mat pretty well centred you're going near tho holy place, aud went to bed
to become faint. you don't, by the before the branch -lamps of the con -
Way, Dave to partake of those Rue- dleetick went out, (the niain lamp
elan 4151108 if you're not a 'Russian, rover went out), probably towerd
tor their dinner menus are extremely midnight.
elaborate, and include the daintiest 4. The Lord palled Samuel -God
of French dishoce as well as the nne called iem by hie namo. Some think
tivo vit
and& the call came from the molt holy
bth he Russian host siPlace. He anew:area Hero am I-
er of drinks wi"Dat, I degrees. You drink any num-
in las den. and in the meantime the "Being unacquainted with the vire
Women are with the hostess in her Ione of the Ahnighty, he took that
to be el
den, taking a sip or ao of fi °teething aY Elam DOM, which was rcsal-
and having an ante-pranelal oigar- ly the call of God."
ette. If you. are wise and diplomatica Thou calledet me-Samna:I in -
you will dodge as many of tire ante- cluotry and madames to wait on Eli,
aro good examplea to children to
pearl:dial drinks with the host in hie
den as possible, with a view to your 00100 when called. He bear::: andruns
comfort i.e.ter on, but you have got et every call.
to be very skillful about, that; for7. Did not yet know the Lord -
moat Russian hosts have a way of "HO knew and worehipped the God
regarding It as a Sort of reflection of I'arael, but be did trot understand
upon their stook ot liquors, if not aro way in whirh God revealed him-
Lodeecl, a kind of reflection upon their eel!' to his prophets. He had never
own drinking habits, if their guests, even beard that God spoke in this
non-BuStilanS, make an effort to way.
waive the dienkableo at any period 8. The third time -The call was
ofthe evening. repeated again and again, for God
"You sit down to the dinner at 6 saw that Sanniel's failure to ans-
o'clock and it 'este until 9. Such wer wan not from disobedience, but
oheerful and from lack of knowledge an to Ny-lio
Just for the moment long Marr-
ing coats are rather overehadowed
by the long, capellke garment, which
envelops 'the whole figure. It is
made both with and NVI then t
sleeves, and of cloth, velvet, lace,
and accordion plaited crepe de
Pale green crepede chine, forms
one evening wrap, with a simulat-
ed bowl of green velvet trimmee
with fur and lace. The lining is of
welt() satin, with an triter -lining
of white chiffon. The full, Dewing
sleeve, plaited like the rest of the
garment, bee an undersleeve of chif-
fon and lace.
Opera cloaks, too, are made en-
tirely .of chiffon inthree kilted
flounees edged with a narrow
beed of fur, or a narrow: silk fringe
and surmounted by a handsome lace
cape Rang to the waltat line in the
auch • gauzy material seems ra-
ther incongruous wben you con-
sider that the garment Is intended
to supply some ilegree of warmth,
but it is interlined and wadded
around the ehoulders until it has
all tie: virtues of a thicker labrie,
barring the service.
White crepe cle chine coats, Lined
with a color and tramped with lace
and fur, are perfecr• dreams; but
what is still more. elaborate Is the
loag coat of lama: and weite lane,
combined as carefully as if it were
an evening sown. One of these is
ellown in the illustrations eupple-
mental by a deep collar of heavy
cream lace, fur and silk.
Another style of dreary coat is
maele of flowered silk with rt white
ground, over which fate/plaited white
Brussels net trimmed with lace.
Squirrel fur is the finish, Squirrel
and ermine comblued are -elegant on
ur gray crepe de Chine. :
A plurrh winch looks very much like . way in , which the proplatte secrete
Lord wee about to make some special
revelation. -Clarke.
10. Canto reed stood -From verse
15 rye learn that Samnel beheld a
violon as web es 'heard a voice, and.
thereeore, 11. le the most natural to
underetand the Nvords "came and
etood" as moaning a vielble appear-
ance. Samuel anewered-He rvas
oomponed thie the, and did not rise,
but gave attention, and fleeced for
God to speak.
11. Said to San2uel-'11hrough Same
uol, whom Ea loved, God sent a ter-
rible meosage, similar to ono which
Ito had previoUnly sent by a holy
man I. Sem. if. 27-36), but which
did not hay° crufficient effect to en-
able ael to compel bio sons either
to live cr different life, or to leave
the eervIce of God.-Peloubet. The
oaro.... ..... shall tingle -With horror
and alarm. An a loud, thane (Its-
oordant note Orilla one's ears with
pain, oe the bitter tidings of Israel's
woo in the judgment about to fall
on eiEll'a bouso would shock all Is
tIintintlitutgaagaey-,wItas isn
12. seprobable
bo and his sons had abundant tieurr
B: oe.
yee: its before 11 cl
to change their course. I will p
c.,aI will bring ali the judg-
is eattlito
o ,
Monts against tire house of lea that
I have spreicen,
3.0. 1 have told hint -God gave Eli
notice of what the end would bo of
each inclifferenee. Will eider) nis
house forever -"I will continue to
execute judgments untli it le des-
troyed. God regards it as in:gutty
to fellow children to choose their
own evU ways. ER's sons were
wicked. Their father keew the
Lord, Inet be neither taught his
children, ,nor restrained them by
parental anthority." Restrained
them not -Their does not signify
that he howed no sign of ajsplea-
sure againsttheir wicketinese, for
he did Metde there, bat too gently ;
but Ire did hot severely reprove
thane and when that would not
reel:vain teem, turn theta out of
their officeaeleenson,
144. Sean not be purged -That is,
the punishment threatened againet
Eli and hie family shell not be
prevented- lar all their stterifices,
oertainly be (Malted.-
Amiable and Talkative Staffers
as the Russians are, to be sure. In
this country the mem who takes
a, good many drinks bet Ore dinner
doesn't feel very much • Lke eating
when be does sit down to a meal, but
the more the RIDIS10.11 drinks the mote
he wants to. oat. Tirat, I suppose, is
the aetual traleation of that nation
of heavy drinkere-they neutralize
their drinking with their eatino,
The array of courses that aro spread
out before ycru at a Russian dinner'
al a well-to-do Rue -elan home IN
Staggering, and there's a wine,
would seem, for every different dial,
let alone every course. There is more
champagne, you find yourself imag,
Ming, than you ever saw' before In
all your life (the Russians aro the
greatest consuraers‘ of champ, ere
Ln the oozed)
"You observe that the women drine
champagne as if it wore water, and
you wonder how, in vlevr of this.
they ceatrive to preserve their vel
vety Elking, their svelte figuresothei.
clear, beautiful eyes. But there 1 E
SOnlethille, In the oir of Regale, 1be-
lieve, thett permits 01 any remount
of drinking without Injurious re -
suite. Between every two or three
courses the cigarettes are passed
around -to the women as well ea to
the men -and everybody. smokes and
cleattere. P.uersian table coaveesetion
Ls peculiarly agreeable and delight.
ful. Tee Russians are an artistic peo
pie, and there' to excellent reeeon fen
this. They cannot talk politica. It
Ls not reale. So they address tbene
eaves to such dal:elects as literature
era travels, the stage, enienent per-
sonages in realms other than thr
spherea ,of politica The women tire
even better talkers than the men
amid there is a met of orieatal, half
barbaric enthusiasm about Ilussiat:
women that Is
PeculiarlY Piquant and Interesting
Moreover they have rbighty :arta-
Moue eyea, not to say fartatioue
era.yo. Tao foreigner Nvto unwisely
tactieesly introeuees a political
subject of any sort at a Ituesian
dinner table Coale a, °aridness creep-
ing over him' that very mon warns
him to doeist.
"rah° dinner and the clears and
eigarettee finished, all bands of the
gueras accompany the boot and lier
Wife to the thoo,tre, where boxes* for
tho %Ivey ease been engagee. That'
part of emending tho evening.' The
performance begino a bit eater 0.
YOffil may amok() all you want in the
'ecace, and by.10 o'clock, before your
huo,o canner han well Settled, year ere
supposed to take up the &Inting
business) again with your host and
hie •gueets in tho box. His tabinot
of liquora--a portable nfFairt g
ed for thoatro usee-litts preeeaed him
to the hex, and it le provided With
everythieg, including Ice, elphons,
arid 00 on. Tho Women geeote take
champagne In the boxee, but the
men ebotelo the liquorn. Thue 'meek-
ing and drinking pretty incerise,ntly
pee irate' the performance, walking
about tho boxes and ehattering be-
tween acte, nntil atter midnigbt,
When the ohow Ocarles to an end.
"Is tiro evening over With them?
Not by any means. You aro expeet-
od to return with the hoot and lend -
COS to their home. Wheee you find
an elaborate (nipper Already gerved
and waiting. Yon do yonr bent to
do Juntioe to that. Poesibly, then,
thls I the wind-up of your 'spend -
leg the everting l' Not at all. Yoe
firanh the Replier along toward P.
o'clock, and then tho guentri neljeurri
to the drawing -room, Weere there
Lo Innate. Tbe
Dressiest Women Play and Sing
Inagelfieently, prinktg are attired hi
the drawhig-room durbig the hour
or So of music, .tr you aro not 13,
Iluesian, by tag time, you are Katy
called tem. In fact, the quick awe
ever to Elan supposed call showed
that ho wan ready to oleey God as
noon as ho understood it.
9 Speak, etc. -This was the lean]
pettne is ltitto need for evening wraps,
but isehutever material you have,
whatever shape you choose, the One
objective point is the shoulder cape.
A! series of capes, each one a little
lohger than the other, and one deep
touching the waist line at the
back and rounding up very much
shorter in front, Aro the prevailing
styles. Ono is as gored style as the oth-
er, theeleep cape being especially nice
in handsome lace.
The latest evening cloak is, how-
ever, much more cumbervonto than
tho graceful looeo coat and may be
relegated to 'carriage use entirely.
Tao popular coat,. eo much, liked, has
Lout none of its prestige lamest) of
any innovatione, and it continues to
bloasom out in all eorts of 11C.NV
Maes of decoration and form. ,
Welter cloth le the material par
excellence for this garment, but the
latest ruedele caw such generous
oonlbinations of dace that they are
really half ace. /Irish lace and gui-
pure, fine and cleeely patterned, are
aro pepular kincla but Venetian lace
'is also used and tee! Russian' laces -as
wall, the last especially good veal)
the tinted clothre.
A wide Ineertioe directly ua the
beee.k of the threz-quarter conen itt
one: pet fatie,v, ani with plaite down
either rear) the effect is very good
Indeed. The loom cut And modes
of trimming glee. Iecene of the gar -
mean it very olerical look, which
ha much admired and aerY swell lf
peoperiy . carried out.
The glossy zibelines In light colors
make charining evening coats. One
model in a pinkish white is a good
example, with a sort of shoulder
scarf of cape with long stole ands
made. ef velvet in a deeper Oath).
The cape part takes the formof a
capuchin hood and is edged with
squirrel, which also lines And edges
the stole ends. A. deep cape of hand.
some cream guipeto lane falls be-
low the hood, alle the flowing sieeYes
have a, turn back • eaff ef Yel?et
edge(' with fur, filmy° ant bettor-,
which there is a bandof lace, the
lower One forming a cuff,
aome of the coat sleeves have a
sort of dolrnan effect, beginning in
plaits sommelier° underneath the
cape at the back.
One novel idea Is a long gray Meth
coat striped around with graduat-
ed rows of gray satin ribbon from
either aide of the front, where there
length. These plalts are elubrolciered Thouglare-r"The leetcOn here for
Is double box plait down the entire
In two shades of gra and white. the young isndumost important. Sam-
uel was istriouin servi
s ng
when they had intimationn that the
severe measurer,: in order to millet
their atiantain.
corlirelei toeospreeleftekeetnolatto1114 coofnunQuetide-wM
and almost bewilder the appreela-
rie cameo, the elimpherd,
fallen man. This fact le so full of
taro lietener, Thank ueQ, Ho comes
to -day. "The gale° of Goti w1110111
svonderfel nreanine as to eatound
bringeth salvation lie,th appeared to
Heekina the lerst and ivatulering
Jite forbectionoe-"He storal." How
Patiently Ile rvalts, oven when Ho is
not recognized or receives no re-
oponee. His glorious mission le to
bistruat as couneeler, to aeeist as
benefactor. It is love tbet actuateel
Him in His wonderful mission, 116
desires naught but tee welfare anti
eternal happinese of His *abject*.
• Hie faithfulness -"He called as at
other thrive." Though not recognized
at first he stilt repeats the coil.
There le naught to be gained In de-
ferring submidolon to the ethane man-
date to some friture period, with the
expeotatioe of having the way made
easier, the cross shortened or re-
duced, or made lees abhorrent to
"tee old mate" It is the retro instal-
ment of death, and will crucify to
tbe world and sin. Remember Sanaa
-who in las rebellious course was
overtaken by the fierce Worm, and
was thrown ovorboarel and mallow-
od by the ramie. There in the fish's
belly, with opportnnity In the merely
of God (foe he mighthave been in
hell), for calm tend candid dellbera-
tiou conclude% NM will pay that that
I 'have vowed -salvation le of the
Lora" When les will thus swung back
into touch with the divine will he
wag at onto released from his pore
liar prison house, but the Lord oral -
eel as at othor timee. "And the word
Of the Lord came unto jonali the
wroond time, saying, "Arise, go unto
Nineveh." The amine old creel was
on hand for prompt and full recog-
nition. Jonah responded, and glori-
One were the results.
&Ave tho back and ambreidery forma in the little t mai .
A double box pla t also extends
tiro cape effect. A rather unusual able to do. Title prepared the way
for God to reveal greater things
combination Is it coat of white zib. to him. If the young will be humble
eline with a deep eolln.r and stole a,nd diligent they tvill find that
ends of perforated white Moth, the sureSt way to higher things.
For tho woman, wlio can afford PRACTICAL StlItVEY,
only ona coat there Is nothing quite Saint:el, the subJedt of this lee -
equal to black Oath trienned with von. was a very interesting char -
silky braid, tassel decorations, peg. crater. Ile bed been given by the
sernenterle ohnens and frogs, Ern- Lord hi answer to prayer -and had
brolderies combined" With applique been given 'to minister before the
velvet designe are at treed. r • Lord, and it le while a mere lad
Tho sleert Mose coats are espeol. that God speaks to him.
ally smart for young *Women and The mettle° ear to Lite epiritual
may .be white or black, Or any tint vdice. "Speak, for thy servant bear -
yeti eirooee. They are made elroular (AIL" So many oars are filled with
ehape, and also with two boX Matte other SOltildR and Yoloes 1t8 to not
down the batik bad front. White silk hoar the gentle, sweet voice of the
braids aro pretty 011 the White elOth lard. It warm Much to live With
one ear meet to tee lierevenia and
(WRY whirl of tide world, and our
minds to dleentaegled from tbe
melliting, gout -alluring and spirit,.
distracting coneerne of' earth, Nee -
Orr anti vensual, as to tever have
ore Clare Olfron to the heavenly ana
divine, riu closed are the ears of
the general mites 'of people to the
voice of God, and vo engrossed are
they with' Iritereets that slinply re-
' late to thee and mese au to rie-
eeoaltate the bleesod Lord to use
Doesn't Need to Cook,
Burnie') Eepass.
A .nn Francisco man Wire Wee
jut obtainal a divorce neat have.
Imporaci oe the judge. The Man
eomplahred that lee wife had mule
tem cook lee own male mid that
to three yearhe bail been oblig-
ed to wore like a flax. Now wive -
ever saw it dog took its Wahl?
Not one boy or girl 1 e thousand,
pereaps, understands how the mo-
torman on a trolley ear is able to
control the electric current so no to
luerea,se or diminish at will the force
applied to the motor. This is one of
the oommon things that no ono
thinks irt neeessrery to explain in
The upright cyanic-aiml box near
wilich the motorman stands, and the
crank of ivalell Ire is constantly turn-
ing baok and forth, is the "control-
ler." It is theough that box that
the eurreot comes from the over-
head wire and goes downinto the
motor. Attaceed to the inside of the
box are several brushes, and in the
central hollow space is a wooden cy-
linder, placed upright, to which is
attached the crank that the motor-
man, turn.
Arouod the sUrfacateef the wooden
cylinder are fixed metal plates,
%dealt are euseeptible of being
formed into variouscombinations of
electric force. To these plater! comes
1(7 1[111 HE 111/11:
Men., you may atm] hayo heard it
said, newer marry their first loves;
hut what about the ladlee? Do the
alwaye marry the first who asks
Gusto? Not by any meane. Perhaps
in many ease,: It le lamer better that
they do not, for, though a girl often
thinke her first leve the only love of
her life, it is not always so,by any
ToNot le it oven alwaYe het'b
When elle memos out in eocleta she
Is apt to be easily taken eaptlye by
the first man who pays her atten-
tion, It Is all so new and ;avenge
to her, tho world of love le sure to be
so unknown a world to her, that it
.e wonder If her foot some-
times stray Into patlie that are not
%There is something in an early mar-
riage that appeals to a girl's fancy.
It poems delightful to think of hav-
ing a home of her own, andiron:10 one
who Is devotee to her. It le more
a general idea of "someone" than
erin particular. She la a little
bit In love with. love, more thn awith
And if she marries tho nian she
feels sure she le going to lave all her
claye, and wettleg down to spend her
lifo ivith him, do things, always turn
Mit as rose colored as elle expected?
Very, very seldom, indeed; she loses
the happy girlhood she ought to have
enjoyed foe the next few years un-
disturbed; she does not learn the
itt lessorm 11 mutt to have taught
I or. •
She does not grow in mind and
character, for the most part, and
tile experience of life ahe gains comes
too late to enable her to make uee
of it as she ought.
Then there is the groat risk that,
as she grows older arid wiser, the
conviction forces itself upon ber
that the man she married at 18 or
19 is not the man she would have
married ate five or s1x. arid twenty.
This is h. deplorable conviction, for
It comes far too late to admit ot
any alteration, and the only thing
es to make the best of him. A mau
who lian to be made the best of act
it husbenci is heathy an ideal corn-
eearly marriages over happy?
Sometimes they are happy and
very suocessful. But these eases, it
Meet b3 confessed, are the exceptions
when compared with the marriages
whieh are made later In lite, when
girls underatand thernselvece and the
men who want to marry them, bet-
tor than they cern do when just freeb
from tho :school -room. If a girl is
wino she would rather baYe n. long
enuagement, supposing a man slak-
ed her to marry him "when she first
comes out," than marry lem then and
there. An engagement gives proper
time to know moil other, and, uncle -
arable as a broken engagement may
be, it Is better to end it mistake than
to have to go on enduring its eon -
sequences for the rest of one's life.
-Weekly Welcome.
eI hear eau are going to marry o 14 Broadaeres."
"For lama's state."
elle amply current by means of wires'
that conineet them with the trol-
ley. Now, When the motorneeo turns
the cruet, of eaurse he turns the
wooden cylinder, and tee turning of
the cylinder brings the plates, or
rather a certain oombtnittiofl of
the plates, in eonibact with the
brusbes that are attached to the in-
side of the controller{
rrne brushes receive the current
from the plates and transmit It to
the motor, the electric foree trans-
mitted depending on the combina-
tion of plates touolual by the brushes.
There are morale on the top of the
controller telling the motorman irow
to. apply greeted: or eress force, just
As the figures ant a steam gauge tell
an engineer kow much preserve 110
has on hie boilere
When the motorman, turns lee
erank to the word "off" on the top
of tho oontroller, there le no contact
between the plates and the brusees,
and Ware, no current is then trans-
mittal to the motor'', when, he turner
it in the opposite direction, as far'
act it well go, he puts an all the
force poesible. Iletiveon: those two
paintIle dan regulate the force to
suit hie need'. 4,1 „ ••
Weittld Von be Voting Again?
Would yori be young again ?
So evould net I.
One tear to memery dein,
()nreard 1110.
Lifee dark flood 'forded o'er,
All bat at rest on ehore.
Soy, vrouid you plunge once more,
With limo so nigh ?
It you might WOUld you now
Retrace your way ?
Wander through thorny wildit7""n'
Faint arid asteay?
Night's gloerny wateltee fled,
eferning all blooming red,
llopete smiles around us shed,
Whore are they gono of yore
lay beet delight?
Dear and mere clear, the' now.
Lost to My sight.
Where they rojette to be,
There is the land for me;
Ply, Thee, Ti' speedily ;
COMe, Lite and Light,
. Nairn°.
ifouseki.eping the Dlost l'aeoinating
or Alt O('c'ttpatioils.
I Wender If inen enow that ao few
women that we might almost tray 119
woman wtio s perfectly happy ever
seeks a career ? No Wavily married
or rightly Weed woman ever seeks
a career, The deeire for a career
for a woman Is an acknowledgment
of heart failure.
Tirls le practically because we
bave so few homee itt A -meet -ca. We
hare private betels where each fam-
ily oath and eleeps, but rebore We-
lly lite and smooth housekeepingare
If 1 were n. Nv-oorian- seeking a Car-
eer, I would go to some of my rieb
and prosperous friends and offer tO
turo the house into 0, home. I have
only reeently learned of the tern)
"woraing housekeeper." I like It,
There shoula be more af them, It
itt distinotly the career for an rine
married woman who loves love and
home and children, and, above all,
housekeeping. Housekeeping is the
most fascinating occupation in t110
WOrld. Something now Is always _op-
pearieg In somebody's 'muse wirer!)
would go se well in yours I
The loneliness of the unloved does
not mean that a woman is lonely
because ole Is not loved by anybody.
Most women are loved by the wrong
somebodies, Nor does it mean that
women are lonely because they are
unloved by their own families, or -
Heaven forgive me for betraying so
many womaner seerets! -unloved by
their own husbands who. think they
are loving devotedly. But the most
of womee's loneliness consists in be-
ing loved uncomprehendingly - un -
comprehensively. - Lilian 13011 ,In
Harper's Bazar.
Red Tape to
Through the explosion of a pow-
der magazine several persons were
recently injured in Patouni, In Rus-
sia. Among them was the soldier
who wee on guard at the gate lead-
ing to the magazine. One of his
arms was shattered and there was
an ugly wound in his chest. Still,
thou& on the verge of fainting,
he remained steadfastly at tile
poet. 1
There bis colonel AMY him, and
"What are earl eoing here ? Don't
yon see that the magazine line been
alown up and that there Is noth-
ing for ,ycea to geard ? You look
half-dead, and I order yott to go
at once. to the hospital."
"Colonel." was the reply, "I can-
not do it. My sergeant instrncted
rao to stay here.
"But your soageant has been kill-,
ed," remonetrated the colonel.
"That does eat couccrn nue," eaid
the soldier. "There are only two
persons who dun relieve me from
dat3e my eeegeant n.nd my Em-
Seeing that the lean wan deter-
mined to remain on duty until re-
lieved, the Colonel telegraplied the
fact to the Meister or Nitar and
the latter at °Imo laid the matter
before the Czar, with the result
, that the latter sent a despatch
relieving tho soldier of daty and at
the 'game 'time alinoencing les inten-
tion of contorring upop hini a gold
Medal arid a decoration. Not un -
tit that &vetch Was baneed to
the eolclier del he Mumma to go
to the hoepital. Ile had thee been
fourteen houre Or duty.
A Menial Strain.
Daltimero American.
"T11080 tettchere," growlthe first
man, "have rei merey on the young
!Aide intrueted to theit care."
"What have they (lone nose?"
asks tho becohd man.
"Wine my boy dame home yester-
day in a state of collapee because
lilo teathee bullets epee his telling
her how many timee the Philippine
W4)' was mided hi 19010"
4 \
1 lc
24, .
Applicant -Did you advertise for a
man that was good at figures?
Merchant -Yes; are you a book-
.Applicant -No, but I used to sel-
ect chorus girls for a burlesque
1 '
Ruffs Like Paper int Stiffness -Night-
caps for the Dying.
,lar, and thee (Meting the seed with
fine ashes or thoroughly dried
plaster. The tar will prevent the
birde frOnl meddling WW1 tile see:I
after planting, an.I by destlug the
danger of the seed clogging In the
seeder le overcome.
Suggestion for a Ilandsoute Preheat at
t le CoSt.
The girl with Mover fingers and ine
genuity In evat ing liereclf of each
materetle as are tia hand in locating
tt hanclarme Claistmere present at
slight expense. She utilizes the old,.
faellioned silver ruepkin-rIng which
most of us have stored away bo -
canon they are not often treed now-
adays, Tao trash napkin appears at
dinner so regularly that it means the
areelual retirement of the silver
boons of our childhood. It ie eager to
at it over it smell stuffed errehlon
with bulging etids, eavered it
pretta-colored main or silk. These
affairs aro very pretty and the &aver
ring has its Intrinslc worth, if, indeed,
it le not quite so velnableenow as
it ware when .11 wee originally paid
for a napkin ring. In case there is
a, small epee°unoccupied by decora-
tion, you can eave tho initials of the
Judie -Ideal or; whom you wish it he -
stowed engraved upos it. When there
to an inscription aeon the napkin ring
it cell be removed by the eaversuatli
without any difficulty. Your a-devant
napkin ring is now a bandsome enol -
1n ring, a pin cushion glitteringIvitli
pine and girdled with a broad silver
zone. It seern.s as if the little (area-
ousbion had been in beerier to
copy the fashionable high girdle
vehicle women wear to -day.
a: *4' Val *a Ma *i': 1970"'Or"WirSIr
Toronto Farmers, Diarkers
Deo. 7.-'11he ref:toilets of grain were
not so largo to -day, and prices gen-
erally are enchranged. Wbeat eteady.
600 bealiels of white and red sell-
ing at 09 to 70a, 100 buletatis of spume
at 07 to 683, and 800 braftele of
goose at 64 to 050. Barley is steady,
there behrg aeles of 1,000 bushels at
te to 47e. Oats quiet, 700 buehels
selling at 34 to 8.5o. ItyS soli at
ale a Waldo' for one 'load.
Hoy quiet anel steady, there be -
tug sales of 25 totals at $18 to $15 it
ton for timothy, and at $0 to a1i.
for mixed. Straw tine, one load -sea-
ing at $.1.1 it ton.
Dairy proluoe in active demand arra
firm. Batter, fl() to 22-e par pouna
roils, and eggs at 30' to irea a.
down for new 'Ad.
Wheat, white, 63 to 701.) ; Leo. red,
69 to 70a, do, goo.a, GI -to 6.5e;
do. Sp In'g,
(81o..feed13", 4reit‘0ty7o, terno.rteta.913111g.,'4
ye, ale; leeek,-
5c ;
wheat, 57o. Hay. $L3 to era; Co.
clover or mixed, $6 to $9. Straw,
deaf, $11; do, loose, $6. Dreseal bogs,
pot cwt., eare(), to E,8. Dettereponnet
rolie, 20 to 22e; do, large reale
18 to tau. Eggs, new 1-111, 301to Me ;,.
(ploor. iliratag, tocti(11, +200. to 95c, ir: Jiotill.ekprarntic.,..,
603 to $1. Terkeye., per ile., .10 to
12o. Geese, per ile, 7 to 9c. Apples,
por btoltel, 44 to 74,-; doper barrel,
81 to $2. Potatoes; pee bailee, 75
to '80a; do. per bn.g, $.1..10 to $1.15.
Leading Wheat Market.
tioleneslleawtIngunpttorreta,•thuet c4117obseetil
Dee. Mi y
IgiIclo'or.k.. .,. ... ... . SD 3-8 79 3-8
... '... e'.2 3-8 7!;1-4
ToDwIlcleitior ..r.o.... x... ... 76 tea 79 1-2
Nor. ... ... ... ... 71
Toronto Live Stock Market.
Expert orate, choice, nor cwt.
do medium
all r r f at the eicete 01 the nix-
teenth rantury, eays the 'Lencion
Telegraph, had attained such an out-
regaretee size that the wearers could
scarcely turn their heade. They wero
co stiffened that they cracked like
paper, and the story is told that
Queoa Margot of Navarro wart com-
pelled one day, when seated at din-
ner, to eend for a spoon with a
handle two feet In length wherewith
to cat her porta Lagland sufieree
from! tiro same mania, and the rage
Inatere in ono form or another down
to the close of the eighteenth cen-
tury, affecting both rnen and wo-
men alike. 1Vhen it prInceres of
France married it wan no uncom-
mon tiring for the bill for her lance
anti lace -edged linene and counter-
paneo to amount to e25,000, and a
25000 trouaseau was of ordinaty oc-
currence. Similarly, throughout the
Stuart roghno in England, cavaliers
and their vriveo delighted to eneum-
bor their creates in order to gra-
tify their teeth for lace; and oven
If Cromwell lived ass a Puritan his
boly aftor death wee more gorgeous-
ly' attired than that of any (Immur-
ed sovereign, with purple velvet, er-
mine and the Flanders lace.
Jameo II. died at St. Germaine in
a laced nightcap. Title was called
a torrid, and wail put on when the
Wing wee/ In extre.mis as a e,ompli-
ment to Darla XIV. It wag the court
etiquette for all the royals 'to ale
with a nightcap on, and thin tomet
In etIll preserved In the museum at
Dunkirk, adorning a iyax mile' of
the Winger bead. Both William III.
and Queen Mary had a paasion for
lace, Tho Queen'a lace :bill for 1094
reached tho oum of 21,918, while tho
Wingeo in 1695 voso to 22,450. The
lace for eix new razor cloths cost
him 2270, and the cut work eor 12
handlierchiefe £485. The lace trade
prospered with pitch :generous pat-
ronage, and 131a,ndtorcl point lace ecal
for an much aa £80 per yard. On
their tornbe in Westminster Abeey
the Queen le represented as wereetng
n. lace tucker and double alcoves of
the fineet raised Venice point, while
atIrd Ktuaniariarev.earo tech lace eravat
In tho reign of Queen Anne a wo-
ollen of fashion woukl give abort
280 for a Preach point or Flo.ndees
head and ruffle% 210 for a bandker-
Ode( and err for a black French
laced hood.
Bressels lace wag tire faehlon dur-
Ing the reigns of the fleet two
Georgee, and a Soelety Of Anti -Gall -
clans was foundea by tertale pit-'
ti -tot for the distribution ot prizes
for bone, point lace and other arti- i
eles of English manutileterre.
Vartenie acts were paesecl for the
benefit of the home Mee natkere, but
fashion still ran in favor of the
foreign article. Men as Well tee Wo-
men col:ate:1 hee, and were knOwn
by their "points" and ruffiee. Pee-
PIO were buried in their costli -et ince
npparel. For example, tire. Oltital I,
tho actrese, wets laid in her eoffin "in
a veto, fine Brussels' lace bend, it
H011ana shitt, with a turaker of doe -
bin ruffles and it pale of new kid
giVI;(2'esn.,'S'alelenly, °A the elose of the
eigliteenth century, the fashion
Mitell V11101. Material.
Mee chronicle
The lartuln,y eellool terether etate
, trying to exelialn to her Mame of
I little boys that God had made
Ie.yee soap.
ping, arra Raid
-My wipe: abet made net et duet ;
hoe merle ont 0' the finest kind o'
811 n(l,"
Butchers' cattle, picked te ze to ai 04
3 25 to 4 04
a to 1 ZO,
DU tollerse'cow:port
Butchers' eat.le, choico 44 25 55 to r°e. 45 rill
Butchers' cattle, fair 1;33 227535 t1.00 34 ;I
Fccdors, short -keel)
do feeding
do stock 3 75 4410 43 ts10
,34, 6(00 too 44 1420
421 267055 ttt000 :t24 21755-1
130119, export, heavy,
ticloo Inlightlini 3 25 to
StockersGO 0
, common
Lambs, Por eat.
Sheep, ewe, Per OM
Mich cows, oach..
Cuing. each -..... 40 ad to 41.•
2 25 to 2 75,
2 00 to 3 051
9 On to 2 5t:'•
2 "5 to a 2.5.
3 00 to 0 OC
Cilaolgv,fme,lsPoelre eh, °8•Pecir ow t 3 50 to 4 OLI,
1-11 1 °°14g:80: lel gttiOlrPtC'es perr. l rel.'07‘.:1 . 55 7755 Lto0 00 C°61u'
3 00 to 10 00/
0 00 to 0 (101
do stags, per owt 5 50 te 0 00
do sose, per Cwt
24 5500 1:0 55 (4 .(0
Trade in Canada.
Dun's Review to -day says: A
oonsiderable number of Montreal
wholesalers are either figuring up
the year's resulte, or are preparing
to do so, and the volume of businese.
passing is naturally somewhat re-.
alma, but Is still good for the sea-
son. 13usiness in wholesale circlea
at Toronto is fair for tha season
of the year, Trade conditions in
Megaton and distract continue fav-
orable, stimulated somewhat by
more seasonable weather. The boot
and shoe trade, especially, has:
ecliange, and there.
has !peen It batter demand for win.
eiradstreeta on Trade.
There has been a (air movement
in scaeonable greeds In wholesale
trade at Montreal the past week.
Beatles*, its 8101V11 by stock-takine
merits tee earat week, bas been yew
over trcvIous years. The Continued
mild and uneeetain weather has tend -
to check any farther exoansion ird
eeaeonabie teeter at Toronto, but the
moramene, erevertheless, bee .beeu
fairly good, all alenoe eonnitclerett.
Wholesale traele at Quebec daring
tho peat week has been Alia" active
whtch la nttribrited in tome quarters
to tho demand for holiday goods..
or in the district, Attention at Win -
I'M ere bait:nil:leen nortioovilaonisluz,r.eett•srt00. lenvilea:
Anlitl-a;orliPCial;reilrf cl:of‘'11.1"telde in th e leadiag Pool -
fie Coast trade centeee has been,
er-ell maintained. the pt week or
ten (bye, At Dominion this week, RV
reported to 113racietrocet's, there 1),4tie
been it good demand tor seaeonable
lines to weet stooks, whith the tooter
tree:Dior has made some impreeslon
on, tted the holidAy tried() 111144 ,bents
Rulte active. Values of dorneetie
etapies and of Importee goods are
ell !Wray held. TIM oatiook for
erode till the else Of the year le
promising. In London there has been
a good seevelneat ip. the Jobbing trtube
Ole Week. Tho demand from the
Country for Winter goods Cenci feather
holiday ear:ewer are lictte heavy, and
a, .00atineation of the prevent activity:
le looked for VII the ()loge of the Yeare
Ottawa Wholesale trade has hedge
'fittatel fintille• ., . . . 4