HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-11-27, Page 6rereetheseltrulhaseeneeelee'leeteeetrettern
goirmi.te-ku.0-4,4porgs.,0-414.0-4(.2 ;
en amusing ',lenient is quoted by
IL T. P1ucl, in a recent, Volume
oe primitive and. curious eustoina
Nv111011 ladleate how mostly utilitar-
ian eolleiderfetioue may gain the
ellPreMacy among Africans.
A traVeller enew a girl name!
Yiennekl, who refused to merge a
young Kaffir eultor, although tete
coact:teed that She liked him.
ea,nnot take nine') she snid,
"as he ca.n offer only toe cows
for ;me, and my father wants fif-
The traveller observed that it
was .noit 'kind of ear father to let I
a. few ewe stand in the way of
her happinees; but the African dam -
did not fall in with his senti-
mental views of the carte. Businese
and vanity were to her much more
important matters than individual
Preference, and She exclaimed, ex-
"Weal: 1 You expect my father 1.0
give me away for ten cows ? Trate
would (be a fine Sort, of a bargain 1
Ane1 not worth more than 01111,
for When) the Tameaki chief paid
tw,elve cows •last week? I an prole.
ty, I can cook, SOW, OrUellet, Hlteak
Efigliftee, and with all thee ac-
complishmen•th you went my father
to dispose of me for ten miserable
cow.? Ohe sir, how little you e8 -
teem ane I No, no, my father is
quite .1104, in refueing to yield tit
;this matter. Indeed, in my °phi -
ion, he might boldly ask thirty
cows for me, for I am everth that
• —
In a village in 6eotland several
workmeo were engaged in bonding
a large brick structure, and there
Wall a hod carrier working at the
Job whose name was Paddy. The
forema.n came to Paddy ono day anti -
said: "Paddy, I pink 1 will have to
get another man in place of you, as
yOU aPe too slow for the place."
"Well," says Paddy, "I am sorry
you think so, but won't yo.0 kive ine
anotber chance," and the head man
Reddy then started to work again,
hut thought he would try a little
scheme, SS) tee next morning he
bought some nuts and dropped two
or three in each bodfte of mortar,
and of course when the bricklayers
saw the mete they set to work to
at there, and the delay thus en-
abled Paddy to catch up on them.
Again the foreman came around
and, says lie, "Paddy, you are doing
better now."
gays Paddy, "an' If you'll
give me a few more pennies per week
I'll keep the whole job going in mor-
tar." .
• —
Ve group of • professional people,
among whom was Timms Q. Sea-
brook°, were diseussing Miss Frances
Rawl,* Pemberton's performance of
"Camille" and her consequent en-
gagement with Joseph Jeffereen for
next ;season.
"There is always some risk In en-
grughlg persons unfamiliar retie the
exigencies of an actor's life," re-
marked Seabrooke. "Perhaps you
have ;beard of the eeperience of
Phelps, the eminent English trage-
dian. Ho engaged a young mau
trout -the ranks of society and gave
lehe a not important bat really very
oerocessary part in the production.
—Whoa the oortain want up he had
not bown up, and the performanee
was spoiled Nvitil a poorly rehearsed
understudy. Next morning the young
man came • around to the theatre
" 'Where were yon lest night, sir?"
roared Phelps.
"'Gracious, my good sir,' replied
the society recruit, 'you surely did
not expect Me to come out in ench
weather as we bed last night? Why,
it wen raining cats and doge.'"
Stories concerning the rivalry be-
tween Chicago and St. Louis evident-
ly will never 'grow old. Tbe lateet
cent:term a visit which Alderman Mi.-
ohael Kenna, "Milky Drake" re-
cently paid to at. Louis. Ho witibed
to talk to a friend who lives in
the Missouri city, Med as he had a
dime in his pocket for change called
up over the telephone. He talked but
feev minutes and 'then asked the
central operator how much he must
deposit for the call.
"Fifty mats, Please," was the ans-
wer, in a meet confident voice.
"Fifty cents," gasped the alder-
man "W•hat do you take rae 'for ?
A man with eoin to burn? Why, in
Chicago I cant call up 'lades for 00
gen:tele • ,
"Perhaps eo," was the answer,
veil' framed ID the most unruffled
tone, "but that's within the city
limits, you know."-Minneapolls eour-
nal, It,
la the Pity of Dublin it is an. estab-
lished rule to give a reward of 45 to
anyone saving a person from clais•iow:
Mg, but If the party is dead only el is
given. One day two liard-up Irnn
were sitting on the end of a doter,
smoking and bewailing their fate,
when a happy scheme :struck Alike,
fort be fold to las friend: •
"Pat, you junrep In tend I will mono
you, and we will divide the reevaril."
"It's a go," said Pat, and in he
went, and immediately sank.
Now, Mike's echeme 10 make xnoney
was good, only he had quite forgotten
that he eouldnnot Wine a stroke.
Pet, on coining to the surface, took
a look at Mike, W110 Was still 011101C -
fug, and down he went for the BP0.-
owl time. On cOming up he was quite
astonished to see Mike still ;taking
things quite coney, NO down he went
again and on rising for the third and
lent time, and seeing Mike milking no
move to save litre poor Pat nearly
&vented as he managed to s•plutter
"Be jabere, Mike, if you don't pull
me out this time it is only ten shil-
lings apiece WO will be getting, for
recovery of the dead body."
•e,a,bi 9/2
ca'ita de/ 44/
oxaele,t- ,o7tAjede," //it,o-P
L VIE'S —XVI. .1.*
I am not making an idle boast; I
an reeording a rut when I .say that
that gial laid siege to me with a
kill and pail eee which filled rae al-
ternately watt admiration, grati-
tude and alarm. She learned my
tastes, she studied my habits, she
mastered my opinion's until I began
to think thee if a pereonwho ap-
parently keew me so well could like
me so much. I must be eun infinitely
more amiable man tie= 1 had ever
frapposed. This frame of mead natur-
ally led me to look kindly on the
lady who had eatable(' me to make
suce. a. pleasing diatovery, and I
knew myself to be softening to such
an extent that I felt that, unless Mr.
Farington sthould leave Ballater be -
ore the s-u.mmer Nyas over, I should
be "a gone coon" before autumn. If
vile held on until the evenings grew ,
cold and long, until the winds began
to howl about lonely Larkluall, and
to piing swirling showers of dead
leaves -to the ground with the hiss -
Vag sound of a beaell of pebbles un -
dor the retr entIng waves ot I
a, wintry eea, then I felt
that 1 Mimed give way, that
I should see inMiss Farington's pro- ,
sale gray eyes pleasant domestic
piotumes, in ber erect figure and slop-
ing shoulders, an attraction which,
to a lonely man, When the deer-
s -talking and fishing seasons were
over, wore quite irresistible.
from the womb above. "end II the
school ever gets boat, I expeet there
- Will be oaly ono thing it tylli want."
"Klo on, thoegli I know what yoil •
are going to say," she stile.
" Seholara" I filly hed, briefly.
telien FarIngton noddea.' The,v
will come," sho extel colditlently, "If
the thing is properly orgn nized."
Organization was her bobby. If
that little affair came off, my library
would be partly catalogued and
IPartly burnt, ant To -to would bo
organized into the staltheyara. Still
I did not flinelt.
" Think," slot said, enthusiastically,
"what it would mean 1 To plant the
first footing or knowledge, civiliza-
tion, refinement, among these peas-
ants I To give them eyes to see the
beauty of the nature widelt surround&
them ! To give them resources for
refined enjoyment when winter closes
tho door of nature to them, to widen
their knowledge of the world and
teach, them that "hinter den Bergen
sind much Lento 1" Oh, Mr, Maude,
if building and darting title school
Were to (met ten thousand pounds, I
should say the money hod been well
spent in It, if but one single Highland
boy Were taught to read 1"
Rather appalled by the thought 01
the lengths to which such a bound -
leen enthusiasm might carry her, 1 ,
murmured something to •the ef- I
fact that it Nvoelel be rather ex- 1
pentsive. Whereat elle turned upon
me- ;
"Alen can. you, Mr. Maude, who pro-
fess to revel. in Montaigne and Shake- •
epeare, delight in Charles Lamb and
Alfred do Vigny, deny such plea- -
aures to your !tumble neighbors?" I
"But my humble nelghbore wouldn't
read Shakespeare or Montaigne, nor
even Wilkie Collins nor Deems the
Elder. 'They'd red the Bow Bells
novelettes. And as to teaching
them to acnnire their own hills, why ;
they love them more than- you do, I
for Nature isn't to them a closed
book in winter as it seems to you." j
I was on the wrong tack alto- I
gether, an I felt when by good !utak '
the lady herself brought me to more
congenial ground.
friend, that I would lend his wife
and her mOther the cottage for a
short time, adeleng that he was sure
I would look after my Itttle favorite
until, after a few days' time, be could
rejoin her.
I took this letter up to Craigen-
darroole and had first a cigar and
then a pipe over it. To refuee
Fablan's request was impossible; to
lend the cottage and go away my-
self would be inhospitable and sue-
pielous ; to lend it and stay erould
be dangerous. Witte the last evielffs
of tobacco an inspiration Immo. 1
;swung back home, wrote back to
Fabian that Larkliall itself, the cot-
tage, the garden the stables, and
every tool -shed abinut the place were
entirely at Ms. Se,ott's disposal, to-
gether with all the live stock, hu-
man and otherwise; and that she
had only to flx the tim.et of her ar-
rival and Ws. Ellmer's,
IT had had one plaentive little let-
ter from Babiole, in Nviach she en-
treated me, in rather stiff and
stilted language, out of which peep -
eel a most touching anxiety, to be-
ware of her father, who, she assured ;
me, was more desperate and danger- I
one In his Intentions to do me harm
than she had even dared to suggest I
when face to face with me. I wrote
bank in a clumsy letter, as stiff as 1
her own, butt not so touching, that ;
she need have no fear, as her father I
had settled down quietly at Aber-
deen. I dared not tell the truth,
which I had found out through Fer-
guson -that Mr. Elimer had indeed
come up to the Highlands with the
avowed intention of doing me some
desperate harm; but that, having
availed himself too freely, through
his daughter's generosity, of
les favorite indulgences, he had .
had an attack of delirium
tremens, and lita,r1 been placed under
restraint in tire county lunatic asy- •
Babiole's letter I carried about with
me, and &Meth/les-for loneliness
among the Mlle would make a sem- t
temente' fool of the meet robust of I
as -1 fancied: that the little sheet
of paper, enepite of Miss Faringten
mid the domestie pictures, burnt into
ray • heart,•
It was tis the meddle of August, while
the weather was still-everylvhere
but en the Higleands-insufferably, I
hot, that I received a letter from
Fabian wheell gave me a great
shock. Me wife hod been very ill, he
said, and although she had now
been declared out of danger, she re-
covered Strength eo slowly that it
had become imperative to send her
nevay somewhere. Mrs. Ellnaer, wlio
was now with her, having suggested
her old home in the Highlands, the
doctor had agreed warmly and Fa-
bian therefore begged, as an old
They 'were erecting a twelve -story
building in New 'York, and ono day
whet the bricklayere were up to the
filth etory, two hod and briek Car-
rters, one mined eetirphy and the
other O'Brien, had a dispute nes to
their relative powers end etrong•th
as brick carriers. Murphy Wail a
email man, only five feet two inches
high, Willie O'Brirai was SIX feet high,
nuitt In proportion. The later of-
fered to bet $10 that he could carry
a hoe( of bricke with 'Murphy on top
up to the lifth rtory. furphy ace
(opted the bet. O'Brien filled his hod
with brieke and eturphy peddled
biteeelf on top of the hon. O'Brien
grasped the rungs Of the ladder and
commeneed to necena. When he got
Within ten feet of the fifth story,
the Tung on he -Wag standing
Menge n.nd after 0, desperate struge
gin Ito Menage:I to get on n.nother
rung, and rex-railed the fiftli atory I
.sant and sound, with 11throby Ntill ;
top Of the lied. When 'Murphy dia.!
Wearied O'Brien 'demanded the
Won Cy, saying, "Murphy, 1 won the
NrilliPllY said, "Intiatle, you did;
hilt, begarra, 1 thought I had yolt
When the rung broke."
The letter finished, and puit in the
bag, I had a glass of sherry; and,
fortified by that, sold by an heroic
sense of duty, I earned forth( in the
direction of the Mill o' Sterrin, in
which neighborhood Miss Farington,
'who did everything by rade, was al-
ways to be found distriet-vislting on
a Thursday. •
I suppose no man with ever so little
brain or ever so little heart, wile has
deliberately made up his mind to pro-
pose to a hire sees th,e moment ap-
proaching Nvithelit a certain trepida-
tion. I Own that -when I saw the
moment and Miss Farington ap-
proaching together, although I had
very little doubt about her answer,
and very little enthusiasm about the
result, I had a thumping at my heart
and a singing in my ears. With the
memory of Ba,biole and the thought
of her visit lu my .mind, net even the
sherry would cast a glamor over
those exceedingly sloping shoulders,
welch seemed almost to ergue some
moral deficiency, some terrible lacer
of some quality without which n9
woman's character Is oemplete. In
the Meantime, she was bearing down
upon me, and I west still without an
opening- speech. But she was not.
"What a treat to see you in title
part of the world, Mr. Maude," elle
said holding out lier hand. " 1 con-
fess T did you the injustice to think
yon would forget your promise."
Promiee !" I repeated, vaguely.
"1 am afraid I must confess-"
" You had forgotten ?" she said,
ranging. " Really this is ihm
"At least, you see, I 'hadn't for-
gotten that this is the way youi al-
ways walk on a Thorsclay," said I,
with a look that was Intended to
convey much,
"And had forgotten my beautiful
site for. a new school 1"
However she was more pleased with
me for what I had remembered than
angry for what 1 had forgotten.
"At any rate you can come and
see it now," she said, and turning
back she led the way towards a broad
meadow in the valley of the Mnick,
with a fair view of the little river
and of the hills beyond, which would
have been a very good site for a
school, if a school had been needed.
"An awfully nice place for it," I
agreed, as she expatiated upon the
merite of a rising ground with drain -
"Then I 'suppose I mustn't expect
much help from you, Mr. Maude," she
"Yes, you may, indeed, you may
said, rather stiffly.
expect every help," I said, ruching I.
at the opportunity, and growing hot ,
ever it. "Itie*true doin't much. care
-I mean I'm not deeply interested ;
nt Htglatend children, except
as scenery, yeti know, pratur-
esqu'eness and all that; but -or -but
for you -in a plan of yours, that Is
to Bay, I should be delighted to do
whatever lay in my power."
During this 1.atne performance Mies
Farington listened with a perfectly
stolid face, but with a heightened
color which told that she knew, in
vulgar parlance, what I was driving
at. Now that I was cooling to the Have It Down. Fine.
point, however, she die not mean to The iliard of Oettoner u,see to be re -
have any "humbugging about." At gareed by panteculorly well informed
least, some such determenation as theologiene as Aelanes bireleday. The
that rather than maiden coyness,
seemed to prompt her next speeeli. learned &teems ot the eleeteenth and
"I don't thenk I quite underetand sevenitoente oenturies evosted rnech
, scholarship in efforts to settle both
you, Mr. Maude."
Thie was a challenge., I took .
i the manner and ;the clate of ereation.
it up
"I thonk, Miss Farington, you must Dr. Jolin Lightfoce, viee-chancellor of
Ceemetielg•e a ,Holireer teholor et Furta
have noticed my growing intermit in peatreputation, punllethed a state-
ment ito the effept that, after Years
"In my plans? No, indeed, I haven't of ph, he had Succeeded in die -
Don't you remember your saying pov7rLela'rIg the precise moment when
the, other day that it seemed a the mrth "roe° out of eliaes" and
pity to waste :good drainage and
, roan made his aware/ice epon 11.
eanitary regulations upon people woo Tees learned doeue declared that
were never ill ?" ; "heaven and earth, centre and cir-
"I-'S only mean that my Interest puanterence, .evere ere,atted all (to-
ne you." gether, ii1 the Jeanie instant, and
It was, the very last way ini which plumes full of water," and that "this
should have chosen, to introduee ;work :took piece and mart was emoted
declaration et love, but with a by 'the Trinity on Opt. Earel, 4004
girl too mon aboorbet1 In the pro- e3. C. est 9 o clock in the mistime
gross of humanity to encourage that , This gentie,man evPeutly elassed the.
of tile individeal man, there is noth- °logy MO the exeet :eciences.
Ing for you but to take what open-
ing you ca.a get. It wee all right,
at any rate, for ales smiled and gave
me her hand, the glove of which T
- ; hot pincers. Stay indoors and use Perry
reepeetfully kissed, noticing at the Davis' Painkiller. Ine blessed freedom from
time that it smelt of treacle, and pain which totems cannot be told.
Wondering how it had acquired that
particular perfume. It oceurred to "World's Great Wonder.
- I - The greatest by far among great
me, even. as I stood there tre ate
to think of something to say, that •
the little boys see had been teach- ; ;geographic features le the Pacific
ing, must have been eating bread basin. If all the continents and es -
and treacle, and imparted its fra- lands forming the race of the earth
gram° to their leseon-books. were joined in one great continent,
"You leave surprised me very much', its extent would seterce equal that
Mr. Mande," elm maid. "Are you quite', of the great ocean, and if the mass
rage that I deserve this honor ?" t of all the lands* of the globe above
Perhape the. 'question was not so • sea, level were poured into the Pacific)
eneincere as it seemed to be, for she barely more than an 'eighth of tbe
looked pleased; though ii;ot at all , basin would be filled, states the Geo -
agitated. But I felt, as I reassured ' graphical Magazine. Three-fourths of
her with some conventional words, i our world surfaeo le water; a full
that my heart would nave gone out , third of tithe vast expanse, or a guar -
more to the emptiost-headed little ; ter of the superfices of the planet
fool that ever glegled and blushed ist that of the great ocean, while its
than to this infest intelligent and abysses are or such depth that a full
Loss of Flesh
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It hurts. It seems to tear tho face with red-
miettem-of-fact youeg woinan. And I half of the wa er o tl ear is
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walk 'back together, why the sena 'Slew the Pacific is vast, so vast
timental and the poetical were eo ate to tax le n.ot to outpa,ss our
oddly dlyided in the feminine mind powere of contemplation.
that a eid could glow with enthu-
siasm while talking about imprac-
tmable plans for making her neigh- R To prove to you that Dr.
bore uncomfortable and listen quite
coolly to the proposal to pass her
Chase's Ointment is a certain
3,nd absolute cure for each
and every form of itching,
lif o with the MnDel elm had made no blooding and protruding piles,
Secret, 01 Mina best. I had an awk- the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See toe -
to talk about, amid I asked her how
ward geese of not knowing What timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh -
bora whe.t they Viler it,,ot
You can use_it and
ured Mom 6000COX,
getyour money at n o o
she liked Larkhall. She had evidently all deelers or Enateesorr,BATes & Co., roronto,
considered that matter well already
and was quite prepared with her an-
"I think it only wants the south
weng raised a story, and the drawing- gg C yKOI,
room enlarged by taking In that
space between the outer wall and
that row of lilacs and guelder. p
roves at ilia back, to make it one
of the pleagantest of the country
houses about here," she replied
I felt a cold shiver up xn,y back, per-
ceiving that eveu my study might be
already doomed.
"Bub 1 like It even me le is because
ilt is your home," the added, with a
touch of hunter] feeling for which I
felt grateful.
"Thank you," I sail, and I took
her hand again. I been:need about ;
using her Crarletian name, and de-
cided net to. "Lucy" seemed such an
inappropriate appellation for Mist
It'arington ; the ought at least to
have. been "Henrietta."
"I Will try to make you like it
still more," I Said, quietly and sin-
cerely, upon Which she went the
length oi returning the preasure of
my fingers on hers.
But she could not keep long away I
from those confounded plane. As We
&ow near the grounds en Larkliall,
and ramie tree tbe etablee and one cor-
ner olf t11.0 roof of the cottage, ehe
estopped short Lod said peneively -
"I've Mein thought, Mr. Maude,
• what a plty it its thet cottage
eltould be Icept empty, when it is
so nicely fureished too. Your 11011Se-
keeper, Mrs. Janet, took me over
it one clay." Perhaps It Wail anger
01 the thought that this ;young
hely had mentally ilispoemi of all
my property prenotturely, perhaps
annoy:thee thet, who Should have
Intruded In the cottago at all,
ott netpat to furAinel I. the mid..
don fury wide!). Noised Inc at tide
euggeetion. ale* went on, Mae 1111-
e ware ot what eite had done. -"Now
1 Nene thinking telt:a a (emitting
•etivitletsei-nt Isom* a plitee like that
; eaeld make for poor tVitirtWfl 111 re -
.1 Wet/ Cirellia,talittoa,
(ler be Con(leual )
hoto Paper.
Prints at night by any light "
Sample dozen, 4x5, with package -
of Developer and photo, mailed for
215e. Sold by
51.8 Queen St, W
Canadian Agent
. _
,...s Are tf. E. Government fa.
scented, Perrootiy peohta
1- .r 411ANNED Peene, and eons
to von IAA 1. »alnte itnt
, 1.1139Y)fritNE11.1& LIBBY0 CIIICAGO
The Worid'g Greniebt atitererS.
1 Out usortalltion of "lio‘v To Mem] 000o refuge
Z.1 144.9."00115 0E0 LOT LW linking.
The Son -Wing fragneint or towrposq,,,
tion Wats ovetlieartil in a pare lout
fiurelay inorning ;betray:eon two well-
areesed ladles:
" Ind you nottlee tiled girl who
looked. so pointedly at us jest HAW 7"
" No, dear. Which cute?"
" It wee ju et as we were paeeing
Item Apheles atotue."
" Do you mean the one in a
grey Elton jacket Avail leue Bilk re -
Vero a.nti a etrapped skirt to snatch,
a blue hat ,iveth re. big bow or green
velvet, ,pals gray 1de gloves etitehed
evith black, and a pale blue stilt
flounced uneleneldre, high -heeled pate
eat leather sheres, Stpuitteid Yell and
a Pine partial ?"
* Yee, dear, ;that was tee one."
"No, then, lelen't notlee her, in
No Danyor,
Prof, W. Hodgson Enlist Official
Azalea to the Dominion GoVeril-
Ment, has proved by analeres that
" SUnlight Soap IS a pure and well.
"male soap, and hats a thorough
"cleansing power, valeta danger be
44 the clothing or sltin."
Clothing is worn more in the wrath
than. In use where coati= Rens
are used, and the hands are liable
to eczema. Try Sunlight Soap -
Octagon Bar -next wasIi day, and,
you will nee Pi•of. Ellis Is right.
No one should know better the:
he. 2?
Bringing it Home.
When Horace Mann made a Tames
fact, I hardly lookee at her." --Chicago speech for the dedication of a build -
journal I ing that had cost many thousand
dollars devoted to the reformation
Minard'e Liniment the hest Hair Be- of bad boys, lre exeel "If all this
store', ; I which bas been epet upon this
building results in the reformation
of one boy, it Is money well spent."
; Somebody said to him: "Mr. Mann,
do you think QUO boy is worth all
that money V' He replied, "Yes, if it
is my boy or your leoy.-Pri-
autry Education,
Tb.e Peenntioue Treating System.
Colonial Standard, Victim.
Nearly every man lenows whet
Might be termed bar -room eti-
quette is like. One, two, or More,
enter a bar -room, with no desire
or intention of taking, toe much.
One treats, the other, or others,
as the ease may be, considers It
manly to treat in return, and un-
manly not to do so, What are the
consequences? There are in the
Majority of cases as many drinks
as there are drinkers, ending too
often in all being too full. Now,
the men wno do this are not mean
men -they are not our worst citi-
zens, by any means. They are what
we might call jolly good fellows,
and honest, Nvethal, but they are
adhering to a custorai that is do-
ing much' harm-prebably more than
any other custom practised in our
social life.
Making Change.
A young lawyer received a call from
a well-to-do- fo,rmer, who MIS in need
statutes, and told the farmer what I made
of legal advice, says the Philadelphia . for
Mimes. The lawyer looked up the ' said;
he sbould do. On being asked the
dol- I
' ward." "That's all right," he replied:
"Tennyson did it." "Yes," rejoined
publication. "Why, Henry," she
on looking it over, "you have
'hundred* rhyme with 'on -
charge, "Well, letes call it three
lane' replied the lawyer. T.he farmer 1 lete ,wile, "Tennyson could do elicit
handed over a flveglollar bill. The a ehaelig, but you can't, Henry."
lawyer seemed embareassed. But;
after gear:thing through hie pockets THAT TOBMPINTING COLD that made
and the drawere of hie desk, be rose rou wretched last winter will not come back
i!hyr:auttaisker Alien's Ltivcrel4 al
i' rile -wagnijaTille!
to the occasion, and pocketed the bill w and
as he reached for, a digeet, "I guess, remedy la free from. opium. Take it In time.
nolghbOr," he remarked, as he resum-
ed his sea,t, "I shall have to give you
two (lettere' worth more advice.'
Meese's. C. C. Richards & Co.:
Centlemen,-Theodore Dorn•ls, a cue -
tomer of mine, was completely cured
of rheumatism alter five years ot
;suffering, by the Judicious DSO of MIN-
The above fact oan be verified by
writing to him, to the parent priest
or any of bis neighbors.
Merchant, St. Isadore,
May 12th, 1898.
It Made a Difference.
A man of literary aepirations whO
had his way yet to make jn the world
wrote a poem, veleolz he submitted
to his wife before sending it out
FRANK 3. NANNY makes oath that hots the
senior partner Of the firm of P. 3. CHENEY &
Co., doing business in the C ty of Tolodo,
County and State afo res aid, and that said firm Senator attended in Washington.
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRIDD DOL- I "Comundrume got to going around,"
that cannot he cured
LAIfor each anevberyy thease ofOe use ofsman,
Ham. s said the Senator, "and I could only
ts d
(Wrinan GIME.
think of one, which( I used with apolo-
The Young Lady's Story-.
Washington Post.
There is a laok of humor that is
humorous, aecording to ex -Sena-
tor Pettigrew, of South Bekaa. Alt
instance of it ocergred at a little in-
formal eoreety afar which tbe ex -
IrnAwIt 3. eDENEy. glee. It was: 'What's the difference
p rSeswenoreenAthoisbeeftehreeamyeoaDnedcesnaubbrztAb .ep(1.,11n8 smy6.
tbletreWweeiniltear all,anadn 0. oing dog?' ' cliDurea°arna.eweinr
A. W. GLEASON, is, a man pule on an °vele:mat and
Notary Public.
politely laughed. But
Hall's Catarrh Otte is takeninternally and
wdziora10110Pifwahaima.t aA cif Win.
ao tax! I erye cattel ymon tshebabal otoo rd teen:IT:not ua les frrefeaces
F L CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 ner where one of the guests was a
Sold by
young woman who lead heard me
Hall's Pall druists-75e. apally .PflIs aro the beat propound my conundrum. She remem-
• bored and told it, crediting, me with
An Effective Dunning Letter. the ownerstrip or 'the clever thing.'
No ono guessed it. In glee et the
A youth was engaged as a junior pilvilege, the young woman an -
clerk by a firm: of lawyers, and by ; nuanced the answer.
. way of filling in his thne and testing j " 'Whey the man pets on an over -
Ids worth, on his first day he was (*oat and -the dog trousers.' Everyone
told; to write a letter demanding pay- wa,s puzzled. I loaned over and
metre of a debt from a client who whispered to, the young woman, set -
was long in arre.ars. To the great 1 ting her right. -
surprise of his employers a cheque 1 eon, yes, I forgot,' e•Ite said. 'It's
for the amount arrived the next daypantaloons inetead of trousers "
They sent for the young clerk and
letter which had had sueh an aston-
When washing greasy dishes cr pets and
asked bim. to produ'oe a copy of the
Jelling result. The letter ran as fol- ; Parisi Lever' e Dry Soap (a powder) will
lows: "Dear you do not at remove the grease with the greatest ease, as
once remit payment of the amount
winch you owe us we will take steps An Anxious Father.
that will amaze you." . The doctor OLLIE0 slowly down-
stairs, and entering the room in
which the master of the house was
seated, said, "My dear sir, allow
me to congratulate you 1 You are
now th'e father of tw•In boys. Your
wife Is doing fairly well ; still
there are faint symptoms of re-
lapse,. and I—" "Relapse," fairly
yelled the astonished husbited. "1
was not. aware they had relapses
in such cases Whatever will we
do with Loury
Minard's Liniment le tne beat.
all hard, soft or calloused Lurups and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains,
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eta.- Save
50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by all druggists.
A Story Tbat May Account for the .
Very Irregular Verb. The Lame Boy and His Brother.
Readers may perhaps remember Two small boys signalled a street
the story published in the Observer car, and When, it stopped it was
1 nottoed that one boy was lame, says
"of how Mrs. John; H. Drake, of Nash , a oll,pping Sent us by Clara Tulloss,
County, saved her family from the Ottawa, Kan. With much solicitude
ferocious attack of the Tray Major the other helped the cripple to board
. the car, and after telling the eon -
Beard by the judicious use of a ductor to go ahead returned to the
jug of old Nash brandy. They will sidewalk. The lame boy braced him -
recall that Major Beard was severe- self up in his seat, so that he could
Ay Nvoutuled, captured and finally look out of the car window'and the
• hanged in Franklin eounty. other paeseagers observed that, at
According to Wheeler, this incl. intervals, the little fellow would
dent resulted in the introduction waive hie head and smile. Following
into our language of a word now. the Oireetion of hie glances the pas-'
In the voeabulary of every songers saw the other boy running
no other than the Word elyeiche- mail -along the sidewalk, straining every
or the expression "lynch law." If muscle to keep up with the ear.
we may accept Wheeler's author- They watched hie pantomime in
awes silence for a few blocks, and then
ity on this point the Word
its origin to the faltering clreton- a gentlertian tusked the lame boy who
*stances, the other bey was.
After Beard's capture he was reply.‘.lvr'r brother," Was the prompt
taken to the cam•p of Col. Seawell
he bank of Lynch " 'Why does Ile not ride with you
on t
Franklin county. Creek in in the oat'?" Wats the rtext ouestion.
courtemartial was atAr
- he hasn't any money," an-
ized and Betted brought before it. slwored the lame boy, sorrowfully.
As they proceeded to trial bOITIO The little runner was speedily invited
one brought le the report that a !letue,s°etl
torer capr, and
a, idnitilhe raeyvss_mpaptlixtettii:
was thrown into a panie and after
lagge band of Tories wore on their ChrOniele. • t
Way to rescue Beard. The court •
a hasty consultation decided to Minard's Lintmont Cures La, Grippe.
swing Beard without trial. This
was accordingly done. Soon after Can't Pool thn See.
more authentic newts Came that the Tienits.
reported pursuit Was a fake, and A young lady from London woe vita
the members of the court-martial • iting for the fleet time a country
recovered their presence of inied.
'With Ms restored calmness came
the suggestion that Beard's execu-
tion, being carried out before judg-
ment, was illegal. In order to ease
tire tender consciences of the Judges
the court Was reorganized, the
(botlY mils dowin, the trial proceeded,
the prlsOlier condemned, judged, and
ho doubt much to his satiefaction,
re-huttg. The pr130 On Which the
body was leung stood Ori the hank
of Lynch Creek, add 11 soon be-
came a common saying In the
county round about, When a person
ne48 hceused of Crime, that "he
ought toilets taken to Lynch Clelek."
nonce the term. "lynch law."
• For the sake -of accuracy, we may
ISSUE NO. 48, 19(N.
Wine)owe Soothing klyrup should
alwaye be used for Children retorting. ft
soothes the child, softene thegurns, cures wind
colic and Si the boot remedv Diarrhtee,
reel bargalne.
Send for fieseriptive list. Addreee P. O. Box
23% Youngstowa, U.
TEN coORses BV
thoroughly taught. Expert instructors.
vldttnl attention. Send for handsome mita-
logue for perticulars. Correspondence Depart -
meet CENTRAL BUSINESS 001.1.E00, Toronto ,Can.
Tbe quality standard nem Ocean to
Qcean, neer money back Itheteattefeetory
Agents, Montreal,
note here that Webni or's Unabridg-
ed Dictionary says this in regard
to tire origin of the term. "The
term 'lynch is said to be deriv-
oil from a Virginian named Lynch,
who took the law Into his own
hands. Dot this is very doubtful.',
Wheeler says that the Ineldent
W4(1 related to him by the
P. Moore, who had the story from
the Drake family, 31 is by no means
improbable.,--tlfarlotte (l.) Daily
fair. Seeing a cow looking My say
age, she said to an old farmer, "Oh,
how savage that cow In.r.:.4s."
"Yes, miss; It's the red parasol
you are carrylege" sald the farmer.
"Well." she said. "1 knew it was
a trifle out of fashion, bat I never
thought a country covr would notice
are produced by
First aea Sweepstakes at Toronto In bacon
classes this year, Vast and Sweepstakes at
the winter Mir tour fillecOS5IY0 yeare.
Stock of all ages at moderate prices.
4. E. 13RETHOUR, Burford, Ont,
Lock Box O.
--,...-- — --
0 1
D 9 T rooliir,o,„7,:le17b% 71 Pt%
35 we
sell yowl. troll -nem ana w math
with handsomely engraved case, end heavy
gold plate, open face, stem wind and steak
set, fully guaranteed a reliable timekeeper, A.
really gooa watch. Order now before the
December rush le on. By mail postpaid.
Address Dept. A., VIM SUPPLY CO.,
Hamilton, Ont.
Minardie Liniment for Itheematiem.
Consignments of Poultry, Came, Butter,
Eggs, HoneyBeans,ote., solicited, Will pay
148 cents per fie F.O.B. Toronto for beeswax.
Itenrences-your local banker.
Cerrespondence invited. Prompt returns.
Getting Even With. the Mussels.
A tna,n condemned to death recent-
ly In France was asked, o.ceording
to euetoirt, wheel be would prefer
for his last meal. He °Twee inuseele,
Which, though lag 'favorite dish,
he saki, canoed 111l111a terrible hail-
gestIon. "This time, howeeer," 110
added, grimly, "they will not bay()
the Outlie(s." ,
014111551.)" KE LP110111 "
Underfed by hest English moditeljdurnals,
ShiPPIled to British soldiers le South Melee.,
roe all Threat And Oiand troublei, Lumps,
Abscesses, Old Sores, tilears, Folorts, Skin
Diseases, toetima, Pimples, Stiff Joints,
Rheemetiset, Whitened, Spicalritt, Stull's,
Pile*, Cuts, Sere Feet, Pleeirlse.
-Gradb ortiSAlets, Sac Tot it 'MI6
To all interested in the
eaucation of young iadies
or girls where au extensive
course may be had, includ-
ing the common and high
f4C11001 branches, science,
Languages, Music, Flue
Art, Commercial course,
Voice Training, Elocution,
Art Needle Work, and Phy-
sical Culture, write to ROY.
A. B. DEMILL, President.
St. Catharines, Ont., for
calender that gives you
ver,y special rates.
So; PA CI*
5 cent Cigar
Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled
We Illustrate here
our No. 600
which sells for
$1 00.
This stone is 01 1111 finest quality,
and is mounged in 185. gold.
We personally szleet 0110 Diamonds Prom
the cutter s" stock, and with one' expert
1-041w1e100 of gems, uo inftrisr cLuulity
stover 00844 0114 stock.
Our new illustrated catalogue will
be forwarded On request.
We cheerfully refund the purchase
price where any article selected
is not perfectly satisfactory.
Ryrie Bros.,
Yeage and Adelaide Streets,
The Flow of Milk
will be increased.
Why go to all the
trouble of keeping
cows and get only
about half the milk
they should pro-
strengthens the digestion and invi-
gorates the whole system so that
the nutriment is all drawn from the
food. It takes just the same trou-
ble to care for a cow when she
gives three quarts as when she
gives a pail. Dickia Blood Purifier
will pay back its cost with good
interest in a few Weeks.
50 cents a package.
Learning, Mlles & Co., Agents,
40th Anniversary
For over Forty Years
firay's Syrup
. Red Spruce Om
Use been tested and hies beconte the
Fatally Cough Specific of thousands
throughout Canada and the United
Stetes. /t tever was more popular
nor more largely used time it ia
Cough nemedleti come And go. New
preparations are tried end abmadon.
ed, but the old tenable retneitia.
ZIA .preAtot la A trying teeson for
Inith old and young, and
taught now nre Apt to reniaiu for the
whiter titles» promptly mired. No
bent* remedy eon be found than
Gray's Syrup
Setts BY AM. lifilitlentitti.